420 Those Bloodthirsty Yanks free porn video

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420 those bloodthirsty Yanks

This was written for a friend in the USA to his order & menu for their anniversary! don’t blame me if it`s not to your taste!

So, the queue outside the big meeting hall that doubled as court, music hall and function rooms had been made of two thirds of the town.
It had formed here in this little place in north Carolina, it was one those sort of place anyway, few of you would have heard of it and it is well off the beaten track, sort of a backwater that had a sheriff, a mayor and a law of its own style of going on and for that reason, Well perhaps it had best remain nameless.
These two had wandered in from, well that don’t make no never-minds either as I doubt they will be missed except by a few friends, and there`s no need to cause our little town a problem with the FBI or any other agency is there.
Their names are Rob and his wife Jean , he`s overweight and not tall, she’s about the same height and shall we say heavy, tits like spaniels ears, belly just causing a wave of fat on each belly side that hangs onto her large thighs a typical American couple.
They were out for a day or two camping and having a wander around the state as a break for their anniversary when they stumbled on this place. Unfortunately they also stumbled on the local still run by the area police unit, run by the local sheriff.
They also ran d**gs [that`s the sheriff`s office not our hapless pair] so the sheriff, a nasty little man who virtually ran the place, decided to remove the pair from circulation.
Simples, as the mere-cat would say, except that the sheriff was also a greedy chap and he had sold the two portly holiday makers to the sadistic town mayor, with the proviso that when the mayor was finished with the pair they were to be disposed off permanently as hog food.
Word got around the town [population 145 persons it said on the nameplate] and in the town was a ring of hard drinking, d**g using BDSM lovers led by the mayor, and they had turned out to enjoy the spectacle of the pair “being taught to keep their noses out of the town`s business”.
Now truth to tell both Jean and Rob were in reality a bit kinky with masochistic tendencies and had been looking for somewhere sort of private, to camp and enjoy one another, it being their anniversary, when they happened upon the still and its staff!
The lady, Jean had a fantasy she had had for years, about being put on display to serve multiple men then be the sexual pet to a group of men and women alike and bred to their dogs as well. She was now under the delusion that all this was an elaborate ruse by her husband to allow her to live her fantasy it being their anniversary.

He had pulled stunts before, no roses or a bottle for him each year, one year he hired a remote farmhouse and she spent the weekend secured to a bed being used by all their friends both men and women alike, another he borrowed a friends dogs for her and she was used day and night by Mastive and Dane over the weekend. He was quite an inventive soul thus she believed it was the most inventive ruse yet to have hired a theme park if she was not mistaken.
Oh how mistaken she was to prove to be!
They had been kept separately since the sheriff had ‘captured’ them, which luckily for the forces of law and order; that had reinforced the dream.
The biggest deputy had clicked her illusion that she thought this was a fantasy, when he interrogated her; (ladies first) and so he had been able to ask Rob all the right questions during his interview finding out all the details of her fantasy, then reporting it all to the sheriff. Explaining that she wanted her breasts and labia clamped and used with weights and the like and that she wished to be hung to be used before an audience.

