Sparky's DadChapter 2: Orbit free porn video

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Eric felt like cursing the people who had come in behind him. It would have been more rational to bless them. He couldn’t tell what he would have done if they hadn’t come in. Diane would have had to knee him to escape his clutches.

It was still early for him. He realized that it probably wasn’t early for Diane. He savored that name. He watched the TV news. At least he sat in front of the set while the news was on. His attention was entirely on the evening gone by. The high point had definitely been the kiss, but he shouldn’t forget the time when she said that it was a date. She hadn’t been afraid of the concept of dating him. Of course, he shouldn’t let her know that he hadn’t dated anyone since Laura had died.

That led to memories definitely less pleasant. The screech of brakes and noisy horn to his right. Stepping on the brakes, the skid, pumping the brakes and steering into the skid. Slowing as he went into the intersection. Then the crash from the right and having Laura, or parts of Laura, tossed into him with incredible force. Her funeral had been closed-casket. He had escaped with breaks in two bones in his right arm, one in his right leg, and several broken ribs.

That had been the end of his last date. Diane probably wouldn’t think of that as a date, but, when you’re married you know that time with your spouse away from the kid and celebrating is a date. Well, now he’d had another date, and the end had been quite different. He turned off the TV and went up to bed.

In the money flood after DSI went public, he had designed the house. He had an architect to do the final plan, and he had incorporated everything that Laura wanted. Still, it was his design according to his tendencies. The master bedroom was techno-sybaritic, with controls for everything in the headboard. In his dressing room, he changed into pajamas and put his clothes in the closet and the hamper. He hadn’t used pajamas until Valerie was old enough that he suspected that she would notice that he was appearing in her room wearing only a robe.

A touch to the panel at the door from his dressing room into the bedroom turned the light on. There were three more touch panels for on-off, and there was a dimmer at the headboard. The air in the bedroom was brisk, somewhat cooler than the dressing room. He slept under only a sheet, though. The radiant heaters focused on his side of the queen-sized mattress -- firm since he and Laura had considered that gave them more support for sex -- kept his body warm. He kept the radiant heaters which focused on Laura’s side off.

They’d planned for every contingency that they could imagine. There were three rooms for children. These would be suitable up through the teen years. They had planned what they would do if the third pregnancy resulted in twins. They had not planned what they would do if Laura were killed. Eric privately thought that the Barnes house was really the “bigger barns” house.

He went to bed and touched the button to shut off the light. There was a bedside lamp and a high-intensity light so he could read a book or company document without bothering Laura. There was one of each on her side, too. Tonight, he didn’t want to read, he wanted to remember. He started remembering everything he could about the kiss. Considering how intense the sensations had been, it was strange that the actions he could remember were so few. They had stood there hugging; his tongue had explored her mouth while every other part of his body had been frozen in place. Then the outsiders had come bursting in. All right, they had seemed to be tenants rather than outsiders to the building. At least one of them had a key to the doors. Still, they had been outsiders to that moment who had no right to disturb that delight.

While the kiss had been the climax of the evening, it had been a fine evening before that, too. So he went back reliving the entire time and teasing himself with the knowledge that he would relive the kiss at the end. When he had, he fell asleep content if aroused. When he awoke to the alarm, he discovered that he had had a wet dream. Remembering before the day erased the memory of his dream, he realized that it had featured Diane. Diane’s dress had been lovely, but without it she had been lovelier. That was, however, a wet dream without Laura.

For a time after the accident, his erotic feelings had been as broken as his ribs. He had been shocked, a month afterwards, when he found that his libido awoke when his body was asleep. The dream was of Laura, understandably enough. The memories that followed waking, though, were so tragic that they tore him apart. After the second such incident, he had gone out to buy his stash of photographs. That had been one purchase which he couldn’t delegate to Murphy. Still, they hadn’t been hard to find in San Francisco.

Now this dream evoked much happier memories. He indulged in a few in the shower. He dressed and came down to breakfast with Madeleine and Sparky. Though Sparky was going to spend the day here, she was fully dressed in what were normally school clothes. Madeleine was skipping church so he could go. Eric went to church most weeks, and he certainly thought it would be ungrateful to skip this one.

“Where were you last night?” Sparky asked.

“Well, I was grateful to Dr. Thibault for the treatment you got at the hospital. So I took her out to dinner to thank her.”

“Doctor?” Sparky had decided that there was only one doctor in the hospital or, for that matter, in the universe. “Was she with you when I called?”


“Why didn’t you tell me? I wanted to talk to her.” Actually, Sparky would have wanted to talk to Diane if she had known. That was too complex a thought for a first grader to express.

“Well,” he said. “You were being unpleasant. Why should I have subjected her to your unpleasantness?”

“I would have been nice to her.” Probably Sparky wouldn’t have at that particular moment. She clearly, however, had good feelings toward the good doctor.

