Our Stories: Field Work Visit free porn video

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Sheri was going to school to be a therapist. As part ofthis, she had to perform two sessions of field work during the summers. Her first field work assignment was between her junior and senior year. She and a friend of hers from school, Trish, got assigned to the same rehab facility about 45 minutes from our home town. As part of their field work, they were allowed to share a dorm room at a nearby college as opposed to having to pay for an apartment.

I was working that summer at a department store trying to pay my way through college. Sheri would be gone for 10 weeks. I would drive up to see her at least once a week when I had a day off, but because of both of our schedules I usually couldn’t stay the night. We talked a lot about how frustrated we were both getting. We would fool around when we got the chance, but we both wanted more.

One night, just before I was getting ready to drive back, she told me that she and Trish would often talk about sex. She said Trish was missing her boyfriend as much as Sheri was missing me. Sheri told Trish about her experiences with other women, but Trish didn’t feel comfortable having sex with Sheri. She felt it would be cheating on her boyfriend.

Sheri told me that one night, she was telling Trish about a particular night that Sheri and I had and Trish started touching herself. She asked Sheri to keep telling her more and more details until she took her clothes off and started fingering herself on the bed. Sheri told me she got so turned on that she started fingering herself too, but not like Trish. Trish made herself cum listening to Sheri’s story.

About half way through her field work, I made arrangements to get a Sunday off from work so I could drive down Saturday after work and stay the night. Sheri told me that she had initially asked Trish to go home for the weekend, but it turned out that she was asked to cover some hours at the rehab facility and couldn’t leave. Trish assured Sheri that she wouldn’t get in our way and to pretend that she wasn’t even there.

On Saturday, I got off from work at about five. I arrived at the dorm a little before six.

I knocked on the door and I could hear Sheri running to open it. She opened the door wearing nothing but a very skimpy robe that was barely closed. Sheri grabbed me, pulled me in the door, and let it slam behind me.

She pushed me against the wall and said, “Trish is off work at seven. We don’t have much time.”

She ripped off her robe exposing her perfect body. Sheri franticly started to undress me, pulling at my belt and unbuttoning my pants.

“Come on,” she said as she finally got my zipper undone.

She led me to the bedroom and I quickly got my clothes off. Sheri walked with purpose to the bed. She took a small bottle of baby lotion from the night stand, poured some on her fingers, and spread it across her glistening pussy. She knelt on the bed in front of me, inviting me to take her from behind.

I didn’t need any help to take the hint. I walked up behind her, grabbed her hips, and pushed myself inside of her.

She groaned with pleasure as my full length slipped into her opening. We started slow, sensual. That didn’t last long. Within a few seconds, Sheri increased the pace and started pushing herself onto me harder.

“Fuck me baby,” she whispered as I ran my hands up her naked back.

I grabbed her hips harder and then thrust myself into her as hard as I could.

“Oh, yes,” she sighed.

I started fucking her faster and faster until her moans became short screams. She reached her hand down and started fingering her clit as I continued penetrating her deeply.

I could feel the pressure building up already and said, “It’s been too long baby, I’m not gonna last much longer.”

“Harder baby, harder,” she replied. “Fuck me as long as you can.”

She started slamming herself against me, her ass making a slapping sound each time it pounded against my legs. I could feel her fingers against my balls as she continued fingering herself.

“I’m gonna cum baby,” I grunted. “Now baby, I’m gonna cum!”

She quickly pulled herself off of me and rolled over on the bed. She squeezed her tits together and motioned for me to tit fuck her.

I quickly climbed on top of her and pushed my cock between her gorgeous breasts. I pushed against her as she wrapped her fingers around my head as it penetrated her tits.

“Hold out as long as you can,” she pleaded. “I want to feel it all. Shoot it all over me.”

I could feel my balls ready to explode and stopped pushing against her. She wrapped both hands around my dick and squeezed as tight as she could. With that, a thick rope of cum shot from cock and fell onto her body.

“Yes, baby,” she sighed.

Two more huge loads of cum sprang from my manhood covering her massive breasts. She started slowly jerking me off to get the remaining cum from my rod.

When I finally looked down to see my work, I saw my gorgeous girlfriend covered from mouth to belly button with my juice.

“Well I can’t leave you out now can I?” I said.

I pushed down to kneel on the floor and feverishly started licking her pussy. I found the spot on her clit that drives her wild and went to work. The faster I licked, the louder she got.

I felt her hands grasp the hair on the back of my head and push me harder into her flower. I felt her body start to quiver and I knew it wouldn’t be long. I took two of my fingers and slid them inside her pussy while I continue to probe her with my tongue. She screamed and panted as her orgasm took her body over. Her hands left my head to pinch her nipples, sending her to a whole new level.

