Melanie Ch. 01 free porn video

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Author’s note: You know who you are, my muse, my sweet editor. This story is complete fiction.


He relaxed as the Eurostar glided through the rolling countryside of northern France. It was cool in the train, but outside the sun beat down relentlessly on wheatfields and orchards.

He was too excited to focus on anything, and a bit tired. He could never normally get enough kip on the overnight sleeper from Glasgow to London, and on this occasion the excitement of the trip had kept him awake half the night. Only six months after the publication of his first novel, he had been invited to read at a prestigious literary festival in Paris’s Citée Universitaire.

He must have finally dozed in the comfort of the crack express, was only jolted back to reality by the bustle of other passengers, as the train rattled over the junctions that heralded arrival at Gare du Nord.

Fifteen minutes later he was on the Metro for the cross-city ride to his destination. As ever in a Paris summer, it was crowded and hot. He listened to the chatter of his fellow-passengers as they hung on the straps around him, breathed mingled scents and sweat. It was three years since he had last been in France, a camping holiday in Bretagne with his son. He knew his French was rusty as he struggled to follow fragmented conversations.

Finally the train squealed to a halt, and he followed the crowd of students up under the elaborate art-nouveau iron gate of the station, and onto the blistering heat of the boulevard. Hot though it was outside, it was a relief after the sweaty ride in the Metro, and there was breeze enough to cool him as he stood trying to get his bearings.

He realised he’d have to consult the map and directions the organisers had sent him, and settled for a beer in a pavement café, careful to choose a seat shaded by one of the plane-trees which fringed the street. He had of course forgotten his sun-cream.

Christ, he loved this city. He had first visited Paris over forty years before, as a schoolboy of seventeen, and had fallen in love with it then. The affection had never died: he still felt the same excitement as on his first visit, just being in the place. He sipped beer contentedly, then realised it was early afternoon, and he hadn’t eaten since a hasty breakfast at London Euston, after he’d got off the sleeper. Ordered a couple of hot filled croissants and another beer. Sat for a while eating, just absorbing the sights and sounds and scents around him. Paris even smelled wonderful, he thought, then smiled at his own silly romanticism.

It was after three by the time he checked into the festival and found his room. It was a bit basic, just student accommodation. The festival had given him the option of a nearby hotel, but that would have cost money. The student room came with the invitation, and he was content with it. The small balcony faced east and he stood for awhile there, letting the breeze cool him in the welcome shade, before he turned to unpack.


By seven he was rested, showered, dressed, and ready for dinner. He’d brought his highland dress, as there were two black-tie dinners, and he didn’t possess any other formal wear. Tonight was the opening dinner of the festival, and he wandered through the campus buildings – mostly unremarkable sixties architecture, same as many campuses round the world. He had always wondered what had hit architects in the sixties – mass system-building might be functional, but it was rarely good-looking.

He took a glass of Moet as he entered the reception and stood at the side of the room, looking and listening. He really wasn’t good at the stiff-lipped nonsense of such events, and didn’t expect to meet anyone he knew. He wasn’t comfortable at meeting and greeting in a strange setting, and here there was no reason to do so. So he stood on the edge, L’Etranger, and conducted a wee informal anthropology of the event, speculating about who was there.

The only person he recognised was Margaret Atwood, though of course he’d never met her. She was the star of the show, and he’d followed her writing with relish for thirty years, since he had first discovered her. Her distinctive face was surrounded by a flock of hangers-on and admirers, and he wondered how someone as brilliant – and sensitive – could put up with it. He smiled: at least that would never be his problem!

A ponderous announcement boomed over the speakers, and the congregation started drifting to the dining-room. There must have been two hundred people crowded round the placing-maps, and it took him a while to find his own table, and make his way to it.

There were a dozen seats at the round table, and he was the last to find his place. He was beside a stately Malian woman, who turned out to be an author well-known in the Francophone world. After greeting Sandy politely, she returned to conversation with the man on her other side.

On his right was a French poet, a younger man, maybe early thirties. He was very pleasant, and spoke poor English, so their conversation was in French. They chatted through the first course, but it became clear that the poet was gay. No problem with that, but it was obvious that he was more interested in making a play for Sandy, than chatting about literature, or anything else. Their conversation withered as the poet turned his attention elsewhere.

