Freeze FrameChapter 6 free porn video

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I woke up fairly late, barely in time for lectures. I dressed in a scrambled rush and stumbled out the door with Nat. I must have looked quite a state, arms all over the place, dressed in my hastily grabbed clothing, hair all over the shop.

"You really aren't a morning person," Nat said cheerfully.

"BAH!" I said as I tried to workout which set of arms I could strangle her with.

"Did you remember to bring your gym kit so we can go check out the multi-gym?" asked Nat.

'Was that today?' I wondered. I was drawing a blank on if I remembered agreeing to that.

"You'll have to go without me, no time to go back now. Sorry," I said.

"Well I figured you might forget so I stuck a set of gym clothes for you and a spare towel in with my stuff," she said smiling.

"If you did that, why did you ask?"

"Wanted to see how you would react, to see how anti you are to the gym idea."

"Hmm," she was a sneaky little wench. "How did I do?"

"About as well as can be expected," she said sweetly.

We travelled the rest of the way to the lecture theatre in silence. Nat seemed quite happy, practically skipping at one point. She definitely was a morning person.

We arrived and took our seats and then got on with the business of being students. It was some really boring subject I just couldn't connect with, logic or some such. I took copious notes and hopefully, come exam time, I would be able to piece the thing together. We exited one lecture into another. This was on programming, which was more down my alley. I managed to focus a bit better and came out of the lecture with some new concepts on typecasting and polymorphism filed away for future study.

Then it was gym time. Nat grabbed an arm and marched me over to the university gym. Much the same thing had happened when she decided to join. I had been forcibly dragged along and forced to register and take the mandatory orientation session. I had gone once then never again. I supposed at least now it meant I could go straight in and not have a group of new gym people gawping at my extra arms as we were told how to use the machines. I guess it meant I would have the whole gym doing it instead, but at least I could get on with what ever workout Nat had planned for me in the mean time.

We headed into the changing rooms after paying the small fee to enter and showing our cards. The reception woman glanced at the cards first, then us, and made a strange "wha" sound when she saw me. Luckily this was a reasonably quiet time of day and the changing rooms only had a few girls in them. I only had to contend with their stares as I got changed. The fact that I was getting changed seemed to make the stares longer than the usual glances I got, my naked form holding some fascination for the ladies present, who seemed to want to see how I fitted together. I felt like I was some car wreck and they were all rubber neckers.

Once we were changed into our workout clothes we headed out into the gym proper, where the sight of a six armed girl in reasonably tight clothing once again brought things to a standstill. As Nat and I started doing our stretches to get warmed up I reflected that this was a bit like what Nat went through. I had often noticed that when she entered a room, usually when she was dolled up to the nines, but not always, most of the attention would swing to her. Now I was getting that same effect, only more from looking weird than anything else. Nat was more or less ignored, it was an odd reversal the state of things. I wondered if she found it as weird as I did.

Once we had stretched ourselves out, we began our workout. I had to use a few creative reinterpretations of the exercises to get my full musculature stretched, and my motions on my new limbs were still a touch robotic and required a lot of concentration, but I was improving. I could pretty much manage all the big movements, with some trouble with small stuff, and almost binary control of my digits with grip or ungrip settings, and little or no individual finger control. I was just happy the random involuntary movement was down to a minimum, the odd twitch every now and again mostly in my fingers. For the most part my new arms stayed where they were put.

We did a little cardio to get into the swing of things. The last time I had partnered with Nat I had foolishly pushed myself too hard to keep up. I had swiftly got out of breath and had to sit down to keep from throwing up. This time I was deliberately taking things easy, but even then I was having no trouble keeping going. It seemed my new body was in pretty good physical condition.

After a ten minute run to get the blood pumping we moved on to testing out my body on the various weight machines.

"OK, let's try the bench press first," Nat suggested. "For a basis of comparison, I'm not going to hold back so we know just how strong you are now."

She went first. lifting what seemed to be a colossal amount of weight, I followed and found to my surprise I could lift it fairly easily and could push things a little higher than Nat. We continued this testing and I found that like Nat, I was probably equivalent to a very strong man. I wasn't super human exactly, and I had the advantage of 3 sets of strong arms so I could probably exert a serious amount of force if need be, but I was probably stronger than most of the people I would encounter in day to day life.

