Wings As EaglesChapter 10 free porn video

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The Reunion!

I had decided to get my Pilots license, and then go for my commercial license. I took the money I had saved while in the service to get an apartment. I also got another job at the airport working on commercial airplanes. It paid more than what I previously made at the plant.

Times were good during this part of my life. After months, I had gotten my private and instructors license, making extra money on the side giving flying lessons. Sue was working in a doctor's office part time while my mom and sisters baby-sat Jay. All the extra money was going toward my multi-engine rating and commercial license.

I had talked to Sue several times about her going to college. We had agreed to discuss it after I completed all that I needed to fly commercial.

Returning To Denton

Her dad had been back for months and we had not been able to get home to see him. Without telling her, I had saved enough money to fly us up to visit her parents in Denton.

"Are you going to have your clothes packed for this weekend?" I asked.

"Where are we going?"

"I am going to fly us to Denton to see your family, if that is OK with you." She began crying. I knew it was because she was happy she was going to see her dad.

"We are going to leave at five and arrive at eight. You need to call them so they can pick us up at the airport."

"I will be so glad to see them. It has been seven months." She said.

"I'm sorry, I have been so busy thinking about my own plans, and I have neglected yours." I said reaching my arms around her.

"I understand this is the way it has to be right now." She replied.

"I love you. You are too good to me, giving up so much." I said in praise of her.

"I wouldn't change anything, not for the world." She replied.

That evening after supper, we sat on the couch watching television. She fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. I got up to shower and afterwards while dressing I saw the letters in my closet. I had read several in the past months that I had selected at random. Reading them caused me to get very emotional. Some made me sad and disgusted with myself for not thinking of her during that time. However, at the same time they made me feel loved. Sometimes I could only read one when I felt bad about the way I treated her but mostly, I would read several at a time. I pulled the first one out and began reading it while I sat on the bed.

October 16, 1969, 9:50 pm.

Jay my Love,

It has been a month since you walked out. It has taken me that time to stop crying. I have seen a lot of pain working in a hospital but I have never seen as much pain as I have felt during this past month. I may never understand exactly what you are going through but I have an idea now of the mental anguish you must be suffering. I pray to God that he will heal your suffering as he has helped me. The pain is gone but my loneliness remains. I know you loved me and still love me. I know in my heart that we could have spent our lives together if not for your pain.

You may not return from that war but I hold the hope that you will. My last words to you were that I would be here when you return. That has never been truer than it is now. What I am trying to say is that I love you so much. I will be here for you with loving and open arms. Time will heal us and I know we will be together again to share the love we have for one another. My happiness, now and forever depends on it. I know nothing of war except it only takes and never gives. It has taken from me once and I will not forgive it a second time.

You may ask me why I continue to hold on. It is very simple. Love! Your mind may be consumed with living or dying for the next year but there will be a time when all of this is over. At that time, you will make decisions that are not under duress. That is when you will realize that you still love me. You will come to me and I will be here for you. I have to believe this because I know you love me. If I did not believe it, I know I could let go.

Other than leaving me, I have nothing but loving thoughts. You were always exactly, what I needed when I needed someone. A sweet kiss, a loving word, a touch of my face to express your love, a little humor to lift my spirits, a look upon your face letting me know I was meant for you and most of all telling me that you love me in a way that left no doubt. These are the thoughts I cherish.

Goodbye for now and know that my love grows stronger with each thought of you. I will write you often.

Your awaiting Love, Sue

October 21, 1969, 7:00 pm.

Jay my Love,

I could not wait any longer to write. I hurried with the dishes tonight so I could sit down and be alone with you. However, it seems my brothers and sisters will not allow that to happen at this time. They are so loving and caring. After the younger ones had left my room, Joni remained awhile longer to comfort me. You seem to have made an impression on all of them, especially Joni. She is only fifteen, but has a heart of gold. She seems more mature at her age than I was at fifteen so I hope you do not mind. I shared some of my thoughts with her a few minutes ago. I told her how much I love you. She said she thought you were worth waiting for. She also had noticed some of the things that make you so special to me. You were always kind and sweet to everyone, even the younger ones. You were always in good spirits, joking, teasing and how you always acted like a gentleman, opening doors for women, saying yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am and no ma'am.

She told me that she overheard Mom and Dad discussing you one morning over breakfast. Dad said it would break my heart if you ever went to Vietnam. Mom told him she was not worried that you would not come back. Somehow, she knew everything would turn out fine in the end. Dad said to her, "I like that boy and I hope you're right". I seems my parents are pulling for us also. It is no wonder why I love you so much. Everyone close to me loves you. Even Jennifer's heart was broken when you left. I should tell you now that she has had a crush on you since that night we met at the drive-in. do not say anything to her!

It is funny how life works. How we met. You have told it, that you were in the right place at the right time, but I say I was. I hope life will never be the same for you after meeting me. I know my life has changed in a way that I cannot explain in words. You have to look into my heart to totally understand.

I know it seems that I am rambling on but this is when I feel closest to you so please bear with me. You have that effect on me, as you like to tease me so often. A year is a lifetime when waiting is involved but never is even longer. I will settle for a year. Nevertheless, I Love you and I would wait for never if I have to. You are everything I want, everything I Love and I believe in my heart you know this. Take care my love and be safe for your family and me and kiss me in your dreams.

I Love You, Sue

Friday, as we drove to the airport I could see that she had concerns about flying. In all this time, she had never flown with me.

"I have never been up in an airplane before, what can I expect?" she asked.

"It is beautiful up there. Sometimes it is a little windy, and it makes for a bumpy ride, but we should not have to worry about that this trip. You will get a little sensation as we lift off, but I know you will enjoy it. You might even hear Jay laughing."

