- 2 years ago
- 33
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I needed a set of metric wrenches to change some parts on my foreign car and I knew Andy had some so I stepped across my yard to my best friend’s house to borrow them. I didn’t bother knocking, Andy and I had been best buds since we could toddle, we grew up, went to school and college together then after we married we bought homes side by side.
I wasn’t expecting to encounter hot sex when I went into his house but when I stepped around the door I saw him standing with his back to me, his pants around his ankles fucking someone bent over the back of an easy chair. I couldn’t see her face but I knew immediately it wasn’t his wife Sybil. I knew for certain she wasn’t home; she was out with my wife, they had gone to some holiday sale in town. His cock was plunging into someone much younger than us, I could tell by the taut smooth skin of her thighs, the firm round tightness of the ass he was holding. As his cock slammed the girl, she was gasping, keening softly, I could tell she was enjoying his hard pounding shaft, he most definitely wasn’t raping her. It flashed through my mind that the only other female that could have been in his house just then was his own daughter, a seventeen year old sweetheart that had transformed from an awkward tomboy to a beautiful young woman in the last couple of years.
I shook myself out of my shocked stillness and stepped quickly back around the corner, unsure of what to do. I saw my best friend fucking his baby with my own eyes but I couldn’t believe it. What the hell kind of fucking pervert was Andy? I heard the girl cry out just as the noise of their fucking increased to a steady applause of slapping bodies, she wailed her orgasm into the room while he huffed deep gulps of cool air. I fled his house, hoping he didn’t realize I’d just seen him screwing his girl Sally.
I retreated to my garage to think but the shock of what I’d witnessed wouldn’t wear off. Ten minutes later I was leaning on the back of my car thinking hard when a car pulled up in front of Andy’s house. I watched as Sally got out of it, kissed her boyfriend goodbye then went into the house. Sally? If that was Sally, who the hell was Andy fucking?
For the next half hour I was in a stupor, barely aware of what I was doing as I brooded about who Andy had bent over the chair. I knew only two things, she was young and she liked what they were doing. Even though I was vastly relieved it was not my Goddaughter he was screwing, I was still stupefied that he was cheating on Sybil. I finally shook the numbness from my mind and started working on the car again. Just as I opened the hood to get at the engine I noticed Sally and my daughter Carol come out of Andy’s house, hug quickly then split, Sally back into the house, Carol crossed the yard and went into our home. Sally and Carol are just two months apart in age and grew up side by side, they are as close as Andy and me.
When the hell did Carol get home and how did I miss her going to see her best friend? I didn’t. I couldn’t have missed her when she crossed in front of the garage, I had a clear view of Andy’s house and there is a tall fence in the back, Carol wouldn’t have climbed over it to go to see Sally. She wasn’t with Sally when she came home so the only plausible explanation was that she was already in the house when Sally went in. As that realization slammed into my mind my entire body began to shake. Did I step into a hot sex session between my best friend and my only child? I couldn’t believe Andy would be fucking somebody when he knew Carol was there waiting for Sally, so the only choice left was that he was fucking her. I stumbled from the shadows of the garage into the house to demand from Carol where she had been and what she had been doing. When I opened the door to her room she wasn’t there but I heard the shower flowing in the adjoining bathroom. I went to knock on the door but halted just past her bed, her clothes were lying in a heap on the floor, her bra and panties on top of the pile. I picked up the panties and found exactly what I didn’t want to find. The crotch of her yellow cotton briefs was stained with a large spot of cum. The spot was still wet, still fresh. I was looking at the evidence, it was Carol that Andy had bent over the chair, there could be no other conclusion. My young daughter, his Goddaughter.
I don’t remember what I did in the next few minutes. If I had to swear in court what my next actions were I wouldn’t have been able to say. I only know that when I shifted back to reality I was standing in front of Andy with Carol’s panties in one hand, my Colt pistol in the other. He looked terrified as I waved the panties then the gun at him, yelling and ranting something I still don’t remember. Just as I was about to do something I would regret for the rest of my life, Sally came running into the room and wedged herself between me and my target “What the hell are you doing!?” she screamed as she locked her hand around the wrist holding the weapon, “Uncle Mike!! What’s going on??”
