Agent Kask Pt II free porn video

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The good Assistant Director handed me off to an agent. Who handed me off to another agent, who handed me off to some one else, and on and on and on. Eventually I ended up with a young guy who introduced himself as Tom - no last name was given, none was needed. He was big. In fact - huge. And he had the thickest southern accent I'd ever heard. On the third try, I finally got: "Pleased to meet you agent, I'll be your transport to Walter Reed Hospital." He seemed very good natured. Something you don't come across very often in this business. He took my requests to repeat everything he said with a bright smile and a hearty laugh. I liked him immediately. He took me to an underground parking lot the size of the Grand Canyon. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, shit I bet they even had skateboards. Eventually we ended up standing in front of an old army ambulance. "It ain't exactly a NASCAR, but it'll get the job done." Inside was another gentleman dressed in an emergency medical technician uniform. He introduced himself as Joe as he handed me an army uniform. He motioned me to climb into the ambulance for some privacy, which I did. When I came back out, Tom also had changed into an EMT uniform. Tom tossed me crack salute, which I half-assed returned. I was never any good at military stuff. Joe explained I'd be making the trip as a patient. After the last agent was taken out, nothing was being left to chance. Tom climbed in behind the wheel, while Joe and I climbed in the back. Tom edged out of the parking spot. I wondered if he knew his way out of this cavern. Joe opened up a medical box and pulled out bloody bandages and turned towards me. Perhaps it was my look of horror that caused him to say, "Don't worry, it's not real blood, just a simple compound." He took my folded up suit and placed it in the empty box. "Now what do you say to a little head trauma?" "Sounds good to me." I said taking off my hat. He wrapped me fairly good. I could still see somewhat, and my nose was clear. The cabin suddenly filled with light, indicating we were finally above ground. Joe took a pair of surgical scissors and cut the right sleeve of my uniform and shirt up to almost my shoulder. "Loosing this much blood definitely could cause shock, so we'll need to keep you in plenty of fluids." He pulled an IV from a drawer, removed the needle and taped the end of the tube to my arm. "You guys ready back there? We're coming up on the exchange point." Tom yelled over the roar of the motor. "We're ready." Joe replied. "Here comes the pick up vehicle now." I sat up and saw an ambulance racing towards us, about a quarter mile away, lights blazing. "Three, two, one! Yee-fucken-haa!!!!" Yelled Tom and suddenly a huge explosion ripped apart a car on the side of the road ahead, that I'd failed to notice. In less than an instance, the two ambulances passed. Their lights went out, our lights and siren went on and Tom stomped on the gas pedal. I nearly fell on my ass as old ambulance rocketed forward. There was something pretty big under the hood out there. Looks can be deceiving. The sound of a `Rebel Yell' echoed through out the truck. "My sincerest condolences on your accident Lt. Humming." Tom continued yelling. "That was quite an accident you had back there. You've lost a bit of blood, but your wounds aren't nearly as bad as they appear. You'll be just fine after a day or two in the hospital, getting fat of that world famous army-hospital cuisine." Joe had me lay down on the stretcher, and strapped me in. "When we hit the emergency room, keep quiet, keep still, and follow our lead." It was a short ride with Tom behind the wheel. You could tell he lived for this kind of thing. In no time we were slowing down to enter the emergency room parking. They hustled me out of the ambulance and into emergency. A nurse came up and began litany of questions to determine just what the hell was going on. Joe brushed past her simply stating, "It's the army Lt. from the car wreck." She gave a knowing nod and directed us to the last cubicle on the left. That had an ominous sound. As soon as we were all in, Joe closed the curtain. He hit button on a pager hanging from his belt and a secret door opened in the wall. That was cool! Out walked an army office, in a uniform exactly like the one I wore. As the last bandage came off me, the first one was going on him. Joe handed me my clothes