Georgie GirlChapter 5 Learning the Truth
- 2 years ago
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We talked daily for the next two days of Georgette's trip. She pushed hard the first day and stayed over in Butte. The next day she made the shorter trip to Great Falls and settled in there as her base to do interviews. It was a Tuesday night when I didn't receive a call from her. The motel desk said she was still registered there but wasn't answering her phone.
I made the assumption that she was busy and hadn't come back to the motel yet. I knew she planned to drive out of the city to various ranches to interview the owners. Some of those drives could be quite lengthy. It was the first time she hadn't called, so I wasn't alarmed ... yet.
"Are you sure she didn't come back to her room last night?" I asked the clerk later the next day. It was the second successive day Georgette hadn't phoned. In addition, my messages left on her cell phone went unanswered.
"Yes sir. The maid reported that the room hadn't been touched since she had made it up the day before."
Now I was worried. What had happened to her? I began to suspect it might be something bad.
"Can you tell me if her laptop was in the room?" I asked. Perhaps she had an itinerary on her calendar.
"No, but I'll check right away. Just hold on, please."
I could hear her put down the phone and I waited impatiently until she returned what seemed like several minutes later.
"Yes, there's a laptop on the desk. All her clothes are still hanging in the closet and her bathroom things are still here."
"Has she had any visitors to her room?"
"Not that I know of, but her room is in the back, so I wouldn't necessarily know if she did or not."
"Okay, thank you for your help. You have my name and my number. If you hear anything or she returns, please have her or you contact me right away."
"Yes, I'll do that. Good luck," the woman said, sounding somewhat vague.
I put the phone down and headed next door to see Thomas and Sarah.
I had never failed to knock before entering, but at that moment I was sorely tempted. I waited anxiously for someone to answer before Thomas opened the door and greeted me.
"Hi, John. What can we do for you?"
"Georgette's missing," I blurted out without thinking.
The look of alarm on his face was immediate. "What do you mean, missing?"
"Just that," I said, entering their home. "She didn't call last night and when I called the motel this evening, she hadn't slept in her bed and all her clothes and toiletries, as well as her laptop were in the room.
"I've left several messages on her cell phone, but she hasn't answered any of them. Most of the time, I get a message about not being in a service area."
"This doesn't sound good. Where is she?"
"Her motel is in Great Falls, Montana, but I know she was branching out from there to talk to various ranchers. I don't have a specific itinerary for her, but it may be on her laptop. I'm going to head up there and see if I can find her."
"Find who?" I heard Sarah ask as she entered the room.
"John says Georgette isn't answering her cell phone and hasn't been back to her room since yesterday morning."
"Oh no, not again," Sarah cried with a look of anguish.
"Calm down, dear," Thomas said reassuringly. "I'm sure there's an explanation for her absence. Cell phone coverage can be very spotty in that area. Let's not panic."
"I'm going to fly up to Great Falls and see if I can locate her if she doesn't show up tomorrow morning," I said.
"What about contacting the police?" Thomas asked.
"I'll do that tomorrow morning as well. I don't know the license number of her rental, but I'm sure Avis in Boise can get that information. I'll try and get it tonight."
"Oh, Thomas, we aren't going to have to go through this all over again, are we?"
"This isn't Brad, Sarah. This is something different. If she doesn't contact John or us by tomorrow morning, I'm going with John to look for her."
"Thanks, Thomas," I said. "I could use a cool head if we're going to search for her. I'm hoping we'll get some direction from her laptop."
He nodded. "In the meantime, let's call Avis and see what information we can get on her rental."
I got the 1-800 number for Avis and told them what we were looking for. It took a couple of minutes to convince the night operator that this was a missing person who had rented one of their vehicles and we needed to know the license number and vehicle description. It took confirmation by Thomas, but at last we got the information out of the reluctant young woman. Georgette was driving a dark blue 2011 Chev Traverse, all wheel drive. We noted the Idaho license number and thanked the person in the Avis office for their help.
I was a bundle of nerves and not thinking as clearly as I should. Thomas was once again a leveling influence, something both Sarah and I needed at that moment.
I looked up flights on my laptop from SFO to Great Falls and was stymied almost immediately. The routing was from San Francisco to Seattle to Great Falls via Alaska Air. Worse, it took forever.
"I can't get a quick flight to Great Falls," I told Thomas. "It doesn't matter whether we go from Oakland, or through Portland, Seattle or Boise, it takes forever."
"Okay, calm down, John," Thomas said quietly. "We'll figure something out. Let me make a couple of phone calls."
