Georgie GirlChapter 5 Learning the Truth
- 2 years ago
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It was another week before we could transport Georgette home. Despite the boredom and frustration of being cooped up in the motel or the hospital waiting room, we all survived without getting on each other's nerves. When the date of Georgette's release was confirmed, Thomas arranged for the charter flight to take us all home. Nan had packed up all my fiancée's belongings save for the clothes she would wear on the flight.
Thomas and I stopped in to thank Sergeant Kranowski of the highway patrol and Detective Shilton of the Great Falls Police Department for their response and cooperation, including sharing information with us that we might not otherwise have had. We left Great Falls with a good feeling about the law enforcement people we had encountered. No doubt, though, that the GPS tracking device on the rental was key to saving Georgette's life. It was also instrumental in tracking down where she had been and that led to the arrest of Alvis Pritchard.
When we arrived at Hayward Executive Airport, we were met by Mary and Devon, along with Kevin Riordan. Georgette was mobile now, but still very stiff and sore. Coming down the stairs off the aircraft was a slow and careful process. Much of her facial bruising had disappeared, but there were still dark spots and puffiness near her eyes, giving evidence to her trauma.
Georgette and I rode with Thomas and Sarah in their SUV. We had Georgette sit on the right side of the rear seat so that the shoulder belt wouldn't touch her still-healing shoulder and arm. She was weaning herself off the pain medication and substituting an over-the-counter remedy. Knowing how single-minded she could be, I was sure she was "toughing it out."
She could wiggle the fingers on her left hand and it wasn't long before she decided she could use the keyboard on her laptop. Daytime TV would drive her crazy, she said. I couldn't agree more. In the meantime, she was collating her notes from her trip to present to Kevin, Thomas and me when she had them completed.
"I didn't get all the information I intended to, but I did get some I didn't expect to get," she told me.
"Like what?"
"There's a website that lists water quality for most of the major towns and cities in every state. The numbers are all over the map and the measurements aren't always the same values, but they give us a snapshot of where the problems are and where our concept would make the most sense.
"For example, towns whose outlying areas rely on wells seem to be the most likely starting point for us. When I met with the Idaho Water Resources Board, they mentioned a specific problem they had to deal with when a rubber plant closed and they discovered a couple of years later that their wastes and residues had found their way into the local water table and was contaminating many of the wells. People were getting sick, but no one knew why until they tracked it to the failed company.
"The company was out of business, declaring bankruptcy, so they had little they could do but to clean up the mess. It cost millions, I was told. More to the point, it got them testing wells on a more consistent basis and they discovered that many of them were in unsafe condition. They had contamination, usually from animal wastes, but sometimes from poorly done septic systems as well. All they can do is call it to the attention of the property owner and get them to abandon the well."
"So, what you're saying is that we have a huge market potential in places like that."
"If we can prove that our system will clean the water and make it safe, and if the landowners can afford it, the sky's the limit," she smiled.
"So, despite how it ended, you think it was worthwhile?" I asked.
"Of course!" she said in a tone that questioned my intelligence. "You need to worry about your exams, John," she continued, quickly changing the subject. "Call the university office and find out when you can take them."
"Yes, ma'am, as you wish, ma'am."
It wasn't often, but once in a while Georgette could get a bit sharp or irritated, and no, it wasn't during her period. She was a strong-willed woman and didn't like to be wrong, or worse, challenged. This little episode was different and I had a hunch why.
"You getting tired of being a semi-invalid?" I tested.
"Of course I am. I hate it. I can't do what I want and I can't go where I want. I can't drive my car and I can't dress myself. How do you think I feel?" she snapped.
"Something like I did for a few weeks," I grinned.
She looked at me, then I saw the change in her expression. The realization that this wasn't something I didn't understand came across loud and clear.
"I'm sorry, John. I shouldn't have barked at you like that. I forgot about Tahoe. I won't do it again."