Now the sheriff, he being quite a bright sort, worked out the advantages of going with the flow, he didn’t want witnesses, life running this area was just too good and knowing the mayors group would enjoy the use of the lady wanted the brownie points.
So it was he who interviewed Jean himself again, she still under the illusion that her hubby was behind the whole thing and wishing to reward him for the elaborate hoax, it was she who explained all of Robs little foibles, his love of having his tackle abused, and his love of the thought of being hung to be displayed to a crowd.
They were returned to their cells one at each end of the little jailhouse so they couldn’t exchange details.
Each of the prisoners were taken to the court singularly, each was sentenced before the mayor, to humiliation and a whipping apiece for violating the town code and jean was told she was to be used by some of the town men , women and a****ls.
The rest of the sentence was written down, so they would not be alerted. So neither knew they were for disposal, that they were to be used as playthings by a group of sadists nor that the other had betrayed his or her partner`s inner thoughts.
They had languished in jail for the rest of that week and both had been told Saturday was to be the first special day. Not that the sheriff and his 4 merry men had not taken some advantage of Jean especially as in turn they had had night duty and each had used the hours to screw her relentlessly! Jean enjoying the attention still under the impression it was all part of the celebration
The sheriff, having other tendencies, took advantage of Rob, shackled as he was.
On the Saturday afternoon, Jean was told to remove her clothes; she was placed in chains and led through the main-street to the town hall rather as a dancing bear would have been. The town k**s turned out to ogle her, mostly the young boys who never having seen a naked woman before stood open mouthed.
On arrival the woman was led inside to the entrance hall, here she was stood, her arms spread above her on a rope which was pulled up so she was on tiptoe. Through her legs a bar was passed, supported on two stands, the deputy checking that her labia was to either side of the terrible support, her rope was now eased the so that her clit was resting on the bar bearing her full weight, which was considerable, though she could relieve the strain by standing on her tiptoes. Her choice became apparent quite quickly, pain in her leg muscles and feet or rest on her tiny clit.
The deputy now attached clamps and weights to her nipples, and a one to each of her labia with a short chain, he over-tightened each clamp carefully.
To these chain`s was now attached a c***d`s plastic bucket of little weight.
She had been given much to drink that morning, and her bladder need was now becoming urgent, but she had realised that to pee would cause her immense pain in addition to the pain she was already in.
It was Rob`s arrival that took her mind from her predicament. He too was naked and led by a couple of deputies, he was gagged and his eyes fixed on hers as he was led past, she called out to him “happy anniversary sweetheart” but his eyes and looks of bemusement gave her the first indication that perhaps this was not his doing, and an icy shudder ran down her back.
She watched as he was hoisted by his arms so that he too was on tiptoe, his circumcised penis peeping out from under his belly, automatically stiff with the excitement of seeing his wife in her present circumstance and of his own joy of bondage and being on display.
Her mind having been distracted for a moment she was now brought back to her reality, the pain in her crutch was excruciating and her need to urinate one that was now urgent she knew the time had come she began to allow her water to run, there was no choice.
Tears ran down her face as she allowed a trickle to dribble over the bar, she heard rather than saw the piss hit the bottom of the empty bucket, she tried to stop the flow, but once started her need to empty became urgent and the dribble became a full flow. The weight on her labia now became excruciating; the dull pain on her tender nipples and her clit that had been her main concerns, now became just a sideshow as the weight on her sex increased and the tiny teeth on the clamps at her sex lips now threatened to tear the tender skin. She had been hung 30 long minutes
The deputy sat opposite her watching the discomfort of the woman and enjoying the spectacle immensely smiled at her and explained in his own happy way that she had better get used to it as the box office didn’t open for another hour and she would be there till the whole town was in and seated. She heard a voice that she vaguely recognised as her own, ask what happened then?
He said that she would find out soon enough but he was glad it was not him that was going to entertain this crowd tonight.
A shudder ran through her which she instantly regretted the bucket oscillating wildly and the pain in her clit sending red hot messages to her brain.
The next hour was one of immense pain and suffering, the sheriff visited, ‘checking on his prisoner`s welfare’ he said, he hardly glanced at her, but fondled Robs manhood in a gentle but firm way squeezing his balls till his victims eyes rolled and a blood freezing scream was heard round the gag.
After the hour past, the box office opened, having paid for the privilege, the adults of the town, filed past her each giving her a slight push, a pinch or a slap on the tits, that wobbled her on that awful bar, her muffled screams music to their ears as they passed along to slap the penis and balls of her mate, who soon joined her in voicing his displeasure at the mild pain now running through his tackle. After10 slaps he came, having enjoyed the experience, by the hundredth slap he was beginning to throw up, his balls bruised his cock painful, by the time the last of the audience had passed he was hanging in his shackles totally spent, u*********s, bruised and in real pain.
She too was in a lot of discomfort, her sex a throbbing tortured mass of bruises and pain. She was taken down to her relief the bucket removed and was then made to hobble painfully stiffly past her limp husband and out onto the stage. Her arms again, were secured above her; as the towns folk held a raffle for who was to use the lady and for how long. second prize was for a day with her, to do as the winner would, and the third was half a day.
Though she did not know it the First prize was to choose how she was to be put to death at the end of the month, this winner having a week to devise a method that would be; painful, spectacular and slow. He or she needed to display his chosen method on the town notice board the by the next weekend.
Her revived husband was now fetched in and displayed alongside her, there was another draw, this time only the town`s women could enter, and they each drew a bingo ball for the order they would enjoy his services, the last ball a golden one, again to decide his demise and to have his services for a whole day before his death. Thirty two women drew balls, they ranged from a nubile s*******n year old virgin who drew the seventh ball, to old Granny Parker who drew the first, 75 if a day and a single spinster woman.
