Wings As EaglesChapter 8 free porn video

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"American Soil!"

I finally arrived in Oakland and everyone was escorted to an area and discharged. I never expected to be here. I showered, put my dress greens on and the Army fed us a steak dinner. Because of my medal, which they insisted I wear, they assigned an NCO to help me until I discharged. As I walked around anyone that noticed my ribbon would salute me. Even the enlisted along with the officers were saluting. The Army gave me my final pay and a plane ticket to any destination.

I decided to make a stop in New Mexico to see my brother Harry who was stationed there for a year. Before leaving, I had called him to let him know I was stopping there. He and his wife Samantha picked me up at the airport. To my surprise, the post Commander was present along with Harry's Company Commander and others.He was a Staff Sergeant, the same grade I was. Like the others, he saluted me and then we hugged. I spent a week there visiting with him. We ate dinner with the post Commander and his family. I understood all of what was taking place but I did not want it to be like this. I felt guilt and all that happened to me was under false pretenses. However, I just could not get it in my head that I was out of the army for good.

I wanted to know how Harry felt about me and what I did to dad. We got up that morning and played a round of golf. Just completing a round, we were sitting on the balcony of the clubhouse.

"Harry, I need to ask you something.

Sure! What is it?"

"When I went AWOL how did you feel about me?"

"I was disappointed in you, I thought you let dad down." He replied.

"I know I felt the same way." As we grew up, I always thought we were the closest, so I want the truth. How did you feel about me personally? Did you think I was a coward? That is one of the reasons I came to see you. I need to know."

"I was angry with you for hurting dad. However, I did not think you were a coward. I grew up with you. I knew better. I really did not think that much about it. I have my own life you know."

"This may seem stupid, but what do you think of me now."

"That is stupid! I am proud of you. Everyone has forgotten the past. Don't worry about that any more."

"What if I told you all of my medals was fake."

"How can they be fake?" he asked with a puzzled look.

"After I hurt Dad I volunteered for Nam so I could get killed. Everything that happened to me was because I did not care about living. I wanted to die!"

"So what! You are home now. They gave those medals to you because of what you did, not what you felt. It does not matter to me what you were thinking over there. I am glad you made it home and I am proud you are my brother. The family loves you no matter what happened. The family is everything, don't forget that." He responded.

"What about dad? I never got to tell him I was sorry." I said as tears streamed down my face. He leaned over putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Jay, you know how dad was about us kids. No matter what we did, he always loved us. I know I have done things to hurt him but he always forgave me.

"I suppose so. Thanks Harry." I said. I still had unanswered feelings. The week had passed quickly and I was anxious to get home. I thanked Harry and Samantha for everything as I boarded the plane.

Home Finally!

I arrived in the Memphis airport at noon. Mom and the kids were waiting to pick me up at the terminal. The Army informed my family about the Medal but not about the Purple Hearts. I signed a waver when I went over there that they were not to inform the family of any wounds, only of my death. I was so glad to see her I hugged her for the longest. During the ride to the house, the kids asked me all kinds of questions and I explained some but put them off until later.

Mom mentioned to me that she had seen Christi a couple of times. Christi had told her that she wished she had waited for me. I wished mom had not told me that. It only stirred up memories. Mom may have said that to make me feel better but it did not. We arrived at the house and I thought to myself, "is this really happening." I was a civilian now, what would I do? I sat around the house a couple of days just enjoying being home.

Sunday morning we got up and went to church. Everyone seemed glad for me to have made it home. I had made a few apologies to some that had written but I had not written back. I stayed awhile after church talking to some of my old friends, but soon felt I had nothing in common with them.

Henry, the man mom was dating had a son Rob, who lived in the apartment with him. I began staying at his place a lot. I met a girl, Carroll and had spent the night with her a couple of times just for sex. I did not have any feelings for her but she was nice to have for a while. During a two-week period, I had met three other girls who I dated and had sex with but I was feeling empty. I could not feel anything in my heart for any of them.

Girls these days seemed so easy to get. It was as if they had no pride in themselves. In the back of my mind, they were all whores and I treated them as though they were. Lindsey, one of them I had been with began calling me and coming over to the apartment. I didn't want her around anymore so I told her to get the fuck out of here and don't come back. She was shocked and began crying then left. I did not care how she felt. I even got a little pleasure doing that to her. I knew she wasn't interested in a serious relationship anyway.

Over the past three years, my senses had developed to the point it was easy to see into people. I was at the point that there wasn't any analyzing. I reacted naturally to any situation without having to think it through. It had become a game to me knowing others hearts. I wouldn't say anything to them. I knew the truth was all that mattered. Besides, I could spend all day telling people things about themselves and that would only make enemies. I would keep it to myself unless I said something only to impress someone.

I did have a few nightmares about what happened in Vietnam but I was determined not to let it eat at me. Now that I was home and away from all of that, I wanted to forget about it. It didn't help much with everyone asking me questions. I knew there was a natural curiosity about those things, so I just handled it the best way I could. The fact that I killed someone didn't bother me because it was in combat. The idea that they had families did make me think about it. I think now that I am home I don't hate Vietnamese people as much as when I was there.

Talking to Sue's mom!

I was thinking of Sue, curious to know how she was doing. Debating with myself whether to contact her, I decided to call her to let her know I did make it home. I did not want to stir anything up from the past but maybe she would just want to know. I think I really wanted to know if she still had feelings for me. I was tired of the life I had been living. I was ready to settle down and enjoy life with someone I cared for. The only worthwhile memories I have are when we were together. I wasn't sure I was doing the right thing but I had to know. I called her parents' house and her mom answered.

"Is Sue there?"

"No, she's not here, may I ask who is calling?"