I tried like hell to calm myself down, but between Sarah and me, we were a pair of very uptight people.
"What about your exams?" Sarah asked, obviously trying to get her mind off her missing daughter.
"They aren't important any more. I can write them later or whenever. Delaying them isn't the big thing in my life right now. Finding Georgette is."
She nodded, not arguing with me. I had no idea if and when I could write those three remaining exams, but they were the least of my worries. Like Sarah, finding Georgette was uppermost in my mind.
Thomas reappeared about twenty minutes later.
"If we haven't had contact with Georgette by ten tomorrow morning, I've arranged for a plane at Hayward Executive Airport to be on standby to take us directly to Great Falls."
"Oh, good," I sighed in relief. Hayward was just across the San Mateo bridge and a half hour from our home. "Thank you, Thomas. That's a big relief."
He nodded and held Sarah to comfort her and calm her down. At least we would be on our way to doing something by noon tomorrow if we didn't hear from Georgette.
I didn't sleep for more than an hour at a time that night. I couldn't stop wondering and worrying about where my fiancée was and what might have happened to her. Luckily, it was almost summer and the nights weren't freezing any more, even on the high plains. If she had car trouble and got lost somewhere, she could survive the elements. Then I remembered the Avis rep said she had GPS in her rental, so that should keep her from getting lost. Something else had happened to her.
I got up at six o'clock the next morning, realizing I wasn't going to get any more sleep. I was tempted to call the Montana Highway Patrol, but decided to wait until eight o'clock when there was more likely to be a full complement of staff on duty. I shuffled into the kitchen and put the coffee on, then had an immediate change of heart. I had found the highway patrol phone number on the Internet and punched in the number.
"Hello, my name is John Smith and I'd like to report a missing person."
"How long has this person been missing, sir?" an efficient woman's voice responded.
"Two days. She was staying at the Grasslands Motel in Great Falls. She left there two days ago to do some research on a project and hasn't been heard from since. I've tried to contact her on her cell phone, but there is no response."
"Was she expected to return to the motel?"
"Yes. She checked in with me every night, telling me about her day."
"What is the name of the person who is missing?"
"Georgette Fulton. She's my fiancée."
"I assume she was driving a vehicle. Can you give me a description?"
"Yes. It's a dark blue Chev Traverse, rented from Avis in Boise," I continued, giving her the license number.
"Can you describe Ms. Fulton?"
"Five-foot-nine, one-hundred-and-fifty pounds, age thirty, blonde hair, blue eyes."
"Does she have any scars, tattoos or piercings?"
"No ... nothing at all."
"Do you know what she was wearing at the time she disappeared?"
"No, but she would likely have been wearing jeans and a polo shirt with a short leather jacket if it was cool."
"What was the purpose of her visit?"
"She was interviewing ranchers about water quality, doing research for me and our company."
"Is it possible she is visiting friends or is lost?"
"No ... she has no friends that I know of in Montana and the rental has a GPS, so I don't see how she could be lost."
"Has she ever done anything like this before ... I mean ... gone off on her own without notifying you or relatives?"
"Very well, sir. I'll put out a notification to all units to be on the lookout for a dark blue 2011 Chevrolet Traverse with Idaho plates. Can you give me a number where you can be reached?"
I gave her both my cell number and the home phone number as well has Thomas and Sarah's number.
"Call us on our cell phones at any time, day or night. Mr. Fulton and I will be flying to Great Falls today to help look for her. We'll check in with your office there."
"Very well, sir. Please do that."
"Thank you," I finished, hanging up. At least they took it seriously, I thought.
I felt a slight sense of relief that at I had done something rather than just wait to see what happened, but I wouldn't be satisfied until Thomas and I were on the ground in Montana and actively looking for her.
I'd barely had my first sip of coffee when the phone rang. I grabbed it, thinking perhaps it might Georgette or the highway patrol calling back.
"It's me, John," Thomas said. "I guessed you would be up early."
"Yes. I just got off the phone with the Montana Highway Patrol and reported Georgette missing. They have all her details now and are letting all their units know what to look for."
"I'm sure they will check with the hospitals," Thomas said. "Have you called the motel yet?"
"No. I'll do that right now. Coffee's on here, why don't you come over."
"Be right there," he said, hanging up.
I called the Grasslands Motel and had them connect me to Georgette's room. I let it ring six or seven times before I was sure she wasn't in. When the clerk came back on to tell me the obvious, I once again asked her to check the room.
"I can't leave the desk, sir. I'm the only one on right now."
