Franc 2 A New Game
- 3 years ago
- 25
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“The Federal Reserve?”
“Uh huh. I specialize in currency exchange policy.”
“Is that a fact?” I’m going to need a whole lot more beer if I’m going to have to listen to this for the rest of the night. She drones on like I could actually care about what she does for a living. Like anybody gives a shit about coin collecting or whatever.
I look out at the dance floor. My buddy and her sister are practically doing it in public. ‘Oh, he so owes me for this,’ I think. I admit it; I’m taking one for the team tonight. He wanted the hot sister and needed someone to occupy the other one. I saw her picture and thought well, she’s kinda cute, so what the hell? Better than staying home and watching the Wizards lose again.
No one mentioned the dinner-plate-size glasses she wasn’t wearing in the picture. No one mentioned that she’s a total card-carrying geek, fer-criss-sake. The works: math wiz, Star Trek fan. The kind that spend Friday nights in basements playing dice games with elves. I didn’t know black chicks even did that kind of stuff. If I had known that, I’d have said ‘no.’ Flat No. I don’t care how cute she is, I have a strict No-Geek policy.
Over dinner, she explained in excruciating detail the difference between Kirk and Picard as captains. Now, while everybody else in the place is movin’ to the groovin’, she’s giving me some dissertation on coins.
“ ... like the new quarters, for instance,” she says.
“What about them?” I have no idea what she’s talking about but then I didn’t understand about half of what she said when I was listening.
“Well, where were they minted?”
“Uh, it matters?” I must have missed something.
“Well, see that depends on the collector. If you just want all 50 states, then no, not really. But I have a friend in Arvada, Colorado, and it’s hard for him because he started his collection here so they’re all the Philadelphia mint. But out there, all his coins are from the Denver mint. You can tell because the face has a little ‘P’ or ‘D’ stamped on it. See?” She holds a coin out to me.
“Oh, yeah. Mail ‘em.”
She nods vigorously, “That’s what we do! I send him Phillys and he sends me Denvers. I have another friend in...” She keeps going so I guess I said the right thing. I look at the dance floor again. My buddy and the sister are nowhere to be seen. Great.
“I think we got ditched,” I say, cutting over whatever she was saying.
“Where’d your sister go?”
She looks around. “Oh.” She smiles wanly at me. “Sorry. She does this all the time. I know she’s the hot one. She always tries this and it never works out. What do I owe you for dinner?”
It’s sad. I can’t see her figure under the Velma-from-Scooby Doo-sweater she’s wearing, but she’s not bad looking, aside from the glasses. She just needs to stick to her own geek-ish kind. I’m not a complete prick, I guess. “Look, dinner’s on me.”
“Really?” She squeals the ‘ly’ part. It’s sort of innocent. Cute. “I don’t mind. I always pay half.”
“Next time,” I say waving the waiter over.
She laughs, “Right. Next time.” She knows, just like I do, there is no chance of a ‘next time.’
We get outside and she heads over to the bus stop. I check my watch; it’s 2:15am. Yeah, I’m a prick; sure, I’m gonna let her wait for a bus at this hour.
I start to call out to her then realize I have no clue what her name is. I walk over. “Hey, uh, what is your name, anyway?”
“Franc?” She says with that tone like she answered that a couple times before.
“Right.” I remember, she has. “Spelled like the currency.”
“Right, Franc. Come on, I’ll give you a lift.”
“Really?” She squeaks again.
“Yeah. No problem.”
She gives me this big, bright, cheesy grin. “Thanks.” She starts digging in her purse as we walk to my car. “I’ve got gas money in here somewhere.”
She seems determined to contribute so I just accept it. “Thanks. Where to?” She tells me her address. It’s not too far out of my way, so it’s not a big deal. She doesn’t say much in the car, which is a relief after the long-winded garbage she’s come up with so far.
Just the same, when we pull up to her building, she gives me that silly grin of hers.
“You’ve been really cool.”
“You’re a nice kid,” I say. It’s true. If I hadn’t wanted to slit my wrist during the ‘Picard as borg’ discussion, I’d be all over her by now. But, like I said, no geeks – ever.
