Runway 17 free porn video

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Chapter 17 Tiffany's day went differently than Brenda's. Her first assignment was to be in a show at one of the designers that had seen the Voss add and they had to have Tiffany. She was the only girl from Universal and the rest were from various agencies around the city. Tiffany arrived early and was resting. She was approached by a tall Asian girl.. "Hi," she said. "Hi," Tiffany responded. "You're the Voss girl aren't you?" "Yes, how did you know?" "All of us girls know who is who, it's part of the game." "Why would you want to know that?" "We need to know who the competition is, after all this is our living. Was that your first big spread?" "Yes." "I've had dozens like that and it's always exciting, congratulations, you're very pretty." "Thank you, what's your name?" "I'm Ginnie Chan." "I'm Tiffany Rollins, I'm pleased to meet you." "What agency represents you?" "Melissa Benson's, you know Universal." "You're with Universal? I was with them until a year and a half ago. I got tired of their BS and went to Ford." "What BS?" "You know the drugs and parties, wait until you've been there for a while, you'll see what I mean." "Tell me more so I know what I'm getting myself into." "I started with them when I was eighteen and I had more work than I could keep up with. Melissa kept pushing me until I almost had a nervous breakdown. She gave me some pills to take and I felt better but after a while I needed them just to work. I noticed some of the older girls were also taking pills and other drugs and pretty soon they would disappear. I was curious as to what happened to them and one of the girls told me that they were working as prostitutes. They needed the drugs and no longer looked good enough to model. She told me that Melissa owned the brothel and this way she had the finest girls turning tricks for her. She gave them enough money to live and an unlimited source of drugs. When I learned this I quit and went into rehab and haven't done drugs since." "I didn't think Melissa was like that?" "She's a cold hearted bitch, watch yourself." "Thanks Ginnie. Did you ever learn where she got her drugs?" "No, all I know is that she always had as much as she wanted." "Did she have a boyfriend?" "I don't think she's ever had a real boyfriend, she just dates a lot. Come to think of it I remember her dating a cop and someone said he was married. I'll bet she makes him give her information about raids and things like that, I don't think any of her girls have ever been arrested." "Did you know Natalia?" "Just briefly, she was a really nice girl, I don't know why she would have been killed. She played around a lot, if you know what I mean and maybe a jealous boyfriend killed her, who knows?" "Girls, lets go, it's show time," shouted the stage manager. Tiffany put on her first outfit, an ugly pair of pants and a blouse covered by a parka, God it was hideous. The next outfit was better, it was a pantsuit and she looked nice in it. As the show progressed the clothing looked better, with the pants being replaced with skirts and finally with dresses. She had to model ten outfits and she knew she was running late for her photo shoot. She took out her cell phone after the last outfit she wore and called Melissa. "Universal." "Hi Brenda, is Melissa in?" "She had to go out, why?" "I wanted her to call the photographer and let him know I'm running late." "I'll do that for you." "Thanks Brenda, I'll call you later, I have some news." "Okay Tiffany, catch you later." Tiffany made it to her photo session and was only fifteen minutes late. "I'm sorry I'm running late, but the show I was just in started late and screwed me up for time." "Don't worry about it Tiffany, we want you even if you are a little late, lets get started," the photographer said. Tiffany was brought to a makeup station. All of her makeup was removed by the attendant. She was then made up again and photographed. The makeup was removed again and then reapplied only with different colors. This went on until late evening, makeup on, makeup off, over and over, until Tiffany was sick of makeup. "That was the last shot Tiffany, do you want to wear this makeup home or have it removed?" asked the photographer. "I'll remove it when I get home," she answered. Tiffany didn't know how good she looked made up the way she was, she was a show stopper. She walked outside and saw the hustle and bustle of New York City at night. She was hungry and the little pizza place looked good to her. She walked in and ordered a slice. She went to pay for the pizza and felt a hand on her butt. "Mighty fine," she heard a voice say. "Keep your hands to yourself," she responded. "Sorry," said the smarmy man. Tiffany ignored him and took her pizza to a table to eat. She didn't notice the man was still staring at her. She finished and went to catch a cab. The man came up behind her and grabbed her by the shoulder. That was the wrong move because Tiffany turned and grabbed the man and threw him over that very same shoulder. The defensive training from the FBI had paid off. "Ouch, " he yelled, "I'm going to sue you." A cop walked up and said, "Is this man bothering you miss?" "Not anymore," she replied. "That was a nice move, do you want to press charges against him, I saw the whole thing and was just about to help you myself, but I can see you can take care of yourself." "Thank you officer, I'm fine and you might as well let the creep go, I think he learned his lesson." A cab stopped and Tiffany got in and she heard cheering from the crowd that had seen her throw the man, "My kind of woman," they yelled. Tiffany smiled, if you only knew she thought. It was almost midnight when Tiffany arrived home. It was too late to call Brenda now and what she