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July 21st 1831
‘Frederick and Rose wanted to keep the twins when we met again but I wanted to hear from them first before deciding and as there was no spare time for me to quiz them during the entertainment. In any case I knew Alice would do a far better job at finding out what happened than I would. I suggested I keep them until we met at Lord Parham’s the next Saturday.
Rose was somewhat upset. "They’ve enjoyed themselves with our two and are beginning to learn a little more schooling with Bridget," she pleaded but her husband said I was only doing my job in looking after the twins' best interest.
"It will give the twins a chance to think about what they want to do. After what they have been through, I don’t want to force them into a situation they don’t like. I am sure Josiah will wish to take that into consideration too," Frederick went on.
We didn’t bother the twins with questions during the following day but I know the other ladies did ask. As usual few got more than a few words from them except for Sara and she spent most of the day in the church crypt ‘doing penance’. I decided to find out later what that involved. I know she came back with a sore arse.
When I went to the bedroom later that evening, Alice was naked in our bed with the twins, also unclothed, suckling contentedly on her breasts. Presently they lay quiet and Alice hugged the pair close to her body and said quietly, "Time now to tell Auntie Alice about your adventures with the Cooper’s." Jane looked briefly at me but Alice went on, "Don’t worry about big bear daddy. He won’t interfere and we really do need to know before we decide if you want to go back or stay here. I like cuddling you two little things but if I think you would rather be with Rosie and David, then I will do all I can to help you be with them." She gave them both another hug. Although I was impatient to hear what they got up to, I allowed Alice to find out at her own pace. She would wheedle the details from them almost without their knowing. The was silence for a minute or two and then Alice asked, "Was it a nice house?"
"Oh yes," Jane answered, "it was beautiful. Big room and huge mirrors. Rosie’s room had one that went right to the floor and you could see all of yourself. All at one go."
"I bet you looked at all the parts you don’t normally see," laughed Alice.
"Yes and so did Bobby and the others."
"It’s a big house, Alice," Bobby started talking, "Not as big as Lord Parham’s but ‘bout as big as the orphanage but much nicer. Paintings on the walls with gold frames. Soft chairs with fancy covers and lights and candles everywhere."
"And when we wanted anything we just rang a bell and a servant came and got it for us."
Alice let them carry on talking about the house and the things in it for a bit and then asked about the beds. "Did you have nice big beds?"
"Oooh yes," Jane giggled. "Soft feather mattresses and a canopy over the top. You could snuggle right down in the softness and get lost."
"And you could snuggle down with each other!" Alice was now getting to the details I wanted to know.
It was Jane that gave us these details. "David and Rosie have bedrooms with a door that connects them so we could easily walk from one room to the other. Rosie told me that was why they first started fucking each other. She saw David peeking at her when she undressed at night and demanded David undressed for her too. She’s a forceful girl and usually gets her way. David’s prick stuck out when he took his breeches off so she played with it and he played with her. "We knew what to do," Rosie said to me, "Because we’d seen Daddy and Mummy doing it with Bridget and Frank. They didn’t see us though." When Bridget caught them in bed together, no one really minded although they had to listen to the usual stuff about babies and things."
"The first night," Bobby piped up, "Rosie took me to her bed and David took Jane. They left the door wide open and said we were free to move from one room to the other but they wanted to try us out first. That seemed all right. Rosie is a big girl, like Sara. Big titties, almost as big as yours Alice but sort of harder. We were naked by then, having been looking in the big mirror at each other. I knew my cock was smaller than David’s but Rosie didn’t seem to mind or notice and we fucked twice before she dozed off. It was all so strange I couldn’t sleep. For a little while I heard Jane squealing as David did her and then it went quiet. I waited and then went to Jane and slept with her and David. David wasn’t there when we woke but we could hear him and Rosie were at it so we did the same and then found they had come in to watch."
"What was David like Jane?" Alice asked.
"Nice. Bigger prick than Bobby as he’s said, not as big as Daddy here or the other men that’ve had me. When Bridget came in to tell us to wash and get down for breakfast, we were all in David’s bed. She pulled the covers down and looked at us. Rosie pulled her knees up to her chin so Bridget could see her cunnie and Bridget kissed it, then she told me to do the same. When I did she kissed me and then pushed her tongue right inside. It felt nice. Bridget was nice when she wasn’t being a schoolteacher. She sucked Bobby and David’s cocks and then ordered us up."
"As it was a Sunday we had breakfast in the dining room with the Cooper’s," went on Bobby "And then on to church. Not a Roman Catholic one like ours and Sara’s but easier to understand. Not so much Latin. We went out for a walk in the afternoon and after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper took us to a room on own and asked us about our stay so far and wanted to know who we slept with the previous night. When we told them they asked if we enjoyed ourselves with their c***dren and we said we did."
"Monday was a school day and that wasn’t so good. Both of us had the slipper," Jane said. "Bridget, who seemed so nice to us the day before, was very strict in the school room. Rosie had warned us to be careful. "Once we’re in the room, treat Miss Bridget like you would the strictest teacher you’ve ever had otherwise your bums will be sore," she said to us just before we entered the room. Miss Bridget, we had to call her miss in school, set the others an essay to write and then gave us an english book and told us to read a page and then answer the questions. Well you know how we don’t read very well and at the time we didn’t know why. Neither of us could understand it but we pretended to write words on the paper. Miss Bridget was very angry when she saw what we had done. "I gave you a simple little task," she said, "And you sit there and play around. I’ll show you what happens when you fool around in my classroom, I don’t have lazy c***dren here." Bobby muttered something about us having left school now, which seemed to anger her more. She dragged us to the front and bent us both over her desk. I thought, "It’ll just be a few strokes with the slipper like Rosie said," but it was hell. Our bums were bared for the others to see and then she set to with fury and laid that slipper like about a hundred times until we were sobbing and yelling so bad they must have heard it through the whole house. The birching you gave us hurt but it was over quickly. The slippering just seemed to go on for ever. Anyways, when it was over, she sent me into one corner and Bobby to another but we just grabbed each other’s hands and ran. We went right through the house and out the back door, down the garden and into the fields beyond. We hid behind a hedge."
