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“Look down on you? Geez, Mrs. Pittman...”

“It’s ‘Jan’, Honey; I told you to call me ‘Jan!’” Jan admonished Melissa Towson, as the girl responded to Jan’s revelations about her friends and her. The version she had used was very abbreviated and modified to move them from sounding like X-rated to R-rated. “I want us to be friends.” Melissa seemed to relax more as the meal and conversation progressed.

Melissa was a very cute girl with highlighted light brown hair; not heavy, but big-boned and well-built with what appeared to be decent-sized breasts and a flat tummy, as revealed by the open-midriff summer top she was wearing. Her tight denim shorts revealed a firm, nicely-rounded youthful ass and very nice legs with firm calves and no jiggle in the thighs.

“Okay ... Jan,” Melissa resumed. “No; we don’t look down on you and your friends at all! And we don’t get disgusted like some of our other uptight customers when they sometimes get a glimpse of you folks in action. In fact, all of us who work at Ken’s steakhouse think you guys are just about the coolest people in town!”

The nineteen-year-old gazed at Jan across the table at which they were enjoying lunch together with almost heroine-worship. This caused Dani, Jan’s twenty-five-year-old housekeeper and friend to grin in amusement.

Jan had asked Dani along for a couple of reasons. She wanted another woman with her who was not one of the executive wives at J.A.M. Aluminum, where her husband, Brad, was a Junior vice president, to ease Melissa’s tensions about being with Jan. Also, Jan and Dani had planned for a while to make another trip out to Jo’s and Kara’s boutique, Sweet Nothings, to see the new sexy clothing lines that had come in recently.

Jan had set this whole lunch meeting up with the intentions of fulfilling her promise of several weeks ago to take Melissa to lunch and explain some of the unorthodox things Jan and her friends had exhibited in Melissa’s presence at Ken’s Steakhouse on several occasions.

Jan was worried that her status as a wife to a corporate Junior vice president in the community and as one of the obvious instigators of the craziness that went on when the J.A.M. Aluminum executive crowd ate at Ken’s might intimidate the younger girl. Dani’s presence, she hoped, would serve to mitigate any nervousness. Also, Dani was much more than a housekeeper to Jan; she was a friend, and Jan wanted to take her friend out with her anyway, in order to have lunch together and to shop.

“In fact, since you folks have been coming to Ken’s, the applications from guys to be waiters, and even busboys, have almost tripled! Even the number of girls applying to be waitresses and hostesses has jumped.

“I guess the guys all want to get a chance to see all you beautiful ladies get naked in the private guest dining room, and possibly get ... you know ... the oral sex treatment from rich ladies. And the girls just want to take notes!” She caught herself getting overly excited and looked down for a moment, blushing fiercely.

Jan and Dani grinned at each other upon seeing the girl’s adorable blush; but, before they could say anything, Melissa continued. “And the tips you guys leave are unbelievable! And the way you treat everybody is amazing, too! We see you arrive in the big limos; and usually, that would signal a bunch of snobs slumming at Ken’s; but not you! You guys treat us like equals and you don’t put on any airs at all. We all just love it when you show up!”

Then Melissa really caused Jan’s eyebrows to shoot up with her next comment. “I think one of the waiters is secretly in love with the lady you all call ‘Mouse.’” Jan had to smile as she remembered some of the crazy, but sexy things that her friend, Amanda ‘Mouse’ Collins, had perpetrated in the steakhouse’s private dining room, as wall as back behind the building.

“He has a blog site on the web and he collects and posts all the cell phone photos the guys and girls take of you folks from the restaurant, and writes about your adventures. He uses code names for everyone to try to keep anyone from getting any wrong ideas that might come up because of an accidental Google hit on a name, but he uses the ‘Mouse’ name in the clear and always in a romantic way.” Melissa snickered at this.

Jan was a little amused and sympathetic about the boy’s infatuation with her very married friend, but annoyed that they all might be in the process of becoming internet porn celebrities. Brad, her own husband, and Mouse’s husband, Gregg, would definitely not be thrilled at this, but it couldn’t be helped now that it was already up and running.

And if Mo – Mr. Morris, the company’s president – were to take some official action against the blog site, or if they caused a stink, then the activity would attract too much attention in the blog community, and it would go viral and only make things worse for the company and all of them. ‘I guess we just need to ride this out quietly, ‘ Jan mused internally.

