Daughter’s Oral Fun Chapter 5 Fini free porn video

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"Honey, I'm concerned about your marriage," Van said softly, running one hand along the girl's inner thighs which were wet with cum and pussyjuice.

"Oh, Daddy, don't worry about it," Loni said with a little sigh, "I told you that things are better."

"Better… but still not good enough. Honey, I want the very best for you because I love you so much! You deserve it all! And you certainly deserve a first-rate marriage and an outstanding sex life with your own husband!" Van said fervently.

"I know, Daddy. I feel the same way. But what can I do?" Loni asked plaintively.

"Talk to you… tonight, honey! Spell it all out for… just how unsatisfying your sex life with him is and how he'll have to find a way to learn how to please you in bed or the two of you will be headed for divorce!" Van said.

Loni gasped in shock. But then, she realized that her father was right. Fucking her daddy these days was helping her get along better with her husband, but she was smart enough to know that it was, at best, a stopping measure.

"You're right as usual, Daddy. I'll talk to Red tonight," the youngster promised.

"Good girl," Van murmured approvingly. "Now… how about another fuck?"

"Oooh, goody!" Loni cried eagerly.

Loni's golden hair fell across her shoulders and down on her tits. She walked toward her bed, and Red smiled when he saw that she had let her hair down for him, the way he had told her he liked it.

She slipped under the covers and lay down next to her husband, and he reached out to touch her hair. The back of his hand brushed her soft tit.

With a warm smile, Loni took Red's head in her hands and pressed her open mouth against him, kissing him passionately. He kissed her back hard. Their open mouths were fastened together. Red thrust his tongue inside his wife's mouth, tasting her sweetness.

She leaned against him, her tits grazing his naked chest. The warm mounds of tit-flesh flattened as they pressed against him. Red could feel their warmth through her sheer nightgown.

He embraced her, shoving his tongue deeper into her mouth. As husband and wife kissed, Loni caressingly ran her hand over his bare shoulders.

She thrilled to the feel of the trim muscles flexing beneath her fingers. Her searching hand dropped farther down to his crotch which was still covered by the blanket. She could feel his prick growing large and hard.

The blanket lifted upward in a tentlike bulge as the boy's hard-on grew. Loni fondled it through the bedclothes, tracing the outline of the now-hard rod of flesh. She squeezed its swollen knobbed head.

Red groaned deep in the back of his throat and his tongue moved urgently against his wife's.

Loni felt as if her blood was boiling. Never before had she felt so turned-on to her husband, and she said a silent "thank you" to her daddy for insisting that she discuss her problem with Red. It had been only a few weeks since that discussions that had lasted far into the night, and already their sex life was improving by leaps and bounds.

Loin's nipples tingled erotically, swelling with engorged blood. They puckered, stiffened, and grew as hard as rocks, jutting out against the fabric of her gown.

She broke off their kiss, moaning when she saw her saliva shining on her husband's mouth.

"You just lie back and let me make you feel good, darling," she said softly.

She stood up, and she liked the way Red's eyes fastened on her stiff nips which were pressing against her flimsy garment.

"Let's just see what we have here," she murmured, pulling the blankets down to the middle of his thighs, exposing his throbbing prick. "Mmmm, how you've grown!" she said thickly, hungrily chewing her bottom lip.

As he reached for her with a groan, she stepped back slightly.

"Wait. Let me get all naked for you, darling," she murmured.

With a slow, sensual motion, she slipped the straps of her gown down off her smooth shoulders, freeing her tits which jiggled slightly.

"Ohhhh, you sexy bitch," Red groaned, using words he never would have uttered just weeks ago. He groaned again, wanting his wife so badly he could taste it. His quivering cock bobbed and jerked impatiently. But he restrained himself, remembering all that he had been learning lately about not moving so fast when it came to sex, about taking things slowly, letting them build to a fever pitch, and about being sure that his wife got as much pleasure out of fucking as he did.

Thrilled by her husband's unusual restraint, Loni tugged her tight gown down off her hips, and it slid along her thighs and down her calves to her feet. She stepped out of it, completely naked now. Her stiff nipples and bloated pussylips were both a dark shade of pink, almost red with her hot blood.

Red wrapped his arms around her thighs as she climbed into bed beside him. She swung her long legs up on the mattress. She knelt between his long, muscular legs. His trembling prick brushed against her soft thighs. She could feel the heat of his hard-on and she moaned with lust.

Her husband looked hungry to her eyes. His mouth was open and his eyes were bright and glazed. She moved so that her stiff-nippled tits rubbed his face.

"God, Loni!" he gasped.

She swayed her upper body from side to side, rubbing her tits against him.

She put her hands on the back of Red's head and pulled him to her, burying his face between her tits, sheltering him there between them. The warm smooth flesh pressed the sides of his hated face. Loni pulled back, cupping a tit in her palm, offering it up to his drooling mouth.

She guided her stiff red nip to his lips. He wrapped them around her nipple and sucked ferociously.

"Ohhh, yesss, Red," Loni sighed, pressing his head to her tit and caressing his hair while he nursed at her nipple.

While he sucked, she reached down between his legs and closed her fist around his hard cock. She felt it throbbing in her grip and she moaned with excitement.

Teasingly, she stroked his prick, running the tips of her fingers along the shaft, which grew increasingly hotter and thicker.

"Unnnhhhh," Red groaned when his wife lightly scraped her fingernails along his cock. Then she began to gently finger his balls. They were hard and tight in their sac. Sharp shooting sensations pulsed in her stiff nipple as his lips hungrily chewed and sucked.

Her juices flowed in her pussy and her cuntlips quivered.

Red moaned as she pulled back, taking her tit away from his mouth. Saliva shone on the stiff red nip. She lowered her head to his legs.

"Oh, Loni!" he gasped.

Her long hair caressed his balls and cock. She gripped his prick and guided it to her open mouth. She licked her lips, wetting them. She kissed the smooth cockhead before taking it inside her mouth.

Red trembled all over as his hard prick was surrounded by his wife's hot, wet mouth. He closed his eyes with pleasure and leaned his head back against the headboard of the bed.

Loni's tongue fondled his cockhead, teasingly licking it. She rubbed it against the smooth, slippery roof of her wet mouth. Then she lowered her head more, taking his cock deeper into her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked him. Her head bobbed up and down.

Red fondled his wife's hair, her face, her shoulders. He touched her tits, running his fingers over the soft flesh and the firm nips. Loni wetly slurped and sucked her husband's cock, which trembled in her mouth. She was so proud of him for having learned how to hold back. Always before, before their discussion that night, the boy had come at once when she had taken him into her mouth.

Her head bobbed faster and faster, her puckered lips caressing his heated cockshaft as they glided up and down on it. His cock was now so hot on her tongue that she felt as if it were burning her.

"Ohhhh, Loni, what you're doing to me… God!" Red gasped, shaking his head from side to side.

Loni took the boy's cock as deep in her mouth as possible, so that it was way back in her throat. She squeezed his balls, wanting to bring him off now.

