Freeze FrameChapter 7 free porn video

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I woke a bit more refreshed than I had the past few days. I had a load of lectures this morning, so I quickly got myself up and dressed, then headed off to breakfast. I scoffed down my food quickly and was off back to the house to get my stuff. I grabbed my books then headed out the door.

I made it a few tens of meters up the road when I heard a voice behind me, "Hey Em, wait up," said Nat, dashing to catch me up, "Jeez, Em, what's the hurry?"

"Sorry, Nat I was just keen to get the lectures out the way," I replied.

"You just want to get to your girlfriends picnic," said Nat with a sly grin.

"Well, a little," I said with a grin, "It is more interesting than control theory and measurement techniques lectures."

Nat laughed and we carried on our way to the university. As we approached the front gate there was some sort of commotion, a large group of people with placards. I wondered what was going on. As we got closer I saw some of the signs said things like, 'MORFS out!', 'No Freaks in the classroom!' and 'Animals in the lab should be in cages, not in lab coats!". scoff

As we made our way hesitantly towards the group who seemed to be chanting various slogans, though we were too far away to make out more than the angry tone, I recognised Kathy amongst the assembled people, which made me even more nervous.

As we approached, Kathy spotted us and pointed at me, calling out, "Look, here comes one of them."

The group moved to block our path, preventing us from getting in the gate to the university.

"Hey, move aside we have to get through," said Nat, fairly put out.

"You can pass, but not that thing," said an angry young man.

"What's the big idea? We have lectures to go to," said Nat.

"We are taking a stand to prevent these freaks from ruining this place of learning for the rest of us," said Kathy, while scowling at me.

"You lot are out of your minds!" said Nat.

"Please, just let us past. I just want to get to my lecture. I don't want any trouble," I said, hoping to appeal to reason.

"Never, monster!" said Kathy.

"Look, what's to say any of the normal looking people haven't been through MORFS too. Hell, for all I know, most of you could have got it already, even Kathy here. Is that it Kathy? Is that why you hate other MORFS so much, because you went through it yourself? Maybe you were a guy before or something," said Nat.

"WHAT!" screamed Kathy, "How dare you!"

"I'm just saying, how do we know you're not one of them," said Nat.

By now the rest of the group were turning towards Kathy, looking on her with suspicion.

"Stop looking at me like that. I'm normal. I'm PURE! She's just trying to divide us!" said Kathy.

At this point the security people from the gate came over, "What's going on here? You are blocking the right of way I'm going to have to ask you to move," the guard said.

"We have a legitimate protest. We have every right to make ourselves heard!" shouted Kathy.

"That's as may be, but you are blocking people from entering and leaving the university. If you don't move I'll have to call the police. You can protest all you want, but you need to stop obstructing the public right of way," the guard replied.

"We're only blocking the freaks," said Kathy.

The guard raised an eyebrow, "Move or I'll have the police come down here and arrest you for harassing students and obstructing access."

Most of the group glowered at the guard, but after some talking amongst themselves they moved aside and let people through. They continued to shout abuse at the obvious MORFS people that came past, but no longer stopped people. Nat and I made our way past and had to run to make up lost time, making it into the lecture hall just as the lecture was starting.

"What time do you call this ladies?" asked the lecturer with a somewhat amused good natured smile.

"Sorry Doc. Some crazed protesters were blocking the gate so we couldn't get in," Nat replied.

"Oh yes I heard about that, some misguided religious fanatics. In that case I'll forgive you two, but take your seats," he said.

The rest of the lecture was fairly standard. I swiftly fell into the usual lecture routine of trying to follow as much as possible, while making notes for future use in exam revision. The next lecture was similar and the ones after that. I had to admit my mind was not really on the lectures, more on the picnic I was going to be sharing with Caitlyn. It occurred to me that we'd had very little time together without others. Even our little walk in the park had been rudely interrupted by the old woman and cop. I hoped that this time would go more smoothly, and we could have some quality time to get to know each other without outside interference. I shivered in excitement at the prospect.

When the final lecture finished I was out the door like a shot, with Nat following, barely keeping up. She had an amused grin on her face.

"So you got your picnic now. Well think of me as you lounge with your girlfriend in the park, as I must sit alone in our room, in the dark, and waste away. Oh, woe is me!" she said, placing a hand to her forehead in mock anguish.

"Ha! But you have lunch with Shaun. I bet he'll make sure you don't waste away," I said with a smile.

