Healing Matt Ch. 04 free porn video

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Well here it is people! Thanks for all your votes on the last chapter, sorry its been so long but i was waiting to see what you all thought! Enjoy And please please comment if you read this!!!

MissBoePeep ,)


‘Could I have two cappuccino’s, a Danish and a blueberry muffin please Sharon’

Sharon smiled knowingly. Ok, so maybe I would have to explain before she gave me what I’d ordered. It was normally pretty handy having one of your best mates working at Starbucks, especially since I used it everyday. She always let me use her discount and we normally had a catch up while she took her break. Today, however, it wasn’t handy. She’d want to know all the details of what happened with Matt and I didn’t even know what was going on myself!

‘Hmm, I’m afraid your going to have to give me some minor details about your night of passion with that young man you walked in here with Ms Wright.’ She watched me seriously but with a smile playing on the edge of her lips and I knew I had to let her know some details.

‘Nothing happened ok Sharon?’ I explained. ‘He just felt bad cause he turned me down and we went for dinner that’s all.’

‘And?’ She demanded. I sighed and decided to give in and play the smitten love-struck teenager in order to shut her up. This was not a role I enjoyed playing but it kept her happy so I tended to use it whenever I’d had a bad date or something. But then.. last night wasn’t like that. It wasn’t a date and it certainly wasn’t bad!

I sighed and decided to be honest with her. In truth I really wanted to tell somebody but I didn’t want to be overheard by Matt who was sat a few tables away and I didn’t want to tell Sharon who would ask why I hadn’t shagged him.

‘Ok Sharon. It was the most romantic night of life. We had dinner and we walked on the beach and we kissed on the beach.’ I wasn’t about to tell her I cried in his arms and we fell asleep on the beach so I edited a little. ‘I asked him to come back to mine and he did. We kissed for god knows how long, he pinned me against the wall and kissed me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pulled back, and apologized. He put me into bed and slept on my couch and then this morning we decided to come and get some coffee. Believe me I don’t know what I’m doing so don’t ask and yes I want him to throw me onto one of these tables and take me right here right now Sharon. That enough detail for you?’ I put the money for the drinks on the counter.

Sharon’s expression went from delight to disgust and then to a broad grin and then anger and another smile all in the 2 minutes it took me to explain all this. I couldn’t help but giggle, and it wasn’t even my normal boisterous laugh it was a tiny, naughty giggle. Like I was saying ‘i’m such a bad girl’. Sharon laughed too and said ‘Ok then, but I hope you know what your doing.’

I put my hand on my chest and gave a look of mock surprise. ‘You know me Sharon!’ I picked up the tray of cappuccino’s and cakes and turned, walking towards where Matt was sitting staring at his entwined hands on the table. I frowned, wondering what he was doing. And heard Sharon call after me.

‘That’s what I’m worried about!’ She said. I only smiled. Ok so she had a point. But this time I wasn’t going to screw things up. I was going to be myself and he was going to leave. But that’s ok, so long as I didn’t become somebody I hated, like last time.

When I met Daniel I wore high-heels, make-up and short skirts. I loved to party and I wasn’t shy. I wouldn’t say I was a slut but I knew what got a man’s attention. We dated for about a year and by the time the girls chucked him out of my flat at 2 in the morning 365 days later I was a different person.

I was shy and distant. I wore clothes Daniel told me I had to – jeans and jumpers, covering me up as much as possible. I didn’t go out or drink anymore, we sat on the sofa with take-out and watched his favourite programmes nearly every night and went to his mum’s once a week for Sunday dinner. I didn’t see any of the girls, I got rid of my mobile and I didn’t see my family anymore. Daniel shouted all the time, hit me occasionally and our sex life was pretty much multiple rapes. It was now a month after the split and I still had bruised ribs, thighs and wrists because of him.

I watched Matt as I walked slowly forward with the tray of food and drinks and couldn’t imagine him ever hurting anybody. He had a pained expression on his face as he looked at his hands, he looked vulnerable and I wanted to make it better more than anything else I’d ever wanted in my life. But I also wanted to know him. I wanted him to tell me who had hurt him so much.

I placed the tray down on the table in front of him and he didn’t look up. So I went to stand beside him, placing my hand lightly on his shoulder. ‘Matt? Are you ok?’ I asked, getting more and more worried and trying not to let my voice crack as I spoke.