This gave me a nice boost to my ego. Then Nat executed pay back for me besting her scores by having us do a proper workout. I felt like I had been through a mangle by the end of it. I didn't think I had pulled anything, but I was unused to that sort of exercise. Even with my MORFS tuned body, it took its toll. I found it a bit annoying that it took me three times as long on the arm exercises as Nat, as I had to do each set of arms. I did suggest I cheat and use all my arms at once on the same weights, but Nat vetoed it. Our activities brought even more stares as they saw these two girls, one fairly small and curvy seemingly with no muscles to speak of, lift more than some of the large blokes were doing, seemingly without breaking a sweat.

We had a nice hot shower afterwards, the warm water doing wonders to sooth my abused muscles. After that we redressed and headed over to meet with Shaun and Caitlyn for lunch. It was weird. Though I felt totally zonked out of my mind, I felt really good. Must have been the endorphins or something.

We arrived in the cafeteria and spotted Caitlyn and Shaun waiting for us.

"Help me Caitlyn, she's trying to kill me with exercise," I said, slumping down into the seat next to her.

Caitlyn laughed and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Ah poor baby. Did you wear her out in the gym, Nat?"

"Bah, more like she wore me out! It was great! I hardly ever find a partner I can go toe to toe with," she said grinning, giving Shaun a kiss and sitting down.

"You should have asked me," said Shaun flexing a biceps, "I could've kept up."

"Oh I doubt it. She's a lot stronger than she looks," Nat said.

Shaun snorted a little dismissively looking at me, "I suppose she's got three times the muscles of a normal person, but she doesn't look very strong."

"Oh, appearances can be deceptive," she said then leant over and whispered something in his ear.

His eyes went wide. "WHAT! You're kidding." Nat shook her head, "Bloody hell! She's stronger than most of the guys on the team, and you kept up with her?"

"Yeah, like her there's a lot more to me than meets the eye," Nat said with a grin.

Shaun sat there looking a bit shocked, then leant over to Caitlyn and said, "We're dating super heroes."

"Oh I already knew she was super," smiled Caitlyn, putting her arm around me. "I just didn't know she was super strong as well as super sexy."

"Well right now I'm super hungry, so I'm going to get some lunch. Anyone want anything?" I asked with a grin. Shaun and Caitlyn shook their heads.

"I'll come with," said Nat.

We walked up and joined the queue. I was quite hungry, not the least since I had missed breakfast. I was eyeing up the menu with interest.

The campus cafeteria had a sandwich counter that did mini baguettes, and a proper kitchen that did cooked meals. I had been tempted by the sandwich line, which was shorter, but I felt I needed something more substantial.

Nat went to join the sandwich queue, obviously after the quick fix.

As I waited in the queue, shuffling slowly forward, a voice from behind said, "Hey check out spider girl!"

"Man what a freak!" said another voice.

I turned and saw two guys slightly older than me staring at me. I turned back trying to ignore them.

"Wow, she's a fox, though," said idiot A.

"Yeah, imagine what she could do with all those hands. Bet she likes it as freaky as she is," said idiot B.

I gritted my teeth and tried not to let it bother me. The line slowly shuffled forwards towards the food. I was really quite hungry now the scent of freshly cooked food drifted on the air making my stomach growl. There was a commotion in the line behind me several people saying "hey" or "watch it" or "there's a line here you know" a few moments later there was a voice behind me.

"Hey spider girl!" said idiot A. I ignored him, hoping he would go away.

"Hey, 8 limbed freak!"

I clenched my hands into fists and tried to resist turning around.

"Hey you!" said idiot B, then someone poked me hard in the back.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. "That hurt! Leave me alone!"

"Come on, sweet cheeks. How about a little massage or summit?" said a leering Idiot A.

"With a happy ending?" asked idiot B, winking at his friend, which caused them both to burst into hysterical laughter.

"Fuck off," I said and turned back to the front arms crossed in front of me.

One of them grabbed me from behind. "Oh don't be like that, foxy freak. You'll enjoy it once we get going."

"Let go of me!" I shouted.

"Get your stinking hands off of her," said a very annoyed sounding Caitlyn.

I turned and saw my little redhead, hands on hips, her face a picture of rage, tail whipping about.

"Yeah? What's it to you, red?" asked idiot B.

"That's my girlfriend you are harassing. Now take a hike!" she said defiantly.

"Girl friend..." said Idiot A eyeing me and Caitlyn up, then elbowed his friend in the ribs, "Dude, 8 limbed lesbian and her cat-girl girlfriend, that is so hot!"

Caitlyn didn't look amused. By this point Shaun had come over as well, and was standing to the side of Caitlyn looking angry. "You leave her alone or else," said Caitlyn.

"Or else what, wildcat?" said Idiot A with a dismissive snort.

Caitlyn stalked up close to him and then in a quiet voice said, "Or else I do this," and slammed her knee into his groin. The guy collapsed on the floor howling in agony.

