Arlene and JeffChapter 85
- 3 years ago
- 25
- 0
From all around, I got strong feelings of incredulity. At the computer room door I went in alone. I could see Hans clearly and took a step towards him. I remembered not too long ago taking this crystal and getting Mom to program it with some of my attributes and place it here in this same place.
Since one place was a good as another, I looked into the multi-dimensional space around us and parted some of the dimensions with my mind. With the opening a few metres square, I strode in and looked for Mom along the long corridor. There had been many small hints that I was able to decipher as I went along and found Mom the first time. While Mom was beginning to work on Hans, I ordered some substrate. I soon began to make a much more powerful and roomy home for Hans. He would have to work on this himself because all the other major AIs in the system were working hard at getting the other ships ready. The crystals were ready and on Earth. It was now just a matter of Mom transporting them through the dimensional passage and Hans placing them in position. The crystal where Hans now resided could safely be moved by the computer alone but the ship would not be as fully functional as it normally would be during this process.
While in the passage, I thought of my mind and how some small crystals had been used as a sort of phased array, to allow me to hear the Kadork mindspeech. Perhaps the same thing could be used with the predictor crystal. Mom passed me a crystal and I started to clean it then put in the correct structure. I was surprised to find that it was much easier here in the multi-dimensional environment than it was on the moon or even travelling in the higher reaches, with Harriet. I passed this information onto Mom so she could work on it too when she had some spare time.
Mom now passed me some of the temporal crystals that the shield and the small missile used. As I expected, the work was much easier and it only took a bit more than two seconds to do one. As an experiment, I stayed and worked for an hour. In that time I was up to just a bit more than a second each. This was quite an improvement over what I was capable of before. It appeared that this environment naturally helped the crystals align better and small alterations would fall into predetermined steps.
I did a few more main processors and found them to be only a fraction of the time that it took before. "Mom, try to do some crystals in this passage too. It may be much better than in the labs."
"I have, Henry. It is much easier. The linkages seem to snap into place easier as if there are only so many possible positions for the crystals to align to."
"I found that too. Something along the lines of Planck's Constant, I think."
"Perhaps we can have a Buchanan's Constant, now."
Just before leaving I tried to reason out what would be time among the dimensions. As an experiment I tried to take a long step as far back as I could. When I came out, I interfaced with Hans and saw that this experiment had not worked.
Paul had stayed outside with some of his officers. The reasoning in Paul's mind seemed to be setting up a pecking order even if he was not crude enough to think that particular thought. With me the Emperor, then he had a place in my military and thereby had authority over his officers and men. As long as everyone knew their place, there would be no arguing. Apparently Paul was still apprehensive about his young age and very high position.
Paul and our entourage walked through the ship that took so many lives to take. I finally asked about the light destroyer that was the first ship taken. "Oh, the 'Uncle Henry'. Its crew acted very bravely during the battle. They took a bit of a beating when the Samutz attacked but they had no deaths luckily. There were a few close calls when the screen was actually breached. Would you like me to call the ship in?"
"No, that's ok. I just wanted to know about it. How did it acquire that name?"
Paul turned very red and I thought he would rather be fighting a Samutz bare handed now than talking to me. In a moment he recovered and I could see fear in him and in the officers around us. "Captain Shingle and I thought the name appropriate since you and Dad took it."
I just slapped him on the shoulder and said, "That's fine. I would have picked a different name but that is me. The name can stay."
We finished the tour and I congratulated the officers on how well the ship was brought up to standards. This was when we, as a race, had just started our first steps into space. This seemed to be the right thing to say and the men and women stood even prouder.
As we came by the Captain's quarters, I ran into little Moesha as she raced out of the doorway. She gave a little 'eek' as I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "And what is a little girl like you doing running around the ship?"
"Hi, Daddy. I was going to the bridge to get Charlie to come here. Aunt Doris wants him for a few measurements." She spotted Paul and said, "She wants you too, Uncle Paul. She says that her old measurements are all wrong now."
Charlie had given his cabin over to the family and moved his things in with Paul. This was no hardship for there was lots of room for everybody and especially the officers.
Doris was putting a pretty dress onto Clarice. It was suitable for any princess I would ever meet. Michelle was dressed similarly but not the same. Kimberly was admiring herself in a viewer that moved to any prospective she wanted. A dress, hanging still in the air could only be for Moesha. An illustration in a book with the picture before me would make any little girl croon with pleasure at the thoughts of princesses. The only thing missing would be the small crown.
When Clarice was dressed, Doris turned to us and saw Paul. "Come here, Honey. I need to get a few measurements. You boys have grown and put more muscle on. You'll not make it through the doorways soon."
"Ah, Ma."
I left after a while. There was no problem in any of them getting a ride home. The rest of the family was up and about their duties. Ingrid was sitting in a chair with her eyes closed, learning about imperial protocol. Lam was feeding the first of her many children and I was glad to see that she had found some help in taking care of them. All the little mobile children were out with Duc and I knew he would have his hands full without Marcus' help. I sat close to Lam, picked up Hope and played with her a little. She looked so intelligent, as she looked into my eyes. With people like this, it was no wonder that the Tandra empire grew to the size and complexity it did.