She blushes. I haven’t known a chick who blushed since junior high school. It’s kinda cute. “Listen, um I don’t usually, you know.”
I don’t want to hear the ‘I’m saving myself’ speech. “Hey, I don’t want anything. Dinner was great. You paid for gas. We’re even.”
She laughs again. “No. Drive down that alley. There’s a parking lot around back.”
The geek puts out? OK, just this once, this could work.
She points out a nice dark parking space. Two minutes after the car’s in park, my dick’s in her mouth and I don’t have to say or do a thing. She just whips it out and sucks it in. Her mouth is wet and warm and I groan as she bobs up and down. She’s pretty good, too, like she knows what she’s doing. I’m always slow with blowjobs so a lot of chicks give up just because they get tired. But her thick lips are wrapped so tight around me I feel like I’m in her cunt. I pop in her mouth much sooner than usual, swearing like a sailor. She swallows, wipes her lips on a napkin from the glove box and says good night. Then she gets out of the car and that’s it.
That’s it.
I drive home. I can still feel her lips on my dick. I can still feel them the next morning on my way to work. And while sitting at my desk while making my morning sales calls. Finally, at lunch, I go find my buddy and bust his chops about ditching me with ‘geek girl.’ Then I harass him for the sister’s phone number. I go back to my desk and call her.
“Hi, I don’t know if you remember me but we met last night and your sister left her, uh...”- I try to think of anything she might have dropped - “her, uh, I don’t know, some damn Trek thing. Uh, anyway, if you could have her call me, I’d appreciate it.” I leave my number and hope that didn’t sound as lame as it felt.
Just before I leave for the day, my voice mail light goes on. I check and it’s from the sister. Call Franc at work. I can’t believe I’m gonna ask her out. Well, not on a date – no dinner, just sex; I can’t listen to another evening of quarters and space ships.
I call her.
“Franchesca Baker.”
“Bobby.” She doesn’t respond. “From last night.” I can hear noise on the other end but it’s not her. “I gave you a lift home.”
“Yeah, I remember. I don’t need a flashback.” She doesn’t sound happy to hear from me. “What do you want?”
I think I’ve made a strategic error, but it’s too late now. “I wanted to see what you were doing tonight.”
“Some friends of mine are coming over to watch season one of the new Doctor Who series. I got the DVDs last week.”
Oh crap! Kill me now! “Room for one more?” I pray she’ll say no like any sensible woman.
“Really?” Little things excite this chick.
“Yeah, sure.” Was that blowjob worth this? “I mean, if it’s a bad night, we could get together another time...”
“No, tonight’s great!” She hesitates. “You really want to come over?”
“I really want to come over.” I really don’t want to watch science-fiction crap, but I really want to come over.
“‘Cause I kinda got the feeling that, you know, you weren’t into the whole Sci-Fi thing.”
“Can’t I just want to see you again?”
“Oh, yeah!” She laughs in disbelief at that, which is understandable. “Everybody will be at my place around 7 o’clock. If you want to come by, you can park in the back again.” She hangs up.
No coy bullshit. No lies. She’s different than most of the woman I date who are either prowling for husbands or prowling for free meals. She’s direct. Honest. Kinda cute.
I grab flowers. I don’t know why, but the gas station had those cheap bouquets by the register and I just impulsively got one. When the cashier gives me the change, I have to wait while she opens a new roll of quarters. She gives me three of them – all shiny newly minted states. The thought occurs to me and I look closely at the coins. I smile at her. “Philly, not Denver. It could make a difference.”
The cashier looks at me like I’m crazy – which I might be if I’m actually remembering coin-collecting shit. I get to Franc’s place around 6pm which I figure gives me plenty of time to get in, hit it and get out before the dweebs arrive.
I should have known better.
Six of them beat me there. I should have just turned around and left, but I didn’t want to look like the total prick I am. I give her the flowers anyway ‘cause I’d look like a jackass if I didn’t. They’re eating pizza and playing some game on graph paper. “What’s all this?” I ask – mostly because I’m too stupid to keep my damn mouth shut.
