Fraudsters Punished 3 Saturday Entertainment free porn video

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Chapter 12. More Saturday entertainment
Putting and extra cushion on her chair, Margaret tentatively sat down and fired up the computer. While it went through the start-up sequence she thought again on the happenings of yesterday. She knew she would view the writings in the diary in a different light. She knew now, Jeremy had only hit her comparatively lightly and her arse was only tender, not bruised or welted except for some quite fine lines, and there were no open cuts. The ones from his last stroke were the worst and even then he’d pulled back and refrained from hitting her with full force. "It must have been hell for that old Miss Harrington. I’m sure they gave it to her good and hard especially as she seems to have been such a bitch. She must have been scared shitless when they tied her to the table." Opening the old book again Margaret started to type. The code programme translated it as she went along.
April 4th 1831
‘On the following Thursday Carsons the village carpenter, arrived by cart and unloaded a trestle similar to the one at the manor. "Squire said to make you one like I made him. ‘Ee’s paid for it, Josiah and I had to make it in a hurry so it would be ready for Saturday." We got it inside and I made sure all the women saw it and knew what it was for. Carsons said it was a pity he never got to see his work in use. I said we could rectify that as Janey a widower of forty-two who so far had kept her nose fairly clean and apart from a few strokes of the strap I had not had cause to give her a good tanning. However, that morning she’d overslept and missed getting the table set for breakfast. Henrietta had covered for her but I arrived in time to see Janey slip from her room. I decided her bum would be the one to christen the new trestle.
Soon all the women were assembled in the punishment room and ordered Janey to undress. She was sobbing as she took her clothes off. Carsons eyes almost popped out at the sight especially when I asked him to fasten her to the frame to check everything was in order and he had close views of her tits and cunnie. Everyone could see his prick had reacted for his breeches bulged. He made a show of seeing her tits were properly placed either side of the Vee and her crotch was tight down.
Not wishing to use the new birches that were steeping ready for Saturday, I took the razor strop and laid it eight times across her fulsome bum. It caused a great deal of squealing but she had little choice but to take it. I was pleased how well the straps kept her firmly to the beam.’
"I can verify that alright," Margaret muttered.
‘When I released her ankles and body straps I offered her cunnie to Carsons. At first he seemed a bit shy at performing in front of the other women there but on my encouragement, he bodily lifted her and thrust in his cock. "It will be easier when you get the saddle," he told me. "We ordered it from Jackson’s the saddlers and they promised it before Saturday. It’ll lift her cunt up and give yer a better go at her holes." I took his place when he’d done and because both Martha and Alice had my seed overnight, it took me quite a while before I spurted.
"I’m surprised you don’t have all pregnant girls here," Carsons commented. I pointed out they all had to take the precaution of inserting vinegar pads into themselves each morning which seemed to work well enough although I am told it is not wholly reliable. Afterwards Carsons took me aside and asked me if he could take Janey as his wife. We discussed the matter and eventually agreed that he would make an oaken punishment bench to replace the table and a stout whipping frame as payment. He would receive Janey when the bench was delivered as part payment. He agreed to make the frame within the following two months and to install it in the room. Even if he worked full time he wouldn’t finish the bench until the following week so Janey would still be available for our Saturday sport. In fact it was the Thursday after that he delivered the bench and I informed Janey that she could leave and wed with Carsons. She expressed some surprise but agreed to the arrangement. Carsons was a hard working man and would take care of her. I wished I could be rid of old biddy Harrington as easily. No one wanted her and she didn’t earn much on Saturday’s.’
"Doesn’t sound as if Janey had much choice," muttered Margaret, "Probably though, she was better off with him than she was in this workhouse come whorehouse."
