Town Spirit free porn video

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WARNING: This story has absolutely no transgender elements in it. Permission was kindly granted from the FictionMania task force to archive it within the "Miscellaneous Stories" category. There is a brief mention of "the plight of Afghanistani women"; this story was authored prior to the events of September 11, 2001. This was originally written for a story contest for the Breast Expansion Archive. Town Spirit By Radioactive Loner There's a town in the middle of Indiana that few people mention. When the Congressman for that area of Indiana says how proud he is to represent his cities, he'll name Fort Wayne, and he'll name other cities in his electorate. But somehow, he always seems to just... coincidentally... forget this one -- perhaps because the mere mention of it is enough to garner catcalls and hooting, especially when associated with a politician's name. And all of this could have been avoided, they say, had only an old pioneer's wife been a little more learned. In diaries of the time, a fairly accurate description of her has been left: she made quite an impression on the townsfolk as being of rather shapely physique but of rather poor intelligence. And, unfortunately, Joshua Langdon, the town founder left it's naming up to her, his wife. She had the rather bright idea (for her) of naming the town after the nickname for Indiana residents. Which would have been great... if she had accurately remembered the nickname. But, instead of Hoosierville... well... the town was named Hooterville. Generations of future descendants were condemned to mumbling their town of residence while they slowly scuffed a toe in the dirt... MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 The sun cast a bright ray of sunshine into a room, and, although filtered by blinds, it was enough to wake the great, great, great granddaughter of Joshua Langdon up. And Alice Langdon was more than happy to wake up, because each day of waking up in her bed was now taking her one day closer, closer to the time when she could leave this incredibly boring town. (Alice was not precisely a Hooterville booster.) She had earned a full ride to New York University, and in a little under three weeks, Alice was going to cease to be Alice Langdon, descendent of the town founder and member of one of the town's most prominent families. She could instead become Alice Langdon, freshman physics major in one of the biggest, most sprawling, urban, and exciting towns in the United States of America. And it couldn't get here quick enough for her. She was currently working at the town's movie theaters. It had its pleasant advantages: she was able to see any movie free, and the company even threw a few 'midnight screenings' for the staff the evening before they would open to the public. But the tedium of working a cash register, sweeping up the crap people would just toss to the theater floor, and pouring butter-flavored soybean oil on popcorn was just getting to her, big time. Not only was she being bored, she was getting to be a little disturbed at *people*, in general. Her days, at the moment, were becoming a bit routine. Waking up. Stretching. Padding downstairs in slippers to grab some orange juice and toast and watch the morning news. Upstairs to grab a shower once the folks had finished. Into the theater uniform (no way was she going to change at work, where there was practically no privacy), and then a short walk of a few blocks to the town theater, which was outside the local mall. Get her daily assignment (ticket-selling, ticket-taking, concessions, or cleanup), and then a day of real tedium. Back home, crack open whatever book she was reading and go through a few chapters, and then grab some Zs. Then waking up again, and the whole damn thing, over again. *** Alice was noticing something slightly weird today. No one was attending the arthouse film. Now, frankly, it was a film about the plight of Afghanistan women... how they were being treated poorly, their civil rights curtailed. She didn't expect it to have a big attendance, when compared with the latest teen horror flick. But usually they were a few people going to it, at least. She was hearing her boss mumbling about pulling the film and throwing another copy of one of the more popular flicks in the theater. Excusing herself for her 15-minute break, she went over to a payphone, and called her friend, Barbara. The phone rang. "Hello?" said Barbara. "Hi, Barbara. It's Alice. Listen, you know that flick, 'Oppression's Next Wave', that you wanted to catch? It's not getting a lot of attendance. If you want to catch it, I'd get over here today." And then, Alice heard Barbara do something entirely new to her. Giggled. "Oh, golly, what a downer. I don't think I want to see that, Alice." Alice was so perplexed she actually found herself speechless. Barbara was a serious, artistic liberal and feminist, a N.O.W. member, and was heading to Smith College in a few weeks. For her to giggle... or use words like "downer" or "golly"... was just, well, very unsettling. Very odd. And it made Alice feel rather off. When she found words, they were, "Barbara, are you... okay?" "I... think so, Alice. I... can we meet up for lunch today?" Alice wanted to talk to her, and right away. But lunch would have to do. "Yeah, sure, Alice. Meet me at the food court at noon, okay?" "Sure." The troubled voice disappeared, and she heard Barbara chirp, "See ya then, girlfriend!" Alice looked disbelievingly at the phone's earpiece as her friend hung up. *** Alice was working on a chapter of _The Shadow University_, waiting for Barbara to show up. Taking a sigh, she opened her Palm and brought up the clock. Good grief, it was half past noon already. She wasn't going to have much time to talk with... "Oh, hon, I am just *soooo* sorry I'm late, sweetie." Alice looked up in disbelief. And then outright gasped. "Barbara... wha... wha..." Reduced to monosyllables, all she could spit out was "*What?!*" as she gestured wildly at the apparition before her. Gone was Barbara's sensible yet fashionable dress. In its place were neon colors and plastic and halter tops and big hoop earrings. "Aren't these darling? I've had the best time shopping today!" That in itself was enough to really, really throw Alice. But she looked at Barbara's halter-top and said, "Holy shit, Alice, what the hell happened to your breasts?" "I wok..." Barbara's face seemed to cloud, and she sat down rather heavily. Her breasts jiggled in their halter-top as a result. She blinked, and her eyes seemed to darken slightly. Or was it that they had become a little less vacuous? "Alice... " She appeared to be searching for words. "I woke up this morning and... " Her voice went up to a chirrup. "My titties were just so big like this! Aren't they really pr... " She shook her head. "*Damn* I... Alice, something is really weird. My mom and sis... like..." She vaguely waved a hand with long nails (painted blood red) at her body. "Sis was a... *doctor*, for God's sake..." Suddenly, her hand shot out and grabbed Alice's, fiercely. "Can't *THINK* anymore. Just this... " And then it was lost. The clouds passed over Barbara's eyes, and they dulled even more. But before Alice's astonished eyes, it wasn't just that. Her body actually *changed* to match the dulling. Barbara's breasts actually seemed to... *swell* in their halter-top. They seemed to be pinched a little bit by the halter-top, as if it had actually become a little too small. Barbara's ass looked as if it inadvertently wiggled a little bit, but that wasn't the movement... it was hips and ass growing just a little to push out more, become more shapelier. And, most dramatically, Barbara's hair actually *rustled* as it slid down her back even more, growing feet in seconds, crawling towards Barbara's shapely buttocks. Alice scooted her chair back in horror. "Barbara, wha... " Dull eyes came up to meet Alice's, then were relit with a sort of insane yet alive emptiness in them. "Hi, Ames! Gosh, I feel really purty right now! Hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna see if I can pick up a cute hunk by the arcade." She blushed. "Maybe I can give some really young stud his first fuck!" Alice stood up so quickly her chair fell backwards. The clattering was very loud and echoed around the food court. And, with horror, Alice noticed a few picture-perfect faces turned her way. Faces filled with the same emptiness. *** "Attention, people! Have your order ready when you reach the counter, or you're just going to make the people behind you late!" Joe loved small-town theaters. He probably couldn't get away with even polite orders like that in one of those big chain theaters... you'd just have to put up with customer stupidity. But here, he was free to practice his common sense as he saw fit. He loved managing this theater. Of course, he noted curiously, he didn't get the usual grumble-toned response from the line. Instead he heard more of a... he glanced back up. Most of the women in line seemed to be smiling and casting glances in his direction. He heard one murmur, "How... forceful!" He repressed a grin. About time they noticed. And, hell, that was Sabrina, who'd be caption of the high school's cheerleading squad. Then, dumbstruck, Joe looked up again. Man, that kid must have hit a *second* growth spurt this summer -- she had gone from pretty darn fine C- cups to her new jugs, which were just... well, quite fun to look at, but pretty much invalidated her cheerleading career. They wouldn't stop jiggling for five minutes after the simplest of cheers. A large 'bam!' filled the air and made nearly everyone jump in surprise. Trying not to be distracted by the subsequent jiggling, Joe saw a very disturbed Alice run in and make a beeline for the break room. He motioned to one of the other employees in the booth, Tasha, to take over for him. "Sure thing, hon," Tasha cooed at him, and walked up to the register. As he began to walk quickly towards the break room, he cast a look back at the red-haired Tasha. That was just... really odd. Since when did the most out lesbian in Hooterville *coo* and flirt with men? Joe shook his head. Maybe the kid had decided she liked men after all. Experimentation and all that. *** He opened the door and found Alice crying her eyes out. He sat down beside her and put an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, kiddo... " And he was surprised when Alice immediately sank into his arms, crying a big wet spot on his shoulder. He just kept rocking her back and forth, patting her on the back, saying, "There, there." He couldn't shake off how remarkably nice it felt for Alice to be nestled in his arms. When Alice had cried herself out, he looked at her. "Hey, kiddo, what happened?" She sniffled and looked at him. *** Alice couldn't help but tell Joe everything. Man, it wasn't like her to fall apart so easily, but... She shook her head. It had just really threw her, that's all. Joe looked at her. "Okay. Well, let's look at the situation. Tell me, honestly, what you're worried about." "Well, if she hadn't changed right there *in front* of me... " "Are you sure you didn't just see her inhale? Or let her hair down?" "Her hair *grew*, Joe. She didn't even touch it. And no hair clip fell to the floor. Her *face* even changed, I think... maybe it was her lips or something... right there in front of me! And all these other people I knew when they looked at me... they had become these... " She sputtered. "Big-titted, spandex-clad or halter top-wearing... *bimbos*!" Joe sighed. "Alice, I..." He began to think about what words he could say to console her, to convince her she was making this up. And then he began to think. Second growth spurts. Converted lesbians. A lot of women suddenly thinking he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. And honestly, since when was Alice the kind of person to fall apart like this? "Joe, what do *you* think I should do?" And that. That was just a very, very atypical 'Alice' line. He was about to open his mouth, when the break door banged open, and there stood Tasha. Her arms were crossed below two rather impressive breasts barely contained by the uniform blouse. It was rather obvious Tasha wasn't wearing a bra, and the first few buttons had been left undone, displaying a considerable amount of freckled breast flesh. "Joe, did you change the register? It's... well, I just can't get the hang of it, all of a sudden." She pouted. "And all of those men are yelling me. I don't want to get all of those cuties mad." With a sigh, Joe got up. "Just give me a little time, Ames, to take care of this..." he gestured with his hands... "situation." All the women seemed rather overjoyed that a man had taken control of their concession needs once more. Joe quickly dispersed of the line and radioed up to the booth to hold the film another five minutes, then start it a little late. He headed back to the break room, but Alice had left him a note telling him she was going home for the day. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Once again, a shaft of light woke the great, great, great granddaughter of Joshua Langdon from her sleep. She swung her feet to the floor, then frowned. Something felt odd. She twisted and looked down at the bed. Was she sitting on a pillow or something? No. What the... she ran a hand along her hips and buttocks. They felt a little curvier. Her eyes widened, then she immediately looked around and looked at her chest. Very gently, she felt her breasts. They *definitely* were bigger. Not huge like Barbara's, but her breasts had definitely grown. They had been pretty average before, a little bit on the larger size of a B-cup. They had to have at least been a C, now. Her bra really pinched. Oh, shit, she thought. She walked downstairs and turned on the daily news. She ignored most of the stock market and national news - who cared about boring ol' Gore and Dubya, anyway? - and stopped, nearly dropping the orange juice she had poured, when she saw a news story. "And in news, the Hooterville Mall recently lived up to its name when not one but several women independently wandered in completely... is this right?" The newscaster