“So, is this your first job out of high school?” asked Dani. The girl answered by going on for a while about how hard it was to find a job in a down-side economy and that she had been just plain lucky to have a friend who already worked at Ken’s to tell her about a vacancy before Ken had even had a chance to post it. What she said next caused Jan’s antennae to perk up.

“Up to that point, I had been working part-time for my cousin with her housecleaning business. It was okay; the pay wasn’t great, but it was B-T-N.”

“Better than nothing,” Dani supplied as she noted Jan’s sudden confusion at the texting acronym. Jan shook her head and focused on the statement again.

“You say that you cleaned houses? Were you any good at it?” asked Jan, reaching for her phone.

“My cousin wanted me to come to work full time. She thought I was pretty good. But I wanted to have some time for my friends, and I didn’t think that cleaning houses was going to be a good résumé item for the business world when and if I ever got a chance to go to and graduate from Community.” Jan recognized this as reference to the Middlebury campus of the Community College of Vermont.

Jan palmed her phone while she probed even farther. “Melissa, do you enjoy what you do at Ken’s?”

“Well, it has its good days and bad days, I guess. We all really enjoy it when you folks show up! Except for those times, it can get to be the same-old, same-old, and it sure is hard on the feet standing out in the front reception area for a whole shift each night that I’m on.

“Oh, the tip share system works well here, and Ken pays pretty well too; and he doesn’t hit on the female employees, like some bosses do. It’s just not the kind of work I see myself doing long term.” Realizing how frank she had been, Melissa suddenly blanched. “You ... you won’t tell Ken what I said about all this; will you? I don’t want him to think that I don’t like him or his business.”

“Oh, Honey, we won’t rat you out,” assured Jan. Pausing briefly, she asked the girl, “Melissa, what would you say if you had the opportunity for a job that paid a lot more and allowed you a lot more freedom to enjoy life? Would that interest you, even if it was related to your old job with your cousin?”

Dani grinned over at Jan and, almost reading her mind, said, “Jan, you’re a genius.” Melissa looked back and forth in confusion between the two, wondering what they were talking about.

Jan smiled at her and said, “Melissa, do you remember the lady who comes in with our group who looks like she could be a Playboy bunny because she’s so drop-dead gorgeous?”

Melissa blushed and said, “You mean the one everyone calls ‘Chaz?’” Then she turned crimson and laughed. “I caught Jorge, one of the busboys, in the supply room looking at one the pictures he took of her naked one night on his Smartphone, and he was zipping up his pants like he had been ... you know...” Jan and Dani laughed at this, relieving her embarrassment.

Jan then looked at her and said, “I happen to know that Chastity Clarke – Chaz, as we all call her – is looking for a reliable live-in housekeeper for the new house that she and her husband, Mike, are just about to move into. Would you like for me to see if she’d talk to you about the job?

“She’s had a hard time finding someone who is ... let’s say, open-minded enough to work under the conditions under which Chaz lives. Sort of like a full-time visit of our group to Ken’s, if you get my drift. May I call her and set up a time to meet with you? Would you be willing to consider working for her?”

Melissa sat up like she had been electrocuted. “You mean it? Really? Work for her? In her house? That would be so F-A-H! Oh!” Then she blushed again, looked down at the table, and said, “Sorry; that just slipped out.”

When Jan looked puzzled, Dani leaned in and translated, “Fucking A Hot!” Then she and Jan laughed out loud as Jan began to tap her Smartphone’s speed dial for Chaz’ number.

“There it is; ‘Chez Chaz’,” said Jan as the three of them drove past the almost completed house in Riverside Estates. The outside construction was finished, but Jan knew that the carpenters still had not finished the kitchen cabinets and the final painting.

Jan also was aware that Chaz had not waited for completion to have the furnishings and accessories delivered. While they had not been completely unpackaged and arranged according to the interior designer, Michael Morris’ plans, they were on-hand already, awaiting the go-ahead for the Clarkes to move in.

Also, as they could see, as they drove past, all the plants had been delivered, but the landscapers were not quite finished with the grounds.

Melissa, sitting in the back seat, gushed out, “Ohmygosh! It’s a fucking mansion! Oops, sorry.”

