Tennis Team TroubleChapter 3 free porn video

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The next day I hadn't even begun to miss my two sexy teenagers when Katie turned up at my doorstep. I shouldn't have been surprised, though it was hardly an hour since her sister had departed for the ocean. I wasted no time getting her inside and stripping her naked. With Sabrina and Missy around, I felt compelled to use Katie as harshly as they did. But she was so fucking beautiful. I had been longing to explore other avenues with her.

Now, I lay her on my bed and examined and toyed with every part of her body. Her legs were long and very slender, and they had never been shaved. They were sprinkled with tiny red-gold hairs, invisible until they caught the sunlight. I licked them all over, starting with her toes. Her nascent breasts were only faint swellings topped with puffy pink aureoles. I devoured the tasty mounds. Even her underarms (also never shaved) I licked like a dirty hound, making her squeal with laughter. And of course, her childish, gorgeous, endearing little virgin sex.

For all the pussy eating Katie had done on Missy and Sabrina, they had never returned the favor. I spend many happy hours rectifying that unfair situation. Her pussy was almost completely smooth, just a few fine reddish hairs adorned her plump rosy mons. I sucked, licked and tongue-fucked the sweet pink morsel until she swooned in ecstasy. Until then, I'd wondered if a pre-menstrual girl could orgasm. I don't know about other girls, but this one could. Multiple times.

I didn't spend all our time together satisfying her, though. She practically worshipped my cock, and I taught her how to hold it, stroke it, and suck it in the ways that gave me the most pleasure. Sometimes we watched porn together, and I used Katie in much the same way I would have used my right hand. She learned how to masturbate me slowly, using her mouth from time to time, keeping me hard for hours at a stretch. It was heaven. She became an expert at pushing me to the brink before stopping. It was delayed gratification of the most delicious kind. When I finally came, my huge built-up load of semen filled her mouth. She looked at me with adoration as she swallowed.

After showering one day, I returned to the living room to find Katie watching porn and masturbating. I stood silently in the doorway as she fingered her smooth kitty while the fuck pros moaned on TV. It was an arresting sight, this lovely young girl who hadn't yet had her first period, totally absorbed in a filthy smut video. It made me want to hug her and fuck the living daylights out of her, and not necessarily in that order.

'But she's only twelve, ' I told myself. Too young to fuck, even for an old pervert like me.

Instead, we spent four days in a row pleasing each other orally. I always sent Katie home in the evening, but on the fifth day, after gulping down my wad, the lovely tweener put her arms around me. She said, "Can I stay here tonight?" I hesitated. As much as I loved to play with her, Katie's personality could be irritating. She followed me around every minute, constantly seeking approval.

"I want..." she said. "I want you to fuck me tonight." She went on before I could protest. "I know what you're going to say, that I should wait, that I should find a boy my own age." That was, in fact, what I had been about to say. "But," she continued, "I don't want to do it with any stupid boys. They don't know how to make me feel good like you do. Please, I've been thinking about it all week, and I want you to be my first."

My earlier resolve evaporated. It was such a well-reasoned argument, how could I say no? So Katie called her mom and told her she was staying at a friend's house. Her mom didn't question her, or even ask the friend's name. I was forming a very low opinion of Katie and Sabrina's mom.

I made a nice dinner for the two of us, and opened a good bottle of Rioja. Katie didn't much appreciate the wine, but her eyes sparkled in the candlelight over the linen tablecloth and crystal goblets, and she devoured the meal as only a growing youngster can. After dinner we bathed by candlelight, soaping every inch of each other's bodies.

In my bed, I was especially tender with her, treating her more like a lover than I ever had before. I ate her pussy for a good thirty minutes, which I probably enjoyed more than she did. It was so sweet, so unspoiled, so young. I backed off several times just as she was about to cum, until she begged me to fuck her. Her cunt was plenty lubricated. I got on top of her and she instantly seized my dick, fitting the tip to her opening.

"You're sure you want to do this?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, please fuck me," she said. "It's what I want; go on, fuck me."

The head of my cock was lodged between her plump labes, and I worked it up and down to coat it with her juices. I pushed it in just a fraction and her eyes got wide. I knew her hymen was stretching, getting ready to snap. I eased it in and out a few times, getting it good and wet, and held it poised just at the entrance. With her narrow, girlish hips I thought it's probably going to really hurt the first time something is forced inside her.

"You're so beautiful," I said, looking into her eyes as I rammed my cock home.

