Freeze FrameChapter 8 free porn video

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I woke up to the usual morning bustle, a rush to get breakfast and off to lectures. Ours didn't start till a bit later, so we were somewhat more at our leisure than some of our colleagues. We sat with our housemates for breakfast and talked. We told them about what had happened to Shaun and they were horrified.

"Right in the middle of campus!?" said Jenny.

"It's very worrying that someone could just be attacked like that and no one saw anything," Laura said, "I mean Shaun's a big bloke. Imagine if it were one of us girls attacked like that."

"Yeah," said Nat. "What bothers me most is there doesn't appear to be any motive for it."

I nodded, "It does seem odd. Usually there'd be some reason behind it."

"Maybe it was just random," said Tom. "I had a mate, Jake, over at Southampton uni, who was walking home from something and some nutter just bottled him for no reason. He had to get a load of stitches and got a really mean looking scar. Course in his case he was quite near the bar and it was some bloke who'd had too much to drink that did it. It doesn't sound like this is the same thing."

"Maybe it was one of those anti-MORFS idiots," suggested John.

"I know that those sort have attacked people in the past, but why would they attack Shaun? He's not been changed by MORFS," said Nat.

"Maybe because he's friends with people who have undergone MORFS, like Emily," John said.

"Seems a bit of a flimsy reason. There are loads of people who have friends who have been changed by MORFS. Why single out Shaun? Seems to me there must be more to it than that," I said.

We sat in silence for a bit thinking, it was a fairly depressing topic, so we switched to other things.

"So are you going to see Caitlyn again today?" asked Nat.

"Might do at, maybe after lunch. I had such a wonderful time with her at the picnic she made me yesterday," I said.

"Caitlyn made you a picnic?" asked Laura.

"Yeah, the two of them were out picnicking together in the park," said Nat.

"Wow, sexy, and she makes picnics. You're a lucky girl, Em," said Laura.

I smiled, I guess I was very lucky. I had good friends and a wonderful new girlfriend. Things could certainly have been worse. We finished up our breakfast, then got ready to head up to campus, I grabbed my stuff then me and Nat had a leisurely walk up.

When we got to the gates I saw the anti-MORFS protesters where still out in force, it seemed like there were a few less than yesterday. Kathy was still there shooting me angry glares. She even moved to stop me, but one of the others held her back. They had obviously been warned about stopping people and what that would mean.

Lectures were same as always, high points and low points. By the time lunch came around I was ready for a break. I checked my phone and found a message from Caitlyn saying she couldn't meet me for lunch. I was a little upset as I had been looking forward to seeing her. She ended her message by saying she might see me later, I texted back, saying "I would love to see you tonight."

I went to hall for lunch with Nat. As we were leaving campus, this guy stopped us. It took me a second to recognise him, but it was Mark Bishop.

MORFS had changed him a little he looked a little taller his hair and eyes were a different colour. It was a host of little alterations that made it tough at first glance to see who it was.

"Emily, it's me, Mark. I've changed and I know I look different, but it is me," He said.

"What do you want, tosser?" said Nat. "Didn't they tell you to leave her alone after you attacked her in the library?"

He completely ignored Natalie and looked straight at me, his eyes now a piercing blue, "Please, Emily try to understand. I wasn't in my right mind that day. I was in the early stages of MORFS, you know what that's like. I was confused and I acted in a manner that I'm ashamed of. Please find it in your heart to forgive me."

"Look Mark I don't care if that one time could be understood. I don't want to be with you. Please leave me alone. Find someone else who does want to be with you, like I have," I said, trying to be reasonable despite every instinct telling me to run.

"No Emily! I can change. Please give me a chance. I can be who ever you want me to be," he said pleadingly.

"Ha, for you to be what she wants would require some fairly major surgery or else another case of MORFS," said Nat.

Mark shot her an angry look and moved closer to me. "Please. Emily, we are meant to be together!" he cried.

"No Mark, we were never meant to be together. Leave me alone, I'm with someone else now," I said, getting angry that he wouldn't take the hint.

"We are soul mates! You are bound to me!" he cried manically, and lunged at me, grabbing my arms.