"Oh yes, I'd forgotten about that. Still, I doubt he will be hand feeding me sumptuous treats of his own devising."

"Well, maybe that's a good thing. He looks like the sort that considers a can of beans and beer a four course meal."

Nat laughed, "Maybe you're right. Still, appearances can be deceptive."

We wandered over to the quad where I had arranged to meet Caitlyn and I saw her waiting. She was carrying a big backpack, I guessed stuffed with tasty provisions for our picnic. It was nice of her to prepare this for me, I would have to work out a way to do something equally nice for her.

She grabbed my hand and gave me a kiss on the lips. "Hello gorgeous, ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," I replied. "See you later, Nat."

"Bye Bye girls, have a nice time," Nat ran off in the direction of the canteen.

Caitlyn and I headed off towards the park hand in hand.

"That looks heavy," I said indicating the backpack, "do you want me to carry it?"

"No, I'm okay."

"Did you see those idiots at the gate this morning?"

"Yeah, I saw then on my way in, they tried to get in the way, but some of the people I was with pushed us through them."

"One of them is my lab partner, so things got a little heated. Nat managed to almost get them fighting each other by suggesting that any one of them could have been through MORFS and they would never know. Then security came up and told them to move out the way."

"Well I'm not going to let them ruin our day, even if they are still at the gates."

We made our way up to the gates, and sure enough, the group of protesters were still there. Their angry chants increased in volume when they saw the two of us coming. Caitlyn put her arm around me and strode defiantly forward at a fast pace. They hurled abuse at us, but we just kept walking and were soon past them. Once we were past their hateful glances and nasty tongues, we were able to relax a bit and we eased our pace.

It was a lovely day, just the sort of weather for a picnic. I wished I had brought my camera along. When I mentioned this to Caitlyn, she insisted we go get it, so we swung by my room to pick it up. After that we made our way over to the park. Caitlyn took us to a quiet area where there were few people about. She picked a nice spot in the shade of a beech tree and began setting things up.

I asked if she needed any help, but was shooed away. Soon she had set out a blanket for us to sit on, as well as plates of various sandwiches, some fruits, and all sorts of tasty little morsels. She seemed to have brought enough food to feed an army. Maybe she hadn't been joking when she said she was trying to fatten me up.

She had me sit down on the blanket, then began offering me sandwiches and various dips with sliced vegetables to dip in them. I took a few snaps of Caitlyn and the picnic she had laid on while there was still some left of it, then tucked in. We ate our feast, enjoying the food in the sunshine and fresh air. Caitlyn had put on a fabulous spread. She would playfully feed me bits and bobs, then kiss me afterwards. It was heavenly.

We slowly managed to consume most of the food till there was nothing but scraps left, and I felt completely stuffed.

I laid back and relaxed enjoying the clement weather and the company. Caitlyn snuggled up against me and we lay there enjoying the sun.

"That was wonderful. Thank you for all your hard work," I said.

"You're welcome, sweetie. Actually, I have a little confession, one of my friends from my hall helped me put it together."

"Well you'll have to pass on my regards. It was a wonderful feast."

"I will. Clive is a fabulous cook."

I laughed a little at that, thinking of my discussion about Shaun with Nat earlier.

"What?" asked a bemused Caitlyn.

"Oh it's nothing, just reminded me of something I was saying to Nat earlier."

"What, that men can't cook?"

"No, that one in particular doesn't seem the cooking type."

"Ah yes, Mr Chips n' Cheese is a balanced diet."

"Maybe we are being unkind to him, he could be a good cook."

"Could be, but somehow I doubt it."

We lay there together, I watched the clouds with Caitlyn snoozing, lying on my arms. After a while this proved to be an issue, as she was cutting off the circulation on the lower two. I didn't really want to move, as Caitlyn looked so cute curled up against me, eyes closed, gently making purring noises like a contented kitten. I began fidgeting a bit as my arms became more painful. This woke, or at least disturbed Caitlyn.

"What's the matter honey?" she asked.

"My arms are going to sleep," I said.

"Oh I'm sorry, baby."

She sat up and I extracted my lower limbs from under her, pins and needles running through them. I rubbed them to try and get the blood flowing again.

"I'm sorry Em. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just so comfy. Here, let me help you there."

"That's OK. It was nice till my lower arms started hurting."

She started massaging my arms to get them back to working order. Soon I felt better as her gentle touch worked some life back into my arms.

