Wings of Change Aviara 2
- 2 years ago
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Lin Chi is well accepted!
We returned home Wednesday evening. It had been a nice but tiring trip, but we were happy to be home. We drove to mom's house to pick Jay up. As we went in the kids were watching television, mom was on the phone talking to someone.
We walked into the kitchen where mom was and I sat the car seat on the counter.
"Come here kids, I want to show you something! They all hurried in to find out what I had.
"It's a baby! Where did he come from? Bill asked.
"It's not a he. Her name is Lin Chi Lamour." Sue answered.
"Lin Chi! What kind of name is that? Bob asked.
"That is a Vietnamese name, her mother was a Vietnamese girl. She is my daughter from a girl I knew from Vietnam. She died and they brought Lin here to me. Sue and I are going to raise her." I explained.
"Can I hold her?" Phyllis asked.
"Sure you can. Where is Jay? I asked.
"He is upstairs with Rick." I went up to get him while they fussed over Lin.
"How is it going Rick?" I asked entering his room. Jay was on the floor playing with his toys while Rick was watching television.
"Hi Jay! Did you just get back?" Rick asked.
"Yes, and we brought a surprise with us. Hi little man, did you miss daddy? I said picking him up. He was smiling from ear to ear. "Come on son, I want to show you something." I said not giving away to Rick, what the surprise was. Rick hurried down stairs to see for himself. As I returned to the kitchen Jay saw his mom and reached his arms out for her.
"Hi sweetheart! We missed you so much! Have you been a Good boy?" She hugged, kissed, and made a fuss over him.
"Look what we brought you, a baby sister!" She Held him in a way to allow him to see her. Jay reached out to touch her.
"Sue she is so beautiful!" Mom said, caressing Lin's face. "She is going to be spoiled rotten. Someone is going to have his or her hands full." She was looking at Sue and I. We stayed another hour and went home.
After we got home and put luggage away, Sue put Jay to bed made a pot of coffee. It was nine thirty, and we were tired. We had the car seat with Lin sitting on the kitchen table. Sue poured us a cup of coffee as we sat and stared at Lin.
"Are you going to be able to handle her?" I asked. She looked at me and turned her eyes back toward Lin.
"I can handle her, can you?"
"What are you going to tell people when they ask if you are you married to an Oriental man?" I asked teasing. She cocked her eyes at me.
"I'll tell them he is Korean." She joked and gave me a little smile.
"Touché!" We were silent a few seconds. "Mind game! What will our families think of this?" I asked.
"What do you think?"
"You are trying to break the rules. I asked you first."
"You make the rules up as you go along!" She said laughing and raising her voice.
"I am not! That has always been the rule."
"You're such a liar!" She continued shaking her head and laughing at the same time.
"I invented the game, I make the rules. Play by the rules or forfeit!" I said putting my forehead on the table trying to cover up my laughter.
"I can't win can I?"
"Do you forfeit?" I asked smiling.
"And what would I forfeit?"
"I will tell you tonight. Now answer my question!"
"Seriously?" She asked looking at me. "I think some of our friends and maybe some in our families will wonder and even ask me how I can do this. I will tell them that I am adopting your child because she is yours and she had no one else to take her. Now that she belongs to us, I love her like my own. She picked Lin up and put her against her chest holding her. "Jay, I love her, I really do." She said with a soft loving voice.
"I know that you love her." I stated, leaning over and kissing her and Lin. "I'll not say this to anyone else ever, and you may think it's a man thing but I would not change anything except for hurting her mother."
"I feel the same way. I really do. Tell me more about her mother."
"Put her back in the seat for a minute." I said. She laid her down and I put my arms around her and kissed her long and soft. "You are so wonderful. I have a couple of pictures of her in mom's attic. She was very beautiful. I found out after we had been together that she was sixteen, about to turn seventeen. Her parents were old and had a small farm. They grew barely enough to eat. She had two older brothers that were in the Army. I never met any of them. I would always send things home with her to give to her parents. Cigarettes, toilet paper, canned food when I could get them and C-Rations. All the men tried to be with her but she wouldn't have anything to do with anyone."
"Why did she choose you?"
"Because I chose a different approach and did not come on to her as the others did. I took my time and won her affection by deceiving her. I knew she had nothing and never would except war and destruction. I offered her safety and comfort."
"Jay, that's terrible."
"I know and I am sorry for it."
"Why didn't you think of me while you were over there?"
