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Domesticated By Amy Brett "Okay. Here's two hundred dollars to start you guys off," Mrs. Paul said, handing Joe the cash. "There's plenty in this account and you just have to write a check or go to an ATM for more. Okay?" "No problem Mrs. Paul. Just go ahead and enjoy your trip," Joe said. "Just wish I could go along," Mike said. "A real life trip around the world. That's so cool!" "And you, young man," she said, turning to her son. "You be a good boy and do what Joe and Mike tell you to do. Okay?" "Sure mommy. No problem. I will. I promise," Andy said. She picked him up until his feet cleared the floor embarrassingly and hugged him tight. "Love you baby," she said. "You just have a good time with Bob. Okay?" They all stood at the door and watched Mrs. Paul run out to the limo, waving goodbye to her son. Joe and Mike still couldn't believe their luck. Both college sophomores and roommates, they'd applied for the job when they saw it advertised in the college paper. "WANTED: Mature young man to take care of young son and home for the summer. All expenses paid. Salary to be negotiated." Joe had called on a lark. Neither he nor Mike had anything lined up for the summer except going home to live off their parents again. They'd grown up a couple of blocks apart and only met after they got to school the year before. They'd been close friends ever since, as well as being roommates. This job had been a no brainer as soon as they made the contact. Come to the country home of a rich lady and spend the summer with her son. Keep the house in reasonable condition. Keep her son out of trouble and fed. And the money was great. It would pay for both of their next year's school and expenses. She even increased the amount planned so both of them could work instead of just one. It seemed like a two for one to her and a dream come true for them. The easy part was that Andy was a nice, quiet, well behaved boy of twelve. He seemed like a really good kid and his mother said he was a "dream". Biased maybe but he certainly seemed like a quiet, decent kid to the two boys. So the only problems they could see were doing the work something they'd been doing for themselves in their apartment for a school year and figuring out something to do for the summer that would keep them from going nuts. After all, the neighborhood was just about the calmest read that boring place in the world. And the deal was super. The house was beautiful. Very rich folks. They had the use of the "family" car, a Lexus, and a Jeep for excursions. The place had horses and a pool and, in case they got bored, backed up against a national forest. When Mrs. Paul had left, they retreated to the kitchen and the three of them had had lemonades and talked and laughed. Joe and Mike were very happy that the kid was as nice and easy to be around as he was. In fact, if the kid had a problem it was that he was affection starved. They watched movies on the big screen TV that first night and the kid sat between them with an arm around each. Finally, he fell asleep against Mike's side while they watched the third movie of the night and was easily carried upstairs to his bed. The "problems" didn't start for a week. Mike was the one who noticed Andy was missing and, after an extended search, found him in his mother's bedroom. *** Yeah, I guess I resented having a couple of college guys taking care of me for the summer. I liked them just fine actually but, after all, I'm 12 years old! I could pretty much take care of myself. Right? Well, really, it was pretty much neat that they were around to order food or cook or whatever. And I wouldn't have wanted to do all the house cleaning even though I think they made more of a mess than me anyway. Ok. So I know now that what I'd been doing for a long time a couple years at least was pretty weird. Now I know that, I guess. Then I'm not so sure. Well, I didn't want to get caught doing it. I know that. I knew that a guy wearing his mommy's clothes is something the other kids at school would make fun of. But, well, I just couldn't help it. The first time I tried it was about Christmas and mom and my father had been out to dinner. I didn't know a divorce was coming up but maybe they didn't either then. Anyway, they left me alone for an evening. Just long enough to go out to dinner for a couple hours. Not a big deal. Anyway, I was looking for something I left in my pants pocket in the hamper. I found it but I also found a pair of my mom's panties that looked and felt really cool. Worst of all, I saw something on them and smelled. It was the most wonderful smell I ever smelled. I guess it was something that comes out of her but it just smelled like the greatest thing ever. I'm not quite sure how it got to that, but I ended up in my room wearing the panties myself and rubbing myself like I'd just learned how to do. It was a close call because I had a tickle from doing that just before my parents came back home. I just got dressed in my PJ's in time to meet them downstairs. They were happy that I was already ready for bed and everything. From then on, every time I was alone for a while, I'd try on something else I found in the hamper. At the time, I was small. But now, I'm almost exactly the same size as mom. Not nearly as big as my dad or my new stepdad, of course, but as big as her. Not nearly as big as Mike or Joe either. Anyway, what happened was that the more I tried on mom's stuff, the more adventurous I got. Pretty soon, maybe almost a year ago, I tried on her panties and shoes and a dress at the same time and they all fit. Not out of the hamper but right out of her room. It had just sort of gone from there. I guess, like most kids who are left alone quite a bit, I explored everything in the house. I found mom and dad's dirty movies. I watched a bunch of them, a little piece at a time. I found a long thing that smelled like mom's panties a lot in her night table. I found picture albums and sad stuff about my grandma they didn't want me to know and all sorts of stuff. When I found the old trunk of grandma's with all the pictures and other stuff it was pretty neat. But, sort of in one corner, I found some funny soft balloon things and, after a while, figured out that they were what made mommy's chest stand up. When I put them in one of her bras and put it on, I almost looked just like her. Pretty cool. What Mike saw when he caught me was me trying on a black slip over the bra and panties. It was stupid of me, I guess, to do that when both of them were around the house. But you have to understand that I'd really got used to wearing those things and missed it after a week not being able to. Why couldn't they just leave me alone for half an hour? *** "What the fuck?" Mike said when he caught sight of me. I didn't hear him in the hall and I damned near had a heart attack. "What are you doing?" If I could have got away with it, I would have dropped behind a bed or something and hid for life. But I couldn't. There wasn't a bed close enough to hide behind. I just stood there turning 90 shades of red. After a week, I thought I'd just made friends with these guys. Now what would they think of me? Mike's eyes sort of went from top to bottom and back up again. His mouth was open and his eyes were wide while he did it. I don't know what I expected him to do but what he did wasn't it. "Hey, Joe!" he yelled back down the hall. "Hey, Joe! Commere!" "What?" Joe's voice said from downstairs. "Just get up here!" Mike looked at me pretty funny as I heard Joe running up the stairs and down the hall. I felt like running but I just didn't know what to do. Instead we just stood there frozen about 10 feet apart listening to Joe scramble around. He was out of breath when he came in the room, looking a little scared. Like maybe something bad had happened. Maybe it had. "What the fuck?" he said, questioning. Then he looked me up and down. "What the FUCK!" He closed the space between us and walked part way around me, making me very nervous. Mike came with him and chuckled. "I'll be god damned!!!" he said in a minute. His mouth was open and his eyes wide too. Like Mike's had been. Mike was smiling now instead. "So. What do you think?" Mike said. "I'll be god damned," Joe said softer. The two of them walked around and around me, never taking their eyes off me the whole time and not saying anything. Mike was smiling. Joe still looked startled or something. Joe shook his head like the cartoon characters do. "You know what?" he said. I didn't see how Mike reacted but he didn't say anything. "He looks pretty good." "Damned good," Mike said from my other side. "Damned good," Joe agreed. For the next several minutes, they asked me about how long I'd been doing it. I told them. Why. I couldn't say really. If I liked it. Yeah, I did. Whether mom knew. No. Anybody. No. Then they had me walk around. That was the first time I really felt the short slip move against my thighs and that was sort of neat in spite of the situation and the way the panties moved was even neater. Finally, I couldn't stand it any more. "What are you guys going to do?" I whined. "You won't tell mommy will you?" They sort of look startled. "Please?" I begged. That's when Joe's startled look changed to a smile like Mike's. "Ah, no," he said. "I don't think we're going to tell your mom." "We won't anyway if you, well, sort of go along with us," Mike added from behind me. It took Joe by surprise too. It was like Mike needed to explain to both of us then. "Hey. You said you like doing this, right? I just think we might be able to have a little fun with it. You know?" I think Joe didn't know what he meant either. He didn't say anything and I didn't know what to say. "Hey look. You like doing this. Dressing up like a girl. Right?" He looked at me and I shrugged I guess. "It's pretty boring here. Right? Well, I think it'd be a chuckle to sort of play around with it a little. You know?" "You mean dress him up?" Joe said. "Yeah. Like our own little Barbie Doll or something. I don't know about you, man, but I always wished I had a little babe I could dress up any way I wanted. Do stuff with. You know?" "Yeah," Joe agreed. "Hey, yeah. That would sort of be a kick, wouldn't it?" "Sure. The kid digs it. We could get some chuckles. Nobody'd know. We'd even be able to figure out how to get a babe out of all that complicated clothes junk. You know?" They laughed. I was just nervous. But I was less nervous now. *** That's how it started for Joe and me. Just a lark. Something to do with a lot of free time. We didn't even think, I guess. The first thing we did was to get little Andy back out of the clothes so we could start from scratch. Of course, that made him terribly embarrassed, being naked in front of us. The most embarrassing for him was probably his little hard-on that he didn't seem to be able to get rid of even after quite a long time. We started from the bottom up. Joe and I agreed that what we'd do is change our way of thinking about the kid and just compare each body part with what we knew about women. Admittedly, that wasn't a bunch. Both of our experiences with girls had been in dark cars or in bed or whatever. My sister really was my whole experience that I could compare with since I'd seen her as she grew up, a year younger than me, and in several states of dress or undress. I'd never seen her without at least a pair of panties on but I had seen her in JUST panties even in the last couple of years. She has nice, small tits. Anyway, we looked at Andy's feet and tried to mentally compare them to a girl's. He even had girlie looking toenails and didn't have like guy looking feet or toes. We had him walk around, looking at his legs and, as far as we could tell, they looked like a girl's. His knees weren't even real bulgy like ours and he was so soft there was no muscle definition at all in his calves or thighs. Even when we had him pose and tense them. There was hardly a sprinkling of little blond hairs on them. Since we didn't think anybody was going to look at his equipment, it didn't really matter much in our inspection. But I think I've touched girls' clits that were as big as his little dick, which still wanted to stay hard. He couldn't have been two inches. His nuts were a lot more like