Murder Misstery Finis free porn video

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Murder Misstery Finis © 2007 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she the saga concludes, Maddy vows to end her life on the lam. By the author of The Jessica Project "Jacques, when I saw Dr. Villiers, the name I gave him was Madison Monroe. Do you think we can trust him not to talk to the police?" "How did you pay him?" "Cash, under the table." "Then you can trust him to keep quiet. He'd have problems of his own if the National Health System knew he was working off the books. Nevertheless, I'll have a word with him to make sure." "While you're at it, could you ask him something else?" He blinked when I told him what I wanted. "I have my reasons," I assured him. "It's somewhat bizarre, but I'll see what I can do." Jacques hailed a taxi, and he insisted on dropping me off at the apartment before returning to his office. We rode in silence, each of us preoccupied with our separate thoughts. Jacques may have been brooding over my macabre request or the possible implications of our relationship on his medical license. I was primarily concerned with where I would be spending the night! When the taxi pulled over in front of the apartment, I put on a brave front. "Thanks for lunch! Don't call me on my cell phone again, okay? If the police are onto you, they'll have the record of all my calls. I'm going to have to get a new phone, when I do I'll let you know my new number." "Where are you going to go?" "I can't live like this, Jacques. I need to put my old life behind me, once and for all." "I'm worried about you." "I can take care of myself, I'm a big girl." I kissed him hard on the lips and slipped away before I lost it. As soon as his taxi was out of sight, I brushed past the doorman and raced for the stairs. I took them two at a time, not an easy thing in a skirt and heels, determined to make it back to the apartment before I broke down. The exertion of racing up the stairs had a calming effect, and by the time I got to the apartment, I had almost composed myself. Think, Maddy! When was the last time I used my cell phone? Wasn't it the night I left Marseilles, when I'd made my abbreviated call to Jacques from the train? Madison Monroe had disappeared from the face of the earth that night... now all I had to do was make sure her disappearance was permanent. Once again I sat down at the computer and watched my manicured fingers flit over the keyboard, searching the Internet for another escape route. Only this time I was determined to travel in the style to which I'd become accustomed: no more couchettes for this girl! Soon I had come up with the outlines of a plan, and the details fell into place with surprising ease. Once I was sure where I was going, I packed my trusty Vuitton suitcase like a seasoned female traveler, put my new passport as well as my old one and a few other items in my purse, and called down to the doorman for a taxi to the Gare d'Austerlitz. Just before I went out the door the doorman called to inform me that a messenger had arrived with a package for me. I asked him to hold it for me downstairs. When I went to the lobby, he handed me a brown paper envelope about the size of a teacup. I tucked it into an outside pocket of my suitcase and got into my waiting taxi. I asked the driver to stop and wait for me at a large electronics store a few blocks away from the station. There I purchased another throwaway cell phone, with a Paris prefix this time. I'd already crushed my old cell phone under a stiletto heel before I left the apartment. I also splurged on the latest, thinnest notebook computer with wireless Internet access. When I got back into my taxi, I called Jacques' mobile number to try out my new phone. I got his voice mail and left this message: "Bonjour Jacques, je vous manque! Appelez-vous quand vous pouvez. Je t'aime, Madeline." Despite six months of self-instruction in Provence, my Berlitz French was still pitiful, but hopefully any prying ears would mistake Madeline for just the latest of Jacques' many mistresses. I asked the driver to make one more stop before he took me to the station: a branch office of Banque BNP Paribas, where I opened a new checking account in the name of Madeline Moreau. The account came with a credit card, which was essential, since my cash reserves were almost gone. I had enough euros left to tip the driver generously when he dropped me off at the Gare d'Austerlitz. With my purse over one shoulder, and my new computer bag over the other, I tugged my suitcase into the colossal concourse, following the signs to the ticket office for the Elipsos Trenhotel. Using my new credit card I reserved a Grand Class sleeping compartment on the Joan Miro to Barcelona, which was leaving in a few hours. Dinner was included with my fare, so although I was getting hungry, I killed some time browsing in the station bookstore, where I purchased a Michelin guide to Barcelona and a spent a long time studying a nautical chart of the western Mediterranean Sea. I was so preoccupied that I almost missed my train! Fortunately there were no check-in procedures before departure, as ticket control and passport checks were taken care of on boarding the train. There seemed to be an attendant for every passenger, and I was ushered with elaborate courtesy into my compartment, which in addition to a bed with crisp linens included a toilet, sink and shower. I was given a menu for the four course dinner which would be served by Wagon Lits in the dining car, and reserved a table for one at 10:00. It was very sad to watch the lights of Paris fade away as my train streaked south towards Spain. I missed Jacques terribly, and I wondered if I would ever see our little love nest again? One way or another, I was determined to reclaim my destiny. I turned on a reading light, kicked off my heels and sat down at the little folding table by the picture window in my compartment. Then I reached into my purse for some stationery and envelopes that I'd taken from the Plaza Athenee, and carefully composed this letter, using a ballpoint pen with indelible ink: Dearest Tracy, I don't know where to begin. Since our night together in London I've thought a lot about what I've done. My life is so screwed up! I am a man, living as a woman, who can never come home. You asked me how can I live with myself? The answer is, I can't. I'm sorry for any hurt I caused you. Love, Matt I sealed the letter in an envelope, addressed it to Tracy in Rosemont, put a French postage stamp on it, and put it back in my purse. I knew if I sent the letter, it would lay a heavy guilt trip on Tracy, but that was not my intention. Just then my cell phone rang. "Allo?" "Madeline?" It was Jacques. "Bonsoir, mon amour." He picked up my cue and continued the conversation in French, asking me where I was. I told him I was in the