and guided me to the door. Tom grabbed my hand for a vicious shake that rattled my teeth. Man was I glad that guy was on our side. Once inside the door closed and I was enveloped in silence. It was well lighted, but eerily quiet, considering the frenzy in the ER on the other side of the door. So I started following the hallway. It was the only way to go. At the end of the hallway there was a steel door. And a big soldier standing at attention in front of it. With a big gun. A very big gun. And he definitely looked like he knew how to use it. I sincerely hoped he was expecting me. He was. "Agent Kask... Kaskus... Kasolow..." "Agent Kask, yes." I interrupted. "Right this way Sir, third door on the left." And with that he opened the door and saluted. I wasn't sure if it was the uniform, good training, or did I deserve a salute? Oh well, doesn't really matter anyway. So I went to the third door on the left. It was a conference room. And in it was Dr. Stevens, from the agency. And with him was several other Dr. looking types. "Good afternoon Agent Kask. Allow me to introduce you to your medical team. This Dr. Vicocous, anesthetist. Dr. Clifford, facial reconstruction and liposuction. Dr. Smithton, vocal chords." Vocal chords? No body said anything about vocal chords? Dr. Stevens continued with out missing a beat. "Dr. Rodreqise, implants, and lastly your physical therapist, Nurse Crouper." Holy shit! What a freaking babe! She looked like she stepped out of `Babe Watch'! I definitely would love to get physical with her, apply my own type of therapy! Even in her baggy `whites', there was no missing those curves. Dr. Stevens began droning on again, interrupting my daydream. I miss more conversations because of my dick. "I gave you a preliminary run down on the procedures at Langley this morning. Now we'll explain the details." He motioned to one of them and said "Dr. Vicocous". The good Dr. began speaking. "Though none of the procedures alone would require putting you to sleep, I believe having them all done at the same time would put undue stress on you. Therefore I strongly suggest we put you out for two days. You'll have numerous small lacerations, and this will allow your body forty- eight hours to heal, without any pulling on your stitches. Your medical file from the FBI has no indications of allergies, have you ever had any problems with being anesthetized?" "None that I can remember. Just exactly what are you planning on doing to me?" "Relax Agent Kask." Said Dr. Stevens, with his best bedside manner smile. "That's what we're explaining to you. Regardless of what you may have been told about army and agency Drs., we're not going to do anything to you with out your permission. This is America, not the old Soviet Union." I was still nervous, but that did relax me a little bit. Dr. Clifford picked up from there. "Your eyes and chin are fine, but your nose needs to be fixed. Do you remember how you broke it?" he asked. "I never broke my nose Dr." I said. "I'm afraid you have Agent." "Sorry, no, Doc, I never broke my nose." He stood up, walked over to me and pulled a small mirror from his packet. He held it up to my nose, and then with a pen he slowly traced a line from my eyes down the length of my nose. About an inch from the end, the pen moved slightly to the left. Holy shit - I did have a broken nose. "It's quite common for young children, especially boys, to break their nose and not realize it. It doesn't always cause buckets of blood. That only happens in Hollywood. If you're fond of it, I can always put it back when your mission is over." I thought for a few more minutes and said, "How about if I see if I like it before I tell you to put it back?" "That'll be fine." He took his seat, but continued speaking. "The liposuction is a standard procedure. You can reverse that procedure yourself with a binge of hamburgers and beer." Even I got a chuckle out of that. Dr. Rodreqise picked it up from there. "I'll be doing a series of six implants on your body. One for each breast, one for each buttock, one on each hip and one on each thigh. The breast and buttocks are standard implants. Nothing out of the ordinary there. The hip implants, while not common, are also routine. The thigh implants are a new technology." He turned on an overhead projector and I saw two, three dimensional outlines of a male body, front and back views. He clicked a button, and it was replaced by a picture showing the implants in green against the white body outlines. He