"You don't have to apologize, Sweetheart. I understand your frustration and considering how serious your injuries are, I'm not surprised at how you feel. But, it won't be forever until you're healed ... or at least in physical therapy. That's when you'll know you're getting back to your old self."
I got a nice warm one-armed kiss from her and we held each other gently, mindful of her still-painful bruises.
A week later, I was re-scheduled for my exams, now to be taken in late June. I had explained the situation to the administration and they allowed me a special exemption from the usual "no-show, no-go" rules on examinations. I wasn't the only person on the list either. One of the exams was scheduled on the day before the original Saturday we were to get married.
My mother, Sarah, Nan and Georgette had set about rescheduling our wedding. It would be the first Saturday after Labor Day. We were fairly certain that my bride would be healed and in good health by that date. In the meantime, she had completed her report on her trip to the Southwest and the abbreviated trip to Idaho and Montana. When I read it, I was much more confident that we were heading in the right direction with our development.
Kevin, to his everlasting credit, had not stopped working on the prototypes for a minute. When I returned to San Francisco with Georgette and the family, I was surprised at just how much progress he had made. It took over a half-hour for him to explain what he had done. We were very close to being ready to test. We sat with Georgette at the house and discussed just what capacity we thought the units should have.
"I vote for the five-thousand gallon size," Kevin said. "It should handle most of the requirements we'll encounter. We can always make the ten-thousand capacity unit an option. That will also keep our height profile down close to your original concept."
"What do you think, Georgette?" I asked.
"I think Kevin is right. This is a work in progress, John. It's going to evolve over time if we keep working on it. My studies indicate five thousand gallons per day is well within a useful volume for individual users. It would give us two options. One, sell a second unit ... or two, build a larger one. Kevin's layout allows us to do the larger unit without having to mess up the rest of the design layout."
It was indisputable logic. "Okay then, that's what we'll do. Our first model will be capped at five thousand gallons per day."
I saw a smile on Kevin's face indicating he was happy with my agreement. Georgette gave me a squeeze with her good arm and a kiss on the cheek. It was unanimous.
Four of us were tucked into Kevin's crew cab pickup as we hauled the first prototypes up I-80 toward Sacramento. I had finished my last exam the day before and I was champing at the bit to see how our units would perform. Georgette had contacted the state water resources control board two weeks earlier and got a surprising response. They wanted to participate in the testing and would assist us in evaluating the results, using their laboratory facilities. It couldn't have been a better scenario for us. It would give us unimpeachable results.
Of course, we had already done testing in our "laboratory." We would have been crazy to let a public agency try it out before we knew ourselves exactly how it would perform. The state water board had sent us their standards for water purification, and we ran tests to those specifications. Both prototypes exceeded the state requirements easily, but it would be even better if the state certified the results. And we also wanted to see how it would perform in the field, outside our controlled laboratory environment.
The first prototype unit was in the back of the pickup, while the second unit was on a rented flat-deck trailer. We had deliberately left the shrouding off the units so that we could easily observe the components in operation. Kevin had done many hours of bench testing the various parts and pieces, but there was no substitute for field tests.
We were meeting the control board people at one of their sites in Folsom. We weren't prepared to find almost a dozen staff assembled when we arrived. When we stepped out of the air-conditioned truck, the heat hit us like we were standing in front of a blast furnace. It took a couple of minutes to introduce ourselves before a Mr. Whitehurst identified himself as the spokesperson for their group.
"All these people involved in the test?" I asked.
"Yes. Your device is something we've thought about ourselves, but we don't have the budget to do the development work," Carl Whitehurst responded.
"Uhhm ... just so you know ... we've applied for patents on this unit," I stammered.
Whitehurst smiled. "Yes, I'm aware of that. Don't worry. We're not here to steal your concept. We want to see it succeed. If Ms. Fulton's estimates are correct, this would be a very affordable way for homeowners, farmers, ranchers, and even small businesses to clean their water supplies. Water is a very precious commodity in this state. Our job is to protect it and promote better use of it."
