Erotic Author Melanie Punished free porn video

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That morning had started well for Melanie Pearson. She had just checked her on-line bank account and discovered another hefty sum being paid into her account from her Publisher, Paddle Cane Publications. She would use this latest payment to book an all-inclusive holiday somewhere for her partner Diane and herself. She smiled at the thought – it would be their fourth foreign trip of the year. Her mood was lifted further when she found a note on the bedside table from her girlfriend, Diane, describing what activities they would be getting up to that evening. She loved it when the older lady laid down exactly what would be taking place in Melanie’s flat that evening.

They were both adventurous in terms of what they would do to one another and those two years in the relationship with Diane had taught Melanie so much. In fact, a lot of what went on within the walls of her small flat were the inspiration for the erotic novels that she wrote. Melanie read the note again, holding it against her chest and beaming with happiness.

“I’ll be home by 6:30pm. Dinner must be on the table by 7:30pm. We’ll then be discussing how naughty Melanie has been today and I’ll deal with you. Then I want to show you how much I love you in the bedroom. Missing you already Sweetie. Diane xx”

Melanie sighed and decided to get dressed. This seemed to take an age as she fell into a daydream about Diane. She then tidied away her breakfast things before returning to her computer in the living room. She really needed to get her latest story finished today. It was a month overdue and they had just paid her a large sum of money for its completion. It should have been with the publishers for final editing three weeks’ ago, but it was still on her computer barely half complete.

All Melanie Pearson could do was think about her girlfriend Diane. She was her first serious girlfriend and had taught her so much about everything. Diane Jamieson was three years older than twenty-seven year old Melanie but had encouraged her to pursue her writing career. She had shown her so many things during their frequent holidays abroad and in the UK, she was well read and intelligent, unlike Melanie, and was so experienced in the bedroom.

Diane had encouraged Melanie to explore her fascination with sex and had supported her when she began working on erotic chat-lines and appearing on pay-per-view sex sites. Melanie had been a natural at this and it paid well. She used these experiences to begin writing short erotic stories and with Diane’s guidance and contacts, she had managed to get her first short erotic novel published. Six months on and she was contracted to a large publishing house with a six book deal. Although she was not short of ideas, and had everything written down and planned out, Melanie’s relationship got in the way of work and she spent her days dreaming about how to pleasure Diane rather than on writing her stories.

Melanie Pearson had always struggled to focus on work and Diane had introduced corporal punishment into their relationship in order to keep her younger girlfriend on track. Melanie had frowned that first time at being stripped totally naked and then told to lie across Diane’s silky skirted knees. She had cried as Diane had smacked her bottom repeatedly with her hard hand and had pleaded for her girlfriend not to use a wooden bath brush on her already battered bottom. This had been ignored and as a result, Melanie went to bed that night with her bottom throbbing with pain. This had been off-set slightly as other parts of her were tingling with pleasure after Diane had dealt with her other needs.

Melanie continued to daydream until she decided to check her emails. At the sight of the one at the top of the list she froze and knew that she was in trouble. It was from Paddle Cane Publishers and was from her editor, Ms. Suzanne Bryant. Melanie hesitated to open the message, instead thinking about her editor. She got on well with the older woman but had been struck by how serious and strict Suzanne Bryant looked. She also had a sharp and no nonsense manner about her which filled Melanie Pearson with dread. The message was obviously about her overdue manuscript and no matter what it said Melanie would be in some trouble. She wished that Diane was here to help her calm down, but she wasn’t. Melanie Pearson clicked gently on the message which was entitled “Overdue manuscript – The Punishment Book of St Catherine’s School – Volume 2”

The young woman sat back in her padded leather computer chair and read the email slowly, ensuring that she took in every part of the message and fully understood it.

Good Morning Melanie,

I hope that you are well and that you are dealing with the pressures of being a newly published author.

We have received many favourable emails and reviews about your first book and also messages from people who are looking forward to reading your next instalment of the series. Your characters, Miss Markham and Ms. Birch, have proved a big hit with the readers.

However, I am sending this email to raise my concerns about your failure to submit the second book in the series. Today is Monday 29 th August and as we agreed at our meeting seven weeks’ ago, you promised to have the final draft with us by the 8 th August. We have no record of any phone call or emails from you explaining any problems or issues that you have had.

We have paid you a large advance for the series of books, in fact the largest this company has ever paid a new author, and I am concerned about your failure to meet the deadlines we all agreed on. This failure has massive knock on effects with printers, artists, publicity and many other issues as you are well aware.

I am well aware of the pressures that new authors may face with their new life but really need to address this with you as soon as possible. I propose that you drop into my office this afternoon to discuss how we can resolve any issues that you may have.

I’d be grateful if you could attend a short meeting with me at 2:30pm today. I apologise for the extremely short notice but we really do need to work out any problems and get you back on track with the series of books.

Please reply to this email to say that you can attend this afternoon and on your arrival at my office please report to my secretary, Miss Nicole Patton, who will inform me that you are here.

I really hope that we can work through these difficulties, Melanie as you are an extremely promising young author. However, failure to attend this afternoon will leave us with no other option but to begin legal proceedings against you in order to recover the advances that you have received from Paddle Cane Publications for the work you have not submitted to us.

Yours sincerely,

Suzanne A. Bryant

Senior Editor – Paddle Cane Publications

Melanie Pearson continued to stare at the screen and sat back in her chair, closing her eyes. She would have to go and face Suzanne Bryant and explain her failure to keep to the deadlines that she had agreed to meet. She would tell the truth. No point in lying to the older lady as she probably knew the reasons why Melanie had failed to meet the deadline. She was the best friend of Rachael, who Diane worked with. In fact, it was down to Rachael that Melanie’s stories had been discovered. She had emailed one to her. Next thing she knew, Rachael had forwarded it to Suzanne Bryant, who called Melanie Pearson two days’ later to arrange a meeting.

