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People rarely think of the home as a particularly glamorous place for sex. And mostly they are right. But its still the place that 90% of our best sex occurs. Anything that happens in a kitchen is almost certainly unplanned and that just makes it even better. I walked into mine one day to find you stood at the sink washing up from lunch. Its been a gorgeous summer day so far so you are wearing a loose strappy top and a long light skirt. I can see little glimpses of your breasts every time you lean over or twist to put something aside. I cant help staring. Eventually you notice my attention but think little of it. Its not like you have dressed up or anything, even your hair is simply wound up into a loose bun at the back of your head just for convenience and to help you keep cool on this warm day. But there is something so seductively simple and clean about it that I cant help walking up behind you and placing my arms around your waist and giving you a big hug. I rest my chin on your shoulder and your turn to kiss my cheek before carrying on.

I brush a few stray hairs away from your neck and lightly kiss your shoulder, just in the little hollow where it meets your neck, you give a little chuckle. I kiss the other side and squeeze you tighter to me. This was perhaps your first clue to my feelings but you dont really react. At least you dont push me away. I stand up straight and run my hands around your sides and up your back to your bare shoulders and massage them gently. This is something I have always been good at. You twist your neck in response and give a little sigh. I bend to kiss your neck again as I slide my hands back down, but this time they move up the front of your body and gently cup your breasts. The top is very thin and I can feel your nipples rising through it and I rub my thumbs over them both, making them solid. This time your sigh is more like a moan. Encouraged by the sound I slip my hand underneath the top and over your bare skin to gently put my forefinger and thumb around your nipple and twist it ever so slightly. I can feel you grinding your bottom back into me, all pretence of washing up is gone now and you are simply gripping the edge of the sink.

'Have you finished that?' I joke knowing it still about a quarter full. You shake your head. 'Better get it done.' I say still kissing your neck and putting my other hand up your top. 'cant when you're doing that.' you laugh back at me. 'If you stop, I stop.' I say, and immediately your hands are back in the water and ratttling dishes around. I stoop down and take my hands from under your top and stroke my fingertips up the back of your legs lifting your skirt up as I do so. 'Oh thats not fair' you say. 'You stop, I stop.' I remind you. Laughing again the rattling sound starts again but you shift slightly opening your legs a bit wider. I kneel behind your and run both hands up the inside of your thighs to just touch the centre where they meet through your underwear. Im certain that if this had been your plan you would not have been wearing any but I love to rub you up through them. It feels so much nicer when I eventually get skin to skin. I can feel your body jerking slightly as I press the side of my finger against and along your pussy lips. You open your legs even wider for me. I grasp both sides of your panties and pull them down allowing you to step out of them. I kind of like knowing you are only wearing two items of clothing that present no real barrier to me now.

I lift the hem of your skirt and tuck it into the waistband to hold it out of the way before ducking down between your feet and sitting on the floor with my back to the sink. This happily puts your pussy at kissing level for me. Placing both hands on your bottom I pull your crotch into my face and gently start kissing and licking your lips. There is no mistaking the moans now. I can hear you splashing the water in the sink to make sure I dont stop like I promised I would. I can feel you shaking with pleasure as I lick around every fold of your pussy, sometimes pushing my tongue inside you and then flicking your clit with the tip of it. I start concentrating on your clit and at the same time push my thumb into your pussy from behind and you practically collapse on top of me. There is a louder splash and as you regain control of your legs and straighten up I feel water dripping onto me from above and I realise you have dipped your shirt into the water. You are panting madly above me and your legs are shaking like mad as I tongue your clit and finger your pussy at the same time. I shift forward slightly and lift your legs off the ground and put them over my shoulders so you are now basically sitting on them and using the hands under your bottom for support and hanging onto the edge of the sink for balance. This opens your legs as wide as they will go right in front of my face. I look up to see your face contorted with pleasure and your right hand, no longer holding onto the sink but inside your top working furiously on your breasts in turn. This spurs me on and I lick and suck your pussy and clit even harder and faster. I can feel and hear you starting to come. Suddenly you stiffen bolt upright and scream out loud. You squeeze my head between your thighs very hard as you flood my mouth with pussy juice as you come for real. It goes on for some time before I feel you relax so much that I have to practically catch you as you try to get off my shoulders. I help you to the floor with me so we are sitting across the narrow kitchen, both with our backs to cabinets, both panting hard. You are sitting with your knees raised and I cant quite see under your skirt, but can see that your shirt is soaked as I thought it was. You pull it away from your body as cools, and then take it off completely. As an afterthought you take off the skirt and sit across from me naked with your legs crossed.

