Georgie GirlChapter 5 Learning the Truth
- 2 years ago
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It took me less than two hours to provide Kevin with a list of the sequence of components for the prototype. The next three hours were spent trying to come up with some dimensions for items that didn't yet exist. Kevin and I would be
doing something he called a "SWAG."
"Scientific Wild-Assed Guess," he grinned. "Used it all the time at L-M. They have a design place called the "Skunk Works" in Burbank. Been around since the thirties. That's how the SR-71 got built. It was the fastest winged aircraft in the world. Still is. Nowadays, they're designing stealth aircraft."
"I've heard of that place," I said. "One of my engineering professors was lecturing us on how fast they could get things done. 'Just get the damn thing built' seemed to be their motto."
"Well, that was pretty much their attitude all right," Kevin confirmed. "Mind you, they had a couple of guys who were flat out geniuses, so that didn't hurt."
"You'll have to be my genius," I kidded.
"John, with this project, one plus one can equal three if we do it right."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, if we work as a team and we both know where we're going, we'll have our own 'Skunk Works, ' although in this case it might be a 'De-Skunk Works.'"
I chuckled at the reference, but hoped like hell he was right about us as a team.
We ran into a problem not long after we got started on the prototype. The chemical treatment component had grown too big for our frame. It had to perform a number of functions, not the least of which was inhibiting the formation of scale and the collection of suspended solids. To allow the capacity that we were looking for from the unit, the size had grown bigger than we had anticipated.
We were kicking various ideas around one evening when Georgette wandered into the room.
"You still trying to get a quart into a pint jar?" she asked.
"Yeah," I said, not looking up. "No luck so far."
"How much does the height of the unit matter?" she asked.
"Not as much as length and width," I answered, "but it can't be too tall. I'd say sixty inches, maximum."
"Can you make the unit wider and stand it on edge?" she asked.
I saw Kevin turn and look at her, a funny look on his face before I saw a smile. He began to nod.
"I thought of that, but I've been trying to get this to work the way John intended," he said.
I leaned back in my chair and tried to mentally calculate how wide and how tall would be enough.
"I had another thought, too," Georgette said. "You know those big pillow-shaped bags they use for shipping chemicals. Could you fold a smaller version one of those into the shape to make it fit?"
Again, Kevin turned and looked at her, then at me. "I think we've got another skunk in the Skunk Works."
"Hey ... what's that mean? My ideas don't stink," Georgette protested.
"Not only don't they stink," Kevin said, "but they've got us thinking again."
"Go look up 'Skunk Works' on Google and you'll see what we mean," I said to Georgette.
She stepped over to my laptop, typed in the two words, clicked on one of the many choices and began to read. Two minutes later, she walked up to Kevin and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I should have known," she said. "Thank you for the compliment."
"You're welcome," Kevin said with a grin. "Any time you've got something to say, don't hesitate to say it. I like the way you think."
"Two linked bags, maybe?" I said aloud.
"Now we're cooking," Kevin said with some enthusiasm.
We were too. Next on the agenda was the reverse osmosis process, once again requiring a membrane that Dow Chemical produced. One phone call got a number of samples and specifications that we could evaluate. We were still stuck with filters to protect filters to protect filters. Three stages of filtration were necessary to make the system work. When you had a space 40' X 8' X 8' this wasn't a problem. In a space of 8' X 4' X 5' it was a big problem. We still had a long way to go.
"This is starting to look like a tub of spaghetti," Kevin complained one evening. "It goes against my grain. I'd hate to think of trying to repair or replace something inside."
I had to agree with him. Our solutions were making the design more crowded and complex. This wasn't at all what I envisioned. Worse than that, it looked like bad engineering. It might have been sound mechanically, but it was far too complex and complicated for something that was designed to be durable, portable, and effective.
"Who's your customer?" Georgette asked.
"Uhhm ... what do you mean?" I asked.
"I remember you saying that not all of the components were needed for all of the tasks. What if you had more than one model that did one or two jobs really well? Another model might do something else. Right now, you're trying to make one size fit all."
I looked over at Kevin, then started to laugh.
"What's so funny," she asked, an annoyed look about her.
I was shaking my head. "How come you're the one with the common sense engineering and I'm the dope?"