"Get your grubby little hands off her or I'll break them off!" said Nat menacingly.

He turned to look at her with a nasty sneer on his face, "You can't stop me! No one can stop me! This is destiny!"

I decided enough was enough, and kneed him in the groin. He collapsed to the floor, moaning in pain. Nat walked over and gave him a kick to the ribs. At this point some campus security people showed up. We quickly explained what was going on. They grabbed the still incapacitated Mark and marched him over to the Student Union where a lot of the offices were. I talked again to one of the staff, a pleasant woman who seemed like a good listener. She assured me that Mark would be punished and made fully aware of the fact that he was not to bother me again. She also said she would speak to the police about him, to see if there were any additional measures we could take, like a restraining order or some such. She was not a legal expert, but she assured us that all the complaints and witnesses names and addresses were on file, so they could give the police anything they needed.

We headed off to lunch a little shaken, but OK, if a little jumpy. I kept half expecting Mark to leap out from behind every bush we passed to have another go at me. I was glad Nat was there to put my mind somewhat at ease. I felt a bit better after lunch and was able to face my afternoon lectures with somewhat renewed vigour.

After the day was finished, I spent a little time in the library looking things up for a project. Some time in the computer rooms doing a little surfing and emailing. I had got a mail from my mother asking how things were going. I detailed some of my recent adventures, leaving out the more unsettling aspects. I didn't want her worrying too much about me. I got a call from Caitlyn as I was on my way back to the house. she offered to take me out later that evening to some sort of university club she thought I would be interested in. I accepted and arranged to meet her at the house after dinner.

Then I joined Nat in welcoming Shaun back from hospital. He was looking a lot better, and with a little help was up and about again. His parents were taking him out to celebrate his release and give him something other than hospital food. They invited Nat and I along. I declined due to my plans with Caitlyn but wished them well. They asked if we knew any good restaurants and I was quick to recommend the place my mum had taken me. I headed back to hall to get some dinner before Caitlyn took me to the mysterious club she had mentioned. She had been quite cagey on the details but had said I would fit right in, whatever that meant. I decided to let her have her fun, it was the least I could do to repay her for the picnic.

With dinner out of the way I did a little work while I waited for Caitlyn to come and get me. I was just about caught up again from my week off from MORFS, but couldn't afford to slack off too much. By the time I heard a knock at my door, I had got most of the stuff I needed to do done. I grabbed my big coat and then opened the door to find Caitlyn waiting.

"Cool coat, Emily. It looks really good on you. Where on earth did you get a leather coat with six arms?" she asked.

"That same place I mentioned the other day, that makes custom designed clothes for people with additional limbs or other strange body types. It's down by the ice rink, called Wings and Tails. I got a lot of my clothing there. They have an automated process. Mum had this made as a present for me, it's not real leather, but it's a pretty good imitation."

"It is a really swish coat. I might have to check this clothes shop out. Getting things to accommodate my tail can be problematic."

"The do a load of off the rack stuff for the more standard alterations, so you'd probably find a fair amount of stuff to fit you. Me being somewhat unusual, I had to go for the custom job."

"Yeah, I guess getting clothing for you must be tough, I'll have to remember that for birthdays and the like."

"Well, my top half is the problematic part, the rest of me is fairly normally shaped."

"Right, so saucy knickers is doable but not a top. Got ya."

I raised an eyebrow, "we are still talking about presents for me."

Caitlyn. Grinned, "Hey, just because I can get enjoyment out of it had no bearing on the matter."

"Hmm, I guess for you I'd have to get ones that were tail friendly. Maybe something in a thong."

"Hey now who's talking about buying things for their own enjoyment. Anyway, you little minx, we must be off, or we'll be late."

She grabbed my arm and led off. I pulled the door to and then we headed out. I had worn the coat partly to show it off to Caitlyn, but now we were out, I was glad I had it on, as it was a wet and blowy night. I pulled my coat a little tighter, Caitlyn put her arm around me hugging me tight, to avoid some of the wind and rain.

"So what is this thing you're taking me to?" I asked.

