AdvExGen: A Field Agent Of Valentina's Espionage free porn video

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The guy was hovering over one of our displays, pensive with an odd mixture of curious and confused. I opened with "Let me guess, you don't know her size?" and followed it with a small, calculated guffaw. It was something of a standard opening at this point. I'd worked hard to make it sound understanding and compassionate rather than accusatory. I don't want to lose a sale on a bad introduction, if I can avoid it. Hi, my name is Michael, and I'm a "Field Agent" at *Valentina's Espionage* lingerie "emporium" (corporate sometimes wants us to imagine we're not just another mall store, but a step into a more luxurious, and I guess old-fashioned, spy world). I'm also one of the few "bros" that works at the local Valentina's Espionage. I'm a token guy on staff, kept around for that once in a while "See we're diverse in our hiring" need and also for those sales where a guy might prefer the sales tips from a fellow dude, bro. Field Agent is the lowest of the company's ranks, but they stress in all the training manuals that it is one of the most important. You do have to admit Field Agent sounds better than its usual equivalents like "Sales Associate" or "Floor Monkey". This guy seemed the sort that would buy from me, which is why I stepped up and gave him my practiced, but somewhat lame, opening. It took him a bit and he finally broke his long silent display examination. "I guess you could say that..." I took a deep breath to start into one of my usual pitches and discussions about ways to approximate a girlfriend or significant other's size when he waved me off and pulled a business card from his pocket. "Actually, that's not why I'm here," he started as he handed me the business card, "I'm Greg and I'm going to be lead salesperson over at the AdvExGen sale and I wanted to make sure to pass the word to your manager that we'll be offering a discount to people that also work in the mall." Greg's card was kind of funny. The card seemed bland and unremarkable, which was certainly odd for a company supposedly doing retail. Under Greg's name it looked like one title had been gently scratched out and the "Lead Salesperson" was inked over it. Similarly scratched and almost impossible to read, there was a ghost of a company name that something like, but maybe not "Advanced Experimental Genetics" under the less helpful logo. I nodded. "Oh yeah, you are the guys that will be taking over the spot across the hall? What will you be selling?" "Just for a few days. We've got to liquidate as much of our inventory as we can before the FDA can stop us. We'll be selling formulas that work so well they might as well be magic. Let's call it vitamin supplements that really work. Trust me, you'll want to visit us and pick something up." Greg winked and it spoke volumes; I was curious now. "Now, I need to get back to store setup. Be sure to give my card to your manager and have her call me to talk about our discount." Greg seemed to leave in a surprising hurry and I could tell Cassie saw that he left without buying anything. "Lose another sale, bro?" she said, teasingly. I had known her since middle school and she loved to tease me. It was easier for her to tease me than she even realized, because I didn't want to admit I still had a huge crush on her and every time she looks at me I want to tell her that. It doesn't help that she blossomed into a woman nearly as gorgeous as the photoshopped models that adorned the stores. Of course, she has never really seemed to see me the same way. "He wasn't here to buy. He was here to talk about the store he's opening up across the way." Cassie grinned that feral, cat-like smile of hers at me, the one that always seems to twist me up inside with all that lust that I can't admit to her, "Sure. It's not like you need the commissions anyway. Just keep talking with all the non-clients and leave the real ones to me." Like me, Cassie was using the income from Valentina's Espionage to pay for some of her college tuition. However, she was right in that I had a bit more scholarship to pay for things and she did need the commissions a bit more than I did. I don't particularly care for this particular line of guilt-shaming in her teasing, but she already knew to change the subject. I had still had my bills to pay, I wasn't working for fun. I wasn't sure which manager to give Greg's business card to. We have been working under a two manager setup for a couple of months now. First you have Ryan, who I tend to think of as the Ghost of My Christmas Future if I don't pay attention. Ryan is a very sweet guy and started exactly where I am today: Field Agent for "Team Bro". One big Holiday season he was talked into dropping out of college to take over the Field Team Supervisor role here and that's essentially where he's stagnated for nearly a decade. From the flipside you have Katherine "Never Call Me Kat" Thompson. On paper she's Trainee Supervisor Thompson under Ryan's watchful tutelage. In reality we all know that she's essentially Field Liaison Thompson, actually reporting to the Regional Director. Kat is clearly on the fast track up the ladder in Corporate and this is just a stepping stone to make sure she's seen enough Field Duty to make Valentina's Espionage proud of its senior staff's field experience. The only problem with the two manager system is that we Field Agents caught in the middle most days don't know which Supervisor to see about mission procedure or operational incidents (aka fuck ups and accidents). Then I remembered that Trainee Supervisor Thompson had the day off anyway, so I just walked over to my pal Ryan, my decision easily made for me. "Hey Ryan, this guy from some new vitamin store called AdVexGen said to give you his card and let everyone in VE know we get a discount." Ryan's eyes lit up at the business card, "Excellent! This is fantastic news. Corporate sent over an Operating Procedure for if they setup camp in our mall. Let's go take a look shall we?" With that Ryan nodded me towards the Supervisor's desk (nothing fancy and shoved into a corner of our storage room out back). I was kind of surprised he was letting me peek at an Operating Procedure. Some of those were rumored to have quite a few crazy secrets, but most were just silly demands from VE's large and crazy Marketing Department, typically referred to as Forward Intelligence. "Kat-- er, Trainee Supervisor Thompson was very hush-hush about the thing when the Operating Procedure came in," Ryan whispered to me. I'm not sure why he was confiding in me, but I wasn't going to stop him. Ryan continued, "Apparently Corporate has been slyly setting up a large budget account just for this illegal pop up store and has promised stores that are lucky enough to be in the same mall as one of the stores all sorts of bonuses and appropriations out of that budget. I couldn't get more details than that, but now we can open the OP at least..." The Operating Procedure was of course sealed in one of our trademark fuchsia colored "EYES ONLY" folders. (Our Fuchsia and "EYES ONLY" branding is probably our best synergy of our business model and our silly branding metaphor. The words "EYES ONLY" are surprisingly clever and cheeky when emblazoned across a woman's ass.) The OP had a very simple label "Operation AdVexGen" and Ryan quickly untwirled its cording and opened it up, placing Greg's business card in a side pocket. "Corporate Executive Board Confidential. This document constitutes a trade secret of Valentina's Espionage. Any unauthorized distribution of this document will be subject to lawsuits." I gasped, I haven't seen many OPs, of course, but I knew things were serious if it was sealed confidential all the way up in the Executive Board of Corporate. The story the OP told was fascinating and I was glad for Ryan sharing it with me, even as my mind boggled at the supposed strictness of its security within VE. Supposedly, some Executive Board member of Corporate, and this isn't all that unlikely, was either also a member of AdVexGen's Board of Directors, or at least in very close confidence with one. It's not really even corporate espionage at that point: companies share board members all the time... Anyway, the part where things start to be a thriller novel is that AdVexGen finds out that their decades of work is suddenly going to be scrutinized by an angry FDA and everything they've worked toward is in jeopardy. They can't take things to the public yet, because apparently their products sound like science fiction, and also they are worried about their competitors in the case that maybe in a very lucky chance they survive the additional government and regulatory scrutiny... AdVexGen's plan is to dump all of their mostly completed product lines into the retail channel asap, hopefully build up a warchest to maybe fight for the chance to keep selling, and probably build up some public support for that fight, if they survive to see it as a company... So yes, VE's not supposed to know any of this, but it finds out anyway. VE's not crazy enough to plan to invest in AdVexGen at this point, because it does seem like a bad investment in the long run, and also because it could possibly trigger SEC insider trading sanctions, which worries a company like VE a lot more than the FDA... VE's crazy plan is that they've gotten enough word about AdVexGen's products that they want to buy up a lot of the retail goods as quickly as possible and use it to VE advantage over its competition. Again, the products sound like science fiction to me, but VE as a company is planning to buy a giant chunk of the flood about to hit retail, using its own retail apparatus to do so. Ryan's been assigned a generous budget and a list of specific products to try to acquire from what is expected to be no more than a three day AdVexGen sale in a few select cities scattered across the country. Additionally, Corporate has set up a fund that, within reason, any and almost all "body shaping" products that we Field Agents desire for personal use if it may also benefit the business somehow will be covered and charged directly to our Corporate Account. No questions asked. ---- Cassie got a chance to explore the AdVexGen sale before I did. "You better head over there soon, Mikey, if you want the good stuff," she teased me. We had settled on "Mikey" as a compromise years ago after she tried to call me "Mickey" for a while. I don't really like either pet name, but Cassie's just about the only person in the world I'm not willing to ask her to use the full "Micheal", because I guess I do have a soft spot for her teasing. "What did you get?" She knew the question was coming and still seemed surprised that I would bother to ask, "That's for me to know and you hopefully to never find out." I realized why she took that so personally five seconds into the store. The OP had given me a lot to think about this whole crazy store and I went wide eyed at the very wide selection of supposedly working exotic formulas to do everything from enhance one's natural beauty to change natural hair colors to changes in body form from the simple to amazing to the seemingly impossible. I walked straight over to my pal Greg from the other day, Lead Salesman here supposedly, and waited patiently for him to get through a couple of customers. I had one question to start the conversation, "If these products do everything they say on the tin, why don't you just do something outrageous to yourself, Greg, that will set you up as a celebrity for the rest of life?" He looked like he was seriously pondering that thought. "You know I hadn't put much thought into what I'd do after this sale, but I just might do something crazy. Your friend Cassie gave me an idea or two, actually..." He took a few seconds to snap back to the present from his contemplation and planning. "So what are you looking for, buddy?" "I want a vagina," I whispered to him. It was an old fetish filled daydream I used to have. To outwardly be a guy and have all the privilege that comes with it, but to secretly be a woman in the one place that truly counts... "Just a vagina?" Greg quietly quizzed me. I nodded and he hummed a bit in contemplation before directing me towards a specific box on a shelf. "I don't think I have anything you would ultimately want that would just do that, but I do have this full, womanizing Loving Seductress box. If you just drink the first vial it will give you that vagina you want, and you can just keep the rest in case it comes in handy." I look at the expensive price tag below the box and balk a bit. "I'm not sure I can afford that. Are you sure you don't have anything more specific to just what I want? Wouldn't that be cheaper?" Greg has a funny salesman gleam in his eye that I recognize immediately. For a guy that has apparently been lead salesman for all of a day and a half, he sure seems to have developed a knack for it. "I'm just going to charge this to the Valentina's Espionage account for you." "It's not really business related, though," I point out. That gleam turns into a proper smile and I know I've been caught. "Does Valentina's Espionage sell women's undergarments still?" I nod. I know this game, but I can't stop it. All I can do is nod. "Do you think you might sell women's undergarments better and with more confidence if maybe you were wearing some on a regular basis?" Again, I nod. He's done it, and I should have guessed at this result all along. I let him ring up the box to the corporate account, then zombie walk back to my car, slug down that first and only vial I think I need and wonder what to do with the rest of the box. ---- It's a surprising and amazing thing to go to sleep one day with a boring old penis and wake up the next day with a fascinating new and surprisingly sensitive seeming vagina. I want to just toy around with my new personal cunt for hours, but realize it's a work day and I've got the early shift. The box of remaining