Wings As EaglesChapter 11 free porn video

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My sins catching up!

The next day while at work, I received a call from the Health and Human Services department.

"Mr. Lamour." she asked.

"Yes, this is he." I answered.

"This is Elaine Johnson, Your wife gave us this number to reach you. I discussed nothing with her. We have a letter from the Human Services Department in Los Angles saying they have a child of a Lin Chi in their care that you may be the father.

"Ms. Johnson, I have never been to Los Angles. I believe you have the wrong Lamour.

"It is a Vietnamese child, a six month old baby girl. Were you not in Vietnam last year? She asked.

"Yes but that doesn't make it mine." I replied.

"They are saying you may be the father, and would like a blood sample from you. You may come in at anytime and we will take the sample here."

"I have no intentions of coming down there Ms. Johnson. If you do not mind, I would rather you did not contact me anymore. That is all I have to say, good-bye!" I said hanging up on her.

"Damn! That is all I need now, Lin Chi blaming her kid on me!" I said to myself. The rest of the day I could not keep my mind on work. I was glad I did not have any students scheduled for this afternoon.

After work, I went directly home and took a shower. Sue asked me what they wanted but I told her nothing. After I had gotten out of the shower, I was in the bedroom dressing.

"Jay, what did they want?" she asked.

"I told you nothing, why do you ask me again."

"I feel it in my heart, I know there was something to that call."

"You feel it in your heart? You think you are getting pretty good at Mind Game, don't you?" I asked.

"Jay, What did they want with you?" she asked with a firm voice. I knew there was no way out of answering.

"A Ms. Johnson from Human Services said that the Human Services Department in LA say they have a six month old baby girl in their care, that I might be the father. I told her I have never been to LA and not to call me anymore that I am not the father." I explained.

"What else? I know that was not all to the conversation." She said.

"It's a Vietnamese baby, they want me to have a blood test and I told them no! Sue, we don't need that in our lives now or ever." I walked to the back door looking out into space as she followed and stood behind me. I could feel her eyes penetrating me. "Our sins follow us wherever we go don't they." I said.

"You mean like Jay!" she replied, with a sad voice. I looked at her with anger.

"Don't ever say that again! Not about him." I stated. "Jay is an exception. I love and want him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it that way."

"We are not going to get involved!" I said as I walked into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee as she continued following me. I put my hands on the counter and leaned over holding my head down thinking of what I had done. "I'm sorry to have brought this on you. Please don't hate me." I said looking back at her. She walked over to me and put her arm around mine.

"Who is the mother?" she asked.

"A girl I knew, Lin Chi, she took care of my living area."

"Did you do it with her?" she asked.

"Of course I did, I won't deny that!" I stated.

"I didn't mean it that way. What was she to you is what I meant."

"My last few months, we sort of had a thing. I helped her out with a few things and she helped me out. She may have been seeing someone else too! She lived off post so I could not know what she was doing after five o'clock. I saw her early in the morning or at the most once every other week. I sort of promised her that I would marry her and bring her to the states." I explained.

"Why didn't you bring her?"

"Isn't that obvious, I used her while I was over there. I never had any intention to bring her home."

"Let us say that the baby is yours, wouldn't you want to know?" She asked.

"You mean like Jay."

"There may be a part of you out there. Don't you want to find it if there is?" She asked.

"I don't want to find out anything that is not part of you!" I stated.

"This is a part of me, because it is part of you! Does that make sense?" she asked.

"Yes, that makes sense but you act as though it would be all right with you if it turned out that I had another child."

"I'm saying that I will accept it if you will. Jay, I know your heart well enough to know that if you have a daughter out there that you would love her, no matter what the circumstances."

"Do you think I should have the blood test done?" I asked.

"I don't see it any other way."

"Do you promise me this, either way, it will not affect your love for me?" I asked putting my hand on her cheek.

"No! I cannot promise that. I believe I will love you more if you do the right thing." I looked at her discerning what she had just said to me. What I had thought her reaction might have been was not how she reacted. I decided to do what she was suggesting.

"I will call Mrs. Johnson tomorrow." I stood staring into space for a few moments trying to think this through.

Jay began crying and I went into the den to check on him. He was standing at the edge of the playpen as I picked him up and held him.

"What do you think about all of this son? Come on tell daddy. I will listen to what you say." I said playing with him. Sue came over saying she needed to change his diaper and feed him. I went out on the porch and sat thinking for a while until she called me in for supper.