“Your tummy doesn’t hurt any more?”

“Only a little bit.”

“I’ll tell Dr. Thibault that when I speak to her again,” he said.

Sparky was in a good mood if a bit stir crazy. She gave him an enthusiastic kiss good bye when he left for church. Sparky was still in a good mood at lunch. She conned him into some games of Uno afterwards, and he went back to letting her win, which he’d abandoned for months before her hospitalization. The next morning, she kissed him sweetly before he left for work.

That work went as usual. If the Faustian bargain he had made was that he couldn’t do any programming in turn for getting megabucks, he could use his power to keep customers from bugging real programmers. He got home well before dinner time. Sparky was back in a good humor, and he got warm hug around his legs when he got home. Conscious of her incision, he didn’t pick her up. Instead, when his coat was hung up, he got both of them on the couch for a long hug and a welcome-home kiss. Then, dinner time not scheduled for ten minutes yet, he escaped into the computer room to make a call.

Diane was eating supper in the hospital cafeteria when her cell rang. She cursed. She was on call, and, if this call required her actual presence, she would have to leave her meal. Instead it was Eric.

“Is this a good time?” he asked.

“If another call comes in, I’ll have to deal with it. I’m on call. Otherwise I was just eating supper. That’s as good a time as I’ll get tonight.”

“Well, continue eating while listening. I gather that meals are sort of hit-or-miss on your schedule. Before I forget, Valerie said that her tummy only hurts a little. I told her I’d report that to you. She still remembers you fondly. So does her dad. Which was the real reason for my call. I wanted to thank you for a delightful evening.” Despite what he’d said, she would have to keep her mouth empty to answer. She could talk on the phone to nurses with her mouth full; any nurse had missed her own lunch often enough to sympathize with an eating resident. She wanted Eric to think of her as having her mouth empty. He just might want to kiss it again.

“I enjoyed it myself.” She wasn’t going to say how much she had enjoyed the kiss at the end. He probably knew that; he’d been there.

“Well, in that case, maybe we could repeat it. Like, tomorrow.”

“Definitely not tomorrow. The hospital gives me the time off that they consider the minimum necessary to sustain life, and they don’t mean social life.”

“Well, I’m assuming that you’re on call day after tomorrow. How about the evening after that?”

“I’d be delighted.”

“Six at the hospital or seven at your place? Or some other arrangement? I’m not trying to limit you; I’m trying to guess your pre-existent limits.”

“Seven at my place. I don’t think you’re trying to limit me. You just don’t guess the limits I already have too well.” She wasn’t going to try for ‘pre-existent.’ If I walk out of the hospital, it’s in my uniform.” And with her hospital face, though she supposed she could put on some makeup in a public ladies’ room.

“Well, I think you look wonderful in your uniform, but I understand why you might like to wear something else occasionally. You know, that’s one psychological distinction between the sexes. I wear a white shirt, khakis, and black shoes to the office every day. I could wear anything, but I don’t.”

“Dr. Kleinfeld told me that being a CEO meant that you could wear anything you wanted,” she said.

“Maybe. Then, too, that’s about what I wore as a programmer. Maybe I’m pretending that I’m still a programmer. I used to be one, and -- if I say so myself -- a good one. Now, I’m just an executive.” She had to think about that. She’d been raised around executives who thought that they were the acme of civilization. Rentiers might have more money, but they were somewhat degenerate. Eric clearly thought that becoming an executive was a step down from being a programmer.

“Well, I bet that nobody comes up to a programmer on a social occasion and tells them his symptoms.”

“Not even his crashed computer’s symptoms. Well, you’re multitasking -- on call and eating dinner. I’ll stop asking you to carry on a phone conversation, too.”

“Really, it’s been fun. Call any time.”

“You don’t really mean any time. When are you on duty as opposed to merely being on call -- merely?”

“Pretty much six to six.”

“Good bye.”

“Good bye.” She shut her phone. Somebody had to end the conversation. She went back to a fairly-cold dinner, but the talk had been worth it. She liked Eric, and he seemed to like her, too. She was in serious lust with the guy. That might not be mutual, but it might. He was male, after all.

When her love for Vaughan had been about to take the ultimate step, she had gone to student health for the Pill. She had been shocked to learn that it would take a month to become effective. Her affair with Ted later hadn’t had that danger because she had stayed on the Pill throughout her college years. She had stayed on it through med school, too, although that hadn’t been needed.

With her residency, and the hours it took, she had stopped the Pill. Now, she probably wouldn’t need it, but ... At the end of the kiss the previous night, she would have gone with Eric anywhere he had asked her to. In the middle of the kiss, she might have let him take her there in the entryway. That wasn’t going to happen, but something less public would be more possible. She should have one fewer worries if it did. The problem was scheduling a gynecologist’s appointment on her down time. No! She could now prescribe, and she would prescribe for herself. That was something she would buy the next night, and she would write the prescription the next day.

