- 4 years ago
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Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit
September 13, 2146
1718 hours
Major Wilde sat at his desk, watching the InfoServe main news channel that was being beamed over from Earth. It was the top of the hour news summary, although, since it had taken it eighteen minutes to travel to Mars it was no longer the top of the hour. He was shaking his head in disgust and disbelief with every word the grinning newscaster spoke.
"At precisely 1300 hours, Eden and New Pittsburgh time, today, WestHem marines kicked off the second phase of Operation Martian Hammer by launching a massive air strike at military installations controlled by the rogue terrorist members of the Martian Planetary Guard that have been holding the planet hostage. This strike involved upwards of two hundred VTOL extra-terrestrial hovers armed with high-intensity lasers. The name given to this two-pronged strike was 'Operation Hammer Down' according to General Browning in his latest press release."
Wilde made a particularly sour face at the mention of the name. Yes, it was a hammer down operation all right, he thought. Only it was us who got hammered. One hundred percent losses! The worst disaster in extra-terrestrial aviation since... well, since phase one of Martian Hammer. Once again they took a foolproof plan and fucked it all up.
"As we reported earlier," the news anchor went on, "things did not look like they were getting off to a good start on the surface for this second phase. At both cities the landing ships launched from orbit were forced to land at alternate sites, closer in to their targets than doctrine dictates and than was reported yesterday to us. The reason for this was because of reports to marine intelligence that the Martian terrorists had planted powerful improvised mines in the selected landing areas."
"Mines," Wilde muttered. Does anyone really believe that crap? I mean back on Earth, in the ghettos, in the factories, in the upper-end housing buildings? Do they really?
"Now however," the anchor said brightly, "it seems that General Browning has managed to make the best of a bad situation with Operation Hammer Down. Taking advantage of the relatively short distance to target from the alternate landing sites, these two hundred hovers flew directly into the teeth of the most heavily defended Martian terrorist positions, destroying artillery sites, surface-to-air laser sites, portions of the Martian bases themselves, and many of the reinforced defensive positions that the suicide teams staged from in the first phase of the operation.
"General Browning, in a statement issued just twenty minutes ago, tells us that several of the hovers did go down during the engagement and that several pilots and gunners were forced to eject. As to whether these aircraft were shot down or brought down by friendly fire or collision is unknown. The fate of these crews are also unknown at this time although General Browning states there is a good possibility they might be recovered alive before the Martians can capture them."
They cut to a scene from Browning's press conference after the operation. "The crews that participated in this strike have only just returned to base," he told the solar system, "and we have not had a chance to debrief them just yet. We do have search and rescue hovers out at this minute heading for the areas where the aircraft went down. When we know more we'll release it immediately."
Wilde yelled at the computer to change over to a music station. He was unable to stand another second of having their own propaganda thrown back in his face. He actually felt physically ill. His illness was made worse when Major Falon, head of the personnel department for the operation, commed him and told him the real news.
"The Martians worked pretty fast this time," he told Wilde. "They sent over four lists of names. Two were the captured list from Eden and New Pittsburgh. They've captured seventy-six crewmembers from Eden, nine of whom are injured; and sixty-four from New Pittsburgh, eleven of whom are injured. The other two were lists of KIAs from the raid. They've scanned and recovered twenty-six dead in Eden and thirty-eight in New Pittsburgh. The rest of the men from each city are unaccounted for but they put in a note that multiple aircraft near each target area were completely destroyed by the fixed SAL sites and that body identification is impossible without DNA sampling. They will do that after a cease fire is in place one way or the other."
Wilde nodded. "You gotta hand it to those greenies," he said. "At least they let us know."
"Rubbing it in is more like it," Falon said bitterly. He had, after all, received a lot of lists from the Martians over the past week.
"Call it what you want," Wilde said. "Send off the numbers and the names to command like usual and they'll bury it like usual."
"They have to do that, Wilde," Falon said. "The public simply wouldn't understand if we told them how bad the losses have really been."
"Yeah," Wilde said, not bothering to argue. It would be pointless. "I'll catch you later, Falon. Hopefully we won't have to talk that much in the future."
