Date Night Secret Agent
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An Inquisitive Federal Agent
East Coast Slaver Organization Story - XII
Chapter 01 ? Intrigued by theMystery (or What are You ? Umph!)
By: Desert Dog
Special Agent Sam Valiant threw the file she had been studying aside witha sigh of exasperation. She rubbed her aching temples with her fingertips whileglancing at her notes displayed on the twenty-one-inch monitor and her desktoplittered with piles of files. Despite her headache, her brain kept up a whirlof thoughts and possibilities while she waited for her fingers to get the throbbingto subside. Finally, she returned her fingers to the keyboard where they firstmoved hesitantly and then began to flicker quickly from key to key. She wasbecoming excited. ?Maybe there is a connection,? she muttered with enthusiasm.
?Shit!? she muttered, angrily kicking out at the desk as her latest thoughtdidn't bear fruit. Sam had been building a complicated set of interconnectiondiagrams between telephone numbers of possible suspects in a series of drug-relatedmurders in Miami , Florida . The charts tied personalities, phones, locations,and in some cases, taped cell intercepts and wiretaps of conversations. ?Theproblem is,? she griped, ?that there is no clear connection between the drugorganizations and the team of killers.?
Taking a deep breath, she glanced about the darkened sea of cubicles aroundher. ?As usual,? she complained, ?they're all gone. It's no wonder this isdriving me nuts; nobody even cares about the deaths of a buncha drug organizationthugs and their missing bimbos.? Since the office was clearly empty at ninethirty on a Friday night, Sam safely leaned back and stretched her arms highover her head, thrusting her full D-cup breasts up and straining the buttonedsuit jacket she wore nearly to the bursting point. Deciding none of her chauvinisticmale colleagues were around, she stood up to remove her jacket and got comfortablewith a grateful sigh. ?It's a fucking disaster having to work with these Neanderthalmorons,? she thought. Sam's heavy-duty bra, built to carry her pendulous breasts,was evident as an extra-wide band of lace under her blouse and camisole top.Her breasts were both a symbolic bane to her existence and paradoxically, oneof her most prized possessions.
Sam Valiant, born Samantha Louise Valiant, was twenty-eight years old anda one-year veteran of the Miami Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.Driven and focused, Sam had always known she was going to be a cop. She tooklocal community college courses in criminology while still in high school andthen moved on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Programs atnearby Florida Metropolitan University . After deciding the course work wasfar simpler than she had expected, Sam raised the standards of her goals significantlyand went on to complete her law degree at Florida State University . She easilypassed her Florida Board of Bar Examiners test and became a legally practicingattorney. With her intelligence and focused dedication proven, Samantha Valianteasily wowed the F.B.I. interview team and she was accepted as a trainee atthe F.B.I. Academy in Quantico , Virginia . As a new agent, Sam spent muchof her time engrossed in studies at the Forensic Science Research and TrainingUnit and the Behavioral Science Unit. Special Agent Valiant's first postingwas to an office in her old stomping grounds; she was assigned to the MiamiField Office. Sam's hoped for niche in the F.B.I . was as an investigator becauseshe had little interest in becoming a supervising field agent despite her physicalprowess.
When Sam reported for duty in Miami , her physical attributes simply overwhelmedher male colleagues. At the time, she was twenty-six, stood five-feet-eleven-inchestall in her bare feet, and weighed in at one hundred and sixty-five pounds.Solid muscle packed into an athlete's body, Sam found time every day to driveherself to exhaustion with a grueling two-hour workout. Through college, andlater working for the FBI, Sam budgeted money for her gym membership and apersonal trainer to hold her to her exacting standards. Despite her solid build,Samantha Louis Valiant had a body to die for with wide hips and a perfectlysculpted ass, an amazingly tiny waist, and natural hooters that a Las Vegascallgirl would have paid tens of thousands of dollars to have. Samantha was,in common terms, ?built like a brick shithouse' andhad a body that every man in the field office dreamed of trading their soulsto possess, even for a single night. Sam, not even remotely interested in datingor a relationship of any kind, was extremely protective of her privacy andcoldly rebuffed any attempt by her horny colleagues to get to know her. Becauseof her cold attitude, many of the men in the office came to distrust her andfear working beside her, despite her proven track record with solving coldcases. The few professional women and the secretarial staff in the office followedthe lead of the males, distancing themselves from what they saw as an overlycompetitive Amazon, who although rumored to have zero interest in sex, wasclearly the kind of woman that could easily pluck any scrumptious catch rightout of their hands. Sam was a threat to every woman in the F.B.I. Field Office.
Like all F.B.I. agents, Sam's style of dress was conservative and immaculate.She always wore a dark tailored jacket, usually expensive white blouses, andeither a matching skirt or slacks. Sam wore panties, pantyhose, and a camisoletop to work every day regardless of her choice of skirt or slacks and she worefootwear that was comfortable at a sprint or during her normal fourteen-hour-workday.Amazingly, Sam didn't own a single set of sexy underwear, alluring eveningwear,or glamorous outfits for the bedroom; instead, she was business personified,focusing solely on work, and taking no time off for vacations or relaxation.