‘Before the first Saturday’s entertainment here, I called all the women together and reminded them bluntly what was expected of them. Those that were due for punishment would be given it in front of all the invited guests who would want to inspect them before and afterwards. Many would want to roger them. They were to allow all this and any other familiarities the men desired. It was to be the main source of income for the workhouse. I said, "You have enjoyed better food and warmer rooms since I arrived. If you wish to keep full bellies then you have to go some way towards paying for it. The money from the sewing and laundry you do hardly pays the food bill. I know some of you resent the discipline but I saw how your wayward tendencies worked when I arrived and I contend that the rod is the best way to do it. Of course you can leave at any time but I suppose you know where you are best off. Unless you can find a benefactor outside, then I don’t exaggerate when I say you will starve and die of cold in a short time. Some of you I know enjoy the things the men do with you. The others will just have to make it look as though you do.’
"Really was like a brothel. The women had to give their bodies for sex in order to live here and then get punished for any infraction of the rules." Margaret was again talking to herself. "I suppose not much has changed now. I’m here because I have nowhere to go. I get punished for minor infractions of the rules and have to have sex with the boss man. Yeah, nothing has changed."
‘Our first Saturday meeting proved very successful. A dozen men including the squire attended. Henrietta received half a dozen with the birch and was taken by four men afterwards. I wouldn’t be surprised if she finds a benefactor soon. Alice and Martha both performed well and entertained with their cunnies and mouths. Funds were over ten pounds better off at the end of the evening. I decided to treat the women to some extra meat during the week to encourage them further.
It must have been two weeks or so later when I heard an altercation coming from the kitchen. Alice was castigating Hilda Warboys for not cleaning the pans properly. Hilda took offence and rebuked Alice saying, "I shouldn’t have to take orders from a bit of a girl like you, just because you sleep in the master’s bed. I was housekeeper here and should by rights still be now and you should be the one scrubbing the pans. Do them yourself little whore bitch." I had come to rely on Alice a good deal. Yes, she did grace my bed most nights and perhaps that did help her get the cook’s job but also she was the only one who could check the accounts and bills that were sent in. She would also follow up any discrepancies and seek redress, so I was pleased when she kept her cool and told Mrs. Warboys to either clean the pans properly and to obey her instructions or she would personally add chalk marks to her name. "You can’t do that! You don’t have any authority. Only the master can put on chalk marks and he’s out."
"I am giving you three for disobedience, Hilda and there will be another three if those pans are not cleaned promptly."
"They’ll only be cleaned if you do them, tart." She turned to leave the kitchen and walked straight into me.
"Finish the pans Hilda Warboys," I said, "I will put eight marks against your name and after supper tonight you will find out whether or not Alice is cook and in charge of this household." Although I could tell she resented doing it, she did clean the pans and was fearful because I had heard at least part of the conversation.
After our evening meal I ordered Jack to take Hilda to the punishment room and to fasten her to the new bench. When everyone was assembled I took the new shortened version of the razor strop I’d had the saddler make and with due ceremony presented it to Alice. "Alice," I said, "It seems that some of our residents do not accept that you are the chief cook and housekeeper. May I therefore present you with this strop as a symbol of your authority here. You have my full authority to use it freely at any time for any minor infractions that occur. Any refusal to take your punishment will have any such punishment doubled, the extras being given by Jack if he is called to assist. In addition a similar number of strokes will be given with the birch or cane on Saturday. Further and in consultation with me, you are allowed to add chalk marks to the punishment board." Alice was clearly surprised at this and thanked me. I noticed she looked at Mrs. Warboys and by the glint in her eyes I knew she wanted to make sure that woman knew her place. Turning to the others I made sure they understood Alice was in charge of them. Most of them had accepted it long since from the way she ran the place but of course there were murmurs of discontent from Miss Harrington. "Alice you may now punish Hilda in any way you think appropriate considering the gravity of her misdemeanor.
"Thank you Sir," Alice replied, "Would you mind if I asked Jack to turn her the other way up? I would like her to see me when I use the strap." Of course I agreed. Nor did I demur when Alice removed her blouse and stood topless alongside the punishment bench.
"Hilda," she said, "Your bottom will be punished enough in two days time so I will spare that for now and treat your front. You will then know I am in charge of you and you will see as well as feel the strap descending on your body. The woman screamed and pleaded, knowing from previous punishments how much more painful it was on the front of her body. Again this reinforced my belief women could be more cruel than men. She started on the front of the thighs and worked her way to the tits until the woman was sobbing pitifully. I and then Jack, were asked if we wanted to take her afterwards. I declined as I wanted my cock in Alice but Jack laid on her, causing her further pain as he rogered her well.