vials for now is just sitting on my dresser watching me grab my toiletries to take to the shared house shower to start my day. Who knows, maybe I'll find a buyer on Craigslist for seven eighths of a transformation? I live in my fraternity house, but we have surprisingly decent privacy in our bedrooms, including locks to them, so I'm not worried for now what anyone would think seeing that box in my room. My first interesting encounter is that some brother of mine has either drunkenly last night or hungover this morning or something in between managed one of those crazy blowouts of piss all over the house toilet nearest the shower. Suddenly I start to question my decision process as what would have been equally annoying some mornings but only a small annoyance those days where I myself just have to piss first thing in the morning, is now potentially an every morning concern. I clean as best as I can for as long as my bladder will let me and then hope the rest is cleaned off thoroughly by a nice hot shower. Downstairs a couple of guys are watching lesbian porn ironically to fill a school-less day with some amusement at bad acting. I sit in on it a bit as I eat my cereal for breakfast. After a particularly steamy bit of foreplay that I've come to know pretty well at this point, the hot blonde finally removes her bra for the first time and I blurt out "Damn that makes me so wet" about a half-second before the bottle red head gets to it. The other guys laugh at the well-we-all-know-that silly delivery of the line and I'm left contemplating how true that line actually was now for me as I head out to work. At work I bought a bunch of basic panties under my employee discount. I debated some of the fancier, frillier, and or scandalous options, but wimped out for day one. Despite Greg reminding me I might sell some of that stuff a bit more confidently if I've tried it and/or am wearing it while selling it, I wasn't going to dive into the deep end just yet. I didn't even bother to try to be discreet in making my purchase, as it isn't uncommon I make just such a purchase for a relative or a new girlfriend. I did try to be discreet when I slipped a panty out of the pack and into my pocket while I stored the remainder in my car. I also worked to be discreet when I swapped boxers for panty in a bathroom stall. I gently rubbed the flatter new outline of my crotch and was so tempted there to just give up discreteness and masturbate my new pussy in the middle of a stall in the men's restroom. However, propriety won that battle. There is this bannister at work that I've come to hate. It's a simple metal bar separating the main section of Fuchsia/EYES ONLY brand stuff from the rest of Valentina's Espionage. Ostensibly, it helps create a barrier from the stuff welcoming and open to teens and tweens on the outer side of the store from the more risky "adult" stuff towards the interior of the store "maintaining a simple confidentiality cordon". Of course, it was mostly there to encourage people to spend more time in the store and not be able to take straight shortcuts between areas of the store. (Forward Intelligence spends quite a bit of effort testing foot paths in store layouts.) I hate this bannister because as a Field Agent, I do need shortcuts and I often need them because those extra couple of seconds can be the difference between a sales commission and a lost sale. This is particular true for me as my particular demographic of customer, the dude who needs something as a gift for a loved one, takes two steps in the door and gets that deer in headlights look. Typically I've got almost exactly five seconds before the guy spin turns back out of the store. That bannister is literally so often between me and that sale and all I can do is try to mount over it and try not to rack myself in the process. (I'm about 95% successful at that, but that 5% is so painful.) So at the point I catch another one of those headlight-captured bucks on the other side of the bannister from me, I've been in the workday flow long enough that I've forgotten the change in my downstairs hardware. Two milliseconds into my attempted hurdle and I know I've flubbed it and brace for impact. The impact comes, but it's a lot less painful than I expect. There was still pain, but it faded a lot quicker and suddenly the cold metal was talking intimately to my crotch in a way that was new to me, and was weirdly making me horny. Suddenly, all I could think of was spending a few minutes hornily dry humping this enemy I had captured between my legs. I realized how strange this was and how I probably shouldn't feel that way about such a cold, metal object. The thing that stopped me from actually trying to do it was not discreteness or shame but the simple, subtle reminder from my brain that men's pants have a zipper in the wrong place for that. The fantasy didn't take that long to flash through my head and I hoped I made a decent fake at a groin in a great deal of pain, stumbling as I finished the hurdle and went to continue my job. That night in panties and pajama pants I wrapped my legs around the metal foot board of my fraternity house dorm bed and humped it in the way that I had imagined doing so to that enemy bannister from work. It began as simply dry humping the metal bar, but slowly became less and less dry of a hump. I worried that I shouldn't feel this horny about such a dumb inanimate metal object, but I realized that even just the threat of ball pain had kept me for years at a distance from so much of the world. I could be much more intimate in contacts between my crotch and the world now. This dumb bar at the foot of my bed for months had been just a utilitarian thing to keep my feet roughly on the bed and to keep the mattress and sheets from falling out. Now this bar was truly mine. I controlled it with my thighs. I dripped feminine honeys along the length of it, claiming it in no way that any fraternity brother of mine that had lived in this room could have ever have done. I slipped a hand into my pajama pants and then into my panties and humping turned to rather explicit jilling of my recently acquired pussy. As the orgasms subsided, I found myself passing out from pleasure and exhaustion. I glanced at the box of remaining vials, their contents haunting my dreams as I slept. ---- Work quickly became a whirlwind. Under the Advexgen Operating Procedure we'd been instructed to give year long discount cards to Operatives, Valentina's Espionage term for customers, that had in any way some sort of obvious Advexgen-related change. Just as quickly as some of us started questioning that decision we started seeing the return Operatives that needed a slightly newer size every week or so due to continuing changes from whatever their preferred Advexgen batch was. It started to be fun playing the game that each Operative we handed a new discount card was a very special individual and to keep it a hush-hush operational secret. It also meant that suddenly we were in one of the busiest seasons we had ever seen. Whichever of our Corporate Executives had scooped the Advexgen sale had hugely lucked out. It was the best holiday season we'd ever had in terms of sales and particularly in terms of repeat operatives. It was also one of the worst holiday seasons I'd ever seen in that we were now perpetually understaffed. Here the stockpiling we had done of Advexgen boxes started to become clearer as we started getting some interesting hires to fill our staffing needs. We hired a few pretty women that had almost no tits and would probably never have considered working in a lingerie store before and thanks to some stockpiled Advexgen breast enhancement vials, included as ego-boosting welcome package, they all filled out pretty nicely. The interesting surprise was that apparently Ryan couldn't resist the BE stockpiles and quickly grew himself a startling pair of knockers. It was interesting to see Ryan start wearing v-neck blazers and vests to better show off and enhance his bust, not that he needed it as time passed. He became something of a walking expert in options of corsets and bras from Valentina's Espionage's own TOP SECRET high end line. Of course, who was I to judge, hiding a pussy between my own pants, and slowly making my way through the various panty options we sell. I briefly considered selling the rest of my vials to Ryan, but Ryan seemed happy as just a guy with breasts. (Ryan was also happy because Trainee Supervisor Thompson had mostly disappeared, apparently having gotten busy doing things for Regional/Corporate.) I slowly graduated from lady briefs to thongs to g-strings. There were definitely questions that you could answer more confidently actually wearing a pair of g-strings, albeit my still mostly male demographic shouldn't guess at the truthfulness in my answers. I certainly wasn't going to bring up how horny it was making me to answer questions about tight, frilly pieces of underwear while wearing said tight, frilly pieces of underwear. I also decided to stop humping the furniture so much and invested in a cute pink dildo. The clerk at that shop was telling me all about how my niece would love it and what to tell her about how to use it safely. I don't know where she came up with that idea and I was tempted to make some poor taste jokes and/or sarcasm in which I'd refer to the cunt between my legs as "my niece", but ultimately I found her tips helpful and didn't bother to correct the assumption. Cassie and I had both admitted to each other to having started our Advexgen vials and that some changes had already begun. We agreed to a small bet on who would be the first to notice the other's change. It became an excuse to watch Cassie around work, not that I wasn't prone to glances before. I still had quite the crush on her and realized I should be careful not to get too wet watching her go about business as that would probably give the bet away. Thus far all I had noticed was that she wasn't really wearing tight pants anymore and instead was opting for loose skirts and dresses, which was a bit strange for her. ---- A couple of my fraternity brothers invited me to work out at the gym with them in a bit of a team spirit adventure. I had nothing better to do that evening so I joined them in the campus gym they had chosen for the activity. At first I was somewhat frustrated because it seemed like I was unusually sweating compared to any sort of benchmarks I knew or was familiar with. My new lady pussy was dripping with each effort in the gym. It honestly took about a circuit and a half before I realized that my pussy wasn't just dripping from sweat, but from a certain, very new sense of horniness. I very slowly realized that just about every rep was working some muscles that were relatively new between my legs and that those muscles were surprisingly sensitive and wonderfully fun to work out. Very quickly it began to dawn on me that working out wasn't just turning me on, but was starting to drive me horny and quickly orgasmic. I particular realized during a set of bench presses that I was experiencing a small orgasm with each press. I gritted my teeth and deeply gasped for each breath, fighting the needs from orgasm for that same amount of oxygen. A buddy of mine warned me that I should probably pace myself better for fear that I might hurt myself, but little did he know how much I was starting to enjoy myself here. It was almost better than the fun I had been having with my vibrator lately. Almost. I had always heard rumors that some women get aroused working out in the gym, and certainly my fraternity brothers and I had long speculated about such a thing and the kinds of women that would constantly work out because of it, but I was particularly surprised to find that I myself now got such pleasure from such a simple act. I got the feeling that I was going to work out a lot more than I'd ever have before, if it felt so orgasmic a release at the end of a long day. ---- As someone who had been forced to read too many of Valentina's Espionage training materials I've held a pet peeve whenever someone refers to one of the VE poster super model "War Hawks" by the term used by a well known rival. War Hawks are active birds, direct messengers for Forward Intelligence and sometimes deadly and direct attack force. That cannot be said about the passive model force of our rival. That's why my attention was immediately drawn to the person that said. "Ooh, look at the angel," and then drawn to the woman she was pointing at. Escorted in by some Corporate-looking dude in a suit was a woman drowning in a boring sweat suit. Even in the dumpy sweat suit she exuded the very beautiful essence of a living VE War Hawk. Her hair shimmered multi-colored in a way that had been a favorite post-process special effect of a War Hawk photographer a couple years back. Of course the big kicker was the pair of wings that shimmered that same color changing hue. Between the way they flapped with her expression and the recent things I'd seen brought about by Advexgen vials I had reason to believe that her wings were real and she really was a living War Hawk. I could hear Ryan greet the suit. The response, "Regional Liaison Thompson, but you can call me Tomkat or Tom," managed to grab my attention from the new War Hawk for a brief second. Tomkat had quite the upgrade over "Don't Call Me Kat" since the last time we'd seen her in the field, and I realized it was kind of funny seeing my managers meet anew here. (Ryan with his interesting new breasts and Tomkat with a whole new everything, just about.) The War Hawk pointed to me and uttered a simple "Him" to Tomkat. Tomkat raised an "Are you sure?" eyebrow and then the pair headed straight to me. Tomkat shook my hand. "Special Agent Michael" and I subconsciously shivered at the surprise field promotion; now I was truly in trouble and I almost didn't want to know what my new responsibilities would be. Tomkat continued, either unaware of my shiver or misinterpreting it, handing me