would tell her could wait until the next day. Brenda was waiting for Tiffany to arrive. She wondered why she hadn't phoned her the night before. Tiffany came in a half of an hour late. "You didn't call me last night," Brenda said. "I didn't get home until almost midnight and what I found out wasn't that important and since it was so late I figured it could wait. What about you? Did you learn anything?" "I did and I'll talk to you about it tonight." "Okay." Mario arrived minutes later. "Hey, I have a package for you." "For me?" "Yeah, from some woman named Maria Gomez." "From Maria, thank God." "Sign here, I'll see you for lunch, I hope you didn't forget?" "Damn, I did, I have a doctors appointment at noon, I'm sorry but we still can have dinner together." "That works for me, I'll see you after work." Brenda had forgotten her appointment with the doctor and remembered it when she saw the package from Maria. She tore it open and saw the new breast forms staring at her, thank God she thought, my cup runneth over and it hurts. Brenda went to the girl's room and removed her bra and old forms. They looked huge compared to the new ones but she knew her breasts would feel better with the smaller ones. She inserted them into her bra and hooked the back. Brenda let out a sigh, she felt normal again. In the box was a note. Dear Brenda, when you asked for new smaller forms I knew you must be growing. I take it you want to become a woman, congratulations and welcome to the club. By the way, if these grow too tight, buy a bigger bra, giggle, giggle, love Maria. Brenda felt warm toward Maria, she was after all her creation and now Brenda was carrying it to fruition. Brenda went to her doctor's office and was examined by him. "You're growing very nicely Brenda, you're almost an A cup." "How big am I going to get?" "That depends on your family, is your mother very large?" "Not really, she's maybe a B, she's very athletic though." "That has nothing to do with her breast size, if that's the case you might have already reached your potential breast size already." "But I want to be as big as I am right now," she whined. "I'm sorry but that won't happen unless you have implants." "Implants, isn't that kind of permanent?" "Your high dosages of hormones are kind of permanent too. They have done more damage than implants will ever do." "If I decide to have them when could it be done?" "With the hormones you've been taking you have enough breast tissue now as long as you don't go too big, you know, like some of those double D jobs." "God no, I just want to look normal, like I do now. I think C would be plenty." "We can do this at anytime so when you make your decision let me know." "I will, and thank you doctor." "Why are you thanking me?" "For being so kind and not passing judgment on me for wanting this thing." "Why would I pass judgment, the FBI did this to you and if being a woman is what you want then I'm here to do what ever you wish, even make the final sacrifice." "Sacrifice?" "You know, the operation, cutting off your dick and balls." "That sounds so crude." "I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't have put it that way, I'm just not used to having a healthy man ask me for breasts." "I'm not a man anymore, I'm a woman with the wrong thing between my legs and someday that will be fixed. I know I'm making the right decision." "I hope so Brenda, I truly hope so." Brenda finished the day and returned home to dress for Mario. She decided on a skirt and sweater and three-inch heels. She liked wearing skirts because she like her legs to be seen. Brenda was becoming quite a vain young woman. Mario arrived and escorted Brenda to a waiting cab. Brenda noticed that Annie hadn't looked out her door when she and Mario past by. She would have to check up on her friend, come to think of it she hadn't seen Annie for several days and that wasn't like Annie. "Where are we going for dinner?" Brenda asked. "Do you like Chinese?" "Yes, I love it." "Good, we're going to Chinatown for some really good food." The cab drove the couple to Chinatown and dropped them off at the address Mario had given to the driver. "This place is a hole in the wall but they have the best Chinese food in New York City," he said. "I wouldn't know the difference, the only Chinese food I've ever had was at a shopping mall, but I liked it." The couple found a table and seated themselves. This wasn't the kind of restaurant with a lot of niceties, no host here. Mario handed the well worn menu to Brenda. "What do you like?" he asked. "The only thing I've ever had was sweet and sour pork and fried rice, why don't you pick for me?" "Are you hungry?" "Just a little." "I'll order three dishes then, they give you a lot of food here." Mario ordered the food and turned his attention to Brenda. "Have you thought about Sunday dinner with me again, my mom really would like you to be there." "I had a wonderful time last week and I really do want to go again, but I'm afraid of rushing things, you hardly know me?" "The only way I'm going to get to know you is by spending time with you." "And I want to spend time with you too. I'm having very strong feelings for you and I'm sorry if I seem insecure but I don't want to get hurt if this doesn't work out." "Brenda, there are no guarantees in life, especially with what one person feels for another and I'm in the same boat as you, I don't want to be hurt either. You know I was just dumped by my old girl friend and I was angry, but then I realized that you were there and I knew you were a much better person than my last girl friend. I worry too, because I'm having these feelings also and I've never felt like this so soon and it scares me as much as it does you." "Since you feel that way, I guess I'll go Sunday." "You just made my mother's day." Brenda