chuckled. "Completely devoid of clothing, evidently! According to local reports, the women offered sexual favors to nearly any man passing in simplistic English, and were later detained and are being held by local police." Her phone rang. "Alice, did you see the news just now?" Joe's voice came out of the phone, worried. "Yes. And Joe... I'm... changing. Please come on over." *** The vision that reached Joe's eyes when he opened the door was rather amazing. Alice hadn't changed much... her breasts were a little more prominent, and her shape was perhaps a little bit more like an hourglass. But there must have been some minor facial changes, or perhaps it was the longer hair, but she looked like a goddess, Joe thought. Even more so with that half-sleepy look on her face and wearing only that really long T-shirt. Down, boy, Joe reprimanded herself. You take advantage of her now, it's like taking advantage of a drunk woman. And I'm *NOT* going to take advantage of her. He stayed downstairs as Alice went upstairs to shower and change. *** It took Alice a long time to do that. First, there was this sudden temptation to play with herself in the shower... to examine these newly oversized breasts a little bit more with her sense of touch. And then, when she first got dressed on autopilot, she found her hands going for the more revealing of her clothing. Firmly shaking her head (not noticing her hair had grown a little longer), she purposefully picked the longest skirt and most frumpy top she could possibly think of. But my boobies sure stand out in this, anyway, she thought. Wait a minute... 'boobies'? When the heck do I call my breasts 'boobies'? Oh, God... I have to get out of here, soon. *** Joe and Alice decided to go to the jail to visit the naked women. "Maybe we can figure out what happened to them, find something in common." When they entered, Joe remarked that he hadn't heard from his sister (a blatant lie, as he didn't even *have* a sister), and wanted to make sure that she wasn't among the arrested youth. Joe and Alice walked back to the group cell. The cop talked to Joe as they walked. "Can't keep a stitch of clothes on them. They just shuck it off as soon as we try to put something on them. And frankly, with these kind of gals, the chief really doesn't trust us to keep trying to put panties on a bunch of naked chicks. A guy's got only so much self-control, you know?" Idly, Alice found herself staring at the policeman's crotch, wondering how long the policeman's... but she found herself distracted by the uproar when they walked into the cell. Or, more precisely, when Joe and the policeman walked into the cell. For at that time, all the women began jiggling up and down, calling out to the men. Including, Alice saw, Barbara. "Barbara!" she called. Barbara didn't even turn around, but kept calling out towards Joe and the policeman. Alice could just make out some of the words over the hubbub of horny female voices... "Please fuck Babs! Babs good girl! Babs has big nice titties for you! She'll suck you really good!" Joe looked away from the display, and quickly exited, ashen and shaken. As soon as the men exited, the women immediately lost interest and generally let out groans of frustration or disappointment. Alice walked up to Barbara, and sat down beside her, the bars separating them. She looked at Barbara. Or "Babs," Alice gloomily thought. Her friend was nearly unrecognizable. Her breasts were nearly the equal (or perhaps larger) than any other girls in the cell, at least in the G-cup or H-cup range. Her body was as sculpted as the finest magazine model, and glistened with sweat. "Barbara," Alice said slowly, as if speaking to a child. "Do you remember me?" "Yes! You Babs' good friend. Want to twiddle Babs?" She spread her legs invitingly. "Not as good as mancock," she said it as one word... "but fun! And men get all horny and give you mancock when they see girlplay!" Alice reached through the bars, and ran a hand along one of Babs' cheeks tenderly. Babs nuzzled against the hand, much like a kitten might. "Goodbye," Alice said quietly, gently, then got up and left the woman that had once been her friend. *** Alice took Joe aside as they left the cell area. "I don't want that to be my future," Alice said. "I don't know. Maybe they were all exposed to some drug, or something..." "No, I don't think so, Joe." She shook her head, as if to clear her thoughts. "I mean, look. It's every girl in town. I think those," she gestured with her head back towards the cell, "are what every girl in town is going to end up being. I don't know why." Joe looked at her. "Okay. Let's get the hell out of here." *** Alice frantically ransacked her room, throwing panties, skirts, blouses, and bras willy-nilly into a suitcase she had yanked from the closet. She grabbed a few books at random off her bookshelf and tossed them in there, and then ran downstairs. And stopped, looking at Joe. Who was standing in the doorway, looking very innocuous, with just two suitcases of his own. But she looked at the curl of his hair, and the way the T-shirt hung on him, and her eyes traveled downward. And Alice found that she was in agreement with herself. "Joe," she said, "I have been getting more and more..." She practically purred the next word... "*aroused* throughout the entire day. Now, I know it's a symptom of this. But I swear, I feel like I'm going to jump the next guy I see. Maybe if I could just get... this out of the way, I could think clearer. And we could get the hell out of here." Joe blanched, then fell into the chair, breathing heavily. His libido was practically screaming at him to take advantage of Alice's offer. His conscience wasn't so sure. But when Alice very slinkily moved over and sat down on his lap, and began nibbling on his ear, both sides agreed to table the discussion for later, as other things had come up. *** Unfortunately, this had not proven to be the best idea for Alice. "Oh, my gosh. My titties grew!" She shook her head yet again, trying to shake the cloudiness out of it, and noticed that her much-longer hair swayed from side to side, tingling against the skin of her buttocks each time they swung by it. "Oh, shit," she said. "I'm... I got... dumber. And more pretty. After I fucked you." Joe sighed, disgusted with himself but trying to take command of the situation. "Shit. We need to get you out of town now. Maybe the process will reverse itself." Alice giggled. "Whatever you say, cutie." She frowned, and then more intelligence came to the forefront. "It's as... Joe, it's almost as if... well, it just feels like this huge part of me, all the stuff that makes me horny and... well, maybe the parts that we all have that make us sexual creatures..." A n poor choice of words, as she groaned with a sexual rush and then forcibly, visibly pushed it back down into her psyche... "is just being pushed up so much. It's like a battle to prevent it from pushing all my booksmarts out." Joe looked at her. "The only thing I can think of is getting you out of town and to a hospital." She nodded, biting a lip that had become more prominent and luscious. The