And she did. Red groaned loudly. Loni clamped her mouth around his throbbing cock as his cum spurted from his swollen cockhead. She sucked it down hungrily as it jetted from his tiny pisshole, gulping the tasty jism down. The thick jizz slid down her throat hotly, comfortingly.

"Jeecesus!" Red cried. He clenched his hands into fists, digging his nails into his palms as the force of his orgasm rocked him.

Loni swallowed her husband's cuxn, her sucking mouth milking him dry, taking each and every chop down inside her.

She kept his hard cock in her mouth long after he stopped coming. It remained rigid after the last tremors of his orgasm faded away.

She pulled her head up, rubbing her lips against his heated cockmeat. The red shaft with its pulsing blue veins was shining with cum and saliva.

She held the knobbed cockhead in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, licking the last drops up before she took it out of her mouth.

She smiled down at her husband, putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him down so that he was lying flat on this back on the bed.

His cock remained stiff, strong and red. His chest rose and fell with heavy breathing, and he struggled for air, his eyes fixed on his lovely wife.

Loni's hand closed on his hard-on so that the red, knobbed head jutted out from the top of her fist. Red sighed with pleasure when she squeezed his cock, making a single drop of cum ooze from its red tip. She licked it up, swallowing it eagerly.

Loni stuck her middle finger in her mouth and sucked it lewdly. Saliva dripped from it when she took it out, and her hand dropped down between her legs.

She pressed her wet finger between her quivering pussylips and glided it upward, nearing her saliva on her cuntmeat. Inside her fuckhole, she was already dripping wet.

She straddled her husband's lean hips, still holding his cock upright. Her folded legs pressed against his sides, her pussy poised over his prick.

She was up on her knees. She lowered herself until his flesh touched hers, with his cock pressing against her wet pussy. She rubbed the broad cockhead along her wet pussylips.

"Oh, God, I'm so horny!" she gasped and then she froze, wondering if her husband would scold her for talking dirty, as he used to.

"Me too, you sexy bitch! Go for it, baby! Fuck my cock!" he responded, much to her relief and delight.

Loni smiled down at him as she guided his cock into position between her pussylips and lowered herself down on it. The red head of his swollen prick pried apart her pussylips, spreading them out to the sides.

Her cunt was bright pink and dripping wet deep inside and it pulsed as it closed around the boy's cock.

Both husband and wife gasped and trembled as the cockhead filled her pussy, throbbing against her tight cuntwalls. She lowered herself farther down, taking his cockshaft deep inside her.

Her pussywalls stretched to make room for the long, thick prick.

Red felt shaken by the excitement of his shaft gilding slowly over his wife's wet pussyflesh. Before, he had always thrust into her so quickly that he had missed that tantalizing sensation, and for the first time, he began to realize that he had been cheating himself every bit as much as he head been cheating Loni. He was only glad that she had cared enough about their marriage to talk to him that night so that he could realize the seriousness of their problem.

Loni's pussy felt like hot, wet velvet to the boy's cock. She had taken him fully inside her and his cockhead bumped against the back wall of her cunt.

Her pussylips circled the base of his prickshaft, circling his rod of hard meat Loni leaned forward, making him fill her even deeper. She stretched out on her husband's gasping body. Her stiff-nippled tits grazed his flushed face and she stuffed a nipple into his open mouth.

She moved, rocking her hips back and forth and sideways. The erotic friction thrilled both husband and wife as his huge cock glided over her dripping cuntflesh.

Her ass jiggled as she rose and lowered herself. When her hips moved upward, the red shaft emerged into view from between her cuntlips.

Then she would lower herself again, taking him deep inside her, grinding her hips into his so that her pussylips were pressed flat against him.

The mattress sagged and the bedsprings creaked as husband and wife writhed together in ecstasy, faster and harder.

Loni's tit filled Red's sucking mouth, muffling his cries as he came.

His body went rigid, shaking violently. Loni gave her hips a few more violent writhings, grinding savagely into Red's hard cock to bring herself off.

"Commmiiinnngggg!" Loni screamed as she climaxed. She sat upright on her husband's cock, shaking and sobbing with ecstasy.

Her pussy quivered convulsively. It contracted rhythmically against Red's prick as she came, squeezing the orgasming cock, milking it dry.

Loni slumped on her husband's shaking body and sobbed for breath as they finished coming together. They lay still for a long time, recovering from the most thrilling fuck session they had ever shared. Red's cock was still hard inside her and she could still feel it pulsing against her pussywalls.

Moments later, she rolled off him. Her pussy tingled as his hard cock slid over her wet cuntflesh and finally popped free of her pussylips.

She lay alongside him now, on her side, smiling happily at him. Red pressed up against her so that his cock pressed against her ripe asscheeks.

He reached around her, clutching her tits, one in each hand.

"Darling, that was the best ever," she sighed, fondling his lean hips and taut thighs.

"I know. It was great!" Red said, smiling with satisfaction.

"I don't know what you've been doing, Red to get help with our sex problem, I mean, but it's working great so I only hope you'll keep it up," she said with a smile.

"Oh, I don't have any intention of stopping now. I'll definitely keep it up," Red said.

They grew silent again and Loni realized that she didn't even know what her husband had been doing or what kind of help he was getting. She had assumed that he was going for some kind of counseling, but she wasn't sure. He had never said.

"Honey, you've never really told me. What kind of help have you been getting?" she asked in a puzzled tone. "Is it counseling?"

"Well, not exactly, though I guess in a way…"

"Red! You're driving me crazy! Tell me! How have you been learning to make love so beautifully during these last few weeks?" Loni asked curiously.

"Loni, I'd rather not say right now. And does it really matter? After all, isn't it the results that count?" Red asked.

Loni hear the serious tone in her husband's voice and she knew

that, for some reason, he really did not want her to question him any further.

"You're right, darling! It's the results that count! And the results are fanfuckingtastic!" she cried, hugging him hard against her.

A few days later, Loni used her own key to let herself into her parents' house. She wanted to see her daddy, to let him know how wonderfully his advice had worked out. She wanted to tell him how far her husband had come in so short a time, and how much improved their sex life was. And, more than anything else, she wanted to fuck her daddy.

She wandered through the house, calling for him, and then for her mother. But no one was home. Just my luck, she thought with disappointment as she made her way into her parents' bedroom.

The young horny girl stood there next to the bed for a few minutes, looking down at it and wishing that she and her daddy were lying nakedly on it that very moment. With a sigh, she threw herself down onto the bed and stretched lazily, hoping that her daddy would be home soon. And, before she knew it, she had fallen asleep.

When she awoke a short time later, she was startled to see her mother standing in the doorway, staring at her with a strange expression on her pretty face.

"Well, this is quite a surprise, honey," Lois Sullivan murmured, her eyes moving over the length of her daughter's body.

"Oh! Mom! Hi! You startled me!" Loni said with a flush, sitting upon the bed.

"So I see," Lois said with a smile. "I haven't seen you in awhile. Come here and give your mother a big hug!"

