Freeze Frame
- 2 years ago
- 50
- 0
I woke up a little while later and almost immediately began to cry. Nat was waiting in a chair by my bedside, the duvet and sheet was back over me. She stood up and came over when she saw I was awake and began stroking my head gently.
"I'm a freak!" I wailed.
"No, honey don't say that," Nat cooed.
"But I have 6 hands!" I sobbed.
"You'll get over it, Em, you're stronger than you realise," Nat said.
"I want to get up, I want to see it all, I want a mirror," I said.
"OK, But wait'll I go get the Doctor," She dashed off, returning a few moments later with the same doctor as before.
"I want to get up," I said.
"Now Miss Owen I'm not sure you're ready for that yet."
"I need to see it now!" I insisted.
The Doctor looked at me and eventually capitulated, "OK, but take it easy, one step at a time."
He pulled back the covers and began to undo the bindings that held my normal hands. Then I felt the odd sensation of him freeing my four new appendages. I could feel them shift oddly mostly hanging down lifelessly, their weight pulling at me on my sides. I moved to get out of bed using my normal arms my new limbs got in the way a fair amount. I felt them twitch and move, sometimes in concert with my normal limbs copying their movement, sometimes randomly moving without any obvious cause. It was a bizarre sensation.
Nat helped me up, putting her arm around me, and I put my arm round her shoulder for balance. My new arms poked her as I did this, one in her back, the other embarrassingly in the bottom.
"Sorry," I said.
"No problems, Em."
She helped me over to a full length mirror. All the extra weight of two additional pairs of arms, plus my having been asleep for some length of time made me very unsteady on my feet. I staggered and swayed my way over to the mirror.
When I was there I stared in horror at my reflection.
"Um Doctor, can we have a little privacy?" asked Nat.
"Certainly, if you need me call. I'll be right outside," he said and was out the door.
Nat gently closed the door giving us some privacy. I barely noticed I was still staring at the 6 armed girl in the mirror, I couldn't believe it was me. I looked pretty different, not just from my extra limbs, I was a little taller than I had been maybe 5 foot 9 or 10 to my old 5 foot 5. I had long thick silver grey hair down to my waist that shimmered like it was metallic. A brief tug confirmed it was still hair, though it felt really soft. My face looked lovely. It hadn't altered amazingly, but some subtle changes and overall improvements to my complexion had taken me from ugly or plain, to quite pretty. My skin was smooth and flawless, my eyes had the same silvery grey colour as my hair. My lips looked fuller, and my nose smaller. I reached up and undid the hospital gown, letting it fall to the floor. My breasts were handfuls, they looked similar to Nat's, and I knew she was a B cup. I cupped them, feeling my larger pale pink nipples with my palms. I examined my arms, my normal set attached as before, but under my original armpits a second set of joints stuck out, and beneath them a third set, giving me six identical arms. I tried to move the new hands, they sort of flopped about, responding but not in any controlled fashion. They also seemed to get cross wired with my normal arms a bit, often moving at the same time as my original arms. My abdomen seemed more muscled, probably due to all the extra musculature required to move my new limbs about. As a by-product. this made my tummy washboard flat.
I ignored these unwanted limbs and continued my examination. My waist seemed slightly smaller, my hips slightly wider. Not much, but enough with the breasts to give me a pretty nice figure. I ran my normal hands over my flat tummy, feeling how smooth my skin was. I examined my genitals, my pubic hair matched the shade of the hair sprouting out of my head but other than that, things seemed normal. I seemed to lack most other body hair. My legs seemed to have the same smooth flawless skin as the rest of me.
Stepping back to look at the overall picture, my upper body had a slightly triangular look to it. My shoulders were slightly wider to accommodate my extra arms under my normal ones. It served to make my figure look more hourglass and my waist smaller in comparison. I turned around, my back was more muscled to allow for my new limbs, my bum seemed firmer. All of me seemed to have got a slight tune up, tighter, firmer, smoother, sexier.
If it weren't for my freakish extra arms, I would look pretty good. A little odd with my hair and eye colour, but a fairly attractive girl next door look. As it was, I was a six armed freak. No matter that the package the had attractive wrapping paper, it was still a freak inside. I started crying again, Nat came over and pulled me into an embrace. I cried on her shoulder, not even caring that I was completely naked.
"There, there, come on get it all out. You'll be OK," Nat rocked me gently.