I heard a guffaw from Kevin and saw a shy smile from Georgette.
"You're way too smart for me, Georgie," I said.
There wasn't any question about renewing Kevin's contract at the end of the first two months. It wasn't just the spirit of the approaching Christmas, either. Kevin was everything I was hoping for when it came to fitting the components into the tight confines of my imaginary box. He was relentlessly tidy in his thinking, not frustrated easily by our trial-and-error attempts, and even-tempered when things went wrong. And they did go wrong.
"You know that saying, 'This isn't brain surgery?'" has asked one evening.
"Sure," I admitted.
"Well," Kevin said with a wry grin, "I'm beginning to think maybe this is."
I nodded. I knew what he meant. "Is there another way we should look at this?"
He shook his head. "If there is, I can't come up with it. We're close, but trying to meet all the criteria is like pushing into a balloon full of water. You push in one side and it pops out the other. I'm wondering if we can combine functions into a single internal structure."
I leaned back in my chair and thought about the question. What could we combine, even in the more dedicated systems we were designing? The answer kept coming back "nothing."
"Kevin, how much more height would we need to get what we want into the box."
He looked at me and smiled. "Thirteen and a half inches. Call it fourteen."
I gave him a hard look. "You've already calculated what it would take then?"
"Yeah. Couldn't see how we could make it fit the original box, no matter what we did."
"We gave it a hell of a try, Kevin. So let's go with reality. Maybe some day in the future we can figure out a way to bring it back into the original box, but for now, let's go with what we can do."
"Smart plan, John. Products evolve over time. If there's a way to make it more compact, we'll find it."
"I guess you've got some frame modifications to do," I suggested.
"Already done," he grinned. "I was pretty sure that was the only way to make this work in the short term. Our exterior height dimension will be a skosh short of six-foot-four. I don't see that being a major drawback to a portable system. Tell me I'm wrong."
I let out my breath and slumped back in my chair.
"You're right," I admitted. "It isn't that big of a deal. I got so hung up on my fixed dimensions that I forgot the main objective. It won't weigh so much that it will unbalance a conventional full-sized pickup. I'm sure we can put the heavier equipment in the bottom of the frame."
"Now we're talking. Let me show you what I've been thinking."
He went to his desk and pulled out a legal size pad and showed me a rough pencil drawing with a potential layout. I looked at it without comment for some time before I asked a question.
"What do you think the weight distribution is?"
"My guess is about two thirds in the bottom thirty-six inches. We should be fine with that."
"Yeah, that would be okay. Well," I sighed, "I guess we can start working on the revised layout then."
"I guess we can," Kevin grinned.
Christmas and New Years were, as planned, held at Lake Tahoe with both families. We invited Kevin to join us but he declined in favor of flying to Colorado to spend it with his former colleague and friend, Charlie Prendergast. Kevin was sure he'd be more comfortable in that environment. He would return to San Francisco a day or so after we had come back from our little holiday.
"How's the system coming along?" Thomas asked me as we relaxed in the great room of the lodge after a day of skiing.
"We're making more progress now," I said. "I've had to compromise on both function and dimension, but not so much that it won't meet most of my objectives. Kevin is a real find, Thomas. He has such an orderly mind and his layout is so clean that I'm sure anyone looking at it, even in the prototype stage, is going to be impressed with it. And Georgette has been the outside observer that asks the questions we forget to ask."
"When do you think you'll be at the testing stage?"
"Soon. We're going to build a second prototype to feature the functions that the first doesn't do, then test them both. I'm hoping early May or thereabouts if all goes well. We seem to have gotten over the major hurdles now."
"Do you intend to show it to others ... potential investors perhaps?"
"Not until we're satisfied it will do what we claim and do it under stressful conditions. Kevin and I have talked about it and we think we'll do a lot of our testing in Nevada. Probably around Nellis Air Force base. He says that area has both the terrain and water conditions that will meet our needs. Then we'll do some testing in areas that have known contamination problems. We'll have to work that out, but some of the cattle ranches in Idaho and Montana have water contaminated from animal wastes. That would be a good place to test as well."
"That sounds like a lot of time and effort still to complete the trials."
"I think that's in Kevin's nature. His air force and Lockheed training pounded that into him, he claims. When it comes to airplanes, if it ain't right, they often fall out of the sky. Not good," I chuckled as I recalled Kevin's comments.