Remembering home, Marcus provided me with a very plush blanket. I got Faith and Charity and placed them on the blanket with their sister. I got on the floor myself to play with each. I would tickle one and all three would twitch from the contact. I went to different places on different bodies till they were all gurgling happily. I liked to talk to children but these three were special, even if they couldn't speak yet. It would be as hard leaving them as it was their mother.
The children reminded me that only Nova, of the senior wives, was not carrying my baby. I pictured in my mind her gentle ways and quiet persuasion she used on the others to get them to work a bit harder. Since she was the oldest she had many decedents. I remember telling her once that I would gather her relatives for her so that she could meet them all.
My mind went to Earth. "Mom, would you search out all of Nova's relatives for me. She wanted to meet them but they were always on one side or another of a stasis pod."
"I have records of two. A great grand daughter is currently on the Nautilus training as Fire Control Officer. A grandson is young and in stasis. His mother died in the recent Samutz attack."
The particulars of each came to me and I could see that Vosta, the officer on the battleship was competent but would need a lot of training to become anything higher. Not all Tandra strove to reach for the impossible dream. They did try to be as competent as they could in their own speciality.
Humans seemed to be the opposite. Some worked hard to reach a higher position and almost always reached too high. They usually found themselves in a situation they could not handle properly. Most though, didn't try for anything beyond a mildly comfortable life that got them just enough rewards to afford their beer and cigarettes. Perhaps the Tandra could show these ones that they could do better and raise their level of achievement. Other higher achieving Humans would drive the empire further and further.
Vosta was probably happy just where she was. The young grandson was only two and a half and knew nothing of what had happened to the home he was born in. His mother's recent death would affect Nova. The records of the child's mother's actions in the Earth base rise to self-sufficiency and the circumstances around her heroic death might somehow give Nova some peace when she found out. Perhaps taking the child would in some way help both.
The garrisons I left with Nova would also need some assistance. Most but not all, had been sent data of our present circumstances before I came to Earth. With Uncle Jake and possibly the hull Mom was preparing, then the large fleet outside the system would not be needed. The Mordis infantry and Tandra techs could be spread out to beef up the existing garrisons and allow more troops to be placed on other important planets.
Mom and I took some time and word was sent out to some of the ships around our system giving them orders and what crewmembers to take. This would mobilize about two hundred ships and at least four million Tandra. Their casual training period was coming to a close and could now be employed. There had to be enough potential officers left to fill the twenty cruisers and provide some assistance for the new carrier. This group would all be integrated with the Tandra coming from Fenmar.
Mom had sent word to Epsilon Eridani to get some crystals shipped out of the system so I could pick them up without anybody becoming aware of the crystal's origins. Harriet had told me more about this particular system. The code fragments I sent her were finally decrypted after a lot of work and it appeared the Tandra had formed a double blind. Frieda had programming that required her to forget that the matter transmitter was just outside the system and that it was even used.
This signified that the crystals had been more than just important to the Tandra. I could not really see how they must have played such an important part in their technology. Many scenarios were postulated in my mind and it looked like the Tandra empire was as byzantine as what some Earth cultures were.
The current crystals we were altering would be in great demand. Even with the new discovery of changing them in their natural environment, the number produced would be pitifully small. Mom could make them faster now but what was needed was a computer that could make them very efficiently and in great numbers. Raw material might not be a problem if we could make use of the giant cache of imperfect crystals in the Epsilon Eridani system.
The hidden manufacturing area for machining and polishing the small crystals that were used in combat suits was not suitable for our needs. It did its job well enough but was much too slow and would not work for larger crystals. What was needed was a similar machine moved into the type of environment that a large computer would make or in the maze itself.
The computer substrate grew many times faster in this area too. Small computers took a considerable amount of time to make. For their size and power they almost took as long as the large ones computers. It seemed that nobody before could navigate the upper dimensions as I could. Someone had to have a partial ability or the computers, as we knew them, would never have been built. In all the years that the Tandra were active it was a certainty that they had postulated the same things that I was doing. They were unable to bring them to fruition though.
We had made many new discoveries but now needed more insight and effort in bringing these limited production ideas to our military forces. The only people that could do this and keep the secret would be AIs and me. I could see some of the reasons now for Tandra secrecy but I doubted that they were hiding the same thing I was.
I was interrupted by a call. Behind me a woman appeared with a child in her arms. The woman was very nervous at being sent here. Coming to an Emperor's household was a thing only dreamed of. The child though was just a bit nervous at going somewhere new. The large amounts of mindspeech and the sheer number of people on the moon was a bit disconcerting. The change in gravity also seemed to upset him but not too much.
I turned around but continued to sit on the blanket with the girls. "Come in. There is nothing to worry about," I said to both.