The following morning at ten o'clock, I called Children services.

"Mrs. Johnson, I talked it over with my wife last night. I decided to take the blood test. Can I ask how is Lin, or do you know?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lamour the letter stated the baby was brought over by Lin's brother. Lin Chi, the baby's mother had been killed in an explosion where she worked. A letter addressed from your mother was with the baby. Apparently, she obtained one of your letters to find your address. The brother left the child at the human services department along with the letter and disappeared. They have not heard from him sinse."

"How long will the blood test take Ms. Johnson?" I asked.

"We send it off, and with all the paper work involved it will be three to five weeks." She replied.

"Why so long? You mean I have to wait and worry for five weeks to find out if I am the real father. What if I decide not to have the blood test? Can I just go out there and get her?"

"I don't know. I would have to call them and ask what is their policy in this situation."

"Would you do that today and call me this afternoon?"

"I can try but I can't promise anything." She said.

"I would appreciate it very much if you could do that. I will be expecting your call today. Thank you very much, bye!"

While working that day, I could think of nothing else. I anticipated her call all afternoon. At four thirty, I became anxious and called her.

"This is Jay Lamour, have you heard anything from LA." I asked.

"I talked to a Mr. Keeton, he was trying to reach the Judge in charge of Child Custody. He anticipated no problems, but custody would have to be decided by the Judge. Our office will close at five and if I do not hear from him before then. It will be tomorrow at the earliest."

"Will you please call me as soon as you hear something Mrs. Johnson?" I asked.

"I sure will, but don't get your hopes too high!"

"I don't know if I have any hopes. I just want to do the right thing for the baby."

"That's a beginning, I am sure you will do the right thing! I gather your wife is supporting you in this matter?" She inquired.

"She is very supportive. We have a twenty-month-old son now. By the way, I apologize for my behavior yesterday. Your call had taken me by surprise and I was not prepared for anything like this." I explained.

"I'm sure everything will work out for you. I will call you as soon as I hear anything. Bye now!" she concluded.

I was still feeling anxious after talking with her. I was not sure how I felt but I was curious about the baby! I suddenly thought about Lin and wondered what actually happened to her. I felt bad about what I had said the last time I was with her. I should not have been so cruel. It has only been a year but seemed a million years.

Sue was waiting for me at the door, curious as to what I had to say. She had that "Well What Happened" look on her face as I entered the door.

"Hi Sweet heart!" I said, as I kissed her.

"Well! Tell me!"

"I spoke to her this morning. I told her I was willing to take the blood test. Then I asked her, if I could go to LA and get the baby without taking a blood test. She called the family services and spoke to the caseworker. He was trying to get in touch with the judge. No one can reach the judge today and he has to make that decision. She will call me as soon as she hears anything." I explained.

"When do you think that will be?" she asked.

"Maybe tomorrow, but that wasn't all! Lin died in an explosion and apparently she had taken a letter from my locker that mom had sent me that had our home address on it. Her brother brought the baby to the US and left her with Family Services along with my letter and they have not heard from him sinse. Sue, she is alone! Without her mother, what do I do? You know you were right! I feel in my heart that I need to go to Las Angeles regardless of what they say!" I explained.

"What ever you decide, I will be with you!"

"Are you sure? What if, after all this we end up with the baby and find out later that I am not the biological father. How do you think you will feel then?" I asked.

"I will have a free baby without having to endure the nine months. Can I ask you something? Did you know she was pregnant?"

"Before I answer you need to know the circumstances. Let's go sit down." I said as we went into the den and sat on the couch facing one another.

"First, you do remember how I was when I went over there. During a war, you do not worry about relationships. You are a thousand miles from home and away from real life. If you want sex, you go out and buy it. If you see, a girl and you want to be with her you lie and promise them anything. You think of them as prostitutes.

At the time, I thought myself to be lucky because I had a girl nearby that I did not have to give ten dollars every time I had sex with her. I gave her a few things and money occasionally and I also told her that we would get married and I would bring her to the US. I knew there was no way I was going to do that, but I said it anyway just to get what I wanted.

When it came time for me to leave, I just told her to get the hell out of my life. She said then that she was pregnant, but I thought she was saying that to get me to marry her. I left not giving it another thought. You don't understand how it was over there, so I don't expect you to understand what I just explained to you." I said trying to get her to understand.

