Team Spirit free porn video

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Team Spirit by Janice Dreamer The crowd was on its feet. This was the final game for the state championship. Madison High was favored by a narrow margin and it looked like they were going to pull it off. Eastern High's only hope was their All State quarterback, Josh Thomas. But even his magnificent passing ability might not get them the yardage they needed to score, especially since the Madison defenders had to know a pass was Eastern's only hope. Josh glanced over at the sidelines to check the game clock. Five seconds remained in the game. Sweat trickled down the back of his neck. They were trailing by 4. Coach had told them before the game that there were scouts from Notre Dame, Michigan, Texas, UCLA, and Florida State in the stands. Josh knew this was his big chance -- if he won this game he'd be getting offers from the best college football programs in the country and would be on the road to a Heisman trophy and a first round NFL draft pick; if he blew it, with his dismal grades he'd be lucky to land a job at the Jiffy Lube down the road. His gaze traveled over the Eastern cheerleaders, trying to distract himself from the pressure he was under. He'd slept with most of them. They were bouncing and yelling in a frenzy just now; giving their all to inspire the team to one final, nearly impossible, score. His eyes lingered over the girl in the middle, Amy Hanson. He stared at her nice tight ass as she moved it in a sexy little figure eight. The way she worked her hips, shimmied her tits, and wiggled her butt made Josh lick his lips unconsciously. He felt his cock begin to throb pleasantly just thinking how he'd like to give her something to wriggle on. ``Hey Thomas! Wake up man!'' one of the linemen jabbed him playfully in the arm, breaking the trance. Josh shook his head throwing droplets of sweat from his hair. He pulled his helmet back on and hunched down into the huddle. He called the play, a pass, clapped his hands and broke the huddle. His entire future was riding on the next five seconds. He felt like time had slowed to a crawl. He called the signals and took the snap, dropped back and scanned the field. The blocking from the front line was holding back the defenders, he had time. But each receiver he checked was covered. Nobody was open. Then a Madison defender broke through the line and came charging toward him. He pumped his arm and dodged to the right, evading the tackle. He looked downfield once more, feeling desperate now. Still nobody open. He sensed, rather than actually saw, the defensive player running toward him from the left. It was all coming unraveled. ``Fuck it!'' He tucked the ball in close to his body and broke into a run. He could hear the grunts from the Madison players right on his heels, but he didn't risk a glance back to see how close they were. He narrowly dodged a tackler who loomed up in his path and somehow found the energy to accelerate his pace, running on adrenaline and a will to win. He felt a rush of power come over him. It was like the time he'd tried coke -- he was invincible. He saw the goal line coming closer and closer, he was almost there. But there were two defenders converging on his path. There was no time to dodge. He lowered his head, tucked the ball tighter into his stomach, and charged ahead with grim determination. ``Ooof!'' He felt the collision in every cell of his body as all the air rushed out of his lungs. Somehow he kept his footing and lunged ahead with his last ounce of strength. He saw the broad white line pass beneath him just as he felt himself falling. He hit the ground with a massive bone-jarring thud and slid for several feet before coming to a stop. His arms ached from clutching the ball and he couldn't breathe. He rolled over on his back and let go of the ball as he dimly heard the whistle blowing. He lay still for an eternity, gasping air. The crowd's roar was like a physical force. ``TOUCHDOWN!'' the P.A. system was blaring, ``Josh Thomas with a seventy five yard run wins the game for Eastern High!'' ***** ``Great game, Josh!'' Ben Langston called over his shoulder on his way out of the locker room. ``Thanks Ben! See ya at the party!'' Josh was the last to leave the locker room. He was still in a daze from all the well-wishers congratulating him, pounding his back, shaking his hand. He grabbed his letter jacket off the hook in his locker and slammed the door closed, giving the combination lock a spin. He checked himself out in the mirror a final time. He liked what he saw, and knew the girls did too. He was six feet, three inches tall, muscular but not bulky, with a square jaw, deep blue eyes, and straight black hair neatly cut. His dates usually compared him to a taller, stronger, Tom Cruise. Satisfied with his appearance, he left the locker room and just stood for a moment, savoring the memory of his victory in the silence of the deserted gym. He was walking toward the exit when the door to the girl's locker room swung open and there was Amy. Pretty as ever. Haughty as always. He'd asked her out a couple times earlier in the year but she always refused. Once she even turned down a date because she said she had to study -- what a lame excuse! She was just a stuck-up bitch who thought herself too good for a poor dumb jock like him. He could take his pick of any girl in school so why should he waste his time on one who didn't want him? But tonight was different. Tonight was magical, nothing was beyond his reach tonight. He made up his mind, he was going to have her. Amy didn't notice Josh standing there watching her. She thought she was the only one left in the gym. She was in a foul mood from listening to the other cheerleaders chattering about the upcoming victory party. They'd all been gushing over that steroid case Josh Thomas. It was sickening to hear them speculating among themselves over who was going to spend the night with him -- she must be the only one who HADN'T had the dubious thrill of a Josh Thomas fucking. She also knew about the college scouts who'd been watching tonight's game, and that only made her mood worse. After tonight Josh, who probably had a 1.5 GPA, , would get a full scholarship to any college he chose. That thought had been eating at her even while she made a spectacle of herself cheering for him to win. She HATED cheerleading, but the guidance counselor at school and all the college admission guidebooks said a person had to be 'well-rounded' to get into a top college. So she cast off her dignity, put on a pretty smile and gyrated out there just like the little airheads whose only thoughts were of clothes, partying, and snagging the best boyfriend. Not that she couldn't have any boy she wanted eating out of her palm. She was a very attractive girl, 5'10'' tall and willowy, with long straight brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a classically lovely face. In fact, she was pretty enough to be a model if she had wanted to, except that she despised the notion of becoming a brainless bimbo earning her living on looks alone. Her self respect just wouldn't permit her to even consider that career path. In fact, on many occasions she hated the way she looked and the way she seemed to affect men. They always seemed to notice her beauty and never take her seriously. This particularly irked her since she had a brilliant mind and excelled at subjects which were traditionally male dominated. Science and mathematics were her passion and she was determined to make a name for herself with her mind, not her body. But it was hard work. She'd organized her life around a carefully thought out campaign to get into the best college and eventually go on to get her doctorate and work in research. Her studies and the extra-curricular activities she'd chosen to make herself that mythical 'well-rounded student' left her no time for socializing so she ended up with no close friends and no sexual experience whatsoever. All of which was why she was so resentful of jocks like Josh Thomas who seemed to have life presented to them on a silver platter. Lost in her daWith her mind preoccupied by her dark mood, she wasn't watching where she was going. She was fumbling in her purse for her car keys and so lost in thought about how unfair it was for a near moron like Josh to be so heavily recruited by colleges, that she nearly bumped into him. She noticed him at the last second and recoiled in fright. Her purse slipped from her handsHer purse slipped from her hands and the contents scattered across the floor. ``Oh shit!'' she squeaked, ``You scared me!'' ``It's okay, Amy'' Josh made a little waving motion, ``It's me, Josh.'' ``Yah, well look what you made do!'' she gestured angrily at the mess from her purse strewn across the floor. He crouched down and started gathering up her things feeling angry at being talked to in that tone. Who did she think she was, tearing into him like that? It wasn't like he MADE her drop her stupid shit. His resentment increased as she just stood there, watching imperiously while he collected all the spilled junk. Finally, he rose and held out a double handful of cosmetics, hair brush, and whatnot for her to put back in her purse. She accepted them without even a word of thanks and began cramming them back into her purse. ``Some game, eh?'' he grinned, hoping to salvage the situation. He glanced down her low cut top and was rewarded with a tantalizing glimpse of her firm round breasts. He felt his cock rising, straining uncomfortably against the fabric of his jeans. He mentally crossed his fingers and decided to go for it -- now was as good a time as any. ``Ummm... There's this party? Y'know? Everybody's gonna be there. Wanna come?'' She looked up from rearranging her purse and stared at him in disdain. This was the final straw. She just completely blew up. ``With you? Big football hero. Mr. Studmuffin. Every girl in school just dying for your touch. God's gift. Yeah, right! Bad enough that every college in the country will be begging a D student to PLEASE accept a full scholarship while I'll have to work my butt off to pay tuition, now you want to rub my nose in it by having me as your trophy date. Maybe even fucking me so you can complete your cheerleader collection? But then you're a jock and I'm just the class valedictorian. Get a clue! How many times do I have to turn you down before you figure it out? I'm not going out with you! So go find one of your little sluts and leave me alone!'' He kept silent as she berated him, getting angrier with every word. Finally she finished talking and started to brush past him and he reached out and grabbed her arm. ``Bitch!'' ``Get your hands off me you ape!'' she sneered, jerking her shoulder away from his grasp. He made another grab for her and caught her blouse, pulling it hard. He had only meant to stop her from walking away, give himself a chance to respond to her tirade with a few insults of his own. But her blouse ripped open at the neckline, exposing most of the tops of her breasts. She just stared at him, gasping indignantly, too shocked to react for several breaths. He glanced down at her tits and grinned lewdly. When she noticed him leering at her chest she felt a hot blush of embarrassment spreading over her face, down her neck, and onto her breasts. Josh grinned even wider as her boobs took on a rosy glow. She swung her arm as hard as she could, wanting with all her being to knock the smile off his face. But his athlete's reflexes were too fast for her. He brought his free arm up to block the intended slap, trapping her hand a foot from his cheek. His large hand, used to gripping a football, easily encircled her wrist in an unbreakable grip. ``Let me go, Asshole,'' she hissed in icy fury. Josh tightened his hold on her arm. The elation over tonight's victory gave him a heady feeling of invulnerability. Looking down at the pretty girl helplessly struggling in his grasp made him feel powerful and aroused him enormously. His cock throbbed, hard as a rock. ``C'mon Amy. You're a cheerleader. You're supposed to INSPIRE me to perform. Show a little team spirit.'' ***** Amy huddled in the locker-room sobbing softly to herself. She had already showered the blood off her crotch and thighs from her stolen virginity. But her vagina still stung from the memory of his cock savagely thrusting into her. She considered going to the police but rejected that idea. The last thing Josh had said before he left to go to the victory celebration was