Tennis with Anna Kournikova
- 3 years ago
- 36
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One Saturday in August, wearing only shoes and a ragged pair of old cut-offs as my futile hedge against the heat, I was pushing the lawnmower around the sculpted edges of the lawn, unconsciously following the curves and contours and dodging overhanging flowers and shrubs, just letting my mind wander where it wanted to. I was thinking about starting high school in the fall and looking forward to my fourteenth birthday, which would take place in September as well. Somehow, fourteen seemed like a magic number. If nothing else, for me, it marked the real entry into my teen years. Thirteen was too near twelve, and at twelve, you were still a kid. And thirteen, like twelve, didn't have a real number in it, like four-teen and six-teen. So fourteen sounded a lot more like sixteen, when I'd be able to get a driver's license, and be, well, a real teen-ager.
I was also, of course, thinking about sex, even if I wasn't actually thinking about sex. My mind seemed to be capable of multitasking, so that no matter what I thought I was thinking about, whether it was homework or Javascript, something about sex was churning in there somewhere. There were little blips of porn pictures I'd seen on the web, descriptions in stories I'd downloaded, fantasies about the best-looking girl in my class, and wondering when and how I might see a real girl naked and when I was going to get laid for the first time. And, even if I wasn't thinking about any of these things, I'd get a hard-on anyway, for no apparent reason, and then I'd be thinking about sex again.
On this day, I just plain felt good, despite the perpetual undercurrent of sexual frustration, which I'd learned to push aside as background noise. Mom and I had a good life together. I didn't remember Dad. He'd left when I was two. All Mom ever said about him was that they had been college sweethearts. Mom became pregnant with me when she was nineteen (nine-teen), and they got married. The deal they made was that after he finished his degree, she could get hers. But as soon as he took his MBA, he left. Mom never looked back. She set her sights forward and went on with her own life, and now she was a highly successful landscape architect, with a constant stream of commissions from local government, major corporations in the area, and the wealthier folks who lived in the hills. I'd asked her a couple of times when I was younger if she ever gave any thought to remarrying, and her answer was the same both times: she couldn't see any percentage in it.
Although we'd lived in modest apartments while Mom was building her practice, four years ago she had finally been able to buy a sprawling, suburban house, I think more for the yard than for the house itself. Certainly we didn't need all the space, but the yard was a demonstration of Mom's talents, and it was my job to maintain it. Mom had become fiercely independent as she built a career for herself, and she did her best to instill that same self-reliance and independence in me. I must have heard Mom say a jillion times, "The lessons learned best are the ones we figure out for ourselves." She had a lot of trust in me, and maybe that's why I really didn't mind taking care of the yard as part of my share of the load.
It was one of those thoroughly surrealistic late summer days, with the temperature in the 90's and the air dead still. The whole world seemed to be without depth or contrast, alternately shimmering at the edges or lapsing into flatness, unreal in either case. I was on my own with my chores; Mom had gone to play tennis. Mindlessly, I pushed the lawnmower, letting my mind run, smelling flowers and the cut grass, and feeling sweat trickle down my bare chest.
I was jerked from my thoughts by the sound of tires barking very near by. I looked up to see Mom's car lurching into the driveway. The car was still angled in the drive, rear bumper hanging out over the walk, when the front end dipped to a quick halt. I dropped the lawnmower handle and started for the car. Something had to be wrong. This was not Mom's usual ultra-cautious driving style.
As I approached the car, Mom got out, levering herself with elbows atop the door and the roof, her face twisted in a grimace of pain. "Oh, Alan! Thank God you're home," she called out, with obvious relief.
"Mom! What's wrong?"
"I pulled a groin muscle playing tennis, and I can barely walk. Justine and Donna practically had to carry me to my car. And thank God it's my left leg. If it had been my right leg, I wouldn't have been able to drive. Can you please help me into the house? I have to get into a hot bath and let the muscle soak for a while."
"Sure, Mom," I said, rushing to her side. I wrapped my right arm around her waist to help give her left leg support, and she threw her left arm over my shoulders. We started toward the front door in kind of a three-legged hobble, our hips bumping together as we worked to get our steps synchronized. Inside the house, we edged this way and that through doorways and down the hall to Mom's bathroom.
By the time we got to Mom's bathroom, she was gasping with exertion, pain still visible on her face. We paused while she caught her breath. All of a sudden, whether I wanted to be or not, I was terribly aware of Mom's presence next to me, the heat of our bodies, our closeness. I was enveloped in Mom's atmosphere, her humidity. Her tennis shirt was damp, and her scent was all around—shampoo, soap, the barest hint of perfume, her deodorant, a bit of fresh perspiration, and ... and her, the unique scent of Mom herself. I had never before been conscious of Mom as a person, as a woman; I mean, after all, she was my mother, my parent. It had been years since we were really close together physically, and certainly not when we were both dripping with sweat. I was also aware of the familiar tingle of blood starting to flow into my cock, and I felt both scared and ashamed, getting a hard-on while Mom was in pain, and getting a hard-on because of Mom, period.