His friend stared at him in shock, then shouted, "BAD KITTY!" and went to take a swipe at her.

I grabbed his arm, stopping its motion. He struggled in my grip for a while, then tried to swing his free arm at me, but I grabbed that, too. Then I hit him in the stomach with one of my spare arms, knocking the wind out of him before I pushed him away. Shaun caught him and threw him on towards the exit. I grabbed the other guy and tossed him over to Shaun who bounced him in the direction of his friend. The two of them paused for a bit, then hobbled out the door, obviously having had enough of a beating for one day. A few of the queue clapped at that, which made me blush. Caitlyn took a bow.

She then walked over to me and asked, "Are you OK sweetie? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"No, I'm OK" I replied. "Thanks for the rescue you guys."

"Any time," said Caitlyn and gave me a big kiss on the lips, which caused someone in the queue to whistle, making me turn yet redder shades.

I turned back to my queue and waited patiently to get my food. After a lot more shuffling, tray pushing, and paying, I returned to our table, tray in hand. This was another time where having additional hands was useful. I could hold my tray securely and then grab stuff without having to find space to put it down. I was the envy of all the other dinners attempting to balance their trays one handed, or use a knee while they got cutlery, or drinks, or any other item where the canteen lacked a place to put the tray down.

I sat down next to Caitlyn and tucked in. "What are you eating?" asked Caitlyn.

"All day breakfast, with extra black pudding," I replied, "Want some?"

"How can you eat that stuff?" she asked, making a face. "It's fried congealed blood?".

"It's tasty, besides I eat meat, so it seems a little hypocritical to rule out other bits of the animals just because of what bit it is. If it wasn't tasty, then that would be another thing," I said between bites.

"I suppose that makes sense," said Caitlyn, looking doubtful.

"She's just trying to get you onto salads so you don't lose your figure," teased Nat.

"After the workout you gave me, I think this little fry up is the least of my worries," I said with a grin.

"Maybe I should fatten you up. Then no one else will want you, piggy," Caitlyn poked me playfully in the tummy.

"Oink!" I said.

I polished off my lunch and was beginning to feel a bit more human. I sat sipping my drink while the others finished their meals. Then we decided we would take advantage of the nice weather and sit out in the quad, a grassy rectangle outside the student union. We disposed of our rubbish and headed out into. We found ourselves a nice spot and sat on the grass together enjoying the sunshine. It was the sort of day for a picnic. If we didn't have lectures later I might have suggested it.

"I love this time of year," said Nat, who was stretched out on the grass with her head in Shaun's lap.

"Yeah it's sunny enough to be comfy, but not so hot it's unpleasant," Caitlyn agreed. "Plus, the insects haven't yet got to the point they are bothersome."

"Yeah the early flowers are out and the nights are long enough to be out and it's still light," said Shaun.

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My stepsister Scarlett Fall is such a trouble-maker, she’s supposed to be quarantined at home with the rest of us but can’t follow any basic rules. I find her at her boyfriend’s of course, and she begs me not to drag her back home. She gets on her knees and literally begs me. I try to be fair and compromise with my teen stepsister, so I put my big cock in her mouth for her to suck. Her boyfriend must not have a big dick ’cause she seemed overwhelmed with mine when I...

2 years ago
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Gabriellas Daddy

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA: FALL 2005 Where'd those come from, I asked myself when I saw the burgundy colored panties lying among the pile of clean, white clothes I'd pulled out of the dryer and then just dropped in a pile onto my bed. Huh, they're definitely not mine, I thought as I held the lacy satin up between my hands. I stretched them once, then again, and then drew them to my face where my nose picked up some still lingering odor on the just cleaned panties. A male scent? Could one of my...

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Racist wife loves bbc

My wife and I were married very young. After only a few months of marriage I started bringing up swinging. The first few time we talked about it she did not want to have anything to do with swinging. I was the only man she had been with before we married. After a while she started to warm up to the deal of swinging, but she did set some limits on what she would be willing to do. She did not want us having sex in our home town with anybody we knew. We would only swing together, in the same room....

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The end to our wild weekend

Sunday morning saw us checking out of the hotel at the last possible minute. We all had been rather bad the night before and slept in as long as possible. Plus we all wanted to shower and clean off the smell of other woman before we went back to our girls if you catch my drift. I met Bill and Jason as they checked out and as I finished settling up my bill Rick walked out of the elevator and to the counter looking a bit more than content as he threw me a wink.After a light breakfast at the...

