Frances free porn video

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"Brian, can you come get me please!" came the distressed voice of my sister Frances down the phone.

"Sure, Frances ... what's up?" I asked, though I suspected I knew.

"It's Keith. He's been drinking. He's throwing things. Oh, Brian, please, please hurry ... please!"

There was a loud crash in the background of the phone call and a distant voice saying, "C'mere bitch!" before the phone went dead.

My name's Brian (yeah no kidding). I'm in my early forties and recently divorced. I work in a brewery in the South of England and am currently struggling to make ends meet, mostly due to the Child Support Agency taking away a goodly sum of money to support my kids. I don't have a problem supporting my kids, but what the CSA thinks I need to live on and what I think I need to live on are not even close. I've frequently gone hungry the last couple of days before payday as there's too much month left at the end of the money and I'm discovering the delights of pasta a la ketchup at other times. No, I'm not a spendthrift, it's just I got saddled with loans taken out to pay for my ex's adult education courses plus the car and the CSA don't take that sort of debt into account. I got rid of the TV, the phone and even switched to a top up meter for gas and electricity and on a good month I just manage without sitting in the dark going hungry. I had been heading for a good month till I got the call from Frances ... now I needed to use the car and I wasn't sure if I had enough fuel to get to work and back after picking her up.

Still, a five mile walk would do me good...

Frances is my big sister. She's eight years older than I am and married to Keith. Initially as kids we didn't get on that great because of the gap between us and her being expected to look after me as older siblings often are. Not that we fought, it was more I got in the way as we got older and I suspect at times our parents used me as a sort of chaperone. Still, we'd grown and gone our separate ways, keeping in touch via our parents mostly, despite living only fifteen miles apart. She'd married Keith, had two kids who had grown and flown the coop, one abroad and one to Scotland. It looked from the outside that she'd done well for herself.

"It was during an infrequent family get together at a picnic in a park that I'd caught Keith and Frances having a ... well row doesn't cover it, as it implies words. Call it an incident. I'd wandered to the loos when I caught Keith with his hand around Frances' throat and his other fist bunched as if to hit her, there had been no signs of discord at the picnic so I was a bit confused. Other than that Keith had been drinking from a hip flask, I could think of no reason for the seemingly drunken tirade coming from his lips.

"Oi, behave!" I said loudly and watched him drop his hands to glare at me.

"Mind your own, Brian. This is between Frances and me!" he stated.

"It becomes my business if I see you doing that," I said, not willing to back down.

Seeing that I wasn't about to give way, Keith simply muttered something along the lines of 'this isn't over' and stalked off, clearly unwilling to try anything on with me. The reason for that is I'm very strong from heaving beer barrels out of my way to fix leaks and in my youth played rugby a lot and have a pretty good physique, though sadly not much in the way of personal charm in keeping my ex happy.

"You OK, Frances?" I asked.

"Yes, Brian." she answered miserably. "He's a bad drunk and you might just have made things worse by embarrassing him."

"Christ sis, why put up with it then?"

"Because when he's sober he's good to us."

"And he's mostly sober?"

"Yes... ," she answered, before wandering off to seek him out.

The rest of the picnic was fine with Keith being charm himself, though avoiding my gaze at all times. I heard later that Frances had a fall on the stairs when she got home, hurt herself quite badly, I did wonder...

After that I made it my business to keep an eye on Frances and the kids until the kids were old enough to fly the nest as it were. I had the feeling that Frances constant wearing of long sleeved tops covered a multitude of sins. But getting her to open up or admit there was a problem wasn't easy. Eventually the problems in my own marriage caught up with me and my watch slipped, though I did call Frances or texted her frequently enough to let her know I was still around.

Recently I'd been picking up 'vibes', for want of a better word, from Frances that Keith's drinking was becoming a real problem. Though, as ever, her stubborn pride and unwillingness to give up on her marriage wouldn't let her call me up to help ... well, until tonight that was.

