Freeze FrameChapter 9 free porn video

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I woke up with Caitlyn still asleep on top of me, I also had a splitting headache. Much as I hated to wake her, she looked so cute curled up against me, but I needed some water and some painkillers.

I decide to wake her in the right way by gently stroking her tail which had wrapped itself around my arms, and giving her a kiss on the forehead.

She slowly came awake with a slightly purring sigh, "Mmrrrrrrmm," she said then becoming more aware of her self, "OW my head! Ohh I feel like I'm stuck in a tumble dryer on the fast spin with a bunch of rocks. I'll never drink again."

"I know how you feel, sweetie, do you have any aspirin or some such?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll get us some and a few glasses of water." She reluctantly got up, and clutching her head, started rummaging through drawers for some painkillers. After she finally located some she got us some water and we sat on the bed to recover.

Caitlyn sat next to me her head resting on my shoulder. "Blerg! Well, apart from the hangover, did you enjoy the evening out with the club?"

"It was fun. They all seem like a nice bunch of people. I think I need to hold off on joining in with the drinking next time, as I don't think I'm going to be much use in lectures this morning." Then it hit me. "Oh, Damn! I didn't tell Nat I was staying over here, she must be worried stiff!"

"Not to worry baby, I had the presence of mind to text her before I passed out. She offered to meet us for lunch. Shaun is still recovering, so it'll just be the three of us."

"Cool, though I'm not sure I want to even think about food for a bit yet."

"Yeah, let's go to the corner shop and get some of that orange sport drink. It really seems to help in situations like this."

We staggered up off the bed and made ourselves more presentable. Sleeping in our clothes had not exactly left us looking our best. My hair was all over the place and it took quite a bit of effort to de-tangle it, at least to the point that it didn't look like I had just been dragged backwards through a bush. Blinking, we eased our way out into the sunThe painkillers were gradually easing our suffering, but I still felt a bit rotten.

We walked down the road arm in arm, more for support at this stage, and went into the local corner shop. Caitlyn grabbed a load of bottles of an orange sports drink. We paid for them and then went down the street to a small grassed area with benches to drink them. The fresh breeze was doing wonders for cooling my tortured head as we drank the sweet orange flavoured concoction and gradually recovered. Once we had polished off a bottle or two each we were feeling more like ourselves again.

Caitlyn cuddled up next to me on the bench and put her arm around my waist. "So are you going to join the club permanently? The rest of the girls seemed to really like you and I know you'll enjoy coming along each week and to the events."

"Yeah I don't see why not. It was nice to be in a room of people that understood what it was like to be different."

"Cool, they've got the boat trip coming up, we can go dancing. I was going to ask you anyway, as my guest."

"I'm not very good at dancing."

She grinned, "I don't care. I'll wear my steel toecaps and we'll have a great time.".

We cuddled for awhile as the worst of our hangovers faded, then decided to make our way up to campus for a walk before meeting Nat for lunch. Caitlyn had some books to drop off at the library and I wanted to check my mail.

We leisurely walked to the campus, taking our time and enjoying the day. The sun was out and it was nice, as the breeze kept it from getting too hot. As we approached the front gate I saw the protesters were still out, though seemingly only the hardcore. There were at most 15 people there now. Kathy was still amongst them, but it seemed most of the fanatics had got tired of standing out there all day, rather than sitting comfortably in lectures.

I got the obligatory angry stare. I felt a bit cocky, so I smiled back at her, wishing her a good morning. She turned bright red and shouted, "GET LOST FREAK!" back at me and moved as if to stop me.

Caitlyn leapt in front of me and made an angry hissing noise, which startled Kathy who stumbled backwards. Several of her remaining buddies came over and stood next to her facing off with Caitlyn. Most of them were big chaps. To see this small redhead facing them down totally fearlessly was a strange sight. It was even stranger, since I knew it was because of me.

One of the campus security people came over and told us all to move along. I took Caitlyn's hand and led her off down towards campus. She never took her eyes off Kathy, making a low growling noise, her body tensed as if ready to pounce at any moment.