She had finished her meal and gone upstairs to her room when the phone rang. She had to get down to the floor, but, at least, she was still dressed.

Eric was remarkably cheerful the next morning at work. Murphy asked him if Sparky was feeing better.

“A sore belly and a bit stir-crazy,” he replied. “Other than that, she’s fine.”

He had a second date with a girl. She was a nice girl being social with a used-up old man. It wouldn’t go very far, certainly not far enough for him to need condoms. His having thought that, however, was reason enough to buy a pack. He went out for lunch and bought twelve Trojans on his way back to the office. That night, after dinner, he took them up to the bedroom. When he put them in the drawer of his night stand, he found the box that he had used until Laura had told him that her pills were effective again after she’d weaned Val. That made them about five years old, and he threw them out.

His cell rang when he was still in the bedroom. It was Diane’s ring, and he grabbed it and dropped down on the bed.

“Is this the wrong time?” she asked.

“Never. You have to understand that you have wrong times, and that I understand that you do. I don’t have many wrong times. In the middle of the day, I may be dealing with somebody, but I can put them off. If you had called much earlier, Sparky would have been around and wanted to talk to you. That’s not like your situation. If I’m driving, I’ll wait for a stopping point before answering.”

“And then say, ‘Daddy was driving’?”

He laughed. “Well that is the basic idea. Sometime, she’ll have a license. It’ll only be a decade. Sorry! Time gets compressed for parents. Anyway, when she drives herself, she will be conscious that one doesn’t drive and talk on the phone. More likely, she’ll be conscious that old stodgy folk like her dad don’t talk and drive. But you do what you can, and then sweat bullets. But don’t let me dump my worries on you. Where are you?”

“Back in my apartment. I’ve done my Christmas shopping.”

“You’re early,” he said.

“I have to send all of it out of state. My family is splintered hither and yon, mostly yon. And where are you?”

“I’m lying in my bed.”

“I did call too late?” Diane asked. Heavens no! Not everybody went to work at the crack of dawn. Actually, six in the morning was earlier than dawn at this time of year.

“Nah! I’m lying, fully dressed including shoes, on top of my bed. I was just in the room when you called. Is lying on top of the bedspread in your shoes degenerate?”

“It can’t be good for the bedspread.”

“Well,” he said, “they make them to protect the sheets underneath from dirt. If you don’t put any dirt on them, then they are useless.”

“Did you think up that excuse off the top of your head?”

“Guilty. Can you think of a better one?”

“I’m not sure that the contest should be figuring out an excuse for destructive behavior,” Diane said. “Maybe we should try to be less destructive.”

“I suppose.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just realized why I’m taking it out on you. This was a bad day. Two separate admissions, two kids who fell down the stairs.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said. “The same stairs?”

“Not even the same neighborhoods. The thing is, the guy who looks worse was running and fell down a short flight of outside concrete stairs.”

“Ouch!” Kids take the damnedest risks, and, of course, the younger kids were more likely to lose their balances. Sparky was usually more agile than he was, but she still could trip where he wouldn’t.

“But the other, I would swear, was being punished. He is supposed to have fallen down the stairs of his house while nobody else was anywhere near. That’s what he says, what he says even when his parents aren’t within hearing distance -- and wasn’t that fun to arrange. He broke his arm and has facial contusions from the fall. The belt-shaped bruise marks on his glutes are a simple coincidence.”

“Well, I may abuse bedspreads. I don’t abuse my daughter.”

“Yeah,” she admitted. “I know that.”

“Spoil her, maybe.” To be fair he certainly spoiled her. When you could afford it, could afford it without noticing, when was it a bad idea to buy it for her?

“Tonight, spoiling kids is something I feel remarkably tolerant about.”

“I can see that. I’m not sure it’s not worse, though.”

“Sure,” Diane said. “I see beaten kids, and I see kids dying of cancer. The beaten kids are, in a sense, luckier. Still...”

“Still, there is the matter of intent.”

“And the matter of what you do. If you cut out a malignancy, you can throw it away. You are lucky if you can separate a malignant parent from the child.”

Diane ended the conversation happy about more than simply having an ear to whom she could vent her frustrations. Eric had been an overanxious parent, and those could be frustrating, too. On the other hand, as he’d said, there was the matter of intent. She decided that she liked more about Eric than his lips.

Then she went about wrapping her presents, once in Christmas paper and once for mailing. At least, she could put her presents for Karen and Norm and her presents for Anne and Greg together. She actually liked her sisters in law more than she liked her older brothers -- not a high bar. She did not, however, know them well. You didn’t need to like somebody to see what kind of gift they would enjoy.

Should, she finally wondered, she get a gift for Eric? No. In the first place, he could buy any single thing he wanted. In the second place, she didn’t know him at all.