"Oh you'll see,. I want it to be a surprise," she answered with a wink.

We walked up to campus and then she led me up to one of the languages buildings. It was one of the older large 3 story blocks with a vaguely industrial look. The place was so quiet at night, almost eerie With all the normally bustling corridors silent and the rooms empty.

Caitlyn lead us to one of the classrooms where the lights were on and I could hear people moving about. She opened the door and led me in. I was confronted by a large room with maybe thirty people. All seemed to be hybrids, or physically unusual. A sea of faces and attached wings, tails, and all sorts turned to face me. Most of the people looked interested in me, a couple looked vaguely displeased, like I was intruding somehow. The atmosphere was a little cold to me. I wasn't sure Caitlyn had been right about me fitting in, I self consciously moved back a bit, positioning myself behind Caitlyn. A tall partial lizard hybrid walked over, seemingly in charge.

"Hello, Caitlyn, who's this?" he asked.

"Hi Ross. This is my girlfriend, Emily," she answered.

He looked at me assessingly, "Not to be rude, but you know this meeting is only for hybrids and the like. Why have you brought her here?"

"She's like us," she said and turned to me. "Hold out your arms so they can see them."

I had tucked my extra arms deep in the pockets so they sort of blended in with the black of my coat. I tentatively moved them and held them out away from my body. All the eyes in the room were on me, which was a bit disquieting. Almost immediately, I saw people relax a bit and I got quite a few smiles. The place became much more welcoming all of a sudden, as if now they knew I was different, they were happy to meet me.

"Well, I can see you are indeed one of us," said Ross. "Sorry for the somewhat frosty reception, but we have on occasion got people who come along to treat us like the circus side show. So we are fairly picky when it comes to admitting new members."

"So this is some sort of club then?" I asked.

"Caitlyn didn't tell you?"

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Nade and Braylin are two stepsiblings who can barely look at each other. Therapist Shay listens to them carefully to see if she can help the two work things out. After a little digging, she finds signs of a past incident in which the stepsiblings shared an intimate moment they couldn’t talk about. Convinced that this can help them patch things out, Shay invites them to relive that hot situation in order to face it. To ensure the best outcome, the therapist participates in the event, pushing...

2 years ago
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Joans Room Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Whistle While You Work Friday morning finally arrived. It was closing in on eight o'clock as I made my way downstairs. Mom wouldn't be down for some time yet, so I put a pot of coffee on. It was a glorious day outside. A perfect day for painting! While the coffee perked, I ran down to the basement to assemble everything I was going to need. The ladder, drop cloths and such were gathered at the foot of the stairs. I hoped that Mom had no reason...

3 years ago
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Walking Naked and getting cock

Most of my postings deal with my youth and though this helps men understand developing girls minds and moods towards sex, well, my attitude in particular, I thought what about me having a good fuck within the last two weeks, that way guys, you know I am still hot and active.Actually I am only saying this because I have been naughty closer to home and have set up a meeting with a friend of my husband, who spent a few days with us last year, and I was left disappointed, duu to him having a small...

1 year ago
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Attacked at Home0

Sheila entered her home one evening after work and turned to close and lock the door behind her. However, before she could even begin, her head was suddenly covered in a white hood and she was pushed hard into the door from behind. The front of her body was pinned against the door with an arm across the back of her neck and someone’s body leaning up against hers. She tried to kick back against her assailant, but missed and felt him slam into her again. “Be still, bitch, or you’ll regret it!”...

2 years ago
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Tricked With a Pill 2

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Bill invited me to move in with him, I sat quietly for a while, before speaking. “We just met a few days ago. Why are you asking me to move in with you already?” “Not long ago I broke up with my fiancée of five years. I found I like living with someone. This isn’t something forever. I’m not asking you to marry me, but it feels comfortable for now.” “I’m not necessarily the person you think I am. You...

3 years ago
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The Student Teacher BluesChapter 11

Bob woke, aware that something was wrong. He blinked. It was light outside, and his brain told him that the angle of the light coming in the windows meant it was evening. Then he realized what was wrong as he heard his ex-wife's hair dryer running in the master bathroom. He was lying on his stomach and rolled over, recognizing that he was naked as he did so. Clarity of memory burst upon him and he realized who was using the hair dryer his wife had left behind, and which he'd never tossed...

