Wings As EaglesChapter 16 free porn video

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A Growing Airline!

Four more years have passed and my business had grown beyond my expectation. I purchased two twin turbo propjets and three Learjet's. Two Learjet's were six years old but had recently been refurbished and looked new for which I had bought at a good price. I now have five full-time pilots and three part-time. Charlie was my full-time mechanic and I had two others that worked for me part-time from their other jobs. I had run an ad in the paper for two flight attendants and had interviewed several for the position. I did not care whether they had any intelligence. I wanted them to be beautiful. Sue and I had discussed her sisters but I knew the type of people that we flew and they would sometimes get out of hand. I did not want to expose her sisters to that type of atmosphere. I hired two girls Julie and Rona. They were both nineteen and gorgeous. For some reason I did not feel like a predator around them.

Richard had been with me the longest, he was my chief pilot and assumed other responsibilities. Julie and Rona's' duties were assigned by Richard who knew all our clients and which ones to keep under control. I explained to Julie and Rona what to expect on some flights and to always be prepared to defend themselves. They knew exactly what I meant.

Often the pilots would come by the house to discuss matters. Sue or I would invite them to stay for dinner, as they would always accept. We all seemed to be happy working with one another and I was glad because it was hard to find pilots that I could trust. All of them had served in Vietnam, which gave all of us something in common, and we always had something to talk about, our tours in Vietnam. We began inviting them over on Sundays along with their families as we always grilled out. Julie and Rona often came along with their boyfriends.

Sue loved this time in our lives with our friends and family's. Mostly because my office was at the house and we had so much time together. I must admit I loved it too. More often, we began going out with friends, shopping and even to a few parties. Sue was always the center of attention with everyone because of her charm. Most men seemed to be speechless around her. Her beauty kept them in awe, as she did me. As I had become accustomed, my closest friends would tell me how beautiful she is. I could see it in their face when they looked at her. I loved seeing other men drool in her presence, which they did often.

I began getting offers for my company. It had been hard establishing a reputation for prompt service. I had often leased aircraft to meet the demand and maintain that reputation. It seemed no one was willing to start small in this business, they all wanted to jump in after all the work had been done. I declined the offers at this time because I had plans to venture into other cities where the demand was even greater. I could envision thirty aircraft within the next five years. I had not spoken to Sue of my plans but I felt she would be willing as long as it did not take me away from her. Although the offers were in the seven figures, I knew that in two years it could be eight. Either way I wanted to continue building something from nothing. Some of my clients had recommended my company to others across the country and I have been receiving calls for months.

Dallas, Atlanta, Denver and Miami were my best prospects at this time. It would take me four to six months to set up those operations and purchase aircraft to handle all of the business. That would take me away from Sue a great deal of the time unless I could persuade her to come with me. I knew how she felt leaving the kids and it would take a miracle to convince her of that.

I was also approached about going public but I would not hear of that. I wanted my company to be family owned and did not want to answer to anyone but the customer. My accountant disagreed saying there was more profit in going public but I had the final word on the subject.

Everything was moving forward so fast I could not handle everything myself. I hired Joni, Sue's sister who had just completed college a few months ago. She had a degree in business and Sue convinced me to hire her. As I had always said, Joni would be as beautiful as Sue, and "she was". Maybe too beautiful to be taken serious but I made her vice president of operations. That was a title to give credibility to act upon my directions. We would be together constantly for months as we went around sitting up operations and until she could handle it on her own. We would first meet with prospective clients and get them to sign contracts agreeing to fly with us beginning within two months, giving us time to purchase the aircraft. Her duties would be to oversee and schedule all flights according to the customers needs. Which she would find out soon enough that they could change from one day to the next. She seemed aggressive and intelligent enough to present our company to prospective clients and I could see right away that her looks were intimidating in itself.

The following week we flew to Dallas. During the first four days she had sold our company to seven of the eight clients I had given her that week. The one that did not sign, owned his own jet but wanted to keep his options open with us in case he saw the benefits in the future. I had met him once before and I knew he bought his plane for the prestige of owning one. I could not blame him. He was single and loved the women.

I was to look at several Lear-jets before we returned home but I wanted to celebrate our new clients by taking Joni to dinner. I would also present her with a seven thousand dollar bonus check for the contracts that she had signed. I told her to be ready at six thirty and to dress elegant. I had given her my credit card to buy something appropriate to wear for dinner. I had made reservations to one of the nicest restaurants in Dallas upon a recommendation from Jack Wilson, one of my friends that lived in Dallas.

Joni's room joined mine on the same floor. I walked out of my door and knocked on hers.

"Just a minute!" I heard her say. Her voice muffled by the door. It was worth waiting two more minutes just to look at her. When she opened the door, her beauty took me by surprise.

"You are gorgeous!" I said complimenting her but trying to be a brother-in-law to her at the same time. I had no intentions in trying to seduce her. I wanted the night to be enjoyable for her and still keep it on a professional level.

"Thank you! As usual you look good tonight too." She said with a smile.

"Are you ready? This is your night. I am going to take you to dinner and what ever you want is yours. You have made me a lot of money this week. I do not know why I did not hire you sooner. I would probably own American Airlines by now." I said joking.

"Lets go!" she replied laughing. We took a limousine to the restaurant.

"This is my first time in a limousine." She stated.

"At the pace you are going it won't be your last either. Besides, one of these millionaires you have met or will meet will probably ask you to marry him before long."

"It is exciting meeting all of them but I know where my roots are. I am not cut out to spend my life traveling the world. Besides, I am committed to you and this company for a long time."