marbles than balls and his bag barely made a bump between his legs. That could have been the chill of the room, I suppose, but they didn't dangle down like mine, for sure. His hips were narrower than some girls but I'd seen girls that had smaller ones too. Same for his buns. In fact, they were a little pudgy and had a little hangover at the bottom. Just muscle tone or baby fat. That seemed like a funny place for the baby fat to go though cause he didn't have any love handles or belly at all. Flat and small. Looked at from behind, his back, waist, and hips could have almost been my little sis. (At 19, I guess she's not so little any more.) For a boy, his chest was almost disgusting. Of course he's young and I guess my chest didn't have much muscle or any hair then either. His shoulders slope down instead of being square. And his arms are skinny. His fingers are long and sort of artistic looking. Right then, his fingernails were dirty and hadn't been cut for a long time. He was past due. Just like he was past due for a haircut. The sort of ragamuffin blond hair was way too long for a boy who was as "pretty" as he was. Maybe his face was what gave me the idea in the first place. I mean, that and his mother's clothes. His lips are just too full for a boy and his eyes too brilliantly blue. When he smiles over his perfect white teeth, he has dimples in both cheeks and his cheekbones are full. Perfect, clear skin, of course, since he hasn't reached the teens yet. He has eyebrows, of course, but they're so blond you almost can't see them. I noticed that he also has long blond eyelashes that you can hardly see either. His nose is little like his ears. Like I said, a "pretty" boy. His neck is a little long for a boy, with a small Adam's apple. Joe got concerned about the kid's friends coming over but Andy said they'd just moved a couple months before and he didn't really know anybody around the neighborhood. When we pushed a little, he admitted he didn't know anybody at all. Things were just falling into place too perfectly, it seemed like. We'd already seen him and his mom together and he might have been an inch or two taller. She was a "petite" lady at maybe 5-1 or 2. We'd already seen that he fit into her panties, bra, and slip like they were made for him. Joe and I talked all of that out while we looked at him, doing comparisons with girls we both know and trying to find something that just wouldn't work. We couldn't do it. Joe was the one who decided a bath was the first thing, so I started looking around in mommy's closets and things while they went to do that. *** All I really wanted to do when we started was to make sure the kid got clean so we wouldn't mess up his mom's clothes. But it just sort of took off from there. First, he wanted a bath instead of a shower. Said he always takes baths. So I started a good hot one. There were a bunch of bathoils and stuff on the back of the tub and I decided that maybe he'd smell good with a bath in that stuff. He got in without complaint and started washing. Right away, I noticed that he had some armpit hair. Even if it was blond, I decided we should shave it. Since he'd never shaved anything, he asked me to and, after soaping it up good, I did. Since I was sitting there with the safety razor I figured what the hell and did his legs too. I almost didn't have to rinse out the razor, it was so light weight and sparse. He suckered me into washing his hair so, to pay him back a little, I picked the sweetest smelling shampoo there was in the cupboard to do it. Whether he wanted to or not, he'd smell like a girl until the next time he took a bath. I'd never given a kid a bath before and, strangely enough, we both had a good time doing it. He giggled at being shaved under the arms and washed after. I dunked him when I did his legs. Let him sputter when I dunked his head with the shampoo. You know. We just sort of had a good time at it. That extended to when I got him out and toweled him down rougher than was necessary but had him squealing with laughter. We tied the wet towel around his waist to give him a little bit of privacy and went back into the bedroom when Mike was looking through drawers. "How about you brush out his hair?" he said. "You ever seen your mom paint her fingernails?" "Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. I'm a fucking artist." That was the first I noticed the fingernail polish and makeup and brushes on the table. "Haw. Yeah, right," Mike said derisively. I picked up a brush and started running it through the kid's hair. It was so fine that it was nearly dry already. I brushed for a long time until it was all nice and straight to his shoulders. It still needed to be cut straight but it looked good. Shiny and soft. When I looked at his fingernails, I saw that they were clean now but were still way long. Grinning to myself, instead of cutting them straight, I cut off the outside edges making them just sort of sharp on the end and the same length. Like a girl's. The kid didn't object but just watched as I did them. He was the one who picked up one of those little sandpaper sticks and smoothed out the ends while I picked out some pink polish and tried to figure out how the little brush worked. It was funny. I noticed that he was grinning the whole time while I struggled over painting his fingernails. Then he suggested doing his toenails too. Mike, big help that he was being, suggested that two coats would be great. So when I got the toenails done, we started over with the fingers. He acted just like a girl, the way he looked at the fingernails, when we got finished and I closed up the bottle finally. Since I was still feeling artistic and had done great with the polish, I went on and did a few quick strokes of brown on his eyebrows. Just enough so he had some. Then tried out mascara. That didn't go so good. I had to wipe it off his eyelids and cheeks every time I screwed up until finally it looked pretty good. The kid didn't object for a second when I got out the lipstick and got it exactly along the edges of his lips. That was cake. "You know how to do ponytails?" Mike said. When I said no, he said he'd do it and came over and did it in a couple of seconds like he'd been doing it all his life. "Must have watched my sis or my mom doing this a million times. Part down the middle. Pull it up tight and together. One of these little dudes around it a couple of times. And there you go." He almost did it as fast as you can write it. I'd stepped back a couple of steps to get out of his way. And, for the first time, as he finished the second one, I really looked at Andy. I almost fell down. Damn! He was pretty! I mean a really pretty girl! Not only that but the "girl" looked like she was about 16 or 18. I'd taken out girls in the last year that didn't look as good or as old either. He smiled a smile that made my knees go funny. *** Andy's mom was something when it came to clothes. If there was anything a woman could wear, she had it. A stuffed full walk-in closet. Two chests of drawers. Clear full of stuff. I thought what I picked out was perfect for Andy's first time though. It must have been a costume for a party or something because it was woman sized and built for tits. All of the stuff was together too, luckily, because I might not have been able to figure out what was missing if it hadn't been. I could hardly wait to see what he'd look like in it. When I turned around with the pink bra I found in a drawer completely full of bras, he was looking at the dress with a little grin on his face. I'm sure my chin dropped about a mile when I saw him. I hadn't really been watching what he and Joe were doing or how it was working. I just got the startling full impression. I couldn't believe it. Perky ponytails. Full lips. Great eyes with full lashes. He was more than just pretty but with an innocent, little-girl look. What seemed more than passingly strange was that the kid was going along with whatever we said or did to him and seemed happy enough about it all. Even though it was pretty weird stuff for a guy. If you know what I mean. All of us worked on putting the little pink lace bra on him that I'd found. Since he'd done it before, he showed US how to put the breast forms in the bra. Though they were a little big for his overall size, they looked great and they felt even better when Joe and I did a feel like he was a girl. The kid giggled and almost acted like they really were real, putting his hands over them like a girl would. When I untied the towel, I noticed he still had a hard-on but so what. So did I. This was pretty cool. I held the fluffy panties for him to step into and he giggled some more until they were up around his waist. There was no sign of his little hard-on in all the folds of material. Joe sat him down on the bed and put these cute little-girl socks on for him and, while he was there already, put the shiny black shoes on too. They looked like the ones I'd seen little girls wear except they had about two inch skinny heels that came to a point. "I never wore mom's shoes before," he said. "They fit." I was surprised too. I held his hand while he stood up on the heels and sort of wobbled to get his balance. *** This whole thing was unreal for me. Getting caught in the slip was terrible but somehow Joe and Mike made me feel like everything was okay. Really, they made me feel like it was really neat. Then Joe gave me the bath and that was really really something. I'd been taking baths by myself for a really long time without mom coming in or anything except maybe to tell me to get out. But Joe stayed right there and washed all over in the sort of oily water. I can't quite tell you how it made me feel. Sort of giggly I guess. It all just felt so good while he scrubbed me. Then he was shaving my armpits and legs and that just tickled. He took it further by really tickling me when he was done shaving me. I guess he sort of apologized but he even had me get up on my knees and used a really soapy washcloth on his hand to wash my butt and between my legs. It felt really really good. In fact, it felt as good as when I played with myself sometimes at night. It was like that while he washed my hair and dried me off too. It was like having a dad again or maybe more like a big brother you really love. You know? We just went on from there when he brushed my hair and put the stuff on my face. Mike got into it just the same way when he tied up my hair and started dressing me. The bra was sort of familiar. I'd never worn it when anyone was around, of course, but I'd worn it. When they started feeling me up, it made me giggle again like they were really tickling me. It was just a lot of fun. The panties were different than I'd ever worn. Same with the socks. I mean, they were just socks but they were little and frilly and thin. They felt funny on my feet. The same with the shoes. Standing up on them was really really funny. I thought I was going to fall over on my face at first and might have if the guys hadn't been there to hold me up. The next thing was what Mike said was called a petticoat. It was REALLY funny feeling. First I stepped into it with Joe holding on to my arm. Then we sort of had to figure out how it fastened. The back (at first we thought it was the front) sort of laced up and tied. But the funny feeling was the way the crinkly material tickled and stuck my legs and the way it stuck out about a foot all around. I was still looking at it when Mike had me put my arms up and put the pink dress over my head. If mommy ever wore it, I never saw it. I've never seen anything like it at all. Even on little girls I've seen. It was pink and covered with little satin bows. But I didn't think it was really like a little girl's when I looked in the mirror because it showed all of my chest in the top and it was as short as the petticoat under it. My legs were actually cold but I wasn't going to say anything. What the whole thing made me do though was get the giggles really bad and, for some reason, the guys thought that was great. I guess I really don't know what I thought was going to happen. I mean, I was just having a whole lot of fun with the way they helped me to dress up all the way like I was. They showed me in the mirror and I thought it was super super. I mean, I'd played around