One Of Those Days free porn video

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Originally posted @striesonline some time ago. This is a work of fiction and is not meant to reflect the authors own taste and sensibilities.

"Oh bollocks! bugger off!"

Jimmy cursed as the phone disturbed a leisurely perusal of his fathers private porn stash. It continued to ring, demanding an answer so he tucked his erection carefully back into his underpants, swung his legs off the bed and pulled up his jeans. "Fuck it!" Jimmy muttered, leaving a page open showing a voluptuous blonde taking a thick cock in her red lipped mouth. He'd soon get rid of whoever it was and continue where he left off. It could be either of his parents calling from work and he had to reassure them all was well. It would be even better if they could leave him alone for five minutes to enjoy the summer holiday!

He reached the bottom of the stairs, hoping the phone would ring off before he got there. It didn't. Reluctantly he picked it up and said, "hello?"

"Hello." A deep, breathy voice answered his inquiry.

"Who is this?" Jimmy asked.

"A friend of your mothers," the stranger said, "is she in?"

"No. She's working."

"That's a coincidence," he chuckled, "so am I."

"Oh, what are you doing?" Jimmy innocently inquired.

"I'm working on my hard-on."

Jimmy stared in shock at the phone, not believing he'd heard what the man had just said.

"You're what!"

"I'm stroking my cock," he breathed, "thinking how good it'd feel to have your mother suck on it like she did last week."

"You're a liar!"

"Am i?" Barbara's got beautiful long brown hair, dark brown come-to-bed-eyes, big juicy tits, a hot, hairy cunt and a firm tight arse. Yeah, she's quite a package, don't you think?"

That was his mother's name, but did it mean she was cheating on his dad?

"My dad will beat you if he finds out."

The man's laughter rippled sarcastically down the line. "Tom saw the whole thing!"

Oh shit! That was his dad's name. What the hell was going on?

"He invited me to," he went on, breathing harder in Jimmy's ear. "we both fucked her until she could hardly walk. She's a horny bitch!"

"I'm putting the phone down now!" Jimmy said. "I've heard enough. You're fuckin' sick!"

"In a hurry to go wank off over those porn mags under your dad's bed?"

"How did..."

"I gave 'em to him is how i know," he said, and he leaves 'em there to keep 'em handy - if you know what i mean."

Jimmy knew exactly what he meant. His cock grew harder at the thought of those glossy pages waiting for him upstairs.

"We did just about every scene in them," he continued, "me fucking her while she sucked his cock. Him fucking her while she sucked mine. She even managed to take both cocks in her mouth before we double-teamed her."

"Double-teamed?" Jimmy interrupted, sitting on the bottom stair.

Yeah, she sat on his cock while i gave it to her arse," he said crudely.

Jimmy's jaw dropped. "Fuckin' 'ell you didn't!"

"Oh, but i did," he assured him, shot my spunk all over her hairy crack too. Fuck! My cock's rock hard thinkin' 'bout that. I bet yours is too."

It was, but Jimmy wasn't about to admit it. "What's your name?" He said, trying to change the subject.

"Daniel," he replied, "my friends call me dirty Dan."

"I'm sure they do." Jimmy said dryly.

He laughed. "Shall i call you James or Jim?"

Jimmy hesitated. "Who told you that?"

"Your mother told me they'd sent you to stay with your grandparents for the week end while they... let their hair down."

"Dirty bastards!"

"Yeah, they sure are kinky," he groaned.

A slurping sound drifted down the line, like someone sucking the last drops from a milkshake.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," he gasped, "just a little pre cum oozing out my nob. Don't you like to taste yourself? Come on," he persisted when Jimmy said nothing, "just us guys here, who's to know? I won't tell."

"How do i know that?"

"Because i say so. Don't worry. You're alone, right?"


"Why not have a little fun of your own then, why should they have it all?"

The man had a point. Jimmy thought about the open magazine upstairs and made up his mind.

"Hang on," he said, "I'll be right back."

His parents wouldn't be home for hours and the long day ahead suddenly seemed a lot more interesting. He pulled off his jeans in the bedroom, grabbed the magazine and quickly made his way back.

"You still there?" Jimmy said, picking up the phone.

"I'm here," came the prompt response, "where'd you go?"

"I got one of those mag's. Did you really do everything in here?"

"Which one is it?"

"The 'Colour Climax'. It's my favourite."

"Mine too. How often have you wanked over it?"

"Whenever i get the chance."

"Do you wank every day?"

"Most days. Do you?" Jimmy asked, slowly stroking himself while scanning a page where a well endowed guy was about to impale a pneumatic blonde, her mouth open, awaiting another hard cock that wafted inches from her face.

