Freeze-Frame free porn video

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(A brief disclaimer, if there is an actual ‘BDSMinnesota’ group or forum online, I’m unaware of it. As far as I know, I made it up for this story. Any resemblance to any actual fetish interest group in the state of Minnesota is entirely coincidental.)


Diane looked through the peephole at the young Asian woman outside whose head barely came up to the bottom of her field of vision.. Taking the chain off the door, she opened it and smiled. ‘Kiki?’ she asked. She’d already seen pictures on line, but it never hurt to be polite.

The girl nodded. ‘Yeah. Um…hi. I’m not late, am I?’

Diane shook her head. ‘No, Greg and Debbie are here, but you made it before Mike and Maria. Oh, sorry, that’s right. You still don’t know anyone’s RL name, do you?’ Diane had first met ‘Kiki’ as a member of an Internet forum, ‘BDSMinnesota’. Pretty much everyone on the group had instantly bonded with the young, energetic girl with what seemed like an omnivorous interest in submission. Something about her seemed to inspire everyone to want to protect the sweet young thing who was just a little more spicy than sweet. (And by ‘protect’, of course, Diane meant ‘fuck the hell out of’.) Ostensibly, the party was for her benefit, a combination 23rd birthday party and ‘get to know you’ event, but it’d also be everyone’s first time face to face with Mike and Maria, too. ‘Come to think of it, is ‘Kiki’ OK, or should I be calling you something else?’

Kiki smiled a bit nervously. Diane felt a bit of that, too, it hit her sometimes, meeting someone face-to-face for the first time. Even if they’d talked a lot online, personal space felt different, and it sometimes took a minute to warm up to it. ‘No,’ she said, ‘Kiki’s fine. I go by it a lot. All my co-workers call me Kiki.’ She giggled a bit, her warm brown eyes relaxing. ‘They were all asking me what I was going to do for my birthday, and I was like, ‘Oh, I’m just going to a little party.’ And here I’ve been dreaming about this every night for three weeks.’

Diane led her into the living room. ‘Well, I certainly hope we live up to expectations. I’m Diane–‘OrionSlaveGirl’ on the forum–and over there is my husband, Jack, who you probably recognize better as ‘DJTrance’.’ She waved at a handsome man in his early thirties with sandy blond hair and dark brown eyes, who was deep in conversation with another couple.

‘–and he says, ‘You can trust me, I’m a psychopath!’ and just lifts the guy right up…’ Jack broke off. ‘Oh, hi! You must be ‘Kiki’. Say hello to Greg, better known as ‘sub-Zero’, and Debbie, better known as ‘Big Bad Fox’. We were just talking British TV.’

Kiki stood stock still and goggled at everyone, and Diane stifled a chuckle at the young woman’s obvious amazement. ‘You’re ‘Big Bad Fox’? But I, you…’

The short, plump woman with the long red hair grinned like a loon. ‘I get that a lot.’

‘I was expecting…I dunno, a seven-foot tall female bodybuilder! I mean, you’re, um…you’re a Domme?’

The slim young man sitting on the floor next to her nodded. ‘Take it from me,’ he said, ‘she definitely is.’

Debbie reached down and stroked his dark hair. ‘First rule, dear. You are what you feel like, not what you look like. I might not be big and butch, but once you’ve got a man hogtied, it doesn’t take a lot of black leather and muscles to make them feel helpless.’

Diane crossed over to the sideboard. ‘And on that note, Happy Birthday, Kiki! Would you like a drink?’

‘I’ll have a glass of the red wine, please.’ She giggled as she flopped onto the sofa. ‘It doesn’t seem that long since I was sneaking drinks off of guys in bars. Remember the college girl motto…’Boys need fake IDs, girls need real boobies.”

Jack smiled at Diane as she topped up her own glass while filling Kiki’s. ‘Remember when we were that young, dear?’

Diane smiled. ‘Oh, yes. Back when you would pick me up in your horseless carriage and take me to the talkies, or to the pep rallies on campus.’

Kiki leaned forward. ‘That’s right! You guys both went to the U of M, too. Did you meet in college?’ Diane handed her her wine, and headed over to sit next to Jack.

Jack shook his head. ‘No, we were just two American kids living in the heartland. I wanted to be a football star, see, and Diane–‘

Diane smacked him playfully on the arm. ‘Ignore him, Kiki. He’s a total music nerd. That’s actually how we met…he was doing a double major, communications and psychology, and I was studying architecture. I listened to the college radio station, he was a DJ, and I thought he had a sexy voice. So I called the station.’