It took me twenty minutes to get to Frances' house and all was in darkness. Still I went up and knocked at the door only to have my knuckles push it open and I could see where it had been forced, perhaps kicked open. The hallway looked OK, but the living room looked trashed, broken furniture and ornaments, same with the kitchen though their knife rack had a blade missing which really put me on my guard. I kept calling out 'Frances' but heard no replies so decided to try upstairs.

The master bedroom was totally trashed, someone, presumably Keith had slashed clothing and broken anything in sight, even the mattress. The guest room was similarly destroyed, however the spare room door was closed and I could see a glimmer under the threshold. I pushed it open, struggling a bit as it was blocked by something and found my sister ... it wasn't good. She appeared to have been beaten to within an inch of her life, bruising, cuts, contusions, though no sign of any broken bones, thank God. Her eyes were swollen shut and bloody drool had cascaded down her chin onto her torn upper clothing whose exposed places also showed bruises, both new and old.

"I'm here, Frances," I said softly, as I knelt to examine her.

"Don't know where he is, be careful," she slurred through a split lip.

"I'm taking you to casualty. Then pressing charges," I said.

"No, just take me somewhere safe Brian, please."

"Sis, you need medical attention!" I said firmly.

"No, please, I will walk out if you do!"

"Christ! OK, but if it gets worse I'm calling an ambulance ... deal?"


I tried helping her to her feet, but it was clear that she could not even stand upright, so I gingerly picked her up in my arms and was surprised at how light she was. I struggled down the stairs and out of the front door. I nearly put my back out manoeuvring her into the passenger seat of my car before locking her in. I then returned to the house and grabbed any personal stuff of hers I could find including her hand bag before returning to the car and dumping it into the back seating area. It was then that I spotted Keith swaggering up towards me looking plain mean and dangerous, holding a kitchen knife.

"So the bitch did call for help," he sneered.

"Fuck off Keith, before I do to you what you did to her," I replied calmly.

"Fucking high and mighty brother from the failed marriage thinks he can take me 'cos of what I did to his cunt of a sister?" he said almost hysterically.

I stood and looked at him and the words stopped as he realised knife or not I was planning murder upon him.

"Take the useless cunt and keep her then, I've no further use for her," He said and staggered off.

I watched him go carefully until I judged him far enough away so that I could get going in the car without him intercepting us. I was tempted to simply run him over, but common sense and caution prevailed. I was pretty certain that I was under some sort of observation from the neighbours.

I got ten minutes down the road when the low fuel lamp started blinking furiously on the dashboard.

"Damn!" I muttered.

"Sup?" slurred Frances.

"Need fuel, but I've got no cash."

"Hanbag ... take money in purse ... use that," she moaned then closed her eyes again.

I pulled in at a petrol station and reached back to nab the handbag and got her purse out. I was amazed to find over £500 in various denominations but chose only to take a small amount out to put a little fuel in the car then popped into the store attached to the forecourt and get some bread, butter, cereal and milk to tide Frances over till things got settled. I also got a top up on my gas and electric meter cards as I figured the first thing I'd need to do with Frances, assuming she was up to it, would be to run her a bath or shower.

Ten minutes later we were at my flat and I was faced another problem. Carrying Frances up two flights of stairs. It was an awful experience for us both, Frances because every jolt and bump made her cry out in agony and for me because of the distress it was causing me to hear her cry out. Still we got there and I somehow managed to get the key in the lock and the door opened. I carried her into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. If anything she looked even worse than when I'd found her. The swellings around her injuries had grown and I doubted she could even see out of her eyes, so bad was it.

"I'm going to have to undress you so I can clean you, sis," I said softly.


I decided to start at the top and removed her jumper very carefully, though still not carefully enough as she cried in pain at each tug. Still it came off and at least I didn't have to cut it. I could barely believe the amount of old scars and what appeared to be burn marks on her arms along with new bruising, though at least there weren't any cuts or open wounds. I did the same with her T-shirt, again causing her a lot of distress, and carefully checked her ribs. There didn't appear to be anything major wrong to my sight, though the skin was a mass of colours from the bruising, as well as some surface abrasions, though again nothing deep. I left her bra on for modesty's sake and unbuttoned her jeans and very carefully slipped them and her sandals off her legs seeing very similar results to her arms.