He snapped out of his dap-dreams and dropped his hands onto his knees. He smiled but it didn’t touch his eyes as he turned to face me. ‘Sorry honey I was miles away. Here.’ He stood and walked around the table to the other chair and moved it closer to his own, pulling it out for me to sit on. I smiled back at him and sat in the chair, dragging it towards the table gently.

‘Is something wrong Matt?’ I paused, not expecting an answer and then said, ‘Actually that’s a stupid question I know there’s something wrong and I know you won’t tell me. What I want to know is why you won’t tell me. But I don’t think you’re going to tell me that either, are you?’ I didn’t know where it came from but suddenly I’d said it, and yes I had wanted to really but I didn’t want him to feel pressured or anything so I’d kept quiet. I guess my curiosity won that fight.

‘I can’t Soph. Not yet. I will explain, I promise, but I need to be closer to you first. You’re the first person I’ve felt anything for in a long time but I have a lot of thinking to do before anything can happen.’ He looked at my warily, as if he was afraid I would laugh at him or turn and bolt.

I ignored my now racing heart, which was thumping away in my chest so much I thought I was going to combust and reminded myself to breath. I took two deep breaths to calm myself and tried to smile as warmly as I could. I reached my hand out across the table and covered his with it. He smiled at me weakly and squeezed my fingers. Even though it was a small gesture, unnoticed in a crowded café it was one of the most intimate minutes of my life. A surge of emotions passed through me and he said a thousand things with his deep, sapphire eyes.

We drank our cappuccinos and ate our cake’s, talking all the while of anything we could think of. Again, he avoided talking about himself much but this time I understood and let it go. Asking only simple questions. In an hour I found out about his favourite TV programme’s, how naughty he was at school, his favourite colours, why he joined the army, that he had lived 2 streets away from me for about 8 months and that he loved animals.

‘Ok my turn now Missy!’ He declared when I couldn’t think of any more good questions. ‘What’s your middle name?’ He asked.

‘Its Katie. Sophie Katie Wright.’ I smiled. He returned my smile with a smile of his own. It lit up the room like the sun and made my heart leap.

‘That’s beautiful,’ His voice caught in his throat as he said beautiful and a small frown appeared between his eyes. But as soon as I had seen it, it disappeared again and he asked his next question. ‘So tell me more about what you do. I know you’re an author but what books do you write?’

‘Well I’ve only had a few books actually published and a few interviews. But I also write articles for newspapers and magazines sometimes too. I love my job though.’

He frowned slightly again and said, ‘I’ve never heard of you though.’

I laughed quietly, more to myself than to him, but I sa
w his eyebrow raising. So I said, ‘I don’t use my proper name when I’m writing. I go by the name of Caroline Brookes.’

‘Oh wow. Now I know who you are. You write romantic novels.’ He reached out to my hand as I grimaced sheepishly. ‘Your books have helped me feel a little loved and not as lonely at night.’ He smiled warmly and I had to smile back once again.

‘Well, I guess that’s why I write them. So everybody can feel loved, and have the hope that one day they can meet somebody breathtaking.’ I had never really told anybody why I wrote romantic novels. But this seemed to just tumble from my lips without a second thought.

He leaned toward me then. His face only an inch or two from mine. And I couldn’t help but close my eyes and breathe him in. His scent was not like anything I’d ever smelt before. It was musky and warm, not just aftershave. But it made my head spin and my toes curl.

He whispered, ‘Your breathtaking.’ So quietly I’m surprised I heard it over everything else. And yet it felt like he was the only person in the world speaking. My eyes flew open and he was sat back in his chair again, draining the last of his drink. I was still recovering and yet he looked so relaxed.

‘Well honey, what do you fancy doing now?’ he asked as he placed his mug back onto the tray with mine.

‘Well, actually I had an appointment with my publisher today. Which will probably be a while. But, do you want to do something tonight?’

I hadn’t realized I’d said it until I saw that warm smile on his face and heard his response. ‘Honey, I would love to. I’ll come to yours at about 8?’ He asked.

‘Ok,’ I replied. Anticipation already coursing through my veins like wildfire. ‘I’ll see you soon then.’