The next day was neither particularly easy nor particularly hard. She called Eric while still sitting in the cafeteria after her supper. They had just begun when she got a call. The issue wasn’t one she could resolve without going back on the floor. She called him back when she could get privacy.

“Sorry about that,” she said from her room.

“Don’t be. If anything, I’m jealous. Somebody needs you because you’re socially useful. I’m only useful to Sparky.”

“Seems people think you’re useful. They pay you, don’t they?”

“One hell of a lot more than the hospital pays residents,” Eric said. “Does that make me useful? Actually, what I sell is programs, and other people write the programs. You can debate their utility. Some of them have great uses; others only increase the profits of greedy corporations.”

“Well, I was down yesterday.”

Eric said, “Don’t talk about my uselessness.” They had more important topics to discuss than that. “I’m not particularly down now. I made the bargain long ago, and I can’t go back. If I sold out now, nobody would hire me to write programs. Anyway, do we have a date for tomorrow night?” She had called, after all. Was it to call off the date? And, if so, was it to postpone it -- which would be disappointing -- or to end the relationship -- which would be devastating.

“I think we do.”

“Your place, seven p.m.?”

“Yeah,” Diane said.

“Just checking. It might be old news, but it’s the best news of the day. It’s even better news to me than the news that Sparky’s going back to school on Monday.”

“That does sound good.”

“I like it; Madeleine really likes it -- ‘though the woman is a saint; even Sparky likes it,” he said.

“She enjoys school then?”

“Less the lessons than the other kids. I was an only child, but it seems to be lonelier for her. And, of course, no other kids are available when school is in session. That’s part of Madeleine’s candidacy for sainthood. We have a back yard in the summer. Well, all year around, but we use it in the summer. She sort of watches when other kids come around. Makes Sparky quite popular with the moms, at least.”

“How do you get a back yard in San Francisco?” Diane asked.

“Well, we’re in Sausalito, really. And you get a back yard by buying two lots and building close to the street. Everybody else around us goes deep, but we went for wide.”

Eric belatedly noticed that he had been reporting what “we,” he and Laura had done. Did he want to bring up Laura with Diane? On the one hand, she deserved to know. On the other hand, once she knew what a mess he had made of his life, she wouldn’t want to be part of it. She didn’t seem to have caught it, though. And the conversation went on and ended pleasantly.

“Like Italian?” he asked when they were in the car.


“I only asked because you said something about calories earlier. Italian cooking is delicious, but some women can’t enjoy it because they are obsessing about their weight.”

Diane was fairly sure that his ‘some women’ included his wife. Maybe it was a euphemism for his wife. She had only mentioned a concern about weight once, and that while ignoring the concern. Somebody else had obsessed about it -- or what Eric considered obsessing -- and that was probably a wife. For a guy without sisters, it was almost certainly a wife.

“What happened to your wife anyway?” she asked. It was a delicate question, but ignoring it would be stepping around eggshells. Maybe she had been an anorexic.

“I don’t like to talk about it,” Eric said. Then he added, “I killed her.”

Diane thought “Great!” She is in a car with the sexiest man she’d ever kissed, and he admits to her that he’d killed his wife. Then she had her doubts. She didn’t doubt that a person rich enough could get away with murder. She didn’t think that he could get away with confessing to murder. Anyway, all they had was a dinner date. Probably, his confession might restrain her libido.

At the restaurant, she ordered veal scaloppini and he echoed her. He ordered a Chianti. Though she enjoyed it and it had to go with his dish as well as it went with hers -- they were the same dish -- he didn’t touch it.

“Look,” she said, “if you don’t drink, you don’t have to buy me drinks. I’m really not used to wine with my meals. You should remember that from the hospital cafeteria.”

“Oh, I drink. I hug Sparky, too. I just do neither when I’m driving. Well, I don’t drink and drive these days. If I’d followed that rule earlier, Sparky’s mother would still be alive.”

Now, she’d heard two versions -- two incompatible versions -- of his wife’s death. What was the reality?

“I’m sorry I brought it up before,” she said. “Still, with what you’re saying, I think I should have a clear statement of how your wife died.”

Eric saw that she was right. It was unfair to her to expect her to go on without knowing how he had messed up her predecessor. Then he had a shocked internal question as to when he had decided that he wanted to marry Diane. It wasn’t time to deal with that, however. This was the time to lay the truth before her.

“We were celebrating. We were eating out, and drinking. Between us, we killed a bottle of wine.” Laura had done more than her part. Soon, she would have to go dry for the new baby. “We were driving -- I was driving -- a sports car with great handling but the crash resistance of your average eggshell. We were more-or-less on the level but the hill on our right was quite steep. The roads were slick with rain. There was a sound, brakes and horn, up the hill to my right as I came towards the intersection.