It takes you a minute to get your breath back and its fun for me watching your breasts heaving while you do. You keep glancing at me and laughing, saying you cant believe I just did that. I straighten my legs so my feet are either side of you in the narrow kitchen and you place your hands on both my knees to lever yourself forward onto your knees so you can lean in and kiss me deeply. Its kind of nice having you naked and on all fours in the kitchen. I can feel my erection that never really went away, start to siffen again. You place your hand against my cheek as we kiss and slowly it works its way down my chest and into my lap. 'Hello.' you say with a smile. 'What do I find here?' You pull down the fly on my jeans and then pop open the button. Im on a rare day where I am actually wearing underwear and you order me to stand up again. I get up off the floor and lean with my back to the sink and you reach inside my jeans to caress my hard cock through the thin material that is threatening to burst into flames. One sight I have always loved is you kneeling naked in front of me and here you are slowly bringing my cock out into the daylight.

I ease my jeans down over my hips and you pull my pants with them. A certain amount of slightly awkward shuffling later and they are both gone altogether. You take my hard cock in one hand and gently start playing and pulling, tilting slightly to one side you kiss the very tops of my thighs and the bottom of my stomach. You pull yourself in close and I can feel your breasts surround my cock and you grind you grind yourself against me rolling it between them. I lift my shirt over my head so we are both now naked in broad daylight in the kitchen. I reach down to cares your breasts as you slowly guide my cock into your open mouth and suck gently with one small hand wrapped around the base of it the other on my thigh. You start bobbing your head taking my cock all the way into your mouth, using just your mouth to control it. I can feel both of your hands on my thighs now. I look down at the the top of your head watching my cock disappear and reappear as you slide along it. One of your hands reaches down underneath you and you start gasping as you play with your clit. I gently pinch your nipples and roll them in my fingers and you moan around my cock. I can feel your hand creeping around my bottom and i think I know whats coming next so I move my feet wider apart to give you room. Your hand comes from under your body to under mine as you use your own pussy juice to gently rub across my ass. You never lose a beat with my cock, both hand and mouth working together. I am breathing really heavily now. I can feel your finger just touching my ass, very lightly at first but with more and more pressure. You have to place your finger all the way inside your pussy again before you can push it into me. You touch my ass and i relax the muscles as best I can and suddenly it slips in just half an inch. I inhale sharply, hissing the breath through my teeth. It hurts, but at the same time it feels great. You dont slide your finger in and out like you would in your pussy but it does move around inside me. I am just clinging onto your head now as it bobs frantically in fornt of me. I know Im going to cum soon if you carry on and I warn you that if you dont stop Im going to cum in your mouth or all over your face. I happen to know you dont mind either of these things but prefer the choice to be yours. You stop sucking on my cock and gently withdraw your finger. 'You not cumming yet boy' she says despite the fact I am a lot older than her. 'I want you to fuck me senseless first.'

You decide I need a rest and chance to get my breath back, being the old man I am. You push away from from me to lean against the cabinets opposite me, you place your hands flat on the worktops and jump lithely so you end up sitting bare arsed on them. It might be cold but the heat coming from your naked body is more than a match for it. 'You just relax and watch.' you say in your best sultry purr. 'Relax !' she says; how could I possibly do that as you start rubbing your nipples? You bring them to full attention, sucking on your finger and rubbing it in circles around each nipple in turn. Your body undulates as you slowly slide one hand down over your stomach to your pussy while the other continues squeezing and caressing your breasts. I watch intently as one finger plays gently with your clit before sliding easily inside. You start to thrust your hips gently in rhythm to the finger as it slides in and out of you. A second finger joins it and you start moaning. You lift your leg and place your foot on the counter too, giving me an unrivalled view of your pussy as it darkens with pleasure.