Dani turned to look at her with a smile, and said, “Honey, you don’t fucking have any fucking thing to fucking worry about with any fucking one of us.”

Jan laughed and added, “You’ve fucking got that right!” Melissa looked at the other two a bit strangely, but still maintained a slight blush at her own open use of vulgarity.

They drove on past the construction site and into the driveway at Jan’s house where they had agreed to meet Chastity Clarke, along with Amanda Collins – Mouse – and Mouse’ housekeeper, Katerina, or Kat, as she preferred to be called.

Dani had already warned Melissa not to make any Kat and Mouse jokes as they had all gotten stale by now. Melissa agreed and then noted silently that the layout of Jan’s house was similar to the one being built for Chaz down the street.

As they approached Jan’s front door after exiting the car, Dani asked Jan, “S-O-P?”

Jan nodded and said with a smile, “It’s not as if she hasn’t seen it at Ken’s. Besides, it will be a good gauge for seeing how she stands up under the light of truth.” Melissa looked at them as if they were speaking Martian, but she held her peace as they walked inside.

It finally dawned on Melissa what they had meant when, inside the foyer, both Dani and Jan, without any hesitation or embarrassment, quickly shed their clothes and hung them in the foyer closet. Once fully naked, they nonchalantly walked deeper into the house toward the French doors leading out to the patio, fully expecting Melissa to follow ... which she did, amused and only slightly intimidated by how beautiful and brave they both looked naked.

They all went outside to enjoy the pool and a pitcher of Long Island Iced Tea that Dani had pulled from the refrigerator on the way through the kitchen. Jan promised herself not to overindulge, since she had to drive Melissa back to her car in town in a little while. They didn’t have to wait long.

Jan and Dani were still nude and Melissa was still clothed when Chaz, Mouse, and Katerina arrived and came on out back, still clothed. They saw Jan and Dani naked, and looked at Melissa to see how she was reacting. She was smiling and stood as the new arrivals came over to introduce themselves.

After the introductions, Melissa said, “If you all usually strip when you are over here, please don’t change anything because I’m here. I’m going to keep my clothes on for now, if it’s okay with you. I just ... I’m not ready ... Well ... I guess I don’t have as much nerve as all of you seem to have. I’m sorry.”

Kat spoke up before any of the others and said, as she went over to give the obviously nervous girl a hug, “Honey, I had the same reaction that you did when I met these crazy people. It wasn’t until after I realized that they are really ‘good crazy’ that I started to loosen up. They let me handle whatever I wanted at my own speed and let me make my own choices.”

“She’s right, Honey,” said Chaz with a warm smile. “Yes, I like the freedom of not having to wear clothes all the time. But no one among all of my friends has to do anything she doesn’t feel comfortable doing.

“If, after we talk a bit, and if things seem to work out, then you can take whatever time you need to sort out your wardrobe situation. Even if it takes several decades; I would never dictate modesty standards to anyone, nor make them part of any conditions for employment in my house.”

Melissa breathed a little easier, and noted that Chaz, along with the one they called Mouse, and Kat had remained clothed. Jan and Dani now looked as if they were starting to feel like the odd ones out, being the only ones naked. As they started to frown at each other, Melissa noticed. She said quickly, “Hey! You don’t have to get dressed again on my account. It’s your house, after all.”

Jan spoke up first, saying, “I know, Melissa, but maybe now I feel as if it wasn’t fair to you for us to hit you with all of ... this ... so soon. I apologize for making everyone uncomfortable. Dani, what do you think about coming with me to get our clothes back on?”

Before they could get all the way up, they heard male voices from the house. Melissa saw four men emerge from the French doors. Two of them looked familiar to her and she realized that they were part of the group who frequented Ken’s. The other two were older and she knew that she was not familiar with them.

Brad Pittman and Mike Clarke slowed their pace as they saw the strange mixture of clothed and nude women. Then, they realized there was a new face among the ladies and smiled more like hosts than as husbands as they approached. They and the two older gentlemen with them, the girls noted, were dressed for golf.

Unlike the two younger men, who appeared to be in their late twenties and early thirties, the two older gentlemen looked to be in their early fifties. The older men still looked well-preserved; although, one had a slight paunch and thinning hair, while the other was in great shape and had a full head of silver hair. Melissa was interested to note that all four were very handsome in their own individual ways.