"I'm going to turn you over sis," I said. "I'll be as gentle as I can."

Going back to an old first aid course I'd taken years ago, I got her into what's known as the recovery position and checked over her back seeing nothing but a mass of bruises and older damage.

"Well, doesn't seem to be any signs of anything other than you've been severely beaten, sis," I said as I carefully turned her over again to face me.


"I'm going to run you a hot bath and give you some painkillers. Then we'll get you settled for the night."


I gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and went to run the bath as well as rummaging around my medicine box to find a tab of Tramadol that I'd been prescribed for a bad back six months before. After that I wondered how I'd get Frances in the bath, then it occurred to me that I'd have to remove her panties and bra too ... assuming she couldn't do it herself and I suspected she couldn't.

"Baths ready, but we have a problem," I said.

"Problm?" she slurred.

"Yes getting you in, though I think I can manage that, but also your underwear."

"Ah ... jus go for it," she gasped.

"I promise I won't look," I said with a smile as I reached under Frances to unclip her bra and carefully removed it, followed by my drawing down her panties. I then carefully lifted her up and carried her through to the bathroom before gingerly getting down to my knees as I lowered her into the hot water.

"Ohhhhh!" she moaned.

"Not too hot?" I asked in alarm.

"No, jus hurts."

"Where?" I asked.

"Everywhere," she gasped.

"Take these," I said, I carefully handed her the Tramadol and a drink of water.

Frances swallowed the tablets and lay back carefully in the bath as I took a flannel and some soap and gently cleaned her face, making her wince, but nothing else. Next I poured water over her head and shampooed her hair for her before rinsing it off.

"You aren't going to be a pretty sight for a week or so at least," I said.

"Mmmm," she acknowledged.

"What about your job?" I asked.

"No job, he made me leave," she enunciated carefully.

"Well, you can stay as long as you like," I replied. "Bed's yours, the sofa's comfy enough for me."

"No, yr bed," she said.

"You're not sleeping on the sofa in your condition," I replied.

"K, but when better, your bed again."

"We'll see," I chuckled. "I'll let you soak now. Call me if you need me, but I'll be back in ten to finish hosing you down."

"K bro, n thanks."

"Should have let me sort it earlier. No man has the right to do that to a woman, my sister or not," I said before going through to my small kitchen to see what I could do for supper.

Ten minutes later I returned to the bathroom to make sure Frances was OK and to make sure all the scrapes and cuts were cleaned up before carefully lifting her from the bath to towel her down. I then took her back to the bedroom and got her into an old top of mine and some tracksuit bottoms. Leaving her sitting propped up with pillows I brought a tray with some soup and toast in, hoping she could manage. She ate about half of it before the Tramadol kicked in and I made sure she was comfy and left to sort myself out as it was now getting on for 10 pm.

I was awoken at about 2 am by the sounds of sobbing and went through to check on Frances.

"You OK, sis?" I asked.

Yes, sorry, just hurting and bad dreams," she said.

"I can get you more pain killers," I said.

"Please, Brian."

I got her some more Tramadol and some water and was heading back to the sofa when she spoke. "Brian, would you just hold me for a while?"

"Sure," I replied and went back to the bed and cuddled her in, being careful not to squeeze too tight.

Next thing I knew, I was awoken from a fairly erotic dream of me washing down an OK Frances by my alarm. I also realised that I had an erection and that as we were still cuddled spoon like it was pressing into her shapely rear.

"I have to go to work," I said to her as I carefully disentangled us. "Will you be OK?"

"Think so, I just ache, but I can move about ... I think."

"Well the flat's yours, foods in the cupboards along with tea, coffee and milk. Help yourself and you can get me by phone, oh and my one luxury, my laptop with internet connection is yours to use too," I said as I headed for a shower.

I checked on Frances before I headed out on my shift and saw she'd gone back to sleep and so headed off to my daily grind.

