Parking Orbit free porn video

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Arrival on the ship was like observing an experiment designed to demonstrate chaos theory. At least that was how it seemed to James. The marines in charge of the circle jerk cum orientation eventually got the crowd to be quiet enough for them to have everyone sit. James told Zenobia to remain standing. He truly feared that if she got down that it would take a forklift truck to get her up again. The marines got everyone moving toward medical evaluations. The ship's AI agreed with him that Zenobia should have one of the first slots as her weight constituted a fairly severe health risk. Perhaps not so severe as heart trouble or anti seizure meds but still a weighty risk. Therefore they had allowed her to remain standing. James put Su Mi in charge of the group while he escorted Zenobia to the med center. The technician there had barely squeezed Zenobia into the med tube. When the lid was closed, he told James that it would be at least 24 hours before they had a good reading on what would be required to make Zenobia able to maintain a healthy weight.

James gave an order that, if it wouldn't endanger her health, she be shrunk by enough to enter and leave the med tube without the squeeze that had happened this time. The technician looked at the readout of the machine and repeated that the minimum time someone as grossly obese as Zenobia would require was 24 hours. He explained that the nanites could only work so fast in removing her excess body mass. He also explained that the main thing that would be done was to rebuild any of her joints and connective tissues while assigning nanites to balance her hormones as the issue seemed to be at least in part a matter of glandular imbalance. The remainder of the weight would have to come off as if she was losing weight naturally. Although she would probably require several short trips to the med tube to help keep her skin taut, any real sculpting of her body would have to wait until the fat came off. "Sir, with all due respect, the woman masses nearly 300 kilos. It's a wonder she's still able to move," the tech told him as a final shot. With that chore taken care of, James returned to his other concubines.

The marines or the AI (James wasn't sure which) assigned him a pod and he lead the rest of his concubines off to get better acquainted. The first comment out of Serena's mouth when they entered the living quarters was, "What an ugly place!"

Looking at his two youngest concubines, James asked, "Which one of you is responsible for your body art?"

"I did them," Serena said hesitantly.

"AI," James said to the air around him.

"Yes..." a disembodied voice answered, James thought almost hesitantly.

"With the proviso that I get final approval of the result," James said, "my concubine, Serena has permission to change the color of the walls and furnishings of this pod."

There was a slightly longer hesitation this time before the AI answered James. Finally it said, "Aspirant Parker, it shall be as you've ordered. My hesitation was because this ship is not used to new recruits being aware of the workings of its equipment."

"Confederacy ships have been picking up recruits for most of six years now and you think that every one that you pick up will still be in awe of you like you were some visitation of an angel? You better get over yourself. The fact is that more and more information is filtering back to Earth. That is why groups like whoever attacked your interdiction field today are getting to be more able to react in time to hurry you," James said. "I'm certainly no rube and I was watching that Starbucks for more than a month. I came to your party better prepared to hunt the hunters than you did. The first thing I started doing when I heard about the Sa'arm was consider whether or not to join the Army. I decided though that if I did, I'd probably not be able to emigrate. So I went with the next best choice. I signed up for classes at a local dojo. I also started to take hard science classes, even if it was only one at a time at the local community college. I intended to be able to emigrate if there was ever an opportunity. My first CAP test was 6.4, so I tried to find everything I could about the CAP test. I may not know exactly what made the difference in my scores over the years but I can make some guesses. I took responsibility for myself. I took direct action to improve my chances and finally I set out to learn everything I could about the Confederacy. I haunted your web site and tracked down any rumor about what happened after a pick up. I know this pod and the ship it is attached to are controlled by an AI. I'm not sure if they are discrete individuals or essentially the same individual when the Pod is connected to the ship. So basically I have a fair idea of what you are and what to expect from you. At this time all of my concubines have basic privileges. That is that you will answer their questions if they ask you and that unless an unsafe condition exists outside of the pod you will open the door and let them go in and out as they please. If there are restrictions on them being outside my pod without me accompanying them then of course that restrictions take precedence. For the present they are not allowed to bring any one into the pod without my permission. They may choose their own meals but I prefer that we eat together as much as possible.