“BattleTech,” Franc says between bites. “You can play my tank commander, if you’d like. I’m just about to lead my mercenaries against Phil’s.”
“You’ll be on the losing side,” says a tall, thin, red-haired guy with tape – actual tape – on his glasses.
“Oh, yeah?” Franc sounds pretty confident as she hands me a piece of paper. “Take a look at this.” She leans in and whispers, “I have a fully functional Phoenix Hawk and a ComStar HPG they don’t know about.” I read the Wall Street Journal stock page daily but I have no idea what the hell the columns of numbers she hands me mean. The page has the drawing of a robot with a lot of abbreviations and fractions next to the body parts. I turn it upside down – as a joke – and nod. Then I hand it back.
“Oh, yeah. Impressive.”
They all stare at me, horrified.
“You are such a bad liar,” the fat one says – why is there always a fat one? I’m saved by the phone. Franc answers it then after a minute’s conversation announces that “Joe” has arrived with the beer. I send mental blessings upon Saint Joe.
Phil taps my shoulder. “Hey, new guy.” You’ve seen Phil; look up ‘nerd’ in the dictionary. “Joe’s her ex-boyfriend.”
I wanna ask nerdling why I would care, but it’s got to be pretty obvious even to this group why I’m here.
Joe arrives and doesn’t even notice me, just hands Franc the beers, opens his backpack and pulls out a beat-up notebook and a bag of dice.
I go into the kitchen and grab part of Joe’s stash. Franc looks at me with her head tilted.
“Why are you here?”
I shrug. To be honest, at this point, I don’t know. She is damn cute when she takes off the glasses. I remember those lips. Right. That’s why. “I guess to learn this tank thing.”
She shakes her head and shrugs. Then she starts talking. “OK. Everybody is a mechwarrior. Basically, you drive a 35-foot tall, like 50-ton robot. For tonight, you’re going to play my tank commander, Montgomery Pythonidea. We can roll up your own character later. You have strength and weapons stats on that paper. The object is to complete our contract in the most cost-effective manner. You’ve got a total of seven tanks with SRMs and LRMs and one 9-volley ATM. You’re low on ammo, but I’ve got two 100ton assault mechs who are going in first, so you should be cool.” That’s the last thing I get clearly; the rest of it is statistics about heat jumps or jet armor or sinking some damn thing.
OK, I admit it – once I figure out what the hell was going on, the tank thing is pretty fun. Franc’s pretty good at strategy so our team won and I got to blow up Joe and Phil which was pretty damn entertaining. By the time the group wants to watch the DVDs, though, I’ve had as much of robots and dice as I can take in any one night.
Franc sees me to the door.
“Seriously,” she asks again, “why did you come here tonight?”
The quarters are in the same pocket as my keys. I pull two out and hand them to her. “One for you, one for your friend.”
She bites her lip and blushes. Damn, she’s cute. Then she leans up on tiptoe and kisses me. She nearly sucks my fillings out as her tongue wrestles with mine. My dick begs for a little attention from those lips but it’s not gonna happen tonight.
“Thanks for coming over,” she whispers. She starts to say more, but the opening theme starts and I see her look over her shoulder.
“Go watch,” I laugh. “I’ll call you.” As I get in my car, realize that I meant that. I want to call when I get home, but the number’s at my office. I give my right arm a good work-out thinking about those lips.
Next day I wait ‘til after lunch to call because, well, just because.
“Franchesca Baker.”
“It’s Bobby.” She doesn’t respond. “From the last two nights.” Maybe she can’t hear me.
“I know who you are. Yeah?”
I wait for a minute but she doesn’t say anything else. “Uh, OK. Uh, do you want to go to dinner tonight?” I didn’t mean to ask that; force of habit, I guess. OK, dinner, then sex.
“Can’t. Sorry.”
“Look, am I bothering you?” Maybe she’s just shy at the office.
“OK.” See, this is why I have a no-geek policy; they’re weird.
She’s silent for a couple minutes. Then, “Thursday or Monday. I’m at RoboCon all weekend.”
“OK. How about I pick you up after work on Thursday?”
“OK.” Then she hangs up.