with underpants and bras and even one of mom's nightgowns once. But it was just nothing at all like this. They were smiles all over while we looked at me in the mirror and they pointed out everything from how pretty my legs looked to my face to the pretty dress and even the way it showed the fluffy panties under it. Then they each took one of my hands and led me into the living room. We all sat down on the couch that way and one of them turned on the TV. The way they sat me down, I was sitting with my legs out straight in front of me like a little girl. And the way they sat, turned toward me with one arm on the back of the couch, they almost had to put their other hands on my legs. I didn't know what was on TV because their hands softly rubbing my legs was really driving me crazy. I never felt anything like that and, with everything else, I was sort of tickly inside already. That really made me feel funny inside though. We talked about all the getting ready and I told them what everything felt like while they were doing it. And about how it felt to wear the clothes and how much I liked this whole thing. "Tell you what," Mike said. "We're going to be together for three whole months. If you want to, you can dress like this any time you want. Okay?" "Oh, Mike! Yes!!!" I said and threw my arms around his neck. I was just so excited. "Hey. If you want, you can dress up like a girl the whole time," Joe said from behind me and I twisted around and kissed him. Right on the lips. It was excitement. You know it had to be. Right? I was just so excited that I did it just like I would my mom if she gave me a cool Christmas present. And, well, the guys were a lot like big brothers or maybe like a dad. I just did it. Then, all of a sudden, Joe sort of held me away a little and looked at me sort of funny. "Wow!" he said sort of soft. "Yeah, wow," Mike said too. "You're quite a little chick." The guys laughed a little as I sat back to myself between them. The words rang in my head though. "Quite a little chick." "Chick." The first thing I thought was, I'm not a chick! I'm a boy! But the next thing I thought was that they'd helped me dress up so good, they didn't even remember that I was a boy. And what I wanted to be right now was the best little chick I could possibly be. *** I thought I'd said something wrong when she went pale and quiet that way. To show you how strange the whole situation was, even for Joe and I, in the time between saying the kid could stay in dresses and the kisses, I'd sort of misplaced the fact that he was a boy. I'd offended him by calling him a chick and he was probably about to close down the whole thing just when I was really getting to enjoy the idea. Obviously Joe was too and was frowning at me as we both watched the kid. Then, all of a sudden, the kid perked up again and slowly looked up at me with a growing smile that ended up in one of those that just make your knees go soft. When he smiled, he was an absolutely gorgeous girl. This time it wasn't a slip of the tongue or mind. Whatever. I mean it. This kid was a gorgeous GIRL. I think that smile was when the whole thing got out of hand. I mean think about it. We're two guys who need something to do for the summer. We get offered a simple babysitting job. Well, babysitting and housesitting, but that was really just giving us a place to stay that we didn't have to pay for. Not just a job but a GOOD job. Better money than we could have made any other place I could think of. And what do we do? First thing, we find out the kid likes to wear him mommy's dresses and, instead of knocking his head off, we play along. Hell. It seemed like more fun and the kid didn't need a spanking. He just needed a little understanding and it just wasn't a big deal to Joe and me. Then there's this! A little tiny bit of work and there's a cute girl sitting between us. Okay. So call me scheming or something. But what I was thinking was that a cute girl who really didn't want it to get around the neighborhood was going to be a hell of a lot easier to take care of for the summer than a kid putting baseball's through the neighbors' windows. Besides, Joe and I had already talked about being locked up in this place like we were in a monastery or something. We were thinking but we hadn't even figured out where to pick up a girl in this little suburb. I mean, this was definitely the backwoods. I'm sure neither one of us was thinking of making the kid our "girlfriend" for Christ sake. It was just more fun to spend time with a chick than with a little boy. So now that she was happy again and apparently forgiving me for calling her a chick, things were cool. We talked and laughed and she bounced a little between us. After a while, my hand was on her warm little thigh and she just looked at it once and then ignored it. Pretty soon, Joe was doing the same thing. Now she was enjoying it and talking up a storm just like we were. I'm not sure what Joe said. Something about how much fun we were going to have with the summer or something and she turned around and kissed him full out on the lips. All I felt was jealous. Then I said, "Hey, what about me?" and she turned around right away and was kissing me the same way. A sort of chaste, little girl closed mouth kiss. Anyway, we finally decided we were hungry and ordered a pizza. We all chowed down when it came, cleaned up together, and watched a movie. Joe and I sat on either side of her and cuddled with her while we watched the movie. It was nice. Then we were all tired and went to the bedroom. Joe and I got her dressed in a nightgown that looked pretty cool on her and we all went to bed in his mom's big bed, me and him on either side of her in the bed. It had been a big day. We all fell asleep fast and hard and didn't move till morning. Day 2 I'd really liked that first day but I woke up thinking back on it with regret that it wouldn't happen again. Well, I thought, maybe sometime I could talk them into it. Mike was still asleep behind me, sort of curled up against my back in a nice way, but Joe was up. I was still just thinking about getting up and what we might do today when Joe came into the room in a pair of jeans and no shirt. Jeez, I didn't know guys could get that much hair on their chest. He noticed right away that my eyes were open and smiled at me. "Time to get up, sweetheart. Lots to do today." He held out his hand to me and helped me up. I heard Mike waking up too while I struggled to get up with the silky nightgown sort of wrapped around me. He led me into the bathroom and I started pulling up the nightgown while I stood there in front of the toilet. "What are you doing?" he asked and I didn't know what he meant. "You have to sit down, honey. Don't you know that?" I didn't quite understand but I sat down to go anyway. I didn't like having someone watch me like that because I'm still short enough that I can barely reach the floor with my toes when I take a poop. But he just grinned while he watched me. "Done?" I nodded. "Okay, hope in the bath. I got it all ready for you. Want me to help or are you okay by yourself?" "I can do it," I said as I struggled with the nightgown and felt him help out when it was up almost over my head. "Okay. I picked out clothes for you. They're on the chair in the bedroom." He smiled. "Yell when your ready cause you'll need some help." The hot bath made the smells of the oil and bubble bath almost take me over. But it still felt really good and, after a second, I didn't notice the smell so much. I washed, missing the guys' attention when they did it the night before but knowing that sort of thing was over. Mike came in with his hair all messed up and wearing just his underpants. I couldn't help but watch while he peed, looking at his really really big thing. He asked if I needed help too and then went out in the bedroom. I could hear him talking to Joe but not what they were saying. When I dried off and went out to the bedroom with the towel around me, Mike got up off the edge of the bed. He was just wearing jeans like Joe had been but had combed his hair. I noticed that he didn't have very much hair on his chest, just down the middle, but the muscles in his chest and stomach were really neat. I hoped that someday my chest would look like that. "Sit down and we'll do a little makeup," he said and I felt the excitement in me like a really good surprise present or something. I know I was smiling and looking silly but I couldn't help it. I hadn't even thought it was possible they'd want to do that again. Mike frowned from about two inches away from my face while he worked on my eyes and lipstick. Then he grunted and stopped. It took him about two seconds to do the ponytails again. I couldn't help but smile when I looked in the mirror and saw what I looked like again. Better than last night even. It made me look older. He even put some of mom's perfume on me. After the makeup, I wasn't surprised by the bra and appreciated the help putting it on. I was pretty surprised though that it was really lacy and smaller than the breast forms. When he held up the panties, I was even more surprised because they were really little and all lace. I dropped the towel and stepped into them, balancing with a hand on his head while he pulled them up. I looked down to see how they felt and could plainly see my hard thing sort of holding them out a little. "Shit!" he said. "This isn't going to work." He thought for a minute and then shrugged. "You ever beat off?" he asked. "What's that?" "You know. Play with yourself. Down there." He pointed at my thing. I shrugged, embarrassed. "Well, I think that's what you need to do. Or else it's going to show and we don't want that." Under the circumstances, I felt really funny when he pulled the panties back down to my knees and said, "Okay. Go ahead and do it." I was really embarrassed then. There's no way I could do that with him watching me like that. "Well, just relax then. I'll do it for you." He looked toward the door as if he didn't want Joe to catch us. It scare me when he reached out and took it between a couple fingers and his thumb about like I did when I played with it. I just watched while he moved a little up and down it like he was pumping it. I'd never done that and nobody else had ever touched me there at all. "Do you come yet?" he asked while he did that. "What's that?" "Stuff come out when you do this?" "Oh. No." "Don't worry. It will. Just wanted to know if I should get a Kleenex." He did it some more and I felt the good feeling fill me up like when I did it myself in bed. I was embarrassed again. "That's it. Good." I felt terrible when I looked down and saw that it was almost gone now. He pulled the panties back up and everything looked great there. He smiled. Quickly then he helped me into a different kind of dress that was just one layer of soft material with flowers on it. It had a full top and zipped up the back but was sleeveless and had a short, loose skirt. I was glad he was there when he sat me back down and helped me put on a pair of white shoes that was mostly little straps and tiny buckles I couldn't have done by myself. They didn't have a pointy heel like the ones the night before but still had a higher heel than boy's shoes and were a little hard to get used to walking in. He also put one of my mom's little tiny watches on my wrist and a bracelet on the other arm before adding a couple of little rings to my fingers. Joe clapped when I came in the kitchen and turned around so he could see me all over. "You look beautiful! Good job, Mike!" He kissed me on the forehead. "Mmmm. You even smell beautiful. Nice touch." We sat down and ate breakfast. Eggs and bacon. It was really funny to see lipstick on my milk glass. The guys left me sitting there but in a couple of minutes they came back all dressed and Joe held out his hand to me. "Big day. We should just make your appointment." *** I'd called the beauty shop in the mall for an appointment, telling them it was a gift for my little sister who'd never had it done professionally. I gave them as specific instructions as I could think of and accepted all their suggestions except the leg wax that I didn't think she needed after all our work the night before. We piled into the Lexus and I could feel how afraid she was sitting there beside