On my return I found that Frances had been stupidly busy, dishes had been done, the rooms tidied and a very nice meal from my meagre resources prepared.

"You didn't have to do this, sis. You're my guest, at least until the swellings go down," I said to a clearly exhausted Frances.

"It needed doing and I managed, though I do feel tired now," she replied.

The bruising and swelling had not gone down, in fact the bruising had turned into some very interesting shades of yellows and violets. Still at least she was mobile, which had concerned me when I'd left her.

"Will it be worth going back to your house to see what I can salvage?" I asked as we ate.

"No, Brian, he was very thorough before he started hitting me, all I have is what you brought."

"We'll have to get you new stuff," I said. "But it'll have to come from your budget I'm afraid. I'm skint, the payments to the kids and the loans are eating me alive."

"Yes, Keith was gloating over your new circumstances. God knows how he found out though."

"I think Jenny phoned around a few of the people whom she knew would enjoy my downfall," I chuckled, oddly amused.

"Well, I have money. I've been squirrelling it away for a rainy day and I can get work too," Frances said.

"Well, it's certainly raining now," I replied.

I refused to let her do the dishes and simply helped her back into the bed along with a hot drink and told her to rest.

"Will you be joining me later?" she asked. "Only it was nice being held, it kept the bad dreams away."

Remembering my morning horn and the weird dream I'd had I hesitated before seeing the pleading in her eyes.

"Of course, sis," I replied. "No rush to get up either, it's the weekend."

After the dishes I sat and played around with my laptop for a while until about eight when Frances came through and asked if she could have a bath.

"You don't have to ask, the meters almost fully charged thanks to you, so feel free," I replied.

"Thanks Brian, ... thanks for everything, you were the only one who seemed to care."

"The rest of the family would, but you kept your secret too well," I said as she left to fill the bath.

"Fear and not wanting the 'I told you so's" came the reply from the bathroom. "Dad warned me that Keith was not a nice guy, but I have my stubborn pride."

"Well they all know now, Keith announced he kicked you out for 'fucking around with other men' on facebook," I replied.


I repeated my comment and Frances came back into the living room to see what had been put.

"He's not getting the replies he'd like," I said. "Already had loads of your friends calling him a liar."

"Bastard ... mind if I?" she asked.

"Feel free I'll sort your bath," I said.

When everything was ready for her I came back through and watched as she put the finishing touches to a vicious riposte to Keith's announcement including pictures from the webcam of bruises old and new.

"That'll hurt," I said with a nasty smile.


Frances went to have her bath and I watched the fun begin as her friends and my family now went to town on Keith until he finally locked down and closed his account.

"Brian," came a call. "I need a hand, I'm stuck!"

"Are you decent?" I asked stupidly.

"I'm stuck in the bath you idiot!" came the exasperated reply. "Besides you've already seen everything I've got yesterday."

"That was yesterday."

"Well, it hasn't bloody changed so get in here and give me a hand!"

I went in to see Frances lying in the bath, but the bruising and aches in her arms made it impossible to get out. Whilst I had more or less ignored her body yesterday out of my concern for her injuries, it was far more difficult to do so today.

Frances is medium sized and medium build, 5' 6", 36" (C cup probably with lovely pink nipples), 26", 36", light brown hair and blue eyes and full lips, though they weren't at their best at the moment. I'd also noticed she had a neatly trimmed pussy covering a raised mons veneris with a hint of a pink valley beneath her pubic hair. She's a lovely 45-year-old who does look a bit younger than her years, though not too much, still well worth a glance for her figure alone.

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“Good morning, Mike.” they said, in unison. They did that often, speaking the same words, dressing alike, and generally synchronizing everything they did. He grunted at them and got up to put his bowl and spoon in the sink. “We have a favor to ask of you.” they said. He looked at them, suspecting a joke of some sort. They didn’t associate with him very much, barely speaking to him, ever. “Please, only you can help us.” they said, then looked at each other and giggled. “What is it?”...