Several things about the clearly related murders and disappearances in hercurrent case were very troubling to Sam. First, only men had been killed inthe bloody confrontations; the drug dealers' girlfriends, partygirls, and otherwomen placed at the murder scenes had simply disappeared without a trace. Second,while bodies were found, they were only from a single drug organization andno bodies were ever found from the attacking organization. Third, while thepolice made a point of heralding the amount of drugs and cash found at eachof the scenes, the whole thing was fishy. Sam felt that no drugs or cash shouldhave been found because the survivors of the shootouts would have taken everything.Fourth, while police agents had been on stakeout at one of the sites, no lawenforcement agents were killed. The last piece of the puzzle that botheredSam was that the only females to reappear were members of the very counterdrugtask force charged with monitoring one of the drug organizations.
She took a deep breath, pleased with the feel of her large breasts lurchingunder the expensively tailored woman's blouse. Because of her tiny waist andoverly large muscular shoulders, no off the shelf blouse looked right withoutextensive tailoring. Ignoring Sam's breasts, her chest measurement alone wasa solid thirty-eight inches of muscle. Plopping D-cup jugs atop a chest thatrivaled a male gymnast, gave Samantha Louise Valiant a whopping 44-D bra size.Actually, it was a point of honor for Sam to squeeze her giant milk bags intothe D-cup bra even though she clearly would be more comfortable in an E-cup.The slightly too small D-cups more tightly restrained her mountainous breasts,holding them in place from moving about in a distracting manner during work.She had found that even F.B.I. agents lost at least thirty IQ points when theynoticed her massive mammaries. An unexpected jiggle or two and no man in theoffice could maintain any thread of coherent thought. Sam was tired of thebrainless babbling of the twits that worked beside her.
Special Agent Valiant looked again at the listing of dead and missing persons. ?Thefirst incident was at the legal office of an attorney suspected of launderingfunds for the Oscar Lynden Organization,? she mumbled aloud. ?Only one bodyhad been found in the charred remains of the office structure, Nathanial ItzelArchibold, the attorney. His paralegal and secretary were never found.? Shetraced her fingers across the drug trafficking chart she had built. ?Then,just days later, the Lynden Organization virtually ceases to exist. Oscar Lynden,his primary lieutenant James Lee, and at least six of his enforcers die attwo different locations in the Miami area.? Her other interconnection diagramhad confirmed ties within the Lynden Organization to key area dealers, bankingconnections, and Mexican, Caribbean , and Colombian connections. ?The partthat bothers me is that supposedly they had a run in with an expansion of theArellano Felix Organization of Mexico who released their enforcers, the LasZetas, on them. There is just no substantiation of that theory. I haven't founda single connection between the Lynden Organization and Arellano Felix, Jamaicans,or Las Zetas. This just looks fishy to me.?
?Atthe same time,? she continued thinking aloud, ?Oscar's bimbo, his lieutenant'sundercover girlfriend, a cocaine party-girl-housewife and her girlfriend, andtwo agents in an undercover surveillance mission all turn up missing. It justdoesn't make sense.? Another unproved connection to the demise of the largestcrack and prostitution ring in Miami also bothered her. ?Next Guy Brent, histrophy wife, his mistress sisters, and three key thugs disappear along withmost of the evidence that could have led to the millions he had stashed away.? Shetook another look at the data and muttered, ?In fact, ? the forensic teamsnever found any leads to other drugs, cash, illegal off-shore accounts, orto suppliers and customers. All the off-shore accounts had already been raidedby someone.? She frowned again and added, ?That's partially why I'm so suspiciousof the three law enforcement agents who so miraculously showed up with detailedproof of this supposed failed scheme by the Arellano Felix Organization totake over in Miami.? Even though many arrests and the seizure of drugs andcash followed, Sam thought it was all too weak, too implausible given thatno outside evidence backed up the story given by the three female agents.
?It stinks worse than a whore after servicing a platoon of crab-infested Marines,? shegrinned at her private humor. Samantha Louise Valiant would never crack anoff-color joke except to herself. Her own special brand of wit demonstratedthe weakness of males of her species in making lousy judgments when it cameto getting their craniums to overcome the smaller brain lodged in the frontof their cocks. Sam didn't hate men, their cocks, or heterosexual liaisons;no, she simply didn't want to put up with the childish nature of the men sheknew and didn't want to waste time in searching for a better man.
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Einleitung Um 14.55 Uhr betrat Michael die Agentur. Er wurde im Vorzimmer von Herrn M
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This is a story based on ABC's alias the heroine is CIA agent Sydney Bristow she works with her father at the CIA. The part of Sydney is played by the sexy Jennifer Garner. The Cast CIA Agents SD-6 Agents Civilian Sydney BristowSydney Bristow Sark Jack BristowJack BristowWill Tippin Michael VaughnArvin SloaneMarcus Dixon Based on Season 2: Episode 7 - "The Counteragent" 11/17/2002 The setup for those who haven't seen the show... Vaughn wraps his bloody fingernails and heads to...