"Is it reasonable to assume that you will remain my residence even when I arrive at my duty station?" James asked.

"Yes," the AI answered sounding a bit diffident.

"Then in the case that I am killed in action you will provide basic services to my concubines and notify the Civil Service Officer of the station of their status, unless I have recorded a will giving them to someone else. If the will is not operable, or a Civil Service Officer is not available you will provide basic service to my concubines until such time as a Civil Service Officer is available. The permission for my concubines to leave this pod becomes inoperable in case of my death, however, and you will not open to anyone except the Civil Service Officer if I'm not available or dead."

"That is most unusual," the AI said.

"I know my fellow men," James said shortly. "Indeed with that thought in mind, you will not open to anyone but me or my concubines until I otherwise order. The only exception shall be that you will open for the Civil Service Officer."

"I have to open to the ship's commander," the AI told James.

"Only in an emergency, otherwise wait for the Civil Service Officer," James ordered.

"Aspirant Parker," the pod AI intoned from its disembodied local somewhere in the walls of the unit, "the ship's captain, Major Spelling, wishes to see you as soon as you can get decent."

"Please highlight a path to the nearest shower. I assume it has a dispenser that can produce a uniform for me?" James asked. A lighted stripe showed up on the floor so he addressed the concubines saying, "Until I get things sorted out, Su Mi is in charge of the pod if I'm out. That may change but the worst way to get it to change is to argue with her or me about it."

James hesitated for a moment longer to see that everyone in the pod understood what he had told them. When he got a nod of acknowledgment from each of his concubines he headed off to the shower. He hoped that soon he would be able to have time to learn more about the people he had just coerced into slavery. In his mind he didn't hesitate to name what he had done, using the coming of the Sa'arm as a beater in order to drive people into his sphere of influence. The fact that the Confederacy had in essence conspired with him was of little moment. The fact remained that he could have stayed on Earth. But he had set out to avail himself of a pickup, where he would have the requirement to take other humans as slaves while he became a servant to the very forces that were reshaping humanity to their ends.

James showered quickly and found a plain gray uniform in a dispenser that the AI pointed him to when he had been blown dry in the shower chamber. "What branch does this uniform represent?" James asked as he struggled with the unfamiliar fastenings of the clothing.

"This is the uniform for an officer cadet who has not declared his branch. It is similar to the color of the Civil Service branch because you've essentially been assigned to them until you choose a service branch," the AI explained.

"Is there a sleeptrainer available in this pod?" James asked.


"Then as soon as I have the time available, please schedule a session for me that will give me at least a basic understanding of military courtesy and the service branches available to me."

The AI gave its assent and James headed back into the main room of the pod. "I suggest that you all shower and then work with the AI to make a model of what sorts of body modifications you would like. I may not agree with all of them but for the most part I want happy concubines. So I will take your preferences into consideration when I am making the final decision as to what modifications to have done," James told his concubines, who were still sitting in the main room looking more than a little lost.

"Aspirant Parker," the AI intoned, "if you would please follow the green line, it will take you to the captain's office."

James followed the line to what appeared to be another pod. This one though had a sign over the door that read: 'Asian Princess, Major Spelling commanding'.

The door opened with a soft whoosh as James approached. He could see a man with a bit of gray at his temples and a receding hairline seated behind a desk. "Come on in, Mr. Parker," the man James assumed was Major Spelling ordered when the door was completely open. The major waved James toward a chair that sat across the desk from him. As James seated himself, Major Spelling said, "I imagine that you're wondering why I called you here rather than let you go through the regular routine of being enhanced and choosing how you will remodel your concubines. To put it bluntly, I'm still arguing with the AI about keeping you on board and outward bound. Those knives and that gun you pulled out have the AI's all over the system in a tizzy. Personally, I think that someone who thinks like you is far too dangerous not to have on my side. So with that out of the way, here is the main other dilemma that we're facing: you were not among those we were intending to pick up. Frankly, the research colony where we're headed with this load of eggheads is not going to be comfortable with the level of aggression that you've already shown by bringing undetectable weapons to the little dance we called today.