"Ow!" she cried, her lovely features screwed up in pain. I held still inside her for a minute, as she got used to the sensation of being filled. Then I pulled out.

"Don't stop now!" she said. "Put it back!" But I wasn't going to miss this chance. There would be plenty of time for fucking, but just then I had the opportunity to satisfy one of my darker fantasies. I went down on her, licking her sweet snatch, tasting the metallic tang of blood. I had just deflowered a twelve-year-old! My cock throbbed with need even as I brought her to the edge of the precipice once more.

"Please," she begged. "Please fuck me! I'm yours! Put your big dick in me and fuck me good!"

Man, did I ever. Katie had sucked me off only a couple of hours earlier, and I was able to last a good long time. She came almost the instant I put it back in her, and she came several more times, each time more vocal than the last, before I finally emptied my balls inside her. I didn't think she could get pregnant since she had not yet menstruated, but there was no worry anyway since I had had a vasectomy the year after my divorce.

Sometime during the night I had the most marvelous dream. A beautiful girl was sucking my cock, taking it all the way down her throat. I woke up to find Katie doing just that. In ten years of marriage, and all the girlfriends before and after, no one had ever woken me by sucking my dick. It was a long-held wish finally come true. As the pretty twelve-year-old gently tickled my balls while she sucked me—just the way I'd taught her—it occurred to me that I hadn't washed before going to sleep, and my dick probably still had traces of her blood on it. I groaned as I came, but no words were spoken. After licking me clean, she snuggled up to me and we both went back to sleep.

In the morning, I lingered in bed so my eyes could ravish Katie's sleeping form without haste. Her face was so lovely, her skin so clear and unblemished, dewy with pre-adolescent perfection. I drew back the covers to examine her. Her thin arms appeared so delicate, her body so defenseless. I gazed at her tiny pink-tipped breasts, and her almost hairless pussy, with traces of my cum crusted on it. She might be a pain in the ass, but I confess that I felt some affection for her at that moment.

I covered her up and went in the kitchen to make some coffee. The doorbell rang just as I'd got it started.

Earlier in this narrative I mentioned that I had a part time girlfriend, but that's not exactly true. The term 'booty call' would be more accurate. The way I understand it, that expression usually refers to a girl that you call when you need sex with no strings attached. I'm ashamed to say that in this case the roles were reversed. Justine called me when she needed sex, and always at her convenience.

I opened the door and there she stood. "Justine ... hello," I said, desperately thinking of an excuse to get rid of her.

She was a professional woman raising a daughter on her own, and she said she had no time for a relationship. We had met one night and fucked our brains out, but when I phoned her she was always busy. That didn't stop her from phoning me, or stopping by unannounced when she felt the urge. I put up with it because she was a great fuck.

"What are you doing here?" I said. "Aren't you working today?"

"Silly boy, it's Sunday," she said. "I just got out of church and I'm feeling randy. Aren't you going to ask me in?" She gave me a saucy look, and raised the hem of her skirt to reveal most of her thighs.

"Uh, I don't know," I stammered. "I—I don't really feel so great."

She put a hand on my chest and pushed me inside. "A little too much to drink last night, hmmm? I know how to make you feel better."

"No, really Justine—"

"Come on," she said, kicking off her shoes. "I'll make you forget all about that hangover." She walked towards my bedroom and I didn't know what to do short of tackling her. She stopped in the doorway. Katie was still asleep and all that could be seen was her mass of thick ginger hair. "Oh. You have company."

"Yeah, sorry, we'll get together another time—"

I was still hoping that I could get her out of the house before Katie awoke. But it was too late. She sat up and stretched, the covers falling to her waist. She looked very young and vulnerable with her ribs poking out, her little breast buds high on her chest.

"Who's there?" she said, still groggy.

Justine turned to me with her mouth open in shock. "How old is she?"

"Now, Justine—"

She sat on the edge of the bed and looked Katie in the face. "How old are you, honey?" she asked, in a voice that was a lot less harsh than the one she had used with me.

"Twelve," said Katie in her innocent little girl's voice. I remembered that Justine's daughter was the same age. This was very bad.

"Don't get the wrong idea," I said. "I'm looking after her while her sister is away."

"Oh, I bet you're looking after her, all right." Justine gave me a scornful look, and turned back to Katie. "You're an awfully pretty girl. Has this dirty old man been taking advantage of you?"

Katie smiled her fashion model smile, showing her white, even teeth. "He's nice to me. He's been teaching me a lot." She threw off the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "I need to pee," she announced.

