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Copyright © 2002 They Got Us

Hi, Robert.

Yeah, it's me. Your self. If you're reading this, it means that they got to you. To us. To me.

Wow, this is weird, talking to myself. Or writing to myself, as the case may be -- to a now-ignorant version of me...

I knew they would be after us when they found out -- after all of us. Something like this is just too big to not squash when it begins to leak.

When I realized this, I took several of our journal entries and included them with this explanation and sent it out on the net. This e-mail has probably been around the world 20 or 30 times, time-paused at each hop along the way to hopefully throw them off our trail. If you're reading this, I guess it worked. You may get this message several times -- I sent it out via multiple routes.

I deleted the original entries from our journal, though I don't expect that to help much. I suspect they'll just do a mass brain-wipe of the town to clean up this mess.

I'll warn you now that you're not going to believe this. I couldn't believe it even as it happened. But there it was... happening.

Do me -- us -- a favor and read this entire message all the way through, no matter how insane it sounds before you judge me -- us? yourself? -- as crazy.

I guess the best way to start this off is to just jump right into our first journal entry of the events:

Monday, November 5th. I can't believe what happened today! It was like something out of a porn movie, for goodness sake!

I was sneaking to the supply closet in the front office for a cup of coffee when...

Photographers Do It With a Flash

"You're not supposed to notice me," Robert whispered when Mrs Stotter glanced up from her desk in the front office.

"You know that coffee will stunt your growth, Robert," the pretty blonde secretary whispered back.

"I'm eighteen. I'm already as growthed as I'm going to get." He continued walking toward the supply closet that held the precious brown brewed liquid. "And thanks for understanding senioritis," he grinned.

Barbara Stotter understood senioritis -- had watched her daughter Tina go through it last year. But, "It has nothing to do with understanding bored high school seniors, Robert. Your mother said that it was okay for you to have a little coffee now and then, but to let you keep thinking you were sneaking it -- that it would taste better for you that way."

Robert harrumphed. His mother taught senior English and the administrative staff at the school always knew all about his life-events -- like his first kiss two years ago, which Mrs Stotter had thought was just darling. "Just darling"! No man likes to be "just darling."

It wasn't easy being a teacher's son.

"Well, get your coffee," she flicked her hand at the closet, "before we both get caught."

"Thanks!" he whispered and ducked inside. He filled his mug with the last in the pot, then ran some water in the empty pot to start brewing the next one.

Meanwhile, Principal Chadburn stepped out of his office, carrying a camera. "Hi, Barbara. Anyone else out here?"

Her eyes flicked toward the supply closet. "No, sir. Just me," she smiled.

"In that case, I'd like to get a couple pictures for the yearbook if I could."

"Sure," she sighed. Usually they waited another month or two before they started in with this yearbook stuff.

He brought the camera up and she put a smile on her face.

Robert had heard Principal Shitbum and was peeking out where the closet door was opened a crack.


"That's good, Barbara. How about a couple more?"

"O... kay," she said, looking a little distracted.

"But you're a pretty girl. Stand up, take off that jacket. Let's see your pretty figure."

"Thank you, sir," she smiled, standing and removing the jacket.



"Oh, beautiful! You should have been a fashion model. Pull your hair back and up and let it fall to your shoulders."

Pleased with the compliments, she smiled and did so.

"Yeah, that's nice, Barbie! Now let's see a pout. C'mon, more than that. Show me that bottom lip. Your hubby won't get you that cute little kitten at the pet shop that you asked him so nicely for. Yeah, that's it."


"Now even more pout. You're man has abandoned you for the night all alone at home all HOT and BOTHERED. Isn't that just horribly, horribly MEAN of him? Oh, yeah, THAT'S the pout."


"Yeah, you're just EXUDING sexiness, baby. Now lean forward and cup your breasts through your blouse."

Robert's eyes widened as he watched the pretty blonde administrator do as she was told.


"Oh, Barbie, the camera loves you. Come around and sit on the front of the desk."

Robert watched Mrs Stotter flounce around and sit on the top of her desk.


"Okay, let's hike that skirt up and show a little knee, Barbie."

Mrs Stotter grinned naughtily as she pulled her hem up to about three inches above her knee.


"Barbie! You're a NATURAL! Now hike it up a little further and let's see that look of SHOCK as you get caught FLASHING your PUSSY."

Robert's jaw dropped as Mrs Stotter -- the coworker of his mother and the mother of one of his long-time friends -- pulled her skirt up to show white panties!

"No, no! What in the world were you thinking, honeybunch?!"

Barbie raised her eyebrows and looked hurt.

"You're a star, sweetheart, a model. You don't ever want to be caught wearing something as mundane as panties."


"No," Shitbum shook his head solemnly.

"I'm... sorry..."

"Well, now... reach up and pull them off."

"I... don't think that..."


"You're HOT, baby. You're TEASING the camera. Now let's lose the sopping wet underwear."

Giggling, Mrs Stotter hopped off the desk, her skirt dropping back down. Reaching up underneath, she wriggled her ass as she slid her panties to her knees, then off. Smiling, she turned around and held them up, dangling from her thumb and forefinger.


"Now tell me how wet they are, Barbie."

"Oh, honey," she smiled, "I am just a JUICER! And I am SO turned ON right now!"

"WHAT... is going on here?!" Ms Carmichael stood with her fists on her hips, having just walked in on a scene wholly unexpected and utterly inappropriate in a public high school!


"Yes, YES, the camera likes you TOO, Rachel."

"I, ehr..."


"Oh, yeah, what a SEXY little thing you are. Doesn't this look like FUN? To pose like Barbie?"

"I, uhm..."


"Yeah, now hold your left hand up behind your head, Rach, and cock your hip out to the left like you're a model on Vogue."