Greg and Debbie exchanged knowing glances. ‘And the next thing you knew, it was morning!’ Greg said with a grin.

Diane had to laugh at Kiki’s confused expression. ‘Don’t mind those two–they’ve known us for a long time, and familiarity breeds contempt. We did spend a long time talking, though. He played quite a few ‘long, uninterrupted sets’ that night.’

‘And I played ‘Jack and Diane’ every night for two straight weeks after that. Finally quit after the fourth death threat, though.’ Jack smiled. ‘You never did like that song, did you, Diane?’

They all had a laugh at that, and then Kiki asked, ‘Speaking of music, when you sent me the invite, you put a song title at the end. ‘Freeze-Frame’…’


‘Wake,’ Jack said. Diane blinked. Two new people were in the room now with the five of them–an African-American man, and a striking Hispanic woman. ‘Mike and Maria?’ she asked.

They waved. ‘Hi,’ Maria said.

‘Sorry. I, um…didn’t notice you come in.’ Diane stretched a little. ‘How long have you been here?’

‘About twenty minutes,’ Maria said. ‘Jack explained what he’d done to you, but he said not to worry about you, that it was all part of the evening’s entertainment. I hope you didn’t mind missing the introductions. You must be a little confused, huh?’

Diane shook her head. ‘We’d talked about having a little fun tonight,’ she said, ‘and about making triggers a part of the evening’s entertainment. You and Mike had asked about hypnosis in BDSM, and since Jack and I use it a lot in our relationship, we figured that a little demonstration would work wonders.’

Kiki’s eyes were as big as saucers. ‘I can’t believe that,’ she said. I just said ‘Freeze-Frame’…’


‘Wake.’ She blinked. Kiki had her head face-down in her hands, and the others were laughing.

‘Sorry,’ Kiki said. ‘I can’t believe I did that!’

Diane had to chuckle. ‘It’s alright, Kiki. Half the fun of having triggers installed is getting them sprung on you. You were saying?’

‘I, um…’ she face-palmed again. ‘Now I forget.’

Mike took a sip of his wine. ‘Are all your triggers song titles, or just the one?’

‘All of them,’ Jack said. ‘I remain a ‘huge music nerd’, to quote my wife’s eloquent phrasing, and it helps me remember exactly which devious, twisted things I’ve done to her brain.’

Mike said, ‘So if I said, for example, ‘Love Machine’…’

Diane smiled sweetly. ‘I’d say, ‘That’s an interesting guess, but my triggers are all keyed to the sound of Jack’s voice.’ He only took the restrictions off the one tonight, just for the evening’s enjoyment, but most of my brain is still pretty securely under lock and key.’ She kissed Jack on the cheek. ‘Which isn’t to say we wouldn’t have fun sometime demonstrating exactly what ‘Love Machine’ does.’

Debbie said, ‘That’s a fun one. Not as fun as ‘Wild Thing’, but fun. I’ve never gotten into the hypnokink the way you and Jack have–give me real ropes and whips any day–but I have to admit, playing with a hypnotized slave girl is crazy fun.’

Kiki looked like she was going to explode. ‘I still can’t believe…I mean, I thought it was all just, you know, tying people up and spanking them. I know you guys talked about hypnosis on the forums, but…’ She took a gulp of her wine. ‘I’m ba
bbling, aren’t I?’

Debbie said, ‘Yes, but it’s adorable. How did a sweet little girl who looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth get mixed up with kinky little pervs like us, anyway?’

‘Freshman Sociology,’ Kiki said with a dreamy smile. ‘We did a unit on human sexuality, and the prof talked about ‘alternative lifestyles’, and it was…oh, my, GOD, it was like my pussy was on fire. And I was at the back of the classroom, and…I mean, it wasn’t even like he was making it sound exciting, he was just droning on about ‘sadomasochism’ and ‘same-sex partnerships’, but I still snuck my finger into my panties, and just…went to town. Quietly, I mean. My house had thin walls, I was used to keeping it down. And after class, I went back to my dorm and started looking for everything I could find on S&M, and that led me to you guys…’

Mike said, ‘And hence to being in a room with a woman who’ll become a living poseable statue any time someone says, ‘Freeze-Frame’…’


‘…wake.’ She blinked. It was Kiki’s voice telling her to wake up this time, and while not much seemed to have changed, Kiki’s glass was almost empty. And something else seemed different…

‘Looking for this?’ Debbie said, holding up Diane’s bra.

‘Well, it certainly isn’t in the last place I put it,’ Diane said. ‘Did I miss any good stories?’