"I knew you loved me and I remember that you said you would wait for me but I had been told the same thing before. I was afraid of being hurt again. I was clearing the slate in my mind. I did start writing a letter one night."
"You were going to write me?"
"Yes. I happened upon your picture in my billfold. It caused me to think of you and I started writing but suddenly after a half page, I stopped. I felt it would hurt you more if I wrote and then something happened to me."
Besides, I never expected to see you again and I thought you would forget about me in time."
"I didn't. You were my first and last thought everyday."
"I know."
We finished our coffee and went to bed leaving Lin in the car seat on the floor next to our bed.
"Go shopping tomorrow and get her a bed." I said after we had cuddled.
"I will." She said falling asleep soon after. I lay thinking of my new family. I was not able to fall asleep. I got up to go to the kitchen but first taking the letters out of my nightstand to read while I was up. I poured myself a lukewarm cup of coffee and sat at the table.
April 8,1970, 9:30 pm.
My Secret Lover,
I start by saying that because I am the only one that knows how much I love you and think about you. In a way, you are my secret lover. While I am at work, I sneak secret thoughts of you while no one is watching. No one knows about how I have secret thoughts of you while I sometimes set alone during lunch. How I secretly think of you while someone is speaking to me. When I am helping my family prepare supper and everyone is talking at the same time but I hear nothing, their voices muted, as my mind is thousands of miles away with you. When someone speaks your name and I sneak away into a world where you and I are the only inhabitants. Then there are times when I am caught off guard, when my thoughts are on the things of the day and you secretly sneak into my mind spoiling them when I need to be concentrating. Ha! Ha! I just had a thought! What if I was caught thinking of you too much and we were sentenced together forever. Oh My! No matter where I am or what I do, you are there. I Love You so keep it up. Kiss me in your dreams.
Your Secret Lover, Sue
April 12, 1970, 11:35 pm.
To my not so secret Lover,
I was caught red handed! I was alone in the kitchen the night before last drying dishes, thinking of you when Genie appeared. She must have seen something in my face. You are thinking of him aren't you? She asked. I had no excuse for where my mind was so I admitted that she was right. Then I prefaced any further conversation by sitting the rules. I said to her. "If you have anything negative to say this conversation ends here." To my surprise, she was supportive. For the first time in a while we talked to one another as sisters do. She realizing how much I love you began by apologizing for the way she had acted in the past.
She held me as I began crying. I miss you so much I could not hold it in. I cried for fifteen minutes as she held me in her arms. She now knows you are my secret lover. I guess it is no longer a secret. I hope you do not mind me having a friend that I can talk to about us. If I needed someone to talk, she said she would be there for me. We finished the dishes, went to my room, and talked at length. She talked some of her boyfriend and how much she did not really care for him. How she has trouble maintaining relationships because she possibly expects too much from them. She wants them to have college degrees but not be smarter than she, those kinds of expectations.
Then I went on and on about you. She listened to everything I had to say. She closed the conversation by saying you were the luckiest man on earth to have me as the one waiting. We hugged and I thanked her for being there for me.
Tonight she was passing my room and noticed my light on under the door. She knocked being curious and I opened the door and invited her in. She asked why I was sitting at my desk at this hour and I explained I was about to write you as I always do. She asked if you had been writing back. No, I said showing her the letters I had written but not sent. You should have seen the look on her face! She could not believe it until I explained to her that this was my way of staying near you. Then she said the most surprising thing. She said she wished she had someone that could make her feel that way.
I hope you do not mind. I let her read two of the letters to help her understand how I feel about you. While reading, she began crying causing me to cry. She joked to make me feel better and then said, "when you came back she would do everything in her power to take you away from me so she could feel what I was feeling". I knew she was joking but I told her, don't even try it". We had a good laugh and she left me alone to be with you. I have been so busy saying how much I love you I have not told you that I love you. I love you so much. My day will come again. Good night and kiss me in your dreams.
I Love You, Sue
Things could not get any better except!
Another month had passed. Sue and I went to pick Brad up at the airport. I hugged him as he came out of the gate.
"I heard you re enlisted for three more." I said joking with him.
"I heard you were going back in too! He said as we laughed.
"Brad, this is Sue." I said introducing them.
"Damn Jay! Everyone said she was beautiful but I had no idea! Don't ever turn your back when I am around her." He looked at me and smiled.
"I found her in a homeless shelter, for the homely." I joked.
"Stop that Jay!" she said lightly slapping me on the arm.
"Sue, I have never known Jay to lie." Brad said, and we laughed.