With the help of the assembled group, we off-loaded the two units and moved them to the designated test sites. It took very little effort to work up a sweat in the ninety-plus degree heat. The prototypes were situated near three large tanks, presumably filled with water to be used in the testing.
"The maximum throughput is a little less than three-and-a-half gallons a minute," Kevin stated. "If we gravity feed the unit, we can control that volume and then do some other measurements based on lower throughput as well."
"Why would you bother with lower volumes?" a woman in a smock asked.
"I come from the aircraft industry, ma'am," Kevin replied politely. "In that business, you test all the parameters. As I told John when I first came to work for him, bad things happen when airplanes fall out of the sky. Our job is make sure we know what to expect in all situations. This heat is a good test of one of the environmental situations. We'll also be testing in cold conditions. If we can think of a test, we'll test it," he grinned.
I saw several of the group nodding in agreement. Kevin had once again scored some points.
"You said you would normally have the unit covered," a young Hispanic man spoke. "Wouldn't that cause problems with excessive heat or overheating the components on a day like this?
"Yes, I expect it could," Kevin replied. "Our first objective is to determine if the internal machinery does what it's supposed to do. Then we'll install the shrouds to see if it makes a difference. We've applied some new technology to some of the parts that should make them less vulnerable to heat. But we won't know until we test it."
The questions were coming thick and fast. I was standing beside Thomas who was standing along side Carl Whitehurst. They were observing the interaction of the group with Kevin and occasionally Georgette. When I thought about it, this was a good sign. There was genuine interest in our machine and I got the impression they were rooting for it to succeed.
"How did you get the idea to build this?" one young guy asked Kevin.
"I didn't. This is John Smith's concept and he's the brains behind the project."
A number of heads turned toward me and the questions began.
"You're really young. When did you think of this idea?" an older man asked.
"It started out as a high school science project in my junior year," I answered. "After I got an 'A' on my submission, I decided to see if I could make it a reality, a commercial product. Kevin is a huge help since he came from Lockheed-Martin and showed us exactly how a proper design should be done.
"Thomas Fulton, my fiancée's father, is financing the development. His expertise is in venture capital acquisition. Georgette does market research and keeps me on the straight and narrow. At least she did until I finished my last exam at university," I said, looking over to her with a smile. She looked a bit flushed as I mentioned her.
I could hear the murmurs from the group, obviously surprised at what I had accomplished.
It took Kevin and me an hour with the help of some of the assembled group to set up the first test and get ready to run. The output would be pumped into a stainless steel covered tank that was on wheels. Test samples would be taken to the lab for analysis and comparison to the input water. Our first test was chemically tainted water, presumably from fertilizer or herbicide. We weren't told which.
Three of the group had brought out a canopy that we could use to shade ourselves from the blazing sun. Georgette had thoughtfully brought a bottle of sun screen with her and we applied it liberally. By five o'clock that afternoon, we had completed our first tests and would know the results in the morning. The next day's tests would be on contaminated water from animal wastes as well as alkaline and mineralized water.
As the afternoon trial came to an end, we moved the machines into the building for the night. Georgette had already made reservations at a hotel in Sacramento for the four of us. Kevin and Thomas would share a room, as would Georgette and I. We invited Carl Whitehurst to join us at dinner and he accepted. Our hotel had an excellent dining room, Thomas assured us, and so we made a reservation for seven o'clock.
"I stopped by the lab on the way here," Carl said as we sipped a pre-dinner drink. "I shouldn't tell you this, but the preliminary results look like a success. We'll have the full results in the morning."
Authors Note: This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. It previously was posted on another site. Georgie Girl Chapter 7 Hey There, Georgie Girl I have some vague memories of being attended to by a paramedic and being lifted onto a gurney and into a van. I saw Georgette once or twice, but I don’t remember what she was doing. I remember being rolled into what I thought might be an operating room, and then nothing until I started...