Justine gave a small gasp when she saw Katie's girlish naked body. "He's not nice," Justine told the girl. "He's a lecherous old goat." She took Katie's hand and helped her to rise. "Come with me and let's talk. We girls need to look out for each other." She pushed Katie towards the bathroom and mouthed the words, 'You bastard!' just before closing the door behind them.

I sagged with relief that Justine wasn't going to have me arrested—at least not right away. Then I began to wonder ... what was that woman up to? I crept to the bathroom door and laid my ear against it.

" ... yeah, he licks my pussy," Katie was saying. "Yesterday he did it for, like, an hour."

"Has a woman ever eaten you before?"

"No. And no one's ever licked me while I was peeing—oh! That's so ... mmmmm, oh my gosh..."

I'd always had my suspicions that Justine was bi-sexual. Now I wasn't sure if I was glad that she wouldn't be reporting me, or upset that she was getting it on with my— Whoa! I'd almost thought of Katie as my girlfriend. I gave myself a mental dope-slap. 'So you fucked her once, ' I said to myself. 'She's not your girlfriend. She's a twelve-year-old hottie who happens to suck dick extremely well. Don't get too attached, just use her while you have the chance.'

And so, as I listened through the bathroom door to Katie's ecstatic wail, I decided to make the best of the situation. When they emerged a bit later I was sitting on the bed with a mug of coffee. Katie was saying, "Can't I take a shower first?"

"No, angel," said Justine. "I don't think I can wait that long." Then she noticed me. "You pig! Katie told me that you popped her cherry last night. Couldn't you at least wait until she had her first period?"

"You're a fine one to talk," I said. "Couldn't you wait until she finished peeing?"

Justine's mouth opened as if to speak, then she stopped. She gave me a wry smile and said, "What do you say we share?"

I grinned. "Great minds think alike."

Katie and I began undressing the older woman. Justine was forty, and her hourglass figure was about as different from Katie's as you could imagine. I pulled off her blouse when Katie had finished unbuttoning it, and the little redhead's hands went straight to Justine's big jugs.

"Wow," Katie said when I'd unfastened Justine's bra. "Your boobs are amazing." She was squeezing the big mommy breasts which were indeed pretty amazing. Justine wore a 36D and for a woman her age they sagged remarkably little. She had large aureoles which crinkled under Katie's manipulation, the nipples growing fat and red.

"Suck them, honey," she said. Katie did, with relish, while I worked on removing the older woman's skirt. Justine's figure had thickened with the years and with childbirth, but her stomach was still reasonably flat. Her wide womanly hips were the opposite of Katie's narrow boyish ones.

Katie knelt at Justine's feet and slid her lacy black panties down. I could instantly smell the older woman's arousal. It seemed to attract the little girl like a magnet. I stood behind Justine and groped her tits while Katie buried her face in Justine's furry triangle. "Oh yes, honey, that's wonderful," she moaned. "Eat me ... suck on my clit..."

After a few minutes her knees almost buckled. "Wait," she said. "You're so good at that, I can't stand up anymore." Katie's dazzling smile glistened with love sauce. Justine lay on her back and Katie dove straight in, sucking with abandon, unembarrassed by the obscene slurping noises she was making. I knelt by the older woman's head so she could suck my cock.

Justine normally gave pretty good head, but having a twelve-year-old with the face of a beauty queen licking her pussy was clearly a distraction. It was a riveting sight, even if Katie's face was half hidden by that thick black jungle. Justine forgot all about my dick as the adorable tweener licked her to a shattering climax. Finally she had to push Katie's head away. "I need a break, honey," Justine said. "Let us make you feel good now."

We spread the nubile redhead out on her back and double-teamed her. Justine started at her feet. Katie giggled as the older woman sucked her toes, and licked between them. "I just adore your feet," she said. "They're so perfect." I kissed Katie's mouth before sucking her tender breast buds. Justine spent some time worshipping the girl's smooth legs before beginning on her snatch. "You have the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen," Justine said.

I joined her between Katie's widespread legs, nibbling at the inside of the girl's slender thigh. The skin there was white as marble and so unbelievably soft, it was a revelation each time I touched it. I watched Justine dribble saliva on Katie's gooey snatch and spread it around with her tongue. She sucked the girl's labia into her mouth one after the other, then covered the whole of the childish sex with her mouth and sucked. Watching her made me hungry. I said, "My turn," and nudged the older woman aside.

"Do you like the way you taste?" Justine asked as she kissed the young girl deeply.

Katie didn't break their kiss to mumble, "Mmmm hmmm."