Sandy focused on his food: standard mass-production conference stuff. And sipped the very potable Merlot as he glanced around the table attentively. He had noticed a very attractive woman opposite him when he sat down. She was engaged in lively conversation with her neighbour, in what sounded like Russian. She was striking-looking and quite dark, maybe middle-eastern. He speculated, as she was speaking Russian smoothly, that she was perhaps Armenian.

She glanced across the table and caught his eye as it examined her shamelessly. His instinct was to look away, disconcerted at being caught studying her, but she held his gaze and smiled. Politely, but with maybe a hint of warmth. Sandy smiled back, embarrassed, and raised his glass to her. She laughed, followed suit.

– Hi, she said across the space. I’m Melanie.

– Hello Melanie. I’m Sandy, from Scotland.

– I’d never have worked that out. I’m Australian, but excuse me for now, I don’t want to be rude to Igor here. She smiled again and returned to her conversation.

He ate and sipped wine alone in silence for a while, but his eyes were constantly drawn back to Melanie. There was something about her that excited him. Though he had had no thought of any sexual adventures on his visit to the festival – he was too preoccupied with his reading, knew that his appearance here could be important to his stumbling new literary career – he couldn’t help speculating about her. Felt the first flutterings of a possible chemistry.

As the sweets were cleared and the port and cognac placed on the table, the formal seating arrangement started to fragment. The Russian guy moved away, and Melanie was alone, looking pensive. Sandy moved round the table:

– Hello again lass. Mind if I sit beside you?

She started slightly from her thoughts, then smiled. More than just politely, he allowed himself to think.

– Please do Sandy. Sorry, my head was miles away. She leaned towards him and he caught a whiff of her light scent. Not overstated, just the hint of a fragrance.

– I’m so glad Igor has moved, she murmured. He was a bit boring I’m afraid, full of self-importance. He hardly asked me a question. I just can’t be bothered with men like that. And unfortunately, I seem to be one of the few Russian-speakers around, so I was kind of trapped. But you have my full attention now.

She smiled a bit shyly.

– Mm. I do hope I’m a bit less self-absorbed, Sandy said. So what brings you here over all the continents?

– I’m really not sure. I published a slim volume of poems las
t year, and someone here must have liked them. Imagine the University of Paris flying me all this way to read some poems? I’m so flattered! And especially as, till this morning, I’d never set foot in Europe. What about you Sandy, what brings you here? You sure brighten up the place, amongst all these suits!

She smiled warmly now, but he knew it was from the pleasure of being here. His eyes ran over the shot-silk dress she wore, shimmering slightly over a slim well cared-for body. Her appearance, her slender allure, the discreet fragrance…and a poet? He was taken with her. Very taken. He smiled warmly into her deep brown eyes.

– Much the same as you. My first novel was published a few months ago, and some time after, to my amazement, I received an invitation to this festival. I could barely believe it, but it seems to be true. I’m here! Keep pinching myself! And I’m glad you like my dress. I can’t bear penguin-suits, don’t own one. Fortunately Scots have an acceptable alternative.

He remembered himself, asked her if she would prefer cognac or port? She nodded towards the cognac, and he poured two balloons. Not too much. Normal measures. She smiled.

– I appreciate that, thank you. That boor’s been trying to get me pissed all night, no doubt with the thought that he’d get inside my knickers. Her face screwed up in disgust: Stupid man.

They clinked glasses companionably. Already he was beginning to find himself at ease with her.

– So tell me about yourself…..they said it almost simultaneously, and burst out giggling.

– SNAP! Right together. They were laughing now, and he noticed her serious-looking face had lovely crinkles at the corners of the eyes. She wiped tears from her face and said: I would never normally think of saying such a thing Sandy, but maybe we’ll get on together? That was too funny!