Your other hand migrates its way south to join the first. And suddenly you have two fingers in your pussy and two from the other hand working gently on your clit. You are twisting and moaning out loud. I cant help myself. My hand finds my still stiff cock and I slowly pump it. Your eyes are fixed on my cock as mine are fixed on your pussy. Suddenly they flick away to something behind me and I realise that my neighbour must have walked by outside. There are no coverings on the windows to my kitchen. All he has to do is look to the right to get the massive treat you are giving me. Somehow I dont think you would stop even if he did start watching. I watch your eyes follow him out of sight and your hands start again in earnest. Something good happpens inside you as you almost lose your balance on the counter and there certainly isnt room to lie down. Your hand knocks several bottles and containers on the counter. One in particular cathes your eye. There is some real Canadian Maple Syrup in a bottle perfectly shaped for precision pouring, circular,slim at the top and widening to the base. You snatch it up and put it in your mouth like you are sucking it off. Which in a way you are doing. You are cleaning it, warming it, and lubricating it all in the same incredibly sexy movement. All the time your other hand never takes the fingers out of your pussy, right up until the moment you judge it to be clean, warm and wet enough. Only then do you use both hands to make sure the cap is tight and secure before slowly pushing the bottle inside you.

Gently you start fucking the bottle, easing it in and out of your pussy as deep as you dare, moaning out loud as it goes in and sighing deeply as it slides out again. I step toward you and you offer me control of the bottle, I say no as I am afraid of pushing too hard or too deep. You know your limits better than I do. I stand between your legs and lean in to start sucking and licking your nipples in turn while caressing the other one with my hand. you give out a loud moan and slide the bottle out of your pussy and hold it up to my face. With a grin I take it in my mouth and start sucking your juices off it as I slide my hand under your body again. My fingers trace down over your stomach and gently two fingers push inside. You unscrew the top from the bottle and pour small amounts of the golden sticky syrup over your breasts and over the fingers I have in your pussy so it mixes with your own taste. You grab my head and pull it to your breast so I can start cleaning the syrup off again. It takes a lot of licking to get it off even one nipple, and it melts and runs down your body so I have to chase it down. You are fairly covered in the stuff by the time I give up on trying to clean your upper body and once more kneel down between your spread legs. Your pussy is shining with both syrup and your natural juices. Greedily I dive in and start licking ferociously. If anything the mess down here is worse, but its much more fun as every lick brings you crying out and grabbing at my head with pleasure.

soon you cant take anymore and pull me upright by my hair. 'Oh, fuck me.'' you plead. You reach down to grab my cock and guide it in to your open pussy and moan out loud as I gently push my way in. The surface tops are the perfect height in my kitchen for this. I couldnt have done better if I had measured them out myself. As I start pumping into you, sometimes you try to lean back away from me, before clinging to me, squashing your perfect, if sticky, breasts between us. In a very few minutes I am fucking you as hard as I can. Passion has completely grabbed us both. I have both hands under your bottom pulling you onto my cock even as I ram it into you. You have wrapped both arms around my body pulling me in to you, kissing me more passionately than you have done for a long time. Suddenly you push me back and try to turn over which you cant do on the cabinet top or with my cock still inside you. I take the hint and slowly, reluctantly withdraw. You slide down off the top, almost falling because the edge is covered with syrup, sweat and pussy juice. You grab a towel and give it a quick wipe before standing on the floor with your feet wide apart and laying down across the top. I step up again and once more push my cock inside your pussy from behind this time. Almost immediately you are standing up straight again, your back to my chest. 'Oh god you always feel so big like this.' you say.