Lam put the child she was feeding down after burping him and got up to see who our guests were. Lam did her best to get both to relax. Both were taken to the food synthesizer and given some treats to eat and drink. Lam knew what was really appreciated by Tandra. I continued to work on our problems and soon the woman came out with a smile and disappeared into the matter transmitter outside our doorway. A few moments later Lam came out with her right hand holding a much happier little boy.
Lam brought Gerdo over to us and introduced him to me. I shook his hand but he did not really know about this Earth custom. He was not too interested in me but did sit on the fluffy blanket and look at the children.
"This lady, says you know my grandmother," though his mindspeech was not quite as clear or his thoughts well organized.
"Yes I do. Your grandmother is my wife. She is far away looking after a whole system. I thought it would be good to go for us to go and see her together. She gets lonely sometimes. Would you like to go with me?"
The boy thought for a while. Relatives were not as important to Tandra as they were to some Humans. They did offer some security. "Where's my mother? She can take me too." I could see he was noncommital about seeing Nova and knew he would go to visit her after I had set up communications on this trip.
"Gerdo, some bad people attacked us and your mother fought very hard to protect all of us. She flew a two place fighter and lost her life while attacking them." The boy started to cry after he gained an understanding of what my words meant. He didn't know his mother well but she was still the only permanent fixture in his young life. I reached out and gently pulled him to me. He took a few steps and hung onto my neck as he cried for his loss and ours. Lam was upset by the child's feelings and was about to get up but I signalled her to remain seated. Ingrid, was pulled from her studies by a child crying and would have gotten up also. After ten minutes, I placed him on the blanket with the girls. He sniffled for a while with my hand rubbing his back and went to sleep with Mom's subtle urging.
I knew it would have to end this way. Gerdo would become one of my sons and Nova would be one of his many mothers. This way he would have some time to get to know Nova and Sandy before having to mix too much with the rest of our large family. Perhaps one day he would be able to pay an enemy back for what they had done to him and to us.
The children stayed on the floor but I had many things that still needed to be done. Lam promised to look after the boy and I took the matter transmitter to Harriet and flew to Earth. Inside the extension I made in Mom's computer, I began to formulate the computer for the hull she made. There were many other computers being assisted but Mom worked for a bit on this and we found that it grew close to thirty times faster. In only forty minutes, the crystals went in and the computer became self aware.
My recent thoughts of Gerdo had made me think of my own father. The crystal had therefore been loaded with all my thoughts and recollections of him. I had mixed feelings about this. I still wanted my father to be alive so I could talk to him about my problems but I also knew it would only give me pain when I had to leave. At least I knew his resurrected essence would be here to protect the rest of our family.
When he awoke, he called me, "Henry," right away because Mom had put a lot of information into the memory crystals. It did not feel right calling him 'John' and 'Dad' did not seem right either. My ship with my mother's memories was called Margaret, so I guess I would follow the precedent and call him John anyway.
"Hello, John. Do your internal scans show any problems or could you think of any improvements?"
"Everything looks perfect. I don't know how your grouping of predictor crystals will work though."
"I don't either. They've not been what I hoped they would be."
I had a new idea and floated over the new computer and opened another door into the full dimensions. Mom sent some substrate and I began a small computer here that would interface with John much like he was interfacing with Mom. Into the same area I put three crystals but did not insert them into the computer.
"John, try to alter the crystals in this new area. If this can be accomplished then we may have found a way to help us overcome some of our delivery problems."
In just a few minutes the new computer was being tested then the crystals began to glow and even change shape. When Mom's tractors took them out they were checked and found to be as good as we could make them.
"That's good, John. This means that you can rearm yourself with these new weapons. Now, we have to see about moving you to your hull." The matter transmitter in this area was only for repair and was not big enough for the hull to enter. Perhaps that could be rectified in time. A room in a computer could be many times larger than the ship that contained the computer itself. I did not know how much the mass in this area would effect acceleration though.
The idea I originally had might work and I decided to try it. I saw the boundaries around John and used my PK to gather them up and fold them into a small package. This was similar to the way I stepped within a shield or computer. When it was folded enough times I held it in one hand with my other one over it. I had to concentrate to keep the dimensions stable. Mom used her tractors to move me out of the computer and down the hall to the first matter transmitter station. In the hangar the hull Mom made was ready. I walked to it and at the small door to the small computer room started to unfold the computer. The energy given off by the crystals allowed me to alter the interior of the small enclosure. At the end of the process I had to make further room for the extension and a large area for a matter transmitter that had not been placed yet.
All of the AIs hooked up to Mom followed my moves and I could feel some assistance coming now as John was connected up to various devices that controlled the ship's functions. John started to help himself and the process was done fairly quickly.
In twenty minutes, John said that he was complete but did not have the matter transmitter. When Mom took one from stores and delivered it I could not find a way to get it into the small ship. The effect of the crystals would only allow part of it to enter but the remainder stayed stubbornly outside. A large room with crystals altering all the dimensions within it might be used to compress a matter transmitter or anything else. I did not have this room though or enough crystals to make it.