I borrowed a Cessna 175 from a friend Weston Freeman. Fuel would be the only cost involved. I loaded our baggage and put the car seat in for Jay. We lifted off on schedule.

"Just take a breath and relax, you will love it." I said in case she was nervous. I climbed to six thousand feet and leveled off.

"This is so beautiful up here, I had know idea it was like this."

"Do you like it up here?" I asked.

"Yes, I love it." This was her first time up and I was not going to do anything unusual that might scare her. I wanted her to love it. Jay began crying.

"He is right on time. Put him up here with us and give him a bottle." I said smiling. She leaned over the seat and picked him up, to hold and feed him.

"It is not going to get dark before we get there is it?" she asked.

"We will get there about eight fifteen and it doesn't get dark until nine. I am looking forward to seeing your dad again. I hope he doesn't shoot me for marrying you." I stated.

"He said he was looking forward to seeing all three of us when I talked to him this morning." She replied.

"Still, I want you to stand between us. I'm not taking any chances until I'm sure he won't beat the crap out of me."

"OK silly, I'll protect you from daddy." She said laughing.

We talked some and had a lot of time to think. I was trying to remember her brothers and sisters names. Mickey is seven, Sammy nine, Josh ten.

"Who is the youngest, Lisa or Joni? I am trying to remember their names. I asked.

"Lisa is twelve and Joni is sixteen."

"Then you at thirty five!" I said joking.

"Ha! Ha! There is me, Ray is twenty-one, Genie is twenty-three, Doug twenty-five, James Junior twenty-nine, and Taylor Thirty. You haven't met JJ or Taylor." She said quickly.

"I was going to name them if you hadn't interrupted!" I said poking my finger under her arm. She jerked away trying not to laugh.

"You were not! She said laughing.

"Do you see that small airport and the two towers off to the right of it? That is my fourth checkpoint. See here where I have them marked." I said showing her the map. She looked and acknowledged. That is check point charley, we are at the point of no return." I said to be funny.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that we are closer to where we are going than where we left." I continued looking at the map. Checking the time and to see what my next checkpoint would be.

Just the flying caused my mind to wander back to Vietnam. Where was Fred stationed? He was going to reenlist for six more years. Did anyone not come back? What is Mike Branden doing now? I miss them but I do not miss Vietnam. You were so stupid, I thought about myself. I hope Lin got over me. She was really a nice girl. I could not understand her way of life though. I had it made considering the ass-hole I was.

"What are you thinking? You look preoccupied." She asked as I noticed her staring at me.

"I was thinking of Vietnam. Wondering what my buddies were doing."

"What was it like?"

"It wasn't that bad after you were there a while. We worked fourteen and sixteen hours a days, seven days a week.

"Tell me how you get wounded in the side."

"You mean how did I get my beauty scar."

"Yes, how did you get that sexy scar?"

"I was walking from the parts house toward my helicopter and Charlie fired mortars at us. One of them exploded near me and I was hit."

"Did it hurt bad?" she asked with a serious and concerned look.

"No! I jumped up, ran after them and killed all of them! I said then laughed aloud. "Sure it hurt! I passed out a couple of times because I had lost so much blood. It took an hour from the time I was hit, until I made it to the hospital." I said as continuing to smile at what I had said.

"Did you really want to die?" she asked putting her hand on mine as she held Jay.

Do you remember before I went over there? I told you that I knew I wasn't coming back."


"That was what I meant by that. Because of dad, I wanted to die. Right now I am glad it didn't happen the way I had planned." I said squeezing her hand and looking at Jay.

"Me too!" she said leaning over and kissing me.

She put Jay back in his seat and remained silent for a while.

"Do you know how much I thought of you?" she asked breaking the silence.

"I do now, your letters tell me." I replied. Moments later I looked at her and she had fallen asleep probably because of the sun shining through the window. It had been almost two years since I had seen her dad. I thought about what her mom had said. That he thought I was the perfect soldier. I was always yes sir and no sir with him and I always wore neat uniforms but he did not know how I really was. I began thinking more about her family. The ones I had met, especially the young ones were always friendly. Genie seemed a little snotty the few times I saw her. She was always gone somewhere and I saw her for a total of one hour. She is very beautiful, but not as beautiful as Sue is. Sue had mentioned that everyone had spoiled her. Sue's mom was always nice to me. She almost treated me as one of the family when I would eat dinner with them or anytime I was at their house.

"Sue! Wake up sweet! We should be there in about fifteen minutes." I said rubbing her neck.

"OK." She said stretching her arms out.

We landed at eight ten, on schedule. I rolled up to park and we saw their car parked by the gate. It was a very small airport, just one hanger and the tower was manned part time.

"You take Jay on to the lounge, and I'll get the luggage." I said. I could see her mom and dad standing outside of the lounge waiting. Her dad met her half way and they hugged, then he walked to the plane.

"How are you Jay?" he said saluting and holding his hand out to shake mine. I reached and shook hands with him.

"I have been doing great, how has it been with you Sergeant Major, sir.

"Come on Jay, you can call me Jim or dad, take your pick." He scolded.

"OK dad, how are you?"

"Fine, we have been looking forward to seeing you again. I am proud of you son. For what you did over there." He said as I smiled.

We got the luggage out and walked to where the others were waiting. I put the luggage down and hugged her mom.

"Hi mom! It's good to see you, we have missed you."

"We missed you too Jay!"

"How are all the kids?" I asked.

"Everyone is fine, I'll have all of them home this weekend. It's been two years since we have all been together at one time."

"I'm looking forward to meeting Taylor and James Jr." I said.

"They have been looking forward to meeting you too."