We separated ourselves, and Mom leaned back against the counter. "Thank you, honey," she said, wiping her forehead with her wrist. "I don't think I could have made it without your help."
"You going to be okay, Mom?" I asked.
"I think so," she said, sniffing and wiping at her upper lip and nose. "I just need to soak the sore muscle for a while and get it to relax." Mom leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.
"Okay," I said, "if you're sure."
I went out of the bathroom, leaving the door ajar six inches or so. I don't know why I didn't close the door all the way, but it didn't really matter whether the door was shut or not. I wasn't going to be anywhere near the bathroom anyway. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a tall glass of lemonade. But I guess it was one of those fortunate coincidences that I did leave the bathroom door ajar. I had just taken my first satisfying gulp when I heard Mom call out. "Alan? Alan! Are you still in the house?" I never would have heard her if the door had been closed.
"I'm in the kitchen, Mom," I called back.
"Please come here. I need some more help."
I jogged back down the hall to Mom's bathroom. She was still standing as I'd left her, leaning back against the counter, but she'd taken off her shirt and bra, and had unzipped her shorts and pushed them down just below her navel. I stopped dead in my tracks. My jaw dropped, and my gaze landed on Mom's breasts. I saw—I mean, I saw—the shape of them, their soft, perfect, rounded contours, just the right size for the rest of her, nipples puckered in the air-conditioned coolness of the house.
"I'm sorry, baby," she said with a chuckle, despite her discomfort. "I don't mean to embarrass you, but I'm stuck. Both my shorts and I are so damp that they won't come off easily, and I can't keep my balance and bend over to push them down at the same time. Could you help me? Please?"
Mom and I have never made a big deal about our states of undress around the house. We're neither exhibitionists nor prudes. If one of us happened to walk in on the other when we were changing clothes or walking around in our underwear, we'd just say "excuse me" and turn away. But I had never seen Mom this undressed, and never this close up. My mouth suddenly went dry.
"Of course," I croaked. "What do you want me to do?"
"I think it would be better if you started the bath water. I don't want to fall on my face into the tub. And, I'm afraid, I am going to need some help getting my shorts off."
I reached into the tub enclosure and turned on the hot water, letting it run over my wrist. "Make it as hot as you can stand it," she said. I did. And when the water was rushing into the tub satisfactorily, I turned back to Mom.
I knelt in front of her, looking down at her feet. Reaching up, I found the legs of her shorts by touch, and then tugged down. Once the shorts were over the swell of her hips, they dropped to her ankles. Still looking at Mom's feet, I reached up again and hooked my fingers under the damp elastic band at the top of her panties and began to pull down. Her panties didn't come off so easily, and I had to worry them all the way down her legs. When her panties were at her ankles, Mom lifted her right leg, and I slid both shorts and panties off over her foot. As she began to lift her left leg, she stopped suddenly, and moaned with pain. "More help, please," she said.
I looked up at her face automatically, in the same instant realizing that her bush was right in front of my nose, only inches away. Mom didn't trim her bush the way the ladies whose pictures I'd seen on the web did. It was lush, curling, dark brown, slightly matted from the pressure of her clothing, and much more attractive than something barbered. I was flooded with sensation: I felt the heat from Mom's body and smelled the cocoa butter lotion she'd put on her legs, and, for reasons I couldn't imagine, I wondered whether she'd taste like chocolate. In the midst of the cocoa butter was another faint scent, one I'd never smelled before, but one that some primeval part of my brain knew could only be Mom. Mom's pussy. I froze. My cock became rock hard.
"Honey," Mom said softly, "you're going to have to help me lift my left leg." Gulping, I looked down at her feet again. I leaned in toward her, placing my left shoulder against the inside of her left thigh. I reached between her legs, wrapped my arm around, took hold of her ankle, and, with my biceps behind her knee, gently lifted her foot off the floor and pulled her shorts and panties away with my right hand. Mom gasped. I didn't look up from that position. I didn't dare. It seemed that I could feel heat radiating from her pussy onto my shoulder. My ears were ringing, and my cock was straining against my cut-offs.
"Thank you," Mom said. With my eyes turned away from Mom, I brushed her shorts and panties toward the wall, then stood cautiously. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it if you'd stay long enough to help me into the tub," she said.
In a half crouch, so that my hard-on wouldn't be apparent, I took a step and sat down sideways on the toilet lid, studiously watching the level of water rise in the tub. Neither Mom nor I spoke. When the tub seemed to be full enough, I got up, stepped across the room half bent over, and turned the water off. "Ready?" I asked.
"Um, I think I'd better pee before I get in the tub," Mom said. I turned to leave the room.