Quite relaxed now, they settled back to tell each other something of themselves. It was Melanie who leaned over the table to recharge their glasses with cognac. And he noted she poured more than he had. They continued chatting, easy as though they were old friends. It turned out they shared many interests from their very different lives: left politics, environmental concerns, mountaineering, literature. As she spoke he felt himself drawn into the liquid pools of her brown eyes. And to his pleasant surprise, she seemed to be warming as comfortably to him, as he was to her. He was always amazed when he felt an attractive woman drawn to him.

Presently they were amongst the few folk left at the dining tables. There was a formal dance in an adjoining space, sounds of palm-court drifting through the rapidly-emptying room. He glanced at his watch: only nine-thirty. He wasn’t interested in the dance, but would make a brave face of it if it was to Melanie’s taste. He nodded towards the sounds, eyebrow cocked in question? Was relieved when she screwed up her face. He laughed, partly in relief, partly at the wonder of her expression.

– So, lassie, if you don’t want to dance – and I’m quite relieved you don’t – what would you like to do with the rest of this balmy Paris evening? Want to explore a wee bit?

Her eyes lit up.

– I got some sleep this afternoon, so I’m recovering from nearly twenty hours in the air. Yes, I’d love to explore. D’you know this place?

He explained that he’d been to school in Paris one summer as a teenager, lived with a French family. So yes, he still knew his way round, specially this area, the Rive Gauche. He suggested they take a wander down Boul’Mich into Cinquieme, the heart of the old university and cultural quarter.


They got the Metro the couple of stops to Avenue du Montparnasse, walked, chatting comfortably, down the nineteenth-century splendour of Rue Henri Barbusse. Passing Luxembourg, it became Boulevard Saint-Michel. Melanie slipped her arm through his. Whispered: Aren’t I lucky to have found myself a handsome guide for my stay in Paris? And in a kilt too!

He blushed. He knew what she said was in fun, but he was immensely proud to be walking in the Paris evening with this beautiful and intriguing woman on his arm. He slowed and faced her, smiling:

– Just be careful with your flattery, my young Australian friend. You might be encouraging me to have the wrong ideas about you!

She convulsed in giggles for a moment: Well, that’s the first time in a very long while that anyone’s called me young! And as to the wrong ideas? I have just no idea what you’re talking about. You must have very strange customs in your savage land, sir. She giggled again, then recovered: But maybe I’d better watch my sharp tongue! I certainly don’t want to be left alone in Paris because I’ve offended my guide!

– You are in no danger of that happening, madame. I may come from a savage land, but I am a gentle man. I’ve said I’ll be your guide, so your guide I will be. Notwithstanding your coarse Antipodean insults.

And to his own surprise, he leaned his head to her and kissed her on the lips. Felt her beginning to respond, and withdrew, smiling. But his hand sought hers as he turned to continue down Boul’Mich. And her fingers twined round his firmly. He was beginning to feel like a nervous teenager on his first date.

After some minutes of walk and banter he led her right, off the Boulevard.

– La Sorbonne, he said, then le Panthéon. And if you’re a very good girl, I’ll show you the grim Lycée I attended as a teenager?

– I’d love that Sandy. But I’m getting tired. Maybe we can stop for a coffee for a bit? Just take it all in?

Over coffee he spoke of the privilege of his teenage explorations of the city, skipping classes at the Lycée to wander. Sometimes with a Scots school-friend, as often alone. Melanie was smiling warmly into his eyes now and he knew he was being appraised. Fair enough. He was certainly appraising her…and everything he learned attracted him further to her. Her left hand lay on the table and he touched her wedding ring with his ring-finger. His was empty, but the shiny white skin on his tanned finger spoke of recent occupation. He raised his brow as he looked up into her eyes.

– Tell me? he asked.

She met his eyes firmly: About my marriage, my family? Her brow cocked now: Precisely what business is that of yours? But there was a smile behind the mock-severity.

And she spoke briefly of her husband, her three young children. Her tone was caring, loving. He knew she was no adventuress, and was somehow glad. Then she tapped the pale circle on his finger.

– Now you must tell me? His eyes were drawn into her deep brown pools as she gazed into him, an ambivalent smile twitching at the corners of her mouth. He briefly considered editing things out. Briefly. He knew she had to have the truth.