We both stood up and he picked up the tray and took it over to Sharon. As he turned around to walk back to me she peeped over his shoulder and make a finger-phone by her ear. Meaning ‘oh my gosh call me with all the naughty details later!’ I smiled and nodded gently. When Matt reached me his arm slid round my waist and led me outside, holding the door open in front of me.

‘Well honey, I guess I’ll see you later. I’ll pick you up at 8 and have a bag ready. With your bikini and a towel in it.’ He winked then. And I giggled nervously.

‘Ok, I’ll see you later’ I answered, I didn’t want to let the disappointment in my voice be heard but obviously I didn’t do a very good job because he said.

‘Don’t worry honey, I’ll be with you again real soon. And I’ll miss you just as much.’ He wrapped his arms around my waist and I placed mine on his chest as we embraced. I would have kissed him right there until the sun exploded but he gave me a quick peck on the lips, which made my lips tingle, and my stammer come back.

‘Ok I-I’ll see y-you later.’ I agreed, infuriated with myself for stammering but getting butterflies in my stomach when a groan bubbled up in his chest and escaped his lips, which were still hovering over mine. I watched him as he closed his eyes for a second and rested his forehead against mine. He took a deep, unsteady breath opened his eyes and turned around.

Still recovering I stayed put for a minute, until I remembered where I was and turned to walk in the opposite direction to my publisher’s office. Giving him one last glance as I rounded the corner at the end of the street, and catching a glimpse of his sapphire eyes as they did the same.

My chat with my publisher went well. I showed her some of my new chapters and she told me about a signing I was doing next week at a bookstore in town. I was excited by the prospect of doing a signing, as I’d never done one before. But my publisher only had half my attention as she explained the whys and wherefores of it. Most of my brain was still thinking about Matt. About his strong arms, his warm smiles, his luscious lips brushing against mine, what his hard cock felt like against the inside of my thigh and what might happen later…

‘Sophie?’ I heard her call my name but she sounded miles away. I must have been daydreaming again and I could feel the wetness of my panties. At least I had the grace to blush a furious crimson.

‘Right, yes, I understand Jenny. I’ll be there at four until about seven and I’ll need to be formally dressed.’ I recounted what she’d said. Sure that I would forget something or get something mixed up. Which of course I did, and she pointed this out.

‘No, no, no! I knew you were daydreaming. You’ll need to be wearing something formal because your going to a ball straight after. It’s the National Authors Associations annual gathering. And you’ll need to be accompanied with a man in a tux. Immediately my mind started going ‘Hmm Matt in a tuxedo..’

‘Ok, ok. I’ll make sure I’ve got somebody and I’ll see you at four, for the signing.’ I replied. Trying to look as though I hadn’t been drooling over somebody in my daydreams.

‘See you Sophie.’ We kissed cheeks, as we always did when greeting each other or saying goodbye and I started to make my way home. Still picturing Matt in a tux somewhere in my head and trying to think of what to wear tonight for him.

I reached my front door without realizing – because of course I was still daydreaming. It made me smile because, before meeting Matt not 24 hours earlier I had never daydreamed! I checked my phone messages, one from Sharon, two from Bridget and one from Rhi. I couldn’t focus enough to ring them and tell them what was going on but at the end of the day nothing had actually happened yet.

I strolled into my bedroom and unzipped my dress. Smiling to myself as I remembered who had zipped it up this morning. I let it fall to my ankles and stepped out of it. Grabbing a towel from the linen cupboard on the way I headed to my shower. I loved my bathroom. I had a large, claw footed bathtub and an equally large shower cubicle. It was a nightmare to clean but this bathroom was why I bought this apartment. It was bigger than my bedroom!

Like I always do though as soon as I walked into the room I changed my mind. I decided to have a nice, relaxing bath instead. So I turned the taps on, poured in some bubbles and went to grab a magazine from the living room. I always walked around my house naked but somehow today it felt naughtier . As if Matt would creep up behind me and bend me over.. Woah. My thoughts were getting dirtier by the second!