"Please help me?" Mom asked in a small voice.
I lifted the toilet lid. Mom turned around, putting her bare ass on full display. It was pale against the tan of her legs, and perfectly shaped. Mom's tennis playing was only one way she kept herself fit. She worked out regularly, and had the body of a woman five or even ten years her junior. My mother was beautiful, even if she was my mother; I mean, objectively, this woman, who happened to be my mother, was beautiful. Sexy. I couldn't deny that. I couldn't overlook it. Cautiously, I placed my hands just at the bottom of her rib cage and supported her as she hopped back a step to the toilet. Just above my hands, her breasts bobbed up and down. When she was seated, I backed out of the room, still half bent, and closed the door behind me.
Out in the hall, I leaned against the wall, drew a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, my eyes shut. I reached inside my cut-offs and repositioned my hard-on to that it was pointing straight up instead of jammed at a painful angle. While I still had my hand on my cock, I heard, even through the closed door, the hiss of Mom's pee into the toilet. I almost came in my shorts. What in hell did pissing have to do with sex? That primeval part of my brain was in control. I felt crazy, really crazy.
Until I pulled Mom's shorts off and looked up at her, I'd never seen a woman naked before. The image of her pubic hair, only inches from my face, the smell of the cocoa butter lotion, and the smell of her, seemed burned into my brain. I couldn't make them go away. And, I kept reminding myself, this was my mother, for God's sake. I wasn't supposed to be getting a hard-on over her—or wanting to touch her again, or touch her more, or ... or any of the other things I found myself thinking. I wanted desperately to go to my room and beat off, to get rid of the sexual charge and to get my head straight again.
The toilet flushed, and Mom called out, "I'm ready to get in the tub now."
I steeled myself and went back into the bathroom. Mom was standing in front of the toilet. As I came near her to wrap my arm around her waist, it seemed that the faint scent of her urine lingered in the air; oddly, it had the effect of a perfume on me, and the scent of her seemed stronger, too. It was my imagination, I was sure, the primeval brain at work. We got ourselves into the same three-legged position we'd used to walk from the car into the house. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I carefully positioned my hand so that it was in thoroughly neutral territory, not too near her breasts, and not too near her bush. When she put her arm around the back of my neck, my shoulder nestled snugly into her armpit. My senses were in overdrive. I could feel the slick wetness of her armpit against my skin, and the slight scratchiness of a couple of days' stubble there. We successfully negotiated the two or three steps from toilet to tub.
When we got to the tub, we separated, and she turned to face me. I reached down and placed my right hand behind Mom's left knee, and helped her lift her leg up and over the edge of the tub. As she did, I couldn't help but see her pussy. I guess that, when she wiped herself after peeing, she must have fluffed the hair some. I was aware, in minute detail, of individual hairs extending downward between her legs, and of the folds of her labia beneath them. When Mom's left leg was firmly on the bottom of the tub, I put my hands at the bottom of her rib cage and steadied her as she braced herself against the shower door and the wall and lifted her right leg in. Then I moved my hands up and under her arms, trying my best—not completely successfully—to avoid touching the sides of her breasts. When she was settled in the water, she let out a long sigh. My hands were trembling.
"Thanks, honey," she said. "I'm probably going to need help getting out of the tub, too. And I'd appreciate it if you'd stay in the house while I'm soaking, just in case. Would you mind?"
"Of course not, Mom," I said, the calm in my voice belying the quivering in my body. "I'll be in my room. Just holler if you need me."
When I got to my room, I wanted to jack off in the worst way. I was dying. That's all there was to it. My sex life so far had consisted only of pictures, fantasies, and my hand. I'd never seen a woman naked, felt her bare skin, smelled all the scents of her body, her skin, her perspiration, her urine, her woman-smell. Never. It seemed to me, all of a sudden, that I'd gained a new understanding of what sex was really all about. But with my mother? I felt guilty. And dirty. Perverted. I didn't know what to think. And, at the same time that I wanted to beat off with a vengeance, I was afraid to, for fear that Mom would call for me at just the wrong time, and I'd have to explain to her what took me so long to get to her. Instead, I sat down at my desk, turned on my computer, and started a game of Diablo.
But as I began my descent into the dungeon, I could still smell Mom all around me. I turned my head to the right. The scent of Mom's armpit was radiating from my shoulder, invading my nostrils, her deodorant, her sweat. Her. In frustration, I stood abruptly and went into my bathroom, where I washed my shoulder twice. I sniffed again. Better. Now, what I smelled was Dial soap and my own sweat. Okay.
I settled down in front of the computer, and before long, I was back on Level 32, picking up gold and spells, and swinging my sword and hurling balls of lightning at Obsidian Lord. Dimly, I was aware of the sound of water draining out of the bathtub, and more water running in. I descended downward, chasing after Diablo. After some period of time—I don't have any idea how long—I heard Mom's voice calling, as if from a great distance. "Alan? Alan. I'm ready to get out of the bath now."