Alice only uses the strap occasionally. Mostly she prefers to add chalk marks to the board to add to the Saturday entertainment, but once a week or so, I see or hear a maid bending over a chair or table to receive anything from six to twelve good whacks with the strap.’
"I wonder what it would be like to be summarily bent over a chair and have your skirts lifted by another woman, one much younger and to receive a strapping on the bare bum in front of others. I wonder if they wore knickers? There’s no mention of any underwear in the account so far. It is almost like the stories of schools in the olden times where the boy or girls was made to bend over teacher’s desk and receive the tawse or rule on the bare in front of the class." Margaret stretched and turned away from the computer for a minute or two to give her eyes a rest. Her mind wandered again to thoughts of being punished by a young girl. "Like that young upstart I worked under at Masons. Uppity little bitch. Bet she would have delighted in giving me a good whacking." She started typing again.
‘Only three were due for punishment that Saturday. Miss Harrington of course. She’d been two whole weeks without and had become complacent. She had three marks. Katherine also had three. She’s a good woman and perhaps I was a bit mean in giving her three but she hadn’t tasted the birch much since my arrival and Hilda Warboys. Not much of a line up for the entertainment. All three stood against the wall waiting and I could see with only one reasonably young woman I would have to do something to spice things up.
Miss Harrington was birched first. When I offered her holes to the assembled company, none wanted her. Even when I announced there would be no charge only old Henry Messenger came forward to poke her. There was more response when Katherine was strapped down. Fred Wallace paid to do the birching and afterwards three men gave her a good reaming, one in her bottom hole, which she still finds painful.
I left the major punishment till last. Sixteen strokes of the birch is more than was normally administered. Twelve was considered plenty. I stood and explained why she had to take so many. Making Hilda stand up straight in front of the crowd, I pointed out the marks across her front she had already received for her insubordination. Jeffrey, son of Lord Parham offered to pay to be allowed to do the birching but I refused his money. I saw squire scowl at me thinking I would offend the lad for no reason and his father is very influential in these parts. I went on, "As it is my young cook who was insulted by this old woman, I propose to break with tradition and allow her to administer the punishment." Alice was standing in a corner ready to service a man when I presented her with the birch. The gathering applauded and covered by the noise I whispered to her, "Remove your top and jiggle your tits. Put on a good show. Spread the birching." Alice did far better than I could have hoped.
Standing in front of the crowd she bowed low and those in the front could clearly see her titties and down her cleavage. "Gentlemen and Lady." I noticed the master of the orphanage had brought his wife along, which confirmed what I had heard that she liked to warm the bottoms of her charges well. "Gentlemen and Lady," Alice repeated, "Thank you for allowing me the honour of chastising this women in front of you all. This will be a strenuous and onerous task but one I will fulfill to the best of my ability. With your permission Gentlemen and Lady, I would like to give my arms more freedom to apply the instrument of correction by removing my blouse and upper garments. Please will you grant me that permission?" Of course there was a roar of approval. Alice replaced the birch in the pot, opened her blouse and slowly removed it. This was followed by her vest, which allowed her ample breasts to fall free. She stretched her arms and pretended she was working her muscles causing her tits to move delightfully much to the approval of the assembly.
Before taking up the rod again, Alice shocked everyone by undoing the straps that held the woman’s ankles. As she freed each ankle so she offered it to a young man to hold, one of whom was Jeffrey. They of course spread them a little so they had a good view of Hilda’s hairy slit. Seeing this, Alice smiled and said, "Is this what you wish to see boys?" With her fingers she parted the pubic hair and pulled her cunnie lips apart so the boys could see the pink interior. Hilda sobbed and blushed with embarrassment. Now she had the boys hold the ankles together at waist height as she brought the wet birch down across the back of Hilda’s calves. I could see Alice’s plan now. Strapped downwards as they were, the frame largely protected them from the birch. While the lads held the woman by the feet, Alice laid on three more strokes, starting at the back of the knees and ending at the crease where her bum joined her legs. "Do you wish to continue holding the woman, young Sirs?" Alice asked. Both lads were aroused and wanted to continue. With theatrical movements that caused her breasts to fall and flop seemingly in every direction, Alice swung the birch in wide arcs that brought the birch crashing noisily on to the victims arse and back. Some of the power was lost in the theatrics but it didn’t matter. Hilda screamed and hollered, promised to obey, promised anything if Alice would only cease. The audience loved it all.