After a few moments, Melanie Pearson clicked on “Reply” and typed out a short email to Suzanne Bryant, saying that she would attend Suzanne’s office at 2:30pm that day. She then checked her watch – it was 11:30am and she needed an hour to travel into the city where Paddle Cane Publishers were based. The young woman decided that she would dress smartly and walked into her bedroom where she removed the baggy t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms which she always wore at home. She then spent the next half an hour deciding what she could wear for her meeting.

For once, Melanie chose her clothes carefully. She wanted to show that she was a serious author and that she could be trusted to deliver the series of books that had been agreed on. Melanie dressed carefully, constantly checking her appearance in the full length mirror that had been a present from Diane soon after they had got together. She buttoned up her white three-quarter length sleeved blouse and zipped up her expensive black pin-striped trousers. She decided to change out of the sexy underwear she usually wore for Diane and opted for a plain pair of white knickers. Next came her sensible ankle boots and an expensive looking jacket.

Melanie Pearson combed her brown hair carefully and applied sensible amounts of make-up and lipstick. She picked up her small handbag and spent a while ensuring that she had everything she thought she would need for a meeting with Ms. Bryant. She checked her mobile phone and there were no messages from Diane or anyone else for that matter. She toyed with the idea of texting her and telling her about the email, but decided against it. She’d keep it to herself. There was no need to worry Diane with all this – it was her problem after all. Also, she’d sort it out and be back, with the dinner on the table, before her girlfriend returned from work.

One final check in the mirror and then Melanie took her bag and headed out of the front door. She walked briskly to the railways station and bought her ticket, all the time working out her story for Ms Bryant. She would be honest and then promise to deliver the book within the next two weeks. The older lady seemed kind and understanding when they had met previously so surely, she would accept Melanie’s solution to the problem. The train arrived on time and Melanie took her seat, reaching for her mobile phone once again. Still no messages from Diane. This was strange as, although Diane was always busy she always sent Melanie messages throughout the day. Just the usual kind of messages asking her what she was doing and also messages about what Melanie would be made to do in the bedroom that evening.

The train pulled into the station on time and Melanie let the crowd clear before making her way off the train, walking down the platform and through the barriers. She checked her watch – 1:35pm. Melanie Pearson bought herself a coffee and sat watching the commuters coming and going. She kept rehearsing her story in her head and when she was finally happy with what she would say to Suzanne, she threw her empty coffee cup in the bin and reached for her mobile phone once again.

Still no message from Diane. Melanie began to worry. What if Suzanne had told Rachael about the missed deadline and then she had told Diane? Melanie knew that Diane Jamieson would be angry with her for not completing her book. No doubt she would be punished by Diane for letting her down. It would be a real punishment too. Diane punished Melanie as part of their foreplay and also if she did things wrong around the house, but it always ended up in them pleasuring one another. A proper punishment from Diane Jamieson was something that Melanie dreaded and did not want to experience.

She sighed and threw her phone into her handbag. Melanie then walked slowly through the busy city towards the impressive offices of Paddle Cane Publishers. It was only a short distance from the train station and Melanie Pearson was standing outside the impressive four storey building at just after 2:15pm. She pushed the door open and walked confidently up the stairs. She knew that Ms Bryant’s office was on the first floor. She paused outside the double doors at the top of the stairs and tried to make sure her hair was perfect by running her left hand through it, brushing her long brown hair behind her ears. She pulled the door open and went inside, walking confidently over to the high wooden reception desk.

Melanie noticed that the young girl on the desk was chatting on the phone so she waited patiently. She recognised the girl as Nicole Patton, who was Ms Bryant’s secretary. Melanie remembered telling Diane about Nicole. She had been in all of the meetings that Melanie had attended at Paddle Cane Publishers and Melanie Pearson decided that she did not like the girl. She smiled as she waited all the time thinking about Nicole. She was probably at least five years younger than Melanie. Nicole was about five feet four tall and this made her at least four inches taller than Melanie Pearson who was only five feet tall. Nicole was very slim with very small breasts which she struggled to make out under the pink blouse she was wearing.

Ms Bryant’s secretary had long brown hair which she tied up with a hair band. She was reasonably pretty with a slim face and blue eyes. Nicole was quietly spoken, but Melanie Pearson knew that she was a hard girl who had experienced a tough upbringing. Ms Bryant had taken her on to give her a chance and Nicole had grasped the opportunity with both hands. Melanie chuckled as she remembered telling Diane that she would like to slap Nicole across the face just to see how she would react.

At that moment, Nicole finished speaking on the phone and replaced the receiver. She immediately looked up over the counter and stared at Melanie.

“Good afternoon, can I help you?” Nicole Patton asked politely.

“I’ve got an appointment with Ms Bryant at 2:30. I’m Melanie Pearson,” the older woman replied confidently.

Nicole leaned back and took a large, thick backed book from the other end of her desk, running her pen down the page.

“Oh yes, about your novels.” Nicole’s smile widened across her face and Melanie’s urge to slap her increased.

“Please take a seat and I’ll let her know that you’re here.” Nicole Patton gestured with her left hand towards some leather chairs on the other side of the room.

Melanie walked over to the chairs and sat down carefully. She watched as Nicole Patton dialed in Suzanne Bryant’s extension.

“Miss Pearson is here to see you.” Melanie heard the younger girl say.

Nicole Patton then put the phone down and brought another hand-backed book from a drawer in her desk. She then rolled her office chair backwards and got to her feet, walking round to where Melanie was seated. She looked down at the older woman who was still seated.

“Mrs Bryant will see you now, Melanie.” Nicole Patton did not wait for Melanie Pearson to get to her feet and made her way the short distance down the corridor towards Suzanne’s office.

Melanie took a deep breath and grabbed her handbag. She took her phone out and flicked it onto silent before replacing it in her bag. She got to her feet and ironed the creases from her jacket with her hand. She then made her way down the corridor to where Nicole Patton was waiting for her. As Melanie reached Suzanne Bryant’s office, Melanie saw that the door was already open and Suzanne’s secretary held her left hand out as an invitation for the young author to enter the room. She walked past the young secretary and saw immediately that Suzanne Bryant was standing behind her desk. Melanie Pearson heard the door close behind her and swung round and watched as Nicole walked over to a chair on the opposite side of the room and sat down, opening her book as she did so.

