Band Geek Diary: Alternate Events free porn video

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[Author’s note: This story, set in the Band Parents Universe, is an alternate set of events in “Band Geek Diary” and could replace the chapters for those dates.]

February 22

It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday morning to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the Kowalskis. She blushed and tried to make it sound like it was just two couples being good friends, but I knew that wasn’t the whole story.

I told Mom about the times I’ve come home and noticed the room smelled like sex, even though Dad was with me all evening, and she confessed to the whole setup, and tells me the four of them are swapping mates. She’s having sex with Mr. K. and Dad is screwing Mrs. K. Sometimes they’re all together but usually they ‘play separately.’

“Please don’t think badly of us, John,” Mom pleaded. “Your father and I have no plans to split up and neither do Charles and Linda. We’re just having fun.”

“I had most of the situation figured out already,” I told her. “My only real worry, at first, was having Abby as a step-sister, but since I know that isn’t going to happen you can do what you want.”

“Fair enough,” Mom shrugged. “Now, how about you and Katie? Are you two having sex? Last time I asked, you said you weren’t. Has that changed?”

“Yeah,” I told her, “Katie and I are having sex now. Our first time was on her birthday back in January. I was her first.”

“I hope you treated her well, John,” Mom answered. “The first time is especially meaningful to a girl and you need to respect that. You’ve stayed with her, though, which is a lot more than a lot of high school boys would do after they took a girl’s cherry. Now remember, even if you break up later, you shouldn’t do anything to make her feel like you only used her for sex.”

“I’m not after Katie just for sex, Mom,” I told her.

“Not just,” Mom kidded me.

“You know what I mean, Mom,” I said. She has this way of embarrassing me.

“Yes, I do, honey,” Mom said soothingly. “You two look very sweet together, and I can tell that you care a lot about each other. That’s a good thing.”

“Thanks, Mom. I really like Katie a lot.”

“You know, I really thought you two started having sex earlier than January,” Mom said. “I started noticing in December, when you’d come home smelling like you just showered. I wasn’t sure why you were showering before you came home,” Mom said. “It could have been innocent reasons, like getting sweaty doing some handyman chore for Becky, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I guess you were fooling around a little before then, probably doing everything but actually having sex, so a shower was necessary?”

“It was Becky’s idea,” I said. “She didn’t want me to go home smelling like sex.”

“I get that,” Mom nodded, “but smelling like you just came out of the shower was quite a giveaway, especially when your hair was still wet.”

“What about Dad?” I asked.

“He hasn’t said anything and I won’t leak your secret,” Mom said. “He’s said he likes Katie and that you two make a cute couple, but he hasn’t speculated about your sex life where I’ve heard him. I’m sure he suspects, but even if he did know you and Katie were sexually active, his only real concern would be whether you were being safe. He has no more desire to be a grandparent than Becky does.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

It was late in the afternoon before we got to the hotel and checked in. Mom and I had dinner together, and I went and registered for the convention. It had started this morning, but the big star wasn’t going to be here until the next day. I looked around briefly and stopped at a few booths but decided to save the real looking for Sunday.

I called Katie on her cell phone before I went up to the room. I missed her a lot. I told her some of the conversation I’d had with Mom on the way, and that she knows we’re having sex.

“She’s going to kill me,” Katie gasped.

“No, she’s not,” I assured her. “She would have said something a long time ago if the idea of us having sex upset her. She actually thinks we started having sex a long time before we actually did. What made her suspect is that I kept coming home freshly showered.”

“You did say she was always giving you that smirk, acting like she knew something,” Katie giggled. “Now we know why.”

“I guess so,” I shrugged, “but anyway, she says she’s fine with us having sex as long as we’re safe. She doesn’t want to be a grandmother anytime soon.”

“What about your dad?”

“Mom says he’s either clueless or he’s OK with it, too. He hasn’t said anything to her either way.”

I was very horny that night. Part of it is that I’m fifteen years old, but it’s also because this is the first weekend since November that I haven’t had some kind of sexual release with either Katie or her mom, Becky. It’s not helped by being in such close quarters in this hotel room with Mom after the frank sexual discussions we’d had in the car on the way here. It was mind-blowing to think that my parents were swapping with the Kowalskis. Mrs. K is a tall and pretty blonde with a slim figure and now I was wondering what she looks like naked and if she was a natural blonde. Damn!

I took my shower first, and yes, I jacked off while thinking of Katie. Okay, I thought about Becky, too, and a few thoughts crept in of Mrs. K while I stroked my rod with a soapy hand. I didn’t linger too long in the shower, considering that, and was soon rinsed off and dried. I dressed in long lounge pants and a t-shirt before coming out of the bathroom. Mom took her shower next and came out with a towel wrapped around her, under her armpits, and it barely was long enough to cover her pussy and ass. She told me she’d forgotten to take her nightgown in with her. Just as she was going back into the bathroom to change into her nightgown, her towel fell completely off her and I was treated to a full view of Mom’s naked backside. She squeaked in surprise and leapt into the bathroom in one bound.

“I’m sorry, John,” Mom said when she came out of the bathroom. “I didn’t mean to give you a peep show.” She was wearing a mid-thigh-length sky blue satin nightgown with lace around the hem and the top. It had a V neck that took a deep plunge between her breasts. A lot of skin showed through the lace and I could easily make out the curve of her breasts and a hint of her nipples poking at the material.

I waited until I could hear Mom’s breathing change and was sure she was asleep, then I squirmed out of my lounging pants and pushed the sheet down below my knees. My cock was already hard because I’d been treated to this show by Mom and thinking about the lovemaking I was missing by being out of town this weekend.

I was off in my own little world, stroking mostly to thoughts of Katie, but also about Becky, and a little bit about the brief glimpse I got of my Mom’s naked butt, when Mom sat down beside me on my bed. I scrambled to get my blankets pulled up, but she was sitting on them and they wouldn’t budge. Mom was laughing at my predicament.

“It’s OK, John,” Mom said, reaching to gently stroke my face. “I know all about being horny.”