Yes, I agreed, she tastes fucking great. She was no longer a virgin, but she was still only twelve and her pussy was every bit as delicious as it had been the day before. I was spearing the little sweetie's fuckhole with my tongue as Justine kissed her way down Katie's body, pausing to suck her recently sprouted titties. When she reached me we kissed, sharing pre-teen girl essence on our tongues.

"Let's do it together," Justine suggested, so she licked Katie's tiny clit from above while I tongued her honey pot from below. With our spit and her own natural lubricant, the girl's pretty pussy soon became a swampy mess. It was too much for the sweet young thing, whose frantic cries and thrashing limbs signaled her release a few minutes later. You haven't truly lived until you've heard a girl in early adolescence squeal, "I'm cumming! Oh god, I'm cumming!"

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Tennis Bet 5

Tennis Bet 5 By Tennis Guy By the time I had finished shaving and showering, Amy had gotten back to the apartment. I took the bathrobe off of the back of the door, put it on, and went out to see if she had brought my clothes back. When I went out, I saw the girls all sitting on the couch looking at some pictures. "I can't believe how good these turned out," Pam said. "What are you looking at?" I asked. Sue said, "Amy took the film that we used last night to a one hour...

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Characters: Elena, Olga, Claire Tennis Oh shit Elena thought losing another game to her opponent Olga. It was the fourth game of the second set she had already conceded the first set six to three, even in the second set she was trailing by all the four games. Elena sat on the bench calmly reorganizing some of her lost composure. She couldn’t even look at her coach, Claire, who was sitting there in the stands emotionless, cold as ice. Elena was not only disturbed about her performance but the...

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Tennis Team TroubleChapter 6

Eventually we dried Sabrina's tears and got her calmed down. Katie helped me to put clean sheets on the bed in my guest room and, to my amazement, offered to sleep in there with Sabrina. What was more amazing, Sabrina accepted the offer. The family crisis apparently drew the sisters together in spite of the beating Sabrina had given Katie a few hours earlier. In the morning I was cooking breakfast for the girls when Katie joined me in the kitchen. She didn't say anything, just kissed me on...

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Tennis Team TroubleChapter 7

“Beth’s mom is going to be disappointed,” Katie said. “Her daughter is just not into girls.” Katie was recounting her most recent attempt to seduce the youngster. She had spent the evening at my place while her mom and I went out for drinks. “Did you tell her that she needs to practice kissing so she’ll know what to do with boys?” “Yeah, and we did that. She likes to make out.” “Oh really? Is she, uh, any good?” “She sure is,” Katie grinned. “I taught her everything I know.” “You’re so...

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Double Teamed by the Doubles Team1

Hey, I wrote this, read it. If you like it, good for you, if not, I’m sorry, tell me what appeals more to your personal tastes in the comments. Thank you, and enjoy reading. I used to play on a tennis team, back when I was in highschool. I was kind of a scrawny kid, at 5’ 8”, and I was pretty weak too, my slender frame draped by soft brown hair and blue eyes. On top of that, I was pretty openly gay making me a target of ridicule by the majority of the team. However I had two friends, Manny...

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Tennis Moms

Linda and Stacy were both the same age–thirty-six–and looked great. But they were like night anvisit my msg board it got pics and you can post there to day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blond, with small tits, and a runway models body, Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvaceous. They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry...

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Tennis Stars

You're name is Kjalar Vidarsson. You are the first Icelandic male tennis player to compete at the Australian Open. Having just turned 18 years of age you are ranked 51st in the World. You have successfully qualified for the first round of the Australian Open. Your first match is against the 12th seed Curtis Sanderson of Great Britain. Your younger sister Kveta is also playing in the tournament. She just turned 18 a week ago and is ranked 47th in the world. For someone her age she has a very...

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Tennis Moms

Linda and Stacy were both the same age--thirty-six--and looked great. But they were like night and day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blonde, with small tits, and a runway model"s body; Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvaceous. They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry themselves with towels, and rest a bit (neither of them liked to shower in public)....

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Tennis Anyone

This happened a few years ago I had just finished playing tennis. An unusual day already because I had actually won two out of three sets against a better player, and I was feeling pretty good, if sweaty and tired. I sat down on the bench at the court under a merciful tree and began guzzling water. A younger guy came up to me and started talking. He was about 32, 6'4", and in great shape. He pointed out his girlfriend ... Debbie ... and asked if I found her attractive. I had to say yes. She...