pulled a pointer from his shirt pocket and walked over to the screen. "It's based on the same technology as the standard implants, except of the size of the implants. Here you'll see how the thigh implants wrap around the entire leg, which requires the solution be injected at multiple points." "Solutions injected, what to you mean?" "In a standard implant," he said. "the container is inserted under the skin and then inflated. It means, the insertion lacerations are much smaller than they otherwise would be." "Okay, I got you." I was getting nervous again, now that we're actually getting down to the nitty-gritty. Dr. Smithton spoke next. "Although it's not technically necessary to alter your vocal chords, the medical team thinks it may be a good idea. That way you won't need to concentrate on disguising your voce. There is a new technology in the field of voice disguise." She pulled a small envelope from her pocket and tossed it across the table to me. I opened it up and a tiny plastic clip fell into my palm. "While you're under, we can place these clips on your vocal chords and, using a computer, adjust them to what ever frequency is deemed necessary. As long as they're removed within forty-five days, the only after affects is a moderately sore throat for a few days. After forty-five days the clipped off portion of the chord begins to die and the ends grow together, making the change permanent. You shouldn't need them any longer than thirty days. Do you want the procedure? I highly recommend it." I thought for a few moments then said, "Well I guess you're the Drs., you know best." "Excellent." she said with a smile. Then I turned to the lovely lady at the end of the table and asked "And what does Nurse Crouper have planned for me?" She smiled and said, "My job is help you get used to your new body. To feel comfortable in it." God what a smile she had. "So we'll be spending some quality time together?" I added. I knew I shouldn't be trying to hit on her here and now, but I wanted to test the waters before I wasted time dreaming about her. "Yes, you could say that." she replied with a grin. Yes! There is a God! Finally, Dr. Stevens started again, so I guess this is the grand finale. "There is one more procedure we've been debating and want to present to you. There are many different projects going on in the army and in the CIA. Many of these programs are confidential. Many also have off shoots. One program was an attempt to see: if certain female hormones were increased in a woman's body, could it be used to enhance interrogation procedures, by making the subject highly emotional, and therefore unstable." Great, I thought. Your tax dollars hard at work making bitchy women even bitchier. "That project was terminated, but part of that project was to determine which hormones most effect emotions. An offshoot of that program developed a group of synthetic female hormones that affect the body, but not the emotions. These hormones have been thoroughly tested and are one hundred percent safe. What they will do is give you a more feminine appearance, but not effect your male - for lack of a more clear term - your hard-wired male brain." "What the... what are you saying? You want to shoot me up with female hormones? Are you people gonna actually turn me into a woman?" This was getting way out of hand. "Dr., may I?" It was the Goddess, what was her name again, Crouper? "I believe I am somewhat familiar with those of Agent Kask's persuasion. Perhaps I can explain." The good Dr. deferred and the babe again spoke with me. I was having trouble paying attention to the words. She knew it, I could tell. She watched me watching her tits. "Agent Kask." she began. "There's more to being a women than breasts and butts. It's not just the way you look. It's the way you move. The way you appear, the grace in your style. The way you hold yourself. They way you come across. Women are most definitely different from men. A woman that knows how to develop it, has a certain presence. I'm sure you've experienced it yourself. When a classy woman enters a room, you feel compelled to turn and look before you've even noticed she was there. What Dr. Stevens is talking about is using chemicals to allow your body to more easily make that transition." Selma Hyack! That's who the fuck she reminded me of. No wonder I was already in love. Okay. Technically I was in lust. Same thing. Oh fuck - I'm doing it again. I'm missing the important stuff. Bad penis, bad. Down boy. Dr. Stevens