"We won't, ' Falon said righteously. "That new plan of General Browning's is going to bring those murdering terrorists to their knees."
"I certainly hope so," Wilde said. He signed off. He then put in a call to General Browning. He was put on hold for the better part of ten minutes before Browning's image graced his screen. The general looked upset, a state he confirmed with his first words.
"Those goddamned media reps are still calling every five minutes to bitch at me," he yelled at Wilde. "I told you this would happen if you changed one iota of that plan we submitted! Several of them are even threatening to do an expose on me!"
Wilde knew exactly what he was talking about. The big three reps, both here and on Earth, were very upset that the landing ships had come down more than two hundred kilometers closer to their respective cities than had been outlined in the briefing documents they'd been given. Though it was only a minor change, one made at the last minute so the air strikes could be launched without a refuel point and so the march time to engagement would be minimized, the media didn't like things to deviate from what they had reported as "the plan". They felt it made the public lose respect for their investigative powers. They had been in full-blown outrage mode in the first hours after the landings, some going so far as to call for Browning's resignation for using them as a disinformation vehicle. It was only after Browning fed them the bullshit about the Martians laying mines in the primary landing sites that they began to ease off a bit. True, they all knew the story was bullshit but at least it gave them something plausible (if not entirely realistic) to tell the public.
"It was a necessary operational change," Wilde told Browning for perhaps the twentieth time.
"Yes, yes," Browning said. "So you say. It's what let us launch those air strikes... and by the way, they're pretty pissed off about the air strikes as well. They want to know why they weren't informed in advance and why they weren't allowed to video the hovers launching and returning."
"Sir, it was a secret air strike. That means you don't tell anyone about it. And even without them knowing about it you managed to screw it up anyway. We took one hundred percent losses on that strike, sir. One hundred percent. We have only three attack hovers left in our entire Martian inventory now. Sixty-five percent of our pilots and gunners are now either dead or captured."
"Surely you're not suggesting that is my fault," Browning said huffily. "You are the one who planned those air strikes. You told me they would decimate their targets with minimal losses."
"Sir, I planned those air strikes to be launched simultaneously the moment all of the landing ships were on the ground. You delayed the launch for more than two hours just so you could give the operation a catchy name and say that it was launched precisely at 1300."
"It is somewhat traditional to have a nice, round starting time for any major military mission," Browning said. "You know that, Wilde."
"And at what point did that start to take precedence over the element of surprise, General?" Wilde asked. "Those hovers were supposed to launch and be on their targets before the Martians even knew they were in the air. Instead, you delayed the launch until 1300. That gave the Martians enough time to get some of their special forces teams on our perimeter to report the launch."
Again Browning refused to take any sort of responsibility for this. "You said those flat areas we landed in would prevent the greenies from sending special forces teams after us."
"I said no such thing," Wilde replied, no longer caring about the insubordination. "I said the flat area would force them to drop their teams further out and prevent them from moving in too close. I never said their teams would be blinded to what we were doing. That's why I had the APCs shuttle crewmen to the tanks, remember? That's why I had the landing ships form a big perimeter of their own, so the armor could assemble in the center. We've known all along that the Martian special forces teams would get to within operation and observational range."
Browning was shaking his head sadly. "It sounds like you're backpedaling to me, Wilde," he said. "A marine is supposed to know when he's made a mistake."
Wilde actually had to bite his lip to keep from screaming out an angry, blasphemous reply to this. He drew blood but the trick worked — just barely. After a moment he was able to compose himself. "Listen, General," he said. "What's done is done. That won't be much comfort to those flight crews that are now in Martian POW holding or the families of those who were killed, but we have to put that behind us and move on to the next phase of the operation."
"Well of course," Browning said. "My feelings exactly."
"Very good," Wilde said. "Now the reason I commed is to make sure something similar doesn't happen to our ground forces. They're down there unloading their APCs and tanks and mobile guns as fast as they can. It is vital that the marches begin the moment enough armor and arty is ready to move. We have to reach the Martian first lines of defense before their reinforcements arrive in strength. As it stands now, that is going to be very close."