gesture was incredibly erotic. "Let's do it." Battling another rise of his libido, Joe threw the suitcases in the car, and they bolted for the town lines. *** Where they were promptly stopped by a roadblock. Others had figured out what was going on, and in short order, Joe found himself in a jail cell. As did Alice. Supposedly on the excuse of 'speeding' and Alice as 'an accessory to reckless driving'. Joe and Alice knew what was going on, though. Other men may not have known what was causing this, but they knew they didn't want the real world alerted. Faced with all their wives and daughters becoming living, breathing sex bombs whose only care was to service their men, most men with less kind mindsets than Joe's decided that Hooterville was going to become a man's wet dream, come hell or highwater. Alice had been summarily strip-searched. The policeman then plastered on a phony smile and apologized for inadvertently destroying her clothes, but they had, you see, mistaken some powder from her deodorant for cocaine. So she'd... have to go without clothes for the moment, he leered, until they could get her some new clothes -- which they'd try to do *oh*-so-soon. As Alice peered around the jail cell, she saw several other women in various states of sexiness. Some were just starting out, and although their breasts would have been the envy of nearly any other city's female population, they looked like elementary school girls against those finishing their transformation. Including one woman who looked remarkably familiar... "Mom?" Alice said in disbelief. A naked, blond-haired woman walked over to Alice. "Hello, daughter-girl! You shaping up nicely. We Langdons pretty good-looking!" "I'll say," Alice said, looking in disbelief at how her mother had been transformed. The woman she was looking at now honestly looked only a few years older than Alice herself, but Alice's mother had been in her early forties and carrying a rather generous amount of weight. Now, the only weight this woman was carrying on her extremely sculptured body was in her G- or H-cup breasts. "Look like Mama Mama Mama Langdon, don't I?" she said, proudly jutting out her breasts. "Mama Mama Mama Langdon?" Alice said, confused. "Way-back relative," her mom said in this strange, half- intelligent, half-bimbo language. Her mother obviously wasn't as bad as Babs had been, but was pretty near senseless. "Do you mean... the town founder's wife?" "Yeah! Hooterville!" her mom nodded, happy that her daughter had understood the meaning. Alice shook her head, then, thought. It was becoming very hard to do so, but vaguely two synapses worked themselves together... Mama Mama Mama Langdon... and tomorrow was the 150th anniversary of the town's naming. Mama Mama Mama Langdon... 150th anniversary... Hooterville... Alice abruptly leapt to her feet. "I *have* to get out of town. *NOW*." But, alas, it wasn't going to be that evening. And despite her best efforts, Alice found herself nodding off to sleep as the hours wore on into the early morning. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 A shaft of light, shining through the bars of the cell, woke up the great great great granddaughter of Joshua Langdon. Well, a shaft of light... and gunshots. "Take me to her *NOW*!" yelled a male voice... yelled *her* male voice... yelled the voice of the man that made Alice's privates start to drip onto the cement floor. The door opened, and several policemen slowly backed into the room, followed by Joe, waving a pistol. Slowly, under their direction, they opened the cage and backed into it. Immediately, the female denizens of the cell, their desires unsated, fell upon the men, and they soon found themselves quite distracted. After all, the most that men usually dream of is a menage a trois. But being serviced by five or six women at once... well, that's enough to rather adequately distract anyone. Alice stepped out of what had been her cage. She stepped up to her man. And she nuzzled against him, slowly, erotically, her new breasts pendulously swinging, then brushing against him, then being pressed up against him. "Thank you for rescuing me," she said in a deep, throaty, satisfied voice. It was all Joe could do to not strip her and take her right there. She obviously wasn't in the "final stage" that the women he had seen in the cell were in. But she was nude, and whatever was being done had honed her body to near- perfection. Her breasts were perfect, J-cupped globes. Her very posture, the very way she held herself, and each graceful movement of her hips, the sway of her breasts, tugged right on his libido. Shaking off a little fogginess himself, he took off his overcoat and covered her, then led her out of the station. This time, they once again made a beeline for the border. And this time, they made it. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Alice shook her said. "I don't feel any smarter, Joe." They were in a Days Inn in Ohio. Alice and Joe had decided to cross the border, just to be safe, just to give Alice plenty of distance from the effects of whatever had been changing the population of the town. Just to be safe, too, Joe was trying to abstain from having sex with her, given what that had done to her the last time. It was difficult, though. She hadn't turned into a monosyllabic living sex toy Thursday morning. Her breasts hadn't grown, nor her hips. But neither had she regressed. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 After two days of living with a beautiful, horny woman who only had an overcoat that fit her, Joe's self-discipline broke down, and they diddled like jackrabbits for most of the morning and afternoon. And while she was insatiable, she continued not to regress. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Joe sighed. Alice... was in many ways gone. He had failed in that respect. The woman was obviously physically different. She had gone from being a B-cup to being a J-cup. Her body was toned. Her skin was hairless, silky to the touch, and incredibly aroused her when it was touched. She preferred to walk around nude whenever possible. She preferred to be called "Ally" nowadays. Yet she *could* read. She couldn't read what she had used to. _Great Expectations_ didn't interest her, but "Allure" and "Cosmo" did. And she understood what she was reading. Morning news shows didn't interest her, but "Jerry Springer", soaps and sitcoms did. And she could follow what was being said. What gave Joe hope was this: she still *seemed* to be fairly intelligent. It was very hard for him to determine this. After all, when you have a woman with a goddess' body who prefers women's magazines and the worst in television fare, you make certain assumptions. But Joe kept wondering... was it her intelligence that had changed? Or just her tastes changed, and her libido and body amplified to such an extent, that prevented her intelligence from shining through? He'd find out. He would make it his mission, one way or another, to take care of Ally Langdon for the rest of her life. This, he swore and pledged... as he slipped a ring on her finger and took his bride.