"I need to be out of Earth orbit by the time your concubine is out of our sick bay. So, if you're not going with me, I hate that you have your property stuck in my med-tube.

"But that is not the worst thing you're facing. Right now, the way things are going, you have two choices being offered by the people in charge of extractions from Earth. You have not declared your service and you have no prior military experience, however AI's and the powers that be have slotted you as an officer candidate. But there is no officer training school in the entire human diaspora.

"Oh there are academies, but they are focused on training young people. Therefore everyone, especially the AIs, are afraid you won't fit. Thus, you are currently being assigned the duties of a Civil Service officer trainee, because that is the one service that it is assumed that you will learn on the job.

"I have to tell you that so far as I can tell, that is the most thankless job anyone has. I for one don't like the fact that you've been assigned it without you specifically volunteering for it."

The major paused as if to gather his thoughts. "Where was I?" he asked somewhat rhetorically. "Oh yes, your choices. You can come along with my ship which will be hauling a load of colonists out to someplace that they hope will be out of the way of the Sa'arm so that they can try to think up ways to communicate with the Sa'arm. Or you can transfer over to the Moon base and hope that they can find you transportation away from here before the Sa'arm overrun them.

"Just between you and me, I might take the chance that leaving Earth orbit will get you out of the way of the Sa'arm. Because if you go over to the moon base, they will always be trying to find you a place to be, but someone will always need you as his dogsbody ... So which do you want to do?" Major Spelling asked.

"Before I answer that sir, I will need a bit more information. Also if my weapons frighten you or the AIs, it would be a good idea for me to clear out my apartment," James said.

The major looked startled and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"My notes on materials, design, and conclusions about Confederacy technology and how to avoid it are on my computer," James explained.

The major's eyebrows attempted to take flight at James' statement. "I think that answers what is going to happen to you. Let me make some calls; but I would, if I were you, expect to move in the next few hours."

"What about my concubine, Zenobia?" James asked.

"Oh that's right, you rescued a beached whale. I'll see what sick bay has to say about her right now," Major Spelling told James. He got a faraway look for a few seconds and said, "The ship's AI says that in about 6 hours a minimal reinforcement of your concubine will have been accomplished. That means that they will have implanted and programed nanites as well as having begun to work on correcting the glandular problem that caused her to be so fat," Major Spelling explained. "They will be able to let her out of the med tube and the remainder of her returning to a healthy weight can happen over time just like it does with anyone else."

Major Spelling stared at James for a few moments before saying, "My god man, even with the technology we've borrowed from the Darjee, something like that woman is a stretch. Why did you pick her?"

"Simple sir, I looked around for someone who looked like she wanted to join the fun but who was afraid of being rejected, then I invited her to join. I think that, in the long run, she may become the best asset I gained in this whole trip."

"That's all I have for you now, Mister Parker, I suggest that you head back to your quarters and ask the AI there for a bluetooth link so that you can talk to it. Also, get some civilian clothes that you can use to go back to Earth so that you can clean out your apartment."

"I have clothes covered since I brought along what I was wearing. I just figured that it was more polite to wear something that I hadn't been wearing in a boiler room. Other than that I don't see any problem," James said.

Major Spelling looked like he was listening to a voice that no one else could hear for a few seconds. Then he got up and handed James what looked like a standard bluetooth headset for a cellular phone. "That," he said as he placed the device in James' hand, "may look like a bluetooth headset, but it will connect you to the nearest AI as well as acting as a cell phone if you absolutely need one. You need to get on your way to change and then meet a squad of marines in the transporter room."

"A squad of Marines would entirely give away the fact that there is something of interest in my place. I should go alone with a transporter pad and shove my stuff through to someone here," James said.

"I'd feel more comfortable if you had at least one marine as an escort," Major Spelling insisted.

"I would agree to one person if they were someone who hadn't taken the marine standard enhancement. But otherwise no, because a marine is identifiable by his or her size. I might say especially a woman who is two meters tall is unusual enough that most people will assume that she's a marine."

Major Spelling raised his hands in surrender and said, "The Office of Targeted Extraction is going to provide someone who will not stand out to help you with retrieving your goods. It looks like you've attracted the attention of someone who thinks they have a spot where they need you."