that he knew a dozen people who'd swear Amy had begged him for sex if she tried to make any trouble for him. She thought he probably could get away with it too. Josh was the most popular guy in school. And she had no illusions about her own popularity, most everybody thought she was stuck-up and would probably secretly congratulate Josh for taking her down a peg. She decided against the police for another reason. Even if Josh was wrong and people believed her, the worst that would happen to him would be a few years in jail. She didn't want justice served. She wanted Josh to SUFFER. She wanted to take everything away from him that he loved. She wanted to leave him with nothing, not even hope. And she wanted him to live with that for a long, long time. No, she didn't want Josh Thomas dead, not at all. That was much too good for him. ***** Josh walked into the training camp meeting room with the attitude of a king making his entrance at court. The Dallas Wranglers were the most popular football team in America and Josh had been their most popular player for more years than he could remember. He scanned the room, nodding to old teammates, trying to fit names on the draft to new faces. The new recruits seemed younger every year. One rookie he recognized easily. Billy Joe Coleson. He was at the back of the room, slouched back in his chair with a look of smug confidence on his face. It wasn't any big secret that the Wranglers' first round draft pick was a quarterback -- and that Josh had spent almost half of last season on the injured list. So far nothing was official. He knew he couldn't stay on top forever. At 39 years old he was already being written off by many sportswriters as over the hill. But Josh was determined to keep his job. He would just have to work harder, use his experience to prove to the world he could still do a better job than any kid fresh out of college. He refused to even consider retirement, football was his entire life. He was nobody if he couldn't be Josh Thomas, five-time Superbowl winning quarterback. Retirement seemed like a death sentence to him. He just couldn't imagine life as a 'normal' person. His life had been a string of fast cars, willing women, and extravagant spending. But for all his lovers, he had no wife or family he could rely on to stand by him if he left football. No woman could put up for very long with his blatantly unapologetic infidelities and non-stop partying with his buddies. Josh thought of women as things put on earth for his amusement -- if he pissed one off, there was always another waiting in line. Somewhere deep in his heart he knew that if his football career ended he'd soon piss away his good looks and his health because of the profligate lifestyle he led when not in training. He had no illusions that he could go into broadcasting or business, he just wasn't articulate or smart enough. Out of the limelight and with nothing left to do but pursue his wild lifestyle, he'd soon become one of those fat old rich guys who only got women because of their money. Women weren't interested in a has-been unless he could buy them things. But despite his age he still had talent, and he knew he still had a few years at the top. There was no way he was going to be forced into retirement by Billy Joe Coleson or any other rookie. Coach Turner strutted in and everybody took their seats. This was the very first team meeting of the new season and he always liked to establish his authority early, putting the cocky young rookies in their places and squashing any show of rebellion from veterans who might have ideas about contract negotiations. He was followed by his assistant coaches, team trainers and coaching staff. The last person to enter the room caused a stir among the players, she was a new face among the support people and extremely attractive. There was a chorus of appreciative whistles and muttered sexual suggestions. ``Okay you guys, cut the chatter.'' Turner growled, and seemed satisfied with the respectful silence that descended over the room. ``Since you've already noticed we have a new member of the staff, allow me to introduce Dr. Hanson. She's accepted the position of Sports Medicine Consultant to the organization. She's been given full authority by the management. You do what she says or you don't play, it's as simple as that. We're lucky to have her -- she's a Nobel Laureate, the very best there is. You've all been scheduled for appointments with her, check on the board after the meeting for your day and time. Now, on to other things.'' Turner talked for almost an hour, laying down the law. Josh listened distractedly, he'd heard it all before. He idly wondered what the hell a 'Nobel Laureate' was, and what she'd feel like wrapped around his cock. Sports medicine had improved rapidly during his career -- without some of the new technology he would never have been able to continue playing as long as he had already. Maybe this sexy new consultant had some medical magic that would let him keep his edge. He decided to check it out as soon as possible, so when the meeting broke up, Josh made his way to the front for a personal introduction to the team's newest trainer. Up close she looked vaguely familiar, but most beautiful women seemed alike to Josh. She had a very young and vibrant look to her, and seemed amazingly self-confident. Josh flashed her his sexiest smile and took her hand. ``Nice to meet you, Doctor. I'm Josh Thomas, starting quarterback.'' She smiled at him warmly and laughed lightly. ``Oh Josh! Don't be such a tease! We went to high school together, silly. I was a cheerleader. Don't tell me you don't remember the night of the big game? State championships against Madison? It's me, Amy Hanson!'' Josh looked confused for several seconds, before recognition dawned on his face. This woman would have to be as old as himself but she sure didn't look it. He thought he should remember her, but he couldn't be sure it was over twenty years since high school. He did remember the game she mentioned, that had cinched his scholarship to Notre Dame. He'd fucked one of the cheerleaders that night too that had been some hot sex! He remembered they'd been in some kind of a fight. She'd started out screaming mad at him for some reason but once they got down she'd really loved it. Was that Amy Hanson? He'd had so many women over the years that they all sort of blurred together in his memory. He'd fucked every single member of the cheerleading squad that year, so if she said she was a cheerleader then they must have done it. He grinned slyly, thinking of the possibilities. Maybe he could get a taste of the new team Doctor 'for old time's sake'. But he'd have to play it by ear not all his conquests of cheerleaders had ended amicably, some of them had acted downright nasty when he'd fucked them and then moved on. ``Amy! Of course I remember you!'' he lied, still trying to remember the details of their relationship together. ``Well, I should hope so!'' she moved in closer and gave him a very friendly hug. ``We'll have to get together sometime and talk about old times.'' Just then she was called off by Turner and she gave Josh a parting smile before she turned and walked away. He didn't see how the smile changed to a look of triumph when her head was turned. She had pulled it off beautifully, so far. The groundwork for her revenge had been laid years before. She'd never gone to the police, or acted in any way resentful towards him throughout the remainder of their senior year. She never gave him reason to think she was plotting revenge. He was so sure of himself and his sexual prowess that he never suspected a thing. She'd followed his career as closely as possible over the years. She knew about his sexual antics. There'd probably been many other women who'd been raped or otherwise coerced into the great Josh Thomas's bed. He was definitely the type of man who really believed that 'no' from a woman meant she was just playing hard to get. Was he in for a surprise. ***** Josh awkwardly leaned over the examination table. His pants were around his ankles, hobbling him and making him feel more vulnerable than if he were completely nude. ``Just be calm, Josh,'' Amy said sweetly, as she circled his wrists with straps and buckled them shut. ``This is a precaution so you won't flinch and injure yourself.'' She patted his cheek and went around to the other side of the table, talking as she fiddled with her instruments. ``Since this is your first visit I have to take some samples. You might have heard gossip in the locker-room about my muscle restorative technique. The entire team will be receiving treatments twice a week. The formula is tailored for your individual body chemistry. An old veteran like yourself, with many old injuries and aches and pains should notice some remarkable changes.'' Amy stood behind him. He cringed as he heard the SNAP! of a rubber glove being fitted onto her hand. ``Now just relax, Josh. You've probably done almost the same thing to dozens of women over the years,'' her voice had assumed a disdainful tone, dripping acid. Involuntarily Josh rose onto tiptoes as her finger slid smoothly into his ass. He was mortified to realize that his cock had sprung to full erection at the embarrassing invasion. A moan escaped his lips. Sliding her finger slowly in and out of his anus, she reached round with her other hand and grasped his cock. He felt the cool smoothness of her latex encased fingers gently sliding along his shaft. He felt totally helpless, a feeling which was alien to him. Surely this wasn't part of the physical examination? ``My! You're so tense, Stud,'' Amy breathed into his ear as she continued to pump his ass and stroke his throbbing hard-on. ``How's it feel to be fucked, Football Hero?'' Her tone had taken on a malevolence that worried Josh. Was she into some weird kinky shit? He had to keep calm, not give her the satisfaction of seeing his fear. But he swore to himself once she let him loose he'd be damned if she'd lay hands on him again. She can just forget about giving him any of her treatments! Josh didn't see Amy's face as she stood behind him working his cock and ass. If he had he might have asked Turner to trade him rather than continue playing for the same team that she worked for. She felt a sense of triumph as she heard Josh groan. When his body shuddered and his cock spasmed in orgasm she bit her lip to keep from laughing. Her revenge was ready to begin. ***** Josh shifted uncomfortably. He nervously folded and unfolded a slip of paper. In bold type was written ``Notice of Suspension without pay''. He'd been waiting in Coach Turner's outer office for over an hour. He'd never had to wait before, just walked right in, but Turner's secretary had been adamant. Finally the door to the inner office swung open and Billy Joe Coleson walked out followed by the coach. Turner patted Coleson on the back in a friendly manner. ``Good practice Billy Joe. Your passing game is really improving.'' ``Thanks Coach!'' Coleson flashed Josh a smug look and walked off. Josh was immediately on his feet. ``What is this Coach?'' he asked, waving the suspension notice at Turner. ``You refused treatment by the team Doctor. That's in violation of your contract. Your salary's forfeit and you're subject to a $25,000 fine for each day in default. Retroactive.'' Turner was cold. He was notorious for his ruthless methods of maintaining discipline among the players. ``But that woman's crazy Coach! She's some sort of psycho! You got no idea what she did to me!'' ``Tell it to your Momma, boy, cause I don't give a fuck. None of the other players have any problem with Dr. Hanson. This organization has no room for a prima donna who refuses to follow the training program laid out for him. It don't matter how many Superbowl rings you have, if you can't follow orders then pack your bags. And good luck finding another coach willing to take on a 39 year old quarterback who's a-scared of a goddamn woman doctor.'' Now the coach looked at Josh contemptuously and continued in a threatening tone of voice. ``If a little bitty 120 pound bitch can scare the shit out of the mighty Josh Thomas maybe it's time we looked for a quarterback with a bit more fight in him. Billy Joe Coleson doesn't refuse to show up for his medical appointments.'' Josh felt trapped. He either had to quit the team or do what Coach was ordering him. The coach did have a point. She was only a woman. He'd just have to be extra careful dealing with her from now on. ``All right Coach. I'll keep my appointments with Hanson from now on.'' ``See that you do. I'll tell accounting to reinstate you as soon as I've had confirmation from the Doctor that you're following your training regimen. 