"How close?"
"According to intel the first trains pulled out of Proctor and Libby at 1120 and 1150 this morning. That means the first train will arrive in Eden two and a half hours from now and in New Pittsburgh four hours from now. Eden is the critical one. The Martians could conceivably have reinforcements start trickling into the Jutfield Gap positions by 2200."
"2200? We won't be in position to attack by then."
"No," Wilde agreed. "The best we can hope for is to have everything we need unloaded by 2130 and to start our march at 2200. That's if we break all speed records but, fortunately, at the pace they're going down there we might just do it."
"That's good news indeed," Browning said. "But it still puts us behind the greenie reinforcements."
"Just barely, sir," Wilde said. "And remember, that's a worst case estimate for Martian reinforcement arrival and even if its correct, they will just be trickling in little by little as they are unloaded. They won't be able to field the entire compliment that was loaded on those three trains until at least 0300 for Eden and 0530 for New Pittsburgh. I want our troops to be through the Jutfield Gap in Eden and through the Crossland Gap in New Pittsburgh before that happens. We need to take advantage of our numerical superiority while we still have it and seize the initiative."
"I understand," Browning said.
"So... with that in mind," Wilde said gingerly, "can you make sure that the march is not delayed for any reason?"
"Of course. Why would we delay it?"
"Oh... to think up catchy names for the operation, to launch precisely at on a given hour — any number of things our friends at the big three so enjoy but that hinder us militarily."
"I'll make sure," Browning promised.
"Very good, General. I'll get our units moving the second they are capable of it."
Eden Landing Zone
2200 hours
Callahan sat in he commander's seat of one of the APCs assembled in the center of the formation of landing ships. It had been almost two weeks since he had been in one of these deathtraps. In that time his back wound had healed, he had rested up, fed himself enough to put back two of the five kilos he'd lost, and had been field promoted to full captain officially in charge of Charlie Company. Despite all that he felt the same sense of apprehension and fear as the last time.
The memories of the horrors he had witnessed since arriving on this shitty red rock were still quite fresh in his mind — losing all of his friends, watching them shot down and blown up from the LZ perimeter to the final futile push to the main line of defense, seeing bullets and shrapnel zipping by his own body, missing him by centimeters, and finally, the humiliating retreat back to the landing ships, forced to leave their dead and even some of the wounded behind, the tattered survivors clinging desperately to tanks and APCs like refugees. And somehow, the most humiliating thing of all was the abject refusal of the Martians to strike at them during that retreat, as if they were saying, we kicked your asses so good its not even worth the time or the fuel or the ammo to chase after you.
For the first time in his career Callahan felt the icy hands of irrational panic tightening around his throat.
Get ahold of yourself, Callahan, the rational part of his brain tried to tell him. The odds are different this time. We're hitting their positions with better than four to one advantage and we only have a short march before contact. No refueling, no rearming, no pausing for anything. We'll knock them out of the gap in no time and take the momentum for the next battle.
Yes, the plan they'd been briefed on was a good one, or at least the best that could be hoped for after the clusterfuck of the last few days when the real plan was slowly picked apart and modified again and again. Callahan was still appalled and disgusted by that. He had watched the morale of his men change from an all time low as they were blasted back to orbit after the retreat to an all time high when the plan to overwhelm and capture Eden was first announced. The men knew an eight to one advantage over the Martians would most likely force a bloodless surrender of the city. The Martians were not dumb. They knew defeat when they saw it and they pulled back. Victory seemed assured.
That high morale, however, had started downward on a slippery, ever-increasing slope as the changes to the plan — obviously fomented by corporate minds working through their political lapdogs — were announced one by one. And now as his newly reinforced company was loaded up into their APCs and about to begin a brief three-hour march back into the Jutfield Gap — the vice of death it was called by those who had been there the first time — that morale was almost back to the level it had been at its worst. Nobody cared how much they outnumbered the Martians or how close to their targets they were this time. Nobody cared that they hadn't even been attacked from the air or from a Martian anti-tank laser in the hands of a special forces squad. None of the good that had happened today could override all of the bad that had already taken place. His experienced troops were almost superstitiously afraid of the Martians and his inexperienced troops — those maintenance men, janitors, cooks, and dishwashers that had been given M-24s and biosuits and told that a marine is a rifleman first and foremost — had naturally picked up on that fear, expanded upon it, exaggerating it until it had turned to a deep, pervasive dread somewhat akin to that felt for eternal damnation in the fires of hell.