"Well thank you. I was going to save this for after dinner but now seems more appropriate." I said reaching into my jacket and handing her the envelope containing the check.

"What is this?" she asked being surprised.

"That is your bonus for the work you have done this week."

I said as she opened it.

"Wow, are you sure this is mine? Thank you!" she said leaning over and kissing me. We both had a surprised look on our face when she did that.

"When you realize how much money you made me this week, that will seem like pocket change. Then you will come to me and ask where is the rest of it." I said laughing.

"I won't do that." She said with a serious look on her face.

"I know you won't. I was just teasing."

We sat at a very nice table at the window overlooking Dallas. The black dress she had bought was so revealing I had a hard time not staring. We ate dinner and talked of business in Miami for next week. We had talked for two hours and noticed it being dark outside with all of the lights in the city.

"Jay, Susan said that you were the best dancer in the world. Are you going to ask me to dance?" She said looking at me with her elbows on the table and her fingers locked together under her chin.

"Did she tell you that I only slow dance?"

"No, but she said you were the most romantic slow dancer."

"I'm sure she was in love with me when she said that! Otherwise she would have laughed in my face." I said smiling.

"Can I tell you something personal?"

"If it doesn't embarrass me."

"I remember back three or four years ago, maybe five. I overheard Genie talking on the phone to one of her friends. She never knew I heard her conversation. Nevertheless, she told her friend that you were the most wonderful person she knew and that she was in love with you but could not show it because of Susan."

"I'm sure she is over that by now!" I said interjecting.

"I don't think so. She asks me often if I want to drive down to see Susan. Of course, I was in school and could not go whenever she wanted to. But I don't think she wanted to see Susan."

"You know I am embarrassed by you telling me this. Are you trying to embarrass me on purpose?" I said seeing what was in her heart but letting her speak without stopping her.

"I'm not trying to embarrass you, I'm trying to tell you something."

"Do you want to dance?" I said interrupting.

"Yes I do!" she answered as I got up holding her chair for her to stand. I took her hand as we walked onto the dance floor along with fifteen or twenty other couples. I noticed all the songs played were for slow romantic dancing. If I did not disappoint her, this could be a long night on the dance floor.

We danced three straight without saying a word to each other. We stood almost eye-to-eye with her high heals on which would put her about two or three inches shorter that me without them. Her blond hair was up with curls hanging down that made her look elegant. She wore a long black gown that fit her slender figure perfectly and touched the floor. Her shoulders were bare and the light cent of her perfume filled the air. She was every bit as beautiful as Sue was, as I predicted she would be when she was sixteen. She had her own beautiful looks though. I knew she would take many men's breath away as Sue.

I had mixed feelings now. I was trying to show her a wonderful time without taking advantage of the situation. She began putting her lips against my neck breathing on me, causing bumps to cover my skin. After the song, I suggested we get a drink. Maybe I could collect myself and get a hold on the situation. We sat at the table with our drinks looking at each other and out the window staring at all of the lights. I knew by her not having anything to say she was trying to get up the nerve to seduce me. I continued interrupting her thoughts with talk of business and even tried being funny to get her to laugh but she would fall back into the trance-like state. A while later I asked her if she wanted to go anywhere else before the night was over but she was content being here. Then I said we should call it a night and she agreed to that.

Arriving at our rooms, I said good night as I walked her to her door.

"Good night." She said as I walked to mine putting my card in the door. "Jay!" she said as I turned to look at her. "Would you come in with me?" I stood looking at her momentarily.

"Do you know what will happen if I do?" I said knowing she did.

"I want you to come in my room." She said with a scared look on her face not knowing what my answer might be. I have had that look on my own face more than once. I could see the butterflies were turning inside of her and knowing her throat was dry from breathing through her mouth trying to get enough oxygen to breathe. I walked over to her.

"You know I love Sue and could never leave her for anything or anyone. Can you sit at the dinner table with us and hold back your feelings. Can you masquerade as a sweet, loving and innocent sister around her if I come into your room tonight? Because if I do, that is exactly what you will have to do when we get home.

"I am a big girl now. I think I have proved I can handle myself this week." She stated confirming she understood what I had said. I leaned over and kissed her pushing the door open at the same time. We stood kissing in the hall a moment as I waited for her to make the next move, giving her one last opportunity to change her mind. She had made her mind up. Taking my hand, she led us into her room and stopping next to the bed. Turning around she looked into my eyes as though she wondered if I was going to make the next move.

I sensed this putting my arms around her. I began kissing her about the face and neck and caressing her bare shoulders.

"Jay, I have never done it before." She whispered. She was telling me that she was a virgin. That sent my blood pressure up and my adrenaline flowing. We continued kissing as I reached around and unzipped her. Pulling back, I looked at her as I began removing her dress, sliding it down her body slowly as I followed it down with my eyes. On my knees, I looked up at her breasts again, thinking they were perfect. She looked straight forward as I began kissing her belly and licking her. She flinched each time I kissed her skin. She had not worn a bra but was wearing panties. I put my fingers inside the top of them and slid them down and continued licking and kissing her skin as she stepped out of them.

I stood up quickly removing my clothes as she watched. I returned to my knees kissing up and down her thighs touching her skin with the tip of my tongue causing her to spread her legs allowing me to put my tongue inside of her. She began moaning as she put her hands on the back of my head, pulling my face into her. My head arched back as I tried to push my tongue all the way in. She began quivering and moaning louder as I licked all inside of her.