Finally when Hilda’s back and arse were raw and there were only two strokes to go, Alice turned to the boys again. Undoing their breeches she took out their hard cocks. "You’ve been good young Sirs," she told them, "You’ve held on well and watched that scrawny cunnie and bumhole twitch a quiver and yet you never let go. Before we give you your reward and let you dip those lovely hard cocks in her holes would you like for me to tenderise them a little?" I guess they would have preferred Alice’s holes but both agreed to let her soften the old woman’s a bit. "Move apart then, Sirs," Alice commanded and when Hilda’s legs were wide spread she laid one hit on the opened cunnie and the inside of the left leg. The birch tips ran along the arse crease and caught her bum hole too. Hilda let out a horrendous scream but before it had died away it was renewed when Alice repeated the stroke, this time inside the right leg caught the brunt of the blow.
A huge round of applause greeted the application of the last stroke. Alice turned and bowed again. We could all see her teats were hard. Her body shone in the lamplight from the sweat of her exertions and I guess there wasn’t a cock that wasn’t hard at the sight. A most erotic evening. Before Lord Parham himself claimed her she turned to his son and his friend. "They should be nice and tender now, Gentlemen. Use them well." Both boys in their eagerness tried to enter at the same time, which caused a good deal of laughter.
I saw Martha, Henrietta and Katherine being led away by gentlemen so the evening was very worthwhile financially. Squire came and slapped my back congratulated me on a fine show. "I’d not thought of letting a young woman whip and old one," he remarked, "She made a very enjoyable and titillating show. Excellent. We shall remember this one for a long while."
Lord Parham spent the whole night with Alice but paid well for the privilege. With all the maids taken by guests I spent most of the night alone until about 4 a.m. Martha came to my bed. Her partner had to return to his home before dawn. Needless to say I availed myself of her body although it had been well used for most of the night.
Everyone rose late that Sabbath but I didn’t complain. Katherine helped Hilda make her painful way down stairs. I ordered them both back to their rooms and to ready themselves as I wished to inspect their wounds. Giving them ten minutes I went first to Hilda’s room and found her in bed with the blanket drawn up. I drew it down and Hilda shivered as the cool air hit her bare skin. The welts now showed livid red and blue. Although I was gentle with my touches, she winced especially when I opened her legs. The boys had fucked both her cunnie and arse and their seed was still there when I probed with my finger. I almost rammed my cock in too but the thought of Katherine in the next room held me back. I turned her on her back which again caused some discomfort but I wanted to see if the thrashing from the strap still showed. It did as blue blotches. I also noticed the mark from the trestle beam where she had writhed on it under the blows from the birch.
"Who is master of the house, Hilda Warboys?" I asked.
"You are Sir."
"And who have I designated head of the household, Hilda Warboys?"
"Alice, Sir."
"And are you going to take her orders in future, Hilda Warboys?"
"Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir."
"Good. I hope for your sake you do. I will send her up to put Gran. Mabel salve on your stripes. You are excused duties until the morning.
Having instructed Alice I went to Katherine. Her arse was nowhere near as bad as Hilda’s but was still sore. I asked how many men had taken her afterwards and was told, "Three while still on the beam and then Fred Wallace and his friend Donald spent a few hours with me afterwards and had me in both holes several times." I already knew who had taken her to bed as they had paid me, I just wanted to check. As with Hilda, sperm still remained in her holes. My prick was reluctant to rise after it attentions with Martha so I offered it to Katherine’s mouth and found she worked it so nicely I let it remain there until I loosed my load. Leaving it there for a few minutes I withdrew and said I would get Alice to put salve on her when she had finished with Hilda.
I looked in on Hilda again and saw Alice very gently massaging the salve into the sore places between her thighs. The woman’s back had already been done. Hilda wasn’t resisting or protesting. When I asked her to do Katherine afterwards she nodded and added, "And Miss Harrington?"
"If you wish."

