Those Familiar Blue Eyes Kill Me free porn video

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She disliked her name, Elvira, up until just recently. She always went by Elle, which helped her to avoid the references to the Oak Ridge Boys. Her parents named her after the character Elvira, Mistress of the dark. Tonight, she would embrace her namesake one-hundred-and-ten-per-cent.

Christine, her best friend and the one that talked her into this party tonight, was helping her get into her dress. It was cut down nearly to her navel and had a slit clear up to her dark purple satin panties. As the zipper closed, her breasts were pushed up even more and out; her dress strained to hold them in. She had white body paint on all the exposed areas to give her that "dead" look.

"Damn girl, you could rest a couple of drinks on that shelf!" Christine giggled.

"Funny, Christine, now help me with this wig, will you? I cannot have any of my blonde hair sticking out of the jet black of the wig."

With the wig properly combed and a few tugs and tucks of the dress, the only thing left to put on was her thigh-high black fishnet stockings and those high heels. She hated them but the outfit required them. They took her to nearly six-foot, towering several inches over her friend.

"Elle, if I had not seen you squeeze yourself into that dress and helped you with that wig, I would have thought you were the real Elvira; only with way more cleavage and sexier legs."

"Do you think so? I believe that tonight, I will go by my given name. If I am going to dress like her tonight then I am going to become her, so please call me Elvira tonight."

Since her divorce over a year ago, she had been to other parties: at friend’s homes. This would be the first party she had attended with strangers and thrown at a local restaurant.  Christine had bought the extra ticket and worked on Elle for weeks to get her to agree to go with her to this singles Halloween party.

Elle was nervous; she had not dated in nearly twenty years. Coming out of a bad relationship, had left her a little gun shy about dating. What if no one showed interest? What if they did? This may be the most terrifying Halloween she remembered.


They arrived at the restaurant and there were quite a few people there already. The band was finishing up their sound check before playing. The girls found a table just off the edge of the dance floor toward the back. They should be able to converse without having to yell over the music.

With drinks on the table, they sat chatting and watching the people coming in. Elvira had just told Christine about the night terror she used to have nightly several years ago. She was covered with insects in the pitch black as though she was buried alive. How she could not scream and she always felt like someone was shaking her awake but there was never anyone in the room with her. She had had this same dream almost every night for several years. She had not had that dream in several years yet had it again just a few nights ago.

"Excuse me, Mistress, is anyone sitting at this table?"

They both turned to see a tall, nice looking gentleman standing next to them and pointing at the empty table.

"I do not believe so," Elvira replied.

She caught him staring at her; she had to check to make sure everything was still tucked in. With his height and her sitting down, he had a clear view down at her chest. She caught his eyes move to her legs and up the exposed thigh. She was a bit embarrassed yet pleased that someone would eye her up and down like this. It had, after all, been quite a while.

Just then two couples approached, they also asked about the table. He told them to go ahead as he was alone and would hate to take a table from a larger party. When he removed his coat, she recognized that he was dressed as Magic Mike. He wore a black vest, collar, cuffs, tie, black trousers, no shirt and silver chain that led into his pocket.  He had a decent build, and she found herself wondering what he looked like under the vest. He had the bluest eyes she ever saw.  They seemed so familiar but she did not know why.

"It is so very nice to meet you ladies. My friends call me Mike, so I believe you both may call me Mike. And your names are?"

"My name is Christine, and this is my friend Elle, well she is going by Elvira tonight. Won't you join us as we have an extra seat?"

He gave a bit of a grin and sat at the table. He set his drink down and they proceeded to chat. Christine saw some people she knew and excused herself to say hello to them. Elvira and Mike talked about any number of things. She could not help but feel like they were old friends; Elvira was enjoying his attention.

So, two of the scariest thoughts of the night were now out of the way and she lived through them. Someone did show interest, even if only being polite and she did not allow her shyness to overpower her.

Elvira was not really into dancing but somehow, he managed to coax her to the dance floor for a few slow dances. He was so easy to talk to and on the dance floor,  it was as if he had control of her body. Without trying, she followed him around the floor. By the third dance, he had pulled her closer and she could feel his breath on her neck. One hand was holding hers and the other was on the small of her back; it was if she was gliding on air. His thumb lightly rubbed her back and his hand occasionally slipped a bit lower and caressed her butt.

The party was winding down and Elvira had wondered where the night had gone to. It was nearly 1 am and she was wishing the evening did not have to end. Christine came back to the table to say she had called Uber, and for Elvira to finish whatever she had going with Mike; even suggesting that they share phone numbers. He passed her a card with his number and she wrote hers on a napkin. He took her hand and kissed it gently and caressed her cheek with the other.

Looking deep into her eyes, he said, "We will meet again soon. This has been a most enjoyable evening. Sleep tight; don't let the bed bugs bite!”