south of France, technically true, and assured him that I missed him and wanted him in my bed again soon. Jacques played along perfectly, and rang off with a promise to call me tomorrow. A glance at my diamond watch told me that I was late for dinner. I stepped back into my heels, grabbed my purse and made my way down the gently swaying corridor to the dining car. It was quite elegant, half- filled with well-dressed diners seated at intimate tables set with linen, crystal and silver. I was shown by a uniformed attendant to a table already occupied by a smartly dressed woman of about my age. I took the opposing chair and fumbled in my purse for a cigarette. She put down her Financial Times and lit one of her own. After we shared guilty smiles, she introduced herself as Gabrielle. Although I'd studied Spanish in high school and college, her Catalonian dialect was incomprehensible to me, and her French was as bad as mine, so we settled on English as a default language. I had to remind myself to dumb it down and speak with a French accent! "My name is Madeline," I told her. Although I was supremely confident in my passing ability by now, it occurred to me that this would be my first sustained conversation with a woman other than Tracy. How did girls talk to each other anyhow? "I like your sweater," Gabrielle said. "So feminine. Did you get it in Paris?" "No, in London, at Burberry's." "Is that where you got your skirt?" "Uh huh." "Very nice." "Thanks." I glanced down and saw her foot sticking out from under the tablecloth. A Gucci pump was dangling from her stockinged toes. "Umm, those are cute shoes," I said lamely. "I hate them! Sheer torture if I walk more than a few meters," she confided. Our conversation continued along those momentous lines while we waited for a waiter to take our orders. Gabrielle was drinking Campari and bitter lemon, which looked light and refreshing, so I ordered one too. Our chatter continued over entrees, salads and much wine. It turned out that Gabrielle was a newly-licensed architect returning from an internship in Paris. I deflected her questions about my livelihood, and soon the conversation turned to the inevitable. "Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked me. "Yes, his name is Jacques," I said with reflexive pride. "What does he do?" "He's a doctor in Paris." "Excellent. Is he...older?" "Yes." "Are you in love?" "Yes, except...he's married." I guess it was the wine talking. "Married men are much better. I'm so sick of the boys I'm seeing. All they want is to fuck, get pissed and watch football!" Don't knock it, I thought sadly. Not so long ago I would have been trying to figure out how to get into your pants. Now I'm sitting here in a skirt, talking to you about shoes and boyfriends.... We lingered over dessert and coffee. "How long are you staying in Barcelona?" Gabrielle asked. "I'm not sure. Do you live there?" "All my life. Where are you staying?" "I thought I'd try the Hotel Arts. Is it nice?" "Very! It's not too far from everything and right on the beach. Would you like to get together one night?" In my past life I would have pounced on it. Now, I could only smile and tell her that might be fun. Maybe we could go clubbing and meet some cute guys, she said. On that distressing note I stubbed out my last cigarette and wished her a good night. It was past midnight by the time I returned to my posh compartment. I was feeling very sorry for myself as I peeled off my stockings and stepped out of my skirt. How my life had changed! I'd just spent two hours with a hot chick, but now that I was a eunuch, I'd felt nothing downstairs. All I could think of as I undressed myself was how much I missed being a man, and how like a woman I'd become. The feeling of my satin nightgown against my smooth skin was some consolation. What are you complaining about? You're free, you're rich, and you're going to have sex again someday, only as a beautiful woman. I pulled up the covers, rested my head on the soft pillow, and fell into a dreamless sleep. I awoke to the first rays of sunlight peeking under the window shade. The Spanish countryside was baked to a golden brown, under a bright blue sky. I had a lot to do today, so I showered quickly, put on a little makeup, and selected my favorite sundress to wear with some comfortable espadrilles. Gabrielle was sitting at the same table in the dining car, and we passed the next few hours sharing girl talk over espressos and croissants. At one point I asked her to recommend the best place in Barcelona to find a cute swimsuit, and tried to stay with her as she critiqued the latest styles. We exchanged phone numbers and air kisses when it was time to return to our compartments to collect our things. It was a short taxi ride to the Hotel Arts. As Gabrielle had assured me, it was well-located on an esplanade which connected the beach to a modern shopping and entertainment district along the Port Olimpic marina. I inspected and rejected two rooms before I settled on what I was looking for: a suite with a small lanai, on an upper floor, fronting directly on Barceloneta Beach. As soon as I'd unpacked my things, I went out in search of a hardware store, where I purchased two ten liter buckets with snap-on lids. These I placed on the lanai. The rest of the morning I spent shopping for an oversize beach bag, several large bottles of spring water, and after I dropped these off in my room, my new swim suit. The shop recommended by Gabrielle was on Las Ramblas, which was a short taxi ride from my hotel. The bustling thoroughfare was full of life, lined with smart stores and restaurants. I lost myself in the crowd, savoring my freedom and the sheer enjoyment of being a pretty girl in a sundress on a sunny day. Eventually I came to the beachwear boutique, where for the first time since my transformation, I saw how my body looked in a woman's swimsuit. Not bad! Some of them made me look fat, and others accentuated various flaws, but eventually I found two modest one piece suits which hugged and highlighted all the right places, and a skimpy bikini that made me look downright hot. I bought several cover-ups and some sandals to go with them, along with a pair of oversize sunglasses and some girly ball caps which matched my swim suits. My final acquisition was a supply of tanning oils with minimal sunscreen. The shops were just closing for the afternoon siesta as I made my way back to the Hotel Arts. It was warm and sunny, a typical late summer's day on the Costa Brava, so I changed into one of my modest swim suits, filled my beach bag with water bottles and tanning oil, and headed for the beach. I tipped a beach attendant after he set me up with a chair and towels, and took my time applying tanning oil to my soft, smooth arms and legs. I pulled down the straps on my swimsuit and covered my back and shoulders as best I could. After I'd strapped