4 years ago
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Moms a Cum Slut

Jill was sitting in the kitchen talking to the football coach as her husband walked in, she waved to him and kept right on talking. He motioned he was heading upstairs to unpack from his trip. She hung up happy with the results which just occurred. She headed upstairs to tell her husband the news. “Hi hon how was the trip”? He looked at her “long and tiring and next week I’m back out to the coast”. “Wow that sucks for you”. Al looked at Jill, he shrugged and continued unpacking. “I’ve got...

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She truly is not my actual maternal Niece, She is actually my husbands Sisters daughter. Now she by no means is a nieve; Straight laced girl; Just the opposite actually. Wild and acts like a mare in heat!! I know beyond a doubt she's fucked well over her share of young men. But the truth of all that is; She has really never had a big dick in her at all ! You all know the story of that all to well; Those pencil dicked little boys she's fucked have never been able to give her...

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Cold Love

Janice Webster scraped the frost off the window of the piper cub one more time. The expanse of snow and trees seemed unchanged from the last time she looked, over an hour ago. The sun was slipping beneath the horizon, leaving a ruddy glow on the otherwise pristine white surface below her. She was beginning to regret her decision to accept the teaching job in the native Inupiat village called Kluso. “It’s only August and the ground is already covered with snow,” she thought to herself. “What...

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part three several cocks are better than one of c

So here I am, left with a 22 year old Mexican k** with a hard on in my hotel room, the other three have gone back to drinking their beer at the pool. This k*d had the smallest, smoothest ass I had ever seen on a guy, I had never been tempted to fuck a guy but here I was looking at it as he slowly stroked his cock. His ass was still gaping a bit after being pounded and he turned on his side and asked if I could please fuck it so he could cum? I put on a condom but I was still hesitant although...

4 years ago
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Manju Ne Devar Ko Choda 8211 Part II

Hello mere pyare dosto, kese ho aap? aap sab logo ko mera pyar bhara salam. mera nam raj he or me aap sab logo ko mery pehly story “manju ne devar ko choda” read karne ke liye or mery pe coments bhajne ke liye me aap sabko mera pyar bhara salam karta hu. pehli story ke bad muje kafi sari ladkiyo ke mail aye or kafi sare logo ne koments bhi diye.agar koi bhi mujse freandship karna chahti he to muje mail kare .ab me mery dusry ghatana apke sath sheir karna chahta hu.huva yu ki…. Pehle din mery...

3 years ago
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Backdoor ManChapter 8

Rich and Brittany had been invited for a sleepover party the Friday night after the delicious encounters at Devi’s restaurant. The hosts were Arnold, Carly, and Natalie Weinstein, a brother and two sisters who lived together under circumstances that were still unclear to the couple, not to mention the rest of us. When they asked if the rest of their partners could attend as well, the Weinsteins enthusiastically agreed to the request, though unaware of the relationship dynamics yet. The next...

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The FootlockerChapter 8

Elsa and Lara met me at the airport and took me home. It was good to be back, and I couldn’t wait to get out of my winter clothes and into something cooler to wear. Getting out of my clothes was no problem, Lara helped. There was a delay however before I put on my cooler clothes. Lara and I both enjoyed the delay. I kicked back and relaxed for the rest of the day. I told myself I needed to acclimate myself to the warmer weather. At dinner that night, I had the opportunity to dine on our new...

4 years ago
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Samson Gets Familiar Part 2 End of Summer

The summer ticked by, day after day, and I started to lose all hope of ever getting to spend another night with Sammy. I knew, deep down, that I had fallen in love with him and I had to know if he felt the same. My uncle came to me one day to tell me that he had planned to surprise my aunt and the boys with a camping trip and that I, of course, was invited to come along as well. This was it, the moment I'd waited for the last month. I looked him squarely in the eye and asked if it would...

2 years ago
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Ankita K Sath Mera Pehla Experience

By : Avinash73 Hello friends, this is my 1st story on ISS. My name is Raj and I am from Lucknow and doing also from Lucknow. So aap logo ko bore na karte hue sidha mere 1st sex experience par aata hu. Ye baat kuch mahino pehle ki hai jab hamara February me new semester start hua tha mere class m 2nd year m 1 nai ladki kisi aur college se aai thi jiska naam tha Ankita kuch reason hoga but wo dekhne m bhut sunder thi and uska figure mujhe xactly to nahi pata par mere experience k hisab se...