"Is that better, sweetie?" she asked, kissing my hands.

"Yeah, much better."

Caitlyn stretched herself luxuriously, "Mmmm, I feel good. Do you fancy a little walk?"


We packed up the remains of the picnic, disposed of our rubbish in a nearby bin, then headed off for a walk hand in hand. As we walked, Caitlyn turned to regard me speculatively.

"So how long have you known Nat?" asked Caitlyn.

"Not long I suppose. Only since we became roommates."

"You seem almost like sisters at times. She's very protective of you."

"I guess she kind of took me under her wing when we became roommates. She would make sure I did things, came out to the bar, and joined in some of the hall activities. She even took me out on double dates with her, though that was a bit of disaster, I was nowhere near as pretty as I am now. To an extent, all of my house mates used to treat me a bit like a little sister. Since I changed, Nat and I have become even better friends. She helped me through the initial shock of waking up like this. I don't know where I would be without her, probably hiding in a darkened room somewhere."

"I have to ask. You like girls, and you were in the same room as Nat who is without a doubt a total babe. What was that like? It must have been frustrating."

I thought about the question for a bit and looked at her shyly. "It's odd thinking about it now, maybe going through MORFS did something to me in that regard. I've always known that Nat is gorgeous, I'm not blind. I was often envious of her, but I don't know if I ever thought about her ... in that way. She was always obviously into boys, and I knew I was ugly, so I guess it never crossed my mind."

"Maybe it isn't so much MORFS tweaking your preferences. Maybe it was more you feel more confident in who you are now, more able to accept that you can have whoever you want. Even then, did you not feel anything towards Nat when you met her, before you knew her that is?"

"I remember when I first saw her. I was the first in the room, so I was sitting there waiting to meet my new roommate. It was my first time away from home, I was very shy and feeling a touch lonely already. When she wandered in looking the way she does, I was terrified of her. Girls that looked like that had tortured me for years, but she seemed to know how I felt, and treated me with kid gloves. She was very friendly, with common interests. Despite her looks, she's a geek at heart. Before I knew it we were talking about our families and so forth like old friends. By the end of the first week she was like the big sister I never had. I guess after that it was hard to feel ... the way I feel about you ... about her. I love her, of that I have no doubt, but it is love like a sister. Rather than love ... with an x rating."

"I guess I understand that."

"So do you have a roommate?"

"No I'm all on my lonesome. It's good sometimes, though I'd love a roommate like your Natalie."

When I looked at her with one eyebrow raised, she looked back, then tapped me on the arm, "Not like that, you have a filthy mind!"

When I continued to look at her with the same expression, she rolled her eyes and said, "Well maybe a little like that, but more as a friend."

"It is nice to be good friends with my roommate."

"Yeah sometimes I wish..." she stopped mid sentence her ears perking up.

"What is it?"

"Shhh!" she said putting a finger to her lips her cat like ears were swivelling this way and that as if trying to lock in on some sound, suddenly she jumped in the air and squealed, "Ice cream van. Quickly, this way!"

She set off at breakneck speed, pausing every now and then to reorient herself. After a short while I heard the sound of a ice cream van playing the signature, "Teddy Bears Picnic." Caitlyn pulled me along, homing in like a missile on the location of the van. Soon I could make out the brightly coloured van, with a small queue of children and their mothers buying ice cream. Despite our large meal, I reckoned I could find some room for ice cream.

"What would you like? My treat." I said.

"Oh you're too kind, I'll have a flake please," Caitlyn said.

"Righty ho," I joined the queue.

One of the young children in the queue was staring openly at me, mouth agape, she pulled on her mothers arm, "Mummy, mummy!" she said.

"What is it darling?" her mother asked.

"Look at the funny lady," the small tot said, still staring at me.

I smiled at her and waved with one of my arms, she tentatively waved back, clinging to her mother.

Her mother looked at me and smiled apologetically. "Don't stare, sweetheart. It's not polite," she told her young daughter. The girl turned back to the front, giving me only the occasional glance, anticipation of her upcoming treat warring with the fascination I held.

It was oddly refreshing to be stared at with the sense of wonder the little child had in her eyes. Not hate, or fear, or revulsion, just simple joy and surprise at the strangeness of the world. I got the feeling that to a child of that age, many things, mundane and unusual, held such joy and wonder. It made me feel a bit more normal. I shuffled towards the front of the queue, the little girl in front of me was soon picking out her ice cream, a brightly coloured pink animal of some kind. Once she was given this I was no longer even in her awareness, her little face was a bright smile, her eyes focused on her treat.

