Freeze FrameChapter 3 free porn video

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I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee. Nat was sitting at her desk reading something, drinking down a cup fabulous smelling fresh coffee. My motions, or maybe my emotions, made her notice me.

"Hey Em, how's your head?" Nat said sipping her coffee.

I sat up and checked, the room wasn't spinning, neither was my stomach, and there was no headache in evidence, "Fine, I feel pretty good," I said.

"I was a bit worried you had drunk too much last night. You were out like someone had cracked you on the head, but I guess you were still tired from your change," she said. "How about some coffee?"

"Oh that'd be super," I said.

"I made a pot, so help yourself," Nat said.

I first got out of the crumpled clothing I had slept in and slipped on my bathrobe. I grabbed my mug from my stash of kitchen stuff, and poured myself some coffee, then padded downstairs to the little communal kitchen and grabbed some milk before taking a hit of the coffee. It was heavenly, Nat was a coffee lover and always made great coffee. While most students would make do on instant, whenever possible, she went for the good stuff. She could make a mean espresso, When we were up late studying, her spoon meltingly strong brews kept us awake till all hours. I turned and saw that Jenny and Laura were sat having some toast at the table. My focus on getting coffee had made me blind to all outside stimulus.

"Hey, guys," I said.

"Morning, Em," said Laura.

"Hey," said Jenny.

"Did you guys stay much longer after I left last night?"

"A little while, it was a shame you were so tired. We missed you," Jenny said.

"Yeah, there was a big table football game later on. I bet you would have been awesome at that with all those arms," said Laura, then she slapped her hand over her mouth, "Oh I'm sorry. That was really insensitive."

"That's OK. I know you didn't mean any harm by it. I doubt I'd be any good at it, I suck at it with two arms, I doubt having four more will help," I was trying to smile. "Anyway, I'm gonna go have a bath. See you guys later."

As I made my way up the stairs I made out the two girl's voices, "Nice going Laura. You know she's a bit sensitive about her new arms," Jenny said angrily.

"I didn't mean to hurt her. I was just trying to be friendly," Laura said.

"Well try and engage that brain of yours before you upset her again! Can you imagine the sort of spanking Nat would give you if she heard you upset Em like that?"

"Oh, if only," said Laura dreamily. "Er ... I mean, yeah I'll try to be more thoughtful in the future."

I wasn't sure if Laura was being sarcastic or maybe she liked girls, or maybe she just got off on people spanking her. Either way it was a slightly odd thought. It did seem that there were a lot of things I had been missing about my house mates. Nat's empathy and strength, Dave's weird tendencies beyond him just being an arsehole, and then what ever was up with Laura. I wondered what else I had missed. I had tended to be a bit closed in and shy. I went out with Nat and the rest of the house on occasions, but I was not what you could term a party animal.

"Maybe I should try and let my hair down more," I thought, then glancing at my waist length silver locks, "figuratively speaking of course, if my hair was any further down I would be constantly tripping over it."

I returned to the room and drank my coffee. I sat on my bed sipping the exquisite liquid and relaxing. As I sat there one of my new hands, obviously taking offence at the fact I was feeling relatively good and at peace, began flailing about slapping my legs.

"GAH! Stop that!" I exclaimed, grabbing it with my free hand only to cause the motion to move to the arm below the one I was holding, "Damn you, keep still!"

Nat had looked up and watched me wrestle with my own arms for a bit, "Do you want me to help you tie them up again?" she asked.

"No," I said downing the rest of my coffee, "I need to have a bath, so they may as well flap about a bit, it will stir the water."

"Well shout if you need any help," said Nat, going back to her reading.

I grabbed my wash kit and wandered over to one of the house's bathrooms. What with the number of people in the house, there were quite a few bathrooms, with several baths on the middle and ground floor, and a wash room, with sink and toilet, on the upper and middle floors as well. I selected my favourite bath and then proceeded to fill it. I locked the door and then disrobed. I checked to make sure the temperature was ok, shut off the taps, and paused for a bit to examine my freakish new body in the mirror.

"It wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for these damn arms," I thought, "Couldn't I have just got one extra set? Why two to make my life extra miserable."

I shrugged 3 sets of shoulders and clambered into my bath, letting the warm water sooth my troubles. Since I had picked this bath specifically so all my additional limbs would fit, it was a nice old big tub which had plenty of room. I lay there just enjoying a nice soak for a bit, until eventually my new arms got bored and began splashing about. Damn things were like hyperactive animals or something, they wouldn't sit still for 5 minutes.

I reluctantly began cleaning myself off with some soap. My new hands found a new game to play, rubbing my body, mimicking my normal hands. Due to the way they were positioned they were doing some really naughty things, dirty little minxes. I checked to make sure the door was locked. I didn't want someone walking in on this. I managed to get them sort of under control and resumed cleaning myself. I washed myself off and soaked a bit more before finally deciding I had been lazy enough. I let the water out and began drying myself off. I wrapped the towel round me, which was a futile gesture, as my new arms freed me of it almost immediately. I guessed I should be grateful that they didn't do that when I was out in the open, leaving me naked.

I re-wrapped the towel around my middle and flung my bathrobe on again, then made my way back to the room. I hooked up my hair dryer and began to dry out my long hair, brushing it to avoid tangles. Some seemingly huge amount of time later, I was considering cutting off my long hair. It might look fabulous, but it was a pain to dry out, there was just so much of it.

Now I was clean and dry, I realised I had very little in the way of clothing to wear. This required desperate measures. I would have to phone my parents for money for a shopping trip.

I grabbed my phone and rang my Dad at work.

"Mr Owen's, Office," his secretary's voice answered.

"Hello, can I speak to Mr Owen please?" I asked.

"Who shall I say is calling?"

"This is his daughter."

"Oh, Alice. I'll put you right through," said the secretary.

"No I'm Emily," I said.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't recognise your voice. dear, I'll put you through," she said. I doubted she had ever heard my voice before. I couldn't recall phoning my Dad at work.