3 years ago
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Fucking The Sexy Aunty In Hyderabad

Hello, I am pink minded thinking, imagining of pink pussies always of course have more passion towards sex. I do lot of porn surfing during the nights and think of when will i do sex with. From early days, i had a feeling like, sex with aunties will have more pleasure to us. Because, they are practiced to and thirsty of new guys to enjoy the new arts of sex. i felt, I am one of the guy of what aunties expect. So, I went on concentrating aunties nearby my home and i always look their face to...

4 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 83

When I got back to New Wales, it was early enough to return EZs car, so I called him. "EZ, where the hell are you?" I asked when he came on the phone. "I'm about to grab a car," he said. "Repo or stealing it?", I asked. "Very funny, almost as funny as the lady who owes me money being in jail," he said. "I wasn't in jail. I was being questioned by the police. Cops tend to be very careful when arresting me these days. The lotto winner story is the worst kept secret in history."...

2 years ago
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Pati Patni aur Sali

Hi this is Huma with my new story which I hope you will love to read. Meri shadi aaj se 2 saal pehle Pooja ke saath hui thi aur uss din se hamari sex life bahut hi anand dayak rahi hai. Pooja ki umar 22 saal aur meri 23 saal ki hai. Pooja ne apni padhayi Simla ke English medium school mein puri ki hai. Usske pita ji ki maut ho chuki hai aur ghar mein meri saas Pushpa aur ek badi sali, Rati, jo ki talakshuda hai, ke ilawa aur koi nahin hai. Pooja bistar mein bahut naye naye sexy program banati...

3 years ago
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The CureChapter 28

We thoroughly enjoyed the shipboard facilities on the journey. I also checked in with the ship’s Healer as requested by Cassire, though he reported no one on board required the services of a Cure. Still it was pleasant to finally be reaching Arconia to view one of the great artefacts of known civilisation, the Spire. The Spire is a space elevator, in that one end is attached to the surface of the planet Arconia on the equator, the other end is attached to a huge space station in orbit. Up...

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Kitty A Girl Named Cat Ch 06

The next two weeks were chaotic. I did not have a day off. Not that I am complaining, it is hard to make it as a professional photographer in a big city. I’m quite grateful for the work, but it wasn’t just work. It was my friend’s assistant in the gallery that quit right before a big show that I helped jump in to make happen and also another friend was in need after a bad break-up. Life stuff, it happens, so I did not get to dole a ton of attention to my neighbor. It was nice, although I cannot...

2 years ago
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Domesticated By Amy Brett "Okay. Here's two hundred dollars to start you guys off," Mrs. Paul said, handing Joe the cash. "There's plenty in this account and you just have to write a check or go to an ATM for more. Okay?" "No problem Mrs. Paul. Just go ahead and enjoy your trip," Joe said. "Just wish I could go along," Mike said. "A real life trip around the world. That's so cool!" "And you, young man," she said, turning to her son. "You be a good boy...

3 years ago
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family Menage A Trois

It was while I was dating my Native American fiancée, Jill. We have had a number of dates with heavy petting, feeling her pussy and my dick at various places like cars, at the theater, in the park, etc. This particular evening we were at her parent's singlewide mobile home. We visited a while, and shared a few slices of cake and ice cream. Her parents went to bed early to give us some time together. Now this home has an open kitchen/living room plan, with the couch set so one could see...

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Flower Girl Ch 03

Tracy pushed a broom around an already clean floor, trying to stay busy instead of obsessing on her email inbox. She had not heard from William after going out to for drinks and wondered if she had misread the signs? She actually believed he was attracted to her, but maybe he just likes to date? Maybe he dates several women at a time? It was his prerogative, she reminded herself. She would not waste her time thinking about someone who was indifferent towards her, although he did not seem that...