She pushed me back as Andy moved away until he bumped into a wall; I looked down on the girl “He fucked Carol. He fucked her right here in this house just before you got home today. I saw them, I was here then I found these” I handed Sally the stained underwear.
She glanced quickly at the mess, dropped them then turned to her father, “Get out of here. Now! I’ll handle this.” Andy quickly retreated from sight leaving his girl to talk me down from my murderous mood.
I yelled at him “I’m not done with you, you son-of-a-bitch! You can’t use your family as a shield forever!”
Sally slapped a hand over my mouth, “Shut up, you aren’t going to hurt him, you two are like brothers and you couldn’t do that to him”
I pulled her hand away and repeated “He fucked Carol! Right there, she was bent over that chair and he had his cock jammed right up her cunt!”
Sally gently pulled the gun from my hand then said “Uncle Mike, you need to sit down.” She tugged on my hand so I reluctantly followed along as she led me to the sofa. She put my .45 on the rug, nudged it under the couch with a toe then urged me to sit.
The pretty young brunette sat down and turned to face me then took both my hands in hers “My dad didn’t seduce or force Carol into anything; she came over here with daddy on her mind. She told me she thinks he is hot and she wanted to have sex with him. Uncle Mike, Carol came on to him and took him to bed the first time two weeks ago. She said for over a month he sent her away, avoided her, but she finally broke down his reluctance and got him to fuck her.” Sally paused to let the harsh words sink in “She chased him, caught him and screwed him. And she likes it; I know because she tells me when and how they do it.”
My rage dissipated as a fog of incredulity slowly engulfed my head. “You’re telling me that Carol chased after your father, seduced him then told you about it?” I shook my head, and yelled toward the back of the house “I can’t believe that, you’re lying to cover for that bastard. He raped my baby and if I don’t kill him, he’ll spend years getting his ass reamed in jail!”
Sally tilted her head back and looked directly into my eyes, anger in hers “No! She seduced him! We talked about it and she did it but that is only half the story about what’s going on here.”
“So what the hell is the other half? Is he fucking you too?” I snarled sarcastically.
“Stay here,” she demanded “I’ll be right back.” I sat rigid on the sofa and watched Sally’s back and legs as she left the room. A minute later she returned, “I just sent dad away, he’s going for a beer and to calm down, come with me, you need to understand what is going on” she offered me her hand again. I allowed myself to be pulled up then led to the back of the house to her bedroom. She stopped next to the bed, turned to face me then said “It’s your turn, take me to bed now.”
“Carol and I talked about this, she and my daddy, you and me. Now that you know about her and him, we are going to do it too, think of this as revenge if you have to.” For the second time that day I stood dumbfounded as the beautiful teen girl started pulling off her clothes. In moments she stood before me in bra and panties looking expectant, waiting for me to move. My heart was racing, I flushed with the same emotion I felt the first time I ever fucked a girl. My every thought was to run, to flee from the sexy young female but my cock was quickly becoming aware of her, it rose from its cozy home and strained against the front of my pants. Sally watched the reaction in my loins, smiled and said seductively “Take your clothes off Uncle Mike.”
As my shaking hands went to my buttons Sally continued “I was planning this for tomorrow, but right now is even better” she slipped her panties to the floor. My pants fell off my hips as she shrugged out of her bra then we stood face to face. I was looking her up and down, my eyes grazing the tight young body from toes to face, pausing at her crotch and breasts. My god she was beautiful! My erection throbbed, my balls twitched while she waited. I saw the nipples on her firm round tits stiffen and extend like miniature erections. She looked up into my eyes then stepped toward my open arms. I pulled her close, our bodies melded and bonded as a single entity.