She leaned down to kiss me. I thought it was going to be on my cheek, so I turned my face a little, but Mom grabbed my chin and planted a kiss right on my lips. She’s never done that before. I was shocked enough that I didn’t pull away from the kiss, and I guess I reacted automatically when her tongue brushed my lips, asking to join the party, so my lips parted and my tongue slipped out to meet hers in a hot French kiss.

I was so caught up in kissing her that I didn’t notice how she had thrown a leg over my hips, straddling me, until I felt her cool hand take hold of my cock and guide it into her pussy. She was so wet that she slid right down on me in one easy motion and our pubes met before the reality of it sank in. I was fucking my own mother!

Mom broke the kiss and sat up, grinding her pussy around on my shaft. I was about to ask her what the hell she was thinking, but she smiled and placed a finger over my lips to keep me quiet. She grasped the hem of her nightgown and pulled it off over her head in one smooth motion, revealing her nakedness to me.

Mom is just a little shorter than either Becky or Katie, with long dark brown hair that she usually pulls back in a ponytail. Some people would say she could stand to lose about twenty pounds but it’s not like she’s fat. Whatever extra weight she carries is well-distributed, giving her generous hips and a round ass to go with her full round boobs. They’re a little bigger than Katie’s and Becky’s, a generous C-cup if I had to guess, and they don’t sag much. Being a fourteen-year old boy, I notice anyone female, so yes, I’ve noticed my mom. I’d classify her as a MILF, too, but I never in my life thought I’d ever be with her like this.

Mom took both my wrists and guided my hands up to her tits, placing my palms directly over her big, pale pink nipples. She moved her hands over mine and squeezed them, urging me to squeeze her tits, directing my hands to rub and stimulate her already hard nipples as they bored into my palms, keeping my hands in place so I didn’t pull away. I took the hint and kept up the motions when she finally moved her hands away.

All this time, she was slowly riding my cock, never letting more than an inch or so slip out of her, and often grinding her clit down against the base of my cock as she made love to me. Once she seemed satisfied that I wasn’t going to bolt out of bed and lock myself in the bathroom, Mom leaned down to kiss me again, still humping and grinding slowly on my dick.

“I’ve wanted this, John,” she whispered after bending down to kiss me. “Thinking about you and Katie almost had me jealous, you know, thinking about how she got to make love with such a sexy young man.”

“This is kinda weird, Mom,” I protested.

“But also kinda hot,” she giggled. “Just relax, baby. You and I were both going to masturbate, anyway, and this feels so much better than masturbating.”

She kissed me again and started to ride me a little more emphatically. I started to thrust up into her as she came down, which soon left us humping frantically against each other. I lasted just long enough to push Mom to a climax. When she went over the edge, the combination of sights and sounds, the squeezing of her slick pussy walls around my dick and the weirdness of having my own mother orgasm on my dick all hit at once and I blasted off inside her.

Mom lowered herself down, mashing her firm tits against my chest and let out a happy sigh. I held her and stroked her back and sides while she recovered from her climax. My cock was beginning to soften but was still inside her. I could feel the cum oozing out around where we were joined together, being forced out by the little contractions still rippling through Mom’s vagina in the aftermath of her orgasm. Mom stirred a little after a few minutes of this post-coital bliss and whispered in my ear.

“John, I have a request that may seem a little odd, but something that really gets me off is when my lover eats my pussy after we’ve had sex. You can say no if that seems too icky, but it’s something I really would like right now.”

“Dad licks his own cum out of you?” I asked incredulously.

“Or sometimes he licks me after Charles has had me, or vice versa,” Mom confessed. “It’s a fetish they both share.”

“That’s pretty far out there,” I admitted.

“Are you ... what is that word? Are you squicked?” Mom asked, concerned that she’d asked too much.

“Maybe a little,” I told her, “but I’ve learned with Katie to be open to new things and try to do what my lover needs me to do.” I’d had a few little tastes of my own semen by now, mostly because Katie was prone to kissing me right after she’d given me a blow job, but I had never licked up an entire load of it before. Besides, I reasoned, it’s going to be mixed with pussy juice, so it won’t be all bad. The truly weird part was that I was having sex with my own mother. Right?

“OK then, lover,” Mom whispered before giving me a deep kiss. “How about I sit on your face and let you clean me up?”

I nodded and Mom sat up a little before knee-walking up my torso and planting her dripping pussy on my face, not giving me much time to have second thoughts about the load of my own cum that was drooling from her slit. I took a tentative lick, more at Mom’s clit than at her hole, and heard her moan of approval. I licked around, tasting more of myself than I ever thought I would and found myself starting to enjoy it.

It took about ten seconds of lapping at my mother’s cum-filled pussy before I was hooked. Mom climaxed twice while I was drinking my own juices from her twat, and by then my cock was rock hard again. She rolled off me and saw that I was ready again. Rather than make love with me again, though, she gave me a loving blowjob and shared some of it with me in a kiss, then we moved over to Mom’s bed and curled up together. I thought we’d go to sleep there but Mom still wanted to talk a little. She wanted to tell me more about what she and Dad were doing with the Kowalskis.

“If you say so,” I muttered, unsure if I really wanted to be having this conversation.

“I do say so,” Mom answered, “and I think I have some more confessing to do about your dad and me and our relationship with the Kowalskis.”

“You don’t have too, Mom,” I protested. This was such a violation of rule four!

“I won’t go into blow-by-blow details,” Mom assured me. “I just wanted you to have a clearer picture of how things got started so you’ll know and understand more about things.”

“Okay...” I said.

“The whole thing started when your Dad met Linda, Mrs. K as you call her. The two of them started having an affair right after school started.”

“I thought it was sooner than that,” I said. “Dad was so infatuated with Mrs. K that he spent most of the first day of band camp talking to her.”

“He’s admitted that,” Mom said, “and they did start running together in the mornings while you were in band camp, but nothing really happened between them until they went to lunch on the first day of classes. They talked until it was almost time to pick you up from school, and Linda kissed him as they were leaving.”