Bobby took up the story. "We just hid there for a while until we heard voices. One of the gardeners came. He’d seen us running and picked us both up. Our arses were now stiff and too sore to run so we were taken back into the house and to Miss Bridget. She was still angry and stripped our clothes off and had David and Rosie hold us back down over the table. Again she lectured us about our behaviour in class and how playing truant had only earned us more punishment. This time is was the strap. She gave us a dozen on our already tender bums. As you can guess, we were in a poor state by then and as soon as they released us we just held each other so tight, they couldn’t part us. "Take them to the attic room Rosie please," Bridget ordered, "Lock them in. They can go without their lunch today and just have bread for dinner."
Rosie whispered for us to come with her. "She’ll calm down quickly and may forgive you before dinner." We walked and climbed painfully up stairs to a small room near the top of the house. Inside was a small bed with a hard straw mattress and one blanket, a piss pot and not much else. Rosie was crying too as she gave us a hug and said she would do what she could to get us out of there but for now she was going to have to lock the door. "Why didn’t you do the questions?" she asked but we just held each other and didn’t answer her.
We lay face down on the bed trying to comfort each other and wishing we were back here. What had started off as a real nice time, was now horrible. We couldn’t understand how someone like Bridget could change from being nice and kind to us, to a wicked cruel woman. We kept asking each other that question once the first pain began to go away but couldn’t find an answer. Some time later there was a knock on the door, we heard it unlocked and Molly one of the young maids entered with a tray. She was young and friendly. "Sorry," she said to us, "I’m told to bring you one slice of bread and cheese and some water but I’ve put a piece of pie in too so eat it up and don’t leave any crumbs or you’ll get me in trouble too. I’ve also brought a pot of Gran Mabel’s which might help your bums if you’ll let me put it on. We’d already taken off our clothes to prevent them chafing and let the air get to our sore arses so we let her put it on and thanked her. She again said not to tell on her and left. Hours later she came back with another slice of bread and cheese. This time there was no pie. "Sorry, Bridget was watching when I did your plate so I daren’t add anything."
It was nearly dark when there was another knock on the door and Mrs. Cooper came in. She surprised us by lying between us and giving us a cuddle. "Come here you naughty twin chickens. You must think us a bad family to be with," she commented. Jane said we wanted to go back home but was told we couldn’t do that until our two weeks was up. "You could be very happy here," Mrs. Cooper said, "But you must try and do your best and not fool about in Bridget’s class. In there she’s in charge and you’re there to learn. She doesn’t tolerate laziness or any one trying to abuse her teaching, as you’ve found out." Mrs. Cooper went on like that for some time but we gave up trying to answer and lay silent. Finally she asked a direct question, "Now I want to know why you didn’t do the work she set."
"I said we couldn’t read it," Jane cut in, "And then Rose went on to say the book was the easiest one still in the house, intended for c***dren two or three years younger than us and that David and Rosie got past using it when they were eight or nine. "c***dren of your age ought to be able to read and write better than you seem to. I’ll see what we can do about that in the morning. You’ll have to stay here tonight because that’s what Bridget ordered but I’ll get Mollie to bring in a warm beverage and she’ll put some cream on you."
"Seems as if Rose and Mollie liked you," Alice commented.
Bobby resumed the tale. "Bridget came in next morning and seemed back to her earlier friendly self. She took us to the kitchen and made us wash at the sink. In front of the staff we washed each other as normal. They all saw our colourful, sore bottoms. We only had the one dress we came with so Bridget found some of Rosie’s old ones and we put them on. We looked quite nice in them. Even though I am a boy, I have become used to the shift dresses you’ve made me wear, Rosie’s clothes made me look pretty. Mollie came and did our hair and made me look even more like a girl but she knew I wasn’t because she felt my prick a few times. Rosie and David came in and we all sat for breakfast. We weren’t offered a cushion or anything and Bridget acted like nothing had happened. Before going to the schoolroom, she took us to one side and told never to try and make a fool of her again and that Rose would be taking us to the local school that morning to see if she could borrow more suitable books for us.
At the school the teacher seemed friendly enough and knew Rose well. I learned the Coopers had given the school money at times so she was treated with great respect. He asked a girl, Violet, about our age to go to the store cupboard and see what books we could read. She was friendly and plump and wore little round spectacles. We started with the books for the very young and easily read those but when got to the bigger books we couldn’t. Violet was very patient and at last said, "You can’t see the words can you?" Neither of us could. She took off her glasses and we each tried them on and this made a great deal of difference although not as much as the ones we got later. We went back to Rose and the teacher without any books and she explained to the teacher why we couldn’t read. Next day we went into Gyppeswick with Mr. Cooper when he went to work and Rose came too and took us to an eye man who gave us these glasses."
Jane felt around in her dress pocket and brought out a little case with wire-framed glasses and showed Alice and then me. After that their life at the Coopers seemed to improve according to the story they told Alice and I guess I will have to let them go. By the end of their two weeks, both had slept away from each other for a whole night but had to cuddle each other first thing in the morning. Under Bridget’s teaching their reading and writing had much improved and at drawing they were much better than their peers. "Did you sleep with any others in the house?" I asked.
Jane answered. "We spent two nights in the Cooper’s bed and one with Bridget and Frank. Frank was quite rough and his fucking hurt. Even when he did it to Bridget but she seemed to like it that way. Bobby did Mollie in the pantry while I watched but most nights were spent with Davie and Rosie, frequently in the same bed and the boys made us try it in all sorts of ways."
"Did you get the slipper or the strap again?"
"Yes, but only twice and not that many. We saw Rosie and David get it too so we didn’t think Bridget was being so unfair to us." Turning to me, she asked, "Will you let us go back?" I had to say, ‘yes’, although I had become fond of the pair but I couldn’t see them really earning their keep in the Workhouse.
Chapter 22. Jill’s revenge
"Isn’t that Jill over there on the bench?" Jeremy asked as they pushed their trolley from the supermarket to the car.