"Can you have someone in housekeeping check the room to see if it has been used? The woman staying there has been reported missing to the highway patrol. We need to know if she used the room last night."
"I'll try sir. It's still early. The housekeeping staff is just arriving."
"Just have somebody ... anybody ... check the room. Please!"
"Okay, I'll find someone. Call me back in a few minutes, I'm busy with checkouts now."
"All right. I'll call back in twenty minutes," I agreed, hanging up once more.
I looked up at the clock and saw that it was six-thirty. That would be seven-thirty, Mountain Time. I walked to the front door when I heard a short knock and let Thomas in. He looked like I felt, haggard.
"You didn't get much sleep either, I guess," I said.
He shook his head. "Sarah didn't either. She's not taking this very well. I can't blame her after what we've been through with Brad. I'm just wondering what we can do that we haven't done?"
"I called the motel again to see if the room has been used since we checked yesterday. I'm sure it hasn't but I thought I'd better check anyway."
Thomas nodded in agreement.
"Can we leave earlier for Great Falls?" I asked.
"Let me check," he said, pulling out his iPhone and searching for a number. Finding it, he pressed the screen and waited.
"Gerry, it's Thomas Fulton. Is there any way we can advance our flight to Great Falls?"
"As soon as possible. We can be at Hayward in an hour."
Authors Note: This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. It previously was posted on another site. Georgie Girl Chapter 7 Hey There, Georgie Girl I have some vague memories of being attended to by a paramedic and being lifted onto a gurney and into a van. I saw Georgette once or twice, but I don’t remember what she was doing. I remember being rolled into what I thought might be an operating room, and then nothing until I started...
I have some vague memories of being attended to by a paramedic and being lifted onto a gurney and into a van. I saw Georgette once or twice, but I don't remember what she was doing. I remember being rolled into what I thought might be an operating room, and then nothing until I started to wake up. The room was dimly lit and it took me a couple of attempts to focus my eyes before I concluded I was in a hospital room. I appeared to be by myself. I could see several tubes and two bags of fluid...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 10 Sanity Prevails It took a couple of days before normalcy returned to the home. Sarah was badly shaken up by the events and it took all of Thomas’s personal skills to help her get over the trauma. Georgette was more resilient. After all, she’d been through this before. Nan acted as if nothing had happened. It was as if she’d swatted a...
It took a couple of days before normalcy returned to the home. Sarah was badly shaken up by the events and it took all of Thomas's people skills to help her get over the trauma. Georgette was more resilient. After all, she'd been through this before. Nan acted as if nothing had happened. It was as if she'd swatted a pesky fly. She had shot Bradley in the lower abdomen and crotch. He was fortunate that he was wearing fairly heavy pants and they absorbed some of the bird shot pellets. But...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. It was previously posted on another site. * Chapter 13 Making Progress It took me less than two hours to provide Kevin with a list of the sequence of components for the prototype. The next three hours were spent trying to come up with some dimensions for items that didn’t yet exist. Kevin and I would be doing something he called a ‘SWAG.’ ‘Scientific Wild-Assed Guess,’ he grinned....
It took me less than two hours to provide Kevin with a list of the sequence of components for the prototype. The next three hours were spent trying to come up with some dimensions for items that didn't yet exist. Kevin and I would be doing something he called a "SWAG." "Scientific Wild-Assed Guess," he grinned. "Used it all the time at L-M. They have a design place called the "Skunk Works" in Burbank. Been around since the thirties. That's how the SR-71 got built. It was the...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 16 Discovery I slept that night, exhaustion and a lack of sleep the night before having finally caught up to me. I didn’t remember my dreams although I’m sure I had some. We had eaten at a nearby restaurant that served exactly what we expected, a meat and potatoes menu. This was cattle country and there was no place on the menu for that...
Author’s Note: This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 1 Meeting Georgette My name is John Carter Smith. As I write this I’m a recent graduate in chemical engineering and self-employed. I didn’t have to be self-employed, but the job offers and opportunities that I was presented with were all pretty much of the same kind. I’d be a miniscule cog in a giant wheel. I’d be...
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Georgette greeted me at her front door. "Right on time, come in." "Thanks." "Iced tea ... or water?" "Uhhm, water's fine," I said, settling into the now familiar wing chair. She passed me a chilled plastic sixteen-ounce bottle of water and a glass. I placed them on two fancy ceramic coasters. "Thanks," I smiled as she put a glass of iced tea on a similar coaster on the opposite side of the small table and sat in the matching wing chair, almost facing me. "Are you...
