Murder in the First
- 3 years ago
- 21
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Har Li-Quat, recently promoted to the status of Rectifer-First, allowed a pleased smile to surface as he floated at his desk. The changing hues of his cubicle walls reflected his good humor. He was no longer a probationer, but a full-fledged member of Computer Central's Rectification Bureau.
Foxy-faced, with red hair and a bristling moustache, he wore his full-organic soma with the ease of long practice. Only a few of his closest confidants knew his secret; that he hadn't been decanted in an organic body. Styles had cycled around to favor traditional somas. The one he'd chosen wouldn't have looked too unusual to his Earth-bound predecessors, other than for its orange-tinted skin and bushy tail. Closing the infra-eye in the middle of his forehead, he cut off the flow of incidental data from Computer Central. Still at ease, he stabbed the tip of an index finger into a desk slot, initiating deep-link.
Swimming through an endless sea of information, Har dove beneath the surface of the data-banks. This was his hobby, the only relaxation he allowed himself from his duties. He loved tracing down obsolete terminology and obscure phrases that related to his job, pursuing their derivation whenever he had a moment to spare from his duties. Back and forth through time, past layers of archaic phraseology, he persisted until he reached his goal.
/MURDER; The deliberate and malicious termination of another's persona-facet./ Detection and proof... / Punishment and rehabilitation... /
He re-opened the infra-eye in the center of his forehead, receiving further data in surface-mode. The holo-wall of his cubicle paged slowly from one frame to the next, bringing him scenes of possible trouble from Sol-System's twenty-four orbital eco-rings. The Rectification Bureau itself was a self-contained structure, floating freely in space in a narrow elliptical path around the sun, deliberately not associating itself with any one ring.
This incident held promise! Har seized on it, flagging it with his own personal symbol before a higher-ranked Rectifer could grab it away from him.
Subject: Seven-Designate Impler Faz-Bvelt, Controller and X-T Data Correlator for the powerful Impler Combine, headquarters Orbit Eighteen, Sector Gamma.
Location: ImplerMansion, Orbit Twelve, Sector Omega.
Critical Data: Incident of violence, possibly serious, no further data available at this time.
That meant that he would have to investigate this incident in person, always a dangerous procedure. He would have to project a persona-facet into a local mech soma, and Orbital Ring Twelve was more than an hour away, even at light-speed. It mustn't stay away too long, or it would split off to form another persona. There were already four of him, though he'd long ago lost track of his earlier selves. He needed the exact coordinates of the incident. His infra-eye widened as the necessary data flowed into his memory. Blinking his eyes in rotation, left, right, center, he deep-linked with Computer Central and initiated transfer.
Har-2 blinked as his vision adjusted. The light was dimmer, here on the ring called Orbit Twelve, and the sun was a tiny dot of brightness in the hazy sky. It dimmed further, then brightened as the inner ring that had momentarily occulted it moved away. He raised a hand to finger his spiky moustache, then swore under his breath as plasta fingers clicked against plasta cheek. Just one more reminder that he would have to hurry, and not spend too much time in this mech soma. He could end up stranded here, with no job and no prospects, while his original persona continued in its organic soma. He opened the door of the transfer booth and stepped out, savoring the smooth movements of this mechanical body. Sector Omega was a high-status complex, and everything here got the best of maintenance.
Within the Rectification Bureau his organic soma was going about its duties, unaware of this persona's actions. Har-2 moved a little faster. With too many different memories, their personas would soon diverge to the point where merger and re-absorption would no longer be possible. Though statistically insignificant, persona-splits were the foremost cause of population growth among Sol-System's four hundred billion citizens. New personas were a prime source of Out-migrants, and he had no desire to leave Sol-System for some half-built frontier system with only one or two eco-rings in place.
Discordant voices, ahead and to his left. Port-spinward. Transfer booths always faced spinward. Tradition? Perhaps. Nobody really remembered why. The eco-form of this sector was Jura-rural, holos of giant reptiles picking their clumsy way among fern trees and mossy boulders. ImplerMansion was cleverly disguised as an isolated cluster of boulders, hung about with vines. Har-2 thrust aside a mossy hanging and surveyed the scene of the 'incident'. Within a high-arched dome, a soft, a lumpy and several hards clustered about the wreckage of an expensive hard, of much finer workmanship and materials than the mech body he presently wore. A random wisp of greenish vapor still eddied about the shattered plasta skull, though the incident was more than an hour in the past. Even a transfer-booth couldn't shift a persona at more than the speed of light.