myself back up I went straight to work. First I opened my water bottles and poured their contents completely into the golden sand. Then I carried them into the surf, wading out up to my waist before I bent over and filled each of them with Mediterranean sea water. After I screwed the tops back on the bottles, I put them in my beach bag and returned to my hotel room, where I poured them into one of the buckets on the lanai. By my mental calculation it would take another ten trips or so to completely fill both buckets, so I returned to the beach and continued with my one-woman bucket brigade throughout the afternoon. Fortunately the beach was crowded, and if anybody noticed the strange woman's comings and goings, they paid her no mind. By five o'clock, my shoulders aching and my back burned to a crisp, I'd filled both buckets almost to the brim. After that I returned to my room, where I selected a small purse - the type a woman tucks under her arm when she's wearing a summer dress - and filled it with a compact, lipstick, some miscellaneous female junk, the letter which I'd composed to Tracy on the train, my boarding pass and ticket for the Tangier ferry, and Madison Monroe's passport. Then I dropped it into one of the buckets full of sea water and snapped the lid tightly shut. My next task was more difficult. The package which had been delivered to my doorman the day before was still in an outside pocket of my suitcase. Carefully I removed it from the brown paper envelope and removed the bubble wrapping which surrounded a clear plastic case. There they were, looking like two passed-over prunes. A little tear ran down my cheek as I removed them from the case and wrapped them in my cotton panties, a pathetic burial shroud for Matt McCoy's manhood. I wadded them tightly into the panties and sank them to the bottom of the other bucket. After a quick shower to rinse the sand off my exhausted body, I flung myself down on the bed like a rag doll. My sordid tasks had killed my appetite, and I was lying there disconsolately, contemplating my tan lines - I'd always found them so sexy on a woman - when my cell phone rang. "Allo?" "Bonsoir, Cheri." It was Jacques. We spoke in French, using simple words and phrases, the language of lovers. I told him how much I missed him, and he asked me how I'd spent my day. When I told him about my new swim suits, he demanded a detailed description. I complained about my tan lines, which delighted him, and before I knew it, I was playing with myself while he whispered eroticisms into my ear. My neutered penis was unresponsive at first, but to my surprise I felt myself becoming aroused when I started to play with my breasts, which Jacques referred to lovingly as my grand tetons... then he told me to kiss my finger for him, and insert it into my derriere, which I did, arching my back in delight while my other hand continued to stroke my hardening nipples, until my whole body shivered as I succumbed to wave after wave of exquisite pleasure, my little penis twitching and dribbling like a forgotten bystander. I made Jacques promise to call me again at the same time tomorrow, and every night after that until I returned to Paris. The next day, what was to become my routine for the next two weeks, began with a room service breakfast at the table on my lanai. I requested that housekeeping make up my room first thing, and I smoked cigarettes and drank espresso on the lanai until the chambermaid had come and gone. Then I locked the lanai door and put on one of my conservative swimsuits for a day on the beach. The weather was predictably hot and sunny, and I took up my position near a lifeguard stand and began to observe the beach scene. It had a rhythm of its own, and gradually I became familiar with the characters and their routines. I noted when the scavengers came around to look for lost items, and which lifeguards were the most conscientious. Every day my tan got deeper and deeper, and by the end of the first week I was as brown as a bean. The only break in my routine was when I had lunch one day at an outdoor caf? on Las Ramblas with Gabrielle. She'd called to arrange a night on the town, but I'd declined, suggesting a ladies lunch instead. That was fine with her, and she told me to meet her at a little bistro the following day. I wore my chicest summer dress from Saint Tropez, and we spent a delightful afternoon sipping Sangria and sharing pizza topped with brie and walnuts. We were hit on several times, which annoyed Gabrielle as much as it amused me. There was a whole new world waiting for me, a world of girlfriends who shared a bond unlike anything experienced by guys, and a world of guys who were after the one thing that I didn't yet possess... When we were finished our lunch, I asked her if she could teach me how to say a few words in Catalonian Spanish, the dialect of Barcelona. "What exactly is it you want to say?" she asked. "Look at what I found in the water. It's a public disgrace! Shame on you!" "Why would you want to say those things?" she asked. "Oh, it's just a little joke I'm playing on a boy. Can you tell me how to say it?" She shrugged and taught me the words. I made her repeat them several times, writing it all down word for word and practicing my pronunciation until she assured me that I had it right. On my way back to the Hotel Arts I stopped at a shop on Las Ramblas to purchase a good pair of binoculars. Then it was back to the beach to continue my strange routine. Every night, after phone sex with Jacques and a room service dinner, I used my notebook computer to search the Internet for information about the corrosive effects of seawater. I never came up with anything conclusive as to cause and effect, so I would just have to go with my gut. Finally one morning I decided that it was time. After breakfast at my normal hour I opened one of the buckets on the lanai and carefully fished out the remains of my purse, which looked more like a glob of muck than an expensive ladies' handbag. Perfect. I dropped it into a plastic hotel laundry bag, which in turn I put into my beach bag. After I'd settled myself on the beach at my usual place, I waited until a few minutes before the lifeguards got on duty before I put my beach bag on my shoulder and started to take a casual stroll along the beach. When I was right in front of the lifeguard stand, I quickly removed the laundry bag and deposited my water-logged purse on the shore, so that the gentle waves were just lapping it. I continued to saunter along the beach for a few minutes before I circled back behind the lifeguard stand and returned to my chair to see what happens. As always the conscientious lifeguard who had the first shift arrived promptly at ten. He made a quick survey of the beach in front of his station, and when he spotted something unusual in the sand, he hopped down and picked it up. I had my binoculars