Seth the town drunk wanted to know if his old hound could have Jean on “the last day of her sentence”, he was told that was a good idea; however the other men then said that their dogs should be involved too, and it was decided that the last week would be set aside for the a****ls of the town to use the pair of them as they saw fit in the town square.
The itinery for the pair was set so the mayor placed a collar round each neck, he explained that with cuffs on each wrist and the cuffs attached to the collars, when out of their cells, that that is how they would be dressed from now till the end of their sentences. He went on to say that they had been sentenced to humiliation and whipping and now was the time for the whipping, he was a humane man so he would let them choose who were to be whipped first, 30 strokes and 25 strokes being the sentences in that order.
Rob ever the gentleman said he would be first to save his wife the extra strokes., he felt like shit after the slapping his tackle had had but he reckoned she must have been in a worse state, they stretched him over a table and the sheriffs men held him down while the deputy took a single tail to his arse, he was soon a bloody mess, each stroke tearing at his buttocks like a saw.
Jeans eyes were out like organ stops, she screamed as the first blood ran down her husband`s legs, knowing it was her turn next, he past care and u*********s again was soon dealt with to the joy of the crowd.
A bucket of cold salt water was thrown over the comatose figure, the sole concession to the mans wounds
They left her suspended as she was; the deputy called TWENTY FIVE and began striking at her exposed body with a soft cat of nine tails (not wishing to damage this large ladies skin as they wanted her for their enjoyment each day for the next few weeks) all over her body each stroke counted by the assembled crowd,25, 24, 23, and so on on breast, back, bum, and legs, stinging swipes that left her red and pained, but did not break her skin. Her teeth gritted she hung on grimly till the last number was called
There was a round of applause for that, and then she was released to her collar as she had been told she would be.
The nipple weights were removed, pain coursed through the nipples and the pain was something fierce.
The evening was over, and back they went to the jail house, her wandering in a daze, staggering, hardly able to walk from the afternoon`s exertions.
She found herself in a different cell this one had bars all round three sides, and was next to another identical cell with her naked, comatose and bleeding husband laying face down on the bed in the centre of the cell.
She looked around the cell, other than a mattress on the bed in the centre of the thing there was a john in the corner and nothing else.
A doctor was administering rudimentary first aid to his backside. When he had finished he came to her the deputy opening the cell doors to allow him passage.
He checked her skin for lesions’, found none then the deputies threw her bodily onto the bed taking a leg apiece and holding her open for the doctor`s examination. He was thorough but rough fingering her torn labia and her bruised clit as if they were fruit on a stall. The pain was terrible, but he declared both Ron and Jean fit to be punished from the next day.
Her blood ran cold as he said that “there were folks keen to screw you lady, and they would be along from after breakfast he supposed.”
The tearful woman asked when would this all end and the deputies and the doctor laughed at her scornfully the doctor saying for you both it will all end in the town square on the 15th. Then they left the cells, and the weeping woman and her sleeping husband. The date was the 1st of the month, and it was their anniversary.
Rob had come round in the night, and they had talked, he assured her that the whole thing was not of his making, and that these folk were very, very real he had set up a party for this very night at their home, someone was sure to miss them.. Wouldn’t they?
Reassured that there was hope they tried to sleep in the clammy warm cell, breakfast was delivered, by the deputy as normal, stiff bones, bruises, first she then he was allowed to shower, the water delicious on the sweaty skin, she s**ttered powder on the bits that rubbed, and was about to dress in the shift they had supplied, when the deputy removed it saying “she did not need bother she was going to be busy” he swapped them over Rob being allowed to shower the second deputy taking her to the bed, and securing her ankles wide apart, her wrists attached to her collar, Rob returned and was secured on his back in the same way, having no regard for his torn backside.
His first client was the rough tough old woman who had lived here for 75 years, as girl and mistress; she was a spinster lady and was at him like a real whore, having him hard and fast like a true sex worker, jean was not so lucky, her man was a hog keeper who smelt like he was living amongst his charges, he slathered his tongue all over her breasts, fingered her bruised sex then rammed his tool into her causing her to scream as the bruises reacted to the treatment, he filled her as she began to cry.
He had hardly left when the next arrived, normally she would have welcomed such a handsome young man, and he twisted her nipples, while he screwed her in the roughest way, by now the granny had had her fill surrendering the used rob to the next lady, by the middle of the day they had each had 5 partners, he was bleeding again from his butt, but no one seemed to be bothered bar his wife, she was full of more seed than she could ever remember and was glad when the deputy called dinner, allowing them to eat, shower and freshen up, though their hearts sank when they found themselves back at the job, straight after the break, he complained that he was running out of steam and she that she was sore, the deputy, laughed and said that the first complaint and they would be “sorrier than they ever had been, as their clients had been told if they were not satisfied they could use them for any sadistic purpose they wished.
They continued till tea, each adult passing the baton to his or her neighbour.
Exhaustion overtook them after the meal and it was breakfast again all too soon, one day rolled into the next
The women had had their fill by the Saturday, the men though seemed never ending, one or two of the less choosy using robs battered arse rather than wait their turn with the beleaguered Jean. They were both tired beyond belief when the adult supply stopped. It was Tuesday and the two had showered and breakfasted as usual, their collars and wristlets attached, when to their surprise they were taken naked to the town square. Each was made to kneel, heads secured in low stocks a strap round each knee keeping each body folded ready to receive the dogs each man held.
c***dren as young as eight or ten played in the square as the first dog mounted his victim, the owner aiming the rigid tool at robs pink puckered arse, and laughing hilariously as the knot tied spreading his butt to a screamingly painful size and his bowels filling with scalding seed.