Suzanne smiled and walked around her large desk and across the large office until she was standing in front of Melanie. She held out her large right hand and Melanie took it, shaking it firmly. The older woman gestured towards the expensive leather sofas, across from where her secretary was sat. Melanie Pearson continued to stare at the tall, red haired lady who had not taken her eyes off since she had walked into the room.

“Let’s take a seat Miss Pearson and then we can get down to business.” Suzanne touched Melanie’s right arm as if to guide the young woman over to the sofa.

Melanie took a few short steps and placed her handbag on the floor next to the arm of the expensive leather sofa. She sat nervously on the edge of the sofa and watched as Suzanne sat down on the other end.

“So, young lady. How are things with you at the moment?” Suzanne said softly, smiling at Melanie as she did so.

Melanie Pearson awkwardly smiled back and wondered what to say. All her plans about being honest and telling things like they were, had been forgotten. She found herself staring at Suzanne Bryant who she found extremely attractive. Melanie knew all about Suzanne, who was friends with Diane’s friend, Rachael. Suzanne Ann Bryant was sixty two years old and had an obvious love of cosmetic surgery. Diane was always telling her about Suzanne’s latest surgery. However, the older lady was good looking. She had lovely, shoulder-length dyed red hair which was professionally styled. She stood at about five feet six inches tall and was obviously a size 12. Melanie found that ladies were more attractive to her if they had a little weight on them.

Melanie knew that Suzanne Bryant had undergone a breast enlargement operation many years before, and her large breasts stood out proudly, covered by a red satin blouse. Ms Bryant had large hands and these were topped off with tasteful fingernail extensions that were also painted bright red. Suzanne dressed smartly in a grey business suit the skirt of which ended just above her knee. A pair of expensive looking black high heels topped off her work clothes. Melanie Pearson started to understand why her girlfriend Diane liked Suzanne Bryant. She was the dominant lady whom Diane Jamieson tried to be in her relationship with Melanie.

“I’m sorry for not submitting the book – I just got distracted.” Melanie realised that she was staring at Suzanne and tried to shift her gaze, instead looking at Nicole Patton, who was staring at her.

“I promise I’ll get it done within a week.”

Suzanne continued smiling before taking a deep breath and placing her left hand on Melanie’s knee.

“Well, your behaviour and lack of work are not what we expect of our authors Melanie.” Her left hand reached up to her red satin blouse and she slowly brought it down again, resting on her lap.

“If you have a deadline you need to meet them as it leads to all manner of issues with our printers, editors – everyone concerned with your book really.”

Melanie looked down at her boots but Suzanne Bryant continued.

“Your failure to submit it on time costs us a lot of money Melanie and I’m not happy about that. I could quite easily tear up our contract and take you to court over this to get our advance payments back.” Suzanne’s right hand ventured further up Melanie’s right thigh until it rested on her crotch. Melanie Pearson did not move.

“I see real promise in your work so I’d rather sort these problems out here and now.” Suzanne removed her hand from Melanie’s lap and got to her feet.

“What have you got to say for yourself, young lady?” Suzanne began removing her jacket.

Melanie stared as the grey jacket slipped off Suzanne’s shoulders and felt her mouth fall slightly open. Those enhanced breasts were magnificent and poked out proudly under the expensive blouse. Suzanne Bryant walked to her desk and placed the jacket on the back of her chair and returned her attention to Melanie, who seemed to be looking everywhere but at her.

“Well, young lady. What has been going on?” Suzanne was soon back over to the sofa and sitting next to Melanie.

“I just got distracted and then panicked when I missed the deadline.” Melanie spat the words out.

“I then thought it was best to ignore things and hope they would go away – I would submit the book eventually.” Melanie looked back to her boots.

“I’m sorry Ms Bryant. If you give me a fortnight I’ll get the book completed – I promise.” Melanie felt Suzanne’s right hand under her chin and her head being lifted to face the older woman.

“I know you will and I will give you the extra time Melanie, but you are going to have to see that your behaviour has been far from what we expect of our authors.” Suzanne removed her hand from Melanie’s chin and began to stroke the girl’s hair softly.

“I have told Diane about your behaviour and she explained how she deals with your lapses.” Suzanne smiled.

“I have to admit that I agree with what she suggested we do with you this afternoon Melanie.” She stopped stroking the younger woman’s hair and brushed her own hair behind her ears.

“Do you know what Diane said, Melanie?” She said softly.

Melanie knew only too well how Diane Jamieson kept her in her place in their relationship, but would have to face up to that on her return home that evening. Diane would make sure that she did not sit down for an age for this incident – the strap on was sure to be used roughly too. Melanie shivered at the thought.

“She would have told you that I should be physically punished, Ms Bryant.” Melanie replied nervously.

Suzanne laughed louder than she intended. “She did.” The older lady got to her feet.

“She said that, just like the characters in your novels that you should be stripped and spanked until you are very sorry for all the trouble and inconvenience that you have caused.

Melanie was shocked that Diane had told someone about her relationship and also that Suzanne found it humorous.

“What do you think about that, Melanie?” Suzanne watched the girl on the sofa as she unbuttoned the top two buttons of her red satin blouse.

“I should be punished for letting you down, Ms Bryant and I will get the book to you as soon as I can. I promise.” Melanie began to fidget with her hair.

“Okay then. You’ll take a punishment to put your head in the right place so that you can complete your story.” She paused.

“I will give you an additional fortnight to complete your current book which you will submit to me in person. Is that clear?” Suzanne Bryant said sternly.

“Yes, Ms Bryant,” Melanie replied.

“And you agree to be punished?” Suzanne nodded to her secretary, Nicole, who got to her feet and walked towards the door of the office.

Melanie thought to herself for a second, but knew she had no choice. If she refused then she’d face a court case which she would lose. If she embarrassed Diane in such a way, she would lose her too and Melanie couldn’t bear for that to happen. Diane meant the world to her, even if she would be extremely angry with her when she got home tonight.