spoke up. "The idea is to add these chemicals to your body. Allow them to help you. And then remove them. A couple of days on a prescription of testosterone and steroids, and you will most surely be your old self. I guarantee it." "So when this is all done, I'll be pretty much be myself, right?" I asked the assembled round table. "We see no permanent issues, that is correct." Said old Doc Stevens. "So when this is all done, I'll pretty much be myself, right?" Dr. Stevens looked confused and said, "We see no permanency issues, correct." Let's try this again. "So when this is all done, I'll be my good old self, right?" The babe smiled broadly, put her hand on the Dr. and said, "Yes, you'll be pretty much your old self." "Good! Let's get the ball rolling. I've got a lot of back ground work to do." So we all stood up and shook hands and they left me with Nurse Selma - hey I can dream, can't I? We made small talk as she escorted me to what apparently was a hospital underneath a hospital. I got checked in, under a false name. Some how I imagine most people entered that way. I got my standard hospital gown, the kind that leaves your butt hanging out. What moron came up with these? Next I got a preliminary exam. Height, weight, blood pressure, eye test. Then came the needles. The must have stabbed me a dozen times. I guess draining half my blood is their idea of putting me out for two days. I hadn't noticed with all the needles, the love of my life had slipped away. But she did say we'd be spending quality time in the very near future. My new guide was a very large, black male nurse. He just told me to come with him, and avoided every attempt I made at conversation. That type always makes m nervous. We went into a shower hall. He told me to strip and get nice and wet. Which I did. This was just too much fun. Showering in front of a big black guy. Visions of Altcatraz dancing my head. Next he handed me a shower cap and said be sure to get all your hair put up. Then he gave me goggles, and put some greasy stuff on my eyebrows. "What the hell is this? How about some answers?" He replied, very calmly, "I don't ask questions, and I don't give answers. In this place the less you know the better off you are." Well, I could see the logic in that. "They tell me to do something to a patient, I do it. But I will tell you what we're doing. I'm gonna spray you with what we call Mega-Nair. It's gonna remove all your hair." "Remove all my hair - what the fuck for?" "Like I said, I don't ask questions and I don't give answers. Keep your eyes and your mouth closed. This stuff tastes nasty, and it burns like shampoo in your eyes." With that he picked up a canister that reminded me of spraying bugs in a garden. And then he coated me in green stuff. "It won't hurt, but it will tingle quite a bit. This stuff will remove hair for up to two weeks. It stuns the follicles. I've got you penciled in for ten days from today, and for ten days after that." He was right, it felt weird. Like I had bugs crawling on me. In couple of minutes he put down the spray. "Let it work for a few minutes, then shower it off." When he gave me the nod, I turned on the shower, and got a good rinse. Now I'm not particularly hairy to start with, but you should have seen all the hair in the drain. "Make sure you get it all off. You don't want some on your head, or you'll get a bald spot." When he decided I was clean enough he tossed me a towel and said, "Your gown is hanging up over there, I'll meet you outside." I passed a mirror as I reached for my gown and looked at myself. From the eyeballs down, I was completely hairless. It was strange seeing my cock and balls. They actually looked bigger. I'll bet Nurse Selma would be even more impressed. I got dressed, went out and was escorted by my talkative companion to a private room. He told me to lie down and relax. They'd be coming for me soon. Yeah. Right. Relax. Just before I go under the knife. After twenty minutes or so, Dr. Stevens and a different nurse came in. They were both in scrubs. He pulled a needle and I just about shit. "Haven't you guys taken enough blood for one day?" "No, no, no, I'm not taking blood. This is a sedative. We're getting you ready for surgery. It's quite strong, you'll be asleep in no time. So I guess this is good night for now. I'll be seeing you - but you won't be seeing me - for about forty eight hours." And then he stabbed me. He was right. I was drowsy almost immediately. And then I closed my eyes. And...