Obviously my sister phoned Dad a lot. It didn't surprise me. She was always daddy's little girl, not that my parents had played favourites. But I was the quiet nerdy girl and Alice was the outgoing sporty dynamo. It was easier for them to relate to Alice. I didn't really take after either of my parents. My dad was a salesman for some big business, he was a larger than life character who always had a story to tell of some adventure or other. I'm pretty sure most were fabricated, or exaggerated to the point they might as well have been. He was also a keen sportsman, spending his spare time playing rugby, football, or any game that took his fancy. My mum was a sportswoman, she was an athlete at school and local athletics champion who had gone into being a physical trainer and ended up running her own gym. Alice took a lot after her. Mum was always full of energy and running around doing sports, seemingly always dressed in Lycra. Her body toned and well muscled, she looked several years younger than her age. She often joked she and Alice could pass for sisters.

I was the black sheep of the family, quiet and uninterested in sports. When the extended family gathered for the World Cup or the Cricket Test Matches or the Olympics, and shouted at the screen, I stayed in my, room reading a book. I had no interests that intersected with theirs. I found all sports boring.

Mum tried to interest me in things, but I didn't take to them, despite genuinely trying. In the end they stopped trying and let me just do my thing. They still loved me and I loved them, but we were always slightly distant from each other, not knowing what to say. I often envied Alice her close easy relationship with both my parents.

"Don Owen," my fathers gruff voice echoed on the line.

"Hi Dad, it's me, Emily."

"Oh, hello, pumpkin, how are you? It's not like you to ring me up at work. Is something wrong?" he said slightly concerned.

"Well nothing is wrong as such, but I need some help. You see I just had MORFS, and I need a load of new clothing. So ... I was wondering ... if you could send me some money?" I said, I hated asking for money.

"My word! MORFS you say? I thought you were too old for that. This is a bit of a shock, are you OK? Did it ... Did it ... Do anything to you?" he said hesitantly.

"Well, it did change me, I'm more or less how I was but well ... I," I wasn't sure how to say it.

"It's OK, Emmie you can tell me," he said gently.

"I've got six arms." I blurted.

Silence was the only reply, which made me so nervous I tried to fill the silence." I'm taller too, and have silver grey hair and eyes ... oh I don't need glasses any more," still silence, "And I've got bigger boobs."

There was a spluttering cough noise at the other end and my Dad said, "I ... see. Six arms you say," then almost to himself in a musing tone, "make you good at volleyball."

"Daddy!" I said a little outraged. Was that all people thought about, how good extra limbs would make me at sport?

"I'm sorry pumpkin you just surprised me is all," He said.

"Well none of my clothes really fit any more, what with the new appendages, so I was hoping you could help me."

"I can see how that could be a problem. You need all new clothes you say..."


"Well I think I'm going to have to talk to your mother on this one."


"Oh pumpkin, if I were to let you go out and buy yourself a whole new wardrobe and your mother found out you went for that magnitude of shop without her, I'd never hear the end of it."

Damn! could this get any worse! Not only did I have to buy all new clothes, but I would have go shopping for them with my Mum, and no doubt my little sister. No way she was missing that sort of shopping trip.

"But Daddy, I need clothes now! I'm down to bathrobes and old t shirts with holes cut in them." I was hoping my urgency would sway him.

"Well I'll transfer you enough to get a few outfits, then your mother can come up on the weekend and sort out the rest. It's Saturday tomorrow and I'm sure she can make time to re-clothe her eldest daughter."

"Rats!" Now I would have my weekend occupied by running round all the stupid fashionable shops with my Mum and Sister trying to put me in pink frilly frocks. Well I guess I had a figure to show off now and looking on the bright side, my extra limbs would make most of the stuff they liked impractical. It had to be the first time I was glad to have my new arms.

"Bah! Fine, I'll see them tomorrow."

"That's the spirit pumpkin," Dad chuckled, "I'll transfer you some money straight away. It should be in your account shortly."

He went quieter and gently asked, "How are you doing though Emmie? Are you OK?"

"I'm not sure yet it's all too new. I'm still working it out."

"Well, if you need to talk, call me any time. That goes for your mother, too."

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Emmie," he said as he rang off.

"BAH! Now I'm going to have to go shopping with my Mum and probably Sister. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse," I said to my now disconnected phone.

"What's up Em? Shopping with your Mum can't be that bad." Nat looked amused.

"You've never met my Mum and sister, the skin tight Lycra twins. They have these fabulous sculpted bodies that they love to show off and then I'm there with the shapeless physique and bad skin. They tried to get me to dress more like them back in school, it was a total train wreck."

"Well Em, in case you hadn't noticed, you've got a pretty nice physique going now. So you have something to show off."

"I guess but who's going to notice, with these damn things," I said, indicating my new arms.

"You never know till you try, girl."

"I guess. Do you fancy helping me find a few outfits to cover me up meantime?"

"Sure thing Em, we've no lectures till the afternoon. Let's go shopping!"

Once we were both dressed, which for me took more creative rummaging, we headed out to the town centre. I hid my arms under a jacket so that no one would see them, as I was still quite self conscious out with all these people. Nat gently guided me through the shopping centre, looking for stuff that would fit me. First things first. I checked my accounts. My Dad had been pretty generous with the money, so I had some leeway in what I got. First Nat insisted we get me a new set of underwear.

This was very embarrassing, as the woman had to measure me, something I had never really had to have done before. I hadn't really had breasts as such, so I never really needed a bra. I kept my extra arms tied up in the hopes it would keep them out of trouble. The woman sorted out my size and found me a bra that would work with my oddly arranged chest. It was lucky my bosom hadn't grown more. Some of the more hefty bras had fairly thick straps that would have had likely been a pain what with my extra shoulders. I also got some new panties. My old ones just about fit, but my slightly larger bottom meant some new ones would be less of a squeeze and more comfy.

With a few unmentionables in the bag we went hunting for the rest of the things I would need, Nat joked that it was a good job it wasn't winter, as I would need a six pack of gloves. I gave her a dour expression at that and she told me to lighten up, so I stuck my tongue out at her. I got a couple of pairs of trousers, and then we went looking for the most difficult item, tops that would accommodate my extra limbs.