me in the front like some sort of perfume in the air. She was even more afraid when Mike and I took her hands and led her into the mall and then into the beauty shop. Immediately, a woman in her late 20's took her back to a chair where three more clustered around her and started doing things to her hair and face and fingernails. I noticed that Mike was looking for wedding rings just like I was but, unfortunately, all of them were married. Just because they were older than us didn't mean we couldn't try. Or at least wish. Anyway, we went to the food court and had nachos and Cokes, played a couple arcade games, and generally blew a couple hours before we went back and watched as they finished what they were doing to her. We both noticed that they were teaching her about all the makeup and how to choose colors and all that garbage that we really didn't know anything about. When she got up and came toward us, I know my knees went weak. We'd made her look like an okay girl. Young but okay. The beauty shop had made her beautiful. I really mean beautiful. She didn't even look all that young. Her hair was all waves and fluff, her lipstick was darker and made her lips look full and luscious, her eyes looked about ten times bigger and hot. Her fingers and toes glistened with longer and darker painted nails. Even her body looked great even if I didn't think they'd done anything with that. I paid gladly even though it was more expensive than I'd planned on. When we passed a jewelry store, I saw a little girl sitting there having her ears pierced and I smiled to myself. I took her arm and led her in to the store and asked the woman there about it and, though the kid's eyes got even bigger as she looked up at me, in about two minutes, she had tiny little gold balls in her ears and half a dozen pairs of earrings. Mike took her hand to lead her out of the mall and I got a chance to watch all the guys watching her go by. She turned heads like a magnet. On the way back home, I noticed that she crossed her legs like a lady, played with her hair, touched the little studs in her ears, and, most of all, smiled. She still blew me away when we got back in the house and jumped into my arms. "Oh Joe! Thank you thank you thank you!" Then she planted a kiss on my mouth, her arms around my neck, and took my breath away. This wasn't a sweet, little girl peck like the night before. This, to my limited experience, was a full fledged, soft lipped, woman's kiss. Her perfumed smell, the tangle of perfectly done hair, and the extreme closeup of her perfect skin and closed eyes felt like falling into a hot swimming pool. I don't know why but I realized my tongue was behind her teeth. I didn't even think somewhere deep that I was kissing a boy. *** I can't tell you how hot it was watching that kiss. I have to say that up until the mall trip, I'd been thinking of the kid as a boy we were making more enjoyable to stay with. A little perverted, I suppose, but it was really just practicality. It was doing the job with the maximum of enjoyment or, at least, the minimum of problems. I was sure just telling somebody about catching him in his mom's clothes would be enough to control him in any situation. The dressing up the night before had just been insurance. Now things had changed. First, I didn't expect the kid to enjoy it. Either being bathed and shaved and made up or dressed. I know I would have freaked if somebody had done that to me even when I was 12. He'd blushed at a couple of things but he'd never really objected to a thing. That made it easier in a way but, at the same time, changed the responsibility for it to us. But then I saw her come out of that beauty shop. All smiles and just breathtaking good looks. I don't think she enjoyed the ear piercing but that was because of the pain and wasn't any kind of objection to having it done and the sort of permanence of it. Sure, we could take the studs out right now and they would heal over in the next couple days. The jewelry store lady even said that. And, of course, guys wore earrings now. Usually in just one ear but sometimes both. It wasn't like he was going to be instantly recognized as a guy who liked to dress up like a girl because of those little holes or even some sort of earring. When we got to the car, and maybe even walking to it between us, it seemed like the feminine part of "him" took over. She walked with a little roll to her hips. She smiled brightly the whole time. On Cloud 9. She crossed here legs like a girl. Then this. The kiss. I haven't lived in some kind of vacuum. Maybe I haven't had a continuous string of girlfriends. And I've only fucked one girl, one time. But I've kissed my share over the last three or four years and watched a lot of people kiss on tv, movies, and real life. That was as hot a kiss as I'd ever seen that wasn't part of a bedroom scene. The fact that I had the best perspective to "watch" it not to experience it of course let me see just how feminine and hot the kiss was. The way she tilted her head just right and bent her neck up for it. Her arms around Joe's neck were small, smooth, and clutching. Her body was pressed tight against his all the way to their knees. And, as a bonus just for me, the short skirt pulled up high enough to show off the lacy panties under it and the tight little butt under them. I was instantly hard as a rock and breathing through my mouth to get enough oxygen. If either Joe or she noticed that this was a little out of the normal for either of them, I couldn't see it. Joe was really into it and her squirming around against him told me she was, too. It was a long kiss but when it finally broke off, her eyes glistened as brightly as her lipstick and saliva covered lips. Her smile was the crown to the whole thing. I started to say something and found that my mouth was too dry to spit it out. I cleared my throat, wet my tongue, swallowed, and tried again. "Don't I deserve anything?" I choked out. Joe frowned at me and she giggled and turned toward me. His hands, I noticed, offered a little resistence to letting her go. Then she was plastered up against me and her hands were against the back of my neck and the odd shapes of soft breasts were pressed against my chest and the warmth of her stomach was against me lower. Jerkily, I took a deep breath and my head was filled with the feminine smells of perfume, hairspray, and makeup. My knees felt shaky as I leaned over far enough to meet her slightly parted lips. "Thank you too, Mike," she whispered and closed her eyes. She didn't just accept my kiss. She melted into it. Sucked it from me. If the kiss I'd watched was one of the hottest I'd seen, this was definitely the hottest kiss I'd ever participated in. I didn't know if I was giving or receiving. Maybe a wonderful mixture of both. I don't know whether I couldn't resist tasting her mouth with my tongue or whether she drew it from me somehow but in seconds it was playing with her tongue, exploring the back of her teeth, and tasting her palate almost at the entrance of her throat. Her soft moan vibrated through me. I'll never know how long the kiss lasted or be able to guess how long it would have continued. Joe cleared his throat, sounding a lot like I had when my mouth dried up before, and said, "So what now, guys?" We broke the kiss and I looked down into those shining eyes, smiling wet lips, and beautiful face and drew a halting breath. Whew! was my thought. "I never kissed anybody like that," she said. What I should have thought was, of course you haven't. But what I thought was the more cynical, nobody kisses like that without practice. "That part with tongues really feels neat." I kept my hand in the middle of her back while we went to the kitchen and sat down in the little breakfast nook. We got Cokes and sipped at them. I don't know what the others were thinking about but I was thinking about her and kissing her and trying hard not to think about how bad I wanted to do it again. "We could watch TV?" she said. "Naw nothing's on before night," Joe said, vetoing it. "Video?" I offered. "I've seen all of them," she said. "Want to go out somewhere?" I suggested. "Yeah. That'd be cool," Joe agreed. I looked and she was smiles all over. Good suggestion, I guess. "You know what?" she asked. "I always wanted to go to this country club that my mom belongs to." "Golf?" Joe said. "I guess. But she just went there at night for dinner. All dressed up and all that." She blushed through her smile. She was really getting off on this dressing up stuff. We talked about whether they'd let us in and she produced her mother's membership card with the restrictions on the back. As a family member, she qualified. "I just thought of something," Joe said, turning to her. "What's your name?" "A- oh, I see what you mean," she said. "Amy," I said. It just came to me. It was perfect. If you wrote down Amy and Andy you could even confuse them. "Amy. Yeah. Cool," she said. We decided we should go out to this place and Amy went nuts about everything she needed to do to get ready. Then she went tearing out of the kitchen and up the stairs to do it. When I looked back at Joe after watching her leave, I saw his smile spread. "Is that hot or what?" I said. "The new name?" "Her." We drank some Coke. Again, I don't know what he was thinking but I was thinking about how beautiful she was and about the kisses and about the way her butt moved when she went running out of the room. "She is, isn't she," he said. The quiet of the place sort of settled over us. "So what do you think? Suits and ties?" "Yeah that's my bet. Guess we better get on it. I need a shower too." *** I've never felt so much attention and so much praise as with all the women in the beauty shop. Since I didn't think I had much choice, I just sat there and let them do whatever they were going to do. Of course I could see they were truly turning me into a girl and some of the things seemed pretty permanent but I didn't really think about the future or how hard it would be to undo things. The pierced ears were just one more thing like that. There was so much stuff to remember. One lady showed me how to brush my hair in the new style. One showed me about the makeup stuff. The jewelry lady told me about taking care of my ears. Some of the stuff I'd had to ask a second time but everybody was really nice and helpful. All that stuff and the way the guys were treating me made me really happy. When I kissed Joe, it was just my excitement and being grateful. I'd never kissed anybody like I did him but I'd never ever felt like I did then. It just happened. Maybe I'd kissed my mom or my real dad like that. I don't know. But nobody had ever kissed me the way Joe did. It was funny because anytime I kissed somebody before I really didn't feel anything different. But particularly when he put his tongue in my mouth, I felt that kiss. And it wasn't just my lips or my mouth. It was all over in my head and up and down my back and even in my legs. Then, when Mike said something I just wondered if it was just a single special thing or if it was just Joe or what. But as soon as his tongue went in my mouth, I knew that it was the real way to kiss. And I loved it a lot. I wouldn't have stopped kissing them, I liked it so much. But Joe didn't just suggest the Cokes. So we stopped. Then they gave me the idea of something to do and I always wanted to go to mom's country club just because it always made her so happy. I'd seen her get dressed up to go there and that was part of the reason that's why I wanted to. Since the guys had decided it was okay for me to dress, I wanted to really do it once like I'd seen mom do. I took a fast shower with the funny plastic bag mom puts over her hair when she showers and just washed my body a little. Then I went and tried to do the little added things the lady showed me for nighttime makeup. The part I was really looking forward to was wearing some of the underthings mom had. After I put on the black lace bra and got the forms back in it, I had another hardon so I did like Mike did for me that morning. Remembering him doing it was part of what made me finish it so fast. Then it was easy to even push it back between my legs under the panties. I thought about a sexy long black slip but when I tried it on I thought it covered up