They looked up as he entered, picking up his ident from the ambient data-flow. He held a slight advantage there, since he already knew quite a bit about them from their records in Central Computer's memory banks. They were Liot Em-Tieller and Tjoller Flyn-Dec, the deceased's colleagues.
"Well? Who did it? You're supposed to know!" The lumpy, Liot, dropped down onto a convenient floater, mech extensors incongruous against her golden-furred torso. She glared at him as though he was personally responsible for this disruption in her life.
"I'm just a Rectifer, not Woden or Yahweh. Seven-Designate Impler Faz-Bvelt had requested a privacy-blank on her dwelling." Har-2 deliberately gave the victim her full title.
"Seven-Designate!" The soft was Three-Designate Tjoller Flyn-Dec, whose carefully sculpted organic body contrasted sharply with Liot's mechanically augmented form, his hair and skin a symphony in shades of blue. Har-2 suppressed his instinctive preference for 'soft' over 'lumpy', reminding himself that he was a 'hard' for the time being. Nor could he admit into his computations that Tjoller was fem and Liot bi at the moment.
"The rank did count for something," he finally answered, studying them as though they were in-smuggled specimens of contraband Outie life forms. "Suppose you tell me just what did happen here while the privacy-blank was on."
"Why don't you ask them?" Liot broke in waspishly before Tjoller could answer, writhing an extensor in the general direction of the other three members of the household.
"You know better than that, or you should." Har-2 pointedly ignored the three limited-mechs. Though their bodies were outwardly similar to his own, their mech brains were rudimentary. They were mere extensions of Computer Central with no memories of their own. "Now, Tjoller. Your version of what happened here."
"We were threeing, if you must know." He looked uncomfortable at the admission, as well he might. Though not illegal, threeing between soft, lumpy, and hard was frowned on socially. "This is under seal?"
"Nothing will be released without cause."
"We were almost at peak, when I blacked out. I vaguely remember that there was some kind of loud noise. When I revived, Impler was like... like that!"
"And you?" Har-2 turned to Liot.
"I was being central, plugged in both ways. Yes, Impler had her mech body modified to male. She was proud of her body, always spending credits on it, but she started out as a cloned soft and some of the habits stayed with her. We were just peaking when she sparked, or at least that was what it felt like to me. I don't remember any loud noise, though I might have been the one who made it."
Har-2 routinely flashed the three mechs, but they registered null for the interval in question. Requesting a momentary blank on Tjoller, he turned all of his attention to Liot. It took only moments to draw forth her entire history, his flashing questions designed to draw out unplanned responses.
"Why would Tjoller terminate her? Why would you? Who else would have? What enemies had she made recently? What was your category with Impler Combine?"
"Neither of us had any reason!" Liot drew her extensors closer to her body, as though to protect the too-soft flesh behind limbs of metal and plasta. "No reason at all. Nobody had! We were her associates, importing Outie data from Gal-Fed Region 16/22, 28/40, 58/65."
"A rich region," he nodded agreement. "Old and well established colonies. Just what did the two of you do to justify your salaries with the Combine?"
"Impler controlled, of course. I sorted input for value-plus items, and he," she darted a feral glance at Tjoller's frozen figure, "directed distribution. Not a very demanding job, but still just barely within his capabilities. Impler was always having to send him off-orbit to sort out problems of one kind or another."
Har-2 blanked Liot and freed Tjoller, putting him through the same catechism. "Why would Liot have terminated Impler?"
"Why not? Oh, I suppose there could be any number of reasons, none of them very important by themselves. Impler got her highs from controlling, and Liot has this idiot compulsion to please. A frown from Impler, and you'd have thought that it was a dark orbit. One word of praise, and she'd practically give off sparks. Impler never has been all that generous with her praise, and it's been worse, lately. Then, too, there was the threeing. Impler suggested, strongly, that Liot accept bi-sex implants at the same time she got her mech extensors. Liot agreed, though she refused to accept a full mech soma. That was right about when Impler decided to have her mech body modified to male."
"You didn't mind threeing?"
"It isn't really my orbit, but it wasn't that important. Impler's rank permitted privacy-blanking, and sex is sex."