A second dog mounted his wife, her well bored sex now loose after the last week`s exercise, she hardly felt the dog inside her till the knot began to dilate the passage to her very core, spewing hot seed into her guts. Eventually the dog tore itself free, to be followed by another then another she lost count, the hours passed marked by the striking of the belfry clock.
By mid afternoon the supply of canine sex machines had all but dried up, the bolder c***dren were using their small hands to explore jeans sex, they swung on her slack breasts, played with her nipples, and gently found their way round the woman`s body.
The sun hot on their backs they watched a couple of the locals, erecting a post in the square about 5 feet high to its vicious point, well set into the ground. The post crew then erected a second identical post about 10 feet from the first. The c***dren laughing now dancing round the posts.
Whispering amongst them-selves and laughing, pointing at the posts then at the secured pair still on their knees facing the stakes.
Four thinner much longer posts were set in the ground in pairs either side of each pole each pair about 3 feet out from either side.
The deputies arrived collected the Pair and trickling wetness from their used bodies they shuffled through the streets back to their cells.
Neither one cared now, they had lost the will to live, eating, flopping on their beds, where they were asleep in seconds.
The dawn came as usual, shower, breakfast, routine the second prize winner now appeared claiming his day with the prisoner of his choice, it was the town sweeper who had won, and he chose Jean as his partner for the day, he was soon in the saddle,
The third prize winner was the postmistress and she was happy to use Rob for her half day. she used the poor man hard, being dragged from his pole at midday leaving him to watch the sweeper who was to say the least well endowed, and energetic still screwing the wife Rob now hardly knew,
By tea time they were both collapsed again the deputy on duty suggesting they slept well as tomorrow was the hardest day they would ever endure, and they would need their strength.
The breakfast was exceptional the next day, and very early they ate ravenously, after the shower and being told to empty their bowels, a new development was a cross-bar fixed between the wrist bands each about eight feet in all in length, the deputy asked if she enjoyed a good stake, that drew a sad smile from the assembled crowd.
They began to have butterflies they were frightened, it was the 15th the last day of their sentence
They were stood outside the jail, the c***dren quieter now an ominous sign, as together they walked slowly down the main-street, a deputy at the end of each cross pole a drum beating somewhere behind them, slow mournful steady, all very ominous, they arrived at the square the whole town stood around the perimeter.
The stakes, each with their attendant posts, now also with two of the cubes of ice that had been fetched from some distant source, each two feet by two feet by three feet high, wrapped in sacks and topped with wooden plates.
The mayor met them and stood looking with eager eyes at Jean; then Rob but perhaps with less interest.
Jean tried to reason with him, saying they were American citizens, and they had been violated, used and she wished to protest, she would be complaining all the nine yards. Rob however was quieter, accepting his fate he had worked out the significance of the pointed stakes and the ice.
Silently the deputies attached spreader bars to the ankles of each of the prisoners who were then lifted to stand on the ice blocks, the cross poles sliding between the two vertical poles and the tip of the point of the stake inserted in Rob`s anus, and in Jeans virgina. They were facing away from one another.
A rope was run from the end of each of the cross pole ends so there was no chance of either managing to twist them-selves loose.
The mayor removed the sacking so that the full rays of the sun could play on the ice in the hot square. The clock bell on the church clanged the hour of nine and the crowd fell silent as the ice slowly oh so slowly began to return to its natural state.
The sun on the ice slowly dampened the sand, the point of the stake slowly oh so slowly invading Rob`s rectum, he could feel it slowly enter him not a bad feeling after the cocks he had endured these last days, the clock struck the next hour, Jean too had not as yet felt more than the effect that a good dildo would give. The ice continued its slow melt; rivulets of water began to slowly drop to the sand. Rob was the first to feel discomfort, the point of the specially sharpened stake pricking at his guts. The pain increasing as the hour past, not a sharp abdominal pain more a nagging deep seated guts ache like he had as a boy when he had eaten too many green apples. His mind wandered to his mother and the ear ache she had given him along with the Caster oil. The stake slowly drove itself deeper, it would take more than Caster oil for this, he began to moan, gently at first, increasing as the moments past. Soon Jean began to moan as well, her body better able to take more of the vicious stake; she had more of it embedded in her birth canal before the pain began. The point began to become invasive, even the dogs had not hit the top of her cervix this wooden phallus not only was reaching it, it was beginning to slowly pass through the soft wall of this deep interior organ. Pain long passed the point where she bit her lip, forced her to begin to scream she could not help it her guts were splitting, tearing, blood running freely down the stake. The mayor paying one of the deputies as he had bet that the woman would scream first.
Rob was moaning as if he was soon going to pass out again. No one moved, the sight of the victims in such pain both fascinating and gross, some couples were screwing having been turned on by the screams, some k**s turning away, one throwing up, the ice still draining into the hot square mixing with the blood and that bell that awful bell, clanging the next hour regularly, slowly, marking the embedding stakes progress.
Rob was first to go, his body not having any resistance since the loss of blood from the whipping, the deputies struggled to lift his slumped body from the embrace of the stake. The body was brought for her to see, she barely able now to do so the pain so intense within her very core, the old hog keeper began to hack with his axe at the body, removing parts for his hogs, hacking at the remains till the parts became into edible chunks. Tears now falling from Jeans eyes as the hog man advanced towards her axe in hand, with a single blow the thing was done she was gone he had put her beyond misery she had passed to another world. as with just two swipes of his axe he removed the sex from Jean, he would save that piece, he had enjoyed it last week he did not see why he could not enjoy it again. The sheriff sent the town home, soon just the hog keeper the only human left in the square throwing pieces of body into his old trailer, as the last lump of ice slowly slipping to the muddy ground and the clock tolled its final chime.