Callahan himself was certainly not immune to such feelings as his panic attack was showing him. So many things have gone wrong, his mind insisted on telling him. And there is so much more that could go wrong. Our advantage has been cut in half from what the original plan called for. The Martians still have the use of their navigation and communications satellites. We don't know if the air strike sent out after the Martian heavy guns actually hit any of them.
This last worry was particularly worrisome. Their commanders and the media had proclaimed the surprise air strikes a rousing success, stating that all targets had been destroyed and that most of the aircrews had returned safely and triumphantly. However the rumor mill — which Callahan and most of the others knew was typically a more accurate source of information — claimed that every last one of the hovers sent out had failed to return, the fates of the crews unknown. If that was the case it was possible the strike had not hit anything at all, that the Martian 250s would once again deny the marines the use of their own artillery. Without artillery support the coming battle stood a good chance of turning into the same sort of meat grinder as the first battle.
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Disclaimer — This story is not intended to offend anyone or mimic any situation. If this story upsets you please leave this page now. If this story is considered stolen or plagiarized please inform me and produce evidence to support your claim. Otherwise please enjoy this story and feel free to comment or criticize as this is my first submission. Thank you. * Glancing around the bar I was met by the same looks from the same plain women that I had seen in here a hundred times before. Don’t...
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Hi, this is Lara again.Sorry for some spelling mistakes in my last sex story. Now am going to share you my sex experience with a innocent virgin girl.Her name was Sharmila. To tell about her she is fair black and with a boobs and ass to die for. My dick became hard at the first sight of her. She looked like a fuck doll to me. I decided to fuck her at any cost and started making plan. As i was good in studies I helped her in finishing her home works and we became best friends within a month of...
"Hey, are you as busy as I am?" Kim McCall looked up and grinned at the tousled brown head poked in her door. "If you're asking if I have a date this evening, then the answer is 'No'. Its just me and my math books. How about you?" Pam Maguire shook her head ruefully as she came into the room and flopped on the bed belonging to Kim's roommate. Taller than Kim's five feet four by nearly four inches, Pam was slender and long-legged, the perfect shape for a runner. Her light brown hair...
Hi friendS, mera naam vicky hai.Aaj mai aap sabko ek sachi kahani batane jaa raha hu ye kahani vaise aaj se kuch sal pahle ki hai.Kahani padhne ke bad mujhe mail kajiye taki mai aage ki baat aap sab se share kar saku .Kahani suru karne se pahle mai aap sabko apne family ke bare me bata du meri family me 4 log hai mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi meri didi b.Tech kar rahi hai dusre city me.Mere papa ek software company me kaam karte hai aur maximum offshore rahte hai depend karta hai...
12:11 pm, June 10 col1457I am so hard for you honeyI want to feel your lips around my cock teasing it softlyYour body looks great as you kneel in front of meI guide my dick to your face...12:17 pm, June 10 jbbj83I move my face and head straight for your soft but tender ballsI take them one at a time in my mouth slowly sucking I then take the tip of your big hard cock and twirl the tip of my tongue hungrily around it Before taking the full length of you in my mouth whilst slowly and gently...
Chihiro Akino is on a date in The Philippines with her lover. They have gone to a lovely small place where they can enjoy the beach and the sunsets. The hotel is on the beach where they can swim and enjoy the water and the sand. These two feel very free here as they are away from home and in this environment they feel more open. Chihiro Akino is very happy to have this time with her lover and wants to take this time to get to know him better. Her lover is also very happy to be away from home so...
xmoviesforyouYou walk along the beach, hand in hand with your girl Kate. She has long, flowing brown hair and a figure to die for. She is wearing a clinging blue swimsuit that is barely containing her 34DD breasts. You have dreamed about this for a long time. Your fantasy is for a bunch of guys and girls to be ogling her naked body on the beach as she pleasures herself. You admit to yourself that probably won't happen, but even if she goes topless, it would be a huge turn on if you see people looking at...