Once Sheri had finished, she grabbed me and said, “We need to take a very quick shower before Trish gets home.”

She led me to the bathroom and started a warm shower. We both climbed in and started kissing under the spray of water. I continued down her neck until my lips found her nipples. I started to lick and bite her nipples softly when she pulled my lips back to her mouth.

“We can’t now. She’ll be home soon,” she sadly said. “It’s a long night, plenty more to come.”

We finished washing each other off then exited the shower. We both quickly got dressed just as we heard the door start to open.

Trish walked in wearing her scrubs from work. Trish was tall, almost six feet. She kept her light brown hair cut short. She had big, bright green eyes and nice smile. What Trish lacked in the breast area was surely made up for in the ass and legs region. Her ass was fantastic. She ran a few miles per day, so her legs were not only long, but toned and tight. Even in her scrubs, which are not the most flattering thing in the world, you could tell her body was fantastic.

“Hey George,” Trish said as she came into the room.

She came over and gave me a hug. My dick was still rock hard and she could definitely tell. As she broke our hug, she glanced down and smiled. She said something to Sheri as she walked by and went into the bedroom.

Sheri and I went to the living room and sat on the couch. We talked about what we’d do that night and made other small talk until Trish returned from the bedroom.

When Trish emerged, she was wearing very tight and very short shorts and a tank top. Her legs looked amazing. She walked by us to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and bent down to look inside.

From the angle I was sitting, I could tell that Trish wasn’t wearing any panties. Sheri caught me checking out Trish’s ass. She leaned over, slid her hand up my leg and grabbed my cock through my pants.

“She does have an amazing ass, doesn’t she?” she whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the tight grasp she had around me. She let go and quickly moved her hand away, which signaled to me that Trish was moving again.

“You guys up for a pizza?” Trish asked. “On me…”

We agreed, I grabbed my keys, and we headed out the door.

We all went to a small shopping center near the dorms. Sheri suggested we get a movie to watch and Trish said she was going to the liquor store to get a couple things.

We picked up our provisions and headed back to the dorms. When we got back, Trish reveled she bought a bottle of vodka and a bottle of Jack Daniels. I knew Sheri was a lightweight when it came to alcohol, one drink would have her flying. I had no idea how Trish handled her liquor, but I certainly wanted to find out.

I was nominated the bartender for the night. The girls were drinking vodka and cranberry and I was enjoying Jack and cokes. We sat around drinking, eating, and watching the movie we picked up at the video store. As I predicted, Sheri was pretty much drunk after two drinks and Trish wasn’t far behind.

When a sex scene, and actually a pretty good one, came on the screen, the room got very quiet. After only a few seconds, I found Sheri pressing herself against my and running her hand up and down my leg. When her hand finally rose up between my legs and gripped my cock through my pants, I was surprised to find Trish intently watching.

Sheri unzipped my fly and wiggled her hand inside my pants. She started trailing her finger tips from the base of cock to my head and back again. Sheri looked back at Trish, who was rubbing her legs and staring at Sheri’s hand stroking my dick.

I wanted Sheri to just rip my cock out and get to work, but the scene ended and everyone composed themselves.

“I’m gonna give you two some alone time,” Trish said as she got up from the chair.

“You don’t have to go,” Sheri said. “We talked about this, I don’t mind if you want to watch.”

Trish stopped and thought about it for a second, “I don’t know. I just don’t think I’d be comfortable.”

“I know you miss Roy and you’re not going to get to see him for a while,” Sheri pleaded. “I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

Trish stopped again and thought about it even longer. “No, I can’t. You two have fun.”

“OK. We won’t come in until we’re ready to go to sleep,” Sheri replied.

“Goodnight,” Trish said.

“Goodnight,” Sheri and I responded.

Trish walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

Sheri wasted no time. She ripped her shirt off and quickly took off her bra. Her magnificent breasts now stared me in the face begging to be kissed. I took her nipple into my mouth and sucked her gently. Sheri moaned with delight as I continued suckling her breasts.

I reached my hand down and started to tug at her sweatpants and panties all at once. I pushed them off and Sheri kicked them the rest of the way down. I pressed my fingers against her pussy sending her into a tizzy. She moaned loudly now and she laid back on the couch so I could continue.

I slid down between her legs and pressed my mouth against her dripping cunt. I licked her and pushed my tongue inside of her. I reached my hands up and caressed her breasts as I fucked her with my tongue.

“Make me cum baby,” Sheri said through strained breath.

I pushed two fingers into her opening and went to work on her clit with my tongue.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she screamed. “Fuck me!”

I felt her body start quiver and I knew she was close. I pushed my fingers in as deep as I could get them and left them inside of her. I focused all my attention on her clit. She start bucking her hips a few moments later. She grabbed her tits and starting squeezing and pulling at her nipples.