We hunted around without much success. There were a few things that would do at a pinch, but nothing that didn't need some tweaking to make it fit. Then Nat had an idea and led me out of the centre down a side road, where she had heard about some specialist place that did items for people like me. After a few miss tries and dead ends we finally found the place, a shop called "wings and tails". It was reasonably busy. There were girls with tails shopping for miniskirts, and guys with wings buying suits. It seemed like the sort of place that would have stuff for six armed girls. I didn't see anything obvious on first glance and our poking around seemed to attract one of the shop assistants.

"Can I help you girls find something," she asked. She had a tail that flicked around seemingly at random, it was kind of like what my arms did. She saw me staring and gave me a look, so I looked away and tried to think of what to say.

Nat leapt in first though, "I hope so, my friend here needs some tops and has rather special requirements," she said.

I fidgeted uncomfortably, "What sort of requirements," asked the sales girl. When I hesitated, she tried to set my mind at ease, "I assure you, there is no need to be shy we see all sorts here."

"Well ... I'll show you," I said and tentatively undid my jacket.

She stared for a bit and said, "I don't see..." then my arms twitched and she spotted them, not having noticed them with the bandages holding them in place, "AHH! Ahem sorry, yes I see your problem." she said trying to compose herself. Then under her breath she whispered, "and I thought I'd seen it all."

I shuffled uncomfortably a bit, not liking being treated like some sort of weird freak, even in a room of weird freaks!

"I don't think we'll have anything off the rack that will suit you, but we do have some tailoring facilities that may be able to help," she said, recovering her composure.

"I don't have a lot of money," I said.

"Not to worry this is fairly affordable, we have an automated process. It can't turn out much in the way of variety, but it is reasonably good for basic garments with special modifications such as you require. Follow me and I'll see about getting you a quote."

She lead us into a back room where a small woman, maybe a few years older than me and Nat, with wings sat typing on a computer, "This is Charlotte, the genius behind this contraption, I'll leave you in her capable hands," said the girl.

The girl turned and offered her hand to us. "Hey, I'm Charlotte but everyone calls me Charlie." We shook hands and she continued, "Now, what can I do for you girls?"

"Well my friend here needs some tops and we were hoping you could help us," Nat said.

"Right ho, let's take a look see what we are working with, slip off the jacket and let's take a gander," said Charlie. As she stood up I saw a tail flick out from behind her, it curled over to the desk and wrapped around the grip of some device, then flicked it forward so Charlie could grab it. Then the tail curled round the young woman's, waist out of the way.

"How do you control your tail like that?" I asked.

"Practice, honey. When I first got it, it was up to all sorts of mischief, but I eventually worked out how to get the thing to play ball. Now it's like having another arm. I wouldn't be without it, you wouldn't believe how wonderful having an extra limb can be," Charlie said, beaming.

I paused stiffening slightly at her comments and then said ruefully, "Well, I have some idea." I slipped off my jacked and handed it to Nat, "I have four of them. Mine aren't very useful though, up to mischief is right."

"Oh dear you got it bad," said Charlie, "Well, I can see why you need my help, as for controlling them, it'll come with time. If you keep trying to use them your brain will learn how to wrangle those things into order. Now let's just untie them for a bit so I can see what we are dealing with."

She undid my bandages and freed my additional limbs. They flailed around a bit and eventually seemed to settle down, only twitching occasionally. Charlie took the device she had picked up and began using it, it seemed to be some sort of measuring device. She measured me at various points and around my new arms which got all excitable and in the way, much to my annoyance. Eventually we were done and Charlie began tapping away at the computer.

"Now for the magic," she said with a grin. "After I changed I found trouble finding clothes that fit me. Sure I could have stuff made, or modified, but it was pricey and sometime not quite custom enough. So being somewhat of a technical person, I designed this. It's a program that, given the required dimensions, designs clothes to fit them in a few styles. Then I coupled it with some mechanical stuff to automatically make the clothes. All it needs is a ream of fabric, a bit of shifting stuff about, and it can turn out custom stuff quick smart. I'm not much of a fashion designer, so it's a touch utilitarian but I'm gradually improving it. Pretty neat huh?"

"Cool," said Nat, "Is it some sort of Cartesian robot then?"

"Yeah pretty much, the clever bit is assembling the fabric, that took a load of head scratching I can tell you. A few groups had mastered it a few years back, so I used some of their ideas and a few improvements of my own to make it work. Automated clothing manufacture was always somewhat of a holy grail of the clothing industry. The whole industrial age was kick started by automation of weaving and the like. Load of peeps tried it and eventually mastered it, but it was much more pricey than traditional mass production techniques, so it never got off the ground before. Now what with the requirement for much more custom stuff cheaply for MORFS survivors, it's a viable technology again. So, you girls techie types then?"

"Yeah, we are both doing an engineering masters at the uni."

"Nice! Oh, here we go," she said, tapping the screen.

Displayed was a shirt with six arms to it and a sort of exploded diagram of how to make it next to it.

"This is the basic shirt shape, but I can do you variants with shorter arms, more t-shirty types of things, or something with a lower neckline for a night out on the town," Charlie said.

"How much will it cost?" I asked.

"Well depends on the amount of material and the type. For that shirt there, this is a list of prices for the types of materials we have in stock." Charlie handed me a print out.

The prices were surprisingly reasonable. They were a bit more than really cheap clothes would cost, but not a huge amount, "OK, that looks affordable, I only need a couple of things now, but I may well come back at these prices."

"Repeat business is how we make our money here," grinned Charlie, "We like to think we offer a service you can't get anywhere else. So, what sort of thing do you fancy?"

"I guess maybe one shirt type of thing and maybe a t shirt sort of arrangement," I said.

"Cool, OK what sort of material do you want? Hold on, I'll grab my samples so you can get a look."