'Course they'll deduct the fine before reinstating your salary. Now get the hell out of my sight while I'm feeling generous.'' ***** Josh stood under the hot spray of the shower. Today's practice had been fantastic. He felt invigorated. He hadn't had a workout like this in ages. For more years than he cared to think about he'd been plagued by aches and pains from previous injuries. It was the fate of every professional athlete in a sport as physically demanding as football. Every year the pain got worse and you learned to live with it, but sooner or later it got to be too much and some eager young guy came along who hadn't yet had his first knee surgery and your career was over. Josh was tired from the day's exertions but he wasn't in pain. He felt like a kid again. Lately, all the older veterans were saying the same thing. It was as if all the trauma suffered by their bodies over years of grueling seasons in the NFL had been erased. And they all credited Dr. Amy Hanson for the miracle. Josh had returned to Hanson, sullen and wary but determined to endure the worst for the sake of his career. She had been businesslike but smugly condescending. Both of them had known who held the upper hand. She hadn't tried anything like at their first meeting. She'd simply given him a fairly normal medical exam and finished it with a shot in his ass. She told him to show up every Monday and Thursday at the same time for further treatments. He'd been back six times since then and each time had been the same, a quick physical check followed by an injection in his buttocks. He asked around the locker-room and learned that virtually every player went through the same drill when they received their treatment. They'd all been told the injections were individually formulated mixtures of vitamins, enzymes, and muscle restoratives. The treatment was based on her Nobel winning biomedical research and was designed to reduce the effects of injury and restore the body's systems to peak performance. It systematically removed keloid scar tissue, calcium deposits, and other trauma found in the body molecule by molecule. At the same time it worked from the patient's own cellular patterns as a blueprint to repair muscle cells that were stretched, skin that had sagged, and various other problem conditions, to restore a body to prime working order. Much as he despised her for what she'd done, Josh had to admit that Amy must know her stuff. The entire team was playing at their very best. He still felt nervous whenever he had to visit the team Doctor. But she remained coolly professional, albeit with an air of superior arrogance. Perhaps she felt that first humiliating experience was sufficient to exact her revenge for whatever grudge she bore him and was now content to just do her job. He hoped that was so because the Coach was Hanson's biggest supporter. The season hadn't even started and already Turner was making Superbowl plans. ***** ``Mmmm. Your skin's so soft. Not at all like I expected on a big football star.'' The little blonde ran her fingers over Josh's chest. He glanced down in the dim light and confirmed once more that there seemed to be much less hair on his chest than he remembered. She circled his nipple and he felt an electric thrill of passion. His nipples hadn't ever felt so sensitive. The girl teasingly kissed her way down to his cock and began sucking him back to erection and he stopped thinking. Some time later he heaved a mighty sigh of contentment. His breathing was slowly returning to normal and he stroked the girl's hair affectionately. He couldn't remember her name. She was some bimbo he'd picked up in the hotel bar after the game. ``That was real nice, Sugar. But I need my sleep now. Got an early flight in the morning.'' She pouted prettily at him. Her cheek was still resting on his thigh and he could feel her breath warm against his cock. She stroked her palm over Josh's smooth chest a final time and rose to get dressed. He propped himself up in bed and watched her as she dressed. The girl was young and buxom and ripe, very pretty and very passionate in bed. She was a fitting reward for today's game. It was their first exhibition game and they'd thoroughly trounced the other team. Josh had completed 28 passes out of 32 -- 5 of them for touchdowns. He was playing better than ever. He had noticed before how his body hair was thinning. His beard was much sparser too, and he could now go several days before needing a shave. Also, hair was starting to grow back in spots on his head. He hadn't been bald but his hairline had been receding slightly. Enough for his macho vanity to notice. But now he had the same thick head of hair as he'd had at 18. When he questioned Amy about it she said it was possibly a mild side effect of the restorative injections. That seemed logical, since his body felt so young maybe his hair was going back to how it'd been as a young man. This theory seemed to hold since several other players were regrowing bald spots. One lineman who had been almost completely bald now had practically a full head of hair. The others joked with him about joining the hair club for men. In any case it didn't seem to be a problem since everyone was playing so well. The only thing that bothered Josh was that he hadn't noticed any of the other players were losing their body hair. He put it out of his mind as the girl kissed him good night and gave him her phone number. She asked him to call next time he was in town. He tossed the paper in the wastebasket as soon as she was out the door. She was good, but she wasn't THAT good. There was always another pretty little slut just begging to be fucked by a celebrity like Josh. ***** ``Two! Twenty Nine!'' Josh looked left, then right. He was crouched over the center, calling the audible. His running-back was in motion, in perfect rhythm with the timing of the play. Everything was working brilliantly, everyone playing at their peak. They were up by three touchdowns and it wasn't even half-time yet. It was the second game of the regular season and the entire team was totally pumped for victory. ``Two! Thirteeeeeeen!'' His voice cracked! The last number had come out in a shrill soprano. The man in motion skipped a beat, nearly tripping himself in his surprise. Josh tried to collect himself and go on with the play. ``Hutt! Hutt! Hutt!'' The words sounded as though they'd been screamed out by a teenage girl. He took the snap, faded back and searched downfield for his receivers. But his concentration was broken and his timing was off. He ended up missing a wide open receiver and trotted off the field as the kicking team came up. On the sidelines Josh coughed, drank some Gatorade, spat, and tried his voice. It still sounded suspiciously high-pitched. When a teammate asked what was wrong he shrugged and said he thought he might be catching cold. He finished the game, struggling to keep his voice as deep as possible and sounding like a girl imitating a man. He only completed half his passes during the rest of the game and failed to score any more. The defense managed to salvage their lead and they won by 4 points. ***** ``Room service. How may we help you?'' ``Yes, this is room three-oh-three. I'd like a bottle of scotch and some ice, please.'' Josh needed a drink desperately but he hadn't wanted to deal with the crowds in the hotel bar. ``Right away, Miss. Will there be anything else for the lady this evening?'' ``It's SIR ! I'm a man damnit! And no, nothing else.'' ``Yes Miss`a errr`a Sir. Sorry Sir.'' Josh slammed the phone down and fumed until the booze was delivered. He didn't tip the waiter. ***** Josh lay on his back, hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. A pretty brunette was snuggled up to his side. He felt the softness of her breasts against his own soft, sensitive, nearly hairless skin. She idly ran the fingers of one hand through his hair, with the other hand she toyed with his limp cock. Her touch felt wonderful, his cock seemed even more sensitive than ever lately. But no matter how she fondled it, rubbed it, sucked on it, it stubbornly refused to get hard. ``Don't worry, Hon. Things like this happen to all guys. You gotta be under a lot of stress these days. Everybody's out to beat the Wranglers. But you really showed them today, Baby! I never saw anybody play so hard as you guys did today.'' She smiled up at him, obviously trying to cure his impotence with flattery. He didn't answer her. He very rarely spoke at all these days. When he did he tried to affect a deep voice that ended up sounding fake. He had heard some of his teammates talking about him. Their new nickname for him was ``Squeaky''. But only behind his back he was still the number one quarterback in the NFL after all. The girl hadn't given up yet. She continued to fondle him, cupping his shaft in her palm and teasing his balls with her fingertips. She nibbled his ear and crooned softly to him, like a mother reassuring a child. ``If you're embarrassed about your size, don't be, Lover. Size isn't important. I LIKE cute little cocks like yours.'' All his life he'd been proud of his cock. It used to be nearly ten inches long when erect. But he hadn't had an erection in almost a week. About ten days ago, while he was still in shock over his voice change, he noticed his cock looked smaller. He couldn't be sure at the time because the difference wasn't that great, but it shrunk steadily in the following days. Even though it was much smaller he discovered it seemed to be MORE sensitive, and he found he got the sensation of orgasm -- very intense orgasms -- when he masturbated, although he didn't ejaculate at all. He figured maybe having a naked woman ready to fuck would cure his impotence. He had been so pumped up from winning the game today that he decided now was the time to pick up a woman and get his hard-on back. He glanced down to see her hand cradling his still limp penis. It was approximately the same size as her slender delicate thumb, less than three inches long. He felt the tingling beginnings of an orgasm from her touch but his cock refused to grow. Finally Josh just gave up and turned away. He stared silently at the wall until she got dressed and left. There was nothing to say to her. After she was gone he masturbated himself to orgasm half a dozen times before he finally fell asleep. Even while climaxing over and over his cock never got hard. ***** ``What the FUCK is happening to me?!?!'' Josh's soft soprano voice was raised nearly to a shriek. Amy glanced at him dismissively, as though looking at a bug she was contemplating squashing. She assumed an air of offended dignity. ``What makes you think you can come bursting in to MY office and address me in that tone of voice?'' Josh's face was a mixture of panic and rage. He grasped the baggy sweatshirt he was wearing by it's waistband and pulled it up to his chin, revealing his bare torso. ``You want to know? It's THESE! Look at them! I want you to tell me what is going on!!!'' Amy's mouth twitched in a barely repressed smile. She stood and walked around her desk to get a closer look at Josh's chest. He had two small but very definitely female breasts, maybe an A cup or even a B. They appeared to be normal in every respect, even the nipples would look completely natural -- on a young woman. She cupped one breast and gently squeezed. Josh's breath hissed softly in a reflexive intake and his nipple stiffened. He flinched away from her touch. Amy seemed satisfied. ``They look like breasts to me, Josh.'' She said in a matter-of-fact tone. Josh seemed exasperated. ``Of course they look like breasts! They ARE breasts! I can see that. I know what tits look like. But can you tell me WHY I've got tits?'' ``In my medical opinion they are just another manifestation of the side-effects from your therapy.'' Amy said mildly. ``You said the same thing when I told you my cock was shrinking!'' Amy quickly put a hand up to her face to cover her grin. Her eyes were sparkling with amusement. ``Now Josh. A man's penis size varies depending on many factors, besides the obvious of course. Temperature for example. In your case, some of your groin muscle groups must have been tightened by the treatments, resulting in consequent elevation of the penis and scrotal sac. I don't think your penis has actually shrunk. It's