Jack got up to freshen his glass of wine. ‘Mike and Maria explained how they got into the BDSM scene. I thought you might want to be awake for our sordid history, so I had Kiki bring you back up.’

Diane rolled her eyes. ‘Oh, please. You tell it ten times better than me anyway. Especially since you knew the whole story at the time, and I didn’t find it out until the very end.’

Kiki practically bounced up and down on the couch cushions. ‘Go on,’ she said. ‘Spill! Dish! Tell me of the good old days, when men were real men, women were real women…’

‘And green furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real green furry creatures from Alpha Centauri?’ Jack responded. ‘Sure. We’d been together for about a year, by then…I was in my first year of grad school, still at the U, and Diane was a sophomore. We were having a lot of fun together, but…’

‘But I was starting to get bored with missionary position,’ Diane chimed in. ‘I started wondering if there wasn’t any way to, y’know, spice up the old bedroom life.’

‘And this is where I come in,’ Greg said. ‘Diane and I have known each other since we were kids, and she knew I’d been dating this woman for three years and still wandered into class every morning with a stupid grin on my face.’

‘And rope burns on your ankles,’ Debbie said, stroking his cheek.

‘Exactly, My Lady,’ Greg said. ‘She asked me what my secret was, I told her she totally didn’t want to know, she insisted she did, and eventually, she got me to spill the beans about my relationship with My Lady. And she talked to My Lady a bit, and it turned out that My Lady had just joined this new Internet thing talking about that stuff…’

‘And I signed up,’ Debbie said. ‘I read the boards for about five hours, my eyes were just about popping by the end, and I knew I had to get Jack into this shit, come hell or high water.’

Jack coughed. ‘Whatever happened to ‘You tell it ten times better than me anyway’? Don’t make me Freeze that pretty little Frame of yours.’

‘Sorry. This is Jack’s bit.’

‘Right. So by total, freakish, insane coincidence, I’m an admin on this new Interweb creation, a place for Minnesotans into kinky sex to meet and exchange ideas, and I’m canvassing the group on how I can get this really great girl I’ve been dating into D/S play without freaking her out. And all of a sudden, this new member signs on as ‘OrionSlaveGirl’, not even two weeks after we’d gone to MiniCon and watched ‘The Cage’ together, and asks, ‘How do I tell my boyfriend that I want to be dominated by him?” Kiki let out a peal of laughter. ‘And remember, I’m an admin. I can see her email address in the profile!’

Kiki squealed. ‘Oh, my, GOD!’

‘So I respond on the board with, ‘You’ve certainly picked a hell of a way, darling,’ she calls me up on the phone within five minutes of my post and we start sharing fantasies, and the whole thread erupts into digital catcalls and LOLs. We’ve been playing ever since.’

Kiki went to get herself some more wine. ‘Wow. And you always use the…hypnosis thing?’

‘Most of the time,’ Diane said. ‘It offers a lot of fun possibilities for play, and plus, I found out that being hypnotized is fun in and of itself. You should try it, you really should.’

Kiki looked a little nervous. ‘I dunno…’

Debbie leaned over towards Diane. ‘Say, Diane, you know what you could try?’


She grinned evilly. ‘Freeze-Frame…’

***** ‘…wake.’ She blinked. Jack was in front of her, off to her left, sitting on the couch with Kiki. Kiki was blinking sleepily, and seemed to have attracted quite an audience. Diane felt a certain…freeness…under her own dress, and realized that her panties seemed to have vanished at some point.

‘Oops,’ Jack said, looking over at Diane. ‘Sorry about that. I just put Kiki through a little sample induction, and waking her seems to have woken you too. ‘Freeze-Frame…’


‘…wake.’ She blinked. Debbie’s voice, right in her ear, from behind her. She was standing up now, and her blouse appeared to be missing. She felt hands cupping her breasts, probably Debbie’s hands. Kiki was watching the two of them, a tiny bit of drool on her lower lip.

‘I hope I’m not the only naked person in the room,’ she said cheerfully.

Debbie planted a kiss between her shoulder blades. ‘Maria’s naked over by the fireplace,’ she said. ‘But she’s not joining in any fun, apparently.’

Mike shrugged apologetically as he walked into view. ‘It’s one of our little games. She can watch the whole show, and be watched herself. But she can’t orgasm until we get home. That’s actually one of the things we were interested in hypnosis for, actually. I’d like to implant an orgasm denial trigger in her, so that she could join in at parties like this without disobeying her master.’