"I don't understand everything you are saying, but I will accept, that it was like that because you said it was. Also, by what you just told me I would have been suspicious when she said she was pregnant!"

"Sue, I am sorry for the things I have done to hurt other people during those three years. Yet, I feel now these things will be catching up to me for the rest of my life, occasionally sneaking up on me as it did yesterday. I am afraid you are in for some disappointments. I have done some sorry things in my life but you know some of them first hand don't you?"

"We will just have to work them out together each time they come. But I don't know how many more children I can take in!" she said smiling.

"None I hope!" I responded.

"Are you hungry? I need to work on supper." She said.

"Very hungry! I'm going to shower then play with Jay." I replied.

"I have some questions I want to ask you later!" she stated.

"What kind of questions?"

"I just want to talk with you in the form of questions. You know, what is your favorite color and so on." She joked.

"You are going to ask me some embarrassing questions, aren't you? Like how many times I have cheated on you, or how many whores have I been with in the past month, that kind of thing."

"No, there are things I am curious about and I would like to know the answers so go take a shower and we can talk later."

After supper, we watched television for a couple of hours and fell asleep lying next to each other. Jay woke Sue up and she woke me up to get in the bed at one thirty.

The next day after lunch, I received a call from Mrs. Johnson.

"This is Jay speaking!

"Mr. Lamour, I have some good and bad news.

"Give me the bad first." I stated.

"You and your wife are going to have to go before the Judge and plead your case before he will make a decision." She said.

"Is that all the bad news?" I asked.

"Without the blood test you will have to convince him that you are fit and that you can support another child." She continued.

"The good news?"

"He is very susceptible to being lenient in these situations, if he is persuaded." She answered.

"That is very good news Mrs. Johnson. Thank you!" I replied.

"Mister Lamour, I have never met you but I am going to send a letter of recommendation to Mr. Keeton." She stated.

"That is very nice of you, I can't thank you enough!"

"Tomorrow, I will have the date and time you need to be in LA. Call me at two o'clock for that information, will that be all right with you?" She asked.

"That will be fine with me, I will call at two o'clock." I confirmed.

I called Sue immediately. I wanted her to know what I had discussed with Ms. Johnson. I gave her all the details of our conversation and waited for a response. I knew she had her own thoughts about this. I felt she was being honest with me but I was not 100 percent positive. I needed to know for sure that she would accept the baby as a part of her life.

"What do you think? Do you believe I am doing the right thing? If not, you need to let me know now!"

"I believe you are doing the right thing." She said.

"I need to talk to you about this, but I need to be face-to-face. I need to see what is in your heart. I can't do it over the phone and be 100 percent sure!"

"I am being 100 percent honest with you!"

"I'm sure you are, but I need to be with you. I am going to come home early today."

"Do you want to have supper early tonight?"

"That will be fine. I will see you when I get home." After hanging up the telephone, I began thinking. She would tell me not to abandon the baby, because in her heart that would be the right thing for me to do. Even so, in her heart does she want the baby?

After supper, we sat down to drink coffee together and talk.

"How does this situation affect your feelings for me or our marriage?" I asked bluntly.

"I love you! Nothing can change that!" she replied.

"Damn it Sue! Do you want the baby or not! I am not asking you if it is the right thing to do! If your not going to love the baby, then we do not need to pursue this any further!" I said losing my temper. She began crying. I knelt down next to her chair and pulled her head to my shoulder.

"Are you crying because I yelled at you or because you do not know how to answer me?" I asked. I did not push her for an answer. "I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. I do not even know if she is mine, but I already feel a certain amount of love for her. Maybe, I feel sorry for her, for being abandoned." I explained.

"I can not say at this moment that I love her. I can say that if we get her, I will treat her as my own. I may fall in love with her the second I see her. I do not know. But, you know in your heart I will try." She explained.

"I know you will. I think I just wanted you to say plainly that you want her unconditionally. Maybe you have already bought her a baby bed or you have opened her a checking account or something like that." I said being facetious.

"I will accept her unconditionally! The same way I accepted you!" she said with a grin.

"I can live with that!"

"Can I ask you a silly question?" she asked.

"OK! Here it comes, what is it."

"I know you didn't with me, but have you ever use a condom?" she asked.

"What for! I can't get pregnant!" I said being facetious.