He stumbled a little: I’ve had three significant relationships in my life. Two have given me my three children. Whom I love unreservedly. They are the success stories of my life. I haven’t been so good with my partners. I separated from the last one a few months ago. I don’t really want to go into that now, still a bit raw. He knew she sensed his pain as her pools drew him into her again.

– Thank you, she whispered: I know you’re an honest man Sandy. Now, maybe you should continue my tour of Çinquième, my sweet guide?

He blushed at her slight endearment as he rose and drew her up. Her lips were slightly parted and he kissed her again, but this time he lingered as she responded. Felt her warmth as her tongue sought his and they embraced now, gently but with slow passion. They pulled apart at the same time, both surprised at the kiss, each of them breathing heavily.

– I’m sorry, he muttered: I shouldn’t have….

– Don’t be silly Sandy. She rose and kissed his ear: I’m not sorry at all.

– You’re right. I’m not really sorry. Melanie, I feel like a silly kid, falling in love. Now, on with the tour.

In the deepening warm even
ing he led her to the severe eighteenth-century façade of Lycée Henri Quatre.

– I can assure you it’s as bleak inside as out. I couldn’t believe the immaturity of most of my French peers, or the boring Victorian conduct of the lessons. Even my school in Edinburgh was better. And this was supposed to be one of the most distinguished Lycées in the country! Still is, I suppose. Anyway, I was bored out of my skull, and dodged as many lessons as I attended. Spent much of my time here exploring the city. I think I got a better educational experience that way.

She smiled at him impishly: I don’t suppose there were any girls at the school?

– No chance! This was in de Gaulle’s patrician France.

– Mmm…so this poor schoolboy didn’t meet any nice French girls? Or…any other sort of French girls? Her smile was wicked.

– Lady, I am not at all sure that is any of your business. But yes, as it happens, I did. The mother of the family with whom I stayed positively encouraged me to date her niece. Annie was sweet, and definitely in the category of ‘nice’.

Melanie’s brows lifted, but he said no more, and she left it. But she knew there was a story there. She couldn’t help herself: knew now that she was strongly attracted to this rather restrained Scot. Wanted to know more about him.

They wandered on through backstreets and narrow lanes, till they emerged onto what looked like a tree-lined circular park, overlooked by stately tenements.

– Les Arènes de Lutece, he announced. My Paris home was over there – pointing to one of the tenements. This was the arena of Roman Paris, so the stonework you see – they were walking through the park now – is the remains of a structure two millennia old. Give or take. Today it’s a park for kids and ‘boules’ players.

Her eyes were taking it all in as she reflected on what a pleasant surprise this was for her first evening in Europe. Sandy glanced at his watch and looked at her.

– It’s getting late now Melanie, after eleven-thirty, and I know you must be tired. Maybe we should be heading back soon? We can get the Metro nearby.

She paused and considered. They were in the shadow of the great trees around the park and he lifted her chin so there was a glimmer of light on her face. He remembered her reaction to his previous kiss as he gazed in her eyes. Lowered his mouth to hers.

Her mouth opened against his and he drew her slender form into his arms as their kiss deepened. His fingers moved of their own accord to stroke her silkily-sheathed bottom, and she breathed softly as his kiss moved to her face, into the corner of her jaw, under her ear. When he licked her ear she shuddered and pushed him away slightly.

– No Sandy, you’re making me too excited. Please, you know I like you?

They were both trembling as they drew apart. He sensed that something profound had been touched, and from the quivering uncertainty in her eyes, he knew she shared it.

– Maybe we’d better head back? he murmured. I think we both need a good night’s rest. We’re both reading tomorrow: we need to be at our very best.

She nodded wordlessly and lifting her face, offered him her parted lips. They kissed softly, briefly, this time. But he sensed that her offer presaged something deeper than a kiss.


They held hands like lovers as they walked the block or two to the Metro, and sat tightly together as the train rattled them under the streets of Paris. They were both staying in the same block of residences and he hesitated to speak as the lift took them up a few floors.

– What? she whispered.

– Please don’t misunderstand me, he said quietly. But I have a very fine bottle of malt in my room if you would like a wee nightcap? Um, this is my floor now.

She paused for a second as the door slid open, then followed him out.