What an odd thing to say, she thought to herself. A shiver went up her spine remembering the night terrors that plagued her for several years. She had never thought of them as bed bugs before. She could feel his eyes follow her out of the hall and she glanced back over her shoulder just to make sure he was real. She blew him a kiss as Christine pulled her out the door.

She barely heard a word Christine said on the way home. Her mind was thinking about the conversation with Mike, his touch and how, when she looked into his blue eyes, she felt she could just melt into them. She thought about how easy he was to talk to; almost as though she knew him all her life. Once at her place, Christine told her that once her head was out of the clouds, they had to talk. She wanted to know more about this Mike fella.

"I will call you tomorrow Christine. Thank you for talking me into going out tonight, the best night I have had in a long time!"

Elvira kicked off those horrible heels as she shut the door, locking it behind her, shut off the lights, and headed to her bedroom. The phone rang as she was grabbing a towel for the shower.

"Hi, this is Mike. Good morning, you are beautiful, nice butt! I hope you don't mind me calling, but I could not stop thinking about you and how I wished tonight did not have to end."

"You caught me before I got in the shower, and no, I don't mind you calling. I cannot stop thinking about you either. Tonight went by so quickly and there is so much more I want to know about you."

"I know this may sound a bit forward of me, may I come over? I know I will not sleep tonight. Between the party, the full moon and meeting you; I am way too wound up to sleep. I would like to talk more with you."

Elvira thought for just a second and surprised herself when she said yes. She gave him her address, hung up the phone and went to turn on the porch light. She picked up her shoes and thought she would have time to grab that shower when the doorbell rang. It could not be Mike already, yet she had no idea where he was calling from. A look through the peephole and she saw those eyes. Without thinking she unlocked the door.

"Are you going to invite me in?" he asked.

"Oh yes, please do come in, how did you get here so fast?"

"I was just driving around down by the lake and decided to take a chance and call you. It seems as though fate had me pull off a few blocks away when I called you. I was not sure you had given me the correct address as I was so close. I thought maybe I had scared you off calling so soon."

Mike entered and closed the door behind him. Elvira welcomed him into her living room and dropped her shoes in the closet. She offered him a drink, which he declined, and they sat on the couch and proceeded to talk about the party. He asked about her work, her hobbies and he seemed to genuinely be interested in her every word, looking her straight in the eyes as she spoke.

Soon he had his hand on hers, and she found herself wishing he would finally kiss her. He spoke of some of the countries he had traveled to, France, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Norway, and England. So many places and she felt as though she was there as he described some of the sights he had seen.

As they talked, his hand slowly caressed her arm then her shoulder, finally coming to her cheek; brushing her dark hair away, he gently kissed her cheek. She thought she would melt; it was like nothing she had ever felt before. His lips were cool on her skin but hot at the same time. Shivers climbed up her spine and she felt herself getting wet.

He gazed at her, those deep blue eyes of his; the color of her favorite Siberian iris. She licked her lips in anticipation as he kissed each eyelid, she kept them closed for a reason she did not know. Then she felt his thumb on her bottom lip, tracing it back and forth, then the upper lip in the same manner. His hands held her face and his lips met hers. Again this icy-hot sensation filled her along with shivers and her nipples began to harden. He kissed gently at first, then a bit harder and she felt his tongue on her lips. One hand stroked her cheek and brushed the hair from her neck.

His tongue parted her lips and seemed to be able to tickle her tonsils. She let her tongue glide down the side of his, following it into his mouth; exploring his teeth, massaging his tongue as she darted in and out of his lips.

He pulled her toward him and as he kissed down her neck, his hand brushed along the exposed flesh of her breasts. She was sure they would bust out of the bra and dress as her nipples were so hard. They had that dull ache she would get when she was extremely turned on.

Before she knew it, she was leading him down the hall to her bedroom. His hand caressing her butt, the other reached around the front and caressing her thigh where her skirt slit rose. She could feel his fingers sliding under the edge of her panty along her hip; making her get those twinges she has not felt in so long.

Once in the bedroom, they kissed, bodies pressed hard against each other. That long tongue of his exploring the back of her throat, yet not making her gag. His hands all over her back and butt. Her hands, on his chest, feeling his broad shoulders, then down his back to his butt. He felt solid all over; his butt was firm yet squeezable.

"Elvira, may I see the real you, the woman under the wig and sans the body paint."

She blushed as she pulled the wig off and let her blonde hair fall nearly to her waist. She shook her head as she tousled it to get it to relax and fall straight down. This was how she usually wore her hair or up in a ponytail.

"You do know I will have to shower to get this paint washed away. I hope you don't mind waiting just a few minutes as I do?"

"I would wait a thousand years if that is what it took to see the real you!"

She felt his hands at the back of her dress as he slid the zipper down, kissing her shoulders as he pulled the dress down over her breasts and then past her hips. She could feel his clothes against her nearly bare backside. He caressed her front as he rose back up, kissing her back and letting his hands run across her belly then up to her breasts. He paused just long enough to give each a gentle squeeze. Then he undid the hooks of her bra and slowly pulled the straps down each shoulder, letting it fall onto the dress.