"Yes. Keep going, Jeremy. I don’t want to speak with her again." Margaret looked steadfastly the other way and tried to keep pushing the shopping trolley even though Jeremy had stopped and was holding it back.
"She doesn’t look very happy and is fidgeting on the seat. Looks like she’s been beaten, Margaret. Perhaps he’s thrown her out too. Maybe she needs help."
"And maybe she got was she deserved!" Margaret’s voice was bitter. "Leave her alone Jeremy please."
"Margaret dear, remember where you would be if I hadn’t picked you up. Remember too, what I said last time. You are in control of her now. She may not need help but I’m going to ask. Look at her, not away. Let her know you are not afraid. You are the boss lady now."
Jill looked up as they approached. "Come to gloat over my being thrown out too? Well I wasn’t thrown out. I left of my own accord."
"And you’re sitting on a bench because you’ve no home to go to." Jeremy observed the two suitcases alongside her.
"Not exactly. I can go back but I don’t want to. Only waiting here till.... I’ll be okay. Need to wait until I can get access to my money again. Her bastard father chopped up my Building Society passbook and credit cards. Have got to wait until I can get them reinstated before I have any money." Despite her brave words tears started rolling down her cheeks.
"And friends from work cannot put you up?"
"No work. I gave it up for him. Now it’s all over. Now he... So what’s it to you anyway?" Jill tried to sound truculent but tears were flowing more freely down her face. "I may be able to see one of the girls I used to work with when she comes to do her shopping later."
"Bring your cases to the car, Jill. No arguments. You will stay with us for a few days. Until you sort yourself out." Margaret’s firm voice surprised both Jeremy and Jill. "You just have to know, you are no longer top dog. I’m in charge of the domestic arrangements and you will do what I say as far as helping is concerned. Understood?"
Jill looked at Jeremy. "Margaret is correct," he confirmed, "You can stay a few days but you’ll be under her charge and you will be expected to help with the household chores and fit in with our arrangements. I know some of what you did to her but I guarantee Margaret will do nothing to physically hurt you. Any thoughts of hurting her will bring immediate expulsion and likely a visit to a police cell. Harm one single hair of her head and I will be down on you like a ton of bricks."
"Perhaps I believe you but maybe it will be better for me to take my chance out here."
"And freeze at night. I know what it is like Jill. Think yourself lucky you haven’t spent a fortnight outside before being picked up. You and I both know what it will be like if you go back to him. Get your cases and follow us." Margaret turned and pushed the trolley towards the car without looking back to see if Jill followed. She did.
While Jill stowed her cases through the back door and Margaret stashed the groceries alongside, Jeremy cleared the back seat without commenting on her change of heart. Jill sat silently, listening to the small talk about the weather and the sleeping arrangements for their guest. "We’ve two rooms decorated now but the beds are dismantled. There are still those in other rooms," Margaret said, "We’ve either got to move a bed into a decorated room or leave it in a dingy one. What do you think Jeremy?"
In the end they decided for that night, Jill would have to sleep in a room already with a bed in. "You slept in a worse room your first night, and it will save us having to move beds once we’ve settled down after our meal. Jill can make her own bed if you find her the sheets and stuff. We’ll put the heater on low when we get back to air the room a bit."
"My God," Jill exclaimed when she saw the old workhouse, "Is this a home or a prison?"
"It’s our home," Margaret snapped, "And yours for a few days. I can assure you it’s much warmer than a park bench at this time of year less painful than at father’s so don’t knock it."
Margaret noted how stiffly Jill moved while they prepared the meal. "We’ve half an hour before dinner, you’d better have a quick bath to help ease the soreness." Margaret went in with her and then examined the welts on her bottom and breasts. "You certainly had a thrashing," she commented, "At least now you know what it feels like." She left Jill to have her bath and only returned later with towels and to say dinner was almost ready.
"Why are you doing this for me?" Jill enquired. They’d finished a meal where the meat had to be stretched a bit to make it go for three instead of two and were sitting in front of the fire with a glass of wine. "I would have thought you would be more interested in getting your own back by hurting me."
"That I thought of too but decided it wouldn’t achieve anything. Then when I saw your bruises and whip marks, I knew you’d had enough. I don’t mind a little pleasure pain, even a bit of controlled punishment," Margaret glanced across at Jeremy, "But since being here I know the difference between that and an out and out thrashing and the humiliation and disgusting things you and father gave me. All the times I was tied down and ****d in every conceivable way, ways that would cause me to suffer the most. I decided I couldn’t, wouldn’t do that to anyone and I would best punish you by being nice. I’ve had enough of ****s and whippings which was one reason I got away from father and you."
"He won’t **** anyone ever again, Maggie..."
"He won’t **** anyone ever again, Margaret. Or at least not for many years." Jill’s eyes glazed and Jeremy knew instinctively she was hiding or wanted to tell something.
He prompted, "You’d better start at the beginning Jill because if you have done anything the police might need to know about, then I want to know too. If I’m and sheltering a criminal, then I need to cover my arse."
"Well he’s in hospital and I didn’t actually do it to him, but perhaps I could have done a little more to prevent it." Jill started.
"What’s the matter with him? Why’s he in hospital?" Margaret asked concerned although she didn’t understand why she should be. She had taken Jill’s reluctance to say anything about her father before as a reaction to her whipping, now Margaret wondered what had actually happened.
"He scalded himself. He’ll live but things will be extremely painful for a long while." Turning to Jeremy she said, "You said to start at the beginning, well perhaps you were the beginning. I told Henry about seeing the pair of you in Tesco’s and I think it was then that he finally realised you would not be coming back. He must have decided I was to take your place. I had to some extent already. He caned me and tied me down to bugger my arse but while I was still working and bringing money in, he couldn’t be too severe. I had to be able to go to work. Several times though, I was in so much pain, I couldn’t do my job properly and I got a warning from the boss. When I told him about you two, he went berserk. Unfortunately for me I was already undressed and was face down on the bed expecting a doggie style fuck. He grabbed and tied my wrists behind my back and then my ankles to the bedposts. "I haven’t been able to give a woman a good thrashing since my bitch left," he said to me, "So if she’s not likely to come back, you’ll have to take her place." I tried to plead with him that we needed my money to live on but I was silenced with a gag and then he proceeded to whip my arse and thighs until I actually passed out with the pain. He kept on saying, "Your fat arse is bigger than hers so it can take more pain." When I awoke he was r****g my arse. He complained I had a poor pain threshold. That was a Friday and by the Monday I still couldn’t walk enough to work so I called in sick. On the following Thursday I did go in but made several more mistakes. The boss said he could not take any more of it and I was given a weeks notice."