I reached the van and after a moment's surprise, the ice cream seller asked me what I wanted. I bought two flakes and headed back to Caitlyn, whose smile was very similar to the little girls. She was like a kitten who had gotten some cream, which I guess was an apt analogy. We went and found a bench to sit on while we ate our ice cream. It was very nice to have the cold sweet ice cream on a warm day like this.

"So is your hearing better than normal then? I didn't hear anything, but you picked up on the van's music from quite a ways away."

"Yes, they offer better directional sound than a human ear and they are a touch more sensitive. It's one of their advantages," she said.

"Besides looking cute."

"Yes, besides that. Some people who are hybrids get the full package of upgraded senses. For me, the ears are the only boosted bit. My tail supposedly improves my balance, when it's not making trouble that is."

As if to prove this point, her tail began tickling me. We polished off our treats and sat for a bit.

Just as I was about to suggest a walk, my phone rang, "Hello, Emily speaking," I answered.

"Em," it was Nat, she sounded distraught.

"Nat, what is it, is something wrong?" I asked.

"It's Shaun, there was some sort of accident last night. He's been badly hurt!"

"Oh no! What happened?"

"I don't know. They say someone attacked him."

"That's awful! Where are you?"

"I don't want to ruin your date Em, I just needed to talk to someone. Hospitals get to me a bit."

"Nonsense I'll be right over, where are you."

"The hospital, Ward B2, second floor on the right."

"Hang tight, sweet heart, I'll be there in a jiffy. See you soon."

"Thank you Em, I'll see you soon."

Nat rang off, I turned to Caitlyn who was looking concerned. "Shaun's been hurt, Nat's at the hospital. Sorry to cut our date short, but she needs me," I said.

"No that's fine, if you like I'll come with you for moral support, plus I like to think both of them are becoming friends with me, too."

"I'm sure Nat and Shaun will appreciate you coming. Let's go find a taxi."

We made our way to the local taxi rank and jumped in the first cab we saw. It wasn't far to the local hospital, but still I was quite anxious. Nat had sounded pretty rough on the phone. Caitlyn, picking up on my anxiety, held one of my hands. When we pulled up to the hospital, I hurriedly paid and we raced in. After getting a little lost, we found our way to the right ward with some help from a passing doctor. We located where Shaun was and made our way over. He was in a room surrounded by machines and drips, his body all bandaged up. His face was barely recognisable, all bloodied and bruised. Sitting by his bed side was Nat, looking very small and afraid.

I rushed in, Nat threw herself into my arms, giving me a bone crushingly fierce hug.

"Oh Em, it's awful. I was waiting for him to show for lunch, and when he didn't I rang his mobile. A police office answered, told me Shaun had been attacked. I know we only knew each other for a short while, but it really hit me. This place is making me worse, I pick up all the emotions," she said as she began sobbing gently.

I held her tight and stroked her hair saying comforting words, "There, there, it'll be alright."

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Frank Armano came out of Bentlyville General Hospital. It seemed like he'd been in there forever. His wife had finally delivered the baby about an hour ago. Shit, it was another girl. Damn he was fed up with making pussy for another swinging dick to enjoy some day. Fuck! There was no profit for him in that. The hospital had to take Linda in as a charity case or else let her drop the k** on the emergency room floor. If that would have happened, he could have sued their fat asses off. Too bad it...

4 years ago
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Blackmail Come True Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 "I need your decision now," he repeated as I stared at the metal canister and the syringe sitting on the counter in front of me. I could see my reflection in the chrome canister. I stood there in the same pink stockings and pink babydoll nightie that I had just wore while my best friend fucked me. I ran my hand through the red wig that I still couldn't seem to remove from my head, looked at the DD breast forms still stuck to my chest, the padded prosthetic vagina that gave...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Trip To The Library

I’m in need of going to get books from the library downtown. I beg you to come to the library with me, and after much debate, you agree to come. You’re still grumbling about it as we pull up to the library. As I walk in, I stop and look up where the books are I'll need to study with and tell you that they're upstairs. We walk up and I begin to go through the rows. The last book I need is way in the very back of the old library, in a corner. I reach up and start to look through them, running my...