I count to 10 before I call back and ask where I should pick her up. I can’t figure this girl out. Ask her about elves and she’ll talk your ear off; ask her to dinner, and it’s one-word answers. I resolve that this dinner is it – either I hit it Thursday night or I move on to a less-geek, more-normal girl. She’s not that cute. No blowjob is worth all this.
It couldn’t be.
Still when she talks, she’s ... I don’t know. I can almost listen to all that geek garbage. She’s so into it. And, I gotta admit, she’s damn smart. She was calculating ammo usage in her head for herself and for me. And she knows all kinds of history, politics, even some sports stuff. If I could only get her to wear a dress, she might even clean up pretty good. Of course, all I want here is the sex. I’m not into her or anything.
I have a strict no-geek policy.
Thursday, I leave the office early. I’m not in a rush, I just don’t want to be rude and keep Franc waiting. I pull up in front of her office building and watch the people for a while. I’ve got NPR on the radio which is as close to culture as I get.
I like watching people. Every so often, you see someone worth looking at. Franc’s building has a couple. I see a few nice-looking short skirts; an inappropriately low top or two. Then Franc walks out in an outfit that would have made my grandmother proud. The wool jacket is too big and looks like a barrel and the calf-length skirt makes it impossible to see if she has decent legs or not. I’m done. No blowjob could be worth this. Must have been my imagination. She gets in the car.
“Hi.” She kisses me. It’s like she’s never been kissed before and has been saving it all up for me. I think I feel a couple stitches pop in my pants. Then she sits down and starts telling me about something but I can’t follow it because I’m still reeling from that kiss.
What the hell was that? I start to drive off but the car next to me honks loudly. I wait till traffic’s actually clear before I pull out and try to drive to the restaurant. She hasn’t stopped talking yet.
She keeps talking, ignoring me.
“Franc?” I tapped her leg. “Hey.”
“Oh! Sorry! Yeah?”
“What the hell was that?”
“What was what?”
“That kiss?” I’m trying to look at her and drive at the same time. “What was that?”
“Oh.” She looks confused. “Sorry. I thought...” She shrugs. “Right. Stupid me.”
Her cell phone rings before I can ask what she’s talking about and she answers it. I don’t know what the subject is because she gives the same one-word answers she gives me on the phone. When she hangs up, she sighs. “I gotta go.”
“Jill forgot the costumes for the convention. I’ve got to go get them and deliver them tonight.”
“She forgot ‘em, she can go get them.”
“She doesn’t have a car.”
“What about our dinner?”
She looks at me with that tilted look. “Did you really want to take me out?”
“Why else would I be here?” I know was planning ‘no dinner, just sex,’ but I didn’t want her to know that.
“Because I...” she kind of shifts around nervously, “you know.” OK, so is she bright enough to guess that one.
“Oh.” I don’t say anything for a minute. Then, I gotta know, “Why did you do that, anyway?”
“Because you were really nice and you didn’t, you know, try anything.” She looks away and blushes. “I know most guys really want my sister, not me. I felt kinda sorry for you.”
She felt sorry for me. How sweet is that? “You didn’t have to do that you know.”
“I know.” She blushes even darker. “But I kinda wanted to.”
I remember those lips. My dick lurches.
“OK, I’ll take you to dinner, then we’ll go pick up your costume shit.” Then I’ll screw her.
“Really?” It has that cute happy lilt. Maybe I will get lucky tonight after all.
At dinner, she finally asks me what I do for a living. We talk about me for a while, my hobbies and family. She listens with a rapt attention and follows every detail. It was like my life is a new set of game rules for her to memorize. It’s after eight when I finally flagged down the waiter. I won’t let her pay for this meal either – just to hear that ‘really?’
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by Randy MacAnus Mitchell Gandolf was a wizard at science, especially Chemistry and Micro-Biology. So, inevitably, he was a geek of the first magnitude. They called him Mr. Wizard at school and usually not in a kind way. His last name didn't help. Even though it was spelled a bit different than the wizard from the “Lord Of The Rings”, it was pronounced the same. His fellow geeks in the Science Club thought it was really cool. Everyone else thought it was really dorky. His science club...