I quickly returned to my bath and switched off the taps. The water was wonderfully hot and soapy and I got in as quickly as I could without making the water go everywhere. I stuck my toes out of the end and rested my head on the back of the bath. The water curling around me and the bubbles soaping up my breasts. Almost without realising I began to rub them. My eyes were closed and I slowly massaged my double D’s. Getting them slippery and all soaped up. My fingers brushed against my nipples and I drew in a sharp breath. This was my favourite place for playtime.

I smiled to myself and continued. My nipples growing harder and my rubbing and pinching more needful. I remembered the feel of Matt’s lips on mine, his tongue in my mouth and the feel of his hard cock against my thigh. I didn’t realise my hand had moved until I cried out. My index finger had sought out my clit and stroked it once, making me lift my head back and throw a groan into the air. I plunged my finger into my warm pussy and felt it contract around it. The feeling was exquisite. I had always tried to find my G-spot but without any luck. However, the pleasure I received from fucking myself with my fingers was amazing and never ceased to please me.

I hadn’t played at all since before Daniel and now I was, I realised how much I had missed it. The familiar pull low in my belly and the rapid beating of my heart told me I would be thrashing around my tub in ecstasy any moment. I continued fucking myself with 3 fingers inside my pussy. And my finger went in circles around my clit. I groaned and moaned louder and louder. Loving th
e feeling and knowing that I would soon loose all control. I bit my bottom lip and squeezed my clit gently, at the same time thrusting hard and deep into my pussy. That did it.

I soared over the edge, never to return. Colours and shapes whirled in front of my eyes and I felt the water around me swishing around as my legs bucked and shaked. My finger still teasing my clit to prolong my orgasm I reached up and squeezed my nipple. Causing a new wave of pleasure to wash over me.

I’ve always compared those types of orgasms to sitting in the shallow part of the sea. The waves crash over the top over your head and you move backwards a bit. Just when you start to recover and wipe your eyes another wave crashes into you, disorientating you over again.

I smiled to myself and bit my bottom lip. I wondered how many men would have found that unbelievably sexy to witness. I felt devilishly naughty as I clambered out of the bath and wrapped a towel around myself. I struggled to walk the 100 yards out of my bathroom to go and sit on my bed because of the orgasm I had just experienced but I seemed to manage it.

My wet hair made little droplets of water roll down my back. I shivered and my nipples hardened again. I took the towel from round myself and towel dried my hair. Straightening up I turned to look at my bedside clock and noted that I had just 30 minutes until Matt arrived. I walked over to my closet, naked of course and selected out one of my favourite dresses. It was a black with a pattern of leaves and red flowers dancing across the material. It gave me curves I didn’t know I had and was short but not slutty.

Next I fished my skimpiest bikini from my drawer and put it in a large shoulder bag. It was a dusty pink colour and I loved the way it made my breasts look. It had a pair of bikini shorts with it, which made my ass look round and juicy.

I curled my hair into loose ringlets and put on light make-up. I chose my favourite pair of 2-inch heels, which I hadn’t worn for years and put on my favourite jewellery. I hadn’t had the chance to dress-up for anyone since before Daniel and I was having so much fun picking out handbags and nail polish that I didn’t realise it was five to eight when I heard three knocks on my door. Feeling suddenly flustered I almost skipped to greet whom I knew was on the other side of the door. I smiled as I recognized the warm smile and sapphire eyes of Matt Dunne.

He greeted me how every person should be greeted. His arms wrapped securely around my waist and goose bumps appeared down my arms as his lips came down on mine. His lips were soft and gentle and they moulded around mine. He seemed hesitant until I opened my mouth for him and his tongue slipped inside. Accompanied by a low groan against my lips, which in turn made me groan against his. Our tongues danced with each other. Grazing over each other’s tongues and lips. Flicking against one another.

Both out of breath we stopped kissing but his lips still hovered near mine. He whispered, ‘So honey, do you have your bikini ready?’ I felt his smile against my lips.

‘Of course. I’m all set. But can I ask where we’re going now?’ I desperately wanted to know what he had planned for us.

‘Ah, now that’s for me to know and you to find out when I’m ready for you to find out.’ He said, still smiling mischievously. ‘Now then Ms Wright, grab your bag and follow me’

He didn’t take his hands from around my waist as I crossed the room and grabbed my bag from the sofa where I’d left it. ‘Do I need my purse?’ I asked.