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Parking Lot Cocksucker

I was at Menard's this morning shopping for some items for a project I was working on. I saw a nice looking man about 60 years old looking for something in the bolt aisle. I went down the aisle and squatted down next to him as if I were looking at something on a lower shelf. I accidentally bumped him, "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't disturb you" I said looking up at him. " I was just looking for a nut" he said, (seriously that's what he said) holding a bolt out for me to see. He had turned...

2 years ago
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Parking lot whore

I could feel my pussy getting wetter as I remembered how I'd spread my thighs and let him see that I wasn't wearing any panties. I'd let him place my foot in his lap as he slipped on some spiked heels, and I'd stroked his hardening cock with my toes. I'd leaned over to lace up some boots, making it clear that my full tits were braless under my red dress. My nipples got so hard from his stare. I let his hand slide up my legs, past my knees, along my thighs. I just barely let him brush...

4 years ago
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Parking for penis

This is a true story of an experience I had when I was twenty one and in the Army. I can not remember how I got here, but here I am sitting in my car in the parking lot of an adult video store and arcade. I am debating whether or not I am going to go inside and see what is going on. I watch various people go in and out of the store when a white car pulls up next to mine. He rolls down his window and licks his lips while raising his eyebrows at me. To tell you the truth I have no idea what...

2 years ago
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parking garage tryst

So. I'm walking through the airport parking lot on my way to my car and I spot a woman with a rear that is maddeningly familiar. She's about 30 feet ahead of me and walking in the same direction. She's wearing a short summer shift just snug enough to hug every curve. With every step her hips sway (I think the high-heels helped) and I'm even more sure I've seen that ass before. Fascinated, I keep following her, even as we pass my truck. Her short platinum blonde hair, her muscled calves and,...

1 year ago
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parking garage

It was a warm summer night and we just had a wonderful nighton the town. Nice dinner, a few games of pool, and a lot ofdancing close all night. Teasing each other with soft kissesas we dance close and enjoy eachothers touch. Walking backto our car at the top level of the parking garage you put yourarm around me and keep me close. Once we get to the car, youunlock my door first. Before you open it, you push me up againstthe car and plant a long wet soft kiss on my lips. Then as youpull away to...

1 year ago
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Parking Violation

It had been another stressful day after an extra busy week of work, so when Simon, smiled his devilish grin and suggested we grab a drink together, I was quick to agree. A stiff margarita and a backseat quickie was the start I needed to the weekend!I followed him to a bar two towns away, getting wet with anticipation as I drove behind his truck. All my work worries were replaced by thoughts of the raw, intense fucking that was about to ensue. We walked in simultaneously grasping at each other...

1 year ago
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Beth was sitting on her front steps, reading through one of her text books for school. She would look to her watch from time to time. Alex was late. He should have been there ten minutes ago. Finally the blue ford focus would turn the corner and move down the street. A smile fell to Beth’s lips as the car stopped before her house. “You gave me the wrong directions. I should have known something was wrong when the gas station was on the left,” Alex taunted with a smile on his lips. “I am so...

1 year ago
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Parking Lots Can Be Fun

They were in the car driving to meet some friends for dinner. This meeting had been planned for several weeks for tonight. They had both come home from work in time to change clothes and head back out the door. As they drove, Ted was quiet and Terri asked, “What’s wrong, baby?” “Nothing’s wrong, why do you say that?” he responded. Terri touched him on his leg and said, “I ask what’s wrong because I know you. You are being very quiet and I can see it on your face. Something is wrong and I want...

1 year ago
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Parking Schwanzwald

The last couple of days had been a blast. The conference had had a great line-up, but especially the after-parties had been great. I’d met a lot of new folks and many old friends, some of who I’d never met offline before. But today it was time to head back home. I left Nuremberg around three in the afternoon and hoped to cross the border at around nine and then be home at ten. It soon became clear that this was not going to happen though. Between Würzburg and Frankfurt I ran into a traffic jam....