“I remember they were late,” I nodded, “and that both of them showed up at the same time.”

“The next day,” Mom continued, “they met for lunch in the park. They ended up back in the woods on a blanket Linda had brought with her. They didn’t have sex, but only because your Dad didn’t know what she had in mind and didn’t bring any rubbers. He did say they had a nice round of oral sex. The next day he came prepared, and they met pretty much every day for a nooner in the park.”

“Did you have any clue?”

“Not a one,” Mom said. “I only found out by accident.”

“How did that happen?”

“It was the day before your first competition. We’d volunteered as chaperones and I was trying to find when we were supposed to show up to ride the bus there. I didn’t have an email about it on my account so I looked on your Dad’s. There was an email from Linda there that I thought would have the details. It was something else entirely.”


“Yeah,” Mom sighed. “She was thanking your Dad for giving her such a good fucking the day before. I was furious about that but there was more in her email. The details of that got me so aroused I quit being angry.”

I didn’t say anything. I just let her continue.

“It turns out that Charlie, Mr. K, wanted to watch her have sex with another man, so she had your Dad come over and do her while Charlie watched from the closet.”

“Did Dad know he was there?”

“Yes,” Mom laughed, “but Charlie didn’t know he knew. He also didn’t know your dad had been fucking his wife for a couple of weeks, either. That all came out later. At the time Charlie thought she’d just seduced your dad on the spot.”

I sensed there was more to this, so I said, “That’s not the whole story is it?”

“No, and one extra detail is what had me so turned on,” Mom admitted. “Linda said that Charlie came out of his hiding place after your dad left, dived right into her pussy and started licking up the load that was oozing out of her.”

“Wait,” I said. “I thought you said they were using rubbers.”

“They had been, at Linda’s insistence,” Mom said, “but they didn’t this time because Charlie insisted.”

“He licked Dad’s cum out of her?” I gulped.

“Linda said it really turned her on,” Mom sighed. “She and Charlie wore each other out that afternoon.”

“So, the idea got you hot and you tried it with Dad?” I asked. “How did that go?”

“It went extremely well,” Mom chuckled. “It also went extremely well after the marching competition while you were at the party and the Kowalskis came over.”

The talk about swinging with Mr. and Mrs. K had Mom worked up again and she went down on me and started sucking my cock. We fucked again and licked each other clean, going to sleep with our combined juices all over us.

Mom woke me with another blowjob the next morning, again sharing some of my cum back to in a kiss, and then we showered together, got ourselves dressed and were in the hotel’s dining room waiting for a table by seven.

Over breakfast, Mom gave me a prepaid debit card.

“It’s got three hundred dollars on it,” she told me. “You can buy what you want up to that limit here at the show, or you can spend some now and use the rest later if you want. Happy birthday, John!”

“Thanks, Mom,” I replied.

“I’ve also made reservations for dinner at a nice place near the hotel,” she added. “They’re for six o’clock tonight, so you have lots of time to hang around the convention.”

“What are you going to do today?” I asked.

“I’m going to get pampered in the hotel spa this morning and go shopping this afternoon,” she grinned. “I should be back by five or so.”

I gave Mom a publicly acceptable kiss on the cheek as we parted after breakfast and went to browse around the displays in the big ballroom. I got a couple of games I had been looking at as well as some guidebooks to help me beat some of the games I already owned. Lunch was from one of the food vendors inside the convention.

The big star they were bringing in was supposed to do his thing starting at three. A crowd was already starting to gather in the secondary ballroom they’d set up for his appearance. I got in there a little late, so I was most of the way back in the room when they brought him on. It was awful. They guy was so drunk or high that he was incoherent. Most of the crowd started leaving and I slipped out with them. There wasn’t anything more I really wanted at the show, either. I’d only spent about half of the money on my card. Maybe Mom will take me shopping for some other stuff soon.

I decided to text Katie and see if she was free to talk. She answered my question by calling me. I told her what was going on, mostly. I couldn’t tell her about last night and this morning with Mom. I told her several times how much I missed her. It wasn’t so much about not getting my Saturday with her, since we’d been together after school every afternoon for two weeks. I just missed her. She missed me, too. She told me that she and Becky had spent most of the day together at the salon. They both had their hair cut, got their fingernails and toenails polished and Katie even got waxed.

“It hurt like crazy,” she complained, “but Mom says I won’t have to shave for a few weeks, so maybe it’s worth it.”

“When Becky told me about waxing, I flinched,” I told her. “I’m glad it’s OK for guys to be hairy.”

“Wuss,” Katie giggled.

“I won’t disagree,” I laughed.

I told Katie that Mom was taking me out tonight to celebrate my birthday, and we talked for a while longer, eventually saying goodbye and promising to text each other at bedtime. By then it was about four thirty and I’d had enough of the gaming convention, so I went up to the room.

I had a lot of birthday wishes to deal with. There were the usual publicly posted ones on social media that I spent some time thanking people for, and a couple of private messages, too. One of them was from my cousin, Lucy, who said happy birthday and followed it with fifteen kissy-face emojis. She told me that was the best she could do because her boyfriend would get jealous. I wrote back to tell her thanks and congratulate her on getting a boyfriend in time to go to the prom.

I was done with the messages and was reading one of the game guides I’d bought when Mom came in carrying a bunch of shopping bags. Since it was barely five o’clock, she was surprised to find me in the room and asked if I was okay.

“The big star they got was drunk, Mom,” I explained. “It was so bad that almost everyone left the room within ten minutes of him getting on the stage. I’d already seen everything else I wanted to see by then.”

“Aww, that’s disappointing,” Mom sighed. “How was the rest of today, though?”

“It was pretty good,” I told her. “I got a couple of games I wanted and some game guides and stuff. Spent about half my money. How was your day?”

“My day was great!” she gushed. “I got the full spa treatment; hair, nails, makeup and a wax. I’ll let you check later and see how good of a job they did.”

I blushed at that. Yes, Mom and I had sex last night and again this morning, but it was still odd to hear her mention it so boldly.