Eventually she seemed to snap out of it and put her arm around me again, "Sorry about that. It's one of the instincts I got when I changed. I'm fiercely protective when the people I love are threatened."

"That's very sweet," I replied and gave her a kiss.

On the way to the library, we passed the Student Union. There was some sort of commotion, with a crowd of people, a taped off area near the admin block, a few coppers, and an ambulance. We wandered over to see what was going on.

"What happened?" Caitlyn asked one of the spectators.

"One of the admin people committed suicide. Climbed up to the service tower and threw herself off. She landed on the concrete. Real mess, guess she couldn't take listening to other people's problems any more," the girl said.

I glanced over and saw a figure laid out on a stretcher. They were just covering the body with a sheet. It was the woman I had seen yesterday. I gasped and covered my mouth in shock.

"What is it," asked Caitlyn.

"I talked to her yesterday, she seemed fine, then. I can't believe she's gone and killed herself only a little while later."

"You better tell the coppers, they might want to speak to you," the girl said.

Caitlyn called over one of the police officers and I detailed my meeting with the woman. They noted everything down, but told me it probably wasn't relevant. The woman had been having problems at home. Still, they recorded the information in case it was important.

That upset took a ;little of the shine off the day. I was deep in thought as we went into the library to drop off Caitlyn's books. After she dropped them off we stood queuing for a tablet to become free so we could get our mail.

"Hey, cheer up Em. I'm sure that woman was just a very unhappy person," Caitlyn told me, trying to get my mind back on track.

"Maybe, but I was with Nat. If she had been so tortured that she was going to off herself, surely Nat would have picked up on some of that," I said.

"Hmm, maybe she was one of those people who is fine at work, when they are busy. But when they stop working, all the demons they suppress come out to haunt them," Caitlyn suggested.

"I guess that's possible," I said, not very convinced, I kept thinking that given I had been talking to her only a few hours before, I should have spotted something. I ran over our meeting in my head loads of times, but I couldn't spot even the slightest hint that she was a woman on the edge. I would have to speak with Nat about it later. Maybe with her additional senses she had picked something up that would shed some light on the subject. I pushed the incident to the back of my mind and tried to forget about it for now. We soon got to the front of the queue and got two terminals. When I checked my mail, after filtering out the spam, there were a few things from my family, various relatives that had heard about my change.

My grandmother on my father's side had sent me a mail to see if I was alright. She had offered to knit me something for the winter and wanted my new dimensions. I replied with the measurements I knew and detailed my new appendages. A nice warm top would be good for the winter months and nothing beat a good woolly jumper. I hoped grandma could adapt the standard pattern to cope with six arms. I asked for a blue colour since it would be a nice contrast with my silver hair and eyes.

Once we were both done we headed over to the canteen to meet with Nat. We found her sitting, having already got her lunch. "What do you want Em?" Caitlyn asked.

"Oh I was thinking a chicken mayo sandwich and an orange crush, but I can get it."

"No you take a seat! I'll go get it for you," she disappeared, off to join the queue.

Natalie had a wicked grin on her face and a gleam of mischief in her eyes, "So you spent the night in Caitlyn's room. You little minx you. Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but we were way too wasted to do anything but sleep," I replied.

"Oh come on!" she said incredulously. "You and little Caitlyn alone at last in a single bed? You must have done something."

"Nothing. We were so far gone we slept in our clothes."

Nat raised her eyebrows, "What! Damn! Now all the stories I spread about you and Caitlyn will just be way off."

"You've been spreading stories?"

"Yeah. Well, more lies and innuendo by the sounds of it. There was lots of winking and nudging involved. Oh, and giggling. When you didn't come back last night and I found out you were staying over at Caitlyn's it seemed the logical conclusion. Plus Laura and Jenny were there so they made up their own versions of events."

"But the whole house is going to think I'm some sort of slut!"