a rarely seen in the wild fuchsia colored Corporate Card. "War Hawk Skylark here needs an entire new wardrobe and has requested you assist her. Expenses will be charged to the corporate account I just handed you. As a War Hawk handler, Forward Intelligence has authorized you to vouchsafe that card and you will be credited 150% of your usual commission for activities conducted for Forward Intel." Tomkat turned to Skylark. "War Hawk, I leave you in the capable hands of the Special Agent" and Tomkat quickly left the field. Skylark chuckled as soon as she had gone. "Showmanship, huh?" I nodded. "Always, War Hawk... er, Skylark. Valentina's Espionage prides itself on it. Why me, by the way?" I had a bit of a lump at the back of my throat. I'd argue with anyone that it was due to the surprise promotion and dangerous lump of corporate plastic now residing in my pocket. I'd eventually have to admit that it was as much being caught in the beauty of the winged woman I was now the assistant to. She smiled and I would have rolled over, presented my belly to her to be petted or perhaps to be disemboweled by her talons, I wasn't sure. "You helped me the last I was here. If it helps, you can call me Greg if your prefer..." I squinted and she continued. "...this time I do have a better idea of her size," and she gestured down her side with a hand and a wing. I breathed in and realized I needed to relax and do my new sales duty, so I chuckled at the okay joke and grabbed a measuring tape. "I'm guessing you still don't have the numbers though..." This quickly became one of the more interesting, fun, and lucrative sales of my career. Skylark was in a mood to try just about everything in the store on, and given she was building an entire new wardrobe, I was only encouraging it. We talked a lot through the afternoon, and quickly it changed from being some sort of a professional relationship to something more familiar, like a pair of old girl friends chatting. (Skylark didn't even bother to ask if I'd gone through with the change to my crotch, she pretty much knew, it felt like.) We talked about our backgrounds a bit; my school efforts and fraternity involvement and Greg's unsurprisingly similar background and couple of years involvement as a geek in AdVexGen, first as an intern and then a decently paid scientist. She didn't think she could get into too many specifics due to her contracts, but she seemed to have enjoyed her time at the mad science company. We chatted about the dangerous risk that Skylark took with her peculiar cocktail and the incredibly fast transition. "I wanted to make sure that I was the first exotic supermodel. The contracts I've signed already have made it clear that was a smart decision. I realize I took my life into my own hands: changing that fast increased the likelihood of bad side-effects or complications, including death... It will also make it tougher to make any changes in the future. For all I know, this new lady bird body is permanent for me now." We talked about Skylark's first few modeling gigs, including her first big one later this week in our own mall. Just as Skylark had wanted to move quickly to jump the competition, Valentina's Espionage was moving with a similar urgency to capitalize on their new living War Hawk. It's certainly faster to start with a small production in a random mall than some sort of elaborate unveil in Milan or New York. (Those will come, of course.) Plus, Forward Intelligence was hoping that a debut in a local mall with limited (managed) face to face meet and greets would do a faster job at spreading the word about how real and exciting Skylark was. Every outfit she tried on looked great on her. It was getting easier to joke about how her body was practically made to model for VE. At one point as Skylark showed off to me how even a pair of basic Fuchsia brand business slacks and loose fitting blouse looked spectacular on her (and surprisingly more erotic than they did on most women), she pulled me aside in the dressing room giggling. "I've been itching to joke about this with someone for a while now..." she said as she pulled at the front of her slacks. "Look, the carpet matches the crazy iridescent drapes!" It was true and eye catching, I couldn't help but look. Even darkened by the surrounding slacks you could see her pubic hair shimmering from what light did hit it. It was a feathery looking wonder prism. She slowly relaxed her slacks back into place and it took me a few seconds to come up with anything to say about what she had just presented to me. The best I could come up with on the spot there was. "Wow. Beautiful. Although I'm surprised VE hasn't forced you into the full bikini wax yet." She made a cute little involuntary shudder. "Tomorrow. That's on tomorrow's agenda." Then she gave me a steely stare and laughed. "What about you? You done that yet?" It was my chance to involuntary shudder as I thought about waxing the hair so close to my crotch. I shook my head, glancing around the changing room to get an idea if Cassie might be listening. Skylark smiled a man-eating grin that matched her steely stare and asked what I was afraid she might. "What about tomorrow? You should totally come. We'll do it together. New gal pals!" It was an interesting suggestion, but I still didn't particularly want to so I shook my head again. Skylark dropped the bomb on me, tears welling up in her suddenly huge eyes that I could not look away from. "Please? It really would mean a lot to me to have a friend there to share the experience with me." I couldn't turn down such an adorable baby bird; I'm not a monster. "Fine. I'll do it with you. Just not somewhere in this mall, I'm trying to win a bet with a coworker." Emotional whiplash as she immediately flipped to excited and happy and gave me a quick hug. "It's a deal. I'll have Tomkat send you the details. You are my new bestest friend, Michael. I owe you one." I nearly forgot about my deal with Skylark as we finished up her giant shopping trip and I was off in dreamland thinking about the giant commission check for a single day's work... ---- "Details" arrived when Tomkat rang my cell number at 6am. The contact sheet on my phone still said "Trainee Supervisor Thompson" and in my groggy state my first reaction was panic. Supervisor Thompson had called me many times about this time in the morning to remind me of an early shift I was about to miss and I was quickly hopping into clothes as I answered the call. "Good morning, Special Agent. Your War Hawk friend's limo just arrived outside your lodgings so that you may join her in today's activities. Your shift has already been covered for today. Let us know if there is something regarding your studies that needs to happen today. Have a good day." Tomkat was nothing but business and he hung up as abruptly as he had called. I was glad for the "I'm late for work" panic as it did make sure I was quickly dressed in enough of an adrenaline pounding awake state to process most of what Tomkat had just told me. I made my way downstairs and out of the fraternity house and there was indeed a limo outside waiting to pick me up. A couple of sorority girls from the house next door had noticed the limo and me rushing to it. "Fancy date?" they shouted at me. "Work, sort of," I yelled back, shrugging. As I sat down into the limo, Skylark didn't even bother to ask and just handed me a cup of coffee. It smelled of wakefulness with a hint of a wonderful day to go, and also more than a hint of some whiskey cream. As I gently sipped the coffee, Skylark asked the next most pressing matter. "Bloody Mary or Mimosa?" We had a rather wonderful girl's day out doing all the errands Skylark needed to do leading up to her big debut show at our mall, particularly given it was a first "girl's day out" for both of us. Mostly I just hung out, took advantage of the day's alcohol budget, and talked about random things with my new "bestie". There was of course the one appointment of shared misery, but we were fairly well liquored up by that point and it really was better that we were able to share the pain (and further alcohol) together. By the end of the day we certainly felt like new best friends that had a rather interesting adventure together. ---- The bet had been bugging me for too many days and I had started to wonder if I was working too hard trying to figure out Cassie's changes and maybe could cheat by asking my new best friend Skylark. Which, of course, just as I'm about to give up on the bet or cheat on it, I start to notice things. Subtleties in the way Cassie smoothes her skirt lately, for instance. I began to suspect that Cassie had done something rather similar to me and it was rather turning me on to think that my years long crush was looking as beautiful as ever, but now also might have some cute little boy penis in her panties. Certainly my sexuality is rather confused in my pants these days. The big last piece of evidence I felt I needed came courtesy of my frenemy: the store bannister. Cassie attempted the shortcut over it and I could tell she failed spectacularly as she was clearly in quite a bit of pain for several minutes afterward. I felt so much sympathy for her and I also wanted to go over and dry hump my happiness and horniness into the bannister to thank it for winning the bet for me. I waited until we both had a minute in the break area to tell Cassie that I was sure I had won our bet. "You've got a penis now, right?" Cassie checked for any other wandering eyes in the break area and then admitted to it by quickly lifting her skirt, lowering her panties, and showing off the small, cute penis and balls she now kept down there. "It's much more a grower than a show-er and I've still got a few vials left of growth. I like the little guy and have been wanting to finish the growth faster, but have been taking my time hoping I'd win the bet..." She arranged her clothes back down and handed me my winnings. "It's so cute on you, Cassie. Honestly, I'm dripping from how hot you are to me right now..." Cassie quirked an eyebrow and then started cracking up. Finally regaining her breath all she could say was "Figures" and I wasn't entirely sure what she meant by that and before I could ask she interjected. "Show me! I showed you mine already." I pulled down my pants to show the incredibly tiny, incredibly tight g-string I was wearing. She had an almost lecherous grin at the hint of camel toe I was displaying and the tight, smooth Brazilian waxed skin that was showing. "Mikey, it's too bad you didn't go all the way. I'd bet you'd have awesome tits." With that Cassie went back to work leaving me to pull up my pants and finally piece together years of clues that to be honest I'd known all along. ---- Cassie and I had a break scheduled together later that afternoon. "You know the big thing I miss?" she asked, without any other preface as I entered the breakroom. I shook my head. "I miss wearing yoga pants at work." "Are they really that comfortable?" Cassie's eyes lit up. "You've not tried them yet? You totally should wear a pair for the rest of the day. I think you'd enjoy it." I raised an eyebrow skeptically. "You don't think people would notice my lack of a bulge? I'm not sure I'm ready for guys to know I'm not packing down there." "Trust me, if you aren't packing up here," Cassie briefly hoisted her tits to illustrate. "most straight guys aren't looking down there. I bet you $10 no guy notices the rest of your shift." It was a cheap, silly bet, but I shook on it and was soon back in the break room showing off a new pair of Fuchsia brand yoga pants, the trademark EYES ONLY stretched across my butt cheeks. "You know, these are surprisingly comfortable for how tight they fit. I hadn't realized." Cassie's eyes were staring straight at my crotch. "There's no panty line, I know you were wearing a g-string earlier, but that particular model would show a small line even for that." "Oh, yeah, these were so comfortable, I thought I'd go without panties for a bit." I gently caressed my mound through the yoga pants, just enough to make an obvious camel toe, before smoothing it back up. I noticed a responding tent in Cassie's skirt. "Does that little guy noticing count for our bet?" Cassie glanced down at her erection, then looked back up at me embarassed. "That's not fair." She handed me a ten, then looked back to her erection betrayed. "Mikey doesn't even have tits, little Cassie boy, why would you lose a bet for such little A without the T. We're going to have words later." She really was much more of a grower than a shower, erect she was at least twice the size, I couldn't help but notice. "Don't be too hard on the little guy," I laughed. "I remember when I first got mine it would be excited about anything even vaguely shaped the right way, like the wrong angle of a pair, or this cute girl Cassie who was never as interested in being my girlfriend as I was in being her boyfriend." Cassie shook her head. "Mikey, I was never girlfriend material, but if you were all woman, I'd consider being your boyfriend in an instant." She gripped her erection less to illustrate this particular point, and more to try to conceal it better in her skirt. "Now if you will excuse me, I've got to give this reason why I can't wear yoga pants to work anymore a bit of a stern lecture in the few minutes we have left before we have to clock back in." She was right in that the rest of the shift and even wearing the yoga pants home into my fraternity's house, not a single guy seemed to notice what I was wearing or glance towards my crotch. I would have given Cassie her ten dollars back, but I liked winning on a technicality, and she had given me a lot to think about. ---- From the minute I got home the remaining vials haunted me from where I had left them. Was it crazy to go through such a drastic change just for the off chance that my lesbian crush of many years, who was growing a penis for herself, might finally be interested in me sexually? Maybe I'd wanted to do it