“Don’t be embarrassed, John,” she soothed, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “You and I shared something special last night and I loved every minute of it.”

“Okay, Mom,” I shrugged, “it’s still difficult to wrap my head around what happened.”

“I know,” Mom smiled, “but it happened and I, for one, hope it can happen again now and then. We’ll talk later about some ground rules.”

I nodded.

“I only need to change my clothes before we go, and the restaurant is just a block or so away, John,” Mom said. “Why don’t you get dressed as nicely as you can with what you brought and I’ll get changed, too, then we can go downstairs and have a drink in the lounge before we go eat?”

“Sure,” I shrugged. “Who’s dressing in the bathroom?”

“Why bother with modesty now?” she asked. “I’ll give you first dibs on anything you need to do in there, though, and we won’t be in each other’s way.”

I agreed with that, so I did what I needed to do in the bathroom, found the nice clothes I’d packed and laid them out on the bed while Mom laid out what she needed for the evening. Most of it, including the underwear, was new things from the shopping she’d done earlier. She took off all her clothes, letting me discover that the treatment at the spa included removing all of her pubic hair. I’d only ever seen a bald pussy like that in porn. She caught on to where I was looking, winked at me and headed off to the bathroom. She left the door open except for when she used the toilet. It took me all of three minutes to change clothes.

I saved putting on shoes until she was ready to go and was lying on the bed reading the game guide again a few minutes later when the reverse strip tease began. It was really arousing to watch Mom get dressed in sexy underwear and a form-fitting dress. She disappeared into the bathroom for a while to finish her hair and makeup and then came back out to put on some jewelry and put on her shoes. I took that as my cue to put on my own shoes so we could go to dinner.

“You look nice, Mom,” I told her as we left the room. “The haircut and makeup are great and that dress is beautiful on you.”

“Flatterer,” she giggled. “Do you think they did a nice job with the wax?”

I blushed at that but recovered quickly enough to tell her I’d inspect her closely later.

It was too early to go to the restaurant, so we stopped in the bar just off the hotel lobby. She ordered a glass of white wine and I had a soda.

“I know this probably isn’t the birthday celebration you want,” Mom said, “especially now that I know how you celebrated Katie’s birthday.”

“Yeah, Mom,” I said after I quit blushing, “but it’s also the trip I wanted and we had to get the tickets so far in advance. I didn’t even know Katie back then. Now I almost feel guilty about this. The ticket was expensive, the hotel room is expensive and you even gave me money to buy stuff.”

“Don’t feel guilty about anything, John,” Mom soothed. “Does Katie feel slighted because you didn’t spend the day with her yesterday?”

“No,” I answered, “we talked about that already. She misses me, but she’s not feeling angry about it or anything.”

“I’m sure she feels you made up for it after school every day for the past two weeks,” Mom teased, making me blush again.

“I do understand, John,” she said. “It’s not like you didn’t want this trip, you just miss your girlfriend.”

I nodded.

Mom’s phone dinged right then, an alarm to let her know it was time for us to go to dinner, so we settled up with the waiter and walked out of the hotel. It was only a block or so to the restaurant, like Mom said, and there wasn’t any problem with our reservation, so we were quickly seated with menus in hand.

The restaurant was one known for its steaks, so we decided on which ones we wanted. Mom got a small filet and I picked out a fairly large T-bone. The sides were intended for sharing, so we picked a couple of those to share. Mom got a glass of red wine to go with her steak and I asked for a soda. We chatted some more while we waited for our food. The conversation continued during the rest of dinner.

“Are you okay with what happened between us, John?” Mom asked.

“I guess,” I shrugged. “It felt good, but you know, you’re my Mom. Plus, what we did was really kinky and then we talked about what you and Dad do with the Kowalskis. I mean, it was weird enough just to have a conversation with my mother about something kinky like that, let alone what we did together.”

“I can imagine,” Mom giggled. “I’m still amazed at what we did, but I’m glad we did it. As for the discussion, it’s probably strange to you because you’re a boy. Moms and daughters can talk about things like this a little easier. I felt like I could discuss most anything sexual with my mother.”

“Katie says she and Becky talk like that,” I said.

“So, Becky knows what you do with her daughter?”

“I think so,” I said. I actually know so, and Katie also knows what I do with her mother, but I wasn’t about to bring that up!

“I hope you can talk to me about things like that,” Mom told me. “You’re growing up and I want you to know you can come to me with questions about any topic, even the adult ones.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I muttered. I still couldn’t see myself coming to Mom with questions about sex even though I’d fucked her twice already.

“That leaves us with the elephant in the room,” Mom said. “You’ve fucked your mother and licked your own cum out of her pussy. How do you feel about that?”

I looked around frantically to see if anyone had just heard that. I was ready to crawl under the table and hide if anyone had.

“The booths in this restaurant are famous for their privacy,” Mom giggled. “You could probably have a shouting match in here and not be overheard, so don’t worry about being heard. So, how are you feeling?”

“I dunno,” I shrugged. “None of what happened last night is anything I would ever have imagined, let alone tried.”

“A little more than a month ago you were a virgin, John. I’m sure there are lots of things you haven’t thought of to do, not with Katie and certainly not with anyone else.”

“Probably,” I admitted.

“Maybe what we did is just a passing thing,” Mom breathed. “Maybe it’s just a way for you to learn something new with Katie.”

“I dunno,” I mumbled, “I mean ... How would Katie react if I tried licking her after?”

“Let me ask you some things,” she continued. “First, do you and Katie have oral sex?”

“What?” I gasped. Was my mother seriously asking me that?

“Do you eat her pussy, John?” she asked. “Does she suck your cock?”

“I know what it is, Mom, and yes, we do those things,” I answered. “I’m just shocked that you’re asking me those kinds of questions.”

“I see,” Mom said, “which tells me we should have had this kind of conversation back this fall when you and Katie started going together, or maybe even before. So, you do have oral sex?”


“Does Katie refuse to kiss you after you’ve eaten her?” Mom queried.