Brad Pittman spoke up to relieve the uncomfortable silence. “Well, it looks like we interrupted something here. We finished the course early and decided to come on back here. Bryan and Daniel were interested in seeing who might be, uh, home today.” His meaning was very clear to Jan, Chaz, and Mouse.

Mr. Bryan Newman and Mr. Daniel Grant were Senior VPs. Thus, they had EPOD – Executive Pussy On Demand – privileges, whereby they could demand sex with any or all of these three ladies anytime and anywhere they wished, even in their own homes and even in the presence of their Junior VP husbands.

Before accepting the position as a Junior Vice President with J.A.M., any candidate for the position had to agree and gain the agreement of his wife, after being informed fully of the wife’s unique duty requirements and the expectations of sexual favors for the Senior executives. They both had to agree in order to move into a position with amazing salaries and benefits.

Needless to say, this called for junior executives and wives with a more open outlook on sex and marriage than most ‘normal’ folks. The program evidently had worked quite well overall for the past two decades, as the executives of J.A.M. were some of the top producers in Vermont and New England industry and suffered hardly any job-related stress problems. The divorce rate among them over the years had also been unique – near zero. The housekeepers knew of the arrangements, but were very discreet in discussing the situation with anyone.

Senior VP Bryan Newman, unsure of what was going on, began to say, “We know that Saturday is not usually a day for...” He paused seeing the alarm on Chaz’ face as she stood next to what appeared to be a nervous teenager whom he did not recognize. “Well, we were hoping that Chaz...” Now, he seemed to get embarrassed as he looked to the other Senior VP, Daniel Grant for help.

Jan, who had been rising from her seat when the men arrived, had remained in motion. Moving toward them, she forced a smile and said, “Gentlemen, Chaz is in the process of interviewing a young prospect to become her new housekeeper. This young lady is Melissa Towson.” The two men put on their best VP smiles and nodded politely to Melissa. “So, they will be busy for a little while. I hope that you will accept second best by allowing me to, uh, answer the call.”

She slipped one arm each into their elbows and gently began to turn them toward the house. Daniel Grant was quicker on the uptake of what was happening and said, “Jan, believe me, not a single one of you takes second place to anyone else we know. We’d be very pleased to, uh, discuss the situation with you inside while Chaz takes care of her business; right, Bryan?”

Bryan Newman didn’t make Senior VP by being slow-witted. He smiled broadly and turned to accompany Jan and Daniel, saying over his shoulder, “Of course. We should be able to finish our discussions within about an hour. Okay? Pleased to see all of you. Good luck with your interview, Ms. Towson.” Then, he wisely shut up as Jan seemed to be pulling him and Daniel quickly into the house and up the stairs.

“I think I speak for Bryan as well, Jan, when I say that I’m sorry for causing you any embarrassment downstairs,” said Daniel Grant, as he and Bryan Newman were finally naked in Jan’s guest bedroom upstairs. “I know that a Saturday rendezvous is not usually part of our routine. But, with Laura and Vicki both out of town, after our golf round, Bryan and I figured...”

“And you figured correctly, you wonderful man,” Jan assured him as she pulled the bedspread and top sheet down to the foot of the bed in the primary guest bedroom. “You two are some of my favorite people in the world, and the EPOD ladies ... all of us ... just love being available for you anytime.” Turning to face them, she gave out dazzling smile of genuine affection to the two men.

My God, thought Bryan Newman, she is breathtaking in her pure absolute sexiness! Realization of something else hit him at that same moment. She wasn’t embarrassed down there ABOUT us, he realized. She was embarrassed FOR us and did not want US to be uncomfortable! What an amazing lady Brad Pittman married!

He remembered fondly how unflappable his own wife, Laura, had been when she had been an EPOD wife while he had been working his way up the ladder as a Junior VP just a few years ago. But Laura was nowhere in the same class as Jan Pittman when it came to maintaining her aplomb.

Laura, now fifty and still gorgeous, was till his favorite lover, though; that would NEVER change. But, Man! He really enjoyed partaking of the EPOD perks with these gorgeous ladies, and Laura never seemed to exhibit any jealousy – hell, she still went shopping and clubbing with the EPOD wives!