She handed me a book of fabric swatches and we flipped through the various materials, Charlie commenting on what the materials were best for. In the end I settled on a thin light yellow fabric for the shirt. For the t-shirt, Nat spotted this wonderful sparkly material that seemed to have silver metal added to it so it shimmered. The underlying fabric was deep red so it had a nice contrast. It was fairly pricey, but Nat insisted that it was the one for me, as it would match my hair and I quite liked it, so went for that.

Charlie keyed in the choices and produced some designs for me that looked pretty good. She then set the machine up to make them. I paid up and she gave me the paperwork, as well as a little card with the shop's address and phone number.

"Anytime you need something more, feel free to call. I've got your measurements stored, so I can run you off stuff no problem. I've got a few other things in the pipe, so it'll be about an hour to finish this lot up," she said. We thanked her and headed off to kill some time.

We went for a coffee and some cake, and while waiting, we sat chatting.

"So you coming to lectures this afternoon?" Nat asked.

"I guess I better, I've missed a whole weeks worth. Even if I want to just stay inside and hide away, I can't afford to get that far behind," I said.

"Yeah, don't worry too much, you'll be fine," Nat said. I gave a weak smile.

I was curious about some of the new things I had learnt about her, so I leant over and whispered so no one would hear me, "So what's it like feeling other people's emotions?"

"Good and bad. It nearly drove me mad to begin with. I couldn't go out without being bombarded by stray emotions from all sides. Plus the way I looked, I got guys checking me out and feeling their emotions made me feel really icky. It meant no one can lie to me any more which is a plus at some times. After a while it just became part of who I am. To tell the truth, the strength thing took longer to adjust to. I was this reasonably little girl who was suddenly stronger than any of the big guys at school. It frightened me a little. I had to learn a lot of control so I didn't hurt anyone ... well unintentionally," she said with a wink. "I think you may well be a fair amount stronger than before, judging by yesterday. We should go to the uni gym and check out what your capabilities are now."

I thought for a bit then said, "I guess that makes sense. I'll need some sports wear, but no doubt Mum will be happy to pick that sort of thing out for me tomorrow." I wasn't too thrilled about the idea of going to a gym, but I could see the advantage in learning about my new body. It might even help get my wayward arms in check.

We sat sipping our coffee for a bit, watching the world go by. Eventually it was time to pick up my new shirts. We finished our coffee and wandered back over to the shop. The sales girl took us into the back where Charlie was sitting, fiddling about with some bit of machinery.

"Hey, girls just perfect timing. The last item finished a few minutes ago. Let's see how they fit," She handed me a bag with the two garments and showed me to a changing room.

I selected the t shirt and slipped it on. It was slightly stretchy fabric and clung to my new figure. The small sleeves fit perfectly once I had wrestled my new arms through. I came out and showed it off for Nat who thought it looked pretty good on me. I moved about to get the feel of it, the fabric seemed to fit pretty good. It didn't pinch anywhere and I had enough space to move around. I manipulated my extra arms just to check they seemed OK. I decided to try the full look and slipped one of my outfits from the shopping trip, swapping the t-shirt for the shirt. That which took some more arm wrangling to get on, but seemed to fit pretty well. Now that I had properly fitting clothing, I was much more comfortable. I also didn't look like I had just grabbed items at random when dressing in the morning and inadvertently got some from the fancy dress box. I came out and gave Nat a turn in my new outfit.

Charlie looked in on us, "How's it fitting? Pretty fine by the looks of things. I did you a little modification to the shirt free of charge for until you get the hang of these things," she said indicating my arms, she reached down and pulled two strips of cloth on the shirt free. They attached with poppers and secured my lower arms out the way. She fastened the grips that held my lower arms and with my jacket on, it looked pretty normal.

"Cool!" said Nat.

"Thank you, Charlie, these are great! I may be back later for more stuff," I said.

"No problem, kid. See you around."

We left and made our way home, just managing to get back in time for lunch. We dumped my purchases in our room and made out way to the canteen. We were a bit late, so we had little choice of what to eat. We grabbed what there was and sat down to eat.

We had to get up to campus fairly sharpish, so we didn't have too long to hang around chatting. We wolfed down our meal and were about to head off when we were accosted by one of the administrative staff, a smartly dressed woman who was accompanied by one of the student union people.

"The Warden would like a word with you two," she said.

"We have lectures to go to, can't it wait?" complained Nat.

"I'm afraid not, follow me. please!" The woman led us out of the canteen into an office somewhere, where a middle aged man was sitting behind an old wooden desk.

"Please, take a seat," he said. "I have heard some disturbing stories about the two of you fighting in the canteen with two other students. In the interest of fairness, I thought it best we meet and you tell me your side of the story."

"Are you referring to the incident yesterday, where Gary and Dave attacked us after verbally abusing Emily?" Nat said.

"Yes, though they didn't phrase the event in quite those terms, as you would imagine. They are known trouble makers, but they made a complaint, so I have to check it out. Tell me what happened from your perspective."

"We had just got our dinner and were sitting, eating with our house mates. Gary came up and grabbed Emily, making some fairly unpleasant comments," Nat said.

"What sort of comments?" the warden asked.

"He called me fat and made several suggestive comments, then called me an animal freak," I said.

"He demanded she take off her jumper so he could get a better look at her changes, at which point I asked him to leave," said Nat.

"What changes?" asked the Warden.

"I've just had MORFS and ... well," I hesitated then deciding I just wanted to be out of here blurted out, "I've got six arms!"

"I see," said the Warden.

"Then Gary jumped on Nat, holding her down," I said. "Dave ripped my jumper, I pushed him, and he tumbled over a table. Then I pulled Gary off Nat."

"When Gary tried to hit her with a chair, I persuaded him to drop it," said Nat.

"How did you do that?" asked the Warden.

"She kicked him in the ba... ," I started.

"Somewhere sensitive," finished Nat.

"Right ... I see. Do you have any witnesses to these events?" asked the Warden.

"Our house mates saw, Jenny, Laura, John, Steve, and Tom. Plus most of the hall," said Nat.