"I-- I, uh-- like this?" She flashed a smile up on her face.


"Beautiful! Hot! Sexy! Now lean forward and shake your chest to jiggle your boobies!"

Ms Carmichael, 45 year old stern brunette math teacher with pretty, arched eyebrows, bent over and tentatively shook her chest to show off her large boobs.

"Rachel, Rachel, no. You're wearing a bra, aren't you?"

"Uhm... yeah?"

"No, honey. You have the cleavage to go bare. You don't ever want to mess up your pretty figure with a... ," Chadburn made a face, "bra."

"I-- I'm... sorry. I... I won't do it again."

"Good girl!"

By this point, Mrs Stotter was looking confused, still holding up her soggy panties for some reason like some wet flag of lust. "Perhaps I should," she pointed toward the door leading out.

"Nonsense! Let me get a picture of both of you. Sit next to each other on the front of the desk there."

The two women did as they were told, Mrs Stotter the more hesitant of the two.


"Beautiful! Beautiful! You were both MADE for the camera!"


"Now, Rachel, lay your left hand on Barbie's right knee. Smile, girls."


"Great! Now, Barbie, lean over and kiss rachel on the cheek. That's it! Beautiful!"


"Rachel, turn your head around and meet Barbie's kiss."

Robert watched through the door crack in amazement as the two women pressed their lips together for the camera.


"Wonderful! Wonderful! Now Barbie, I want you to use a little tongue on Rachel, but pull your lips back from hers slightly so I can catch it on film."

Mrs Stotter wound up messily licking Ms Carmichael's lips and tongue, which came out to play with hers.


"Rachel, reach up and tell me if... if Barbie is wearing a bra."

"Yeah... yeah, she is," Ms Carmichael gasped in between tonguing Mrs Stotter back after she groped the younger woman's boob a few moments.


"Well, let's continue this photo shoot in my office, girls. And we can turn it into a really hot three-way shoot."

The two women stood, still caressing and feeling each other up, and followed Mr Chadburn into his office.

Holy... SHIT!

Mrs Stotter just... and then Ms Carmichael just... and then they BOTH...

Holy... SHIT!

Like I said earlier, I couldn't believe that happened any more than I'm sure you can reading about it now. I pinched myself to make sure I was awake until I bruised. I threw out the coffee in case someone had spiked it with something that would make those three act like that. I poked my head back in the front office that afternoon to see what Mrs Stotter was doing then. She looked at me a little strangely -- I didn't usually step in just to say good night -- but she seemed otherwise okay.

I spent the next few days trying to figure if what I thought happened was real or not.

Principal Shitbum had told Mrs Stotter that she should never wear panties and Ms Carmichael that she shouldn't wear a bra anymore...

"More coffee, Robert?" Mrs Stotter asked without looking up.

Robert wasn't even trying to sneak by this morning.

"Uhm, Mrs Stotter, could I get you to check where the coffee pot is plugged in with me? I thought it might have a loose wire yesterday and wouldn't want it to start a fire."

"Sure, Robert. It wasn't smoking or anything, was it?"

"No, ma'am, but it looked like part of the six-way plug was loose.

She stood and followed him into the supply closet.

Robert pulled the cords out of the six-way plug, including the coffee pot, then pulled the six-way out of the wall and let it slip to the floor.

"Oops. I dropped it. Could you pick it up for me?"

Barbara raised her eyebrows -- Robert was perfectly fine to bend over and pick it up himself -- but after a moment, she knelt to retrieve it.

Robert quickly studied the back of her skirt as best he could -- there did not APPEAR to be any panty lines.


"Ma'am?" That was a wrinkle to the side of her hip, not a panty line.

"Are you trying to stare at my ass?"

"No!" His eyes widened and he jerked them away from her and to the floor. "No, ma'am!"

She stood. "Because it sure looked like it."

"No, ma'am! I just wanted to check the six-way." He took it from her. "But it appears to be okay now." He turned and plugged it back into the wall, then reconnected all the plugs to it and turned around.

Mrs Stotter was standing with her arms crossed, her eyes at half-height. Very deliberately, she moved her eyes from his ass up to meet his gaze. "Now you know what it feels like," she arched an eyebrow.

"Uhm, yes, ma'am." He cast his gaze down. Head bent over, he stepped past her and out into the office. "Uhm, thank you."

He was still dark crimson as he stepped back into the outer office and then into the hall.

After math class -- the last one of the day -- Robert walked up to Ms Carmichael's desk. He had studied the back of her blouse for bra straps during class, but hadn't seen any.

"Yes, Robert?"

"Ms Carmichael, it looked like someone, uhm, taped-- " he gestured toward her back, then stepped behind her. While he reached behind his own back to retrieve the "grouch" piece of paper that he had taped there, he felt across her shoulder for a bra strap.


He felt up the center of her back for bra snaps.


"Robert, are you feeling me up for a bra?"

"No! I-- " he swallowed hard.

"Because I'm not wearing one."

"-- I was just getting this." He held out the "grouch" sign. "Someone taped that to you."

She took it and studied it, raising one eyebrow.

"You're not, uhm, wearing a bra, Ms Carmichael?"

"No." She arched one eyebrow. "Robert... isn't this YOUR handwriting?"

How could she know?! She COULDN'T tell with big printed letters like that! She HAD to be bluffing!

Ms Carmichael took note of Robert's panic-wide eyes and nodded. "You're just trying to ogle teacher's boobies, aren't you, young man?"

"I-- I-- " he shook his head in denial.

"Oh, I understand. All the boys try." She smoothed the blouse over one of them. "There quite nice, really -- the boobs I mean. I don't blame you young men," she mused.

"I-- I-- "

"But we're teacher and student, Robert, and we shouldn't pursue this much further. Here," her face melted into a compassionate smile, "I can do this for you, but nothing more." She hopped up and down for several seconds.