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Miss Pratts Singer

?It's nine a.m. and this is Dougie the Dog here at WKGC, and we're back with ClaudiaLeary, better known as Claudia Canary. You're amazing, Claudia! Sixty millionalbums, four Grammy's and seven American Music Awards, and recently you werenamed best pop female vocalist at ToneFest!? ?Thanks, Dougie, you're too kind, and I couldn't have done it without thepeople who work behind me?? ?Oh, no you're remarkable. My daughter has the poster for your movie, as well.But what I wanted to talk about...

4 years ago
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Pretty Little Slave

Almost a month has passed since Alana has been under my instruction. She is a good little slave and I have enjoyed her perfect pussy in every way possible. She knew to have that cunt ready when I called her and told her I was on my way. Shaven, wet and ready so I could dive in and eat her til she came or fuck her and abuse her until I was finished. Upstairs in her room I finished dipping into her ass with a vibrator while I shoved one head of the double dong into her snatch. She came like the...

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Anna Anna and the Dildo

I gave my old strap-on dildo to Allan, my stepson. He was a bit startled, "What the hell is THIS for?""Well, I have damn all for a sex life these days, so I thought it might as well go to some use. I've never had any complaints from any of the ladies I used it on; it's not like these things wear out."Allan examined the vinyl dildo. It wasn't the largest on the market, only about 8 inches long and perhaps one and a half inches in diameter. But it had proven more than large enough to fill and...

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At the gym

I'd been going to the gym for about two months. After having done my workout I'd had a shower and was getting dressed, as I had all my clothes on I was just putting my shirt on when Adam came in to the locker room, we made short talk, football, weather etc. As I put my arms through my shirt he came close to me and said "You married?", I replied that I was.As I was lacing up my boots he came from out of the shower and with just a towel around him he stood a couple of feet away. I noticed how...

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The Toy Box Ch 03

Bernie was saying to Bethany, ‘Tel-Co fell a full point to end at seventy-one-and-a-half, scared the shit out of me.’ Bethany said, ‘That’s the second drop in two days.’ ‘Shut the fuck up, assfaces!’ Alicia said. ‘No one cares about your stupid stocks. I’m here to get laid, and I don’t need you reminding me about day-jobs and shit.’ Taggart said, ‘Ignore the squares, Leesh. Trust your sugar daddy to provide all the meat you need to survive.’ ‘Oh Taggart,’ Alisha said with a mouthful of...

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Mommy Fun Time

Mommy Fun TimeIt was my last month in my hometown before I had to leave for college and I was still a virgin. I was watching porn one night in my basement and the title Son Tricks Mom into Blowjob came up in my recommended. I then felt suddenly aroused about the thought of getting a blowjob from my mom, so I began to jerk my hard 5 inch cock to a taboo filled video. As I was jerking off I started thinking about my mom, 5’4”, 120 pounds, lean body, big tits, and long blonde hair. She kind of...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 245

This one is compliments of Wyden ‎ I saw her standing at the back of the unruly mob of boys, shyly holding her little candy bag as if it were a debutante’s clutch purse. She was so angelic and looked as fragile as a butterfly, it teased at my heartstrings. I went through the motions of doling out the Snickers and such to the boys, but held the richest prize for the angel who had stolen my heart. Finally, the boys decided they had extracted all the goodies I was going to give them, the...

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After the show the old lady led the exhausted and somewhat drowsy white boy to a room on the third floor. Callum was asl**p before his head hit the pillow. Meanwhile downstairs Achmed was talking with Ijah and Jamaal about the boy. It was clear to Achmed that Ijah feelings towards the boy were growing, this worked to his advantage. At the same time there was a growing jealousy within Jamaal, he angrily demanded his share of the money from the show tonight. Achmed happily paid the boy, but he...