too much so I put it away and found a little one with a lace part around the middle and lace at the top and bottom edge. I'd never had the guts to try on the filmy pantyhose things or whatever they're called when they're by themselves, but now I could. I picked black ones and then had to work a little to get them just right and tight enough all the way to the elastic tops up on the top of my legs. The way my feet and legs felt in them was really weird. Good. I picked a pair of shiny black shoes that I liked on mom a lot. They were really only the toe part of a woman's shoe, the heel, and a strap to tie it on with a little gold buckle. What I'd never noticed when she wore them was that they were high heeled so when you sat your foot was almost straight and when you stood up it was almost as bad. I had to walk around the bedroom for a while to get used to them and not always catch the heels in the rug. You had to walk sort of between tiptoes and regular and it was hard. Then I got out mom's dress that I'd sort of put all the rest on just so I could wear it. I liked it best of anything she had. It was all like cotton candy though I never saw black cotton candy. The top part was almost like a shirt but almost clear. The skirt part had some sort of underpart that was thicker but covered on the outside with the fluffy stuff. No sleeves and just long enough to cover up the top of the socks. I brushed my hair like the lady had showed me and replaced the little pins in my ear with some of mom's that went all the way down and tickled my neck. Then I found some perfume, a little necklace, a couple of bracelets, and some rings for several fingers. I knew about rings on your left hand third finger so I didn't put one there but a couple on other fingers. Looking in the mirror, I thought I looked like one of those girls in the magazines or maybe even TV. I could see I looked a lot better when I smiled and decided to remember that. When I went downstairs, Mike and Joe were sitting in the living room talking. When Mike saw me over Joe's shoulder, he stood up and I saw that he was wearing a dark blue suit with a nice shirt and tie. His mouth was open and I thought I'd done something really wrong. Then Joe turned around, saw me, and stood up too. His suit was black, I think, and his mouth dropped open, too. "What?" I said, looking at myself. "What's wrong?" "God! Nothing!" Mike said. "Nothing I can see," Joe added and smiled. "You're beautiful!" That made me smile. "Think we should have rented tuxes?" Mike said. Joe laughed but was still looking me up and down. "Is it okay?" I said and turned all the way around while they watched. "That's a hot dress! Wow!" I smiled more. "We're liable to have a problem here, Mike." Joe grinned and I wondered. "We're going to have to fight off a dozen guys tonight." "Looks like it," Mike said. We went out to the car and they told me how I should sit down and turn to get my legs in. It seemed logical. *** At the mall, she'd been breathtaking. What can you say when what you see is far beyond that? That's what I saw when she came down in that black dress. That was quite a night. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought she'd been doing this forever. She was totally comfortable with the attention from the maitre d' and the waiters. Even the other people eating seemed to all look at her and enjoy the way she laughed and liked everything. After a great dinner and even a couple of drinks and wine, we went into another room and danced. At first she didn't know how but she caught on fast and was great to dance the mostly slow dances with. Unfortunately, I already had to share with Joe and if we weren't fast, somebody else would ask her to dance before we could. The bottom line was that Joe and I drank a lot of beers after dinner and she was high before dinner got over. A couple more drinks during the rare breaks she took kept the buzz going. I guess I could claim that we were drunk. All of us. But it wouldn't work very well. All three of us have the same complete memories of everything we did that night. I'm not sure what time it was when we decided to leave. Not late. Amy had danced with each of us a dozen times, each time a new and better experience. She was really getting to know how to dance well. She also danced with a dozen other guys but only once or twice each and she wasn't nearly as totally sensual with them as she was in the slow dances with Joe and I. It surprised me when she wanted to sit in the back seat and wanted me to sit back there with her on the way home. Joe didn't think it was particularly funny when she attacked me. I say 'attacked' because there just isn't any other word for it. I'd hardly gotten sat down when she was all over me. Of course, you don't hear any complaint. Her hands were on my neck drawing me into an extended kiss immediately. And it wasn't like that first one in the hallway. It was demanding and feminine and needy. Steamy hot. When I didn't respond to her quickly enough, her tongue darted into my mouth and was all over. And like a hot coal, that little darting tongue seemed to set little fires all through me. Instead of one long kiss, like the one in the hallway, this was a lot of shorter kisses. But before we reached home, I was afraid I was going to come in my pants from being so turned on. I actually thought about carrying her to the house but she was out of the car and leading me inside so fast, I didn't have the opportunity. I expected her to repeat the entryway kisses we'd all enjoyed so much earlier. But she surprised Joe and I by leaving us standing there in the hallway with our mouths open and charging upstairs. We looked at each other, wondering what was going on, and decided on another beer. We were sitting in the living room watching the tail end of a basketball game on ESPN when she walked into the living room. We both forgot about the ballgame and stared. She was wearing the filmiest black negligee I'd ever seen over a short, lacy black nightgown you could see the bra, panties, and garter belt through. Black stockings. And high heeled slippers with funky little black feathers on the toes. She'd redone the lipstick and brushed out her hair as well as taking off all the jewelry. I've never personally seen a girl look that sexy and, I have to admit thinking back, that it didn't even cross my mind that she wasn't a girl at all. *** I didn't know how they'd react to me dressed like this. I was just thinking about how much I wanted to wear this outfit and how I hadn't wanted to take off the bra and panties. The stockings were just a sort of "oh well". I didn't know whether they made the outfit better or worse but I liked the feel of them on my legs a lot. I hadn't really noticed how the drinks during the night had affected me until I got out of the car. First I noticed how bad I had to pee. Really bad. And second I noticed that my head felt funny. Dizzy. And I had a hard time walking right. Particularly in the high heels I'd worn to dinner. I did notice when I sat down on the couch between them that they were staring at me with eyes that looked like they'd pop out of their heads, their mouths open. Then Mike brought something else to my attention. He groaned and reached into the top of his pants, messed around in there for a second, and then settled back again. Joe chuckled but then did the same thing. I guess my confusion showed. "When a guy gets a hard on pointed the wrong way, it hurts," Mike explained. I still didn't understand and I guess it showed. "It gets that big?" I asked. I had gotten a hard on before but it wasn't big enough to make a bump in my pants that the ones I saw now in their pants. I'd been able to reach in my pocket when I felt one at school once to change where it was a little. It hadn't been painful. "Oh yeah," Joe said and laughed. "Really?" "Really," Mike said. "Want me to prove it?" I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything or nod or anything like that. But Mike undid his zipper, put his hand in his underwear, and squirmed around for a minute. Then he pulled out his penis with his hand around it. I couldn't believe it. My first thought was that it wasn't possible. It looked about as much like mine as my arm looked like my finger. I could only stare. The top part was sort of red and about the size of a plum with a shape sort of like a heart. The skin below it, closer to his hand, looked sort of stretched and like skin with kind of funny wrinkles in it. He moved his hand up and some of the skin wrinkled just below the top part but not much. Without thinking, I moved my hand to touch it and he moved his. It still stuck up by itself in a curve above his belt buckle. It felt mostly like skin (except the top part that felt more like your tongue). When I put my thumb on one side and fingers on the other, I could feel how hot it felt. I moved the skin and it sort of slid over the length a little but not up onto the top part like mine did. I didn't know it meant he was circumcised at the time but now I know that I'm not. That's partly why it looked so different than mine. I put my hand all the way around it and my finger and thumb didn't hardly overlap. When I moved my hand up and down a couple of times, a big drop of something appeared on the very tip. "What's that?" "Pre-come," Mike said. "You keep doing that though and you're going to see a lot more than pre-come." I wanted to see that so I started to rub my hand up and down on him sort of like I did myself. He stiffened up all over and the drop of stuff rolled off the top and onto my thumb. "Oh shit!" he gasped. It moved in my hand and that felt really funny. It was almost like it was a finger or something and mine sure never did that. I just kept moving my hand like that because he seemed to like it a lot. Then he groaned again and a big bunch of stuff shot out of the end, clear up onto his shoulder. I stopped but he told me not to and grabbed my hand. I kept doing it to him until my hand was covered with the white stuff and he dropped his hand to the couch. *** I twisted around and looked over her shoulder while she beat off Mike. It was about the hottest thing I ever saw in real life. Of course, I've seen some xxx movies and fucking is hotter. But I'd never seen that in real life. Mike shot off like a geyser and then filled her hand with the rest when she moved for a second and went back to finish him. I have to say that I almost came in my pants when she took a look at her hand and licked a big bunch of come off it. Mike was out of it and didn't see but I watched as she obviously tasted it in her mouth and then licked again. I know my mouth was open with surprise as she cleaned off her hand completely. If I hadn't been so turned on I couldn't stand it already, that provided the inspiration. Both Mike and I had shed the coats and ties before we sat down and kicked off our shoes before she came back. I didn't need any help deciding what to do. I stood up, undid my pants, and dropped them, taking them all the way off with the underpants before I sat back down. She watched me do it all. I stroked a couple of times, moving the uncircumcised sheath down my cock. God, I was glad my parents hadn't had me cut. Particularly right then as she looked fascinated and took over for me right away. I didn't have to "get" hard. I was already a rock from watching her with Mike. She seemed fascinated with it just as I'd hoped. Ok. So I'm not huge. No world records. Maybe I'm a little more than 7 inches and I've seen guys with really fat cocks that I don't have. I look long and slim but with a more sensitive head than what other guys have told me. Unless I'm close to coming or totally soft, I can't touch it without it hurting. Fucking, the entire once I have, was a fantastic experience but too fast for me or, for that matter, for her. I thought it would have been a lot better the second time but she wouldn't go for that so I didn't know. She'd been afraid the first time. "Did you like the taste?" I asked her as she stroked me. It was half to distract myself so I didn't come in the first ten seconds but I also wanted to know. She shrugged. I think she was embarrassed that she'd done it. Or maybe just consumed by watching what she was doing to me. Oh. I didn't say before. I might not have the bigg