Robert swallowed hard. Her boobies really jiggled quite... delightfully... through her blouse.

"You like that, don't you?" she smiled.


"Well, you whack off to that for a little while, but that's the most I can give you." She wagged her finger at him. "And don't you go trying to cop feels from me, young man."

"No, ma'am!"

"Because I'd have to say something by the fourth or fifth time you did something like that," she smiled. "Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now you run along," she ushered him out of her classroom, copping a feel of his butt in the process."

WHAT... in the HELL... was going on?!

He headed downstairs to the front office in time to catch Mrs Stotter.

She raised one eyebrow. "Hi, Robert."

Don't even MENTION this morning's little scene, he told himself -- don't draw any more attention to it than it had already drawn.

"I just, uhm, wanted to show you the coins that Mr Johnson brought me back from his trip to France. Here, this one's a franc." He deliberately held it so she'd have to spin her chair toward him to take it, which she did.

"And this-- oops." He dropped the next coin to the floor, then dropped himself to his knees to retrieve it.

And to look up her skirt for panties.

"Oops." He let the other three coins clink out of his hand onto the floor, then slowly retrieved them too, all the while trying to see if he could make out any panties in the shadowy space between her knees.


From his hands and knees, he looked up to meet her gaze.

"Are you trying to look up my skirt?"

Shit, not again!

She was still looking at him, one eyebrow raised.

"I-- " he shook his head.

With a faint smile, she pinched the hem of her skirt in her fingers, then slid her hips forward, spreading her knees apart.

Robert's jaw dropped.

Soft, light brown pubic hair surrounded dark pink pussy lips. Robert gaped back up at her face.

"Well, that's what you wanted to see, wasn't it?"

"I-- I-- "

She slid her hips back and dropped her skirt. "Does that get it out of your system? Or are you going to need follow-up treatments?"

Jesus Christ! What was going ON here?! He stood and backed out of the office, stammering.

How Do You Get a Twinkle in a Blonde's Eye?

Author's Note:

Q: How do you get a twinkle in a blonde's eye?

A: You shine a flashlight in her ear.

By this point, we knew that SOMETHING was going on, you and I.

Other people were catching on too:

Thursday, November 15th. Paul was really wound up today...

"Man, you OWE me," Paul pointed his forefinger at Robert, "for bringing you IN on this!"

"Okay, okay, I'll owe you. For bringing me in on what?"

"Just follow us," Al Chadburn nodded smugly. Altus -- Principal Chadburn's son -- had been a fat pimply brat as a child, and he was now a fat pimply brat as a young man.

Paul Glickman was a skinny, pimply geek. The mad scientist comes in two flavors: the arrogant bastard that tampers with things that man was never meant to tamper with; and the timid genius with the occasional perverted taste. Paul was of the latter category. He was already accepted into MIT, where he would work with laser and sub nuclear fusion and other scary things while paying for sex with the monthly prostitute.

Paul was also Robert's best friend.

"Man, you are going to LOVE this!" Paul spun around, ready to pop with excitement as he and Robert followed the fat kid up the hall.

"Easy, Paul. Don't wet your pants."

Paul deflated and turned back around, considerably dampened. "Man, you're not showing NEARLY enough appreciation for this," he muttered.

The halls were empty, abandoned by the students when the end of day bell rang twenty minutes ago.

Al came to a stop in front of Miss Caloway's geography classroom. Debra Caloway mostly taught 8th and 9th graders, but she was the centerpiece in many a wet dream by all male students. And male teachers. In fact, the principal would like to bend her over and...

She was in.

The three boys stepped into her classroom. "Hi, Miss Caloway," Al smiled. "Tina told you I was going to come by to take your picture for the yearbook, didn't she?" He dropped his backpack and dug a camera out of it.

Miss Caloway frowned. "No, she didn't say anything about-- "

"Guess it slipped her mind," Al shrugged, "But that's okay."


"Uh... yeah... I guess. Where... do you want me to pose?"

"Why don't you come around to the front of your desk?"

She came around and sat on the edge, laying her hands in her lap. "Like this?"

"Beautiful!" Flash. "Have you ever thought of modeling? You'd be wonderful at it!"

Miss Caloway giggled and shrugged. "I've thought about it a couple times."


"Well, now's your chance."

This was starting off just like Principal Chadburn's session with Mrs Stotter and Ms Carmichael the other morning! Could... Miss Caloway be... ?!

Could God BE so kind... ?


"Beautiful! Beautiful! Now turn around and give us a come-hither look over your right shoulder."

"Like this?"


"Yes! Exactly like that! Now cock your butt out and shake it from side to side for us."

Robert had been going to say, "This isn't right, you guys," but the ass in question began undulating and sapped that moral stance clean out of him.

Flash. Flash. Flash.

"Have any of the students ever told you you're pretty?"

She smiled and shrugged. "Yeah, they tell me that sometimes."


"Good! 'Cause you have a hell of an ass, woman!"

She giggled and shook it again.


"Now turn around and give us your dumb blonde look."

Giggling, Debra turned around, crossed her eyes, slacked her jaw and smiled. "It's like... y'know... all about what's important. Ya know? Hee-hee."

"Great! You make a REALLY good dumb blonde, Debbie! You're a natural blonde, aren't you?"

"Yeah," she giggled. "As blonde as the fur between my legs."


"Wow, a natural dumb blonde!"

"No, not a natural DUMB blonde, just a nat-- "


"That's what I said: a natural dumb blonde. But look at you -- you're even getting confused about whether you're dumb or not. Trust me: you are."

"I-- I am?" Her brow furrowed. "But... but I'm a teacher."

Flash. "You're eye candy. Just dumb eye candy that we let dress up like a teacher 'cause you're HOT that way."