"That's right Sue. Show Brad all of your warts." Brad and I continued laughing. "He knows I am kidding sweet. Brad, she knows I am still in awe of her beauty." I explained kissing her.
"Why didn't you bring your kids? Mom wrote me you have another one now. Mom said she was adorable. I can't wait to see them." He said urging us to go.
We talked Army as we walked to the car.
"I'm glad your home Brad. It was a long three wasn't it?"
"Yeah, I am glad you made it home in one piece too. The Medal of Honor, boy have they reached rock bottom." He said as we laughed. After putting the luggage in the car, we drove home.
Everyone greeted us at the door as we entered. The whole family sat around talking for a couple of hours. It seemed as though the kids asked him the same questions they asked me when I returned. The questions stopped as soon as mom told us to come to the table, supper was ready. While we were eating, the questions continued.
"That's enough questions kids!" I said knowing he did not feel like answering any. After supper, Brad and I got us a cup of coffee and sat on the back porch.
"It's a little quieter out here isn't it." I asked.
"I need a beer. Do you want to go out?"
"I'm game, where do you want to go?"
"Is Milton 's Cave still open?"
"Yes, I see cars parked outside of it when I pass by."
"Well let's go!" he said as he stood up.
"I'm going to tell Sue that I will be back in a while." I said as we went into the house.
"You are P-whooped Jay. You have a bad case of it too!" he said laughing and patting me on the back. I just shook my head at him, meaning whatever.
"Sue, Brad and I are going to get a beer. Do you want to stay or go to the house?"
"I'll stay for awhile. Your not going to forget to pick me up, are you?"
"We will just have a couple and come on back." I said putting my jacket on.
We entered the club at seven thirty and there were about fifteen others there. We played a couple games of pool while consuming a few beers each.
"I need to slow down on the drinking. I can not handle it like you can." I said feeling a little dizzy.
"Forget the beer then." He said going to the bar and ordering us a drink.
"Try a little rum and coke." He said handing me one. We drank several of them and I was feeling no pain. We began talking, acting a little goofy and talked of old times. They had been playing country music all evening and we were trying to sing along.
"Come on, let's find someone to dance with." He said looking around.
As I looked around, I noticed the club was full. There were probably seventy or eighty people in the bar at this time. I could tell Brad was not feeling any pain either. I did not intend to dance with anyone. He had gone over to another table and asked one of three girls sitting together if they wanted to dance. I sat down at the table and when I looked up, he was on the dance floor with her. Everyone was clapping to the song that was playing. I was feeling good at this time so I joined in.
One of the other two girls walked over to me and leaned over.
"Do you want to dance? She asked loudly. Her back had been facing me and I had not seen her face. She was very beautiful. The music was very loud and it was hard to hear one another talking.
"I'm a slow dancer, I can't dance to that." I said trying to say no politely. She sat down next to me.
"We will wait for a slow one then. I would rather dance to a slow one myself! I'm Lonnie, what is your name? She asked letting her lips touch my ear.
"Jay! I answered.
"Are you going to dance the next slow one with me?" she said and then put her tongue against my ear. She sent chill bumps over my body.
"I think I have had to much to drink. I do not think I could stand straight enough to dance! I said trying to let her down easy. They began playing a slow song and she pulled on my arm.
"Come on, just one dance. I haven't dance all night!" She said continuing to pull on my arm. I stood up and walked to the dance floor with her. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. I put my arms around her waist and began dancing. As we moved back and forth slowly, she straddled my leg and began rubbing herself against me. I tried not to react to what she was doing but I could feel myself getting excited. She knew exactly what she was doing.
There were so many on the dance floor we were bumping into others. I knew the song was almost over. I reached my hand up and put it on her breast. I was thinking this might scare her off but she put her hand on top of mine. I did not know now what I wanted to do. She was making me feel good. Brad and the other girl were dancing next to us.
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In a message dated 4/18/2004 11:25:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, XASpecialWishX writes:"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "OOuch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck, low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and...
"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "Ouch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. "Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your...
“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. “Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...
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I had just turned off my alarm to get around for work. Every morning I had a routine. I would slide myself out of bed groggy from just jumping out of a sound sleep. I would sit myself down on the porcelain throne to relieve myself before the six-hour shift ahead of me. After a quick body shower, to wash off the sweat from the night before, I would start to get dressed.It would be the same old way I put on everything. I would start with putting on my pants then to my socks, so I can put on my...