1 year ago
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Fast forward ten years from where part two of 'Parking' left off........Our children are grown, we have a grandchild and our lovemaking had plateaued. LF was finally able to focus on enjoying sex again - all the years with children had been difficult for her to let her hair down and enjoy like she once had.I have always enjoyed sex with LJ - she has a side of her that doesn't come out often but that is truly wild. In the last few years we had experimented with rope bondage on her breasts and...

2 years ago
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Sparking Ch 06

I ignored the many faces turned to me in rabid interest of the incredibly horrifying scene my mother — no not mother, but caretaker — made moments earlier. Shards of my life that never fit together finally made sense. I understood why they slept in separate rooms — Mary never could forgive him his indiscretion and sought to punish him. Every child has a sixth sense about the moods of the adults that make up their world — I always knew ‘Mother’ wasn’t to be bothered by any of my problems. I...

2 years ago
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Park of Pleasure

Nobody really knew when the park had appeared in the outskirts of the capital. Some say it just had been there one day, a fully operational amusement park, others said that it had been founded many years ago and slowly grown to its modern size, without anybody noticing it of course. Maybe the secret was somewhere in the middle. Regardless, it seemed to be a magical place, accessible only to adults and on a limited basis. You had to get tickets beforehand and nobody really knew how many tickets...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Park Me Bhabhi Ke Sath

Hallo frd me aaj aap ke sam ne apni nayi kahani lekar aaya hu, asha rakh ta hu jai se aapne meri sari kahani o ko saraha sie bhi pasand karange. Aap padh kar mail jaroor kare aapko yah kai si lagi mail id is : Jai se ki aap sab log jan te ho me ne meri cousin bhabhi ki help se unki 3 4 frd ki khooob chudai ki hai.. Aaj me aapko meri block me rehne wali ek mast bhabhi ke chudai ke bare me bata ta hu, meri block me karib 2 mahine pehle ek family rehne aaya, us me husband bhabhi (priyanka) or...

4 years ago
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Park Adventure

We meet in town for lunch to catch up and have a laugh..I arrive early and order a drink from the bar and take a seat in a quiet corner....I see you come through the door about 15 mins later....and stand up and wave.....our eyes connect and we smile as come over and we kiss.I ask what you would like and go and order from the bar.....I return and you are looking as gorgeous as you are dressed in ankle high heeled boots, tights or stockings (yet to find out), long dress for a...

2 years ago
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Park after Dark

I grew up in your typical Midwest small town. Very conservative, sheltered life growing up there. We lived just across the street from the city park. The park closed at 10pm every night. Being a normal k**, that never stopped my friends and I from exploring it after dark. We used to play being ninjas hiding in the woods and jumping out to scare each other. For years it seemed harmless and fun. It was later in my youth that all changed one night in late July. I was by myself in the woods just...

3 years ago
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Park life not by me

There is a park near to where I live and sometimes, especially on hot, sunny days, I like to get into my bikini and go and lie in it. Sometimes I do this with friends but often its alone as well. My husband doesn't like this because he's a jealous man who doesn't want to share me. I, on the other hand, like to flirt and enjoy the attentions of other men. So when I go to the park by myself I'll often make up some excuse or white lie that gets me a couple of hours alone time in my bikini.At the...

3 years ago
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Park life

Introduction: Cooling down on a hot day in the park just gets hotter! It was a beautiful sunny day and I had been stuck inside the office all morning converting purchases and sales. I could hardly concentrate on the job in hand as I stared through the windows at the bright sunshine beating down on the city. Enough is enough I mused to myself a nice healthy profit for the day so mow Im going to take some me time! and with that I closed down and locked up the office and headed out of the...

2 years ago
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Park Pleasures

Park PleasuresJon sat in his black Lexus SUV longer then he planned. He’d had such a long day, and he needed the extra time. He placed his hand on the door handle, opened the door slowly and breathed in the fresh air as he stood on the pavement. He takes in the peacefulness of the birds; he enjoys this park the most for his nightly runs. Jon closes the door, hears the beep as he locks it with the remote and strides to the nearest bench. Reaching one leg up he stretches, raises his hands and...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Park life

“Enough is enough” I mused to myself “a nice healthy profit for the day so mow I’m going to take some me time!” and with that I closed down and locked up the office and headed out of the building to make for the park. Everyone I passed seemed to be just soaking up the warmth and the speed and hustle of the city began to slow and ease away as I passed through the park gateway to stroll along the avenues there. I let my jacket slide down from me and folded it over my arm as I made my way to...