God, there has to be an easier way to make a living. Dave Parker was on his back in the loft of an old detached house in Surrey. The owner, who had recently been widowed, was having some work done on the house before she put it on the market. The Private House Sale Act of 2007 compelled the vendor to indemnify the purchaser of a property in the event of any major work needing to be done in the two years immediately after the sale. It was possible to get insurance cover for this contingency,...
1964 was a far different world than the one we all live in today. Ronnie couldn’t know that of course, he was fresh out of high school and like most young men at the time, there was not a single clue in his mind of what he would do with his life. His world had been school, and work, it was the only world he knew. As far as anything like a social life, there just was not any time and even going to something sports practice was impossible. Growing up on the farm didn’t help one bit, the family...
Brook felt like a complete slut. Here she was, renewing her interest in Will, and every day since her little escapade, Casey has been calling. She felt completely cornered and she totally regretted being so thoughtless and such a tramp. Who in their right mind does what she did? Casey just wasn’t getting the hint. She had a difficult time just blowing him off because she was an equal part of what caused the problem. However, she wanted to be completely free to finally focus on Will. She had...
"STEVEN — WHERE ARE YOU?" Julie screamed, now up and walking, after being cleaned up. The police arrived. They took the gun from Mary, put David's dead body on a gurney, and whisked him away. "JULIE, are you all right?" her brother asked carefully walking back into view. "Daddy ... our father ... is dead!" The kids took a shower and got their suits back on. They went out and waved good-bye to Jeff and Jo. It was scheduled for them to come back on Saturday for dinner with the...
SAY WHAT? "She said, "I need some time to find myself, I need a little space to think." Candy, my girlfriend of the last two years, had just put a twist in my world I neither wanted nor needed. I looked down at my glass of bourbon — looking for answers. Maybe it worked like tea leaves: I stirred the ice with my finger watching the swirls with rapt fascination, looking for answers. Hell, I thought, as I walked over to the bar wondering if more whiskey would give better swirls, even one...
"Pete I know it's not your fault, but I don't think I'm going to be able to do this right now. I went to fast and it hurts like hell!" Lee began to really cry. Sara had regained some strength she crawled up to Lee. "Is it really that bad honey? Did you rip yourself? Lee baby please quiet down calm down and talk to me hon." Sara rubbed Lee's head. For a moment "GOD DAMN IT AMY BREE AND YOU TOOK HIM! I CAN'T I FAILED! I COULD FUCKING DO IT!" Lee yelled with anger and pain....
Best Sinterklaas ever or St. Nicolas's Rod As told by Kate van de Casteele to Ron Dudderie. I moved to the UK when I was ten, with my parents. That's never easy. I had to leave my class mates in Leiden (a university town in Holland) behind, which sucks. And suddenly I had to speak English all day, which is okay but can get a bit tiresome. It's not as if you can say: 'Okay guys, my jaw hurts. How about you all humour ME for a change?' I didn't care for the food much, either. And the...
Ginny knew that buying her new summer outfit had been a mistake. It seemed fine when she tried it out in the shop, hidden by the heavy brown curtain. Perhaps a little skimpy for a woman in her early forties, but didn’t she have a new spurt of youth since her separation? In fact, in the shop, twirling around, patting her bum, pushing up the heave of her bosom, pulling in her stomach, she reflected that she really didn’t look bad at all. Many younger women looked much worse than her. But other...
LesbianHi guys, mera naam Ankit mittal h. m 25 saal kaa ek gay aadmi hun. M muscular hun. 8 pack abs bhi h. and meri FACEBOOK id – h. aap mujhe request bhej sakte h. meri story jo m bataane jaa raha hun wo kuch is tarah h :- ye baat tab ki h jab m 23 saal ka tha. ek din ghar per raat ke time m computer per work ker raha tha. To mujhe kuch aawaj sunai di. Ye aawaj kisi cheez ke gir ker tutne kit hi. To m bahar gaya to dekha ek gamla tuta tha. To pass mein mne ek billa dekhi to mne socha jarur ye isi...