4 years ago
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The Vampire Kaid Part 1 A Bite In TimeChapter 11

With Mandy gone and a prospective affair stopped stone cold dead when Frieda was murdered, I went back to my old ways. I returned to my favourite haunt in Bangsar — the Koffee Korner. Next to nice, warm, fresh blood I love good coffee, preferably spiked with a small measure of good brandy. Also one gets to meet interesting people at the Koffee Korner — from the amusingly kinky to the downright kooky. That was where I met Cleopatra La Prince, champion of the downtrodden, especially the female...

2 years ago
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Fear And Arousal

CHAPTER ONEI slam the door behind me with a large sigh. Getting home after a long day I fall onto my bed desperate for peace. I put on some music trying to empty my mind for at least a minute or two. DING My phone vibrates in my pocket sending a surprising jolt up my leg. I unlock it and see a message from my deputy manager.“Fucking seriously? Am I not allowed to have two seconds to myself?” I bellow at my phone. I decide to ignore it. I am tired of dealing with everybody else’s issues. I...

1 year ago
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Gail Goes a Hunting

Tony Nash the new young sports master had earlier that evening met Gail Foy in the Harvester bar of the hotel, he had not recognised her as one of the students at his school, but then he was not supposed to, and with her hair done up, and her make-up so expertly applied, there was little chance he would recognise her at all. After a few drinks, her extremely sensuous sexy seductive and very adult behaviour won the day, and soon they were chatting like old friends, later Tony had not been slow...

Erotic Fiction
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After the gangbang

After the Morgantown Gang-Bang…because I am a sucker for a big black cock.Following a nice session Sunday night the white guy (Jed), said he’d leave me alone for a while and let me recover. I really appreciated that because all of my ‘equipment’ was wrecked. But…I have two problems. Most of the time, following a good fucking and, I’ve rested a little – I want fucked again. The other problem is that I am a real lover of taking big black cocks – I just crave satisfying a well endowed black top....

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SLUT 12Randy was at home that night. He did some homework, jerked off, and went to bed. He didn't even want to think about what his ex-fiancé was doing. He would not be surprised to find out that Erica spent her lunch hour fucking some guy she went to school with, and went to her other lover's house after work to get some more. She got to Jason's place at around 10 that night. She had been staying there for a couple of weeks now, and was getting all the cock she wanted, between him and his...

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Twice the fun on new years eve

My twin nieces have kept my balls drained for a few years now, and nobody knows about it. Ever since I passed out one New Year's eve and woke up to find Deanie and Debbie jacking me off into a glass of champagne, they've enjoyed the "fruit of my loins," so to speak. I'm about ten years older than the twins and we get along well together. We have many common interests, which is why no one, including their folks, think it's strange that we spend so much time together.But it's what we do with one...

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My Breanna My Darling 3 The End

Lets Run Away Still Rings In My Head Till This Day... It Was The Day My Life Changed... Forever ===================================================================================== "Lets Run Away" She Says, I was shocked...

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Me and Milly Part 3 Her House

The night before I had shaved my cock and asshole, it was smooth and made it look bigger. Also made it easier to clean so I didn’t get nearly caught like in the hotel. So Friday came around and I swung by her school to pick her up. She came walking out and I could tell she was walking for me, swinging her hips from side to side, shirt slightly unbuttoned, grey skirt just above her knees and black socks pulled up just below the skirt. The only problem was that she was wearing some boring...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 547

A father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie. He decides to test it out at dinner one night. The father asks his son what he did that afternoon. The son says, “I did some schoolwork.” The robot slaps the son. The son says, “Ok, Ok. I was at a friend’s house watching movies.” Dad asks, “What movie did you watch?” Son says, “Toy Story.” The robot slaps the son. Son says, “Ok, Ok, we were watching porn.” Dad says, “What? At your age I didn’t even know what porn...

4 years ago
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The Limp Factor Part One

A side note before we begin the story: I would like to send out a special thank you to a special Lush member (who wishes to remain nameless for now) for help in editing this story. I usually do not have a problem editing, but I am not sure of myself when writing from a man’s point of view. Yeah, I know, sounds weird since I am a man, but thanks to her help, she made it flow even better. Thanks so much! The Limp Factor: Part One I was so fucking nervous. Here I was, sitting on my next door...

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