"Perhaps now you have some idea of the pain you caused me," Margaret commented.
"Oh yes, I know that alright. It’s one thing to wield the whip, another to receive it. I used to laugh at your cries but now I know the other side of the coin. Worse was to come. I was kept tied most of the time after I left work and treated much like you were. He would come in, warm my arse with the cane, piss in my mouth and then fuck me in one hole or the other. Then for two nights in a row, he didn’t whip me at all and only fucked me once each day. I falsely thought he’d relented. How wrong I was. He was only preparing me to show off to three of his men he’d met in a pub and had boasted to about what he and they could do to me. They came in with two bottles of whiskey and Henry showed me off to them and while drinking they had fun mauling me about. In front of them, Henry then gave my arse a hard belting and then striped it with the cane. He stopped when he thought I might pass out and all four of them had me, two in the arse and two in my cunt. He told them I liked it done hard and urged them to bang their bodies against my sore bum each time. They kept on drinking for another hour just mauling me and making me suck their cocks until they decided my tits needed flogging. I was pushed up in a chair to the kitchen table and my tits laid on top. Henry started with the cane but the pain from sitting on my arse and the caning of my tits was enough to cause me to black out after only a few strokes. When I came to I was once again on a bed with one of the men shagging me. I kept slipping in and out of consciousness for a while. In the background I could hear the drunken laughter. Sometime later it went quiet and I guess the men had left. Henry still seemed to be drinking. I needed to piss so managed to get to the bathroom. It was 4:08 a.m. Outside I could hear thunder and lightening beams flashed across the bathroom window. "Make me some coffee so I am sober enough to screw you again," Henry shouted. He undid my wrists and retied them in front of me. It was then the lights went out. Power cut. Did you have one here last night?"
Jeremy said, "No, but we had the storm."
"Well," Jill went on, "We managed to find the candles and I lit two of them as best I could with tied wrists. The electric kettle wouldn’t work but as he kept shouting for coffee, I put a saucepan of water on the gas stove and waited till the water boiled. I’d put the mug with the Nescafe in on the table near where he was drinking and took the pan of water over. I was having trouble tilting the pan with my wrists so Henry made to grab it and in doing so, the boiling water went all over his cock and balls and that whole area. He’d still not put any clothes on so he felt the full impact. He’s badly scalded and will no doubt be scarred."
"You didn’t by any chance deliberately pour the water over him," Margaret suggested, almost certain as to what the answer would be.
"No, much as I would have liked to had I thought of it, I didn’t but I didn’t do much to prevent him grabbing the pan either. It sort of just happened. He passed out and lay on the floor. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t phone. As you know he only has his mobile now so we can’t phone for help and using that tiny thing with hands tied in almost impossible. I had the idea of using the candle to burn through the rope and managed to do it without burning myself much. I looked for the mobile but didn’t find it in the dark. Henry was writhing on the floor yelling and screaming but I couldn’t get any sense out of him. The only thing to do was for me to dress and use the pay phone box down the road. I put on a thick dress that covered all my welts and a long coat. Henry was still crying out for help. I filled his glass with more whiskey and propped him up. The burn area looked awful because it was now half an hour since he did it. He drank the liqueur straight down without knowing although he coughed and spluttered a bit. It knocked him out again. The rain had eased but there was still no power. I went and phoned 999 and ten minutes later the ambulance took him away. I told the police what happened except I omitted that I was tied up and had been whipped."
"How did you explain his being naked?" asked Jeremy.
"Almost told the truth. We had sex earlier and he went and carried on drinking. The hospital confirmed his alcohol level was extremely high. When I left the hospital this morning, I decided now was the time to leave. There was almost no money in the house and as I said he’d destroyed my cards and passbook so I’d no ready money. The Building Society were helpful but it would take a day or two before they would issue a new book and it might be a while before I get a new credit card. When you came along I had almost decided to return to the house for the night but decided to wait to see if Jean, one of the girls from work, would come by. I was terrified to go back to that house. It now filled me with horror."
"Where is he now?" Margaret asked.
"Burns unit at Gyppeswick General."
Margaret phoned only to be given a standard message that he was stable. All three visited him the next day, both Jill and Margaret felt they had to for appearance sake, and then went to the house to collect some stuff for him. Things were still in much the same state as they were when Jill had left. The near empty whiskey bottle on the table, the glass on the floor and the general mess left after a debauched party. What Jeremy’s keen eyes noticed was the size of the saucepan. It was much larger than would have been needed to heat a mug full of water and there was a smaller one nearby! He kept his thoughts to himself.
A month later Henry was released. They visited him a few times in hospital and brought him home but neither Margaret nor Jill would stay in the house with him. By then she had moved in with a girl friend she had a lesbian relationship with before. Henry had a catheter and a bag because his penis was too badly burned to function without further operations and he could only walk with a frame. A nurse visited every day for the first two weeks. At one time, Jeremy and Margaret were present when she changed the dressing and caught a brief glimpse of his terribly scarred torso and shrivelled penis. The rod that had been the cause of so much pain would be useless for a long while. "Perhaps with the reason for his sadistic sex drive gone, he might become a more normal person," Margaret remarked.
Jill only stayed a week. Inwardly, there was always a strained relationship between her and Margaret but on the surface they tried to remain civil. Margaret treated Jill’s arse each day but did it with the matter-of-factness of a nurse and didn’t allow any sexual stimulation even when Jill deliberately opened her thighs to offer her cunt.