– Thank you Sandy. I would love to sample your whisky.

– I’m so glad, as he opened his door. Welcome to my stateroom madame. He moved to the desk and withdrew whisky and glasses from a shelf, then sat on the hard chair. Melanie paused, sat on the one easy chair. As he passed her the whisky he noticed her legs for the first time: shapely but definitely muscled. No stockings. He raised his glass to her.

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Thomas and Austin headed over to the small draped off area next to the stage. When they got there, they found that there were already a lot of guys waiting there, in different stages of undress. Some of the guys were naked, their penises hanging out. Most of the guys were caucasian, though a few were of Asian and Hispanic heritage.“You two should get undressed, we’re about to start.” A well-dressed woman came up to the enclosed area, as Austin and Thomas looked a bit awkwardly at each other and...

1 year ago
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A Warrioress Best Friend

‘No, it’s not made of saronite…’ the teal-haired night elf warrioress tactfully pronounced. ‘ ‘En eye ‘on’t kno’ wat ya want, missy.’ Soft-spoken and ever patient, D’Dea had been trying to get this dwarf weaponsmith to understand her request for a good fifteen minutes. She was increasingly of the impression he already knew he didn’t know how to smith the sword she was seeking, and was merely taking some twisted pleasure in wasting her time. ‘A…felsteel longblade…’ Carefully, slowly,...

1 year ago
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Maria and Guadalupe Stay VirginsChapter 4Final

Maria and Guadalupe Stay Virgins Chapter 4--Final Despite the nice playful shower we all enjoyed after yesterday’s threesome, I could sense that Lupe was not entirely happy with Maria. Maria had held her down and licked her pussy while I had rammed my cock deep into her rectum. And Maria had done it gleefully, despite Lupe’s embarrassment and anger. Even though Lupe eventually erupted into a huge orgasm, she did not like the feeling of being trapped and humiliated, especially by her cousin. So...

2 years ago
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Punishment for the naked fort adventure

As soon as we were back from our trip there was an e-mail from Cherry saying that she's ready to punish me. I still felt bad for the stupid and dangerous idea and had to endure the punishment so I went to prepare myself. I first gave myself three enemas for real deep cleaning as Cherry requested and made sure my pussy is perfectly shaved. She said clothes will wait for me at her place.When I arrived there and entered she sent me to her room to prepare and then wait for her. On her bed I found a...

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Girls Shower

The girls shuffled into the locker room after what had been a brutal hour of gym class. For some unknown reason old lady Stiller had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed and taken it out on her third period group of senior girls. “Judas priest,” Matti sighed while slumping down on the bench in front of her locker, “what the fuck was that all about!?!” “I dunno,” Ricki replied while peeling off her dripping wet shorts and tee shirt, “I don’t know if I can make it to my next class!” Everyone in...

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A journey of discovery

Colin and I travelled home together most days. We went by a bus for about eight miles then got off to catch a train that took us a couple of stops to our local station. Waiting for the train was usually just spent messing around. One day when we were waiting at the platform a man wandered up, big build, stubbly beard, had on a black leather jacket I thought looked pretty cool. He asked to speak to my mate so they moved up the platform a bit before chatting quietly.After a few minutes, he walked...

2 years ago
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A Plan Gone Unexpectedly Right

Mr. West or Bruce as he had told me to call him is married to a beautiful woman named Eleanor who must be at least ten years younger than him with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a killer figure. She has the stereotypical hourglass figure and tits that look to be D cups or larger and is very obviously a trophy wife, a beautiful young woman married to a rich, powerful man. They have the one son together and that son is the one I have to babysit every day of the week when he gets out of school...

3 years ago
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InseparablePart II

~Three Years Later~ "Are you sure Angie?" Lucy asked with wide eyes. We were in my bathroom and I held on to a pregnancy test. The instructions said one line means negative and two lines are positive. I blinked and stared at the two lines. This was the fourth test too that had the same results. "Yeah," I choked and let Lucy see the test. "Oh shit..." Was all she could say. I let myself fall onto the floor and sat pressing my back against the sink cabinet. Lucy sat down next to me...