1 year ago
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Meet the Haitian Goddess Trois

Sitting at the table across from Florence Joseph, Sebastien Renard watched her eat. The big and tall young Haitian-American man smiled wistfully. Things were going pretty good. Here she was, having dinner with him and his grandmother Cecilia. Also present were Florence’s younger brother and granny. Sebastien played the part of the congenial host, loving every moment of it. If only Florence didn’t look so damn uncomfortable. Sebastien found himself oddly perturbed by that. The plan was to get...

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The Good YearsChapter 85

I first learned that Gary had been staying over at Brenda's house on the first Monday after coming back from my Birmingham trip. When I came downstairs to have some breakfast, before going into the office, Brenda was in the kitchen making omelets for Joyce and Cindy. When I asked her what the occasion was, she told me that she was catching a ride into Bolling with us, because she had loaned her car to Gary, so that he could go visit some friends of his. "Gary's visiting?" I hadn't seen...

2 years ago
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A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows Part 9

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows by Karen Page Chapter 9 Friday, Christmas Eve, dragged. I hadn't seen Anna all day. She was busy helping her Mum, who finished her job the previous day, pack some of the remaining items. I wanted to help but I'd spent so much time with them that I hadn't managed to wrap any of my Christmas presents. Most of the morning, therefore, was spent wrapping. When I came to wrap Anna's present I took special care with the wrapping, putting a big red...

2 years ago
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Bus Stop Boy Part 3

Sheri went into her apartment stunned. She had been trying to get the attention of what she called her BSB (Bus Stop Boy) for months now without any response and now he was her new neighbor. Her mind was working overtime. She needed to think. As the hot water rolled over her skin she was thinking of what her next move was going to be. After all this time, Bret was his name and now he was her new neighbor. After thinking long and hard about the situation Sheri decided that she would wait for him...

1 year ago
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Bobs Frothy Adventures Part 1 and 2 slightly edited

Introduction: This is my first story, so please by nice. Thanks! Part 1: And then Bobs sister started sucking his dick, and he was all like ohhhh yeeeaaah! Bob then started fingering her tight, wet, preteen, twelve year old pussy. Bobs sister moaned ahhhh yeees boooy! She then had an orgasm ALL over his hand. She yelled Ahhh fuck yes, ahohyaehhh as she drenched Bobs hand in her young vaginal fluids. Bobs sister then positioned her sexy mouth over Bobs hard, sexy, big, circumcised, throbbing,...

4 years ago
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Fat FarmChapter 14

Day 137 Saturday Claire yawned and said, "We're making pretty good progress. I can't believe that you have a draft of it already." "No thanks to you," Denise snapped. She was extremely tired from working at such a rigorous pace. "You are really getting cranky," Claire said. "I'm tired," Denise said. "I think you're horny," Claire said. "No!" "You protest too much," Claire said with a smile. "No I don't," Denise declared. She made a face and said, "That's the...

3 years ago
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Jasons QuestChapter 29 Jason Julie

After full daylight, Jase and Julie went back to the fire to fix breakfast and coffee. While Julie made those preparations, Jase dragged off the bodies of the dead Indians and rolled them over the bank onto the stream bed that had provided cover for him and Julie the night before. Jase noticed that the Indian in the middle during the brouhaha the night before, had two bullet holes in his chest on and in a line between his nipples. Some shooting, he thought, Julie is definitely one to ride...

2 years ago
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Rosy au bureau

Nous sommes en décembre ,il fait un froid de canard . Ce matin j'vais deux rendez vous ,le premier à 8 h 30 vient de se décommander , le second est pour 11 heures , mais cela m'ennuie vraiment d'attendre jusque là ! Je vais donc essayer de me rendre à l'adresse indiquée ,peut être y aura t'il quelqu'un !J' arrive devant le bâtiment , l'endroit est désert . Avec ce brouillard , l'ambiance du lieu est plutôt sinistre .Il n'y a pas de numéro 8 dans cette rue . Je vais attendre un peu dans la...

1 year ago
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part one my 19 year old neice

let me start by saying she is only my neice by marrage so its not quite as bad as it sounds but it was so great you would have to try it it was a friday night 3 weeks ago i was home alone just watching the box when the door bell rang so i get up and to my suprise theres my neice all dolled up as if she was on hee way out on the town i invited her in as i saw no harm in it as i expected her to try and bum a lift in to town as we walked through to the living room i couldnt help but notice how...