"Looks like you've been keeping the budget under control according to Georgette. How are your classes going?"
"I'm doing fine. I just have to remember to put them first and finish what I started. I'll be done in late April and then I can devote all my time to the project. In the meantime, Kevin will be working on it full time and I'll be able to get updates daily."
"Good for you, John. Keep your focus on school and let Kevin carry the load for now. By the way, have you given any thought about our conversation on how to reward him for his design work?"
"I think a piece of the action would be the best solution," I said. "He's been great and very easy to work with and his ideas are always well thought out. The question is, how big a piece?"
Authors Note: This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. It previously was posted on another site. Georgie Girl Chapter 7 Hey There, Georgie Girl I have some vague memories of being attended to by a paramedic and being lifted onto a gurney and into a van. I saw Georgette once or twice, but I don’t remember what she was doing. I remember being rolled into what I thought might be an operating room, and then nothing until I started...
I have some vague memories of being attended to by a paramedic and being lifted onto a gurney and into a van. I saw Georgette once or twice, but I don't remember what she was doing. I remember being rolled into what I thought might be an operating room, and then nothing until I started to wake up. The room was dimly lit and it took me a couple of attempts to focus my eyes before I concluded I was in a hospital room. I appeared to be by myself. I could see several tubes and two bags of fluid...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 10 Sanity Prevails It took a couple of days before normalcy returned to the home. Sarah was badly shaken up by the events and it took all of Thomas’s personal skills to help her get over the trauma. Georgette was more resilient. After all, she’d been through this before. Nan acted as if nothing had happened. It was as if she’d swatted a...
It took a couple of days before normalcy returned to the home. Sarah was badly shaken up by the events and it took all of Thomas's people skills to help her get over the trauma. Georgette was more resilient. After all, she'd been through this before. Nan acted as if nothing had happened. It was as if she'd swatted a pesky fly. She had shot Bradley in the lower abdomen and crotch. He was fortunate that he was wearing fairly heavy pants and they absorbed some of the bird shot pellets. But...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. It was previously posted on another site. * Chapter 13 Making Progress It took me less than two hours to provide Kevin with a list of the sequence of components for the prototype. The next three hours were spent trying to come up with some dimensions for items that didn’t yet exist. Kevin and I would be doing something he called a ‘SWAG.’ ‘Scientific Wild-Assed Guess,’ he grinned....
Devon had drawn up the papers of incorporation for our little company, registering us as Smithton PWTS, Inc. I was the nominal CEO, while Thomas was CFO and Georgette was Director of Market Research with Kevin being Director of Manufacturing. All the other investors were listed as Directors at large. Georgette's primary responsibility was to make sure we were filling the right need(s) with our designs and she took her job very seriously. I expected nothing less, of course. That was her...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 16 Discovery I slept that night, exhaustion and a lack of sleep the night before having finally caught up to me. I didn’t remember my dreams although I’m sure I had some. We had eaten at a nearby restaurant that served exactly what we expected, a meat and potatoes menu. This was cattle country and there was no place on the menu for that...
Author’s Note: This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 1 Meeting Georgette My name is John Carter Smith. As I write this I’m a recent graduate in chemical engineering and self-employed. I didn’t have to be self-employed, but the job offers and opportunities that I was presented with were all pretty much of the same kind. I’d be a miniscule cog in a giant wheel. I’d be...
Chapter 19 The Big Step The morning after we returned from Sacramento, I was on the phone to Dow. ‘Bob, I wanted to let you know that the tests we conducted with the state water resources board were a complete success. Your filter material performed perfectly and we’re having some of it sent to you today for your inspection.’ ‘That’s great, John. Congratulations. I’m sure Rex will be delighted to hear that too. He convinced us to listen to you, so he gets a lot of credit as well.’ ‘I’ll...
Georgette greeted me at her front door. "Right on time, come in." "Thanks." "Iced tea ... or water?" "Uhhm, water's fine," I said, settling into the now familiar wing chair. She passed me a chilled plastic sixteen-ounce bottle of water and a glass. I placed them on two fancy ceramic coasters. "Thanks," I smiled as she put a glass of iced tea on a similar coaster on the opposite side of the small table and sat in the matching wing chair, almost facing me. "Are you...