I have some vague memories of being attended to by a paramedic and being lifted onto a gurney and into a van. I saw Georgette once or twice, but I don't remember what she was doing. I remember being rolled into what I thought might be an operating room, and then nothing until I started to wake up. The room was dimly lit and it took me a couple of attempts to focus my eyes before I concluded I was in a hospital room. I appeared to be by myself. I could see several tubes and two bags of fluid...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 10 Sanity Prevails It took a couple of days before normalcy returned to the home. Sarah was badly shaken up by the events and it took all of Thomas’s personal skills to help her get over the trauma. Georgette was more resilient. After all, she’d been through this before. Nan acted as if nothing had happened. It was as if she’d swatted a...
It took a couple of days before normalcy returned to the home. Sarah was badly shaken up by the events and it took all of Thomas's people skills to help her get over the trauma. Georgette was more resilient. After all, she'd been through this before. Nan acted as if nothing had happened. It was as if she'd swatted a pesky fly. She had shot Bradley in the lower abdomen and crotch. He was fortunate that he was wearing fairly heavy pants and they absorbed some of the bird shot pellets. But...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. It was previously posted on another site. * Chapter 13 Making Progress It took me less than two hours to provide Kevin with a list of the sequence of components for the prototype. The next three hours were spent trying to come up with some dimensions for items that didn’t yet exist. Kevin and I would be doing something he called a ‘SWAG.’ ‘Scientific Wild-Assed Guess,’ he grinned....
It took me less than two hours to provide Kevin with a list of the sequence of components for the prototype. The next three hours were spent trying to come up with some dimensions for items that didn't yet exist. Kevin and I would be doing something he called a "SWAG." "Scientific Wild-Assed Guess," he grinned. "Used it all the time at L-M. They have a design place called the "Skunk Works" in Burbank. Been around since the thirties. That's how the SR-71 got built. It was the...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 16 Discovery I slept that night, exhaustion and a lack of sleep the night before having finally caught up to me. I didn’t remember my dreams although I’m sure I had some. We had eaten at a nearby restaurant that served exactly what we expected, a meat and potatoes menu. This was cattle country and there was no place on the menu for that...
Author’s Note: This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 1 Meeting Georgette My name is John Carter Smith. As I write this I’m a recent graduate in chemical engineering and self-employed. I didn’t have to be self-employed, but the job offers and opportunities that I was presented with were all pretty much of the same kind. I’d be a miniscule cog in a giant wheel. I’d be...
Chapter 19 The Big Step The morning after we returned from Sacramento, I was on the phone to Dow. ‘Bob, I wanted to let you know that the tests we conducted with the state water resources board were a complete success. Your filter material performed perfectly and we’re having some of it sent to you today for your inspection.’ ‘That’s great, John. Congratulations. I’m sure Rex will be delighted to hear that too. He convinced us to listen to you, so he gets a lot of credit as well.’ ‘I’ll...
Georgette greeted me at her front door. "Right on time, come in." "Thanks." "Iced tea ... or water?" "Uhhm, water's fine," I said, settling into the now familiar wing chair. She passed me a chilled plastic sixteen-ounce bottle of water and a glass. I placed them on two fancy ceramic coasters. "Thanks," I smiled as she put a glass of iced tea on a similar coaster on the opposite side of the small table and sat in the matching wing chair, almost facing me. "Are you...
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As I walked from the arrivals area at Oakland International into the baggage reclaim, I saw Georgette waving excitedly. I waved back and smiled. It was nice to be greeted like that. She ran to me and we hugged tightly before my mouth was covered with a deep, passionate kiss. "I guess you haven't changed your mind about me while I was gone," I kidded. "Never! I have been waiting for this for two weeks. I'm going to love you to death," she threatened. "It was only ten days and don't...