“I was muzzy,” he continued. “I stood on the brake, and the car started to skid. I pumped the brakes and steered into the skid. That slowed the car and it was under control and going more slowly as it went into the intersection. Then a van plowed into it from the right. Laura was pulverized. Even I was hurt a little, and I was on the other side of the car. Laura had part of the door in her pelvis.”

“Well,” he finished, “it was plain that I should have sped up instead of slowing down. The sports car was supposed to handle beautifully. I could have gone through the intersection before the van arrived there and avoided the cars ahead of me. I’ve always thought I would have if I’d been cold sober.”

Same as Sparky's Dad
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My daughter

The daughter was sexy and built like an adult. Long legs, round ass and nice full tits. She loved sex and wanted it every day but it was hard to find a boy to fuck often. Then she saw her dad. She needed a scheme to fuck him on a daily basis. The time was right. She saw her dad leave the shower and walk naked to his room. His cock was huge and it was soft. She imagined what it would be like hard and in her pussy. She followed him to his room and peeked in. He was laying on the bed watching a...

4 years ago
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My Sister and I

Isaac is entering his 20th year now, he has been away from his home country to study abroad, and as he finished his study, it was time to come home at last. After several years he has never went back to his home town, and he was curious to see how much his home town has changed over the past several years, especially his family, he misses them so much. His dad has passed away since even before his little sister was born to this world, and now all that is left of his family is his mom and his...

3 years ago
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Mais quest ce que tu fais dans ma chambre

Mais qu'est ce que tu fais dans ma chambre! Je pensais ?tre tranquille ? la maison et voila que ma s?ur rentre du lyc?e en avance. Elle me trouve dans sa chambre avec une de ses culottes en train de me masturber. Je suis p?trifie, je ne sais pas que faire. Tu es vraiment une salope! Tu d??gueulasse toutes mes culottes! Je reste la sans bouger et la je vois ma s?ur sortir son t?l?phone portable et me prendre en photo. Ne sois pas si timide je suis que tes copains vont appr?cier. Non ?coute mon...

4 years ago
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bar nite

I was bored last night so i went to the bar down the road from my house. i was not looking for much just needed to get out of the house.i had only been there for about 15 min when i was approached by a younger guy. he sat down and ask if he could bye me a drink. i told him yes and he sat down. we bull shited for a bit and had a couple of drinks each when he ask if i was interested in going back to his place. i acted like i was not interested and told him maybe another time. i think he could...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 57

"Hello the camp!" The village came to a standstill. We'd taken the precaution just like every day and closed the gate and locked it. Now it seems we have a visitor seeking admission. Abo was off like a shot. He climbed the portcullis we'd added to the gate system. He moved cautiously around to the watch house and spoke to the person out side. With the internal gate down, he released the gate and let the stranger in. He told the man to close the gate. When that was done he locked the gate...

3 years ago
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“Ah, come in Michael. Yes, now. How are you?” “Hello Bishop, I mean Your Grace” the bishop waved a hand, such niceties were immaterial. “I’m, well I’m not that good I suppose.” “No, no. Understandable. A sorry business. What are we to do? It does seem a shame, but I fear we must move you somewhere less ... less scandalous shall we say?” “Yes, I did offer to resign” “Pish!” does anybody say pish these days? “Pish and tosh, you are a good priest; the church cannot lose you” Michael Tobay was...

1 year ago
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Me my Boyfriend and new boi Darren

Me and my boyfriend whose about 18 years younger than me went out for his birthday. And he invited a few people out, anyway one guy he works with a young hot 19 year old tattooed and slim and well build body wise, nice cute blond toned. He stayed over a few times, wow I thought id love to see him fuck my lad. I knew he was after Darren, because he went on and on about him, he likes muscle boys. I do too. But more slim toned. And Darren was top of a long list. So suddenly after quite a bit to...

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Fucking house owner Lalitha

I am Rajesh, again came from Hyderabad. I sent stories of my sex encounters with two of my colleagues. Later I sent another encounter with the daughter of my dream girl Sujatha. I have yet to receive the views of the readers on my stories. Now I will share my joy of encounter I had with my house-owner Mrs. Lalitha (name changed because of privacy) in two parts. It was happened when I was studying my graduation. I will tell about her. She is brownish in color and 34-32-40 of size and aged about...

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All That GlittersChapter 12

Eris steps into the great hall with an air of confidence about her. It is empty except for Cyra, who sits at the end in a very ornate chair. The great hall serves many purposes, but when it is not in use for a specific event everything is removed. Eris’ footsteps echo off the walls. Cyra stares straight at her daughter, a sneer hard pressed on her face. Today is the final day for the girl to prove her innocence. She highly doubts Eris will submit any definitive proof, but it won’t...

2 years ago
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Summer Lesbian Lovin

Elizabeth Suson walked along the golden white sandy beach of North Spain barefooted feeling the slight breeze through her long black hair. She worked in a dead end job in North London in a office and was glad to get away to paradise. She had to get away from all the grief work had given her when everyone found out she was a lesbian. Elizabeth walked to the end of the beach as the sun was beginning to go down. She saw a black bag on one of the rocks and sat down on the sand and looked out to sea...