“I agree to be punished, Miss.” Melanie looked at Nicole. The smile on her face grew wider and wider.

“Very well. Nicole go and fetch the bag, will you please.” With that, the young secretary opened the office door and left the room, closing the door gently behind her.

Suzanne spent a moment contemplating the attractive young woman in front of her. Melanie was under half her age and she could definitely understand why Rachael’s friend, Diane had fallen in love with her. She liked the idea of Diane Jamieson controlling her girlfriend with corporal punishment and humiliation and clearly understood that these experiences were the main inspiration in Melanie Pearson’s popular novels. Suzanne Ann Bryant was going to show the young lady just how memorable and humiliating a punishment could be.

“Stand up Melanie and take all your clothing off – bra and knickers as well.” Suzanne smiled as Melanie reluctantly got to her feet.

Melanie Pearson looked down at Suzanne who continued to stare at the younger woman. Although she felt embarrassed, Melanie removed her jacket and placed it on a chair next to where Nicole had been sitting earlier. She hesitated but had soon unbuttoned her blouse which she removed carefully before also placing it on the chair. She slipped off her shoes and socks, placing them beside the chair before awkwardly removing her trousers which she folded and placed on top of the rest of her clothing.

She was just thinking about removing her bra and knickers when the door opened once again and in walked Nicole Patton. She was carrying a small sports bag and a long leather case, the kind of thing that one might carry documents in. She closed the door quietly behind her and walked past Melanie. She placed both items on Ms Bryant’s desk and stood next to her boss. Melanie smiled awkwardly as she undid her plain white bra and placed it on the chair. She then placed her fingers inside her knickers and slowly pushed them down, allowing them to slip over her hips and then onto the floor. She bent down and picked them up, folding them before placing them on top of the pile.

Melanie Pearson thought to herself what the two ladies must be thinking about all this and most importantly to her, about her choice of very plain underwear that day. Normally she would wear very sexy and provocative items in order to please Diane, but here she was wearing underwear like she had been made to wear whilst she was at school all those years ago. The urge to slap a smiling Nicole Patton returned to her mind but the thought was soon dispelled by Suzanne, who moved over to where she was standing.

“Well, Miss Pearson, I can see why Diane enjoys punishing you.” Her hands stroked the younger girl’s hair and Melanie did her best to remain still and not show how nervous she was feeling.

“Let me make this clear to you, young lady. I will give you a two week extension to complete your novel which you will then deliver to me, in person.”

“Yes. Ms Bryant,” Melanie replied.

“As a punishment for causing my company so much inconvenience and not meeting deadlines, you accept that you will be punished in the manner that your girlfriend has suggested.” Suzanne’s hand wandered from Melanie’s hair and wandered across her small breasts.

“Yes. Miss Bryant,” Melanie gasped.

Suzanne smiled. “That punishment will take the form of a spanking administered by Miss Patton and myself.”

Melanie Pearson’s mouth fell wide open. She would take a punishment spanking from Suzanne, but to have this girl, barely out of school, joining in too. Well, that was a step too far. However, she knew that she had very little choice in the matter. She lowered her head and looked at the floor, aware that Suzanne Bryant was still stroking her breasts and rubbing her nipples which were erect and sticking out proudly before her.

“Yes. Miss Bryant.” Melanie felt as if she was about to burst into tears but managed to hold her composure together.

“Good. Now that has been agreed I suggest that we get this over with.” Suzanne removed her hands from Melanie’s breasts and walked across to her desk where Nicole had removed the items from both bags, laying them out neatly on the right hand side of Suzanne’s large wooden desk.

Suzanne studied each of the implements carefully, picking a few up and examining them carefully, before deciding upon her next course of action.

“I am going to give you a severe hand spanking young lady and then Miss Patton here will administer a dose of the slipper, the clothes brush and finally, because you have been so disobedient, she will cane you. Is that understood, Melanie Pearson?” She asked sternly.

Melanie felt tears forming in her eyes, but managed to reply, “Yes Ms Bryant.”

The older lady returned to the sofa and sat down. She ironed the creases from her grey knee length skirt with her hands before returning her gaze to Melanie, who had placed her hands over her vagina in an attempt to cover her embarrassment.

“We’ll not mess about with this seen as Nicole and I know all about how Diane punishes you so come and get over my knee!” Suzanne snapped.

Melanie reacted almost immediately and walked over to the sofa where Suzanne sat. The red-haired lady pointed with her right hand where she wanted the younger woman to stand and Melanie complied. She looked over at Nicole who was looking back at her. That smile was still on her face and she held a nasty looking slipper in her small right hand, tapping it gently on the palm of her left hand, no doubt thinking about how much she was going to enjoy hurting Melanie.

“Come and lie over my lap, Melanie,” Suzanne said in almost a motherly tone and prompting the younger woman to do so by placing her right hand on Melanie’s exposed bottom.

The younger woman allowed her left arm to be taken by Suzanne who gently guided her across her grey-skirted knees. Melanie moved around until she was comfortable and placed her arms over the arm of the large leather sofa. She knew she was turned on by feeling Suzanne Bryant’s satin blouse rub against her skin and feeling her skirt rub against her exposed pussy. Melanie shook her head at the thought that the older lady would soon see how aroused she was – she knew that her pussy was wet in the anticipation of her spanking.

Suzanne Bryant moved slightly so that she was comfortable with having the diminutive Melanie Pearson over her knee. She then placed her hands on Melanie’s back and ran her warm hands down the girl’s spine, across her bottom and then down the backs of her legs. Suzanne deliberately touched her between the legs and smiled as Melanie squirmed and moved on her lap. Melanie was already wet and obviously excited at the prospect of being spanked. Suzanne Ann Bryant was also wet and she was determined to enjoy every spank she gave the small bottom, lying obediently in front of her.

Ms Bryant continued to stroke Melanie’s buttocks gently with her right hand and looked over at her secretary, who was watching her intently. Both ladies smiled at one another and stared at the young author, who had buried her face in the arm of the leather sofa. Suzanne continued to rub her fingers around Melanie’s buttocks in circles before deciding to begin the punishment. She raised her large right hand in the air and brought it down with a large “smack!” right across the center of the pair of small exposed buttocks lying over her knee.