"What makes you think they didn't already. Your exploits in the union bar are legendary and the fact that you are dating Caitlyn, someone whose own reputation is somewhat wild, only adds to the mythos."


Natalie giggled, taking far too much joy in my discomfort.

"Oh ... I saw something today that was a bit of a shock. That woman we went to see yesterday on the admin staff committed suicide."

"What!?" exclaimed Natalie.

"Yeah, apparently she threw herself off the top of the building."

"I don't believe it! She seemed fine yesterday."

"That's what I thought. Maybe I'm fooling myself, but I keep thinking I should have noticed something was wrong."

"I didn't sense anything with her that would suggest she was suicidal. I know I'm not a psychologist, so I bet I could easily be wrong, but she was happy, at least when we were with her."

We sat in silence thinking about our encounter with the woman, Caitlyn returned a few moments later with sandwiches.

"What's got into you two gloomy guts?" she asked.

"Sorry, just thinking about that woman," I replied.

"Oh, don't worry yourself too much, baby. I'm sure there was nothing you could have done." Caitlyn put a try down. "Here, eat your sandwich. It will make you feel better."

I gave her a smile and began munching on my sandwich. She was probably right. Maybe the woman had problems at home and it was only when she thought of them that she couldn't take it. Maybe being distracted by my issues and those of other students had helped her last this long. Still it bothered me, something about it just didn't seem to feel right. I guess maybe all such sudden and tragic events would feel the same way. I tried to push it to the back of my mind.

I noticed Nat lean over and whisper something to Caitlyn, who winked at her conspiratorially.

"So Caitlyn," said Nat with a smirk, "how was she? You spent the night together. Was it all you hoped?"

"Oh it was incredible, such stamina! She went all night long," she grinned.

"Really! Wow, and she said nothing happened," Nat grinned.

"Don't you believe it," said Caitlyn, "She's insatiable, wore me out so much I fell asleep in my clothes. The things she can do with those hands carry a quadruple x-rating."

"Stop it, you two!" I said, blushing horribly.

"Oh we're only teasing you, sweetie," said Caitlyn, "You're just so easy to embarrass, I couldn't help myself."

"She's right. You get so red you look like you're sunburnt," giggled Nat.

I glared angrily at the two of them, "Oh come on, baby. Don't be mad Here, let me make it up to you." Caitlyn kissed me on the lips, which was pretty good as apologies go.

"So what did you really think? You got her into bed and nothing happened," said Nat.

Caitlyn smiled. "Well I have to say it's not what I hoped for, for our first night together, but I did find she is very comfy.".

We finished our lunches and then Caitlyn had to go off to lectures. Nat suggested we nip back to the hall, get our gym kit and put in a session at the gym. It seemed a reasonable idea, I would get a shower out of it and our next lecture was last thing, so we had time to kill. We hurried backand grabbed changes of clothes and our gym kits. We made our way back up to the gym, once again passing the anti-MORFS lot, who seemed to have been on a break when we went out.

Kathy spotted me and shouted, "Not so tough now without the fuzz ball, are you freak!"

Nat and I waved to her with big smiles, which seemed to infuriate her even more. At the moment I felt pretty safe from Kathy anyway. Caitlyn might be ferocious, but she is little. Nat packed a lot more of a punch, without looking like she would, which in my mind, made her the more deadly of the two, though I'd never tell Caitlyn that. I might hurt her feelings, and she seemed to like the idea of being my protector.

We went into the gym. It was the usual side show stare-a-thon as I got changed and as we worked out. We did our best to shut out our audience and get on with things. We both pushed ourselves and encouraged each other. I was surprised to see both of us were doing better than we had before. I guess giving Nat someone to train against was good for her, as it was helping her expand on her limits. I got to see what my limits were, as well as improving my use of my new arms and hands, which, while not quite yet as flexible as my other limbs, were becoming more an instinctive part of me every day. We finished off, feeling tired, but good, and the hot shower did wonders. Sleeping in my clothes had left me feeling really grimy, which was compounded by the hard workout, so having a nice hot shower was wonderful and it felt good to get clean.