I was released on Saturday, just before they served lunch. They plunked me in a wheelchair and an orderly pushed me to the elevator and then through the lobby to the main entrance and out into the brilliant sunshine. Waiting for me was Devon and my parents, along with Georgette. Devon was driving the biggest Chev Suburban they made. I was helped into it by my father and Devon and made myself as comfortable as I could. I wasn't keen on the shoulder belt, but I did it up anyway. I was stiff...
As Thomas had predicted, the landlord rescinded the eviction order and it was modified to July 1st, not ideal since my three remaining roommates would have to find an alternate place, but better than being tossed out before they had finished the year. Since I would be living at Georgette's place free (she absolutely refused to let me pay rent), I gave my share of the rent for the remaining months to Willie and the boys. It was only fair I didn't penalize them for my good fortune. The day...
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Devon had drawn up the papers of incorporation for our little company, registering us as Smithton PWTS, Inc. I was the nominal CEO, while Thomas was CFO and Georgette was Director of Market Research with Kevin being Director of Manufacturing. All the other investors were listed as Directors at large. Georgette's primary responsibility was to make sure we were filling the right need(s) with our designs and she took her job very seriously. I expected nothing less, of course. That was her...
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I slept that night, exhaustion and a lack of sleep the night before having finally caught up to me. I didn't remember my dreams although I'm sure I had some. We had eaten at a nearby restaurant that served exactly what we expected, a meat and potatoes menu. This was cattle country and there was no place on the menu for that sissy west coast fare. Thomas and I laughed about it. It was the first time we'd laughed at anything since I discovered Georgette was missing. Before we retired, I...
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The morning after we returned from Sacramento, I was on the phone to Dow. "Bob, I wanted to let you know that the tests we conducted with the state water resources board were a complete success. Your filter material performed perfectly and we're having some of it sent to you today for your inspection." "That's great, John. Congratulations. I'm sure Rex will be delighted to hear that too. He convinced us to listen to you, so he gets a lot of credit as well." "I'll call him right...
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My parents had moved into their new home just a few days before our wedding, and at the last minute they decided to hold the reception on their freshly landscaped grounds. Once again, luck was with us as the weather was both warm and sunny. We took that as a good omen for our marriage. My parents had resigned themselves that we would be living in San Francisco and wouldn't see them very often until the business was established. Even then, it was a long way from our home to theirs. So it was...
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Annabel, in her position as the Montford family head on Rehome, took the lead. “What do you mean, “think about what we do next”?” “There are several ways you might approach matters. One: if you feel that you have been raped by Trevor, you can have him tried by a jury here. I think you would have trouble convincing a jury, as you participated with considerable gusto, and he did not administer the drug either – I did, by pure mischance. So there is neither coercion nor intent provable...
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"Oh, madam, I would never stoop to blackmail. I am not looking for any monetary benefit. I merely would appreciate some manly attention, at least for a while. Perhaps you could put in a good word for me, and encourage John in the matter, madam." Angelina thought for a moment, then responded, "Sylvia, If I were to suggest to John that I would not object to him paying some ... close ... attention to you, would that be acceptable? I will also say that your job is not in jeopardy, in case you...
Helen was quick to spot a solution. "Let's refer it to the colony authorities. They have access to all the scientists on the planet, so they should be able to get the right people on the job. The results will be of interest to the Colony authorities, especially if we can identify potential woods for future use. The forests on Rehome are mostly protected, for whatever reason, and so most wood has to be imported. It mostly comes from Earth at the moment, but once New Eden gets access to the...
"How do you mean?" Ebenezer was unsure what she meant. "Various social pressure groups use petitions with thousands of supporters, to put pressure on companies to rescind unfair practices. It is quite effective, I understand." "Phoebe, do you think you could start one, against all the seed merchants pushing up their prices together, and looking at a cartel? I wouldn't want to do it from me, as a distributor." "Sure, I can do that. It gives me something to contribute to your...