3 years ago
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Impossible Desires

After I was done sulking over forgetting all my homework and food, I decided to take a look around to see exactly who I was sitting near. Normally I sit in the front of the bus where it was pretty much just freshmen and sophomores, they usually didn't say anything to me which was okay because I'm a shy person myself. I usually just sat in my seat with my eyes closed trying to to listen in on the latest gossip, mostly because I didn't know most of the people they were talking about. I only...

4 years ago
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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 4

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 4 ..what a day I loved the tennis, Bradley was a pretty cool guy, but crikey what was happening! I only had something like 4 weeks left now so I was determined not to buckle under this, for my Mum and sisters sake. The next two weeks were quiet, I lounged around the house that suited me counting down the days. David continued to do our breakfast but work late. Mum pottered about. Jasmine continued meeting Thomas and kept coming back to say that Bradley had asked...

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Fuck Buddies

I was making a new start after breaking up with my boyfriend. I didn't mind that I had to work midnight's as I knew that all the newbies started there. Besides, moving into a new duplex was easier with my days. I was setting up my patio furniture when my new neighborEmily and her little two year old Emma appeared to ask if I need any help. Emily was wearing a white string bikini that highlighted her golden tan and displayed a perfect body that any girl would envy. Cute little Emma was wearing...

3 years ago
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wife knocked up for 3rd time by ex boyfriend

Vegas seems to be my wifes weakness. My wfe and her best friend were there in November celebrating their 40th birthdays. At the time they left, I was not aware that it had been arranged by my wifes friend for her ex from highschool, who now lives in Dallas to meet them there to help her celebrate in style. She was not told he would be there this time, so it was a total surprise, when they were lounging by the pool and who should swim up and climb out of the pool, but Darcy, her well hung ex...

4 years ago
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Steamy Massage

(This is a story for the female readers on this beautiful site.) It is a cloudy day, early in the afternoon after a stressful day at work and you scheduled a ‘full body massage special’ at a small massage parlour across town. You are barely through the door, when your name is already called by the smiling assistant on the front desk as you are guided to a small bright white room with incense already burning. It is warm, just the right temperature. As the woman, who guided you in takes a...

4 years ago
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Maid for a Surprise 1

Maid for a surprise Part 1 By Amanda Walker I nervously adjusted the hem of the maid's uniform, I could feel the tightness of the bra on my chest and tights on my legs as I stood outside my mother's bedroom door. 'Is this such a good idea?' I thought. How did I get here? It had seemed like a good laugh. Mum would often jokingly ask if the maid was free to bring her breakfast on a Saturday morning and I would reply that she'd been given the day off. It was just one of those...

3 years ago
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Andere Me Chud Gayi Maami

Hi friends mera name Rahul hai aur me apni pahli aur real story iss par likh raha hu mene iss ka regular reader hu mene kafi storys read ki hai jisme se kuch muje fake lagi aur kuch muje bhot pasand aayi ab me story pe ata hu jo ki story nahi mere sath hui ek real ghatna hai jese ki mene bataya mera name rahul verma hai age 21 year hai. aur me Ahmedabad (Gujarat) me rahta hu aur yaihi pe MBA kar raha hu me kafi ache Family se belong karta hu aur study me kafi acha bi hu lekin is age me sabko...

2 years ago
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A Mothers MistakesChapter 14

Sometime later the two of them were sitting outside on the deck enjoying the warm spring air. Chris had finally told her that he was in danger of failing a class. "I don't have to tell you how disappointed I am Chris." "No," he answered. "I blame myself for this. I have been too preoccupied with what we have been doing to pay attention to your school work." Chris knew that was coming. "It doesn't have anything to do with that," he lied. "Of course it does. The question is what...

4 years ago
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A Casino Vacation a must read for all women

We meet mid afternoon in the lobby of the casino hotel and share a passionate embrace since it has been a couple of months since our last visit. After we’ve had a little time to talk and get your things to our room we head out to share a lunch and talk about the trip, much like our past migrations. We spend a couple of hours just catching up and reminiscing about our time together over the years... On and off, off and on. At this point the server is beggining to get disgusted since we...