Har-2 released Liot, and stood looking them over moodily. Their statements only confirmed what he'd already gotten from Computer Central. He reluctantly decided to try a long shot. "You'll both give confirmation, of course? Full deep-link to Computer Central?"
Liot huddled even smaller, shaking her head in near-panic while Tjoller only smiled sardonically.
"I won't... I can't!" she whimpered. "You can't force me to!"
"No, Rectifer Li-Quat." Tjoller's lips curved sardonically, but it wasn't really a smile. "She isn't pretending. She has this phobia about direct contact with any form of mech intelligence. Since she really can't, I won't, either. It's fairer that way, you must admit. Now, we have business to attend to. There are several urgent matters that must be taken care of, and while we've enjoyed your visit... Please flash us when you've determined who the culprit is. Aren't I right? Isn't 'culprit' the correct word?"
"Exactly the right word. No, there's no way that I can force you to accept deep-link. Not unless they were to suddenly change the privacy statutes, but until there is sufficient proof to support a charge with Computer Central, I'm placing a transfer-blank on the two of you."
"But you can't!" Liot's extensors clashed as she leaped to her feet. "Our business demands..."
"I can, and I have. There'll be no dispute over which persona is responsible, unless you both agree to submit all future personas to whatever penalty is computed."
"No need for that." Tjoller laughed, shaping his full lips into that almost-smile. "We can carry on our business from this point well enough, can't we, Liot?"
"I guess so." She moved unsteadily on her extensors to where a cluster of comp-links blended with the outer wall of the eco-bubble. "Tjoller, you wanted to disto our holdings on Orbit Three, Lambda."
"It's done, remember?" He ignored Har-2's presence, seating himself on a relaxo. "What's new from the Outies?"
"There's that new gene-map of a spice plant from Vantage, Orbit Nineteen, Alpha. Pardel Bez-Nult flashed us to be on the lookout for something of the sort."
Har-2 watched them for a few moments as they worked together, answers and decisions flowing with the ease of long practice. No, they didn't have to accept deep-link, and he couldn't blame them. Full deep-link, with memory sharing, could damage a persona if it wasn't too well integrated to start with. They ignored the limited-mechs as Impler's crunched soma was finally cleared away. Shrugging, he blinked his eyes in rotation and cut the link with this body, signalling for a merge. There was a familiar moment of disorientation as the two memory tracks came together in one soma, then he was back together. From long habit he touched his spiky moustache, as though for reassurance that he was truly back in his own body.
He floated quietly at his desk for several minutes, deep in thought as he correlated what he'd learned on Orbit Twelve with the information he'd gathered here in his cubicle. Its walls were mottled with flowing patterns of palest green, reflecting the tranquility of his thoughts. Touching a sensor pad on the smooth surface before him, he proceeded to set up a memory file that couldn't be accessed by Computer Central. Not strictly according to regulations, of course, but this way no spurious correlations would be entered into the ordering of Sol-System affairs.
ITEM: The deceased had been much occupied recently with the problem of garbled transcriptions from her out-system sources. There had been distorted gene-maps, as well as various unsalable works of art and music. Her status had been threatened by the resultant credit losses, and in a few more turns she might have been reduced to the rank of Five-Designate or even lower.
ITEM: Liot Em-Tieller was a fairly new persona, decanted normally. She had been employed by Impler Combine since leaving creche-schooling, but had only in the last few turns opted for lumpy soma. She had agreed to the cyborg attachments at Impler's suggestion that they would be convenient in her work, which was unlikely, but had refused conversion to full mech soma.
ITEM: Tjoller Flyn-Dec had been in Impler's employ for nearly twenty turns, and until a few turns ago had been one of her ace trouble-shooters. There was a rumor among his underlings that he had resented continued postings to field tasks that carried a high risk of persona-splits, since most of the resulting new personas had ended up registered for out-migration.
Har opened his eyes as a holo built up across from his desk. The image melded perfectly with his cubicle, and it was as though his ambient space had suddenly tripled. He schooled his features to an expression of polite interest at the sight of Four-Designate Grondriss Jarr-Duan, his immediate superior in this Rectification sequence, and locked the color patterns of his cubicle walls so that they wouldn't reflect his true emotions.
"You've stirred up a real bowl of worms this time, Har!" The tone was flatly accusing, his agitation betrayed by his misuse of the archaic phrasing he affected.
"Oh?" Show no emotion! "How is that?"