2 years ago
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Hide and Seek

Every year, a group of my husband's university friends get together, rent a house in the ski hills in northern Quebec, and enjoy a week of skiing, drinking, and whatever else comes along. This year, however, the weather has taken a turn for the warmer, and instead of snow gently falling, it's raining out. We've taken the day off, and have replaced it with silly games and lots of drinking in between.I am hiding from the others. We are playing a game of Hide and Seek and we've been given time to...

Quickie Sex
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Granny Susan Finally Gets Laid

I love grannies, short ones, tall ones, skinny ones and especially those with silver gray hair. I’m a 52 year old guy who loves his GILF’s over 60. I belong to a Senior Single’s Group in Oro Valley, Arizona outside Tucson. There are over 100 women in the group and only 35 men and most of them are over 70. So I have my pick of the best looking GILF’s in the club. These women have one thing in common, they don’t get fucked anymore!!!! That’s where I come in, at any one time I am screwing three...

2 years ago
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Hot Pants BrideChapter 7

"I'm not sure I like this," Andy said. He sat on the edge of the bed and tied his shoes. Beth stood naked in front of the closet. She was fresh from a bath and her thick, brown pubic hair stood out fluffily. She pulled a dark green, silky dress from the closet. "It's just a cocktail party for Doc's big clients. You are invited, too you know." "I have to work tonight. You know that." Beth let the green dress slide down over her head. It fit like her skin, accenting her slim waist...

2 years ago
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The Forest Ranger

Rick had been a Ranger with the United States Forest Service for fifteen years – ever since leaving the army. He had fulfilled many functions, from teaching kids about park conservation to fighting fires, but this month had been one of his least favorites. They were in the middle of fire season and depended heavily on the volunteer fire lookouts that staffed the fire towers. However, there was some kind of bug going around and one volunteer after another had been knocked out of commission....

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Boss Ki Seva Mein 8211 Part 2

Hi Doston, Mera boss, Sateesh sir 39 yrs ka brown complexion wala banda tha, uska pet thoda bada tha aur thick mustache thi aur uska 8″ ka tagda lauda tha. Ab tak, mere boss Sateesh sir ne mujhse apna lauda chuswaya, apni gaand saaf karwai aur apna cum pila diya tha. Aur yeh sab karne ke baad mera saara disgust jaa chuka tha. Mujhe laga main ab puri randi banne ko taiyar ho gaya tha. Itne me hi Ritesh aur driver dono ek chaddar lekar aaye aur jameen pe bichha di. Sateesh jhadne k baad thoda...

3 years ago
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chutyion me maza loota part3

Hello Dosto Kaise hoapp Ke Bahut Sare Mail Mile Mujey Kushi Hai Ki App Ko Meri Khahani Bahut Pasand Aayi Khas Taur Se Mujey Girls Ke Mail Jyada Mile Thanku Very Much Bahut Bhaut Dhanyawad All Girls Which U Have Demanded For Next Part So Pls Enjoy This Part N Tell Me How U Like My storiesjab Me Bhaiya Ke Sath Disco Me Gayi To Bhaiya Mere Ko Kiss Kare Bole Jao Pahele Dress Change Karke Ao Me Boli Nahi Bahiya Me Nahi Change Karungi Tabhi Bahiya Bole Please Neetu Maine Kaha Nahi Bhaiya Muey Sharam...

3 years ago
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Meeting Michelle

Living in a college town, I've learned there's always plenty of eye candy, but also a general lack of experience to go with those young hard bodies. However, there's nothing I enjoy more than a young girl that seems so innocent until you've pulled their panties off, and then realize you've unleashed a monster... It was May, just a couple months ago, when I was out for a run by the beach. At the end of a 5 mile stretch, my mind was on a hot shower and a post-workout snack as I made my...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 36

Flashback – Jack – In Moscow one week later One lonely as hell week in Russia and it isn't anything like I thought it would be. Here I am alone again, like I have been every night. I never figured that I'd need to speak Russian since I assumed I would hang out with Banzai. But Banzai is out having a hell of a time with his new Spetsnaz friends and I'm stuck here without even a decent damn TV station to watch. I did venture out once at night and promptly got lost - it was embarrassing as...