Her dad and I talked some on the way home about the Army and Vietnam. He was saying he would retire after thirty years next June. We arrived at the house after a thirty-minute drive. Most of the younger kids were waiting on us as we pulled in the driveway. We got out and everyone hugged each other. Mickey jumped up in my arms again.

"Hey Mickey! You have grown eight foot since I last saw you!" I said.

"If I was that big, you couldn't hold me!" He said while laughing. The older ones met us as we went in.

"Hi! I am Taylor, good to finally meet you, welcome to the family. This is my wife Carey."

"Hi Carey!"

"I'm James Jr., everyone calls me J.J., welcome to the family. This is my wife Bonnie."

"Hi!" I said. We all shook hands. "I should have brought my family, we could have played a football game." I said as everyone laughed knowing about my large family.

"Are you all hungry? We have plenty of food." Mom asked.

"I'm starving!" I replied.

"Me too!" Sue answered.

"Sit at the table and Lisa and Joni will fix you a plate." Mom said. We sat at the table while they prepared one for us.

"Thank you Joni and Lisa." I said as they put a plate of food before us.

"You're welcome!"

"Sue told me you just turned sixteen." I said looking at Joni.

"She did and I will be twelve next month!" Lisa answered.

"You two are getting prettier every time I see you."

"Thank you, but Sue has always been the prettiest." Joni said.

"That's not true, Sue is beautiful, but you two are gorgeous." I replied.

"Thank you Jay!" Joni said as she stuck her tongue out at Sue. Everyone burst out laughing.

"Joni, you better consider that a compliment. That is from someone that knows." I looked around at Genie wondering why she would say that.

"Hi Genie! I said.

"We know all about you Jay." Genie said, she was twenty-three.

"What have you been telling them?" I said looking at Sue.

"She tells us everything, how the women fall all over you." Genie said.

"That's not true, she is making that up."

"I'm not making anything up!" Sue blurted out.

"I'm the one that has to fight off all the guys from Sue!" I replied.

" What's it like wearing The Medal of Honor." Ray spoke out.

"Ask Sue, she wears one every day." I replied. "Sue is young and easily impressed, she believes anything someone tells her." I added smiling at her.

"He is being modest, but I love him anyway." Sue stated.

"Mom, Dad, if you are not going to stop these unruly children that you've raised, I'm going to go sit in the car." I stated as dad laughed at me.

"You better get use to it son." He said.

"OK! Have your fun! Pay-back will be fun too!" I said.

"Believe him too, he will pay us back! Jay knows what you are thinking sometimes." Sue stated.

"Oh yeah! What am I thinking right now?" Doug asked.

"Your thinking this is a nice guy, everyone needs to get off his back." I joked with a smile. Everyone laughed. "Sue has a wild imagination, don't believe everything she says about me." I stated.

"Who made the roast? It's great!" I asked.

"Joni made it." Mom answered.

"Joni, how would you like to come and live with us?" I joked about her cooking for us.

"I would, but mom and dad wouldn't let me." She replied.

"Maybe you can spend a couple of weeks next summer." Sue said.

"What am I going to eat until then?" I joked with Sue.

"That's real funny." She replied.

"Pay-back!" I stated.

After we had eaten, I went onto the porch to smoke. It was dark out, but the porch light was on. It was around eighty degrees. Everyone was inside was enjoying the time together. Taylor the oldest, thirty and JJ twenty-nine, came out and sat on the steps with me. JJ lit a cigarette but Taylor did not smoke.

"This is a great family, and I can see that you all are very close." I said.

"We do have our bad moments too." Taylor responded.

"Probably like mine, we fuss but it doesn't last long." I said.

"Yeah, we are a pretty close bunch." He replied.

"What was it like for you in Vietnam?" JJ asked.

"It was kind of crazy, everybody just trying to survive to come home."

"Sue said you had it pretty rough over there, that you were wounded twice." JJ said. I did not want to talk about, but I understood them wanting to know. If they asked me any specifics, I would answer them.

"I took some shrapnel in the side from a mortar. It wasn't real bad though." I said showing them the scar.

"It's looks pretty bad to me." Taylor said.

"The doctors made it larger than it was. It was a piece of metal about an inch long. If it had been very bad, they would have sent me home. This one was from an Ak-47." I explained tilting my neck.

"It gives me goose bumps just thinking about it." JJ replied.

"What did it feel like killing ten men?" JJ asked.

"It makes you want to kill more." I said with a serious face. They looked at me being shocked. "Just kidding!" I said as we laughed.

"I thought you were serious for a moment." Taylor said.

"This may surprise you but I don't feel anything." I said.

Sue, along with Doug, Genie, and Ray came out to join us.

"What are you all talking about? " Sue asked.

"Jay was showing us the scar on his side he had gotten from some shrapnel and the one on his neck from being shot." JJ answered.

"Let me see it!" Ray demanded... "OK, you women have to turn your heads!"

"Daddy showed me his, he got the first time he was over there. It didn't bother me!" Genie said. Joni came out on the porch holding a picture frame.

"Look what I have!" she said holding it up for everyone to see. It was the picture of Sue and I from the newspaper.

"Medal Of Honor Winner Returns to Marry Local Sweetheart", where did you get this Joni?" JJ asked taking it from her.

"I clipped and framed it from the paper when they were here last." She replied.

"Sis had her picture in the paper." Taylor said.

"Everybody in town called her that day. She was a big celebrity." Joni stated.

"Only because of Jay!" Genie slurred. I turned and stared in her eyes. She looked at me knowing from my expression not to say anything like that again.

" Come on Jay, don't be embarrassed showing us your scar. Joni said.

"It's not the scar, I don't like showing my body to strange women. I am very shy!" I said.

"Don't believe him, he is not shy about anything!" Sue remarked.