He got back to Ian and told him what he had found. They decided that Dearden should be interviewed, smartish. They asked colleagues at Coventry to start with a preliminary interview, if he could be found at the university. He was located there, so the local police went and pulled him out of his class, and invited him, with some pressure, to the station for a recorded interview. He looked more puzzled than worried, at the start, but they refused to speak to him about possible accusations...
"I see. Then you should try Trevor Defreitas, CEO of Rehome Deliveries. He has recently become chairman of the Circle, so should know what's what, and where the bodies are buried." Taking that on board, Esme phoned Rehome Deliveries and asked for him, as Chair of Metropolis Business Circle. He was soon on the line. "What can we of the Business Circle do for you, Ma'am?" She said carefully, "We of the Bank of Rehome are considering a loan request from Mr Thomas Carson, a local...
"You ran your own business? I had the impression you worked for a bank on Earth!" "Not quite. I saved most of my pay during enlistment, so I had a basis for starting a business operation. I set myself up as a money-lender at reasonable rates, to be a benefit to the community I came from. I undercut all the commercial competition and became the lender of choice for practically everyone in the area. Once I could afford to branch out, I helped people to set up their own local businesses, and...
Diane told him, "You don't want to know what my staff are up to. Suffice it to say that we are looking into a complaint passed to Mary, and I hope to be able to resolve it after tomorrow." Mary added, "And I had a frustrating day at work, so I am feeling in need of my husband's loving." Helen was feeling left out, so said, "I just love my man." Bob stood back and admired them. "Well, I see three whiteys. Where is my black woman? Ruth should have a say in this." Diane said to...
Although he had been enjoying this very sociable wedding event, George Montford finally sidled over to John Frederickson to mutter, "I have to get back to the office, John. Someone has to hold the fort..." John grinned at him. "Thanks, George. I'll just concentrate on my wives, today. Tell your ladies they are welcome to stay on here for as long as they want." "They may appreciate that, John. I'll tell them." George got back to the company office, and found among his "IN"...
“That one, sir. I admit, however, to being unaware that there was more than one Ebenezer within your ken.” “There isn’t. What can I do for you, Ebenezer?” “I am not sure, Governor. I have information from Earth that I have compared with events on Rehome, and the similarities have intrigued me.” “That sounds like the sort of curiosity that has to be explained, Ebenezer.” “To elucidate, sir: My darling Euphemia, whose hand I will take in marriage next week (along with my other darling,...
Robert had a possible solution. "Either the ground is very absorbent, and the water seeps through, or the geology is limestone, and there are underground rivers conveying the water to the sea. One could test that by measuring the salinity of the ocean about a kilometre from the shore. Where an underground river meets the ocean, the salinity level will drop markedly, due to the freshwater input. I am not sure how we could run these tests, though." The Personalia voice intruded, "That is...
"Miss Proctor, may I call you Ruth? I was under the apprehension that your talent lay in undercover situations. Your attire does not give that impression to me. Have you any explanation?" Ruth looked surprised. "Sorry, Madam. I was given to believe that this was a business meeting, to discuss a new task. I dressed accordingly. When it comes to my work, I will dress appropriately for that environment." "Ah. That is all right, then. I unfortunately assumed that this was your normal mode...
"Freda, what is your husband doing with this girl? Is he intending to marry her?" "Eh? How would I know? I haven't spoken with him. I don't really want to know what he is up to with her." "Oh. I see. It was just that ... if he actually wanted to marry her, he would have to get your approval, wouldn't he?" "My approval? Don't be daft, Margo! Why would I consent to that? I haven't even divorced him yet." "Divorce? How do you mean, Freda?" "Well, I haven't got around to...
The professor wanted to see the fish market and meet some fishermen, so Tom got permission from his boss – his wife - to escort her there and make the introductions. The market was simply an area next to the harbour, with a few stalls erected to protect the catches from the sunshine – on the days when it was sunny. Otherwise it was to shelter the fish from the drying winds from onshore. Tom explained that you had to time your visit correctly. If you arrived just as the fisherman came...