with me, and I watched surreptitiously as he peered inside my purse and started to extract something. Then he stopped and returned to his station, where he picked up the telephone and said something down the line. It seemed to take forever before a jeep with police officers pulled up to the stand. I watched them put my purse into a large plastic bag and drive off. Then I rolled over onto my tummy, eased off my shoulder straps, and concentrated on my tan. My routine changed the next morning. Instead of going to the beach after breakfast on the lanai, I remained there with a stack of local newspapers, trying to decipher the Catalonian print as best I could. I was just finishing the last of them when I observed a commotion on the beach. Picking up my binoculars I observed two familiar-looking figures in suits and ties walking Nixon-like on the beach. Sure enough it was the same two FBI agents who had interrogated me in Tracy's apartment, a lifetime ago. I watched in fascination as they talked to the lifeguard who had found my purse, writing in their notepads as he pointed to where he'd found it. They left soon afterwards, but about an hour later a low- flying helicopter began to search the waterfront, making lazy circles farther and farther out into the Mediterranean until eventually it disappeared. It was time for my second act. Quickly I changed into my bikini, noting with smug satisfaction that it barely contained my breasts. God, I looked hotter than hell! Of course that was the whole idea... I tucked my blonde hair into a hot pink ball cap, put on my oversize sunglasses, and returned to the lanai to fetch my soggy panties. I rinsed them out in the seawater, making sure the sad remains of my manhood were no longer recognizable, before I tucked them into my bikini bottom and returned to the beach. I hung back until I made sure that the FBI agents were nowhere to be seen. Then I sauntered into the sea, gradually splashing my body until I was in up to my breasts. A glance up at the lifeguard on duty confirmed that the hot chick in the bikini was commanding his complete attention. I turned my ass towards him, pulled the panties out of the front of my suit, and started to squeal. "Ai...yi...yi...!" I shrieked over and over. The guard jumped down from his chair and sprinted towards me through the water, asking what was wrong. I pointed at the bloodstained panties floating in the water and repeated the lines that Gabrielle had taught me in Catalonian: "Look at what I found in the water. It's a public disgrace! Shame on you!" I waited to make sure he picked them up before I turned away and swam out to sea. Once again I retreated to my lanai to watch the show. Sure enough it wasn't long before Mutt and Jeff returned to the beach in their suits to interrogate the lifeguard. No doubt they asked him a lot of questions about the woman who'd discovered my panties, but having been a guy once myself, I was confident that his description would begin and end with my tits. I returned to Paris the next day, although I flew Air France this time. I was desperate to see Jacques again, and I knew I had done all that I could do in Barcelona. When he picked me up at the airport, Jacques was blown away by my tan, and after two weeks with Madame Bochy I could tell that he was hot and horny. Although neither of us had eaten we went straight to the apartment, where I performed my first ever blowjob. It wasn't as bad as I expected. I almost enjoyed the sensation of stroking a robust cock again, even if it wasn't mine... When it was time to take him into my mouth, I had an incredible feeling of power over him, and when he was done, he told me that he loved me. I zipped him up, freshened my lipstick, and insisted that he prove it by taking me to the most expensive restaurant in Paris. For the next few days I searched the Internet and newspapers for any developments in the manhunt for Matt McCoy. Finally, after three days, the story broke in the Chicago Tribune: CROSSDRESSING FUGITIVE COMMITS SUICIDE CHICAGO - A joint task force of the FBI, Interpol and the Chicago Police Department announced today that Matt McCoy, the Chicago securities dealer who has been the subject of an international manhunt, is believed to have drowned at sea. McCoy, who allegedly swindled millions from elderly investors, then murdered his co-conspirator and fled to Europe disguised as a woman, was last seen in Marseilles, where he boarded a ferry to Tangier using the name Madison Monroe. The task force declined to release more details, although sources within the CPD confirm that DNA taken from a hairbrush in McCoy's Chicago apartment provided a positive match with DNA found on a woman's undergarment which washed ashore on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. According to the same sources, McCoy's effects also included a purse containing a suicide note. Although badly deteriorated after several weeks under water, the note suggested that McCoy was despondent and had decided to take his life, presumably by jumping overboard somewhere off the coast of France. Although the manhunt for McCoy has been discontinued, an investigation continues against his former employer, and a fund has been established to help the elderly investors who lost their life savings. Although I'd planned it down to the last detail, I couldn't believe that it was finally over! I should have been over the moon, but for some reason I felt a tremendous letdown. Maybe part of it was knowing that my friends and family, and especially Tracy, would go to their graves thinking that I'd killed myself disguised as a woman. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was much more than that. I re-read the article, and did a little Internet research into the fund which had been set up to compensate Norman Wolf's victims. They were the poorest of the poor, yet hard-working and conscientious enough to have tried to set something aside for their old age, and now they were facing utter ruin. I phoned my Swiss banker and inquired into the status of my account. Interest continued to pile on top of my stolen millions, and my balance was up to $3,100,000 and change. I instructed my banker to wire the $100,000 into my new account at Banque BNP Paribas. That should be enough to pay for my sex change operation, and to keep me in skirts and dresses when I was back in my heels. Before I allowed myself too much time to think about it, I told him to wire the rest as a unanimous contribution to the fund set up in Chicago. After all, it was their money... When I hung up the phone, there were no regrets. I'd paid my price to society, and I had a lifetime as a beautiful woman to look forward to. If Jacques ever tired of me, I'd have to fall back on my wits and wiles as a woman. After all that I'd been through, I wasn't all that worried about my future. By the author of The Jessica Project