“No,” I said. “The first time I kissed her after I ate her, she was maybe a little shocked, but she only said, ‘Is that what I taste like?’ when I did it.”

“And do you kiss her after she’s sucked you off?” Mom went on.

“Uh, no,” I said. “I’m not gay.”

“John,” Mom huffed. “If you were gay, we wouldn’t be having conversations about eating your girlfriend’s pussy, would we?”

I just looked at her, stunned.

“On the other hand,” she giggled, “if you were gay and had a boyfriend, you’d probably be OK with the taste of semen.”


“Oh relax,” she chided. “The point I’m making is that it’s unfair to Katie that she’ll kiss you after you’ve gone down on her but you won’t return the favor after she’s sucked you off. You follow?”

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 4 November 810

November 8 It was our last home game of the year, which is a good thing because the weather is really starting to turn cold. I wore sweats under my uniform tonight and I was still miserable. Katie was squeezed so tightly against me during the first half that I almost couldn’t play my horn for the stand tunes, and holding hands just isn’t the same when you’re both wearing gloves; it’s sweet but skin-to-skin contact is much better. Katie and I carried on our post-halftime tradition of making...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 24 February 10 14

Week of February 10 through 14 Back before I started dating Katie, actually even before I met her, I had asked Mom and Dad for a big present for my fifteenth birthday, which is coming up over the Presidents’ Day weekend. They got me tickets to a gaming convention which will be held on my birthday weekend. Now I’m feeling a little guilty about going because that would be the weekend I’d spend with Katie. It also ruins chances for any kind of birthday celebration with my girlfriend. I don’t...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 35 April 2

It’s the week before the spring band trip and three weeks until prom. There is lots of drama and angst about the prom as the date gets closer. I guess it’s the same every year. Katie and I, being freshmen, couldn’t go to the prom unless we’re invited by a Junior or a Senior, which is an invitation neither of us would accept, so we’re not personally feeling the angst. That doesn’t mean we don’t see the drama going on around us, though. I know it’s not just happening at our school. It has to be...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 10 December 56

December 5 Katie is elated that she’s not pregnant, but the downside is that she is on her period. That means she hasn’t felt like fooling around much after school. Not that we’ve had much time for that, anyway. We had rehearsals for the preschool concerts every afternoon this week, and the concerts are going on today, tomorrow and Saturday mornings, plus an evening performance tonight. That means four rounds of wearing my toy soldier suit, which is OK except for the big circles of red...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 26 Presidentsrsquo Day Weekend

[Author’s note: This chapter coincides with the second chapters of both “Abby’s Blackmail Attempt” and “Abby the Flute Girl,” which are different versions of the encounter Billy had with Abby Kowalski while his wife and son were out of town for Presidents’ Day weekend.] February 22 It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday afternoon to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 34 March 28 30

March 28 This Saturday quickly got even weirder than the last time I was with Becky. We had just started making love when the phone rang. Becky was really pissed when she saw the name on the caller ID. It must have been someone calling about the Garretts to get her so pissed off so quickly. I knew the mood was shot, so I took Becky her robe and got dressed. I figured this might take a while. “Yes, Pastor Wilkins,” Becky snarled when the caller identified himself to her, “I remember you, so...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 40 April 25 26

April 25 Today was supposed to be the perfect date but I was stuck at home without a place to go, since Katie is at her dad’s this weekend. In the past I would have spent the day with Becky, but she’s decided to stop doing things with me and move on. She has started dating a guy she met at work. They had their second date last night. I’m a little jealous, I suppose. Becky and I met every other weekend and fooled around for about four months, after all. She admitted she was falling in love...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 14 December 2123

December 21 I know most guys my age would sleep in on Saturday mornings, especially during Christmas break, but I have my reasons for being awake. Saturdays have been sex days since November. That’s when Katie ‘tricked’ me into coming over to her house on a Saturday morning, even though she was spending the weekend with her dad. She tried to explain in a note she left with her mother, and after a phone call to her at her dad’s, she persuaded me to let her mom, Becky, teach me all about...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 39 April 18 19

April 18 Dad has been picking up Katie and me every day after school this week. On the plus side, we got to see each other a lot more. On the minus side, Dad was usually home and working in his office so we couldn’t do much with each other. We had a lot of homework to get through, too. That meant we spent most of our time at the dining room table with our books until we got it all done. After that, we could spend a little time making out on the couch. We had to keep it mild, but we could at...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 9 November 30 December 1

November 30 As usual, I was up early on Saturday morning. Well, 9:30 is pretty early for a 14-year-old on a day off from school. Once I was up, I showered and dressed for the day ahead before coming downstairs. Mom was sitting on a stool in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee and I could hear Dad stumbling around upstairs, so he would apparently be downstairs soon. “Becky called when you were in the shower, wondering if she could come and pick you up,” Mom said. “It sounds like she has...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 12 December 1415

December 14 Because we were getting closer to Christmas break and the end of the semester, and had so much homework from our classes, Katie and I hadn’t gotten together after school this week. We also had extra rehearsals for the band’s winter concert on the 19th. We had plans to make up for all that on Saturday. Katie and I were both extremely horny as the week progressed but we had promised each other not to masturbate. We planned to have a week’s worth of climaxes in one day. I woke up...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 15 Christmas Day

December 25 (Christmas Day) My parents and I agreed, back when I was nine, to celebrate Christmas in a quieter fashion since I was growing up. I thought they just wanted me to let them sleep in and objected at first but getting to sleep in is a good thing for me now that I’m a teenager. Mom taught me to make pancakes that year, so the tradition has become that I cook breakfast on Christmas morning. Today I started cooking around eight. I was halfway through the batter I’d made and the...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 16 December 2829

December 28 I was up early again today, which has become typical for Saturdays since November, when Becky began giving me sex lessons at her daughter’s request. Both Katie and I have been getting eager for her birthday on January 10 to hurry up and get here. That will be the evening when she gives up her virginity to me. She won’t be my first though, because my own first time will be the weekend before that with Becky. Yes, my girlfriend’s mother is going to take my virginity in order to...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 17 December 31 January 3