1 year ago
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Bigboy and His Bitches 2

I try to drive slow going home but my thighs squeeze constantly as I think of what is waiting for me there. My foot keeps subconsciously pressing harder on the accelerator as the hunger I feel impels me to speed home. I have to constantly correct my speed and slow down to keep from getting ticketed. It feels like it takes hours to get home but is really only about 20 minutes but the craving between my thighs makes it seem much longer. Once home I go to the computer and open the website so...

1 year ago
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The 400 Year WarChapter 15

The War of 1812 This chapter is devoted to a very short and nasty war which lasted only two years and eight months that involved many of the American Indian Tribes despite their past experiences which should have warned them about not getting involved in wars that could only hurt their own cause of retaining their tribal lands. If one were to search for the primary singular cause of the War of 1812 the only possible reason would be that the British Empire was still smarting from the defeat...

2 years ago
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Joyce and Jennifer part two

I hadn’t talked to Jennifer in a week. She had called me several times and sent a few messages to see if I was okay but I was too confused and worried to answer. I knew she was off work on the weekends so I drove straight to her home. Jennifer’s car was in the drive as I pulled up. I got out and went to knock on the door. “Hi Joyce” Jennifer’s voice was quite and a little hesitant as she opened the door. “Hey” was all I said in return. She moved aside to let me in and I walked into the...

3 years ago
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My First Cock

Not a strange subject you would have thought...but for a guy it was an experience I would never forget in a hurry.At the time I had a steady relationship with a girl (Lezza was her nickname for obvious reasons) that started out normal and rapidly delved into the world of sexual abandon. She was bi-sexual, very bi-sexual and loved being in the middle of a sexual frenzy with whatever partner was to hand, but it was I that introduced her to the world of swinging.Lezza and I had only met one other...

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The Girl With The Pink Flowered Panties

I was in an apartment laundry room when I saw them for the first time. And my cock went as hard as a rock. I've seen a lot of hot girls. I've seen a lot of girls that wore some very sexy things and that showed off a lot of skin. However, the girl that I saw on that Friday evening was one that I would never forget. The girl with the pink flowered panties. I was putting my clothes in a washing machine when the girl walked into the room. I didn't know her name or who she was. All I knew was that...

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Fiona8217s Punishment

This happened when my wife was a fairly inexperienced nurse in a private hospital in England where we live. She had been acting up in a senior role and was in charge of a number of patients, Fiona was enjoying her opportunity to show how well she could cope with more responsibility and we were hoping it would lead to promotion and more money, something we desperately needed as my then fledgling business was barely breaking even. One night after a particularly busy shift she came home and burst...

4 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 30

I had no idea what might come next, still shaken by the intensity of my own orgasm and Marci’s, not to mention the soul-searing intensity of seeing and hearing my wife rocked by a massive orgasm while engaged with and impaled upon another man’s huge cock. That he had entered her and come, mostly deep inside of her, had clearly been her choice, not his… not that he’d tried very hard to avoid the situation. To be fair, though, in the midst of his own orgasm that would have been expecting a lot....

Wife Lovers
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Tushy Jade Jantzen Roommates Fun

Jade has been roommates with Kelly since the start of their freshman year. Kelly has been dating a hot older guy for a while now and Jade knows there is a chemistry between herself and him – she feels it whenever they are close to each other. One day when they are left alone, the sexual tension reaches a new high and they can’t restrain themselves any longer. They end up in each others arms, and when they take it through to the bedroom, he shows her things that she has never experienced...

4 years ago
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Two and Two

For the next couple of weeks our love life was on fire. Lust, it seems, can burn twice as hot fueled by trust built by sharing your bed. I had never felt more in love with someone than I felt with Stacie. By bringing Mike in to our lives for that night my trust in Stacie had built bonds that felt unbreakable. I was madly in love and it showed. John even commented on it in the shop a couple of days later before a photo shoot. When I explained to him what had happened he just chuckled and...

2 years ago
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The Shockwaves

The explosion occurred billions, perhaps trillions of years ago. Two universes met as they crossed paths, and collided with each other. It was a collision of such grandeur, that its sheer vastness seemed to bend reality in its wake. The explosion that came from it, sent shockwaves through the vacuum of space, never to be stopped on their path, unless they met something in their way, similar to how they were created. For one such ripple in space to travel, it needed time, and lots of it. But...

2 years ago
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my cousin Bonnie now only a FWB

Bonnie and I fell in love that first night we laid there on the beach and discovered we were both made for each other.Our interests, likes , even goals in life made it seem like it was meant to be, not to mention how great the sex was. I couldn’t go to certain places any more because it would bring back images of Bonnie having orgasms as she sat there on my cock. How we both would get crazy and fuck when the urge hit us and it didn’t matter where we were. That summer with Bonnie brought...