“Oh, I’m gonna cum, oh, oh,” she yelled. “Fuuuuucccck!!!! Oh, oh, oh!!”

With that her orgasm took over. She screamed and panted as I slowed the pace and let her enjoy the feeling. I pulled my fingers from her slowly and sucked on her pussy lips gently while her body continued to convulse.

I watched her lie there, caressing her own body for a few seconds.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whispered to her.

She let out a long sigh and said, “I love you.”

I crawled on top of her and gave her a long kiss. I laid my head on her breasts and enjoyed the feeling of her hands running through my hair.

A few minutes of silence passed when Sheri reached for my chin and pulled me close to her. We kissed again. She reached down and started to unzip my jeans.

“Get undressed baby,” she whispered to me.

I took my shirt off as she fiddled with the zipper on my pants. I stood in front of her, naked, for a moment then she motioned for me to sit on the couch. She crawled her body over mine, pressing her breasts against my chest, stomach, and brushing against my dick as she slid to the floor. She spread my legs and knelt between them.

She started to kiss and lick my cock which stood firmly at attention. The warmth of her mouth felt incredible and she took me into her mouth. She paused momentarily as she heard a noise. I paid little attention to the pause, but Sheri was smiling when I looked down at her.

Sheri continued sucking me as I laid back to enjoy the sensation. She playfully licked my shaft from bottom to top, lightly biting the head as she reached it. I started to moan softly as she continued.

I looked down at her, my dick deep in her mouth, and she winked at me in return. It was so sexy having her peer back at me as she blew me.

She moved her hand up her body, squeezing her breasts as she passed them. Sheri wrapped her hand around my manhood and starting jerking me into her mouth. Her pace quickened as did my breathing. She gripped tighter, pulling me deeper into her mouth until she forced my full length into her throat.

She pulled me from her mouth and whispered, “Don’t cum yet baby.”

Sheri rose to her feet and straddled me, pressing her soaken pussy against my dick. She put her breasts against my mouth and I met her nipple with my tongue. She started grinding her cunt against my cock as I licked and kissed her nipple.

I looked up at her and noticed she was looking toward the bedroom. She closed her eyes as my dick penetrated her and groaned as her body found its resting place. I glanced over and noticed the bedroom door was slightly cracked open. I couldn’t see from my vantage point, but I could only assume Trish was watching through the open door.

Sheri started riding me, pulling my cock almost completely out of her then sliding back down until my full length was inside of her. Her hand found the back of my head keeping my lips in place on her tits.

We increased the pace and Sheri started to pant with each thrust. I heard the door creak open more and Sheri’s head whipped around to catch a glimpse. She cooed with passion as I can only assume she liked what she saw. She pulled her hand from behind my head and placed it gently on my chin, pushing my head to turn and look.

In the doorway, Trish was standing against the wall watching us. Her hand was down the front of her shorts, clearly pleasuring her own pussy as she watched Sheri fuck me.

“She’s beautiful isn’t she?” she asked me.

“No one is more beautiful than you,” I whispered back to her. “I know you love being watched.”

“Let’s go get in bed so Trish can have a better view,” Sheri said.

Trish nodded her head in approval and Sheri and I got up from the couch.

As we walked to the bedroom slowly, Sheri said, “Maybe we’ll get lucky tonight and Trish will decide to join us. I’ve had dreams about fucking her.”

I looked back at her with a surprised look on my face and responded, “You’re so dirty sometimes…and I love it.”

As we got into the bedroom, we found Trish had turned on a small table lamp and threw a towel over it to soften the light. She was lying in bed, completely naked, inviting us to inspect her body.

Sheri motioned for me to sit on her bed and slowly approached Trish. Trish was sweating, so she was clearly working herself over before we came in. When Sheri reached Trish’s bed, Trish looked up at her with a glimmer of fear in her eyes.

Sheri licked her fingers and placed them on Trish’s wet pussy before she could object. Trish’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and she arched her back to enjoy Sheri’s fingers. Sheri wasted no time trying to get Trish to play with us. She slid one finger into Trish’s cunt and used her thumb to massage her clit.

We had invited another woman to be with us a few times at this point, but it was never like this. Seeing Sheri be the aggressor really turned me on and without even realizing I started stroking my cock. Trish moaned in pleasure as she turned her eyes toward me. She looked into my eyes first, but quickly started watching me jerk off over the action.

Sheri leaned in to kiss Trish, but Trish wouldn’t let her. Trying to push to the next level, Sheri quickly repositioned and placed her soft, subtle lips on Trish’s nipples. More moans of pleasure escaped from Trish’s mouth.

After a few more moments, Trish reached down and moved Sheri’s hand from her pussy.