was falling in love with Mario and hated that she had to find out more about him for the investigation, she was close to him and now she had to pry into his past. "Tell me more about your escape from Columbia, aren't you worried that they might still be after you?" "Why would you ask that?" "Because, I've seen all those movies where the bad guys chase after someone, you know to Europe and all over the place, I worry about you." "It really isn't like that, I was betrayed that's all. I was just lucky not to have been shot and killed." "See, that's what I mean, I don't know what I would do if something were to happen to you." "Nothing's going to happen to me." "How can you be so sure?" "Because those people don't know where I live and they have no reason to be after me anyway." "What about the package they said you took?" "I didn't take anything. I had pretty much figured that I was hauling something other than manure, but I also thought it was best that I didn't ask. What I hadn't counted on was being stopped by the feds and then being asked for the payoff. I never had to do that before and when they asked, I didn't know what they were talking about. I assume the owner of the truck had always paid what ever it was he paid. I know the feds probably stole whatever I had in the truck and blamed me for it so I guess a honeymoon in Colombia is out of the question." Brenda couldn't help but laugh at the last remark, Mario was becoming very special in her heart. Dinner was served and Brenda loved the meal, She ate things she thought she would never even think of eating, squid and whole steamed fish, it was a lovely dinner. "Would you like to see a movie?" Mario asked. "Why don't we do that this weekend, I'm kind of tired." "Are you asking me out?" "I guess I am," replied Brenda. "It's a date." Mario paid for dinner and brought Brenda home. "Would you like to come up for a while?" Brenda asked. "I'd love to, let me pay the cab." Brenda took Mario by the hand and they walked up the stairs into the building. There were no lights showing under Annie's door and Brenda was becoming concerned about her friend. Brenda inserted her key and opened the door and turned on the lights. ?Come on in and make yourself comfortable, I'll get us something to drink, what would you like?" "Beside you? What do you have?" "Some orange juice and a coke, sorry I don't have any wine or beer." "I'll have some orange juice, please." Mario sat down on the sofa to relax. Brenda brought him a glass of juice and then sat down next to him. She wondered how this was going to go, she wanted to be more intimate with Mario and yet she felt guilty that she did. She remembered how she had felt when she was Matt and made out with a girl. When he was rejected he had to live with a major case of blue balls and she hated that she would do the same to Mario. She couldn't have any kind of sexual relations with him, mostly for the obvious reason. Brenda had to remember, the girl is in charge. "Is the juice cold enough?" "It's perfect, thank you." "May I ask you to do something for me?" she asked. "Anything." "Would you kiss me?" Mario didn't answer, instead he took Brenda in his arms and touched her lips with his. Brenda placed her hands around Mario's neck and pulled him tight as she felt the strength of his kiss. Brenda was falling in love with this man and the longer the kiss lasted the deeper she fell. Her lips parted and she felt Mario's tongue enter her mouth, so intimate and so loving she thought, almost like having sex. Brenda felt herself being lowered onto the sofa and Mario's weight pressing against her. Stay in control Brenda, stay in control and then she felt Mario's hand caressing her breast. "Please don't Mario, I'm not ready for that yet, please?" she said in her softest voice. Mario pulled his hand away and said, "I'll only go as far as you want sweetheart, I, I, I love you." Mario had said the magic words, I love you and Brenda responded with a deep kiss. "I love you too," she said. Brenda and Mario kissed again with many thoughts swirling in Brenda's head. How can I be objective with Mario, what if he's lying to me about Colombia, and what am I going to do if he finds out about me, I should have never done this with him. "Mario, we have to talk," Brenda said as their last kiss ended. "About what sweetheart?" "Us. Mario, there's something I have to say to you and I'm not sure if you will like it but I have to tell you how I feel about something. When I marry I want to be a virgin, I feel it's right for my husband. I wanted to tell you this so you won't expect anything more from me. I'm sorry if I led you on thinking you could have more but I just can't do it, I hope you understand." Mario hugged Brenda and said, "I'm so lucky to have found a girl like you. You have no idea how many sluts there are these days and to have found a girl with morals, God I love you." Brenda felt relief. She no longer had to fear that her secret would be found out, as long as she was able to stay in control. Her mind was also in turmoil. She was falling deeply in love with this man and he with her and what made it worse was that she had no control of her feelings. She could pull his hand away if it got too close to a place where it didn't belong, but her heart was something else. She couldn't control the deep love she felt for this man, that was something that couldn't be pushed away. "I'm going to kick you out, I have to get my beauty sleep." "Goodnight," Mario said with one last kiss. The rest of the week was pretty much like the first for Brenda with the exception that Ralph Larsen paid his customary visit. "May I help you?" Brenda asked. "I'm Ralph Larsen and I'm here to see Melissa Benson." "Yes Mr. Larsen, I remember you from the last time you were here." "Miss Benson, Mr. Larsen