I cried for quite a while, eventually calming to the point that Nat let me go and helped me get my gown back on, as I was getting cold.
"How can I live like this? I'm a freak!" I asked, sitting on the bed trying to work out what to do with all these extra arms hanging off me.
"Don't say that Em! You're a little different sure, but you'll get over it," Nat said stroking my cheek.
A sudden thought occurred to me and I brightened, "I could have the doctors cut them off!" I said excitedly.
"No sweetie, I asked them already. Surgically removing the limbs, because of the way they are attached would likely leave you badly scarred, maybe deformed, and quite possibly lead to a lot of pain, even phantom limb pain in all the removed limbs, which can be horrific. Your new arms are also tightly linked to your spine so there would be a risk of paralysing you. There is a chance that a really top grade bioelemental could manage it and leave you OK, but since it's not life threatening, you are not going to get help on the NHS for that, and those cats cost loads of money. I'm sorry, Em." Nat said looked sad.
I cried for a bit more, eventually running out of tears. I ended up just sitting there with Nat holding one of my now many hands. My new arms seemed almost to have a mind of their own, almost constantly moving about and twitching. I could sort of feel what they touched, but they seemed almost like dead weight on me most of the time. They didn't feel like they were part of me, they felt like they had been grafted on somehow. They were nasty alien things hanging off my torso, pulling me down, getting in the way, making me feel sluggish and unable to move.
Eventually the Doctor returned for a set of test to check my condition, I was poked and prodded and scanned and so on. I asked about my new arms and why they just did things at random.
The doctor explained that my brain was still in the process of rewiring my motor cortex to cope with my new limbs. He told me that with practice, they should eventually be as functional as my original arms. He recommended trying to use them as frequently as possible to speed up the remapping of nerve connections that would allow me to integrate them into my body image.
I scowled at that a bit, not wanting the damn things at all, still I decided having them controllable would be better than them flailing around. Several times during the exams they suddenly moved out and slapped or poked one of the nurses or doctors. I was very embarrassed by this, but they were very nice to me, even the young lady doctor I caught right across the backside as I was turning to sit in a scanner she was operating.
At the end of it, the Doctor said I was free to go home and to take things easy for a few days. He also recommended I go to a post MORFS facility for an assessment that would more thoroughly document my changes. I flat out refused, not wanting to be poked and prodded some more, especially as I knew what happened in those places, with telepaths prodding around in your brains, something that scared me witless.
When the Doctor found I wasn't going to be moved on the subject, he eventually gave up. Nat had found me some clothes to fit my new shape, an old tracksuit one of her boyfriends had left behind. In order to prevent my new arms flailing about, she bound them to my tummy with some bandages we got from one of the nurses. It made me look fat, but at least I looked like a two armed fat girl rather than a slim six armed freak.
Nat helped me home. I was still a little wobbly on my feet, but I was gradually getting used to the extra weight I was carrying around. We caught the bus back to the hall and went into the house. I sat down on my bed and was soon crying again, Nat came over and hugged me.
"I know how you feel, Em, but it will get better," Nat said.
"How could you know!" I shouted angrily, "Look at me! I'm a horrible freak girl no one will ever want!" I burst into tears again.
"Well..." she paused looked over at the door making sure it was shut then turned back to me and hesitantly continued, "I went been through MORFS too, years ago. It changed me, I was a plain nerd girl before it, and over the course of a week I became this. You might think it was a blessing, and it was in some ways. But it ruined a lot of my friendships. They couldn't see me as me any more. People look at me and see dumb blonde, they hardly ever take me seriously. Girls treat me like I'm some sort of slut out to steal their boyfriends. Boys treat me like ... well, you can imagine."
She paused again seeming to work herself up for the next bit. She looked at me intently, her eyes looking a little scared and worried, "It also made me an empath, I feel the emotions of those around me. I've never told anyone about it before. I was too afraid. You've come close to guessing though, and I was working up the courage to tell you anyway. I've felt the hate and jealousy of those around me, the lust and dark impulses of what people wanted to do to me. It made me sick and afraid. I refused to go back to school after the first day back, but my parents forced me. After a while I got used to it, learnt ways to shut out most of the bad. You told me how much you dislike the idea of telepaths, so I was always scared if I told you what I was, something so similar, that you wouldn't like me any more. I hope we can still be friends."
She stared at me with hope filled, slightly teary eyes, I hugged her tight. She was my best friend, and I wasn't going to let her go now, not when I needed her the most. She hugged me back.