As you lay back across the counter I am forced to place my feet on the outside of yours just to make a more comfortabe fit inside you, of course this forces your feet together, closing your legs and clamping your pussy around my cock tighter than ever. You almost scream out and try to stand up straight again, but as this would cause us both quite a bit of pain I stop you by placing both hands on your shoulders and pushing you back down again. As we both relax again I start pulling my cock out slowly and then driving it back in, Gently at first, starting a rythm we can build on. Soon you lift your chest off the counter and I slip my hands under your body to cup both breasts, gently squeezing both nipples between my my fingers or rubbing my thumb over them, all the time pumping into you with more and more force. We are both getting quite loud by this point. I move my hands from your breasts to your hips and hold on, pulling you back as I thrust into your pussy. I reach around your thighs and press gently on your clit, the tip of my finger feeling my cock as it glides in and out. You go crazy.With a little effort I manage to get one hand back on your breast while keeping the other making little circles on your clit as I fuck you. I think you would be screaming by now if you could get enough breath in your lungs to do it.

I can feel myself starting to cum, between the finger on your clit and the cock in your pussy it becomes just that bit too much and you cum instantly, gushing all over my legs. 'OH FUCK!' you shout. As I continue pumping into you wave after wave of orgasm floods through your entire body but centered and focussed in your pussy. There is no more shouting, you are simply lying limp across the counter, helpless to do anything but repeat 'oh fuck' quietly. My own orgasm is almost here. 'Im gonna cum' I warn you. You always like to know when Im cumming as you dont always want me to come in the same place, so unless you move or I suddenly decide to move you Im cuming in your pussy. I can already feel my balls tightening when you push me backwards with what must have been a superhuman effort for you in your current state but you catch me just as Im withdrawing and I stumble backwards across the narrow kichten to end up back where I started. Naked and hard staring at your gloriously naked body as you stand and turn to me. Just one glance at my twitching cock tells you Im going to cum any second now whether you do anything or not. Quickly you kneel at my feet and grab my cock just in time to catch the first massive spurt full in your face, right between your eyes. Cum drips down your face as you take my cock into your mouth and the second purt hits the back of your throat. I can feel you swallowing and trying to keep up as I keep on cumming in your mouth, some escapes the corners of your mouth and mingles with the first shot as it drips off your chin to land on your breasts. Finally the cum stops but you spend a little more time cleaning off my cock, licking up all the cum you can find. My legs are seriously shaking by now and I have to sit down. Collapse is more like what I actually do though. We both sit on the floor still naked, our clothes in piles all over the place. Sitting both cross-legged opposite each other we both lean in and share some deep passionate kisses, our hands still roaming and touching each others body in intimate ways. Being a bit of an old man it will be some time before Im ready to this again. You could go again right now but take pity on me and announce that today is a naked day. No clothes allowed until tomorrow. Im just glad the postman has already been and we dont need any shopping. But my neighbour could be in for a treat. We still havent finished the washing up.

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The best sissy transformation story I ever read :White TrashBy The ScallywagsI’ve been a cross-dresser since about age thirteen. It’s not something I’mproud of. I’d like to stop, but it’s like a d**g and its sleazy allure soondrags me back from my latest attempt at abstinence. This time, withhorrific consequences.Me? Well I’m a white male, a lot shorter than I’d ideally like at 5′ 6”and weighing in at about 145 pounds. I’ve never been one for sports andhave always steered well clear of v******e...

3 years ago
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Naked Emotions

“Well, ladies, that was a truly great meal. Which one of you talented chefs do I have to thank for this?” Hans waved his hand at the dinner table, which bore the remains of the meal they had just shared. My Mistress, Miriam, sat at the head of the table, while I sat at her right hand with Hans on my right, opposite his sister.“It was a joint effort – as usual when we have company.”Hans lolled at his ease, tie off, shoes off, clearly relaxed, and looking forward to that night as he suspected he...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 41 The Bitter Bite of Reality

The appearance of Jason and the threat that Jessica might dump Matti definitely cast a pall over the morning as my ladies and I headed to the rooms set aside. I could see that my sister was shaking and rushed to catch up and put an arm around her. “Sorry,” I said. Matti reached up and grabbed my hand. “Its not your fault. I can see that you are trying hard to avoid antagonizing people. I’d say its unfair to expect you to do more.” “But I don’t want Jessica deciding that she doesn’t want...