"Coming, Mom!" I shouted, as I saved my game. My hard-on was gone, and my ears were no longer ringing.
When I walked into the bathroom, Mom was still sitting in the tub, with the water running out, her breasts glistening. "Okay," I said, " how do you want to do this?"
We negotiated back and forth for a minute or two. We came to the conclusion that, if we simply tried to reverse the process we used getting Mom into the bathtub, we were likely to run into trouble—either her feet might slip, or I wouldn't be able to hold on to her, with her skin wet and slippery. We therefore decided that we'd get Mom standing up, and she could dry herself off while she was in the tub. Then, if she turned her back to me, I could support her from behind while she lifted her legs over the edge.
Knowing that I'd never be able to hold onto her wet midriff, I leaned into the tub and cupped my hands under Mom's arms. Levering herself on the edge of the tub and the soap dish to help as I lifted, she slowly rose to a standing position. I handed her a towel, then stepped into the hall to wait until she'd finished drying. When she was done, she called me back in.
This time, her back—her ass—was facing me. And I started to get hard again, just looking at her. Since her back was to me, I was able to give my cock a quick hitch and get it pointed straight up. First, I held her at the base of her ribs. She held the shower door and braced herself against the wall, and lifted her right leg out. Then, bending forward slightly, I wrapped my right arm around her waist and put my left hand behind her knee to help her lift her sore leg out. As her left leg was coming over the edge of the tub, she lost her balance just enough to throw me off. I put one foot back, and Mom started to slide down. I squeezed hard and lifted. When she stopped moving, she was leaning fully back against me. My hard-on was lined up perfectly in the crack of her ass, and I was gripping her left breast firmly. I could feel the heat of a serious blush start up my chest and into my face.
As I stepped away from Mom, she turned and looked at me. "Oh, you're blushing," she said. "It's okay. Please don't be embarrassed. You haven't done anything wrong."
I was relieved that Mom wasn't upset, but I was sure that she'd been able to feel my hard-on against her ass, and I had held onto her breast for a long second or two before we regained our balance.
"Would you dry my feet for me, sweetie?" she asked. "I still can't bend over that far."
I looked down at Mom's feet and ankles, my gaze, of course, sliding past her bush on the way. Now, after a bath and toweling, her bush was all fluffed out, standing away from her body, looking twice as full and lush as it had the first time I saw it. My hard-on began to throb. With a smile, Mom handed me her towel.
Mom put one hand on the counter, then edged herself along to where she could lean back against it. When she was set, I knelt in front of her, keeping my eyes directed downward, and carefully dried one leg, then the other, from the knee down, lifting each foot off the floor enough to dry between her toes. To the good side, her crotch didn't smell the way it had before she took her bath. All I could smell now was soap. And skin. And a little bit of Mom-smell. But the primeval part of my brain took over again when I dried her toes. I found myself paying close, loving attention to each toe, gently working the towel between them, making sure that her feet were fully dry. I felt like bending down and kissing those toes. I must have taken an awfully long time to dry Mom's feet, but she didn't say a word, didn't try to hurry me.
"Now, would you please get my nightshirt out from under my pillow and bring it to me?" Mom asked.
I did, but when I took her nightshirt out from under the pillow—I don't know why I did this—I pressed it over my face and inhaled deeply. And my ears started to ring again. It was laden with Mom-smell. Soap, perfume, skin, her body oils, her perspiration, whatever it was that smelled so ... so delicious. The smell was wonderful. I didn't think I could get enough of it. I kept her nightshirt over my nose and mouth all the way to the bathroom door.
When I handed the nightshirt to Mom, she put it on. Period. I didn't leave the room, and she didn't turn away. When she raised her arms over her head, her breasts rose, too, and I watched, transfixed. Mom was becoming more beautiful by the moment, and I was becoming less and less bothered by my enjoyment of her as a woman.
After Mom got her nightshirt on, we did the three-legged walk to her bedroom. She sat down on the edge of the bed; then I lifted her legs up and got her straightened out. As I was about to leave the room, Mom said, "You know what I think would help a lot? If you massaged my leg a bit to help the muscle relax. I took a couple of Naprosins while you were getting my nightshirt. They ought to kick in pretty soon. If you could just massage my leg for a few minutes, I think I'll be able to relax and sleep for a while."
I gulped, and said, "Sure, Mom."
"There's a bottle of body lotion on the counter in my bathroom," she said. "That would probably make the massage easier."
I got the bottle of body lotion. Back in Mom's bedroom, I kicked off my shoes and peeled off my socks, which had grass clippings stuck to them, as well, and got up on the bed on my knees. Mom spread her legs slightly, and I positioned myself with my left knee between her legs. Mom's nightshirt was just that: a shirt she wore at night, a vee-necked cotton tee-shirt that was long enough to come about halfway down her thighs. I dribbled a little of the lotion onto her thigh, and started massaging the area between her knee and the hem of her nightshirt. After I'd massaged that part of her leg for a couple of minutes, she said, "You don't understand, honey. I pulled a muscle in my groin—higher up.