Insurance Policy By Teaser *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "Hello?" I mumbled into the receiver, my eyes not even open. "It's me, Tracey." My cock went to half-mast. "I have a hot date tonight." she continued, "And I need some insurance." Full mast. "Do you still have the pair I gave you last time?" I remained silent. "Shave everything, wear them all day, and be over here by 5:00. And don't be late or I may keep you all weekend." "Yes Tracey." I meekly replied. "Good, see you...
OFFICE POLICY "Ok ladies and gentleman, please put your hands together for the beautiful and talented Erika!" the DJ's voice rang out over the thumping alternative beat as the object of my lust strutted to the stage. Erika's saucy red curls bounced on her head and on her soft porcelain white shoulders as she walked. The crowd was going ballistic with applause in anticipation. Erika climbed the four steps carefully in her outrageous platform shoes bringing all five feet two inches of...
As I drove into this town, I thought about my upcoming interview for this company. I had applied for a Software Developer position at Vandelay Industries. They manufacture latex and I was supposed to develop, code, test, and implement an inventory management control system for the company. I have been writing computer applications for nine years now, and I was sure that I had the experience necessary for the job. Even more interesting is that I would be writing the application with the new.NET...
Anne The Geek Giving credit where credit is due, based on a suggested story premise by Beth. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I was only 3 weeks out of high school when the events that would change my life entirely occurred. I was alone at home when I snuck into my little sister's room. I had done it a thousand times before. I'd wait for when mom and Becky were gone, and I'd sneak in and try on her clothes. I loved how they felt. When I felt like...
I always know that my older brother, Jake is not into geeky stuffs anymore. He was. He was more into video games rather than comic books like me. But after he started working as a junior architect, he started to abandon all the geeky stuffs. Saying that it’s all for kids. Which make me mad and insulted. But I brush it off. Until that one particular day… “Dad! I am off to the convention with Maya!” I shout as I am heading to the door. “Allright! Just be back before midnight!” He replied as...
One of the primary reason Rachael did that cause she thought of herself as one of them, although her looks completely disagreed with her.She was a beautiful blonde having blue eyes,ample boobs and an ass to die for.No wonder,all the players and popular guys had tried their luck with her but miserably failed.Rachael was still a virgin and she wasn't planning to change that anytime soon.She was aware that most guys who asked her out just wanted to fuck her maybe that's why she found solace...
Up until this point, he had no idea what he had been missing out on. It was the greatest pleasure he had ever felt. Every single detail of the sexual experience filled his mind. The way her body looked and moved, the feeling of her soft pussy as it surrounded his hard cock, the cute noises she made as he thrust into her, and the pure satisfaction of releasing inside her. It was like nothing he'd ever known. And he wanted more. Michael went downstairs and joined his family for dinner. His...
Jerry turned away from the computer desk, looked over at Mrs. Wilson, and said, ‘I think I’ve got all the problems sorted out. You sure had made a mess of this thing. I thought there for a while that I’d have to format it and reload Windows. Is there anything else you need for me to do?’ Mary Wilson had been sitting on the side of her bed, watching the tall thin young man as he worked on her computer. A faint smile played around the corners of her mouth as he asked the question. The sexual...
My name is Rachel (or perhaps not). I am white, blonde, of medium height and slender body, with B-cup breasts (although I have nordic features, my buttocks stand out, like in many Latinas, although not too much). My family is middle-class with artistic-type careers and liberal minds. I was a party and disco girl with enough sexual experience with other young guys of the night scene, and I even had a discreet fling with a lesbian. In one way or another, this cheerful but intelligent attitude...
I wasn’t looking for a fling. I had never even entertained the idea. However, there was something about the young man that came to fix our family’s home computer that put naughty ideas in my head. The family computer crashed and I decided to call that popular company that sent a computer geek to your home in a tricked out little car. I had heard that they were good and reasonably priced, allowing the luxury of the customer never having to leave the home. I made the appointment and due to...
We share a love of comics. A true nerd in love with a geek. You remember every detail, while I forget instantly. But oh, how I love to hear you talk about it! Seeing you light up with excitement about this nerdy world makes me so very happy. I would listen to you for days. You know my favorite anti-superhero is Deadpool. And you have read them all. I have tried but prefer to listen to you tell me all the little details I missed.Deadpool 2. A must-see movie for us of course. I am so excited! My...