"You'll find a way to adapt, too, and I'll be here for you every step of the way Em. Why don't you get yourself some sleep, you're probably still tired from the change. I'll wake you at dinner time."
I smiled and she helped me into bed. I dozed off pretty quick and was soon dreaming weird dreams about trying to tie my shoe laces with multiple hands all getting in the way.
I was awakened up by voices at the door. Natalie was talking to Dave, the jerk who was Tom's roommate.
"So, is nerd girl all changed now?" Dave asked.
"Shut it, Dave!" Nat said.
"She got a tail now or what? I hooked up with some chick from over in St David's Hall she had a tail and was a real wild cat, if you catch my drift," he said.
"Gah! You perv." Nat almost spat it at him.
"Come on, let me take a look see. She might be just right for a guy with exotic tastes like me," he said.
There was crunch and then a thump against the wall and a moan of pain from Dave, "If you upset her, I'll cut you in ways that will make you useless to a woman! So you stay the hell back. You don't want to mess with me, Dave," Nat said menacingly.
I heard the door open, then Nat came in and shut the door behind her. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, my restrained arms stirring, once again reminding me of their presence. I reached for my glasses by instinct before realising I didn't need them.
"Oh, did I wake you Em? I was just coming to get you for dinner, babe," Nat said.
"Did you just beat up Dave?" I asked.
"A little," said Nat with a sheepish smile, "Something else I got from MORFS, I'm a lot stronger than I look. I can't bench press a truck or anything, but enough to make sure some little man can't try to strong arm me and upset my best friend."
I smiled at her, until she asked, "So fancy coming down for a bite to eat?"
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This naughty little story, although entirely fictional, is based on/inspired by real life experiences I've had. Enjoy reading it, I certainly did writing it! :P lolSo I've been working this office job for a while now. I started out when I was 18 and ever since then I've been a busy hard-working worker. I shan't bore you with the ins-and-outs of the job (who wants to read about such a thing on a porn site?! lol).Anyway, having been working hard for a few years, I figured I was more than...
Am Samstag unterrichtete sie mich dass sie natürlich wieder zu Nadine gehen würde, sie fragte gar nicht sondern es war an sich schon fix. Ich nickte und legte mich aufs Bett um zu lesen, noch bevor sie ihre Tasche gepackt hatte. Nervös lief sie durch die Wohnung. Ich amüsierte mich, war sie nervös weil sie eine Zigarette brauchte oder weil sie ihre Sachen nicht packen konnte? Ich blätterte weiter in meiner Zeitschrift, es wurde bereits 18 Uhr. „Willst du nicht packen?“ fragte ich sie. Und sie...
The phone was ringing when Lois and Dennis returned to her house after enjoying a delicious pizza. Lois answered it. ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘he’s here. No. He’s been no problem. Goodness, no. I was glad I could help out. You want to talk with him?’ She gestured to Dennis. ‘It’s your parents.’ Dennis took the phone and heard his mother’s voice. ‘They’re having a great time,’ Dennis told Lois after he finished the call. ‘I’m glad. They needed to take a vacation for a while, now.’ ‘I’m glad they’re...
It had been three weeks, maybe a month, after my first ever hot encounter with another guy.He had been John, a lovely guy whose tenderness and patience made my first time so memorable and horny, unlike the hurried amateur teenage fumblings of my first sex with an equally inexperienced and gauche girl so many years before.I was still married, and opportunities to meet up with guys were, well, practically nonexistent.I usually didn't have a place. And if I had a place then I didn't have the time....
Hi friends I am back with a new story of a mature lady and me I am romil from Ahmadabad as you all know well built average looking guy but with good height and impressive dick to me story pe ata hu k kese mene mere friend ki land lord ko choda Ek din dost k ghar se saman khali karana tha to me b sath gaya help k liye to jate hi niche ek aunty khadi thi jo ekdum gori thi aur beautiful jo kariban 40 years ki hogi aur uska figure to kya batau yar kya boobs the me to dekhte hi reh gaya phir jab hum...
People are different, and the way Riley and Bob reacted to their unplanned, but very intentional tryst was different too. For Riley, there was an emotional release that was cathartic. While she didn't actively think about it while they made love, something within her recognized that she could give herself to this man without worrying that he would cause her the kind of pain Chuck had visited on her. She trusted Bob, and could, therefore, offer every part of herself to him without fear. The...