Laura had even given him hints that she might what to take advantage of the new rules that the company president had instituted – at Jan Pittman’s insistence – allowing Laura to rejoin the fold as an EPOD wife even though Bryan was now a Senior VP and the program was not mandatory for him and Laura.

Midge Burton, the forty-six-year-old wife of David Burton, another Senior VP had already rejoined the EPOD pack and was having a ball, even though it was not required of her. Midge simply enjoyed the sex and special friendships among the executives and their wives and was back to enjoying the program with David’s unhesitating approval. David was even pleased that Midge was called on almost as frequently as the younger wives in the program. In Midge’s case, though, the Senior VPs always deferred to the busy social schedule dictated by her position as a Senior VP wife.

“Now, why don’t we start by taking the edge off those obviously painful erections?” Jan said, tilting her head slightly. She narrowed her eyes, and assumed a pouty-lipped expression. The way she oozed her way over to kneel in front of them both, Bryan Newman just knew he wouldn’t last long.

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 376

Dinner with me and the three gay guys was hilarious. The two flamers were who they were, and Simon enjoyed pushing all their buttons. He probably did it to amuse me as much as himself. In the end I explained that I was off to the casino to play blackjack. I promised that I would wander into one of the quieter lounges for a drink, when I lost all my money or 1AM, which ever came first. It was almost 10PM when I meandered into the brightly lit casino. It certainly had nothing in common with...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Valentina Nappi Alexis Zara Busty Babes

Sexy hot babes Alexis Zara and Valentina Nappi come together for the first time LIVE and there is no keeping these hotties off of each other. Valentina can not get enough of Alexis wonderful tits and all Alexis wants is for Valentina to sit right on her face. These horny girls love making each other moan and cum and making sure you all are cumming right with them. They bring out some toys to really get naughty with fucking each other and tasting all the sweet juices they leave behind. Now if...

3 years ago
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The MILF next door Chapter 2

Introduction: I experience more than my favourite MILFs mouth this time I kept up regular visits to Jenny whenever we both could see each other, Id walk in take my clothes off and she would suck my cock with her amazing milf mouth till Id blow down her throat, shed suck my cock clean and send me back home. Not gonna lie this was the most amazing feeling, coming home after a long day of school and having your balls drained by the milf next door who was cheating on her husband for my young cock....

1 year ago
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how to be the only woman your man wants

Real men want to be touched, grabbed, kissed with lust, stroked, teased and more. We want it all. They want their pants taken off for them, kisses down their chest, kisses to their little king (your Love Toy) and then, without any thought about it, a real life attempt at being fully engulfed during your gagging effort of deep-throating him until he pulses his way out. Stand up, offer him your lips, a few more kisses, then raise your top up and offer him your sweet breasts. Take one of his...

4 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 5

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Now all I get is drowsiness, Jan sent to Jake. The desire is all gone. Finally, Jake sent. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl go as long as Christine. Pent up desire, Jan said. That’s how it is when someone discovers something new. It’s probably a lot like when you discovered masturbation. “We can let her rest for a while,” Jake said to Shannon. He walked over to her and rubbed her back. “You did good. You’ve got her needs figured out, and you worked hard to...

4 years ago
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Crossdresser to Trans Escort Part 3

This is a continuation of my Crossdresser to Trans Escort series.After my first fuck for money with the restaurant owner, things escalated. I arrived at work the next morning wearing a pair of black trousers, black blouse and flat ballet shoes. The owner called me into the back office before we opened up for the customers. He was sitting behind his desk wearing a tight black t-shirt which showed off his tanned skin and bulging muscles. 'I really enjoyed our transaction last night' he grinned,...

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quickie but really good

I know its been a minute since I updated you guys on whats been going on with me and brother n laws girlfriend. ok so since my last story we have hooked up so many times. I wanted to share what happen just recently. this is a True story again im not a writer so please dont judge my typing. i just wanted to share my story!!!she texted my phone and asked me what I was going and i replied to her nothing as usual. her next question to me was. Do i miss it? I was looking like what in the world is...

3 years ago
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The boy and the man next door

So if you’ve read any of my other stories then you know that I’m Bi and horny all the time. I was almost 11 when I came for the first time. From that point on all I ever thought about was sex. Everything turned me on. My boyfriends, chubby girls and masturbating. I especially liked to masturbate in public where I could be caught or watched. I had sex for the first time with a boy. A few weeks later I had my first sexual experience with a girl. I had also had sex with my mom, and all this by the...