I changed into my clean clothes and then we headed off to our lecture. It was one of the more boring ones, and I had to fight to stay awake. I got to the point where I would find myself dozing off and jerk suddenly awake as my head started to fall. I wished I'd had the presence of mind to grab some coffee before coming to the lecture room. Even the nasty instant muck the machines served would have helped me through.

After the lecture was over, we put some time in on our projects. We each had to finish a project by the end of the year which would make up a fair chunk of the mark for the year. In later years, projects were worth a significant chunk of our final mark. Since the first year wasn't worth a lot over all, maybe ten percent, it was more of an introduction so we would know what to expect. I was doing a bit of work on mobile robot localisation, basically how a robot worked out where it was in a room. It was interesting stuff. I got to do a bit of hardware, and a bit of software. Nat was working on a pure software project that involved evolving controllers for robots in a virtual environment. We tinkered away at our respective projects for an hour or so then made a move to get home for dinner.

In later years we would be working on projects in teams. I hoped that Nat and I could work together, as I had a feeling the two of us together with our complimentary skill sets would be good. Nat was a hacker. She would put things together and make them work with little time, but she didn't have the patience to prettify things. I could spend hours doing lovely 3D interfaces, pulsing PWM lights, and fancy displays, without getting anything done on the actual desired functionality. I also knew bits of hardware, mechanics and electronics, whereas Nat was almost exclusively a software gal.

When we wandered down the hill to the hall, it seemed the anti-MORFS lot had packed up for the day. So we made our way out the front gate unmolested. Once we got back we dropped off our stuff then headed out for some dinner. We got there a bit late, so there was a pretty big queue. As we shuffled patiently towards the front with all the others, I crossed one set of arms in front of me, used another to prop myself up against the wall, then put the third set of hands in my pockets.

"You seem to be getting really comfortable with your new arms," said Nat, "I see you using them for things, seemingly automatically."

"Yeah, they are much more like my normal arms now. Not quite as dexterous yet, but getting there."

"I think your table football practice and the workouts seem to be getting you comfortable with them. They don't seem to twitch and flap about like they did initially."

"Yeah I'm glad of that. It was a real pain when they were like that."

"Do you want to go over and see Shaun a bit later? I was going to pop over and see how he's doing. I'm sure he would like to see you, too."

"Sure sounds good. Should I invite Caitlyn as well?"

"Yeah, why not? We'll get the whole gang there."

I pulled out my mobile from my lower pocket and with a little concentration, keyed in a message to Caitlyn. Stabbing buttons with my lower left thumb was tricky, but it seemed possible. When we reached the front of the queue I passed my phone to my middle left hand and grabbed a tray with my lower hands and finished tapping in the message, while using my normal hands to grab stuff to eat.

We found our table and I finished my message, sent it and then put my phone away. Pleased with my accomplishment, I tucked in to dinner using my lower hands with the knife and fork. Nat was grinning at my antics and began purposely handing me more things to hold throughout the meal. At one point, I was dealing with the knife and fork with my lower arms, buttering a roll with my middle arms, passing the salt with my upper left hand and holding a cup with my upper right hand. It was a small element of showing off, but I enjoyed myself for a bit. I suspected though, that it would quickly become a little like I was a circus attraction if I kept doing things like that.

After dinner we headed back to the house. Caitlyn had texted back, saying she was too busy to join us, so we headed off to see Shaun without her. We grabbed our coats and headed over to Shaun's place. Being a second year student, he was sharing a house with some friends.

We found the place a medium sized semi-detached house in the student district. Here, more than half the houses were student rental places. The people that had bought them up always had a ready rental market, plus students weren't too fussy, so they didn't need to be as exacting in their upkeep. In fact, in a lot of situations it wasn't a bad idea to go with just the basics, as places had a habit of getting trashed.