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Desert DroppingChapter 24 In Company

All day long, I'd been planning to meet Eddie when he got off work. I'd been thinking of it as a way to get out of the house. Only, I hadn't been home all day, and it wasn't like I didn't have company. I didn't need to meet Eddie the way I thought I did anymore. But, somewhere along the line, I began to realize that while I didn't need to meet him, I sort of wanted to. In fact, I'd been looking forward to it. That surprised even me. It also surprised Eddie, I think. He was in a...

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My son my lover

I didn't expect it to happen, but now that it has I'm glad because it has changed my life in a way that I never thought possible. As I look back I realize I had thought about it at some time, but then I dismissed it from my mind. It's just not something that is done, at least not in my world. I'm thirty-three, black, handsome, and single. When I was eighteen I had a fling and the result was a son who is now nineteen. His name is Kevin. Like me, he's dark skinned, handsome and tall - six...

2 years ago
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Anna Gives Me The Finger

Spring is the most wonderful season of the year. Mother Nature awakes from her slumber and the earth begins to awaken. The days grow longer, and the weather warms up quickly. Warmer weather turns into less clothing, a definite plus when checking out the sexy young ladies. Living outside a college town, there are always young beauties to check out. Little did I realize one such beauty was right under my nose, Anna. Anna grew up next door to my country house, her and her mother. With no father...

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Test This 2367

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop...

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Summer Secrets part 7 of 7

Summer Secrets By Varian Milagro Chapter 32 When I woke up in the morning Jill was home. I joined her for breakfast. "I'm sorry about Mark," I told her over cold cereal. "Let's talk about something else," she replied tersely. "Brenda said that we might be able to practice today." "It doesn't look good." She stared at her cereal. "Cindy is being a bitch and without her garage we don't have anywhere to practice." "Watch the language, Jill,"...

4 years ago
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Hospital Fantasy Fullfilled

This is a true story. Written with the permission from the person involved but i changed the name so that it'll protect her privacy. Please dont mind the grammer as im not really a writer by profession. hahaha.A few years ago, i was hospitalized due to my knee surgery. busted it when i met with a bike accident couple years before that, and the usual saturday night futsal sessions just made it worst. since im insured, so what the hell, lets fix this thing..Anyways, after i'm done with the...

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Bobby and Spanky III

Introduction: English Bobby y Spanky By Lamia Fangs I never thought that a dog and a child could modify my life so strongly: I keep thinking about them, especially about Sally, she said she wants to come and play with us, I would be pleased to play with her, too since I love playing with the boy and his wonder dog. However, I must be careful, it would be fatal if things do not get out of control. They could charge me of rape, statutory rape, and pedophilia at least. However, the judges in the...

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Paper MatchesChapter 3

To suggest that Bill Phillips was nervous and upset during his Wednesday afternoon flight from Dayton to Colorado Springs would be understating the obvious. He was happy that he gained two hours on the flight west, as he could occupy his mind with work-related thoughts by going to the Colorado Springs offices as soon as he arrived. As usual he picked up his rental car and went directly to the offices of their subsidiary before even checking into his hotel. When he walked out of the elevator...

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The nurse and sperm donors

This is Purely a FantasyMy wife had started at a private fertility clinic when the NHS started to make cutbacks. She had worked at the clinic for 5 years when new guidelines for sperm donors was introduced which in effect reduced the number of men willing to make donations. The managing director of the clinic asked the whole nursing team, who dealt with the donors face on, if they had any ideas to increase the number of donors. To be honest there was the run of the mill ‘sensible’ suggestions....

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Love in the Time of War Ch 04

Dinner was a much better occasion tonight. The conversations didn’t seem forced and there was a lot more laughter around the table. Perhaps it was James’ presences or Charles being home for a second day but it as close to the days before the war as possible. Charles found himself seated between Patricia, James’ wife and Catherine. It was no mistake that his mother placed him there. He always liked Patricia and believed she made a great wife for James. Her quiet demeanor offset James’ bombastic...

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Homecoming Part2

HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...