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Murder on the River Thames

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900*** "The Queen is Dead! Long Live the King!"What more important change than the death of a sovereign. At least, for the nation. Perhaps not for individuals. The end of the Victorian Age. The beginning of the Edwardian period. Would this country continue to be successfully powerful, or would it pass into dust following past empires.Early in the morning the Baroness Gullane took her constitutional along the...

2 years ago
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Murder is Easy

Murder is easy Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was rudely shoved to the ground and roughly held there by two guys, then I felt my skirt being yanked up. Without pausing, my panties were taken down to my knees and I felt his hands on my hips. Discovering my secret, he punched me in the head a few times, then he pushed against me, making me yowl in pain. He kept pushing until he finally pushed into me. I was ashamed, afraid and humiliated past the point of tears, then he...

1 year ago
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Murder by NumbersChapter 2

Mike ignored the voice that seemed to be distant and calling his name. Instead he concentrated on the files in front of him. The other thing that all these girls had in common outside of their profession was that they had all recently, within the last six months, had an abortion. They may have hidden it from their friends, neighbors, family members, but their medical records told all. He had searched Candi’s medical records to find out if she had been pregnant and found out that she had...

1 year ago
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Murder Fit to a T Part 1

?MURDER: FIT TO A T ? by Rob Grant Cast of Characters Lieutenant Dan Italia, half Italian, the other half mixed Scots-Irish, English and a little German, he was the 'whip' or commander of the Sixth Precinct Detective Unit (PDU), also known as the Sixth Squad. With nearly 20 years in, he was close to optional retirement, even though he was only 43. He held a Bachelor of Arts in History from a small state university in his native Pennsylvania and a Master of Arts in...

2 years ago
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Murder Two

Murder Two by jo199 I know that it sounds really chill, but I still think that killing him was the right thing to do. Admittedly, he wasn't a bad person, or anything like that. In fact, he was a regular goodie two shoes at times, though not particularly towards me; understandably not at the end for sure. So how, you might ask, is it perfectly fine to murder a perfectly healthy human being, and come out the other end thinking it the right thing to do? Let me start out by...

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Murder by NumbersChapter 5

The Investigation had moved into its fourth month, there was not any new victims, and many believed the killings had finally stopped. The newspapers no longer carried it as a front page story, and it wasn’t the lead on the evening TV news any longer. The killer just appeared to have stopped and as long as there wasn’t anything new the murders were looking like they would go unsolved. Mike received a phone call in the middle of the night it was from headquarters. “Mike, the killer has done...

3 years ago
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Murder Mystery Weekend Pt 06

The Big Reveal Finally, Teresa called us together for the ‘Big Reveal’, as she called it. We moved inside, gathering chairs into a big circle, and getting fresh drinks. Our Captain placed us individually, in the same order as her list that had been posted in the kitchen – the same one that helped us find the treasure. Claire was first, then Eliza. Craig looked so forlorn, that Teresa relented. She had the girls trade places, so that Claire and Craig could sit together. Leo was next, then...

3 years ago
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Murder on the Phucktacular Express

"OK folks, nothing to see here. Please go back to your rooms" Lt. Will Swallow ordered the crowd as he made his way from the kitchen to the train's bed compartment. Inside I, Captain Ivana Swallow was bent over ass up, inspecting the deceased body that was sprawled out on the lower berth. Will moved behind me and rubbed his crotch against my tight firm ass. "Mmmmmmm, what do we have here?" Will smiled wickedly. "I wish you would stop doing that. What would happen if someone...

2 years ago
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Murder by NumbersChapter 4

The psychiatrist was going over his notes on the patient. Darlene Watson –Drake was born, February 16,1963. Her mother died while she was a young girl. Father never remarried, and started to sexually abuse her by age eight. Her father was a known drug dealer, mostly marijuana, according to subject. Under hypnosis subject has stated that she killed her father May 30, 1980, before her high school graduation. According to her it occurred, because he had tried to rape her while she was getting...

3 years ago
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Murder House

I watched as a bolt of lightning zipped across the sky, followed quickly by another and then a third. Thunder rolled, starting softly at first as if coming from a great distance and then rising to a quick crescendo of almost earsplitting sound. The wind pushed my car along the road and I cursed myself for being so stupid as to be out on a night like this. If that call hadn't come in, I wouldn't be here. No, that wasn't exactly true. If I hadn't been so greedy and certain that the buyers...