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After writing my last story I was encouraged to write a sequel. I’m Mike, I’m nearly seventeen and I’m pretty fit but I was stripped and punished by Miss McKenzie after admitting I skipped her PE lessons at school because I was bored. However, the punishment turned out well because a class mate of mine, Jo, was also stripped and she was punished at the same time.After our punishment, Jo and I left the gym together. We had seen each other punished naked and were both feeling pretty horny. Once...

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Punished by my girlfriends Mum

Punished by my girlfriends MotherCarol and I had been going out together for over three months, she was 19 and at Art College, I worked in a car showroom and was 23. Her mother Mrs Whittingham (Janet) was around mid-forties, quite attractive looking for an older woman. We had been out to see a band who were late coming on stage and so the concert was late finishing, we hadn't wanted to miss the last couple of songs as they were our favourites but I could see Carol was panicking. She always had...

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Punished For Spying

Dale was remembering the time, six years ago, when she was first spanked. She was now sixty-six-years-old and she had enjoyed building up relationships where she was the submissive and was spanked and caned. How it started was always a happy memory, although very awkward at the time.It was six years ago that Dale Brown opened the door to her house and stepped back to allow Emma Hogan and Amy Johnson to come in.Dale was sixty-years-old and a schoolmistress at the local sixth form college. Both...

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Extra Tuition Punished by German Frau 3

Having failed my German language mock GCSE, I ended up going to a private tutor twice a week. Frau Gunther is about twenty-eight and attractive. I’m nearly seventeen, I’m fit and like to go to the gym, so I was unhappy about two more evenings spent on school work, but my dad insisted. I was punished in part two and was then comforted by the two girls on the same course after Frau dismissed the class.Last week I was spanked nude by Frau in front of Lisa and Marie, and it hurt, both the spanking...

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Maesons AssistantChapter 6 Kimber gets punished

She lay there, feeling her body, safe under the covers, but squirming around as she moved her thighs like he ordered. When he leaned in, whispering, telling her to substitute themselves for Lee and Grey, she smiled a bit to herself. She had been way ahead of him, already imagining a better ending. One in which she was feeling all that Lee felt. Her lips parted, her breath started to come a bit faster as she moved faster and faster. Her hand moved down to lightly play with herself through her...

2 years ago
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Memoirs Fraudsters Punished

Chapter 10. Fraudsters punishedMarch 27th 1831‘Saturday evening came and I cancelled the session at the workhouse although of course, those deserving punishment received their due. I held the session during the afternoon with only a few guests looking on. Instead I took the cart with Clara to the manor. I’d kept her confined in the one room and had Jack take her meals and empty her slops. He also put her to his cock whenever he felt like it. She was understandably frightened and sat shivering...