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CheatingTennis Bet 4 By Tennis Guy After I put on a borrowed pair of pantyhose, I asked if either Pam or Sue knew where my clothes were from yesterday. "I think I saw Amy take them home with her. She said she was going to wash them for you." "Gee, that was awfully nice, but I don't have any clothes to wear, unless one of you can run over to my apartment and get me some." "Look Scott, you're already wearing my panties and pantyhose, you might as well go ahead and borrow something of...
Tom did a double-take when the gorgeous redhead stepped into the construction trailer that served as his camp office. What had happened to little Katy Simpson? he asked himself as she greeted him. “It’s so nice to see you, Coach Beckett! I’m so happy to be doing this camp with you!” Katy said with a smile, awkwardly moving toward a hug before stretching out her hand for an adult, professional handshake. “Of course,” Tom replied, “I’m thrilled to have you. Please, take a seat. Let’s get caught...
TeenIt was the last match of the high school tennis season and I shouted encouragement as one of my girls put up a spirited fight against a vastly superior opponent. The leggy fourteen-year-old gamely chased down balls all over the court. But in the second set as she tried to change direction her foot twisted awkwardly beneath her, and she fell to the ground writhing in pain. When I reached her, the girl's left ankle was already beginning to swell. I scooped her up and carried her to her...
After that day we settled into a pattern. Following tennis practice the girls would come over to my place, where we practiced on one another. Sometimes we moved the party into my bedroom, and sometimes we only made it as far as the sofa. I never tired of exploring their lithe teenaged bodies, marveling at the perfection of their smooth skin and their still-developing breasts. I pleasured them in every way I could think of using my fingers, lips and tongue. The girls, for their part, worked...
When I was in High School, I had a crush on a girl named Sindy...She was a chubby Asian girl of fair complexion. She stood about 5'5" and had light brown hair. I had known her since elementary school, but I never paid her much attention until I reached High School.I actually remember the first time I really noticed her. One day after school, I was hanging out with a friend by the tennis courts. At the time, it was girl's season for tennis and she was on the Varsity team. As my friend and I were...
Tennis Bet 3 By Tennis Guy We finally were able to leave the shoe store - the girls at the register added again to my humiliation by giving me some kind of "Hosiery" card that with each pair of stockings or pantyhose purchased I got a stamp. "10 more pairs and you get one free, sweetie!" one told me. "Yeah - I don't think I'll be needing anymore," I said dripping with sarcasm. "Wanna bet?" she asked, bringing much laughter from Sue, Pam, and Amy. As we were leaving, Amy...
Tennis Bet 5 By Tennis Guy By the time I had finished shaving and showering, Amy had gotten back to the apartment. I took the bathrobe off of the back of the door, put it on, and went out to see if she had brought my clothes back. When I went out, I saw the girls all sitting on the couch looking at some pictures. "I can't believe how good these turned out," Pam said. "What are you looking at?" I asked. Sue said, "Amy took the film that we used last night to a one hour...
Characters: Elena, Olga, Claire Tennis Oh shit Elena thought losing another game to her opponent Olga. It was the fourth game of the second set she had already conceded the first set six to three, even in the second set she was trailing by all the four games. Elena sat on the bench calmly reorganizing some of her lost composure. She couldn’t even look at her coach, Claire, who was sitting there in the stands emotionless, cold as ice. Elena was not only disturbed about her performance but the...
After Justine had finally gone home, Katie and I took a long shower together. My lust sated for the moment—I had cum three times in about four hours—I was content to simply wash her nubile body without feeling the need to stuff my cock inside her. I asked how she felt about everything we'd done that day. "I loved it," she said. "All of it." I asked her a few specifics. Yes, even the nipple clamps, the slapping and choking. "I can't explain it," she said. "When you're rough with me...
Linda and Stacy were both the same age–thirty-six–and looked great. But they were like night anvisit my msg board it got pics and you can post there to day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blond, with small tits, and a runway models body, Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvaceous. They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry...
You're name is Kjalar Vidarsson. You are the first Icelandic male tennis player to compete at the Australian Open. Having just turned 18 years of age you are ranked 51st in the World. You have successfully qualified for the first round of the Australian Open. Your first match is against the 12th seed Curtis Sanderson of Great Britain. Your younger sister Kveta is also playing in the tournament. She just turned 18 a week ago and is ranked 47th in the world. For someone her age she has a very...
Linda and Stacy were both the same age--thirty-six--and looked great. But they were like night and day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blonde, with small tits, and a runway model"s body; Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvaceous. They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry themselves with towels, and rest a bit (neither of them liked to shower in public)....