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A RELUCTANT SPIRIT - INQUISITIVE SPIRIT By Ingrid Halb Dr. Brian Godbolt was an ambitious man, confident in his own intellect. He felt he understood the world. Sure there were mysteries, but he had the confidence that with enough hard study he could crack any problem. Life was a personal challenge he felt he would always win. There were smarter professors at the University, but few with the same drive. This ambition coupled with his intellect and...

4 years ago
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The Pond of Pristine Spirit

The Pond of Pristine Spirit by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 "My patience is wearing thin," the sorceress Mesimiya growled. "Say, what you are." The agony from my crushed insides was too much to bear. "A g-girl. I'm a girl." "Finally!" The sorceress sighed and let the painful spell fade. "Looking at you, it is a wonder how that could be so hard to utter." The large mirror revealed my visage perfectly well. Mesimiya had kept me prisoner for months. Destroying my body body with poor...

3 years ago
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ARS Dampened Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: DAMPENED SPIRITS By Ingrid Halb "So let me see if I understand this correctly. Essentially, you are a genie." Hank was starting to believe the little man might be for real after all. "Essentially," nodded the three-foot tall chubby man that stood in front of him. "And you will grant my every wish, provided it follows the proper format?" Hank asked skeptically. "Technically I just enable the magic that grants the wish. Saying I grant it sounds like I...

3 years ago
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That Mardi Gras Spirit

It had taken all of Cindy's expertise with wet hungry mouth and slim probing fingers to bring my sluggish cock to full attention, and then an agonizing period of squirming adjustment, giggling, snorting, and shushing each other, before I was finally on top of her, socketed home between her long thighs, in the saddle and riding comfortably, as they say. The old double bed in that cheap New Orleans hotel room was a lumpy, squeaking disgrace, too loud to risk it with Bart and Rayeanne snoring...

1 year ago
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Escaping the Pain part 3 It smelled like teen spirit

Introduction: part 3 of the escaping the pain series I started long ago Escaping the pain part 3: It smelled like teen spirit While our heroes are in their train to freedom, we are going to divert our attention to someone who for better or worse is going to be important to our main characters. Alan, a 30 year old man was in his mountain cabin near a small town, reminiscing about his past life while sitting in his new couch, while the whiskey was pouring down his throat he remembered the time...

3 years ago
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Ruchika Ghost8217s Whore 8211 Part 1 Losing Virginity To A Spirit

Welcome to my new story on the site. Enjoy! ✍ Story Starts Ruchika, 27, now married to a man named Vikram and having a baby boy, was reminiscing about the instance that changed her life in a way she least expected. Ruchika was a beautiful girl with voluptuous features who also remained a virgin until she was 19. She saw her female friends losing virginity to men they weren’t married to and saw them having fun too. She had been asked out multiple times and she rejected those proposals each and...

4 years ago
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Team Spirit

Team Spirit by Janice Dreamer The crowd was on its feet. This was the final game for the state championship. Madison High was favored by a narrow margin and it looked like they were going to pull it off. Eastern High's only hope was their All State quarterback, Josh Thomas. But even his magnificent passing ability might not get them the yardage they needed to score, especially since the Madison defenders had to know a pass was Eastern's only hope. Josh glanced over at the...

1 year ago
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The Delight of a Mean Spirit

The Delight of a Mean Spirit By The Professor I didn't know it at the time, but while I was enjoying one of the happiest days of my life, I was being cursed. It was a fantastically beautiful spring day in Boulder. Even without the enhancement of magical weather control, I think it would have been beautiful. The skies were virtually cloudless (rain was only permitted at night) and the temperature was warm without being hot. It was shorts and halter-top weather for girls, and the...

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Team Spirit

TEAM SPIRIT Hudson Senior High-School's gymnasium was packed to overflowing for the varsity basketball game. The Hudson Bobcats were playing their arch- rivals, the Deleon Cougars for the regional championship. The action was hot and heavy as both teams duked it out. The home team bleachers and their counterparts across the cavernous room for the visiting team's fans were standing room only. As into the action on the court as the crowd on the Hudson side was, a good portion of the...

3 years ago
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A Reluctant Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: SPIRIT OF THE EAST By Ingrid Halb "So, you're a genie?" Jack would have had a hard time believing this if he hadn't just seen what the little guy was capable of. "That's close enough," answered the three-foot tall man standing before him. "And you do magic on request?" Jack felt stupid asking the question but it was hard to deny the evidence before him. "It's more correct to say that I allow the magic to happen," the little man answered calmly, if not...