She moved her lips from mine to my ear “We don’t need to play around right now; I am so ready for you.” Sally stepped forward pushing me to the bed. My knees folded over the edge of the mattress and I fell to my back, she was on top. Her hot smooth skin was caressing mine from thighs to chest, her tits mashed against me and she locked her lips over mine while rolling her pelvis against the rock solid erection trapped between us. It had been many years since a woman came on to me so suddenly and heatedly but my body remembered the thrill of hot first time sex. My balls solidified against the base of my cock and I grabbed her ass then pulled her over to lie completely on the bed. I rolled up and over her; she opened her legs wide, giving me freedom and permission to fuck her. I looked from smiling eyes to open legs then put the heavy swollen head of my cock to the tender entrance to her body. Sally arched her back and grabbed my waist then pumped her hips which caused her cunt to slide on my erection. I dipped lower into the girl and after the third stroke, we were fucking. I wondered briefly if she was virgin but I found out quickly that she knew what she wanted and how to get it. I was not a bit disappointed that I wasn’t her first.
I had built a strong flood of adrenaline and energy when I found Carol’s cum soaked panties and even more when I confronted my friend. Now that I was fucking Sally all that tension, energy and stress was being delivered through my pounding shaft into my Goddaughter. I raided her cunt, ravaged her body, forcing all my pent up emotions and hormones into that one wild fuck. I reverted a thousand years to the days when a conquering warrior would reap the rewards after defeating a worthy foe. I was raping his daughter and making her mine and Sally acted like she loved every moment of the sexual savagery. She wrapped her legs around my thighs, her arms around my neck and held me close as I pummeled her.
She let go of my neck then pushed on my shoulders, urging me to lift off her. I lay between her legs and fucked her wildly, my groin slapping loudly against her. Sally looked into my eyes, “I like this Uncle Mike, I knew I would, cum for me.” I braced my feet and forced my erection as deep into her as it would go; she groaned “Uufff!” as my balls tore loose and poured all my anger, all my violence into her as surges of enraged sperm.
Sally relaxed to the mattress when I rolled off to her side. She pulled my near hand to her and rested it on her heaving stomach “Oh my god, I can’t breathe!” I knew exactly what she was saying; my body was desperate for fresh oxygen, my chest pumping rapidly as I gasped for cool air, I hadn’t been that used up by sex in a decade. We lay quiet, side by side, I watched her fresh firm tits rising and falling and after a period of calm she turned her head to me, “Do you still want to kill my daddy?”
I reached between her legs which were still splayed wide and smeared my fingers in the fluids seeping from her cunt. “No sweetheart, I may still be in shock over all this but I don’t want to shoot your dad. What I want to do is fuck you again.”
She bumped her hips slightly and gasped when I caressed her sweet spot with the wet tip of my finger but said, “We can’t right now, I have to talk to Carol.” She looked into my eyes, hers serious, “Can you face him again? I told him what I was going to do with you and that Carol and I planned this. Go see him Uncle Mike, have a beer with my father and make it okay that he screwed Carol and we fucked too.”
I had only one question “Will we do this again?”
My best friends daughter put her arm around my neck and pulled my head to her for a long soft kiss. The sensation of her warm, moist lips on mine affected my cock which began to reform. “Not now,” she whispered, “but soon, maybe tonight when mom and Aunt Georgia go get their hair done, they have salon appointments and will be gone over two hours.” She kissed me again then got off the bed.
I found my lifelong friend, the man who I had just traded daughters with at Tom’s Hideout. I approached him cautiously, unsure of what to say, how to act or what we might say or do. I knew I wasn’t going to fight with him again but I felt as nervous as he looked.
I nodded to Tom who started to draw me a beer as I sat across the booth from Andy. I started the conversation “I just fucked Sally.”
He stopped breathing for a moment, an unknown emotion shaded his eyes then he answered “She said she would.”
The tension thinned slightly “I haven’t fucked a seventeen year old since Margo, remember her?”
Andy’s eyes drifted back, “Yeah, her and her friend Vanessa. Man, those girls were fuck machines.”
“Carol came on to you?”
“I tried to avoid her Mike, I really did but the girl kept coming at me, she finally did a complete strip for me before I caved in. I knew it was wrong but Jesus, that hot young thing had me trapped in our bathroom and wouldn’t let me out until I put it to her.”