2 years ago
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Twin Sister DelightChapter 5 Twinsrsquo Wicked Evening

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint’s house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand, squeezing it. We both wore dresses, mine sleeveless and blue, the skirt falling down to a few inches above my...

3 years ago
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Honey Eyes

It was late, and I had kept you waiting.I hate doing that, but the press hounded me because of my talk on ‘stochastic models for predicting geographical responses to global warming’. It was really hard to get away. You can even see me in the television interview looking at my watch. I was sure you would be tired of waiting, and not terribly happy with me, but I wanted to be with you way more than I wanted to be sweating under portable TV lights.As soon as I was out of the conference centre I...

Love Stories
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The Flower Lady

Many thanks to UnseenChagrin for her editing skills and encouragement, this is for her. Leah stood in puzzled silence as the deliveryman came into her workshop. He was delivering a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Her amazement was well founded because she was a floral designer with her own highly successful business. Who would send her flowers? She thanked the man for dropping them off and asked him to say hello to Paul, his boss, a friend of hers and fellow designer. The flowers were lovely...

3 years ago
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Sharmila Was Crazy

I am Sanjay, from Thane a metropolitan city in Maharashtra and attached to Mumbai. This is the story when my age was 32 years. I am 5’7” tall with medium built structure working as Manager – Hrd in a Public Limited Company. I was married since last 4yrs and we were living a happy sexual life.The incident I am going to narrate occurred when my wife had gone to her mother’s house for her second delivery and my parents were on a pilgrimage. I was very my frustrated being alone at home and was...

4 years ago
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An Unforgettable MelodyChapter 10

Welcome back, readers! I know I left you with quite the cliffhanger in the last chapter, so I tried to get this one out pretty quickly. Just so you know, this chapter is very light on sex, being more focused on story development from the aforementioned cliffhanger. Please enjoy! Ch. 10 song titles For Unto Us a Child is Born (Handel) An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 10 “NO!!!” Melody screamed, scaring herself awake. Gasping and panting, she soon felt Mike’s arms around her. “Melody!...

3 years ago
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King Dong a Monster Movie ParodyAct III

ACT III “Do you see anything? The fog is a good sign, right?” Anne asked. “The sonar shows we’re close to something, alright,” Anglerod confirmed. “And it’s the island we’re looking for? How can we tell?” said Anne. “The mountain that looks like an erect cock and balls,” Karl said. “Oh, that’s right, I remember you mentioned that,” Anne replied. “Here’s the shore. You can hear the waves breaking,” Anglerod observed. “Wait, those aren’t breakers. It’s drums,” Jack realized. Karl said,...

2 years ago
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Somali Lesbian Diaries Ch 09

Apparently, Somali Muslim lesbians don’t exist. Hmm, that’s news to me because I see one every time I look in the mirror. My name is Halima Ali, and I’m a young Black woman of Somali descent living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. I study bio-chemistry at the University of Ottawa, and I’m also fairly active on the campus LGBT scene. Indeed, I’m the only Muslim female member of the Gay/Straight Union. Got one helluva story to share with you folks. Life as an out and proud Somali Muslim lesbian...

4 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 18 Having Babies and the New Doctors

Tag I was never so glad when the announcement to buckle in for landing came over the PA system. We landed without incident. Then we disembarked and picked up our baggage. The next challenge was customs. Earth was a little paranoid about disease organisms or animals that might mess with the ecosystem that was finally getting back to normal. All luggage had to be inspected for possible contamination. Our WE were also polled for any indication of problem life forms. Our screening took one...

2 years ago
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11th GradeChapter 17

Sister Clara would have to talk to me. When I opened the front door to go inside, the entrance way was empty. I remembered then it was Thursday, and all the boys old enough were at the school, and the younger ones were in the nursery. I didn't want to try Mother Superior's office, so I went over to the kitchen to say hello to Marie. I found her there, trying to clean up the mess left over from that morning's breakfast. She was happy to see me, and gave me a hug. When I started working in...