"Sue! Did you tell them that I wet my pants in the third grade too?" I asked laughing.

"I haven't gotten around to that yet." She laughed.

"Let us see it!" Joni said. I pulled the side of my shirt up to show them.

"Sexy, isn't it!" Sue stated.

"Let me tell you something about Sue!" I said smiling at her.

"Don't you dare!" she scolded me knowing what I was thinking.

"Come on, tell us." Taylor demanded.

"I'm going to save it for a rainy day." I replied laughing.

"It must be a good one if Sue doesn't want us to hear it." Taylor remarked.

Everyone began talking between one another. I looked at Sue and smiled. She had that, you had better not tell them look on her face. That was private to me also. I would never tell that to anyone, but she did not know that.

"Jay, will you take me up in your airplane tomorrow?" Joni asked.

"I don't think I can this weekend. Gasoline cost a lot of money." I replied.

"I'll pay for the fuel if you take her up!" Taylor said.

"You better ask mom and dad about that, they might not want you in a small airplane." I said.

"I'll ask them, but I know they won't mind.

"I want to go with you too!" Ray said.

"Get permission first, then we'll see." I said.

We all went into the den and talked until eleven thirty. Everyone began going to bed. Sue and I were sitting alone at the table drinking coffee and talking as Genie came in and sat beside Sue.

"Can anyone join in the conversation?" she asked.

"Sure! I was just saying how much I loved your family." I replied.

"We love you too, you are everything Sue says you are." She replied.

"Thank you! Or should I have said, I'm sorry!" I joked with her.

"Where is your boyfriend Genie? Why didn't you bring him over this evening?" I asked.

"We broke up about two weeks ago. It wasn't working out." She answered.

"You broke up with him. He was probably immature and a little insecure." I stated.

"How did you know that?" she asked.

"I told you he knows things about you." Sue responded.

"I don't know things about you the way Sue puts it. I can tell that you are a strong willed, independent person and that does not mix well with an insecure person. I took a fifty-fifty chance that you broke up with him.

"What else can you tell about me?" she asked.

"Nothing that was just a guess, nothing more." I replied.

"I think you can, but you don't want to tell me. Sue, why don't you go to bed so I can talk to Jay." She said.

"I don't know anything, you need to go see a fortune teller!" I said.

"Are you sure?" she asked with a suspicious frown.

"It's like this. If you were to yell at me, I could feel that you are angry. If I did something to make you angry, then I would feel that you were angry because of what I did. It is as simple as that. Maybe I just think more about these things. Another example! Right now, you are a little confused and are not sure I am telling the truth because I guessed something a few minutes ago. Am I right?" I asked.


"I can see the expression on your face and I can detect confusion in your voice. Anyone can see that. With that note, I am going to bed. We will see you in the morning!" I said.

"Good night!" she replied.

After checking on Jay lying in the baby bed in the corner, we got in the bed and cuddled up.

"I love this time, laying here with your body next to mine." I said.

"I love it too." she replied.

"What didn't you tell Genie?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Jay, I know you, there was more you could have told her that was on your mind."

"Sue, I'm not a psychic. I don't read minds."

"I know that, but you do have a way of knowing things about people." She explained.

"You feel the same things I do. To prove it we will play a game, OK."


"I will say something about your sister and you tell me if you agree. If you agree, then you feel the same thing. They may not be right but we feel the same. Does that make sense" I asked.

"Yes." She answered.

"Your sister is pretty and she knows it."


"She is a dominant type person."


"She is a little jealous and envious of you because you have your own family." She hesitated a moment. "Tell me what you really feel." I asked.

"Yes, I feel a little of that."

"See, it is as simple as that. You feel the same things but you disregard them. It stays with me and I have a tendency to analyze it. It's like a hobby with me." I explained.

"OK, I have one for you. You have to tell me if you feel the same." She said.

"I love mind games, what is it?" I asked.

"She flirted with you a couple of times this evening."

"Yes, but not the way you might think. Do you ever see her flirt with other guys?" I asked.

"Yes, all the time."

"She meant nothing by it and I felt nothing odd by it. That is just her personality. Did you think about that?" I asked.

"No, but you are probably right. That is the way she is most of the time."

"Let's call this our "mind game". I got another one for you. Tell me what I am thinking." I said putting my hand on her breast.

"Your thinking the same thing I'm thinking."

"Great! See how easy it is." I said with a little laugh.

I continued with my hand sliding over her body feeling every part within my reach. Sliding my body down until my mouth was even with her breast I began sucking on her nipple and caressing her body. I leaned over and turned the lamp on to see her body as I felt it. Her eyes were closed as she lay still allowing me to examine her with my hands and eyes. I moved over each nipple slightly sucking and licking each one as she flinched each time I did.

"You have the most beautiful body I have ever seen and I can't get enough of looking or touching you." I stated.

"I love you to look at me and say that." She said softly, as her eyes remained closed. I began gliding my tongue over her belly moving down until my face had reached the spot it was searching. Her legs opening slightly, enticing me to further pleasures for both of us, I positioned my body between her legs in full view of what I was about to explore with my tongue. Teasing her I glided my tongue around her inner thighs toward her moist spot noticing a slight trickle of juices flowing down onto the sheet underneath her. Her slight moaning indicating she was ready for me to explore her even further and signifying by opening her legs wide causing her lips to separate exposing everything in full view. I lunged forward burying my tongue inside of her reaching in as far as I could feeling for anything only touching softness and moisture.

"Ooooh Yes Jay! She moaned. "Lick and Suck me!" she continued. Pulling my tongue out I licked and sucked her clit forever until her she began quivering as her body convulsed into an orgasm and continued until her body subsided and lay relaxed being drained of emotion. I continued kissing and licking that region waiting for her to signify she was satisfied.