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Tennis boredom

The wives club groups on posting were always the same it seemed. Their man away on a long excercise hasd been diverted to another of the worlds trouble spots. The constant round of coffee mornings and cookery classes, flower arranging and trips to local manufacturers had taken its toll on soem of the women. The club has empied leaving Sue, Cath and Wendy after the morning pottery class. Pip the bar steward had made them lunch and the women sat on the veranda getting slowly drunk on Gin and...

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Tennis Moms Take On Family

Linda and Stacy were both the same age--thirty-six--and looked great. But they were like night and day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blonde, with , and a runway model's body; Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvacious.  They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry themselves with towels, and rest a bit (neither of them liked to shower in public). Stacy...

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The EROS Team Chapter 02

THE E.R.O.S. Team –Chapter 0.2Where It Was Two, Now It’s Four EroCom’s largest city is called Manara. Just alike your regular metropolis, it’s huge as fuck, composing a large number of neighborhoods for people of the various kinds of backgrounds and origins. In the middle of it, the Aphrodite headquarters, which tower, perhaps the largest ever, could be seen from everywhere in the town. A form to show who was watching them and protecting the health of the place.With the mission to create a team...

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ARS Team Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: TEAM SPIRIT By Ingrid Halb Matthew Johnson and Adam Tolbert had been best friends since the first grade and were still best friends in high school. It was a natural friendship. They were both intelligent and had many similar interests and hobbies. One such interest was a love for the game of football. Unfortunately, neither boy had the strength or manual dexterity to excel at the game. Truth be told, physically, both boys could best be described as dweebs. Still,...

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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 2 Team Meating

He was laying in her bed, pants strewn across the floor nearby. For the first time in over 2 weeks, his girlfriend was giving him head. Ally looked up at him wordlessly from between his legs, and kept working at him. He'd asked for a quick BJ before the two of them left for school, which she'd agreed to, under the condition that it was indeed, "quick". Jake, however, wanted to make the experience last. Ally'd been giving him major blue balls, lately, and he was trying to milk the...

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My wife shares her body with the entire basketball team

My wife, Niki, is still an extremely ugly woman at forty-four. She’s actually slimmer now then when I married her in 1973. Enzos Niki goes to the gym four days a week but only does so to keep toned. Fortunately, she’s able to eat whatever she wants and not gain a pound. Several of the male instructors at the gym have been trying to get into her panties but only one has had any luck. If only they knew what a slut she was, the other two wouldn’t take no for an answer. Three of...

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Charlotte Makes The Team

#A super hot brunette model! An epic gangbang!Charlotte left early because she was afraid of being late and she wasn’t too familiar with the football stadium on campus. However, it was a nice day to take a stroll, and she enjoyed the walk as she neared her destination. When she arrived at her destination and entered the stadium, Charlotte found a helpful security guard and was able to locate the locker room without much trouble. She stopped abruptly just then, having reached her destination....

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Go Team Go

I was never big on team sports. It started when I was a kid. I was a late bloomer, so all through school, I was one of the smaller kids in the class. Nobody ever wanted me on their team because I was likely to cause the team to lose. It didn't matter what I did or didn't do, it was always my fault.As I finally grew, I found my athletic niche in distance running. Even on a team, it's a solitary sport. The one time I contributed to the team, nobody cared. Our high school track team had several...

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My Team Leader Became My Girlfriend

Hi, my name is Raj 5.7″ fair average built guy from Bangalore. Now coming to my story , in 2012 after completion of my degree. I got a call from tech mahindra and they asked me to attend an interview in chennai. I went to chennai for a job and stayed near ayapakkam in a 1 bhk with my 2 friends all of them were seniors and working in different companies from past one year. I went to tech mahindra to attend an interview for idea karnataka nonvoice back end process for which I had applied online...

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Ovid 8 The Team Pts 15

Ovid 8: The Team By The Professor Part 1 I could remember being frightened before, and I could remember being elated. I was frightened back in high school when in a football game, I was being covered on a pass pattern by a guy who seemed to be twice my size. I thought he would kill me before I could haul in the ball that would win the game for us. Then I remembered the fear wash away as I caught the ball just inside the goal line. Then I was elated. But that was another lifetime...

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Team Spirit

Team Spirit by Janice Dreamer The crowd was on its feet. This was the final game for the state championship. Madison High was favored by a narrow margin and it looked like they were going to pull it off. Eastern High's only hope was their All State quarterback, Josh Thomas. But even his magnificent passing ability might not get them the yardage they needed to score, especially since the Madison defenders had to know a pass was Eastern's only hope. Josh glanced over at the...