is here to see you." "Send him in." "Miss Benson says to go right on in." Brenda noted that he was carrying the same size package as before and wondered what might be inside? It was the perfect size for two kilos of drugs. Ralph stayed with Melissa for about an hour before he left, Brenda wished she could be a fly on the wall at times like this. Melissa came out of her office and her face was flushed. "Keep next Tuesday open Brenda, I'm having a party to celebrate Tiffany's success," Melissa said. "Yes Melissa. Oh Melissa, who's Mr. Larsen?" "Just a friend Brenda, just a friend." "If he comes here when you aren't here should I sign for his packages?" "He never comes here unless I'm here, is that understood?" "Yes, sorry for asking." "I'm sorry for snapping at you Brenda, you didn't know, Ralph's a friend and we go way back, don't concern yourself." "Okay." Brenda arrived at home and knocked on Annie's door, she was worried that something bad had happened to her friend. The door across the hall opened and Brenda heard a voice ask, "May I help you?" Brenda turned and saw an elderly black man with white hair and stooped shoulders. "I'm looking for Annie, I'm a friend of hers, I live in 3A, upstairs," Brenda said. "You must be the new girl, I'm William Washington. I've heard you coming and going but haven't had time to say hi. I'm really making an excuse, my old body just doesn't move fast enough anymore to get to the door before you are gone." Brenda extended her hand and felt the firm grip of a man that had spent many years on the docks moving cargo. His hands had the strength of a man twenty years younger than he looked. "It's nice to meet you William, do you know what happened to Annie? "She left a couple of days ago. She said she had to go up to Boston because her daughter-in-law had a miscarriage. Is there something I can help you with?" "No, I was just worried, I think of Annie as a really good friend." "We all do, it's nice to finally meet you Brenda and if you need anything just knock on my door." "I will and thank you." Friday came and Brenda went to lunch so she could call Bill Cline. "Bill I need you to investigate Ralph Larsen, I think he's the drug source." "What makes you think that?" "Because he spends a lot of time with Melissa and the only time he comes here is when she's here." "You might be right, we haven't been able to find anything on this guy, its almost like he doesn't exist." "Well keep searching, I know he's the one. Maybe you should follow him the next time he comes here, at least you will know where he lives." "Don't be a smart ass Brenda, you know we don't have a lot of field agents." "Seriously Bill I just know he is the one, he won't be here again for at least three weeks and when he gets here I'll call you, that way you won't have a lot of down time." "That might work and if what you say is true then this thing will finally be over." Brenda returned to work and found a distraught Tiffany. "What's wrong?" Brenda asked. "I'm so damned tired and God these guys keep hitting on me, I don't think I can do this much longer Brenda." "Keep it down Tiffany, someone will hear. I have good news. I think the drug source is Ralph Larsen. It's going to be a number of weeks before he can be investigated but it won't be long before this is all over, just hang in there." "I'm trying Brenda, but you have no idea of what this is like for me." "I think I do, after all we started this thing together." "No you don't, you want to be a girl, or at least you want to enjoy this girl thing, but I hate it. I want to be a man again, I'm sorry but fuck this shit, I've had it." "Tiffany I don't want to be an asshole but if you screw this thing up now you can kiss your career goodbye and mine too." "Brenda, I'm different than you, I know what we're doing and all that but God, how am I going to explain to my family that I'm a model, a fucking female model." "They will never find out unless you tell them." "But my picture was in the paper." "Do they take the Times?" "In Minnesota?" "Exactly, that is what I'm talking about, no one will ever know." "I still worry." "Don't. I hate to bring this up, but what about Robert?" "Robert?" "Yes Robert, remember him, the guy you kissed?" "Fuck him, I found out he's gay and just goes out with us girls to make a statement." "It sounds as if that bothers you?" "Why wouldn't it, a gay guy kissed me, wouldn't it bother you?" "Tiffany sometimes you can be such an ass, think about it, a gay guy kissed you, a desirable young woman, not a boy, but you. Did you think that maybe you might be contributing to the delinquency of a gay, after all you are a woman?" Tiffany started laughing, she couldn't help it, and then she said quietly, "Fuck you Matt." Tiffany settled down after that and decided that her career was more important than her feelings and if a man bothered her she could do like the ad says ?just say no'. Sunday came and Mario brought Brenda to another Sunday dinner. She made the usual impression on his mother. Mario's mother wondered why she never learned to cook. "Your mother never taught you how to cook?" Marie asked. "Are you kidding, my mom thought hamburger helper was a feast." "I can't believe it, a woman that doesn't know how to cook." "I'd be glad to learn," Brenda said in a soft tone of voice. "Hey Mario, I want you to bring Brenda by here whenever she wants, I want to teach her how to cook," Marie yelled into the other room. "Yes mom," came the reply. Marie did teach Brenda some basics this day and every Sunday for months, because Brenda and Mario had become an item, Brenda wasn't some slut Mario was sleeping with, she was a sweet wonderful girl. Marie had fallen in love with her as much as Mario had. Marie couldn't help thinking of what a wonderful daughter-in ?law she would make.