"Every day," the man gasped, "sometimes two or three times if i can't find a nice piece o' pussy or arse to play with. Which scene you lookin' at?"

Jimmy told him and he groaned again. "Bab's loved that position. She swallowed every inch o' cock in both ends."

"How big are you?" Jimmy asked curiously, turning the pages at random.

Dan panted like he was running hard then said, "Seven inches long, about 4inch thick. How about you?"

Jimmy looked down at his throbbing tool and admitted that he was an inch shorter in length.

"You strokin' it?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Fuck yeah. Pick another scene and tell me about it."

"Well..." Jimmy turned the page and hesitated.

"Well what? Tell me for fucks sake. I'm so fuckin' hard here."

"Two men are suckin' on each other and a woman is watching while they do it. Women don't get off on that, do they?"

"Sure they do. I know Bab's does."

"You're k**din'... you mean... ?"

"Yeah, we did. She watched us fuck too. Your dad's got a hot fuckin' rod!"

"You're makin' this up!" Jimmy protested.

"Why would i? It doesn't mean he's gay. He just likes to fuck and, like me, when he's hot any hole will do! Don't you like to play with your arse and wank?"

"Sometimes." Jimmy admitted, fondling his full balls.

"Feels good, right? It doesn't mean you're gay." Dan explained, his breathing now a harsh series of gasps. "Are you playing with it now?"

"My arse? No. I'm rubbing my balls if you must know. What are you up to?"

"I'm wanking my big cock. Do you like looking at big cocks, Jimmy?"

"Dunno. They're alright, i suppose."

"Have you ever wanted to touch another guys cock?"

Jimmy hesitated, unsure of telling him about the time he'd fooled around with his best friend, Paul, in the old barn.

Dan sensed he'd hit a nerve and pressed on. "Have you? Come on, you know i won't tell anyone. Did you wank off thinking how good it would feel to have another man's hand there? Or his mouth - sucking your hot spunk when you cum - his finger up your arse instead of your own - leaving you free to touch him, to feel him -- Does that make you hard, Jimmy?"

"Promise you won't tell?" Jimmy whispered, caught up in the man's urgent passion.

"I promise. It'll be our secret!"

"I was just foolin' around with a mate in the old barn. We'd cut some bales and s**ttered them around, jumping from the stacks onto the straw, havin' fun y'know?"

"Go on." Dan said hoarsely.

"Well, i needed a piss, so i did it out the window. He said he needed one too and we competed to see who could piss the furthest. Jimmy said, and added in a smug voice, "I won!"

"Good for you. What happened after that?"

"He said i may have beat him at pissin' but he bet me that he could cum further than i could and started strokin' his cock."

"Oh fuck! Is he as big as you?"

"Bigger. Fatter shaft too. I started wanking with him, watching his hand work along the shaft, same as mine."

"God! You're makin' me cum." Dan groaned.

Jimmy giggled. "That's what he said when i grabbed his root to keep my balance on the window ledge!"

"Didn't anyone see you there?"

"No. It faces the derelict farmhouse. Hardly anyone goes there. Anyway, we wanked each other off until he shot his load and i shot mine. He reckoned his went the furthest and we called it a draw."

"No tie-breaker?"

"We didn't have time, had to get back for tea. You promised not to tell, remember?" Jimmy anxiously asked, regretting his impulse to divulge the secret.

"Cross my heart an' hope to cum," groaned Dan, "reckon you can shoot further than i can?"

"Maybe. How can i tell? I can't see you."

"Would you like to?"

Now that was a whole new ball game. One that Jimmy was unsure about playing. It was one thing to talk over the phone, but meeting a man he hardly knew filled him with trepidation - and, he had to admit, some curiosity. He decided to be coy and see how far the man would go.

"Will you suck my cock if i asked you to?"

"Sure. You can fuck me too if you want."

Jimmy felt his balls tighten at the thought of losing his virginity. "Today?" He moaned, smearing a pearl of pre cum around his throbbing nob.

"If you like." Dan said, affecting a nonchalant air.

"Where?" Jimmy wondered aloud.

"I'll pick you up in 10 minutes and we can go to your barn. Wait outside. I'll bring some real porn to get us in the mood, then you can do anything you like. Okay?"


The receiver burred in his ear.

"... kay." Jimmy said.

Oh shit! What was he doing? It wasn't even noon and here he was, sat on the stairs with his cock in the air with some dirty old man on his way to pick him up! Old? Jimmy had no idea how old Dan was. He hardly knew anything about him. Should he go?