There she stood, her thigh high fishnet stockings, her dark purple satin panties, and body paint were the only things she still wore now. Looking in the mirror, with him standing behind her, she felt she was getting ever wetter and her nipples even harder. She was not sure she would be able to walk to the shower now; her legs felt like rubber.

From behind he kissed down her back, stopping at her waistband. He inserted a finger in the top of one stocking and following it around to the front then between her legs, his hand brushing against her wet panties, her lips aching to be explored. Taking his whole hand between her legs he slid into her stocking and gently lowered it to her ankle. All the while she watched in the mirror. He repeated this on the other side, lingering just a bit longer between her legs, her shifting her feet a bit wider.

With his body against hers, he pushed both hands down into her panties. She felt his lips on her neck. She still watched in the mirror as his hands took turns delving between her legs, brushing along her lips, teasing at parting them, then not. She was so very wet now that his fingers were being moistened as they slid along her slit. Abruptly, he quickly pulled her panties down and kissed each cheek of her butt then letting that oh so long tongue of his slide down her crack, meeting his fingers between her legs. He stood up with one hand holding her crotch and the other firmly massaging one then the other breast.

He kissed her ear and whispered, "I will make these ache to be bitten," as he squeezed her breast. "I will make this desire to be ravaged," as his hand firmly grasped her pussy and rubbed hard against it.

"Now get yourself into the shower and return to me so we can get started with making your dreams come true."

What dreams she wondered and with that Elvira wobbled to the shower and quickly washed the paint from her body.  She wondered if he would join her, but he did not. Perhaps later he will, she thought to herself. As she opened the shower door, there he was, still dressed and holding her towel for her.

He held it up and wrapped it around her, drying her to her ankles. He held her hand as she stepped out to a second towel on the floor for her feet. He brushed the towel against her skin, drying her fully, before picking her up and carrying her to the edge of her bed. He sat her down and standing in front of her, he knelt and kissed her forehead. He stood up and unbuttoned his vest slowly as she watched. His chest had just the right amount of hair, enough to tickle her nipples. His abdomen was well defined, and she thought to herself, she will have a six-pack tonight. He pulled the vest over each arm, letting it fall to the floor. He still had the cuffs, collar and tie on.

Taking her hands, he placed one on his hip, the other along the zipper. She could feel him, he was hard, and he was larger than her ex-husband; the only man she has ever had intercourse with. He took the hand on his hip and placed her fingers in the waistband, took the other and did the same on the other side.

"Hold tight," he said, as he quickly backed away.

Just like Magic Mike, he was wearing tear away pants! But he was commando! He kicked off his shoes and socks and approached her. She sat there mesmerized at how beautiful he was. She wanted to reach out and touch him, but something was holding her back. Was this too soon after meeting him? Oh hell, she thought to herself, take a chance for once in your life, what have you got to lose? If he was some kind of maniac or killer, he could have done whatever he wanted by now. He got closer to her and took her hand and placed it on his cock.

"It's OK, it will not break! Mistress, touch as you wish. Stroke, squeeze, whatever your heart, mind and body desire I am here for your pleasure!"

She ran her thumb over his head, feeling the moisture emerging from the tip. Her fingers wrapped around him. His cock was thick she thought to herself. She started to stroke him, pausing at his head every stroke and running her thumb over the tip. She could feel his blue eyes piercing her as he watched her closely.

She licked her lips and pulled him to her, kissing his head, tasting his moisture, feeling her moisture emerging from her lips. He was sweet, nearly like honey. He stood there still as could be, letting her move her mouth down around him, not pounding into her mouth as her ex used to. She was setting the pace and now he was following her lead. She kissed and licked and wrapped her lips around him, sucking deep into her mouth and down her throat. She looked up at those gorgeous blue eyes and felt a calm come over her.

She noticed that his cock, much as his kisses, felt almost cold to the touch, but hot at the same time. Was this the way he felt or was it her senses that were a bit out of whack? Nevertheless, she was enjoying him.  She was enjoying giving him pleasure but was afraid to suck too hard or too deep as she wanted to feel him deep within her. Trying hard not to make him cum, she teased with her tongue, wrapped her lips around, kissed, let her teeth gently glide along his shaft as she pulled away. She caressed his balls with her hand and licking them and sucking on each one as well.

"Mistress, may it be my turn? I have something very special in store for you, something that will set all your senses on fire!"

With one last, squeeze and deep throat with a long slow retreat, she sucked him hard, stopping with her lips wrapped around his head and her tongue flicking the tip, tasting his sweetness, she reluctantly let him go.