"This is Jay, do you remember me?"

"Yes Jay! Where are you?"

"I'm home, I got back a little more than a month ago." I answered.

"I am glad you made it Jay, I'm really happy for you." She said sounding excited.

"How is Sue?"

"She's fine, she is at work."

"Mrs. Miller, I'm not calling to stir things up, I just want Sue to know I made it home in case she ever wondered. Would you tell her for me that I'm sorry for what I did, and let her know I made it home?"

"I'll tell her Jay."

"Mrs. Miller, you were good people to me and I am sorry if I caused you any grief, I really am." I said apologizing.

"You did stir things up around here for awhile. Do you want to call her at work and tell her yourself?"

"No Mrs. Miller, she probably hates my guts and would rather not have anything to do with me. Just tell her for me please."

"Jay we have talked of you many times and I know she doesn't hate you. Maybe you should tell her yourself."

"I'll have to think about that."

"Did you know her father was back over there?" She asked.

"No! When did that happen?" I asked being curious.

"The fifteenth of April, last year."

"I wish I would have known. I would have tried to contact him."

"He wrote me that he had tried to get in touch with you by phone but was unable to." She replied.

"I'm sorry, I was crazy, and I should have written." I said apologizing again.

"He'll be home in four months if all goes well." She said with anticipation.

"Give me his address so I can write him Mrs. Miller."

"I know he would want to hear from you Jay." She replied. I picked up a pencil and paper and wrote it down as she gave it to me.

"James was very fond of you Jay. He may not have shown it but he was. He told me once that he thought you were a perfect soldier."

"I could never imagine what made him think that Mrs. Miller." I responded.

"That's the way he felt Jay."

"I'm going to let you go now Mrs. Miller." I said not wanting to impose myself any further.

"Call her later this evening."

"I'll think about it Mrs. Miller. It was great talking to you."

"You too Jay. Call back soon Ok."

"Yes ma'am Bye."

After we hung up, I was surprised she acted nice toward me. If that were my daughter, I would have wished me dead. I knew Sue would not call me. I was embarrassed to write Sgt. Miller because of what I had done to Sue, nonetheless, when I arrived home that evening I sat down and wrote him, mainly to apologize.

For some reason during the next week, I was beginning to feel isolated from everyone. I could not explain it but I was feeling withdrawn to myself. I was beginning to be bad company to everyone around me. A couple more weeks had gone by and I was doing nothing but lying around. I needed transportation so I got a job working in a plant rebuilding aircraft engines and mom helped me buy a car. I found a sixty-nine Mustang Fastback that I liked and had a way to get around.

Henry, mom's boyfriend seemed all right. I was happy for her but I still missed dad not being home. I had said nothing to my family about the other medals I received in Vietnam. They would not seem like much to anyone next to the Medal of Honor. A week later, I received the medals and orders of those awards in the mail. Mom and the family saw them and were surprised. They acted proud of me but still my dad was not there to share them. I realized at this moment that the medals meant nothing. Dads' opinion of me was all that mattered.

Getting It Straight With Dad!

That evening, Mom and the kids were sitting at the table eating supper as I remained in my room not being hungry but feeling sick to my stomach. It was eating away at me and I couldn't keep those thoughts to myself much longer knowing I was in a self destruct mode. A while after they had eaten supper and finished the dishes, I went to Mom's room to be alone with her and talk about dad.

"Mom, I wish dad were here. Maybe he would forgive me for what I did." I said.

"What do you mean? He loved you; there was nothing to forgive. Is that what you have been thinking?" she asked.

"You know how he thought about the service mom, I shamed him.

"Oh no!" she said, and began crying.

"What's the matter mom?" I asked as I leaned over and put my arm around her.

"Have you been tormenting yourself all this time?"

"I disgraced him mom."

"No you didn't, he loved you. I meant to tell you that before he died, we talked about you. He said you made a stupid mistake and paid for it and for me not to worry about you least of all. He said that I would be surprised how you turn out. He wasn't ashamed of you, he loved you." She explained while crying. I began crying with her.

"Mom, this has tormented me since he died. I wanted him to forgive me but I could never find the right words to ask. I didn't know he felt that way." I said with tears.

"Jay, he knew something was eating at you and was going to talk to you about it the next time you came to see him, but he died before he had a chance. I was going to tell you but everything happened so suddenly I forgot. When he died my life was turned upside down and I forgot to tell you what we had discussed and how he wanted me to talk to you about it. I wish now I would have told you." She said and continued crying.

"That's OK mom, I know now."

"Jay, he always had a special place in his heart for you."

"Thanks mom, I love you." We sat on the edge of her bed for another hour talking about the things he said before he died.

I left and went for a drive thinking about all we had discussed. All the crazy things I have done since he died. I began feeling like a fool. "Why don't you grow up you stupid ass"? I said to myself. I pulled over to the side of the road and parked, got out and went to the other side and leaned on the car. Looking up in the sky, I said. "I really am sorry dad. Thanks for being my dad." At that moment, I felt free. All my anxiety over dad vanished. I felt as though I had wings as eagles. I drove home, went up to mom, and told her I was going to settle down and stay around the house more often.

That evening I was sitting at the table with mom, my brothers, and sisters. We were having a good time joking around. They had asked me about the medals again and I was explaining each one to them. Afterwards I was sitting alone in my room thinking what is next in my life. I needed to do something to get myself out of this rut. I wanted to call Sue but I was afraid to. You will never know for sure if you do not call. I thought to myself. I suddenly realized I still loved her.

An uncertain trip to Kentucky!

I went to mom's room to call her. It was ten minutes after ten when I dialed.

"Is Sue there? I asked.

"Just a minute." A young boy answered. I knew it was one of her brothers. I was so nervous and unsure I almost hung up.

