Freeze Frame
- 2 years ago
- 50
- 0
I woke up to the usual morning bustle, a rush to get breakfast and off to lectures. Ours didn't start till a bit later, so we were somewhat more at our leisure than some of our colleagues. We sat with our housemates for breakfast and talked. We told them about what had happened to Shaun and they were horrified.
"Right in the middle of campus!?" said Jenny.
"It's very worrying that someone could just be attacked like that and no one saw anything," Laura said, "I mean Shaun's a big bloke. Imagine if it were one of us girls attacked like that."
"Yeah," said Nat. "What bothers me most is there doesn't appear to be any motive for it."
I nodded, "It does seem odd. Usually there'd be some reason behind it."
"Maybe it was just random," said Tom. "I had a mate, Jake, over at Southampton uni, who was walking home from something and some nutter just bottled him for no reason. He had to get a load of stitches and got a really mean looking scar. Course in his case he was quite near the bar and it was some bloke who'd had too much to drink that did it. It doesn't sound like this is the same thing."
"Maybe it was one of those anti-MORFS idiots," suggested John.
"I know that those sort have attacked people in the past, but why would they attack Shaun? He's not been changed by MORFS," said Nat.
"Maybe because he's friends with people who have undergone MORFS, like Emily," John said.
"Seems a bit of a flimsy reason. There are loads of people who have friends who have been changed by MORFS. Why single out Shaun? Seems to me there must be more to it than that," I said.
We sat in silence for a bit thinking, it was a fairly depressing topic, so we switched to other things.
"So are you going to see Caitlyn again today?" asked Nat.
"Might do at, maybe after lunch. I had such a wonderful time with her at the picnic she made me yesterday," I said.
"Caitlyn made you a picnic?" asked Laura.
"Yeah, the two of them were out picnicking together in the park," said Nat.
"Wow, sexy, and she makes picnics. You're a lucky girl, Em," said Laura.
I smiled, I guess I was very lucky. I had good friends and a wonderful new girlfriend. Things could certainly have been worse. We finished up our breakfast, then got ready to head up to campus, I grabbed my stuff then me and Nat had a leisurely walk up.
When we got to the gates I saw the anti-MORFS protesters where still out in force, it seemed like there were a few less than yesterday. Kathy was still there shooting me angry glares. She even moved to stop me, but one of the others held her back. They had obviously been warned about stopping people and what that would mean.
Lectures were same as always, high points and low points. By the time lunch came around I was ready for a break. I checked my phone and found a message from Caitlyn saying she couldn't meet me for lunch. I was a little upset as I had been looking forward to seeing her. She ended her message by saying she might see me later, I texted back, saying "I would love to see you tonight."
I went to hall for lunch with Nat. As we were leaving campus, this guy stopped us. It took me a second to recognise him, but it was Mark Bishop.
MORFS had changed him a little he looked a little taller his hair and eyes were a different colour. It was a host of little alterations that made it tough at first glance to see who it was.
"Emily, it's me, Mark. I've changed and I know I look different, but it is me," He said.
"What do you want, tosser?" said Nat. "Didn't they tell you to leave her alone after you attacked her in the library?"
He completely ignored Natalie and looked straight at me, his eyes now a piercing blue, "Please, Emily try to understand. I wasn't in my right mind that day. I was in the early stages of MORFS, you know what that's like. I was confused and I acted in a manner that I'm ashamed of. Please find it in your heart to forgive me."
"Look Mark I don't care if that one time could be understood. I don't want to be with you. Please leave me alone. Find someone else who does want to be with you, like I have," I said, trying to be reasonable despite every instinct telling me to run.
"No Emily! I can change. Please give me a chance. I can be who ever you want me to be," he said pleadingly.
"Ha, for you to be what she wants would require some fairly major surgery or else another case of MORFS," said Nat.
Mark shot her an angry look and moved closer to me. "Please. Emily, we are meant to be together!" he cried.
"No Mark, we were never meant to be together. Leave me alone, I'm with someone else now," I said, getting angry that he wouldn't take the hint.
"We are soul mates! You are bound to me!" he cried manically, and lunged at me, grabbing my arms.
"Get your grubby little hands off her or I'll break them off!" said Nat menacingly.
He turned to look at her with a nasty sneer on his face, "You can't stop me! No one can stop me! This is destiny!"