After pushing her back on the bed, I continued licking up and down the insides of her thighs. I pulled her legs apart holding them behind the knees. I buried my face in her and felt her body quivering again. Reaching my hands up to her breast I felt of them and moved my mouth slowly up her body until I had my mouth on her nipple sucking on them, moving from one to the other. Then tugging on her to roll over I began kissing over her back and moving down with the tip of my tongue over her cheeks and down her legs. Moving to her feet and toes sucking on the tips of them and again moving upward slightly biting her cheeks as she moved one knee up opening her legs. I put my palm between her legs as she slightly raised her butt. Putting my finger inside of her, I continued kissing her lower back and lightly biting her cheeks. She flinched when I tried to put more than two fingers inside of her. I could feel she was wet and tight so I took my prick and slid it in her at the same time pulling her hips up with my hands. Moving slowly in and out of her caused me nearly to come but I stopped myself.

Pulling myself out I asked her to get on top of me as she did willingly. With her knees on either side of me, she raised herself up enough for me to put myself back in her. We both looked down at me moving in and out of her as she moved her hips around. Her breast were so perfect I lunged my mouth up arching my back taking turns sucking on each of them until she leaned forward pushing them into my face. We did this for a while until I rolled us over and I got on top. She opened her legs and I plunged myself back into her as I watched myself until she began quivering and reached her hands around my neck pulling me to her. The thought of her having an orgasm caused me to explode inside of her in a way that caused my body to shake. Our bodies were locked and quivering together. I had never felt it of that magnitude before. I wondered as I rolled off her what it may have been that caused that great of a sensation throughout my body. It had never done that before. I said nothing lying there trying to catch my breath and relaxing my body mussels.

"I loved it. Will it be that way every time?" she asked.

"No! Sometimes the whole thing last about two minutes or less." I replied, as we lay silent.

"When I told you that I over heard Genie talking to her friend, that wasn't all I heard her say."

"What else did you hear?"

"That she had wild sex with you on the staircase."

"And you never said anything to anyone?" I asked.

"No! It has been my fantasy to make love to you all this time."


"Everyone has always made such a fuss over you and it made me curious."

"Was it worth it? Waiting I mean. You said you were a virgin." I asked being curious and wanting to hear her say it.

"Yes, you are everything I had imagined."

"Well thank you. That is a great compliment from a very beautiful woman."

"Thank you! That was a great compliment coming from you." I rolled over and put my arm and leg across her. We were still lying nude and uncovered. I propped my head up with my arm looking over her body. You are so beautiful, but I think you know that."

"Did you know this was going to happen? She asked.

"How do you mean that?"

"Sue, Beth and Jennifer, they all say you know things about people. Beth said she believes you can read minds. Can you?"

"Sometimes I know what is in peoples hearts."

"How do you know?"

"I sense things in here." I said taking her hand, placing it on her breast at her heart.

"Did you know this was going to happen?" she asked again.

"I realized the possibility at dinner tonight."


"When I saw the expression on your face. It told me that you were thinking of a way to seduce me."

"Was it that obvious?"


"Can you read minds?"

"No I can't read minds!"

"What can you tell about me? Can you see in my heart?" she asked with a soft sexy voice.

"You don't want to know what I think about you." I replied acting serious.

"Are you teasing me?"

"Yes, I'm just teasing." I said kissing her ear. She responded by trying to tickle me in the groin. I grabbed her arm preventing her as we laughed and played. I rolled on top of her holding her arms beside her head, as I looked her over. "Damn you have beautiful tits." I said moving my mouth toward them as if I were going to bite them. She began squirming and shrieking, trying to break loose. I teased her slowly moving toward them putting my mouth on one and sucking it and moving the tip of my tongue around and over both of them.

"You're not getting out of it that easily. Tell me!" she pleaded. I laughed teasing her even more. "Ok, no more sex until you tell me." She said jokingly. I knew she was just teasing me in return but it hit me wrong. I felt a touch of anger by her comment. Nothing serious but I thought a little dramatic acting would get my point across. The smile was gone from my face and the fun stopped. I really felt the need to make a point on the subject of sex between us. I did not like being told no. I turned her loose, rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed picking my pants up as though I were going to put them on.

"What's the matter, did I say something wrong?" she asked as I looked back at her. Her expression was of concern and fear as I had hoped.

"You can tell me to go to hell, but don't throw me a bone." I said maintaining a serious look.

"I don't understand." She said sliding toward me putting her hand on my shoulder looking in my eyes.

"I think you do." I said as she turned her head with her eyes fixed in space behind me. Thinking for a second, she looked back into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." She begged.

"I'm not one of your college boyfriends with my tongue hanging out wagging my tail. I gave you every opportunity to consider what you were doing but you asked me to your room. I want to be here but that's one game I won't play." I explained with the sternest look I could put on my face.

"I'm sorry, please don't go. You're right, I won't do it again." She said sitting up on her knees putting her wrist around my neck and bowing her head slightly while looking at me with a sexy look. "Please stay, I'm yours anytime you want me." I stared at her for a moment as though I were contemplating what I should do but in reality, I was not going anywhere. I put my finger under her chin raising it leaned over and kissed her signaling I had accepted her apology. With our lips together, we laid back on the bed. I was ready to make love again but she was persistent.

"Tell me now." She insisted.

"Sue is a beautiful woman but she doesn't let her beauty get in the way of being a beautiful person. Everyone she meets becomes her friend because she is not untouchable. What I mean by that is she does not snub her nose at anyone regardless of their looks, background or how much money they have. She loves people and life and has the most wonderful heart of anyone I have known.