He sat there for a minute or two, unsure what to do, until his aching balls made his mind up for him. Fuck it! This was way better than wanking off over some pictures. Jimmy rushed upstairs, grabbed his jeans and hopped into them on his way into his parents bedroom to secrete the magazine back where he found it. A quick wash in the bathroom freshened him up where he left a brief note saying he'd gone out walking in the fields (a half-truth being better than a lie) and would be back for tea, then, before he could change his mind, went out to wait for his new friend.
Jimmy didn't have long to wait. A blue Vauxhall cavalier pulled up on the kerb alongside him and a man leaned over to open the passenger door. He pushed himself off the wall where he sat and looked in, appraising him carefully before making the final, fateful, step.

Dan looked to be in his mid-thirties, well built and ruggedly handsome. Thick, brown hair curled in waves down to his broad shoulders. Bright, dark brown eyes gazed calmly back at him. His light blue cotton shirt was open at the neck, darker brown curls of hair peeped through there, as they did at his open crotch where his chinos lay open too. A thick erection curling proudly up into his tightly clenched hand, the other beckoning him into the car.

"Get in," said Dan, "what're you waiting for?"

Jimmy felt his own cock thicken at the sight as he sat beside him. "Aren't you afraid someone will see?" He said, nodding towards Dan's bobbing erection. "It's a pretty busy road."

As if to emphasis the fact a car whizzed by, tooting peevishly at the idly parked Vauxhall.

Dan chuckled, checked his mirror and pulled out. "Not to worry, if they don't like what they see. Tough! If they do... well, cheap thrill, huh?"

Jimmy laughed, relaxing in the warm plastic seat that hugged his buttocks like a lovers promise. "Go to the end of town and turn left, you can get onto the farm road from there.

I'll tell you where the turn-off is when we get nearer."

Dan nodded, concentrating on the road ahead, one hand on the wheel, the other lazily stroking along his sturdy shaft.

"You weren't k**din'," Jimmy said, eyeing him up, "that is quite a b**st! Can i touch it?"

Dan glanced at him and said, "all yours k**do."

"Are you comfortable driving like this?" Jimmy asked, stroking the thickly veined shaft tenderly.

"It's more comfortable this way. My cock's too hard to sit in my pants."

"Will you cum if i do this harder?"

"No," he smiled, "my control's pretty good."

Jimmy smiled. "good job we're nearly there, turn here and park."

"Open the glove box and take out the envelope." Dan said, switching off the engine.

"What's in there?" Jimmy asked.

"You'll see. Open it."

He did so, his eyes widening at the sight of a large dildo on top of a brown envelope. He opened it and caught his breath. The top picture showed his mother: eyes wide open, her mouth bulging around a fat cock. Dan was in the next one, thrusting ardently between her spread legs. His dad beamed at the camera in another, his mothers lips pouted around her husband's cock like a fat cigar. Scene after scene of depraved lust flowed across Jimmy's intense scrutiny. Here, Dan was taking her from behind, his mouth full of cock; there, he was sucking on his dad as they swapped positions. Another showed them in a classic 69 position, and another clearly depicted Dan's cock sticking obscenely out of his father's arse. Several pictures were dedicated to the amount of cum his mother took over her tits, cunt and arse until she resembled a bizarrely decorated cake, frosted with sticky spunk instead of sweet icing. Jimmy licked his lips and wondered what it tasted like.

"Jesus, it's true!" He whispered, flicking through favourite scenes, especially the one of all three of them coupled together.

Dan leant across to look through them, his hot breath washed across the nape of Jimmy's neck, "Just like i said, she loves hot cock," he murmured, "speakin' of which... why don't you take yours out? Your jeans must be getting uncomfortably warm!"

"It'll be better in the barn."

"Let's go then."

Dan got out, his erection bobbing excitedly in front of him. Jimmy followed a moment later after replacing the pictures back in the glove box.

"What if someone sees us?" Jimmy worried.

Dan motioned him to lead the way and said, "nobody comes along this way, right? Besides, it's none of their fuckin' business!"

Jimmy grinned and made his way over to a broken door, shoving it aside with the toe of his shoe. He pointed at a ladder leading up to the second level where piles of straw leaned drunkenly together. Dan followed his finger and said, "after you," lecherously staring up at Jimmy's pert buttocks swaying up the wooden frame. They were also the first thing he saw upon reaching the top of the ladder as Jimmy bent over, untying his shoes. Dan felt his balls tighten and swung up onto the ledge between a pile of bales, his cock oozing pre cum in anticipation.