1 year ago
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The Audition 4

The Audition 4 Pussy 101 When Jackie came onto the set wearing nothing but a pair of sandals and a strap on I knew what I had to do for my next scene. It was get on my hands and knees and take it like the fucking girlie man whore that I was. The stick on the strap-on was even longer than the sex toy I had. That was the one big cock Sheila showed me how to use back in Boston. S/he showed me how to shove it up hir own ass then s/he rammed me with hir own long lady stick. Plan B it seems was...

4 years ago
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Teresa and I had been invited to my friends evening wedding reception. I had been looking forward to this night for some time and we’d even come home from holiday earlier in order to go. It was a chance to see some old mates I’d not seen for a couple of years since Sturmey shut it’s gates for the last time. A chance to see how people had changed and adapted to “life after Sturmey”. It was the people that made that place, and you never know what you’ve got ‘till its gone.Babysitter, my mum had...

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MomPOV Alejandra Thick busty petite Latina MILF E425

– 35 years old mother of 4 – Petite and busty, only 5 feet tall – Is divorced, he couldn’t keep up with her sexually – She is a feisty latin woman mixed Mexican and Spanish – Adrenaline junky, loves skydiving and wants to do it naked – Has no filter when talking about her sex life – Is very sexual, basically masturbates all day – Likes anal sex, has experience doing double penetration – Fantasy: to be fucked by 3 guys using all of her holes – Just wants to be pounded, all day, perfect chick for...

3 years ago
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Kellys dirty panties

Day 1 - monday My parents have spent the last few months planning to get our kitchen done up and I knew the work was supposed to be getting started today. As I arrived home from another boring day at school I heard the loud clatter of builders knocking out our kitchen units and just generally being loud and messy so I decided to go straight to my bedroom and get my homework done for tomorrow. Every now and then I heard one of the builders coming up the stairs to use the bathroom which was...

4 years ago
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Erotic SnippetsBefore the Party

‘Quickly, Sam,’ Lisa whimpered. ‘If we’re going to do it, it has to be quick, before any of our guests get here.’ She was pressed up against the living room wall, her face forced against the smooth, cool paleness of it. A waterfall of orange curls, only slightly streaked with white, mostly covered her eyes and downturned face, but her eyes were closed as she lost herself to sinfully delectable sensation. Lisa shivered to feel her teenage son, already so much bigger than her, run his hand up...

2 years ago
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Martha Takes the CaseChapter 7

Martha was sweating profusely from the strenuous workout. The two instructors were demonstrating to the other students how to assault from the rear without getting into a disastrous countermove that would reverse the situation. She was playing the role of the victim as usual because she looked so innocent and unaware of her surroundings. The instructors were new replacements for the police academy but were "moonlighting" at the martial arts dojo with Martha's recommendation to the master....

2 years ago
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Meeting Hannah Again

Meeting Hannah Again Sisyphus I hadn’t seen or heard from Hannah since the last time I was in New York to do a poetry reading at the public library. That was two years ago and now I was back to do a reading at Barnes and Noble from my recently published book, Morning Songs. Hannah had been careful not to tell me where she lived or give me any information about her, so I had no way to let her know. Still I fantasized that we would meet again. I hoped she would have seen the posters advertising...

3 years ago
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Sex Du JourChapter 25

Whilst in Stian's office... It is dim and gloomy; all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert ... my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central Hospital. I feel like I am all alone in the whole world; all alone ... with no one to stand by my side and alleviate and assist me out...

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Cumming Home

It had never been my intention to move back home after I had moved out and gotten a place of my own. But times were hard at the moment, for everyone. Having only graduated from high school the year before, I had managed to land a fairly decent job in construction. The problem with that was, when money for jobs dried up, there were layoffs. And I was amongst the first to be let go. Unable to afford the rent, I had no choice but to ask my folks if I could come back home to live until I could find...