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Team Players Part 1 of Many

Chapter 1 Here I was, 38 years old, rehabilitating an injured leg. Divorced 7 years now, and really nowhere to go. Until 6 months ago, I was an active team member of the Navy Seals. Unfortunately for me and two other team members, our truck hit an IED, Improvised explosive device, or a homemade bomb, near the Pakistan border in Afghanistan. Now if you ever want a hell hole to visit, then just take a plane there. The bomb tore up the truck and my knee and thigh, in the process. One of my team...

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Son Makes the Team SO DO I Blacken

"The Bandits are an elite team. Only the best get on that squad. Forget high school teams, if I get on this squad, I'll have every top college wanting me." Kendra Lucas barely heard her son, Chandler as she drove to the soccer field. She knew her son was a top-notch soccer player and was annoyed that she had to take him to a tryout. Most coaches were falling over themselves recruiting him and she had at least five prep schools offering him full rides. Why was this team supposedly so elite? It...

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Team Spirit

Four eighteen-year-old studs, the Middleton College Sophomore debating team, were gathered in Room 212 waiting for the teacher. They were surprised by who arrived, surprised by the new teacher, slender, hard-bodied, barely older than them, with the voice and face of an angel. "Hello boys. I'm Ellen James, your new team advisor." "Hi, Miss James. My name is Luis, the team captain. This anglo on my right is Scott; that dude there is Carl, and Jeff is the fool coming out of the bathroom."...

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THE TEAM FROM THE RICH SUBURBS Chapter 1Synthia Piper was almost at the top. She had worked her ass off all year,scheming and planning for this moment. She had arranged to get her team intoa league that included a lot of poor, inner city schools. She had seen to itthat her k**s received the best training that money could buy. She had bribedmany of the officials of the big tournament, even a number of the othercoaches had succumbed to her bribes, and on one distasteful occasion, herbody. Now she...

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Home Coming Queen to Hooker Pt 2 the Team

I say mom and dad how about we all go back to our place order room service for lunch and make plans for the wedding in two weeks and we need to find you a little black dress for the reunion on Saturday the one good thing is it’s at the Hilton. I say Sally how about you go with your mom and your dad and I can go in our car and your dad can drive. Sally smiles at her dad he says what are you grinning about she says you’ll see we walk outside, John asks which car I say the red one, the only red...

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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again Part 3

Part 3 Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old All, I added a few paragraphs from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive I am trying. Hugs...

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Team Pink Take Out Trish and Ashley

Team Pink Take Out Trish And Ashley A young ring hand makes his way into a locker room backstage a few hours before Raw. He found a note telling him to go into this locker room and when he goes in he sees WWE Diva Candice Michelle standing wearing a small blue towel. The towel barely holds her big boobs in and is so small the ring hand can nearly see her pussy. “Hi Keith thanks for coming you see I need your help,” Candice purrs pulling up her towel a bit exposing more...

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Team Spirit

Team Spirit By Ms. Jenny Ann Preface by author: The following story was authored by me, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. A comment was made to stop with my photos, so this story will not have any; however, in order to get the random thoughts to come together in some sort of way, I had to get inspired. I began by slowly transforming myself, stopping along the way to read a few stories. It worked and I now know what I want to add to this story. I did take a picture;...

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Thora Birch takes one for the team

"It's not that kind of dildo." Cassandra laughed, handing Thora the box.Thora raised an eyebrow at the taller girl. Cassandra leant towards her and whispered in her ear, "It's for your arse!"Thora took a step back and looked directly at her sternly, "I beg your pardon?" she asked out loud."Well you do want to join don't you?" Cassandra asked, her smile becoming more serious, then leaning forward she whispered again into Thora's ear. "You see we don't just let anyone join. Anyone could get that...

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THE EROS Team ndashChapter 01

THE E.R.O.S. Team –Chapter 0.1The Reasons, The Man, The MissionDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story, save if they are original characters (OC). They belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor I intend to cash on it. This content is mostly to be seen as a parody work with adult content. I repeat, a...

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Girls Baseball Team Rewards Male Coach

Rick never thought of himself as a pervert and often wondered how a grown man could get so turned on by u******ed girls, especially when there are so many good looking sexing women available, at least in his area. Being a college athlete with a muscular build, he never had a problem attracting ladies and often took advantage of it. Leaving college, he was drafted by a Major League baseball team and spent six years in the minor leagues. Most people don’t realize that minor leaguers don’t get...

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