On the other hand, Genie has beauty and class but lacks in the heart department. She loves to use her beauty to get what she wants without regard for whomever it hurts. She feels that she is a little better than most people. She teases men and breaks their hearts without a second thought." I paused for a moment to let her think. "Do you believe my descriptions are accurate?" I asked.

"You are exactly right but what about me?"

"You are somewhere between them. You would like to be like Genie and have the men follow you around drooling and being one step above everyone. However, you see that not everyone can stand to be around her. On the other hand, you can see how much everyone loves to be around Sue for who she is. Sue has more outward and inward beauty than Genie and anyone for that matter and you know that. I am not saying you should choose to be exactly like either one. Nevertheless, I am saying that you will be happier if you do not put yourself above others. Do not be untouchable. Look at the good in people but be aware of those who have the appearance of good but are not. Does any of that make sense?"

"Yes but how can you tell if someone is faking friendship?"

"You can feel it. If something does not feel right, it should send up a red flag. Do not take anything lightly. Examine it in your heart and determine its significance. Then react within your mind to it."

We lay in silence as she thought of what I had just explained. The light was dim but I could see her perfectly. She had a natural beauty that required no makeup. Her natural hair was so blond it almost looked bleached but I knew better. Her smooth silky skin browned from the sun and eyes so blue they matched the sky. I pulled the spread over us as I felt a slight quiver in her body from the air and she thanked me. As I lay looking for comparisons to Sue, I could find none other than her soft voice. That was because she was lying here with me in these surroundings. Normally during the day, her voice was confident, concise and candid as we discussed business. Other than that, there were no similarities with Sue. However, in many ways she was as beautiful.

We made love again before I returned to my room. I felt it necessary to keep our relationship somewhat in perspective. I was well capable of working with her under any conditions but she is young and I felt she needed time to think. It took me awhile to fall asleep thinking of her.

The next morning after looking at two aircraft and making an offer on one, we flew home. I did not ride in the cockpit with Rob as I normally would. I think he had suspicions of Joni and me but he would keep them to himself unless I brought it up. Rob and I sometimes talked and joked about many things. He was a good friend of Lieutenant Samuel Davis, one of my chopper pilots in Vietnam. They were both from Chicago.

Joni and I sat opposite one another on the flight back as we discussed flying to Miami the following week. I suggested she could handle it alone but she insisted I be with her for support in the event she needed answers quickly. I would only be a phone call away but I wanted her to feel secure before she went alone.

We arrived home mid afternoon Friday. Sue and the kids were not home when we arrived at the house. Joni went upstairs to her room to shower as I made a pot of coffee. I had called Sue from Dallas and said we would be home early and that we would go out for dinner. I sat at the dining room table doing paperwork and drinking coffee as Joni came in. She sat across from me wearing a robe and her hair was still wet as she brushed it.

"What are you working on?" she asked.

"I'm working on what you will be working on soon, scheduling among other things."

"Do you want to show me how it's done so I can start on it?"

"Sure, if you want to." She sat next to me as I explained. It did not take long for her to learn. An hour later Sue came in with Jay and Lin. I got up and walked into the den greeting her and the kids.

"How was your trip?" she asked.

"Very profitable, that sister of yours has made us over a hundred and forty grand over the next year. She is a great salesperson."

"I told you she could do the job."

"Yes but I wasn't sure until she signed seven clients this week. I took her to dinner last night to celebrate. I gave her a bonus to give her incentive when we go to Miami next week."

"Do you have to go? Don't you think she can handle it by herself?"

"I do but she wants me to be there this trip for moral support. I think after next week she will be able to handle it alone."

"I hope so, I missed you this week."

"I missed you too. Where have you been?"

"I was at the dentist."

"How was it?" I asked putting my tongue in her mouth licking her teeth.

"You are so crazy!" she said as we laughed. "Where is Joni?"

"She is at the table working on the scheduling. I am going to let her take over that job when we get back next week.

I sat in the den reading the paper and playing with the kids until Sue mentioned we should get ready to go out for dinner.

Our plans were that Joni would watch the children while we went out but Sue asked Joni to go along with us. She would ask one of my sisters to baby-sit. I had no problem with that so Sue arranged for us to take the kids to moms house, getting their clothes together in case we were late they were to spend the night.

We dropped the kids off and drove to Chastens. The main parking lot was full so I parked in the additional parking across the street. We arrived early enough to get a good table. We ordered and ate dinner. The place was crowded before we had finished eating. We liked this place because it had everything. We could eat a nice dinner, listen to good music and dance all in one place. It was a little early for dancing so we sat and talked for a while.

"I love this place. Do you come here often?" Joni asked.

"Not often but we like it too." Sue answered. "Soon they will turn the lights down and everyone will get up and begin dancing." Sue continued. It was so busy I could not get the attention of any waiters so I told Sue I was going to the bar and get a drink asking them what they wanted. They both wanted Margarita's so I went to the bar. On the way, I was surprised as Brad stopped me.

"Hey brother, what are you doing here? Where is Sue?"

"Over there with her sister." I pointed to our table.

"I'm over there with Wes and them. Come over and say hi." He said pointing to his table. I glanced over and saw Wes, Cynthia and to my surprise Christi and the person she was with, Lindsay, the girl Brad had met that night at the bar when I was with Lonnie.

"I don't know, it might not be wise considering who is there."

"Come on chicken-shit! Nobody cares about that anymore."

"If you only knew brother!"