This happened a few years ago I had just finished playing tennis. An unusual day already because I had actually won two out of three sets against a better player, and I was feeling pretty good, if sweaty and tired. I sat down on the bench at the court under a merciful tree and began guzzling water. A younger guy came up to me and started talking. He was about 32, 6'4", and in great shape. He pointed out his girlfriend ... Debbie ... and asked if I found her attractive. I had to say yes. She...
The wives club groups on posting were always the same it seemed. Their man away on a long excercise hasd been diverted to another of the worlds trouble spots. The constant round of coffee mornings and cookery classes, flower arranging and trips to local manufacturers had taken its toll on soem of the women. The club has empied leaving Sue, Cath and Wendy after the morning pottery class. Pip the bar steward had made them lunch and the women sat on the veranda getting slowly drunk on Gin and...
FetishLinda and Stacy were both the same age--thirty-six--and looked great. But they were like night and day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blonde, with , and a runway model's body; Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvacious. They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry themselves with towels, and rest a bit (neither of them liked to shower in public). Stacy...
IncestSandra and I had been going out together for about six months. She was the perfect looking girl for me, with her beautiful freckled face, slim turned-up nose, pouty red lips, light green eyes, long blonde hair that she usually kept in a ponytail or braids, a great body topped with perky B-cup tits, and a cute firm ass that just screamed to be pumped. She was only 23, but Sandra already knew what she wanted out of life, and wasn’t afraid to go for it. She had met her latest acquaintance at the...
Hi everyone am Shravan,23 year old guy,a student, living in Mangalore and Bangalore,Karnataka….I am a great fan of ISS, especially i like the Incest stories that are posted here. Thank you guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I m open to all kind of relationship with ladies of all age group. Pls do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is Promised waiting to hear from u all. Pls. mail me your response to my mail...
The next day I hadn't even begun to miss my two sexy teenagers when Katie turned up at my doorstep. I shouldn't have been surprised, though it was hardly an hour since her sister had departed for the ocean. I wasted no time getting her inside and stripping her naked. With Sabrina and Missy around, I felt compelled to use Katie as harshly as they did. But she was so fucking beautiful. I had been longing to explore other avenues with her. Now, I lay her on my bed and examined and toyed with...
Katie's mood was still buoyant the next morning. It was the first time since I'd met her that she seemed genuinely happy. I wondered how she'd feel if she knew Sabrina and Missy were coming home that day. Then something else occurred to me. "Katie," I said, "you didn't call your mom last night. Does she have any idea where you are?" Her cheerfulness evaporated. "She probably didn't notice that I was gone," the girl said sullenly. "She spends every minute with her new boyfriend....
Eventually we dried Sabrina's tears and got her calmed down. Katie helped me to put clean sheets on the bed in my guest room and, to my amazement, offered to sleep in there with Sabrina. What was more amazing, Sabrina accepted the offer. The family crisis apparently drew the sisters together in spite of the beating Sabrina had given Katie a few hours earlier. In the morning I was cooking breakfast for the girls when Katie joined me in the kitchen. She didn't say anything, just kissed me on...
“Beth’s mom is going to be disappointed,” Katie said. “Her daughter is just not into girls.” Katie was recounting her most recent attempt to seduce the youngster. She had spent the evening at my place while her mom and I went out for drinks. “Did you tell her that she needs to practice kissing so she’ll know what to do with boys?” “Yeah, and we did that. She likes to make out.” “Oh really? Is she, uh, any good?” “She sure is,” Katie grinned. “I taught her everything I know.” “You’re so...
Mera naam Sanjay hai, umar 25 saal, 6ft lambai or dekne mein hatta katta or sundar hoon. Yeh kahaani aaj se 4 saal pehle ki hai, Jab mein college mein tha. Mere ghar mein mere alaava meri mummy or Didi Priya 28 saal rehte hain. Mere papa ki 6 saal pehle heart attack se death ho gayi thi. Papa ke jaane ke baad Didi ne padai ke sath sath job karni shuru kar di thi. Waise toh papa ki insurance policy se hume kaafi paisa mila tha jiski vajah se financially koi problem nahi thi. Didi jab 25 saal ki...
Salem was never this good. Witches of the northeast have not only survived, they have thrived and evolved. Their great dark magick gives them ulitimate power over all men. And the men actually love giving all they can give for Gina the goddess. ***************************************************************** Before today, she has lived every fantasy. Except one. At 20, Gina is at her peak of perfucktion. Roller-blading has shaped her legs and ass to be even more equisite than her...