Eventually the train arrived at the very basic structure that was the station for the new village. The passengers alighting at the station got off, including the Montford sisters and their tourist guide. Then the flatcar and its cargo was shunted into the single siding and uncoupled, so the train could continue to its final destination. Amelia operated the controls to swing the ramp round to land on the hard compacted earth, then returned to the caravan to back it off, down the ramp on to...
Preparations for the wedding were as complete as was possible. The guests were all Rehome residents except for the Montfords and Mrs Cross. The Governor, his wives and household staff were there, as were John Wilson and a few representatives of the tourist body that Amelia worked for. The Director of Education, Jennifer Prentice was there and Trevor's other boss, Pam Humbert. Unusually for a human wedding, Mother Narech was there on behalf of the Personalia and the Malans. The others were...
Monday Janet Vargas settled into her office for the day. She had been Principal of Clinton High School for many years but had always hated this task — the annual budget and next year's personnel issues. Books, equipment, paper, pens, replacement desks, replacement chairs, building maintenance, the cafeteria, the list went on and on and on. And personnel! Old teachers retired or transferred, new teachers had to be found and trained, even teachers that stayed on from year-to-year needed skills...
Judith was late in getting up this morning. Georgina noticed, and remarked on it to the teenager. "Are you all right, Judith? You seem a bit lethargic this morning." The younger woman looked glum. "I am a bit under the weather, Georgina dear. My tummy is a bit uneasy this morning. I don't know what the matter is." Georgina had a glimmer of an idea. "Judith, dear? When is your period due? Is this perhaps period pains coming on?" "Oh, no. I don't think so. My period is due ... oh ......
"Nope. Not for now. You have to see the doctor, first. I'd hate to do something wrong, through ignorance. You agree, Peggy?" "Yes, I see what you mean. You do things right, don't you, Trevor?" "I do my best, Peggy. At least, I try to, when I know what I am doing." The remainder of that day went smoothly. Peggy produced a satisfactory evening meal, and all the babies behaved themselves – almost! There were the usual "feed me!" or " change my nappy" cries, but their mothers coped...
The machine Person at the other end of the conversation had a laugh at the thought of a Robin Hood-style attack. "We shall act accordingly, Governor." They put their first digital attack into operation immediately. Before long, they had accounts bulging with cash in banks all over the Earth. At the same time, The owners of the depleted accounts became frantic, trying to work out what had happened to their cash assets. There was an automatic assumption that some human agency was...
Widow! Winston suddenly remembered that, back in Nigeria, a widow was a position to be avoided at all costs. When a married woman's husband dies, she is regarded as his property, to be passed on to other family members, and so a liability, unless her husband had left a will giving her assets. The woman was shattered still, he realised, despite it being two years since her husband had died. He recovered. "My apologies, mother. I give you my respect, and always will do, as is due my...
"I see. We can arrange for the requisite visits to the planet's surface, with suitable protective measures in place. No human has set foot on it so far, so we don't know what might be there."" "Fine. That is about it for geology, I think, though Robert may have more input to give you. For geography, me and Mia could do most of the work from images, but we will probably want more detailed data for particular items, like variations in sea temperature, and especially any underwater...
"Governor! How nice to hear from you again. That bag of diamonds set me up with a new house, a car, and some cash invested for the future; and my experience with you has got me a consultant post with the university. If I can do anything for you, fire away!" "Terence, We are looking at another new planet that has a huge amount of forests covering the land. The Personalia have taken samples for us of all the tree species, so we need appropriate experts to examine these samples and tell us...
"Really? What does our advert require?" "Your advert needs to state the basics: your company name, its address and contact details, and the barest detail of what you sell. You want readers to contact you for detailed information, based on their own requirements. For instance, what is your company name?" "Rehome Seed Distributors." "Then, how about: "Rehome Seed Distributors, Home Street, Metropolis. Quality seeds and plants for the best farming results. Contact Fred at (phone...