"Don't tell me you are seeing her."

"Not lately but I did awhile back."

"Well she and Rick are pretty serious and she has probably gotten over you. Come over and say hi to your old buddy Wes anyway."

"I suppose I should, but I am going to play it by ear." I walked over to their table and said hi. Brad had told them that he saw me so they were looking at me when I reached their table. In that few seconds, I had prepared myself for any reactions. Everyone said hi at the same time. I asked Wes how everything was going and his answered fine. I stood talking for a minute and said I needed to get our drinks.

"You all come over and sit with us." Wes said not sure how I would answer.

"I don't want to impose on your dinner."

"Come on join us!" Brad said. I looked at Christi to see her reaction. She smiled and said.

"Come on join us."

"Are you sure?" I asked. Everyone said yes. We will be over in a minute. I went back to our table and sat next to Sue.

"Wes, Brad and their group have invited us to their table. Christi and her boyfriend are there. Do you feel comfortable enough to go and join them?"

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Wings as EaglesChapter 6

A New friend! I met Jason in the spring; he was from my hometown. He and his wife Cathy were living off post and Jason began inviting me to dinner a couple of nights a week. I was beginning to spend a considerable amount of time with them on weekends. They had a two-year-old boy Terry who was a cute little kid and funny at times. We were sitting around the television one-night drinking coffee. Jason was getting up from the couch, accidentally spilling his hot coffee on Terry. We rushed him...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 7

Vietnam! After thirty days leave, I was sitting in the airport in Anchorage, Alaska. It was cold outside and my destination was Vietnam. I was wondering what it was going to be like. Probably nothing like all the stories I had heard. They were calling for us to board, and I heard we were going to stop in Hawaii on the way there. We did but I never left the airport. I did walk around for a couple of hours and it was beautiful and warm. I told myself that if I ever get the chance to move here...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 9

Beginning a new chapter in my life! I was holding Jay with a blanket around him as I knocked on the door. "Hi Jay! Come on in". Wesley said answering the door. "Hi Wes, how has everything been going." Cynthia, his wife came in to meet us as I shook their hands. "Sue, this is Cynthia and Wesley. This is Sue and Jay, my son." I said introducing them. "What a beautiful baby, come in the den where it is warm. We have a fire going." Cynthia said directing us to the den. I laid Jay on...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 10

The Reunion! I had decided to get my Pilots license, and then go for my commercial license. I took the money I had saved while in the service to get an apartment. I also got another job at the airport working on commercial airplanes. It paid more than what I previously made at the plant. Times were good during this part of my life. After months, I had gotten my private and instructors license, making extra money on the side giving flying lessons. Sue was working in a doctor's office part...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 11

My sins catching up! The next day while at work, I received a call from the Health and Human Services department. "Mr. Lamour." she asked. "Yes, this is he." I answered. "This is Elaine Johnson, Your wife gave us this number to reach you. I discussed nothing with her. We have a letter from the Human Services Department in Los Angles saying they have a child of a Lin Chi in their care that you may be the father. "Ms. Johnson, I have never been to Los Angles. I believe you have the...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 12

Lin Chi is well accepted! We returned home Wednesday evening. It had been a nice but tiring trip, but we were happy to be home. We drove to mom's house to pick Jay up. As we went in the kids were watching television, mom was on the phone talking to someone. We walked into the kitchen where mom was and I sat the car seat on the counter. "Come here kids, I want to show you something! They all hurried in to find out what I had. "It's a baby! Where did he come from? Bill asked. "It's...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 13

We arrived at the Denton Airport Friday afternoon. Sue's mom and dad were waiting to pick us up. During the flight, Sue and I had discussed the acceptance of Lin into her family. She said not to worry, she had talked to everyone in the past and everyone was looking forward to seeing her. Sue had a way with people and especially our families. If she accepted something, everyone respected her opinions and accepted. I knew this because I valued everything she said. Mom and dad came out to the...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 14

Missing My Family! Another year had passed and my new job was taking me farther from Sue and the kids. Against all advice I had received from friends, I had accepted a job with a group of Japanese investors, the Yakima Investment Corporation. They were buying properties all over the United States, which kept me away from my family six days a week. They were paying me above average but after three months, I began wondering if it was worth it. However, I had a goal of owning my own plane one...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 15

The beginning of an Airline! Another year and a half passed and I had purchased my own Lear Jet. I was finally going into business for myself. We had sold the house and used that money for collateral along with three contracts I had signed with companies that saw the benefits of using another company to fly their corporate people. The money was better and I spent less time flying. I hired Richard Withers to co-pilot and to take over flying when I bought another Jet, which was my plan, to...

4 years ago
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Wing Girl

In high school, my best friend, Dave, was a stud. He dated so many hot girls I couldn't keep count. On the other hand, I couldn't get to first base with girls. I was awkward and shy. I felt silly, I looked silly. I was silly. I would have been a totally isolated, outcast nerd, had it not been for Dave. We had a lot of fun hanging around, cruising in his Camaro. I was his wing man. I felt cool as hell riding around town in that car. We'd go to a drive in, where Dave inevitably...

4 years ago
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Wing Night at Stingers

Once the snowbirds begin returning to Florida every bar seems to have a gimmick to get their wallets open. My favorite hang-out when I do get out is Stingers. They have a 30-cent wing night, and a buy one, get one, fish night. We, my ex-wife and I, were regulars there and after our divorce I began to straggle in stag as I began to date and fish around for female company. I had a friend from high school, Florie, who had moved to the area and looked me up. Now, Florie and I got together in high...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly.“Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

In a message dated 4/18/2004 11:25:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, XASpecialWishX writes:"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "OOuch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck, low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and...