Mom took the large device away and soon parts came by tractor that John could pick up the same way and assemble the complicated device within the area allotted. This took more time. Eventually the device was assembled, connected to the computer and tested. The result though was dismal. It just didn't work. Power went to it and it was consumed but a test object did not move. I couldn't see much difference between the matter transmitter in three dimensions and only partially in the other two with one in all five equally.
I was tired from all the mental effort and just suggested that John take a test flight to check his systems. Later we could work again on what went wrong. Part of my mind stubbornly stayed on the problem as I got back in Harriet and flew to the Nautilus. Orders had been sent ahead to just get me to the computer room and to forget any ceremonies.
Captain William Meech did meet me though with his exec. Pasha brought all of us to the hatch. Both Human and Tandra guessed that they were going to get the instant communications. It was not necessary when within the system but anytime they had to go beyond three and a half lights then this would work much better.
Pasha opened the door and I was beyond view in one step. It took only a few seconds now to open a large area for the new computer and start it growing. A similar area for a matter transmitter was set aside if and when we could find a way to make a device work in this environment. Mom worked her magic on Pasha and then both started to help the process further. Crystals came from tractors handed from Mom directly through the back door. This was a substitute for the transmitter but not what I wanted yet.
After a few more hours back in Mom's computer trying to find a way to get the matter transmitter to function, I was ready to give it up for a while. When I came out one of the converted cruisers came next to the carrier and some of the people from Fenmar boarded. Earth could not really tell one cruiser from another and some were on our outer fringe patrolling. Many of our own troops boarded too. The AIs were busy putting the right people in the right place. I had enough time before our scheduled meal to have a visit and try to see if there were any problems.
The AIs had gone through a long list and chosen a very young looking Tandra female as captain by the name of Foomala. I was greeted in the bay with as much pomp and majesty as they could quickly scrape up on short notice. I tried to explain that now was not the time for this sort of display. Foomala, on the other hand, disagreed and stood by her guns. In a way she was right for the crew would respond better if they all knew their place in the grand scheme of things. Her polite disagreement with her Emperor pleased me.
Foomala was pushing the millennium mark in a very young and attractive body. Her mind was quick and sharp. She didn't seem to put up with nonsense but then again, the people from Earth after their training thought the same way. She had not fought in any wars but had thrown her weight around with unruly races on various worlds.
"My emperor, I heard you mention what you would give us. Though I did not think that you would not deliver, I did not think it would be as good as this. The cruiser I came here in was so phenomenal that I would hazard to say that it was the most intelligent computer ever made. From your people, I see that this is starting to become common. Your Mom has said that the carrier will be just as efficient."
"I think it will. I have another surprise. There are some fighters in the forward bay that have been given a partial temporal shield covering the forward section. There is a new crystal installed that will allow the simple AI to predict where danger is and try to avoid it. This hull also has that capability and you can use it to keep your command safe. Lastly, the fighters are in constant communication with Mom and Mom will be in communication with the new AI when it awakes. When they are beyond communicator range you will get a few seconds of warning that nobody in history was ever able to get."
She did not know what to say. She was stunned when she heard me talk on her planet and now even more so when I had even improved on what I offered. She would be even more pleased when she took the ship out for trials and experimented with what she had been given. As we walked about the ship I saw a lot more Humans than Tandra. There was were actually a hundred and fifty thousand Humans, forty six thousand Tandra from Fenmar and almost all of the Softay population we had.
Before I left the AI was shifted over to the new computer and moved into its new home. The old computer was stripped for components and the parts placed in storage. I followed the reasoning within the computer in the crystal too and found them at optimum. While she devoted her time and energy to her duties she also had time to work on the crystals she had. She could also produce her own crystals for the missiles.
I had tried to make the AIs different and this particular one had some of the mannerisms and social traits of a Softay female. She would not be slow to fight though and I hoped the real Softay would take extra pride in the ship and tried to emulate the AI.
The family had waited a bit for me and we ate our meal in a more sombre mood. Gerdo sat with members of his own age group and seemed to be a little happier. Monique, Justine and her children ate with us too. Everybody was a little ill at ease. My coming departure meant that I would have to leave them again. It had taken half a year to come back last time and I had almost been killed many times. They were very concerned that they would not see me again. I tried to start up conversations but they seemed to die out fairly quickly.
Ingrid was quick to voiced the wives' viewpoint. "Henry, are you going to make love to us before you leave?"
My mind was working on many ideas but part could still make sure the wives were satisfied before I had to leave. "I would be happy to."
The group separated after our meal. The children went to their rooms to study or make each other happy. My wives went to our room and washed in preparation for our lovemaking. When I went to Ingrid she said, "Henry, I would like to be last this time." I could see that she wanted to enjoy the sights and sounds and perhaps have her own cum before I got to her.
Kitten was first. I walked up to her and held her tightly to me and kissed her lips. Since I first met her she had come to be very good at this. Instead of me starting to get her aroused she took the lead and started kissing different parts of me. In a few minutes she was on her knees sucking me into her mouth. The feeling was very special because she was doing this for more than just gratification but for love. I was surprised when she was able to get more of me into her throat and I was concerned that she would be hurt. Kitten sensed my concern and just told me to enjoy.