"But-- "


"We ALL wanna boff you, Debbie. And it just makes you SO wet between your legs thinking about all the stiff pricks standing up just for you! But, no, you couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag, you blonde, big-titted bimbo."

"But... I'm..."

Flash. "Damn, your dumb look is hot, bitch! And you wear it all the time!"

Flash. Flash. Flash.

"But... ," she whined.

"Okay, look, I'll prove it to you. I'm going to ask you a question in just a second. Now picture the answer. It's like a beautiful, multi-colored butterfly!"

"Ooh!" she cooed.

Flash. "But you can't catch it. No matter how hard you try, the butterfly zigs and zags and darts and you just can't get your dumb pretty blonde bimbo hands on it. So let's try. Ready?"


"Quick! What's the ancient name of Thailand?!"

"I-- It's-- "


"It's-- I know it. It's-- "

"Hurry! What's the answer?!"

"I-- It's-- ooh!" She stamped her foot. "I KNOW this one! It's-- it's on the tip of my tongue!"

"Brrrrrrnnnnnnggggghhhh! I am SO sorry, Debbie! But you have missed that question. The proper answer, if you had any brains inside that dumb blonde bimbo head of yours, is Siam."

"Siam! Yes!" she snapped her fingers. "That's it! I knew that one! I don't know why it just slipped my mind..."

Flash. "No, you didn't. You don't know it. Or you would have said it. Right?"


"So you're dumb. You're just dumb blonde bimbo Debbie."

"No," she pouted, brow furrowed. "I'm not. I'm a teacher! I'm smart!"

"Care to play again?"

"Yeah! I'll show you! I'm smart!"

Flash. "Okay, Debbie. This time the answer is a bee, and it's buzzing around your nose."

"Eeww! Yuck!"

Flash. "You are so sexy when you show off your bimbo-hood! So the answer bee is buzzing around your nose, and you're going to try to catch it between your thumb and forefinger. If you succeed, he'll sting your thumb, which will swell up like a red, throbbing golf ball, but that will be okay because you'll be able to answer the question. Now if you CAN answer the question, we'll admit that maybe -- maybe -- you're not just the dumb blonde bimbo that you are. But if you can't-- "

Flash. "If you can't answer it, you'll have to remove your blouse."

"My blouse?! Wait-- "

"Quick! What's the northernmost country in South America?! Quick!"

"I-- It's, uhm, that one... that one that... it's wide and flat... and it's got a really long name... and Juan Valdez works there..."

The three boys looked at each other. Juan Valdez?

"C'mon, Debbie! HURRY! You're running OUT OF TIME!"

"Oh, dammit!" she stamped her foot. "I KNOW this one!"

"Brrrrnnngh! Apparently you don't... know that this country is called Venezuela."

"Yes!" she jabbed her finger at Al. "THAT'S it! Venezuela!"

"Debbie, Debbie, Debbie. Dumb blonde Debbie. The shirt, babe."

"Nooo," she held the front of her shirt to herself possessively.

Flash. "You HAVE to live up to your promise, dumb Debbie."

Flash. "And you'll make all of our hard-ons swell just a little bit harder. And that thought REALLY turns you on, dumb Debbie."

"I-- It will? Really?"

Al nodded.

"Cool!" She began unbuttoning. After a couple moments, she dropped the blouse to the floor. "Are you guys... really... swelling for me?"

The three boys nodded.


Flash. "I'm sorry. I just can't stop taking pictures of your pretty dumb blonde looks!"

"Well... I guess it's okay if you do that a little bit. I DO get sort of ditsy sometimes."

Flash. "Okay, Debbie. This time the answer is an angry wasp!"

"Oh!" her brow furrowed with concern.

"And it's coming after YOU, Debbie! It's going to sting YOU!"


"Run! Run from the answer before it stings you!"

"Please! Don't!"

"QUICK! What's the capital of Europe?! Quick!"

"I don't know! Stay away from me, answer! Stay away!" She waved her arms in front of her like she were swatting at a wasp.

"You don't know?!"

"No! Stay away!"

"And the answer is-- "

"Stay away!"

"Europe doesn't have a capital. Europe isn't a country."


"So... take off your skirt, dum-dum Debbie."

"But I can't."

Flash. "But you HAVE to. You lost the question. You HAVE to take off your skirt."

"But-- " She dropped her voice to a whisper, "but you're students!"

"Students with hard-ons!" Paul piped in.

Debbie gestured toward Paul while she looked at Al and nodded. "Students with hard-ons." See?

"And you're a dumb blonde bimbo that's getting really hot thinking about our erections."

"I... uh... ," she fidgeted with her hands a moment, then unzipped the side of her skirt. "You guys can't tell ANYBODY about this!" She slid the skirt to the floor, then stood back up.

"I'll get the door," Paul said and stepped to shut it.

"Debbie," Al whispered, "your crotch is really WET!"

"I KNOW!" She fidgeted from leg to leg. "And you boys are seeing me in my underwear, and you're not supposed to, and that's making it even WETTER!"


She nodded sincerely. "Squishier!"

Flash. "I know that you're so horny you could explode, but do you think you can keep from frigging yourself for a couple more questions?"

"I'll try."

Flash. "Okay, Debbie. This time, the answer is a poisonous snake slithering toward you."


"Yeah, ew. And it's trying to bite you."


"Quick! What's the capital of New York? Quick!"

"I don't know! I don't want to remember! Don't bite me!"

"Is that your final answer?"

"Keep the answer away from me!"

"And the answer is... New York City. Lose the bra, Debbie."

"Actually," Paul corrected, "the answer is Albany."

"Well... she still has to take off the bra," Al protested.

"Oh, I would agree!" Paul nodded.

"And since I missed the question too, I'll just whip out Long John Thomas here."