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The Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time there was a king of a small land who had three beautiful daughters. He wished more than anything that each would marry a prince, and bring more fortune to his family. On the eighteenth birthday of the eldest daughter, the king invited the lords and princes of close by to a great ball. The first to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage was the eldest prince from the neighboring country. “Ah,” said the king to his wife, “He is the richest of all the men at this ball! Surely...

Love Stories
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So Sweet So Perverse

His hand slipped easily into hers as they sped off into their future.The chapel bells still could be heard in the distance and the sky was the most beautiful blue that either of them had ever seen.Rosalie still had her long and overly intricate wedding dress on. She loved the way she looked and felt in it.They had intended on keeping the wedding cheap and simple. Her mother had taken her to look at wedding gowns and she tried several that were in the hundred dollar range, Then finally on the...

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TeenSneaks Eliza Ibarra Gizelle Blanco Playing Hooky

Today’s a school day, but Eliza Ibarra isn’t feeling in tip-top shape, so she’d like to stay at home. Her parent, Siouxsie Q, loves her so much and just hates to see her little darling all cold and clammy. She wants Eliza to rest up and regain her strength so that she can finish her senior year with flying colors! But when Siouxsie leaves for work, it’s revealed that Eliza’s not feeling sick at all. In fact, she’s feeling positively ENERGIZED for some lesbian...

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XSFGCChapter 17 the Devils Student

Phillip and Sally were returning from gathering their last load of fallen branches for the camp fire the Year Three's had built. "Hey, who lit the fire?" Sally asked as she dropped the load of wood she was carrying. "Illyana," was the reply from Stacy. "How? Do you have a lighter on you?" Illyana looked at Phillip from her spot next to the nicely roaring fire saying only, "Magick". "That's right, but you know, I still don't believe in magic." "You will, you will",...

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Which Arm

WHICH ARM? Chapter 1 - My Damn Cousins Invite Chapter 2 - The Notebook Chapter 3 - Waiting for sunup Chapter 4 - Back home Which Arm? Chapter 1 - My Damn Cousins Invite My cousin Harry Reeves and I were both very familiar with the legend of the Damascus Bracelet. Our long deceased grandfather's tales about our ancestors, had made hunting the Bracelet a lifelong quest for Harry. When we were little kids, grandfather repeatedly told us about his grandfather losing the...

4 years ago
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Pulled OverChapter 8

The three men could hear Chloe’s shrieks as soon as they got out of the car. As they made their way inside, they could now hear both Lisa and Josh begging them to stop. But what they heard didn’t prepare them for what they were about to see. Coming up on Josh from behind, it looked like he had big balls of flesh coming out of his sides. Both were dripping milk. The three soon realized that the breasts belonged to Lisa. She and Josh were secured to a post. Both were naked and bound tightly,...

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NicaChapter 5

That evening at home, Nicole told her mother that she had decided to go back to Joy's house on Wednesdays and Saturdays to relax with Joy. That night, and on Tuesday night, Nicole kept tossing about in bed. The two orgasms she had had at Joy's house had only served to make her body hunger for more thrill. Oh God! How she wished she could have her father and Joy's father in her bed every night. On Wednesday, at school, Nicole promised Joy that she would definitely go to her house that...

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on.I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that...

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Life Under MistressChapter 6

Mistress Red had been into providing her discreet services to a specific, very discerning, well-paying clientele for years. It was a very discreet service of changing certain specific peoples bodies and/or minds. For a very specific clientele, for a reasonable fee, she could change anybody’s body to avoid detection, providing a completely new identity. That was one of the many benefits of owning an entire Caribbean island. She had her discrete population to draw from, her own police force,...

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Master of the Kingdom Seizing Power ArcChapter 2 Colette I

The king’s door, located behind and to the right of the throne from the King’s perspective, lead to a stairway. Down lead to a panic room, stocked with supplies. Stocking those supplies- replacing the rations when they began to moulder, making sure the mechanism to the locking portcullis was functional, and, of course, keeping everything free from dust fell under Colette’s direct purview, and it was the only duty that she always performed alone. However, take those stairs up, and they would...

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The Battered LampChapter 20 The Fiery Spear

Tuesday, January 26th – The Spirit Realm "How much longer do I have to walk?" Christy asked as she trudged through the strange, shimmering landscape of the spiritual realm. Nothing seemed real. Everything was blurry, like a watercolor portrait—bright colors smeared across the landscape. Iris's flesh danced like a rainbow as she skipped and giggled alongside the witch. Christy no longer had to walk the path Iris had formed, Erinyes could no longer seek vengeance upon her for betraying...