all in your mind. And your unreasoning worries over what you perceive as shrinking has aggravated your performance anxiety. Which explains your reported impotence.'' She had practiced the lie. If he knew the real truth about what was happening to his penis he'd refuse any more treatments from her. Probably go to the Coach -- he'd believe Josh this time, then the game would be up. She had to handle him carefully at this stage or she'd lose everything. Josh hated it when she spouted her medical mumbo jumbo at him in her oh so superior tone. She had some logical sounding explanation for everything. He didn't want to hear explanations, he wanted to fix the fucking problem. ``Well? What are you going to DO about it?'' he shrilled. ``Now Josh. Let's not get upset. As I've told you each time you've come in here whining over every little symptom, I'm working on adjusting your treatments to correct the situation.'' ``No! That's not good enough this time! I want to stop the treatments completely until you fix this!'' ``Josh, I can't do that. Unless I keep you on the treatments and under observation I'll have no way of figuring out how to correct your body's internal balance. If I stop now you're likely to be like this forever, possibly even get worse.'' ``Listen lady, you better figure out how to get me back the way I used to be and damn fast! I'm about fed up with your treatments! None of the other players' have their cocks shriveling up or voices that sound like a girl or are growing fucking tits!'' ``You want me to straighten out the side effects? Then let me get Coach Turner to put you on medical waiver until I can figure out how to fix things. You'd stay at my research clinic so I can devote more time to your problems. I'm sure one look at you like this and he'd agree to release you.'' ``Oh no! I can still play. My arm's still good. I've taken this team undefeated six games and we're hotter than ever, but there's over half a season left. If I take us undefeated all the way to the Superbowl they'll trade Billy Joe Coleson for a couple of linebackers. But if I go out sick while we're so hot, Billy Joe will end up the hero even a rookie like him could win the way this team is playing and then he'll have my job. So do whatever you got to, but I'm not staying in your fucking clinic. And don't even think about getting Coach to bench me. I'm playing football.'' She looked at him carefully. If her plans were going to work out according to schedule she needed to get him into her clinic where she could speed things up and not worry about others noticing what was happening. She had expected the atrophy of his penis and start of breast development would have him begging her for help, giving her the opening she needed to convince him to stay in her care. He was more devoted to his career than she originally thought. But she still had one more idea to get him off the team and into her clinic. ``Are you sure you feel up to playing? How are you going to manage to play football with breasts?'' she asked. ``Isn't there something you can do to make them less obvious? If the guys start to notice the Coach will hear about it and I'll be benched.'' ``Well, I can tape them up. Meanwhile I'll also give you another treatment.'' She took a roll of tape out of a cupboard and wrapped his chest tightly, compressing his breasts. When she was finished a casual glance would not have revealed anything unusual. She cautioned him to remove the tape every evening to allow for blood circulation. She said she'd tell the coach he had a pulled muscle and needed to keep his chest wrapped but he'd be okay to play. ``Now hold still a minute. This is my latest formulation and I think it should help with those breasts.'' She gave him the injection. This one should do it, she thought. ***** ``Come on Josh! Just one more buddy!'' Tom Carter, the team's weight trainer, coaxed him to try one more bench press. Josh strained with all his might but the bar just barely lifted from it's cradle before he gave up and let it fall back into place. His face was red and sweat was streaming down his body. The trainer looked concerned. He gave Josh a hand and pulled him to a sitting position on the bench. He pushed the sleeve of Josh's tee up to his armpit and studied Josh's biceps a moment, while firmly massaging it. Tom had worked for the Wranglers for several years and was familiar with Josh's capabilities that was his job. He didn't say anything for several moments, not wanting to alarm Josh, but he could swear that the muscle was significantly smaller than just a few weeks ago. Finally he broached the subject. ``Josh, are you feeling okay, partner? I mean, this bar has 30 pounds less on it than you were tossing around easily last week. And you're really straining against it. But what worries me the most is your reps are WAY down, you're tiring too easily bud. Maybe you need a rest? We can sit you out tomorrow if you don't feel up to it.'' Josh shrugged. He hated to admit it but Tom was right. He was struggling now to lift what had been easy for him just a few days ago. But he didn't want the trainer to think something was seriously wrong. He might say something to the Coach that would get Josh pulled from the roster. After all, Josh rationalized, he could still press almost as much as half the quarterbacks in the league and he had years more experience. But he needed to think of a way to get Tom off his back. ``Yah, a little tired. Maybe caught a bug. But I can play tomorrow.'' He said in the taciturn manner he'd adopted with team members since becoming a soprano. Tom looked at him. He appraised Josh, as a professional trainer who knows every muscle on his charge's body, sizing him up. Josh had changed quite a lot during the season, and not just his voice. He appeared to be softer, maybe a bit flabby even. His attitude was subtly different too, not so cocky and arrogant, less sure of himself and his capabilities than in years past. But in his eyes there was a grim determination to fight and win against all odds. Tom had seen other men with that kind of look who had overcome their aging bodies for a time. He figured there was a good chance that whatever was wrong with Josh could be offset by his sheer willpower. He decided to credit Josh with sense enough to know how his own body felt and decide for himself if he was ready to play in tomorrow's game. But he'd be watching him carefully from now on. ``Okay partner. You should know if you're ready to play. But you watch yourself tomorrow, hear? And next week we're starting you on some stamina building routines.'' ***** Josh had assured everyone that he was ready to play this game. But it was barely five minutes into the first quarter and he was having serious doubts. The first series of downs had gone badly for Josh. He missed all four passes he attempted and only avoided an interception by pure luck. He just didn't have the power in his arm to throw the ball like he needed to. His mind and reflexes measured the distance, timed the speed of the receiver, and figured how hard he needed to throw, but he was so weak the ball always fell short. But at least their first possession hadn't ended in a turnover. Thanks to a few brilliant running plays they managed to get into field goal range and scored despite Josh's poor passing. Now they had the ball again. Third and long. Josh had called two runs in a row but their opponents had been expecting that and shut them down fast. Josh had no choice, Coach Turner sent in a call for a pass play. Josh took the snap and dropped back into the pocket. He saw a receiver open and his first impulse was that it was an easy throw. But he remembered how weak his arm was now and he began to doubt that he could hit the man. He committed a quarterback's cardinal sin, he hesitated. The defenders were blitzing. They knew Josh had to pass. Josh saw a man running toward him. He sidestepped and thrust his arm out, intending to fend off the tackler. He brought his other arm back to throw the ball, knowing from experience that he could hold off the defender with his straight-arm for the second or two he needed to get the pass off. But he hadn't reckoned on how truly weakened he now was and the opposing player simply bowled him over like a small child. Josh felt the wind slammed from his lungs. He hit the ground hard. Suddenly there were bodies flying through the air and everything went black. ***** He heard a voice asking over and over if he was okay and telling him to wiggle his fingers and move his feet. Through the haze of pain he obeyed. Then he felt himself lifted onto a stretcher. He was only dimly aware of the gentle pats on his arms and the faces of his teammates telling him it was going to be okay. Amy was walking beside his stretcher yelling orders above the roar of the crowd. She seemed to be arguing with Coach Turner. ``No! Not Dallas Memorial. We'll take him to my research clinic. It's closer and I can do more for him there than at the hospital.'' ``I only want the very best for him, Doc. The team still needs him. Coleson's good but he's young. Doesn't have the experience. I want Josh ready for the Superbowl.'' Turner growled back. ``Coach if you let me take care of him I can promise you Josh will be performing at the Superbowl. Now let me do my job!'' Turner backed off and Amy jabbed a needle into Josh's arm and the world faded away. ***** ``Wake up sleepyhead!'' Josh opened his eyes to bright light. He was lying on a twin bed in a small windowless room. The only other furniture was a dresser and a stool. Amy sat on the stool by his bedside and smiled down at him. ``How do you feel, Honey?'' she asked, very perkily. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate, remembering what had happened to him. ``Not bad. Considering the hit I took. In fact`a I feel pretty good. I don't hurt anywhere.'' ``Good! Then we can begin at once.'' Amy chirped. Josh felt uneasy at Amy's sweetness act. He didn't trust her at all. But he did feel amazingly good. Was that more of her drugs? He'd taken many hard hits in his career and never before did he feel this good the next day. ``Begin what? Where am I? What time is it? I must be late for practice.'' ``No practice for you today, Honey. The Coach placed you on medical waiver under my supervision. You're officially on the injured list until I discharge you.'' ``But I feel fine. I'm getting out of here.'' Josh started to sit up, but Amy pushed him back down to the bed. ``Honey, you've done nothing but complain all season long about the side effects from my treatment program. Now when I'm finally ready to make the adjustments to the formula and get your body in the shape it should be when you want to leave. Well you're staying here till I've corrected everything and that's that. Doctor's orders.'' Josh looked at her suspiciously. He wanted desperately to reverse all the weird changes in his body. But he didn't know if he should trust her. ``What are you planning to do to me?'' ``Mostly you need physical therapy to correct your upper body strength. Your balance, coordination and other motor skills seem affected also so we'll have to work on those. Then there's all the endocrine system imbalances that gave you the high voice and incongruous secondary sexual characteristics. We need to start you on a program of corrective chemical therapy to set everything right.'' ``You're going to fix everything that's fucked up with my body?'' he asked, not quite understanding her explanation and wanting confirmation in simpler terms. ``Honey, I swear to you, everything about you that's fucked up will be corrected.'' She smiled almost as if enjoying a secret joke. ``But only if you agree to cooperate fully with my treatment program. If you argue or refuse to follow all of the therapy regimens then you're out. No one else in the world knows how to reverse the changes in your body. You're probably thinking you could take me to court. Remember the medical forms you signed for the Wranglers everyone on the team had to sign they give blanket permission for medical treatment as prescribed by the team physician. I'd claim unforeseen side effects and there's nobody who could dispute me. But even if you won in court, all you'd get is money you'd still have to learn to live as a 39 year old weakling with a three inch cock, a soprano voice and big firm titties. So if you're not prepared to accept yourself like you are then you better be very cooperative, Honey.'' Josh considered how weak and weirdly deformed he was now, all of it thanks