Freeze FrameChapter 11 free porn video

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I woke up bright and early on Saturday. Well, maybe I should say bright and early for Saturday. It was after nine, and I had barely half an hour to get ready. I hurriedly washed and cleaned myself, then tried to pick out some nice clothes for my day out with Caitlyn. Nat sat sniggering a little at my attempts to decide on what to wear. I had never really been one to spend a lot of time on my appearance before now. It seemed now I was just like any other girl fussing over this outfit, or that, trying to decide which I looked best in. In the end, as I got increasingly frantic Nat took pity on me and helped me choose.

When ten o'clock rolled in I was brushed, polished, and ready for my day. I waited for Caitlyn to show up, pacing up and down the room a bundle of nervous energy.

"Sit down! You'll wear the carpet out! I don't want to have to pay half of a new carpet," Nat joked.

I was often like this when waiting for someone. I'd worry I had got the day wrong, or the time, or the meeting place, or that the person I was meeting had forgotten me. I tried to calm down and sat, trying to do some of my work while I waited. It got to ten thirty and I began to get jumpy again. Where was Caitlyn? I waited another few minutes then decided to give her mobile a ring. There was no reply, I began to get genuinely worried.

Nat, sensing this shift in my emotional state, perked up. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, Caitlyn was supposed to be here at ten and she's not answering her mobile," I replied.

"Hmmm, maybe she just a bit late and forgot to charge her phone or something," Nat tried to be reassuring.

"I suppose," I said, still a little worried, but I guess I was probably over reacting. Caitlyn would probably come rushing up in a few minutes, with a dead phone and an apology.

I sat down and waited some more, but still no Caitlyn. I was getting very worried by the time eleven came around, even if she had been delayed and lacked her phone, she would have found some way to let me know by now. I decided to head over to her hall and see if she had just overslept or something.

"Where you going?" asked Nat.

"Going to try Caitlyn's room, see if she just overslept."

"I'll come with you. I need to go up to campus anyway."

I smiled. I was pretty sure Nat had no need to be on campus, but I was glad she was coming with me. Her presence was calming and reassuring. We headed over at a fast walk, Nat keeping me from running all the way. We got to her hall and headed over to Caitlyn's room. I found the door open with no Caitlyn. The bed was made and looked like it hadn't been slept in. As we headed out of the room to see if one of her neighbours knew where she was, I noticed the door frame was broken, like some one had kicked the door in.

I was beginning to panic now, when my phone rang. It was Caitlyn's number!

I answered it in a rush, "Caitlyn where are you? Are you OK?" I asked.

"Emily..." Her voice was tight as if she was in pain, and she was breathing in short sharp breaths a bit like she was crying.

"What is it? What's wrong, baby?" I asked, my heart accelerating, threatening to burst out of my chest.

"I'm ... he's got me on the..." she said, then she started talking to someone at the other end, "I won't do it, you sick bastard!" Then she shouted, "Emily stay away! He's crazy, stay away! Ahhh!"

It sounded like the phone was suddenly moving, as if it had been ripped out of Caitlyn's hand. By now Nat was looking at me with an expression of extreme worry.

A voice came on the line, one that made me angry the moment I heard it, "Hello Emily."

"Mark!? What have you done to her you sick fuck?" I shouted.

"Now. now. Language my sweet," he said calmly. "If you want to see your little kitty cat again, you are to come to building 14 on the far side of campus, and don't bring any police. Quick march as well, or I'll test to see if this Kitty lands on its feet after a fall."

Rage pulsed through me my hands balled into fists, "You bastard! You hurt her and I'll rip you apart, you hear me?"

The bastard laughed at me, then said, "Ta ta now," and rang off.

I screamed in anger and punched the wall, putting six neat holes through it, crushing my phone, and startling the two occupants of the room next door, who peered worriedly at me from the holes I had left.

"What is it? For goodness sake, Em. Calm down! What is it!" cried Nat.

The noise and my destruction had brought quite a few people to see what the fuss was about. They stood round watching warily. A few were making calls, probably to the cops, about the crazy six armed girl trashing the place.

"I've got to go!" I shouted and started to move, pushing people out of my way.

"Where, what's happened," said Nat jogging to keep up.

"He's got her!"

"Who? Emily, please stop and tell me what is going on."