"This Impler thing! Why you had to go trampling in like a gjadder-beast in heat... ! You've been around long enough to know better than to cross orbits with that kind." The richly customized hard soma across from Har scowled, its central infra-eye almost closing. "I've had three complaints land on my desk already!"
"I'm not too surprised." For a moment Har wished that he too was wearing a hard soma, but he was sure that his face revealed nothing of his feelings. Least of all, his contempt for this political time-server that Computer Central had placed him under. "I ordered a transfer-blank on the two most likely suspects. The only suspects at this point. The destruction of Impler's persona-facet took place under a privacy-blank, of course. No one else could have entered Impler's dome while it was on. Nor left."
The eye in his superior's forehead widened almost imperceptibly, and Har knew that Grondriss was checking his statement against Computer Central's record banks.
"All right, but I want fast results on this one. The news-links are onto it already. The first crime of its kind in almost fifty turns... Flash me as soon as you know..."
The holo dimmed to nothing, and Har permitted himself the luxury of a snarl.
"Fool mech! No, blank that." He certainly didn't need to have that comment appear in his file! "I'll have to get more data."
He surface-skimmed what Computer Central offered, but there was nothing in those files that he didn't already know. Another field trip, then. Another sojourn in the soma of a transfer-mech, something he hated with a passion that would have surprised his fellow Rectifers. Few among them knew that his persona had ignited in the soma of a transfer-mech. Some off-orbit numb-wit had transferred out too far from an empty transfer booth. By the time the untenanted mech had made its automatic way back to the nearest empty booth, it had accumulated enough experiences to seed a new persona.
Those were his earliest memories, of wandering across the endless desert of a recreation complex while his mind had slowly built into a pattern of its own. He had avoided having to register for the Outie-draft, but it had taken him more than forty turns of hard, menial jobs for him to earn a name of his own. A name, and a place in society where he was safe from the Outie-draft.
Where to go? He reviewed his data, and blinked his eyes in rotation. Left, right, center.
The inside of this transfer booth was worn and dusty. So was the mech. Har-2 was buffeted by artificial winds as he stepped out into a blaze of sunlight, moving with a trace of stiffness until he'd stopped long enough to flex his solenoids a few times. Orbit Three was positioned about where the ancient planet Venus had circled Sol, ideal for the cultivation of tropical plants.
Across a broad and level plain, purple-leaved plants stretched in even rows. At intervals their symmetry was broken by ditches of fuming liquid, adding a pungent tang to the scent of growing things. There would be none but mech somas in this sector, since the effluvium from the unprocessed plants was deadly poison to anything organic. Every kilometer or so, fences divided off plots at different stages of readiness for harvest. Har-2 winced inwardly as the scene brought back memories long suppressed.
Here and there among the rows, industrious workers hoed and raked. Some were limited-mechs, leased from Computer Central for a fee only fractionally higher than the pay of a true persona. Others were brought here by the pitiless forces of society. Most were the lazy, the idle, the fractured personas or born losers who make up a substratum of every society. Others were as he had been, new-formed and without resources or talents that would have allowed them to be something better.
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Glee I hate myself, because I am no longer a man. It wasn't the way life was supposed to go, but the current me is the result. When I was 20 and in college, I was still a virgin. There were enough wild parties, but I was always too damn shy to really enjoy them. I had one girlfriend in high school, but I wanted to wait... and she didn't. We broke up and she went on to become known as a bit of a slut. Anyhow, my chance for things to change finally presented itself in the form of...
Well I have enjoyed sucking a few cocks before, but I never had a guy cum in my mouth. I have always fantasies about it – getting horning thinking about it while I jerked off. I have also wanted to taste my full load after I came while jerkin off, but just tasted my pre-cum mostly and never the full load, you know the feeling – after you cum it’s just over…I had the opportunity to meet up with a local guy I met while chatting on-line – Dave and I were both getting off on each other and decided...
When I had put on my wedding tuxedo, I had assumed that my dating days were over and that if I ever needed help picking out the perfect outfit to wear out in public, my lovely wife would be able to help me. But it was a little awkward for me to say, ‘Honey, I’m going on a date with your sister, what tie looks best with this gray shirt? Oh, thanks, you’re a doll. Of course I’ll tell her you said hello. No, don’t wait up.’ So I was left standing there on my own trying to match ties and shirts...