FetishEk baar phir guddi didi Meri pyaari sexy guddi didi ki kahani aap sab pah hi chuke hain .ab main apko agey ki kahani bata hoon jab didi ko main shaadi ke kareeb paanch saal baad mila lyonki papa ka transfer ho gaya tha to hum bahar chale gaye they . Hua yoon ki main padhne ke liye mausi ke yahan aya graduation ka second year tha . Pat chala ki jija ji ka transfer ho gaya hai posting lucknow ho gayi hai. Mausi to bechaini se intezaar kar rahi thee . Akhir didi waapas aayi dekhta kya hoon ki jis...
MERI MAA,MAI AUR DIDI By – Rahul. Mera naam rahul hai. Mere ghar mein char log hai, mere pitaji 42,meri maa 36, meri didi 22 aur meri age 18 saal ki hai. Meri maa bahut hi sexy aurat hai unka figure hai 34-30-36 unki coochiyan aur gaand dekhkar to kisi ke bhi lund se paani nikal jayega. Who aksar saadi pehanti thi mere pitaji ne hum ko paida karne ke baad apna family planning ka operation kar liya tha aur meri maa ki chudai bhi jyada nahi kar paate the shayad. Ek raat mere papa night shift...
IncestWhile driving on main highway, i am on driving seat with my didi, she was unconfirtable while sitting next to me. Didi kaya baat hai? Kuch nahi abhi or litnee door hai? Didi abhi to kam sa kam 5 ghanta lag sakta hayin, acha yahan pass koe rest house ya asee jagha? Didi tum paga ho gee ho, yahan beech rocks, kaya tum sapna dakh rahi ho yahan kon banaa ga rest house, preet (her name) didi huva kaya hai kuch to batao. Chotu mujha chee lagee hai baree zor sa, ha ha ha ha ha ha, to rok kar rakhoo 5...
Hi, pornasaxena apke liye fir laye hai, ek dard bhara aah .. Mazedar mfff .. . Desi kahani. Patience rakh ke padhiye ga. Spelling mistake ya grammar mistake ho maf kariyega. Ha pasand aye to email karna na bhuliyega .. 1 sal pehle ki baat hai, tab papa hyderabad ke ek wholesale dealer ke under kaam karte the. Aj wo yaha gurugram yani gurgaon me kam karte hain. Maa ke gujre kai sal hogaye the. Ghar me mai aur papa. Mai tab 11 vi ki exam ki taiyari kar raha tha. Didi ki shadi ko kariban 2 sal...
By : Mystyle614 Hello doosto, mera naam sahil hai aur main Hyderabad, India mein rehta hun. Meri umar 22 saal hai, meri height 5’-11’’aur main ek Software Engineering student hun. Aaj main aap logon ko ek sacchi kahani batane ja raha hun. Yehh kahani bilkul sacchi hai aur ismein koi jhooth nahi. Iss kahani ka ek ek lafz bilkul sach hai. Meri ek badi behen hai joh ki mujhse takreeban 6 saal badi hai aur shadi shuda hai. 36D chuchiyaan, 32 inch ki kamar aur 40 inch ki badi moti gaand. Hamare...
Dear readers . Hum ghar main 4 log thay . Mom or bare didi seetha or chhoti didi prachi or phir main . Mian ghar main sab say chhota tha mare age 18 ki thi . Or dad out of country thay udhar he job kartay thay . Bare didi seetha jin ki age 28 thi jo 2 saal say divorce thi un kay husband ko kese or say piyar hua or os say shaadi kay liya didi ko divorce day di thi . Os kay baad didi jin ki age 24 saal thi wo aik bachi ki maa 3 month say bane thi . Or main jo sab say chhota or laadala baita or...
Hi, dosto mai pornasaxena fir apke liye ek chatpati kahani leke hazir hua hu. Agar apne meri pichli stories nahi padi to kam se kam ”kitanuo ka safaya jarur padhiye” aur reply at send your fantasy story, and I will make it to a colorful story for you. Be my critic too. Mere stories ko dheeraj rakh ke padhna hoga… Now lets start our todays story. Ye kahani tab ki hai, jab mai delhi me apne mama ke ghar me tha, college me padhta tha. Mera apna ghar jharkhand ke ek chhote se gaon me hai. Jaha...
Jiju bahut hi shant kisam ke admi hai. Aur sex me didi se bahut kam active hai. Hamesha kam me rahte aur didi ko satisfy nahi kar pate. Dusri taraf didi rang gora,umar 24 sal, ht 5’1” hip-38, kamar-30, chuche-36d. Bal kandho tak. Muh me pimple ke purane scars hai par unka figure aur unka kamar latkate chalna itna katilana tha ke koi bhi unhe nazar andaz nahi kar sakta. Par didi bhi kam nahi thi. Wo janti thi ke bhale hi uske pati use na chodte ho, par society ke sare mard uspe nazar dete hai...