“It feels amazing Sheri, but we have to stop. I don’t want to cheat on Roy,” she said quietly.

“He never has to know,” Sheri replied.

“I’ll know,” Trish said pushing Sheri away a little further. “Go over and have sex with George, let me watch you.”

Sheri looked at Trish with a scowl and said, “Your loss.”

Sheri got up from the floor and bolted over to her bed where I was waiting, cock still in hand. She pushed me onto the bed and had me lay on my side in the bed. She crawled her body into bed and pressed her ass against my manhood, so we could lay in bed and face Trish.

“Fuck me. Fuck me hard,” she said to me.

I lifted her leg and pushing myself into her pussy. She let out a long sigh as I started to fuck her faster. With that, Trish rolled to her side as well and started fingering her pussy as she watched.

Sheri looked directly into Trish’s eyes and said, “Come on George, fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me like I’m some little slut.”

Personally, I loved dirty talk, but up to now Sheri hadn’t been a big fan. I presumed that, in their late night talks, Sheri found out that Trish liked it and that’s why she was doing it.

Confirming my suspicion, the more Sheri talked, the harder Trish punished her pussy with her fingers.

“Come on, harder!” Sheri yelled. “I’m yours, use me!”

With Sheri and I both focused on Trish, I grabbed Sheri’s hair and yanked her head back toward me.

“Oh, oh, yes,” Sheri said. “That’s it. Hurt me. Harder!”

I had never been so turned on as I was right then. Apparently, Trish had the same reaction. She reached under her bed and pulled out a small shoe-type box. Sheri grimaced and groaned as I pounded her from behind. Trish pulled out some kind of massager from the box and turned it on.

Trish put her toy right on her pussy and started moaning wildly within seconds. I let go of Sheri’s hair and reached my hand around to start fingering her clit. She went wild as well.

“Oh fuck yes. Oh God don’t stop,” Sheri said straining.

I kept my dick and fingers in unison as we watched Trish pleasure herself. After a few more minutes, Trish started her climax.

“Oh my God!” Trish yelled. “I’m gonna cum!”

“This is so fucking hot,” I whispered to Sheri.

“Yes…yes…yes,” Trish said through her breath. “I want to get fucked so bad.”

She pushed the end of the toy inside her pussy and continued, “I want to be treated like a whore. I want to be filled with Roy’s big dick. I want his cum in me.”

We watched as Trish finished herself off. Her body was spectacular and the mixture of sweat and soft light made it even better. Her body convulsed wildly as her orgasm took over.

Sheri and I kept right on going and I was getting close to closing time myself.

Trish looked over at Sheri and said, “Do you want to cum?”

Sheri peered back and said, as I thrusted, “Yes, please, yes.”

“Can I help you?” Trish asked.

Sheri was startled but replied, “Please yes.”

Trish crawled over across the floor and kneeled to the side of the bed. She moved my hand from Sheri’s clit, turned her vibrator on to the highest setting, and pushed against Sheri’s pussy.

At that point, I could have stopped doing anything. Sheri had never used toys before. She used to tell me that she thought they were only for people who weren’t satisfied in their relationships. I think after tonight, she knew she was wrong.

Sheri started fucking me with all her might. My cock was being jammed into her pussy and an alarming rate. I could feel her ass slapping against me as I entered her. However, it was the vibrator that was sending Sheri over the edge.

After two or three minutes, Sheri started breathing more heavily and I knew she was close. I started fucking her as hard as I possibly could. I was thrusting myself into her so hard that I shifted the bed a few times, causing Trish to have to adjust. Finally, Sheri let out a loud growl and her body did the rest.

“Can I do just one more thing?” Trish asked Sheri as she turned off her vibrator.

“Anything,” Sheri replied.

Trish slid her hand and fingers down Sheri’s slit and found my shaft still half way inside my love. She wrapped her hand around me and started to pull out of Sheri’s body.

“I haven’t felt cum in so long, I just want to make George cum on your body,” she said to Sheri. “You don’t mind do you?” she questioned me.

I shook my head for her and she started jerking me off. Next, she used her fingers to press my head into Sheri’s clit. I wasn’t long before that feeling start to bubble up. She jerked me vigourously and watched my dick intently while she did. As the cum started to shoot from my cock, both Trish and Sheri sighed.

The warm cum washed over Sheri’s pussy and covered Trish’s fingers in the process. Sheri watched as Trish licked some of my cum from her fingers and closed her eyes to enjoy the taste.

Not a single word was said after that. Trish got up, crossed the room, got into bed and went to sleep. Sheri pushed her body back against my. I wrapped my arms around her naked body, she pulled up the covers, and we drifted off to sleep.