Kitten wanted my seed and I did what she wanted with as much enjoyment as I could get. Her head and hand working fast to make the sensations as strong and as long as possible. It took a moment for me to recover and I just bent over and picked my wife up. I kissed her lips and let her know how much I loved her. When she melted against me I savoured the closeness for a moment, then picked her up and laid her on the bed. She was already eager and I just used some oil and slipped into her tight passage.
I sawed back and forth in a slow rhythm, as old as time, trying to get her to where I wanted her to be. As on the ship I could feel the Tandra all around start to play voyeur and project their own emotions into Kitten. To counter this effect I subtly altered her ability to orgasm. It took her seconds to go from a loving wife to a wild woman bent on making herself pregnant even if she already was. In an uncharacteristic, to her move, she tried to use her hands and draw me in quicker and her fingernails made marks on my skin. She started to even howl as if she was a cat in heat, as her name implied. Her body moved as if she could scoop more of me up if she moved at the right time.
To flout the voyeurs and now Kitten I continued with my slow pace. As she became more insistent I used the tractors to pin her down and continued to slide slowly into her. Her voice came out pleading for release. Her neck and chest showed all her muscles taut trying for just that little bit more that would put her and the rest over.
Ingrid was sprawled on the bed in a 69 position with Dola. They were sucking on each other and Dola had no feeling to extend his penis. He was firmly in the funt mode and I doubted if his penis would ever come out again.
Roger and Topaz were doing the same thing as were the rest of my wives. In the doorway I could see Ingrid's children watching as well as Monique and Justine. Her sons, though, were watching from another doorway. All of them had their hands busy. Jeremy and Matthew had more than their share of sex since coming here but this time the sight was a little too much for them. Their clothing was removed and they were stroking their small dicks. The new Humans were becoming accustomed to the way the Tandra affected them too.
As the intensity grew, I knew it would be good to let Kitten and the others with her find release. I thrust faster into the pinned woman and then removed my control on her orgasm and on her body. Her arms came up and so did her back. The muscles stood out in stark relief as she screamed out her pleasure. I could hear similar calls from others in the vicinity.
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"Why can't I just once find a convenient spot," Merion said to her self while circling the parking lot looking for an open spot!!! Two more times around and there it was, a BMW was pulling out of the spot closest to the bank's front door!!! "Finally, a little bit of luck," she said with a sigh, while gliding her Bonneville in the newly vacant stall!!! "Where's my check book," she said, while looking through her purse, "it's gotta be here someplace!!!" With her nose buried in her purse, she was...
EroticRuby sighed as she glanced at the pile of envelopes that she pulled out of her mail box. Bills. And rent was due too. Ruby rented a luxury apartment and had to wear the lastest designer clothing. Her car was the best her money could afford. Her and her friends only partied in the classiest clubs in the city, and only the finest champagne and cocktails would do. All of which was funded by savings and every credit card she could get. Her job as a Nurse didn't pay at all well. Money was tight,...
But if you want you can get a taste here first, feel free to do so. I'm a farly new writer with english as his second language, which doesn't mean my stories are any less good but it does mean that I'd like some feedback. Please consider leaving some ... Scene 1 Daniel is sitting on his bike in front of her house. Today he woke up next to the one girl that he just can’t quite figure out. Maybe, that’s what he likes about her so much. Who knows, he certainly doesn’t. But who cares, nobody...
An old married couple is lying in bed one night.The wife is curled up, ready to go to sleep, and the husband turns his bed lamp on to read a book.As he’s reading, he periodically reaches over to his wife and fondles her special area.He does this a few times, but only for a very short interval before returning to read his book.The wife gradually becomes more and more aroused assuming that her husband is seeking some encouragement she gets up and starts stripping in front of him.The husband is...
Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter Benji and Chris become closer. Millie meets Carol and joins her and Jill for an afternoon of fun. Andy’s mother comes to the academy for a visit and she has...
The next day.Susie had put some blankets on the floor at the foot of her bed where I slept for the night. She told me that if I really wanted to be dominated by her we would have to do it properly. Of course I accepted, after the events of the previous night I felt unbelievably lucky to have met somebody like Susie. She took my perversions and fetishes in her stride, even taking great pride in fulfilling my fantasies of degradation and humiliation.I was awoken the next morning by Susie...
***There is no video or photos, I’m pretty bad of doing that in a crowded place without them realizing it*** This was the first time I did something like this I was in a some kind of Walmart (but it was another store from Mexico) and I decided to show my bulge to anyone in my way. I pull down a little bit my boxers so my cock could be free and people could see better my bulge. I was walking and I saw and employee. She was nice, neither ugly nor beautiful but cute with a tiny body and a nice...
The crowd started to thin out around 1:30 pm finally giving me time to take a quick bathroom break and fix my self up a bit, wiping away the sweat from an intense 2 hours. When I stepped back out I noticed a group of men in uniform had taken seats at one of our outdoor tables. I quickly retied my apron and headed out to greet them with a couple of menus in hand. As I got closer I discovered they were all US navy sailors which made me cringe a little( that's the last thing I needed, a group of...