I decided enough was enough, and kneed him in the groin. He collapsed to the floor, moaning in pain. Nat walked over and gave him a kick to the ribs. At this point some campus security people showed up. We quickly explained what was going on. They grabbed the still incapacitated Mark and marched him over to the Student Union where a lot of the offices were. I talked again to one of the staff, a pleasant woman who seemed like a good listener. She assured me that Mark would be punished and made fully aware of the fact that he was not to bother me again. She also said she would speak to the police about him, to see if there were any additional measures we could take, like a restraining order or some such. She was not a legal expert, but she assured us that all the complaints and witnesses names and addresses were on file, so they could give the police anything they needed.
We headed off to lunch a little shaken, but OK, if a little jumpy. I kept half expecting Mark to leap out from behind every bush we passed to have another go at me. I was glad Nat was there to put my mind somewhat at ease. I felt a bit better after lunch and was able to face my afternoon lectures with somewhat renewed vigour.
After the day was finished, I spent a little time in the library looking things up for a project. Some time in the computer rooms doing a little surfing and emailing. I had got a mail from my mother asking how things were going. I detailed some of my recent adventures, leaving out the more unsettling aspects. I didn't want her worrying too much about me. I got a call from Caitlyn as I was on my way back to the house. she offered to take me out later that evening to some sort of university club she thought I would be interested in. I accepted and arranged to meet her at the house after dinner.
Then I joined Nat in welcoming Shaun back from hospital. He was looking a lot better, and with a little help was up and about again. His parents were taking him out to celebrate his release and give him something other than hospital food. They invited Nat and I along. I declined due to my plans with Caitlyn but wished them well. They asked if we knew any good restaurants and I was quick to recommend the place my mum had taken me. I headed back to hall to get some dinner before Caitlyn took me to the mysterious club she had mentioned. She had been quite cagey on the details but had said I would fit right in, whatever that meant. I decided to let her have her fun, it was the least I could do to repay her for the picnic.
With dinner out of the way I did a little work while I waited for Caitlyn to come and get me. I was just about caught up again from my week off from MORFS, but couldn't afford to slack off too much. By the time I heard a knock at my door, I had got most of the stuff I needed to do done. I grabbed my big coat and then opened the door to find Caitlyn waiting.
"Cool coat, Emily. It looks really good on you. Where on earth did you get a leather coat with six arms?" she asked.
"That same place I mentioned the other day, that makes custom designed clothes for people with additional limbs or other strange body types. It's down by the ice rink, called Wings and Tails. I got a lot of my clothing there. They have an automated process. Mum had this made as a present for me, it's not real leather, but it's a pretty good imitation."
"It is a really swish coat. I might have to check this clothes shop out. Getting things to accommodate my tail can be problematic."
"The do a load of off the rack stuff for the more standard alterations, so you'd probably find a fair amount of stuff to fit you. Me being somewhat unusual, I had to go for the custom job."
"Yeah, I guess getting clothing for you must be tough, I'll have to remember that for birthdays and the like."
"Well, my top half is the problematic part, the rest of me is fairly normally shaped."
"Right, so saucy knickers is doable but not a top. Got ya."
I raised an eyebrow, "we are still talking about presents for me."
Caitlyn. Grinned, "Hey, just because I can get enjoyment out of it had no bearing on the matter."
"Hmm, I guess for you I'd have to get ones that were tail friendly. Maybe something in a thong."
"Hey now who's talking about buying things for their own enjoyment. Anyway, you little minx, we must be off, or we'll be late."
She grabbed my arm and led off. I pulled the door to and then we headed out. I had worn the coat partly to show it off to Caitlyn, but now we were out, I was glad I had it on, as it was a wet and blowy night. I pulled my coat a little tighter, Caitlyn put her arm around me hugging me tight, to avoid some of the wind and rain.
"So what is this thing you're taking me to?" I asked.
"Oh you'll see,. I want it to be a surprise," she answered with a wink.
We walked up to campus and then she led me up to one of the languages buildings. It was one of the older large 3 story blocks with a vaguely industrial look. The place was so quiet at night, almost eerie With all the normally bustling corridors silent and the rooms empty.