Miss Caloway's eyes grew wide. "You will?"

"After you lose the bra, bitch."

Debbie reached behind and unsnapped her bra, then let it fall, exposing D-cups with the biggest, pinkest nipples any of the boys had ever seen. Of course, none of them had ever seen any live naked breasts before.

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Greetings . This is Rajesh from Coimbatore Tamil Nadu . I am not a good narrator. But this incident was a real one and I don’t want to make fool anyone . The purpose of sharing my incident here to have some ideas to my fellow people in their life also . Coimbatore was one of the busiest city in Tamil Nadu i am staying in heart of the city. I am now pursue my under graduation in commerce in a reputed college. I am staying in my rented flat so I feel lonely In evening so i used to walk more in...

2 years ago
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Meeting a hot wife

Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, sex, hot wife, work, cheating, married Summary: A man wishes he could meet a hot wife, one day he has the perfect opportunity, if he can make it work. Dating is far harder than televisions makes it seem, at least that’s how I always saw it. Finding something to talk about for an hour and a half is hard enough and being remotely interested in them after hearing that much about them is equally hard. It’s one of the reasons I look for...

4 years ago
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Spa break and loud neighbours

We'd been talking about a spa break for a while now. With Ann's upcoming birthday and a special offer at one of the hotels we'd been looking at, now seemed the right time. So we made a weekend spa break booking. Ann and I both liked staying in hotels. Having someone makeup your room each day and cook food for you was a luxury. We also liked fucking on all the furniture and trying different positions afforded by the room layout.The hotel we'd chosen was a country house mansion with lots of...

1 year ago
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Jessicas LiveIn Babysitter Part 7

Jessica's Live-In Babysitter - Part 7 by CutePatti Sam was quickly trying to think of some way to get out of the predicament he was now in before Jessie was able to carry out her plan of using the Electro-Jack in a most embarrassing and humiliating way. It didn't help that the thought of what her suggestion meant was incredibly exciting. But, still, he knew he had to try to keep things from getting more and more out of hand with her. She now knew so much about his secret life...

4 years ago
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Ordinary Moments

"Please stop staring at me like it's some enormously big deal," Pete said, swilling his drink in the bottom of his glass and pointedly not meeting any of their eye-lines. "I mean, come on, given the state of the world today and the number of really important problems that cost people their lives..." There was a moment's silence in the living room, as the others struggled to process the news Pete had shared so casually with them. Pete sat back and sighed, his composure all the more...

3 years ago
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House Across The Lake 4

House Across The Lake 4 By Paul G Jutras The passengers in a wooden side panel station wagon could see the house by the lake sticking out from behind the tree tops. Jason stared nervously. When he moved away from his old school, his friends joked about his name and the fact so many murders happened by the summer camp across the lake. "Have you heard the stories?" Jason asked his parents. "The camp across the lake was forced to close due to the number of deaths that happened."...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Kali Roses Cum Face Painting

Sweet blondie Kali Rose is so excited that she has someone coming over to help her learn how to paint. But this girl is ambitious. She immediately wants to get into some of the finer parts of the art, including nude modeling. She gets her teacher to strip down, and when he shows her his huge cock, she is super turned on. She yanks down her overalls and exposes her cute young ass. Then, he shoves his long dick inside her wet cooch, fucking her from behind as her face contorts in pleasure. Kali...

3 years ago
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Business Girl

It was one of those days that from the moment I opened my eyes I was not 'myself'. I mean my typical male self. I turned over in bed and enjoyed the feel of my smooth body contacting the sheets, I bring my foot up my leg, satin smooth. I giggled as I note to myself, not many guys would start their day this way. It was the simplest feminine things that I have always enjoyed. I don't always wake up this way. I tend to enjoy my feminine self more some days than others. Don't get me wrong, I...

2 years ago
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The Rose Garden 8

Jill rose up from grinding her pussy into Beth’s face when a huge black man came forward, grinning. This was Jake, one of the volunteers at the gardens, a white-haired senior lecher who Brian often found at closing time asleep in one of the hammocks in the Caribbean area of the gardens. The special volunteers knew his cock was huge—a long, thick probe with a broad, pink glans penis that could pleasingly punish the pussy of any woman who wanted it. Now it was erect and bobbing between his...

1 year ago
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Bite MeChapter 20

Anne’s classroom was a bit wild, too, since she chose to show up as her true demoness self, naked with her horns and pointed tail on full display. It was mere seconds before she grabbed me and pushed me onto her desk to start riding me in front of my classmates. She didn’t even try to hide her intention to get fucked by me. She wanted her sweet piece of vampire ass ... and cock, and she was eager to get it. She didn’t even try to stop the others from doing what they wanted, and so Lindsay...

2 years ago
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Wolf Creek Ch 01

The pain was almost unbearable, but Ada was doing what she could to smile through the suffering, to give him that dreamy look of trust and love and encouragement that she had practiced so many times. This was what she wanted, what she had hoped and schemed for. A bit of pain and a few months until she showed, a scene with the Reverend Albin, her father—a scene she had rehearsed in her mind endlessly—and then this man would take her away from here forever. Take her away from this dreary treeless...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Sexy Behan Ko Choda

Hi…to all readers, mera naam manu hai(name changed) mai ye nahi batawoon ga ki mai kahaan rehta hoon..ye story mere aur mere dost ki behan ke bare mai hai.mai ye story unn se pemission ley ke post kar raha hoon mai ye kabi nahi chahoon ga ki meri wajah se koie pareshaan ho.ye incident 6 months pehley huwa tha. meri age 26 years hai aur mai business mein 4 saal se hoon.meri height 5’8″ hai.mere kuch asool hein. mere sath koie jo kuch kare ga uss ko wapas wysa hi mile ga.for example ager koie...