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Dark TownChapter 11

THAT SAME WEEK MONDAY NIGHT — AISHA'S BEDROOM Aisha was sleeping all by herself in her bedroom. Her mom went to meet a friend and said she was going to spend the night there and perhaps for the rest of the week. As Aisha slept she had been having a very wonderful dream. In her dream she was in bed with her teacher Carlos Sanchez. They were naked and having sex. She laid on her back while Sanchez took her from the top. In Islam the man must always be on top, not the woman. "Yeesss Mr...

4 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 24

"We assume you'll fuck her until she can't sit comfortably for a week," came the jovial comment from behind them. Nil turned and frowned at Fobie who returned his gaze steadily without losing her smirk. Grumbling, Nil shook his head and turned back to Rabszolga. "Maybe we should find someplace where we can talk, alone," he said. "Why?" Rabszolga asked, obviously surprised. "Ah ... well ... we need to talk and I thought you might want to do it privately," he responded, a little...

3 years ago
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The Adventures With Mr Ferguson

Mr Ferguson is beyond gorgeous. He is a mixed man, with gorgeous green/hazel eyes. I'm pretty sure he isn't married, but even if he was, I really wouldn't care. He is pretty tall, about 6'2" and has very well-defined, broad shoulders. You can just see Mr. Ferguson's bulging biceps peep through his orange shirt and his massive cock in his khakis. Every girl in my grade wanted him. He looked so gorgeous today. I could just feel me getting aroused looking at him in front of the class. I felt like...

Oral Sex
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My Aunt Padma Showed Me Heaven Part 6

Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. Priya said, “Look at the bonding between Aunt and Nephew. It’s a sight to behold. I envy you, Akka. Fuck your Angel stud and make...

3 years ago
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TwitchChapter 9

Terry took Dale to the airport. Dale took his time kissing her goodbye. With a heavy heart, Terry watched him walk away. She couldn’t handle going to work. She had made sure the day was patient free, but she did have paperwork she could do. She went home to her unit. Her sanctuary as she had called the little unit her dad had built her, now felt alien. It was as if she didn’t belong here anymore. She crawled into her old bed, but it was cold and didn’t feel right. The room smelt musty and...

2 years ago
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The Cell

The CellShe stood up straight, letting him out of Her embrace. On his knees he looked up at Her, his Mistress. She had taken him into Her dungeon, punished him with a severe single-tail whipping, and accepted his submission. He was now bound to Her. It had only been about an hour since he walked into Her house on a Saturday morning and in that short time his life irrevocably changed. She placed Her right index finger under his chin, “Follow Me on your hands and knees.” She turned and...

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Long Absence

She returned after long absence, his once upon a time love. She was young and needed her freedom. To stretch her new found wings. He, just old enough to understand and wise enough to let go. Yet… she held a place still in his heart. They hugged and exchanged chaste kisses. They were, after all, only friends now. They talked over lunch, laughed and caught up. He told her stories that made her giggle. In the pauses he drank her in, silently, with his eyes. Smoldering looks she once had called...

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Jail Changed My Life

  I was working for a manufacturing firm where i met my wife. She worked in accounting. One day after work she confessed to me that she ad been taking money from the company for some time and the auditors had discovered the money was missing. She cried and said she didn't know what to do.I couldn't believe she might go to jail but decided that I had to protect her. I told her that I was going to confess to taking the money but she would have to give me all the details of how she did it and...

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The Magic of BellsChapter 4

The rain had slowed to a faint drizzle. Kik sat himself on the "fairy perch", as the humans called it. They probably saw some humor in the name, something not quite demeaning, yet mocking, a bit, of he and his wife. He didn't mind. After all, they did the same with the humans, laughed at their actions and follies. There was respect, though. On both sides. Lil fluttered down next to him. "Nothing moving out there, at least that the silly giants have to worry about." Well, HE had...

4 years ago
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MCU Iron Man and Pepper Potts

"Pepper, can you come in here for a moment?" Tony Stark's voice came across her computer speaker, without any electronic distortion, telling Tony Stark's consummate assistant that her boss was -- for a change -- not encased in the gold-and-red Iron Man battle suit armor.Pepper Potts had been just another secretary in the pool when she had corrected an accounting error made by Tony Stark, saving Stark International a small fortune but embarrassing her boss. Fortunately, rather than be angry,...