"What I mean to ask is, do you expect any more surprises like this?" she asked.

"You want to know how many women I have slept with! Is that it? Why don't you just ask me how many women have you slept with." I said.

"How many?" she asked with a curious look on her face.

"Am I to include all the sluts and prostitutes?" I asked while smiling.

"Yes! I am just curious!"

"I haven't thought about it, I really don't know!" I answered.

"Twenty, thirty. Fifty, I'm sure you can count them!" She stated.

"No! What do you think I am? I hesitated momentarily, thinking. "Maybe twenty or thirty." I answered.

"I'm just curious! She stated.

"Curiosity killed the cat, you know!" I replied laughing.

"Don't make fun of me, please." She said with a serious expression on her face.

"How am I supposed to take this serious? It's embarrassing talking to you about these things" I replied defending myself.

"Don't be! It is kind of like the kids asking you about your medals. They want to here about those things because they are curious. I'm curious about your private life." She explained.

"Do you promise you won't throw it back in my face later?" I asked.

"I promise I won't!"

"What do you want to know then?"

"How many girls had you been with, when you were stationed at Knox, before you met me?" I thought for a minute counting in my head.

"A couple! But I was not serious with any of them."

"How many women have you loved in your life?" she asked.

"Two! You and Christi! But I don't love her anymore." I said, as I leaned over and kissed her. We went into the den, played with Jay for a while, watched television until ten o'clock, and then went to bed. We lay silently for fifteen minutes or so.



"Why are you careless when it comes to women?"

"I think it goes back to being hurt. I suppose it is my way of getting revenge. However, I am not like that anymore. You have taken that away from me. I mean that in a wonderful way."

"I'm glad to be of service to you." She said and smiled.

The next afternoon I called Mrs. Johnson.

"Hello! Mrs., Johnson, have you found out anything?" I asked.

"Good news! Can you be in Los Angeles Monday at ten o'clock?" she asked.

"That is short notice, but we will be there!" I answered.

"OK then! Come by the office tomorrow morning and I will give you the forms to fill out and you need to fill in all the information they ask, before you give them to the judge. He might ask you questions about anything you put on these forms, so make sure they are correct. Do you understand?" she explained.

"Yes Ma'am, I understand. I will come by tomorrow and pick them up. I appreciate everything you are doing for us." I said.

"Your welcome! I hope everything works out for you. I will see you tomorrow!" She said as we hung up.

I knew Sue would want to know the results of our conversation but I had gotten behind on my work. I also had two students this afternoon that I scheduled for lessons. I thought I would tell her when I got home but I knew she would want to know sooner than later. I worked until five fifteen and decided to call her before my first student arrived at five thirty.

"Hi sweetie!" I said as she answered the phone.

"Hi! You haven't left work yet!' she asked.

"I just got off but I'm waiting for one of my students. I have "two" today. I forgot to let you know this morning." I explained.

"Well! What happened?" she asked.

"We have to be in Los Angeles Monday at ten o'clock. Do you think we can make it?" I asked because of the finances.

"We'll have to use some of our savings." She said.

"I can probably get us a flight there and back for a little or nothing. I have a few friends who might could pull some strings." I suggested.

"That would be a big help with the money situation." she replied.

"I know! It is tuff right now, but give me a year and you will not have to worry about those things. I will get my instrument rating in the next two months and my commercial license won't be that much longer." I stated.

"Don't over extend yourself, we are doing all right." She replied.

"I'll talk to you tonight, my student is here." I said as we hung up.

After the lessons, I called Mac to see if he could help me

Going to LA

"Mac! I need your help with something. I explained the situation to him, not knowing what his reaction would be about the baby. "Do you know anyone flying to LA this weekend?" I asked.

"Damn Jay! You got yourself in a mess! You couldn't keep it in your pants could you?" he asked laughing.

"Come on Mac! This is serious. I need your help!"

"And Sue is OK with this? I wouldn't be surprised if she left you!"

"Do you know anyone going out their Mac?" I said firmly.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the hanger, but I am leaving to go home when I get off the telephone."

"Let me call around and I will call you in an hour or so at home." He replied.

"I'll be waiting."

Awhile after I had been home, he called.

"Your in luck Jay! I spoke to two people. Raymond Davenport with Cox Construction is flying down Sunday morning and will be there until Thursday. John Whitely with Houston Oil Co. is flying to LA Monday morning at eight but is returning Wednesday. Both of them said they would be glad to give you a ride." He gave me their numbers as I wrote them down. "Figure out your best plan and call them tomorrow. They will be waiting to hear from you. I hope you two are making the right decision!" he said.