He leaned down over her, kissing her hard on the lips. She was not quite sure how, but he managed to pick her up and place her in the middle of the bed. Laying her down gently, all the while still kissing her, he climbed up onto the bed and kneeling he towered over her. He kissed her again, his hands holding each breast and squeezing and pinching and massaging. At times almost too hard but the slight pain felt so good. She could feel his hard cock on her thigh, her thoughts that if she moved just right, she could feel him between her lips.

"Perish that thought Mistress, you will enjoy my cock soon enough! Do not rush to get there. Once I cum in you, we will again be each other's forever!"

As he bit at her nipples and his hand played between her legs, taking his cock and running it along her slit, she realized that she could not move. Other than the heaving of her chest and being able to move her head side to side, it was like she was paralyzed. His words echoed, what did he mean, forever? The things he was doing to her body made it difficult to think.

He took her legs and parted them wide, he kissed down her abdomen, licking and biting as he moved. He got to her mound and all of a sudden there was a pillow below her head, so she was able to watch him as he used the tip of his tongue to lick her slit.

As she watched him toy with her pussy, teasing more and more, she realized that when she was watching him undress her in the mirror, his image was not there! She saw her clothes being moved but now that she thought about it, he had no image in the mirror. Was her mind playing games with her or was it the drinks from earlier?

She felt the icy hot tip of his tongue part her lips, it slid up one side and down the other of her clit. She could see him stroking his cock as his lips sucked her clit and his tongue teased her opening. As her body began to writhe, she felt his tongue swell and probe right into her. She could feel the tip of his tongue exploring her. It was deep, very deep within her, far deeper than her husband's cock had ever been. It felt good, too good. It did not take long for her to scream out as her orgasm rushed over her. Chest heaving, sweat pouring across her body, he looked at her and smiled.

"I told you I had special pleasures for you. No man has ever tasted you as I have! And no man will ever again."

His eyes seemed to get an even deeper blue as his fingers reached between her lips and rubbed up and down; drawing her moisture up to her clit. She was terrified and excited at the same time. She had never felt an orgasm as strong as that one and did not think any would ever top that. His fingers probed her, his thumb rubbing her clit. He pulled her bum up off the bed and inserted his long middle finger up her bum. Her eyes got wide as she thought he was going to fuck her ass.

"Not tonight Mistress, we will save that pleasure for another time. After tonight we will have all of eternity to explore each other!"

He pulled his finger out and left her lying there, still unable to move as he went to the bathroom and washed his hands and grabbed a couple of clean towels. Coming back to the bed, he dabbed at the sweat rolling off her forehead. Staring her in the eyes he again kissed her. She returned his kiss, not fully understanding why she was so drawn to him. She felt a yearning to be with him. She wanted him now which scared the hell out of her.

He climbed on top of her, his cock now lying along her slit, slowly parting them until she could feel her clit swelling and being brushed by his head. He kissed her deeply, his hands stroking her sides, her breasts. She felt his hands move down to her hips, he pulled them up to him, parting her legs with his thighs.

His eyes started to glow as his fangs emerged. He reached between her legs and rubbed her clit. She was still unable to move, his fingers probed into her, getting wet then he rubbed his cock, lubing it. His head in hand, he rubbed her clit, his cock felt icy-hot like his kisses and his tongue.

She wanted to be taken yet run at the same time. He had some kind of hold on her, beyond not letting her move. He knelt over her again, kissed her deeply; his fangs caught on her teeth a bit. He arched his back, pulled her hips up and with one hard thrust he was balls deep within her. She could not scream as his mouth was over hers as he kissed her deeply once again. No one would hear anyway!

He pushed deep into her, his cock growing within her. He sat back upon his knees, pulling her up to him. He held her body tight to his as he thrusted into her. As she bounced on his thighs, she saw his tongue grow before her eyes. He licked each nipple as he worked his way down her body, she could feel the tip of his tongue looking for her clit. He was fucking her and licking her at the same time. She started to hyperventilate as she started to orgasm again.

Her mouth was open and she was screaming as her orgasm engulfed her, yet there was no sound except the pounding of her heart. His eyes glowed and he pushed deeper and deeper as he started to throb then exploded within her. He looked deeply into her eyes and moved in to kiss her.

She could still feel him throbbing in her as he kissed her neck. She could not catch her breath. She felt his icy hot lips and tongue on her shoulder, then on her neck. Sharp, piercing pain in her neck was the last thing she remembered, before apparently passing out.

Elvira opened her eyes and it was pitch black. She was on soft sheets, like satin. She struggled to move but was being held tight. Other than the satin sheets this was very much like the night terrors she had as a child. There was a tingling sensation on her legs, then her arms, across her abdomen, and up her neck. The bugs were crawling on her everywhere. Why couldn't she wake up?

"Wake up, wake up" she yelled at herself, trying to wake from this nightmare.

Soon, she could feel the bugs crawling all over her. In a panic now, she is clawing at the satin, trying to get out or force herself to wake up. They were in her hair, in her ears, crawling onto her face. She kept thrashing around, trying to wake up and brushing them off her face. All of a sudden, there was this noise, a bright light, and those blue eye as she felt two hands lifting her.