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Agent Chase, Agent Chastity Chapter 2: The Sky Above ? by: Diana Heche Part 1 - BASE COMMANDER KASKE It was the endless piles of the paper work, more than even being stuck on this rock floating in the nothingness of space, which got under the skin of the Base Commander. While his contemporaries were still on active duty fighting in Mexico and the Middle East for the real army, he was working as a glorified policeman for an energy company. The kind of job that washed up alcoholic...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 27

After their shower, Sylvia and Sofia went lying on the bed of Agent 1. There, they told each other about everything that had happened to them in the past few days, and Sylvia also told her friend everything about her dad. "So, that's why you decided to help them?" Sofia asked. "Yes, I thought I just needed to do this. Especially after I had learned what those people had done to my parents. It was ... well ... my way of getting back at them." "Still, I can't believe you did this for...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 61

In less than two weeks, James' life had changed drastically. He was different now, body and mind. He possessed a strength of will and an inner power he had never known before, and it was all thanks to Lilith, his demonic mistress. He was sworn to serve her, to sustain her and the Temple of Venus through his sexual conquests. But his relationship with Lilith had gone beyond that of master and apprentice. He felt more strongly about her than he had ever felt about any mortal woman. Although he...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 13

At six o'clock in the morning, the girls and agents were still sleeping and their dreams were more similar than they could imagine. Well, the agents were mostly dreaming about how they would be dealing with their dedicated unclothed suspect and the girls were dreaming how they had to run around naked all the time while men and women alike were chasing them and touching them all over. For most of the girls, it was a nightmare. However, for one of the girls, it was a pleasant and arousing...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 2

Immediately, James knew something was different. The tightness in his shorts was nothing new, he had morning wood most days. No, that wasn't what was strange; what was strange was the shocking size of his erection. Pulling his boxers down to get a better look at the python in his pants, he was amazed to find that his cock had grown overnight, from an unremarkable 5 ½ inches to a formidable 8 ½. Wrapping a hand around his impressive girth, James found that his dick wasn't the only thing that...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 1

BEEP BEEP BEEP. BEEP BEEP BEEP. BEEP BEEP BEEP James Marshall awoke with a jolt. Reaching for his phone, he fumbled with it a bit before managing to turn off the alarm. Narrow beams of light cascaded into his bedroom from behind the window blinds. Fully awake now, James let out a deep sigh before sitting up in bed. He looked over at the empty space next to him; he was alone. He hadn't expected anything different, but he had hoped nonetheless that one of the beautiful seductresses who had...

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Agent Jada of MOCOC

Agent Jada is part of MOCOC (MONSTER COCK AGENCY) and she had just apprehended their number one target, Keith Strokes. After she brought her prisoner in, she tied him to a bed so she could interrogate his cock. He lay helpless as she used both of her hands to massage & squeeze his crotch passionately – making him grow & harden into steal. Only the thin fabric of his pants was between her hands & him. She could already see & feel his impressive size just by the bulge. She eagerly...

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Agent Jada of MOCOC

Agent Jada is part of MOCOC (MONSTER COCK AGENCY) and she had just apprehended their number one target, Keith Strokes. After she brought her prisoner in, she tied him to a bed spread-eagled so she could interrogate his cock. He lay helpless as she used both of her hands to massage & squeeze his crotch passionately – making him grow & harden into steal. Only the thin fabric of his pants was between her hands & him. She could already see & feel his impressive size just by the...

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Agent Pink

I was sitting at the end of the large table; I was only there because my boss, the assistant chief research scientist, was on leave. My orders were simple, keep my mouth shut and take notes. After a short wait the Minister arrived. "So give me your report," he said tersely to the chief research scientist. "Yes, well," he started, "'Agent Blue' is turning out to be all we hoped for, male hormone are down 25%, thyroid down 30%." "Cut the crap Doc.," said the minister sharply, "just...

2 years ago
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Agent of Desire

*Finally able to update. Will continue to update in bulk when I can. Hopefully that means more soon. As always, it's all yours. Readers: be sure to customize your agent to the right! Authors: please see A/N below!* This story begins with Ava Hope. She is a young, voluptuous, but lethal secret agent of the Global Defense Force (GDF). The GDF is the hand in the shadows that helps turn the tide between good and evil. It isn't superheroes or vigilantes in costumes who fight evil, it's her and her...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 15 Finale5

"There it is…" breathed James, eyes still locked on the beautiful and intimidating idol. The group's reverie was shattered by the loud clanking of metal growing closer, and they all whipped their heads around to see the two animated suits of armor clambering slowly down the stairs. Ash turned to James and took his hand in both of hers. "Go destroy the idol; we'll hold off these brutes." She kissed James on the lips, then turned to face the approaching knights. "Hold on," said James,...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 14

Lilith's words hit James like a punch to the gut. The severity of the situation suddenly apparent, he hurried to bring forth his magic as quickly as possible. But he was too slow. As James reached inward and channeled his power, great golden chains materialized from the ground beneath him. They launched themselves at him like snakes and coiled around his neck and limbs, forcing him to the ground and forcing his magic back inside him. James screamed in agony. The chains were white-hot, and...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 51