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The Turkish truck driver.She burst through the arrivals door at the airport and into the lounge, I could tell that she was horny because she tried to explore my tonsils with her tongue as soon as we connected, I managed to disengage and said “hello” we hugged close again and she tried to bury her face in my neck attempting to bite me but having experienced this before I was ready for it and managed to hold her off while I picked her bags off the trolley.This by the way is my current girlfriend,...

3 years ago
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Leather Love

My darling wife, Janice, is a petite brunette with an olive complexion reflecting her Portuguese heritage. She has small pert breasts and fantastic legs. She gets stares from men and women alike when we go out because she is a beautiful, classy lady. We have much in common: we are both 33, we like the same music (classical), Italian and Portuguese food, leather clothing and ass fucking. As to that last item, she likes getting fucked in her small, well-formed tail as much as I enjoy fucking...

2 years ago
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Female Led Marriage

Female Led Marriage by Sissie Maid Cuckold "That preacher sure messed up at our wedding." "What do you mean she messed up?" "She got it all mixed up she had me saying to: Love, Honor and Obey and then at the end she announced us as Ms. and Mrs. Coleen Jenson instead of Mr. and Ms. Ralph Ferguson, must have been her first time or something. " "You do remember agreeing to being in a female led marriage...don't you Ralph?" "Well Ya sure I agreed you could be the boss of the...

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Gyn-Gym By Jennifer White I moved in with my girlfriend Brooke. We were very happy together. We did everything together. But there was only one problem: she was such a great cook, that we both were gaining weight. She liked to cook us big meals. And dessert. And before you knew it, I was getting a little hefty. And her too. So she enrolled us at a local gym, so we could work out together, and lose weight. The gym was once only for women, but had recently opened up to men...

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3 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 3 Truth Or Dare

A lot of things changed in the time that followed. My girlfriend, Chloe, went to another state to attend college. I chose a college in our home town. I was kinda lost. Chloe and I were still in love, at least I was with her... but I assumed she was seeing other guys at her new school.  Without Chloe, there wasn’t a legitimate reason for me to hang out at her house anymore. I would drop by to say “hi” every now and then, but it felt rather pathetic to hang around her family when we were...

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Rashidha Chap12 Pauls slutty client

Throughout the past 6 years, I went to Paul`s for massages. As you can recall, Paul is my masseur. This first time went so well and felt so good that I had to go again. Though I was doing yoga, I liked to go there to relax. Yoga helped me mainly for different sex positions. But massages helped my body to relax and feel good. Not that I don`t feel good during sex. The first time he already saw me naked as I was wearing a naked dress. The following time was a bit awkward but went well as well.I...

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Dan and Jennifer

Dan and Jennifer Chapter 1 “Come on,” Dan thought to himself.“It's not really that big a deal.Just turn around and go back to your apartment.”Unfortunately, Dan's feet didn't seem to be listening to him, and even that thread of rational thought seemed dim, distant, under his anger.It was all he could do to not take the stairs two at a time, and the to neighbors he passed on the lower landing took one look at his face and looked quickly away without offering a greeting. The events of...

1 year ago
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Friday Night Confession and Contrition

Friday Night - Confession and Contrition I stand outside the study in my school uniform. White long-sleeved shirt and tie under the gymslip, which is tied with a sash at the waist, and comes to just above my knees. Long white socks in black pumps. My light brown hair is cut in a squared off bob, and my firm breasts tent my shirt, and so my gymslip, satisfactorily. My hands are held out, palms up, and the cane, the rattan cane, lies across them. I wait. I stand there and wait. I...

2 years ago
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Doctors Orders Ch 2

(MF, exhib, voy, interr, creampie, mild hypno) How long had it been? Too long time since she had felt her lover’s touch. It was just the two of them, this time. She spread her legs, watching his face as a smile spread across his lips. Her own lips responded with a tingle between her legs. He hadn’t even touched her yet, and she found herself holding her breath until he did. He approached her slowly, too slowly. She bent her knees, pulling her legs back, leaning back on an elbow. She closed her...

3 years ago
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Loris Revenge

Introduction: A wife gets back at her husband. Vegenance is indeed sweet. Chapter 1 Their completely different work schedules had not allowed them to engage in any sex play over the last week, they had only just managed to secure a single over-nighter in a big city hotel room before their schedules parted them again. Their stark reality was that they had to accept work in binges, whenever it came. This trickled down into everything in their lives, especially their sex life. Be that as it...