Loni stood up woodenly by the side of the bed as she watched her mother moving toward her with outstretched arms. Loni was surprised and puzzled by her mother's unusually affectionate manner. The two females had never been very close, but any casual observer would never have known that from the warm smile on Lois' face and the eager way she hurried to embrace her daughter.

Lois wrapped her arms around Loni, and the teenager found herself pressing her warm body against her mother's. Loni stepped back slightly and raised her head to see the expression on her mother's face and, to her amazement, the older woman kissed her on the mouth.

The older woman's lips were soft and warm, and before Loni even knew what was happening, she felt her mother's tongue thrusting into her mouth, probing, tasting, exploring.

At first, Loni gasped in surprise and thought of moving out of her mother's embrace. But then she gave in to the excited pulsing in her pussy and she ground her mouth against her mother's, passionately returning her kisses. The two females hugged each other tightly.

Lois' hand was flat against Loni's back. She felt the warmth of her little girl's body through the thin fabric of her dress. She dropped her hand to Loni's rounded asscheeks. Lois patted the ripely curved ass, the asscheeks rippling at her incestuous touch. She squeezed one of the trembling cheeks, making Loni moan softly.

Lois longed to see her daughter naked. She gently broke off their forbidden kiss.

Loni felt dazed. Her nipples tingled and became hard. She looked at her mother as if hypnotized, no longer able to think for herself.

"Let's get your clothes off," Lois said huskily.

Loni reached behind her back to undo, her dressing, but her mother stopped her.

"No, darling, let me do it for you," Lois said thickly.

She turned the young girl so that Loni's back faced her. She eagerly undid the hook at the back of the neck of the dress and pulled down the zipper.

Loni was wearing a black bra. It was one her daddy had brought for her, and she knew how much he loved to see it on her before removing it from her. Its back strap was stretched tautly across the pink smooth flesh of her upper back. The dress was opened to the small of her back.

Lois put her hands on her little girl's shoulders, peeling the dress off them. She pulled the garment down to Loni's waist. The teenager's bra was a size too small for her and her tits strained against the lacy black fabric.

The older woman reached around to the girl's front to stroke her flesh. She tapped her fingers against the bra cups.

"What a wicked little bra, darling," she said with a tinkly laugh.

"Do you like it, Mother?" Loni asked, wondering what her mother would say if she knew that the girl's father had bought the bra for her.

"Oh, yes, I like it very much, Loni," Lois responded, pressing her lips against the warm flesh of her daughter's bare shoulder.

Lois squeezed Loni's tits and the teenager moaned with desire.

The older woman peeled her daughter's dress down off Loni's hips. It slid down her thighs and fell to her ankles. Loni was wearing a black half-slip, dark pantyhose, and panties beneath them. Ordinarily, she didn't wear underwear at all. But now and then, she enjoyed wearing it all and letting her daddy peel it off layer by layer as he worked his way through all of her clothes to the ripe nakedness beneath.

"You're so sexy, darling," Lois muttered, her pussy aching with lust for her daughter.

"So are you, Mother. You really are!" Loni responded, realizing for the very first time in her life just how attractive and sexy her mother was.

"Turn around now, Loni," Lois commanded gently.

Once more, Loni faced her mother. The black bra looked tantalizing against her creamy pink flesh. The tight bra plumped up Loni's tits, creative a deep valley between them and making them look larger than they actually were. Her stiff nipples could be seen pressing against the lacy black cups.

Lois slipped Loni's slip off her. Then she peeled the pantyhose off the teenager's hips and rounded thighs. The older woman got down on her knees to roll the pantyhose off Loni's calves. Loni lifted first one foot, then the other, so her mother could remove her pantyhose.

The teenager's black panties were low in front, so low that the top fringe of her bush could be seen over the elastic waistband.

As Lois stared at her daughter's crotch, her heart beat furiously, making the woman feel lightheaded and slightly intoxicated. Embracing Loni, she reached behind the girl's back and quickly unhooked the strap of her bra, then slid the shoulder straps down her arms.

Loni's tits tumbled free from the confining cups, the nipples stiffening into throbbing hard-ons. The bra had fit her so tightly that the shoulder straps had cut somewhat into her flesh, leaving little grooved marks.

Lois fondled her daughter's tits, cupping them, lifting them, squashing them together. She moaned as she handled the solid mounds of warm tit-flesh.

"Ohh, Mommy," the teenager groaned, her eyes shining, her mouth growing slack.

"You're such a beautiful little girl," Lois purred as she finally released her hold on the girl's tits. She took down Loni's panties, and her face twisted with lust as she undressed her daughter.

The panties fluttered down Loni's legs and fell at her ankles. She stepped out of them, stark naked now, looking pink and smooth and warm.

Lois stared at Loni's pussylips. They were swollen with desire, and moist with the youngster's juices.

"Do you want me to undress you now, Mommy?" Loni asked shyly.

"No, darling. You get into bed now so I can watch you lying there all naked and pretty. I'll undress myself and then I'll join you," the older woman said, her voice slurred with fuck-lust.

Loni grinned. She pulled the sheets and blankets down to the foot of the bed and then she mounted it, stretching out on her back. She spread her legs slightly, excited to feel her mother's horny gaze on her every movement.

Lois quickly undressed. Then, standing next to the bed, still looking down at her daughter, she winked lewdly.

"Turn me on, honey. Show me how you play with your little pussy," she said.

Loni gasped. Her mother's words surprised her, but they also aroused her beyond belief.

"Sure, Mom, I'd love to!" the teenager said, grinning up at her mother.

Loni tweaked her own stiff nipple. She pinched it hard, then pulled it out. It looked raw and red when she finally released it.

"Are you always that rough with yourself, darling?" the older woman asked excitedly.

"Not always, but now and then I like a little trough treatment, Mommy," Loni responded, feeling her pussy drooling.

"Good. I'll remember that," Lois said. Loni squeezed her tits so tightly that the pink flesh turned white where she gripped them. She pushed her tits together, then pulled them apart.

Her hands roamed down her flat belly. She put her hand on her naked, moist pussy and rubbed it hard and fast. Pain and pleasure mingled on her beautiful young face.

Loni turned her head to the side so she could look at her mother's naked body while she continued to rub her own little pussy. The other woman's tits was large and they jiggled slightly as the woman shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

Her pussy bush was dark and thick and her cuntlips were parted with desire, exposing the inner wet cuntflesh to her daughter's horny gaze.

Lois' asscheeks were high and firm. Her wide hips were lush and womanly, but not fat.

"Ohh, Mommy, you look so beautiful," Loni sighed.

With a smile at her little girl, Lois suddenly mounted her.

"You can stop that for now, darling," she said, taking hold of Loni's wrists and pulling her hands away from her steamy crotch. The teenager's thick pussylips glowed an angry red color from the vigorous rubbing.

"I'll take over from here," Lois said. She swung her long legs up, mounting her daughter's head as if she were climbing into a saddle.

She straddled the teenager's head and faced Loni's feet. She doubled her legs beneath her, her pussy poised over Loni's hungry mouth. Teasingly, she lowered her lips until her pussy was just over Loni's lips.