"We are Mac, and you know we appreciate your help." I replied.

"Are you still on for next weekend? You need to mix with these people. Most of these guys own airplanes." He explained.

"Unless something else comes up about this situation, we will be going!" I said.

"Let me know if you need anything else, OK!"

"I will thanks again! I'll talk to you later." We hung up.

Sue was sitting with me reading the numbers I had written on the pad.

"Those are the flights to LA that I need to call tomorrow." I said.

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Wings as EaglesChapter 16

A Growing Airline! Four more years have passed and my business had grown beyond my expectation. I purchased two twin turbo propjets and three Learjet's. Two Learjet's were six years old but had recently been refurbished and looked new for which I had bought at a good price. I now have five full-time pilots and three part-time. Charlie was my full-time mechanic and I had two others that worked for me part-time from their other jobs. I had run an ad in the paper for two flight attendants and...

4 years ago
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Wing Girl

In high school, my best friend, Dave, was a stud. He dated so many hot girls I couldn't keep count. On the other hand, I couldn't get to first base with girls. I was awkward and shy. I felt silly, I looked silly. I was silly. I would have been a totally isolated, outcast nerd, had it not been for Dave. We had a lot of fun hanging around, cruising in his Camaro. I was his wing man. I felt cool as hell riding around town in that car. We'd go to a drive in, where Dave inevitably...

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Wing Night at Stingers

Once the snowbirds begin returning to Florida every bar seems to have a gimmick to get their wallets open. My favorite hang-out when I do get out is Stingers. They have a 30-cent wing night, and a buy one, get one, fish night. We, my ex-wife and I, were regulars there and after our divorce I began to straggle in stag as I began to date and fish around for female company. I had a friend from high school, Florie, who had moved to the area and looked me up. Now, Florie and I got together in high...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly.“Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

In a message dated 4/18/2004 11:25:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, XASpecialWishX writes:"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "OOuch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck, low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and...

2 years ago
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Swings And Things

"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "Ouch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. "Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your...

1 year ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. “Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

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Wing Girl Episode 2

The day had started with my best friend Dave taking me to a department store to get clothes for a Halloween party. Dave had the idea that we'd go the the party as the celebrity couple, David Copperfield and Claudia Schiffer. Dave was going to be the magician Copperfield, and I was to be Schiffer. For Dave, it was going to be easy, since he was a handsome guy with fabulous black hair, and he liked to do magic tricks, so he already had a hat, and a cape, and a wand. For me, though, it...

2 years ago
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Wing Girl 3

I was lost in distraction all day at school. I sat in classes looking at my nails and running my fingers through my hair. I couldn't wait to get home so I could work on my makeup. Teachers would be talking about algebra theories, or important dates in history, and I would be thinking about how to run a line of mascara, and how to taper off eye shadow. The girls mostly wore subtle makeup at school, and I'd get lost noticing how they did eyes or their lips. I was starting to see how a...

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Wing Girl Party Prep

The drive from the mall to the salon was something of a change of momentum. After talking with Diane, mom sort of grilled me about my relationship with David, and about whether I knew that he was purposely encouraging me, maybe even using hypnotic suggestions, to come out as a girl. The encounter brought out a lot of emotion in me, and I nearly cried as I tried to explain that, yes, I knew David was encouraging me, but that I didn't think he was doing it to take advantage of...

3 years ago
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First Time for Everything Part 2

So Matt and I finally had some incredible anal sex (thanks in part to quite a fair share of wine). He thought it was hot, and of course so did I. However, it's been two weeks and here we are, back to vanilla sex as usual. I was at least slightly disappointed when he made no attempts to relive our sexy first time giving anal a whirl. I had given up hope and started to think that this was an isolated incident until today. "Don't work too hard during that Pilates class you're running this...

2 years ago
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In The Freezer

IN THE FREEZER By Charlotte Dickles SYNOPSIS: Nigel, and his wife, Jenny, are happy to offer a temporary UK home to Nigel's Aunt Nancy, following the death of her rich husband Frank in Australia. On their first evening together, they are absolutely delighted when Nancy signs her will leaving all her fortunes to them when she dies. But wills have to be properly witnessed, and with Nancy's premature departure, someone else has to get it witnessed. Although the...