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ARS Team Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: TEAM SPIRIT By Ingrid Halb Matthew Johnson and Adam Tolbert had been best friends since the first grade and were still best friends in high school. It was a natural friendship. They were both intelligent and had many similar interests and hobbies. One such interest was a love for the game of football. Unfortunately, neither boy had the strength or manual dexterity to excel at the game. Truth be told, physically, both boys could best be described as dweebs. Still,...

2 years ago
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ARSVengeful Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: VENGEFUL SPIRIT By Ingrid Halb "Okay, I believe you," Larry said, plopping down across from the little man sitting at his kitchen table sipping tea. "Finally!" the little man said with relief. "You're a difficult man to convince." "Yeah well, it's not every day you get a three-foot tall genie pop up in your kitchen and tell you he's going to grant all your wishes," Larry pointed out. "Enable. Enable your wishes," the little man said with...

4 years ago
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Kindred Spirit

Kindred Spirit --------------- It would be a critical year in Charlie's life. At times like these a true friend can mean all the difference in the world. Donald was just such a friend... --------------- Charlie was just lying there. He had just received one hell of a beating by Eddy Dwyer, most affectionately known as the class bully. Charlie thought... no, hoped, that things would be different. He was starting middle school in a fresh new school district and was hoping...

3 years ago
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How I became the baddest girl in Clarksville Part 5 Smells like Teen Spirit

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 5 Smells like Teen Spirit -A thousand times good-bye - A rainbow of hand-lettered posters covered the lobby when I arrived at school on Monday, a little over a week since I'd gotten the call from Frank. Much had happen since then. I had learned what happed to Bradley Conrad. I'd pieced it together from snatches of conversations I picked up from other students; the halls were buzzing about it. Bradley had lost it Saturday...

3 years ago
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Christmas Spirit

Copyright© December, 2006 by Alexa & Patrick Silver. All rights reserved. "Happy holidays!" Mariah tried to inject some holiday spirit into her voice, but failed miserably. She had been on her feet for thirteen hours solid and there wasn't a break in sight. First, she had worked a half day at the family-owned art gallery. Her parents had taken off on a thirty-fifth wedding anniversary/Christmas cruise. Mariah had intended to spend the holiday with her sister, but Halley has called this...

4 years ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 27 Spirit

In the morning Construct and I spent two hours working again on speaking Taluatu, as we now knew was the proper way of referring to the spoken language. We realized many other fine points like this as we gained familiarity with the common modifications done for conversational purposes. For me, the goal was to speak in unaccented Taluatu, but for Construct it was a matter of eliminating a clipped, toneless artificial quality he tended to fall back on when unsure of his words. I often thought...

3 years ago
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Escaping the Pain part 3 It smelled like teen spirit

While our heroes are in their train to freedom, we are going to divert our attention to someone who for better or worse is going to be important to our main characters. Alan, a 30 year old man was in his mountain cabin near a small town, reminiscing about his past life while sitting in his new couch, while the whiskey was pouring down his throat he remembered the time he married his late wife, when they were both 18, she was so beautiful, inciting, they didn’t waste any time to have...

1 year ago
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A Released Spirit

What can I say about this. I just wanted to try something different. * * * * * How do I start something like this? How can I put into words my feelings about what has happened to me, how my life has changed so much, how everything I thought about myself has been turned on its head? I won’t start at the beginning, that is too much of a cliché, but I will say I had a conservative childhood with middle class parents bringing me up with the usual moral standards and expectations of behaviour....

1 year ago
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Damsels In Distress Inc Team Spirit

Damsels In Distress Inc. : Team Spirit Angel stopped and turned at the sound of the horn, nervously pressing her pleated skirt against her thighs. She felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as a pickup truck slowed down alongside her, the passenger checking her out. She felt suddenly silly trying to pass herself off as a cheerleader. Not that she didn’t look the part, dressed in a revealing green and gold outfit. Despite having graduated last summer, she knew she could easily pass as a...

2 years ago
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Teen Spirit

Chris’ first time didn’t happen until he was nineteen years old. Indeed, until that time he’d never even kissed a girl, though there’d been the odd time when he fancied he’d been close. But nothing he could ever be sure about. He was always very awkward with girls. In fact, he was awkward with everyone. He only had a couple of friends, Pete and Stu, who sometimes came to see him, or he would visit their homes. On these occasions, they would crank up the stereo, put on their Scorpions,...

First Time
1 year ago
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Compatible Spirit

It's been a bit now since my wife died and have dated off and on. Nothing has ever seemed to work out. Still have the urges a man has, but unable to find the right compatibility of spirit, in a woman. Just about all of them wanted to get married fairly quick, but none were willing to wait and have it feel right for me as well. So, I've turned to cyber to cure my ills until I find that someone. Big, small, not to young to mature, it's not the shell of a woman but what's on the inside that...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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In The Spirit

Jackson soaked in the energy of the party, smiling, sitting quietly on a stool by the bar in the dining room. She watched birthday girl Vanessa, surrounded by friends and family, open gifts in her living room. She watched Vanessa beam as her hands tore through gold wrapping paper, then squeal once she revealed a model of a blue British police box. Something from a TV show she loved. Vanessa thanked her boyfriend Jeff sitting beside her on a large, crowded sectional with a long kiss, and her...

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Damsels In Distress Inc Team Spirit

Damsels In Distress Inc. : Team Spirit Angel stopped and turned at the sound of the horn, nervously pressing her pleated skirt against her thighs. She felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as a pickup truck slowed down alongside her, the passenger checking her out. She felt suddenly silly trying to pass herself off as a cheerleader. Not that she didn’t look the part, dressed in a revealing green and gold outfit. Despite having graduated last summer, she knew she could easily pass as a high...