I think my husband and I have a good marriage. He has a stressful job and needs to work long hours. If he ever cheated on me, I imagine it must have been on a business trip or with some of his co-workers. While I got suspicious a couple of times, I never actually caught him or found any proof. I have always stayed faithful to him. I find my husband very attractive. He is four years my senior, tall and lean, funny and charming, and our sex is great. He likes to go slow, and loves to eat my...
Sergeant First Class Mark Smith watched as the heavily laden articulated carrier approached the truck he was loading. The massive pallet of munitions was headed for the Fourteenth Infantry Division. They were about to make a big push in Charlie-sector. Mark waved his datapad at the pallet's sticker, reading its encoded information. He checked the weight on the datapad's screen and told the carrier's driver, "That's a heavy one. You better make sure it goes near the front axle. The driver...
I was laid off from my job on December 16th. It was not totally unexpected as I had known for over a year that the lay-off was coming, but I had been told the effective date would be in mid-March so I was a little stunned when they kicked me out in December. When I took the lay-off it had been my intention to just collect unemployment for a couple of months and catch up on some things that I had let slide around the house, but after two weeks I was going stir crazy. So, on the first Thursday in...
Michael and I decided to meet. It seemed our minds and secret inner desires were in the same place. I drove from the airport to the hotel and checked in. I was ahead of schedule, so I unpacked and took a shower. About an hour later, I walked over to the restaurant near the hotel we agreed to meet. I thought about all of the e-mails we wrote. Now if everything worked out as we hoped, we would finish the day having giving each other our first homosexual experience.I wondered if Michael would make...
Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some understanding of...
Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain adult themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some...
One Change After Another By Julie O Chapter 1 The sound of my high heels clicking on the sidewalk was deafening to me. I paused for a moment when I caught a glance of my reflection in the windows of the storefront as I sauntered by. I truly looked like a fantasized version of street whore...and I knew it wouldn't be long until I was propositioned again, and I would be having set with...
Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise." If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some understanding of...
Now that Nicky had joined 'The Horny Mother's club' and summer had really kicked in the get together's happened most nights and Susey and I saw the change in Nicky. She had stopped taking the pills and was smiling more. Happy. Especially when she was enjoying her favourite pastime. A DP with Jorden and Toby. Debbie was also very happy. She just loved either Susey or myself dressing her up as a girl. Giggling like a little girl when we tried to hide her cock in a thong or pulling on her breasts...
Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise." If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to and read it post haste. This story assumes that you have some understanding of her...
Roulette 2: Taking Another Spin By Morpheus Wednesday afternoon, Nov 21st, 2007 I didn't like flying. Or more accurately, I didn't like being stuck in the middle seat with a fat guy on one side, who was encroaching on my space, while an old lady sat on my other side, hitting me with her sharp elbows every time she shifted position. So far, my trip home for Thanksgiving had been a little less than enjoyable. Between the MCO agents who glared at me during the security check...
The Travel Agency: Another Tail By Morpheus The sidewalk was covered with small puddles, each slowly getting larger as the rain continued to fall. I stopped, standing in a somewhat large puddle, scowling a little as I looked up at the office in front of me, then down at the business card in my hand. Gold letters adorned the business card, standing out clearly from the white background. They read simply 'Travel Agency' with a phone number below it. The card had been given to me the...
Victoria took a sip of her red wine; she stood up from the breakfast bar where she was sitting. Another sip and she walked through to her bedroom. She placed the glass down on the dresser, then had a second thought and took another drink.She opened her top drawer and went straight to back for a bag she had hidden there. She took a look inside and placed it on the bed. Taking a deep breath, she removed her clothes and returned her attention to the bag. Inside was a matching set of red lace...
CheatingTwo days after being wildly fucked inside the camping van at the car wash, I decided to come back there, to try to find those young guys…I used my own car. I parked close and watched around.I got down and walked to some small shops across the street, where the guys were standing before attacking me that night.I peered through a window of a gym salon; where I made eye contact with a young guy who immediately acted like he knew me. He quickly turned the other way. Then I walked right into that...
Here's what happened a while back when I set my wife up for a threesome with another guy for the first time! This might of been my wife's first time, but it was the ultimate fantasy come true for me. See my wife Dianne and I have discussed this for a very long time. We've been married for 16 years and have been talking about it since we've dated. We talk about it all the time, during sex, after sex and almost any time I can get her to talk about it. We've always fantasized about the two of...