"Well it certainly sounds like you girls were acting in self defence. I will confirm your version with your house mates, but right now it seems like there is no need for any action against you two. As for your assailants, well, I will be having further discussions with them. We don't stand for this sort of personal attack. They will be properly punished, you have my word. If there are any further problems, don't hesitate to inform me or my staff. It's about time we stamped out this nonsense once and for all. Now then, I've kept you long enough you'd best be off, I'm sure you have lectures," he said.

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Freeze FrameChapter 7

I woke a bit more refreshed than I had the past few days. I had a load of lectures this morning, so I quickly got myself up and dressed, then headed off to breakfast. I scoffed down my food quickly and was off back to the house to get my stuff. I grabbed my books then headed out the door. I made it a few tens of meters up the road when I heard a voice behind me, "Hey Em, wait up," said Nat, dashing to catch me up, "Jeez, Em, what's the hurry?" "Sorry, Nat I was just keen to get the...

2 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 8

I woke up to the usual morning bustle, a rush to get breakfast and off to lectures. Ours didn't start till a bit later, so we were somewhat more at our leisure than some of our colleagues. We sat with our housemates for breakfast and talked. We told them about what had happened to Shaun and they were horrified. "Right in the middle of campus!?" said Jenny. "It's very worrying that someone could just be attacked like that and no one saw anything," Laura said, "I mean Shaun's a big...

2 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 9

I woke up with Caitlyn still asleep on top of me, I also had a splitting headache. Much as I hated to wake her, she looked so cute curled up against me, but I needed some water and some painkillers. I decide to wake her in the right way by gently stroking her tail which had wrapped itself around my arms, and giving her a kiss on the forehead. She slowly came awake with a slightly purring sigh, "Mmrrrrrrmm," she said then becoming more aware of her self, "OW my head! Ohh I feel like I'm...

3 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 10

Another day dawned and it was the usual scramble to get up and ready. It being Friday we didn't have lectures till the afternoon, so technically I could have had a lie in, but I felt like having breakfast, so made the effort to get up. Nat joined me and we headed over to get our breakfast. On the way Nat suggested we do another session in the gym before lunch and lectures. It seemed a reasonable idea, so after our breakfast had settled a bit, we strolled up to campus with our gym kit. The...

4 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 11

I woke up bright and early on Saturday. Well, maybe I should say bright and early for Saturday. It was after nine, and I had barely half an hour to get ready. I hurriedly washed and cleaned myself, then tried to pick out some nice clothes for my day out with Caitlyn. Nat sat sniggering a little at my attempts to decide on what to wear. I had never really been one to spend a lot of time on my appearance before now. It seemed now I was just like any other girl fussing over this outfit, or that,...

2 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 12

I thought I had died. Everything was still and light was all around me. I remembered hearing tell of the tunnels of white light, the feeling of euphoria often reported by people near death. I had always though of it as the brain dying, its last ditch effort to live as its body gave out. The white light tunnel, the visual cortex failing. I had to say floating in this pure light was pretty boring. I couldn't feel my body, nor move. If this was the afterlife I would go mad pretty soon. Maybe...

2 years ago
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Freezing to Hot

I entered the Greyhound bus station to get out of the bitter cold. I was shivering and very hungry. I had no money and nowhere to go. I took a seat at the end of a row in the passenger waiting area. I began rubbing my hands and arms in an attempt to get warm. As I sat there, someone took the seat next to me. I did not look up, but wondered, with all the available seats why someone would take a seat right next to me. I kept rubbing gaining a little warmth in my freezing bones.

1 year ago
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Freezing to Hot Part 2

I had gone into the bus station to get out of the freezing cold to try and get some warmth in me. I had met Roger who bought me the first meal I had in two days. We returned to the bus station, and in the rest room, I sucked my first cock ever. Something, until now, I had never contemplated. An experience that was not all that unpleasant. Roger gave a fifty dollar bill and asked me if I would like to be his regular cocksucker. At first I was a bit taken back, but being warm and having a full...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Freezing to Hot

I entered the Greyhound bus station to get out of the bitter cold. I was shivering and very hungry. I had no money and nowhere to go. I took a seat at the end of a row in the passenger waiting area. I began rubbing my hands and arms in an attempt to get warm. As I sat there, someone took the seat next to me. I did not look up, but wondered, with all the available seats why someone would take a seat right next to me. I kept rubbing gaining a little warmth in my freezing bones. Then I heard a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Elizabeth, awfully feels guilty putting her limiter thru so much she knows that she has to make it up to him. It is the one few times that we are to be alone with there partners, she looks around and gets ready for the trip. She sees Satallizer and says, "You are going to be alone with him, so you better get ready to make your partner happy or would rather Rana go instead." The angry blonde says "Just because went thru hell, from ..."

2 years ago
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Freezing fiction

Welcome, welcome to a land where you can do anything you like. You can choose anyone you like, provided that they’re of legal age of course. And after all, you can access any world, so you just have to find a world where that person is at least 18. There is a certain pattern to this land you see, to choose, simply observe your options, displayed as such; World-Character-Reason They should explain themselves, but I shall elaborate. World; The world you wish to enter. It can be anything, provided...

4 years ago
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Freezing to Hot Part 4

For the next several weeks I continued to meet Roger at the bus station three days a week, which keeps me warm and well fed. My morning meetings with the older guys in the shower continued on a daily basis. Most of the time, it was just me and the two of them. I would suck one, while the other fucked me. However, one day the young man I saw on the first day, arrived just after me. He immediately dropped to his knees and began sucking me. “You have been such a good boy we thought you deserved a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Freezing to Hot Part 3

I woke up with a super hard boner after a fitful night of dreaming of big cocks and big tits. I was conflicted as ever with my sexuality. As much as I liked cock, I was still mesmerized by the visions of those big tits displayed by the waitress at the diner. Dragging myself out of bed I began to think about whether or not I would be going down the hall to the shower. I knew I needed to get myself cleaned up. With my boner sticking straight out and refusing to recede, my decision was made for...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Freezing time

It was a cold November afternoon, and I was on my way home from school, it started raining. The rain soon turned to a thunderstorm, and I could barely see as I drove. I soon began to worry about wrecking, and then I hydroplaned right before I crossed a bridge. I flew off into the frigid water below, and couldn’t seem to escape the car as it starts to sink into the river. All of a sudden, there was a bright flash of light all around me, and everything went quiet. Lightning had struck my vehicle....