December 31 I spent New Year’s Eve at home with Mom and Dad, watching the parties in Times Square and other places. It’s what we do every year. It was boring, really, but there wasn’t much I can do about it at age fourteen. Besides, my girlfriend is at her father’s house and she’s on her period. Plus, I don’t know if Roger Schuman would be as cool about his daughter’s sex life as his ex-wife is. Talk about cool, Becky is even teaching me what to do with hands-on sex lessons. This coming...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 18 January 4 6

January 4 I was too wound up about today to sleep well last night, though I felt rested when I woke up a little after seven this morning, not much later than I get up for school. My parents have to be thinking I’m the weirdest kid ever because I just can’t sleep in on Saturday mornings. I can’t help it. Saturdays have been the most exciting day of the week for me since back in November when the sex lessons started. I’m extra wired about today, because this is the big lesson. This is like the...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 19 January 10 12

January 10 The week really dragged by, but Friday, and Katie’s fifteenth birthday, finally got here. Becky and Katie picked me up and took me to their house for an amazing dinner Becky had cooked. She set us up in the dining room and acted as our waitress. There were only candles for lighting, which made it quite romantic. She joined us for cake and ice cream and then ushered us up to Katie’s room which was also lit by candles. The bed was made with fresh sheets and the covers were pulled...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 20 January 18 20

January 18 Nobody said anything about more lessons from Becky this weekend. I thought the lessons were over, now that Katie and I had made love. I slept in this morning, feeling bummed about not having sex on Saturday like I’d had since early in November when Becky started teaching me, preparing me to make love with Katie for the first time. Mom and Dad asked if I was feeling okay when I finally came out of my room around ten. I just shrugged and said I was tired. Katie called me around...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 21 January 25 26

January 25 Since we had already practiced the G-spot lesson on Monday, Katie and I mostly just played today. After we made out for a while, Katie insisted on sucking me off before I did anything for her. This one was quick, as my girlfriend went straight for the prize. It was barely five minutes after she first took me in her mouth that I was blasting a load across her tongue. As always, Katie made happy noises while she savored the taste of my jizz in her mouth. She loves the taste of my...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 22 February 1

Katie had let me know earlier in the week that Becky still had some lessons for me, so I was up early again today. I had no clue what the lessons would be about, but since I’m still new to being sexually active, I just assumed I didn’t know everything I needed to know yet. Using my fingers in Becky and Katie, and finding their G-spots, had been a revelation. Becky called Mom right before ten and asked if it was okay for me to spend the day there, and Mom had Dad drive me over. Mom’s only...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 23 February 8 9

February 8 The plan was for Katie and me to add some anal play to our repertoire today. Katie had me shower with her, even though I had just had a shower twenty minutes before I went over to her house. Just like when she and I were first going to have oral sex, she was afraid she was going to taste something unpleasant, or I would, which would be mortifying. I just shrugged and went along with it. Showering with a sexy girl is a lot of fun, even if you don’t really need to get clean. Who...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 25 February 15 21

February 15 Yesterday, Becky had promised something extra special to thank me for the Valentine’s card and chocolates I gave her. I didn’t know what she had in mind, but I was hoping it was sexual in nature. I was already dreaming of the possibilities when I went to bed last night and the same dreams woke me early today. I got a shower, got dressed and got myself some cereal to eat before either of my parents started to stir. I was just rinsing my cereal bowl to put it in the dishwasher when...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 27 February 26 27

February 26 Our parents seem to have forgotten they didn’t actually give us permission to hang out at Katie’s house after school this week. Becky has driven me home at dinner time without comment and my parents haven’t said a word. Katie, despite being on her period, seems to be insatiable, so she’s been wanting me to get her off every afternoon after school. In addition to just being horny, she also claims that having a good orgasm helps with her cramps; something she says she learned a...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 28 February 29 March 1

February 29 After my trip with Mom over Presidents’ Day weekend, I thought back to something Becky said a couple of months ago, that if we were lovers who were experienced with each other and had been apart a while it would be quite appropriate to fuck like an animals. That’s how I started today. Instead of starting out by trading oral sex with Becky like we usually do, I treated her to a ‘sweaty caveman fuck’ first thing after arriving. She was primed for it, herself and fucked back at me...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 30 March 7 8

March 7 The plan for this weekend with Katie was to introduce creampies, and maybe snowballs, to my girlfriend. I know Katie enjoys the taste of my cum and doesn’t object to tasting herself when I kiss her after eating her pussy, but I still wasn’t sure whether going down on her after dumping a load in her pussy would freak her out or not. Today we were going to find out. I’d managed to keep what I was going to do a secret from her for a week, which wasn’t easy because she and Becky talk in...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 31 March 14 15

March 14 I kind of slept in today, since I knew Becky wasn’t going to pick me up until ten or so. At nine, I grabbed me a shower and was in the kitchen having a bowl of cereal when Mom came in carrying two coffee mugs. It must have been their second helping. “Looking forward to another day with Katie?” she asked as she came over to where I was sitting and bent down to kiss my cheek. “Yeah,” I nodded, “I hardly get to see her during the week at school since our schedules are so...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 32 March 21 22

March 21 Katie and I were horny for each other this morning, mostly because we had spent every afternoon this week at my house where the most we could do was kiss and cuddle each other a little. We mostly hung out in the living room because Dad was working in his home office which is right next to my room. If we were in the living room, we’d at least hear him coming down the stairs and have time to straighten our clothes out. So, yeah, we were ready for Saturday morning to roll...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 33 March 27

March 27 Katie’s been staying at our house every afternoon after school since last week just in case Mr. and Mrs. Garrett try anything. Dad even rescheduled his client visits so that he’s able to pick us up and be home with us in the afternoons. The downside is that Dad’s presence has kept us from having sex like we could do if we were at Katie’s house, but we’re OK with that. Keeping everyone safe is more important right now. It’s less of a big deal this week anyway, since Katie’s on her...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 38 April 11 12

April 11 Katie woke up before me this morning, as I discovered when I came to and found my morning wood planted deep in my girlfriend’s pussy. She wasn’t moving her hips but her internal muscles were really doing a number at milking my cock. It felt wonderful but, as you know, a guy’s morning wood is at least partly caused by bladder pressure and I was really feeling the need for a different kind of relief than Katie was working on giving me. “Katie, baby,” I groaned, “this feels really...