for a while and just didn't have the guts, which is why I'd left those vials in my dorm room waiting for me? I was certainly a woman already in the one place it most counted and I guess I had always been considering it. Cassie was merely an excuse. I stared down the box of vials as I called the office and left a long rambling message on the machine that I'd be sick the next couple of days and would really appreciate it if they could find someone to cover my shifts. Without giving myself another chance to second guess it, I downed the remaining vials as quickly as I could, one right after the other. I remembered Skylark's notice that all at once could speed up and enhance things, even as I remembered her warning that it could result in worse side effects or maybe death. I wasn't sure I'd have the resolve to go through with it later and all or none seemed like both the smartest and dumbest decision I could make. I don't know what I was expecting, but there wasn't any sort of immediate pain or cramping. Instead, there was a tingling that at first I wasn't sure might have been the trailing anxiety and adrenaline from making such a crazy life changing decision. The tingling did however progress into something more annoying, reverberating across my body sometimes ringing notes of pain in one spot and pleasureful sensitivity in another. I figured out quickly that masturbating in this state heightened the pleasurable notes and mostly hid the painful ones, so my little pink vibrator and I went on a bit of a several hour adventure together. I drifted in and out of sleep and orgasm and many hours blurred together in that rush of masturbation. Somewhere in the middle of that period I realized that my hands were busiest massaging very noticeable and very sensitive and pleasurable breasts and I had no idea how long my hands had been doing that, but only that they should keep doing it because it felt amazing. Of course, eventually the masturbation strategy hit its limits and I was disappointed when almost all of the several hour session of pleasure melted away to be replaced with pain and cramping in just about every corner of my body. I began to realize that at least some of the pain and cramping was a very definite preview to menses and I'd probably be revisiting it sometime soon. I tried not to dwell on those thoughts. I mostly tried to keep my eyes closed and attempted to sleep or exercise through most of the painful parts of the process... I woke up the day after the pain almost abruptly stopped at my usual time to leave for an early shift at work. I finally examined myself from top to bottom and found myself to be quite the knockout. I was all woman and rather sexy if I did say so myself, possibly even War Hawk material if I cleaned up well. My tits and ass both seemed good, respectable sizes. My natural hair color seemed a couple of shades blonder than it had been. I also realized that I was rather lady ripped, like a lifelong cheerleader or dancer. Flexing various muscles showed they put my previous musculature to shame, including flexing my core revealing a rather sexy six pack. Remembering fondly my pleasurable recent experiences in the gym I figured I might even have a decent chance at maintaining such cute fitness. I tried to check what I could to see if I had any accidental side effects from the faster than manufacturer suggested change. My nipples seemed huge, puffy, and incredibly sensitive, but I'd seen enough pornography to figure that was normal enough. My only other concern was that it felt like my pussy was a lot wetter than it had been. I couldn't decide how natural or not that might be. Just sitting around I felt a low level wetness, a consistent lubrication in my crotch. Horniness, such as examining a sexy body like my new one here, caused quite a pleasurable feeling of drool down there and I quickly found out it didn't take much encouragement to squirt female ejaculate everywhere in orgasm. It was somewhat strange that I could ejaculate further and stronger than I ever remembered doing so as a guy. It was also somewhat strange that no sooner had I learned the pleasures of dry humping something that I'd never really dry hump anything again; just about any humping I'd do now would involve some amount of my very productive lady honey. Realizing I didn't have much better to wear I threw on some sweats that were the tightest I owned and hoped they didn't fall off on the way to work. Cassie arrived to work before I did, which was not unusual. Turning to see who had also arrived to work, She didn't even hesitate and seemed to know immediately who I was, embracing me in a giant hug. "Oh, Mickey, you didn't have to do this just for me." I didn't even feel like bothering to correct the old teasing nickname *Mickey* this time as it sounded so sexy and intimate the way she said it that time. "I didn't. I did it for myself," I said, teasingly, and with a wink. She feigned a punch at my shoulder, a long standing tradition that she understood the tease there. Then she added a new tradition by surprising me with a long, pleasureful kiss that I never thought would end and never wanted to end. "Well, we need to get you ready for the work day. You wouldn't make many sales in those sweats." She gestured for me to stand still and straight and then from behind she firmly grasped my breasts and squeezed them a bit from a couple of different angles. From one of the angles she accidentally, or possibly on purpose, brushed my nipples and I couldn't help but gasp in pleasure. I could feel a slight, reactionary jump, caused by that moan, in Cassie's man part below. She finished, headed deep into the store, and quickly returned with the practice of a veteran Field Agent, a small handful of clothing pieces in her arms. She passed over the Fuchsia and EYES ONLY gear without comment, as I would know all of it, and then held up the last two items and explained them. "This bra is almost definitely your size, but if it isn't it must be this other one. Try one, then the other, in that order. I can finish getting the store ready for open without you, but you should still change quickly, you are on the clock already." With that she ran off to double time it to get the store ready without my help. I was rather grateful at that, knowing how tough it was to open on one's own, and also grateful she decided to go ahead and clock me in for the day, contrary to standard operating procedure in the case one wishes to try on outfits before store open. (A standard operating procedure I had not had to actually consider before.) In the changing room I tried on her first bra suggestion and was surprised that it indeed seemed a perfect fit, running through the mental "good fit checklist" that I'd also only really needed for explaining to boyfriends and significant others before and never had to apply in practice. "Wow. You'll have to teach me that bra sizing trick!" I shouted back out into the store as I continued to dress in the clothes Cassie had picked out. "The Old Grope and Size? You'd probably need a couple more sisters and years more of lady slumber parties to pick up that trick. Besides, it is technically sexual harassment and we aren't allowed to do that at work..." I noticed the small bit of worry that crept in her voice at acknowledging the HR mistake before she continued, "Although it is a neat party trick for Lesbian Bars." I could hear the subtle wink in that. I finished dressing and made a pouting shout. "Cassandra!" elongating the vowels. I could tell that my voice held great whining power and I immediately wanted to punch myself for even attempting it. I realized with such great power would come a need for great responsibility. Cassie came into the changing room in a rush and pantomimed a pose, whining out my tease. "Doesn't this skirt make my ass look fat to you?" Cassie's eyes were immediately drawn to the body part I had just named. I could tell she was tempted to ignore the directions spread across it as the ruffled fuchsia skirt said the usual "EYES ONLY" across my two cheeks. I was surprised to see that she seemed a bit embarrassed at falling for my tease and her eyes dropped downward from my ass to my feet rather than meeting my gaze. She punched me in the shoulder, this time with a surprising amount of force, and possibly a bit of actual anger this time, shook her head seemingly to clear it, and stated matter of factly. "After our shifts, we need to go shoe shopping, girlfriend." I don't know exactly what it was about the mention of shoe shopping, or if some of it was also the sting of Cassie's horny punch to my shoulder, but suddenly I realized that I wouldn't be able to serve my customary demographic as easy as I was used to and would probably be losing a good chunk of my commissions. Thinking of that lead me to a couple of brutal sobs. Cassie was quickly composed and asked the obvious question. "What's the matter, Mickey?" I tried to explain between sobs and it didn't take many words for Cassie to catch the drift of what I was thinking about. She gently slid her fingers under my chin, lifting me up to look into her eyes, and then gently ran a finger through my hair, anchoring it behind my ear. "You know everything you need to know about the store to sell our stuff. Besides, Mickey, have you seen yourself? You won't have a problem selling to any demographic that walks in the door. So what if you lose a few shy guys, you'll make up for it from everything else... In fact, I'm the one who should be crying, because I'm worried that I won't be able to compete with you now..." I saw the truth in her eyes, and she was right, she did seem a bit fearful, but I also knew she was teasing me. That was surprisingly hot to me and it stopped my tears. I grabbed her hand from my hair, simply to hold it, and then this time it was me leaning in to kiss her and end the cycle of teasing. Finishing that kiss we both hurried to finish opening the store and barely just managed to do it in time to avoid the fine for a late opening. When Ryan arrived a bit later that morning he also recognized me with merely a glance, but it was a little less surprising because by that point I was wearing my usual name badge. He simply gestured for me to follow him into the back office and I had the usual anxiety that one gets when asked back by one's manager. He picked a folder off of a shelf and handed it to me. It was, of course, a fuchsia colored folder. It was labelled "Field Agent Confidential" (so not really all that confidential) and "Identity Kit". I knew I had been worried about nothing. Ryan quickly explained. "Corporate Legal put these kits together. You don't have to use it, it's entirely up to you, but it's designed to make your life easier: everything you need from updating your personnel record here to getting your driver's license updated in an easier way and getting your name legally changed." Ryan then gestured me back out into the field, and I stuffed it into my locker on the way out. It dawned on me, thanks to that kit, that often people go into the sort of drastic change that I had done with at least a little bit more planning. For instance, I certainly hadn't considered a new name before having been handed that kit. I supposed the easiest options were feminine forms of my name like Michelle or Mika, but I couldn't say any of the ones that were coming to me sounded all that appealing. Certainly I was quickly getting used to Cassie calling me Mickey, but that seemed like something to keep private between just the two of us. I had met girls named Michael before and I certainly felt lazy enough to just leave it what it always has been... The day flew past very quickly, as I was perhaps the busiest I had ever been. I started to realize that Cassie had likely been right and I was going to get better commissions and I probably was much heavier competition for her commissions. Certainly the shift end commission estimate was higher than I had seen it this side of a holiday or my Special Field Agent duties, albeit I was unsure just yet if that could still be the overall AdVexGen effect on sales. I got back to my fraternity house around the usual dinner time caravan, when most of the guys would descend on some unsuspecting dinner hall or fast food restaurant en masse. Nutter (aka Doug) was the only straggler left in the common area and although he was fairly occupied with whatever videogame he was playing on the big screen, I should not have been surprised when he noticed a womanly shape pass by the room, even in the hallway (me). Pausing his game he attempted a helpful. "Um, can I help you?" "I'm Michael." He must have misheard me or been too busy processing me visually as he turned in the hallway direction vaguely towards my dorm room and shouted. "Michael, dude, your new girlfriend is here and she's quite hot!" Half-joke, half-tease, all dumb. I rolled my eyes and tried again, this time with more emphasis. "Nutter, I'm Michael." The look on Nutter's face as he slowly noticed what I said and parsed it against the nametag on my chest and the facial resemblance to my old self was priceless and all he could do was mutter an "Oh" and return to his videogame. "So you think I'm hot?" I purred in response. As soon as I heard it come out of my mouth, I realized I had taken the tease too far. Even I could tell my voice was far too seductive for shy dork like Nutter. Damn it, Michael, the goal was to be responsible with this power. Nutter's expression was of a pale, pure embarrassment and so I quickly tried to make it less awkward by leaving the room entirely. ---- "Milan was amazing!" was the first thing out of my recently upgraded to a supermodel "best" friend, the War Hawk Skylark. She hadn't even bothered to remark on my final, female appearance, having launched herself directly into a brutal hug on first sight of me and then leading off with the aforementioned humble brag about her time just now in Italy. "They want me to go to Paris next month and they're telling me that next time