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Jeannie and I thank Uncle John 1

My beautiful young friend, Jeannie and I had just returned home from our first weekend together as lovers. At eighteen, Jeannie was the image of a healthy happy, confident young woman. She was a blue eyed blonde, barely 4'11" and I am sure she was under 90 lbs. She was and still is very fit, muscular and flexible from years of gymnastics. She was always so upset that she was mistaken for being much younger and at 18 she could easily pass for 14. She is the daughter of one of my best friends...

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Big Butch

Black Man's White SissyOne day when my mom was at work, I was laying in her bed, masturbating. I got up and rummaged through her underwear drawer. The drawer smelled like perfume and the odor made my dick stiffen. Some of her panties had stains - I think they were cum stains - on the crotch. Anyway, I don't know why, but something prompted me to try on a pair of her silky nylon hose. The material felt so good on my legs! Next I stepped into a pair of her red french cut panties. Then I caught a...

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Amateur photographer

I called stage 1 my softening up phase. I'd decided that every day for a whole month, when none of the other family members were around of course, that I'd pay Mum a small compliment. Nothing provocative, just the kind of thing that any son could say to his mum. For example, on the first day I commented on how nice her hair looked. Next day I said her perfume smelled nice. At the end of the month all of these little remarks had had the effect I had wanted. Namely, that I could say them...

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The Corner Shop

It was a Saturday night and I had nowhere particular to be. I decided to pick up a bottle of wine from the shop across the road. The buzzer sounded as I entered. Behind the counter was a young Pakistani woman, our eyes met. "Where's Mr Abbassi" I asked. "He's gone to visit family in Pakistan" "Are you his daughter" "Yes" "I see" She smiled. She had large brown eyes-framed by charcoal makeup, she wore a tight black t-shirt, and she had thick glossy black hair that flowed down to her lower-back....

3 years ago
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Ebony EyesChapter 6

Without a word, Tabby and I waited in the living room for either Mr. Langston or the police. We explained to Mrs. Langston what was going on and she didn't say much, other than that she wished we didn't have to deal with this kind of thing. She thanked me for saving her daughter from what might've happened, but told us we should've come home before violence erupted tonight. I didn't bother telling her that they would've just caught us some other time and just sat silently holding...

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Andy 27

After my shower I walked into my room wrapped in a bathtowel to give Sarah a chance. One of the few points that had brought a negative change to our lives: We had to share the bathroom among three. And girls need their time... Now I stood nude in front of my mirror and turned so that I could see my back side. Nothing to see of the injection. If I hadn't seen the empty syringe, I wouldn't have believed it. How had that gone in so easily, and practically without my feeling it? It could...

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Byrds of a feather

It was March, the weather was warming and in my part of the country, we were having some really nice days. It was 4:30 on a Friday afternoon, the weekend started in thirty minutes and I should have been in a great mood. Instead, I was in kind of a piss-off mood, it had been one of those Murphy’s Law Days, if it could go wrong it did go wrong. Nothing you could put your finger on, just a shitty all day. I was finally finishing up on my last report of the day when I heard a little knock at...

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Steve and Kyle Episode 7

CHAPTER 16Kyle found that he really did enjoy the work of being a trainer at the gym and he used his spare time to continue to hone his own body to the peak of perfection, keeping himself busy all day. He found his three co-trainers an agreeable lot and they accepted him unquestionably so that as a newcomer he very quickly felt comfortable in his new environment. For Kyle it was heaven to be free from school and his parents home both of which he had hated and to be able to go back home – he...

Gay Male
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Hot And Horny Married Woman Ishita 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, this is Atul once again with the second part of how I chatted with Ishita, a sexy and horny married woman and led her below me. I am sure that my reading fans must have read my earlier story Hot and Horny married woman Ishita and I am also sure that they liked it. So here I continue with the second and concluding part. I and Ishita went to a nearby mall and we kept her car in the hotel parking only and we walked upto the mall, which was 10 minutes away from our hotel. Ishita was...

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Creamed Milk Maid

Kelsey Diaz had always had boys after her, even in elementary school. There was just something about her that seemed to draw them in. She didn’t really understand it when she’d been a kid, but it had become at least somewhat more obvious when she’d hit high school. Kelsey was a pretty mix of latino and Native American, roughly one-quarter Native American so far as she knew. But what it meant for her physically was that she was what boys called a “total hottie”. She secretly suspected that...

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