My wife and I have been married for 15 years and have been together since we were only 16 years old. Over the years, we’ve grown as lovers and had a wide variety of sexual experiences. As we’ve gotten older, we’re soon to be 40, our experiences have only gotten more and more intense and satisfying. Recently, we have been really turned on telling others about our stories and decided it would be fun to post a sort of history to our favorite erotic story site. There will be many, many stories written and we hope you enjoy reading them as much as we’ve enjoyed making them happen.

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Love Stories
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Divine Grace the Journal of Belladonna the RedChapter 7 The Beast of Edmonds Field

The story of Garnett of Edmond's Field begins thousands of years ago, with the imprisonment of a demon known as Seregil. I am not aware of the circumstances of its imprisonment, or who performed the act, but the creature was cursed to remain within a subterranean jail until the end of time. It is the way of curses, or so Elminster tells me —and really, who would know better than he?—that there is always a manner in which they can be circumvented. In the case of Seregil, he could gain his...

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The Field

As she passed her favorite creek she could hear what she thought was arguing coming from down a dirt trail that followed the creek. She was not one to ever be nosy, but thought she would investigate where the noise had originated from. As she followed the path the arguing became louder. She knew she was close as it was now very loud and clear. She could tell it was a male and female. Amy could see a couple in a grassy field which grew parallel to the creek. The grass was fairly long...

3 years ago
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personal field trip rewrite

Hello everyone the story i am going to tell you all about this time. occurred when i was only three years old.Its different from my other experiences but just as unforgettable. i mean how can i forget such a what I thought then was frightening but yet amazing experience as the ones i've shared with my beautiful aunt slash wife norma which happened just a bit after this story im going to tell you but as I said or even my sexy ther****t Ms. Liz all my experiences have been great like the one with...

3 years ago
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Mom And Uncle Check Each Other8217s Bush In Village Field

Hello readers! My name is Rahul and I am 23 years old from Hyderabad, Telangana. My family consists of mom, dad, myself, and my younger brother. We belong to a normal middle-class family. Let me introduce my family to you a little bit in detail here. My dad (Shankar) is 50 years old and he is a Government employee, my brother is in 10th standard whereas I have completed my B.E. course. Now I will introduce to you, my mom. Her name is Saroja, she is 44 years old with fair skin, black hair, big...

2 years ago
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Neighbour Nayantara 8211 My Entry To The Field Of Sex 8211 Part 1

Hi all. This is Akshay from bangalore. 22 year old, young, energetic, medium built with 6 inch cock (size doesn’t matter as long as u know how to satisfy your partner). Any girls, aunties or couples looking for secret fun contact me. And all the readers please give your feedback at Coming to the story it happened with my Neighbour who was super sexy lady for looking and also in bed. I can’t put whole story in one story here. So I will tell u guys in episodes. Her name is Nayantara 29 year old,...

2 years ago
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The coeds wild field trip

The coed_s wild field trip CHAPTER ONE "I think I'd really like to feel those hot lips of yours sucking on my cock," Frank told Virginia. He chuckled a little as she blushed. She was such a hot bush he could hardly keep his erect prick inside his pants. It was really hurting him and bad. "That's gross," she primly told him. The heat of her embarrassment was slowly fading but still the way he'd so boldly approached her rankled her. The very, idea! "No, it's not. I...

1 year ago
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Workman Chapter 2

"Yes," the housewife said, "Would you like one?" She handed him the coffe and leaned back against the doorway. She wore capris and a modest short-sleeved button-down blouse. He had on his dirty jeans and t-shirt which clung to his tight, muscular torso; he was not your average plumber. Just then the doorbell rang. "That'll be him now," the workman said, and she went to answer the door. While she was gone he pulled a small packet out of his back pocket and emptied the contents into...

4 years ago
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Started At Home Finished At Field

Hi All, I am a big fan of sex stories, I used to study whenever I have time. I used to study a lot of stories in ISS and other websites, but I never thought to write my experiences. I like to see live sex and hear from others instead of reading. When I am studying, I used to go fields and do accounting works of workers in my holidays. As I was studying out of my village, everybody will come to my home to see as everyone likes me, There I met my beautiful, sexy girl, came with another worker who...

3 years ago
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Field of secrets

She'd walked back home not knowing what to think of her afternoon. Who was this man, this Sir Edgar? She reminisced on the events that took place in the barn. She recalled the pleasure and smiled. She recalled the confusion and frowned. She recalled realizing she had a secret. For the people of her community would surely think her actions were a disgrace. She snorted at the thought. A disgrace. She entered her small hut just outside the settlement. Out of habit she started feeding the small...