I should bring my entourage," she cheerfully noted, winking. "I'm not sure I'm entourage material, Sweetlark." I had meant to say Skylark and accidentally started into 'sweetie' instead, no idea where that had come from, and I hoped she hadn't noticed the inadvertent nickname. She had. In response, she preened a bit more bird-like than I ever expected to see from a person, ruffling into her own feathery down before returning. She looked me up and down truly for the first time. "Well of course you aren't entourage material, Mikey, honey, because you jumped right over that into catwalk material." With that, a sing-song whistle. "I knew I was right to get my contract the way I did, because I'd hate to have to compete with such a pretty friend." Now it was my turn to be flustered. Skylark took a deep breath. "But seriously, I'd love for you to visit Paris with me." "I'll have to check with my boyfriend," I nodded in the direction of Cassie, standing off to the side of the floor in "look like you are busy while waiting for customers to show up mode". Skylark glanced at Cassie, tilted her head in a very birdlike manner, then straightened and returned to me. "Boyfriend?" "Well, yeah, she's enhanced something like us, but differently..." I was starting to think this answered the question on if I could have cheated on the bet with Cassie. "You didn't know?" Skylark shook her head. "No, I think I'd remember Cassie's purchase after the conversation we had, she much have returned to another sales person." That lead to another question I hadn't realized I had wanted to ask. "I thought you knew. If you didn't speak to her, then what made you think I'd want all the vials?" Skylark swept a wing over her body. "I thought you might, because I did." I didn't know what to add to that and was somewhat swept up in it. We were something more than besties even, in that moment. We knew something deep of each others emotions. I didn't know what to do with that emotion but channel it into a surprisingly tearful and heartfelt hug. That hug grabbed Cassie's attention and she hovered over to us with abrupt skill of a well trained Field Agent. "What's this about?" I couldn't explain what just happened to her at that moment. Skylark seemed to grasp that. "I was just inviting the two of you to Paris with me, for the next fashion week in a few weeks. We'd three hang out together and see the sights in between whatever craziness they have me doing for work." I wasn't sure what to read of Cassie's deep stares at the two of us. "Cassie, have you met my friend and Special Agent assignment, Valentina's Espionage featured War Hawk Skylark?" The glare at me at the mention of a Special Field Agent told me that Cassie and I may have a few words in private about me not mentioning that to her before. It slowly dawned on me that it may even seem further proof I was taking advantage of better commissions than her. Cassie brightened up a lot more as she turned to Skylark. "Pleased to meet you, Skylark. I've seen your posters all over this place... I hadn't realized you were so very real. This is going to sound dumb, but can I pet you?" I was surprised when Skylark nodded, as that didn't seem like something she would like, especially in public, and then only noticed that Skylark's eyes had never left Cassie's. There was an infatuation there that I was surprised I recognized. Skylark looked at me that way just now in that last hug. I realized I looked at Cassie that way too. I finally realized that Cassie was returning that look right back to Skylark. Cassie very, very gently brushed a finger through some of Skylark's wing feathers. Then gentled tousled Skylark's downy, iridescent hair. I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath and deeply exhaled. Cassie didn't even need to look for me to send her other hand in the direction of that breath, to gently run that hand through my own hair. I was melting in that moment. I didn't want it to end and I wondered if I held my breath again if time would stop, at least for long enough to truly enjoy the simple beauty of the moment, the gentle contact seemingly happening on a subtly different level than the outward appearance of a simple rubbing of hair. Cassie broke contact, noticing something I could not and would not want to. "Ms. War Hawk, a trip to Paris sounds delightful." Turning to me, Cassie managed in a deeply sweet voice, which I knew was poisoned with tease just for me. "Ms. Special Field Agent, we have customers to help. I'm sure that our War Hawk friend has places to be this afternoon and it would be best to get professional needs out of the way before any further talk of pleasure." I watched Cassie walk away and was absolutely spell bound that she was able to switch back to professional so completely, no sight of a hard on, straight back to work to help the customers that just walked in. It was Skylark's turn to deeply exhale. "Wow." Her wings shivered a bit and she tried to straighten herself out. "Your boyfriend is something else. You think she meant that bit about talk of further pleasure?" I shrugged. "We've not been dating that long, but I for one am hoping all of our evening calendars are empty tonight." I worked to straighten up, brush some of the wrinkles out of my blouse. "How can I help you right now, War Hawk Skylark?" I knew that was a tenth of Cassie's steel, but I felt better trying it. "Well, I did stop by for a couple weeks worth of new clothes, and surprisingly I find myself in dire need of a fresh pair of panties as a first need..." ---- There was an urgency to make the month's fraternity meeting, because I had already been warned my gender change would be a topic of conversation. Thanks to the urgency of arriving in time, I came straight to the meeting from my work shift, largely guaranteeing that even if the meeting weren't about me, almost all eyes would be on me anyway. I was somewhat surprised when I arrived that another brother had gender swapped as well. One of the quieter, newer members that I wasn't that familiar with, but now realized I should get to know, had transformed into something of an anime-esque cat girl. She was sticking to the back of the meeting, wearing a deep black robe, and using it almost trying to hide into the shadows. After the fraternity and usual meeting perfunctories, the Chapter President, a brother named Jeff and nicknamed Fancypants based on an artful getup his Freshman year, walked us through the situation. As I suspected, many eyes were on me, very clearly femme and somewhat enticingly dressed, and very emblematic of the issue at hand. Several chapters of our fraternity have had AdVexGen-related gender swaps in the past month and a half, and expected at least a few more. The fraternity National Organization remembered the very brief time it was co-ed two generations back, when it was more acceptable (though stranger in its own way), and in its wisdom decided to leave it up to individual chapters and their schools whether or not to allow gender swapped brothers who are now sisters to remain active in their chapter. The National Organization wished to make clear that any thus inactivated members would still be welcome and recognized as treasured alumnae of the fraternity. The Chapter President then dutifully talked with the school administration to clear it with them. Some schools had clear rules against co-ed fraternities, but our school was also wise in these matters and left it as a matter for the individual chapters to decide for themselves in accord with their national organizations. That of course left all the weight of an actual vote back on us as a chapter. I expected a terrifyingly personal debate at this point and was preparing my metaphoric claws for battle. President Jeff (Fancypants) concluded with a surprisingly ringing endorsement for change, that the principles of the fraternity went beyond gender and that despite outward changes (I could almost physically feel all eyes on me), the new sisters were still important to the chapter, and continued to bring to the chapter the qualities they always had. Following that surprisingly impassioned opinion, there was surprisingly little debate. No one openly admitted to wanting to kick me out. (Nor kick out the sheepish cat-girl, whose fraternity nickname was apparently already Neko, for the wallpaper on all her machines while she was pledging.) But that business item lead to the next business item which was more contentious: whether or not to allow women and/or transwomen to pledge in future semesters. There was a lot of heated debate. There was some assumption that I (and Neko) might unequivocally be for the idea, but I was willing to admit I had no idea the ramifications yet, and certainly we had no experience pledging women/transwomen, yet. (Not to mention we had no idea if we'd get flak from our sorority friends if we opened up the floodgates all at once.) In the end the compromise decision was to try to keep things simple, not go out of our way to pledge for it, but to evaluate things on a case-by-case basis. The final big related business item was the house. President Jeff reminded everyone that the big remaining complication was that I lived in the fraternity house, and that was definitely not designed with co- ed needs in mind. I flushed a bit, realizing that I had not considered this enough, and that I was not prepared at this point of the semester to find a new, likely much more expensive, place to stay. Doug, aka Nutter, was the first to ask for the floor, and my heart sank further, remembering my tease towards him and worrying that he would be dead set on kicking me out. "A bunch of us in the House already had a small unofficial vote, and we'd like to offer our conclusion to the meeting for ratification." I was really concerned now. They had a meeting about it without me? They had already made some sort of decision? President Jeff (Fancypants) nodded some agreement. "It does seem fair to hear out those that already live in the House for priority in this discussion." Was that the signal to start packing? I tried not to panic. Doug gestured at some of the other brothers in the House. "Many of us have girlfriends or sorority sister friends or actual sisters that we want to make sure feel welcome in the House. We don't think we can do that if even our own brother turned sister can't feel welcome in the House. So among us, we decided that any decision should be Michael's, because her feeling comfortable remaining with us is more important than our feeling comfortable with her living in the house. We did feel it fair that if the chapter decides that our sister Michael is not allowed in the House, we risk making the House hostile to other women, and most of us in the House will be forced to leave as well." I had a tear from the whiplash from panic to feeling a surprising amount of support. The implied threat of the rest of the House packing up and leaving with me, was a big threat. Most of the chapter's operating funds come from the support of rents in the House, and a drop in the rents in the House potentially wrecks the budgets for fun things, if not entirely sinks the chapter financially for a while. I'm not sure I was entirely happy being lumped in with the other guys' girlfriends and other friends as a reason I should stay, but I got the feeling the sentiment behind it was quite earnest. President Jeff accepted the report from Nutter and the meeting moved to accept the decision to continue to allow me to live in the House, and to contemplate ways to make things more comfortable moving forward for a more co-ed living situation to possibly be expected. (Pending some research on legal issues with the University.) ---- Cassie was waiting for me on the fraternity house porch. She was wearing the longest skirt I felt like I had ever seen her wear. I had seen her in pants many times, of course, but usually if she bothered to wear a skirt it was mostly something fairly knee-length at longest. I wasn't sure what to make of her wearing a nearly ankle length skirt. "Can we talk in private?" she whispered, sounding surprisingly grim. I nodded and lead her directly into my bedroom, locking the door behind us. Cassie was a bundle of nervous energy and seemed hesitant to talk at first. Finally she whispered it. "I did what you and Skylark did, and I think I'm a freak now." Other than the very low volume, I couldn't tell what emotions were behind the statement, it was weirdly calm and neutral enough that I especially wanted to know her emotions in that instant. "I'm sure it's not that bad." I put as much sympathy into that as I could, and could hear a slight song to it. It sounded more sexy than those words had any right to be. She was pacing a bit and noticed the empty AdvExGen vial box. "Was this the one you used? No wonder that superpower of yours." "Huh? What superpower?" Cassie eyed me enviously. "Mickey, you have every commission you ever want now. You've got the seductive voice of a siren. You could sell men on ocean cruises to their rocky dooms, and they would give you every penny they had. I can't compete with that, if you put your power to work, I'd be out of a job." I tried to imagine it, but shook my head. "I couldn't do that, I couldn't use such power for work, much less for evil." Cassie smiled sweetly back at me. "I know, your sweet ethics are a part of why I'm thrilled to be your boyfriend, Mickey. Promise me though, if you did start into the ocean cruise to drown men business, that you cut me in on that action." "Can you show me what you think the problem is?" I asked, trying to get things back on track. Cassie nodded, and this time I wondered if it was my imagination that there was a tear in her eye as she stopped pacing. She whispered. "This will be easier if you take your top off." Then she closed her eyes. I nodded and took off my blouse, and unhooked my bra as fast as I was able, and maybe a bit faster than I expected. Cassie dropped her very long skirt to the floor, revealing her crotch in its