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Hello friends hope you enjoy my stories. I don’t get lot of responses, but few. So for them I am again writing this incident. Hope u people will enjoy and would mail me. If u have any hidden fantasies let me know, I could help u in that. Females feel free to mail me, as I guarantee u that it would be between us. My email ids are OR Let me come to the story. I have a habit of going to walk early morning. I returned nearly 8.30 am. The main reason for going to early walk is I get to see lots of...

1 year ago
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My changing fortunes 02

We drove to Chadstone shopping centre, which was about an hour’s drive and purchased some clothing. In one store in particular, we found a tiny cotton stretch black skirt that hugged my ass perfectly, a soft gray tight tee that would look amazing with my fake bra boobs; I purchased recently from Sexyland. I briefly noticed a tall guy, in his forties staring at us; from a distance. Daniela didn’t see him, so I didn’t mention it; anyway he disappeared the next time I looked around for him....

3 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 10

It was Monday morning, the 14th of August. Sixty-one years ago, Japan had surrendered to the Allies. Stan knew exactly how they felt. His body was battered by lack of sleep and his eyes were terribly gritty. He needed a shave, coffee, a shower, coffee, breakfast, coffee, some painkillers and coffee — and not necessarily in that order. So he forced himself into action, putting on his underwear and grabbing painkillers and a glass of water first, then putting a very strong pot of coffee on. He...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas part 2

Clarence pulled himself together, but left the tie undone. Xenia grabbed the shopping bag, but left the panties inside. Taking his hand, Xenia led him out of the private room and out of the strip club. She didn’t think they could walk all the way back to the hotel without winding up fucking in some dark corner and she wasn’t a fan of public sex, so she hailed a cab and had the driver quickly take them back to the hotel. Back in the room, Xenia noticed that the clock said 2:30. The sun would...

4 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 25

We had driven into Brantley to listen to the news conference in which the governor made the announcement. He told the news people that he expected me to shake things up and make the AEMA more responsive and grassroots oriented. He also said that I had refused to accept a salary. He said that he expected me to assume my duties as soon as I could get on the job but that I was deeply involved in the relief effort in Crenshaw County. To put it bluntly, I was screwed. I never figured he was dumb....

3 years ago
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Fucking Mona

My name is Bittu, and i have done love marriage. Since the time I got married and I had been eying my elder sister in law. I am a big breasts fan and my wife’s 32 size breasts were not good enough to satisfy my hunger. My elder sister in law, Mona , 39 ,who was 8 years elder to my wife had size 36 C and I always wanted to taste her pussy. Mona lived in Bhagalpur, asmall district in Bihar, while we were in Ranchi at that time. I am a salesman working with one of the leading mobile company. Mona...

2 years ago
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The CEOrsquos Wife

My boss liked to share his wife and she loved to be filmed having sex!I had been working for a Florida high-tech company for only five months when my boss, the CEO, invited me and two other new employees for a Sunday afternoon cruise on his sixty-foot yacht. I’d never been on such a luxurious and expensive boat before, so I was excited, not only for that reason but also for being invited by my boss since I was his newest employee.We pulled away from the slip around noon and headed through the...

2 years ago
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Displaced An Aethermysts Story

Displaced: An Aethermysts Story by Daniel A. Wolfe (D.A.W.) Author's Note: I've been sitting on this one for over a year and a half. I figured it was about time I dusted this puppy off and get it fine-tuned so I could share it with all of you. This story is part of an open universe, you can find the rules and guidelines on my website: Thanks to Xtrim for providing final grammar edits. # At the sound of footsteps, I dove...

1 year ago
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Bangla sex stories

Hi all, I am Khalid 22 year old now but this story some year ago but plz one think my English so poor plz try to understand and I will try to write better who u understand so when I was 13 ,slim body owner as like kids in as age , my sister yes she was mush older to me her age was 23 m age 10 year different so mush because our dad was go USA after my sister born we was so mush poor so my dad go to USA for money and then he come back so late and I was born .. So my sister is also mom for me…she...

1 year ago
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Story 2

PART 2 Lori sat back and thought about it. That would be awful. Cindy, who the new dress code was probably intended for, was a single Mom and needed this job. She needed the flexible hours and every Sunday and Monday off. "Oh David, I can't believe I went off like that..""My boss had every right to be upset with me, I will have to appologize on Tuesday first thing". "That's what I love about you, you are always ready to admit when you have made a mistake and make whatever amends you can,...