to her treatments. But he also remembered how her medical magic restored the broken down old veterans on the team back to athletes at their peak. She was capable of doing what she promised he had no doubt about that. But would she? Then he considered his alternative. He wasn't able to play professional football in his present condition that was certain. He'd be forced to quit the team and live out his life as a freak. He finally decided that he really had no other choice but to cooperate with her. ``How long will all this take? I want to be in shape for the Superbowl.'' ``Honey, I'll tell you like I told Coach Turner. Let me take care of you and you'll be in BEAUTIFUL shape for the Superbowl.'' ***** Josh was finishing up in the bathroom. Amy had told him he should take a few minutes to freshen up and breakfast would be ready when he was done. He splashed water in his face and toweled dry. The lack of a mirror over the sink seemed strange but he could live without it as long as he didn't need to shave. He felt his chin smooth wouldn't need shaving for a while at least. A glance at the shelf over the sink revealed there wasn't anything to shave with anyway so he decided not to worry about it for now. He walked back into the small bedroom. There was no sign of Amy. Instead he saw a young woman dressed as a nurse in white tunic and pants. She was delivering a tray with his breakfast. Instinctively he put a hand to his crotch to cover his nakedness. ``Good morning, Honey.'' She said in a professionally pleasant, albeit impersonal, tone. She seemed not to notice his nudity. She set the tray up in front of the stool and said, ``I'll be back in a few minutes to show you around and get you oriented. Enjoy your breakfast, Honey.'' She turned to leave the room. ``Hang on a minute!'' he said, stopping her before she could go. ``If you're going to show me around then I'm going to need something to wear. My name's Josh, by the way.'' ``Oh, you'll find a robe in the dresser, Honey.'' ``I said my name's Josh.'' He was getting a bit irritated. ``And you are?'' ``You can call me Ms. Connors, Honey. I'm Dr. Hanson's assistant.'' Josh felt snubbed by her refusal to give her first name. ``I told you twice, Ms. Connors, my name's Josh, not Honey. I ought to know my own name.'' The nurse had an amused smile on her face. ``Yes, I expect you ought to, Honey. Now stop being silly and eat your breakfast and I'll be back soon.'' She was out the door before Josh could say another word. Josh stared open mouthed at the closed door. The nerve of the little bitch! He almost went after her, then thought better of it. He decided he should try to get along with Ms. Connors. Amy had made him promise to cooperate before agreeing to fix his problems. She could be a vindictive bitch and he didn't think it wise to start raising hell with her staff until he was cured. He'd stayed in many hospitals, recuperating from injuries over his long career. And one thing he'd learned was that you just didn't want to piss off the nursing staff while you were a patient under their care. Of course, in his experience, the nurses were more likely to fawn all over him than be hostile, but he had run across the occasional nurse who hated athletes and just barely tolerated him. He looked at the breakfast tray. Not very much there. A tiny bowl of lukewarm oatmeal, half a grapefruit, and tea. He was accustomed to much more substantial training table breakfasts and he preferred coffee to tea. But he was famished so he wolfed down the meager repast in short order. When every last morsel was gone he still felt hungry. Done with breakfast, what there was of it, he decided to get dressed. The dresser had three drawers but the bottom two were empty. In the top drawer was a dozen or so pairs of women's satin bikini briefs in bright assorted colors and a satin robe in a soft pink rose pattern. What the hell was going on? He rummaged through the stacks of panties, in hopes of finding something else and his fingers encountered a smooth plastic cylinder. He took this out of the drawer and saw it was a 9 inch long vibrator. Just then Ms. Connors entered the room without knocking and saw him standing there staring at a handful of panties in one hand and the vibrator in the other. A smile flickered across her face, was quickly repressed, and replaced by a blandly superior expression. Josh waved the objects at her and asked in an astonished tone, ``What in the world are these???'' ``Well, Sugar, in your right hand is a vibrator and in your left is your underwear.'' The nurse replied matter-of-factly. ``I KNOW what they are! Why are they here in my dresser?'' ``If you mean the clothing, Honey. You'll find that your skin is very sensitive due to the treatments and the satin won't irritate you like other fabrics. As for the vibrator, I suppose Dr. Hanson thought it might help you relax.'' ``Well if you think I'm wearing this stuff you're nuts.'' Josh chose to ignore her comment on the vibrator. The nurse shrugged. ``Suit yourself, Honey. Although you might find walking about in the nude to be a chilling experience. Or shall I inform Dr. Hanson you've changed your mind about accepting treatment?'' ***** Josh felt ridiculous walking around in the pink satin robe. It only came down to mid-thigh and he felt overly exposed. He had on a pair of polka dot panties underneath the robe and nothing else. He had to admit that the silky fabric felt good against his soft skin but he wished they had something more appropriate for a man. Ms. Connors showed him around the clinic. Although there wasn't all that much to see. The place reminded him of a small set of offices rather than a hospital. The walls were covered in cream colored wallpaper with a tastefully elegant design. There were framed prints hanging every few feet, mostly of French impressionists. The floors were hardwood polished to a gleaming shine and their smooth coolness served to emphasize in his mind that he hadn't been given any shoes. He was shown a fairly large room outfitted as a gym/exercise studio. There were individual exercise mats rolled up and pushed to one side, along with various other paraphernalia. The room had a high ceiling and there was a practice bar for ballet mounted on one wall. Two doors led from the studio besides the one they'd entered by. One door led to a changing area/bathroom, and the other opened into a small weight room with several assorted nautilus machines. The setup at the Wranglers' stadium was much more elaborate but Josh figured this would be sufficient to help him rebuild his muscles, at least for the short time he expected to be here. Ms. Connors then pointed out where Amy's private office and examination room was. Next to it was the door to her laboratory. He asked about a third door and she said it led to Amy's living quarters. And that was all there was, just those few rooms and nothing more. Josh figured from the size of the layout he'd seen that Hanson had converted one of those small ``professional'' buildings into her combination house and clinic. He heard no traffic noises so he assumed they were in a fairly quiet residential area, but he couldn't be sure as he hadn't noticed any windows anywhere. The place seemed to be mostly deserted. They had only crossed paths with one other person, also a young woman dressed as a nurse. Ms. Connors paused for introductions. ``Honey, this is Ms. Smith. She's also Doctor Hanson's assistant. Most often it will be one or the other of us who'll see to your needs.'' ``Nice to meet you Ms. Smith.'' Josh hated it but he was learning that he was expected to be polite and cooperative. These were some tough bitches and he had to play by their rules. ``Well! I can see we're not going to have any trouble out of you. We're going to get along just fine, aren't we Honey?'' Ms. Smith spoke to him as though talking to a child. ``I hope so, Ms. Smith.'' He said softly with eyes downcast. Ms. Connors patted his cheek gently in approval. The two women smiled at each other. They seemed to sense his capitulation and reveled in rubbing his nose in their conquest. ***** After the short tour, Ms. Connors left him alone in his room. She said he should shower and then rest. Tomorrow he would begin his regular treatment schedule. She gave him a pill to take and watched as he swallowed it. Josh stepped into the shower. Mounted on the wall were three dispensers labeled ``body wash'', ``shampoo'', ``conditioner''. No washcloth anywhere, but hanging on a hook was a pink plastic scrubbing puff. He took the puff and squeezed some body wash onto it. It had a floral scent. He lathered himself up, and noted how the scrubber cleaned him thoroughly but didn't irritate his soft, sensitive skin. When he rinsed off his skin still had a slick oily sheen to it. He was embarrassed to admit, even to himself, how good it felt touching himself, feeling the sensuous softness the soap gave his skin. He shampooed his hair and used conditioner afterwards. Normally he didn't bother but Ms. Connors had specifically said to use both. When he finished showering and dried off, he had to admit that his hair seemed easier to comb, had less tendency to tangle. The shampoo made his hair smell like strawberries. He flopped down on the bed naked. His body felt fresh and clean after the shower. He idly brushed his fingertips over his belly, enjoying the silky softness of his skin. His cock was tingling with arousal. He rubbed it gently with his fingers, savoring the slow build-up to climax. One thing he'd learned to appreciate about his changed penis, he could orgasm over and over without actually ejaculating and without resting in between. Suddenly he got an idea and went to the dresser to get the vibrator. He'd never used one before, even as a ``special treat'' for one of his girlfriends his macho ego was sure his cock was better than some plastic appliance. He switched it on and gingerly touched his cock with the buzzing cylinder. Oh wow! He never dreamed something could feel so good! He pressed it more firmly against his cock and slowly rubbed it up and down the tiny shaft. Almost with a mind of its own, his free hand sought his breasts and added to the pleasurable sensations by rubbing and pulling on his nipples. He slipped into a dreamy haze, bringing himself to several orgasms and eventually falling asleep. ***** ``Honey, this is Ms. Baker. She'll be your physical trainer.'' Ms. Connors introduced him to a pretty brunette with a fantastic body. She was obviously a trained dancer from the development of her leg muscles. It was Josh's second day at the clinic. Ms. Connors had awakened him with his breakfast tray. She had allowed him a few minutes to freshen up and eat. Then she conducted him, dressed in the pink robe, to the exercise studio where Ms. Baker was waiting for him. Ms. Baker was tall and in excellent physical condition. She had a no-nonsense attitude about her and didn't waste time. ``You'll find exercise gear in the changing room, Sugar. Get out of that robe and let's get started.'' ``I'll leave you to it, then.'' Ms. Connors said. ``I'll be back at lunch.'' Josh was back in a few moments, still wearing the robe. Ms. Baker gave him a questioning look. ``The only thing I saw in there was stuff for a girl,'' he said. Ms. Baker icily informed him that his body, as it now was, required support garments to exercise in, especially his breasts. There was no male attire which would fit the current shape of his body and support him suitably. So if he didn't want to remain as he was permanently he should get over it and get dressed so they could get to work. Josh returned wearing a pink spandex leotard, a pink headband, and a shiny pink and green striped sports bra, and a very, very embarrassed look. ***** Josh's days settled into a routine. He never saw a clock or any form of timepiece. There was no television, radio, or newspapers. He soon lost track of time completely and had no idea what day or even month it was. 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ARSInquisitive Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT - INQUISITIVE SPIRIT By Ingrid Halb Dr. Brian Godbolt was an ambitious man, confident in his own intellect. He felt he understood the world. Sure there were mysteries, but he had the confidence that with enough hard study he could crack any problem. Life was a personal challenge he felt he would always win. There were smarter professors at the University, but few with the same drive. This ambition coupled with his intellect and...