4 years ago
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Cooling OffChapter 2

The next morning as Anju walked into the kitchen, Satish noticed again that there was some weariness in her and before she could start giving him instructions, he said 'Maam' you looked very tired and if you don't mind, I think I have some medicine for it. Hearing his words, Anju smiled at him and replied 'Its okay Satish, I could not sleep well yesterday and now I am feeling much better. 'But Maam, it will cure everything', Satish replied. 'Thank you Satish, I will take it when I...

1 year ago
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Nangi Bua Ki Chudai

Mera naam Raj hai aur main Bhopal ka rehne wala hu, abhi Bangalore me ek MNC me job karta hu. Meri umar 30 sal hai , Kad 6.2. Ye kahani bilkul sachi kahani hai aur tab ki hai jab main class 12th me padhta tha. Meri umar 18 saal rahi hogi. Hamara aur meri Cousin Bua (5.3 ft, duski color, Bhare hue DOOD ke bade kale nipple, JHant k baal kafi lambe, Chutad thik thak, Kul mila k koi bhi Muth mar sakta hai) ka ghar ek hi colony me tha, Bua ki umar kareeb 22 saal rahi hogi , Bua ka ek chota bhai aur...

2 years ago
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Paalvadi Teacheruku Sariyaana Soothu

Vanakam friends, en peyar Sunder vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Naan dharmapuri mavatathil vasithu varugiren, naangal oru gramathil vasinthu vanthom. Naan eppozhuthum oru 35 vayathu aunty scootyil selvathai paarpen. Appadi selum pozhuthu aval soothai thaan naan muthalil paarthen, athu perithaaga irunthathu. Udambu sirithaaga irunthathu soothu matum perithaaga sexiyaaga irunthathu. Naan pengal sexiyaaga soothu vaithu irunthaal vizhunthu viduven, mulaiyai vida soothu thaan enaku migavum pidikum. Naan...

3 years ago
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Teasing my neighbour

This is my third story. Hope you guys and girls like this one. I’m not an exhibitionist but I do sometimes get undressed at night with my curtains open and I don’t really think anything of it. Then the other night I just happened to see the curtains twitch in the house opposite. There’s a young guy lives there. He’s 19, I know he is because they had balloons and everything for his birthday not long ago. I didn’t bother really but then the next night I was undressing at the same time. Just as...

2 years ago
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The Continuing Adventures of Julia

Twelve years into her career, Julia was still focusing on advancement. She was determined to make partner by the age of 35. She’d been working hard to learn everything there was to know about international law and that final step to partner was very close. She had been so focused on her career, her love life had been lacking. Sure there was the occasional fling… like the yacht… mmm that was fun, or her induction into the mile high club, but she was finally ready for more. The difficult part was...

3 years ago
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Endings and BeginningsChapter 2

A handsome man in a dark suit comes on the communication devices around the planet and a disembodied voice says," Hello and welcome to News2night with John Champion. Music swells and the well dressed man is held in frame with only his head and shoulders showing. Hello I am John Champion. This is the news tonight. The top story is the capture of the rogue scientist who set off the viral plague that wiped out most who were of Middle Easter descent. Go are going live to a camera feed in an...

1 year ago
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Friends get friendlier

Toward the end of my senior year of high school I had a girlfriend that was always horny as I. Which was pretty horny, even for an 18 year old, I always thought. Lucy was game for pretty much anything and almost any time. We loved to go out in the woods and do it and her old car had a back seat that easily doubled for a bed. But sometimes other things happened. For example, during the summer after graduation, we would go hang out with a friend of ours, Bernie, who lived in an apartment outside...

2 years ago
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Queen Of The Prom

Queen Of The Prom Because of government cutbacks my country school only went through the junior high years. I had been living with my aunt Madge the last three years to finish high school. I didn't hang around much with the other students in the small town but did my best to fit in just the same. Now that high school was almost over I would be heading on to college. The last big event was the upcoming prom. Madge was excited but I said I wasn't going because I couldn't get a date. I...

3 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsEpilogue A New Research Project

Eight years had now flown by since our wedding day. She was about to finish her residency in family medicine, and I had been spending my time managing our various investments. I had finished my education with a Master's degree, as the lure of creating things had begun to outweigh the desire for further education. Jason, on the other hand, was in the throes of finalizing his Doctorate in Robotics. Clara had become 'the next big thing in art and design' and was just about to open her new...

4 years ago
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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 27

Kirsten pulled Samantha and I aside after cleaning up the remains of the bacon and eggs, "I'm not sure she's really ready, but she's too shy to ask for herself so I promised to do it." "Who's too shy to ask what?" asked Samantha. Kirsten was obviously uncomfortable and struggled for words, "Look, the way she explained it, after watching Mike and Tiff make love once, she ... well she sort of asked Tiff if she could ride along while she made love to Mike again ... you know ... in her...

4 years ago
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As an aspiring photographer, I’m always stuck for people to photograph as they never like your photos of them. Not because you have done something wrong, but because they don’t like themselves. There’s no photo in the world that’s going to change that, so I was not really expecting any reply when I set my Facebook status to ‘wants a model’. But two days later I got a message through from a girl called Roisín. I’d never met her, but I’d seen some photos of her, she was a college friend of my...

3 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 36

Monday morning, before going to school and while eating breakfast, Brett was able to slip the first tablet into his mother’s glass of orange juice. He sat there at the kitchen table and watched Teresa consume the preparation drug. That evening after school, Brett called his uncle and said, “I did it. I slipped the larger tablet into mom’s orange juice this morning, and she drank it all.” “You did well. Now, if all goes well and like we planned, Saturday afternoon Teresa will have a new...