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Road Trip Tease

The drive to our little cabin in the middle of nowhere always seemed to take so long, but for some reason it feels exceptionally long this time. We've been driving for three hours, and have about two hours to go. My boyfriend and I have been coming to the cabin twice a summer for years. Our number one rule was, he drove us up, and I drove us back.  Today I can’t seem to get the thought of what we always did whenever we got to the cabin out of my mind. We had passionate sex the moment the door...

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WWE Divas

You have one backstage pass the wrestle mania event. It is one of the biggest events of the years. The crowd is pack, and people are cheering and getting drunk. The music is loud and you can hardly hear yourself talk, what you really looking forward to be the women's matches. Chyna is suppose to return. You see her totally trashing her competition. She waves to the crowd and blow them a kiss. You're in a front row and you swear she wink at you as she smash her opponent face into the ground....

1 year ago
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Officer Bigdick Pt 1

Introduction: I cant believe Im doing this! Intro: Ive never done this before, so I just want to get my story out there. Please comment!!! This is easily my most exciting sex story and what makes it so great is that it actually did happen. Thank you all. It was late one Friday night, about 11:15. I had just gotten home from a late night at the office. The kids were at my mothers and my husband was on a business trip in Denver, CO. I kicked off my heels and constricting business skirt, had a...

3 years ago
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My favorite dream

I was with some people in a homey market. Not sure who any of them were, but I was apparently someone very special. They had normal produce and then there was a little back corner where there was an artist and the guy who was there decided he wanted to try. Near the artist, the produce was different. The first thing I saw were giant apples, like the size of people heads. They were red delicious apples, but I think we were all broke, because I knew we couldn’t get anything. Anyway, the artist...

2 years ago
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Andreas DilemmaChapter 2

The next three weeks followed the pattern of the first: Class on Tuesday, work on our paper on Thursday, and then dinner at Joey’s on Sunday after we did our final review. In between, Joey and I spoke on the phone a couple of times a week. I really enjoyed the time I spent with Joey and Sarah, it was a pleasant change of pace for me. Joey was unlike any young person I’d ever met. He was a very intelligent guy, but he had zero interest in college. He was very personable, but he did not...

1 year ago
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Sex Education begins at home Chapter 2

Title: Sex education begins at home – Chapter two Author: Riatman THIS IS A FANTASY, DON’T TRY IT AT HOME-YOU WILL BE ARRESTED After my daughter and I had our first sexual tryst it was weeks before we were able to properly fuck again. During those weeks we could only masturbate each other quietly on the odd occasion, as there was always some one else around. Our relationship had relaxed and even my wife commented on how calm and easier to get along with the young girl had become. Luckily my...

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Joy And Benefits Of Versatility

Joy And Benefits Of VersatilityBy: Londebaaz ChohanGetting a go ahead signal from Hans Pal Singh; Ram Laal picked a very nice, posh restaurant, his friend owned and made the reservation for two. As promised Ram Laal picked up HPS, from his home and they reached the restaurant, to be welcomed by the owner. They were not longtime friends but only had met at little league club meeting where Hans Pal’s grandson and Ram Laal’s son were the star players. Hans Pal Singh’s age was 71 and he was a...

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My Gran Took My Virginity

My family has a thing about the girls getting pregnant young. My grandmother gave birth to my mom when she was just sixteen. My mom gave birth to my sister when she was seventeen. I was born when mom was nineteen. My sister and I have different fathers, they are both still around and share my mom between them. My dad also got my sister pregnant and now my dad is his sons, grandfather, well, sort of, mom and him are not married.So as I have given you an insight into my strange family, let me...

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And Other Duties As Required Ch 11Epilogue

Author's Foreword: Hello everybody! Thank you for your patience! This is the fourth and final section of this story! Everything's about to come to a lava-hot climax! If you want to check out my next story - Wishes Gone Wrong: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better - the first half is now up (along with a few bonus short stories!) on If you want a say in what I write next, please come fill out my latest story poll at...

3 years ago
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Fucked Spanish Girl Emily In Goa

Hello guys I am Rohit again . This is gonna be my 3rd story on ISS . I got a tremendous amount of responses from ISS readers and I really appreciate your feedback . Also got to meet an ISS member and what happened ahead can be well guessed by you I live in Mumbai and I am open to have any kind of relationship with a women Be it just friendship, or emotional support , Private massage or even an intimate casual affair . I Guarantee full satisfaction and discretion . You can contact me at , drop...