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Wishful Thinking

The day is bright and sunny. You are on your way to school, taking your time to appreciate the sights of the bustling people moving around to get to where they might need to be. Upon passing an alleyway, you are alerted by a muffled scream of distress. You move in to investigate. You discover a girl. Her clothes are shredded and there is a large thug looking to have his way with her. The petite redhead spots you and pleads for help. This alerts the thug who turns to you. "So, you wanna play...

1 year ago
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A surprise from the past part 2

I woke again at 8 am to find Tony already up and busy getting breakfast, so I quickly dressed and joined him. While we were eating I asked him what time he was expecting his pals to arrive and he thought it would be about 10 o’clock. I explained that my friends were coming down from Fort William and if they had managed to leave at the crack of dawn they could arrive at about the same time. Then I suggested that we should avail ourselves of the camp site’s amenities which were a bit basic but...

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Just a Little Late

Just a Little Late By Bill Hart "Hurry up, John! Drive faster! We're going to be late." John Turner calmly looked down at the clock in the dash. "You don't have to worry, Andy," he told his fraternal twin brother. "We won't be late; we have plenty of time." "Will you just speed up. I just know we're going to be late," fretted Andy nervously. "This is supposed to be the hottest fraternity party of the whole semester and we're going to be late." Andy shook his head. "Wasn't...

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Gift Never Forget

It was an evening in mid December. Telephone was ringing. I guessed it was my husband Kingsley. I took the receiver hurry, because he went to inspect a branch office of his working place which was located about 200km away from the head office. He informed me his safety arrival and accommodation. He inquired about the son who had prepared to go for two days Scout Champ in the school. I said every thing was ok. “ Kingsley, you know one friend has come to visit us after long time. Can you guess?”...

1 year ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX- " Jezebel asks hir mother, "why can't I find a nice womyn, who wants to shag my brains out, and then just hold me tight and tell me sweet nothings, and then take me shopping, and then you know, shag me again, but you know, in a caring, sensitive way?" I head over to cousin Macy giving her a very respectful curtsey. "The Gurls are all asleep, your mother told me you had a rough evening, why don't you go in the bathroom in the foyer and change into...

2 years ago
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Our Arrangement Reprise Three

Almira sat next to me at the breakfast bar, totally naked, wearing only her radiant smile.  While holding my toast I slipped my other hand between her thighs and slid it up to her pussy.“Hmm,” she purred between sips of coffee.Her lips were smooth, soft, warm and a little wet.  She put down her coffee and covered my cock with her hand.“Ready to go again?” she asked, smiling at me.“I think you could persuade me!”She had slept with me the previous night.  We'd had sex before we fell asleep,...

Wife Lovers
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The Conference

This is a chapter from my books The Swinging Villagers and The Students, The Mother, The Daughter and The Villagers Were it belongs between the chapters ‘The Trial’ and ‘The Orgasmafest ‘ Warning: Extremely explicit sexual scenes and consensual sex. Published by Staubig Studio Publishing at Smashwords Copyright 2017 Johann von Staubig Author’s Notes: This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously....

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Lucky Bastard

I’d gone skiing in New Zealand in what was our usual summer, and found myself in Queenstown in mid-July. It was a crazy town, full of young and old enjoying the winter sports season, and some of the thrill seekers who enjoyed the bungee jumping and white river rafting, and much more. I was with my girl-friend, Maggie, a long standing relationship for me of nearly 2 years. She was an experienced skier, having been to many Swiss and Austrian slopes, as well as several in the US. It was her idea...

Group Sex
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Saturday's weather was glorious. My wife was busy so I ventured out for a walk. Not far from home, there is a beautiful park so I headed there. I sat on a park bench for a few minutes, warming myself in the sun. I noticed a car in the parking lot. It appeared to be occupied by a man about my age. I got up and wandered around the perimeter of the park and wound up in the parking lot. The passenger car window lowered and the guy leans towards me and says "Lovely day isn't it?"I replied "yes it's...