"Come up here Jay."

"Moving up even she pulled my mouth to hers and kissed me wildly taking me in her hand and putting me inside of her. "Do me hard!" she said as I began ramming myself in and out of her. I continued ramming, holding myself from releasing in her, enjoying extended pleasure. "Do it slow now." She said as I raised my upper body and looking down to view where we were connected. Placing her fingers between her legs she began rubbing herself and leaning her head forward to watch with me as our pelvic areas bumped continuously until she again began moaning and quivering. Seeing she was having another orgasm I pushed harder until I exploded inside of her and pushed until I was totally empty of fluid filling her until it began oozing out onto the sheet below. Finally, lying limp, after holding one another tightly, our bodies drenched in sweat and cooling rapidly from the fan above us we pulled the sheet over us. Lying in silence, being exhausted, we fell asleep.

The following morning a knock on the door awakened us.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Josh and Sammy. Can we come in?"

"Come in." They entered and stood beside the bed.

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Wings as EaglesChapter 3

The Journey What have I done? Why am I here? I am "miserable." I was saying to myself. I had just taken a physical this morning; too bad, that everything checked OK. This was the longest bus ride that I have ever taken in my life. I just turned seventeen the previous month; I quit school and coaxed my father into co-signing me, to enter the Army. I would find out later that I did not have to coax him, that he knew it was best for me. I had made this decision and I could do nothing about...

4 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 4

Fort Rucker Alabama! I had signed up for aviation training when I joined the Army. I was glad when I arrived at Fort Rucker. We began school right away and I was enjoying it, especially not being under the same restrictions as I was in basic. After classes we were allowed freedom until roll call the following morning. Things were going great until this other soldier and I began arguing about Football and Baseball. The argument got out of hand and before I knew it, we were slugging it out. I...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 5

Finally, my new assignment! I had finally gotten a job when I reached Fort Knox. They assigned me to the airport. There I worked on T-71 airplanes, which the instructors used for training. A week after I was there I was given a jeep to drive back and forth to the airport and to give anyone a ride that needed transportation but everyone had his or her own vehicles. The Company assigned the jeep to our group and I was the only one that needed it. It was not bad working there and I loved...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 6

A New friend! I met Jason in the spring; he was from my hometown. He and his wife Cathy were living off post and Jason began inviting me to dinner a couple of nights a week. I was beginning to spend a considerable amount of time with them on weekends. They had a two-year-old boy Terry who was a cute little kid and funny at times. We were sitting around the television one-night drinking coffee. Jason was getting up from the couch, accidentally spilling his hot coffee on Terry. We rushed him...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 7

Vietnam! After thirty days leave, I was sitting in the airport in Anchorage, Alaska. It was cold outside and my destination was Vietnam. I was wondering what it was going to be like. Probably nothing like all the stories I had heard. They were calling for us to board, and I heard we were going to stop in Hawaii on the way there. We did but I never left the airport. I did walk around for a couple of hours and it was beautiful and warm. I told myself that if I ever get the chance to move here...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 9

Beginning a new chapter in my life! I was holding Jay with a blanket around him as I knocked on the door. "Hi Jay! Come on in". Wesley said answering the door. "Hi Wes, how has everything been going." Cynthia, his wife came in to meet us as I shook their hands. "Sue, this is Cynthia and Wesley. This is Sue and Jay, my son." I said introducing them. "What a beautiful baby, come in the den where it is warm. We have a fire going." Cynthia said directing us to the den. I laid Jay on...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 11

My sins catching up! The next day while at work, I received a call from the Health and Human Services department. "Mr. Lamour." she asked. "Yes, this is he." I answered. "This is Elaine Johnson, Your wife gave us this number to reach you. I discussed nothing with her. We have a letter from the Human Services Department in Los Angles saying they have a child of a Lin Chi in their care that you may be the father. "Ms. Johnson, I have never been to Los Angles. I believe you have the...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 12

Lin Chi is well accepted! We returned home Wednesday evening. It had been a nice but tiring trip, but we were happy to be home. We drove to mom's house to pick Jay up. As we went in the kids were watching television, mom was on the phone talking to someone. We walked into the kitchen where mom was and I sat the car seat on the counter. "Come here kids, I want to show you something! They all hurried in to find out what I had. "It's a baby! Where did he come from? Bill asked. "It's...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 13

We arrived at the Denton Airport Friday afternoon. Sue's mom and dad were waiting to pick us up. During the flight, Sue and I had discussed the acceptance of Lin into her family. She said not to worry, she had talked to everyone in the past and everyone was looking forward to seeing her. Sue had a way with people and especially our families. If she accepted something, everyone respected her opinions and accepted. I knew this because I valued everything she said. Mom and dad came out to the...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 14

Missing My Family! Another year had passed and my new job was taking me farther from Sue and the kids. Against all advice I had received from friends, I had accepted a job with a group of Japanese investors, the Yakima Investment Corporation. They were buying properties all over the United States, which kept me away from my family six days a week. They were paying me above average but after three months, I began wondering if it was worth it. However, I had a goal of owning my own plane one...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 15

The beginning of an Airline! Another year and a half passed and I had purchased my own Lear Jet. I was finally going into business for myself. We had sold the house and used that money for collateral along with three contracts I had signed with companies that saw the benefits of using another company to fly their corporate people. The money was better and I spent less time flying. I hired Richard Withers to co-pilot and to take over flying when I bought another Jet, which was my plan, to...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 16

A Growing Airline! Four more years have passed and my business had grown beyond my expectation. I purchased two twin turbo propjets and three Learjet's. Two Learjet's were six years old but had recently been refurbished and looked new for which I had bought at a good price. I now have five full-time pilots and three part-time. Charlie was my full-time mechanic and I had two others that worked for me part-time from their other jobs. I had run an ad in the paper for two flight attendants and...