I tried to envision my sweet innocent daughter chasing after a forty year old man but the only thing I could think of was how Sally took me to bed so quickly and willingly. “Your girl came on fast too, she thought that if she fucked me I would be okay with you and Carol.”
My beer got delivered so Andy and I paused for a couple of swallows, the tension faded more with the sips of beer. My friend looked over the rim of his mug “Are you?”
I nodded cautiously, admitting silently to both of us that things were right again, he continued as the stress eased from his eyes “Was she virgin?”
“No, she knew what she wanted and I gave it to her, I had my cock so deep in her I could feel the end of it knocking on her heart.”
Sally’s dad looked intently at me, that was the same line of bullshit I used to tell him after a night of hot sex while we were screwing our way through school. He smiled at the memory, the realization I wasn’t mad, and replied with his own teen aged answer “Well, I fucked mine five times and made her claw up the walls.”
Andy studied me for a moment the asked “If you saw me fucking your girl why didn’t you do something then, you waited until she went home?”
“I didn’t know it was Carol, I couldn’t see her face, just her ass so I thought you had your dick in Sally and there was no way I would interrupt that.”
He spoke over his beer mug, “Shit, that’s fucking incest, that’s over the top even for me.”
We had gotten over the events of the last two hours, regaining our composure, our friendship. If my daughter wanted to fuck him then it was okay with me, after all, he is my best friend and I would do anything for him, even let him screw my baby. Besides that, I would be enjoying the hot supple body of his girl again. “Sally said that Sybil and Georgia are getting their hair done tonight, they’ll be out for a couple of hours.”
“How do you want to work it? Let the girls come to us, Carol to me and Sally to you?”
As my cock started lifting from rest I had a different thought “You remember those nights we used to take our dates to the Hard Rock? We’d party with them in the Casino then take them upstairs?”
“We used to fuck those girls side by side, a private fucking orgy. You want to that with our daughters? Is that what you’re getting at?”
I watched Andy’s eyes, I could see interest and intrigue building “You and me, Carol and Sally; think they would have a problem fucking us while their father is beside them banging the other? Of course we wouldn’t swap them like we used to but I’d have no problem watching you fuck my baby. We can tell our wives we are taking them on a daddy/daughter night, for ice cream or something.”
His mouth turned up in a large grin “It will be a daddy/daughter night alright, but it won’t be ice cream I eat.”
We ordered another beer while I took my phone out to call Carol. I knew Sally would have told her that I caught her fucking Andy and she screwed me so I figured my daughter wouldn’t be too shocked at the direction of my call.
She answered tentatively on the fourth ring “Dad?”
I went straight to the point “Hi sweetheart, don’t be afraid of me, I know what’s going on. I’m sitting here with Andy and he knows what Sally and I did too.”
I heard her take a deep breath “It’s all okay? Sally said you tried to shoot Uncle Andy but she stopped you.”
“Listen, that’s over now. I called to ask if you and your best friend in the whole world want to go to the Hard Rock with me and my best friend in the whole world tonight for dinner, we’ll even throw a few quarters in the slots.”
“Yeah, that would be fun.”
“Wait, there’s more,” I paused, “Andy and I are thinking of getting a room then we could go up after dinner and celebrate our new relationships. You and him, me and Sally.”
“We go to some rooms and have sex?”
“Not rooms baby girl, singular, one room, two beds.”
After a moment’s hesitation I heard a soft “oh”, Carol was silent until the full realization of what I was proposing hit her then she said quietly, “I have to talk to Sally.”
She covered her phone so I couldn’t catch the muffled conversation between them but it was spirited. After a full minute of indistinct chatter she came back on, her voice carried a hint of excitement “Okay dad, we can do this if you don’t’ mind seeing Andy’s dick in my mouth.” She dropped the Uncle from his name.
If she was trying to shock me it didn’t work, I held my thumb and finger to Andy as the OK gesture; he smiled then took another sip of beer as I tried to shock her back, “Little girl, I already saw his fucking meat stuffed up your tender young pussy, why do you think I got mad?”