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As I walked from the arrivals area at Oakland International into the baggage reclaim, I saw Georgette waving excitedly. I waved back and smiled. It was nice to be greeted like that. She ran to me and we hugged tightly before my mouth was covered with a deep, passionate kiss. "I guess you haven't changed your mind about me while I was gone," I kidded. "Never! I have been waiting for this for two weeks. I'm going to love you to death," she threatened. "It was only ten days and don't...
I was released on Saturday, just before they served lunch. They plunked me in a wheelchair and an orderly pushed me to the elevator and then through the lobby to the main entrance and out into the brilliant sunshine. Waiting for me was Devon and my parents, along with Georgette. Devon was driving the biggest Chev Suburban they made. I was helped into it by my father and Devon and made myself as comfortable as I could. I wasn't keen on the shoulder belt, but I did it up anyway. I was stiff...
As Thomas had predicted, the landlord rescinded the eviction order and it was modified to July 1st, not ideal since my three remaining roommates would have to find an alternate place, but better than being tossed out before they had finished the year. Since I would be living at Georgette's place free (she absolutely refused to let me pay rent), I gave my share of the rent for the remaining months to Willie and the boys. It was only fair I didn't penalize them for my good fortune. The day...
I don't think it was possible to have a better summer than we had that year. The weather was great, the Lakeside Inn was full to capacity, there were no catastrophes to deal with, and Georgette was beside me all the way. And I mean that literally. It didn't take her long to get bored and before I knew it she was following me and Dad around as we made our repairs and upgrades throughout the peak period. She got a good feeling for how Dad operated and more than once remarked just how...
Kevin Riordan arrived in the late afternoon on the second Friday in October. He had thought about how to maximize the trip and planned it to arrive on the Columbus Day weekend, giving us two full days to work on the project. He had an open ticket for his return to South Carolina, so we had no deadline to worry about. I had a sign with his name on it to identify me and he walked straight to me. He was tall, probably a couple of inches taller than I, but I doubted he weighed much more. He was...
We talked daily for the next two days of Georgette's trip. She pushed hard the first day and stayed over in Butte. The next day she made the shorter trip to Great Falls and settled in there as her base to do interviews. It was a Tuesday night when I didn't receive a call from her. The motel desk said she was still registered there but wasn't answering her phone. I made the assumption that she was busy and hadn't come back to the motel yet. I knew she planned to drive out of the city to...
I slept that night, exhaustion and a lack of sleep the night before having finally caught up to me. I didn't remember my dreams although I'm sure I had some. We had eaten at a nearby restaurant that served exactly what we expected, a meat and potatoes menu. This was cattle country and there was no place on the menu for that sissy west coast fare. Thomas and I laughed about it. It was the first time we'd laughed at anything since I discovered Georgette was missing. Before we retired, I...
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The morning after we returned from Sacramento, I was on the phone to Dow. "Bob, I wanted to let you know that the tests we conducted with the state water resources board were a complete success. Your filter material performed perfectly and we're having some of it sent to you today for your inspection." "That's great, John. Congratulations. I'm sure Rex will be delighted to hear that too. He convinced us to listen to you, so he gets a lot of credit as well." "I'll call him right...
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The Unmaking of Me by suki (part 1) sue turns on the computer. i have no idea how she does that. i am dressed only in panties and heels. sue tells me to pull my panties down to my ankles. when i do she tells me to sit in the chair in front of the screen. there's a lubricated butt-plug on the seat and as i lower myself it slides inside me easily. she asks me if I'm comfy and i say yes. she pats my head and says she's glad. i feel the plug filling me and it is a good...
When I was 22 I slept with a "Cougar" that was 38. It was a one night stand and we did it twice that night. She ended up pregnant from that night. She never told me about it. I heard it from a friend that knew her.She ended up telling her husband (she was splitting up with him when we did it) that it was his. Supposedly he ended up paying c***d support for the c***d. I still wonder when the day is going to come that the c***d will show up at my door. My wife was 27 when she got pregnant with...
Do not try this at home! And don't read it if you are under eighteen years old as it is a story written for adults and not kiddies and contains words of a sexual nature that you will misunderstand. Although this story is set in the same Universe as my 'Making Dreams Come True' stories and features some of the same characters and locations, you do not need to read them first as this one is "free-standing". Matrimony. A 'Making Dreams Come True' Companion Volume. by...