I didn't stop, in fact I probably accelerated. I wasn't in my right mind, all I could thing about was getting to Caitlyn, "Mark he's got her, I have to get to her!"

I started running as fast as I could, pushing my new body in ways I never had before. Soon I was moving at a speed that, if I hadn't been so focused, would have blown my mind. I was completely focused on saving Caitlyn, I didn't even notice Nat keeping up, trying to talk to me to calm me down. I didn't even hear her. I was just running, pushing my body to its limits, trying to get to my Caitlyn before that sick bastard did something to her.

I pounded up the hill to campus, scattering startled pedestrians. When I encountered roads, I jumped them, sailing high in the air, clearing the cars easy. I guess I should count myself lucky I didn't encounter any lorries, or buses, or even a double decker, that might well have ended my mad dash prematurely. As I came charging up to the university gate, there were a few of the anti-MORFS people still there. They screamed in terror when they saw me coming, maybe thinking I was attacking them. I pushed past them, smashing a few of their signs as they tried to block me with them. Campus was pretty quiet, so I only scattered a few people as I ran across the site to get to Caitlyn.

As I approached building 14, I finally began to slow, looking around for the evil bugger who had Caitlyn. I stood panting, exhausted. In the last dash it had only been the anger and fear that was keeping me going.

Building 14 had something to do with the science faculty. It was way off in the backwoods of the campus, separated from the rest of it by a good ten minutes walk. It was a large 4 story building, with reasonably old construction. Its relatively isolated location meant it was quiet at the best of times. Right now it was deserted.

Nat caught me up a bit out of breath herself. "Em... " She paused, breathing heavily for a while, ""lease calm down, we should call the cops, this seems like some sort of trap."

I turned to her and was about to say something, when I heard Caitlyn's voice from above us, "Emily," she cried. I looked up and in horror saw her positioned on the edge. Her beautiful face was beaten and bloody, tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Run, get away!" she shouted, then she squealed and it looked like someone was pushing her forward over the ledge.

I let out a high pitched wail and ran to the front doors, smashing through them. I frantically searched for the stairs. Finding them I knocked yet another door off its hinges and began climbing to the roof. I hammered up the steps two at a time, quickly progressing up the building. As I passed the third floor and headed for the roof access I was grabbed firmly from behind.

I struggled, thinking it was Mark or someone he had sent to subdue me.

"Easy, Emily it's me," said Nat., "Listen to me, he's planned this. Rushing out there is what he is expecting you to do. We need a plan."

Even in my manic state I saw she was right. I relaxed a tiny bit and nodded.

"OK," she said, "it's just him out there. I can't sense anyone but him and Caitlyn. You go out there. try to keep him talking and his attention away from the access door. Then I sneak up behind him and brain the S.O.B..."

It seemed as good a plan as any with this short notice.

I nodded, so we made our way to the roof door. It was obviously normally locked, but the padlock sat on the floor, broken. Nat hid out of sight as I barged my way through the door, using enough force to make it look like I hadn't stopped to plan and also, not so much that the door was useless as cover.

Standing in the middle of the roof was Mark. He smiled at me with a cold evil smile, "Emily my dear, so nice of you to come."

I glanced around. I saw my poor Caitlyn still standing perilously close to the edge, her eyes closed. She looked like she was about to pass out. I ran to her, making it half way before Mark stopped me dead in my tracks, saying, "Go any closer and she dies!"

I wasn't sure what he was going to do. He was a ways away from her, but something about this didn't add up.

"I'm here, sweetie," I said to Caitlyn. "Are you okay?."

Caitlyn's eyes opened with terror. "Emily run! Please! Run, save yourself! He is too..."

"Silence!" shouted Mark. Caitlyn was abruptly quiet, her mouth snapping shut, she began making moaning mumbling noises.

'What is he doing? It's like he's controlling her against her will? I didn't think that was possible.'

"Leave her alone, you crazy bastard!" I shouted. I was positioned so that Mark was between me and the door. Hopefully Nat could get him while I distracted him.

"Is that anyway to talk to someone who has done so much for you? To the one person perfect for you, to your true love?" His face displayed a sly smile.

"I could never love you!"