First Time
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Journeys West Chapter 15 The Visit

Chapter 15 - The Visit by Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Editor: Qmodo They dropped Emily off at her place before heading out of town. Leslie and Emily had spent a few minutes talking quietly before Emily turned away with a smile. Leslie watched her walk inside before getting into the car with a smile of her own. "I take it that you have plans for this evening?" Mary Sue asked, looking at Leslie with a grin. Leslie turned her smile on Mary Sue and replied, "Yes, I think so. ...

4 years ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 6 Field Work

Clayton sprinted through the throngs of people, his lungs burning as he pushed past crowds of human personnel and dodged around the larger aliens. He had to head off Reid, the lives of all the Krell in the ventilation system depended on it. As cavernous as the interior of the Pinwheel’s torus was the expansive space was always crowded with people, either engineers and soldiers on their way to and from their duties, or civilians and personnel on leave who loitered and clogged the walkways. He...

1 year ago
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What Happens In The Cornfield Stays In The Cornfield

Growing up in a small Iowa town wasn’t easy. You had to be careful of what you said and did as everything was game for gossip and rumors. By the time my girlfriend Mary Jo McKenzie and I turned seventeen, we had decided all the necking and heavy petting wasn’t enough. We decided on Halloween night; we’d pop our cherries. We’ve been dating since our sophomore year in high school, and our parents were convinced that we’d get married one day. Mary Jo is five feet tall, long red hair to the middle...

2 years ago
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A SPECIAL FIELD HOCKEY GAME (A LESBIAN TALE)The tension was high as the two top Lesbian field hockey teams met in a closed arena which used to be a basketball court. This meant that there were boards to keep the ball into the arena but also that spectators had a closer view of the action on the floor.The rules were the same as field hockey, but the women played with a tennis ball. The players had ice hockey gloves, a sweatshirt with the team logo, and sneakers. They were naked from the waist...

3 years ago
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field of dreams

One summers afternoon I was walking in the field with my girlfriend sally, she was very quiet girl but I was determind to get her to open up. As we walked and talked I made a comment about how no one would see us if we had sex in the field, I knew she would be disgusted cos that the sort of girl she was.I was right as I mentioned it she said no way and started to strom off I went over and grabbed her pushed her on the floor and said well your gonna get this unzipped my trousers to reveal a huge...

1 year ago
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Blowjob in a Green paddy field

My dear sex story lovers, I am Akira nandan from this cool place called Hyderabad. I have a girlfriend who looks just like a movie actress. Her figure and structure and body is flawless in every ratio. Let me tell you about her. she has lovely skin tone, fair and 34c boobs. She is two inches taller than me. And has long hair till her knees or little longer. She wears all simple and traditional clothes and dont like wearing jeans and tees. I really dont know why she dont like wearing them but...

3 years ago
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The Great Airship Race A Night at Dover Field

As the Cannon went off, Henry Ford opened the throttle half way on the Model C flyer he was using in this long race. As he rapidly accelerated through the air, he kept a close eye on the Britainian. He had raced that devious man before and had a grudge that was worlds of revenge after their last encounter. Riggers had not been able to build enough speed to get around Ford and had resorted to a very un-gentleman like tactic in order to win. He had used a simple sling shot to hit Fords Gas bag...

1 year ago
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Sleepworkers Revisited

It was a very warm night at the Litton School for Girls. The school sat on the edge of a small, isolated town that many former students had decided to settle in. The school itself was for women from the ages of eighteen to twenty one. They were instructed on the proper way to behave in society. Though the U.S. was beginning a sexual revolution, the school functioned the same way in 1961 as it had it 1901. The instructors, taking a cue from the school's headmistress, neither discouraged nor...

Mind Control
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Cornfield Rape

Introduction: Little girl raped in cornfield I grew up in a little town in the Midwest. By the time I was 13 even though I was short, Id started to get boobs. I was 48 but had a 32B bra size brown hair and green eyes. The kids my age didnt like me and I dont know why. But I wanted to be friends with them, and thats how it happened. One Halloween they dared me to go into Millers cornfield and up to the house. The Miller house was supposed to be haunted even the fields. Everyone was scared to go...

1 year ago
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Sorrow is a Fertile Field

Sorrow is a fertile field It was one of those streets. You could find it's like in any city in China. No matter where you went there it would be. A narrow ribbon that stretched between the larger roads that girded the blocks of apartments and street level shops crowding the borders of concrete and pavement. Capillaries of minor commerce surrounded by the overhanging buildings that hunched against each other with even narrower alleys snaking through them every few buildings. The...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 9 Field Trip

Wednesday, two o'clock in the afternoon. Zax arrived home from school, warmed a light meal and done his homework. He was still in his punishment period. Inside Zax's room. Like the day before, after washing the dishes and finishing his homework Zax sat cross legged on the bed, eyes closed. There was only one form of training his parents allowed him to perform once Zetsa explained and convinced them that it will help alleviate the strain on his soul - Meditation. Following the guidance he...