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Diana birthday pool party W/Jackie Now Jackie and I didn’t have to wait very long at all for the our next opportunity to present itself to us. Matter a fact it was only just a few short months. Diana had invited both Jackie and myself to her birthday party and when we heard it was going to be a pool party we both known this may just be the Golden opportunity we had been looking for. We had at least three weeks before the party so we had plenty of time to make our plans. But...

2 years ago
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Where the fuck are those God damn condoms chap 3

Diana Birthday Pool Party with Jackie Now Jackie and I didn’t have to wait very long at all for the our next opportunity to present itself to us. Matter a fact it was only just a few short months. Diana had invited both Jackie and myself to her birthday party and when we heard it was going to be a pool party .we both known this just might be the Golden opportunity we had been looking for. We had at least three weeks before the party so we had plenty of time to...

2 years ago
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Those baby blue eyes

"Half an hour until close!.." the bartender said aloud to the few remaining folks in the dim lit bar, his voice loud and powerful almost seeming to bounce off the walls of the quiet bar. The bartender wiped the sweat from his brow before finishing polishing his glass, the large man looked at me giving me a slight warning glare. He knew I could be trouble just by looking at me, 6'3 224lbs. My long hair giving the impression that I was some sort of bad boy looking to get into a fight with some...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Those Eyes

"Thirty days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, except February which has forty-four." "Grraammmpaa!" wailed my fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Shelly. "What?" I absently replied. "You asked me how many days there were in August. Don't you remember that old saying? "Why did you say there are forty-four days in February?" Shelly looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. She knew I had a story for her and began to settle in for what she already...

1 year ago
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Those Days ofCh 6667

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 66 Fanning the Blaze Even the following morning, when we discovered that Barbara hadn’t returned home, as I found I was still feeling a little drained I spent a long time down beneath the sheets, with my head between Helen’s thighs. After giving her a series of small but obviously satisfying climaxes we both dozed off again. The sound of the telephone ringing finally...

4 years ago
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Clare and James Part Three All Those Men

At this hour, the hotel bar is almost deserted, has the air of a third world airport V.I.P. lounge. Its lingering weekend clientele consisting of couples bored with the night, bored with each other. They are refugees from their rooms awaiting an intervention, some miracle to airlift them from the tragedy of their lives.  Clare eases herself onto the barstool and tries to settle her bum. But it still hurts down there, the aching a nagging reminder of James's cock and the protracted pounding she...

Wife Lovers
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Those naughty fingers during the soccer match

Saturday afternoon I was at home getting bored; but then my loving hubby said he had arranged with some of his friends to go to a bar to watch a soccer match. Victor asked me if I want to go with him.When we got there the bar was really crowded.I was wearing a tight short dress and high heels.I loved to show my long legs and my cleavage, although I was not really into watching soccer…Victor moved with some friends at a corner and I managed finally to get a drink and have to stand by a high bar...

1 year ago
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258 after those precious months 11

258 after those precious months [11] It was some time after the loss of my wife that I received a long letter from Jay, she didn’t know of the passing of Kelly and I replied to her explain that my wife had gone to the shrine suffering from the terminal illness and had not returned, though I had been informed that she had passed away. Such was Kelly`s bold face when they visited neither of the couple, not mother or son, had had any inkling she was unwell, so it was a real shock for them both....

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Those Few Days With Pihu 8211 Part 1

Hello all, this is abhi and I am back with one more sizzling incident of lust and sex. I apologized for the delay of few months as I got numerous mails from all you guys for new story but here I am back in form ready to blow your minds [blow whatever] again. This time the incident involving my friends wife called Phankhuri aka Pihu. Amit was a college friend of mine and we use to share rooms while studying BTech in banglore. Like me he was also from Delhi and we moved along quite nicely. 4...