Melanie Pearson felt that slap, but was determined to show the two women in the room that it had not hurt her. She struggled to stay still but Suzanne’s next spank was already on its way. This one landed on her right buttock. Suzanne held her large, warm hand there for a moment before raising it again. Melanie buried her head even deeper in the arm of the sofa and gritted her teeth as Suzanne continued her onslaught.

Just like Diane, who certainly knew how to make a punishment count, Suzanne Ann Bryant had obviously a vast amount of experience in administering discipline. She spanked the small bottom lying defenseless in front of her hard and managed to turn Melanie Pearson’s bottom a nice shade of pink in no time at all. The slaps were evenly distributed over each buttock. Suzanne also slapped Melanie’s thighs and the backs of her legs. She had also paused to rub and soothe the sore bottom lying at her mercy.

The combination of her red satin blouse which always made her hot when she wore it and the exertion of spanking the young author across her lap made Suzanne hot and she could feel beads of sweat forming on her forehead. The moisture here was nowhere near the amount she felt between her legs. As Melanie squirmed and pushed herself further down into the older woman’s lap, this got her juices flowing.

After about thirty minutes, Suzanne stopped spanking the girl and placed her hands on Melanie’s back. Suzanne noticed that she had barely moved from the position she had taken on the sofa and she waited until Melanie Pearson slowly raised her head from the arm of the chair and looked round to face the older woman. She had tears streaming down her cheeks and maybe in a show of guilt, Ms Bryant took her right hand from Melanie’s back and began to rub the sore bottom lying before her.

“Well Melanie, that’s my punishment over with but you really do need to be taught a lesson when it comes to meeting deadlines.” Suzanne continued stroking the younger girl’s small bottom.

“Nicole here will show you how displeased we are with you,” she said softly but with a hint of menace in her tone.

“Stand up and don’t rub your bottom.” Suzanne Bryant sat back and watched as Melanie Pearson got to her feet.

As instructed, the young author did not rub her sore bottom. Melanie turned to face Nicole who was obviously thinking about how she would punish this naughty girl.

“So, Nicole do you want her over your lap?” Suzanne said as she got to her feet, ironing the creases from her grey skirt with her hands.

Nicole Patton paused, looking at the desk and then back at Melanie and then finally at Suzanne.

“No.” She inhaled deeply.

“I think I’ll do it all with her bent over your desk Ms Bryant.”

During Melanie’s spanking from Suzanne, Nicole Patton had rolled up the sleeves of her pink blouse and had replaced the implements that she was not going to use on Melanie in the bag. Melanie Pearson could see the ebony clothes brush, the slipper and the cane lying on the desk. She had been caned by Diane before and really hated it. Diane Jamieson only ever used the cane if Melanie had been really naughty, generally answering her back, but now, here she was going to be caned by a stranger. A stranger who obviously hated her. There would be no way out of it too – after all she had agreed to take a punishment to avoid losing her publishing contract.

“Very well Nicole. Let’s get this over with,” Suzanne said softly.

“I want naughty Miss Pearson to feel every smack do you understand me, Nicole?”

Melanie was sure she heard a little laugh from the younger girl.

“Oh, I can assure you Miss that she will feel every last one of these, Ms. Bryant.” Nicole picked up the slipper in her small right hand and waved it at Melanie.

“Bend over the desk, Miss Pearson and don’t make a fuss,” she said coldly.

Melanie looked over at Suzanne who simply nodded at her, inviting her to do as she had been instructed. The young author then returned her gaze to Nicole who pointed with her left hand to Suzanne’s large desk.

“Over that desk and stick your bottom up as high as you can!” Nicole raised her voice and watched as a stunned Melanie Pearson did as she asked.

Suzanne had walked over to her desk and stood to Melanie’s left side. She smiled as she gently stroked the younger woman’s cheek with her right hand.

“I think it is about time that I told you about Miss Patton here,” she continued gently running her fingers down Melanie’s cheek.

“Nicole is only nineteen years old but is a model employee.” Suzanne Bryant took a deep breath, thinking about what to say next.

“She has four good A-Level grades and was a Senior Prefect when she was at school.” She chuckled to herself.

“You wouldn’t think that, would you Melanie?” Ms Bryant waited for a reply but Melanie Pearson remained silent, contemplating how much the punishment was going to hurt.

Suzanne continued.

“She didn’t think that University was for her and so got a job with us doing basic things before I noticed how hard working and dedicated she is.” The stroking of Melanie’s hair stopped as Suzanne moved away, returning to the sofa where she sat down.

“However, as a prefect at her school she learned how to be most severe when administering punishments to her fellow students.”

Melanie heard Suzanne Bryant’s words but was aware that Nicole Patton was standing to her left and was tapping her bare bottom gently with that clothes brush. Suzanne continued talking.

“I liked that idea and so allowed her to show me how we could use corporal punishment to motivate some of our authors who miss their deadlines. We do it quite often don’t you know – it must be at least the tenth time now.” Suzanne paused.

“Thirteenth, Ms Bryant,” Nicole Patton interrupted.

Both ladies laughed and Melanie looked around to her left at Nicole, standing over her in her pink blouse and far too short black skirt, revealing her lovely legs. The tapping with the clothes brush had stopped and Nicole had her left hand planted firmly on Melanie’s back, pushing her down into the desk.

“You may begin, Nicole,” Suzanne said softly.

Within seconds, the tapping of the brush against Melanie’s reddened bottom resumed and then there was a brief pause before the brush was lifted, only to land seconds later with a loud “thud!” on Melanie Pearson’s right buttock.

She immediately tried to get up from the desk but was prevented by Nicole’s left hand which pushed her back down into the desk.

“You’re not going anywhere Miss Pearson – at least until I’m done with you, that is!” Nicole snapped.