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Erotic Author Melanie punished

That morning had started well for Melanie Pearson. She had just checked her on-line bank account and discovered another hefty sum being paid into her account from her Publisher, Paddle Cane Publications. She would use this latest payment to book an all-inclusive holiday somewhere for her partner Diane and herself. She smiled at the thought – it would be their fourth foreign trip of the year. Her mood was lifted further when she found a note on the bedside table from her girlfriend, Diane,...

4 years ago
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Erotic Author Melanie Punished Part Two

Nicole Patton had made it her mission to punish Melanie Pearson again. She made no secret of her pleasure at beating the young author severely in the office of her boss, Suzanne Ann Bryant. Nicole had been patient, believing that the successful young author would miss her deadlines again and this would mean that the nineteen year old secretary would be handed Melanie’s home address and instructed by Ms Bryant to teach the woman the error of her ways. She looked longingly at the cupboard where...

1 year ago
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emma is punished

She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the boys. She had shared a few drunken kisses on nights out, but that was as far as it went. Any wandering hands were quickly stopped. One unfortunate night, Emma had bumped into Sarah’s boyfriend, who noticed that she was drunk and tried to take advantage. He was very...

3 years ago
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Punished by Auntie Geraldine in Norfolk

Nick and I didn’t get much notice that we were going to stay with Mum’s schoolfriend ‘Auntie Geraldine’, in her pokey house in a grim little village in Norfolk. She lived there with her daughters Judy, seventeen, and Rebecca, eighteen. We hadn’t been there for ages but we both remembered how dull and old fashioned everything was, and the only time we ever went out was to church! Mum and Dad were going away with Dad’s work so there was no option or so Mum said. I argued and Nick argued but we...

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Emma is punished

Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the...

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Amelia Gets Punished

She came strutting by with several other girls, talking loudly. Her shirt was unbuttoned more than it ought to be and her tie hung loose, against the dress code. I’d reminded her multiple times about it and she continued to defy the rules. Perhaps it was time to teach the girl a lesson. “Amelia, detention in my office after school, you’re in violation of the dress code yet again.” She seemed startled, but murmured a soft, “Yes sir.” I wasn’t usually one for punishments but there was something...

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Incestuous Harem 16 Big Sis is Punished

Chapter Sixteen: Big Sis is Punished By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I followed Clint out of the Dairy Queen in absolute shock. What was going on? Our older sister, Zoey, claimed to be working at this Dairy Queen for weeks with her best friend, and lover, Stefani. She was supposed to be working right now. After our hot orgy with Pam's mom—and the even hotter revelation that Ms. Hiragawa was one of Dad's lovers and that Pam...

4 years ago
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Punished by Auntie Geraldine in Norfolk Nicks Revenge

Nick and I didn’t get much notice that we were going to stay with Mum’s schoolfriend ‘Auntie Geraldine’ in her pokey house in a grim little village in Norfolk. She lived there with her daughters Judy, seventeen and Rebecca, eighteen. In the first part of this story I recounted how Rebecca and Judy had managed to trick Nick into being punished. But as well as seeing their mother give him the cane, totally naked, they also watched as Nick had his penis spanked because he couldn’t help getting...

2 years ago
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Punished by the in Laws Again

THE PHONE CALL “I’m ready Kaitie. I am naked and my cock is already hard as a rock.” Jason rasped. Katie began her story telling her husband how his father had witnessed her giving her father his weekly cock suck. She heard a groan over the line knowing that Jason was already enjoying her confession. “Dad saw you giving him head?” “Oh yes Jason. When I went to dinner at their house they confronted me.” “Oh, were they mad?” “The story gets better from here. They decided if I didn’t want...

3 years ago
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Punished by the Gym Mistress Again

After writing my last story I was encouraged to write a sequel. I’m Mike, I’m nearly seventeen and I’m pretty fit but I was stripped and punished by Miss McKenzie after admitting I skipped her PE lessons at school because I was bored. However, the punishment turned out well because a class mate of mine, Jo, was also stripped and she was punished at the same time.After our punishment, Jo and I left the gym together. We had seen each other punished naked and were both feeling pretty horny. Once...

2 years ago
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Punished by my girlfriends Mum

Punished by my girlfriends MotherCarol and I had been going out together for over three months, she was 19 and at Art College, I worked in a car showroom and was 23. Her mother Mrs Whittingham (Janet) was around mid-forties, quite attractive looking for an older woman. We had been out to see a band who were late coming on stage and so the concert was late finishing, we hadn't wanted to miss the last couple of songs as they were our favourites but I could see Carol was panicking. She always had...

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Punished For Spying

Dale was remembering the time, six years ago, when she was first spanked. She was now sixty-six-years-old and she had enjoyed building up relationships where she was the submissive and was spanked and caned. How it started was always a happy memory, although very awkward at the time.It was six years ago that Dale Brown opened the door to her house and stepped back to allow Emma Hogan and Amy Johnson to come in.Dale was sixty-years-old and a schoolmistress at the local sixth form college. Both...