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"Are you getting out of here on time?" I looked up to see my boss Barry Masters looking into my office. He wore the same cheesy grin he always wore on the nights that he would be coming to my house for dinner. He enjoyed rubbing it in that he was going to fuck my wife. I guess I should start at the beginning. My name is Bill Jaczwenski, pronounced Jacks-win-ski. Most people know me as Billy Jack, or just Jacko. I am a 35 year old account executive for a small time piss ant advertising...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream Malissas academy 7

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 7 By: Malissa Madison With the departure of my sister and her command group I began to feel as if I needed to know more about the things I hadn't ever considered before. Like the parallel universes like Earta Prime. I knew that Calista was from one, called the Kaidran Quadrant. Her husband while being a Cheetah Furry was a Kaidran rather than a Terrellian like those in this Universe. So I began looking into those, then I realized that both...

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My New Girlfriend

Hi friends, I am back with another story from the last story and I got some reviews and I am happy and hope this time there will be more comments so that I can progress in my writing skill. This is a real story that happened to me about three years back at that time. I was working for a reputed company and I was about to leave that company because of some personal problems, the company organized a picnic for the staffs. As it was the last gathering for me I went there on my bike. We were all...

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John at last Part 1

About two hours later, when all the work we had been assigned was completed, John plopped down beside me on the carpeted floor. Sweat was trickling off his forehead and his hair and clothes were soaking. It wasn’t an unfamiliar sight – John was the school’s star athlete. “You know when you asked me if I was okay back there?” he said, bringing it up. I nodded. “I broke up with Bella.” Oh God. I didn’t know that. Bella, John’s girlfriend, or ex girlfriend, now, was one of my closest friends....

1 year ago
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Defying my family part 6

Father vs. Son“Please don’t be alarmed or think this is a sick joke, but my name is Bradley Patrick; however you knew me as Benjamin Reese. Chelsea Reese was my mother.” I say to the Donna Reese“That’s impossible. Benjamin is dead” She tells me.“It’s not ma’am, I am him, and I was given over to my father, the man that ****d Chelsea”“I think you better come in and explain yourself”I walk into her house and she led me to the living room. I sit down when she offers me a seat. She walks out of the...

2 years ago
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Sex Slave VirginsChapter 4

When Mary limped back to her bed that night, she didn't tell Teresa what had happened. She wasn't particularly proud, even if her sexual experience had been broadened somewhat. She was confused, more than anything. She hadn't liked the idea of what Royce had done to her, but just remembering the act itself made her tingle all over. She'd really come hard. And Royce had known it. They were just waking up next morning when Royce brought breakfast. It looked as if he'd worked overtime...

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Life in My Little Hometown

Gina had brought John a car rather as a going back home present. I was not very happy about it however; I kept it to myself. The corvette she had brought him was in my name and most of the time I did do the driving when John and I went out. Mainly because he just drove too crazy in it. I rather grew jealous of Gina as summer went on, as she seemed like she was taking up a lot of John’s time. Everyone around me told me it was just because she would be returning home soon. The only person I...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 36

They had been waiting inside the barn for all the occupants to exit the vehicles to become easy targets. When the SUVs started backing away they opened fire, filling the occupants and the engines with rounds. The engines died and the men inside were dying. “FIREBIRD1 WE ARE TAKING HEAVY FIRE FROM THE BARN! EMPTY THE TUBES AND EMPTY THE RACKS INTO THE BARN,” I yelled into the aviation radio. “10-4” Axle James was the pilot of the Blackhawk. He was a marine UH 60 pilot for years, with...

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TimeslipChapter 3

I tried to figure out what was happening, I can't for the life of me remember who I am, how did I get into the fight? My ability to hear thoughts, can I do more than just 'hear' them, the extra strength, did I always have it? The same with the slow motion thing, are these things something I achieved from the blow to my head? My thoughts were interrupted by a distinguished gentleman entering the ward. "Jimmy, how are you feeling?" I sensed this man was someone important in my life. I...