I felt her smile through the phone “Oh right, that”, she paused and I heard Sally say something then Carol spoke to me again “Dad?”
“Sally says she’ll be wearing a tight black mid-thigh skirt and no panties, you should think about that. Bye bye daddy, I love you!” My cock swelled in length and girth, almost banging against the table top as I shut off the phone. My best friend and I began to make plans for the night.
Our wives said goodbye and wished us a fun evening at the Hard Rock with Sally and Carol. They knew we were taking our daughters to dinner but they didn’t’ know we were taking them for a toss and roll all over two queen sized beds. It was after the women left to get their hair done that their daughters made their appearance. My heart almost thudded to a stop at the sight of Sally. True to her word she was wearing a black skirt and blouse combination that molded to her playboy body like paint. The top two buttons were open which gave me a grand view of the smooth creamy skin of her breasts, deep bra-less cleavage beckoned my stare. The short, ass hugging skirt curved over the tight round cheeks of her butt and snugged around her thighs. From mid-thigh to spiked heels her legs were bare. She had spent time primping in front of a mirror; her carefully done black hair framed her stunningly pretty face. She stepped up to me, looked me directly in the eyes and asked “Have you been thinking about me?” I almost dropped a load in my pants when my balls trembled with anticipation.
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Meri kahani ki pahli partt aap logon nein padhi hogi. Uska kuch ek comments bhi humey mila ye part kaisa bataiyega zaroor. Bhabhi ki nazarein mere khade lund par hi tiki thi. Unnko samajh mein nahi aa raha tha ki woh kya bole. Zahir hai mera sakht aur lumba lund unhey ascharychakit kar raha tha. Unhonein apney aapko sambhaltey huey kaha ki Pakaj ye tum kya kar rahe they aur maaji aap is umra aisi harkat chee, main soch bhi nahi sakti thi ki aap aisa karengi woh bhi is apney bete ke umra ke...
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I’ve led a really sexual deprived life and I had no idea how deprived until I met a new employee where I work. My parents monitored my every move before I got married at the tender age of seventeen to a man who should have been born in the 19th century. He only believed in missionary sex and when he found out I was barren, he lost all interest in sex. Ronnie, aka, Veronica and I hit it off right away, she has a great sense of humor and a quick wit and loved to tell jokes. After she was employed...
BisexualEmma Frost sat pensively as she made the final adjustments that prepare Cerebro to interface with her mind. Dr Xavier's technological marvel amplified her psi powers and enabled her to reach out and find...well everybody. But it was tuned to track mutants. She'd been sent here by Storm on an premise that was as preposterous as it was terrifying. Storm had received word that the Phoenix force had somehow resurrected and bonded with Professor X. Everyone knew that was impossible, but having...
Sultry dark haired siren Catalina Ossa wants to borrow her stepbrother’s car and horny hunk Lucas Frost has a very specific form of returning the favour in mind, a cheeky family fuck! Initially unimpressed, the perky titted teen babe is soon enjoying her stepbrother’s oral skills and squealing with delight before taking his long schlong into her mouth for a naughty blowjob. Soaking wet, the seductive honey loves getting fucking hard in doggystyle until he cums over his...
xmoviesforyouI've held onto this story for a while. Maybe it has been out of embarrassment, guilt, fear of being misconstrued, or just not knowing how to process it. Now that I'm older, I'm not ashamed – and I have returned to it as a defining moment in my evolution, if you can call it that.Gerald lived around the corner from my family. For years, I had mowed his lawn, as I did for most neighbors growing up. In the two years since Gerald's wife died, however, my family tried to spent a little more time with...
We had a load of scrap metal in our cellar so to get rid of it we got in touch, through a friend, of a man who deals in this, he weighs it all in, but he'll take it away for free. He turned up Monday morning, the wife had gone to work and I was in on my own, as they went into the cellar to start loading up there was more than a full load. The older man said to his son he was going to empty what was on the wagon and then come back.He left his son to sort out the rest of the rubbish. Ten minutes...