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His Mothers Diary

Introduction: He learns a lot by invading his moms privacy. His Mothers Diary -1- Ahh yeah, yes! Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Mirandas big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock. Yes! He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, the sounds of sex waking him. He saw Miranda, her back to the door, riding a hugely muscular black man in her bed. Shock turned to anger, anger turned to interest, then interest turned to arousal. Wow, he whispered...

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His Mothers Diary

-1-“Ahh yeah, yes!” Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Miranda’s big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock.“Yes!” He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, the sounds of sex waking him. He saw Miranda, her back to the door, riding a hugely muscular black man in her bed.Shock turned to anger, anger turned to interest, then interest turned to arousal. “Wow,” he whispered as he watched her, hypnotized by her ass. Unable to look away, he was getting...

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His Mothers Diary

-1- “Ahh yeah, yes!” Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Miranda’s big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock. “Yes!” He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, the sounds of sex waking him. He saw Miranda, her back to the door, riding a hugely muscular black man in her bed. Shock turned to anger, anger turned to interest, then interest turned to arousal. “Wow,” he whispered as he watched her, hypnotized by her ass. Unable to look...

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Dear Diary

Synopsis: This could be fiction,  There are sections that dwell on sexual domination; By my definition a joyous state of mind, should you disagree with my perspective, by all means go elsewhere and DON'T READ ON !! Dear Diary - ForwardMy name is Danial Martin, Dan.        How we got here is and isn't really all that complicated, think of it as a some what normal evolution of events, more than a social experiment, but it's more something I just stumbled into perhaps, or was I cleverly led,...

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Diary of a Young Girl

This Diary is the property of Sally Straw PRIVATE! KEEP OUT! May 5: Dear Diary, I'm ten today! Can you believe it? I don't feel any different and I sure don't look different. I'm almost done with fourth grade. I'm so sick of Mrs. Beaner that I can't stand it any more. Fifth grade should be so much cooler. I hope I start to 'develop' before then. I think I'd like to have a boyfriend y'know? May 15: Dear Diary, I'm soooo jealous! Tammy Winter is starting to grow boobs already. And...

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Dear Diary

Thursday, January 4th, 2018 Dear diary, Fuck you. And fuck you too, Dr. Swalley. Friday, January 12th, 2018 This is the stupidest shit I've ever done, I swear to god. Fine. Fine. For Kiera. "You don't talk much, Tony," she says. I mean, no shit. What's there to talk about? I just get mad, okay? Who doesn't? It's all bullshit. Trying to keep ahead, listening to your coworker's crap, all those fuckin' people on the road that don't know how to drive. Kiera...

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A Maids Diary Part I

This is my contribution to the glory that is Fictionmania. Hope everyone likes it! A Maid's Diary, Part I By Connietgrrrl Friday, September... Dear Diary, I am on needles and pins, and butterflies in my stomach and...! Oh well, I am just nervous and excited all at once by my plan for tonight. I've spent all week getting ready. Good thing I had quit my job 2 months ago, because I needed the whole time to work up my nerve. I've wanted to tell my wife about my cross-dressing...

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Jonquils Diary

June 1st Dear Diary: Please excuse the messy writing; it is so hard to have good penmanship on a train. Yes, Diary, I am on a train traveling from London to York and thence to Brasethwaite Castle. I am going there for a month of Bed Training. Poppa says that all the smart people are taking it and so must I before I go away to Girton College in the fall. Momma was worried about the idea until Poppa reassured her that virginity has no value in a bride any longer. After all, my dear little nephew...

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Diary My Son Made Me Topless Naked Model Part l

Son- janu aaj mausam kitna suhana hai. tumhe kuch feel nahi ho raha hai? Mom- haan! ho raha hai na! Son- kya? Mom- yehi ki aaj mai phir se chudne wali hoon. TO READERS: Ma wrote this photography session in her diary. I read this many days later after our first copulation. I think it is better for reader to study her version instead of my narration. You can read full story separately in title-“Long Dong King Kong in Mom” with son’s (me) narration. “Tonight my son made me model. Not an ordinary...

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Diary 8211 My Son Made Me Topless Naked Model 8211 Episode III

(Chapter Menstrual Pain Aggravate) Diary, I landed straight on my baby’s body. Though he is strong man but abrupt force-full fall of 60 Kg lady grounded him too. All due to his fault. The enormous pain didn’t allow me to think anything else. I hold my belly and rolled in floor in foetus position. Now my son too became panicky. He hold me and starts shouting—Ma’, Ma’, Ma’. He understood that he didn’t administer anti inflammatory injection in the evening, so pain triggered once again. He said-...

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Franc 1 No Geek Policy

“The Federal Reserve?” “Uh huh. I specialize in currency exchange policy.” “Is that a fact?” I’m going to need a whole lot more beer if I’m going to have to listen to this for the rest of the night. She drones on like I could actually care about what she does for a living. Like anybody gives a shit about coin collecting or whatever. I look out at the dance floor. My buddy and her sister are practically doing it in public. ‘Oh, he so owes me for this,’ I think. I admit it; I’m taking one for...

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Burn This Diary

This diary belongs to Cody Swanson. If you find this then please return it to : 3521 Beach Road, Deerhead Harbor, Maine/Hare Island 12/8/2019 Dear Diary, Tommy was raving on and on about lights in the old Beckstein-Manor. No one believed him. I mean that building wasted away for the last century. Ever since that family of German migrants gruesomely died. At least, that is the legend. No one in their right mind would try to live there. Not to mention that it would take a...