4 years ago
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Murder by NumbersChapter 6

Mike was at his desk completing paperwork when the phone rang. He briefly considered allowing the call to go to voicemail. Then decided he would only have to deal with it later, so he answered it. “Detective Hammond’s desk”, he answered. “I have some information you may be interested in.” A disguised and toneless voice told him. “What kind of information, what does it pertain too.” he answered evenly, while getting a pen and a notepad ready. “The kind that involves your daughter’s...

3 years ago
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Murder in Pink Part 2

Murder in Pink Part 2 by Tanya Lynn Cast of characters *The good guys* David Scott and Tanya Lynn Lamm- our intrepid, dual identity private eye and hero. Carol Darfler- loyal secretary who knows his dual identity. Steve Romeros- police detective and Dave's best friend and former partner Susan Taft- David's girlfriend and Tanya Lynn's best friend. Various minor characters (cops, etc.) *The victim* Lydia Sisneros- a vicious old lady who had spent her life...

2 years ago
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Murder in Pink Part 3

Murder in Pink Part 3 by Tanyalynn ?? Author's note-I missed a couple of characters in the last part's cast of characters- Karen Lamm- our heroes sister and a lawyer Rusch Graham- a lawyer and friend of the hero. Tom Rivera- a cop who hates Steve, our hero's cop buddy ? I spent the night racking my brain trying to figure out what I knew. Sometimes the solution to a mystery I am reading will come to me in my sleep, but it didn't work. Steve called at about 9 am to...

1 year ago
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Murder in Magnolia

This is my first posting of a non-erotic story. This is actually a story taken from a new Matchmaker Bandits novel I currently have being edited. I have removed the Bandits and adult content leaving this, the PG-13 rated version. After four attempts, I have found all the errors I could. Please let me know what you think of it, rate it, leave feedback (even bad) and point out errors if you find them. *********** This story is fiction. According to my internet search, there is no town in...

3 years ago
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Murder in Pink

I wrote this story when I was a young, new author, as a tribute to my favorite kind of novel. I am cleaning it up a little bit, but bringing it over here otherwise unchanged. It was pretty popular back then, and if there is some interest in it now, I have a sequel in mind. Murder in Pink Tanya Lynn I opened the door to my office and walked in. I said hi to my secretary Carol and went to my private office with my messages. I needed to get ready to see a client who wanted...

3 years ago
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Murder in Another Orbit

Har Li-Quat, recently promoted to the status of Rectifer-First, allowed a pleased smile to surface as he floated at his desk. The changing hues of his cubicle walls reflected his good humor. He was no longer a probationer, but a full-fledged member of Computer Central's Rectification Bureau. Foxy-faced, with red hair and a bristling moustache, he wore his full-organic soma with the ease of long practice. Only a few of his closest confidants knew his secret; that he hadn't been decanted in an...

2 years ago
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Murder by the NumbersChapter 2

"Maureen," I asked her right from the start of our conversation, "was it just me, or was Bad News Bear really the worst thing you've ever watched in your entire life?" "Worst doesn't begin to cover it. Sometimes there are bad shows that are really almost kind-of fun to watch, being awful but in an interesting or amusing sort of way, but Bear was completely different. Terrible in the very worst way, not just merely bad ... but really something actually evil." "And you've watched...

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Murder by NumbersChapter 3

The psychiatrist, Dr. Brent, was finally making some headway into the case; he had been seeing this patient for about a year now. The patient was middle aged. He was trying to come to the beginning of the psychosis. He had put the patient under hypnosis and was trying to go as far back as memory would allow. In reviewing his notes he could pinpoint what his patient thought was close to the start of the problem. “I am waiting for the mailman, I know that dirty magazine will be delivered this...

1 year ago
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Murderous Glee 2 The Laughter Is Back

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and contains acts of extreme violence, sexual slavery, and other things not suited to the real world. Don't imitate and avoid reading if it will make you upset. Murderous Glee 2: The Laughter Returns Episode One: Jill Came Tumbling After I think its best to start with the last person I killed before getting back to society. I had escaped the clutches of a cult of Dianic wiccans who had turned me into a woman for my supposedly chauvinistic...

4 years ago
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Murder by the NumbersChapter 6

It was with a sudden start that I woke up many hours later at about the middle of the afternoon of the next day. I’d fallen asleep sometime during the early morning out of sheer exhaustion while sitting down on the concrete floor back against the corner wall next to the storage room door for ‘just a minute or two’ to rest my eyes. Now as I scrambled back onto my feet I was still boned tired from most of a week without proper sleep, and now sore from sleeping on the floor for nearly half of a...

1 year ago
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r/GirlsFinishingTheJob/, aka "Reddit Girls Finishing The Job"! If you’re on Reddit frequently, then you know that there’s no shortage in supply of hot NSFW subreddits for you to check out and enjoy. One such subreddit is /r/GirlsFinishingTheJob and it’s absolutely amazing if you ask me. Sure, I might be The Porn Dude and I might like to just go to a porn site straight away, but if you’re looking for something specific and you’re into community posting, then this place is much better than what...

Reddit NSFW List
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Murder Doll

It was an ordinary morning, and you have woken up to the sound of birds chirping. Seemed peaceful, right? Well, not really, for the newspaper's latest article involves Xenon Inc., and it ain't pretty. Not as pretty as you are, though. As you leave the bedroom to shower, your past of joining the Raven Assassin group run through your mind. Seems that they count on you to protect the city of Wrix. And it's also the year 4011. After you shower, you gaze yourself in front of the mirror. Your name is...