1 year ago
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Being the social butterfly that I can be at times, I was checking a website that listed my area to see of there were any 'cruising' areas I could check out in hopes to share my fetish for crossdressing and pleasure. There were several areas, too many to choose from, so I opted for a forested state park. Since much of the funding for the parks in Ohio have been suspended or cut, the chances of being targeted by a park ranger or law enforcement for public indecency can be pretty low. I've heard...

2 years ago
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Park Play

Being the social butterfly that I can be at times, I was checking a website that listed my area to see of there were any 'cruising' areas I could check out in hopes to share my fetish for crossdressing and pleasure. There were several areas, too many to choose from, so I opted for a forested state park.Since much of the funding for the parks in Ohio have been suspended or cut, the chances of being targeted by a park ranger or law enforcement for public indecency can be pretty low. I've heard...

1 year ago
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Park Bench Adventure

I work in an office in the centre of a small town and, at lunchtimes, I like to get out of the office and go for a walk. I like to go down to the nearby park, picking up a sandwich on the way and sit on a bench till it's time to get back.Now, I admit that I can be a horny bitch and from time to time I get those feelings. This is especially true when its a hot day and my mind has been wandering as I watch people go by. I think about how people look without their clothes (men and women) and how...

2 years ago
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Park n Ride encounter

Yesterday morning I was heading over to do a little grocery shopping and decided to swing in to the park and ride to see if anything was going on. First, let me tell you I'm inexperienced with a guy other than when I was much younger and got picked up hitch hiking and talked out of my clothes in some mans car.I pulled into the park n ride off exit 1 on I84 and slowly cruised through the parking lot. I notice on vehicle backed in with a man about my age, 60's, sitting there by himself. I...

4 years ago
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Park bench adventure

Instruction manual for LTI work in an office in the centre of a small town and at lunchtimes, I like to get out of the office and go for a walk. I like to go down to the nearby park, picking up a sandwich on the way and sit on a bench till it's time to get back.Now, I admit that I can be a horny bitch and from time to time I get those feelings. This is especially true when its a hot day and my mind has been wandering as I watch people go by. I think about how people look without their clothes...

3 years ago
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Park Mai Mili Ladki K Saath Rangeen Shaam

Hello dosto, ummeed hai aapko meri pichli story pasand aayi hogi. Aaj mai aapko pichle hafte ki rangeen kahaani sunaata hu. Kisi bhi aunty ya ladki jisko full satisfaction chaahiye ho wo mujhe mail kare Mai saari service k liye available hu aur privacy ki poori gurantee hai. Ye kahaani hai avantika ki jo mujhe subah park mai cricket khelte hue mili. Mai mere dosto k saath har saturday sunday cricket khelne park jaata hu. Hum har weekend subah 6-8 cricket khelte hai park mai. Tabhi waha aas...

3 years ago
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Park Wali Aunty Ko Pata Ker Choda

Hello dosto mera name prem hai or meri age 26 years hai or email id() hai ager koi girl ya aunty (only delhi and faridabad) mujhse sex chat kerna chachati hai ya mere sath sex kerna chahti hai to plz mujhe meri email id per mail karein.Aaj main apni ek or real story share kerne ja raha hu.Meri pichli 2 sex stories apko bahut pasand ayi unke liye thanks.Ye kahani uss time ki hai jab mere b.Tech 3rd year ke exam ho chuke the or meri 2 months ki vacation chal rahi thi To maine time pass kerne ke...

2 years ago
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Park Rape

A simple choice - cut thru the park or go the long way round. A simple decision that was to change Sophie Deeley's life. "I'm running late" she thought, "I'd better take the short cut." Leroy Kwesi was doing what he did past. Hiding behind bushes in the park, seeing what fortune brought. A drunk to beat up, a pensioner to mug or best of all a woman to rape. So long as his victim was white Leroy was'nt too fussed. When he saw what was coming toward him Leroy thought that all his...

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