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Punished on Valentines Day

Rose WilderPunished on Valentine’s Day?What do you think you’re doing, young lady?? The deep, booming voice sounded angry.The dark-haired woman reacted immediately and fell on her knees. Her long black hair was cascading down her back, accentuated by her still lightly tanned skin. At five foot six she was a bit taller than the average with a body that would not have been misplaced in the Playboy.She had been standing in front of the full length mirror of their bedroom, supposedly getting ready...

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Caught And Punished

Caught And Punished Dad always told me that my mother was a whore. I wouldn’t know because I had no recollection of her whatsoever. He was a hard worker and supported us as best he could. He was also a very strict disciplinarian. Any time I did something to displease him I found out about it right away. It used to be little things like not making my bed, throwing my clothes on the floor, and not doing my homework. That resulted in spankings and escalated to bare bottom spanking. But...

4 years ago
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Sissy Stepson Part 5 Pantied and Punished

Part 5 - Pantied and Punished Carl begged his stepmother not to spank him and he pleaded, "I'll be good, I will never try your things on again, please!" "To late, you can't be trusted and must be properly punished, but first I want the truth about why you did this. If you don't tell me the truth I will make sure your father knows, his family, your friends and everyone at school!" Carl shook with fear and started to cry. "Please I couldn't help it, I am attracted to your sexy...

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Punished by my girlfriends Mother

Carol and I had been going out together for over three months, she was 19 and at Art College, I worked in a car showroom and was 23. Her mother Mrs Whittingham (Janet) was around mid-forties, quite attractive looking for an older woman. We had been out to see a band who were late coming on stage and so the concert was late finishing, we hadn't wanted to miss the last couple of songs as they were our favourites but I could see Carol was panicking. She always had to be home by eleven during the...

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Punished By My Girlfriends Mother

Carol and I had been going out together for over three months, she was 19 and at Art College, I worked in a car showroom and was 23. Her mother Mrs Whittingham (Janet) was around mid-forties, quite attractive looking for an older woman. We had been out to see a band who were late coming on stage and so the concert was late finishing, we hadn't wanted to miss the last couple of songs as they were our favourites but I could see Carol was panicking. She always had to be home by eleven during the...

2 years ago
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Punished During My Stay By Auntie Beryl Daughter Kate

When I last stayed with Aunty Beryl I was nineteen. I am now twenty-three and working for a consultancy company which means I have to travel a fair bit. At short notice, I was asked to work on a project in the West Midlands for a week or more and I was struggling to find a hotel room. On the off chance, I phoned Aunty Beryl to ask if I could stay there for the week and she said I’d be welcome. On the second day of my visit, Aunty’s daughter Kate was punished naked right in front of me and I...

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71 Avis punished by hubby for a little lesbian fu

71 Avis, punished by hubby for a little lesbian fun This story came to me from an American couple. They promise me its 100% true, only the names have been changed to preserve their anominity. It`s her story and started when she had gone out shopping at a local department store After wandering around a bit, I thought I saw an old friend of mine pass into another isle. I quickly moved in her direction and came up behind her as she walked down the aisle. I wasn't sure if it was my friend, but I...

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I knelt naked upon my fur in the corner of the lounge room, as Master had instructed, Master had called as He was leaving work, informing me He would be bringing company home with Him, ?A sigh of relief passed my lips?.As I was to be punished upon Him returning home from work for my behaviour early that morning, but obviously Master had forgotten when He invited one of His friends over.This had also surprised me, for Master liked to keep His private life just that ?Private??Hearing His car pull...

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Deep Secret Ch 24 Entertainment

As upsetting, unsettling, and, admittedly, exciting as it was to watch my girlfriend deep throat the largest cock in the world, I picked up the briefcase, rose, and went with Stephen. We walked back through the door, through the drapes, and into another area lined with rows of drapes. This one looked like a backstage area in a theater. There were dressing tables with lights surrounding mirrors as well as a smattering of sofas and chairs. The large room had at least a dozen mostly naked men and...