I had come into some money from good investments and inheriting some extra money so I decided an upgrade was in order. I found a local Realtor and made an appointment to talk to somebody about finding the perfect place. The receptionist gave me a date for the next day with a woman named Jennifer. When I arrived at the office the receptionist showed me into the office and told me to have a seat and Jennifer would be with me shortly. It was not long before the lovely Jennifer came into the...
"Mr. Malone, it has been awhile" she said shaking my hand. "Yes, please call me John." "Well lets get started. I think you'll find this property of interest. Also I think you'll be an easy sell once I get you inside." Up the sidewalk we went, she fumbled around in her coat pocket and got the keys and opened the door. Upstairs in the master bedroom she said, "Please don't mind if I take off my coat, its awfully hot." Now I could get a better look at those beautiful tits....
She was late. I detested people with no respect for others’ time. I stood in front of the new, 30 story apartment development in the city centre. With rising fuel prizes and the fast developing city living trend, I am looking for some city apartments as an investment opportunity. I saw the little black Mercedes crawling down the street. Stop. Do a risky U-turn and perform a 50 movement parallel park on my side of the street – this could only be one of those care free female drivers who are so...
-Your career is not going as you would like it to go and you think you need a boost ? Then I'm the right man for you. Hello, my name is John Doe, and resurrecting fading careers is my job. For the modest sum of $100,000, payable in advance and in cash, nothing is impossible for me. After Harvey Weinstein's reign of terror in recent years, I believe it is time that someone who is honest and with good morals, driven solely by his love of art, takes charge. John bursted out laughing in front of...
Mind ControlThe ten minute drive had felt more like an hour for Amanda Johnson. Thomas Johnson found a parking spot and turned off the car. Exiting, he rushed around and opened the passenger seat door to help his pregnant wife out of the car. “Okay, come on. We just need to get to the reception and they’ll get you a bed.” He assured her. “Look, I appreciate that you’re trying to help me. But right now I really just need you to shut up.” “Understood.” He said as he led her through the front door of the...
You were recruited directly out of college by a shadowy government agency. When you asked what their mission was, the recruiter would only say it involved national security. Being from a small town and going to the local college, you felt ready for some adventure. Of course, your background did not prepare you for the world outside your little sphere of friends. Hell, you have never been on an airplane. You could not tell your parents about the position. You had to give them a vague answer...
I was looking though my mail one day when I first got the sex license. At the time I was just a kinda nerdy kid that never grew the balls to chance girls, i guess it was because had to grow up without a father figure after my dad left. but that changed quickly. It came in a bright red envelope with the name "Will Hudson". At first I thought it was spam until I noticed that it was sent straight from the government. I opened it hoping I didn't share a name with a notorious criminal or something...
Mind ControlI've just returned to Australia from living in London for more than ten years. Before I went to London, I worked in a mining town and most of the houses were rental properties. I did the repairs, and a lot of the work was for one particular agency in Adelaide. My contact was Em. I never saw her. She called me and sent me to various addresses, where I would quote the work and get back to her, and she'd tell me how to proceed. We got along well. She was chatty and laughed a lot. I was about 41 at...
The knock came exactly at 5pm. At least, he was on time. This was just a total waste of time. Like I had the time for this. Damn though when I opened the door….. Was not ready for what was standing there. He was tall and dark with that trimmed beard and deep green eyes. Even his voice was sexy. Eventually he asked me whether I was going to let him in at some stage or just gape there. Gathering my wits about me, I nodded and let him in. Finally, my brain started working and I offered him a...
Dear readers, mail me your feedback on I received a call one day from an unknown number on attending the call I heard a sweet voice of a lady stating she is calling from some insurance firm and started to explain me all the insurance plans etc. I was in a hurry I asked to call me later after 45 minutes to which she said ok. I finish my meeting and as I step out I get a call again from this lady, I informed her and I was outside but she insisted to meet to my surprise she was also in the same...
Their two naked bodies coupled together, tentacles sliding seamlessly around their intertwined bodies. The girls hugged their hips together, nipples pressed against each other as one of the creatures enjoyed the pair, inserting its cocks into both of them.They had been in the oversized aquarium for nearly an hour, splashing and fucking as Mel Mercer pored over the books, making the occasional phone call as he made the effort to ignore his master.The tentacles continued pumping load after load...
Monster Sex"Laverne, I gotta gooo, soo bad let me up ,Fast! I watched her jump from the bed without bouncing a boobie. Damn ,she was young, and so hot with Sexual knowladge, she was dangerous to her self. " ooowee! that stings, What did you do to me up in there?" I chuckeled back form HER pillow over my first cigarette with a nasty cup of Comp. coffee,Motel warm." I think it may have been the bratwurst it took us ten minuets to get back out of you,I told you stick to veggies." she started the shower...