2 years ago
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College life spring semester 20

*******************Between the sun, sand, water and being on the go all day, it wasn't thatlong at Noah's beach house before I was more than ready to call it a night.There wasn't as much beer or alcohol as I actually expected but there wasplenty for us to drink. It was not only us but a few other party crashersthat had joined the fray but what would three or four hurt things?Naturally, we heard a few lewd comments when Corey and I headed for thedoor to walk back. By now, we were used to the...

1 year ago
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VogoV Alina Lopez Insatiable Squirt Craving

There are so many lingerie sets in the modern world. Every cutie can choose panties and bras to her taste. Alina Lopez believes that high panties, leather stripes and golden chains underline the beauty of her sexy hips, flat tummy, natural tits and, of course, her round butt. She admires the beauty of her gorgeous body in the mirrors when she walks out into the yard and caresses every inch of her curves outdoors. When her pussy is wet enough, she goes back into the house and gives her man a...

2 years ago
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Tina Taken by 10 Guys

This is Tina the Redhead that Mechanic Ray has told you about. Ray is helping me write the true story of what happened to me at the hands of my last boyfriend.But first let me tell you that I am 3 years younger than Ray and not nearly as tall as he is. My sexual experiences are not nearly as pleasurable as Ray’s were as I will share with you. About a year before I first met Ray, I lived in a city of about 80,000 in the state of Florida. I met Mike at a party that a friend of mine was having....

4 years ago
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Off To The Stars

Introduction All of us have heard about the notorious place called Area 51. You've heard about it but Uncle Sam says he's never heard of it. Anyway this story is about what happened to one of their super secret things; I almost called it a plane but it wasn't really a plane that got away. It was more like the things in the pictures that the UFO nuts put out. Since the government denies that Area 51 even exists they naturally won't authenticate this story. If anyone knows the whereabouts of...

3 years ago
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The Private Academy for Gifted Girls

Year 2013 CE, November 17th - Top Secret Meeting at Camp David, USA "So its agreed," sighed the President of the United States, who is the chosen spokes person of the assembled nations. "We will provide a tithe of ten women every six months and you will discreetly protect our planet." "Agreed," growled a large, muscular alien, coated in a thin sheen of slime and sporting many wiggling tentacles. "In addition, if this arangement remains effective, we will provide you with some technology that...

3 years ago
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Jungle Fever

Kristen Barnes was the perfect girl. She was a senior in high school, in the honor society, a cheerleader, and competing to become Miss Teen Ohio. She dreamed of becoming famous, and thought that becoming Miss Teen Ohio and potentially Miss Teen America would be her ticket. She was currently preparing for the Miss Teen White County pageant, after which she would go on to compete in the Miss Teen Ohio competition. She hailed from the town of Whitehill, with a population of around 10,000 people,...

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My gay group

Hi I’m Sarath from Chennai again; I’m 23m with 7″ black dick. I hope u all read my previous stories of bisexual activities with couples, with my friend’s mom and he with my teacher and her bubby. This time I’m going to write about my gay experiences. I have many gay friends one of my friend is briju, he is a fat guy with big chests (I say it is breasts).one day I called him to my house and had sex with him. He said to me there is a theater in Chennai where gays meet in the last row of the...

3 years ago
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Part Time Masseuse

I met Bill and Stacy by chance. I was having a late supper at one of my favorite restaurants in the Cleveland area. I was sitting at the bar that night. You can still get full dinner service at the bar at this place, an upscale restaurant probably best known as a steakhouse even though I was enjoying salmon that evening.My job often takes me around the world on business. I meet with companies on technology, research and business. In this case, I was a few hours by car from home, starting a...

3 years ago
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Gangbang Slut

Gangbang SlutI recall the time I invited some guys back to my flat. One of the guys a friend and I had a threesome with some time ago. He was in town on a night out with two of his friends and it was obvious he had been telling them how my friend and I fucked this guy into oblivion. These guys took me home and gangbanged me like the filthy slut I am. Here’s how it came about. I was on a night out acting my usual flirty slutty self with a bunch of people from where I work.. The crowd I was with...

3 years ago
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A Much Needed Quickie on Holiday

She watched her husband with an air of disbelief as he lay on the bed of the hotel room in the most unsexy underwear imaginable; the TV remote control in his hand as he flicked through the channels, never stopping on one longer than to recognise it as junk and move on to the next.Melissa just stood there and stared at him.  A pout formed on her lips as she imagined a young virile man in place of her husband; his cock hard and erect, just waiting for her to lower herself upon him. When she...

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Miss Britts Personal AssistantBitch

The following monday at 9am i stood in front of the bridal shop as Bridget pulled up in a Cadillac suv, black with blacked out windows. As i got in i heard, "No talking, just enjoy the ride," and she turned up the volume on the radio. W in to meet mehen we arrived at Miss Britts house we went directly into her office and she called Nicole in to meet me. Nicole was a clone of Miss Britt, tall, little overweight, single, dedicated career girl, hardly laughed, hardly even smiles. No...

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A Lustful Apocalypse

All creative contributions are welcome. You can inspire yourself from "Resident Evil" and/or "Species", but stay away from copyrighted ideas and trademarks -- be original and use your own imagination to add to the story. Focus on action, thrill, eroticism and/or sex. Avoid highly descriptive bloody horror. You can integrate your existing stories if you have some. The general genre of this story is an erotic action thriller, rated "R" or above. The story is in the same genre as other stories of...