"Oh my, Mistress, you are in a terrible fright! Here, let me brush those pesky bugs away!"

"Mike, is that you? What is happening? Am I awake now? Where am I?"

"Yes, it is me, and yes you are awake. I apologize for not getting to you sooner; I know how terrified you are of those pesky things. You were always in a panic when I would wake you from your previous dreams. You are safe in our home now. "

"When you would wake me? What do you mean?"

"For years you would have that nightmare of being buried alive, the bugs crawling all over you. Don't you remember? You would get yourself wrapped in your blanket so tight, like you were in a cocoon, trying to keep them out. That was a subconscious memory you had left over from your previous life, the one you shared with me. It was me that awakened you all those nights. I have been waiting for you, watching over you, protecting you until you were ready to join me."

"I don't understand?"

"I lost you centuries ago but searched the earth until I found you. Now we can be together once again. Let's get you cleaned up and I will explain everything, and we can start our journey together again."

Elvira headed straight for the shower, not knowing how she knew where it was. She did wonder to herself if she truly was awake now, or is this the dream?


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“He Looked Familiar” (circa-1982) When Brenda Morton entered a room her tits came first and the rest followed. “Come inside,” she invited, her words breathed in a soft seductive whisper, her eyes taking a quick tour over the smart young man old enough to be her son. “I was expecting someone older,” she said. “Please take that age thing as a compliment,” she smiled, flashing dark brown eyes, her fingers playing with a waterfall of auburn hair, a swoop of waves falling over her shoulders in...

2 years ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 37 to 38 Sounds Familiar

Chapter Thirty-sevenVaginas are made to be fucked by one erect penis not four fingers; their flexible entrances recover quickly after being penetrated by even the largest cock but despite its capacious size, Pete’s forceful fingers had taken mine up to, if not quite beyond its elastic limit.Anuses of course, aren’t made to be fucked at all. Anuses can take time to recover, especially when their owners didn’t insist on copious amounts of lubrication before allowing their prized ring of muscle to...

2 years ago
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Kicking The Blues

As soon as he met Amanda, Brett knew that he had found the girl of his dreams. She was beautiful, sexy and clever. She could cook in seven languages, had a happy nature and was the most fun to be with, either in or out of bed. There was never any doubt in his mind, right from the outset, that this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Then she dumped him.The only explanation she offered him was that he was boring, that he didn’t do anything but play golf. That was a...

Straight Sex
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Alex Mercer First Kill

(note: the details and powers given in this story differ significantly from the real game, and such changes were necessary in order that the game may be adapted into an erotic story. Apologies for such changes if you’re a prototype fan. Some discrepancies may exist as I started writing out when I was playing the game and progressed as I went through the game. The present story assumes Mercer’s state of knowledge when he is in day 6 of Prototype 1. Readers may kindly notify me of such...

2 years ago
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Backwater Blues

This morning began like any other morning for me. I missed most of it. This is what comes of being a night person, you tend to miss most of the mornings, at least that part of the mornings between four and eleven. As far as I was concerned mornings ended not long after my head hit the pillow, and stuttered back to life at eleven. Whoever’s pillow it was didn’t bother me. This morning it was mine, and the one next to it was occupied by ‘Round Heels Rhonda’ who had agreed, when asked, to share my...

3 years ago
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Summertime Blues

Summertime Blues Author's Note: This is an old story of mine which I self-edited using the great suggestions I been receiving. I will go back and edit it more. I want to see how well I could implement the suggestions which I got. Also, I want to give a thanks to all the people who had help me in my writing. It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon in July yet it was raining in Joe's mind. This was for Joe was having a run of the mill bad day so he headed to the bar for a drink. He...

2 years ago
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Familiar friends

Becky was in an unfamiliar room, but she felt like she knew the room and the hotel which owned it. She couldn’t remember how she’d got there or why she needed to be there, but that didn’t seem to matter, or be particularly worrying. In fact she felt very secure. And that was a good job too; After all it’s not often one finds oneself in a room, naked to one’s underwear, with two friends similarly clothed. She knew the man and the woman, but couldn’t remember their names. They were definitely...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR Jacob sees red. The rage exploding in his being is absolute. Their teacher "monitoring" the students' activities have his back turned away from him and his cousin. This short span in time is the catalyst that will change everything for both of these youths. A classic competition between Jacob and Luke has bordered on a family feud and ranged from best buddies to mortal enemies. Just now, the comfortable relationship of close friends has just entered the red...

3 years ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar II

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR 2 CHAPTER THREE Jacob's dad wants to know why the grass is not cut. It is Sunday, and Fred Whitaker is home for a spell. Jacob's mother was a fine woman, but she went by way of lung cancer three years gone past. "Gone the past two days exploring is all," Jacob informed his father. "Anything interesting?" He asked. Jacob informed him that the waters brought him North. Places he had not been to before, but nothing extraordinary, but that was still...