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Secret Relationship With My Friend8217s Sister 8211 Part 2

Hey guys. I am back with the next part of my story. Apologies for the long delay since I got busy with my work. Finally, I got the time to write the continuation of my story. If you didn’t read my previous part of the story please do so. Like I mentioned in my previous part, I am not great in writing so kindly bear with me. After myself and Harini flirted and masturbated on the phone for hours we went to sleep after our session. The next day from the morning I was waiting eagerly for her call....

1 year ago
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The friendly fisherman

It was the summer holidays. Six weeks, no school. I was 12 years old and lived in a English village with my mum, dad and two younger sisters.My mother was an ex beauty queen and was very fit. How my father got her I don't know. But as it was post ww2 he had the pick. As there was a shortage of men I suppose.My passion was fishing and I couldn't wait to spend my time by the river that was only a short bike ride away.So my mother packed my lunch and a bottle of orange squash, reminding me to be...

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The Preachers DaughterChapter 14 View to a Kill

Ten days later. Time: February 4, 9570 2:10 PM "Basel! What in the world are you doing?!" Basel looked up from his optics bench in the photonics lab. A large array of lasers and cross-linked holo-scanners were laid out on a precision optics board before him, and Eliana thought the tangle of connecting fiber-wires looked so complicated they reminded her of a bowl of spaghetti. Basel gave her a beaming smile. "Hi dearest! When you get a chance, you might want to bow down and worship...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Jamie Michelle The Surrogate Vol 2 E2

The next morning, after a night of fucking Oliver (Oliver Davis) in front of his live-in girlfriend Harley (Harley Haze), Jamie’s (Jamie Michelle) still horny as hell. When Harley’s out running errands Jamie puts her seductive moves on Oliver and the temptation proves too much. The newly anointed “lovers” throw-caution-to-the-wind and go at each other in the kitchen. After an intense suck & fuck-fest, Oliver drops his seed deep in Jamie’s snatch. Not wanting to get caught, the taboo twosome...

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AssParade Jada Stevens Jada Stevens does yoga for Ass Parade

Jada Stevens drop by today to show off her yoga positions that keep her well in shape. We see her amazing big ass pop out of tight yoga pants from various angles before she saids “Jada Stevens shows ass” and lowers her pants. JMac happens to walk by the windows at the perfect time and invites himself into our shoot. She’s always horny and down to shoot porn so she started sucking hard on his cock before she starts getting fucked. Her big ass bounces on his cock from doggy to cowgirl and some...

3 years ago
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At Last Virginity Lost

Hello Friends I am Nirakar, I’m a regular reader of ISS and I am a big fan of this website. Reading stories here influenced me to write my own story. This is not only a story but this whole incident actually happened with me. Short information about me, I am from a small town and completed my engineering. I have average height of 5’6″, fair complexion, age 25.I was interested in sex from very early age and started masturbating since the age of 12 .I don’t know how other guy here get fuck mate...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Martini Bows Date Night Ditch

Peter has a hot date tonight for the first time in a while! This means its time to call the babysitter ASAP so the kids are taken care of and he can do his thing worry free. He asks for his usual babysitter Martini. Shes great with the kids and doesnt mind staying late. When she arrives, he tells her the situation and then heads to the bathroom to finish getting ready. As martini is waiting in the living room, she sees Peters phone ringing. Its his date! Martini answers the phone, curses the...

3 years ago
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Saali wah

Shivam again from Hyderabad…. Those of you, who have read my first inspiring sexperience with chinni, must be waiting to read my even greater sexperience with her mother veni aunty. The very next day after chinni initiated me into sex. her 35-year-old mother veni aunty asked me how it was with chinni. I lied to veni aunty by Praising chinni wide knowledge in computers. Veni aunty laughed when I said that and then told me that chinni had revealed all the whole truth of what had occurred between...

2 years ago
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Bi experience

It starts off innocently enough with her friend Peter coming over for drinks, catching up on the last three months.I come home from work after a long day and find them laughing and joking already a few drinks deep.Peter encourages me to join in and catch up with them by doing some shots (never a good thing for me), I reluctantly agree and before I know it I've already downed 4 shots of tequila.Then without warning my girlfriend comes straight out and tells me what she's been talking to Peter...

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Homelands Pt 2 Ch 02

The next few days were torture. I knew what was coming, but I had no idea when. And because I wasn't supposed to know, I couldn't ask.Dom probably would, were he in my shoes. He'd be confident that Mom would forgive him for eavesdropping on her and Dad, and he'd almost certainly be right to do so.But then, I wasn't Dom.Part of me wanted to talk to him about it. Ask what Mom was like. But he might have denied it. It would be just like him. You could catch him doing something on tape, and he'd...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing the MILF Chapter 2

Four months of steadying increasing payments, from an, almost, reasonable £200 each, increasing each month until it was reaching the point that paying was unsustainable. They realised that eventually the amount would reach the point where there would be no way of paying it, and the thought of what would happen then terrified them. This fear was foremost in their minds, never going, never giving them peace. It was started to affect their relationships, with their husbands, kids, family and...