1 year ago
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Caitlyns Treatment Ch20

John began. ‘Heads up girls. We’ve got some news. Some news you might like.’ I raised my head. They were both smiling down at me, down at Mom too. But my head was swimming. What was I supposed to be ready for? Beth took over. ‘First, let me give you some background so you understand what’s going on. OK?’ She smiled that million dollar smile at me and I melted right there on the carpet. I remembered then so vividly what it was like to kiss her and kiss her breasts and belly. The way she...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 01Chapter 6

[Virginia] We left in Jane's car the next morning heading for the courthouse to get married if we could and then to do a little shopping. There was nothing we had to have but some things we would like to have. The courthouse was open when we arrived. We parked and went in. At the counter, I asked for marriage licenses. The older woman smiled a little grimly and said, "We have had a run on those lately. We're waiving blood tests and the waiting time. I can issue you the license and the...

2 years ago
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The Ravishing of Constance Ch 19

Jacqueline nodded to Michel and Salvador. They moved in on Rob, seizing him before he realized that they meant to. When he uttered a loud protest, Michel smote him a hard blow in the belly, and Rob coughed out his breath. He raised his head, inhaling with a thin gasp, and Constance saw bewilderment and pain in his eyes. She was as revitalized as if she’d been dipped in clear spring water, and with Rafe’s help in untying her, got out from under William’s unconscious body. Her dress fell back...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 19

More compliments so M. Child... A doctor had sex with one of his female patients and felt guilty all day long. No matter how much he tried to forget about it, he just couldn't. The guilt and sense of betrayal of his patient were overwhelming. But every once in a while he'd hear an internal, reassuring voice in his head that said: "Don't worry about it. You aren't the first medical practitioner to have sex with one of his patients and you won't be the last. And you're single. Just let...

4 years ago
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Anns Punishment

After seeing the four men off I returned to the bedroom and found Ann sitting on the bed and had already started to get dressed and had on her skirt when I approached her and grabbed her by her hair. I tilted her head back and sent several hard slaps across her face and then looking at her, "Well whore" I said "Did you enjoy all those fuckin' black cocks?" "Did you like sucking on those fuckin' black cocks and getting fucked by them?" I added as i slapped her face more. When i stopped, "Yes my...

1 year ago
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Family Business

Another story with a vague contact with reality, just a ramble into my imagination Not all under height boys that live with a single parent mother are going to turn out to be effeminate, and I was certainly not planning on that. I fancied girls while at school and even had a few close friendships with the opposite sex. I liked sport and did boy stuff as a kid. But I was also thoughtful about my mum, she looked after me and I looked after her. We lived in a small house in an ok area,...

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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 6

I wasn't sure if I was disappointed when she stumbled downstairs in that robe the next morning and ordered gah hamaha for breakfast, but when she collapsed on the couch I briefly verified that the robe was all she was wearing. Since I was also out of gah hamaha, she had to settle for bacon and eggs, hash browns, and cinnamon toast with her orange juice. I sent her to her room afterward with instructions to change into something suitable for crawling around on the ground. "Including a...

1 year ago
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Introduction Introduction This story is set in Kushtia, a narrow strip of a country that runs along the northern edge of the Hindu Kush. If you?ve read other tales of mine you?ll know about Kushtia from ?Market Forces? but if not here?s a short introduction?. Once part of the Russian empire, Kushtia is now, after a series of coups and counter coups, a (sort of) democratic republic. The Kalinin, the hereditary ruler, presides over a ruling council of elected representatives in the...

3 years ago
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And Who Is in My Bed

I waved my key fob across the lock and heard the electronics unlock the door. The green light on the lock confirmed it was open. I grabbed the handle, opened the door and went in. I let the door close and then locked it again. "What a long day.", I sighed as I leaned on the wall so I wouldn't fall over while taking off my shoes. "Damn midnights. Good thing I only have to do them another couple of days." I work for a large courier company and I got unlucky enough to pull a midnight shunt...

2 years ago
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Marks story

“Mark, can you come in here, and look at this computer?”Shit! “I’ll be a few minutes mom, erm just finishing my homework”. Her white silky panties were wrapped tightly around my cock, I was close to cumming and just needed another couple of minutes.“Ok, but hurry up please”Fuck, hopefully she hadn’t discovered the porn site ( I had saved on the laptop. I could feel a burst of adrenalin rushing through my body, adding to the building sexual excitement.My hand slipped up and down my...