1 year ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar VII

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR VII Worn out, but victorious, Jessica rearranges her pillows to be absolutely comfortable. Wearing the sexiest lingerie and dumbfounded as to today's turn of events. She is now safe and powerful. Three hours earlier, she was about to pass out inside a ceramic sculpture that she did not model for but was a form to be developed. Two days prior, she was a nonmacho boy accustomed to being doted on by a bevy of enthusiastic older gentlemen. They would go apeshit when...

2 years ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar VIII

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR VIII Jessica ran to the bathroom and threw up. Rinsing her mouth and gargling, she did her best to rid herself of her failed attempt at punishing her disrespectful minion. Stubs followed her into the room, concerned for her. Brushing her teeth and repeatedly spitting, she just wished everything could be normal again. Standing with both hands grasping the sink, wearing clothes that were adulating unseen by anyone but the wearer, she gathers her strength....

2 years ago
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Blueberry Fields Forever

I have been cross-dressing in secret since I was in my late teens. Over the years, I have accumulated quite a wardrobe and whenever I get a chance I like to get dressed. When there is little time, I just throw on a sexy bra, panties, and genderless outer clothes like a sweat suit and sneak off to the local adult bookstore in a totally non-passable condition. There I can usually find some dick to suck or someone to fuck my ass. Sometimes when the family is away, I get fully dressed in clearly...

4 years ago
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Blues in the Night

     The bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television.  On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar.  The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff.     "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin.  "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..."     "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Moaning Lisa Sings the Blues

Tales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Blues Tales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Bluesby kinkston (On a secluded estate an hour's drive north of New York City lies a highly exclusive retreat known to its wealthy and decadent members simply as the Enclave. Here rock stars, investment bankers, potentates and plutocrats come to dominate and be dominated in privacy and safety, assisted by an elite staff of expert dominatrixes. Also in residence is a select stable of submissive...

3 years ago
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Behind Blue Eyes 8

The curtains on the farmhouse windows were all calico patterns. That was oddly disconcerting. Fitting for a hundred-and-fifty-year-old farmhouse, I suppose. But it didn’t match what I knew about my targets at all. I tried to find that node, that calm space that I’d trained so many to find, but it just wasn’t there. I’d waited so long for this moment, for this peace, that I just couldn’t settle down and enjoy the process. Lying in that tall dry grass with the gentle breeze to cover any...

2 years ago
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______________[recommended page width; please use MS Word]______________         DISCLAIMER:  I.          This story is fiction.  II.          This story is FICTION!  III.          The author doesn’t endorse or play down violence and brutality          of any kind against living beings in general and females in special.          The author insists on the consumption only by those legally of age          and where ADULT MATERIAL isn’t prohibited by law. If you get          offended by those...

1 year ago
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My sister in law Shakilla

I am a very sexually driven person and have never said NO to it whenever the chance came up. I had the wonderful opportunity to make passionate love to my Sister-in-Law recently. She is in her late 20’s and is gifted with an extremely inviting body with ample hips, a well rounded arse and a pair of tits which will make even a blind man see ! It all began one afternoon when she came home not knowing that my wife was out and would be back only in the night. However, we got talking and I asked her...

3 years ago
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Rachel and Daniel Killingsworth

It's Saturday, 9:00AM, the next town over from ours, to the south—Centerville. I was watching her and some asshole coming out of a motel room. She was looking really well fucked, I thought. She'd stayed the whole night. I'd not objected to her being gone since she was supposedly on a business related overnighter. She'd had several of those in recent months; now I had to wonder if all of the business wasn't monkey business. I put my camera away. I'd gotten all I needed after she'd gotten...

2 years ago
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The Shack Ladykiller

The Girls of Hollywood Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri “Hey, Hollywood!” I was just bringing the micro van around the first set of barricades when one of the assistant instructors, Chrissie, jogged around the corner waving for me to stop, long blonde ponytail streaming through the back of her “Instructor” cap. I brought my vehicle to a stop. “Mac told me to tell you they aren’t taking it seriously. They’ve aced everything, but they’re getting cocky. It’s an all-female squad of Reserve MPs,...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 59 Road Kill

Izo stumbled headlong on to the blacktop, falling to his hands and knees. Just about having run out of steam and reasons. How long had he been running? The simple thought, was enough to almost enough to send him into spasms of laughter, almost. If he'd had, the 'wind' currently to spare. Part of him, 'almost' wanting the demon to find him! "Make this be over!" He wailed to the uncaring asphalt beneath.He couldn't really remember when or where it had all gone wrong. Utterly spent, he...

1 year ago
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Enter the DarknessChapter 12 Alice Alice SpencerKilldare

July, 1988 I am not sure whether the angel used special powers to keep people away from the bow while I got my shit together or what, but the only person to intrude upon my misery was a frantic William. He come running up the starboard side of the ship to find me huddled on the foredeck with the bags, eyes red and a lost look on my normally overconfident face. That last is an almost direct quote. William took one look at me and simply sat down and wrapped me in his arms for ... well, I am...