2 years ago
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Swings And Things

"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "Ouch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. "Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your...

1 year ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. “Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

3 years ago
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Wing Girl Episode 2

The day had started with my best friend Dave taking me to a department store to get clothes for a Halloween party. Dave had the idea that we'd go the the party as the celebrity couple, David Copperfield and Claudia Schiffer. Dave was going to be the magician Copperfield, and I was to be Schiffer. For Dave, it was going to be easy, since he was a handsome guy with fabulous black hair, and he liked to do magic tricks, so he already had a hat, and a cape, and a wand. For me, though, it...

2 years ago
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Wing Girl 3

I was lost in distraction all day at school. I sat in classes looking at my nails and running my fingers through my hair. I couldn't wait to get home so I could work on my makeup. Teachers would be talking about algebra theories, or important dates in history, and I would be thinking about how to run a line of mascara, and how to taper off eye shadow. The girls mostly wore subtle makeup at school, and I'd get lost noticing how they did eyes or their lips. I was starting to see how a...

2 years ago
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Wing Girl Party Prep

The drive from the mall to the salon was something of a change of momentum. After talking with Diane, mom sort of grilled me about my relationship with David, and about whether I knew that he was purposely encouraging me, maybe even using hypnotic suggestions, to come out as a girl. The encounter brought out a lot of emotion in me, and I nearly cried as I tried to explain that, yes, I knew David was encouraging me, but that I didn't think he was doing it to take advantage of...

3 years ago
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Haylie Duff and Hilary Duff A Tale of Two sisters

Hilary Duff sat in a director's chair in her trailer, having just finished making a video with her sister Haylie for the soundtrack of her new movie, Cinderella Story. Her skintight black jeans were unzipped and one hand was exploring inside. Her eyes closed as she bit down on her lip remembering when she had first met her true love.Or rather when they had first met as lovers.After all, she and Halie had Known each other her whole life.But it wasn't until the ages of thirteen and fifteen that...

2 years ago
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Goetic JusticeChapter 9 Revelry of the Seirim

Ryan made his way between the dense trees, dead leaves and dried twigs cracking underfoot as he trekked through the forest. The moon was high in a cloudless sky, and even through what was left of the autumn canopy, he could see well enough that he didn’t need his flashlight. The forest was deserted. He hadn’t come across anybody, even on the more accessible trails. That wasn’t to say that it was still or quiet. Despite the late season, there was fresh growth everywhere, and the air was full...

1 year ago
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Alex Ch 01

Part I Author’s disclaimer, if you are unfamiliar with the world of Dressage, this story may loose you at times. For those of you that understand any form of riding even roughly, you may find this funny and even erotic. Here is a background on Dressage, it is a French term that means ‘training of the horse’. Piaffe and Passage are movements that require a high degree of skill and talent on both the part of the horse and rider. Dressage is really ice skating or ballet on horseback. Scores above...

1 year ago
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A young wife

I first met Lee after I had gotten pregnant in high school and been shipped off in disgrace from my home to my estranged father after my mother had divorced him. We lived outside of town on a hilltop and my father was a musician and was gone most nights. My son had been born now and was about 3 months old I felt like an outcast living on this hill top. I was a city girl and not used to this. One day when I was outside weeding our garden a pickup truck pulled into our yard. I could see a guy at...

2 years ago
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Massaging My Colleague To Great Sex

I am from Bangalore. I am about to narrate a true story between me and my office colleague. I am 28 years old and this incident happened about 4 years back. This story will contain the detail as it is and might become long as i narrate. Only the names in this story are made up due to obvious reasons. I had recently joined a reputed MNC. Company was building a new team for a specific product of theirs and they were hiring at a great pace. Most of us who joined were of the same age and hence got...

1 year ago
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My cocksucker wife

My cocksucker wife.“Come in here, I want to Fuck your face”!A simple command shouted from the bedroom. She responds by simply turning off the TV or putting down her tablet. She also takes a minute or two usually before entering the room, maybe she’s mentally preparing herself or maybe she’s thinking about what an asshole I am for just demanding a blowjob, regardless she always enters the room without a word and prepares. Grabbing a pillow and tossing it to the middle of the bed, she slumps down...

2 years ago
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Fairwater II

She was looking forward to having dinner with one of the party, an young man near her age by the name of David. The thought of being near him brought a smile and blush to her cheeks. A simple dinner, maybe a bit more flirting, and as usual nothing ever seems to go right for my simple plans.... Tonight was no exception... David was waiting downstairs for her to arrive, watching the main room gradually fill with all manner of people, human, elven, dwarf, etc (editor - imagine Lord of the...

3 years ago
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My first time

Me ?? Oh I was a senior in high school and it was a couple weeks to graduation! I was partying real hard with my friends, drinking…doing a little smoke and getting ready to find the most fuckable girl and do some serious lovemaking. Heh heh. Hey, I waited 12 years for this day!! Sure all of us knew that driving and drinking was a no-no, but how do you tell seniors this? Ya can’t! Anyway, it happened. An accident. All I remember was Tom saying we were gonna roll and then I must have blacked...

2 years ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 20

In spite of all of our efforts to talk Walter out of doing something rash, he and Carla drove all the way out to Nevada, and were married in someplace called Winnemucca. Carla got herself a job as a change girl in a casino there, and Walter found work as a laborer at a construction site. Because of his legal problems, he was unable to get clearance to work in the gaming industry himself. After a few months, Walter and Carla moved to Reno, because Walter's company had a big new building...