4 years ago
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The future

I am sixteen (about 6 ft 160 pounds) and i live with my stepmother (who was about 5'8 120 about a 34b cup size) in the house my father built up into the mountains. My real mom died when i was born, and my dad died last year. He married when i turned 14. Me and my father were close, he was my best friend. I think i blamed Jill for his death. She made him go out and get her wine. He was shoot as, the liquor store was robbed. i was devastated at the funeral. When Jill tried to hug me, I...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 17

Grace Black calmed Vera down by telling her that she could call her anytime. The shelter manager wasn't the brightest bulb in the lighting store, but she was tenacious, gnawed on a problem like a dog with a bone until she solved it, and after moving through a problem, if the same problem happened again, or one similar to it, Vera fixed it using what she'd learned. What Vera couldn't do is fix a problem the first time it surfaced, not without help, and Grace had been her security blanket...

3 years ago
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My Perfection

I have previously posted several stories on Literotica under another pen name. For a year I have stopped writing and now feel the need to put some more words on paper, so to speak. Previously I explored certain fetishes and more ‘edgy’ topics that felt tantalizing and compelling at the time. This story, however, is less risqué, but is one of far more honestly than what I have written before. I hope you enjoy it, and always welcome critique and constructive criticism. While based on actual,...

1 year ago
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The Maid

I led a very busy and active work life and found it very difficult to keep up with the daily chores around my apartment. So I decided to hire someone to come in and clean for a couple of hours a day. I did the usual phonebook walk, looking for potential candidates. I even checked out the Internet, found a promising company and arranged for them to come over for an interview that evening. There was a knock on the door. “Just a minute!” I yelled from the kitchen, as the kettle just finished...

2 years ago
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Adult Education 1

"You could say that," I replied to a gentle chuckle from Amy. She got my shorts off, stood, and looked me up and down. She slowly closed the distance between us."You look as good as I imagined," she whispered, sliding into my arms. "And I've been imagining this for a long time."I groaned as she pressed her nipples into my chest. We molded our bodies together as we kissed, my tented boxers pressed deeply into her junction.Amy reluctantly pulled back, sucking my lip before separating. "I could do...

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My Mom the StripperChapter 2

“I-I don’t know Will, that’s...” “Mom, I love you, you’re beautiful ... That’s it! ‘Beautiful!’ That can be your main theme music. Just a second?” I went and got my IPod and started the song, and Mom got up, moving to the music – it was fantastic as she was rubbing herself all over her body to this. She was shaking her butt, and dancing well, and at the point the music was Christina trilling, she tore open her robe, showing me her entire naked body, F-Cups and all. I stood up as she teased...

2 years ago
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Finding LisaChapter 2

Mum's reaction I didn't know whether mum was in or out. I didn't care. I was sobbing like a little girl, looked like a little girl and wasn't sure I wasn't really supposed to be a little girl. I had apparently been tricked and by someone with whom trickery of this nature should not have been an issue. Perhaps I was being overly sensitive to all this, but all I knew right now was that I wouldn't piss in Mandy's ear if her brain were on fire. In the heat of the moment, there were one...

3 years ago
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Married Life Pt 2

Married Life Pt. 2 By Heather Anne Peel John and I awoke later that morning. I asked him how he was going to take care of the Martin issue. "Since we are off today, I have some ideas on that, Heather. I will let you know what they are, once I am more clear," John said. He kissed me and went to take a shower. I laid in bed, and fell back asleep, worrying about what those ideas might be. After I took a shower and got dressed in my jeans, a cream silk blouse, a pair of suede moccasins,...

2 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 15 Arrivals

CSS Vasco da Gama popped out of hyperspace in Thuleat two days after delivering her cargo to Hesperus. Aboard, she held concubine Belinda Keeler and her offspring. As senior, and so far only, Civil Service officer on Thule, Samantha Redburn met the passengers as they disembarked at the Primary Transport Nexus Room at Base Scott. The concubines of Clarke's Science Division, at least those not still aboard the research vessel, flanked the pregnant fourteen-year-old, all anxious to greet and...

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Dont Use Moms Panties 7

My mind flashed back to long ago. I was doing the same thing when I found my Mom's panties under my brother's bed. That had led to a lot of sexual action with my brother, but you already know about that. That was with my brother, and this is my son! I couldn't believe it. Sure he's eighteen and a senior in high school, but he has a girlfriend! They've been together for two years and she's gorgeous. I've assumed that he was getting his needs taken care of. Is it possible that men...

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