‘Of course not Ms Wright! And anyway-‘ He held up a large picnic basket – ‘It’s all sorted.’ I looked up at his face and smiled, he winked.

He took my hand and entwined it with his and we walked the few miles to the beach. Once again it was deserted. We walked halfway down the sand towards the water and stopped. He took out a large tartan blanket and threw it over the floor. I sat down on it and buried my toes in the still warm sand.

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Healing HandsChapter 9

When I came to, I realised that we were back at the refuge, and I was in bed. Anita was by my side, holding my hand. Trish was in bed next to me. Everyone else was gathered around the bedside, concern on their faces. “What happened?” I asked, as I went to sit up. “How long was I out?” “Only a few hours this time,” Frank said. “Trish is OK, and so is that woman that he held. They got the gunman alive, and he’s being held in custody.” The action took more effort than I thought, and I flopped...

2 years ago
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Nisha and Matteo

Six year old Nisha sat in grass, staring at the big hole in the knee of her good pants. Their also was a big cut on her knee that bleed profusely but she coukd care-less about the wound. What she did care about was that hole. Tears began to well up into her big brown eyes. Not only did she have a hole in her good pants, she was dirty and her hair was messed up. She’d somehow lost some of her berets. ‘Mama’s gonna spank me now.’ She said out loud. Tears ran freely now. She didn’t me to get...

3 years ago
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Healing Hands

A guy e-mailed me recently after he had read my 'Don't Make Him Angry' story. Apparently his wife, while she was at college, had met someone very much like my main character. His mail was only a short paragraph so I've had to expand on it somewhat and add dialog. The headache didn't want to quit so after two days of taking aspirin I was thinking about going to the collage doctor. My roommate suggested we go to this party that it might take my mind off it so reluctantly I agreed. I was a...

1 year ago
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Healing a Wounded Warrior Chapter 1 The Secret Program

Chapter 1: The Secret Program Short Description: Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday which occurs every year on the final Monday of May. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who sacrificed themselves while serving in the United States Armed Forces. This is a short story about a wounded vet, depressed and almost suicidal, who finds some much needed healing with a special secret program. Tags: wounded vet, hospital sex,...

4 years ago
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Healing both Mind and Body

"Kim, the doctor is ready to see you now." I stood up, smoothed down my skirt, and adjusted my still-too-short hair. I arranged my schoolbooks in my backpack, and then followed the receptionist into the hallway and down the carpeted corridor lined with offices and examining rooms. I had lost track of how many times I had been to Highland Park clinic over the past year. Of course, I could figure it out from my diary. When I got out of the hospital I was encouraged to keep a journal and...

1 year ago
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Healing Across Time

‘Ever wondered who you were before?’ ‘Were before?’ Claire was puzzled. She looked up at her friend, Louise, who was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. ‘Your past lives,’ Louise explained. ‘Caroline Rattenbury is offering a past life regression workshop in Netherbury Farm buildings next Tuesday night. Do you want to go?’ ‘Are you going?’ ‘I’d like to. I took one of Caroline’s shamanic soul retrieval workshops last year. She was good. What do you think?’ Claire stroked the grey cat on...

3 years ago
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Healing HandsChapter 8

The next morning, we were around the breakfast table again. Trish had stayed the night, and was sitting with us, cup of tea in hand and a look of peace on her face. “How are you feeling today?” I asked. “You have no idea! I can’t remember a time in my life when I ever felt this amazing!” Trish replied, her voice tinged with awe and wonder. “You know, you really caused a stir the other day at the clinic.” “Really? How so?” I replied. “People heard the commotion, and then suddenly you burst...

1 year ago
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Healing HandsEpilogue

The problem with supernatural healing is that it doesn’t take long for people to realise that you may hold the key to curing their terminal disease and relieving their suffering. We were forced to move from our refuge because the sheer volume of people who came threatened to overwhelm us all. Desperate people didn’t care that you were exhausted. Privileged people expected you to jump at their whim. Rich people demanded you perform for them, as if money was the only motivating factor. One...

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Healing Cousin George 1

Healing Cousin George "He's not coping very well, I'm sure he is still on the drink. I spotted several empty bottles in the bin and the house is not being cleaned very well" silence as she listened "Yes I know it's early dear but we have to think of Melissa in all this" she listened again "Yes I know that being a farmer takes up a lot of time but so even the more reason why he needs some help" silence again "I know it's a risk if we get the Social Work involved and losing the kid would...