When Loni moaned and tried to kiss and lick her mother's pussy, Lois laughed and teasingly pulled her cunt away from the girl, deliberately turning her on even more.

Lois' nipples were stiff. They throbbed lewdly on the tips of her tits.

"Pleeease, Mommy! Let me kiss your pretty pussy?" Loni begged.

Those were the words Lois had been waiting to hear. She knew it was time to let the girl have what she wanted… what they both wanted.

Lois' pussylips were warm and soft and wet when they brushed against Loni's face. Her bloated pussylips met the teen's mouth. They split and spread obscenely. Thick juices dripped from them onto Loni's open mouth.

Loni gasped as she felt her face being enveloped in hot, wet cunt-tissues, all pink and sleek and shining with juices which smeared her face.

She groaned and thrust her tongue up inside the older woman. Her juices were thick and hot and they tingled on Loni's probing tongue.

"That's my girl," Lois sighed, "lick your mommy's pussy!"

She leaned forward, making her pussy press even harder against her daughter's mouth.

Lois put her hands on Loni's soft inner thighs. She lowered her head, her big tits flattening against Loni's belly. Then the older woman put her head between the girl's legs, and her mouth against the girl's pussy.

Her face creased into lines of naked incestuous lust. She kissed and tongued Loni's pussylips which spread widely, exposing the shiny pink membranes within.

Lois probed Loni's cunt deep with her tongue, licking and lapping her fill of the teenager's juices. She moaned, savoring the tangy taste of Loni's cunt sauce.

"Unnnhhh," Loni groaned into her mother's gaping pussy. She held her tongue straight up, its tip pressed against the older woman's clit. She could feel the woman's clit hardening and thickening and pulsing beneath her tongue, and the lewd sensation aroused her fully making her own little cunt ooze out more and more juice.

Lois rocked her hips back and forth on the girl's mouth. No matter which way she moved forward, backward, or sideways – Loni's tongue continued to press her clit.

The older woman decided to return the favor. She wrapped her tongue around the teenager's stiff clit, rubbing it, caressing it, and she was rewarded by a long series of lusty groans from Loni's mouth, groans which bounded off the walls of Lois' pussy.

In seconds, the room was filled with the soft wet sounds of two hungry female mouths feasting on two dripping pussies.

This was not the first time Lois had made it with another female, and she knew that she could have brought her daughter to orgasm right away. But she decided to hold back, wanting to tease the girl to a fever pitch of excitement.

She knew that it would be better to slowly stimulate the girl, to build the fire, so to speak. And the more the older woman aroused her little girl, the more feverish effort she put into her tongue-fucking movements, and the more aroused her own pussy became.

"Mmmmffff," Loni moaned, the sound reverberating against the walls of her mother's cunt.

The youngster could hardly believe that she was taking part in this lesbian act, something she had never thought herself capable of. But as she tongue-fucked her mother's wet pussy, and as her own little cunt grew wetter and hotter against the older woman's sucking and licking mouth. Loni had to admit to herself that it was one of the most thrilling experiences of her life. And she savored every single hot, tingling sensations which her mother's mouth produced in her pussy.

She moaned again, feeling her mother's tongue lashing at her rigid clit for a few heady minutes before returning to her fuckhole and thrusting in deeply.

As if reading her daughter's mind, Lois suddenly decided to go for it, to make Loni come. She speeded up the rhythm of her tonguefucking, driving the girl beneath her half-crazy with lust and pleasure. Again and again, using rapid fucking movements, Lois drove the full length of her tongue in and out of Loni's cunt-hole.

Taking her cue from her mother, Loni began to tonguefuck the older woman's tight pussyhole faster and harder and deeper. She tightened her strong pussymuscles around her mother's invading tongue, even as she felt her mother's cuntmuscles closing around her own tongue.

After tonguefucking her mother savagely for a few breathless moments, the youngster took her tongue out of Lois' little hole and used it to whip at the older woman's clit.

"Unnhhhh," Lois groaned against her daughter's wet cuntmeat, thrilled by the eager way her little girl was eating her out.

Loni groaned again and again as she felt her mother speeding up her tonguefucking movements even more. She arched her back, lifting her sweating asscheeks off the bed, pushing them upward against her mother's face.

She knew that she was about to come and she was thrilled to realize that if she and her mother kept up this intense, rapid pace as they ate each other out, they would most likely come together.

But then Lois decided that her little girl should wait just a bit longer before coming.

Loni hovered just this side of orgasm. Each time she felt that just a few more penetrations of her mother's tongue would send her over the edge, the diabolical woman would ease up and let the teenager cool down a few degrees.

"Unnhh, arrghhh," Loni moaned raggedly, the vibrations from her open mouth sizzling through her mother's cunt, giving the older woman an extra thrill. That thrill was the beginning of her climax, in spite of her plan to hold back longer.

As Lois began to come, she knew it was time to make her little girl come so they could come together.

Loni felt her mother's cuntwalls spasming wildly against her thrusting tongue, and she knew that the older woman was coming. Fresh gushes of pussyjuice rained from Lois' fuckhole into Loni's mouth and the youngster thirstily swallowed them down.

Loni wanted to come, too, and she was tempted to wrench her face away from her mother's pussy and beg her to make her come. But her mother's pussy tasted so good, and it was so exciting to feel the orgasmic spasms against her mouth, that she simply could not bring herself to tear her mouth away.

So instead, she moaned and groaned into the older woman's cunt, hoping that her mother would get the message and make her come.

Lois puckered her lips and rubbed the smooth wet insides of them against her daughter's throbbing clit. She closed her lips about the base of the trembling bud and sucked for all she was worth. Her lips held the little clit prisoner between them as she sucked. Then, she whipped her tongue across the fleshy bud with quick, hard strokes.

And Loni came.

She screamed as she came. Her shrieks of incestuous ecstasy were muffled by her mother's pussy. Lois pinned the girl's writhing hips to the mattress.

Both of the females shuddered with pleasure as they came together. Heat radiated out from their pussies, sizzling through their entire bodies. They shook and shivered violently, clutching each other frantically.

Thick, delicious cuntjuice shot from their pussies into each other's mouths and they moaned continually.

Their bodies went rigid, every single muscle in their bodies tensing as they came.

Their cunts twitched spasmodically against one another's mouths. They squeezed their thighs against each other's heads so that their mouths and nostrils were filled with hot, wet pussymeat.

Loni's eyes rolled back in her head so that only the whites of them showed. She whipped her head from side to side. The young blonde was a little shocked by the intensity of the orgasm she was experiencing. Until now, she had thought that only a man could give her that kind of heady pleasure.

A choking cry came from the teenager, wrung out of her by her powerful climax. Her head was lifted high now, her mouth off her mother's pussy.

Lois rose up on her knees. Her pussy pulsed as it was lifted off of the wet warmth of Loni's mouth.

Loni sobbed with joy, her tits heaving, her face red and smeared with cunt sauce.