"Oh my poor Emily. That's what your so called friends have conditioned you to think. They have used their abilities and your trusting nature to control your life and turn you against me. In reality you love me very much. I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were the one for me. But your roommate, jealous of you for finding a happy loving relationship when all she can achieve is empty sordid sexual encounters, contrived to break us up. She used her powers and her complete control over your life to make you think awful untrue things about me. Then when you were changed and even more vulnerable, she used this to further control you, first having you slave to some guy she owed, then gave you to this little kitty cat. I can only assume it was so you wouldn't go after her men. Now you were more than a match for her charms. She conditioned you day and night, controlling your destiny, taking you away from me."

"What! That's crazy! You are totally out of your mind!"

"Oh my poor dear. Your devilish roommate has you completely controlled, and you don't even realise it. I only hope I can undo the damage."

He was totally bat shit crazy. I had to keep this nutter talking and give Nat the chance to take him out. "Please, Mark, let Caitlyn go and give yourself up. Get the help you desperately need! I don't love you, but I'm sure you can find someone who does. Stop this before you do something that can't be undone ... Please!"

"You don't think this thing," he gestured at Caitlyn, "has any feelings for you. It thinks of you as a toy, a mere slave. All set up by your roommate. She is an evil monster pretending to be a human being, and speaking of your roommate, it's high time she joined the party."

He gestured, and then suddenly the door behind him exploded as Nat was forcibly pulled through it. She screamed in pain as she was dragged along the roof and brought to a stop a few meters to the left of Caitlyn, not on the edge, but near it. She was visibly struggling but seemed unable to move. I tried to run to her, but suddenly I couldn't move, either It was like a invisible force had grabbed me and was holding me in a vice-like grip. It was painful and immensely disturbing. I tried to move, but pretty much all of me was held tight. I could move my eyes and my mouth, but I couldn't turn my head or move any of my limbs. The pieces were slotting into place, though. Mark must have gained some sort of telekinesis, or some other form of control over the physical world, when he went through MORFS. Whatever it was, he was strong! He was holding the three of us still and didn't seem to be under any strain.

He walked over to Nat slowly and calmly. He looked completely in control.

"Ah, Natalie, how beautiful you are, but your wonderful body hides a grotesque and twisted person underneath. I will make sure Emily sees that, and is free of your control forever." He stroked her cheek and ran his hands along her body. I could see she hated him touching her, she was straining, trying to get away, but couldn't. The desperation and anger showed in her eyes.

He walked away from her towards poor Caitlyn. "And you," He pulled on her tail, causing her tear filled eyes to open again in renewed pain. "I will see she is purged of all the conditioning that makes her your slave. I know Natalie is most to blame for my loves brainwashing, but you took advantage, allowing her slavery to continue for your own ends. You will pay for that."

I wanted to rip this guy apart. If he let me go even for a moment, I would not hesitate. I would tear him limb from limb for what he was doing to my girls. I waited for my opportunity.

He turned back to me and, with another theatrical gesture, caused a table, some chairs, and a basket to float over from next to the roof access door.

"Please my dear, come join me for a little food. Your run up here must have made you quite hungry," he said.

I felt his control release me. I decided to be careful, he would be expecting an immediate attack. I slowly walked over and when I was in range, sprang at him with all my might. I actually managed to touch him, my nails nicking his face slightly before an unstoppable force catapulted me away from him. He nearly threw me into the wall, stopping before I hit.

"Ah my dear, Of course I had hoped without her whispering poison in your ears, you would be able to listen. But I see she has conditioned you far too well for that, turning you into her weapon if need be. No matter. I will break you of this, have no fear," He touched the cut on his face gingerly.

I was pulled back towards the table and forced into a sitting position. I tried to struggle, but it was no use. His power held me like I was encased in steel.

"Such a shame you can't enjoy this as I would like you to," he said, pulling various things from his basket. He placed a plate of sandwiches in front of me. I glared back at him. Even with his new power he couldn't force me to eat those wretched sandwiches. "Such a pity I must resort to other methods to get you to cooperate. Eat them all, or kitty cat will suffer."

He did something that made Caitlyn scream to prove his point.

'Damn him, I'll get him for this, for torturing my sweet Caitlyn, ' I thought, anger raging in me.

He released my arms and head, so I could carry out his bidding. I was still held in place, so I couldn't throttle the little bastard, but I was able to eat his damn sandwiches. Goodness knows what drugs he had laced them with. I hoped I would lose myself in all this. I had to remain strong for Nat and Caitlyn. I took one of the sandwiches and, glaring hate at him, ate it.