"Hello!" she answered.

"Hi Sue!"

"Jay!" she said recognizing my voice.

"How have you been?" I asked.

"Fine, I am so glad you made it back, how have you been?"

"Pretty good."

" Mom said she talked to you. Why didn't you want to talk to me?"

"I didn't think you wanted to talk to me."

"What changed your mind about calling?" she asked.

"I need to talk to you. I want you to know why I did what I did, that's if you would like to know."

"If you want to tell me, I'll listen."

"I could explain it easier if I were with you." I said wanting to be near her.

"Do you mean come up here?" she asked being surprised.

"If that's Ok with you."

"That's up to you, if you want to drive up here just to tell me something you could say over the phone." She replied.

"I want to see you too. I need to see you."


"I want to be facing you when I explain myself. Can I drive up to see you?" I asked wanting her to say it in a way that she seemed anxious.

"That's up to you." She said disappointing me with the tone of her voice.

"Can I come up tomorrow?"

"If you want to, I'll be home about six."

"I'll leave early in the morning. I will probably get to your mom's house a couple of hours before you get home. Is that OK?" I asked.

"That's OK."

"I won't be imposing myself upon you or your family, maybe making a boyfriend mad or something will I?" I asked probing.

"Nothing that I can't deal with." She said not answering my question. I had not gotten the warm welcome I was hoping for, but I could not expect it either. I did not want to hang up but I did not want to push my luck.

"I'll see you tomorrow, OK?"

"I'll see you then, be careful driving." She replied.

After hanging up, I became more anxious by the minute. I wanted to ask her directly if she had a boyfriend or if she still felt anything for me but I was afraid to. I hoped my chances would be greater if I were face to face. If she had a boyfriend or had no remaining feelings for me and expressed that to me, I knew there would be no hope. Would her love for me, be rekindled if we were standing face to face?

My mind was full with thoughts. For some reason I could not pick-up on anything she had said. I did get a positive feeling from her letting me drive up to see her. Now that I am going to see her, what do I say? Could I explain myself well enough to convince her to give me another chance? I finally fell to sleep about two thirty. My alarm went off at six and awoke me. It was Thursday morning and I called work to tell them I was taking off a couple of days. I left a message on the machine. I showered and shaved, got dressed and went back downstairs to tell mom where I was going. I asked her if she remembered us talking about Sue. She had remembered, and I told her I was going up to see her.

I left at eight thirty, that would put me there about three thirty or four o'clock. I thought to myself while driving, this was a normal trip up there because my head was not on straight. It never seemed to take this long before.

I was overly anxious to see her but this could be payback for me. If she rejected me, I knew I would never get my head straight. I was even tempted to turn around and try to forget her altogether. It did not seem right that I had not thought much about her while I was in Vietnam. I should have asked her mom if she had a boyfriend. If she had one, does she love him as much as she loved me? No, that would be stupid. Has she been seeing anyone? Should I lie or say anything to get her back?

I arrived at her house at four. I was very nervous about seeing her and her family again. How would they react to me?

I pulled up in her driveway and got out. Mickey, Sammy, and Josh came out to greet me. Mickey jumped in my arms.

"Hey Mickey! Boy, you have grown four feet since I last saw you! How old are you now, eighteen?" I asked clowning with him.

"You know I'm seven Jay!" he answered.

"All of you are getting so big!" I said to them. As I reached the door, Mrs. Miller was holding it open and hugged me.

"Come on in Jay." she said. I walked in and Sue was standing there. My mouth dropped open. I had no idea she would be home.

"Don't start that again." She said. I smiled, walked over, kissed and hugged her.

"You are still beautiful." I said, as I looked her up and down. I knew she had changed from her nurses uniform to a black mini skirt with a yellow blouse.

"You haven't changed either." She replied. Mickey began pulling my arm, wanting me to follow him.

"Jay, come here I want to show you something!" I tried continuing to talk to Sue but he kept tugging on me.

"Jay, come on!" He pulled again.

"Let me see what he wants." I said looking at Sue.

"Go ahead." She replied. He led me into the den where a baby crib stood in the corner with a baby inside. I walked over to see it.

"Look! This is our cousin Jay!" I stood in shock looking down at him. I was puzzled for a second. I turned quickly looking at Sue standing in the doorway. She was smiling and nodded her head yes, indicating he was my son. I kneeled down putting my hands and forehead on the crib as my eyes moistened.

"God forgive me!" I said because the guilt I felt for leaving her to wonder about me all this time. I took Jay out of the crib and held him. Sue walked over to us putting her hand over my shoulder. I looked at her asking.

"How old is he?"

"Nine months, I was two months pregnant when you left." She explained.

"How come I didn't notice before I left?" I asked.

"I wasn't showing yet."

"Why didn't you tell me? You should have said something." I stated.

"Jay!" She said with a soft voice cocking her head and staring at me with a look.

"Your right!" I replied understanding what she meant.

As I stood and held him, thoughts of what I had done ran through my mind.I held him up to my cheek and kissed him.

"He is so beautiful!" I remarked. I glanced back and saw her mother standing behind us with tears in her eyes. "Mrs. Miller you have a very handsome grandson here." I said wiping my eyes on my shoulders.

"And very sweet like his father." She replied smiling. I turned looking at Sue.

"I don't think your mom realizes who she is talking about."

"Under all that meanness, there is a little sweetness!" her mom said smiling.

"You are still a great lady!" I said being serious and glad she did not hate me.

"Well thank you!" she replied.

I put Jay's head to my face smelling and kissing him at the same time, then looking at Sue

"We need to talk. Is there somewhere we can go?" I asked.

"Would you kids watch little Jay until we get back?" Sue asked.