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As I walked from the arrivals area at Oakland International into the baggage reclaim, I saw Georgette waving excitedly. I waved back and smiled. It was nice to be greeted like that. She ran to me and we hugged tightly before my mouth was covered with a deep, passionate kiss. "I guess you haven't changed your mind about me while I was gone," I kidded. "Never! I have been waiting for this for two weeks. I'm going to love you to death," she threatened. "It was only ten days and don't...
I was released on Saturday, just before they served lunch. They plunked me in a wheelchair and an orderly pushed me to the elevator and then through the lobby to the main entrance and out into the brilliant sunshine. Waiting for me was Devon and my parents, along with Georgette. Devon was driving the biggest Chev Suburban they made. I was helped into it by my father and Devon and made myself as comfortable as I could. I wasn't keen on the shoulder belt, but I did it up anyway. I was stiff...
As Thomas had predicted, the landlord rescinded the eviction order and it was modified to July 1st, not ideal since my three remaining roommates would have to find an alternate place, but better than being tossed out before they had finished the year. Since I would be living at Georgette's place free (she absolutely refused to let me pay rent), I gave my share of the rent for the remaining months to Willie and the boys. It was only fair I didn't penalize them for my good fortune. The day...
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The morning after we returned from Sacramento, I was on the phone to Dow. "Bob, I wanted to let you know that the tests we conducted with the state water resources board were a complete success. Your filter material performed perfectly and we're having some of it sent to you today for your inspection." "That's great, John. Congratulations. I'm sure Rex will be delighted to hear that too. He convinced us to listen to you, so he gets a lot of credit as well." "I'll call him right...
Things seemed to move at warp speed over the next six months. Georgette and I were finally married in Coeur d'Alene in early September and spent an abbreviated honeymoon on an island in the San Juans in northwest Washington. We allowed ourselves to forget about Smithton PWTS for a few days and enjoy the scenery and wildlife. We had perfect weather and it was the getaway both of us needed. It took very little discussion to decide to lease the former candy packaging plant in Union City. It...
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Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. My name is Jack and I was born in a small town in Kansas. My dad owned and ran his own store which kept him away from home a lot but I'd usually spend lazy summer days helping him out around the store or just hanging around it in general. I was an only child until my little brother was born when I was in the sixth grade. The introduction of a baby into the family dynamic was anything but smooth. My parents were already spread pretty thin...
Hi just wanna let you know that this is my first ever story I write and upload and english isn t my native language so please bear with me. :)Cuckold couple DiscoverChapter 1 First Steps, Marc’s SideMarc was an attractive men,5’10’ mix blood, black and white. He wasn’t so popular with girls while he was in high school thought, probably because of the social environment he was living in, and like most teenagers, he was an heavy user of porn. Nothing to freaky, but let s say he was pretty happy...
Dan's turn: A while later, we were lying under the stars, a blanket between us and the cool earth, our breathing almost synchronized as we happily returned from the heights of a pair of wonderful orgasms. Her face was buried into my chest, but then she rolled away so she could see the stars above us. "Beautiful, aren't they, Dan," she said softly. "Yes they are, little one," I said. "I wish I had a starship so you and I could skip off among them, every night seeing a different sky...
... Memo: Bob, we have a situation in accounting. Leonard, a long time employee has been observed looking at Kiddie porn at work. Signed: ... Wallace, Chief of security. Sitting back in my chair I look out the window. Leonard yet, what the fuck was he thinking. Jeez, he has two children of his own for fuck sake. Give them a bath; put them to bed; anything but porn at work. Know I have to do something. I phone security Chief Wallace. “Wallace ..., Bob here.”... “Fine Wallace, and...
The door to Merton’s room closed and, for the first time in what felt like several months, he could take a breath. He walked away from the door, let his shins hit the edge of the hovering bed that made up the center of the room, and flopped face first into the bed. He didn’t bend or fold. He just plopped there and remained perfectly still, his nose mashed against silken fabric. “So, uh ... nice room,” Julia said, her voice shy and nervous. Merton rolled around onto his back and sat up. His...
Wednesday, June 15, 2011, I send you an email...Tell your family you have to leave town for a few days and go on a business trip Thursday 6/16 thru Saturday 6/18. I don't care where you say you are going, but ensure they know communication with you will be intermittent, but you will talk to them occasionally. Make sure you bring all the sex toys I bought you. You send emails and call and threaten me, wanting details, but I don't share a bit. Thursday rolls around, and I tell you that after...