Love StoriesYou are nineteen years old and you have got an interview about a private job at some country manor. It pays well and you think it is right up your street. You are somewhat a geek and you have been at college for a year and a half and want to gain some on the job experience. You haven't got any real friends, and are not even close to getting a girlfriend. You have been told to go to a house in Hertfordshire, which is just outside London, where you live. You are told to go down this country lane...
I was cruising the slums, looking for pussy-for-hire, when I had to slam on my brakes. I almost got rear-ended by a guy in a Suburban that was obviously looking for the same sort of thing I was. I waved him around, and he sped off with a mouthed insult about my driving.I couldn't help it. I saw someone I knew. Carla Dawes. From high school. She had been a cheerleader, just seven years ago, a hot brunette with lovely tits and an ass that approached divine. She had always been on the arm of some...
About a month ago I received a letter from a college fraternity brother of mine. I hadn't seen John since graduation three years before and now he was trying to get a group of us together for the first football game of the season. He had settled down in the town where our university was located while most of the rest of our click had moved away. The plan was to go to the game and then to the old frat house afterwards. We'd finish off the night back at John's place.I looked forward to the visit...
I began having a lot of problems with my work laptop, so once or twice a week I needed to go into the office and see the IT guy.He was shy, maybe a little younger then me, and I would consider him a geek or nerd type.He always had the same song playing when I visited his office. I eventually heard it on the radio and got to hear the whole song, it was “Someday” by Sugar Ray. Listening to the lyrics led me to suspect it was no coincidence. That song was playing for me. I think he had a crush...
Mary Wilson had been sitting on the side of her bed, watching the tall thin young man as he worked on her computer. A faint smile played around the corners of her mouth as he asked the question. The sexual scenes that had been running rampant through her mind as he worked would have probably scared the poor boy to death, if she were to verbalize them. The rumors around the neighborhood coffee clutches, had been running wild for the last few months, about the young computer geek that was hung...
It had been a long week at school, Friday was very welcome my room mate was away for the weekend and I decided to head out to the pub for a few drinks. I'm a 22 year old college student I stand 5.8, about 168 lbs, firm c cup tits with dirty blond hair and glasses. I guess you could call me sort of a geek but I have a very good hard body and have never had any trouble finding a man to take home and Fuck the Hell out of me! I'm a straight A student I love sports and learned to enjoy sex very...
This story contains some sex and involves some playful forced feminization. It is intended for boys and girls over the age of 18. Play nice. Computer Geek to Pretty Freak ? by: Little Miss Vicky Kay I was the hottest programmer in the office until Jill showed up. She was a tall punk woman with artificially red hair. She had piercings and tattoos and she was hot and very intimidating. I was short and thin and a bit nervous around women so I was shocked that she took an interest...
THE QUIET GEEK James and Mary Peacock were a quiet couple. She was a failure of the English private school system, their aim being to produce a self confident in addition to a well rounded education. She got the education, but didn't gain the forceful character like so many of her colleagues. He was also naturally quiet, being a chubby child, of below average height, prior to his teens he was seen as an easy target for bullying. The difference with James was that, having been the...
I really should be going. I’m already twenty minutes late back from my lunch break, but the boss is away. I can handle anything his gormless assistant, Doug might throw at me.I’m in the sandwich shop adjacent to our office block, I rarely ever used this place before Cherry took it over. I now find myself coming here every lunchtime, and it’s certainly not for the quality of the food. I’ve put a lot of effort into chatting her up on a daily basis, she didn’t bite at first, but slowly I seem to...
First Time“Nooo,” A loud shriek filled my ears as I saw my fellow soldier fall down to the ground next to me. I ducked into cover behind the burned out car. Grenades were exploding around me, glass shattered and soft hisses of bullets barely missing me told me to stay low. “I knew we should have gone the other way. They were expecting us to come through this alley. Now I’m pinned down,” I shouted in the headset. “Just find them and kill them, come on!” an exited female voice replied in my ear. I quickly...