"Yes! They all answered.

"Mom, we're going for a drive, will you help the kids watch the baby?"

"Sure, you two take your time." She said putting her hand on my arm as I walked by. I stopped and kissed her on the cheek. We walked out to the car.

"Where do you want to go?" she asked.

"Let's go to the river, I love going to the river with you." I said as we laughed.

"You haven't changed a bit, still incorrigible, aren't you?" she stated as I smiled at her.

I drove to the river and parked and turned the engine off facing her with my arm resting on the seat. Looking into her eyes, I placed my other hand against her cheek pulling her close and hugging her. With my face in her hair, I took a long breath.

"You smell so good. I miss that about you."

"I miss you saying it." She replied as I pulled back looking into her eyes.

"I am so sorry. No excuses in the world can make up for the way I acted. I want you to know why I treated you the way I did. I told you that someone tore my heart out. That was true. I told you that something happened between my father and me. That was also true. My father was a career soldier like yours. I thought the Army meant more to him than anything in the world. After I was in the Army a couple of months, I had gone AWOL. That hurt him and I was ashamed. He died before I could set things straight with him. I was so ashamed I could not face my family or friends anymore. Mostly I could not face myself. I thought the only thing for me to do was, go to Vietnam and get myself killed in action.

Things did not work out the way I had planned. I am not going to lie either, because of all that happened over there, I all but forgot you. After I had gotten back, I found out that my Father did not feel the way I had thought. Before he died, he told mom that he loved me, and that I had made a stupid mistake and paid for it. He also told her that I would be all right, and she was to worry about me least of all the kids.

I realized what I had put you, myself, and others through was unnecessary. I am sorry for it. I wish I had it all to do over again, but I have settled in my heart, all that had to do with my father. Will you forgive me?" I asked.

"I forgive you." She answered as she began crying.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"I'll be all right. I was imagining what you must have gone through."

"There you go again, worrying about me when I put you through hell."

"I'm OK now." She replied.

"The other thing, I never got over being hurt. You told me once that you could help me get through it. Will you help me now? Will you marry me? I love you, with all my heart." I said as she put her arms around me and cried. I held her tight until she had stopped crying.

"Do you remember my last words to you on the steps? I promised you I would wait?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Yes, I will marry you." We kissed and held each other. "I prayed for you every day. I also wrote you two or three times a week but I never mailed them. Momma said time would heal everything. I kept the letters in my drawer."

"Would you let me read them sometime?"

"They are yours, I wrote them to you." She said with a teasing expression on her face.

"Why are you giving me that look?"

"Do you want to get in the back seat for old times sake?" she said as I laughed.

"Yes, but I want to go see our son." I answered.

Driving back to the house with my arm around her, I began thinking what might have gone on in her mind this past year.

"How long would you wait before you tried to find out if I made it home?"

"You know something, I just love your mother. She is so sweet. We have talked many times of you, before and after I visited her. I called her first to see if she had a picture of you I could have because I didn't have one." She explained surprising me.

"Oh really! What kinds of things did she have to say? I asked.

"I know you got the Medal of Honor and was wounded twice. I probably know everything about your childhood. She replied.

"Not everything, does your mom know everything about yours? I asked.

"Not every little thing."

"I rest my case."

"Then tell me about you?" she asked.

"We have the rest of our lives to find out about me, and you are on a need to know basis. If I feel you need to know, I will tell you." I laughed.

"Real funny, aren't you." She said with a little chuckle.

"I do have something I feel you need to know." I said with a serious look.

"Tell me! She said anxiously.

"You need to know, at this second, I love you more than anything in my life and I can see this love for you growing more each day." I said leaning over and kissing her.

"I love you the same way."

"Are we going to tell your mom when we go in?" I asked.

"We sure are." She replied.

"There is going to be a question in her mind, whether or not I asked you to marry me for the right reason. I need to be the one that tells her!" I said.

"She is not going to think any such thing but you can tell her."

We entered the den where Little Jay was sleeping as walked over to look at him. I leaned over and put my hand on his cheek.

"I just wanted to make sure he was real." I said looking back at Sue. I stood up and pulled her to me and we kissed. The kids did not stay as they had said but had gone upstairs to play and her mom was in the kitchen preparing supper.

"Let's go tell your mom." I said walking to the kitchen holding her hand. "Mrs. Miller, would you sit down for a minute?" I asked as Sue and I sat down. She sat at the table with us.

"You know my mind was messed up before I went to Vietnam. Sue can tell you the details later if you want to know. Before I went over there I fell in love with Sue but because of something that happened to me, I felt it best for her if she had nothing else to do with me. My mind was preoccupied with other matters. However, since I have been back. I have gotten my mind straight, with help from Sue.

When I came up here today, it was my intention to ask or beg if necessary that Sue to give me another chance and ask her to marry me. I did not know about Jay, but now that I do, I am excited about him. I want you to know that I came to realize what I missed most in my life. I missed Sue and I do not want you to wonder in the future why I asked Sue to marry me. I asked her because I realized how much I love her. So, what I am telling you is that we are getting married, if that is all right with you." I explained.

"You know it is! And I know her daddy will feel the same." She said.

"Ok, Mom!" I said getting up walking around the table. We hugged each other and she hugged Sue.

"Sue! Let's go wake Jay up and tell him!" I said jokingly.

"Don't you dare wake him! She said. We went back to the crib to look at him.

"Do you want to go up to my room and talk?"

"Your mom isn't going to let us be alone like that in her house before we get married." I replied.

"Mom!" she shouted to her in the kitchen. "Will it be OK if Jay and I go up to my room?" she asked as I was trying to put my hand over her mouth as we laughed.