4 years ago
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Wing Girl

In high school, my best friend, Dave, was a stud. He dated so many hot girls I couldn't keep count. On the other hand, I couldn't get to first base with girls. I was awkward and shy. I felt silly, I looked silly. I was silly. I would have been a totally isolated, outcast nerd, had it not been for Dave. We had a lot of fun hanging around, cruising in his Camaro. I was his wing man. I felt cool as hell riding around town in that car. We'd go to a drive in, where Dave inevitably...

4 years ago
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Wing Night at Stingers

Once the snowbirds begin returning to Florida every bar seems to have a gimmick to get their wallets open. My favorite hang-out when I do get out is Stingers. They have a 30-cent wing night, and a buy one, get one, fish night. We, my ex-wife and I, were regulars there and after our divorce I began to straggle in stag as I began to date and fish around for female company. I had a friend from high school, Florie, who had moved to the area and looked me up. Now, Florie and I got together in high...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly.“Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

In a message dated 4/18/2004 11:25:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, XASpecialWishX writes:"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "OOuch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck, low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and...

2 years ago
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Swings And Things

"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "Ouch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. "Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your...

1 year ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. “Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

3 years ago
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Wing Girl Episode 2

The day had started with my best friend Dave taking me to a department store to get clothes for a Halloween party. Dave had the idea that we'd go the the party as the celebrity couple, David Copperfield and Claudia Schiffer. Dave was going to be the magician Copperfield, and I was to be Schiffer. For Dave, it was going to be easy, since he was a handsome guy with fabulous black hair, and he liked to do magic tricks, so he already had a hat, and a cape, and a wand. For me, though, it...

2 years ago
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Wing Girl 3

I was lost in distraction all day at school. I sat in classes looking at my nails and running my fingers through my hair. I couldn't wait to get home so I could work on my makeup. Teachers would be talking about algebra theories, or important dates in history, and I would be thinking about how to run a line of mascara, and how to taper off eye shadow. The girls mostly wore subtle makeup at school, and I'd get lost noticing how they did eyes or their lips. I was starting to see how a...

2 years ago
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Wing Girl Party Prep

The drive from the mall to the salon was something of a change of momentum. After talking with Diane, mom sort of grilled me about my relationship with David, and about whether I knew that he was purposely encouraging me, maybe even using hypnotic suggestions, to come out as a girl. The encounter brought out a lot of emotion in me, and I nearly cried as I tried to explain that, yes, I knew David was encouraging me, but that I didn't think he was doing it to take advantage of...

4 years ago
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Three Lovely Acquaintances

Recuperating at home after a traumatic event which had laid me sort of bed bound, which my wife Corinne and I loosely translated from hospital speak to mean bed rest. I was happily catching up on catchup TV some sports events and some not so sporting programmes like Naked Attraction, which luckily for me, and because my wife wouldn’t watch them, were on late night schedules. The lounge was my domain for about three days, and with complete disregard for tidiness and what would the neighbours and...

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A walk along the beach

I parked my bike under the coconut tree and walked over to look at the beach, it was beautifully calm on the water with only a few fishermen out laying there nets in the shallow water. I looked up and down the beach and only saw one other person in the distance sunbathing, to far off to tell the gender. I decided I would head off in the other direction and explore the beach.On my way back I could see the other person coming closer into view. the closer I got the more it looked like the person...

2 years ago
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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter 7

“Perhaps I can offer a few suggestions,” said Randy with a beaming grin, “after all I do have some experience in this area. If you leave the… err… performance area to us and you and Marge check on the performers.” Hailey looked a little blank until Marge gave a stage whisper, “the dogs you ninny,” and with that Hailey & Marge linked arms and went off the kennels like two women going to the shops. “So how many dogs do you think?” said Hailey as they approached the cages full of barking and...

3 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 19 A Winning Season

Jack managed to finagle a ride home with a couple of cheerleaders who were juniors. I have no idea if he got anything more from them than a lift home, and I didn’t want to know. One of these days my brother’s love life was going to bite him in the ass. Some girl was going to find him with another girl, and there would be hell to pay. Hopefully she wouldn’t be carrying a weapon when that happened. The Sports Section headline Saturday morning was “UNDERDOG PIONEERS CRUSH WARRIORS!” I had no...

3 years ago
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Hot Incest Affair With My Mom8217s Younger Sister

Hi readers, this is Kannan back with another story which happened recently in my life in the first week of February. It was a festival time in our village. Once in 2 years, it used to take place. I am gonna narrate how this year’s festival turned led to a hot incest affair between me and my chithi (mom’s younger sister). Let me give a short opening for her. She is a 40 years old woman with good assets in her body. Her sizes are 38-36-38 – a chubby fair skinned chithi (even now). She has 2...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Karma RX My Husband Convinced Me V2 E1

Donnie (Donnie Rock) suggests to his wife (Karma RX) that they make a homemade video of themselves having sex. Karma’s hesitant and tells Donnie, “Let me think about it”. The next morning, Karma decides to give her husband a sexy wake-up surprise. As Donnie slowly stirs from his sleep, he realizes that his wife, cell phone in hand, is making a video of herself sucking his cock. The two take turns managing the cell phone as they have a blast fucking in front of the camera for the first time.

1 year ago
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Time Will Tell

Well let me start off by introducing myself and the other person in this story. I am Haileigh and this is my partner Kira. Me and Kira haven't been dating too long but when we first set eyes on each other we knew it was meant to be. Anyways enough of the sappy stuff there will be more of that later. Chapter 1 It was mid winter when Kira and I first met. We had arranged a meeting over the internet (where we met) I called her on the phone the next day to confirm everything. We had already told...