4 years ago
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Showing Some Spirit

SHOWING SOME SPIRITT.S. FESSELNA Sequel to ?A New Haunt?, ?Coffin Duty?, and ?Invaded?Disclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depicting ones of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author...

1 year ago
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Breaking the Wind Spirit

As one of the Ten Legendary Warrior, the Wind Spirit Warrior Kazemon was responsible to assure the peace of Alphaton town. The Major of this town, Mr. Fukushima, invited her to Royal district. The people cheered at her after she successfully prevented a human and Digimon trafficking near the bridge that connected this town to Neo Alphaton. "Thank you so much, Kazemon. You saved so many life today." Mr. Fukuyama said while shaking the violet haired beauty warrior. "I just doing my job, sir." she...

4 years ago
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Teen Spirit

Chris' first time didn't happen until he was nineteen years old. Indeed, until that time he'd never even kissed a girl, though there'd been the odd time when he fancied he'd been close. But nothing he could ever be sure about. He was always very awkward with girls. In fact, he was awkward with everyone. He only had a couple of friends, Pete and Stu, who sometimes came to see him, as he would visit their homes. On these occasions, they would crank up the stereo, put on their Scorpions,...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 7 American Spirit

The ‘American Spirit’ was nothing I expected a space ship to look from the inside. It was more like a luxurious villa, complete with garden, swimming pool and green lawn. We stepped through a glass sliding door under a blue sky with a single yellow sun and on the green plant surface he called grass, was a table with umbrella and a few garden chairs. Rolling hills with forests in the distance. “All simulated of course,” Alex explained. “The walls are actually only 30 meters from us, but I...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 5 Sins Of The Spirit

Heather O'Hagan was a quiet girl, a studious girl, but above all an obedient girl. She was rarely admonished, and never chastised as she always tried to do what she was told by her parents, by her teachers, and above all by the Priest. Her childish confessions rarely moved to anything more serious than envy, though on occasion she admitted telling the odd white lie, and occasionally to being nasty to one of her six younger siblings. Father Creggan was a very old man, and even older in...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 29 Building Team Spirit

Chapter 29: Building Team Spirit The next week I had made some changes, if I made the baseball squad, I would need a later lift home after practice. Rory still hadn’t found a job yet, so I said I would fill the truck with gas if he would pick me up when I needed it. He was happy to agree, he had been finding it hard having the truck and not being able to use it due to lack of cash. Monday morning I checked the next list outside the Head coach’s office. I was happy to see my name was still...

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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 16 Holiday Spirit

"Ral, dinner is ready. Mandy's on her way up to get you." Yvonne thought. Monique had already put my cock back into my pants and closed them up. She didn't bother with her bra, but only slipped her top back on. The sight of her unhindered shape under the snug shirt didn't help my mood or condition. Without a word, she opened the door just as Mandy was about to knock. "Hey," Monique said to her sister as she stepped past her. Mandy watched her go, a confused look on her face. Then...

3 years ago
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--- Spirited (MF, mf, Hf, F-solo, Mh, 1st, anal, best, cons, inc, magic, oral, parody, impreg, reluc) by Krosis of the Collective --- 16-year-old Heather fumed in the back seat of her parents' car. This had been their second day of traveling across the American Midwest, heading to their new home, and she was bored stiff. Even worse, it seemed that her dad had gotten them lost trying to find the world's largest ball of twine or something. "I think it's just around the bend," he said...

1 year ago
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Butterfly Spirits

Authors note: This is my Halloween contest entry. It is not spooky or scary or a typical Halloween story in anyway. I will admit it’s a little poignant and sad but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Thank you again to RK Moreland for helping with the copy editing, and BrambleThorn whose wisdom really helped when I became bit lost. You are both much appreciated. ~ellie * Joel walked down the dock breathing in the stale scents of the city and stopped on the side of the road before him. He had...

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Alice and the realm of spirits

Alice and the realm of spirits part 1 of 7 Alice and the realm of spirits part 1 of 7. Synopsis:A neighbor has prepared young Alice?s flat with camera connection so he secretly could see her in her nakedness and privacy. He exploit her believes in the spirit world and slowly by manipulation takes complete control of her mind and body and made her his obedient slave girl. To obey a man is natural for her, but where?s her own will and own decisions.?Code: M/f, slavery, obedience,...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 51 Rescuing Spirits

[ I focused my mind as hard as I could, trying to heal both Jessica and Linda ... Then everything went black.] Charlie POV: (Cont’d) Where am I??? I feel like I’m laying down but yet, I don’t feel anything underneath me. As a matter of fact, I don’t honestly feel anything! It’s like I’m in a void of some sort without any hint of sight, sound, smell or touch. Slowly I begin hearing a strange rushing sound in my ears. Almost like water running through a pipe. Other than that however, I...

4 years ago
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Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits Floating I felt my eyes opening, and immediately felt like I was falling. But I wasn't falling. I was floating, up in the air, next to the ceiling. The strangest part of this was that I was looking down at my body. This is it I thought! My first out of body experience! My instructor's words came back to me, and I moved down a bit, then around, and floated back and forth as I got used to maneuvering. I heard the end of class chime, and slowly glided back down to my...

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Midtown Meat Mall 1 of 5

Danielle and Teddy were fraternal twins born to a wealthy family in Midtown. Their father, Mike, was a scientist who was credited with creation of many machines and techniques to make the human meat industry very successful. Their mother Brandi, stayed at home and raised the children, enjoying the riches amassed by her husband. At the age of 18, young adults earned the rights to vote, drive, and enter the upper floors of the local meat mall. Prior to 18, children could only enter the...