Straight SexThe Princess By Julia Michelle This story takes place in Taylor Galen Kadee's world of the Shattered Isles. The concept comes from his Brother Bewitched, and the brother bewildered novels and events that I'm guessing will happen in the conclusion. But I could be wrong, and I like his books very much. I suggest you purchase his two novels. They are excellent. This tale takes place about a year after his third book. It isn't out yet. But I can guess a few big things happen. Serren had...
“Oooohhhh, Fuuuuccckkkkk!” the hot wife panted, “Fuck me!” Katie moaned, “Harder!” Her husband increased his pace as he rammed his hard cock into her wet aching pussy. The hot wife grabbed the headboard of their bed while on her knees. Her wedding ring glistened from the midday sun that peeked through the window. Her eyes focused on her large diamond on her finger which represented her commitment to Fred as his cock maintained a steady pace inside her moist slit. The hot wife regretted what...
Within the realm of the Egyptian gods, Ra looked down on his daughter, Bast. “Bastet how goes the campaign,” came the booming voice of Ra. Looking up Bast smiled at the use of the old form of her name, though she still was having a hard time with speech. “Good, father. Man ready, spreading seed, started, was good.” Isis Ra’s queen smiled at her daughter if this was going to work they would need all she could do. It was terrible they had to kill the human later but that was how things always...
The procession into the Drake Citadel was a stately occasion. There were drummers pounding out a dignified cadence. The victorious men marched in formation moving in sync with the drums. There were banners flying at the front and end of the column. Rather than ride at the front or rear, Dracos had chosen to ride in the center. Unwilling to take credit for all of their accomplishments, Dracos had chosen to be surrounded by the men with whom he had fought. Watching from the battlement over the...
Copyright© 2004 Howard Anderson had never seen his wife in her full naked glory. They had been married two years and had grown quite fond of each other. Many were the nights when Mrs. Anderson welcomed him into her embrace. His body rejoiced as he held her and entered into her warmth. He delighted in the feel of her lush curves beneath the flannel evening gown. Still, he had thoughts. Dreadful, sinful thoughts. What does she look like? What does she truly look like underneath?...
I was eighteen and my girlfriend was attending an all-girls college about thirty minutes from where we both grew up. Anne was a cute brunette with a dancer's body, which meant she had spectacular legs and an ass that begged to be fondled. It also meant that she was an A-cup, but that never bothered me for a second.I would go up to visit her every weekend and was allowed to spend the night on Fridays and Saturdays. The dorms were set up for two to a room and her roommate was a ditzy blonde with...
College SexJaney watched as Adam got Nicky out of his child seat and lifted him to his shoulders, Nicky squealed with excitement and Janey had to laugh along with her son. ‘Come on, let’s go line up for a train ride.’ Adam said as he fell into step beside Janey. Janey glanced around uneasily, she had never been here before and wanted to be sure of exactly where the car was parked before she moved too far. Her parents or siblings understood that she had trouble in public and they supported her efforts...
Well, at least he’s stirring. It’s been most of an hour, and I still have no idea what to do. I tried the phone but it’s dead, and there’s never been a decent cell signal up here, I’m dependent on the damn land-line. Internet’s out too, of course; same phone line. I meant to be isolated, but I guess not quite this damn isolated. Especially with Mister No-Spikka-da-English here hurt and me pretty much clueless about medical stuff. Well, not completely clueless. I read somewhere that when...
I closed the door lightly behind me, unsure of where Dad was in the house. I started down the hallway and looked in on the lounge, the first thing I saw was the sofa that I'd woken up on this morning. A feeling came over me and it wasn't a feeling I was used to. It seemed a mixture of feeling sick and euphoric, I could remember everything that happened and it came back to me as quickly as a hiccup. The feeling of his penis tighten in my mouth before he pulled me on top of him, sucking and...
Twin Sister's Lingering Lust By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! On a Saturday, a man named Dean Michaels desired to test a certain device. A mind-controlling device. It was his own creation, based off rumors he'd heard of the military researching into using ultra-high frequency sounds to mind-control individuals. Inflamed by this idea, and desiring to enjoy his two barely legal daughters, he built it. And tested it. At a park two hours drive...
Back when her parents tried to get her to attend the Schermer retreat, Lindsey should have been more suspicious when her father caved so easily. Suspicion, however, was not yet a big part of her nature. She had no reason to suspect her parents of doing anything drastic to her, certainly nothing physical. They were closed-minded, mean-spirited, suspicious, paranoid - the list of their passive faults was very long. But there was no reason to suspect them of any form of violence. What had...