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An Evenings Entertainment

The evening was young yet. I had just finished a nice leisurely dinner at a new restaurant and it was only a little after six o'clock. I knew there would be nothing good on TV that evening — nothing but summer reruns and dull MLB games. I was driving toward home slowly, trying to think of some interesting way to pass the time. Suddenly it appeared off to my left as I topped a freeway overpass. There, in a big copse of trees, was nestled an amateur baseball complex. There were four of them all...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIChapter 8 An Evenings Entertainment

James’ and my passions had been so intense the prior night that we both slept later than our norm, though as usual I awoke before him. By now I knew his habits, and I knew by the depth of his snores that he would not awake if I made my usual attempt, that is to say by suckling his cock with my lips and tongue. Climbing from his bed, I made my way to my bath and began running my bath water. I had just climbed into the tub, when I heard a faint knock at my door, and acting upon my suspicions,...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIChapter 10 A Second Entertainment

AnneMarie eagerly agreed to my plan of providing a second entertainment for our pleasures and the pleasures of Harry and James. She agreed to bring her fiancée to dine with us a few days hence, and after a sumptuous meal, I would invite them to our rooms for dessert. Needless to say, it was our intention that we would be the dessert! I should explain that while the thought did cross my mind, it was not our intention to swap our partners. AnneMarie would love her Harry, and not my James, and...

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Mike was punished by his English teacher

Mrs. Smith saw the amazement of the Mike through his eyes. Without saying any word she gave the pencil back to Mike. Mike was not like the boys of his age. He always gets concentrated with his studies. That was a special new feeling to him. He was not attracted to a woman before. Although it is his teacher he could not be able to resist the feeling on his mind. After the class Mrs. Smith went back to the staff room. She was thinking why his best student looked at her in that way. In the...

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Punished hard

My name is rahul. I am studying in a medical collage.I am a final year senior student. Our batch makes ragging on junior students.our ragging includes removing clothes, touching the private parts, playing with them, more and more.i like to say you an incident that we did to a 1st year girl who joined our school.her father is a police officer.It was freshers day that new commers are being coming into the campus. we sat at the gate and started ragging.we call a girl who was in a pujabi dress.her...

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Punished Peepers

Punished Peepers!                             TJ RyderComplete story with cover pic!Download Femdom cuckold shemale ladyboy illustrated ebooks Ballbusters, cheaters, teasers, illustrated!Femdom cbt, chastity cuckolding interracial stories.comix!        Marvin R., 18 yr old senior at Jefferson, gazed in love and lust at his English teacher, Miss Brown.  Her lovely poised body, the way she stretched when she...

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Punished by the principal 1

Principal Grant was sitting in his black leather chair. In front of him scattered papers lay over his mahogany desk. However his focus wasn’t on the papers, he had turned his chair towards the window and was staring through the blinds. It was a hot September afternoon, exceptionally hot even for the time of year. And although the blinds kept most of the sunlight out, the heat of the burning sun still found a way into the principal’s office. The heat had even made the principal take off his...

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Punished Peepers

                 The Punished Peepers                     Chapter 1                                                TJ RyderIllustrated Fetish Adult Stories at****************************************************************        Marvin R., 18 yr old senior at Jefferson, gazed in love and lust at his Englishteacher, Miss Brown.  Her lovely poised body, the way she stretched when she wrote at the top of the blackboard, the way her big firm breasts stretched her sheet sweater. ...

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Boarding School Punished by Matron 3

If you’ve read part 2 you’ll know that Matron invited the head girl, Rosie Saunders, to witness my punishment. This was very embarrassing, which is exactly what Matron intended. I had been naked in front of the head girl and she’d seen me caned and then seen Matron spank my cock because I had an erection. A week or so later I went into the library and as I turned a corner I bumped into Rosie. I went red and she went scarlet, remembering the last time she’d seen me. In a way, this mutual...