Diane nodded. ‘It’s perfectly doable. I’d recommend sub-contracting the job out to Jack, as it were, though. He’s been at this for years, and it might help you avoid reinventing the wheel if all you want is a few triggers. If you want to do a lot, though, or just enjoy the hypnosis in and of itself, I’m sure he could teach you.’

Mike looked over at Maria, who was kneeling by the fireplace with a dreamy expression on her face. ‘I think I might have to learn myself. It seems to be limited only by your imagination, and I can already imagine a lot of fun things to do with it. I mean, just your trigger…’ His eyes widened a bit. ‘It’s the hottest damned thing I’ve seen in a while, and I never thought I’d say that about any woman other than Maria.’ He sighed. Sorry, Diane, but I just have to see this again. Freeze-Frame.’


‘…wake.’ She blinked She didn’t have any clothes on now, and she found herself staring at the floor in a position that was suddenly very hard to maintain without hypnotic discipline. Awkwardly, she let go of her ankles and caught herself before straightening to an upright position. ‘It’s OK, honey,’ Jack said from beside her. ‘I’m right here.’

‘Oof,’ she said, straightening up. ‘That’s a little more flexible than I thought I could be. Who posed me like that?’

Jack stuck his thumb behind him, and Diane turned to see Kiki sitting on the couch with Mike. He’d slipped one strap of her dress off and was rolling her left nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Kiki’s eyes were glazed with lust, and she was holding her fingers up to her nostrils, inhaling their scent.

‘Aww,’ Diane said, noticing the moisture on Kiki’s fingers. ‘Our little girl is growing up so fast, isn’t she?’

‘Heck of a hypnotic
subject, too. I think she’ll take to it easier than Maria will, to be honest.’ They both looked over at the fireplace, where Maria was still on her knees. Debbie was over with her, running her fingers along Maria’s collarbone, and Maria let out a soft, keening whimper at the touch.

‘I see Debbie’s found a new playmate. I thought Maria was ‘look, don’t touch’?’

‘Mike said it was alright, so long as she kept free of any erogenous zones. Freeze-Frame.’


‘…wake.’ She was face to face with Maria, just millimeters away from her, on her knees. It had been Maria’s voice that she heard. Their breasts were almost touching, and Diane admired the self-discipline it must have taken Maria not to rub forward against Diane while she was posed.

‘Having fun?’ she asked brightly.

‘Yes,’ Maria panted, ‘very much so. I know it must seem…odd…’

Diane kissed her cheek gently. ‘I just spent the last…um…while…totally mindless and unseeing while people posed me like a doll. There’s no such thing as a weird kink, honey. Just a kink you’re not into.’

Maria smiled. ‘Yes. When Mike and I get home…’ she closed her eyes and shivered. ‘I will cum like a porn star, honest to God.’

Diane stood up, feeling the blood flow back into her legs a bit. ‘A little teasing does work wonders, doesn’t it?’ She turned, taking in the rest of the room. Kiki was on the couch still, her eyes shut, with Greg’s head between her legs. ‘oh,’ she gasped. ‘oh, that feels, I feel…’ Diane was actually a little surprised. She’d expected Kiki to be doing something a little less vanilla by this time in the evening. But Debbie did love showing off Greg’s pussy-licking training…

Debbie, meanwhile, was over in the easy chair, her eyes unfocused and glassy. Mike and Jack were over there with her, with Jack dangling a crystal pendant in front of her eyes. ‘Hi, dear,’ Diane said as she sauntered over to the three of them. ‘Doing a little teaching, are we? You know, for all that Debbie claims not to be into hypnosis, she sure goes into trance easily enough.’

‘…can…still…hear…you…’ Debbie said faintly, still staring at the crystal.

Diane stuck out her tongue. ‘You were saying about Maria a few seconds ago?’

‘And by a few seconds, you mean ‘fifteen minutes’,’ Jack said, giving her nipple a quick pinch. ‘I was just saying that I think Maria might have a little bit of performance anxiety, at least at first. She’s so eager to please that I think she might worry about not going into hypnosis ‘right’. I was just giving Mike a few tips on how to calm her down before, um…calming her down.’

‘And of course, the fact that it gives you another chance to hypnotize Debbie is just a bonus.’ She reached down and gave Debbie’s pussy a little pat.

Debbie gasped a little, then said, in a dazed voice, ‘freeze…frame…’


‘…wake.’ She blinked. She was sitting down, and her whole field of vision was filled with Kiki’s very delicious tits, jiggling back and forth. She felt something warm and wet pressing against her upper thigh, and heard Jack continue to speak. ‘You’ll just keep rubbing, Kiki, keep feeling that delicious sensation as Mike’s cock slides up your ass, and still be able to stay in that wonderful trance.’