Caitlyn lead us to one of the classrooms where the lights were on and I could hear people moving about. She opened the door and led me in. I was confronted by a large room with maybe thirty people. All seemed to be hybrids, or physically unusual. A sea of faces and attached wings, tails, and all sorts turned to face me. Most of the people looked interested in me, a couple looked vaguely displeased, like I was intruding somehow. The atmosphere was a little cold to me. I wasn't sure Caitlyn had been right about me fitting in, I self consciously moved back a bit, positioning myself behind Caitlyn. A tall partial lizard hybrid walked over, seemingly in charge.
"Hello, Caitlyn, who's this?" he asked.
"Hi Ross. This is my girlfriend, Emily," she answered.
He looked at me assessingly, "Not to be rude, but you know this meeting is only for hybrids and the like. Why have you brought her here?"
"She's like us," she said and turned to me. "Hold out your arms so they can see them."
I had tucked my extra arms deep in the pockets so they sort of blended in with the black of my coat. I tentatively moved them and held them out away from my body. All the eyes in the room were on me, which was a bit disquieting. Almost immediately, I saw people relax a bit and I got quite a few smiles. The place became much more welcoming all of a sudden, as if now they knew I was different, they were happy to meet me.
"Well, I can see you are indeed one of us," said Ross. "Sorry for the somewhat frosty reception, but we have on occasion got people who come along to treat us like the circus side show. So we are fairly picky when it comes to admitting new members."
"So this is some sort of club then?" I asked.
"Caitlyn didn't tell you?"
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I woke up with a fairly bad hangover. My head was pounding, I remembered the events of the previous day with shock and confusion. I had been sitting in the student bar openly kissing a guy and girl and enjoying it. Then Nat had gone and arranged for the four of us to meet for coffee on Sunday. As a result of this strange incident my dreams had been interesting, to say the least. Strangely, most had involved little Caitlyn, rather than as I might have thought, the muscular Shaun. Maybe my...
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I woke up a little while later and almost immediately began to cry. Nat was waiting in a chair by my bedside, the duvet and sheet was back over me. She stood up and came over when she saw I was awake and began stroking my head gently. "I'm a freak!" I wailed. "No, honey don't say that," Nat cooed. "But I have 6 hands!" I sobbed. "You'll get over it, Em, you're stronger than you realise," Nat said. "I want to get up, I want to see it all, I want a mirror," I said. "OK, But...
I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee. Nat was sitting at her desk reading something, drinking down a cup fabulous smelling fresh coffee. My motions, or maybe my emotions, made her notice me. "Hey Em, how's your head?" Nat said sipping her coffee. I sat up and checked, the room wasn't spinning, neither was my stomach, and there was no headache in evidence, "Fine, I feel pretty good," I said. "I was a bit worried you had drunk too much last night. You were out like someone had...
I woke up feeling pretty nervous, today was the date with Shaun and Caitlyn. I was still not sure exactly what my feelings on the matter were. I didn't want to lead anybody on, so I resolved to make my mind up. I got up and got on with the business of prettifying myself. I had a quick shower then returned to the room, passing a sleepy looking Nat on the way. After dealing with my hair I went through my outfits. My mother's advice fresh in my mind, I resolved to dress to impress, picking a...
I woke up fairly late, barely in time for lectures. I dressed in a scrambled rush and stumbled out the door with Nat. I must have looked quite a state, arms all over the place, dressed in my hastily grabbed clothing, hair all over the shop. "You really aren't a morning person," Nat said cheerfully. "BAH!" I said as I tried to workout which set of arms I could strangle her with. "Did you remember to bring your gym kit so we can go check out the multi-gym?" asked Nat. 'Was that...
I woke a bit more refreshed than I had the past few days. I had a load of lectures this morning, so I quickly got myself up and dressed, then headed off to breakfast. I scoffed down my food quickly and was off back to the house to get my stuff. I grabbed my books then headed out the door. I made it a few tens of meters up the road when I heard a voice behind me, "Hey Em, wait up," said Nat, dashing to catch me up, "Jeez, Em, what's the hurry?" "Sorry, Nat I was just keen to get the...
I woke up with Caitlyn still asleep on top of me, I also had a splitting headache. Much as I hated to wake her, she looked so cute curled up against me, but I needed some water and some painkillers. I decide to wake her in the right way by gently stroking her tail which had wrapped itself around my arms, and giving her a kiss on the forehead. She slowly came awake with a slightly purring sigh, "Mmrrrrrrmm," she said then becoming more aware of her self, "OW my head! Ohh I feel like I'm...