1 year ago
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Coworker horny wife part 2

Part 2She smiled wickedly, “I can’t believe I am such a complete whore and I love it.” She led the way to the bedroom and I followed her cute ass, my mind racing on how to best handle the situation. I was trying to think two or three moves ahead and still make the most of the opportunity. I thought to myself, thank God I had so much sex that week, otherwise I might have lost during the foot rub. When we got into her bedroom we started kissing and kind of fell on the bed. I slid down her...

3 years ago
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Tanning To Entertain

I know some will view this with disdain.I made a choice, and I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoyed and continue to enjoy my pleasure.When I came home one day, I found evidence my husband had entertained women in our bed. That is difficult to overlook or forget.Fortunately, I maintained my body after my son's birth, and I certainly had a different attitude toward my wedding vows. I began to see other men in a way to which I quickly became accustomed.I sought out reasons to delay coming home from...

2 years ago
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Moonlits Midnight Fantasies

The dance 2 Well? I lead You into a private room lit only by candles, and as we are talking I cross the room to a window.  You take a seat in a soft leather chair in the middle of the room; sitting next to You on a table is a glass of wine.  I'm wearing a short black dress that has spaghetti straps with a low neckline and is made of a thin gauzy material.  I look out the window at a full moon as we are talking and then I turn a bit and turn the stereo on, you hear Type O Negative come on and...

2 years ago
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I Will Always Remember

It was 10:00 at night. I was walking down the street feeling a little scared, I don't usually walk by myself. At only 18, I was what my daddy called a beauty: 5'2", 130 lbs., with 36c sized tits. My long blond hair was pulled into a ponytail and I was wearing short white shorts and a tight black tank top. I never wore panties and today no bra. I was rounding a corner when from behind, a jeep was moving slow and then to a stop."Excuse me miss, I'm a little lost, can you tell me where bridge...

First Time
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Community Service

Keith Spencer looked up at the clock on the wall and sighed. The crew-cut eighteen-year-old couldn't believe that only thirty minutes had passed of the eight hours he was required to put in at the Roosevelt Park Tri-County Help Center. For perhaps the hundredth time this month alone, he asked himself how he had gotten into this fix. A few years back, the local school board had passed a requirement that every student have a hundred hours of community service in order to graduate. While it did...

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My First Heaven Tour With Neighbor

Hi guy’s I’m Cedric from Amritsar this is my first story. I’m a weekly reader of ISS and I’m 19 years old with 6 and half inch cock. I’m gonna share my story in Hindi because I’m good in it so guy’s please enjoy my first heaven tour and send me your feedback at my A/C Mere ghr k samne wale ghar mein ek meetu naam k sundar bhabhi rehti hai. Wo bahut sexy hai. Mai usko rooz dekhta hun aur sochta hun ki kab uske sath sex krne ka mauka milega. Meetu ka hamere ghar aana jana tha. Mai meetu Ko kabhi...

2 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 14 A Dinner Date

That was basically it for me for the night as well. I had some more wine and snacks, but when Mom and Daddy were ready to go, I was already dressed. I told my parents I was going out with Jerry the next day, at brunch. It was kind of obvious they weren’t really thrilled with the idea. I mean, I was eighteen and he was like sixty-five. Still, it wasn’t like they didn’t know what was going to happen. Both Daddy and Mom had watched Jerry buttfuck me at the party the previous night! Besides,...

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Cum before the Cane

I had this scenario, a fantasy that seemed really exciting. All I needed was a helpful couple to enact this with me and that would be that, another one crossed off the list or perhaps to be repeated again and again. You never know till you try. A couple, with at least one female, to administer a thrashing, with me totally naked, restrained, but the twist being that I would have been ‘milked’ of any sexual excitement before the caning. I had done something similar after a heavy session , with a...

2 years ago
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My Name is Kitten

My Name is Kitten by RH Music Colin gets ensnared by an executive dating service to fill the very particular needs of a wealthy, high-end client. Soon, Colin is giving the client the full "Girlfriend Experience"... Chapter 1: My name is Colin I was new in town and was starting my first job out of University and had met Amy and Todd in a local pub. We fell into conversation about Man United and I discovered they were relatively new in town as well. Amy was a bright and...

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Soccer Moms

Author’s Note: All persons in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** Leticia Clark is a tall, blonde forty year old divorced woman who is raising two teen-aged sons on her own. Her former husband pays her very generous child support and even sends her money for her personal expenses so she can be a full-time mother but otherwise has nothing to do with her or their children. One of her favorite activities is taking one or both of her sons to their soccer games and practices,...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Gf8217s Cousin Sister On My Gf8217s Bed 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone this is me Rahul again with another hot experience I had. ..This time with my girlfriend’s hot sister that I have always fantasized about. Email me at for feedback or gf pic trade or to see pics of my girlfriend’s hot sister heenal. Or dm me on my insta account id – lustyfantasies97 So let me get straight to the story. Me my girlfriend and her sister were in the same college. My girlfriend’s name is shika and her sister’s name is heenal. Let me start by describing u about my GF…She...

3 years ago
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I love Brendas round big ass

I had met Johnny and his wife Brenda a bar that Anita and I used to go to. We had become friends. Both guys were very friendly.Brenda was hot. A bit bubbly, but her curves made her very sexy…After a year of meeting at that bar, they held a party at their house.I went alone, since Ana was on a business trip away. It was spring time and people were all outside in their back yard; most of us were just talking, drinking and enjoying the warm evening. Brenda came over me and asked if I could go with...