2 years ago
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Letter to My Navy Man

I sat at the table for two, sipping my iced tea. The waiter had refilled my glass three times by the time my Bri arrived–always outrageously late but generally worth the wait. ‘Sorry I’m late, hon’ She said loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear. ‘I was getting a bikini wax and it took longer than I thought.’ She always could make a stunning entrance. I looked around, but fortunately the place was relatively deserted. ‘Just sit down. I’m starving.’ ‘Perhaps I should order oysters. I’m...

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No FutureChapter 2

An Englishman's Home Lindiwe 2065 After so many months of struggle and sacrifice, the arduous journey was finally over. Lindiwe had arrived. In the town's short history, few had suffered as much as Lindiwe to reach Ashton Lovelock. Few could have endured the adversity, hunger and rape. Few would have willingly paid so much from so little savings to make a home in the fifty year old English New Town. But desperation had driven Lindiwe to extreme measures, as it had her fellow migrants...

4 years ago
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A Little Too Far

This does contain characters from some of my previous stories, but anyone not familiar with them will be okay for the most part. Hope you enjoy. A Little Too Far By Wolverine Alex Marx looked across the cafeteria at Tiffany Noscenminx, the pothead who made straight A's all the time. The half Mexican bitch made him angry. He always had to work, work, work to get straight B's while all she did was kill brain cells and get straight A's. She made him sick. Alex's comrade, Seth...

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One Hot Bath time

One day,back in the late 1980's ,Lita not her real name,was running some errands,in a very fine day .she finally done, and was heading her way to the bathroom to take her shower.Hanging her towel off the peg.She then remove her dress and undies wet and smelled from the sweat from the morning's work.Turning the shower on,she got busy with her hair, untying the rubber bond been clinging on.She wet her hair first and applied ample amount of shampoo,massaging her hair with the shampoo,she then...

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Battlemage Book 3 Return of the Prodigal SonsChapter 4

"So what you're saying is that either we can never have sex, or I have to be prepared to marry Darla because she could go insane if we have sex and I wasn't willing to assume the responsibility to spend the rest of my life with her?" asked Caelan with wide eyes. "Yes, that about sums it up, but with your magic abilities there is no way to tell how the bond with Darla would turn out. The two of your powers might create something totally unique, given who you are," said Galen. The four...

3 years ago
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Bride for the whole familyChapter 7

Diana rolled over in the bed. Her long, graceful arms reached out to hold her husband. But only found emptiness on his side of the bed. She pushed her sleep-laden eyes open and stared beside her. Michael's side had been slept in, but it was empty now. She quickly glanced around the room. Her husband was gone. "Hrmph!" she snorted out loud. "Not much of a way to treat your bride on the second night of your marriage!" Then she remembered the man in the passage and was grateful that her...

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The Hike0

Myra decided early that morning to take a hike up in the desert trails that surrounded her Arizona home. She absolutely loved the weather. Always hot and dry. She dressed for it, really skantily. She had long before obtained a permanent tan. Myra showered up early that morning and the got dressed. Her hiking outfit consisted of little khaki shorts, a tight white tee shirt and hiking boots with itty bitty socks. She wore her favorite old straw cowboy hat to keep too much sun off...

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Wife hits jackpotyour a Cuckold Husband

So you want to be a cuckold?Here's the good news: YOUR WIFE WANTS TO CHEAT ON YOU.How do I know? Because your wife is a human being and it's a biological fact that human beings are wired to desire a variety and multiplicity of sexual partners. This includes your wife.But let's back up and talk about you, the would-be cuckold. I suspect that the biggest obstacle between you and the realization of your dream is your own shame and social conditioning. One of the things that makes the cuckold...

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br Mother In Law

b*****r & Mother In Law Summer was right around the corner. I arrive to my girlfriends house to hang out with her f****y. The only thing different this time is that she will not be there. She is on work duties which requires her to travel. The same time I get there her b*****r and mother get back from swimming at their pool located in the middle of their apartment complex. We all step inside and it wasn’t the hottest point of the year yet but good enough. I noticed their moms nipples...