3 years ago
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My Sister 8211 My Wife

Thanks for reading my earlier story “Love of my life” ( ). That was about how my sister and I expressed our love for each other and shared intimate moments. Today, I am writing about how we got ‘married’. So after spending couple of weeks discovering each other physically, emotionally and experiencing the heights of love and lust, I returned to India and she stayed back in London continuing her studies. We decided we won’t...

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Daddys Little Callgirl

Copyright© 2003-2006 Sexybeast "You would not believe the things this girl could do with her mouth," Fred told me over dinner. He was describing the hooker he'd had up to his room the night before. Or is escort the proper term? Can she be an escort if she only escorts you to the bed? "I don't think I care what she could do with her mouth," I told him between sips of wine. "You wouldn't be saying that if you'd been there. I'm telling you, this girl was unbelievable. She made it...

4 years ago
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BiCurious Couple

I have a long-standing ad on a website that states my desire for bi MF couples. Sometimes I'll get a reply from the bi-curious, and once in a while from an experienced bi couple. This is a story about a 'curious' guy and his babe.Victor and Ursula appeared to be a couple that were bored in their relationship, from what I could gather. They'd been to some swinging events and had enjoyed them. In his lengthy second email, Victor said that she'd actually crossed the line and went down on several...

3 years ago
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The Pool GirlChapter 9

The afternoon arrived, and though only eight hours had passed it felt like days. When Melissa walked into the backyard a weight lifted off me. She walked up to me instead of going directly to the shed and sat down, still wearing the tight jeans and t-shirt from earlier. She was carrying her beat-up second-hand copy of Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and put it down. “Ready to start talking about it today?” I asked. “I’m up to where the boy is put in Okonkwo’s home.” She rubbed my leg. “You look...

1 year ago
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My Doctor My Maid

Chapter 1: Office Visit "Excuse me ... I..." I stumbled over my words, as I got a look at the woman sitting in front of me. "I was looking for ... Dr. Rodriguez." "You found her," she said with a grin that was almost a smirk. "I'm Carmen Rodriguez. Perhaps you were expecting a man, no? But as you can see, I am a woman." That I could see. Indeed! A large and very well built woman, 'stacked like a brick shit house' I would have said in college days. A large expanse of Dr....

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Dans Home Coming

As far as business trips go this one was a bust. The client I was to meet with had a burst appendix two hours into our first meeting and had to be carried off to the hospital. As a result I was home two days early. Beverly's car was in the driveway; good, I thought, I was horny as a goat and a round in the sack and a good dinner at Carl's Chop House would do me just fine. I walked in the house and hollered, "Bev, I'm home." No answer. Maybe she was taking a nap. I carried my suitcase into...

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Twin Twins Ao

They laid there naked on the bed side by side holding hands. They had just made each other come but had not done the final position, that is Jim had not penetrated Jan’s pussy. They somehow just could not do it. It seemed wrong. They were born a minute apart and were holding hands when born. They both had red hair, white skin, both around 6’ tall He had strong shoulders a trim waist and slim male hips. She was a nice 32c 20, 28 hour glass figure. When they walked pass people they new they were...

4 years ago
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The BootleggerChapter 21

When we awoke on Sunday morning, I waited for her to shower before me. I took short showers, but the water heater in the shack was small. I tried to be sure she had all the hot water that she needed. After her shower I realized that we had just enough time to make if for a take out biscuit breakfast from the local fast food restaurant. That particular fast food restaurant’s biscuits depended on which grandma made them. One of the grandma’s biscuits tasted more like cake, than than a country...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 480

The difference between oO and Oo; Two young guys appear in court after being arrested for smoking dope. The judge says, "You seem like nice young men, and I'd like to give you a second chance instead of jail time. I want you to go out this weekend and try to convince others of the evils of drug use. I'll see you back in court Monday" On Monday, the judge asks the first guy, "How did you do over the weekend?" "Well, your honor, I persuaded 17 people to give up drugs...