Didi aur main k saath baithe they aur didi mujhe ekdum pari aag rahi thi. Maine didi ke seene par hanth rakh kar kas kar daba diya didi chillai dheeme se dabao sab tumhra hi hai aisa nahi karo tab maine aur jor se dabaya aur noch liya didi tilmila gayi aur apne doodh sehlane lagi gussa hote hue boli – kahin neel pad gayi to dard hoga. Maine didi ke pair par choom liya aur didi ki lal panti utarne laga didi boli achha apna man hai to sab kar rahe ho par pareshn mat karo.aur didi ne panti utar di...
Sunday ki ek subeh main didi ke room may baith ke laptop chala raha tha, jab didi bathroom se nikli to main shocked reh gya. Usne black colour ki silky nighty pehni hui thi jo mushkil se uske ghutno se 2 inch uper thi. Gora rang hone ki wajah didi ki thighs nighty may aise dikh rahi thi jaise badlo may suraj chupa ho. Geele baal se girti paani ki boonde unke gardan se hokar unke nighty ke ander ja ri thi. Uss waqt se pehle maine kabhi apni didi ko galat nazro se ni dekha tha per aaj pehli baar...
Hi guys myself satish from nagpur.Hamare parivar me hum char log hai mom dad me and my sweet elder sister jo ki mujse 2 sal badi hai.Meri umar 22 sal hai aur didi ki 24 sal filhal me mumbai me eng. Kar raha hu aur didi ke sath rahta hu.Didi bhi vaha medical ki padai kar rahi hai. Ab me story par ata hu.Bat 3 sal purani hai jab me 1st year me tha.Didi aur me sath h ek 1bhk flat me rahte the.Mujhe sex stories padne ka bohot shock tha me rooz iss me stories padta tha.Par ek din incent story padne...
Hi Every One, I love this sites. it the only place to where you express feeling. Thank Indian Sex Stories. It is the story about my sister, age 34 having 4 yrs. old kid, 5.8 tall fair bold and beautiful, she is IT professional lives in Pune married to hot hunk working in same company. They are happy couple understands each other feeling very well. There was marriage of my cousin, so we all have go there even didi was coming this time, it was long time when she will be with us. I was having...
IncestHello indian sex stories dot net friends, I hope all of you are doing well. Mera naam sameer hai or aj jo story m apko batane jara hu vo bilkul sachi hai or recently mere or meri badi behen k beech hui. Padne k baad aap log apne comments or feedback zarur dijiyega par. Zada time na waste karte huye story par aatey hai. Meri family m chaar log hai, papa, mummy, mai or meri badi behen riya. Meri age 20saal hai or didi mjhse 4saal badi hai. Didi dekhne m ekdum zabardast hai. Her measurements are...
IncestHi guys, I am Rahul a new member in this site. Here I am going to share you a really hot story of my didi. For better feelings, I am going to write it in Hindi… Main Ek software company mein engineer hoon, main west Bengal Se belong karta hoon, filhaal job k silsile mein Bangalore mein hoon. Family mein mera parents Hai, aur Ek didi jo ki mujh Se 9 saal ki badi Hai, Unka shaadi 10 saal pehle hi ho chuka, shaadi k Baad ab woh Delhi mein shift ho gayi aur unko 7 saal ka beta bhi Hai. Main...
Bat 6 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 19 saal ka tha aur Reena didi 21 saal ki thi. Garmi ki chhutiya chal rahi thi aur mere ghar mere do cousins aaye huye the jinki umar 8 saal aur 10 saal thi. Hum sab mil julke ke khela karte the. Hamara ghar jyada bada nahi tha so hum pancho bhai behan khana khane ke bad ek he bed par so gaye. Reena didi apne legs mere head ki taraf karke soye the. Mai half pant aur t shirt pahne tha aur Reena didi ek hulki salwar suit pahne thi. Raat ko lagbhag 2 baje mujhe didi...
Amar nam joy, ami thokhon class 8e pori, amar boyes thokhon hobe pray 18. Ami siliguri te thaki. Aj je ghotonatar kotha bolbo seta hoychilo amar pasher barir ak didir sathe nam tar mou. Amader barir side o der dui tola bari ar didir room ta chilo amader barir bathroomer thik uppore. Didir roomer janala die amader bathroom o tar sider kol par ta ke poriskar dekha jeto. Amra du jone chotobela theke pray ek sathey boro hoychi o du joney chilam khub bhalo bondhu. Ei bar ghotonata boli, sei din...
Doston aapne pehle meri savitri wali kahani padhi hai now there is my anothersex story of urmila didi who is very much sexy and hot in every style cloths and nude. Uski figure toh maru hai aur rang doodh jaisa gori aur husn shabab hai.unki figure 36d-28-36 ki hai aur woh is waqt 35 ki hain. Par kahani 12th ki hai jab mai 18 ka tha aur woh 25 ki thi. Woh bahut sexy thi aur main hamesha unse chipka rehta tha.guddi didi meri mausi ki badi ladki hain aur unho ne musje bachpan se anga dekha tha.ek...