2 years ago
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Those little girls Just when you didnt think life could get any worse

A young boy is feeling the blues and thinks that life can't get any worse. Until he meets the little bully girls. Kelly-Kellie: me 10 year old boy Sally: My older sister 14 years old Peggy: my little sister 4 years old Cindy: 6-year old bully girl Karen: 6-year old bully girl Those little girls: Just when you didn't think life could get any worse. By Princess Panty boy Some people believe everything happens for a reason, if that's true, I am just plain and simply...

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Oh Brother Those Are My Things

Oh Brother! Those Are My Things Author's Note: We've read so much about how the boy feels getting into Mom's or Sister's things. I thought I would take a shot as to how the sister might feel about it. Allison rushed in through the kitchen and headed for her bedroom. "Allie-girl? Is that you?" she heard her mother call from another part of the house. "I thought you were heading to Helen's house." "I am," she called back as she pushed open her bedroom door. "I just forgot some...

1 year ago
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Those Incredible Lengths

Charlie knew his marriage was pretty well a 'sham' and that the sexual side of it had disappeared almost from the moment it had begun. He had stuck to it for he didn't have another woman on his radar; in fact his association with women wasn't great. Unfortunately the absence of that sexual side had finally rendered him 'impotent'. This was a situation that he kept to himself but it was a condition that he had put to the test on a couple of occasions, only to find he couldn't rise to...

2 years ago
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A Paladins WarChapter 10 Those Who Remain

Ever present, so much so that Maloth barely ever registered their existence, the storm clouds hung thick and heavy over the wide stone docks of Amindaer, as they did the rest of the city. Built to withstand the treachery of the ocean, each of the dozen berths rested on two rows of square stone pillars three feet on a side. Anywhere in the world, the docks would be considered a marvel of design, a sight to behold, but again he barely saw them. Days it had taken for his rage to ebb, a fury so...

2 years ago
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Those Days ofCh 0105

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 1 An Accidental Introduction I was lucky, unlike those who have to face the hassle of the commuter rush, I lived close enough to where I worked to be able to walk, so when the weather was fine I had a very pleasant start and finish to the day. Like most of us I’m a creature of habit and left home at around the same time most mornings, so got used to seeing people who...

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Those church guys

Joanie, my wife, had volunteered me for a work duty around the church on Saturday morning. I was hesitant to go, saying that I wouldn’t really have much in common with “those church guys” but if it pleased Joanie, I would do it. It really wasn’t a huge deal, one Saturday and only for a few hours so what the heck, I relented. Joanie dropped me off since my car was in the shop and I assured Joanie that I could get a ride home. I had sort of paired up with Dave, one of the guys that was about my...

3 years ago
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love those truckers

Jess had been on the road for many hours, and knew that he needed to take themandatory break that all truckers had to abide by. This being a new route,which was taking his through Kentucky he had gotten on the cb and asked for somerecommendations from the other truckers, and one of them told him about a dinerjust outside of Lexington, that had dam fine food, and the waitresses weren'tthat all bad looking either.So as he parked his rig and signed out in his log, he got out and stretched hislegs,...

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Those Were The Awesome Days

Those Were The Awesome Days By: W. A. Chohan A compelling, true story of a teen, Virgin boy, well trained in sexual affairs by and an expert adult. You will love the way it happened. Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I was very lucky; my college counselor informed me that I was one of the four students who were selected to go attend a semester abroad. It was great in my case specially because only one of us was not only going to attend a semester abroad but was to spend all this time...

3 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 4 Those Happy College Nights

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex and described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file, you have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of...

2 years ago
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Those little girls Part 3

Those Little Girl's: Just when you did not think life could get any worse Part 3 By Princess Pantyboy Kelly/Kellie: Me 10 year old boy Sally: my older sister 14 years old Peggy: my little sister 4 years old Cindy: 6-year old bully girl Karen: 6-year old bully girl I stand there crying softly with mommy walking closer to me. The look on her face is of amusement, she is smiling at me seeing me dressed this way. I still cannot believe...

3 years ago
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All Those Photo Albums Could Have Had You in Them

Damn, how did it come to this? This man, I don't know anymore. Well that's not quite right, this man who I know too much about. Everything I know. No mystery, no secrets. He's shared everything with me and now? Well know I can relate to his first wife on why she dumped his ass. At the time, many years ago, I thought she was crazy. Insane for dumping this virile man. He had everything. Looks. A good job. A gentle touch. She was an idiot. But hey, I profited from her discards. I snatched him...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 180 Who are those guys

I had trouble sleeping that night, so being up and ready to go at 6AM wasn't all that hard for me. Instead of my usual jeans, I wore slacks, but they were tan and fit really well. I wore a navy blouse with a button down collar. The outfit was as far from me as possible, while trying not to be sexy. It seemed to be more of a dirty bitch occasion. It was definitely not the happy hooker look that I needed on that morning. My make up and the blond wig gave me that washed out look that was...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 58 Those who fail to learn from history

John stared at his new Paragon Body Armour with his mouth agape, and walked quickly across the Engineering Bay to get a closer look. Dana had set up another armour equipping frame next to the two that were already built against the far wall, but this new one was larger, designed to hold armour sized for a brawny six-foot-two man. The full set of body armour was standing in the frame, with the robotic arms holding the front plates in place to showcase the dramatic new design. The Paragon...