"It's none of my business what you do, if that is what you want." She replied.

"Ha! Ha!" Sue said with a smile.

"Well let's go up and talk, and just talk! I said joking.

"OK, she replied as we went up to her room.

"Your mom knows the kids aren't going to let us be alone, that's why see didn't mind." I stated.

"They won't bother us, besides all we are going to do is talk. I don't know if you know it but mom knows we lived together and I had your baby." She said with a smile.

I followed her into the room and I lay back on the end of the bed. Closing the door, she looked at me and smiled.

"It's your turn." I said.

"No it's not! We both did it last time." She replied.

"Please, do it for me?" I asked.

Same as Wings as Eagles
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Wings as EaglesChapter 4

Fort Rucker Alabama! I had signed up for aviation training when I joined the Army. I was glad when I arrived at Fort Rucker. We began school right away and I was enjoying it, especially not being under the same restrictions as I was in basic. After classes we were allowed freedom until roll call the following morning. Things were going great until this other soldier and I began arguing about Football and Baseball. The argument got out of hand and before I knew it, we were slugging it out. I...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 5

Finally, my new assignment! I had finally gotten a job when I reached Fort Knox. They assigned me to the airport. There I worked on T-71 airplanes, which the instructors used for training. A week after I was there I was given a jeep to drive back and forth to the airport and to give anyone a ride that needed transportation but everyone had his or her own vehicles. The Company assigned the jeep to our group and I was the only one that needed it. It was not bad working there and I loved...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 6

A New friend! I met Jason in the spring; he was from my hometown. He and his wife Cathy were living off post and Jason began inviting me to dinner a couple of nights a week. I was beginning to spend a considerable amount of time with them on weekends. They had a two-year-old boy Terry who was a cute little kid and funny at times. We were sitting around the television one-night drinking coffee. Jason was getting up from the couch, accidentally spilling his hot coffee on Terry. We rushed him...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 7

Vietnam! After thirty days leave, I was sitting in the airport in Anchorage, Alaska. It was cold outside and my destination was Vietnam. I was wondering what it was going to be like. Probably nothing like all the stories I had heard. They were calling for us to board, and I heard we were going to stop in Hawaii on the way there. We did but I never left the airport. I did walk around for a couple of hours and it was beautiful and warm. I told myself that if I ever get the chance to move here...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 9

Beginning a new chapter in my life! I was holding Jay with a blanket around him as I knocked on the door. "Hi Jay! Come on in". Wesley said answering the door. "Hi Wes, how has everything been going." Cynthia, his wife came in to meet us as I shook their hands. "Sue, this is Cynthia and Wesley. This is Sue and Jay, my son." I said introducing them. "What a beautiful baby, come in the den where it is warm. We have a fire going." Cynthia said directing us to the den. I laid Jay on...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 10

The Reunion! I had decided to get my Pilots license, and then go for my commercial license. I took the money I had saved while in the service to get an apartment. I also got another job at the airport working on commercial airplanes. It paid more than what I previously made at the plant. Times were good during this part of my life. After months, I had gotten my private and instructors license, making extra money on the side giving flying lessons. Sue was working in a doctor's office part...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 11

My sins catching up! The next day while at work, I received a call from the Health and Human Services department. "Mr. Lamour." she asked. "Yes, this is he." I answered. "This is Elaine Johnson, Your wife gave us this number to reach you. I discussed nothing with her. We have a letter from the Human Services Department in Los Angles saying they have a child of a Lin Chi in their care that you may be the father. "Ms. Johnson, I have never been to Los Angles. I believe you have the...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 12

Lin Chi is well accepted! We returned home Wednesday evening. It had been a nice but tiring trip, but we were happy to be home. We drove to mom's house to pick Jay up. As we went in the kids were watching television, mom was on the phone talking to someone. We walked into the kitchen where mom was and I sat the car seat on the counter. "Come here kids, I want to show you something! They all hurried in to find out what I had. "It's a baby! Where did he come from? Bill asked. "It's...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 13

We arrived at the Denton Airport Friday afternoon. Sue's mom and dad were waiting to pick us up. During the flight, Sue and I had discussed the acceptance of Lin into her family. She said not to worry, she had talked to everyone in the past and everyone was looking forward to seeing her. Sue had a way with people and especially our families. If she accepted something, everyone respected her opinions and accepted. I knew this because I valued everything she said. Mom and dad came out to the...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 14

Missing My Family! Another year had passed and my new job was taking me farther from Sue and the kids. Against all advice I had received from friends, I had accepted a job with a group of Japanese investors, the Yakima Investment Corporation. They were buying properties all over the United States, which kept me away from my family six days a week. They were paying me above average but after three months, I began wondering if it was worth it. However, I had a goal of owning my own plane one...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 15

The beginning of an Airline! Another year and a half passed and I had purchased my own Lear Jet. I was finally going into business for myself. We had sold the house and used that money for collateral along with three contracts I had signed with companies that saw the benefits of using another company to fly their corporate people. The money was better and I spent less time flying. I hired Richard Withers to co-pilot and to take over flying when I bought another Jet, which was my plan, to...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 16

A Growing Airline! Four more years have passed and my business had grown beyond my expectation. I purchased two twin turbo propjets and three Learjet's. Two Learjet's were six years old but had recently been refurbished and looked new for which I had bought at a good price. I now have five full-time pilots and three part-time. Charlie was my full-time mechanic and I had two others that worked for me part-time from their other jobs. I had run an ad in the paper for two flight attendants and...