Are you ok? Aron said. Yeah Im fine. Ive just been thinking about things lately&hellip, dont worry about it. He pulled away, and tucked himself into his own world. He set himself against the wall of the school, at a slant. Looking out to the horizon, the wind tossed his hair awry. He closed his eyes and let the air flow through him. His eyes half opening, he grew a sly smirk on his face. Whats going on? He turned to me, and stepping closer and closer to me, backed me up against the wall. There...
Hello everyone. I hope you all are safe and healthy. Please read my first story, . This is my second story. This time I have written a fantasy. I really hope you guys like it. Happy Reading. Let me give you a brief introduction to my mom. Her name is Hema. She is 42, with a height of 5’8. She is fair and has the right amount of flesh where needed. Her sizes are 36-30-36. Her curvy body can make anyone go mad for her. She mostly wears sarees but in a sexy way. She ties her saree below her navel,...
IncestIt had been about a month since Avrils adventure at Captain Jacks Bar ( She had really enjoyed herself, and every night she mastrubated while thinking of all the cocks she had taken that night. After a couple of weeks she had picked up the phone and called Jack. She needed more. And now she sat there, naked on the floor in the bars back room with with hands and feet chained. Around her stood 10 men, all in their 40s, all stroking their...
“Okay Luke. You are about to get fucked.” With that my head exploded from the plasma grenade fired by my so-called friend, Ted. “God damn mother fucking piece of shit!” I cursed until I was blue in the face. We were sitting in Ted’s parents’ finished basement playing the latest Halo and Ted was kicking my ass. “That’s twice - POWNAGE!” He crowed from the couch. “What is up. Your head just isn’t in the game - well except for those little bits splattered everywhere.” I tossed my controller...
Talking about something vs actually doing it = two very different experiences. Occasionally, because he knows it drives me crazy, B will talk dirty to me when we have our 'are you in town' get togethers. It never failed - as soon as he would talk about having a friend join us, let's just say any inhibitions I had were instantly gone. After experiencing what I have with B, I often fantasized what it would be like to be in a 3-way with him and another guy. It happened this past weekend.It wasn't...
Introduction: A compilation of unfinished works This is a compilation of works I have started or written an ending for but Ive never finished. I hope to one day finish or start them but until then here are some chapters in my collection which are sort of just sitting on my iPad. All these stories are fiction but the characters are all people I know. Emma and Rachel have been my best friends and neighbours since I was thirteen and now they are the stars of a porn story I wrote not that they...
November, 1812 After a quick repast, Thomas had a horse saddled for himself and set out to visit one of the tenants, one George Hanson, who worked a 60-acre parcel of land towards Horsley with his son. Hanson had been boatswain in Cormorant, and Thomas’s father had given him a tenancy when the old ship was broken up in ‘04. Hanson had taught the young Thomas seamanship, and of all the tenants he could be trusted the most. The ride was two miles over the small lanes of the different estates,...
This is chapter 7 of Jayne the Virgin.She had a big smile on her face and told me to join her.I got between her legs and started lapping the cum flowing out of her. She tasted so good. I could detect the flavor of the other three guys. After orgasming multiple times she got up to take shower and asked me to join her.In the shower we made out. She bent over and told me to fuck her in the ass. I asked if she was sure. She hissed yes, grabbed my cock and backed tight ass onto me. I grabbed her...
"So, the earthquake ... made the two of you have sex?" Mom asked. "And that's what made you guys accept what happened?" Emma took my hand. I looked into her eyes and she smiled. Emma and I both knew that we had to let our mother know about our relationship. Now that we had told our mom about the fact that we accepted her choice, it was more than likely that she'd accept ours. "No, that's not all." I said before turning my head back to my mother. "At first we had a physical...
Watchingirishmik60 Is it incest if you only watch? Is it wrong? Naughty? Disgusting? Or sexually exciting? Passionate? Erotic? I was home from my freshman year at college for Spring break. I'd rather be at some exotic spot with my friends, partying and fucking my brains out, but sadly finances got in the way. So, here I was laying on the bed I grew up in, chatting on my cell with my bff. She was at Ft Walton Beach with others, drinking themselves into a drunken frenzy, fucking any boy that...