3 years ago
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Sweet Revenge

Hello all. When I posted the grudge, I asked my readers if they would be interested in a revenge story with a similar theme. After receiving a favorable response to that question I decided to go ahead and write the one I had in the back of my mind. I would again like to thank my editor, Bachgen, for putting forth his time to help make this story a much better read. I hope you all enjoy Sweat Revenge. Sincerely, Double_entendre. William Randolph Sutton Junior was always considered a good boy by...

4 years ago
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Devil8217s fuck session

I am KARAN studying in class 12 in a school of Gurgaon, Haryana I am writing my experience hoping you people will like it please reply me at my email address at the end of the story and soon I would be starting a group on yahoo also which you people can also join. Ok here it goes. After studying in this school for more than 12 years I needed a change from this institution. This all started when I went for this change and believe me my wildest fantasy did come alive when I reached this school....

2 years ago
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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapters 10 and 11

2(((((Re-written))))) Ellyse was such a delicious treat that she made me shiver as I watched her bathing in the sea with Jason. Not tall, not short with long, dark hair that seemed very dark against her pale skin. She was slender but with large breasts that looked very soft. Jason must have thought she was damned good looking, too as his cock was twitching in no time. The fact she'd had the courage to be the first to approach Jason while I was still washing his cum from my pussy said much about...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Anainda Hastar Breaking And Entering Her Pussy

Anainda Hastar has always dreamed of being a bad girl. Nothing turns her on more than breaking into peoples houses and fucking while under the cover of darkness. After taking off her ski mask, she struts her way into the master bedroom and spreads her legs wide open for our studs cock. He hops onto the bed with her and pumps away in her pussy until she cums hard. She rides him, taking his dick deep inside her, and gets off on the fact that they may get busted at any minute. Then he pulls his...

2 years ago
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Scary Movie

I’d been sat staring at Amanda’s back for so long, I was surprised holes weren’t burning into her top from the intensity of my lust filled gaze. From my seat at the back of the lecture theatre, I had a perfect view of her down on the front row, chewing on the end of her pen. That was one of the first things I liked about her, of all the students in here, she was the only one not typing away on a laptop, instead scrawling her notes down the old fashioned way. There was something charming and...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 168

Monday I left early for the White House - good bye was a little harder this time. But at least I had no more visible hickeys, although there were one or two more. They were coming over Wednesday for another fund raiser. This one was in Kentucky. I went through the normal updates looking for anything unusual. Things in the Middle East kept bouncing around as always. For Russia the first shipment of frozen beef and pork had been delivered on Saturday. It was delivered to the Russian markets...

1 year ago
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NaughtyBlog Teen

If your idea of heaven is having access to a seemingly endless blog featuring beautiful teens sucking dick and getting their pussies fucked six ways to Sunday, you don’t have to wait for the afterlife anymore. It probably doesn’t even exist, so don’t get your hopes up. Anyway, it would help if you directed your browser to NaughtyBlog.org (Teen).Is NaughtyBlog.org (Teen) really a porn company? Fuck if I know; fuck if I care! What I know is that the domain has been around for a long fucking time...

Teen Porn Sites
2 years ago
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The Wager part 3

The Wager: Part 3 John and Mandy kissed passionately as they lay on the bed. He caressed her curvaceous body in an intimate and sensual, but not overtly sexual way. He admired her pretty face and large breasts, with their huge dark nipples. Her waist was not slim, but that was OK in John’s eyes. He didn’t really like skinny girls. Her delightful derrière was large, well rounded and beautiful. She had long well-toned legs and shapely feet. John could vouch for her muscle tone, going by the vice...

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Rubes Story

I seen lots an' lots a' stories 'round here 'bout mothers fuckin' their sons an' sons fuckin' their mothers, an' I'm here t' say most all of 'em are bullshit--pure bullshit. All them mothers got tits like melons, an ass like a sixteen-year-old boy's, an' a cunt like a clenched fist. All them fuckers got a ten- inch cock. Mammy say things like, *Ohh baby... fuck my tight, hot, juicy pussy with your steel-hard fuck-stick, *an' baby sprouts a limb when'er he likes an' shoots his...

3 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 3 London

When they finally reached central London at about two the next morning, the limousine bearing the Emir drove into the Embassy gardens and there was a group of notables, including the Ambassador, his deputy, the Commercial Attaché, and a representative of the British Foreign Office, all standing in line waiting to greet His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah. Ignoring all of them the Emir walked swiftly into the Embassy and was conducted by one of the flunkeys to his suite on the top...

1 year ago
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Fucking my colleague

It all started on a Friday afternoon my colleague Karen walked in the door not looking very happy she had a list of things to get done but she was getting nowhere she was also having problems at home with her husband but then I had to go and get my work done but she said come and see me when you are on your break and we can have a chat. So, I went in my way later on I went to see Karen and she was getting upset crying her eyes out not being able to get things done so I put my arms around her...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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A blackmailing

Sofia joined the company almost a year to the day that Simran had started there. They were in the same department and couldn’t avoid each other. Which was a shame as from the very first they did not get on. Really it was Sofia that was at fault, wherever the sultry brunette had been before she had always been the centre of attention. Always the loud & fun girl. She was in her late twenties now and to have it re-enforced as to how beautiful and desirable she still was a real fillip to her...

3 years ago
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Dream Relationship To Real Life Relationship

Hi, this is Deepthi… I am back with a new story… sorry for all my followers for the long gap I took to submit a story… to all those who doesn’t know me I am deepthi and I posted two stories before this which were not related to this story at all… This happened few months and it is how my neighbor and best friend in the apartments became by sexual friend too… Her name was sneha… as her name (sneha=sneham which means friendship in English) she is also very friendly with everyone… She is not so...