2 years ago
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Blues in the Night

The bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television. On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar. The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff. "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin. "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..." "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently removing...

1 year ago
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Blues Fusion

‘Hey Mike, can I come to your band practice this afternoon?’ Mike played bass in this garage band that was working towards stardom, at least that was what he told everyone. ‘Why?’ ‘I heard Huw talking to a couple of his friends and they seem to think that you’re pretty good.’ What I didn’t tell him was that they all thought the lead singer was a ‘babe’ and that the rest of the band was sort of okay. ‘Okay, but don’t get in the way.’ He was packing his bass and amp into their cases ready to...

3 years ago
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Blue Topaz Eyes 1Chapter 2

She had the coldest blue eyes I’d ever seen. Almost clear, the color of the frozen heart of a glacier. They were flashing in quiet fury as she attacked. I could feel ice crystals on my heart as her voice cut and sliced with a surgeon’s certainty. There was no trace of love or human affection in that voice. She couldn’t even see me as I stood back in the darkened hall. Not that she ever really did. I was practically invisible to her even at the best of times. And I was so rarely home from...

1 year ago
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Crystal Blue Eyes

This is my first story so go easy on me, but any pointer for future are welcome; She sits back into the hot water, surrounded by the bubbles and the sweet smells of lotus flower and orange filling her nose, she allows herself to relax back in to the water further and rest her head. Her hands gently glide over her body, as she washes the stress of the day away, she hated her job in a delivery department of a manufacturing company, and she wasn’t sure why she was still there. She shakes her...

1 year ago
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Blue Eyes Crying

My wife of forty-five years was lying there on the bed. I was resting in the reclining chair right next to her. She had taken a turn for the worse, with only days to live. I wasn't going to let her die alone. I promised her from the day we were married that I'd be by her side, till death us do part. The extended care unit of the hospital told me I should go home and get some sleep, but I let them know I wasn't going anywhere; I was staying with Mary. Mary is and has always been the love...

2 years ago
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Familial Familiars

It was dark and rainy as Jacob made his way home from work. He had forgotten his umbrella and was quickly becoming soaked. He passed by an alley and heard a muffled cry. He looked but the flickering of the street light was making it hard for him to see anything. Ignoring his better judgment, he stepped into the alley. "Hey.... anyone down there," he shouted. As he moved further in he saw a man hold down a woman in tattered clothing. "What!...." "You should have minded your own business!" The...

1 year ago
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Lonesome Blues

Long Gone Lonesome Blues Written and recorded by Hank Williams. Copyright, Acuff-Rose Music, Inc./Hiriam Music (BMI) Author's note: I was sipping on a scotch - Damn, I gotta stay away from that stuff - last night while working through my email. I was playing my Hank Williams playlist on iTunes, and one of the songs caught my ear. It was of course, "Long Gone Lonesome Blues." This is not as well known as many of his other songs but it has always been one of my favorites. Like many country...

3 years ago
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Familiar Stranger

He was back, just as I knew he would be, it was the first of the month after all. It was always the first. HE was the first. One hand slid protectively to my waist and sensing the empty barren ache, I knew there had been another and a life ended before it could begin. Just as surely though I knew that very soon I could stand before God himself and swear that I had not existed until his tremulous touch had first glided hesitantly across my cheek. A gentle breath of orchid and pine lovingly...

2 years ago
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a familiar stranger continued

I soaped up and as my hands slid up my thigh my mind mind began to wander. I began to think of Kayla and the way she used to touch me. she always began by kissing my lips softly..she'd work her way down to my neck. Her lips always made me tremble and as she slid her tongue down my neck and to my chest brushing my cleavage I let out a soft moan. Her hands always seemed to know just where to go on my body as she kneaded my breasts, working my nipples adeptly with her tongue. She always got this...

3 years ago
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a familiar stranger

I soaped up and as my hands slid up my thigh my mind mind began to wander. I began to think of Kayla and the way she used to touch me. she always began by kissing my lips softly..she'd work her way down to my neck. Her lips always made me tremble and as she slid her tongue down my neck and to my chest brushing my cleavage I let out a soft moan. Her hands always seemed to know just where to go on my body as she kneaded my breasts, working my nipples adeptly with her tongue. She always got this...

1 year ago
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a familiar stranger continued

Introduction: for some reason it didnt post it all…sorry My day started out as usual with me waking up to ny lab pacing around my room. This was her choice way of waking me up. I groaned a little and got up to take hee outside. I came inside and stepped into the shower. I trembled a little as the warm water began to run over my body. My girlfriend and I had been on a break for the past three weeks due to some relationship problems and being as faithful as I am I hadnt done anything to...