1 year ago
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Murder by the NumbersChapter 3

Maureen was still crying when I left her late on Sunday afternoon, but these I believe were tears of relative happiness and joy rather than sorrow. Besides, I was sure that those welts on her well sodomized ass would heal up in no time. We’d both rather enjoyed ourselves this weekend and I was still positively giddy for the duration of the drive back home to New York. Like the redeemed Scrooge on the morning of Christmas day, excitement effused out from every pore and I wanted to laugh and...

2 years ago
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Murderous Glee No Longer a Man

Glee I hate myself, because I am no longer a man. It wasn't the way life was supposed to go, but the current me is the result. When I was 20 and in college, I was still a virgin. There were enough wild parties, but I was always too damn shy to really enjoy them. I had one girlfriend in high school, but I wanted to wait... and she didn't. We broke up and she went on to become known as a bit of a slut. Anyhow, my chance for things to change finally presented itself in the form of...

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Donaldson lay on his back staring at the ceiling, the body of his wife lay sprawled across his, both letting the sweat of their activities dry. He could smell the aroma of their sexual activity and feel his wife's hand moving over his lower body. Damn Don, she said quietly, where did that come from? It's been so long since you've responded so well. He grunted in response to her inquiry, he didn't want to tell her that she was not his inspiration during their act. That someone else filled him...

1 year ago
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His Youngest Nubile Daughter Part 6 Fini

Lilly was mortified. Her worst fears had been realized and she knew it was her own fault. She jerked her hand away from her big sister's cunt and lay trembling beside her, uncertain whether to run out of the room or stay and make some attempt to explain what she was doing there in the bed with her. She felt big drops of nervous sweat trickle from her armpits as she waited anxiously. "Ummm," Kelly moaned faintly. Then she surprisingly groped sleepily near her crotch, making little sounds of...

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Daughters Oral Fun Chapter 5 fini

"Honey, I'm concerned about your marriage," Van said softly, running one hand along the girl's inner thighs which were wet with cum and pussyjuice. "Oh, Daddy, don't worry about it," Loni said with a little sigh, "I told you that things are better." "Better… but still not good enough. Honey, I want the very best for you because I love you so much! You deserve it all! And you certainly deserve a first-rate marriage and an outstanding sex life with your own husband!" Van said...

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august pt2 Unfinished

And footsteps walking down the hall to your sisters' room. A door opens and then slams shut. She's mad at you. You could recognize that sequence of sounds from a mile off. The entry and retreat of an angry younger sister. Not that you can blame her, really, not after last time, when you... well. You know it was wrong. You know you shouldn't have, but it just felt so good, being inside her, feeling her walls pulse around your length, shooting your... ...Yeah, you definitely shouldn't...

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Camp part three unfinished

Celeste:- "Jonah it isn't your fault, it never was, all the things you did they were never you, he contolled you, turned you into something you're not" Jonah:- "But.." Celeste:- "No but's mister, in the end you get to be the hero, you have to finish this, finish of lance for good, protect the camp and protect yourself" Jonah:- "But you..I..I.." Celeste:- "I know Jonah and it's too late to do anything, i want you to do one thing for me though, Jonah i want you to be...

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Laura pays up unfinished

I passed the blunt to Chris, as Samm leaned on my shoulder. We were on the folding chairs and one couch Cole kept in the garage, It was separate from the condo, so we could smoke without being obvious about it. Tyler was just finishing his story about the first time he tripped acid, last night. “While I was the house, picking up Brad, there were these chicks there man, like, his sister and her friends. One of em over heard me and him talking about it, and asked if we had any to spare. I was...

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my wifes secret unfinished

It has always been my greatest fantasy to share my sexy gorgeous wife Mindy - had some time on my hands so decided to start writing that story - any help finishing it would be greatly appreciated - MorkI can't believe my eyes! There on the screen in front of me is my shy but sexy wife Mindy moaning in ecstasy as she is being fucked by a hairy muscular guy. She is on her back in our big bed, her legs wrapped tightly around his body, her small feet resting on his ass as he pounds into her. The...

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Loves song unsung unfinished

He looked at her cool face, cheeks slightly pink from the cold night air.Her eyes bright with reflections of the moons passing. Stars dancing in her eyes.He wished he could delve into them, explore their depths before the sun rose.She sighed, cocking her head slightly to her left."So, you got me here, what do you want to talk about that's sooo very important, it took me away from my bed?" Her southern drawl made the night air sizzle as she spoke.Was this a magic night? No one knew.... then.He...

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Fat Target unfinished

A young woman walked down the street of the Arcadian suburb. She wore a cute purple dress with a white shirt revealing a complete lack of cleavage. Her face had a "make-up less appearance" of neutrality while she in fact had spent an hour on it getting it right. Her shoulder length blond hair ended in quite a few curls. She was wearing a set of dark red high heels, her legs as smooth as could possibly be half covered in white-and green striped long socks.Occasionally at times you could...

1 year ago
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I knew Andy from high school, too, but he was mostly Tony’s friend. After he moved in, I got to know him better and we got along nicely. He was good looking, relatively neat, and the three of us did well as roommates, so it was a good situation for all of us. Andy was also pretty flirty and funny, and he paid a lot of attention to my large, natural 36E boobs, which I got a kick out of….and we horsed around a lot, which sometimes led to the occasional squeezed tit and grabbed crotch. It was...