Lois rolled off her daughter and flopped down on the big bed next to her. She watched her little girl, pleased by how much pleasure she had obviously given her.

Loni clutched her own tits, moaning and twisting slightly on the bed until, finally, the convulsive force of her orgasm faded. It was replaced by the delicious afterglow which made every fiber of her young body go warm.

At the same instant, mother and daughter turned on their sides, facing each other. They smiled into each other's eyes, and reached out to touch and fondle one another's tits.

"Mom, I want you to know that I've never felt this close to you before… what we just did together made me feel so special…"

"You are special, darling, very special. I know we haven't been that close in the past, but now that's all going to change," Lois said, giving her daughter a gentle kiss on the teenager's parted lips.

As Loni began to doze off in her mother's soft embrace, she thought about her mother's somewhat mysterious words. It was almost as though her mother knew something she didn't, and she wondered what that could be.

"Ohhhh, Red, you've got me so hot and horny I can't even think straight anymore!" Loni gasped.

"So don't think. Just feel," Red said with a delighted grin.

The husband and wife had been playing with each other's bodies for almost two hours now. Red had expertly fingered and sucked his wife to orgasm numerous times during their long bout of foreplay and now Loni was begging him to fuck her.

"Jesus, Red, you've never gone this long before without having to fuck me! I'm so horny! You've turned me on almost more than I can stand!" Loni cried, her entire body having been worked up to a feverish pitch of lust by her husband's newly skillful hands and mouth.

"Good. That's just how I want you," Red said with satisfaction.

"God, Red, I don't know what kind of counseling you've been getting, but all I can say is that I'm all for it!" the young girl cried, beside herself with desire for her husband.

"Okay, baby, it's your choice tonight. How do you want it?" Red asked, stroking his huge hard-on.

"In my ass, Red! Fuck my ass!" Loni begged.

"Sure, baby, my pleasure," Red said, laughing as he flipped his wife over so that she was now face down on the bed.

He reached out and slapped her hard on her lily-white asscheeks, leaving his large, red handprint on her delicate flesh.

"Oh, God, I love it!" Loni squealed, feeling her pussyjuice dribbling out from her cunthole.

"You little slut!" Red cried.

Loni groaned with excitement, realizing that until her husband's counseling sessions, he had been unable to call her the names she loved to hear during their fuck fests.

"Hurry, darling, hurry! Fuck me up my ass! I can't wait to feel your huge cock buggering me!" she cried desperately.

"You got it, baby, you got it," Red said as he pressed his cockhead against his wife's tight little asshole. He pulled her asscheeks as far apart as he could and suddenly shoved the full length of his prick into her asshole which was already wet with the juices trickling into it from her cunt.

"Aieeeee! It feels soooo good! Yessssss!" Loni screamed. She felt the familiar rush of pain and pleasure that never failed to thrill her from head to toe.

"You like it baby?" Red asked lewdly, letting his big cock rest deep within her shit-chute for a second as he leaned over her back.

"Unnhhh, yessss, oh, God, yesss, Red, it's great! Your cock feels so good up my little asshole! It's filling me all up! I love it!"

It was about a week after her forbidden pussy-eating session with her mother, a session which had unexpectedly turned into a three-way orgy when her father had walked in on them and had eagerly joined them in bed. Loni had been amazed but delighted by her mother's calm acceptance of the fact that her husband and daughter had been getting it on for years, and the youngster had an instinctive feeling that her mother had always known and approved of the incestuous relationship between Loni and her daddy. By the time Loni had left her parent's house that day, the three Sullivans had all agreed that they had never felt so close or loving toward each other.

Red began to fuck his wife's asshole with slow, sensuous strokes as she writhed beneath him, now thrusting her ass back toward him to impale the full length of his prick inside her bunghole.

"Obh, yesss, Red, darling, you're fucking my little ass sooo good! Keep buggering me, Red, until I come!" Loni squealed excitedly.

Her cunt was flowing with thick rivers of fuck-juice which ran on into her husband's asshole, nicely lubricating the man's big, thick cock.

She gripped the meaty cock with her tight assmuscles as it slid smoothly in and out of her. He was buggering her ass faster and harder now, expertly gauging his wife's increasing lust and her need to be fucked harder.

"What a great little asshole you've got, baby! So tight! So tiny!" Red said, his eyes closed, his head thrown back.

The girl's wild humping movements pumped even more life into Red's gigantic prick. He could feel her strong assmuscles clenching and unclenching aound his cock with each and every thrust, and he groaned with erotic pleasure.

"Ohhhhh, it feels sooo good! You've never fucked my ass so great before, Red! You're the best lover any girl could have for her husband!" Loni moaned.

She felt so proud of her husband for having learned how to please her in bed. And she was already breathlessly anticipating that moment when he would shoot his load into her little shitchute. She would seize his prick with her assmuscles and use them to milk all the cream out of his balls as he continued to fuck her.

"Mmm, it feels soooo great, lover," she groaned, enjoying the exciting sensation of her sensitized nipples brushing against the sheet as her tits jiggled on her chest. Each time she shoved her ass back to meet Red's thrusting prick, the force of her movement made her tits bounce up and down and sideways, and she liked the way it felt.

Red's loaded balls slapped wetly against his wife's firm asscheeks as he continued to drive his prick into her asshole with quick, hard, deep stabs.

Glancing down, he could see his thick, throbbing cock pulling out and shoving back into her ass all the way. He grinned as he watched her hips wiggling lewdly in response to his cock-thrusts.

"Unnnhhh, you're so sexy, baby, love the way you're fucking back at me," he groaned.

"That's because you're making me feel so good… turning me on much… more than ever before, Red!" the woman gasped.

The rubbery grip of her tight asshole tugged at her husband's prick as she wiggled her ass frantically. Her entire body was suffused with pleasure and lust as, time and time again, Red's cock slid up her burning asshole, completely filling the small tunnel.

Her asscheeks shook obscenely as her husband's big prick drilled into her. This was their most thrilling fuck session yet, and Loni could see that if Red continued with his counseling sessions, he would soon become as skillful a lover as her daddy, and that was saying a lot!

Red's throbbing balls beat a steady erotic rhythm against the girl's naked assflesh as he continued to ram in and out of her with all his young, muscular strength.

"Obhhh, yeah, keep fucking meeeee!" Loni whimpered.

She reached down and began to stroke her cunt, shoving two fingers up her cunt-hole and using her thumb to stroke her clit.

"Mmmmmm, good," she sighed. Her assmuscles clenched and unclenched around her husband's prick as her hips pumped back and forth.

"Harder, Red! Harder!" she begged. "Okay, baby, you asked for it!" he groaned, delighted that he had her permission now to fuck her even harder. For he had been holding back, just as he had been taught to do, not wanting to turn her off by fucking her harder than she wanted.

He pulled his prick almost all the way out of her asshole, and with a loud grunt and a savage thrust, he sent the entire length of his cock up her quivering asshole.

"Arrghhhhh! Yesssss! Sooooo good, Red, soooooo good!" Loni screamed at the top of her lungs as she continued to fingerfuck her cunt and rub her clit.