3 years ago
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I love my little brother

One Friday night, when I had been working late, I came home to find Max on my doorstep. “What's wrong, Max?” I asked. “Trina dumped me” he said. Max had been seeing Trina for 3 months, and even though I thought that she was a conniving slut, Max had been madly in love with her. “Come inside and tell me all about it” I said. Max went into my house and sat down heavily on the sofa. “She dumped me” he said. “I love her. And she dumped me!” “Let me get you some water?” I...

4 years ago
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We wrote this story with you, as a connoisseur of erotic transvestite fiction, and your insatiable need for the bliss of release in mind. We hope our tale will bring you much pleasure over many sessions. Write to us if we have been successful. We would love to know that you enjoyed our perverted little world of depraved people and sordid affairs. Corruption By Marcia St. Denis and Erica Wright Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. Chapter One At 16, little Markie...

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The Hunters SurpriseChapter 2

The company had scheduled a quarterly safety meeting at the main office for those of us working in the area. Usually I'm up and gone by 7:00 am. This Monday the scheduled safety meeting was at 8:00 am. So I left the house thirty minutes later than normal at 7:30 am. I got into my truck and left the garage. When I pulled out, I noticed the neighbors had their trash out. Damn I almost forgot to put our trash out. I stopped my truck and went back into the garage. I grabbed the two trash...

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I had been out for most of the night with mates in the local park boozing to celebrate my 16th birthday, no girls were about so it had been a waste of time taking the 2 viagra tablets, I was now staggering back to the hostel where I had a room to my self, I passed a couple of the queer bastards who go to my school gave them some verbal which they ignored. when I went into the hostel old joe the night man who should have been in his grave years ago muttered something which as normal I could not...

3 years ago
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Fucked Tuition Teacher While She Was Masturbating

Hello, friends and fans of this wonderful site. This is Surya from Meerut, India. I am 18 yrs, 5 ft 11 inches with a 9-inch rock hard cock to please and satisfy any female craving for sex. You can mail me at So without making you bored. Let’s just start the story. I hope you will enjoy it. This story is about my hot and sexy tuition teacher Shivani,I was able to fulfill my wish when I was in 11th class. At that time I was a good student but was in weak in economics, at the first exams, I...

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My Dilemma

Thanks to ‘Techsan’ for editing this story. It was the worst of times. It was the best of times. Boy, how many times have I heard that in my lifetime. Came from some book somewhere. Now a lot of the movies like to use that quote. For most people the statement is true. Only for me I seem to be getting more of the worst of times lately. My marriage of twenty-two years is ending in a not-so-good manner. Because of it, I might quit my job on the police force. So here I am at the old watering hole...

4 years ago
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got up with pussy on my mindcame on here and saw some really hot pussy is so wet that is starts to wet the chair.i need to fix this.i put my finger on my clit and move it in circles. i look around for something to put in or even rub on it (my fav anything that vibrates).i cant find anything.i stick one finger in my ass and one in my cut.totally open my legs and start to fuck juicy pussy starts to make noise cause i am so wet!i think about the wet pussies and i feel myself...

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Raesaah my muslim hotwife

hey everybody today id like to tell you guys about a fanacy and a few actual events that happened in the last few weeksSo in the last few weeks raesaah and i have been having some incredible sex and i have been enjoying how sexual and kinky she has been acting and enjoying the attention she has been getting from other men especially when we go out .. and the hot conversation we have had when we came back home and fucked has been unbelievable and it has been suck a turn on for me So seeing...

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Maa Ne Mujhe Madhosh Kiya

Hi dosto mera naam Rahul hai. Main abhi 25 saal ka hoon. Aaj main aapko meri aur meri mummy ki chudan chudai ke bare mein bolne wala hoon. Main jab 13 saal ka tha tab mummy papa ka divorce ho gaya. Mere papa bewafa they aur divorce ke do mahino baad hi unhone phir se shaadi karli. Mujhe toh lagta hai ki mere papa duniya ke sabse bewakoof aadmio mein se ek hai kyun ki meri maa ki tara mast aurat ko unho ne chor diya. Khaer aacha hi hua ki papa mere raste se haat gaye. Meri mummy ka naam Sheela...

2 years ago
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Long As There Are Stars

The year was 1945 and the war had just ended. Captain Robert Blane was returning home from the Western theater of war as a decorated P-41 pilot. His two tours of duty as a fighter pilot just now completed, and he was returning to his hometown of San Francisco, California. His high school sweetheart, and only love, waited there, and after hundreds of love letters anxiously looked forward to seeing him. Ann had been the apple of his eye as long as he could remember. From the freckle-faced girl...

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Intimate Illusions Barbara Dahl

Intimate Illusions: Barbie Dahl By Juno Reeves "ROBERT PACKER!" Bobby Packer knew from both the tone and volume of his mother's voice, and the fact that she used his full name, that he was in deep trouble. "GET IN HERE, YOUNG MAN!" "What mom?" Bobby asked as he walked into the living room. Eleanor Packer pointed to the stack of magazines sitting on the coffee table. "JUST WHERE DID YOU GET THESE!" Bobby felt the blood rush to his face as he saw his once private, now...

4 years ago
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Caitlyns anal awakening

Caitlyn wore her new red dress to the party. She knew it made her look hot. It was sooo short, it was off the shoulder and it had a cutout on one side. She teamed it with her silver platforms and a little red thong. It was Jessica McKinley’s 19th birthday party. Caitlyn didn’t know Jessica well at all, but Jessica was a friend of Caitlyn’s bff Shona. Shona was also dating Jessica’s brother Jeff. Jeff was on the basketball team and he was hot! He was the only white guy on the team. Jeff’s dad...

4 years ago
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New Girl In Town 1

My name is Sasha. I had just shifted to another state in the country and it had almost been a month. I hadn’t been for my regular check up in almost half a year. My neighbour was pretty much the only girl I knew around town. So I asked her one of those girl-to-girl things and she gave me the contact details of her doctor, and told me she worked as the receptionist at the clinic. My neighbour [her name was Kristen] was one of those people who indulged in extremely loud sex no matter what time of...