4 years ago
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The Pond of Pristine Spirit

The Pond of Pristine Spirit by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 "My patience is wearing thin," the sorceress Mesimiya growled. "Say, what you are." The agony from my crushed insides was too much to bear. "A g-girl. I'm a girl." "Finally!" The sorceress sighed and let the painful spell fade. "Looking at you, it is a wonder how that could be so hard to utter." The large mirror revealed my visage perfectly well. Mesimiya had kept me prisoner for months. Destroying my body body with poor...

3 years ago
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ARS Dampened Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: DAMPENED SPIRITS By Ingrid Halb "So let me see if I understand this correctly. Essentially, you are a genie." Hank was starting to believe the little man might be for real after all. "Essentially," nodded the three-foot tall chubby man that stood in front of him. "And you will grant my every wish, provided it follows the proper format?" Hank asked skeptically. "Technically I just enable the magic that grants the wish. Saying I grant it sounds like I...

3 years ago
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That Mardi Gras Spirit

It had taken all of Cindy's expertise with wet hungry mouth and slim probing fingers to bring my sluggish cock to full attention, and then an agonizing period of squirming adjustment, giggling, snorting, and shushing each other, before I was finally on top of her, socketed home between her long thighs, in the saddle and riding comfortably, as they say. The old double bed in that cheap New Orleans hotel room was a lumpy, squeaking disgrace, too loud to risk it with Bart and Rayeanne snoring...

2 years ago
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Escaping the Pain part 3 It smelled like teen spirit

Introduction: part 3 of the escaping the pain series I started long ago Escaping the pain part 3: It smelled like teen spirit While our heroes are in their train to freedom, we are going to divert our attention to someone who for better or worse is going to be important to our main characters. Alan, a 30 year old man was in his mountain cabin near a small town, reminiscing about his past life while sitting in his new couch, while the whiskey was pouring down his throat he remembered the time...

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Ruchika Ghost8217s Whore 8211 Part 1 Losing Virginity To A Spirit

Welcome to my new story on the site. Enjoy! ✍ Story Starts Ruchika, 27, now married to a man named Vikram and having a baby boy, was reminiscing about the instance that changed her life in a way she least expected. Ruchika was a beautiful girl with voluptuous features who also remained a virgin until she was 19. She saw her female friends losing virginity to men they weren’t married to and saw them having fun too. She had been asked out multiple times and she rejected those proposals each and...