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Those Days ofCh 4145

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 41 A New Home We all seemed to be very busy at our respective jobs for the next couple of weeks, Barbara was also spending more and more time over at Mike’s place and for several days at a time we didn’t even see her so had no opportunity to organise the ‘demonstration’ we had talked about. Normally that would have given Helen and I more opportunities for free-wheeling...

1 year ago
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To those who choose to read our stories

While I have been waiting to have my stories validated for viewing I have sent them to various friends, people I know and had my wife read them too. I know many of you who read them will say how gay I am or whatever, and everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I suppose I do tend to be more gay than straight, which is why I say I’m bi, but when I went to count up how many men and women I’ve fucked, or been fucked by, in the past year, I was surprised at my tally. I don’t really count my...

4 years ago
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Those Were the Days

None can touch me like you can however. The sweet sting of your hand across my ass reduces me to a writhing, screaming mess… but I love every minute of it. I love it. I love it without question. I love your fingers on my clit, pushing harder than just a simple stroke that makes me scream and moan and clutch the pillows, clutch your arms, dig my nails in the scarred skin of your shoulders. I love it. I love your kiss- the way it was never gentle, never questioning when we...

3 years ago
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Just one of those nights True story

Let me start by admitting I have a weakness for BBWs!! Since I was constantly rejected as a young man in my teens, I have gained a serious interest in women with more "real curves" than most normal guys will attest too!! That being said I have dated a lot of "plus sized" women in my life!! Including which was both my first and my second wife WHO were BOTH beautiful women, with a really LOUSY attitude and just a really crap disposition as a "human being" is concerned!! In fact my whole marriages...

4 years ago
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One of Those Days

I was horny! There were no two ways about it. The morning session with Rosie, although deliciously aggressive and very satisfying, had barely scratched the surface let alone the 'itch' itself.I'd been at work a whole hour now, and my mind was far from on what it should have been on. My focus was more centred between my continuously clenching thighs. The need to do something about the throbbing arousal oozing from my nether lips was becoming impossible to ignore much longer.The ancient 'Maison...

3 years ago
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One of those days

This is not a 'story' just the reality of what happened this Christmas Eve (2017)You know how it is – you just get one of those days when your erection just won’t go away. Whatever you do to it, it stays hard like a rod of iron. Well, I had one of those on Christmas Eve!We had the Staff Christmas party the night before and, as usual, a large amount of drinking had led to me waking up with a rock hard cock. Pity I was alone. ‘Perhaps I should do something about it’ I thought. With that I leapt...

2 years ago
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One of those days

Originally posted @striesonline some time ago. This is a work of fiction and is not meant to reflect the authors own taste and sensibilities. "Oh bollocks! bugger off!"Jimmy cursed as the phone disturbed a leisurely perusal of his fathers private porn stash. It continued to ring, demanding an answer so he tucked his erection carefully back into his underpants, swung his legs off the bed and pulled up his jeans. "Fuck it!" Jimmy muttered, leaving a page open showing a voluptuous blonde taking a...

1 year ago
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Not Just One Of Those Sexcapades

So if you’re reading this for the sake of getting an insight of the humping and fucking and the doggy, this might be a little ahead of it’s time for you. Hi to the lovely sex story readers, I write this to bring to you my real life experience of an exquisite affair with a woman who happened to be the best sex of my life. I had seen Tanya (Name changed for obvious reasons) the first time when She had attended a conference at Chandigarh a few months back in the early spring season. She’s a...

1 year ago
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Dont Pick On Those Less Sexy Than You Are

Don't Pick on Those Less Sexy Than you By Manyquestions Their names were cute together which was only fitting because they were such a cute couple: Eric and Erica. Almost the same name, the same height, even their faces looked similar - his a masculine version of hers. Both were slim and attractive. Her hair was only slightly longer than his, and they had a running joke that they were twins separated at birth. They were madly in love, married, and very...

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I loved those nipples

I was on holiday in Greece, and one of the bonuses is that topless sunbathing is commonplace. I would sit by the hotel pool, with my mirrored shades on, watchng the girls and admiring the variety of naked breasts.I had noticed a German girl, maybe about 19 or so, on holiday with her parents (!) They would just sprawl on sun loungers all day and fry. The girl was clearly totally bored by the situation. She would sit by the pool edge, training a leg in the water and reading a book, occasionally...