4 years ago
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Wing Girl

In high school, my best friend, Dave, was a stud. He dated so many hot girls I couldn't keep count. On the other hand, I couldn't get to first base with girls. I was awkward and shy. I felt silly, I looked silly. I was silly. I would have been a totally isolated, outcast nerd, had it not been for Dave. We had a lot of fun hanging around, cruising in his Camaro. I was his wing man. I felt cool as hell riding around town in that car. We'd go to a drive in, where Dave inevitably...

4 years ago
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Wing Night at Stingers

Once the snowbirds begin returning to Florida every bar seems to have a gimmick to get their wallets open. My favorite hang-out when I do get out is Stingers. They have a 30-cent wing night, and a buy one, get one, fish night. We, my ex-wife and I, were regulars there and after our divorce I began to straggle in stag as I began to date and fish around for female company. I had a friend from high school, Florie, who had moved to the area and looked me up. Now, Florie and I got together in high...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly.“Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

In a message dated 4/18/2004 11:25:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, XASpecialWishX writes:"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "OOuch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck, low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and...

2 years ago
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Swings And Things

"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "Ouch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. "Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your...

1 year ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. “Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

3 years ago
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Wing Girl Episode 2

The day had started with my best friend Dave taking me to a department store to get clothes for a Halloween party. Dave had the idea that we'd go the the party as the celebrity couple, David Copperfield and Claudia Schiffer. Dave was going to be the magician Copperfield, and I was to be Schiffer. For Dave, it was going to be easy, since he was a handsome guy with fabulous black hair, and he liked to do magic tricks, so he already had a hat, and a cape, and a wand. For me, though, it...

2 years ago
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Wing Girl 3

I was lost in distraction all day at school. I sat in classes looking at my nails and running my fingers through my hair. I couldn't wait to get home so I could work on my makeup. Teachers would be talking about algebra theories, or important dates in history, and I would be thinking about how to run a line of mascara, and how to taper off eye shadow. The girls mostly wore subtle makeup at school, and I'd get lost noticing how they did eyes or their lips. I was starting to see how a...

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Wing Girl Party Prep

The drive from the mall to the salon was something of a change of momentum. After talking with Diane, mom sort of grilled me about my relationship with David, and about whether I knew that he was purposely encouraging me, maybe even using hypnotic suggestions, to come out as a girl. The encounter brought out a lot of emotion in me, and I nearly cried as I tried to explain that, yes, I knew David was encouraging me, but that I didn't think he was doing it to take advantage of...

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Learning from a New Family Chapter 3 Caught and Punished

There was real terror in Sarah’s voice, something I’d never heard before. To be perfectly honest, I was just as scared. We had both been shocked by Emily’s early arrival, and had been in the middle of some things we’d rather her not see. Even as I frantically scanned the room for the handcuff key, and jumped up and down in a vain attempt to get my pants back on, I couldn’t help but take in the sight of Sarah naked, sweaty, spread-eagled and wriggling delightfully, handcuffed to her bed....

1 year ago
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My Untitled Story 8211 Part I

Hi all, I am naming this story Untitled as I couldn’t really think of a name fit for this story. This is rohit (name changed), this story is about a series of incidents which happened with one of my cousin (Priya). I never felt guilty about it coz as per some research everybody in this world is 26 or 27 cousin of each other, so technically everyone is screwing their cousins. Let me come to the story. Let me describe her, she is not bombshell at all, she is an average looking girl with all...

3 years ago
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more than one cock at once part 1

One day when me and my mate was out going to our den where we always made it every year. He had his new cousin with him as his mum had just re married. There was a little walk way leading to it you could walk past and not realise it. We crawled in between the bushes which hid it and got in there we'd placed loads of hay around it so it was comfortable. We was just laying there when my mate started talking about what we'd been up to. I looked at him in shock and said that we was meant to keep...

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Ashok And My Innocent Mom 8211 Prequel 1

Hello friends! This is Sajaan Shridharan again with an exciting episode of Revathi and Ashok, the prequel to my story ‘Ashok Fucks Again’ and many more on ISS. Before Ashok started fucking my Mom – Revathi in front of me, they were romantically involved many times. I was always a silent spectator of their sensual romance. This episode is an incident during the Vishu Pooja we always used to do every year. My father had not yet moved to Dubai. Ashok was his very good friend and often used to...

1 year ago
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Kimberley Real Estate Agent

Kimberly had a busy schedule showing houses. She checked the mirror before leaving, going over her clothes and makeup, checking her small bag with a change of clothes. “Hmm, looking good girl. Skirt tight, blouse good fit with a little pushup going on. Hair all done, going to get a little messed up.” The first showing luckily was not too far in a modest brick ranch. She pulled up to the ranch on Maple Street right at 10. The client Dave Hammer was waiting. “Hi Dave, sorry for last...

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Girlfriend Ki Seal Todi

Hi readers. My name is salman and i am from mumbai. indian sex stories dot net ka daily reader hu aur sab ki stories padhte padhte khayal aaya ke kyu na mai apni story likhu. Meri girlfriend ka naam saba hai aur mujhse 6 months choti hai and her height is 5.2″. A girl with a zero figure aur usko dekh kar to kisi ka bhi pani nikal jaye(guarantee). I am 19 and my height is 5.11. Mera lund 6″ lamba aur 3″ mota hai. Ye meri first story hai to agar koi galti ho to mujhe maaf kar dena. Story...

3 years ago
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Getting My ExHusbands Promotion For Him

Introduction: Well, my ex was a Lt in the Air Force and he could just never make Capt. Well, my ex-husband was an Lt in the Air Force and he just never could make Capt. He tried his best but his evals and scores were just not at the top plus his recommendations from his Commander, Col. Young were not as good as they could have been and as I understand it, he signed off on the final paperwork. Well, we were in the Base Exchange one day after being at the pool and I had on a cover blouse over my...