I have had you could say a longing for another man’s cock in my mouth for a long time. I would always sneak a look in the locker room at school and couldn’t wait until I got home to masturbate to what I just had seen. I loved the look and feel of my own. But I knew I could never act on this feeling. I was married now. I could never cheat on my wife. Especially with another man. That would break her heart. This was eating my inside. It seemed the older I got the more obsessed I got. I had a...
BisexualOver the past year or so I had a number of fantasies of wanting to see my lovely wife Ann with another woman. The thought of seeing another woman pleasuring her while I watched had my cock throbbing beyond belief. Then this past year I got my nerve up, and I mention my desire to her. I told Ann how much I had wanted to watch another woman go down on her, and lick and suck her pussy until she screams out into a powerful orgasm all over the other woman’s face. Ann and I are your typical middle...
Wife LoversThe look of shock, and even sheer horror, that spread across my face was met with a wide, beaming smile from Dawn Sherrington, my adopted mum Zoe’s friend, and the School Nurse at my school. The blonde-haired woman looked up at me from the sofa as I walked into the living room, not saying a word as I noticed her sitting there. My eyes quickly shifted from the thirty-year-old woman to the collection of spanking implements that had been neatly laid out on the coffee table in the middle of the...
SpankingLynn is in the tub taking a relaxing bath one Saturday afternoon, while her husband watches a ball game on TV downstairs. They are going to a party that night and she feels excitement starting to build thinking about the evening. She stretches out in the warm scented bath water and begins to fantasize about what may happen. Her fingers slowly circle her nipples. They began to stiffen as she massages them with her fingers and thumbs. Her aureoles become more pronounced and dimpled. She cups her...
Wife LoversVacation at the Beach, Another Morality Tale There's a moment, as the afternoon fades toward evening and the beachgoers thin out; when the shadows start getting long and the light becomes perfect. You don't need sunglasses then. Anything seems possible. A man can dream. I wasn't interested in dreaming. I was about reality and how to shape it to my will. I knew the day was coming when I would be one of the most powerful men alive and no one would be able to stop me from doing what I...
I’ve just had the best weekend away in the caravan and I ended up fucking another club member when I was there, she was with her husband in their motor home and both of them were retired.I arrived at the rugby field at Ambleside in the Lake District just after the weekend rally had started and with being a Thursday, I had the pick of the field. I was by myself as the wife could not get time off work and pitched the caravan so the awning was next to the hedge for privacy, it wasn’t long before a...
Another Woman When my wife told me she wanted another woman in our marriage, I got pretty excited. I'm not complaining. Living with Heather have been the best two years of my life and what guy wouldn't want to be married to the most wonderful women in the world. And now this! When she said another woman, I had visions of some beautiful blonde to compliment my wife's lush dark features. I was imagining a Nordic blonde beauty with a waif like figure that you might see walking...
Set in a dystopian alternate reality (world created by George Kinaski, aka Marlissa) in which women have been stripped of rights and the best they can hope for is marriage or administrative office jobs in which they will be expected to sexually satisfy the boss. Against this backdrop, Sandi is trying to get a better jobShit. I forgot the coleslaw. I could picture the Tupperware container sitting next to the fridge. I sighed, fat lot of good it does me there. I peeked up at the clock. Time was...
Kelly returned home from college, ready to continue her torrid affair with her brother-in-law Danny, her sister Jenny’s husband. He rented a small cabin near the house they could use all over the Christmas break. Kelly hid a camera in one of the guest bedrooms at the mansion, and caught her aunt having sex with her uncle Christmas Eve, but not the one she was married to. Confiding in a friend, Kelly admits to her voyeuristic desires, and invites a receptive Charlotte to watch that...
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story; should seriously consider seeking professional help!! It was a night much the same as many others. I was sitting home, lonely, horny, and wondering what to do about it. There was no one to call and nowhere to really go, so I decided maybe a nice long walk might help. It was a quite hot night so I just...
I could not help myself. She lay there on her back in her panties and a bra-less t-shirt watching the TV. Her sweet 18 year old legs spread ever so slightly on the couch and her cute little ass enticed me even more. She was my housemate's little sister visiting to see the university and I knew walking over and talking to her was a bad idea. I knew that there was a good chance that within the hour I'd have her cute little face between my legs enjoying my cunt.Her name was Becky. She looked up at...