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Healing Cousin George 21

Healing Cousin George Part 21 - Final Chapter - True Colours by Karin Roberts The Taxi dropped us of right outside of the main doors of the hall. Gavin offered each one of us his arm as we both took one before stepping into the foyer. "There's Archie over there," Debbie gestured over towards an older man by the cloakroom. She waved him over towards us. "Hi Gavin, Debbie... this must be Alex!" he smiled, offerring me his hand....

1 year ago
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Healing A sister Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was bisexual and everyone knew that. I had friends who knew I was mostly gay, but chose “girlfriends” based on looks and jealousy although I never really intended to fuck them much. I was mostly just one of the girls with a few different, if at times somewhat more entertaining, parts. To me we were all just sisters and, though a few of them like to sleep together every now and them to relieve personal or sexual stress or to experiment. Few of us...

2 years ago
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Mattie Created By Mattie

Mattie: Learning to Love What You Have By Kelly Ann Rogers I haven't written, or, more accurately, posted anything in a while. Those big, novel length stories I posted in the past kinda drained me OMG! I can?t believe I wrote three novels)! Then I got really busy in RL and worst of all, my muse fled. I'm sticking my toes in the water again with this confection. It's a flirtation with themes that often occupy my thinking, but which I'm not ready to directly write about. Instead,...

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The New Guy In The OfficeChapter 4 Matty

The next day at work one of the first people I saw was Sonia and as our eyes met she quickly looked away. Around nine Mary came over and sat down on the edge of my desk. "So, how did it go last night?" "What do you mean?" "I mean how did your evening with Sonia go?" "It was okay." "Just okay?" "Hey, what can I say. Sometimes things just don't click." "She wasn't any good in the sack huh?" "No, that wasn't it at all. We both enjoyed it, but I doubt that we will be...

2 years ago
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It was the summer of '69. It was the summer of ________. ***** That was what we were given as the “Challenge” for CAW #12 on out Sex Stories forum. I started this story immediately, but then hit on another idea to use for my actual entry. This is my “non-entry” story – a coming-of-age tale about two nice kids. ***** “The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother nature's authority. Good cover was nowhere to be...

3 years ago
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Introduction: A coming-of-age story. NO UNDERAGE SEX! The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother natures authority. ________ was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, _________ could be heard, the ___________ signaling the __________ of another ________. It was the summer of 69. It was the summer of ________. ***** That was what we were given as the Challenge for CAW #12 on out Sex Stories forum. I started this story...

1 year ago
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Healing Myself Part Two

I looked down from my raised platform, an L-shaped arrangement of boards on a scaffold frame that was about fifteen feet off the ground. It allowed me to overlook a king size box spring draped in scarlet quilting. I raised my camera and hit the release a couple more times which triggered the light array below me as I recorded the scene which was unfolding.The two women entwined on the mattress below showed no response to this as they were intent on pleasuring each other. “Ok, ladies I’m done,...

1 year ago
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Healing HandsChapter 7

The next day, Frank and Maggie were with me behind the refuge. They had setup a makeshift shooting range, and were trying to teach me how to use a weapon. I stood there, with the gun in my hand pointed at the ground. “Tell me again why I need to do this?” I asked. “Because, whoever tried to kidnap and kill you is still out there. We don’t know who it is, and until we do, you need to know how to protect yourself.” Frank replied. “You can’t rely on having us around all the time,” Maggie...

2 years ago
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Healing Myself

Part One A short flight from my hometown had brought me to Mariners cove. I was escaping from the pain and anguish of a torrid year; the unexpected loss of a close friend, the fallout of a company merger that left me e-mailing CVs again, and topping everything off, finding my girlfriend with her face buried between the thighs of her hairdresser. Mariners Cove was a bustling east coast town, which catered to both tourism and to its small fishing fleet. Just a couple of thousand souls lived here...

3 years ago
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Healing A Woman

Hey, Indian sex story readers, this is Akay from Pune, about myself – I’m a 21year old engineering student with wild desires to satisfy women of all age, I am 5’11 with a muscular physique and a monstrous little friend of 7inches, I took me some courage to approach this woman whom I healed sexually. Let me first describe the hotness of the sex story, her name I shouldn’t disclose, she was a 24-year-old, height 5’6 with a slim yet bulky figure, by bulky I mean the extra curves of her assets. She...