1 year ago
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After Those Six Days

After Those Six days ?This is not a fantasy or a story of fiction. It’s a true story that happened to me a few months ago. I am from India, where sex is still considered taboo. Here, Slave, Mistress, BDSM are words people would not have even heard of. Your comments are invited on [email protected] ?Those days, I was working in a private firm in a good position. I got this job after a lot of painstaking efforts and hence this job was extremely precious to me. ?My immediate boss was a South...

2 years ago
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Those Six Days

Those Six days ?This is not a fantasy or a story of fiction. It’s a true story that happened to me a few months ago. I am from India, where sex is still considered taboo. Here, Slave, Mistress, BDSM are words people would not have even heard of. Your comments are invited on [email protected] ?Those days, I was working in a private firm in a good position. I got this job after a lot of painstaking efforts and hence this job was extremely precious to me. ?My immediate boss was a South Indian...

3 years ago
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And Did Those Feet

Cats, Nanny used to say, should be kept in bags. I don't think she meant that literally, in fact I'm sure she didn't, but it's rather like making sure that your skeletons remain firmly hidden in cupboards. The events of the past few weeks have been umm ... well, interesting, and I felt that I should sit down and commit them to paper. Well, not paper, but you know what I mean, in order to give the photographs on the disc that'll go with this their proper context. Where to start though?...

4 years ago
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Ah Those Were The Days

Ah, those were the days. My first car was not a normal car. It was a 1970 Chrysler New Yorker with a 440 Magnum TNT police interceptor pursuit engine that put out 418 horsepower and more than 500 pound feet of torque. It had a passing gear at 95, no shit. The carburetor would open up and the sound of a tingling bell could be heard inside the car. No fuel injection for me, back then. When all my friends were buying Corvettes, Mustangs, Camaros, and Olds 442’s, I had my sedate, four door...

4 years ago
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Those Days ofCh 0610

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 6 Lunch I left before Helen returned, went home and spent the next few hours trying unsuccessfully to sort out my thoughts. The following day I was tempted many times to ring Helen, wondering what had happened between she and Barbara, wanting to see her again, and, to be honest with at least myself, wanting to see Barbara too. But I didn’t and returned home that...

1 year ago
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It was just one of those days

It was just one of those days. I didn’t hear my alarm clock, couldn’t find matching socks, missed my bus and was thirty-four minutes late for work. Exactly. I know because my boss told me about sixteen times when I walked through the door. Everybody has one of those days every once in a while, but lately it seemed like every second day it was my turn to have one of those days. Everything was catching up on me and I was beginning to feel like I would never outrun any of my problems. When I got...

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One of those days pt 2

Please remember this is NOT a story and this a true happening - as well as I can remember it - it was One of those Days!!Nick came back sparkling clean and off I went to shower, having to give myself a quick stroke in the water – but making sure I DIDN’T cum! As I came out of the bathroom I could see the bedroom door wide open and the two of them lying there on the bed, their cocks now hard and glistening.Both of them were grinning and stroking their dicks slowly, lubed with the copious amounts...

2 years ago
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Jimmy was disappointed to find his fantasy woman from the previous trip to his grandparents wasn't on the train this time, but amused himself by remembering his mother's cries as all those cocks filled her slutty body. He'd been tormented in her presence since the revelation in Dan's cellar and had tried to avoid her as much as possible; a trip to his gran's would be just the thing to help him work his mind straight, he thought, and he was right - though not in the way he expected.He arrived to...

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SRU One Of Those Days

A SPECIAL NOTE: This is my latest story. It's a little short and it may seem like I hurried it up a little at the end, but this is one of my more personal stories and I wanted to get it out as soon as possible. I didn't focus that much on the TG element. This entire story was based on a horrible dream that I had last week. It upset me very much, but I figured it might make a good story. This is the closest I've ever written to myself, mainly because it is me! I'd like to dedicate...

2 years ago
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Another One of those Nights 3

Another one of those nights - Part 3 ? by: JennaGirl There I was, on my knees in the middle of my hotel room wearing nothing but my heels and string of pearls and a buttplug inserted in my bottom. A moment earlier, a man who I know worshipped as my new Master was teasing me with his cock while I begged him to fuck my mouth. My own cock was now swollen to rock hard but I was unable to pleasure myself without permission form my Master. Now he was gone and I was alone. His...

3 years ago
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Those Few Days With Pihu 8211 Part 2

Hello all, welcome all of you to my 2nd episode of Pihu’s life. Hope you all had enjoyed the first part and thanks for all your awesome feedback. So today we will see more thrilling action and hope you will like this also. So from the last episode where I made a video of her having a bath in my bathroom, my attraction towards her was getting out of control. I used to daily masturbate seeing her naked in my phone. Whenever I use to see her flashes of her naked body came in front of me and I...


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