Kiki moaned loudly, and Diane was honestly surprised that she even heard the word ‘wake’ over all the noise the girl was making. It was obviously used in the negative sense, because as she looked up a bit, she saw that Kiki had the look of someone who was definitely in a deep trance. In a deep trance, humping the leg of a frozen hypnotized slave girl, and being fucked up the ass while a naked woman watches from across the room.

Yes, Diane thought with a happy sigh, this is about what she expected the evening to be like. She reached up and starting pinching Kiki’s nipples absently, listening to the way Kiki’s groans change pitch as she did so.

‘And you’ll feel the warmth building up in your pussy now, building to a crescendo, building to a massive, screaming orgasm, one you won’t be able to stop, just crashing over you, into you, through you…now, Kiki. Cum now, cum now, cum now.’ Diane felt her thigh get slick with Kiki’s juices, and the girl practically hit high C in the throes of passion.

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Freezing to Hot

I entered the Greyhound bus station to get out of the bitter cold. I was shivering and very hungry. I had no money and nowhere to go. I took a seat at the end of a row in the passenger waiting area. I began rubbing my hands and arms in an attempt to get warm. As I sat there, someone took the seat next to me. I did not look up, but wondered, with all the available seats why someone would take a seat right next to me. I kept rubbing gaining a little warmth in my freezing bones.

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Freezing to Hot Part 2

I had gone into the bus station to get out of the freezing cold to try and get some warmth in me. I had met Roger who bought me the first meal I had in two days. We returned to the bus station, and in the rest room, I sucked my first cock ever. Something, until now, I had never contemplated. An experience that was not all that unpleasant. Roger gave a fifty dollar bill and asked me if I would like to be his regular cocksucker. At first I was a bit taken back, but being warm and having a full...

Gay Male
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Freezing to Hot

I entered the Greyhound bus station to get out of the bitter cold. I was shivering and very hungry. I had no money and nowhere to go. I took a seat at the end of a row in the passenger waiting area. I began rubbing my hands and arms in an attempt to get warm. As I sat there, someone took the seat next to me. I did not look up, but wondered, with all the available seats why someone would take a seat right next to me. I kept rubbing gaining a little warmth in my freezing bones. Then I heard a...

Gay Male
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Elizabeth, awfully feels guilty putting her limiter thru so much she knows that she has to make it up to him. It is the one few times that we are to be alone with there partners, she looks around and gets ready for the trip. She sees Satallizer and says, "You are going to be alone with him, so you better get ready to make your partner happy or would rather Rana go instead." The angry blonde says "Just because went thru hell, from ..."

2 years ago
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Freezing fiction

Welcome, welcome to a land where you can do anything you like. You can choose anyone you like, provided that they’re of legal age of course. And after all, you can access any world, so you just have to find a world where that person is at least 18. There is a certain pattern to this land you see, to choose, simply observe your options, displayed as such; World-Character-Reason They should explain themselves, but I shall elaborate. World; The world you wish to enter. It can be anything, provided...

4 years ago
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Freezing to Hot Part 4

For the next several weeks I continued to meet Roger at the bus station three days a week, which keeps me warm and well fed. My morning meetings with the older guys in the shower continued on a daily basis. Most of the time, it was just me and the two of them. I would suck one, while the other fucked me. However, one day the young man I saw on the first day, arrived just after me. He immediately dropped to his knees and began sucking me. “You have been such a good boy we thought you deserved a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Freezing to Hot Part 3

I woke up with a super hard boner after a fitful night of dreaming of big cocks and big tits. I was conflicted as ever with my sexuality. As much as I liked cock, I was still mesmerized by the visions of those big tits displayed by the waitress at the diner. Dragging myself out of bed I began to think about whether or not I would be going down the hall to the shower. I knew I needed to get myself cleaned up. With my boner sticking straight out and refusing to recede, my decision was made for...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Freezing time

It was a cold November afternoon, and I was on my way home from school, it started raining. The rain soon turned to a thunderstorm, and I could barely see as I drove. I soon began to worry about wrecking, and then I hydroplaned right before I crossed a bridge. I flew off into the frigid water below, and couldn’t seem to escape the car as it starts to sink into the river. All of a sudden, there was a bright flash of light all around me, and everything went quiet. Lightning had struck my vehicle....

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TANTRIC YONI MASSAGEThe vagina is called yoni in Sanskrit and loosely translates to "a sacred space." In Tantra philosophy, we approach the vagina from a place of the utmost love and respect. Yoni massage is a practice intended to truly honor a woman, to give her selfless pleasure, and to explore the sacred side of our sexuality.This isn't about having one orgasm. It's about trying to feel more and more pleasure that will become waves of multiple orgasms throughout the massage. It can be done...