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Mentum Corpus e Espiritus

It starts with a glance. A simple sparkle in her eyes. That silent glimmer that invites me. Her usually round, inquisitive eyes narrow, and a passion floods in. I know that look well, and have come to love it. I’ve come to crave it. In the time that I’ve known her, I’ve come to both welcome it, and be enchanted by that silent lust-drenched stare. Mi amor con el galaxia en su ojos. I am undeniably drawn to her. My hands make the first contact, and my heart flushes. My lips press to hers, and...

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World of Spiritualists

Welcome to the world of spiritualists, where anything can be obtained with enough smarts, skills, and power. Hidden to the eyes of the masses and the vast majority of society on Earth, is the world of spiritualists, where people who can see and interact with spirits can fight and fuck for glory, money, power, and anything else they could ever want. Spiritualists capture and bond with spirits (all of which are female, and have humanoid forms) and work together with them to fight. In order to do...

4 years ago
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An Indiana Surprise A Tribute To A Free Spirit

This was the third time in as many days that Dave had checked her out. She had been sitting in that Indiana car lot without attention for a very long time.The ad in the paper said: "Antique model Buick, 4 owners, has lots of miles on her; clean inside but a little outdated.Standard radio. Upholstery has some cuts and tears, kind of worn but will allow you to feel comfortable when sitting on it. Will shelter you from the rain and offer you warmth from a heater on cold days. Easy to start with...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Uptown Spunk

Unexpected taboo lovin' at a strip club for women. His theme song, Uptown Funk, was cued up. It was a remixed, longer version of the hit single. The first bit of lyrics blared out.Doh Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh dohDoh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh dohHe stepped out onto center stage. “Awwwwright, ladies!” primed the announcer.He was dressed in a navy pin-stripe suit, white shirt, and sky blue tie in bare feet. A 1940’s style fedora was cocked to one side and masked his youthful, handsome face....

2 years ago
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16-year-old Heather fumed in the back seat of her parents’ car. This had been their second day of traveling across the American Midwest, heading to their new home, and she was bored stiff. Even worse, it seemed that her dad had gotten them lost trying to find the world’s largest ball of twine or something. “I think it’s just around the bend,” he said for what she estimated was the dozenth time in the last hour. Heather sighed. The dirt road they had been following ended at an old wooden...

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Submissive Spirits

SUBMISSIVE SPIRITS   By LEWISCHAPPELLE Note: While this story briefly introduces Babs and David it more completely describes the relationship of their similarly unconventional friends Ann and Chip who move to increasingly greater levels of domination and submission. The story is quite lengthy but only represents a portion of a more fully developed, five work,project. While not a quick read, I trust you can take your time and enjoy this particular work and look forward to the remaining...

1 year ago
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Cuban Free Spirit

Professor Charles Fernside sat alone in the Champagne Bar of London's Eurostar terminal at St Pancras Station, awaiting the announcement of the departure time of his train to Lille. Once in France, he would catch the night sleeper to Venice.The connection was seamless and unhurried and he was surprised to find that, at 8 o'clock in the evening, the train's dining car was barely half-full. He took a seat at a table laid for four and reflected that most Europeans aren't interested in eating...

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The Life of Ias Two Spring Break and the Sisters Freaky Spirit

Even though she had a boyfriend, that wasn't Ias, he never gave up on his crush. Any one with eyes could see that Ias was head over heels for Des, anyone but Des. Even though she had a boyfriend, Ias became her girlfriend but Ias said this was for the best. According to Ias, the fact that she was now going out with Max gave him time to play the friend card, and move in when they broke up. The only problems were that there relationship was strong and Des wouldn't know that Ias was in to her...

3 years ago
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A Paladins WarChapter 5 Trials of the Spirit

Aran stumbled through the Emerin Forest one shambling step after the next. His body was on fire in a hundred places, the flames flaring anew with each step. There was no vala to lend him strength, and no melda inside him to offer him comfort that he was not alone. He was alone. As alone as he’d ever been. I will not let them go, he told himself stubbornly as his foot caught on the thick root of a fig. Only his hand hitting the ground first stopped him falling face first into the mulched...

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The JobChapter 19 Spirits

As we were walking to the residence, Mitch asked Paul if I had done him and Shorn. I felt a little embarrassed as Paul chuckled and told him ‘not together’, but then he elaborated about who else was involved. Mitch raised his eyebrows at me, and all I could do was a shrug. They both chuckled and then Mitch said they would have to get together to compare notes, making Paul crack up. We parted ways, and Mitch came back to my room with me. Once I got him in the door, I pushed him against it...

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ARS Truncated Spirits

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: TRUNCATED SPIRITS By Ingrid Halb Ken Newland was a slacker. At thirty years of age he still had not held a job for more than six months. Subsequently he had great difficulty in maintaining a place to stay. He would spend a few months at a time living with various friends and girlfriends before being invariably kicked out. More often than not he would wind up living in his parents' basement. While this was always a blow to his manhood, he would stay as long as...

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Town Slut

When he saw it in his in-basket he was not surprised. Even without opening it he knew exactly what it was, and had a fairly good idea already of what it said. The truth was that it was something he had been waiting for, and expecting, for a little over three weeks. Shawn Spencer considered himself to be a reasonably intelligent man, and many times he could see how things would turn out, just by expecting things to happen in their natural order. The fact it had taken so long was the only...

4 years ago
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ARS Filtered Spirits

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT - FILTERED SPIRITS By Ingrid Halb Dan Simons had been on a run of bad luck. The affect of losing his job a few months back and his inability or unwillingness to find a new one had led to a lot of increased stress in his home life. Fortunately his wife, a dental hygienist at a private clinic, was still able to bring home a paycheck and keep the couple afloat. The tight money situation did lead to a lot of bickering and Dan clearly resented his wife's weekly...

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