2 years ago
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DesiderataChapter 11

Isobel glared back up at him but he never flinched. It was too dark to read his eyes but his tone of voice while brooking no argument had been gentle. All the same, she was not going to capitulate. Her adrenalin was still pumping. "Not like this we're not." "Do you promise to be good if I let you up?" "Yes." He climbed off her and helped her to her feet but did not let go of her hands which he held gently. "Your car or mine? I've left my engine running." She shrugged. He let...

4 years ago
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Motheracutes big jiggly ass 3

After all she was my mother and sensed directly what I was thinking . " Don´t worry , baby , it´s all good . I´m not mad at you . I wanted this too ! " She started talking to me . The look on her face changed into serious and intense . Something was going in her head . I wanted to know what it was , so I asked her , " What do you have on your mind right now ? " She hesitated answering but still kept looking at me . Again I tried , " Talk to me ..." At last she gave in . " Last night changed...

4 years ago
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Resurrection Ch 02

Discovering another past. ‘Important encounters are planned by the souls, long before the bodies see each other.’ (Paulo Coelho de Souza, 1947—) Part 03: Our Story. We took my car, and it was about a fifteen-minute trip to the church, and Dr. Simpkins’ office. He was in his office waiting for us. Upon entering, I introduced my pretty blonde friend, and the Doc started the conversation to put us at ease, considering the subject matter. ‘I understand that you have both had some unsettling...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 18

Claire looked at Neil as they stood by the bed. She looked to see if there was any reaction from him; some sign perhaps that he didn’t want to go through with it but there was none. Karl and Jerome began to strip and Neil unbuttoned his shirt. She turned away and pulled her nightdress over her head. By the time she turned around again Neil was stepping out of trousers. He was erect and excited. Once naked, Karl and Jerome looked at each other and then Jerome reached for Claire. He kissed her...

3 years ago
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I Kissed a GirlChapter 3

Without the rosary she was pretty sure she'd lost count but that didn't matter; she achieved the objective. She reached for the cordless phone on the nearby table, 'I'm getting too old for this' she concluded—feeling exhausted after her battle with Satin. Dialing the number of the parish office she got the secretary on the phone. "Hi Suzanne how are you ... It's Maryann Spencer." "I'm good Maryann ... how can I help you." "I was just reading the latest bulletin and I wondered...

4 years ago
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Holiday on Foy

Tony Nash, was now seventeen years of age,. He was a fit active teenager and enjoyed the outdoor life. He stood on the cliff right at the edge looking eagerly at the vague shadowy outline of the island of Foy in the far distance, between bursts of spray thrown up by the howling wind. Unfortunately, it was blowing half a gale, and no boatman, would risk the hour long passage until the weather moderated. In his pocket was a letter written to Mrs. Kate Deehan on the Isle of Foy from his father. He...

2 years ago
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Bare Asses and Boyfriends

"Hello, Ryan. William is upstairs getting ready. I told him he was going to be late..." Mrs. Bin stood to the side to allow me to slip past the door. I put on a smile and thanked her.  Their house is two floors tall, and the grand foyer was— of course— grand. The decor was very comfortable, and made you feel at home. One wall was covered of pictures of his family: aunts, uncles, cousins.  She directed me to the stairs, even though I already knew their house like my own, before...

3 years ago
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mrs watson moves to a new neighbourhood

'can i help you ?' justin asks as he answers the door'hello dear my name is mrs watson i live next door i moved in a few weeks ago just thought i would pop round and say hello to my neighbour' says the little old lady at his door'oh hello mrs watson nice to meet you''yes well i think you should ask me in young man''um well i was about to go out so maybe another time?''no i don't think so we need to have a talk young man''uh about what ?''well some of my clothes have been going missing from my...

4 years ago
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Sexuality Lost Found

Sharon had been afraid that day in the shower. She was afraid when she made the appointment. Doctor Chin’s cold hands had poked and squeezed, and brought to mind her manner of selecting a ripe tomato from its siblings in a grocery display. The monotone explanation and discussion did nothing but fan the flames that licked at her sanity into a raging inferno of absolute terror. Her drive to the quiet Chicago suburb was made in a slow motion mixture of unconscious mechanical control of the sedan...

2 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 17

Morning came way too quickly for Gibby as he stretched next to the couch, which had become his bed for the night. The house felt so empty, between Carly and Spencer being gone and Sam, Freddie, and Jade all sequestered to one room. Looking down on the floor, he saw the half-gallon of ice cream had been all but finished, and he felt a bit ashamed for devouring a whole container, but seeing how he was kept out of all the romantic festivities, it seemed only fair.He made his way over to the...

4 years ago
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Humping Hanna

Hanna turned her head to confirm it was George entering the single-wide’s front door. She called out, “Yew wanna piece now or later?” He replied he’d wait. The “client” behind her as she was on the bed on hands and knees finished up so she peeled off the condom and threw it in the wastebasket with the nearly half-dozen from earlier. Using the same damp washrag as earlier she wiped his drooping dick and sent him out the bedroom back door, then put the ten dollar bill away. It was dinner from...

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BADEORITori was spying on Beck and Jade in his RV. She saw Jade undressing and knew they were going to have sex. She knew she should have given them their privacy but Tori had always wanted to be with Beck… and Jade was hot too. She wasn't into girls but if she was Jade was the one.Jade quickly pulled off Beck's clothes followed by her own. She then dropped to her knees and started to tease him with small licks and kissed. She watched as he got fully erect then blew slowly and hotly on his...

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Lady in Red Ch 29

‘Did the President of The United States just call you?’ asked Naomi in disbelief. ‘That was the most frightening, amazing minute of my life! Dad said you could shoot, but I can’t believe what I just saw! I have to call Dad!’ The stage was filling up with concerned, and very relieved friends and relatives of the graduates. Naomi had used her long legs to vault onto the stage as soon as the handcuffs were removed from Steve. Jared strode across the now crowded stage and embraced Steve. ‘I don’t...

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