IncestThe night before her mind was going in circles imagining what would transpire the next day. Just the ideas that filled her mind made her so hot, but she was told to be a good girl and not touch herself. The next morning she awoke with a dripping wet pussy, even in her dreams she was filled with excitement about today's events. She left the house that morning excited and anxious. Her master gave her a very specific set of instructions. She did not even need to read the instructions, she had...
Ponyland PonylandBy Sir Thomas The following story was inspired by the film ?Closet Land? written and directed by Radha Bharadwai and starring Madeline Stowe and Alan Rickman. The original story was sponsored by Amnesty International. Its intention was to spotlight the horrors hidden from view that often occur in a police state. My intention is to capture some of that frightening atmosphere while incorporating the ponygirl theme. The following is a real story that never...
Jack was approaching his seventeenth birthday the night his Mother, Susan Hornher, brought home her first date. Jack remembered, because it was the first time he had sex with a woman. His Mother had divorced his father on the advice of a friend and divorced at a significant monetary disadvantage. The chief reason for the divorce lay in the fact that Jack's Father had simply tired of his 38 year old wife, Susan Hornher and had gone on to greener pastures. Susan hadn't been able to prove they...
I had to replace the door. It was old, and it had warped. That was why it wouldn't close properly. I called a hardware store, gave them the measurements, and the man there told me it would be ready when I came to pick it up. Rachel helped me to set it up and she held it while I put the lugs in it. After swinging it back and forth a couple of times, I closed it, and it sat snug. I opened and closed it again, and it was a perfect fit. Rachel was relieved that now her privacy was assured, and...
Jan lifted her glass, “Is this how you spend your days now? Sipping margaritas by the pool?” Lisa laughed. She looked over to the small group of teenage boys playing water polo, “Among other things. Juan understands my needs.” Jan looked over to the naked boys in the pool and then back to the very naked Lisa next to her. “I’m sure that works for him also. Is that why you ended up back here? This is where it all started, after all.” Jan would know. Lisa was still looking over at the boys....
Marianne took my hand and said, "Let's get you cleaned up now. After you've rested a bit, we can mingle with the other members and you can get acquainted with some of your new friends." Guiding me back to the dressing room she said with a smile, "You know, you did even better than Ellen did on her first night! Don't tell her I said so, but she required much more urging and encouragement." Reaching the dressing room, I stood under a steaming hot shower, relaxing my sore aching muscles...
I had good friendly relation with my cousin. She was 04 38++/34/36 size plump but just too good with light brown skin but skin inside her dress is fair color (like most Indian woman are, shucks!). I mostly teased her physically, spanking on her wide Butts and touch them while between crowds. Caress her huge Breasts while she slept alone. I was so fanatic with her from my childhood when I saw Breastfeeding mothers. She was everything to my teenage and my progressing puberty and self realization...
Dave's turn: I'm just glad the phone call didn't come sooner. I looked. Carlie. "Hi, Carlie," I said, trying NOT to sound like the cat that ate the canary. "Hello, Dave. I know, you know..." I play stupid. "What is it you know..." "Your little friend..." "My Carlita..." "Oh, she's YOUR Carlita now?" "Yes, I can say that. We've decided to get married, since she's eighteen, you know..." "I saw the passport. Can you even DO that?" "We're sure going to find out....
Hey, this is my first story so pls comment on it.. criticisms are welcome. Anyway, this is a story about Shobha Roy, a successful young executive living alone in her apartment of two bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen, a giant bathroom and a balcony overlooking the great ocean. All of which, finely put together to give a very feminine presence. She was 26years old and could never justify why she needed such an oversized shelter just for herself nor the need of driving a Silver VW Beetle to office...