1 year ago
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My Mother Pt4

My Mother Ch. 4              Further Adventures with Mother I came home from college one afternoon and found Mom and Gina talking in the sitting room.  You will remember that Gina is another of Mom’s employees who is married and they have 2 daughters.  Gina is also bi-sexual and she and Mom have enjoyed quite a few sessions. Before I showed my face, I overheard Mom and Gina discussing the possibility of Gina’s husband wanting to watch Mom and Gina make love using the strap-on.  It has always...

3 years ago
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Coke and a Smile

Chapter One It was days like today when Kate really liked the convenience of working from her home office. The carpet cleaning company she had hired was due to arrive any minute, but she could still keep on working while something else was getting accomplished around her home at the same time. For her, that was a slam-dunk. Right on cue, Kate heard the sound of a truck pulling into her driveway and the slamming of the vehicle door. Having never used this company before, she hoped that the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My sexy sister in law

Me , my girlfriend Amy , her brother Alan and his girlfriend Harriet had all booked a weekend to Cornwall to stay in a caravan each, I was driving with everyone in high spirits, me an Alan in the front, with the girls in the back.As we drove along I could see Harriet in the rear view mirror, the wind blowing her light brown hair, slightly tanned face, but lovely juicy lips and come to bed brown eyes. I'd always wanted to fuck her and wondered if she thought the same?We arrived at the caravan...

4 years ago
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Young ebony slut

The other night I had this sweet young lookingAfrican American girl re-twisting the roots on my dreadlocks.Nikki was a fine young brown skin ebony female she stoodAround 5’4 and weighed about 125. She had the perfect ebony skinColor that made her look like a Goddess. My wife used to makeRemarks about the way she dressed. Like most young girls during theSummer months Nikki liked to wear those tight booty shorts, and thoseOpen toe Roman looking sandals. I didn’t see anything wrong with the things...

3 years ago
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me and my stepdaugher

Well lets see I have been dating her mom for going on seven years now and the whole time she was always strutting by me in tight fitting cloths . I would image n I was making love to her as I had sex with her mother . See the only working shower in the trailer was the one in our bedroom .So one day I was laying on the bed and she came out like usual in nut hen but a towel wrapped around that hot young body of hers as she came around the front of the bed where my head was she told me there was...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Savannah Sixx Gorgeous Savanna Sixx Loves Sex

Savannah Sixx is ready for a fucking good time with Charles Dera and all you naughty boys! She loves being a tease in her lacy red lingerie and her legs look incredible in those black thigh high stockings! She can not wait to be naked though and especially loves sucking cock! She gets that dick deep in her throat getting all sloppy with it! Charles throat fucks her and she just wants that cock in her tight pussy! Charles does not hesitate fucking her harder and harder. He gets her into pile...

3 years ago
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Gracie 02 Squeal Like a Pig

Gracie and I hit Clancy's on Friday night, the night after we had met, full of excitement and optimism. We were up for anything. One guy or two guys, whatever we could get. Two sluts on the prowl, looking for cock. Gracie was so uninhibited and it was catching. She made me feel uninhibited and comfortable with my slutty nature. We planned our night at Clancy's, to pick up a guy, take him home and fuck him, the way we would have planned a shopping trip. Gracie was so different to my girlfriends,...

2 years ago
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A Cold December Night

Suddenly a light flicked on, and a voice shouted out from the darkness. "Ma'am! Are you all right?" The girl didn't answer, but half walked, half tripped closer to the light. She felt someone actually pick her up, and carry her the rest of the way. The man smelled comferting, like cinnamon and coffee and yeast. The girl rested her head against the strong chest, and nearly dozed off. All of a sudden they were in a warm, well-lit house. The man who had carried her was passing her over to...

2 years ago
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Cody It's a Sunday, I think. The smell of medicine intoxicates me. I want to scratch my scabs so bad. My fever is higher than normal. I can't stop shaking. The doctors keep promising medicines to make me better but what I have cannot be cured. They'll give me something to make it better. Something to slow my death and calm me for a few weeks, but the infection always comes back. It's there, living in my body, a constant reminder of my past sins. I want to yell for the doctors to leave me...

3 years ago
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The Slavers Retaliation

Chapter 1 I'm a slave merchant. I kidnap women and sell them off as slaves. You would have thought that such morally corrupted dealings is something of the past. Far from it. There are a lot of sick people out there with a lot of money to spend and there's apparently no shortage of women to be taken to fill the product line. Slave trading, or in its more insidious terminology, sex trafficking, is an ignominious profession no matter how you try to twist and turn it. You could say that...

1 year ago
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Teaching Shannon a LessonChapter 6

There was a ten-day break between the end of the Spring semester and the beginning of Summer classes, and I had given Shannon the time off from studying. During this interval we played games and walked together, and Shannon's thighs healed up. After our one episode of ass-fucking, our sex was pretty vanilla for a while. I need these periods of vanilla sex; they whet my appetite for darker things. By Friday I was ready for something more interesting. I had built another restraint apparatus...

3 years ago
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Coming Together at Christmas

"It's almost Christmas," Emma said, snuggling in closer. Judah watched her face as the glow of the fire played over her golden skin. The light of the flames gave her an angelic radiance. "I know, darlin'," he replied, draping his arm over her waist under the blanket. "Our home is full and ever'thing feels right. It's good to have Julie here again." Emma's face lit up at the mention of his stepsister. Julie had arrived home at the farm only this morning. They'd all looked forward...

4 years ago
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Meri Mami Divya Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera naam kush hai aur mai biratnagar( Nepal) mai rehta hun mere ghar mai mai, mummy aur papa rehte hai mai childhood se hi study mai average raha hun padhai mai average rehne k karan mujhe ghar mai koi kuch nai bolta hai qki mai apna padhai ka time apne hi manage karleta hun. Mujhe bachpan se hi ladies log ki nabhi( navel) pasand hai jab mai chota tha mai ziddi tha mai gussa hone k baad na padhta tha na hi khana khata tha. Meri mummy mere upar chillati thi. Jab mere summer...

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