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A MixedUp Delivery

Despite their recent wedding, many things stayed roughly the same for the happy couple. They worked the same 9-5 jobs, they still spent their weekends letting "Carly" out to play, and most importantly, they still lived in the same apartment building. The biggest benefit to Carl's time as "Carly" was that, since he was living with Felicia, no one batted an eye to see Carl walk into the laundry room with a basket filled primarily with women's clothing, never suspecting that the clothes...

2 years ago
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I got home one day and the house was empty. I had a huge boner all day and I intended to jerk off before anyone got home. I went into my parents room and found my dad's Playboys that he had hidden under some sweaters in his closet. I carefully took one and tip-toed into the bathroom. My dick was so hard. I wanted to cum already and I hadn't even flipped the magazine open. My friend's had talked about sniffing his gf's panties and how good it smelled. Well I didn't have a gf at the time but I...

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About Time

Throughout our sophomore year of college, Eva had seemingly had a giant crush on me. As ignorant as I was to her charm, she never backed down. Eva was definitely the coolest girl I ever met, and we had instantly become best friends, talking about anything and everything to pass the time at our boring college. Everyday we used to hang out in each others’ rooms. I wasn’t anywhere near the partying type, but occasionally she would come back to me drunk. However, it would never fail that she would...

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Creative Uses for a Washing Machine

Scene: simple apartment. We see a college-aged blonde with a very cute face carrying a laundry basket to the washing room. She’s wearing a bulky sweatshirt and baggy jeans. She might be a little chubby — we just can’t tell. She loads the basket into the washer then takes off her top and puts it in the washer. She’s not wearing a bra.. We see she’s very slender with nice breasts. She puts the sweatpants and simple panties into the washer and starts it. She’s stunning to look at!She walks to the...

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Gang Bang Champ

My wife Gina is a beautiful woman. She is My a great wife and a good Catholic girl. She is in her 30's but still looks like she is in her early 20's. She keeps in shape and looks like she should be posing for the front cover of a catalogue magazine. She is hard working, sweet, and kind. I am lucky that I have her with me.I have come to find out that Gina has a special lust for a specific thing known as BBC. Big Black Cock. At first I was grossed out. She used to say bad things about those...

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Gails Halloween

Her aunt, the one she never liked very well, invited Gail to visit New Orleans, reserving a room at The Frenchman, a quaint hotel just outside the French Quarter. It was late October, and the muggy summer had given way to really nice weather. Gail, free to explore and learn, outfitted herself at one of those touristy boutiques, the better to experience Bourbon Street at night. She put on her new thong "panties", no more cloth than it would take to cover her hand, and some black vinyl low...

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GLITCH Samuel was a 15-year-old boy who wishes he were a 15-year-old girl. And as usual, it was the fear of how his family and school mates would respond kept him in the closet. But an unexpected wish on a rainy-day, changes everything. ************************* CHAPTER ONE - The Girl It was a gloomy overcast morning with just a hint of rain in the air. Samuel sat at his computer working on his report for his history class. It would not be due for several days, but...

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Holiday Threesome

A couple of years ago Donna and I had a fortnight in Tenerife, we needed a break and in the sunshine was perfect. We chose to go on an adults only trip, so we knew there would be no screaming k**s running about as we wanted to relax. Fair enough, most of the people were of an older age to us but some weren't.Tuesday started as a beautiful day, glorious sunshine and 33 degrees, we were getting a lovely tan, Donna always tans well. We'd been at the pool all day, gone up to our room to get ready...

4 years ago
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The Contest

The Contest By Stats The two cosmetic surgeons friends were blind drunk. They were millionaires and both renown in their field, having performed the most difficult surgeries on countless celebrities. Randy was the first to speak. "I don't know, Adam, we have listened to each other's war stories for over four hours and the way I see it; we still have a bloody tie. What we need is a real challenge." The next morning while shaving Randy thought of the challenge. He...

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Waylaid Traveller Chapter 1

WAYLAID TRAVELLER CHAPTER 1 Travelling the United States on a shoestring is possible, believe it or not. It does limit your eating and accommodation options at times, but you'd be surprised who you meet and what you see. I was making the most of my long service leave from work by driving and flying around the US. I had driven from Miami a month ago, great city, full of style, Cubans, art deco. Orlando was Disneyland and universal studios, also good. After that, it was the open...

2 years ago
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Before She Get Married

Hi friends. I’m male 22 year old from Hyderabad actually stay’s in sec-bad. This is the first time I’m submitting my story actually this is my best part of my life when I fall in real love. Because of some condition I didn’t get her. Ok without boring you will start my story today ill start with the experience with I had when I touch her 1st time. If u people want to know my love story then they can mail me on If u r interested or want to do things like sex or oral sex or just hot chat or hot...

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The Kowalski Sisters

When I was growing up, our neighborhood was predominantly an Irish ghetto but there was a "DEW" line warning of things to come with the sprinkling of Puerto Rican newcomers finding apartments willing to let them stack up tenants like cordwood in shifts around the clock. I was born somewhere up in the Harlem area which was a completely black bailiwick now and my grandfather's 15 room mansion was broken up into the same number of apartments for a booming rental business that was all profit...

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He Said No

Terry could hardly contain her glee; it had taken months of scheming and maneuvering. She had plotted, connived, and conspired; She had twisted the facts and stretched the bounds of her honesty to the max. There had been arguments, some turning into major fights, but with each one she sensed a small piece of his resolve being chipped away. At times she saw anger in his eyes, other times it was hurt and pain, but she was prepared for that; it was a necessary part of a new chapter in their...

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The Girl Who Must Not Sing Ch 07

Chapter Seven ‘Did the jobs transition fare well today, Paetin?’ ‘You would know already had it not.’ ‘Good. I can say as much for our inspector.’ ‘The wine cellar suffered somewhat.’ ‘Worth it, in the end. By the way, an excellent plan with that little trap of yours yesterday.’ ‘Thankyou, Sire.’ ‘The boy’s a clever one but— What was that?’ ‘Something falling? I’ll find out.’ ‘Seems we spoke too soon on the jobs transition. Maybe we were asking for this.’ === Eldrian’s eyes fluttered...

1 year ago
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Payal Ki Sachai

Payal aur mein class 8 se 12, ek hi school aur ek hi class mein the. Padhai mein bahut achhi thi. Uska sabse distinct feature thi uski height. Wo 5 ft ki hi thi aur usse zyada nahi badhi. Sab use “Bachi” ke ke chidhate the. Lekin she was very cute. Uske gaal pe dimples aate the jab smile karti thi. Bahut chulbuli thi aur hamesha bahut excited raha karti thi. Meri aur uski jaan pehchaan thi. Hum koi bahut zyada ghane dost nahe the. Mann hi mann mujhe bahut pasand thi par main kaafi shy aur...

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Chelsies Dilemma Part 1

May 5 th , 2011 The end of the semester is fast approaching and I couldn’t be any more excited. Not only will I be done with class, but summer time will be upon us and that means I’ll get to work on my glorious tan, lounge around doing nothing…and…that fucking thing called work… It’s not entirely bad though. It’s a steady job I’ve held for the past two years and I’ve been fortunate to work for a very lenient boss who let me take some time off near the end of the semester to ‘focus’ on my...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 49

Victor’s kids eventually did ask questions. It took them a while to process what they were seeing and realize it was actually happening. Some of the questions were in Spanish. This is my best guess as to what they asked. “What is that in your butt?” Juan asked. Victor twirled his fingers and whistled to indicate that his daughter should turn around but keep marching in place with precision. “This is my tail, Sir.” “How do you fart with that in your butt?” “Girls don’t fart, Sir.” I found...

1 year ago
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Janets dirty games part 6 A Shitting Lesson

At this day, windows were open to get in a more oxygenic air than it was usual in our old school building. Accordingly to the season, farmers had brought out manure to the fields outside the city, so the air wasn't really clean and fresh, anyway. Maybe this smell in the air triggered Janet to get into one of her shitgames again - I never found out. Anyway - at this day, the teacher was showing an educational video tape to the actual topic of the history lessons. I remember the videos of this...

2 years ago
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5 One in the Hand Is WorthChapter 20

"Hey." "Hmmpf." "Raaaaannndy." "Hmm?" "It's 7:30. I'm going to go take a shower. I want to be out of here by 8:30 so my roommate can come home. Okay?" I opened my eyes to a vision. Kendall was standing over me wearing a calf length robe, cinched together at her waist to form a v shaped opening with her cleavage peeking out at the top. Her hair was disheveled; her eyes were bright and shining. "You mean you want me out of here," I blurted. I was still sleepy enough that my...

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CybersexAudrey POV

It was 10 pm. I logged on to Facebook. There was a a friend request there. It was Alex Gallagher. He sat next to me in algebra and Language Arts. He was also my neighbor. I friended him. Soon, he chatted me. Hey. Hey I said You want to see my cock? He asked. I gasped. No one had ever asked me if I wanted to see their cock before. If you want to see my pussy I replied I WANT IT MORE THAN APPLE PIE He shouted in caps lock. I giggled. Then go on msn. Im sw33tdr34ms. Ill be there. He said. There...