Again, Red eased his prick almost all the way out of his wife's shit-chute. Then, while she writhed beneath him, continually begging him to fuck her hard, he plunged it in deeply to the hilt.

Over and over, the young boy rammed Loni's asshole with his hard long prick. He fucked her deeply. He fucked her hard. And each time, he buried the full length of his cock up her tiny shithole. And each time, both husband and wife cried out their pleasure as he sank deeply into her.

As he slammed his cock into her, she raised her ass to meet it, helping him to penetrate her more deeply each time. She was writhing and groaning with pleasure, and she knew that she would be coming soon.

"Ohh, Red, you're fucking me sooo good! I love it! Shove your huge prick up my ass! I love it so much!" she gasped.

As Red continued to plunge his big prick in and out of her clinging asswalls, she kept tightening and loosening her strong assmuscles, giving the boy the same kind of heady pleasure he was giving her.

"Ohhh, baby, your little asshole is so tight! I love fucking it!" Red groaned, sweat pouring from his face and splashing down onto his wife's back.

Her husband's obscene words thrilled the young blonde, and she clenched her assmuscles tighter and harder around his reaming cock.

Suddenly, Loni came.

"Yeooooowwwww!" she screeched as her orgasm raped through her. It seemed to start deep in her asshole, radiate out to her pussy and soon every nerve ending in her body was feeling its powerful effect. She tossed her ass up and down on the bed as savage shudders of orgasmic ecstasy tore through her.

As she came, Loni kept squeezing her husband's prick with the tight walls of her ass. Red thrust his long, hard cock deeper and more roughly into her slick asshole with each plunge, about to come himself.

"Ohh, yessss, Red!" Loni groaned as she felt his cock lurching wildly against the walls of her ass. She knew that meant he was about to come, and she couldn't wait to feel his cum gushing into her asshole.

"Shoot, Red, shoot all your juice up my asshole!" she cried desperately.

"Don't worry, you little slut! I'll give you all my cum! And you've turned me on so much, there'll be a ton of the stuff!" Red cried.

He thrust his prick all the way up her wildly clenching asshole, then began to grind his prick in a small, tight circle inside her. His churning balls tightened up against the base of his cock.

"I'll… help you… shoot," Loni panted, tightening her muscles almost painfully hard around his cock, crushing down on the throbbing pole of meat.

"Commmiiinnnggg!" Red cried as a large, hot spurt of cum shot from his cock and splashed into his wife's twitching asshole. His prick shot out wad after wad of the creamy goo.

He threw his head back and clenched his teeth tightly together, groaning with lewd pleasure as still more cum shot from his cock and filled the young girl's asshole.

"I'm coming again, Red! All that hot cum it's making me so hot… keep shooting, darling!" she gasped, coming again and again as her husband continued to shoot his heavy load inside her shit-chute.

The thick spunk overflowed, dribbling down her thighs and splashing obscenel

y onto the bed below her.

Long moments later, their orgasms subsided. Red pulled his softening prick out of Loni's cum-filled asshole and collapsed on the bed, lying flat on his back.

"Oh, thank you, darling. That was the best fuck we've ever had! And I don't think it could have been any better! Thank you, Red, thank you, thank you, thank you," Loni said with a little laugh as she settled into the crook of her husband's arm and planted kiss after kiss on his face.

"Our marriage was really in serious trouble, wasn't it, honey?" Red asked thoughtfully after their breathing had returned to normal.

"Yes, honey, I'm afraid it was. With sex as bad as it was between us…" Loni said, her words trailing off helplessly as she snuggled cozily against her husband.

"Yeah, I know, I was a real mess, wasn't I? And everytime I saw your dad… well, let's just say if looks could kill, I'd be dead by now," Red said dryly.

"Well, you don't have to worry about him anymore, Red. I've told him just how happy you're making me these days and, believe me, our marriage has his blessing at last," Loni said, smiling adoringly up at her young husband. "I'm so proud of you, honey. You've learned so much in such a short time about how to please me in bed. Please tell me who your wonderful counselor is."

"Well, she's not exactly a counselor. But she's definitely been a great teacher," Red said, flushing slightly.

"She? Red! Should I be jealous?" Loni cried in mock anger.

"That all depends on how you react to the fact that I've been fucking another woman," Red said, stroking his wife's hair.

"You've been fucking another woman? And she's the one who's been teaching you all this great stuff? About how to go slower? About how to make it really good for me?" Loni asked, her eyes widening.

"Yeah, thats right, thats exactly what she's been doing," Red said softly.

"In that case, there's no way I can be jealous! Instead, give her my undying gratitude?" Loni cried and they both laughed. "Who is she, Red?"

"Your mother," Red said.

At first, there was only stunned silence. Then Loni began to laugh. Finally, she was laughing so hard that tears filled her eyes and began to run down her cheeks.

"My mother? My mother! Oh, God, that's perfect, I love it! How did it happen, Red?" Loni asked, still laughing slightly. Suddenly, an image of her husband and mother fucking each other sprang into her mind and she felt her little pussy growing hot with renewed desire.

"Well, one day, when you and I were having so much trouble with our sex life, I went over to your house. I intended to talk to your dad since you and he have always been so close. I was hoping that he might have some ideas about how I could make things better between you and me," Red said.

"Let me guess," Loni said with a smile. "He wasn't home. Mom was, and she took it upon herself to teach you about sex."

"Yeah, something like that," Red agreed, returning his wife's smile.

"So that's what she meant," Loni said thoughtfully, remember her mother's mysterious wards after the mother and daughter had gotten it on together.


"Huh, oh, nothing, honey. Now I've got something to tell you, and I only hope you take it as well as I've taken your news!" Loni said, and then she told her husband all about her incestuous relationship with her father.

"Wow! Your dad, huh?" the boy asked, stunned. But he was also aware that his cock had begun to harden, and he knew that he was turned on by the knowledge that his wife had been fucking her own father all these years.

"Sure!" Loni chirped. "How do you think I learned so much about sex at such a young age? You don't mind, do you, Red?"

"No, not at all! In fact, I think it's great! Your mom taught me that anything that feels as good as sex does can't be wrong, no matter who you're doing it with! And you don't mind about me fucking your mom, do you?" Red asked.

"Hell, no! I think it's a real turn-on. And I've got a great idea!" Loni said excitedly. "I think we should call my mom and dad up right now and ask them to come over here and join us in bed."

"Yeah, great! Then we can have a four-way orgy! And I can watch you getting it on with your dad?" Red cried, his cock hardening more at each lewd thought.

"Right!" Loni said, already springing up from bed and heading for the phone. "And I can watch you and my mom fucking!"

"All riiiight!" Red said, grinning. "What's so funny?" he asked as Loni burst into laughter again, her hand poised over the telephone.

"Oh, I was just thinking how true that saying is, Red… you know, the one about how young people should learn from their elders!"

Red joined in her laughter.