4 years ago
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Suckloving MotherChapter 8

Debra thought she was foolish to stay so modest. All around her, she saw girls and women wearing revealing clothing, especially shorts. She had been almost shocked the first time she saw a girl in cut-offs with half her ass exposed. Then she realized many pretty girls were wearing the same thing. She saw one woman about her age in the supermarket with faded cut-offs and her panties showing. Jerry thought it was delightful, and pointed the woman out to Debra. “I think she’s shameless,” she...

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Hi this is sham with another one.. Too much thanks for response for my early story.. This is my friend told this story so I narrated by my own way. Suma sat at her desk in English, the video on JFK played on, she however was distracted by something else, her mind wandered and as she looked up from her desk and she let her vision refocus she saw Tom staring at her from the other side of the room. “STOP LOOKING AT ME!” She let out, the class laughed and Tom looked away laughing. Simone made some...

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Hazel My Sexual Teacher

This is the story of my first proper sexual experience. I had fumbled around in my early teens with the odd girl but never had sex. Mrs Wilkinson changed all that !It was 11 am on a lovely sunny Saturday morning, in the summer of 1979. I walked along the street to my friends Steves house bouncing the football I was carrying as I strolled. I was not prepared for what was going to happen that weekend.I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. His Mam answered."Is Steve in?" I asked. "Oh...

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Amazing sex with my friends new stepmother

I was spending the night sleeping over at my friend Tony's house. We had gone to the pool for a swim and when we returned to his house I met his new stepmother Kelly for the first time. She was 28 years old and incredibly sexy, 5'9" tall with a curvy figure and beautiful perky breasts that bounced and jiggled around under her shirt as she moved around the house. After Tony introduced us he and I headed back to his bedroom to change out of our wet shorts. Once inside with the door closed I said...

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The Sixty Nine Position

Hi mera naam sheeba hai. Main ek call centre mein ER manager hu. Meri umar 28 saal hai aur mera figure 34-28-32 hai. Mera 1 saal pehle nikah hua hai lekin meri hamesha night shift hi hoti hai isi wajah se meri sambhog ki chaahat adhuri reh jati hai.Main isiliye kafi pareshan rehti hu. Isi pareshani ki wajah se pichle mahine main apni hadd paar kar gayi jis ke bare mein main aap sab ko batana chahti hu. Pichle mahine meri company mein nayi recruitments hui thi isliye mujhe unki induction k liye...

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Summer of 89Chapter 10 Smooth Criminal

I'd like to say that after Cindy and I had sex for the third time that night, that I rushed home and immediately confronted Janet about what Cindy had told me. That I'd gone over there and demanded to know if Nathan really knew about us being together, that she was kinky, that I laid it all out and found out the answer. I'd like to say that, but I didn't. What can I say? I was fifteen years old, and I did what most fifteen year old boys would do when confronted with two women who were...

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Group Sex

Hi guys and gals, Kartik here with new experience happened last week.i am 26yrs old guy basically from chennai working in coimbatore and while i was having chatting with one person from trichy called babu he said “i want to see my wife get fucked by other man” , i was instantly had hard on because that is my favaroutie fantasy to have hot wife in front of the hubby. on further enquiring i come to know that they are 28/26yrs age and no kids. the only problem is how to talk to his wife regarding...

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my best friends mom

we had just arrived at a local was sunday bruch with my best friend Mike,and his mom and dad,along with my folks and two sisters.we were in santa barbara,it was the summer of 1962 i was 14 years old ,I had known mike for about 2 yrs we met in the 5th grade.we lived abouta mile apart,and were frequently at each others homes.our families bacame friends,and would bbq together,once or twice month.usualy at mikes.I prefered mikes house to mine,primarily because they had a "POOL".and...

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FamilySinners Abella Danger Step Siblings

Abella is a brat who has grown accustomed to being the only child living at her parents’ house. Her peace is ruined when her stepbrother, Zac, moves home. She confronts him while he’s working out in the garage and demands that he clean the bathroom. Assuming she will turn him down, Zac says he’ll clean the bathroom if she kisses him. When she consents to his terms, he is put on the defensive. He never knew his stepsister could be so bold, or domineering. The two release all of their pent-up...


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