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Mrs Fields her paddle my tender bottom

I have had a few requests to continue my story “Good old fashioned school spanking”. To fully help everyone understand, I will describe the important players in my story. Mrs Fields: My teacher! She is a classic beauty in her early 30’s. She is tall & lean, with ample breasts. Her body has wonderful curves. She had long brunette hair and blue eyes. She wore glasses, they made her look very sexy. She always smelled wonderful. She is a vey smooth and classy lady. I would consider her caring,...

3 years ago
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Cornfield Rape

One Halloween they dared me to go into Miller’s cornfield and up to the house. The Miller house was supposed to be haunted even the fields. Everyone was scared to go there. But my ‘friends’ told me if I’d go all the way up to the house through the cornfield and come back with something I’d be ‘in’. We waited till dark, then I took a flashlight and dressed in a t-shirt jeans and sneakers I went into the corn. It wasn’t so bad at first, I grew up around corn. But after about ten minute I...

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Courtesan versus escort

Courtesan versus Escort Yes, it is important to know the difference to determine which best fits your desire, needs and style. Alternatively it is important to know which type of client you would be. Then and only then we can create the best possible outcome of our randez-vous for an unforgettable peak experience that you perhaps are seeking whether for a day or a lifetime.Different men are looking for different things and there is much confusion around about many terms improperly used in the...

1 year ago
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Ms Landers Chicken Plucker Field Trip

By: Mr. Mongo Ms. Barbara Lander is one of those teachers male students dream about. She stands 6’ height around a respectful 120 pounds. Barbara likes to keep her sandy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. But what really catches the guys eyes are the breasts her parents bought her for graduating college they are a very “natural looking” C-cup. Ms. Lander was worse than her students she taught when it came for trying to get out of doing school work she took her students to whatever field...

4 years ago
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F Field

"...5...4...3...2...1...impact!" The screens went white for a second, and then lines began spreading out from the center. A general cheer went up throughout the room. "Well, my friends, it is official: after all the bad magnets, alignment problems, and other Bullshit, we have collision," Dr. Legard said in French. "Here's to us, my fellow physicists and engineers," he added, raising his glass high. There was a collective here here, and a quaffing of champagne. Several people left, with a few...

2 years ago
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Strawberry Field Forever

Christie, a ninth grader in classes with Ashley, my sister, is a perfect example of innocence, naivety, youth, sexual fantasy and desire. She and Ashley have been good friends sharing their most intimate secrets over the years as they grew up together. Her father and mother divorced when she was quite young and her only contact with him is his annual birthday cards and presents, leaving her wanting the nurturing a daughter can only get from her father, his guidance and fatherly love. She told...

4 years ago
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Football Field Fuck Fantasy

It had been a long day at work, and we were on the drive home. My boyfriend and I were riding in silence. Though my boyfriend didn't have a license, I was much too tired to drive that night.“Why are you taking this turn?” I asked. “There's no traffic; you don't need a back road.” He looked at me with a sly grin on his face, “I figured we could take a little detour.” Placing his hand on my thigh and squeezing. “You said you liked pleasing me, right? Well, I want to make a little fantasy come...

3 years ago
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Horny Field Trip

Horny Field TripSynopsis: Horny teen seduces science teacher on a field trip.Field trips have lost their luster for Amber. As a k** they were the best days ever but now that she was in high school and has become sexually active, everything sort of lost its luster. While all the other teens in her grade got high on pot, molly, or whatever was popular that week, Amber got high on sex. Today her class was visiting the museum of aviation and it was now that she needed a fix. Strolling through the...

3 years ago
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First Time Fuck in a Field

You rolled over in bed and felt a piece of paper underneath your face. You clumsily felt for it, holding it in front of your face and reading the message scribbled in my bad handwriting last night: "Meet me in the field, under the oak tree at 11, don't be late xx". You fumbled for your phone and saw it was 10:15. "Shit," you mumbled to yourself before stumbling out of bed and into the bathroom. I sat cross-legged in a clearing round the oak tree. I was sat on a blanket and I had a few pillows...

First Time
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Left Field II

Left Field II By Starhawk Author's Note: This is an extension of a story written by Dee_Eon called "Left Field." This story is simply my attempt to continue a great premise. While it is my hope this story can stand on its own, it would be helpful to read "Left Field" for yourselves. If you must send comments please make them constructive. ************************************************** It had been several weeks since I had learned about my tomboyish friend Stacey and...

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Outdoor Field Trip

Her cute smile and kissable lips had given me many a wet dream. She was a newly graduated MPhil lecturer who came to teach us in the first year and took us on a field trip later. Her figure was so hot, she could evoke carnal desires in a dead man. Gulki ma’am stood 5’6” tall, with thick straight, far hair till her waist. Her figure was near perfection, with 34-28-35 stats and a golden-brown complexion. Big dark eyes and sharp features, along with a toned physique, made her irresistible. I had a...