3 years ago
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a familiar stranger

Introduction: this is only mysecond story and was written from a phone so please excuse typos. let me know what you think. My day started out as usual with me waking up to ny lab pacing around my room. This was her choice way of waking me up. I groaned a little and got up to take hee outside. I came inside and stepped into the shower. I trembled a little as the warm water began to run over my body. My girlfriend and I had been on a break for the past three weeks due to some relationship...

3 years ago
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Familiar Uncertainty

It was a nice evening and I find myself in a familiar position. I was laying on Kim's bed. Kim just happened to be my ex-girlfriend. We were in love for like 10 years and for whatever reason, it didn't work out. I know the reason, but I'm not writing a book right now. Over the last few years, Kim and I have become good friends. We even talk to each other about our dating lives. Well, her dating life and my lack there of. So here I am, laying on her bed, just talking, and watching funny videos...

2 years ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar IV

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR IV Laura was no longer in a submissive position. Standing at her full height in heels, she was looking directly into Jacob's eyes. Her left hand is stroking her pet's back and continuing up her tail. The cat responded exceptionally positively to her ministrations. The naked youth smelling like a sub sandwich was lost for the subsequent appropriate response. "Well, put your clothes back on before you catch a cold," Laura commanded. Covered in oil and spices,...

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Dont Be Too Familiar X

Don't Be So Familiar X Georgina leans across to Pleasure ( it is an alias ), "How much life do you think Jessica will impart to us, and do you think apples or pears for the stuffing?" Georgina has always had a sweet tooth. Pleasure Isn't so sure. Hair red enough to be among the evil brood, she sensed something more. And more importantly, she realized Amethyst still is not certain. "Garlic and onions and cooked alive over a slow rotisserie, and I believe we can each get three and a...

2 years ago
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The Girl With No NameChapter 27 Three Familiar Faces

Danka and Isauria spent several days traveling northwest through the forest along paths that were barely visible to anyone not accustomed to navigating the backcountry. Danka walked in front of the mule while Isauria held her new crossbow and watched for potential trouble. Danka enjoyed those days of walking, of exploring the forest while not having to carry anything, of feeling the cool breezes blowing against her exposed body. She was able to clear her mind and enjoy the moment, knowing...

1 year ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 48 Familiar FacesFour Play

Holly’s wonderful idea meant that some things became more important than sex at that moment, so we showered together without dalliance, then went for a walk, naked, on the pristine beach. I had my arms around each as we returned to a group of puzzled folks at the dining area. “Audrey likes this body. So do I,” I said. “Me, too,” Holly interjected. “Almost as much as I like mine.” “Well, this is a complication,” Doc said. “Not at all,” I said. “We know Holly has nowhere to go, so she’s...

1 year ago
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Familiarity breeds contempt

Dave was sitting on the sofa, grabbing a few minutes of space to check the football scores whilst preparing dinner and helping with homework. Not for the first time, he wondered if it was really necessary for his seven year old son to print out quite so many pictures of footballers for his project on famous people.He could hear his four year old daughter Emily dancing in the living room. It was peaceful. The dinner was on, homework was done and the kids weren’t fighting with each other. His...

2 years ago
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Piano Blues Part 3

I’m a piano player, not a pianist. I started as a pianist when I was eight or nine, but then I heard Honky Tonk Train Blues, or something. I heard James Booker and Professor Longhair, all the New Orleans guys, and it struck me. I had to sound like that. I never will, but I keep on trying. They’re the greatest piano players ever. The rhythm, the music. Spiritual music. A sound like that can heal a broken heart. And Ragtime. I love that too. Still piano players. All the styles are linked. You...

Love Stories
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TV Nudist Part 3 Wedding Bell Blues

TV Nudist Part 3: WEDDING BELL BLUES by Rachel Saunders Entertainment for adults only, please! All comments, questions, criticisms, etc. are gladly welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you! "Oh boy," I said again. Scott was still shaking my hand enthusiastically. Amy stood in the corner, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I told you she was something, didn't I?," Amy asked. Scott just answered with that...

3 years ago
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Blue Eyes

First story guys... be nice   As Andrew surveyed the history class that he's been lecturing for the past semester, his eyes inevitably fell upon the one student who'd caught his eye every Monday and Thursday for the past three months. Today she wore her red skirt in celebration of the warm weather that they'd been having lately, and he couldn't help but notice how nicely it complemented her beautiful tanned legs. He had no idea what her name was, he was only painfully aware of how incredible...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Summerhouse Blues

Once again, is this realy a BDSM story? Well, not really but it has, at it's heart, a Femdom relationship and I hope you'll enjoy it.You, the reader, should share in my heartfelt thanks to Estragon, Rhonda's biggest fan, who persuaded me that it was worth my effort and, far more importantly, worth his effort to correct the innumerable errors in grammar and punctuation so that Tracy's story could be properly enjoyed. Any errors that remain are my fault, not his.L.J. Tracy's StoryI was young and...

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