Ponymaking Taking The acquisition went smoothly, as usual I picked my ponyto be with care. First step, to acquire always go to another state, preferablyone in which you didn't "work" before. Find the matching specimen, in thiscase an eighteen year pale blonde 5'10'', with a 36C-26-30 figure. Second step,observe and find about her as much as possible, doctors records are quite helpful,you don't want to acquire someone who has any future health problems. Thirdstep, a stun gun and a van always...
I wanted to meet you after your first message on x hamster- I have an unwrapped diamond ? stud collar waiting for the likes of you! You had me at 'lady in the streets' part.... Icing on the cake was take home to momma!! Let's chat! It was such an intellectual/emotional turn-on that you watched my whole profile video, and my pussy gushed a little at Your mention of collar. Could I have met a kindred spirit? My soul mate, so to speak? I seldom respond to messages, there are so many given my...
Ramps had been built by a carpenter in a nearby town for the arrival of Joe and Roger's father whose disease had made walking impossible. Their sister rolled him up the ramp covering the one step landing before the front door as their mother lifted and struck the brass knocker. Though a button glowed beside the door, the rustic elegance, an unexpected oxymoron of the house's presence, made the large knocker the choice to alert the residents. After nearly a minute, her finger approached the...
A few words of explanation are in order. I spent over thirty years in the packaging industry, beginning with corrugated containers and moving into flexible packaging. Flexible packaging is any package that is constructed from flexible stock, be it film (for instance, a package of potato chips), paper (for instance the outer wrap of single toilet tissue rolls), or foil (for instance, the lid of a single-serving yogurt container). Converting (or a convertor) is a generic term for taking film,...
Tuesday, June 18, 1996, Sanford Maine I lay awake snuggled between my sister and our best friend and lover CC and quietly contemplated how complex my life had gotten so far. It was hard to believe that just a relatively short time ago, I had been a single clueless teenager of fifteen-years-old. Now I was a semi-clueless teenager, sixteen-years-old, and had two girlfriends to my complete amazement and disbelief. In my quieter moments, I had been analyzing the relationship that I had...
Matchmaking from the Grave As I stood at the wall of the park that overlooked Pilsen in the Czech Republic, I realized that I was hungry and that I should look for some lunch before hunting for the cemetery that I had come to find. I had set out that morning, driving from Frankfurt, Germany to the city of Pilsen in search of a cemetery where a very good friend of my sister’s had been buried six months before. She had died in a terrible accident back in the States, but her sister had wanted her...
SeductionMATCHMAKING by BobH (C) 2010. Sitting in the expensively appointed waiting area of the Camelot Connections suite of offices I stared again at the photo I'd been carrying around for the past week, still not able to quite believe my luck. Camelot promised guys like me a pampered lifestyle in which our every need would be catered for by the beautiful, wealthy women they matched us with. And Jane Hammond was certainly very beautiful. She looked like a Hitchcock blonde, hair and...
Meanwhile, next in line is Patti and this interesting George at the church. Patti has poo-pooed all of George’s attempts over the past few years. It appears that he thinks Patti is a desirable woman and that her husband was not worthy of her. Since he finally died, George has patiently waited his time, but Pattie has not shown any interest.George has known the family for years since the children were little. George and his wife would sit a few rows behind them most Sundays, and George envied...
TransWednesday, April 18, to Sunday, April 22, 2007 In the very early morning, while the other celebrants snoozed, I spent half an hour practicing creating a ghost version of Archangel Michael. Ideally it would be indistinguishable from what I looked like in my A-man suit and still leave me with plenty of minds uninvolved so they could do other things, but that was never going to be possible, but a partial duplicate might have its uses. I already knew how to do the wings, so I 'just' needed a...
it's been some time since i made you come in the garage. neither of us has said anything about it. to anyone, or eachother. i know you'll be home alone this weekend, all weekend. you just happened to post it on facebook. totally innocently of course.i text you to ask if it's convenient to pop around and drop off that film you lent me 3 years ago. you reply saying to give you half an hour to get sorted. within 15 mins i'm closing your porch door behind me and letting myself into your open house....