4 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 39

There was no way I could be subtle with my estimation of the situation since my dick inflated to the max at once. Still, even if it was hazardous duty I had to give it my best and even if I didn't know exactly what would happen next it was obvious Rose, Catla, and probably all the women had a good idea. It turned out a little like the last time I'd done any significant hair washing, leg shaving, and bush trimming. The main difference was a sort of assembly line procedure. There were three...

2 years ago
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Hunger for My Italian Neighbors Uncut Cock

My wife Lindsay and I met in college and spent most of our married life together in Minneapolis.  We were still in our mid-forties when our kids had grown up and were away at college.  With the kids out of the house, I accepted a long-overdue job promotion and transfer with my company to the Philadelphia area.  My name is Dan, and I had previously resisted moving so as not to disrupt our children’s lives.We moved at a time when the real estate market was soft in the Minneapolis area.  So, with...

3 years ago
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Dogging by mistake

Several months into our affair Nikki and i had started to meet more regularly and were now literally fucking anytime and anywhere that we could find that was out of the view of prying eyes. One evening we drove to corton cliffs a few miles down the road from where we lived and parked in the pitch and putt car park that was set back off the main road and was really secluded. It was about 9.30pm and there wasn't a single person to be seen as it was late autumn and was getting quite chilly in the...

3 years ago
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Eden on the RailsChapter 11

He was overwhelmed by the hug he got from Tracy, then she called softly, "Hasan! He is here." Hasan walked towards the door, carrying several bags. He eyed his visitor. "John? You came yourself?" "Anything for an old friend. Where are the boxes of books?" Hasan indicated a pile of cartons next to the door. John started to carry the first out the door and over to where the platform sat. As the family trooped out, he indicated the platform. "Everyone get on there. When ready, say NOW,...

2 years ago
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Bitchin Betty Ch 02

Darbe’s booted heels clicked down the corridor with the shuffling echo of the young man behind him. Still struggling to put on his boots and eat his frozen waffle at the same time, he hopped on his left foot for a couple of steps, grabbed his helmet before it could fall out from under his arm, then stamped down on his right foot forcing it into the boot. Finally comfortable with his helmet under his arm and the rest of his suit put on in the right places and the right order (after many...

2 years ago
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Office mai chudai

Hi. ISS readers mera naam Kumar hai aur mai Delhi se hu. Meri age 26 saal hai. I m 5’7” and mera lund 7″ lamba aur 3.5″ mota hai. Ye meri pehli true story hai jo ki main aap sab ke samne pesh kar raha hoo. Jab maine apni graduation complete ki to maine ek private company naukry ke liye apply kiya to waha se jaldi he bulva aa gaya. Jab mai interview dene ke liye gaya to waha per ek lady ladki jiski umar 24-25 saal ki hogi usne mera resume liya or bathne ko kaya mai beth gaya to mai kafi der se...

1 year ago
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She hated her long hair

Anyway, I was waiting for my girlfriend to get ready for our date, again. I told her to hurry up already so we don't mis the movie. She said, "I am fixing my hair, these things take time. I keep my hair nice for you, you know." I responded "I like it when you look nice, but if you cut your hair to your neck I wouldn't mind." Melody said "Really?, I'll get the scissors if your serious. I would love to save the time but i don't think you really mean that." I glared at her...

2 years ago
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The First CommandChapter 9 This Isnt Stable

After I'd been out at Jupiter for long enough that the days were beginning to run together, Doc Sorenson came out with his team of implant-adjusters. Diana and I were sending emails back and forth, sometimes two or three times a day. In one of them she asked me to see if I and a couple of trusted buddies could be at the station to meet them. Sure, I can bring several of the guys I work with. Why? Do they need porters for their equipment? She wouldn't say, and I never found out why until...

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the threesome3

She secures his wrists behind the chair he sits upon with metal handcuffs and skirts some lightly scented massage oil onto her palm. Rubbing them together, she warms the oil up and then begins to massage his muscular shoulders to help him relax. After a few moments, the tension leaves his body and he completely surrenders to her power. She goes to stand in front of him, pressing her soft, round breasts to his face and his tongue automatically shoots out in search of a pink, erect nipple, but...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 47 ldquoItrsquos just so unfairrdquo

January 24, 1985, McKinley, Ohio The phone rang on Thursday evening while we were studying and I went to my room to answer it. “Hi, Mike; It’s Fran Mercer.” “Hi, Doctor Mercer.” “I had a session with Angie today and explained to her about why the state wouldn’t let her marry. It didn’t go well.” “What happened?” I asked apprehensively. “She became very angry and agitated. Her psychiatrist ordered a mild sedative, but she’s refusing to take it.” “Lord have mercy,” I replied softly. “So...