I had to depart for my afternoon workout session with Kim as soon as the call ended. We were almost to the end when Liz appeared in the room. “Come back to the office when you’re finished here, please,” she said. I grunted my assent since I was in the middle of forcing my arm outward with a stick and it wasn’t the most pleasant feeling I’d ever experienced. Liz stood and watched for a moment before smiling sadly and heading back to work. “Is she mad?” Kim asked from the...
How can one fully describe the life of a child growing up neglected and abused to someone who has never endured such a life? I don't think it can be done. Every time I have tried to explain the whys and wherefores, there are always the little pieces missing. The little pieces that made such a big difference. People always seemed to think of abuse and neglect in terms of the scars left behind, the brutal actions taken, but it's not so. It's the everyday supple and constant hammering on the...
Chapter Three Triva had instructed the three young men to wait the full five minutes as she took Sybil to the back door of the fraternity house and told her to do her best to get back to their dorm room whole, and still a virgin! Impressing on her that it was in her best interest to do so! Reminding her that a young white virgins would bring top dollar at a real slave auction to black men of means! It was now...
The elevator started, and Kaede couldn’t feel more uncomfortable about the whole situation.Her tits and pussy still hurt after the latest assault, and the fact that she was all bruised and with her tits out next to one hell of a woman made her feel tense.Katherine didn’t even look at her, she simply clicked the button as soon as she came in, the -1 sign, before speaking up.“I like you... Kaede, is it? The trial went just fine, and yet I want to see you fight properly.”An ugh left the redhead’s...
a couple weeks ago my little half sister and I started being sexual. it evidently was something that we both wanted for a long time. As luck would have Zoe hasn't had a dick inside of her for a little over a year and a half. She's been into girls I guess you could say. My 8-in cock fills her entirely. She probably stands at 5'3. Maybe 110 lb. That sexy body is perfectly proportioned. Look at that ass. This girl is everything every man wants. Drop dead gorgeous. Very intelligent. She is a...
Unbeknownst to me this one time event was only the beginning I do not want to give away too much, just have a read... It was days before my trip to the Caribbean, my boss came to me and asked if it was true that I had some spare paving I was trying to flog, I said yes I had quite a bit so he offered to take the lot. I told him the best time was once I return from holiday but he insisted on having them before I left even worse he wanted me to deliver them to him, I told him he had no chance but...
Cheating WifePart 1Denial Party=====================?Ladies, welcome!? Daren announced with a devilish smile.?I’m thrilled to introduce our first and original Denial Party. Each of you seven beautiful ladies have bravely agreed to surrender control over your bodies for the next 12 hours. Ladies, believe me when I say we’re all going to have a lot of fun over the next few hours.The rules are simple. You’ve all been instructed to tease yourselves over the last three days, at least three times a day, without...
I have a deep dark secret. most people think this is kind of sick so please don't judge. I'm in love with my cousin. She is the same age as me. She is on the short side maybe about 5 ft or so. She is very pretty. she has nice long black hair. I am nothing special. A bit built, but just your average guy. I am about 6 ft 200 lbs. the best part about Jen is her cute little body, and most importantly nice little ass. my feelings for Jen, started when I was around sixteen. I would...
My entire world tilted edgewise and I slid off into an abyss. With two words my world-view shifted. "I'm pregnant." Don't bother with the "I think." If a girl tells you she thinks she's pregnant or might be pregnant, she's pregnant. Everything but Rhonda and my unborn child fled from my mind. Other girls? Who needs them? College? I can make it without. Wedding? How soon can we get married? Sadly, my first thought was "How could that happen?" Oh shit! I did not intend to say that...
An action story with intrigue and romance. * I groaned and rolled over as my hand groped blindly for the cell phone that was playing the ‘Marine’s Hymn.’ You know the song, the one that starts out, ‘From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.’ My hand finally closed around the object that had woke me up from my sleep. Opening one eye I looked at the display and saw that it was my younger sister Jill calling. ‘Hey sis. I hope there’s a good reason for calling so early,’ I growled. ...
One day I found a vid of her being interviewed after winning some pornstar award in america, and she speaks english very well, and in the interview she said she does "escort" on the side. Well I couldn't help myself, I started trying to find her. Now I live a train ride away from downtown Tokyo, and I found a website that claimed she worked at their place. It seems kinda normal here to have brothels. After thinking about it for weeks, I couldn't resist anymore, I had to call and try to...
“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...
A Moment of TRUTH- A product of an affair between my mother and her sisters father, her step daddy, my mother had me young. At the tender age of 15, her mother walked in on her riding her stepdaddy's face. My grandmother was hurt. This was her ex-husband, her last daughters father and her oldest child. It was too late, the damage was done. My mom was pregnant by then. My daddy beat my grandmother into submission that day so she would not tell. She instead left. She left her six children for...