Gay MaleHer name was Rachael,she was 15,blue eyes,blonde hairs,36Cboobs and a nice firm ass. My name is Seth,i am 16 and i have an athletic body thanks to years of tracks. Rachael is a virgin and has never allowed me to do anything beyond kissing.Whenever i asked her to have sex with me she would just say that she has...
She headed for the back corner of the public library, the part that housed the technical manuals that nobody ever really looked at. Luckily the library was pretty empty today, she knew if she got caught she would be in a lot of trouble, but the risk was part of what turned the followers on. She set up her laptop and put her username and password into the login screen. She had been hyping her followers up for today's show for the last few weeks. As she signed into the chat program she could...
I couldn't wait to turn eighteen for many reasons. But one of my secret reasons for wanting to get to that age was so that I could finally go into an adult bookstore. Up until then, like most horny teenage boys, I was able to procure porn - magazines and video tapes - to get my fix. But knowing that there was an entire store filled with porn and sex toys just beyond those mirrored doors that I passed almost daily was killing me!The summer I had turned eighteen, I finally found some time to get...
Gay MaleBeth waited and listened. She heard the bedroom door close and then the front door shut. She waited a full five minutes, counting off the seconds, just in case he changed his mind and decided to come back and fuck her.To Beth's dismay he did not return.Beth tried to put the handcuff key in the lock but she dropped it onto the floor. With the blindfold on, Beth couldn't see to find the key. She got down on the floor and felt around for it.She was so horny from what the stranger had done to her,...
CheatingFebruary 10, 1989, Syracuse, New York After the revelation about my sister, and the promise that it would never start again, we’d drifted into a conversation about how things had been going back home since Jessica had left. I told her about work, karate, and the things that had been going on in everyone else’s life, but avoided discussing any of the girls that I’d been with. I’d decided I was going to completely level with Jess on the topic, though I felt the conversation could wait. We...
THIS IS A FICTIONWhen my son Sydney suddenly moved to Arizona, I I was surprised and opposed to his decision, but what could I say? He's older than eighteen. For sure I thought I wouldn't see his best friend Clark again, if ever.I never heard from Jimmy except for a couple of emails saying he was okay.One day I found a letter with a check for 500 dollars made out to me and a note:" Dear Dad, Call Clark and tell him I'm repaying him the loan.Don't tell him where I live or my phone number. But...
Dosto main akash (nam badla hua) apni pehli sex story likhne ja raha hu…. Ye kahani meri or ek bus traveller rosy ki hai jiska figure 36b-28-36 hai…ek din bus mein safar karte mujhe ek ladki mili jisi dekhkar hi man chodne ka kar raha tha yeh real story hai…..Jo mujhe lohri(punjab ka famous festival)ke near mili.Main dusre city se bus mein apni city ki taraf aa raha tha or wo mujhse pehle hi bus m mojood thi par hamari koi baat nahi hui… jaisi hi bus stand aaya to main utarne k liye gate k pass...
Greg looked at his watch as he pulled into the drive-way. It was 15 minutes past 11. After nearly 3 weeks, he was finally home back from his extended business trip. He knew that Ashley might be asleep. He got out of the car and carried the luggage to the front door. He turned the key and opened the door. Moving the luggage into the living room, he closed the door soundlessly, not willing to wake her up. Greg shrugged out of his jacket and removed his shoes as he proceeded towards the bedroom. ...
Things were quiet at my office. I did have a visit from Roger. He was there to talk about Angela and to advise me that dates for both his wedding and his sister’s wedding had been set. He and Ange would be married in two weeks. As soon as she was finished with her school and apartment, they would leave for Landers. He wanted the six of us to get together over the weekend. I told him that I thought that would work but would need to talk to Jam tonight. Mason and Anna had also set their date...