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First Threesome Of Wife

After an okay sex session, and me having cummed on her stomach, we are taking a break, and having a chat. We are realizing our sex live has dried up in a year. We have d one a lot of stuff together, had a lot of fun. But something seems sad and missing. My wife is really pretty. Her name is Farida. She is 5’7″ tall. Fair. 34D-34-36. I like, but was getting sort of bored. But somehow the idea of having sex with other girls did not excite me. Farida – So it seems the sex is not doing that great...

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Too Much of a Good Thing Ch 03

Too Much of a Good Thing: A Fantasy of Excess. Chapter III: How much ‘Change’ can a fella handle? Angel and I had agreed to a long pause following a come scene, but then I’d come before plan and we still had five girls to get through. Since Cathy had had well over one hour of air time, this meant at least another five to six hours on the job — well, you can do the math. So, bottom line, we agreed after a short pause to keep going and hope it would turn out ok. I made a much needed trip to the...

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Unsatisfied Bhabhi Ko Satisfaction Diya 8211 Part 2

Helloo Friend kaise ho aaplog, mai Andy. Aaplogo ne meri pahli story “Unsatisfied bhabhi ko satisfaction diya” ko itna like kiya uske liye aap sabka shukriya. Bahut sare readers ne mujhe mail v kiya mai un sabko tahe Dil se Sukriya kahna Chahta hu..! Mere sath aisi kai ghatanaye jo maine aaj tak kisi ko batane ki himmat nahi ki par is site ke madhyama se mai sab ko apni story bata Pa raha Hu. Ab aapka jyada samay nast na karte hue mai next story “Unsatisfied bhabhi ko satisfaction diya Part-2”...

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Sushma8217s School Days Telugu

(మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నాకు స్కూల్ కి వెళ్ళటానికి చాలా ఇబ్భందిగా ఉంది. పుస్తకాలు ఎంత అడ్డు పెట్టుకున్నా అబ్బాయిల చూపులన్నీ నా ఛాతీ పైనే. ఎంత జాగ్రత్తగా నడిచినా నా ఎత్తులు అందంగా కదులుతూనే ఉంటాయి. నేను దాటేసేక కూడా అబ్బాయిల చూపులు నా పిర్రల మీదనే ఉంటాయి. వాళ్ళ కామెంట్స్ వింటూ ఉంటే సిగ్గు తో చచ్చిపోవాలనిపిస్తుంది. కానీ దానితో బాటే గర్వంగా కూడా ఉంటుంది. వనజ,లక్ష్మి నా వంక చూసే అసూయ చూపులు బలే ఉత్సాహాన్నిస్తాయి. ఇంక స్కూల్లో అడపిల్లలం ముందు బెంచీల్లో కూర్చుంటాం. వెనక నుంచి అబ్బాయిలు...

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A Week Spent Helping Aunt Lori isn't a picture of my Aunt Lori, I don't have one of those, but it's a very close likeness of her. This is the story of my first time, and most likely the reason my attraction to cougars/MILF's. It took place in the mid-90's, towards the end of the summer heading into my junior year of high school. Near the end of the previous school year I'd tried and fallen in love with pot & music, so I didn't do much over the...

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Mums Friends Chapter Four

Chapter  FourNext morning Paul woke at six-thirty. Sue had left, and May was lying beside him. May smiled then kissed Paul. An hour later they showered together. May made breakfast then they left for the Center. Tonight they were going to eat at the Italian restaurant.That evening May came into the lounge, she looked stunning. She had a blouse on that showed off her beautiful breasts. She was wearing her pearls which were long but weren't her usual pearls. The pearls were in three strings. They...

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Elisabeth at the Pool Hall

My friend Elizabeth and I had been traveling all day, just enjoying the local scenery and sunshine. We checked into a small hotel in a small western town. It was your typical western town with old brick buildings and more saloons than stores. After a quick nap and shower, we changed into more dressy attire for dinner. We had seen a bar in town that served food and had a pool table. Elizabeth was wearing something a bit out of character for her. She was wearing a sheer white cotton dress that...