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"The F-Express Train going to Orly-TGV will depart in two minutes."I was sick of this automated voice, sick of the F-Train and sick of all these commuters making my life hell. At least it was the end of my shift—one last round trip, and I'll go home. There, I'll connect to dating sites, find the first bottom willing to get fucked, and I'll release all the stress of my day in his ass.Yes, that sounded like a great plan."Sir, is this train going to Orly?"No, of course not, the announcement was...

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French Lessons

It was during my first summer holiday since I'd gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn't really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs. Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy) was far more attractive...

3 years ago
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Lust In Lockdown Part Two

 “A foursome? Like…all of us…having sex…at the same time?” asked Whitney.Roger was wiping off the cum on his face as Simon was pulling up his boxers. Whitney was leaning against a dresser, a puzzled look on her face. Alexis was sitting in the chair at Roger’s desk where his gaming computer was set up. Once the boys were at least in boxers, they sat on Roger’s bed together and continued talking to the girls.“I figured the best way to ensure we all have a chance to experience each other is if we...

4 years ago
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The Orchid Slut

You finished work at the bar and are walking home just after midnight, your favourite music playing through your ear buds not really thinking of anything just in auto pilot on the familiar route home. You don’t hear a thing, suddenly everything goes black as a sack is pulled over your head and down your body then a cord pulled tight below your elbows pinning your arms to your sides. You scream but two pairs of strong arms pick you up and you land painfully on a hard floor and you are aware of...

3 years ago
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Mathews humiliation in front of the whole family

Mathew’s mum Janet had just come off the phone and was both angry and disgusted.  Mr Nesbitt who owned the local newsagent had called to tell her that he was detaining her teenaged son Mathew after catching him red handed stealing. The shop owner was a no nonsense sort of man who had a dim view on sticky fingered youngsters.  It was only that he had a soft spot for  Janet (or a hard one more like) that he didn’t bother reporting Mathew to the police, which was his usual course of action. When...

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ONE In the pitch black, an old withered man fumbled his way around his room. After a few moments of clumsily rummaging around in the darkness, he finally was able to climb into his bed. As soon as he felt he was going to sleep, he heard a soft THUMP! Oh no, he thought to himself, it’s happening again. After months of endless beating and restless sleep, he could not bare to listen to the THUMP! night after night after night… Then he heard it. A soft footstep, followed by a soft creak. The old...

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Sister Swapping During Student Life

I was studying engineering 3rd year. I had a friend and classmate Samir. His sis Smita was studying in 12th class and my sister Suman was her classmate. During weekends or holidays, we four used to do group study with at my place and Samir’s place. We all were good friends, treating everyone as bro-sis. I and Suman were incest and we learned sex activities together earlier when I was in 12th. Since then Suman and I used to do sex at home once in a while. Privately we were considering each other...

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Close Friend8217s Mom 8211 My New Crush

Hi friends, my name is Vikram. I am 35, married, working for a US based MNC and based in Goa. I am an avid rider and like to move on my bike to different parts of the country. This story is loosely based on my experience with one of my close friend’s mom during 1 such ride. It was September 2017. I was getting ready to ride from Goa to Bangalore. It was to be a 10 days tour and I would be starting at 6 am the next morning. It was almost 11:30 pm by the time I finished loading my bike. Since I...

2 years ago
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Train Trip

After a few days at a company meeting, you’re on your way back home on the train. Sat opposite is a young attractive colleague. Over the last few nights you have spent little time sleeping, but most of it drinking and making love with him. This company meeting has certainly raised your spirits. As you watch him reading the newspaper he looks up and smiles, your eyes hold contact and then he looks down at his paper again. You wonder what he may be thinking. Is he thinking? I’d wish she’d fall to...

4 years ago
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My Wife And I Made A BDSM Sex Slave 8211 Part 9

Hello, my dear reader. Sorry for the long gap. The next part will be the ending. Please shower your support to Please read the previous stories before this one about the BDSM sex slave. All 3 reached the parking lot. Sujith opened the car’s trunk, and Sandhya immediately got in without uttering any word. Vidya patted on her back and got to the driver seat while Sujith sitting next to her. The car went straight home, and Vidya made her kneel in the hall. Both went to a different room and packed...