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Glenda stumbled from Mr. Avery's office with her eyes full of tears. This couldn't be happening to her, she had been with the company for over three years and this was the thanks she got! She passed Mrs. London's desk on the way to her own, and as she walked past it she said, "I can't believe it, the asshole just fired me, he said something about across the board cut backs, and that I was doing a fine job but they just had to let me go, why don't they fire his precious Marianne," she spat,...

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sissy for mum and my friends p1

When I was 18 myself and a few friends would go to one friends house on a Saturday night whilst he was baby sitting for his younger sibling. We would sit in his lounge have a few beers and put porn on. We would all sit there with hard ons in our pants but unable to wank because we were in our friends front room. Until one week when he decided to nip out for an hour chasing a girl. As soon as Rick had gone the porn went on and Ali (the cockiest and dirtiest of us) declared "fuck this im having a...

4 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 11

It was a few days later, when we had all recovered from the encounter with the old woman, that we found out more about what had happened. Of course, we figured out in the meantime that something had drained us of our energy. I shared with them what I had felt at the time, how I had felt suddenly tired and had blacked out from it. Kayla and Erika had added that when they had touched me, they had also felt an overwhelming sense of fatigue. In fact, neither of them could do much at all...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 262

The Retreat Earlier in the afternoon, just after Matt and his women left, Jesse and Alesha walked into the living room where Jeff was sitting. The Prime came to his feet, grabbed Jesse's hand to shake, then gave Alesha a hug. "Diana called and said you wanted to talk to us," Jesse remarked as he and Alesha took seats on a couch across from the Prime. On the way up, both had worried that Jeff wanted his Escalade back, since they hadn't yet saved quite enough for a decent down payment on...

3 years ago
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Hard WinterChapter 17 Summer A Face From the Past

It was the last day of our track building marathon, everyone had packed up and I had decided that on the final evening we would bring everyone down to Newsham for a fish and chip supper. We loaded all the workers, their bikes and tents onto our train and took them back. Everyone had worked hard, even the captives, and I asked Sid if we could give them a fish supper as well. "Fine by me," he said, "they're showing signs of being trustworthy. Chain them in pairs." I asked about Vin, the...

2 years ago
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Picked up in the Toilets

Here I was just turned 16, I liked to dress in girl's clothes and was very curious about cock, no about sex. Oh, god yes! My hormones were driving me mad with the desire to not only dress up whenever I could but also to have sex. Anything I saw in newspapers or magazines about women, girls or with sexual meaning had my mind just a blur of indecent thoughts. This particular day I had been shopping and needed the toilet. The shop I was in didn't have any so there was only one thing to do - that...

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Siss birthday surprise

Hi this Sam form Pune this is my 3rd story .many thank for all those emailed me and inform that the like my last stories. This is another incident happed between me my sis. . Let me tell you once again about my sister her name is Kavita she is good looking girl with physic 32 28 34.she one year younger than me. After that wonderful night everything got change between me and my sis I used to kiss her if our parents are not around I also started fondling her breasts over the clothes, many time I...

4 years ago
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 21

Lyttelton, New Zealand January 31, 1991 Jake opened his eyes slowly, trying to focus on the softly spinning ceiling fan above his head. After a few moments, he was able to do so. He watched it spin round and round, casting faint shadows on the vaulted ceiling of his bedroom. The light in here was dim. It was always dim in the mornings, usually until eleven o'clock or so during these summer months. His newly constructed house, and the bedroom within it, faced southwest, toward the town of...

1 year ago
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Panty Sleep 8211 Part II

Hi, mera nam Viraj hai apne meri pehli stori panty sleep to padhi hogi ab main dusri stori likh raha hu ye stori bhi usi aunty ke sath ki chudai ki stori hai maine bataya tha ki aunty gajab ki hai use tho roj chodne ka man karta hai ab ahani main ata hu bat 6 din pehale ki hai jab mere ghar par koi nahi tha to main net par sex stori padh raha tha or porn movie dekh raha that ho mera lund khada hone lag fir maine ek do bar muth Marke use shant kar diya par porn main ek ladki thi bahot hi hot...

2 years ago
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Gina was three years younger than me. She was 22 and she was the biggest pain in my ass you could imagine. She was the 'it' girl at our small Uni and she walked around like the world owed her a fucking debt of gratitude, while I was already out in the working world and was only here to get the last of my things, having moved into a new place. Don't get me wrong, I understood why she acted like this, she was hot, sexy actually but wow did she know it! She treated me like shit, always...

1 year ago
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My First Time

Moving is not a lot of fun. I just got a promotion and a big raise so I decided to move to more upscale surroundings. It was an apartment building nearer to my job and had a swimming pool and work out room along with a few other amenities. I brought new furniture to go with the apartment so I really only had to move my clothes and small things. Still a pain but not as bad as moving a whole apartment. As I was carrying in some clothes my neighbor across the hall came out and introduced herself...