It was a dreary dark day in October and the rain was beating hard against the windows. In the offices of PC Enterprises sat the head of the business Peter Clayton. His office was extremely plush for greeting visitors with everything a Managing Director could wish for. Outside of his office it was a very different matter. The office workers worked hard, fully aware of Peter’s reputation as a strict disciplinarian who would tolerate no nonsense. Just outside Peter's office sat his Personal...
We arrive as the previews begin and walk up in the darkness to the top row and find two seats on the right side...the seats do not have an arm between them. We sit and I put my arm around you and you scoot close to me. We watch the previews as I take quick glances your way. I smile because I am beside you. You catch some of my glances and we smile together. At my next glance, I catch you looking at me so I lean over and kiss you gently and quickly. You lay your head on my shoulder. I reach...
Hi Iam Raj and this is a true story so please bear with the details as true stories are little complex and not straight to fucking like the fake stories. So iam Raj and Ram is my elder brother. I have a solid athletic body and Ram is slender and soft. I joined a software company owned by Varun who later became my good friend. He shared stories where he fucked his employees like bitches and also mentioned the best of them all was Seema who works as an HR Manager at the same company. I used to...
IncestAs any sensible man would do, Black Wolf returned to his village by a circuitous route which would confuse anyone trying to follow him. As a result, it was nearly dark by the time he reached his home. Oh, no! The place was a mass of charred remains! The ashes were cold, so Black Wolf knew that the attack had to have come early in the day, possibly within an hour of when he had left to start his hunt. Black Wolf cast around looking for signs that someone had survived the attack. This had to...
He had thought about Saema a lot since her death. Sometimes, he was wracked with guilt, wondering if there was something he could have done to save her. At other times, he just thought about the good times they had. Saema had been very good to him and was a great girlfriend; in some ways, he didn’t feel like he deserved her. Now, though, she had been taken away from him and it was hard for him not to wonder what could have been. As he approached her casket, he peered inside and saw her laying...
Janet was thankful that she was having Wayne over that evening. After the episode with Chris, her pussy throbbed with need all day. Several times she almost ran to the bathroom to masturbate. Strangely she felt no guilt at what she had done. She still felt that it was only fun and that she could control it. Wayne was going to be surprised when he arrived at Janet's house tonight. She had prepared a special candlelight dinner for him. She even put on his favorite sexy white dress. What Wayne...
I made it back in time to do the last two group challenges of the afternoon. My group was up against Tim's group and after many physical activities, all the boys headed up to the dorms to get ready for showers. The camp in the wilderness was quite isolated. Tim and I wandered slowly to the dorms physically beaten after all the hard work. I was still amazed at what I had seen happen between Tom and Luke earlier that day and I drifted in and out of conversation with Tim. 'Shit! We've missed the...
GayChapter 31 – A Dangerous Game ~~~***~~~ The third staircase on the climb up Gryffindor tower locked into place. A few of the wizards in the portraits against the wall stirred, but most just continued sleeping. Even though she was exhausted, Hermione’s heart pounded faster and faster the closer they got to the Gryffindor common room. On their climb out of the dungeons, she explained everything that had transpired. Snape cursed Harry’s reckless behaviour. “He’ll get them all killed...
It was a pretty hot early summer day, I was returning from a short visit to some relatives in a out of town. Still a student, I didn't have a car, so I had to take the train back home. I embarked, I quickly found my compartment. An older lady was was there alone, and needless to say, she was dying for some company. In about 15 minutes, I learned all about her family history, her 6 nephews and 4 grandc***dren. "Quite e prolific family she has...I wonder how hot she was when she was young" I...
Joe leaned down to pet Rex, who was jumping around the boy very excited. "Go on Rex, breakfast!" said Joe, and the dog knew what to do. He darted into Stew's ass cheeks and started licking, and the boy started moaning. "Alright you little shit, you aren't gonna be the only one with a tongue up your ass," Joe said before turning around and grabbing the back of his little boys head and shoving in between his enormous hairy ass cheeks. Joe had thicker and more hair all over his body than...
"I suppose it was too much to hope that I'd be your only girl hey son? How long have you two been at it?" I had forgetten that I had not instructed mother as to my intentions with the rest of the family, I suppose I should rectify that. "Why don't you both show each other some love" I smirked as mom walked over without question and pulled Jenny to her feet, kissing her deeply and wildly. Both girls cupping and caressing each other, my mothers hands all over Jennys ass, cupping and...