The days had been really humid and the k**s had taken the xmas break but the weekend was over so most people had to return to their jobs, only some of us lucky ones had work from home, at this time of year I'm not that busy so I can take a leisurely couple of hours to get into the day, A swim in the pool then a nice coffee and on we go. The k**s next door would be using their pool and as they are all under 16, Dave their dad asked me to keep an ear out when they did for safety, Darth was the...
For my part, I was pretty glad. I thought Lisa was pretty cute--a little bookish, maybe, and shy. She had short brown hair and glasses. She didn't wear a lot of makeup, and didn't wear showy clothes, but from time to time, you'd catch just a glimpse of her body beneath some article of clothing she wore, and you'd get this hint of a really great body beneath her unflattering clothing. She owned a pair or two of jeans that were really tight, which she'd usually wear with an oversized,...
Hi friends, mera naam Rajesh (name changed) hai. Mera sabhi chut waliyo or lund walo ko namaskar. Mai Goa ka rahne wala hu. Mere lund ka size 9 inch hai. Meri age 25 hai aur mei ek insurance company mei kaam karta hu. July 2015 month ki baat hai muje ek customer mil gayi uska naam Kavita hai (name changed) vo ek Punjabi thi. Uska ghar mere ghar se lagbag 2 km ke duri pet ha. Uski age 35 hogi aur uska figure 36-30-34 hai. Vo yaha akele rehti thi uske pati Punjab mei thai aur saal me ek baar hi...
Author's Note: This is a very slightly edited (cleaned up) version of the original 7 chapters of Class Project which I first posted to the newsgroup back in 1995. I've let this tale languish for a long time and I'm not quite the same person I was when I first started writing it. Recently I saw a hyperboard thread listing stories which need to be completed. Class Project was on at least one of those lists. Since then I've been working on the continuation and will be...
After the first night, I was truly terrified of running into Sharon. She'd seen me so clearly through the bathroom window, and had clearly heard me as I came while groaning her name - how was I going to face her?! How was I going to have a normal conversation after pumping thick ropes of cum across my girlfriends breasts while thinking of Sharon? Either way, I had to get out of the house at some point - Sammy had already left to go to work, she was an early riser. Thanks to my job I was...
ATTENTION READERS: My services as a writer are now available for any tickling enthusiasts wanting their own ideas, fantasies, turn-ons, etc. put to print. Just contact me through The Library with your requests and I’ll give you a quote.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIALOF A SEXUAL NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night...
I had seen this young girl around my area so many times, and if I am honest my mind often wandered about what it would be like to have sex with her. She was definitely a teenager. She was a very, very skinny size 6 or 8, with a flat chest to match this figure. She had a really young looking face, with freckles, and her blonde hair was always in bunches. I rarely saw her in the town, but always walking along my street towards town. She always dressed like a typical teenager, in jeans and a...
Hello indian sex stories dot net friends,main vicky singh phir se lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye meri story “Mom as escort-4” part,I hope aapne mere pichle 3 parts ko zaroor padha hoga aur like bhi kiya hoga,so zyada der naa karte hue story par aata hoon,well good news yeh hai ki mujhe dubai mein ek mobile company mein as technician job mil gayi aur salary bhi thik thak hai around 20,000 dirham,mujhe job milne se mummy bhi khush thi,mere job ki timing morning mein 10:30 am se evening mein 5:30...
Seven O'clock, Friday morning, beautiful early fall day. Katherine Taylor slowly wakes up from a good night's sleep filled with wonderful dreams about how her glorious long weekend would go. She had panned to take the train to the London late that morning and stay there until she came back sometime Monday night. She was a very sexy young woman. At 22 years old, you would think she was still 17 or 18, and she was proud of that. She worked hard to keep fit by going jogging 2 or 3 times a week and...
Hello, Indian sex story readers. I’m back with another story of mine. Those who don’t know about me, then please go through my previous stories. Now coming into my incident, this story is about me with my friend’s mother. Yes, guys, it’s true. Her name is Ayesha and 45 years old. She is the perfect milf and doesn’t look too fat. Her son is a friend of mine and I’m not new to her family. Her husband works in one of the MNC company and moves to nearby cities because of his work. For every Muslim...