1 year ago
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The Delight of a Mean Spirit

The Delight of a Mean Spirit By The Professor I didn't know it at the time, but while I was enjoying one of the happiest days of my life, I was being cursed. It was a fantastically beautiful spring day in Boulder. Even without the enhancement of magical weather control, I think it would have been beautiful. The skies were virtually cloudless (rain was only permitted at night) and the temperature was warm without being hot. It was shorts and halter-top weather for girls, and the...

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A Reluctant Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: SPIRIT OF THE EAST By Ingrid Halb "So, you're a genie?" Jack would have had a hard time believing this if he hadn't just seen what the little guy was capable of. "That's close enough," answered the three-foot tall man standing before him. "And you do magic on request?" Jack felt stupid asking the question but it was hard to deny the evidence before him. "It's more correct to say that I allow the magic to happen," the little man answered calmly, if not...

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ARS Team Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: TEAM SPIRIT By Ingrid Halb Matthew Johnson and Adam Tolbert had been best friends since the first grade and were still best friends in high school. It was a natural friendship. They were both intelligent and had many similar interests and hobbies. One such interest was a love for the game of football. Unfortunately, neither boy had the strength or manual dexterity to excel at the game. Truth be told, physically, both boys could best be described as dweebs. Still,...

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ARSVengeful Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: VENGEFUL SPIRIT By Ingrid Halb "Okay, I believe you," Larry said, plopping down across from the little man sitting at his kitchen table sipping tea. "Finally!" the little man said with relief. "You're a difficult man to convince." "Yeah well, it's not every day you get a three-foot tall genie pop up in your kitchen and tell you he's going to grant all your wishes," Larry pointed out. "Enable. Enable your wishes," the little man said with...

4 years ago
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Kindred Spirit

Kindred Spirit --------------- It would be a critical year in Charlie's life. At times like these a true friend can mean all the difference in the world. Donald was just such a friend... --------------- Charlie was just lying there. He had just received one hell of a beating by Eddy Dwyer, most affectionately known as the class bully. Charlie thought... no, hoped, that things would be different. He was starting middle school in a fresh new school district and was hoping...

3 years ago
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How I became the baddest girl in Clarksville Part 5 Smells like Teen Spirit

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 5 Smells like Teen Spirit -A thousand times good-bye - A rainbow of hand-lettered posters covered the lobby when I arrived at school on Monday, a little over a week since I'd gotten the call from Frank. Much had happen since then. I had learned what happed to Bradley Conrad. I'd pieced it together from snatches of conversations I picked up from other students; the halls were buzzing about it. Bradley had lost it Saturday...

3 years ago
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Christmas Spirit

Copyright© December, 2006 by Alexa & Patrick Silver. All rights reserved. "Happy holidays!" Mariah tried to inject some holiday spirit into her voice, but failed miserably. She had been on her feet for thirteen hours solid and there wasn't a break in sight. First, she had worked a half day at the family-owned art gallery. Her parents had taken off on a thirty-fifth wedding anniversary/Christmas cruise. Mariah had intended to spend the holiday with her sister, but Halley has called this...

4 years ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 27 Spirit

In the morning Construct and I spent two hours working again on speaking Taluatu, as we now knew was the proper way of referring to the spoken language. We realized many other fine points like this as we gained familiarity with the common modifications done for conversational purposes. For me, the goal was to speak in unaccented Taluatu, but for Construct it was a matter of eliminating a clipped, toneless artificial quality he tended to fall back on when unsure of his words. I often thought...

1 year ago
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Team Players Part 1 of Many

Chapter 1 Here I was, 38 years old, rehabilitating an injured leg. Divorced 7 years now, and really nowhere to go. Until 6 months ago, I was an active team member of the Navy Seals. Unfortunately for me and two other team members, our truck hit an IED, Improvised explosive device, or a homemade bomb, near the Pakistan border in Afghanistan. Now if you ever want a hell hole to visit, then just take a plane there. The bomb tore up the truck and my knee and thigh, in the process. One of my team...

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Team Pink Take Out Trish and Ashley

Team Pink Take Out Trish And Ashley A young ring hand makes his way into a locker room backstage a few hours before Raw. He found a note telling him to go into this locker room and when he goes in he sees WWE Diva Candice Michelle standing wearing a small blue towel. The towel barely holds her big boobs in and is so small the ring hand can nearly see her pussy. “Hi Keith thanks for coming you see I need your help,” Candice purrs pulling up her towel a bit exposing more...

2 years ago
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Team revenge for losing the meet

It was to be the biggest meet in the season, our track team against our cross town rivals. I was the third leg of the relay team, ready and set to go as my team mate came towards me, we were leading by twenty seconds, the baton was being handed to me as I started to grip the baton I stumbled and went down in a heap. Our team lost by my bungling a temp to get a head start. In the locker room my team mates were furious, they demanded that I be thrown off the squad. Coach tried to qualm them and...

3 years ago
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Team Players Part 2 of Many

As we left the first part I, Dan, a 38 year old Navy Seal, recuperating from an injury sustained in Afghanistan almost a year ago, to my leg and knee. Right now I am on Desk Duty, since I can no longer partake with my Seal Team members. I act as a consultant for them, when they are deployed in some god forsaken area of the world. I live with my sister in law, although I don’t know what she really is called now, since my brothers death, over 5 years ago. He was cheating on her, and leaving a...

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Team Leader Devours Married Virgin Sirisha8217s Tight Pussy

Hi all. I am new here. Welcome me! I am Sirisha, age 29. I am a married woman, working in a software company in Bangalore (even though originally I am from Mumbai). This incident happened a few months back during the IPL season. I was newlywed to Kunal, who was also working in the same company. Coming to the situation, I am a big Mumbai Indians fan. So I told my team lead in a conversation that Mumbai would win this season too. My team lead, Razak (almost 42) laughed and told he would bet 10...

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Team Leader Ne Kiya Taiyari Pooja Ko Chodne Ki

Hello dosto, aapka Dev aapke saamne fir hazir hai, ek nayi kahani leke. Aapne meri pichli kahaniyon ko bohot pasand kiya uske liye bohot-bohot shukriya. Umeed hai aapko meri ye kahani bhi bohot pasand aayegi. Toh joh log mere baare me nahi jaante unhe me bata du, mera naam Dev hai. Mai Mumbai me ek MNC me job karta hu. Mai married hu, aur apni biwi se bohot pyaar karta hu. Humara sex life bhi bohot mast chal rahi hai. Meri height 5’ 6” hai, aur mai ek average banda hu. Mera lund ka size 6.5”...

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Steamer Party in Germany with Indian Bombshell 8211 Part I

A few years back I traveled to Germany very often. My company got a huge software development assignment from a German Software company who got this assignment from a German ship builder. I was given the charge of both supervising the development at home and implementing it at the site in Germany. So I had to visit very frequently two places in Germany, Cologne where the German Software Company was located and Hamburg where the German Ship builder was located. At Cologne, I met a very charming...

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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 1619

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER SIXTEEN I've been here two days, recovering from the "interrogation", as Hanson calls it. There's a meal on the folding table next to the cot but I can't eat. I failed. I failed Bob ... I failed myself. I couldn't hold out any longer. The pain was so bad. I knew I was going to die! After betraying Bob, I think Hanson gave me a shot of something because I don't remember anything until the next morning. She came in and started...

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Team Sports

Toby had three wishes fulfilled in the same week. First he qualified for the football team, second he was placed on the offensive team and third he got the position of halfback, which he felt he was perfect for. He wasn’t big and bulkey, instead he was fast and nimble.He knew he had to perform well if he wanted to stay on the active roster, and he knew he had the will and determination to succeed. First and foremost was to train hard. To show the coaches he was serious and willing to put in the...

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When I was still in high school in the midwestern USA as a teenager I was shy as Hell! Because of bullying parents who couldn,t care less if I knew beans about sex I had to rely on a close friend to learn about masturbation and how to suck cock. I Wasn,t necessarily homosexual more bisexual though drew the line at taking it in the butt! I still wanted pussy yet if a girl had made advances to me I,d likely have run off! There was a girl I,ll call Ruth who transferred to my class after half...

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Team Cocksucker The Contract

Steve and I had been roommates for around 18 months now. Saturday night on the town had become a regular occurrence and today was no different. We came back to our flat around midnight, both slightly tipsy but in the mood for a few more drinks.“Bourbon?” said Steve.“Perfect” I replied. Steve poured us both a drink and we sat back with the TV on but neither of us were really paying attention. “Thanks for lending me some cash tonight” I said to Steve. I’d been a bit skint for the past few months...

4 years ago
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Team Spanking

After a practice, if one messes up, he is tied across the exercise horse. The team would line up and pass behind striking the faulty one one his buttocks, barehanded, till all thirty members had went by. We had a immigrant student from Zimbabwe, his name was Jubilee, he had participated in one team spanking right after he arrived. I don't know if any of my fellow team mates noticed, but after he took his turn he stood to the side with the rest of us, and was sexually turned on by what...