1 year ago
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If you flash a girl be warned

We both walked up the staircase, chattering and laughing out loud, as teenage girls do, when discussing boys and all things pertinent to adolescent minds. Within minutes we would be exposed to a problem that has plagued women on a daily occurrence, so much so, that it might be considered normal and something girls should just learn to accept.We reached the top of this flight of stairs and rounded onto the landing and started walking down the long walkway to the door we were aiming for.We just...

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Her Lips were red, her looks were free, Her locks were yellow as gold: Her skin was as white as leprosy, The Night-mare life-in-death was she, Who thicks man's blood with cold. - Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner "I walk the streets alone. I scan my watch but 3:30 means nothing to me. The night is black and heavy and gives me the only sense of time that I need. It is dark, and that fact alone gives me courage to face the oncoming hours with any sense of pleasure. When the sun breaks, all...

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Bred Wee to Serve

                         Bred Wee, to Serve.                               By Reavan    "Well now what do we have here, a piglet! Where's your collar?"    "The master had it removed in the smith shop."    "Show me your brand!"     "Here near my anus #MM-1245" She turned spreading her cheeksrevealing her identification number.     "Very well Piglet, were you ever given a human name?"     "No mistress, my previous owner referred to me as M4. I was his Midgetsex slave number four. He won me at an...

3 years ago
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Begged his wife to make Him a Cuckold

My wife Julie and I had been married for nearly twenty years and we had three c***dren. The c***dren were all growing up and our eldest, Maggie was moving out and off to college, while the twins, Andy and Olivia both had relationships, so were out of the house a lot also. Julie and I found ourselves with a lot of free time on our hands now. We were never all together as a family anymore and my wife started mourning this fact. She changed from being happy and perky to mourning, cold and distant....

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My Sweet Sister Sapana 8211 Part II

Hi I am Subot with my story which is still with my little sister Sapana. Here the story continues. We had sex till our parents return back to home. Now my parents were home. I and Sapana have cleaned all the house so that parents will not know what had happened here. As the day passes I always got the beautiful memories with Sapana. I was very upset that I cannot have that sex again. My heart pounds high when I see my lovely sister. Whenever we meet in my room I used to kiss her but I couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Wetting Her Appetite Again

The one particular quirk I remember about Emily was her penchant for wetting herself when she was excited. Well, that’s what I was thinking when we met again after a long absence. She met me from the station after a tedious train journey, during which I was reliving the things we used to get up to. It was as much as I could do to stop myself coming in my pants.She was looking fantastic. New short haircut, tight grey skirt to the knee and shiny blouse accentuating her full breasts.As she slipped...

2 years ago
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Her Puppy Shared Parts 12

Part One As a young man, I had fallen deeply in love with a woman a few years my senior and was overjoyed when I found my affections returned. As our relationship developed, I found a calling in my heart to serve her and to please her. As my submission grew, so did her dominance, not to mention her sadism. Our dance of pain and control became a thing of beauty and joy for us both. But one day, that dance was to expand in ways I had not expected. It was an unremarkable weekend, with both of us...

4 years ago
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Single Mom Brunch Meeting

“Good morning, my lady,” Hugo Alazar said yawning as he spied Rochelle waking.“Hey! Good morning,” she returned in kind.“Sleep well?”“Yes. How about you?”“It was good,” he said pulling her close to him.“Hold on,” she protested. “I have morning breath.”“So,” he kissed her anyway. “Last night was so good!”“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she giggled.“Hell yeah! I gotta get some more of that.”“You will.”“Now’s as good a time as any,” he remarked placing her hand on his engorged manhood.“I see,” she...

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Die Mdchenschule fr Jungen

In einem kleinen Café: Verträumt blick Leon in den großen Spiegel auf der anderen Seite des Raumes. Das Spiegelbild zeigt zwei Damen in den Enddreißigern, eine junge Dame Anfang zwanzig und ein hübsches Mädchen gerade achtzehn Jahre alt geworden. Zumindest sieht sie aus wie ein hübsches Mädchen: Eng anliegendes dunkelblaues Chiffonkleid mit locker über die Schultern geworfenem Mantel, cremefarbene Pumps, Nylons, cremefarbene Handtasche, cremefarbenes Hütchen mit einem die Stirn und Augen...

2 years ago
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The Parking Garage

I hadn't seen Ryan since that last encounter in the hotel but I'd thought about him every now and again in the last couple months. I knew it wasn't going to be an every week deal, and I like for my random hook ups to be few and far between due to the chance of catching a disease so I asked my husband to call him again and to arrange a meet.A few days later my husband said we were going out Saturday night. He said Ryan was very busy but had agreed to meet us on the roof of a parking garage...