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The bus rolled into my hometown around dinnertime. I was wide awake, but I had been still for hours. When the bus driver finally parked, I felt like I was waking from a dream. In many ways, I was. It had been ten years since I had visited my little hometown in the dusty South. So much had happened, but my town looked exactly the same. I grabbed my bag and exited the bus. There was a crowd of cars waiting, but I didn’t recognize any of them. It wasn’t like my brother to be late. Then I...

4 years ago
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The Making of a Sissy Part One

She had known from a very early age that she was not like the other boys; her mother had passed her on to her strict aunt Jane at a very early age, and she had never known her father. Jane's strict regime of making the boy dress in girls clothes at all times when at home only furthered the yearning to be a girl which was already firmly within the soon to be a sissy's mind. Jane's girls took special delight in dressing their sissy brother and loved to take him out to the mall and such...

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Claire 1 The Seduction

As she pulled into the mall parking garage, Claire's thoughts turned to the ad she had seen in the local newspaper--OPENING FRIDAY!!! BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Claire had been taken by the ad immediately, and she really could use some new bras and panties. Even though she and Frank had been married for eight years Claire had managed to stay in good shape, and for a thirty three year old she still could turn a man's head, and the only real change in her body was her chest size. When she graduated...

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ShilohChapter 44 Tidying Up

Over the next few months Kyle gets Texas State Energy back on an even keel. They even end up absorbing Texas Gulf as part of an easy agreement with Mark Kelly about the issues with Robert and Mark’s plans with him; with both sides making a fair profit on the deal. They even appoint Mark Kelly as the person to supervise the merger of their two operations to improve their productivity. Charlotte and Kyle do keep a very close eye on what he does, but he does nothing untoward. The arrangements...

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one night in a lift with a hot girlxxx

Frstt of i'll thanx my frndz that they like ma first story...and now this is ma second story iam realy a sexy guy love to fuck grlz...ok that story is abut that time when iam in spain with my big also love to fuck grlz..i realy enjoyed there..i saw there tow many hot chicks..gosh...i just want to fuck any grl...but i got no chance...there....then one day..i go in a mall with ma b*o....there...i saw too many hot b*o ask me that why should you go on the...

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People Who Fall On Hard Times Should Stick Together

I need to get some stuff outta the way. First I wanna dedicate this story to Morpheus and my former teacher Mrs. Poppink. Your stores rock man! Second, you can post this story on any web page as long as it's free and you E-mail me at [email protected] You can also tell me what you think about the story at this address. Now, on with the story. People who fall on hard times should stick together By Grinder Tavi winced as the other kids in his 9th literature and writing class...

1 year ago
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The Fantasy Agency Prolog and Chapter 1 Introducing Alicia

Mmmf Group Teen DP Oral Anal BJ The Fantasy Agency - Prolog I have had this idea for a good few years but have finally decided to put it into action. The idea is for a high class escort agency where client fantasies can be realised. I want a bank of girls who are opening and willing to go along with roleplay and fantasies. I will then get the clients to ‘apply’ with full details of their fantasy. I’ll price the job factoring in the cost of the girl, the cost of location and how deep /...

2 years ago
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Payment In LooeChapter 11 Monday July 7th 1969Part One

It was just after two o'clock in the afternoon and the second session of lunch had just finished in the main dining hall and Roger was seated at a table drinking a black coffee. Sitting opposite Roger at the six seater table was Richard Paling flanked by Katie Mosman and Peggy Simpson. Both Katie and Peggy had decided there was enough of Richard's virile member to go round during the times they weren't involved in the late night orgy on the promenade deck where, it was also mutually...

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My Public Times Square AssFuck

"Bastard!" I turned to see the plastic cup exploding on impact, spilling a vivid red stain on the wall's white. A clean shaven man in a Tuxedo gawped at the remains of the missile that had been intended for him. Finding the assailant did not take very long. She was out on the balcony muttering obscenities under her breath. The snow had driven the rest of the party back indoors but the crowds below were preparing to welcome the new year with barely diminished spirits. The balcony had never...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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The War of 2020Chapter 5 Delivered

Jack moved along the treeline, stepping quietly over rocks and unearthed roots. He just spent hours trekking through the woods, mapping out the extensive Compound. It had such a large amount of dense forestry within its borders, it was almost a liability. Jack could remain hidden fairly easily while still getting close enough to hear certain conversations. He had slept outside of CG Barberi’s cabin last night, waiting patiently for Morgan to appear. Instead of her, he saw that nut job...

2 years ago
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The Beginning of the autobiographyPhase II

Introduction: Another chapter-the start of deprevity The Beginning of the ****biography-Phase II Hope you read the first part, because if didnt you probably would have no idea as to what this is. Lynn and I got married the following Saturday to an overly enthusiastic contingent of friends. One of which was not there, that would be Dan. Within months of the marriage it seemed as though Lynn had forgotten and I acted as if it had never happened. But to be honest, the deal with Dan was always...

3 years ago
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The Couriers A Moveable FeastChapter 3 Daisy Lays an Egg

The couriers' ship touched down near the colony on Leonis 2. They gathered up their things and walked into the cargo bay. When the bay door opened, two men in uniforms were waiting for them on the other side. One was grey-haired, with a severe military haircut. The other was the bald man they recognized from the video messages The bald man greeted them as they stepped into daylight: "Hello ladies, I'm Captain Christianson. It's nice to meet..." He trailed off, confused by what he saw....

4 years ago
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Quid Pro Quo SSBBW

It had been about fifteen minutes sitting in my car before she arrived. I was kinda nervous sitting in my vehicle in the parking lot of a shady motel .. mid day and all.But I was desparate not to end up in jail for fraud and other charges including but not limited to Statutory **** (More on that later) .. Melody knew that and she was gonna exploit that fact to death.I was her slave .. so to speak.I was lost in thought when the sound of crunching gravel distracted me. I looked out of the...