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Vickys Pink Diary 01

There he is sat on my bed, my Uncle, Uncle Creep, well that's what I call him. I'm just staring in shock as he flicks through it. "Put that down, it's private," I manage to blurt out. "Don't worry, you poor little thing. I've read it right through a few times. I won't tell anyone, Vicky, isn't it?" I'm shaking in horror, my diary, my pink diary with all my secret thoughts and wishes, my fantasies, and things I've done, embarrassing things. Well how many 18 year old boys get a kick out of...

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Dear Diary

This story is papers taken out of Heather’s diary. It is a prequel to: (A Phone Call: You can read the two stories in any order you like._________________________________________________________________Dear diary,Today was my father’s funeral. I’m so sad that he left us. I can’t believe that we lost him suddenly like that! He was caring, tender, and kind. He was the best dad and the best man I’ve ever seen or heard about. How did he work as a...

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Sophias Diary

Sophia's DiaryLastnight, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if there is any significanceto this particular night time vision. It seems a dream of a black horseis a dream of passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks,I am not surprised. Iread it again, noticing she had written those words the previous night, andslyly returned her diary to the walnut table where I had found it. It hadbeen a mere whim...

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Her Diary

Copyright©2003 There was a young lady named Gilda Who went on a date with a builder. He said that he would, And he could and he should, And he did and it damn well near killed her. "I don't care what it says, it was wrong Carol!" My husband pulled the duvet up to his waist and settled the book on his over-sized round stomach. My anger was about to explode. "God damn it Darren - our daughter may be sexually active!" I stood at my side of the bed with my hands on my...

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Sorority sisters diary part one

September 3 Dear Diary, I can't believe I was accepted into the TAU UPSILON OMEGA sorority, it is the absolute best one on campus!!! What a place, I share a room with sophomore girl from New Orleans who seems really nice, I think her name is Betty Sue, anyway it's one of those two namers all those southern girls seem to have!!! By the way diary, since this is my first entry, let me introduce myself, my name is Kim, I'm from St. Louis, and this is my second year at Tech!!! This place is a lot...

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Dear Diary aka Coping with Coming Out

Sun 10/17/04 I feel foolish writing in this book. I've never kept a diary before. I don't even like the word "diary". It is a silly word. A child's word. I think I made a new friend a little over a week ago. His name is Ricky. I am writing this on his advice. He says it will help me cope with my emerging feelings. So, here I am, trying out his advice. It can't hurt, right? Okay then, here it is. These first entries will be very long Dear Diary. So many new sensations, longings,...

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Diary of my Emergence

Diary of my emergence Susanna says: This is how lucky I was with my neighbour, it could've been so much worse. Where is this club I talk about, well if I told you then I'd probably start losing money to more competition! Monday Dear Diary, over the weekend my whole life changed, things shifted ever so slightly away from my normal routine. My dear diary, although I was really scared at first, once things happened I was in absolute heaven. It all took place on Friday night. I...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 309 Seducing a Geek and the Gig

So what is the rest of the intel? I asked. Oh you have all the intel you need. We have made it possible for you to run, so do your thing. the voice, that wasn't really a voice said. Bullshit, you are going to get the senator killed, if you don't give me all you have, I said wordlessly. Look you are such a hot shot operative, we are going to give you a shot. Do what you can, with what you have. When it is over, we will all know where we need to go. You might just decide that we do know...

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Chapter 4 My diary

Chapter four: My diary Wednesday August 23, Dear diary, I love you so much. We are going to be such good friends for ever and ever. I am going to keep your secrets and you are going to keep mine. Please forgive me if I do not know the etiquette of talking to you correctly. But I am too excited so I just have to blurt out that I just have to tell you that tomorrow we are going to take an adventure together to buy me a bra. It is going to be the utmost greatest day of my life and I...

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This Is Me Pt 4 Diary

On Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 11:55:15 PM GMT, Kirsten Clarke wrote: Wednesday 28th February. My period started tonight, just before going to bed, so I'm lying here wearing one of the black, lace trimmed underskirts I sleep in, wearing a bra as a treat for an hour or so - lemon, Chloe by Boux Avenue. It's a touch tight, but I'm hoping to lose a little weight one day. Besides, when I've been fitted in the past the women have always said to wear my...

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Nancys summer diary june

June 1 Dear Diary, Finally, the last day of school, twelve long years, I feel like I've been released from purgatory!!! Isaac asked me to go with him to the lake tonight, and I can't wait, he's such a hunk!!! I told Amy right away and she turned green, I love it!!! I just bought a new swimming suit and I hope he likes it!!! Well, wish me luck, diary! Seeya later!!! June 2 Dear Diary, Issac's dad has a new boat and we were flying all over the lake, I even water skied for the !!! After it got...

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Diary Of A White Slut

Dear diary today is April 1 and Last night I was very, very . I met this guy last night at the store and he was just drop dead gorgeous. He asked if I wanted to go for a drink and I said sex being cute. We had a couple of drinks and then we walked out back of the place. We were both hot and horny from all of the kissing we did inside. He had me up against the wall my hands were in his one large hand behind my back and then other his hand was up under my skirt and rip went my thong, his hand was...

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Our New Neighbors Supplement 01 Claras Diary

Introduction: This is a special chapter that is outside the flow of the storyline. I wrote it as a gift for the fans of this series, especially Rinoa, who took the time to PM me some ideas and constructive criticism, which I really appreciate and encourage. Rinoa thought there was something missing about who Clara is and how she came to be such a slut. This should help… The following diary entries have been edited for spelling, grammar and punctuation only. These entries provide some...

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Diary of a Young Slut Ch 01

September 8, 2006 Dear Diary, Donny and I have been going together since we met in the fourth grade at Revelations Evangelical Elementary School. Donny was by far the most pious and devout boy there, and since I had always thought of myself as the most pious girl, we were just naturally a ‘pair.’ Both of our parents were equally god-fearing people, so they heartily approved of our relationship. But my Dad just got laid off last month and so, after all those years together at revelations and...

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