Another day dawned and it was the usual scramble to get up and ready. It being Friday we didn't have lectures till the afternoon, so technically I could have had a lie in, but I felt like having breakfast, so made the effort to get up. Nat joined me and we headed over to get our breakfast. On the way Nat suggested we do another session in the gym before lunch and lectures. It seemed a reasonable idea, so after our breakfast had settled a bit, we strolled up to campus with our gym kit. The...
I woke up bright and early on Saturday. Well, maybe I should say bright and early for Saturday. It was after nine, and I had barely half an hour to get ready. I hurriedly washed and cleaned myself, then tried to pick out some nice clothes for my day out with Caitlyn. Nat sat sniggering a little at my attempts to decide on what to wear. I had never really been one to spend a lot of time on my appearance before now. It seemed now I was just like any other girl fussing over this outfit, or that,...
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Hi friends. My name is seema . I am a housewife. I am sharing my experience that happened 4 years back. Before that i will give you my brief introduction i am 36 year old. My figure is 34b 32 38. I am a mother of 1 kid. The incident happened when my hubby was out of station due to business purpose and i was starving for sex. I was staying alone with my inlaws and 2 servants. One day when my inlaws went to attend a marriage ceremony to mumbai, i was thinking to do something to ease my urge. I...
Like a good neighbor, cheating is there! That’s right, August Ames has been so annoyed with her dull, bar-going, late-night working man Preston that she’s been having a lurid affair with their neighbor, Lucas, and right under his nose. And what perfect timing for another neighborly tryst than when Preston has to work late again — all week long! So in struts Lucas to suck on August’s big natural tits and pink plushy nipples all night long! That makes her more than happy to ride Lucas’s...
xmoviesforyouI wondered quite how far I could take this, even to the extent of trying to influence the sex life of other people. I found the notion quite stimulating and there were several people I would have loved to control; the only problem was that I didn’t have access to more of that drug. What I needed to do was get to see Paul again, but he didn’t often get anywhere near where Marie and I lived. I definitely knew he still had a thing for Marie and wondered whether that might be an edge I could use...
I met her at the hippest nightclub on the island. She was the hottest girl on the dance floor, and believe me there was no shortage of hot girls that night. The island was the newest hot spot for vacationing, beautiful, young people looking for a good time and hot sex. And this nightclub was the place to be on a Saturday night, or any other night for that matter. The air inside was thick with the scent of sweat, pheromones and pure lust. Sexy young women dressed in their sexiest clothes were...
Bethany’s Shipping At A&E Author’s Note: First, this is fiction and second it is fantasy. Please understand that I am not encouraging this kind of behavior on any level, either individual or societal. Second, this story fits in with my A&E universe, and while snuff and gynophagia (Dolcett type behavior) is implied in this story, it does not technically occur in this narrative. So if you like BDSM and want to stay away from that gross nasty stuff, you can still read this story without...
Her sister unlocked the front door and Katie pushed it open and stepped inside, courteously holding the door open so that Lisa could walk in without a struggle. As usual, Lisa was overburdened with a stuffed-to-the-gills, twenty pound backpack. Katie ragged on her constantly that she'd end up a hunchback. "All brain and no sense," she'd say disgustedly, to which her overachieving sister would retort "Oh, shut up!" to which Katie would reply snippily: "How original" which would elicit...
Leah wasn’t going to be like the others. He knew, in his heart of hearts, she was going to be a pleasant surprise. If not, well? he thought, she’ll still be fun to play with.Alfred Aimes stood outside the cage, staring at his latest possession. She was young, beautiful, and successful. Her name was Leah. But a lot of her fans know her as SsshotgunEagle. That was her personality screen name she used when she recorded herself playing video games and talked about whatever. Alfred enjoyed watching...
Noia awoke late in the morning, washed and spent more time making something of the mess that was her hair. Shortly before High Sun Lady Becky knocked on her door and asked if she wanted lunch. Thinking it would be something small and informal, Noia agreed. Instead, there were a very great many people present, mostly teachers and assistants from the High King's University, come to meet Lady Becky. Noia herself was placed at Lady Becky's side, and as people were introduced to Lady Becky,...