Lilith lay on her throne, eyes closed as she savored her growing ecstasy. Between her spread legs, her agent James lapped ardently at her tender flower, drinking her sweet nectar. "Oh fuck, James. Don't stop," the demoness cooed softly. She held a large breast with one hand; the other gripped her servant's hair as she thrust her aching sex into his face. James delighted in pleasing his mistress. He smiled inwardly as he drove his tongue deeper into Lilith's hole. Her moans were music...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 4

The bronze-skinned beauty gave her servant little time to consider these changes, closing the gap between them swiftly, and pushing him to the ground effortlessly. Landing on a pile of cushions he hadn't known was there, James looked up at his mistress in shock. He opened his mouth to speak but Lilith held up a hand, ordering his silence. She stared down at him with indifference. With the lazy flick of a single finger, Lilith's magic brought James' flaccid cock to full attention. The...

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Agent Aphrodite

You are Jennifer Beasley, codenamed Agent Aphrodite. You work as a field agent for the Bureau of Obscured Operations Begetting Subversion, or BOOBS for short, a secretive semi-private intelligence agency working to obstruct the plans of national and international evildoers. You are twenty-seven years old, a natural blonde and have to keep very fit because of your job. Right now you're in a seedy nightclub with your partner for this mission, Bobby Bartek. You're here because you've recently...

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Agent Carter

"I don't like you,I don't want you here and I sure as hell didn't ask for you" It's only been 20 minutes since you arrived at The S.S.R main office and already you've been called into Chief Dooley's office for a welcome that you didn't expect. "I've seen you service record Agent and I'm not impressed.Sure,you might have a good arrest record and you might have been some kind of hot-shot at The F.B.I but you're a trouble maker,pure and simple" "Now hang on Chief" you try to defend yourself...

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Agent of Justice Terrorist

This story was suggested to me by an e-mail from a friend of mine. I haven't edited it much, it's just to get a few things off my chest. Ezekiel *** Agent of Justice: Terrorist Ezekiel Smith He had been behind it. As an amazed world watched, he had had his loyal followers guide the aircraft into the three buildings to their death and glory. There had been a fourth that the passengers had resisted their glorious fate, but no matter. He had proven his point, he could strike...

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Agent Kask Pt III

Agent Kask Pt III By Teaser The twilight of the night, as I like to call it. It's my favorite part. When the sun begins to make its first appearance. The darkness begins to fade just a little. The early birds begin their songs. The earliest workers are already at their task. The street sweepers are cleaning up the broken bottles and empty beer cans. The occasional bus or truck can be heard off in the distance. Garbage trucks banging the shit out of metal cans. I'm still in...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 6

Sylvia had finally found the time to introduce herself and her friend to the other two girls, and it had been Sabina, who had introduced herself and her friend to them. Sylvia got to know that both girls were from Belgium and Flemish. She told them that they were from France and were living in Paris. They tried to figure out what was going on for a short while, but nobody could give any reasonable explanation. For now, they decided to believe they were being recruited for something, but...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 12

"Ughh, Lilith…" "Fuck, James, I'm so fucking close! Don't stop!" "Lilith, I'm cumming!" Moans and groans echoed through the Temple of Venus as James and Lilith made love. The perfumed air was heavy with sexual energy, and the two lovers emitted such powerful auras of lust that the very ground seemed to quake beneath them as they fucked. On their usual collection of opulent cushions, Lilith sat in James' lap, bouncing wildly on his cock. Her arms rested on his broad shoulders and...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 3

James' words seem to hang in the air even after he had gone. Lilith rubbed her neck softly, before her graceful hand strayed lower. She stopped herself, shaking her head and speaking aloud, "Get a hold of yourself, Lilith…" The olive-skinned demoness let out a long, deep sigh, stretching as she did. Rising from her throne, she stepped down to the tile floor of her endless "paradise." She scoffed to herself at the thought. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the heap of pillows that...