Like I said before my lust for this woman is almost as intense as it is for my wife Kate , and this perverse display of Catherine naked and helpless with black hands all over her has easily taken over my senses. I am riveted, as I watch this unexpected turn of events in Awe! My wildest fucking dreams about Catherine are about to come true!... This torture device is one that has been used in this and other dungeons numerous occasions and consists of four chains that are hanging from the...
Sheri was going to school to be a therapist. As part ofthis, she had to perform two sessions of field work during the summers. Her first field work assignment was between her junior and senior year. She and a friend of hers from school, Trish, got assigned to the same rehab facility about 45 minutes from our home town. As part of their field work, they were allowed to share a dorm room at a nearby college as opposed to having to pay for an apartment. I was working that summer at a department...
Wife LoversI first met Amanda Bynes on the set of one of her movies in New York, it was summer and she was wearing a light tank top and shorts i could see every curve in her tight body. I could tell she worked out just by looking at her, she stomach was flat and toned her legs and arms had visable muscles to them. I was one of the cops assigned to direct traffic and keep people away from the set when they where shooting so i pretty much had an all access pass. She was talking to me in between shots when...
‘I’LL TAKE THE SITTER HOME, DEAR’ Larry and Monica Tilton, who live three doors down on the East side of Pleasant Street, have been married for about eight years and have a couple of wonderful kids. Larry Tilton has been a faithful husband. He’s never cheated on his wife, but he has done his share of teasing at the parties they attend. And I’m sure he’s harbored fantasies about a few of their women friends, but I’m also pretty certain he never acted on those impulses. Monica is a good wife...
I have been asked by a few naughty guys from SOL to recount a couple of my teasing experiences relating to my son’s friends. Both his best friends (Niall and Connor) have now fucked me on more than one occasion. This happened well after they were 18 and all has been kept secret from everyone else within the family circles for obvious reasons. I had started teasing them many years ago however, when it was noted by my husband at first and then later on by Frank and Bill that they had been...
Well, this episode tacitly made a strange and unique conjugal understanding between Arindam and Tulika. Yet when Arindam spoke of a next “show” . . . his intelligent wife toned down his request, suggesting that they should avoid locals that it or such escapade might put them into trouble or other complications. Another couple of months went away, and then came the famous 9-day-festival — “Navaratris” [from the end of September] in Gujarat, which is corresponding with the “Durga Puja” (1st week...
Diane was a knockout for her age. She was 5'6, 140 lbs, D tits, shapely figure. She was not a pencil thin woman. She took pride in her semi-thick figure. She knew damn well that men lusted after her. She had one of those asses that a man could smack, and it would jiggle a little bit. She often caught men staring at her ass, their eyes full of lust. Then she would go home and rub her clit, fantasizing about licking their cocks like a lolly pop. She knew what men desired, and she had no...
Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josie's identical twin, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Clairice, 12 sister of Jolene twin of Claire, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Ray, 40, white 5'11, 5” cock Madison, 36, wife of Ray, white, 5'7 Red Hair Blue Eyes 38D...
Steph and Daddy had a very special bond.They loved to go out into Daddy’s secluded back yard, get naked, and try everything they could think of. Oh, they did the usual things - Daddy loved to lick and suck Steph's pussy, and would do it for close to thirty minutes straight while Steph enjoyed orgasm after orgasm. And, of course, she loved to suck Daddy's cock and swallow his cum. Afterward, he would suck on Steph's nipples and finger fuck her, making her squirt with his “magic fingers.”...
IncestMarco and Jesus stood before their boss on his veranda. It had been three days, and Jefferson's patience was wearing thin. He stood up from the chair and began to pace with his hands behind his back. His honor was at stake and these bumblers were costing him time and effort. "What do you mean she's disappeared?" Jefferson hissed at his bodyguards. "No one just disappears." "Well, boss, the credit card and driver's license she gave at the rental place are dead ends: a dummy...
I frown with frustration looking over my clothes that cover my apartment floor. Where the hell are my joggers? I should be out jogging along the beach not playing hide and seek with a pair of shoes. “ Where are you shoes? Where the hell are you?” Thinking out loud to myself, but without any luck the shoes don’t appear. I’ll just have to go for a run without them I concede. Moving in front of the mirror I examine my body, tall with long wavy bra strap length blonde hair, a cute small face...
Hi, I am Ajay, 27 years old, 5. 6 in height. I am a big fan of ISS and I am following ISS since 2012. Here is my story. Please be patient as it’s a long story that will I try to divide into parts. Definitely, you people will enjoy it! I am from Hyderabad. This incident happened in 2018. I wanted to go to Delhi to do a course and finally took a decision to go in August for spending some quality time with my girlfriend. She had some problems at home and she would call me when she is alone. We...
Hey Hie to all….. I am Sameer & m new to ISS club…. I am herewith sharing my first Experience when i was 22 Yrs. These are the days when i was undergoing my PG Studies @ Xaviers. I had a small group of friends. Girls were equal to NO. But i was very much eager to be close with Sexy Girls. My groupmates would nit allow any girl introduction into our group. But we use to watch Porn Movies quite often, specially in Boring lectures by occupying last seats. Her name is Shireen. She used to...