It was half way through the salary months. Three more months and I would be on my own financially. It wasn't like the money was pouring in, but things had improved enough to make me think I would do okay, and even keep my two employees. Three months anniversary to the day of my captivity was New Year's Eve. Old rodent visited briefly. He paid me after I paid him, giving him the paperwork to prove his returns. "You're doing a fine job," Fast Eddie said. "Any other improvements you let...
Hello doston me pradeep das bhubaneswar odisha ka rehne wala hun.Yeh mere or pados me rehne wali bhabi ke bich hui vasna me lipt waqt ki kahani he jo ki 100% real he.Me bhubaneswar me engineering ki padhai kar raha hun or filhal 21 saal ka naujawan hun. Or pas wali bhabhi ki umar 36 he..Magar dhilkne me kisi pornstar se kam nahi unka nam roji he me unhe roji bhabhi keh kar pukarta hun. Bhabhi roj subah nahane k bad apne gile kapde hamare bagiche me sukhaya karti he kyunki unke ghrpe sukhane ki...
Anjali bose, boyes 42, gayer rong prochondo rokom phorsa, ar ekhono phataphati figure. Swami abhijit-r sange 17 bochor-r sukhi bibahito jibon, jodio bachha kachha hoi ni. Tobe se niye anjali ba abhijit, keu-i dukhi noi. Abhijit ekhon ekta mnc-te country manager, prochur tour korte hoi. Anjali biyer age school teacher chilo, kintu abhijit etobar chakri change kore je, anjali-ke biyer por housewife hoye-i thakte hoi. Bochor charek ager kotha, abhijit kolkata-te thakle anjali-r sange prai roj...
My sister and her 2 kids were on vacation in July, when the row home fire tore through their house and 3 others on their block. I received a call from the fire department as I was the emergency contact and had no way of reaching her. I immediately called her cell but got no answer. I left a message. I called my niece and left a message also. About an hour later I got a call from my niece. I told her I needed to speak with her mom and she got on the phone. I gave them the sad news. They came...
Gail Watson came up to the two men and immediately hugged Aaron, kissing him on the lips, and then repeated the gesture with Dave. Neither man seemed able to talk. They were stammering out welcoming words, but not too coherently. Gail Watson, according to the men’s mother, was the product of Dave’s father and Betty Watson making love at a time of her peak fertility about thirty years prior. Although Aaron had dated Gail, he wasn’t technically related to her, but his ‘Dad’ had fathered the...
My name’s Chip Campanelli. I’m a retired repair shop supervisor for a major airline. My wife and I invested wisely (her wisdom, my income) and by the time we were 49 years old, I was eligible for a 30 year pension and we had investments worth 2.8 million dollars. Our happy retirement lasted all of eight months before she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was well advanced and she died five months later. At least she got to see London and Paris and Rome and Zurich and Venice. She loved...
My tooth was killing me. I faithfully brushed twice a day, I had no idea why I had such a painful toothache. Lucky for me, our next door neighbor was a dentist. Dr. Ty Halper, and his family, had lived there for the past six years.I was ten when the new neighbors moved in. I became friends with Dr. Halper's daughter, who was the same age as me. Shena turned out to be a very good friend. We hung out most of the time at either her house or at mine. Shena's family was African-American and the...
InterracialThe course correction Chapter One: She blinked her eyes and did a double take Jess stood in formation on the stage. He was sweating and still breathing heavily from the competition pose down. He looked down at his massive chest as it rose and fell with each breath. He still couldn't believe that this was happening - and yet here he was a professional bodybuilder competing for the first time! He worked very hard for this; and of course he hoped he won. Winning would bring some...
Everything went well this week; we even ordered some more electric vehicles for the property. I guess we could officially call it a ranch now, since we have horses. We also came up with a bio-fuel formula that Kristy could easily produce; the vehicles could be easily converted to run on it, while still accept regular fuel. I love it when a plan comes together, as my old TV buddy (Hannibal Smith) used to say. We were just about to sit down to dinner when it happened. "Spatial anomaly...
With todays new competitiveness in business more and more hard work is going into our work weeks. Often I find myself working weekends in order to satisfy the need for addition work efforts. Recently however I was delighted by a turn of events which made this weekend requirement easier to take. Our company like most has be undergoing constant reorganization in an attempt to become more effective and with this comes the inevitable procession of changes in upper management. In addition the...