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Mummy the neighbourhood slut getting punished

Tanya was preparing dinner. It was a hot summer day and she was only wearing a bikini, as she had been tanning topless in the sun all afternoon. In between she took a stroll in the garden and did a little weeding, bending over to present her beautiful ass as a prominent sight for her neighbors. Tanya was 42 years of age and possessed a voluptuous body that looked at least 10 years younger. She always had the full attention of her neighbors and their sons whenever she was in the garden, whether...

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Mommy the neighborhood slut getting punished Chapt

Tanya was preparing dinner. It was a hot summer day and she was only wearing a bikini, as she had been tanning topless in the sun all afternoon. In between she took a stroll in the garden and did a little weeding, bending over to present her beautiful ass as a prominent sight for her neighbors. Tanya was 42 years of age and possessed a voluptuous body that looked at least 10 years younger. She always had the full attention of her neighbors and their sons whenever she was in the garden, whether...

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Future Entertainment

The year is 2154 and the world has become a vastly different place from what came before. There are no longer individual countries, now major power blocks around the world prevail. They roughly follow previous political and religious lines but each block has one government for the whole area. This future has become a more barbarous place but the people of the ‘western’ blocks have also mutated into a gambling and entertainment based society.  The societies themselves have changed into a more...

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The Entertainment

The smell of the leather was quite strong, but not unpleasant. the mask he had been given to wear covered up his eyes and nose.Apart from the leather boots he was wearing, and the mask he was naked. He had oiled himself as instructed, and was waiting for a signal from the hostess hat the “show” would start. “You’ll see” was all she would say broadly smiling when he asked what would be required of him. She had seen his profile on an adult site, admired his large cock, tight balls, arse and...

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Bent over and Punished A Nyasia Story

“HHMMM HMHPH HMMM” were the lovely sounds his naked brown skinned slave girl was making as he led her out of the ‘playroom’. She was almost entirely silenced, with a large volume, mouth filling, bulbous panel gag, strapped tight and padlocked around her head.She was visibly uncomfortable as her master grasped her tightly handcuffed wrists and pushed her down the long hallway, past the other slave girls he had working for him as captive ‘maids’. Uncomfortable because of their sympathetic and in...

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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye - you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being in...

Oral Sex
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Punished For Stealing

Dale Brown and Mary Barton both knew they had done wrong and been caught out. They were both sixty-six-years-old and teachers at a sixth form college for girls. They have been teachers all their lives and were used to disciplining those girls that misbehaved. However, it now seems that it was their turn. The two teachers were friends and both liked to go shopping for clothes. They knew they were overspending and were both short of money to pay some bills. It was Dale who came up with the idea...

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Extra Tuition Punished by German Frau

The school headmaster told my dad that it was not worth me continuing with German language to GCSE as my mock exam results were so poor. Dad argued it was important for me to get a foreign language. The headmaster suggested that my only chance was extra tuition and discipline and he recommended Frau Gunther. I was nearly seventeen, very fit and like to spend time in the gym so the last thing I wanted was more evenings spent on school work, but dad insisted and took me to my first lesson.We...

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TUP 17 The Raipists get punished

Trumped up Punishments 17: The Raipists get punishedCharlotte’s very public punishment on the Fox Punishment Network made the national news - it had been a real ‘hit’. Sources at the White House reported that the President himself had watched her ordeal, and really enjoyed himself. These reports were corroborated by the fact that the Corporal Punishment Broadcast Act (‘CPBA’) was signed into law that very night, with the President granting the Fox Punishment Network (‘FPN’) the exclusive...

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The Tease Gets Punished

It was just another school year at Chestnut High for me, Chad Calloway. I’m 5’10, 185, and would like to think that I am pretty well built. Now this year is different than past years because I am a senior. Already being accepted into a local college, I had a pretty easy year ahead of me. The first day of school was like any other, you find out your schedule, see who’s in your classes, and find out who you are going to sit with at lunch. Everything was going fine until I had my last class...

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