3 years ago
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Nailed while being watched by wife

"Crossdresser a plus! Wife wants to watch you service husband." That is what the ad said and even though I didn’t think I had a chance I answered anyway. See it was Friday night and I was supposed to have met a Squirt member on Thursday, but they never showed so I was super horny. I was just about to give up when I got an email from them saying they were interested and it included their phone number. After I settled my nerves I called. Voicemail darn, but I left a message that I would be...

1 year ago
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problem with Amish

Introduction: roadside fucking with old Amish man and his friend. Emily was driving her brand new red BMW convertible west on US 30. It was a warm spring morning and she had top down and her flowing blonde hair trailing wildly behind her in the wind. She had set out this morning on a quest for what a friend had described as the most wild organic marijuana to be had anywhere. She was now 2 hours away from her home in a posh neighborhood of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The friend had told here...

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PERSONAL TRAINER©By: Dana15.22My name is Dana and I am a 36 year old lesbian, personal trainer and sports psychologists in Baltimore, MD. I have known I was a lesbian since I was 15. I am a very self-confident person and always have been so, I am not looking for a life partner or to same sex marry. I quickly tire of any kind of routine, especially having sex with the same partner over a long period of time. Some may say I am a predator of mature women, but I consider myself more of an...

2 years ago
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The Lady Riding AtopChapter 4 The Commoners Son

Dolphin Frolicking met Ashley and the Lady Celeste shortly after dinner. She left Ashley in the lobby while she delivered Celeste to the commoner. Ashley’s stomach clinched with anxiety and anticipation. Ashley wouldn’t have guessed that she could be quite so horny and anxious at the same time. She was worried about how Dolphin would respond to Storm. More than that, though, she was worried about whether she would perform well as a slut and lover. When Dolphin returned, Ashley hesitantly...

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Unexpected Pleasures part III

I had seen enough on the local little remote security camera I had picked up at Radio Shack. It wasn’t high enough grade to get the pictures I wanted. I wasn’t sure I was seeing what I was seeing. Was my wife’s son Zac really drugging her? Was he really having sex with her? It took three days but I got what I wanted and UPS second day delivery brought it to me. It was a nearly invisible pinhole camera with 780 resolution, low light, and remote control. The camera was $425, plus shipping. I...

1 year ago
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My First Sex Roleplay

This is my first submission hope u like it. This is a real steamy chat session from the net of myself. This is the story of a horny housewife who has been seduced and fucked by her dewar and introduced her to the new realms of sexual life. Introduction Rahul and amit are two boys who have already had a steamy session with this horny housewife Rajani in a theatre. Today rajani is out to find some sexual satisfaction so she reaches a ready made dress shop but cannot find any one one old...

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The Holidays with Mrs Johnson

The Holidays with Mrs. JohnsonWell its December again and the holidays are here with people doing plenty of shopping this year along with lots of parties to go too. But my story and its beginning is about one party which was extra special for me during this holiday season. I got an invite to go to a party near the college which I attend and it was about 9 days before Christmas. Dressing nice and going over to the party and finding it to be an old house, very big and I do mean a big house...

1 year ago
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Senior Ditch Day

I arrived at the cabin my aunt let us use. I was running a few minutes late since my mother asked me to drop my sister off at school. I'm 19, 5'8" tall, with a medium build. I have breasts between a C cup and a D cup, usually wearing a C. I play piano and volleyball. I have long blond hair. I have my mother's German looks. As I parked the Jetta I saw Jason. We are almost cousins. His mother married my father's brother when Jason was a year old. We grew up a quarter-mile (nearly 1/2 kilometer)...

Group Sex
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San Diego bay 3

The story pt3Well heading home my mind wondered back through the day, how lucky I was to have met such a lovely lady, her age and how I found it so exciting, then to my invitation to a privet party on those huge yachts. Growing up in the north on a dairy farm the closest I have been to luxury was when a new John Deere was purchased by one of the neighboring farms. What do I wear, what the hell is " lite summer" ? The rest of the week went by slowly, it was the time of year I had to prove to the...

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I love black cock Im such a black cock slu

Here you go-fresh from tonight: something that's been developing for the past month or so...I recently made friends with a wonderful interracial couple at a home gardening class. First we went out for lunch to talk about composting, and had a wonderful conversation. Sat is an African-American-India Indian mix, and Jenn in an amazing looking (and VERY buxom) white girl from Boston. Of course, the first thing that I noticed was Sat's long thick fingers (in the very beginning of the class, as they...

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