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Agent Baker A Homecoming of Sorts Chapters 57

Chapter FiveSteve was in his car headed to the airfield. He hated the traffic, but it was part of the job now that he was back in DC on the regular. When he arrived at the airfield, he drove through the company gate and straight to the hangar. When he boarded the Gulfstream, he saw the file from Federal Protection, a division of The Department of Homeland Security, he needed to read so he got busy.After they were airborne, he read through the file. It included everything he needed except the...

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Agent Emma destroyed

You are agent Vincent. Together with your partner, agent Emma, you have infiltrated a secret underground facility in order to steal a usb stick containing secret intel your government desperately needs. "Who does this secret facility belong to? What is on the USB stick? You don't need to know" is all that your superior had told either of you. "All you need to do is get it done. Same as always." You, being a hacker, immediately made your way to a control room fully equipped with cameras and...

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Agent Svetlana

Agent Svetlana By Gigi My name is Jeff. I studied chemistry at MIT and convocated near the bottom of my class, finally landing an entry-level job with a large defence contractor in California. My girlfriend broke up with me because she didn't want to move to the West Coast and I haven't had much luck in the love department since then. In 2002 I was shocked when my professor brought me to the attention of Hans Blix when the head of weapons inspections was preparing to...

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Agents of Gor Part 1

This is a fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorises the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. Enjoy. Agents of Gor by Albedo Chapter 1 Armand of Tellus pulled on the six-rein, and the...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 13

After leaving Tina's office a few hours before, James had come home to an empty house. He'd been greeted by a note on the fridge from David, who had apparently taken Brianna and gone to a relative's wedding out of town and would not be back for a few days. James other roommate, Mark, had classes and a job of his own, so he likely wouldn't return to the house until later in the afternoon. James was grateful for the solitude; it gave him time to time to think – time to calm himself and fight...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 9

Thanks to Lilith, James' power was now under his command again, and he felt no risk of losing control. Not that there was much power to lose control of at the moment; James was considerably weaker after giving so much of his sexual energy to his mistress, in order to sustain her and the Temple of Venus. With his current level of power, he could do little more than cheap parlor tricks. Real feats of magic would require James to first gather sexual energy. But that would have to wait. He had...

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Agent 00SEX

“Hello”, his voice was groggy with sleep. “Mark, it me, M”, the reply came. “M, do you know what time it is?” “Sorry- “ “And I had a rough night of pussy bashing too. Don’t giggle!” “Cant help it. Just to imagine that nine incher-“ “Get down to why you called.” “Right, its Mr. X again”, a pause, then, “Hello, are you there.” “Yeah I am M; go on with your story.” “Hmm, I just wondered at your lack of response to Mr. X.” “I’m sleepy.” “Right, so as I was saying, reports came in that...

1 year ago
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Agent Mari

Ignacio was a very lonely man he just liked to share with his friends. On one occasion, after so much insistence his friends managed to get him out of the house. On that occasion they went to the outside of the city. In the middle of nowhere is the motel where they stayed. Agent Mari was in that place for her clumsiness but great determination and willingness to fulfill any mission. The squad leader assigns him his first job, a simple one, collecting information from a small dealer. Ignatius by...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 17

Di was done with massaging Sofia. She had made sure that her hands had explored every square centimeter of this girl's luscious body, except of the hot zone between her legs. If Sofia hadn't tensioned up when Di's hands had gone up Sofia's thighs, she would have massaged it as well, but for now, Di wanted to make sure that Sofia felt safe and comfortable with her. Both of them were still lying on Di's bed and facing each other. If people could see them, they would probably think that...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 7

"Eeew, what a smell," they heard a woman suddenly say. They all looked at the door and saw a woman standing there, she was looking at the four naked girls and sniffing the air while pulling a face like it smelled very bad in the room they were lying in. "I'm sorry about this, they didn't warn us that the air conditioning was broken in this room." "Yeah right, like that is the reason why all our pussies were burning," Sylvia thought. "I'm sorry that we don't have time for a...

3 years ago
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Agents of Gor Part 7

Agents of Gor: Part 7 Two Girls serve in a Paga Tavern by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. He can be contacted via his...

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