She then resumed her onslaught with that hefty wooden brush, administering twelve smacks on each buttock. Melanie began to cry again but Nicole Patton ignored this, dishing out six smacks to each of the older woman’s thighs. Nicole was stronger than Melanie and had no problem in holding her down over the desk no matter how much she struggled and wriggled in a doomed attempt to avoid the smacks of the brush.

Nicole kept her hand on Melanie’s lower back as she placed the clothes brush down on the desk. She reached across and picked up the well-worn slipper lying next to it. Nicole looked down at the young author who was bent over the desk in front of her, at her mercy.

“This size thirteen slipper was a present from my old teacher, Miss Curran,” Nicole said fondly.

“She said that I may as well keep it as a souvenir of my time at school seen as she had to use it on my bottom that often!” She laughed loudly and Suzanne Bryant joined in.

Melanie wasn’t amused and remained silent. She wiped away the tears in her eyes with her left hand and then settled in for the continuation of her punishment.

“I can’t imagine that you were a naughty girl, Nicole,” Ms Bryant said, getting to her feet and walking over towards the desk.

Nicole Patton inhaled deeply. “Well, I used to be forgetful – especially doing homework and was always getting sent to Miss Curran for detention and punishment. She was the Head of PE at my school and used this slipper to keep us in line.”

At that moment, the slipper was taken back behind Nicole’s shoulder and landed a second or so later on Melanie’s left buttock. Melanie danced and wriggled but Nicole Patton used her strength to hold her down.

“I used to react the very same way, Melanie.” She laughed.

“It got me nowhere and it won’t get you anywhere either, you little bitch!” Nicole snapped.

The slipper kissed Melanie’s bottom twenty three more times in relatively quick succession. Nicole Patton was smiling as she deliberately hit the older woman in the crease between buttock and thigh. Melanie cried out, but Nicole ignored her, carrying out the punishment as she had been instructed. Once finished, she placed the slipper softly on the desk and gently ran her right hand over Melanie Pearson’s bottom.

The young author’s bottom was red and glowing hot. Nicole could see marks from the clothes brush and the slipper and smiled as she made out a hand print, obviously left by Suzanne’s hard hand. Nicole Patton had to admit that the older woman did spank harder than she could ever hope to. That single occasion when she had messed up and had found herself over Suzanne Bryant’s lap, skirt raised and knickers around her ankles, was so fresh in her memory. That was just over a year ago now and was as if it had only happened yesterday.

Nicole picked up the dragon cane that lay on the desk and swished it several times through the air. She always enjoyed hearing the sound it made as it traveled down towards the floor. She smiled as she noticed Melanie Pearson shiver but was certainly going to make this last part of the punishment hit home.

Suzanne moved behind her desk and took Melanie Pearson’s thin wrists in her hands.

“You will be caned severely and then it will all be over, Melanie,” the older lady said softly.

Melanie Pearson turned her head to face forward. She had no intention of watching each cane stroke come down and thrash her already sore bottom. Behind her, Nicole Patton took aim. She tapped the dragon cane gently on Melanie’s already battered and bruised bottom. When she was satisfied where her first stroke would land, she took the cane back behind her head and brought it down at full force with a “crack!” across the exposed bottom before her.

Nicole Patton distributed her strokes expertly. Three across the centre of each buttock and then three across the crease between buttock and thigh on each leg. Melanie had tried to move but had been held securely in place by Suzanne, who had gripped her wrists tightly. The strict young secretary had placed the cane on the desk next to a sobbing Melanie. She had then run her right hand gently across the bottom in front of her. She had done this for as long as she could and had only been stopped by Suzanne Bryant, who had let Melanie’s wrists go and walked over to where Nicole was standing.

The older lady ran her hands over the red stripes and welts that had begun to show on Melanie’s small bottom. Nicole had certainly delivered the discipline that her poor behaviour had merited. Suzanne wanted to soothe the young lady in front of her. She wanted to hold her, kiss her and cuddle her, but couldn’t show that she really fancied her to the stern faced Nicole. After a few moments she stood up and nodded at Nicole, who took the implements and left the office.

“Stand up Melanie,” Suzanne Bryant said quietly. She watched as the young woman got to her feet, instantly taking her hands to her sore bottom and rubbing them frantically.

“Get dressed.”

Melanie stared at her through tears stained eyes and walked slowly across the room to the chair where her clothes were piled. She took her time replacing her clothes and then walked over to Suzanne who had sat down behind her desk.

“Right young lady. Here’s our agreement.” Suzanne Ann Bryant reached across her desk and picked up her large diary, flipping the pages until she found the one that she was looking for.

“So, two weeks from today – Monday 12 th September, you will report to me with the manuscript for your next novel, is that understood?”

Melanie nodded frantically, aware that her bottom was throbbing with pain.

“Yes, Ms. Bryant. I’ll make sure that it is with you on time.” Melanie smiled awkwardly.

“Good. Otherwise I’ll be passing your home address to Miss Patton who will call at your home and discipline you in front of Diane.” Suzanne paused at the mention of Melanie’s girlfriend to gauge her reactions.

She was shocked. Suzanne Bryant knew that despite the beating the young lady had just taken that she was probably in for a lot worse on her return home. Rachael had told her about some of the hidings that Melanie had suffered at the seriously hard hand of Diane Jamieson.

“You may leave and we’ll see you soon Melanie.” Suzanne moved to her office door and held it open.

Melanie Pearson picked up her handbag and then walked out of the door, down the corridor and into reception, where Nicole Patton was sat behind the reception desk.

As Melanie reached for the door to head down stairs and out into the street, Nicole opened her mouth.

“I’ll see you in two weeks’ time Miss Pearson. Have a nice evening.” She smiled wickedly.

Melanie Pearson didn’t respond. Instead she hurried down the stairs and out into the street. Soon she was on the train home and took the opportunity to take her mobile phone from her purse and check her messages. She wished she hadn’t. There was a message from Diane.

“I have had to leave work early today because of your behaviour. I know where you have been this afternoon and I’ll be waiting at home for you. We must address your bad behaviour Melanie. I am most displeased with you. Diane.”