3 years ago
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Awesome Foursome

I came out of a bus at bus stop. as I movedmy hand in pocket toremove mobile phone, I heard a female voicecalling me from behind. Ilook back. she was Ekta my school classmate.let me describe her. sheis fair, she has attractive eyes. serousness inher lips & she isbeautifull..she has small boobs. I said "ohh!! are you"..she replied withsmile "fine"... then we started our chit-chat,while walking on road.I was so busy in talking with her, that I wasgoing with her way toher house. she...

2 years ago
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First Cuckold Experience PT 1

My wife was working on her second glass of white wine in an attempt to gain liquid courage. She was nervous and there was no mistaking it. It could be seen in the way she continuously tapped her foot on the floor or the way she kept glancing at her watch. Dennis would be arriving shortly and we would finally be making our fantasy a reality.I walked to the couch and knelt before her, smiling. I placed my hands on her soft white thighs and slid upward until I felt her silk panties. She bit her...

1 year ago
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making a deal with a demon part 1

I had been trying for weeks to summon the demon. I guess I was doing something wrong. I opened my spell book to make sure I was saying the right words. That’s when thing started to get weird. My spell book was blank! “What in the hell happened to my spells!?” The whole book was empty. I had almost 100 spell in it they couldn’t just vanish off the paper. As I turned back to the first page I saw a word in large demonic hand writing. Stop! Stop what I thought to my self. But the book responded...

3 years ago
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How I became my Sons whore Part 1

Introduction: A trip to visit my son changes our relationship forever My name is Jamie, and this is the story about how I went from a loving mother, to my sons whore. It all started when I decided to fly into Buffalo to visit my son. It had been several years since I had seen him last, mostly because of monetary reasons. He had attended college in Buffalo and was lucky enough to acquire a job right out of the gate due to his interning. He bought a place about an hour outside of Buffalo and had...

1 year ago
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Dont Judge a Book Part 2 Chapter 27

Tuesday 26th June 2018, Late evening at home in MiamiLooking across at the beautiful Latina mum lying next to me in our marital bed I realized we were on dangerous ground. Only the day before I’d held Jill’s hand and asked her to promise me that she’d not fall in love with Malcolm, and here I was the very next day lying in bed with this beautiful woman my heart full of feelings I’d not felt since the very first days when I’d met and started dating Jill.We all know and can remember that feeling....

Wife Lovers
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My Cousin and I at the Beach part 3

After our first two times together, Emily and I spent as much as we could together; any alone time we had, we fucked. However, our fun wasn't to last. When Friday rolled around, Emily got an early call from her office, asking if she could come in that day. They were willing to pay her a bonus, so Emily accepted. Before she left, we stole away for a moment to talk."Don't worry, I'll be back by tomorrow," Emily said, as we held each other close. "I'll miss you," I said, kissing her gently on the...

3 years ago
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Future PerfectChapter 21

My fears abated slightly when Troyal climbed down from the flyer. His colleague was one of the youngest Guardians that I'd ever seen, and I theorised that he must only recently have completed his training. "Welcome, Guardian," Haden greeted as Teel and I hid within the crowd. "Haden," Troyal nodded. "I see that you've captured some Trogs. Would you like me to deal with them for you?" "You will not hurt them," Vanessa screamed, interposing herself between Troyal and the frightened...

2 years ago
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My Wedding Night Sex At My Friend8217s Wedding

Hello Friends! I am . Remember me? I am back again on this platform with another of my sexual escapade. Let me start with a brief description of myself. Chahat Khanna, height 5’7″, fair complexion, big eyes. I have been blessed with 34 sized melons and a 24 inches waist carved on a base of 34 inches with a glowing milk tone. I will leave the rest up to you to imagine. Let me not bore you any longer and directly come to my wedding night sex story without wasting any more time of yours. Last...

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