The place reeked of cigarettes, beer and racket. It was New Year’s Eve 1940 and there were drunken Germans everywhere. The Huns had rolled into Paris the prior June and helped themselves to everything; including Harry’s New York Bar. Harry’d closed-up shop and left. So, they needed a barkeep. I wasn’t Harry. But I WAS a barkeep. That led to an offer I couldn’t refuse. The Heinies were persuasive. It was either manage the place... “Or else.” People who didn’t cooperate were beginning to...
To understand this story I first must explain my high school years. I was a guy who excelled in sports and was well-liked and known throughout my high school as well as in the community. My biggest downfall was that I was very shy. I could function within a group of friends who were just hanging out or watching sports, but when it came to talking with a female or giving them a compliment I just froze and would become quiet. This really hurt my social life and it was a source of great...
InterracialHi, this is Vike back with another story. Theh heroine of this story is a 19 year old girl named Vidhi coming from a very conservative family belonging to a small town of India. Since her childhood, she has been studying in a girls’ school. And belonging to a conservative family, she was never allowed to talk to any guy apart from her younger brother. Vidhi was a studious girl, always scoring above 90% in every exam. She completed her 12th and now she had no choice but to move outside her city...
LesbianI waited for the girls to finish before we all went into the clubhouse for lunch where I tried to explain what had just happened. Both of the girls were excited. The Mom’s didn’t understand why I had to choose – why I couldn’t play all the sports. I told them all that I wanted to talk to George and Dan about it and see what they said. I asked the girls to take me back to campus early so I could talk to the baseball and football coaches before practice today. The baseball coach said if I had...
Hel met me on Pof the dating site. We chatted on a daily basis and it always finished with some xxs. I started telling her that I was putting them in the bank for when we met. Hel had no picture on her profile so I guessed she was a "big" girl.When we got to arranging a meeting, Hel suggested an uo market very select coffee house and B&B. I don't remember how but i managed to change that to her house.I arrived and discovered Hel was a "big" girl. She was about 5' 10" 40 DDD 36" waist 46"...
The next day Sam could feel her before he saw her on the platform. Such connections were never uniform, depending on how resistant the subject was, but he tested hers as they waited for the train to arrive. It was hard to concentrate on the crushed and noisy platform but he closed his eyes and made most of the world melt away. He felt his heartbeat steady and then her heartbeat resonated inside of his chest, next to his but in no way kindred. His steady base line was supporting a fast,...
We met up with Kale and Arnett in the lounge room. They were heading out to visit their families for the day. Kale squinted his eyes at us, “Bloody hell, I need my sunnies. Come on; spill the beans, what has happened?” I looked at James, and he took my hand and beamed at Kale and Arnett, “She has agreed to make me her first husband, and she carries my child.” I looked at James with a frown. The words ‘first-husband’ ricocheted around in my head. I thought back the conversations we had...
August 23, 2005 Hurricane season officially starts on June 1 and runs through the end of November. Most of the activity is in August and September, but hurricanes in the extremes are not uncommon. Agnes in 1972 was a nasty one, in June, and Sandy in 2012 was in late October and very bad. I knew what was coming and was not looking forward to it. It had been a long time, subjectively, since I had witnessed Hurricane Katrina, and while the details were a touch vague, the aftermath was not. Put...
Doug's huge tongue explored my mouth playing tag with my tongue till he captured it in his sucking lips. Pulling my tongue deep into his mouth Doug pulled back an slammed through my inner anal sphincter muscle ring. I opened my mouth and cried out in an agonizing silence cry as Doug's massive cock head invaded my last anal refuge. The heels of my feet drummed into Doug's hips as he grind his cock in my butt, my hands grasping frantically at the close cropped hair of his head as he passionately...
Looking back, it was a pretty twisted situation. Deb and I had started our second year of college, and were roomies again which was good because we got along really well. She was totally cool with my sexuality, and was even flattered when I admitted to her that yeah, she was really cute to me. She wasn't weirded out or anything. So she invited me to come with her to Thanksgiving break, because her home was a lot closer to the college than mine, and I didn't want to drive or ride another...
We chatted for a while after she read my story and then one day we finally got a chance to meet. Read how one of you got a chance to experience heaven! [email protected]
AffairHello My name is Appy and my email address is . About myself, I am 26, Male and have recently moved to Bangalore to work as an Engineering Manager in an IT giant. My company helped me with all the relocation and I was allocated a 2BHK apartment to live in a very posh society near Kormangala. Once I got completely settled, I decided to explore all the amenities of the society. I came to know that it has a swimming pool in it. At around 6 o clock in the evening, I packed my swimming kit and...
Introduction: Grandad loves his grand daughter very much, and she loves him A very short story, which may or may not be continued, granddad shows his grand daughter the joys of sex.Polly had her bath and came back to watch the TV she likes X factor so Tina said she could stay up and watch.When she got in the lounge the only place to sit was on the floor, or she could squash her little body on the edge of the sofa with me.She didn’t like the floor to hard so she opted for laying beside me, as...