entirety as she was commando, not wearing any underwear. One reason Cassie wasn't wearing underwear seemed understandably that she had four well proportioned balls, which would definitely be a tight fit in most men's underwear, much less anything Cassie could buy with her company discount at Valentina's Espionage. Her flacid penis seemed maybe a bit girthier, but other than that seemed about the same size to me as I last remembered seeing it. I wasn't sure why Cassie would be so freaked out if it was just a couple extra balls in her sack. Cassie still had her eyes closed, so I hesitated to say anything. Cassie let out a deep sigh and opened her eyes finally, immediately fixating on my breasts. She took a sharp intake of breath, which turned into a bit of a moaning whisper. "Mickey, it's like looking into the sun if the sun was made of beautiful breasts." I would have snickered at the terrible, terrible line, if my attention was quickly recaptured by her crotch. She was growing erect at what seemed to be an alarming rate, and it didn't seem to be stopping, each passing second growing larger than I even thought possible; so much more a grower than a shower. As it grew there were some interesting perspective shifts as my brain caught up with what it was seeing. It suddenly seemed much girthier than I had thought it was when flacid, perhaps far too girthy for a mortal human. Then I noticed an interesting crack down the center, which slowly resolved into the realization that it wasn't super girthy, because there were actually two penises there side-by-side. Continuing to grow they began to move in different directions. One snaked into the valley between my breasts, though I'll admit that I encouraged him by leaning forward, and crossed my arms around it to catch him there. I wanted to lick him, he was so cute there. The other seemed a practiced hand, snaking his way up under Cassie's blouse, behind her bra and out through her cleavage as well. Cassie finally broke eye contact with my tits to look me in the eye. They glistened a bit, threatening that stormy tears might be on the horizon. "See? I'm a freak. Why wouldn't I expect to get a pair of snake-like tentacle penises from a box of penis enhancing vials labeled 'Trouser Snake'?" "They are so cool." I don't think she caught the honest enthusiasm in my voice, she seems quite distraught, maybe too much expecting teasing sarcasm, but I'm too curious not to first ask. "Do you control their movement?" Cassie shook her head. "No." She thought it over a bit more. "Well, yes, maybe. You know how they say the tail wags the dog? I'm still not sure if I'm wagging the tail or if it is wagging me, but we are clearly both wagging." Her eye moves back down to my breasts to illustrate the point. "We both love tits for instance." I gently pet the penis head poking out from between my breasts. "Who's a good little doggy tail? You are." Cassie unconsciously shivers in pleasure from the unexpected touch, but very self-consciously drops a couple tears into my breasts. "Please don't tease me because I am a freak now. I can't take that right now." "Cassie, cutie," as say as sweetly as downright possible. I try very hard not to sound angry with her. I'm angry that she feels this way about herself, but sounding angry certainly won't help. I knew immediately I overshot directly into "superpower" range by the throb of the penis between my breasts and they way her eyes immediately jumped to meet mine, a sparkle in them. It was too late to course correct out of superpower mode as I was already basically singing the rest of the sentence. "you are the cutest woman I know, with the cutest, most flexible pair of penises a girlfriend could ask for." Cassie was breathing extremely shallowly, and I was worried I'd shorted her brain. I really don't know my own strength with my superpower. Finally she seemed to catch her breath, though it still came out as a breathy moan. "Thanks, I needed you to tell me that." Then she collapsed into a giant hug around me, tears flowing for real, but this time I was happy to see they didn't seem to be out of self- disgust now. "I'm so happy you are my girlfriend." Okay, she was definitely happy to see me, the throbbing in the penis between my breasts definitely did seem like it wanted to wag like a dog tail if it had more room than just the valley between my tits. Her tears turned to laughter, and her brain seemed to have fully caught up, and she was fully Cassie as she finally retorted. "You're not just trying to sell me on an ocean cruise towards lovely rocks are you?" We both laughed at that for a bit. I supposed then that the easiest thing to do to prove my loyalty on that point was to push the penis up further through my breasts so I could lick it. Soon I was exploring him with more of the rest of my mouth, rubbing some of his length with my breasts, and things escalated quickly from there. ---- Everything else seemed to escalate pretty quickly from there, too. Cassie and I had an amazing time as Skylark's entourage in Paris. The three of us became very close. Cassie and I would probably have dropped out of school just to entourage full time, if Skylark herself hadn't been adamant we finish. That left me back at school the next semester, rather enjoying the fraternity's Rush that year for a couple of reasons. It's surprisingly not that well known that the sorority girls and girlfriends that hang out with us at Rush, in addition to also being college students happy to have access to free food, are an "early warning system" to weed out the more misogynist assholes. Despite a lot of fraternity stereotypes, we don't want members that creep out our girlfriends or our sorority friends, because we want them still to be our friends. Especially when coming to Rush straight from work in my usual work clothes, I became an interesting part of this "early warning system". First of all because I had a direct vote in the nightly Brothers-only discussions. Secondly because it started to become a game. The guys stopped directly introducing me to potential recruits simply because all of us, especially me, started having way too much fun watching the potential new recruits say dumb stuff to me, then for me to admit that I was "Brother Micheal" in this chapter. I admit that some of the bigger jerks I may have spun their heads a bit by layering a small bit of my superpower on them before I introduced myself to them to tease them just a bit towards idiot mistakes. I know I promised Cassie not to use it for evil, but I'd like to think it was for the greater good. For the most part Cassie generally agreed each time I did it, for she was generally watching them all. That was the other big reason I was really enjoying Rush that semester, because Skylark and I had talked her into rushing the fraternity to amuse the three of us. It turned out that Skylark, back in her previous life as "Greg" whom we learned a lot more about in Paris, was also an alum of my fraternity, from her alma mater's chapter in another state. We thought it would be cool for Cassie to have a perspective on that shared background. Cassie wasn't sure the Brothers would be up for another female-presenting member so soon, even if they seemed to be adjusting well to Neko and me. I eventually convinced her to have the confidence that befits someone that is twice as masculinely endowed as the average potential recruit, and I didn't even use my superpower to do that. President Jeff made sure to remind me what the fraternity's policies were on relationships between Brothers (a useful policy for decades; we've had a diverse mix of Brothers over the years), but the guys were already used to seeing Cassie around the House all the time as my girlfriend anyway, and it turns out some of them were already hoping she would rush. I quickly figured out that Cassie herself had drunkenly bragged about how over-endowed she was to some of the guys at a party the previous semester. Weirdly enough that left some of them already with the opinion that she was one of the guys, and a cool dude to hang out with. I also learned that a few of the guys had "accidentally" found some of the racier, let's say more "European' photos of Skylark, Cassie, and I, from our Paris trip in some fashion tabloid or another. While I tried not imagine which sorts of computer folders most of the guys stashed those photos in, I wasn't surprised to hear that Cassie and I were sort of celebrities in certain small circles already, and that rushing Cassie doubled in guys' minds the chances the fraternity members might meet Skylark in person. Brothers don't keep secrets from Brothers, so I wasn't surprised how quickly both stories spread in rush meetings. I didn't reveal that the guys were even more likely to meet Skylark because she was an alum. While Brothers don't keep secrets from each other, I figured that little fact would be more fun for Skylark herself to enjoy telling the chapter the next time she showed for a night on the town with Cassie and I. (Which did happen at the end of Rush, and was indeed so much fun to watch as Skylark blew some minds with some old fraternity stories.) ---- *Epilogue* A few years later, Cassie and I were invited to a very secretive Valentina's Espionage meeting. I've always enjoyed the spy games, but this was a surprising new level of them, because we were given instructions to register for a business conference, at VE expense, for a real estate industry convention at a boring hotel conference center, pretend we were normal low-level employees of one of largest real estate companies involved, and keep an eye out for Thursday breakout session "R215: Property Values in a Moderately Tax Incentive Financed Zone During a Mild Recession". That session was announced as canceled in the opening keynote of the business conference, which we were also told to attend, though that mostly because of an open bar. Open bars are a great way to establish a cover, of course, if your cover was indeed something resembling the usual corporate drone use of an industry conference to schmooze at open bars, and then make out with a coworker in a hotel room in a city that isn't home, which very much resembled exactly what Cassie and I were doing at this conference. There was a hotel security guard still scanning badges at the "canceled" session. We saw the guard remind several people that the session was canceled, and then explain that an invite only make up real estate exam was using the session room to a few other inquisitive folks as we patiently waited to be scanned into the room. Once inside, Cassie and I both immediately recognized the chair of the modified session, our former supervisor Tomkat Thompson. As soon as everyone was seeated, Tomkat was just as brisk as I sometimes remembered him to be back in the day. "Thank you all for coming. You all are hear because you have both sales experience, and some sort of direct experience with sales and/or applications of AdvExGen products. This will be a highly classified briefing from Flank Intelligence. If there are any concerns at all, about AdvExGen, about operations that Valentina's Espionage will disavow, I suggest you leave the room immediately, and go enjoy the remaining open bar activities of this conference." A lot of eyes starting moving to catch each other to share some startle, and a couple of people did walk out. Flank Intelligence is a ghost story, the corporate espionage division, accused of stealing secrets from VE's rivals, and even some of VE's suppliers to keep them controlled. The mention of AdvExGen products seemed to prove the involvement of Flank Intelligence, and definitely piqued the attentions of Cassie and me, among other folks in the room. Tomkat went straight into dull PowerPoint mode once he was sure the hesitant were clear, past the security guard. Despite Tomkat's presentation tone, and the usual eye glazing power of slideshow full of bullet points, the presentation was anything but dull. It started by detailing Flank Intelligence's role in the AdvExGen sale to begin with. (Largely the same story from the Operating Procedure during the sale.) Then it laid out how Flank Intelligence had helped to reassemble some of the pieces of AdvExGen during its bankruptcy. (Some fascinating bullet points on the usefulness of the Operating Procedure's stockpiling initiative, in preserving some key research goals.) Then how Flank Intelligence helped further new research avenues, including the secondment of one of VE's most prized warhawks with a background in said research. ("So that's what's been keeping our girlfriend so busy," Cassie whispered to me, realizing exactly which one that had to be before I did.) While Cassie and I were enraptured with the mixture of information we already knew, and weird useless trivia about stuff we suspected but didn't realize, a few people left in the middle of the presentation and didn't bother returning. One person fell asleep and was booted out. Tomkat came to a timeline slide resummarizing much of the previous infodump. "That brings us to today. Flank Intelligence's zombie reanimation of the failed AdvExGen is largely complete and has a number of products ready to market. All of these products are illegal in most countries, due to a few rarer side effects, and attempt to crackdown on a black market full of dubious knockoffs with even worse side effects. Flank Intelligence believes that everyone in this room is qualified to be a strong sales person in the AdvExGen 2.0 'gray market'. The obvious downside is that this is an illegal operation with serious risks if discovered. The potential upside is a fantastic commission opportunity. I know some of you are already well aware at some of the black market prices for unreliable duplicates, we expect good sales of legitimately developed products. Flank Intelligence assumes that if you made it all the way through the briefing I just gave, there is a high probability that I should welcome all of you as founding members of the gray market."