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Escaping the Pain part 3 It smelled like teen spirit

While our heroes are in their train to freedom, we are going to divert our attention to someone who for better or worse is going to be important to our main characters. Alan, a 30 year old man was in his mountain cabin near a small town, reminiscing about his past life while sitting in his new couch, while the whiskey was pouring down his throat he remembered the time he married his late wife, when they were both 18, she was so beautiful, inciting, they didn’t waste any time to have...

1 year ago
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A Released Spirit

What can I say about this. I just wanted to try something different. * * * * * How do I start something like this? How can I put into words my feelings about what has happened to me, how my life has changed so much, how everything I thought about myself has been turned on its head? I won’t start at the beginning, that is too much of a cliché, but I will say I had a conservative childhood with middle class parents bringing me up with the usual moral standards and expectations of behaviour....

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Damsels In Distress Inc Team Spirit

Damsels In Distress Inc. : Team Spirit Angel stopped and turned at the sound of the horn, nervously pressing her pleated skirt against her thighs. She felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as a pickup truck slowed down alongside her, the passenger checking her out. She felt suddenly silly trying to pass herself off as a cheerleader. Not that she didn’t look the part, dressed in a revealing green and gold outfit. Despite having graduated last summer, she knew she could easily pass as a...

2 years ago
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Teen Spirit

Chris’ first time didn’t happen until he was nineteen years old. Indeed, until that time he’d never even kissed a girl, though there’d been the odd time when he fancied he’d been close. But nothing he could ever be sure about. He was always very awkward with girls. In fact, he was awkward with everyone. He only had a couple of friends, Pete and Stu, who sometimes came to see him, or he would visit their homes. On these occasions, they would crank up the stereo, put on their Scorpions,...

First Time
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Compatible Spirit

It's been a bit now since my wife died and have dated off and on. Nothing has ever seemed to work out. Still have the urges a man has, but unable to find the right compatibility of spirit, in a woman. Just about all of them wanted to get married fairly quick, but none were willing to wait and have it feel right for me as well. So, I've turned to cyber to cure my ills until I find that someone. Big, small, not to young to mature, it's not the shell of a woman but what's on the inside that...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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In The Spirit

Jackson soaked in the energy of the party, smiling, sitting quietly on a stool by the bar in the dining room. She watched birthday girl Vanessa, surrounded by friends and family, open gifts in her living room. She watched Vanessa beam as her hands tore through gold wrapping paper, then squeal once she revealed a model of a blue British police box. Something from a TV show she loved. Vanessa thanked her boyfriend Jeff sitting beside her on a large, crowded sectional with a long kiss, and her...

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Damsels In Distress Inc Team Spirit

Damsels In Distress Inc. : Team Spirit Angel stopped and turned at the sound of the horn, nervously pressing her pleated skirt against her thighs. She felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as a pickup truck slowed down alongside her, the passenger checking her out. She felt suddenly silly trying to pass herself off as a cheerleader. Not that she didn’t look the part, dressed in a revealing green and gold outfit. Despite having graduated last summer, she knew she could easily pass as a high...

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Town Spirit

WARNING: This story has absolutely no transgender elements in it. Permission was kindly granted from the FictionMania task force to archive it within the "Miscellaneous Stories" category. There is a brief mention of "the plight of Afghanistani women"; this story was authored prior to the events of September 11, 2001. This was originally written for a story contest for the Breast Expansion Archive. Town Spirit By Radioactive Loner There's a town in the middle of Indiana that...

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Showing Some Spirit

SHOWING SOME SPIRITT.S. FESSELNA Sequel to ?A New Haunt?, ?Coffin Duty?, and ?Invaded?Disclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depicting ones of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author...

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Breaking the Wind Spirit

As one of the Ten Legendary Warrior, the Wind Spirit Warrior Kazemon was responsible to assure the peace of Alphaton town. The Major of this town, Mr. Fukushima, invited her to Royal district. The people cheered at her after she successfully prevented a human and Digimon trafficking near the bridge that connected this town to Neo Alphaton. "Thank you so much, Kazemon. You saved so many life today." Mr. Fukuyama said while shaking the violet haired beauty warrior. "I just doing my job, sir." she...

4 years ago
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Teen Spirit

Chris' first time didn't happen until he was nineteen years old. Indeed, until that time he'd never even kissed a girl, though there'd been the odd time when he fancied he'd been close. But nothing he could ever be sure about. He was always very awkward with girls. In fact, he was awkward with everyone. He only had a couple of friends, Pete and Stu, who sometimes came to see him, as he would visit their homes. On these occasions, they would crank up the stereo, put on their Scorpions,...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 7 American Spirit

The ‘American Spirit’ was nothing I expected a space ship to look from the inside. It was more like a luxurious villa, complete with garden, swimming pool and green lawn. We stepped through a glass sliding door under a blue sky with a single yellow sun and on the green plant surface he called grass, was a table with umbrella and a few garden chairs. Rolling hills with forests in the distance. “All simulated of course,” Alex explained. “The walls are actually only 30 meters from us, but I...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 5 Sins Of The Spirit

Heather O'Hagan was a quiet girl, a studious girl, but above all an obedient girl. She was rarely admonished, and never chastised as she always tried to do what she was told by her parents, by her teachers, and above all by the Priest. Her childish confessions rarely moved to anything more serious than envy, though on occasion she admitted telling the odd white lie, and occasionally to being nasty to one of her six younger siblings. Father Creggan was a very old man, and even older in...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 29 Building Team Spirit

Chapter 29: Building Team Spirit The next week I had made some changes, if I made the baseball squad, I would need a later lift home after practice. Rory still hadn’t found a job yet, so I said I would fill the truck with gas if he would pick me up when I needed it. He was happy to agree, he had been finding it hard having the truck and not being able to use it due to lack of cash. Monday morning I checked the next list outside the Head coach’s office. I was happy to see my name was still...

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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 16 Holiday Spirit

"Ral, dinner is ready. Mandy's on her way up to get you." Yvonne thought. Monique had already put my cock back into my pants and closed them up. She didn't bother with her bra, but only slipped her top back on. The sight of her unhindered shape under the snug shirt didn't help my mood or condition. Without a word, she opened the door just as Mandy was about to knock. "Hey," Monique said to her sister as she stepped past her. Mandy watched her go, a confused look on her face. Then...

3 years ago
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--- Spirited (MF, mf, Hf, F-solo, Mh, 1st, anal, best, cons, inc, magic, oral, parody, impreg, reluc) by Krosis of the Collective --- 16-year-old Heather fumed in the back seat of her parents' car. This had been their second day of traveling across the American Midwest, heading to their new home, and she was bored stiff. Even worse, it seemed that her dad had gotten them lost trying to find the world's largest ball of twine or something. "I think it's just around the bend," he said...

1 year ago
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Butterfly Spirits

Authors note: This is my Halloween contest entry. It is not spooky or scary or a typical Halloween story in anyway. I will admit it’s a little poignant and sad but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Thank you again to RK Moreland for helping with the copy editing, and BrambleThorn whose wisdom really helped when I became bit lost. You are both much appreciated. ~ellie * Joel walked down the dock breathing in the stale scents of the city and stopped on the side of the road before him. He had...

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Team Players Part 3

Chapter 1 It was now coming up on Thanksgiving. The week previous, we did meet up with Mandy and Jim, and it was, to say the least, a very entertaining night. They brought with them a game. The game consisted of two boxes, with these tiles in each of them. One box told you, when it was your turn, what article of clothing to take off. Once one person was naked, they had to draw from the other box and do what the tile said. One was, “If you are bisexual, you have to kiss and lick every one’s...

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Alice and the realm of spirits

Alice and the realm of spirits part 1 of 7 Alice and the realm of spirits part 1 of 7. Synopsis:A neighbor has prepared young Alice?s flat with camera connection so he secretly could see her in her nakedness and privacy. He exploit her believes in the spirit world and slowly by manipulation takes complete control of her mind and body and made her his obedient slave girl. To obey a man is natural for her, but where?s her own will and own decisions.?Code: M/f, slavery, obedience,...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 51 Rescuing Spirits

[ I focused my mind as hard as I could, trying to heal both Jessica and Linda ... Then everything went black.] Charlie POV: (Cont’d) Where am I??? I feel like I’m laying down but yet, I don’t feel anything underneath me. As a matter of fact, I don’t honestly feel anything! It’s like I’m in a void of some sort without any hint of sight, sound, smell or touch. Slowly I begin hearing a strange rushing sound in my ears. Almost like water running through a pipe. Other than that however, I...

3 years ago
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Team Outing Plan Leads To Sex Paradise

Thanks everyone for feedback through email and comments for my previous stories. Ppl can send me feedback at This incident happened between me and my office colleague in Bangalore. We were in same team and used to like each other company but nth serious as she was married. We used to do leg pulling to each other. But we were knowing our limit too. Our manager was planning for Wonder La(Amusement Resort) team outing and whole team was very exited. But in last moment plan got canceled because of...

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