"There's a good girl. If you just stop fighting and let me help you, things will be so much better for you," he said. "Think of what I have already done. When Natalie tried to give you to that rugby moron, I saw to it he took a beating he'll never forget. When the student services woman also under the pay of Natalie tried to keep us apart, I dealt with her. When that loathsome protester tried to harass you, I taught her a lesson. All small things I do for you my love."

He really had flipped! It had been him all along going around hurting, even killing people. The horror of it, was he thought he was doing it for me. I felt terrible, like it had been my fault. I mentally shook myself to clear that out of my head. There was no benefit in thinking like that, no matter what I had done, he was the one who had decided to do the damage. If it hadn't been me it would have been another girl. I had to stay strong and fight this bastard for everyone's sake, including my own. When we were all safe and this nut job was behind bars, then I could feel guilty for being the catalyst that caused these events.

I couldn't let that go, though, "You sick fuck! You killed and harmed all those people for no reason! There was no conspiracy against you, I wanted rid of your crazy arse. I reported you to student services and you killed that poor woman, just on a whim, then attacked others just to get your sick thrills!"

"Oh Emily while you may think it was you that were trying to get rid of me, it was Natalie all along," he said with a tired smile. "You'll see in time. Now we should be going before someone notices us up here. I have much work to do with you, my dear Emily. Soon your mind will be free and you will love me again."

"I will spare you from seeing these two dealt with, while you will come to see it was the right thing to do in time. I fear watching them die would permanently damage your gentle mind, and set back the healing you need to return to your normal self. But before you go I will take a kiss. While I wish you would give it willingly, it is still too early for that. I only take it now to show your two tormentors that they have lost for all time."

I was pulled closer to him and my mouth formed so as to kiss him, I was frantic, trying to get free. If I didn't do something he was going to kill Caitlyn and Nat. I fought and fought, trying to get free but I couldn't move. He used his power to pull me close and then began kissing me, feeling me up. I would have felt so violated, if it weren't for what I knew was coming next. I would have endured an eternity of his pawing me if it meant Caitlyn and Nat could live.

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Ghosts of the PastChapter 2

"So, this man is Harold Green, owner and CEO of Green Worldwide Enterprises. And Donald Price is the Chief Financial Officer and his son-in-law. But we still don't know who this other man is ... the one I know I've seen before!" Tom stated in frustration. "And we still don't have a connection between them and Robert Warren ... or Clark ... or whatever his real name is!" Charles added, just as frustrated. Assistant Director Peter Woods stood up to leave the office they were meeting in...

2 years ago
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I HAD A DREAM! The scene could be set just a decade or so in the future, in an area for want of a better description, we’ll call middle America. There is a wind of change about! —— ‘Come in Major? So you’ve found something?’ ‘Sure have General,’ answered the fresh-faced Major, looking too young to be holding such a rank. ‘Apple has really come up with the goods since that new woman took over the Job. The new Mark 5 i-Scanner has detected something already.’ ‘A transcript Major?’ ‘Better...

1 year ago
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Im Still Average Right

100% fiction! Many years in the past me and my sister were always in what we called "love". Kissing each other on the lips as a goodbye, playing doctor still at the age of 19, saying I love you was a regular thing between me and my sister, but now... Saying I love you randomly is all a distant memory ever since she moved away to live with Dad in England. Well now I'm 27 and mom died leaving the house and its many bills in my inheritance. I took up a couple part-time jobs after finishing...

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Chapter 85 Gay

When the man had given himself to Mel's face, emptying himself over her, the three of us had collapsed in exhaustion where we had finished. She slept between us, her head resting on his curiously muscular chest and her rear against my hips still covered in my semen. There we rested until I heard the door creak open and watched as Mel's figure darted out of it. Now it was just me and him. In the dark, I could see the defined outlines of his chest and stomach as well as the long rise of his cock...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Swing Shift part 6

"Hey Levi," Kyla said, "we're all in your bed, waiting for the orgy to start." Then she flung the blanket back revealing that they were all naked. Derek was in the middle, with Kyla and Marti on either side of him. Derek had a hardon and Marti tried covering her lovely bits as best she could and Kyla lay spread eagle, fingering her hot pocket. "Y'all are goofy as hell," I said. I got behind the wheel and watched in the rear view as Marti and Derek struggled with Kyla over control of...