LesbianI snuck up behind her in the office; Shirly was right behind me, knowing what I had planned, and wanting to participate. “Everything OK, hon?” I asked Jane. “Yes, Sir. Master, the implant didn’t come out. She said it was almost gone and it would be better not to cut it out. Julie or I probably mentioned that before, but I didn’t buy any condoms, and I don’t think I will. Sir, I have another question. A very serious one. Am I still your lawyer?” “You are one of my lawyers. I have three,...
Aunt Diane invariably preferred breakfast on the verandah if the weather was fine, and as it was, that was where Harry found her. ‘Good morning Harry,’ she greeted him, ‘If you want a cold breakfast everything is here, but if you want something hot, you’ll have to cook it yourself.’ He kissed her perfunctorily, not noticing her briefly quizzical glance at him. ‘I’ll cook some bacon, would you like some too?’ ‘Hmm,’ she thought for a moment, ‘I hadn’t intended to, but I won’t be able to...
I'm sitting at my desk and it's about 10:00 at night. I'm working late to finish a project and am alone on the deserted top floor of the downtown sky rise. Trying to regain my focus I gaze out one of the windows surrounding my corner office. I love the look of lights of the city reflecting on the water of the bay. From here I can see a few sail boats or yachts lit up. I wonder what the people on those boats are doing. I know what I want to be doing. I have to work late because I've been bad and...
Straight SexShe moves her hand away quick for a moment, then moves it back over to feel it again. She slowly starts touching the side of my now leaking buldge, and heads to the top of it where she runs into the leaking opening of my swollen head. She moves her fingers over it again and again, feeling the precum lubing her fingers and making the touch on my head so much better. She stops for a moment and I can feel the blankets move as her head is now on the top of my stomach, Her hand grasp around my...
We’d all had a long but enjoyable day on the beach. It would be difficult not to take pleasure in the amenities that the isolated hotel offered. It was based on the southern tip of the Island and, for its heavy price, ensured privacy, great food and five star services. “We” was my wife and I and my step-sister-in-law. We are all in our fifties and, thankfully, the Gods had been kind to us and kept our figures reasonably trim and our minds alert.Shy, my wife, was trim and boasted a well shaped...
You will need to read part one first.I finished work that day and cycled home, had a bite to eat, showered and left, telling my parents I may be home late as I was meeting some of the lads from work.I took the bus this time and arrived at the guys house around 7pm. He was still in his dressing gown as he let me in the door and, without hesitation, pulled me to him and snogged me. I responded very eagerly. Bear in mind that earlier in the day was the first time I had ever even kissed another...
JODYThis is for all of those who have been fucked over and fucked up by a cheating, bitchy blonde whore whose name starts with J. Of course any names in this story resembling any persons living, dead, buried in my back yard, and/or chained to my bedpost are purely coincidental. You may read what follows only if you are over the age of 18 and extremely unlikely to be influenced to do something bad by reading a work of fiction. Credit must be given to the author Faibhar as a scene in his...
He lay naked on the bed, on his back, his arms above his head, wrists handcuffed to the headboard, eyes blindfolded, completely at her mercy.He had never been in this position with her before, hell, he had never been in this position before period. He really couldn't imagine how she had talked him into this. Where would she take this, how far would she go? She had access to any and every toy imaginable. She could make the next hour heaven or hell. Would she torture him? Torment him or...
BimboTech: XY by Jack Andrews Chapter 2 I showered and cleaned myself up after the amazing encounter with Tittiefuck. I exited the bedroom suite and found myself back in the lobby. Tittie was once again at the reception desk and didn't outwardly show any recognition of what physical pleasures we'd shared just 20 minutes earlier. "Bye!" she sang in a sing-songy voice. It hit me on several levels like just about everything that afternoon. On one hand, it was hotter than fuck that she didn't...
Chelle had just found herself a new master, even though she had a boyfriend once she met her master Chelle just knew she could not pass up an opportunity to be stretched in every way. Her reality, her lust, her imagination and her sensuality were going to be expanded way beyond what she thought or even dreamed possible. Then there was the actual physical aspect of course underlying all the mental aspects. She would be taken from being an awkward slut to a deft whore who could serve even the...
Daughter's Little Secret - Part 2 By boytoy68 and billy69boyI arrived the next day earlier than I had expected. Rather than knock on the door before the agreed upon time, I decided to unload my tools and material, and take everything around back to the basement entrance. I worked as quietly as possible. As I made successive trips, I thought I heard some sort of low moaning coming from one of the first floor rooms. I didn't pay it much mind, but each time I passed by that particular window,...