The End


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Daughters Horny Urges 3

Introduction: Janie enjoys masturbation with her dad John Kelley hummed a tune as he went into the kitchen. Hi, honey, he said, kissing his wife on the lips. Gmorning, John, smiled Alicia. Ready for breakfast? Hell, yeah, he said, sitting down. Then, eyeing his wifes great body he leered, How bout a little ass, too? He-heh? His wife turned away, hurriedly snapping, Now, John, Ive told you thats supposed to be only for having a baby. Now, please. Stop bothering me about that. I let you have...

2 years ago
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Oral Gay Fun With My Friend And Sex With His Wife

Hi guys this is Ankur and this is my first story here. I am a normal looking guy with normal built n my height is 5feet 1inch a short height person. I stay in South Delhi n working in Noida. I was not a gay still I can’t say about myself I mean I am bit confuse. It’s all started when I went to my childhood friends house his name is Avinash I used to go there on my week offs. And we used to see so much of porn movies n we are kind of addicted of porn and we used to strokes each other’s dick. But...

Gay Male
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Oral Obsession

She came into my life in the most unusual way.  I was an IT manager, and she was the damsel in distress.  Ok, so maybe not so exceptional, but definitely memorable. I got the call around one-thirty in the afternoon on a Friday.  I had been planning to take off early, so I was a little pissed when the call came through.  The boss man made it clear, though.  I needed to take care of this issue personally.   I walked into her office, and all I saw was ass.  I couldn’t help it.  She had the...

3 years ago
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Addicted to giving oral

Author's Note: This story "Giving Carl Oral" was posted but removed for editing, I now have corrected the grammar and spelling. I would like to thank Lisa my editor for proofing this story. Lisa's editorial comments helped me to find the weak spots in the story line helping me to make the necessary. I have made some final changes to the story without Lisa's review so if there are still grammar and spelling issue I take the full responsibility. CindyUSA At the age of forty-three, I had my first...

1 year ago
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Medicine by mouth Part 5 Oral Olympics

100% fiction! Both Kim’s parents were fascinated by the intricate set-up. And both were absolutely thrilled to be allowed to participate in helping their daughter ‘strap into’ the wonderful device that, in essence, would transform Kim’s world-famous, cock-sucking mouth into a toilet for, hopefully, dozens and dozens of men over the next six or so hours. Kim’s Mom’s main emphasis, in helping out, was to make sure that Kim continued to look as pretty as possible. That’s why she’d shown up at...

3 years ago
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daughters idea

add me on msn. [email protected] to chat or give feedback. I found my daughters journal few years ago when I was cleaning her room. Sara hides her journal in an intake vent next to her bed. She writes everything from things she did the day before to things she has done sexually, and her dreams….and fantasies. Sara has been dating a boy for about six months, and i recently read in her journal she gave her first blowjob to him. She described how she was in his bedroom, and he kept putting her...

2 years ago
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GILF Annas Oral Servant

(Story from Literotica.com, home of thousands of very hot and free sex stories, this from user Milfleglover, check out many more there)"I don't know, Deb, sounds...well, sorta sleazy, you know?" Anna said uncertainly."You k**ding me?" Deb laughed as the two friends sat in Anna's living room having a drink one late summer afternoon. "It's the best! No strings attached and the k**...well, he's magic, honey."Both gals were in their early 60s, both still active sexually, Deb more so than Anna. Deb...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 68 Stacy and the Club Infinity

Mark I sat in the conference room at Darwin Architectural Group with Greg, Sean, and Elsa. They were all grinning. Sean explained, “You’re the first client to see this new system. It’s like the fly-through we showed you several times of the house on the large laptop, but this is like a hundred times more realistic. For one, it’s big screen TV, and then we added music given the kind of venue, and some of the avatars actually move around the screen giving the feel of a movie. We can create...

2 years ago
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Daughters Horny Urges 5

Introduction: Janie and her fathers first time John peered back at his daughter through his own hazy lust. A few beads of sweat had formed on his forehead and his muscles were tensed as he held himself poised over Janies body. His balls rested against her puffed out cunt lips and his cock was lodged up her hungry cunt all the way to the thick root. Her pussy lips were split widely, taking all of his big cock. They were stretched about as tightly as they could stretch without tearing the soft,...

4 years ago
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giving Carl oral

I do not claim to be a grammar expert and as such you will find some grammatical errors in this story. The errors can be the switching of tense, spelling errors, or typos. I ask if you find an error please send me an email so I can correct and make the story enjoyable for others.WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are u******e Eighteen, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!CindyUSA At the age of forty-three, I...

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The Oral Working With Tongue

Hi, folks. This is Yash again. I am 23 and live in Pune. My email id is Please mail your feedback. For chit chat ping me on hangouts. I am a horny guy, so any girl or aunty can contact me. I especially love divorced aunties. I have had very good experiences with them. I am a software engineer by profession. I have a lot of interest and experience in sex. I have been doing sex since I was 18. I also read a lot about sex in my free time. As a result, I have gathered a lot of knowledge about sex,...

2 years ago
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Oral Fixation

Oral Fixation by Angela J. Jake Mitchell took another cigarette puff and remembered what the doctor had told him. "You have to quit smoking! It's killing you." Jake looked around and saw the junior officers gathered around the President. They were all laughing, seemingly enjoying themselves at the corporate party. Butt kissers, every one of them. He of course was no different. In fact he wouldn't have become the youngest Vice President in the corporation if it weren't for his...

1 year ago
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The How to Give Oral Guide

The "How To Give Oral" Guide Tasha, Honey, you can not have it both ways. You want to be a "sissy" dress in sexy silky lingerie and skirts, tops and dresses, but you do not want to have to pleasure your men. Is that right? "Stephanie, I really like to wear my sexy lingerie and dresses and feel like a woman. But I do not want to let a man put his cock up my ass and I do not want to suck his dick" "Well, Tasha, you are a 'sissy' now and you need to learn how to pleasure your men....

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Jayamma My Oral Sex

This is the story long back when I was 18. She was 42. This is the story of my first sexual experience but probably i need to give the background and the rest of that autobiographical data . Well I was 18, living with my dad as is usual in India. I was the younger of two brothers and I had lost my mother when I was young. My dad was a divisional manager working for a top multinational company, an important professional working at a senior level. He was in his mid forties.I knew he was not a...

4 years ago
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Phoebes Oral Sex Guide The Pleasure of Fellatio

Men like a woman to play with their penis. To them it is their most important appendage and needs lots of attention by their lover. If you've never just taken the time to look at the male member, I suggest asking your man to get naked and lay on the bed while you inspect it. Feel free to ask him questions about it. I've never met a man who doesn't like to show himself off, and when you do it for the first time, this type of foreplay can lead to very satisfying sex for both of you. It is my...

2 years ago
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Daughters Oral Fun Chapter 1

Loni Sullivan, in her teens, spotted her father waiting for her in his car and waved gaily as she broke into a run toward him. Van Sullivan sat in his car, watching his daughter. His mouth watered and his cock hardened as he gazed at his sexy, beautiful little girl. She had long blonde hair, an angelic face, and, a slender, small-titted body. "Hi, Daddy!" Loni chirped, jumping into the car, her school books clutched against her chest. Her skirt was pulled taut across her little ass and...