2 years ago
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Evas First TimeOf Many

My name is Eva and I am twenty-five years old. I have long brown hair, hazel eyes and I weigh about one-hundred twenty pounds. Standing at about five-foot-tall, I have a very ample ass and perky C cup breasts. My biggest passion in life is dancing. I have done it since the age of five. My mother observed me dancing like a ballerina in the mirror one day, and decided to sign me up for ballet; I thank her for that decision everyday. My life has not been perfect since then, nor could I have ever...

Straight Sex
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An Unholy Desire1

Chapter 2 The Medical Center was nestled in a grove of Eucalyptus trees on the west side of the hill, separating the hospital from the research center and classrooms that were s**ttered over the hills. Everything on ‘Pill Hill,’ as the doctors, professors, and research students called it affectionately, was painted white and now, in the late morning sun, the hill had a magical feeling to it. Buzzing with activity, students rushed to and from classes, eyes glued to the sidewalk in worry …...

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Solarium in Winter 3 of 3

For the first time in months, Jackie was staying home Sunday night. She needed to be alone. Sipping her beer, she pointed the remote at the television and turned the sound up. Cheers filled her apartment, over scored only by the announcers’ halting sentences. Cam had been a great fuck and the addition of his little girlfriend or whatever she was to him was interesting. Dramatic and sexy. But never had she felt more lonely than when she went home alone that night. She hadn’t wanted Cam to...

2 years ago
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The HeirChapter 13

We damn near lost Remus as well. It happened the day after I checked the freezer in the garage and saw that we were down to less than thirty pounds of buffalo meat. Our twin hunters decided it had been long enough since the ranger was poking around, and that it was probably safe to take another deer. I told them I was getting ready to order another buffalo from the ranch in Wyoming, but that I’d hold off to see how they did on their hunt. The next morning, they left the cave through the...

3 years ago
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My First Paid Experience 8211 The Bangkok Trip

Hello, everyone, thank you for your comments on my previous sex story submissions, today I want to share something that took place only a few weeks back. As described earlier I did my masters in the uk and then came back to bangalore. I was soon got placed in a reputed company and was working my ass off to prove myself to the company, I can say that I did well in the company and in three years’ time they made an avp and started assigning me to south – east asia. So, for work, I started...

4 years ago
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The Other Side of Me Part Six

The Other Side of Me - Part Six by Limbo's Mistress I grilled Katie about Danny while she styled my hair with a bit of a wave and showed me the trick to applying makeup. Spoiler alert! Less is more. "I've only met him a few times," she said, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "He came over a couple of times with Josie. Seemed like an okay guy." An okay guy? He was a bully and a terror. Even after he and his underlings decided that Jackson and I weren't worth the trouble,...

2 years ago
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Submit to Emma

She’d considered herself straight but since she’d been seeing the Lunatic Fringe less and less for months prior to the breakup since her work was keeping her in Florida. Since then she’d started questioning her sexuality more and more. In the privacy of her hotel room, she’d slowly begun to use a tiny pink vibrator with greater and greater frequency to the thought of her favorite former US Champion. The thoughts of Ambrose were appearing less and less prevalent as the masturbation sessions...

4 years ago
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Another Date With Archie

Physically, it’s one of those things you either like or you don’t, there’s no in between. Mentally it’s the same. To some, it’s gross and unacceptable, to a small handful it’s exciting and sensuous, one of the ultimate acts of hedonistic self-indulgence. There’s no need to point out which group I fall into. This will be my fourth time with a dog. A over a year ago, Archie proverbially “copped my cherry” when it came to canine sex, he was the first, satisfying a long curiosity about it all....

3 years ago
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Schoolgirls DisciplineChapter 4

Cindy was kept shackled to the wall in the punishment shed for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. There were no windows in the small building, and only by watching the light fade under the door did the chained, frightened girl know that the sun had gone down. The shackles rubbed her wrists and ankles raw, and her hands and feet grew numb. Mr. Abbott's cum became rock-hard on her sweet face. When Cindy grew tired of praying to be saved, she prayed simply to die and have it all...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Known Lady

Hi guys, thanks for the valuable reply from readers who read my earlier story “maid’s daughter”. Based on your replies and support i am giving another real life experience to you all. This incident happened in 2010 mid of year when i met my known lady who was living near my house earlier. She was 29 by that time and i was 24. She was dark in complexion and having a good structure. Even though she is not fair, but her assets will surely catch attention of any man who is crossing her. Let’s come...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Adria Rae Brooklyn Gray Fuck You Make Me So Wet

Adria Rae and Brooklyn Gray are so wet for each other. They just want to get down on each other and go to town on those wet pussies! Brooklyn loves how Adrias tongue feels working all over those pussy lips and on her clit. She grabs her tits lusting, desiring and wanting more. To feel that embrace from an experienced lover. Brooklyn is going to cum all over that sexy face while Adria fingers herself wishing someone was behind her to really help things along. Please don’t stop Adria;...

1 year ago
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NedChapter 3 Panties

It was Saturday. I had nothing to do but hang around, thinking about fucking Mom. Yet even as I kept my hands off of Big Guy, I kept remembering our conversations. Why is she so sure that I'm going to fuck Carrie? She's like my sister; it would be incest. On the other hand, I guess Mom has no problems with incest. "Hi, Carrie. What'cha doin'?" "Nothing much." "Wanna catch a movie?" So that's what we did, watching some crummy horror picture, sharing a large bucket of popcorn....

2 years ago
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working out

I was at the family home...just clearing,boxing up was moving home...and l was giving her an hand...ever since dad,left.that was 3 years ago...he traded mom in for a younger model.he thought mom was old,at left....l live quite away,from have not seen her for some sister..Liz..lives just a few streets has been helping with the move,...tonight,mom and sis.have gone out for a nice meal...and l said l would finish the boxing up.l went into the...

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