4 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 2

Living With George With the weekend almost upon us I expected another bout of drinking from George and I was not to be proved wrong. George left early that Friday morning for work. I had a slightly longer lie in than normal and woke just after nine when I heard Melissa cry, grabbing my dressing gown I padded next door to her room and lifted her up to sooth her. "There there little one," I said as her sobbing subsided leaving the room I took her downstairs sat her in her chair while I...

3 years ago
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Healing Scars With Love 8211 Part 5 Romantic Honeymoon

Ridhima opened her eyes on the morning of her romantic honeymoon. She looked at the window covered with curtains and could see the early morning light. The rain had stopped, and the weather seemed clear. She reached for her mobile. It was 7 in the morning. Ridhima couldn’t believe that she slept for 8 hours! Due to depression, she would get up from her sleep multiple times at night. She experienced such a sound sleep after many years and felt complete. All this happened just because of the guy...

3 years ago
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Healing Love

Kim screamed out with her hands up in the air, ‘Don’t Regina I told you nothing happen.’ The gun went off and Kim hit the floor. When Kim woke up in the hospital she didn’t remember why she was there. ‘What’s going on?’ she asked the nurse. ‘Calm down,’ the nurse replied Kim started getting excited jumping up out of the bed. The nurse rang for the doctor. ‘Dr. Jackson to room 201 stat.’ the nurse spoke over the intercom. Dr. Jackson immediately enters her room. ‘What’s wrong nurse...

4 years ago
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Healing Matt Ch 05

Well here’s the next chapter – finally! Sorry it’s taken me so long guys, seems I’ve just lacked the motivation to continue the story but you’ll be happy to know I’ve got my mojo back now! Hope you enjoy this part – I know it is very short but don’t worry any questions will the answered in the next chapter. Not sure whether there’ll be one or two but we’ll see! Any comments you have I would love to hear them as always. Thanks for reading though! Thank you also to John for his constant support...

3 years ago
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Healing Matt Ch 02

We walked about two miles. He insisted we go to my favourite restaurant in the city, despite the fact that I didn’t mind where we went. We held hands all the way and sometimes he would lean down and kiss my hair. I felt him breathing in and out, sighing occasionally. I wondered why on earth he was so curious about me and why I had followed a man I don’t even know out of a bar and through the city at night time. It was definitely not like me, but maybe that’s why my hands and feet tingled, and...

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Healing Matt Ch 03

(Thanks everybody so so much for your comments i really appreciate them I was really struggling to write this third chapter cause i didnt want to ruin it! Theres still no sex in this chapter which isnt good i know but hopefully in the next chapter.You’ll understand when i finish the series hehe! Thanks again, hope you enjoy this. Any feedback and comments are really really apprecated. Its what keeps my writing. MissBoePeep xx) *********** Mmm, what was that smell? Coffee was it? And bacon?...

3 years ago
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Healing What Ails Me

You welcome me at the door with that luminescent smile and give me a look of mock pity. It’s a look others might use for a child who has gotten herself into an adorable predicament, but it’s not condescending. ‘I figured it was bad when you asked to meet in the morning.’ You welcome me with a kiss, take my coat as you chatter. ‘But I didn’t know it was that bad.’ ‘Do I look that bad?’ ‘Did someone run over your puppy?’ You start into the kitchen and I follow you. Waiting until I get my seat...

3 years ago
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Healing Ch 02

Sorry for the long delay in the update. I have been very busy but I’m writing again ***** ‘Is she okay?’ I hear him ask as I feel Jacob shake his head as he keeps stroking my back. ‘I need to back out there but I’ll be back shortly,’ he tells Jacob before heading back out the door. ***** ‘Why don’t we get you somewhere more comfortable huh?’ Jacob asks me, and all I can do is nod in agreement. It feels like I’ve lost my voice and don’t know how to talk. ‘Okay, I tell what, I’m going to...