Not even a kiss to end the message, Melanie thought. I’m really in trouble. That train journey seemed to pass by in an instant and soon Melanie was making the short walk from the station back to her home. It seemed like no time at all before she was opening the front door, placing her bag in the corridor and taking off her shoes. She was just about to call Diane’s name when she saw that her girlfriend had walked from the living room out into the hallway. She was absolutely naked, but Melanie noticed instantly the large strap on which she was wearing. Melanie Pearson swallowed hard – she knew that she was really going to be punished by Diane this time.

“Go to your room and remove your clothes.” Diane opened the bedroom door and Melanie instantly did as instructed. As she passed her girlfriend, Diane Jamieson whispered,

“Face that wall – hands on your head and not a word. I am so angry with you, Melanie.”

Melanie Pearson undressed quickly and did as instructed. When Diane finally entered the room, she found her younger girlfriend with her hands on her head and her nose pressed up against the far wall.

“Turn around and come here,” Diane Jamieson instructed sternly and Melanie obeyed.

“On your knees and suck on this you naughty girl!” Diane snapped and watched with satisfaction as her girlfriend knelt down in front of her and took the ten-inch black strap on in her mouth.

After a short while, Diane pulled Melanie to her feet and busied herself by piling up the pillows and cushions that covered the double bed.

“Seen as I can’t spank your bottom today, I am going to punish it in other ways.” Diane looked disappointedly at the smaller woman.

“Lie face down on the pillows and not a word Melanie – I don’t want to make this any worse than it is already.” She watched as Melanie timidly lay face down on the bed in which they had shared so many memorable experiences.

Over the next hour, Diane Jamieson punished her girlfriend with the strap on. Her bottom was already sore from her meeting earlier that afternoon, but Diane forced it into Melanie’s bottom and made sure every thrust with it hurt. Melanie muffled her cries in the duvet and wished for it to be all over. Diane Jamieson said nothing as she prodded and probed the bottom in front of her with the large strap on.

Once she was satisfied, Diane pulled it out of Melanie’s bottom and left the younger woman face down on the bed. She left her for a while before returning. She found her still in the same position. Diane stroked Melanie’s hair and kissed her softly on her neck.

“Turn over sweetie,” she whispered and watched as Melanie Pearson turned over to face her.

“I love you but you are so naughty sometimes, Mel.” Diane Jamieson smiled and looked at Melanie who was crying.

Diane put her arms around her girlfriend and hugged her tightly. She ran her fingers tenderly over Melanie’s naked body and began kissing her softly on her neck, working her way down to her breasts. The girls then spent the rest of the evening on the large double bed showing how much they loved one another. Melanie Pearson forgot the pain in her bottom and concentrated on making up with Diane, who she brought to loud orgasm four times that night. She vowed to become more focused in her work and this was true. Under two weeks later she submitted her overdue novel and smiled as she left Ms Bryant’s office, much to the annoyance of Nicole Patton.

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Making Melanie Mine

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Melanie Knows

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Top Ten PantsSpunks ndash Miss Melanie

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My Best Friends Mom Melanie

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Melanie und die Ureinwohner

Bei ihren täglichen Sportaktivitäten im Urlaub läuft Melanie immer dieselbe Strecke und oft wenn sie an der Gabelung vorbeigekam, dachte sie wo wohl dieser Weg hinführt? Heute wollte sie diesen weg mal testen. Blitzschnell trifft sie die Entscheidung, warum sollte ich heute nich einmal diesen Weg wählen und schon nimmt ihre Joggingrunde einen neuen Verlauf. Zuerst ist der Weg nicht viel anders als der gewohnte, doch nach einigen hundert Metern wird der Wald zunehmend dichter und man merkt, dass...

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Melanie gets gang banged

My girlfriend Melanie and I went to from rainy Hannover, Germany to Spain last year for holidays. We booked a small house in a town near Barcelona, from where we could start our trips through the country-side. Melanie currently is a student of architecture but also works as a part time model for fashion and lingerie. She is very attractive. Let me describe Melanie to you: She's 28 now, has long blonde hair, 5' 6" tall, 115 lbs, and beautiful, size 36 breasts with a slender well developed build...

2 years ago
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Jerryrsquos World ndash Tiff and Melanie

I asked Mel to stand up with her back to me and she giggled when she saw her friend sitting there with her legs wide open and what turned me on was that she had improvised the method my running her hands up the inside of her thighs holding the pose for a while when her fingers reached the top, OMG her little fingers were pressed hard against her tight gusset as she closed her eyes and started her breathing exercises, wonderful.“Ok Mel” I said softly as I looked at her from behind, “Spread your...

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Worship Sessions with Miss Melanie

When I first met Her, She called Herself Lisa – this is the story of nearly 7 years of worship.I thought it’s about time I told the full story of these. ‘Worship Sessions’ are where a wanker who worships a Girlie-Goddess (in my case a girl who poses) is allowed into the presence of his Goddess to present worship sheets, worship videos, poems, stories, and any other worship material that he does for Her. This is pre Internet so everything is hand-written or typed. Depending on the Goddess, he...

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Meeting Melanie

Meeting Melanie came at the start of quite an eventful time for me. I was 19, had many sexual encounters from a young age, (of which of course I can’t tell you about on this site), and believe it or not was looking for a stable relationship rather than going with as many partners as possible, of which my peers, whom were later starters than me, were doing. Now Melanie was not the usual type of girl I aim for, (no I didn’t live by if it was female, fuck it!). She was about the same height as...

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Jerryrsquos World Melanie

I gave her another big glass of squash although she was already feeling pretty relaxed and noticed the lack of activity had forced my cock to droop and hang down which was again something that fascinated her and while we were having a little break from the assessment I decided to finalize the sleeping arrangements throwing out a suggestion to monitor the response, “So Mel, you can sleep in my bed and I will have the sofa, is that ok for you? I asked putting it out there, she looked up at me,...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 9 Jennifer Pete and Melanie

July 1980, Milford, Ohio I was happy when Stephanie joined me to swim laps and eat breakfast on Friday morning. When she hadn’t done those things with me, it had made me feel incomplete. I didn’t understand how the connection between us worked, but I knew that I didn’t want to be without her. “Steve,” Stephanie said while we were at breakfast, “don’t do anything stupid today.” “I have no plans to do anything stupid.” “You’re a boy. Boys always do dumb things without thinking or...