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The Maze Part 1

Misty was offered a free viewing by an older gentleman, who had her sit somewhat too close for her comfort while the chaos unfolded below them. This gentleman, Mr. Redd, had his own personal station where he could watch the games from. He had his own private staff (that were provided by the lounge) and he had seen Misty reading over the paperwork- which is why she sat where she was now. He held her side gently as he explained the games and how they worked. There were the mice and there...

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Mickey Takes The Dare

Mickey and I got married, but we had a problem. We both worked for the same company and the company policy was that a married couple could not work together in the same department. What made things worse is that I was her supervisor and that was a definite no no. As a result we kept our marriage a secret and neither Mickey nor I wore our wedding rings. We figured we could get away with it for however long it took Mickey to get her promotion and transfer to a different department. Mickey and...

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She still a hot fuck at 63

Right around the time that my wife's 63rd birthday began to approach, our sex life changed dramatically. At first, it completely disappeared. I mean completely. Then we finally addressed the problem and we both realized that she was afraid she was "passed her prime". After a nice heart to heart conversation, I convinced her that she was just in her maturity and combined with her sex appeal and bedroom skills made me look forward to the coming years with great expectations.She didn't understand...

1 year ago
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MylfExtras Chanel Preston Rewarding My Curious Stepson

As she lies alone in bed, Chanel Preston starts to get a little horny. She pulls out her dildo and starts toying her pussy, but catches her horny stepson peeping on her from the end of the bed. She is shocked, but it definitely turns her on. Later, her stepson helps her with some stretching in the living room. The only problem is that he cannot keep himself from getting a raging boner. But Chanel does not care. The blowjob she gave him the other day was just the beginning of their sexual...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Allie Addison Tiny Bookworm Blonde

Tiny babe Allie Addison is a total bookworm, but that does not mean she cant get nasty. She secretly has a craving for hard cock. That is why she is always reading romance novels, or as her stepdad likes to call them, granny porn! But when her stepdad comes nosing around the study, he demands that the extra small cutie to put the book down and give him a deepthroat blowjob. She obliges, shoving his shaft as far down her throat as she can fit it. She gags and drools! Then, her stepdad slides his...

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 27 The Story

"First, sir," said Caderousse, "you must make me a promise." "What is that?" inquired the abbe. "Why, if you ever make use of the details I am about to give you, that you will never let any one know that it was I who supplied them; for the persons of whom I am about to talk are rich and powerful, and if they only laid the tips of their fingers on me, I should break to pieces like glass." "Make yourself easy, my friend," replied the abbe. "I am a priest, and confessions die in my...

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Boss Ki Zamin Kharidne Ke Liye Mera Gangbang 8211 Part 2

To mere iss incident ka agla bhag aage iss tarah hai. Thodi der baad Nagji ne apna lund meri pussy mein se nikala aur sofa pe baith kar lund hilate hilate daru pi ne laga. Woh bola, “Amarsinh, Babu. Jo isse chodna chahta hai chodo. Main thodi daru pita hu.” Babu bola, “Main bhi thodi pi leta hu. Amarsinh, tu mar le iski chut.” Amarsinh mere samne aya apna bada mota lund hilate. Haste hue aur mere gaal pakad ke chumne ka ishara karte hue bola, “Janeman, chaal let ja bistar pe. Tange fela kar....

4 years ago
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A first time for 63

There was a 24 year old, Naoyuki who was small in stature, essentially fluent in English, loved shopping for clothes and was always going on about the latest Hollywood chick flick and whatever he found cute. I just assumed he was gay but didn’t know it yet. I was in my late 30’s at the time and regretting never having a bi-curious adventure. I thought Naoyuki would have been perfect, but though I looked younger than I was and could pass for 30, I was drinking too much at the time and getting...

4 years ago
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A Lucrative BusinessChapter 3

Exactly an hour after they had arrived back at the motel, they now walked from their cabin towards the two large barn shaped buildings that formed the entertainment block and the restaurant. Mary was wearing the short flared skirt and the very tight and almost see-through white blouse, however Bill was the more exposed as he walked stark bollock naked as instructed, secretly he hoped and prayed no one would actually see him. As he walked the cool evening breeze seemed to play around his...

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The Lesbian Next Door

Well some of you weren’t too happy with my first story and I copped a little abuse but none more then I expected, also thank you to the people who were supportive and gave me a pm. I have decided to write a second story that is closer to my normal stuff how ever every now and then when I get a huge kinky thought I will write the story up for a bit of controversy. I hope you enjoy this first person love tail of a 30 year old single woman and her new neighbour. It is only 9:00pm on...

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