3 years ago
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Fianceacute for all A story of cuckoldry and lu

I gazed down at the pussy that used to be mine and mine alone, covered in every man's cum in the room except my own. Her eyes had rolled into the back of her head, overdosed on ecstasy."She's a fucking legend, mate", said the portly, silver-haired gentleman who had last been inside my fiancé of 4 years, the girl who was a virgin before we met, the girl who hadn't slept with another man until tonight, a woman who now had 11 conquests under her belt and inside her tight little muffin. The din of...

1 year ago
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An afternoon affair

My wife Misty had been out. Showing properties. And running errands for her mother. When she returned back to the office. To descover mom in a intense and stressful meeting. With a rival company. Which was represented by these two guys named Gary and Bob. Mom had this piece of land, that one of her rich clients wanted. To build a million dollar home on. But the land was land locked by property owned by Gary and Bobs company. And these two were just as greedy, rude, crude and unethical as she...

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The Driving Exhibitionist Part 4

As we lay on our sides still licking and lightly sucking each other’s softening cock, I wanted to please Sam even more. Sliding down a little further, I gently sucked his hairless balls into my mouth and caressed them with my tongue until I noticed that his cock was starting to harden. Wanting to make him really hard and ready to give me a great fucking, I released his balls and slid my tongue towards his ass. As my tongue lightly traced towards his hole, I slowly spread his cheeks with both...

Gay Male
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The Robbery

Work went well and it was time for my date. She was a thick woman of Latin decent. Her hair flowed down her back in waves and her body was to die for. I was impressed by her nice set of perky tits, beautiful green eyes, and she had enough ass to blot out the sun. Antonia truly was amazing. She approached me while I was shopping a few days ago. Her search for a birthday gift was becoming tedious and she could not make a decision between a nice pair of watches for her brother. After leading her...

Straight Sex
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Charisma and Tiffany Part 2

Charisma and Tiffany, Part 2 By Cal Y. Pygia Tiffany's six cocks filled Charisma's six cunts and, although the sorceress was on top and, therefore, able to move faster and with more force and agility than the supine shemale, Tiffany, nevertheless, felt overwhelmed by the welter of sensations that had, as it were, laid siege to her consciousness, dividing her, as it seemed, into six selves, each of which was assaulted by the sea of emotions, physical sensations, and lust that...

4 years ago
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Sin of Lust

He tossed and turned in his bed, desperately trying to rid his mind of the stunning images that had plagued him since that afternoon. That young woman kneeling so obediently as the altar and crossing herself with an innocence belied by her attire… her presence had called him from the rectory as certainly as the loyal bells ever had. Even a young priest such as himself had been attracted to her sweet looks and tempting manner. Her beauty was stunning to him, so much so that he had nearly...

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mikeknoll wants me to drink his cum

After you drink my cum from my throbbing cock, take my penis and kiss the end of the head-just enough to see how sensitive I really get... And you Im REALLY sensitive.. take my penis into your mouth, softly and gently applying small motions with your toungue to not over-sensitize you and at the same time keep the blood flow where it should be.I lay down on the bed with a pillow under my ass to prop my cock up in the air so you can access it better and kneel down to blow soft air onto my wet...

2 years ago
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Shy Girlfriend Gangbanged By Friends On Birthday

Hey ISS and readers, I have been a great fan of this website for more than 10 years and I would like to share my original experience. Rocky aged 28 and Seema aged 25 were good friends in my office and they use to share all the good things between them. Rocky didn’t have any intentions for love. After 6 months, there was one new joiner in office by the name Akash who joined the team. Seema used to talk to Akash and pass some comments on Akash. This is when Rocky realized his affection towards...

3 years ago
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Marys Panties

I have shared many things Mary and I did on here and here is another true story. Mary and I were living in two parts of Texas, me out west and her in East Texas. 400 miles separated us. Since meeting Mary I knew she loved to fuck men and had several men friends who did her regularly. I encouraged her to meet her friends and even make new ones and she happily did. The only demand from me was that she tell me about it and then collect their cum in her panties. I was always buying her all...

2 years ago
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Date with the Doctor

Date with the Doctor. Right at this very moment I’m all sexually excited, tingly and horny. I’ve just this second hung up the phone and it’s confirmed that my hot and horny fuck date with the Doctor will take place later tonight. The telephone conversation did get quite lively and in no time we were discussing what would occur during the evening. I’ve too go to his house all spiced up just for him and we’ll fuck, suck, lick, grope, probe and swap bodily fluids for a few hours, then hopefully I...

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Wife Touches Buddy 8

My wife returned to find a fresh cocktail waiting for her. It was just a little past midnight, so the night was young. None of us had put any of our clothes back on. I thought it was kind of cool that we all felt comfortable enough hanging out naked. We decided that is was time to take the party to the pool and headed in that direction. We all jumped in, swam around and enjoyed the refreshing water. After about 30 minutes of playing around, I decided to go and mix more drinks for us. When I...

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