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I met Melanie in the 7th grade, she was a year younger than me which meant she was in the 6th grade. She was so hot, I never considered being a lesbian or whatever. I mean, it's normal thinking that other girls are pretty. But I mean, I was seriously attracted to her. She had beautiful eyes along with a sexy smile and the biggest breasts ever. I never actually thought about her in a sexual way but when I was working out she commented that I had a , yes, she was kidding but then I started...

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Melanies Weg zur devoten Sklavenhure

Melanie ist eine wunderschöne, 27-jährige Frau. Sie ist nicht sehr groß, eher klein, hat aber einen sehr geilen Körper. Ihre Brüste sind groß, natürlich und bringen jeden um den Verstand. Ihr Arsch ist knackig und trotzdem kurvig. Ein Arsch den man sofort durchkneten möchte. Ihr Gesicht ist eine Augenweide. Mit wunderschönen großen Augen, einer kleinen Stupsnase und schönen sinnlichen Lippen, bei denen sich jeder Mann vorstellt, wie es sich wohl anfühlt, wenn diese Lippen seinen Schwanz...

5 years ago
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Getting My Wife to Loosen Up Part 2 Melanie

Part 2 I’m on my way home from the tanning salon and I go from being really horny to having this knot in my gut. My mind starts to wander and I think about my wife being in the salon. She is laughing at his not so funny jokes. Then I can see him rubbing lotion on her back. Moaning like she does when I rub her back. I snap out of it as I pull into the driveway. Her car is in the garage. I grab my workout bag from the backseat and head inside. ‘Where have you been?’ Melanie asked.

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Melanie and Evelyn

Hi, everyone; Melanie here. Claire has told you all about our hot encounter with Evelyn, so you'll know just what a sexy thing our new Asian friend is. I wanted to tell you what happened when I met Evelyn one day and we decided to go out for a bit of fun.We were both feeling a bit naughty and worked out a plan for the evening which involved me pretending to be a stranger and coming on to her in public. So we set out for a bar we both knew but once we got there we arranged to go our separate...

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This story is fiction. Do not copy and use for distribution or use on another site. Being a single grandfather in his early 50’s is not what i had envisioned while being married and having our own f***ly. But life takes it’s turns and we adjust to all of life challenges. I lost my bride 2 years ago to a tumor. I have kept busy not getting involved by working on my 25 acres. My daughter is yet another example. Jackie was in her 30’s, divorced and a single mom of a daughter that just turned...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 21 Wednesday Melanie

I looked down at Sylvia, next to me. She was wearing one of those peasant blouses that lets you show a lot of shoulder and chest. "Do they always card you?" I asked. "Only the ones who don't know me. I've gotten in the habit of just handing them my license before they ask. They can't help that I look like a kid." Ned sat next to her, peered discreetly into her cleavage. He said, "Sylvia, nobody in his right mind would confuse you with a teenager. You just don't look the...

4 years ago
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TG Author Protection

TG AUTHOR PROTECTION SERVICE By Mel Huntington The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] After slipping my keys and wallet back into my pockets, I checked my watch as I slipped it back onto my wrist. 7:58 AM. I turned away from the security checkpoint and walked with several others toward a long line that ran against the south-side wall of the building. When I got there, the man in front of me made eye contact, and he spoke. "I swear, the worst thing you can...

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A Published Author

A Published Author By Katharine Sexkitten I grabbed whatever was in my mail slot, on my way through the lobby of the only apartment building in town that I could actually afford. It was a dump. And the truth of the matter was that some months I couldn't afford it at all, and my parents would send me a cheque for a few hundred dollars. My retired parents. Whatever they could spare. I was hoping like mad that there was an envelope in the pile from them. There wasn't. Instead,...

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Porn Author Becomes a Cock Sucker for His Brazilian Neighbor

I have been posting stories on the Lush Stories website since February 2010. I was trying to help relieve the stress of a sexless marriage, and I have found it to be very arousing to write about my sexual fantasies, and to explore the psychological and physiological motivations that we have as humans. Some of my stories are based at least in part on real events, but most are figments of my imagination.My name is Ed, and my interest in porn was awakened in my early-fifties, a few years after my...

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Dumb Little Author Girly

I'm a very good writer. Really I am. I can make anyone wet or hard. All my fans say so. You should see the emails I get. "Love your work!", "Your the best!", "I came FOUR times!!!". Those are real. I didn't make them up. I can write erotica with the best of them, and my fans say so. Actually, that's not true. I'm not very good at writing romance. Nope! Not at all. Suck actually. Should have said BDSM. Yes, that's what I write well. Just like my fans say I do. You know what BDSM...

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emma is punished

She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the boys. She had shared a few drunken kisses on nights out, but that was as far as it went. Any wandering hands were quickly stopped. One unfortunate night, Emma had bumped into Sarah’s boyfriend, who noticed that she was drunk and tried to take advantage. He was very...

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Emma is punished

Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the...

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Amelia Gets Punished

She came strutting by with several other girls, talking loudly. Her shirt was unbuttoned more than it ought to be and her tie hung loose, against the dress code. I’d reminded her multiple times about it and she continued to defy the rules. Perhaps it was time to teach the girl a lesson. “Amelia, detention in my office after school, you’re in violation of the dress code yet again.” She seemed startled, but murmured a soft, “Yes sir.” I wasn’t usually one for punishments but there was something...

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Incestuous Harem 16 Big Sis is Punished

Chapter Sixteen: Big Sis is Punished By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I followed Clint out of the Dairy Queen in absolute shock. What was going on? Our older sister, Zoey, claimed to be working at this Dairy Queen for weeks with her best friend, and lover, Stefani. She was supposed to be working right now. After our hot orgy with Pam's mom—and the even hotter revelation that Ms. Hiragawa was one of Dad's lovers and that Pam...

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