Every worker who proves themselves to be the best at what they do, can enter the Government's "Elite Companionship Program" (ECP). They will receive a catalogue of people of every gender, race and sexual orientation to choose from. Their companion will live with them and take care of every need the Elite needs to perform their work as perfectly as possible. The same way, the Elite may prepare their work area to fit their companion and their requirements. If the companion may have children, the...
Super sensual May Thai is sleeping in the nude when Max Dior decides to wake her with the touch of rose petals on her skin. He focuses on her nipple until she stirs awake. Then he slides one hand down to flick May’s clitoris as he delivers a deep kiss. Finding May pliant and eager, Max makes himself at home between her thighs so he can feast on her sweet juices while finger banging her tight hole. When Max is certain that May is wet and ready, he gets to his feet and positions his hardon...
xmoviesforyouOF COURSE IT ALL MADE SENSE. Logical. Not to mention, the only thing we could do. Not only were Lissa’s kids sick, she was coming down with it, too. She simply wouldn’t—or couldn’t—travel. I decided on the spot that I wouldn’t go either but the heated argument that ensued left me at three to one against my canceling the trip. Lissa said she would send instructions to Allison on coaching me through my first round. Sam would be headed out on Tuesday, but there was no way he’d make the early...
The Bonobo is a species of ape also known as the Pygmy or Dwarf Champanzee. Their scientific name is Pan paniscus. The species walks upright, has a matriarchal culture, and has a society built around the important role of sexual activity. They are the closest genetic relatives to humans, even more so than the common chimpanzee. Bonobo society is built around sex. Many social situations are initiated or resolved with sex. For instance, if the troop finds a new food source, often the whole troop...
A couple of days later, Jody was startled to find a leaflet on the desk in her room about a local incest club. She gave a little gasp and sank down on the edge of her bed to read the leaflet. The young girl had never even heard of such a thing as an incest club and she felt an excitement stirring in the pit of her stomach to realize that there were people who openly embraced the idea and practice of incest, and that some of those people were right here in the city where Jody lived with her...
As the week continued while Claire was away, I had a couple more laser sessions. I looked like I had the mother of all sunburns over most of my body, but my skin was starting to feel silky smooth. It was fun not having to shave every morning too. Claire and I talked on the phone in the evenings about this and that, how the conference was going, etc. She said she had a surprise for me when she got back. Inevitably talk turned to sexier topics. I filled Claire in on my laser removal...
When I woke up, Melanie, Sally and Jodie were washing me. It felt wonderful and I lay there with my eyes closed, enjoying the feeling. After a few minutes, Jodie commented that she thought I was awake. So I opened my eyes and looked at them. They were the only ones in the room, and all three were stark naked. What a sight to wake up to! Melanie's hair and eye's are blond. She has blue eyes. Her breasts are 36C, and she has narrow hips and long legs. Sally must take after her father because...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was spring break of my sophmore year in high school. I was going on a church bus we were going to take. The foke that were in charge of it all were real smart and they knew that if when it gets dark outside and on the bus that the guy would be doing who knows what with the girls and besides its a church trip so we all knew that they were going to keep it clean. We also knew that there was going to be some stuff that went down on the bus and in the...
EroticSome supernatural force took pity on you. I do not know why you of all people, but apparently they felt sorry for you for all the times you got into trouble. You cried out to the universe that you wish you could be praised instead of told off. Your wish has been granted, from now on everything abnormal you do will be considered good and praiseworthy. Not only that, but you can also make it so that everybody will be encouraged to do, and praised for an action, simply by stating that said action...
FetishQue historia sera la primera?
She was so perfect, so beautiful. Outside she was every man’s lust, but on the inside, she was my dream. We were both lonely, so similar in thoughts and ideals, needs and desires. The attraction was immediate. The feelings deeper than any that I’d ever experienced before. We flirted and teased. We laughed so hard that our sides hurt. She made me feel young and wonderful. I was sensuous and sexy to her, even in my drab everyday clothes. I was bright, light-hearted, and filled with ideas and...
Suzanne’s lesson. “What is it this time Suzanne?” “Smoking in the toilets, Sir.” She stood in front of his desk, one hip thrust forward, deliberately provocatively. Mr. French sighed in resignation of an on-going and unfathomable problem. It seemed that he and this particular young lady were having these chastisement meetings rather more frequently than he would like. “Adopt the position.” Suzanne was a problem, a constant problem. At Saint Agnes School for girls, she was the misfit....