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neha got threesome

I am 24 yr experienced single delhi male. I m 6ft 70kgs clean Shaven with ahtletic body. I have lots of wild n erotic fantasies and True experience which i wud like to share with like minded ppls… I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet broadminded and like minded cpls and females for casual or one off scenes such as 3 sum or 5 sum. i m always respectful mannered and considerate and Familiar with what is safe sane and consensual im not too aggressive pushy Or over bearing and always open to new...

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Team Spirit 3

Team Spirit 3 Don Abdul ©The potent vibrations from Leslie's vocal cords resonated powerfullythrough Paul's sensually charged cock and her involuntary squeeze on his balls send his hurtling down the bottomless pit of release. His back arched and his head flew backwards as he let out a deep guttural growl from the depth of his soul and spewed his hot cum in the air with some of it falling like rain on her shuddering body . Miguel straightened up to restore blood circulation to his legs,...

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The Test

“Come on, it will be fun” my wife said. She was suggesting we go down to the local club where one of our friends was hanging out on a Saturday night. It was already 10 pm – a time where, sad to say , at age 59 I was already thinking about going to sleep. But one thing I like about Sue is that she is spontaneous, so before you know it I agreed. Of course it took some time for her to pick out her outfit – a short black dress that showed off her wonderful legs. Even though she is 54 years old...

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Shock and Awe0

By co-authors Phyllisroger It was long ago or was it yesterday. Finally, after a long day it was time for some rest and recreation…heavy on “recreation.” My home was empty except for me and my favorite large dog. I was feeling randy. When the air came through the open door I could tell. My cunt was wet and the air cooled me, only making me more hot and ready to go upstairs with Duke…my large black lab. OMG, we were a team and we joined…as in joined…together for fun whenever we had the...

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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 14 Falling Again

When Penny arrived, she found that Mistress Catherine's office was not what she was expecting. Rather than being some seedy den covered in velvet tapestries and full of old, fluffy couches, with incense burning in the corner and hookah pipes strewn across oversized furniture, Penny found that it was a sensible office with a comfortable reception area, a clean and organized reception desk, and soft, but professional lighting. As Penny entered, she approached the front desk, a little unsure...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Whitney Wright Eliza Ibarra Study Dummies

Two straight friends and roommates, Eliza Ibarra and Whitney Wright are excited to take part in a study. Although Whitney’s a little nervous about it, especially since she’s not entirely sure what the study is about, Eliza is all for it. Eliza’s SURE that they’re just going to be asked some questions and then they’ll be done! When Casey Calvert arrives and announces that she’ll be the one conducting the study, Eliza and Whitney are ready to go! But then they...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

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Reddit Milfie, aka r/Milfie! What is a Milfie? Well, it’s a selfie, only it’s strictly a selfie of a hot MILF babe with nice tits who loves showing off her assets if you get what I mean. If you thought that selfies were a dumb name, I sure hope that you don’t mind this whole milfie gimmick because it’s not about the name so much as it is about the content itself. The place we’re taking a look at only has milfies and nothing else and it’s a subreddit on the platform Do you want to...

Reddit NSFW List
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The day my best friend wanted to experiment pt2

So there I was, face down ass up, which my best friend J just came deep inside my now no longer virgin ass with his fairly big cock. I could see his semi erect cum covered cock hanging just after he pulled out of my cum filled ass. Then feeling he cum running out of my loose ass, now dripping from balls onto the floor, my cock still dripping precum. I feel his hands let go of my hips as he stands up wiping his cock with a shirt. I didn't want him to cum in me, but he did anyway, he flooded it...

1 year ago
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Biker Lust The Beginning

Introduction: A fantasy that lives in my head about someone who knows who they are. It was a warm fall day. I was riding aimlessly around in the country on my Sportster. All summer long Id ridden around on these same roads and I was feeling quite bored. I had been riding along, lost in thought when I came upon the little wooded glen with the roadside cemetary. This was as good a time as any to stop and have a sip of water. Pulling over on the side of the road I parked my bike and stretched...

3 years ago
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More of the Story S and the fat b

So that first time with S was great. Like I said I've been around and i have to say S's pu**y was easily in the top ten. I couldn't get enough of that sweet wet slot of hers. It was damn near a crime how I use to treat her. A crime with respect for her wishes. Let me explain. One time I'm minding my business listening to my music of course, cleaning the back steps when S walks pass me up the steps. She's wearing a little jean skirt, cute blouse and calf high leather boots. She tried to walk...

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