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When In Rome 03

Authors Notes Back to Callia&Cassius – although no one gets pregnant in this chapter, there IS mention of it. So, fair warning if thats not your thing. _____________________________ CHAPTER THREE: Scene 01: Callia – Sex? No. Scene 02: Cassius – Sex? Yes. Scene 03: Callia – Sex? Yes. _____________________________ CALLIA It was her third, and probably final, bath of the day. Callia could finally relax. Her day was supposed to be over, and it had been a good day. Every inch of her body had been...

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NuruMassage Abella Danger Worst Day Ever

Zac Wild is impatiently waiting at a massage parlor when the masseuse, Abella Danger, comes rushing in. She is out of breath and wearing a tight cycling outfit, which draws Zac’s eyes to her heaving chest and sensual curves. He can’t help but stare as she profusely apologizes for her tardiness, rambling about what an awful day she’s had so far! She was on her way to work when her bike got a flat, and it just spiraled from there…But Abella doesn’t want her bad day...

1 year ago
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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 21

Thursday, the 20th of October, dawned cool and bright. We saw no sign of the FBPI that day. There were, however, other concerns to be dealt with. Among the first were money and food. Most of our employees had been shopping on Monday for the week, but few of them had enough food on hand for a prolonged period without additional shopping. Dad and Thomas Stuart transferred down to a local rental location and rented a small bus and a van. Thomas had a license to drive a bus. They drove out to...

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Giving the BBC to the rich mans wife

The following story is true. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty.It was a typical Wednesday evening at my condo. I got home before my roommate and I started cooking dinner. Once he got home he said he wanted to run something by me. He sat down and told me that he had met a girl online and they had been chatting for a while. She lived in the city and worked most nights. She had the night free and wanted to meet him. "I don't want to meet her alone, in case she is ugly....

2 years ago
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9. REMOVING THE OFFENDING PART [c] The wedding now the divorce had come through, was arranged for Barry`s birthday, mid march, they felt it was his rebirth, and significant. The day dawned grey blustery and cool, the tiny party arrived at the registrars in good time, a happy bride, her groom her ex husband looking perhaps a little pale, and the grooms only nurse Audrey, the last two as the necessary witnesses. It was a short service, the bride given away by her ex, that to them seemed...

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Start For Romance In My Love Life 8211 Part 2

This is Anuram, this is my second story in ISS, continuation of the first one. Please read the part one for continuity. After that theatre incident we both started to talk about what is sex and how to satisfy each other. And that was my entry to ISS was searching about this kind of incidents online and finally found this sight. Even though Anu allowed me to kiss her and touch her boobs she strictly said nothing further than this nu. Due to the stories from ISS I started asking for more from my...

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I Dream of Angels Part 3 The Promised Future0

Chapter 3 It was the first day after vacation, and everyone was following his or her morning routine. Angel and I were trying to figure out how we would survive the day without each other. “The tutor will be here at eight, and he’ll be home-schooling you for a few months while we figure out where you can go for a real education,” I said as I pulled on my backpack. “I’ll miss you,” she murmured while kissing me. We tried to ignore everyone watching us. My siblings, parents, and I...

2 years ago
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A submissive mother lead there daughters into bdsm

The submissive mother and her dominathing ???????????????? The submissive mother lead their daughters into bdsm. ??????????? ????????????????????Chapter 1 Our first encounter  Mine name is Lady Elvira. I?m a transvestite Mistress in Holland Europe. I?ve several girl slaves who I attend to and one in particular is mine favorite. Her name is miriam? and I like to tell you why she is so very special to me. She was the first girl slave that belonged to me when I started mine bdsm business...

4 years ago
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Complicated Ch 02

Chapter 2 It was the following Saturday. I hadn’t managed to cancel my date with Max because as hard as I searched for it I couldn’t find the business card Max had handed me the first time I met him. I would have to just wait till he got here to tell him that I wouldn’t be able to go out with him. Around six, I got into the shower before I could proceed to dress and be ready for my night out with the girls. I had barely rinsed off the soap when I heard the doorbell ring. It was still too...

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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 13

It was midmorning on a Saturday when Chase’s phone rang. He answered it, “Hello.” The sexy female voice on the phone said, “This is Carrie, Carrie Stratford. I’m staying at the Royal Oaks hotel, Suite 713. If you want to discuss our business arrangement further, I’ll be available today, tonight, and tomorrow. My young business associate that you met, Nicole, will be available tomorrow and tomorrow night for further discussions of the joint venture’s purposed. It is your choice to what you...

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