Same as AdvExGen: A Field Agent of Valentina's Espionage Videos

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Agent Kask Pt II

The good Assistant Director handed me off to an agent. Who handed me off to another agent, who handed me off to some one else, and on and on and on. Eventually I ended up with a young guy who introduced himself as Tom - no last name was given, none was needed. He was big. In fact - huge. And he had the thickest southern accent I'd ever heard. On the third try, I finally got: "Pleased to meet you agent, I'll be your transport to Walter Reed Hospital." He seemed very good...

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Altered Fates Hollywood Agent

ALTERED FATES: HOLLYWOOD AGENT Chapter 1: Laura Jenson was tired. At least she acted as if she was tired, and those who knew her well knew that even though she was the star of over ten highly profitable movies over the last five years, that Laura couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Laura thanked her lucky stars everyday that the director's and the film editor she chose to work with, knew her acting faults and were only too glad to cover them up and make a ton of money from...

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Altered Fates Agent Zulo

ALTERED FATES: AGENT ZULO by BobH (c) 2011 "Yes, baby, oh yes!!" I moaned, bending over the motel room desk as my partner took me from behind, grasping my hips and snorting as he rammed himself into me. Red-faced and breathing heavily, the effort seemed to be taking a lot out of him. Giving one last thrust that almost pushed me into the wall, he came with a final labored grunt. Having shot his load he pulled out of me and sat down heavily on the bed, sweating...

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The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer

The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer (A.K.A. The continuing perils and torments of a sexy lady Spy)CHAPTER 1Mission Failure, Suzzanne falls in with some very bad peopleShe heard a soft click and then something cold and hard pressed against the base of her skull, and a cold voice she spoke close to her ear ?Hello Agent Midsummer, we’ve been expecting you?. She shifted her weight and the gun barrel pressed harder, ?Ah Ah, no sudden moves, keep very still? The light clicked on and Suzzanne...