2 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 7 Employment Benefits

Wearing the utilitarian robe, Marta found the farthest spot from the activities of the bedroom and the spying walls, beyond which Harry's adjoining suite hid. She made herself small in the corner and called Joe on her cell. "Hey," said Joe, sounding quiet yet excited to see her name across his cell phone. "Hey," said Marta. "You okay?" "I miss you." "I miss you too. Can I see you?" "Not now," answered Marta sipping her champagne. "Oh." "Later I promise. I have...

2 years ago
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More Charley and one more gloryhole

The next week was so busy I hardly came up for air, but in my few spare moments I daydreamed of my adventurous night with Ruth and Charley. Three things kept popping into my thoughts: Ruth’s gloriously fine big ass with my dick in it as she sucked Charley’s giant prick, the feel of his big dick sliding in and out of my mouth, and the incredible sensation of anonymous sex having my dick sucked at my 1st glory hole. I beat my meat 3 or 4 times that week standing up in my dressing room, cumming in...

1 year ago
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GF In Charge PT3

In no time Beth had found a Web site that hosted videos of amateurs having sex and uploaded the video of her fucking my mouth with her dildo. I was pretty embarrassed to have a video of me blowing anything, even a strap on attached to this beautiful woman, posted on the internet for all to see. But a part of me was also pretty turned on by it! And really, that was the best attitude to have about it because I didn't really have a say in the situation anymore."Ok, we need some more videos to...

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Spicing up our Sex Life to the Extreme

Tags : Anal, Voyeurism, MFF, MMF, Threesome, Lesbian, Hardcore, Cream-pie, Stag vixen, Hot-girlfriend, Sharing, Cuckold, lactation, double penetration, Swingers, Ass to mouth, Butt-plugNote - There could be changes to the story line as this story isn't complete. We have been together for five years and we know we love each other a lot but there was something missing in physicality. My girl has firm and round tits with perfect pink nipples and by god they are amazing. One would just love to suck...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Janice Griffith Dana DeArmond Lady Daddy Part Two

Janice Griffith can’t wait for her lesbian handy woman Dana DeArmond to continue renovations outside her home. But before Dana can get started, she needs her hammer and when she picks it up in front of the door, there stands Janice in the sexiest lingerie ready to be swept off her feet and get more of that lady daddy’s warm nurturing pussy. Janice grabs Dana by her shirt, throws her on the couch and seduces her with supple kisses on Dana’s soft boobs. Janice eagerly begins...

4 years ago
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My Assignment 8211 Part 6

Hello readers, I am your writer Twinkle Asher with some special edition of “The Assignment.” This is my sixth story on the site. Since I arranged a survey for the topic of my next sex story, “Next part of the assignment” won with maximum votes and so here I am with my story. Those who are reading the sixth part directly can get the earlier parts on the following link – . This is the link to my personal page on ISS and you will get all my stories at this one link. I also wanna personally thank...

2 years ago
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Wifes birthday night out

Please excus me in not a writer. I'm just a normal guy who is in the dog house and thought I'd share what happened. It was my wifes (kellyanns) 34 birthday last night and we were able to get my parents to have our 3 k**s so we could go out. I booked us a hotel right in the city centre and booked us a table in the vip area in her favourite club. She looked great in a pair of skinny Jean's and a backless top with not bra and a plunging front so she had used some double sided tape on the front to...

3 years ago
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Holy Fuck Ch 02

Author’s note: The first part of this was recently posted. You’re advised to read it before you read this. My thanks as ever to my muse, for her inspiration and editing, and to raconteuse, who has greatly assisted with editing. And of course, to my readers, whose support and interest has helped sustain my writing. If you’re new to Melanie, there are two earlier chapter stories about her, with lots of red Hs against them. Do please have a look: I know that if you liked this, you’ll like them...

3 years ago
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Futures PathChapter 13

Elena is relaxed, breathing deeply, but consciously holding herself awake and alert. Regardless of Ramon's assertion that the couple hunting both herself and Gavin are no longer a threat, she's certain that lowering her guard and opening herself up to sleep or the dreamscape right now would be a very bad mistake. After risking so much, the idea of them packing it in and just giving up strikes her as ludicrous. If they attack again, as they had in her back yard, will she be able to...