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Daughters Oral Fun Chapter 2

"Loni? Are you awake, honey?" Van's voice whispered into the stillness of the room. "Yes, Daddy, I knew you'd come to me tonight," the teenager murmured excitedly. "Good girl," Van murmured as he sat down on his daughter's bed. "Your mother just wanted a quickie tonight so I fucked her real fast so I could come in here to my favorite girl." Loni giggled. She was never jealous of her mother, or of the time her father spent in bed with her mother, because her daddy had made it very...

2 years ago
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Daughters Oral Fun Chapter 5

Loni was happier than she had been since before marry ing Red, and the irony was that the happier her daddy made her with his expert fucking technique, the unhappier Loni felt with her husband. Sex with Red was still terrible for Loni. But now it was much more bearable far her and her daddy was making her feel so content these days that she no longer felt the anger and resentment toward her husband which had been coming between the two youngsters and threatening to destroy their...

3 years ago
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Daughters Oral Fun Chapter 4

Van had nothing against Red personally. But he was so young and immature. And if there was one thing Van had learned about his little girl over the years, it was just how important good, skillful sex was to her. And something about Red told Van that this young boy just couldn't cut it in the bedroom… not good enough for Van's highly sexed and sexually experienced daughter, anyway. "Baby, does Red know that you're no virgin?" Van asked, now, still stroking Loni's tits. "Yeah, I've...

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Daughters Oral Fun Chapter 3

Loni's little pussy was soaking wet by now, and it was throbbing. She knew that she would be coming soon, for she always came when she sucked her daddy off. Her cheeks hollowed inward as she sucked him harder. His broad cockhead bumped into the soft tissues at the back of her throat and his long shaft twitched on her tongue. Loni swallowed hard, taking almost half of his huge cock down her throat. For long moments, she deep-throated her daddy, making him groan louder and louder with each...

1 year ago
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Daughters Coworkers

100% fiction! My daughter Tanya came back to live with me when she was 18,I guess her mom was to strick on her. Her mom and I had divorced a couple of years ago and I lived in a different state so I hadn't seen her in 2 years. When I did I immediatly noticed how nicely she had filled out. She was dark haired and pretty like her mom with a nice slightly plump figure and bubble butt with big tits. When we got home and she settled into her new room, we had a long talk and caught up on each others...

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Olympia Washington ORAL ALLSTAR

My visit to the capital of the State of Washington, Olympia, was not disappointing as your very own LESLIE LANCASTER made me feel extremely welcumed!Leslie is a bartender in downtown Olympia and after a few hours of serving me (and herself) some drinks, her shift ended and she came over to sit with me. We talked and drank for a few hours as she told me about her boyfriend and how big of an asshole he was being lately. This is the obvious sign to pick up on that a girl is open to play ball so...

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I was sitting around the kitchen counter the other day with Beth, my sexy, GILF girlfriend, and her best friend, Susan. Both are 61 years old, in terrific shape, both blondes, both with lithe, limber and well preserved bodies, as they both work out religiously. Beth’s about 5-8, weighs a willowy 125 pounds, and Susan’s a bit shorter, 5-5 or so, and a more solid, thicker 130 or so pounds.They both drive me nuts, sexually, Beth of course, because I’m with her, but Susan as well, though I’d never...

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The Food Store Females Only Oral Delights

The Food (Female Only Oral Delights) StoreMarty was surprised to find his girlfriend, Susan, so excited when he came to her apartment for lunch. She told him she would have a big surprise lunch for his birthday. Marty was hoping it would be between her gorgeous legs, because she knew how much he loved to go down on her.She jumped up and down clapping her hands like a little girl. “You’re gonna LOVE this; I could hardly wait to give it to you!”She handed him a small blue gift card for $50 to The...

Oral Sex
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Teen Neighbor Girl Loves Mature Cocks and Oral Sex

My name is Ryan, and my wife, Karen, and I moved to Charleston at the age of forty-four, after having lived in Atlanta since graduating from college. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and, after a long career working as an engineer, I moved to Charleston to begin my career as a manufacturer’s representative. Karen, with her degree in education and years of experience teaching, got a job in a high school here.Our son, Jason, graduated from college and moved to Charleston to begin his...

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Gagged an Oral Surgeon encounter

A month has gone by, time for my appointment. This is just a consult, I'm expecting some paperwork, someone poking around my mouth, and some x-rays to see if I'm a good candidate or not. The check in goes smooth, I fill out a dozen pages of consents and acknowledgment of terms-of-services forms. Then they bring me back and park me in a dental procedure chair for the consult. This is where something went wrong, or right, hard to say, but I ended up being totally into it. A nurse comes...

1 year ago
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Medicine by mouth Part 4 Oral Olympics

Kelly had become the busiest girl at the Oral Olympics... but she was quite accustomed to being kept busy. In her hometown, she worked as a receptionist at a job-seeking agency, provided free blowjobs to all the males in the 5-story office building where she worked, AND worked as both an Escort and street whore. Was this girl addicted to money that she worked so hard? Not at all... what she WAS addicted to, was having countless nice hard cocks in her mouth. Her only reason for working at the...

Group Sex
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I needed a set of metric wrenches to change some parts on my foreign car and I knew Andy had some so I stepped across my yard to my best friend’s house to borrow them. I didn’t bother knocking, Andy and I had been best buds since we could toddle, we grew up, went to school and college together then after we married we bought homes side by side. I wasn’t expecting to encounter hot sex when I went into his house but when I stepped around the door I saw him standing with his back to me, his pants...

4 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 26 Two Funerals

WE attended two funeral services together, Mary and I, one low key in terms of attendance but deeply emotional, on one morning and followed that by another higher profile one the following afternoon, that was more for public show than anything else. Mary insisted I attend by her side for both funerals. How could I deny her my full support at them both? To be honest, I wanted to spend every moment of our shrinking allotment of time we had together. Mary wore the same black outfit for both...

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Filthy Femdoms Forced Oralpart 8

____________________________________________ After the loathsome degradation from the madam and her well paying friend, my mind went into what could be called a baseline survival mode, in which I gave myself over fully to my extreme craving for the disgusting acts I was forced to perform, and a mindless obedience, and even a simpering, serving loyalty to the countless women who shamed me while I cleaned them of their most intimate toiletry efforts. Women of great...

2 years ago
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A story of a woman who needs oral sex and her husband8217s fixation with women having sex with dogs and how they work it out

Darlene was smiling with anticipation as she unlocked and opened the car door. Her nylons whispered as she sat in the overly sun warmed car, swung her slim legs in and shut the door. She started the car and cranked up the air conditioning as sweat beaded on her upper lip above a wide sensuous mouth. She placed her purse and well worn Bible in the front seat. The lap belt was fine around her small waist but she had a hard time adjusting the shoulder belt over her breasts as usual and had to...

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