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Agent 13 The Promotion

My alarm went off as it always did at five thirty. I groggily reached over and pounded on the snooze button, practically breaking the alarm clock. I threw off my covers and lay there for a few minutes. I was completely naked, I never liked wearing clothes to bed and besides why should I? I live in a tiny apartment by myself and it's good for you to sleep naked. It lets the skin breathe. I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up...

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Retiring an Agent

I knew I screwed up. In my line of work you only get one strike, and I just struck out. We all knew working for an underground agency would not be easy, but they made it worth our while. It was simple, we would get assignments, we would complete them, then we would get paid. My phone would only ring a couple times a year and the amount I got easily paid all expenses my wife and I had. My wife, Sarah, she was so understanding for so long. But as time dragged on, she began to pry more...

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Agent G Fantasy I wrote this for a slutty friend

Agent G moved down the hallway insistently, glancing behind her as her heelsclicked against the tile. She knew she was being followed. Her steps were short. The black, pinstripe pencil skirt restricted her gait as it fell below her knees. She wore her crimson tresses straight to her shoulders with short bangs peeking out from beneath her black beret. Her shades hid the greenish pools of her eyes, fear and excitement, brimming to her silken lashes. A smart woman of fashionable class, she wore a...

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Jane Bound Agent Activate Chapter5 conclusion

Jane Bound Agent activate Chapter5: Conclusion Jane breezes into the offices at Imperium Corporation, smiling happily. Preparing for another wonderful day, at her reception desk. Each day passes by, she is never really able to remember what transpired during the day, but always a warm glow and happy thoughts accompany her home at the end of each day. She sets up her desk and prepares to organize Miss's calendar, and messages for the day, quickly peeks into a small hand held...

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The Further Adventures of Agent Trixie Daniels Ch 2

Chapter 2 A Serious Problem Special Agent Trixie Daniels had compiled her crack team of barely legal black cock sluts which included Hannah, the gorgeous brunette soccer star, Traci the pampered Vietnamese girl with a perfect ass and the sadistic MaryAnne, who was already responsible for taking the testicles of two pathetic whiteboys. The four sluts sat in an empty conference room waiting for their mission details. “Look alive ladies”, the Chief’s booming voice echoed through the room,...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 24

When Sylvia woke up, she felt a little groggy. It took her a good minute before she noticed that she was lying in a soft bed and that her body was covered with a bed sheet. And then the memory of her standing in the sun for the whole day came back to mind. At first, she didn't dare to move, afraid that it would hurt her. However, when she did move, she didn't notice any pain or anything uncomfortable about it. She turned her head slowly and then looked at her right shoulder. "Damn," she...

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Curious night for Agent Annie

Curious night for Agent AnnieAgent Annie was lurking in the shadows, on the lookout for a new criminal cell dealing with d**g trafficking in her area.According to what was known, the organizers used nurses as mules to transport the d**g packets, but it was still unclear how the dogs had been unable to detect the smell of the d**g. d**g for an unknown reason.But it did not matter to Agent Annie, because when she was watching the grain, no detail escaped her.And precisely, in the semi-darkness of...

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The Secret Agent vol I

Introduction: This is the story of a fledgling secret agent named Jeanette on her first mission. It is also my first attempt at erotic fiction. Only the beginning of Jeanettes transformative journey is chronicled here. If the response is positive, and there is enough demand, I would like to continue her story eventually. But if that never happens, consider this just a dirty little experiment for me. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing. Chapter I: The Assignment / The...

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MILF Real Estate Agent Becomes a Whore for Listings Part 1

The real estate business can be very lucrative, but most agents aren’t that successful. I got some good, although morally flawed, advice when I started my career in real estate, that helped me to be very successful. Looking back now, two years later, my husband, Mark, has accepted our somewhat perverse lifestyle, for the obvious monetary rewards that it provides.My name is Shari, and I grew up in a religious, upper middle-class family in the Jacksonville, Florida area. After completing my...

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An Inquisitive Federal Agent

An Inquisitive Federal Agent East Coast Slaver Organization Story - XII Chapter 01 ? Intrigued by theMystery (or What are You ? Umph!) By: Desert Dog Special Agent Sam Valiant threw the file she had been studying aside witha sigh of exasperation. She rubbed her aching temples with her fingertips whileglancing at her notes displayed on the twenty-one-inch monitor and her desktoplittered with piles of files. Despite her headache, her brain kept up a whirlof thoughts and possibilities while...

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The DST Agent

The DST Agent By Malissa Madison Spring of 1980 was a very rough time, fresh out of Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Private Don Madison was met at the DC Greyhound station by two Agents of the army's CID, Criminal Investigations Division. He was secreted on post in the dead of night, where the Post AG handled all the in-processing himself while no one was around to see what was going on, or who was being assigned as the newest Joint Drug...

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The DST Agent part 3

The DST Agent, part 3 By: Malissa Madison I was a bit nervous, I'd given myself all the same awards that I already had. No sense in trying to fabricate something when I already had a foundation. So now I was a clerk typist who'd been to Warrant Officers School, the really neat part was that my General testing scores qualified me for OCS or WOCS. And the officers that knew who I was already knew that. Some were even intimidated by the fact that my test scores were only two points off...

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Agent Hooters vs corporate America

A man in a perfectly tailored suit leans back in his leather armchair. He picks up a thin dossier from the solid oak-desk in front of him. It says "Report on Secret Agent Anna Smith" on the front page. He opens the dossier with a stern look on his face. The first page contains a set of photographs taken with a telescopic lens. A stunningly beautiful blonde woman is stretched out on the sun deck of a luxury yacht. The first thing he notices is her amazing body, tall and slim with long legs and...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 8

Agent 1 was preparing himself for the last 'recruitment' test of those four naked suspects. He hoped it would give him an insight in how well those girls were trained. He thought that if some of them would be an agent of that terrorist organization, those girls would also have been given some combat training. He decided on just wearing his camouflage pants and a vest this time, without his insignias, so he wouldn't give away that he was part of the Rescue 2 team. However, he had asked...

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The Realtors Agent

It was going to be a hot summer. School was out and I needed a summer job. Unfortunately, because I waited until the middle of May;all the good summer jobs were already taken. I didn’t want to get stuck mowing lawns again for the summer, even though as a strapping nineteen year old guy, I had no problem with manual labor.One of my dad’s business buddies got a job transfer and placed his house up for sale. He hired a real estate agent to sell the house but asked if I would keep an eye on the...

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The Secret Agent the Supersexy Villainess

“Do you think he’ll like my boobs better in a pushup bra or braless and just showing off some cleavage?” Sylva asked me.“You’ve known him longer than me,” I responded. “What kinds of women turn his head?”“All kinds, I guess. He’s more into the person than the body. I asked once, um before you, what he likes the best. He just said, ‘enthusiasm’. ”With neither of us able to reach a decision, we tried her outfit both ways and decided that braless looked better. The garment lines of the bra ruined...

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Agent Jane Bondage 0069 Vrs Evil Dr Covid

We begin our story in search of Jane Bondage, the most prized agent in her Majesty's secret service. Queen Lezbeth sent out most of her entire force in the search for her.You see, Jane retired a few years ago to a location unknown to everyone to avoid her powerful enemies as well as AT&T telemarketers.The world was in desperate need of her now more than ever as the evil Dr. John Covid spread his bug throughout the world.The evil Doctor had sprung many of his accomplices from prison. Their...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 10

"Stop that." "Ow." "Stop; I told you already, you're not dreaming." James and Ashley Marshall walked naked through the Temple of Venus. This was business as usual for James, but his sister was in a state of shock and awe. She stared open-mouthed at the endlessly towering pillars of gold that carried the infinite sky. She studied the intricate designs in the tile mosaics beneath their feet as they walked. And all the while, she pinched herself. "Ow." "Ash, would you please stop...

2 years ago
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MILF Real Estate Agent Becomes a Whore for Listings Part 2

IntroductionIt would be best if you read Part 1 of this story, so you can understand how my husband Mark and I evolved into a very active cuckold relationship. However, I will explain things briefly for those who want to start reading here.My name is Shari, and I met Mark in the Orlando area in church, after moving there for a job when I was twenty-two years old and just out of college. He was twenty-six and working as a contract handy man, and because of our strong religious faith, we didn’t...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 18 Lucy LiuZhang Ziyi

Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these situations. Most normal people don't find themselves in such awkward situations as the one I am in right now - frantically trying to get rid of this suitcase bomb sitting on my hotel bedroom. I can hear two women screaming around me, freaking out - Lucy Liu and Zhang Ziyi. I'm trying to ignore them and concentrate on cutting the right wire, or at least figuring out a way to stop the timer, but it's hard to focus. My mind keeps wandering back...

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You are Jennifer Fairbanks, reporter at GenPost News known for your stubborn tenacity when a good story gets your attention. You are 27 years old, married only to the job, and one of the most attractive women in your office. A subject that has not gone unnoticed by your coworkers, or superiors. However, you've managed to dodge the advances of your peers and secure a respected position as a top notch reporter and columnist. You still have a lot of ladder to climb, but you've recently found a...

Mind Control
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Industrial Espionage

Stella shuffled her papers into a neat rectangle and slid them into a leather portfolio. Around the table, the other members of her team were doing the same. They were all locals, but Stella had flown in from headquarters on the East Coast for the meeting. Now she was ready to be gone. Nobody really knew what to expect ahead of a kick-off aquisition meeting like this but, from Stella’s point of view, it had not gone well. Ero-Tech’s technologies were certainly interesting, but they had...

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Deception A Tale of Cross Dressing and Espionage

In line with the Fictionmania principle that this is a free site, no promotional publishing of commercially sold stories is allowed. Therfore this story chapter was taken off as it was only a teaser for a story that would have to be bought by readers. The Fictionmania Taskforce

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