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The Pool Party (Revised) NEED YOUR HELP TO FINISH THE DIALOGUE! ***Please follow my story line while writing the rest. I included it at the end of the text.***By: WowImBigPart 1There I was, wading in the shallow end of the pool, with my fellow classmates at our senior year pool party; trying to act normal while I was hiding the biggest dirtiest secret ever. Last night, I was pumping my pussy with the monster pump cup I made... and I fell asleep with it on me... suction was strong as ever. 7...

3 years ago
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Holley Learns to Finish

Before she became a habitué of Mayhem Crossing, Holley was an innocent eighteen-year-old high school drop out. She was sheltered as a child. Home schooled by her mother. Until she left home, she never talked to boys. Never knew much about them. Now having been on her own for several months, she had become curious about this stuff called sex. It seemed to be the thing to do but Holley was scared.All the girls at Wal-Mart where she worked seemed to talk about boys and sex all the time. She was...

Oral Sex
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Great facial finish

I have a relatively new girlfriend, who is awesome in bed but frustratingly isn't into anal, which is one of my passions in life. Luckily she loves a facial and in all other aspects is a filthy girl who likes to show off.She loves being drilled hard and is noisy as hell irrespective of neighbours, friends etc being within earshot, in fact I think she gets off on it. She is totally relaxed and confident sexually to such an extent that she has happily gushed all over her bed, my bed and her sofa...

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A Late Finish

Her demeanor was that of a complete professional - head high and back straight as the Labrador worked, her charcoal business suit neat and clean, contrasting nicely with her blonde fur. A set of horn-rimmed glasses were perched on her muzzle, set perfectly straight. The tapping of keys was interrupted by a knock on the door to her office. Not looking up from her work, Linda called out; "Come in." The door swung open and a squirrel in her teens nervously entered. She was one of the work...

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A Late Finish

Introduction: Before you begin, the main character is a furry. Just ignore that fact it if you dont like furries – I dont think I go too far into detail. for it. If its really a problem for you, send me a message or leave a comment and Ill try and write a human version. Linda sat at her desk, keyboard rattling as she typed up her latest report on the newest addition to the kennels. Shed been managing the renovation of the East Wing of the building, turning it into a breeding suite for pedigree...

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The Neighbor Photo Finish

Early morning I was wide awake with Cynthia still sleeping in my bed. I decided to have a little fun with her while she remained quiet. I took out my camera and started snapping pictures of her. I removed the sheet covering her up and took a few more shots. She was wearing a pajama top but she wore no underwear making it easier for me to get shots of her pussy. That beautiful, sweet, and chocolate covered pussy. Just thinking about it made me hungry. I continued taking pictures. I took shots of...

1 year ago
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A Rush to the Finish

"Yes," Gwen nods, "the only way you'll get with me again." Gina grins. "C'mon, man, let's do this," Ricardo sighs. Gwen crosses her arms. I look the 5 and a half foot high light brunette over. Her crossed arms emphasized her D-sized breasts even more. I was with Gina and Gwen was with Ricardo but it had never really mattered. Everyone knew I liked Gwen better--and Ricardo hated that. So he thought of something. "OK, what's this again?" I throw up my...

2 years ago
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A Real Finish

All eyes were on us. Saturday night at the local race track in southern Kentucky was always a fun one. Food, alcohol, and local racers trying to make a name for themselves in hopes that one day maybe they’ll get a big break and crack a deal with a bigger team and make it to the big stage of NASCAR. I myself, am just your average 16 year old. I get high marks in school, I hang out with friends, but on the weekends, I pack up my Pro National stock car and head out from my home in...

1 year ago
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Race to the Finish

My pulse was pounding as I flew down the shaded gravel path. Did I lose him? Looking around, I saw only the peaceful forest. Ah! There it is! The lone oak tree on the hill stood proud in the distance. All fatigue seemed to flee my body as I rounded the curve to start up the hill. Just before I reached the halfway point on the grassy mound, I felt something slam into my back, forcing me to the ground. Panting hard, I flipped onto my back to see what had caused my fall. Lo and behold, there he...

1 year ago
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Picture Perfect Finish

A blast of cold air greeted me rudely as I exited the subway station on my way home from the office. It was unusually cold for early November, and the weather darkened my already foul mood from a long day at work. I walked briskly towards my house and checked my watch. It was almost 9:30 p.m. Anne was going to be pissed. This was the third night in a row that I hadn’t made it home for dinner and to help the kids with their homework. I unlocked the front door and cautiously pushed it open. I...

4 years ago
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HotWife Amber The Clients The Finish

The rest of the morning went smoothly. They somehow were able to get on with the day’s business and interact, almost as if nothing had happened. Nobody seemed to detect any thing out of the ordinary during any of their meetings or throughout the working lunch. Amber was relieved that there was no awkwardness. After the last meeting of the day, Jesse asked Amber to hang back until the rest had left the conference room. Amber was thinking that Jesse was going to say a standard, ‘We won’t say...

1 year ago
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My late best friend Bert Lewis whilst out fishing was caught in an awkward position masturbating in the sheltered part under the highway bridge above the spillway in eastern South Dakota back in the summer of 1960 whilst I was vacationing with my late Uncle Bruce and Aunt Minnie in Niagara Falls and Ontario. He was well and caught by Mrs Reed, wife of the local lawyer who had seen his car parked above the spillway and had gone down to fish as well and got a good look at his special “rod” as...

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