First TimeSweat was dripping from my forehead. It was like a salty bitter rain that I loved so dearly. The pace was frantic and the work was arduous. My breasts were fluttering across my chest as my heart beat at a wild pace. My legs felt like rubber but I had to keep going, I enjoyed this way too much. Finally, I heard it, the most pleasurable sound in the world. It was my timing device and my workout was finally done. I loved my cardio routines and my upcoming competition was just a week away. I had...
Straight Sex[Author’s note: This story, set in the Band Parents Universe, is an alternate set of events in “Band Geek Diary” and could replace the chapters for those dates.] February 22 It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday morning to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the Kowalskis. She blushed and tried to make it sound like it was just two couples being good friends, but I knew...
Copyright© 022206 Flip. And her red hair cascaded down around her shoulders. I had her try the process again after the patch was applied. Success. She smiled her stressed out smile, that end of the month accounting group overworked, I've got to close the books smile she uses. "Good to go?" "Yep, I'll be able to get my reports done now." "Excellent, let me know if you have any other issues." "OK" That has been out relationship. I'm the computer geek, she's the head bean...
As I ran out of Amy's apartment and down the stairs, I realized that I left my books behind. I decided that there wasn't anything I really needed and hoped that Amy would bring the books to class on Tuesday. I walked over to my house and saw my roommate Walt laying around in the living room. I said "Hi," to Walt and walked toward the stairs. Walt laughed and said, "Why are you wearing the same clothes you had on yesterday? Spend the night with some hot babe, or did you just spend the...
I watched Kevin as he walked away from Bentleys with Joyce and wondered if I'd miss his hairy chest and sexy blue-green eyes. Even his curly brown mop of hair looked cute to me. Then I felt a shiver down my spine when I saw Joyce give his tight butt a pinch while they disappeared around the corner. I hope Joyce really appreciates what I just did for her. Her old boyfriend was a jerk and Joyce deserves someone that won't dominate her like he did. I remembered seeing Joyce a few weeks ago...
The Best Policy By Cal Y. Pygia I didn't see her bracelet until she'd paid for her groceries, left the checkout line, and disappeared among the cars in the shopping mall's vast parking lot. I was about to run my ATM card through the slot in the machine when I noticed the glint. Diamonds. The narrow silver band was aglitter with them. Without a word, I picked up the bracelet and dropped it into the pocket of my sports jacket. The cashier hadn't seen a thing. I didn't intend to keep...
Wind and I had jumped, not straight to the Tower, but first to the Shavrom enclave, Where we gave our new friends a quick update on what had transpired. "Wick, I am going to ask you to act on my behalf in a matter, if you are willing." I said over a glass of Korellian Blue Leaf. "Certainly Weaver!" The Shavrom patriarch agreed. "What will you ask of me?" "I would like you to check up on a family for me. Plank Durmiter and his wife Opal and their two children Ketch and Biter. During...
To all the others they were the "Geeks & Freaks" -- anyone who didn't fit the mould, who didn't have the style or social flair or background or athleticism or money. You didn't automatically become one of the "in" crowd if you had those qualities (though any other shortcomings were more likely to be overlooked if you did), similarly you weren't necessarily classed as a geek or freak if you didn't. There were plenty of "plebs" who just didn't care for the superficiality of...
Halfway through the month on Mars, Rob would have been happy to have been going a bit stir crazy. An endless series of minor accidents, lost scientists, overdue parties and everything else, clear down to dead batteries kept him pretty busy. Those who had long speculated that the canyons of Mars might contain the Martian life that had long been speculated had to be disappointed. The deep and mysterious Valles Marineris canyons were mostly full of dust, eons and eons of slippery, dangerous...
There were some surprises waiting when the Hawking got home. The first of them was Infinity Station. Arne Walker and Morrie Scheufelt had gotten NASA, Roskosmos, CNSA and ESA cooperation, under UN auspices, to join forces and finance and build Earth's first space dock. Of course, the state of things being what they were, Obsidian Aerospace was the contractor hired to do the actual construction. The work was only 40% complete at this point, but the basic dock functionality was already up and...