3 years ago
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My moms new friend

My mom went out with friends one Friday night after work because she needed to drink and chill. I was asleep when she came home late but I heard her come in because she slammed the back door. I heard her talking to someone as she was walking through the trailer but just figured it was one of the girls from work. She got to my door and wanted to check on me and practically fell through it which kind of scared me some so I turned on my lamp. She sat next to me telling me how pretty I was and...

3 years ago
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Friends with Benefits Part 2

My FWB and I had just had some afternoon fun in a local budget hotel when her phone pinged. It was her best friend asking what she was up to as she was bored. She didn't know about me so I cheekily suggested my FWB take a pic of my cock and send it to her... at first she didn't want to... but after some light tickling and fingering she agreed to.Her friend immediately wrote back 'OMG! I'm soooo jealous of u bitch! I've not had any in ages :('.I smiled as I read it as did my FWB,"Why don't you...

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Black Friday1

As I sat at home looking through the thousands of deals on Amazon, I couldn’t help but procrastinate. I lay on my king size bed in my barely knee high silk purple nightie scrolling up on my iPhone. Deal after deal, discount after discount, on toilet paper and toothbrush heads. I lay wondering to myself, “Who buys toilet paper for Christmas?” At 22 years old I had recently moved out. I lived in a small 3 bed new build on an estate that popped up from nowhere. I wanted the space and...

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An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia Chapter 6

Breakfast was just what I needed. Toast, bacon, and eggs. All made with just the right seasonings. Bacon that is crisp and with a hint of brown sugar is delicious. It is easy to coat and put in the oven for a rich taste. The toast was made using a French bread cut on the bias. It was toasted lightly on both sides and then butter is smeared across one side and melted. Eggs must be slow cooked and fluffy. And with a hint of cheese adds nice flavor. Of course, I could eat plenty. We...

2 years ago
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Growing up with a nudist stepmom mom

Growing up started puberty early compared to most boys. At age 10 I started to grow noticible hair on my balls and around the base of my cock. My own mom seen this and took note.. But my step mom did not see me naked until I was 13. At age 11 I also learned about masturbation and would often do it daily, if not several times a day... At age 11, I already had alot of hair growing thick around my balls and a happy trail of it growing from above. I had my own room and it overlooked the pool where...

3 years ago
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A Pound of FleshChapter 10

“So, you wish to sell your soul as well, both of you?” Satan turned to Chelsea and Monica now. “We love ... Dave ... and Nicky ... far too much to spend eternity without them,” Chelsea asserted for her part. “I don’t care if Nicky is a boy, girl, futa, whatever ... Nicky is my soulmate. When Nicky’s soul goes, so does mine. Forever. Even if it did mean torment, I would be there to suffer it at Nicky’s side. Same is true with Dave, he is beloved ... he is papi, too ... though Nicky is my...

2 years ago
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Your Weekly Massage

A substitude masseur strokes your fantasies.Laying on your tummy, naked, you wait for your weekly massage. Much toyour chagrin, in walks a substitute for your normal masseur. You quicklytry to cover up with a towel but fail as it is caught under you. Totallyembarrassed, you give up, as he greets you with a smile. He is tall anddark, broad shouldered, with intelligent blue eyes, strong looking armsand hands.He asks, "What will it be today? Shoulders? Full body or somethingspecial?" Again he...

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DominionChapter 26 The Kingdom of Man

The evening rains had passed, leaving the sky clear with a full moon. Sirius was down in the waterfall chambers, training by himself. Before him, a massive deluge of water poured from a hole in the ceiling, hundreds of gallons dropping every second. With the moonlight shining through the water and his eyes trained to see in the dark, there was nothing to hinder him. He facing the waterfall straight on with his feet and raised fists perfectly horizontal. A sharp breath, he sent his right fist...

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How I Became a Slut Part 3

You don’t have to read the first two parts to understand this but it might make more sense if you do. Let me know what you think. Ashley never denied that she was a slut. She just wanted me to be one too. After playing “Guess Whose Cock” and going home naked from my first college party, I not only admitted I was a slut but that I was a bigger slut than her. Before this week, I had only slept with two guys and given blow jobs to a couple more. Now I wasn’t even sure who or how many guys had...

4 years ago
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White gas flowed endlessly into the room as Alex emerged from his short time in deep sleep, the normal freezing cold temperature encompassing his body, accompanied by blurred vision. As his vision slowly returned, Alex could make out a blinding light, causing him to shield himself for protection. "Remain calm, Sergeant. Let me dim the light for you." Alex hears the calm, robot-like voice of a woman. It was common after awaking from deep sleep that your eyes are photosensitive and would...

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Hubby snoring cabbie snorting

Victor and I had had danced for hours at this joyful party.We had met old friends there and had spent a very good time.But as I danced with some of my girlfriends, my lovely Victor had visited the bar; more times than I had waited.Then later I found my sweet husband was “out of order”…When it was time for me to leave I hunted him up, easy enough, because he was at the bar and I suggested that it was time to go.No way was he driving us home. We had to leave our car overnight, because I had taken...

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ReplayChapter 14

It was a rarity. All four of the family sat down together for breakfast at nine on a Sunday morning fully dressed. It was expected of Zoë. She had chapel at eleven and had to get her charges sorted. Jerry and Emma had to collect the dogs at ten. Joanna had to be ready for Simon in six hours time. Zoë left soon after they finished giving each an almost perfunctory hug and kiss. Joanna's hug was a little longer and a little tighter. "Good luck, Jo love," she whispered in her ear. Joanna...

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