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The Erotic Summer Of Lust 8211 Part 2

Hello Everyone, Thank you for such an amazing response. I thank everyone who mailed me and liked my stories and enjoyed it. Before I start the story I have to clarify something. My name is “Yash Agarwal” and there is no one called sheela. “” is just my ID. I request not to get confused. And Please don’t ask anyone’s No. Or contact details, I can’t give.To those readers who haven’t read my 1st story, please see the link given on top. I woke up around 3.30 to pee. I went to the toilet and lowered...

1 year ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 9 More Questions

Well, that had been ... interesting. Lara would liked to have said that her kissing Ben had purely been for camouflage reasons, but she was it wasn't very truthful. She'd seen the Leatherneck duck into the washroom almost as soon as Ben had started on her neck. She could have stopped him then, or maybe even earlier, but it had felt very good. Admit it, girl, you've wanted to do that for days. Ben had been cold to her for the last half hour or so since they had broken their embrace. It was...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 120

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT STATEMENT ALL ABOUT," Jenny yelled. It was the first time she had ever raised her voice to any of us. There was shock on all the faces around the table at her reaction. "We have done a lot of advertising that we were a ladies-exclusive gym. It was only a matter of time until someone decided to challenge that. It's that just now is the time. Marcy also commented just the other day that the manufacture of the Marathoners was pressuring us to allow a broader test...

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What A WonderfulPpunishment

Like most 15yr Olds, Rehan was a horny teenager. He was busy wanking to a picture from Playboy when his mother caught him with his sister’s panty in his hand wrapped around his cock. All hell broke loose. His parents were ultra conservative and living in the US, made them constantly worry that their kids would go astray. Before he could realize what was happening, Rehan had been boarded on a flight to Pakistan to live with his Uncle and his wife in Lahore. Like his Father, Rehan’s Uncle was...

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Slime adventures

You awaken and are instantly disoriented at first being able see in a 360 view of a forested area. Somehow you can hear the sound of a busy street and the splashes of water from a nearby swimming hole. You are a small slime about a gallon in volume but you can stretch yourself to a limit. You are the classic green of many slimes. Your purpose is to seek out women and breed with them. You produce hormones that make women instantly go into heat and sexually aroused. Those are the basic powers as...

3 years ago
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As usual I am ordered to remove my clothing in the ante-room I enter the cathedral by one of the many discreet side doors that pepper the massive stone structure. I am admitted by one of the older acolytes. She refuses eye contact but peers briefly around the heavy door before ushering me in and then gently closing and bolting it. The air inside the old cathedral is noticeably colder. The acolyte leads me down several flights of stone stairs into the bowels of the building. Eventually we...

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Hot Bath

You open the bathroom door and walk in; the room is steamy, bath is almost full, lit candles are everywhere, you scent perfumes and music is still playing in the background. I wrote a little note for you saying “David, undress and relax”. You start to undress; you unbutton your shirt and trousers and take them off, followed by your shorts. You turn the taps off and step into the bath. The water is hot as you lower yourself in; it’s up to your neck; you are relaxing for a while. I walk...

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Diavolo Ch 03

Paulina couldn’t keep her eyes off him, though he could tell she tried to be discreet. Her face looked wooden, pale, but her eyes…those black orbs glittered full of poison, hatred…there was so much malice in those eyes. During dinner, Daniel regaled them with tales of his many trips around the world, searching for budding new musicians and singers. North Star Records dealt mainly with non-mainstream music. What they lacked in the way of famous pop recording artists, they made up for in an...

Love Stories
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Alina Lopez Babysitter Auditions 2

Soldiering on in our pursuit of the perfect babysitter, we welcomed our next candidate into our home: the luscious Alina Lopez. We kicked off the interview by telling Alina how important it is that our little one be well-versed in the arts. And what’s an essential part of all great art? Well, INSPIRATION, of course! So we offered Alina the living room as her stage and told her to inspire us. Alina got to work, stripping off her clothes and gyrating her stacked body as she twerked her...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning Part 4 of 4

Total Transformation Salon and Spa - The Beginning (part 4 of 4) Kristie was wheeled back into treatment room 5 through the back door. Julie and Bri were waiting. The intern slid Kristie back into the treatment chair, naked. Nobody would recognize Kristie. In the last 7 days, her entire body had been transformed. What had started as just a sweet duplicate of Julie's hair had turned into a completely transformed sex pot. Kristie had huge tits - at least double D's. Julie...

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Lori Part 1

I heard my mom yelling at me from the kitchen. Dinner was ready and she wanted me to get my sister to eat dinner with us. I knew that she would refuse to eat at the table with us, but I went anyway. I walked up the stairs to the attic door and went inside. My sister had recently turned it into her own personal area. We had previously used it for storing extra furniture, but she had rearranged it into a cozy space. There was a wide open area, with a fridge (which always smelled horrible) and a...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 4 First Class

The first class was on a Monday. All of us were there, with Sarah and some guy she knew. There were a dozen girls. Jane and four others had their own horses. The rest would use stable horses. I got each girl to introduce herself, tell us about her riding experience. I introduced the Still Waters folks. Then I went into the routine I'd been thinking about. "Almost all of you can ride. Some of you are pretty good, some are beginners. Some of you have horses of your own, the rest...

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Brandees Move Ch 06

We fell asleep again and didn’t wake up until nearly eleven when the phone rang. I climbed sleepily out of bed to answer it. ‘Hello?’ ‘Brandee? You’re still home?’ ‘Mom?’ ‘Yeah, honey, it’s me. What are you doing home? I was calling to leave a message on the machine. I’m surprised you picked up.’ ‘We’ve got a blizzard here. Last time we checked the snow level was up around three feet. I’m guessing it has built up a little more.’ ‘We? Who else is there with you?’ I looked over at the...

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 29

The next few weeks went by without a visit from the cops. Working the day after the encounter with Ms. Pallesen, I prepared myself for my leisurely stroll with 1stSgt Gibbs. I got let out of work just after noon, and then it was a just shy of a 3hr drive including a stop to get some food. I got there 10 minutes early but was still the last to show up. “About time you showed up.” I had no response, and then the brow beating started and never stopped till we were...

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The Anniversary of my collaring

Today is the anniversary of my collaring. Thinking back my life has been blessed to find such an amazing Master. I guess I should tell you a bit about my planet and how I got here. A couple of hundred years ago a group of 150 Masters with their slaves colonized this planet calling it Haven. Saying old Earth just didn’t understand how things should be and tired of being thought of as strange. They would raise their kids to understand the order of things should be. The boys went to one school to...

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Swimming with Lindsey

Swimming was my new pass-time.My wife and I had installed an in-ground pool in our back yard with the proceeds from my third book sale. The book was doing well in some circles. Not well enough to buy a new house, but well enough.Of course, after the pool was installed and the landscaping finished, my wife, Elizabeth (Bess for short,) wanted to have a party. She invited friends, but also some of the upper crust from town that we knew.The day had started off fine but rapidly turned stormy. Our...

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Scratch My ItchChapter 11

I woke up quite early the following morning. Surprisingly clear-headed, after the amount of brandy we'd taken on board. Thank god, I thought, that it never gave me a hangover. Someone walked out of the bathroom. Female, naked. Well, maybe I hadn't woken up yet. Never mind - with dreams like this, who wants to wake up anyway. Then I looked again. Hilary's body, give or take a curve. Tanned and shaved like Hilary. Hilary's face, almost. Hilary's smile, definitely. The only real...

1 year ago
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Nothing Lost

I held her. My ear was hovering over the phone attached to her ear; my arm was comfortably around her waist. I felt her body relax against me suddenly, and I tensed in an automatic response – an awkward seated dance. “Negative?” “Yeah.” Sam breathed deeply. “Safe to sleep with me now. Right, man?” I think she was kidding, so I played the part. “Oh yeah, baby. Let’s go four people this time! Or maybe 7, my lucky number!” Sam smiled and tackled me on the bed, letting her long dark hair tickle my...

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Orcs and Elves

The fires roaring around Griffin's Nest could be seen for miles as could the celebratory shouts echoing throughout the valley. The largest gathering was over one thousand strong centered on a bonfire reaching twenty feet into the sky. Drums filled the air with the rhythm the victorious army stamped their feet to. Every kind of meat imaginable was roasting over one of the pits and the warriors gorged themselves. There were barrels stacked upon barrels of liquors and ales the empty ones thrown...

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Its My PartyChapter 16

Time: Monday, December 24, 2018 5:14 PM Everyone except Emily was standing by the covered pool, waiting for its grand opening. Through the windows, they followed their Janitor-in-training make her way through the first floor rooms to join them. Mark thought sunset today occurred exactly at4 PMor maybe even a minute before. It was remarkable to think of the changes occurring so quickly. From some preliminary observations yesterday night, he had already found a new star that would serve as a...

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