4 years ago
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Devaron Se Maze Part 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Sasur aur pati rohan jaane ke baad, mein (30yrs), raju aur tinku (16&14yrs) ek hi room mein soye, raat ko sone se pahle meine saree nabhi se 6 anguli nitche hi pahni thi, aur pallu se dhaka tha lekin saree ke paar se dikha raha tha pura pet, aur blows khol diya tha kewal bra hi pahan liya tha aur boobs ke clavge ko bhi pallu se hi dhak rakha tha. Meine notice kiya ki raju ki chup chup ke mere pet aur boobs pe nazrein daal raha tha. Mein bhi masti ke mood...

4 years ago
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fun with sis and friends

as i stood there with my cock in my hand they cleaned up and oppened the door with me right there. i tried to get it back into my shorts i just couldnt do it. as the three of them looked at my cock, mackenzie asked me "what is that in your hands" as amanda and rachel giggled all i could say was that it is a penis. the three of them just looked at each other to see if any of them knew what it was for. after a minute or two i asked them " is this the first time you've seen one of these" and...

3 years ago
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Requested DM Faire Alt Ending

Introduction: Wherein Jarred is a death knight and shit goes down. I am so, so sorry for the amount of time it took to finish this. I was uninspired for the longest time. So while it is rather short, Im done. The people who requested it, please enjoy. This was requested by some readers at the end of part 4 and I thought it was a great idea. So here it is, starting from where Kara finds Thell by Sindragosas Fall. (IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLY BLOOD, GORE AND VIOLENCE. NOTHING ELSE. LITERALLY...

3 years ago
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Benji and His Nightly Tongue Fucking

Everytime he licked my little pussy it would be in the privacy of my bedroom, morning, lunch break, when I was home alone and especially when my parents were fucking. That was my favourite! My bedtime attire would consist of panties and an oversized t-shirt, lately I had been wearing my step dad's as I like the feel of it and I could smell his aftershave on it. It was an early night for everyone as it was the summer so we were going on holiday the next day. My parents had agreed to let me...

2 years ago
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I love pink underwear part 2

I placed myself between her legs and freed her of her cum-saturated undies. And took a breather whilst caressing her thighs and looking at her shiny jewel.I lifted her leg and pressed my throbbing dick against her thigh and started licking her toes. I kissed down her calfs and licked the back of her knees and started to nibble her inner thighs till my lips met her gleaming pussy. I started by gently licking her bloated clit while I let my hands scale her voluptuous body. Whilst cupping and...

2 years ago
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Finally It Happened With Mom 8211 Part 2

Thank you for your responses for my last post. I’m Sumith narrating the experiences of one of my friends Nelson and his mom Molly. Nelson being from a small town in Kerala was not a guy with tremendous confidence, however human instincts overtakes all. Now it’s time for you to enjoy the later part. Over to Nelson now. It was really amazing, the very first sexual encounter let alone with mom but with any woman. Yes, she isn’t young and slim as my classmates are but nothing can match my mom at...

2 years ago
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The Spanish Girl

True StoryI'm a 15 year old and I am just an average person. I play football and ski, and go to school like a normal person. I get good grades and have a girlfriend. This story is about my girlfriend. I met this girl when I was a 7th grader and have been good friends with her for a while. I started dating this girl in the beginning of the school year and still am. The story that I am about to tell is about something that went down not to long ago.I was sitting in my room playing XBOX on a...

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Fooles Ambition Angel Flying Too Close to the GroundChapter 2

Her progress at first was slow — painfully slow. I forced in spoonfuls of milk to her as often as I dared, day and night, and looked for even the slightest signs of improvement. I was treading an extremely dangerous path now, trying to force in enough nutrition as fast as was safely possible so that she would have some meager internal body strength to fight the excruciating pains of drug withdrawal. I wasn't even sure that performing this balancing act was even possible. The doctors on those...

3 years ago
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Desires of Hogwarts Part 2

Introduction: Second part to my story, about twice as long as the first. Give me constructive critisicm please! After the breakfast, the students went their separate ways. The golden trio had to rush to their most dreaded lesson, DADA taught by Dolores Umbridge. As the class filed into the cramped and messy classroom, they were quite surprised to see the new teacher they had noticed at breakfast. He was sitting non-challantly, fiddling with some muggle technology device, feet up on the table,...