2 years ago
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My Cousin8217s Lovely Wife

Hi frndz this is Sarb from Mohali. Pehle wali story mei btaya tha maine ki kaise mere cousin ki unsatisfied wife ne mujhe seduce kia ptaya nd upto sex. Uske baad aaj tkk hamm jdd b tym milta hai mouka milta hai dbbaa kr sex krte hai. Bhabhi ne mujhe bs apna gulaam hi bna lea hai. So coming to story meri bhabhi ka naam Mamta hai; unka hometown Chandigarh hai nd woh mere cousin ki wife hai jo ki Jalandhar mei rehta hai. Aap logo ko toh pta hi hai ki Chandigarh ki ldkiya kitni hot nd attractive...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Woman

She is quite the beautiful woman! The erotic pleasures she delights in providing drives me wild with desire. How she looks up at me, with her fingers wrapped around my rigid cock, the head between her warm lips, her slippery tongue playfully exploring every part, the lust in her eyes, just for me.I love how she wants to explore every aspect of her sexuality. She surprised me when she stopped licking and reached over for the lube, dripping it along the head of my cock and slowly working it along...

3 years ago
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Trip to The Nashville Gloryholes

When I lived in Nashville, I never did totally “trannie” up, but I would just go"gay boy" with some white short shorts, maybe hot pink panties that show thru, some mascara, a little base and blush, flip flops with hot pink toe nails. I would visit every glory hole (when they were still there ). My shaved legs were tanned from the summer, the girls and guys were checking my ass out. Got a grin from the token sales lady and headed back. (the first one was the 5th Ave Bookstore everyone has a hard...

2 years ago
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Ritual 3 Defending the ClanChapter 6

We didn't make any effort to publish the news of the formation of the foursome, but we didn't try to keep it a secret, either. I don't know if it was the foursome, or what Roger told me a few days later that triggered the penultimate crisis, but either one was probably enough to have done so. Roger came to me at work, during a lunch when Larwint was off at the dojo with Sensei, and indicated with a quick Craxill gesture that he had a secret to share with me. I set the office privacy...

2 years ago
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Salony is a friend

I hang up the phone with my uncle and smile at my friend Salony. Uncle was going to come pick us up from school or rather junior college. It was Saturday and there was to be no homework for the whole weekend. Salony had made a comment about my uncle being a hot mal so I thought it would be nice to introduce her to uncle in person. I am Vardhini, 19. Salony is also 19. We went to the same high school and decided to go for 2 years to a JC to make some money for college in Europe. I am 5.6 115 lb....

3 years ago
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Arkham Sexy Sirens

You arrive at the abandoned office where Poison Ivy is holding Catwoman captive. Catwoman, Selina Kyle, mentioned Ivy was angry with her for letting her plants die. You didn’t think anything of it at the time – plants are plants, sometimes they die. It was a mistake to think that an eco-terrorist like Ivy would simply let go of the incident. And shortly after rescuing you from the collapsed warehouse, Selina disappeared. The tracker you put on her led you here. The front of the tall office...

2 years ago
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Hall Pass

My girlfriend and I have always had a great sex life. We have been dating and eventually got engaged, but still after several years we have not tied the knot. We aren't in any rush. Through the usual ups and downs of our relationship, one thing has never changed. We both love to fuck each other. Missionary. Cow-girl. Doggy-style. We always did the usual positions and tried to spice things up whenever they could with new positions, toys and fantasies. We were even able to bring in some other...

1 year ago
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Butterscotch Part 5 new edit

The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in the country to celebrate the old lady’s birthday. Quite a contrast between a Gothic sex club in inner London to the cottage of a grand old dame in the English countryside. Tamsin had told me very little about her grandmother except that she was called Ariadne and that this was her seventy-fifth birthday. That Ariadne had...

4 years ago
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Ghar Par Akeli Ladki

Meri girlfriend cum fiance Anushka ki ek purani personal diary mere haath lagi thi. Uske chuninda Panne aap ke liye pesh kar raha hoon. Unn dino mere class 12th ke exams khatam ho gaye the isliye main pura din ghar par rehti thi.Papa U.S. main ek beauty products company ke office main kaam kar rahe the. Maa aur main hum dono hi ghar par rehte the. Meri maa papa ki company ke products ki india main marketing karti thi. Uske demonstration ke liye humare ghar main ek full-fledged beauty parlour...

3 years ago
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Prove It

In high school, and even into my early twenties, I could never imagine being attracted to anyone. Couldn't fathom being romantically attached to anyone either. It was hard enough for me to meet one person I could call a true friend. I feel dramatic saying this, but with my high school and college friends, socializing felt more akin to an obligation rather than something I chose to do willingly for my own happiness. Although people were surrounding me, I felt as though I was trapped alone in a...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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The RiflemanChapter 15 A New Home for the Girls

Sandi "I don't know. They were playing GTA, when I last saw them ... was there an explosion?" I asked. "I think so, but I'm not sure," Nancy replied and then suddenly grabbed her mouth, and ran for the bathroom. "What's wrong?" I asked. Then I felt my stomach start to rumble, and I ran for the kitchen area. I made it just in time to puke into the stainless steel sink. My guts heaved, as I threw up my dinner from the night before. Turning the water on, I heard the toilet flush in...