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Extra Tuition Punished by German Frau 3

Having failed my German language mock GCSE, I ended up going to a private tutor twice a week. Frau Gunther is about twenty-eight and attractive. I’m nearly seventeen, I’m fit and like to go to the gym, so I was unhappy about two more evenings spent on school work, but my dad insisted. I was punished in part two and was then comforted by the two girls on the same course after Frau dismissed the class.Last week I was spanked nude by Frau in front of Lisa and Marie, and it hurt, both the spanking...

3 years ago
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Maesons AssistantChapter 6 Kimber gets punished

She lay there, feeling her body, safe under the covers, but squirming around as she moved her thighs like he ordered. When he leaned in, whispering, telling her to substitute themselves for Lee and Grey, she smiled a bit to herself. She had been way ahead of him, already imagining a better ending. One in which she was feeling all that Lee felt. Her lips parted, her breath started to come a bit faster as she moved faster and faster. Her hand moved down to lightly play with herself through her...

1 year ago
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Memoirs Fraudsters Punished

Chapter 10. Fraudsters punishedMarch 27th 1831‘Saturday evening came and I cancelled the session at the workhouse although of course, those deserving punishment received their due. I held the session during the afternoon with only a few guests looking on. Instead I took the cart with Clara to the manor. I’d kept her confined in the one room and had Jack take her meals and empty her slops. He also put her to his cock whenever he felt like it. She was understandably frightened and sat shivering...

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Punished on Valentines Day

Rose WilderPunished on Valentine’s Day?What do you think you’re doing, young lady?? The deep, booming voice sounded angry.The dark-haired woman reacted immediately and fell on her knees. Her long black hair was cascading down her back, accentuated by her still lightly tanned skin. At five foot six she was a bit taller than the average with a body that would not have been misplaced in the Playboy.She had been standing in front of the full length mirror of their bedroom, supposedly getting ready...

2 years ago
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Caught And Punished

Caught And Punished Dad always told me that my mother was a whore. I wouldn’t know because I had no recollection of her whatsoever. He was a hard worker and supported us as best he could. He was also a very strict disciplinarian. Any time I did something to displease him I found out about it right away. It used to be little things like not making my bed, throwing my clothes on the floor, and not doing my homework. That resulted in spankings and escalated to bare bottom spanking. But...

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Sissy Stepson Part 5 Pantied and Punished

Part 5 - Pantied and Punished Carl begged his stepmother not to spank him and he pleaded, "I'll be good, I will never try your things on again, please!" "To late, you can't be trusted and must be properly punished, but first I want the truth about why you did this. If you don't tell me the truth I will make sure your father knows, his family, your friends and everyone at school!" Carl shook with fear and started to cry. "Please I couldn't help it, I am attracted to your sexy...

4 years ago
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Punished by my girlfriends Mother

Carol and I had been going out together for over three months, she was 19 and at Art College, I worked in a car showroom and was 23. Her mother Mrs Whittingham (Janet) was around mid-forties, quite attractive looking for an older woman. We had been out to see a band who were late coming on stage and so the concert was late finishing, we hadn't wanted to miss the last couple of songs as they were our favourites but I could see Carol was panicking. She always had to be home by eleven during the...

3 years ago
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Punished By My Girlfriends Mother

Carol and I had been going out together for over three months, she was 19 and at Art College, I worked in a car showroom and was 23. Her mother Mrs Whittingham (Janet) was around mid-forties, quite attractive looking for an older woman. We had been out to see a band who were late coming on stage and so the concert was late finishing, we hadn't wanted to miss the last couple of songs as they were our favourites but I could see Carol was panicking. She always had to be home by eleven during the...

2 years ago
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Punished During My Stay By Auntie Beryl Daughter Kate

When I last stayed with Aunty Beryl I was nineteen. I am now twenty-three and working for a consultancy company which means I have to travel a fair bit. At short notice, I was asked to work on a project in the West Midlands for a week or more and I was struggling to find a hotel room. On the off chance, I phoned Aunty Beryl to ask if I could stay there for the week and she said I’d be welcome. On the second day of my visit, Aunty’s daughter Kate was punished naked right in front of me and I...

1 year ago
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71 Avis punished by hubby for a little lesbian fu

71 Avis, punished by hubby for a little lesbian fun This story came to me from an American couple. They promise me its 100% true, only the names have been changed to preserve their anominity. It`s her story and started when she had gone out shopping at a local department store After wandering around a bit, I thought I saw an old friend of mine pass into another isle. I quickly moved in her direction and came up behind her as she walked down the aisle. I wasn't sure if it was my friend, but I...

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I knelt naked upon my fur in the corner of the lounge room, as Master had instructed, Master had called as He was leaving work, informing me He would be bringing company home with Him, ?A sigh of relief passed my lips?.As I was to be punished upon Him returning home from work for my behaviour early that morning, but obviously Master had forgotten when He invited one of His friends over.This had also surprised me, for Master liked to keep His private life just that ?Private??Hearing His car pull...

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Mike was punished by his English teacher

Mrs. Smith saw the amazement of the Mike through his eyes. Without saying any word she gave the pencil back to Mike. Mike was not like the boys of his age. He always gets concentrated with his studies. That was a special new feeling to him. He was not attracted to a woman before. Although it is his teacher he could not be able to resist the feeling on his mind. After the class Mrs. Smith went back to the staff room. She was thinking why his best student looked at her in that way. In the...

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Punished hard

My name is rahul. I am studying in a medical collage.I am a final year senior student. Our batch makes ragging on junior students.our ragging includes removing clothes, touching the private parts, playing with them, more and more.i like to say you an incident that we did to a 1st year girl who joined our school.her father is a police officer.It was freshers day that new commers are being coming into the campus. we sat at the gate and started ragging.we call a girl who was in a pujabi dress.her...