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Healing Hands Part One

I began dating my girlfriend Jilly around 2 years ago and 1 year ago she moved into my apartment full time. As we were both in our mid-twenties this gave us plenty of time to enjoy each other's bodies and Jilly was an enthusiastic and uninhibited lover that in itself was a huge turn on. Despite being so young Jilly's only living family was her slightly older cousin, Cara. Cara was petite redhead with a short, almost mannish haircut but who was warm and full of humor and who's eyes perpetually...

1 year ago
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Healing Hands Pt 1

I began dating my girlfriend Jilly around 2 years ago and 1 year ago she moved into my apartment full time. As we were both in our mid-twenties this gave us plenty of time to enjoy each other's bodies and Jilly was an enthusiastic and uninhibited lover that in itself was a huge turn on. Despite being so young Jilly's only living family was her slightly older cousin, Cara. Cara was petite redhead with a short, almost mannish haircut but who was warm and full of humor and who's eyes perpetually...

3 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 3

New Tactics I'm not sure why I choose the path that I choose that morning, maybe it was born out of some frustration of the situation that I found myself in or the deep desire to keep a loving family together. However I do now that I have never regretted it since. The morning began just as any other day had, George was gone by the time I woke. I checked on Melissa, got her dressed and then made some breakfast. Our usual morning routine of frolicking around in the house before a...

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Healing Cousin George 4

New Me I sat quietly in the kitchen contemplating my situation, how the hell had I got into this my half baked idea of bringing a woman at home back into George's life and certainly backfired slightly. He had a woman I thought Amanda, but then again she was only interested in one thing and it certainly wasn't Melissa. How would he react, most likely I would be on the first train home in the morning and then how do I explain my return home to my parents. The shadows were lengthening as...

4 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 5

Girly Fun Just before ten I heard the sound of Debbie's four wheel drive, screech to a halt outside the farmhouse. I walked to the door and opened it Debbie climbing the couple of steps up to the door she said, "Hi what's the emergency." "You better come in," I said stepping back to allow her to pass. "You want a drink?" I asked. "Bit early, is it not?" she replied. "You might need one," I said with an edge to my voice. "Eh just a coffee then, no sugar just a spot of milk," she...

1 year ago
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Healing Cousin George 6

Transformation Debbie spent the next hour or so working on my face, hair and nails. I protested a bit when she suggested cutting my hair into a more female style. "I only met Amanda yesterday, she will notice the difference," I said. "Don't be silly Alex, women change their hair styles all the time, so you had a trip to the hairdressers so what," she said giggling as she spoke. "Eh I suppose so," I mumbled, so my hair was restyled. "There, done," she said as she shaped finished...

3 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 7

Debbie and Alex The shopping trip had certainly created a firm friendship between me and Debbie. Each day after our trip to Glasgow I would either visit Debbie or she would come over to me. I suppose it was hardly a surprise as I was the only young woman (there I go again thinking of myself as a woman) in the area. George and Gavin were the youngest two farmers around for miles, most of the others were late forties or in their fifties with wives to match. Their wives spent most of...

2 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 8

Alex Unmasked We pulled into a seafront car park and unpacked Melissa's buggy. We set of along the shoreline in bright sunshine a sea breeze just fresh enough to keep you cool blew in our face. "Fancy a bite to eat?" Debbie asked. "Yeah why not." "There's a little caf? up there, with tables outside," she said pointing along the road. We walked along and found a table outside sitting down I parked the buggy securing the brake as I did so. We sat down and lit a cigarette making s...

4 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 9

Explaining to Do "Alex, Alex is that you?" The words rang in my ears like church bells as my hand moved towards my face covering my eyes, I spoke, "Eh Mum I didn't expect you." A pause. "Obviously not, I think we've got some talking to do," she said as she stared right into my soul. "I'll just bring Melissa through from the lounge, she's due for a feed, make yourself a coffee," I said as I walked towards the door. I wheeled Melissa back into the room as Mum walked towards the...

2 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 10

The Date Later that night with Melissa safely tucked up in bed me and George sat with Coke each in the conservatory. My plan to curb his midweek drinking had been a great success there were no more night's out during the week only a civilised glass of wine after dinner. I picked up my cigarettes and slipped one out of the packet, the slim gold lighter was inside the packet as well I pressed the button and a slim narrow flame appeared, I lit up blowing a cloud of smoke towards the...

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