1 year ago
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Dinner dance and

Sally and John had really enjoyed their evening. The meal had been very good, and they had got on really well with one of the other couples on their table, Natalie and Phil. However all good things must come to an end, and the obligatory slow songs played by the DJ signalled that the night was drawing to a close. Sally grabbed John’s hand and led him onto the dance floor where she pressed close against him, their bodies swaying gently to the rhythm. As she raised her face to look at him he took...

Group Sex
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This story contains no graphic sex scenes. Constructive comments are solicited and welcome. If you like or even dislike my effort here please comment on it and/or send an email to me. Your comments, votes/ratings, and emails help me to grow as a writer. I want to thank my wife for her help in keeping me somewhat in the realm of reality while writing this story. Thanks for taking the time to read my work and for taking the extra effort to comment and vote. I appreciate your interest. ...

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The wiper blades squealed and juddered across the windscreen, as they futilely attempted to push the water away. The noise grated in her head like fingernails across a blackboard. If it were her own car, not a hire car, she would have found a Halfords and had them replaced. She still might. The rain was relentless; the only upside, was that it had driven indoors all but the most determined. The roads were quiet. She deliberately drove through another deep puddle, with feelings akin to...

1 year ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Ava Addams 22593

Ava Addams went on a horrible date, and she’s looking to spill it all to her BFF, who isn’t home. But her BFF’s husband Charles is, and he could just go on for days with Ava about dating, sex and love. And as a matter of fact, he does! After giving his wife’s friend his deep, heartfelt thoughts on meeting the right man, he pulls out his hard cock in hopes of a deep, heartfelt fuck with a married man! At first Ava can’t believe her eyes, and then she can’t believe she’s got her big tits out and...

3 years ago
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Skye The Vampire Huntress

Skye The Vampire Huntress By Girly Boy Part One Skye stood in front of the mirror completely nude. His naked body was thin, petite and shaven (except for a tiny patch of hair above her six inch cock). Everything about him was extremely feminine, from his soft pouty lips to his long, shapely legs. He stood at about 5"9, fairly short for a boy but fairly tall for a girl. He put on his favorite wig (platinum blonde and chin length) and slipped on a pair of white, bikini-cut silk...

1 year ago
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Sororal Twins 8 Picture Perfect Bride

Please read the other parts of this story first! Sororal Twins part 8: Picture perfect I wondered how many more surprises Jenny had in store for me. Amy started on some solo pictures of the bride alone. She took pictures from various different angles and used several different backgrounds. I moved from location to location and position to position as Amy requested. Jenny adjusted my train as I moved around. I really hoped that the pictures turned out. It would be nice to have...

3 years ago
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The Woman Within

By : Beast Of The Fall Hi all, My name is Rohit. I would like to narrate my story here all your feedback can be sent to me at the above e-mail address.  Since the time I was still teenager, I think I was attracted to the idea of being a girl. I used to spend my alone time fantasizing about being a girl and the things that I would do if I was one. I think I even prayed for a while to be magically transformed into one but alas, it wasn’t enough. I always used to take the first opportunity to...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Uncle Ne Tander Pass Karna Ka Liya Mummy ko chudwia

Hi again. Abhi tak aap pad chukka hai kis terha meri dharmik aur gharalu mummy ko papa ka dost chood chukka hay. Ub unho ne apna fayda ka lia mummy ka istmal karna shuru kar dia. Kaisa yah aap aagi padhia. Raju uncle building construction ka kam karta thy aur govt. Ka bada bada contract lay kar kam karty thy. Aak bhut bada contract nikla tha jus me nadi per bridge bana tha . 15 caror ka contract tha jisa raju uncle kisi bhi terha sa hasil karna chatha thy lakin usa pass karna ka lia officer 10...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 89

"Sorry," Adam said, blushing furiously. "I, uh..." "You were making sure everyone was OK with what they're doing," Trinity said softly so only Adam could hear. "Don't worry. I like that part of you – and it felt good what you were doing." Adam lowered his head and sighed. "But the rest of me wants to feel your hands, too," Trinity said. Her voice got a little louder. "I have some places down below that don't get much sun either – particularly in this suit." Adam could...

4 years ago
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My Little Brother

I am now twenty-four year old and I live alone with my younger brother Andrew, who had turned nineteen recently. Our parents died three years ago and since then, my brother came to live with me in my small condo. I pay for everything since I've got a good load of work. I'm a film editor, so I can work from home on most of my contracts. Andy doesn't work and never has, in fact he doesn't do much these days since he just dropped out of school... He looks very boyish. He's small, he can't grow...

3 years ago
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Jindgi Ka Mazaaa

Hi Im Reetika Mehta 4rm Gujarat now live in Pune i’m widow last 13 years my age is 53 years 1 child mother, he’s live in Bangalore with him family Im single so, kahani padne se pahle aap sab ladies muje ye batao ki kya aap apne sath pura pura nyay kar rahi hai hai ya apne hatho hi pane ko hurtkar rahi ho? Kya ek aurat apni jindgi ka annand nahi le sakti q har aadmi koi bhi kare to usko koi kuchh bhi nahi kahta hai? q har bar aurat hi kasurwar kyo hoti hai? q har aurat apni khushio ka apni...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 23 Happily Reunited

Let's keep this steam going, shall we? Once again, if you don't want to wait, I've got it free up on and you can see the first half of my next (short) story Slut High up on! Enjoy! Warning: this chapter features boobs, breasts in tight spaces, tits, falling skirts, contrived coincidences dicks, swaps of all kinds, menageries of mismatched parts, body swaps, dog parks, last chances, machine gun swapping, final decisions, impossible choices,...

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