3 years ago
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It Was Easy To Fuck Mother 8211 Part 1

Ours is a small nuclear family. It constitutes of my mother alka, father vikram, elder sister abha and me. Beside there always has been a part time servant or maid. I am going to narrate a story about short affair between my mother & a young man. That time mother was of 43 yrs of age and that young man was in late 20s. Let me first describe my mother alka. She was a very beautiful & attractive lady of 5’6” height, weighing about 60 kgs, having slim & slender figure. She was having breast full...

1 year ago
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Prince Bonir Vol 01

My name is Prince Bonir. That’s Bonir with a long-E sound, boh-neer. I do not appreciate my name being mispronounced, and I assure you my dungeons are very big. I am the second son and the third and youngest child of Prince Cedric III, Duke of Averic and brother to His Majesty the King. My older brother Cedric was to inherit the duchy, as second son, the usual plan was for me to enter the Church. Unfortunately I had been dismissed as an altar boy at age ten for my pranks, and the Archbishop...

1 year ago
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THE STORY BEING TOLD TO PATTI That morning I began to tell Patti, I woke up and it was early as always around our farm/ranch house anyway. It was a Saturday morning and we all had chores to do and especially today, because Daddy and Mom had last night told that we would have guest later on tomorrow as they told us last night. Now for Dad and my brother that meant feeding the cattle and horses and other...

2 years ago
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Secret Desire 8211 Neighbor Aunty

Dear readers, This is my first story, pls forgive me if any mistake done in this story. My name is maran from erode tamilnadu , age 30, skin is brown colour and I am the regular reader of the Indian sex stories, I had read the many stories in this website I love the incest and aunty stories. Hope readers are like the story , the story is based on sex relationship with neighbour aunty in tirupur. And I like to share my one of my experience it happen in tirupur where I had work from. I had...

1 year ago
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OH MY GODUncle Jack

Room 1205Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this business opportunity has unexpected resultsDisclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are figments of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to events and/or persons is entirely coincidental. (If you just want the sexy stuff, you can skip to below the dotted line in the story. I...

1 year ago
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My Little Sister Turns Slut 8211 Part 2

Sorry for being late in posing 2nd part. As you know that I am working in MNC. You can understand that I am getting very less time to write. Well this is continuation of ‘My little sister turns slut’. Next day morning we wake up took bath together had breakfast. I had to move for conference. I asked her what will you do whole day? She said she will be in the room and see TV. I suggested going out and enjoying shopping and sightseeing of beaches and other part of Mumbai. I was giving my credit...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 10

“Nick, you can’t be afraid to touch me.” “Sorry,” Nick put his hand more firmly on Pilar’s waist. “I’m just afraid of what I’m going to touch if I’m not looking.” Pilar nodded and pointed her head towards his feet. “If you grab the wrong thing, just calmly move your hand to the right place and continue. Getting accidentally groped once in a while is part of teaching ballroom.” They went through the steps again. As beginners went, Nick wasn’t too bad. He was very earnest, not terribly...

4 years ago
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Sissy Stepson Part 5 Pantied and Punished

Part 5 - Pantied and Punished Carl begged his stepmother not to spank him and he pleaded, "I'll be good, I will never try your things on again, please!" "To late, you can't be trusted and must be properly punished, but first I want the truth about why you did this. If you don't tell me the truth I will make sure your father knows, his family, your friends and everyone at school!" Carl shook with fear and started to cry. "Please I couldn't help it, I am attracted to your sexy...

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My Girl

Her vision obscured by the darkening gray of the room, the glint from his blue-gray eyes gives away his position. As her eyes come into focus, she can see him sitting casually in the chair, legs crossed, and the hint of a smirk across his handsome face. Conflicting thoughts jumbled together in her mind like a traffic jam on 696 during rush hour. His eyes never waver, and she shivers as if standing out in a snowstorm, the nubs on her chest threatening to tear through the thin fabric of her...

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Real First Virgin Experience In Bangalore

Hello friend i am Sanjay, 23 years old boy from Bangalore. It is a real story happened 1 month back. Firstly let me explain about me i am 24 years with height 5.10 i just don’t want to boost myself i am shy average looking guy with slim body but somehow manageable to grab attention…..I am looking for girl between 18 to 26 for having good relation like have friends to share each and everything even though sexual feeling. I am graduate from A.P. came to Bangalore for job search i was staying with...

1 year ago
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Rescuing My Sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! My father , a catholic by birth, was married to mother , a non-christian, 25 years ago. The product of their marriage was sister Olga , 24 years old, and me (20 years old). Daddy never cared about religion but mom did her best to drag Olga's feet to marry a guy who belonged to mom's faith. Mom never tried to play this game with me because she knew that I had a liberal free mind. Olga dated a few guys before but each time mom was able to blow the...


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