3 years ago
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Punished Peepers

Punished Peepers!                             TJ RyderComplete story with cover pic!Download Femdom cuckold shemale ladyboy illustrated ebooks Ballbusters, cheaters, teasers, illustrated!Femdom cbt, chastity cuckolding interracial stories.comix!        Marvin R., 18 yr old senior at Jefferson, gazed in love and lust at his English teacher, Miss Brown.  Her lovely poised body, the way she stretched when she...

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Punished by the principal 1

Principal Grant was sitting in his black leather chair. In front of him scattered papers lay over his mahogany desk. However his focus wasn’t on the papers, he had turned his chair towards the window and was staring through the blinds. It was a hot September afternoon, exceptionally hot even for the time of year. And although the blinds kept most of the sunlight out, the heat of the burning sun still found a way into the principal’s office. The heat had even made the principal take off his...

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Punished Peepers

                 The Punished Peepers                     Chapter 1                                                TJ RyderIllustrated Fetish Adult Stories at****************************************************************        Marvin R., 18 yr old senior at Jefferson, gazed in love and lust at his Englishteacher, Miss Brown.  Her lovely poised body, the way she stretched when she wrote at the top of the blackboard, the way her big firm breasts stretched her sheet sweater. ...

2 years ago
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Boarding School Punished by Matron 3

If you’ve read part 2 you’ll know that Matron invited the head girl, Rosie Saunders, to witness my punishment. This was very embarrassing, which is exactly what Matron intended. I had been naked in front of the head girl and she’d seen me caned and then seen Matron spank my cock because I had an erection. A week or so later I went into the library and as I turned a corner I bumped into Rosie. I went red and she went scarlet, remembering the last time she’d seen me. In a way, this mutual...

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Mummy the neighbourhood slut getting punished

Tanya was preparing dinner. It was a hot summer day and she was only wearing a bikini, as she had been tanning topless in the sun all afternoon. In between she took a stroll in the garden and did a little weeding, bending over to present her beautiful ass as a prominent sight for her neighbors. Tanya was 42 years of age and possessed a voluptuous body that looked at least 10 years younger. She always had the full attention of her neighbors and their sons whenever she was in the garden, whether...

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Mommy the neighborhood slut getting punished Chapt

Tanya was preparing dinner. It was a hot summer day and she was only wearing a bikini, as she had been tanning topless in the sun all afternoon. In between she took a stroll in the garden and did a little weeding, bending over to present her beautiful ass as a prominent sight for her neighbors. Tanya was 42 years of age and possessed a voluptuous body that looked at least 10 years younger. She always had the full attention of her neighbors and their sons whenever she was in the garden, whether...

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Bent over and Punished A Nyasia Story

“HHMMM HMHPH HMMM” were the lovely sounds his naked brown skinned slave girl was making as he led her out of the ‘playroom’. She was almost entirely silenced, with a large volume, mouth filling, bulbous panel gag, strapped tight and padlocked around her head.She was visibly uncomfortable as her master grasped her tightly handcuffed wrists and pushed her down the long hallway, past the other slave girls he had working for him as captive ‘maids’. Uncomfortable because of their sympathetic and in...

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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye - you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being in...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Punished For Stealing

Dale Brown and Mary Barton both knew they had done wrong and been caught out. They were both sixty-six-years-old and teachers at a sixth form college for girls. They have been teachers all their lives and were used to disciplining those girls that misbehaved. However, it now seems that it was their turn. The two teachers were friends and both liked to go shopping for clothes. They knew they were overspending and were both short of money to pay some bills. It was Dale who came up with the idea...

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Extra Tuition Punished by German Frau

The school headmaster told my dad that it was not worth me continuing with German language to GCSE as my mock exam results were so poor. Dad argued it was important for me to get a foreign language. The headmaster suggested that my only chance was extra tuition and discipline and he recommended Frau Gunther. I was nearly seventeen, very fit and like to spend time in the gym so the last thing I wanted was more evenings spent on school work, but dad insisted and took me to my first lesson.We...

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TUP 17 The Raipists get punished

Trumped up Punishments 17: The Raipists get punishedCharlotte’s very public punishment on the Fox Punishment Network made the national news - it had been a real ‘hit’. Sources at the White House reported that the President himself had watched her ordeal, and really enjoyed himself. These reports were corroborated by the fact that the Corporal Punishment Broadcast Act (‘CPBA’) was signed into law that very night, with the President granting the Fox Punishment Network (‘FPN’) the exclusive...

1 year ago
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The Tease Gets Punished

It was just another school year at Chestnut High for me, Chad Calloway. I’m 5’10, 185, and would like to think that I am pretty well built. Now this year is different than past years because I am a senior. Already being accepted into a local college, I had a pretty easy year ahead of me. The first day of school was like any other, you find out your schedule, see who’s in your classes, and find out who you are going to sit with at lunch. Everything was going fine until I had my last class...

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Learning from a New Family Chapter 3 Caught and Punished

Introduction: This is the third and final part in a series. You can read the other works on my profile, but this should hold up on its own merits. William is a foster child who is currently living with Emily and her adopted daughter Sarah. After Sarah slept in Williams bed several times to escape from the nightmares that sometimes haunt her, a surprise call from Emilys work left them free to take things further. Unfortunately, their pursuit of pleasure has made them reckless, to the point where...

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Learning from a New Family Chapter 3 Caught and Punished

There was real terror in Sarah’s voice, something I’d never heard before. To be perfectly honest, I was just as scared. We had both been shocked by Emily’s early arrival, and had been in the middle of some things we’d rather her not see. Even as I frantically scanned the room for the handcuff key, and jumped up and down in a vain attempt to get my pants back on, I couldn’t help but take in the sight of Sarah naked, sweaty, spread-eagled and wriggling delightfully, handcuffed to her bed....