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Amanda8217s Internet Affair

Amanda is 42 years old, her 20 year marriage had recently failed and she is now divorced and living with her 17 year old daughter Laura. Amanda has recently discovered an internet dating site and has been corresponding with a dominant male. Their on line relationship has developed into one of master and slave. The below is an extract of their latest encounter following the delivery of a package from the master. Master – Yes I can see you slut are you in your bedroom Amanda – Yes Master...

1 year ago
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Best Surprise birthday gift

I and my husband Manukh are happily living with our two kids in Mira Rd. It’s near Mumbai. We have a family friend Rakesh... He is very helpful to me & our family.... My hubby called him my Boyfriend in humor.... He is good looking person. I did not had any relationship with any other person except my hubby. But I had dream to make love in crowd. And mostly in these my day dreams Rakesh will be my hero, instead of my husband Manukh. But we never crossed the line. Once, my husband had some...

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Team Mascot

I had a love-hate relationship with Gym-class. I hated sports. If there was a ball involved, forget it. I was always the last picked for the team, and always hoped that my team would be shirts, rather than skins. The only things I did well were running and swimming. So yeah, as a typical gay-boy, I hated gym. But, I loved the locker-room. I loved the smell, the noise, and mostly I loved the chance to see my classmates naked. I had gym last-period, which sucked because our class always...

4 years ago
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Andersonville 14 The Mailman

Flashback - Three months earlier... Judge Jasper opened up the chamber door with such great force that he almost ripped it from its hinges. Behind him followed Andrew Marshall (Mars), Pete Akins (Apollo) and Ashlee Gang. Jupiter slammed the crumbled note down on his desk in rage and faced his two sons. "This is intolerable!" he almost screamed. "A few months ago it was just one person, today it's two. What's he going to do the next time, bring in a busload?" "Father,"...

3 years ago
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Making My Son

© 2007 Douglas Fox "OH! Danny... keep going... pleaseeeee!" she begged. I continued pounding my hard seven inch cock into my future wife. Sharon wrapped her arms around my back and pulled my naked chest against hers. My sweetie's hard nipples drilled into my chest. I was panting as I thrust time after time into Sharon's hot velvety tunnel. I could feel every fold and ripple of her pussy walls as I pushed my bare erection in and slowly withdrew it again. Sharon and I had never taken a...

3 years ago
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The Beggar My Own Little Sugar

Hi guys, my name is Paul. I am 28 years old and this incident happened last summer. I belong to Andhra Pradesh and have been staying in Pune for many years. This incident happened while I was in Hyderabad on an office trip. The office meeting was over by Friday and I thought of enjoying my weekend in Hyderabad by experiencing the culture and cuisine over there. The whole day went well on Saturday. By evening I was exhausted of so much traveling around and by 9 pm I decided to return to my hotel...

3 years ago
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Mom My First Love Chapter 2

My mattress was still wet the next night so I was happy to sleep with my mom again. It actually hadn’t seemed to be any drier and I couldn’t figure that out but I wasn’t complaining. I had to keep my legs crossed or my back turned to mom because I had a hard-on nearly the whole evening just thinking about her in bed with me and maybe being able to fuck her ass cheeks again. I was furiously trying to think of some way I could actually fuck her. Tonight I really wanted to feel her tits. Once...

4 years ago
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Patience Pays Off Always

Hello friends.. How are you all doing. I am harry from Bangalore. I have read many of you are sexcapades and this is my third incident here. After this incident what I realised is patience always pays. In this incident I will tell u how I made out with this girl who I was for years but never involved sexually with her. But it was destined for us to get involved. Neither she nor I have repented for making love till date. In the past I have proposed to her but she could never take me as her guy,...

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An online Meeting part 2

His teeth hooked on to my bottom lip and pulled it towards him. His tongue smoothed over his teeth marks and he kissed me harder. He pulled me from the door and pulled my shirt over my head. Unsnapping my bra, his mouth left mine, and kissed a trail to my breast. His mouth covered my breast and took my nipple in to his mouth. He started to suck hard on it leaving his mark around my nipple. I moaned loud and ran my fingers in his hair. He looked up at me, smirked, and switched to the other...

Straight Sex

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