3 years ago
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Sexy daddy fucked me senseless in a field

It was in that moment that I for some reason finally took a look around. We were in a wide open field. Acres and acres between us and the next house. I could see the main road, M-24 off in the distance. And it made me so much hornier looking at the vast nothingness, as I worked for my daddy to give me the fuck that I so desired. I climbed over his face, and shoved his cock as far as it would go while I tickled his asshole with my finger. He smacked my ass and grabbed my balls with his right...

3 years ago
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Ms Landers Chicken Plucker Field Trip

Ms. Barbara Lander is one of those teachers male students dream about. She stands 6' height around a respectful 120 pounds. Barbara likes to keep her sandy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. But what really catches the guys eyes are the breasts her parents bought her for graduating college they are a very "natural looking" C-cup. Ms. Lander was worse than her students she taught when it came for trying to get out of doing school work she took her students to whatever field trip she could...

1 year ago
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LeslieChapter 13 Playing The Field

Jim Williams picked me up at 6:30 the following Friday. I'd checked around with anyone who was still talking to me and nobody seemed to know a lot about him. He was in a couple of honors classes, was on the tennis team, but wasn't your typical, popular athlete. Most people knew who he was but not a lot more than that. Jeff was at our house visiting Mom when Jim rang the doorbell. The next thing Jim knew, he was sitting on the couch, talking with Jeff as if they were old friends. About five...

4 years ago
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Divine Grace the Journal of Belladonna the RedChapter 6 To Edmonds Field

In an attempt to tell as complete a story as possible, I must speak of events I was not witness to. Please understand that I cannot be totally unbiased in this retelling and will make little attempt to do so. Where did I leave off? Oh, yes. We were leaving Suzail to make our way to Edmond's Field, and Anarion was not telling me about his knighting. That is very typical of him, by the way, but it was much more pronounced on the days immediately following Quinlan's passing. He was then and...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 30 The Asteroid field

The ship was at General Quarters as Captain Kenneth Thompson ran onto the bridge. The ship was nearing the asteroid belt. Looking over at Lieutenant Kathy Jenson at the ships helm, he moved to his chair and began issuing his orders. "Kathy, raise the shields and take us into the belt. Deploy recon drones for surveillance. Spin up all shield generators to minimum power." Sitting down in his chair, he looked over at Commander White at the weapons station. "Ted, how many Lightning fighters...

2 years ago
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Seymour and Sarah

Seymour & Sarah By Alice Barry "Oy vey, Seymour what have you done to yourself?" said my mother as she entered my apartment unannounced. I knew I should have never given her a key for emergencies. "Whatever are you doing here Mother? Haven't I told you to call before dropping in?" "Don't blame me young man, what in God's name are you doing in a dress? And why is lipstick smeared around your face?" "Mama, I did not want you to find out like this. This is who I am...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang In A Field

I was reluctant to attend the marriage of my best friend, reason being the ceremony was taking place in a remote village. I have nothing against villages pure clean air lush green fields no pollution and no maddening crowds there are so many in fact all are plus points.My only worry is the lack of proper latrines and the necessity to go into fields with a small bucket of water and of course the fear of snakes coupled with the nightmare of some females turning up unexpectedly when you are in the...

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ScourgeChapter 9

To back into the swing of things, Audra was taken on her first patrol. She has several soldiers accompanying her, including Kate. Unlike Gunnar’s recon patrols where he often went solo, this is a patrol of the surrounding area. The group is led by Major Zola, a stern woman who has been with the group and General Eisley since the beginning. She is in her early forties and still retains a lot of her beauty despite the peppering of grey in her chestnut colored hair. “This patrol is routine,”...

3 years ago
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Field WorkChapter 2

That first evening we grilled steaks. "First night is meat night," the professor said. "I freeze them and wrap them and put them into an insulated bag. And they're still good that evening. Never try to carry fresh meat in the field otherwise." They seemed delicious. We stuffed ourselves, banked the ashes and turned in. When I got up in the morning the shadows were long and there were three aborigines standing a few meters away, casting long shadows in the rising sun. "G'day,"...

3 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 5

The months seem to pass quickly for Audra. The intelligence that she had collected from the rebel leader, Leah, had proved useful. Many raids were conducted and slowly the Scourge’s breeding ranks overflowed. She had also gained the trust of the queen, yet she still hadn’t been made a stalker. She was told that she was, but Audra couldn’t do that which Saige or any of the other stalkers could—control a red fungus skin of her own. The only thing she seemed able to do is control the chasers and...

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