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Wife coerced Threesome PART 1

My wife was reluctant at the idea, until one night at a local luxury hotel, I arranged a staycation, and got as nice suite. We spent the evening in the hotel lounge with live music. She wore her short denim shirt and black stay ups, as requested, and my favorite black silky top. I arranged a couple bulls from craigslist (the good ol days) and I asked them to hang in the lounge and wait til I pryed her with more wine, having them inspecting her from across the room. After about an hour , and...

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Lonesome Willow Ranch

Marina and I have been seeing each other for a week. I have learned about why she left Russia, seeking to make more money outside Russia. She is well-educated, but did not have access to a wide-ranging job market. Jobs in which she could put her skills to use are abundant outside Russia. She had a desire to see and experience the customs and traditions of a new culture. Russian men lack chivalry, they treat their Russian women with indifference or disinterest. Russian men are inclined to...

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Kimberlys Life as an AbsoluteChapter 4

Later that day, after my short drive home from my first real full day naked at work., I couldn't get it out of my head that I had actually turned down what could be my last chance to get out of that contract without it costing my job. I guess that I must have been so busy with my thoughts that I didn't see my neighbor, Brenda Watson, walking toward me as I was getting out of my car in the driveway. It wasn't until she was just about arm's reach from me that I noticed her. All I can say...

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Three bears

Amanda loved Christmas. The piped music in the shopping centre reminded her - it was the most wonderful time of the year. She never needed an excuse to shop and she enjoyed buying things for others even more than buying for herself. It was great to be out of the house too and being productive. Since her two girls had started school and with her husband often working away, she had found herself with far too much time at her disposal. Time she had started to spend on the darker side of the...

Straight Sex
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Weve Got Tonight

No descriptive sexual scenes in this story, as usual. Constructive comments, emails, and critiques are welcome and appreciated. "Last call," I yelled as I rang the small, old fashioned dinner bell hanging on the wall behind the bar; it was quarter to 2 in the morning and Missouri state law said Riley's Tavern had to close by 2:30. "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here." One guy objected loudly, "Who do you think you are, ordering us to leave?" I motioned him over...

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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 21 Barbara

Wednesday, August 4, 1971 “I believe your party has arrived, sir,” said the Marine, sticking his head in the door. Kip immediately pushed himself off the bulkhead and with a look at me to make sure I was okay, headed out the door to take up a watch over my family. “No kidding,” I replied as the raucous din of my family arriving on the aft deck reached our ears. “Would you ask your Sergeant to get someone to escort these folks out on the deck to join the rest of their crew? It’s getting kind...

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Lesbian play with my mom

Magar kaya name change karna sa sex gince change ho jatee hai? Ya baat un ka leya jo apni sex doosree batata hayin. Means hota guys hayin baat girl ban kar karta hayin. Har larka larkee mujha friendship offerkar raha hai, rahi hai…. Magar maree friends special jotee hayin ya hota hayin. Mai ya nahi kahtee ka koe be nahi, every 1 will be well comed show ur self lets chat about family friends hobbies etc then we decide wat to do next. Or choot ko tang karna ka secret sorry vo to cam par choot...

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Oh Teacher My TeacherChapter 6

We retired early Friday evening and for the first time in several days, we didn't make love. I think we were both asleep when our heads hit the pillow. I was up early the next morning, showered and shaved as I headed for the kitchen and breakfast. Our tee time was 9:12, and I felt much better after a good night's sleep. "Sleep well?" Crystal asked. "Very. I guess we were tired and maybe a bit stressed with everything that's been happening this week." "I'm sure. Is Astrid...

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AxemanChapter 32

First thing Wednesday morning I called Todd and let him know that we would not be making it tonight, “Ed’s fine. She is sleeping right now, but probably shouldn’t go anywhere for a few days. There was an incident with a Portal. When she is up and about, I’ll have her call everyone.” We didn’t talk long, but he promised to pass the message to the relevant people, i.e. everyone. Koz was fascinated, Kate horrified. I was worried, fascinated and not horrified. A blood colored hard film had...

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