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Naughty Slut Gets Punished

“Master....” I look up at him through my eye lashes. We’re in bed; he’s arms around me holding me close. My move my gaze down quickly down, knowing I have something to confess. “Yes, pet. What is it?” Jamie who has been my Master for about a little over a year looks down at me, a soft smile on his lips. I bite my lip softly knowing I had done wrong, but I know it is more wrong not to say anything. I take a deep breath before starting, unsure if I should look at him, or away. I take the chance...

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Caught and punished

I arrived home from school, surprised to see mom’s car in the driveway. She worked for dad in his legal firm and normally wasn’t home till much later, dad was involved in a big case in the courts, and she would normally be beside him all the way. But she was standing in the kitchen, drinking some coffee, she saw me coming in, the look on her face said it all, she was angry.She’s a small petite woman, average in the attractiveness stakes, long brown hair, wearing the kind of dress you’d expect...

3 years ago
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Neighbours Nosy Daughter is Punished

I worked as a builder so I was fit and proud of my well toned body. I was 20 and had just moved into my first house which wasn’t grand but it was fairly new and had a little garden where I could relax and sunbathe in private, when the neighbours were out anyway. I had a few days off and woke to find it was going to be a hot one so I watched to see if all my neighbours were going off to work. There were only four houses with a view into my garden and they all dutifully left on time, I could do...

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You Wait I Arrive Youre Punished

You've prepared yourself for my arrival. You showered and shaved yourself, and put on my favorite underwear and heels. As you dress yourself, you think of my impending arrival with a mixture of giddy excitement and a dread that is somehow both nervous and accepting. You want to serve me, you NEED to serve me, but sometimes the idea of being utterly controlled by me, being utterly helpless to my desire scares you. But you like that fear. It makes your pulse quicken and causes the blood to flow...

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Boarding school punished for passing notes

My high-school was fantastic. It was a boarding school with allowed physical punishment. The punishment was mostly more humiliation and public shame with which they tried to make us behave properly and learn. I never had problems with learning and grades but I did stuff on purpose to get punished.The boarding school was relatively close to our home and I was at home on weekends. They had loose rules on uniforms which can be broken down to "girls wear skirts and shirts but still decent". This is...

4 years ago
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Neighbours Nosy Daughter is Punished

I worked as a builder so I was fit and proud of my well toned body. I was 20 and had just moved into my first house which wasn’t grand but it was fairly new and had a little garden where I could relax and sunbathe in private, when the neighbours were out anyway. I had a few days off and woke to find it was going to be a hot one so I watched to see if all my neighbours were going off to work. There were only four houses with a view into my garden and they all dutifully left on time, I could do...

3 years ago
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Hillcrest Academy for Girls Part 5 Caught and Punished

Brad walked over to the bathroom stall where he heard the noise and saw some movement. He pulled on the locked door and shouted, “Open up!” Cassie crouched down on top of the toilet, her body shaking, hoping Brad would go away. A moment ago she was on the verge of a much-needed orgasm and now she was dreading what would happen next. She was so mad at Megan for encouraging her to sneak into the locker room. “Open this door, now!” Brad shouted. He then stretched up and looked over the stall...

First Time
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Sue was always in trouble in class. Today the teacher sent her to the office to be punished. The principal took her to the back room and shut the door and locked it. He pulled her to the desk and told her "You deserve to be punished hard for disturbing your class. I always punish my student naked." He then pulled her top off then her bra. He liked that she had a nice big set of tits. He then pulled her skirt up to her waist and pulled her panties down then off. He turned her around and looked...

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Sara had come in late from her date. She quietly went to her room and when she opened the door her dad was there waiting for her. He yelled at her "You are late. Have you been fucking that boy again? You have turned into quite a whore haven't you? Take off your clothes and be fast. I am going to punish you like a whore again." As Sara took off her clothes and stood before her dad she knew she was in big trouble. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He shoved a finger into her cunt and said...

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Punished My Cheating Girlfriend Sadhna

Hi, I am Chetan and I am back with another story. Hoped you liked my previous stories. If you haven’t read those, please go through them once. This is the story about how I punished my girlfriend for cheating on me. My girlfriend’s name is Sadhna. She has a very sexy figure of 36-32-36. I loved her figure a lot. We use to have a lot of sex whenever we get the opportunity. We have even had sex in public places when there was no one. We find it erotic. So here’s what happened. One day, I went to...

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Punished My Cheating Boyfriend

Hi, I am Simraan and this story happened back when I working as a gym instructor and had several loyal clients in Noida. I had maintained a great physique from years of training. My boyfriend was in my college. Even after having so many opportunities with high profile clients, I had been a faithful girlfriend. But, when I found out that even after having such a smoking hot GF, my boyfriend Naveen flirted with my colleague and slept with her, I just wanted to take revenge and punish him. Naveen...

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Naughty stepdaughter punished

My mother and father had separated a few years ago, and I'm still getting used to the fact that my mother has recently gotten married. I hate him, and the fact that my mother is now seen as a cougar. Damian is 36 and my mother is 49 turning 50. I hate Damian, he tries to act as if he is my father but he isn't, and it's getting old. I'm eighteen and they still feel the need to treat me as a c***d. I was called to the office today for wearing our school skirt up too high, how do these people...

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Punished by the Head Teacher

My knees are trembling as I spread my legs and settle myself down onto the soft suede top of the vaulting horse. Reaching over I grab the legs on the other side. The apparatus is tall, making me stretch up almost onto tip toes as I settle myself for you. I can hear you pacing behind me, your shoes sound so loud on the sprung wooden floor. The gym is empty and echoing, amplifying every single sound. You like it here after school when we are alone, you like the way it sounds as you bring your...

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