"There's a sight for sore eyes," he panted, "where can we get comfortable?"

Jimmy looked between his legs and grinned, pulling his jeans down slowly until he felt his flesh tingle in the warm air. "Over there," he said, straightening up to point out a loose mound of straw, haphazardly spread across the floor, brightly lit from the open window on the opposite wall. He ambled over to spread his clothes across the blunt stalks for some protection as he sat down, watching Dan follow him until they sat companionably together, smiling, breathing hard with excitement, exploring each other with their eyes before going further.

"You've got a good body," Dan said, "hard... all over! That's a nice cock too. You always come up here to play?"

"Thanks," said Jimmy. "Not always, but often enough when the weathers fine. You sure got a hairy body," he noted, eyeing the thick mass of dense hair covering Dan's chest, spreading along his belly and down to where his cock jutted proudly up out of a matted forest of black-brown hair. Dan smiled, "part man," he slapped his cock in one hand and lay back, "part b**st," his gaze roaming across Jimmy's sparsely covered chest, down to his swollen peach-fuzz balls.

"What's that around your root?" Jimmy asked, leaning over to look closer.

Dan lifted his balls up to give him a better view. " A cock ring. It keeps the b**st under control!"

They laughed warmly, laying back together in the straw to build up the erotic tension. Dust motes floated lazily in the still air. A sharp contrast to the increasingly busy action of their hands, stroking in urgent harmony.

"Which photo turned you on best?" Dan asked, glancing over to watch Jimmy peeling his nob like an exotic fruit.

"The threesome," he replied without hesitation, "where you're fucking mum as dad fucks you."

Dan moaned as the hot memory blazed across his minds eye. "Yeah, that's a hot one. You gonna think o' that as you cum?"

"Maybe." Jimmy grunted, lifting up off the sharp stalks to pump his cock harder.

"How about we wank each other off," suggested Dan, "and whoever cums first gets to choose what to do next... you can cum again can't you?"

"We'll see," said Jimmy, reaching out to take Dan's hot cock in his sweaty palm. It throbbed powerfully at his touch, pre-cum seeping down the thick, veiny shaft. Dan groaned and leant over to take Jimmy's hard cock in one hand, a nipple between his teeth, teasing the taut flesh into twin peaks of arousal. "Oh shit! You're making me cum already." Jimmy moaned. "Can we make it that whoever shoots the furthest?"

Dan looked up and smiled, "why don't you just cum in my mouth?" Without waiting for a reply he dipped his head, engulfing Jimmy's nob in wet heat, moaning approval at the fresh salty taste on his tongue. "Fuckin' 'ell!" Jimmy exclaimed, feeling his balls bursting with spunk. "Fuck!" A hot rush exploded through his cock, making his head spin with pleasure. "Suck it!" He cried, arching up into Dan's mouth, "suck me off," he groaned, feeling himself cum again. "God, that feels so good!"

"Taste's good too," said Dan, licking his lips, "now it's your turn."

"But i don't know how." Jimmy said, eyeing him doubtfully.

Dan pushed him back onto the straw, straddled his chest and said, "you'll soon get into it, just open your mouth. Come on, do it!" He urged.
Jimmy kept his lips stubbornly together, looking up at him with a fearful expression. "Eat Me!" He demanded, pinching Jimmy's nostrils between thumb and forefinger until he felt his cock slide gratefully into moist warmth.

Jimmy gagged at the unfamiliar taste filling his mouth and wondered if he could breathe through his ears. It felt like he'd have to learn how to do that too! Dan's hot, meaty cock thrust to the back of his throat, pulled back a little and plunged forward again, fucking his face with short, sharp strokes. The smell of his sex wasn't unpleasant and he found himself beginning to enjoy the taste, a spicy mixture of sweat and pre-cum washed across his tongue, stimulating his glands into bathing it with warm saliva, lubricating the shaft into a smooth rhythm.

"Yeah, that's right, suck it," moaned Dan, releasing his grip on Jimmy's nose to hold him firmly against his throbbing cock, "eat my fuckin' meat, all the way down, yeah, like that, suck harder, deeper, fuck yeah take it down your throat," he demanded, picking up speed. "I'm goin' to fuck your face 'til i cum," he promised, "then I'm goin' to fuck your arse, yeah, fuck your cherry arsehole!"

Jimmy spluttered in panic at the thought of this stiff, meaty spike impaling his most sensitive spot. He felt Dan's curly hair tickle his nose and couldn't help wondering what it'd feel like to have them stroke his soft buttocks. Another trickle of pre-cum flowed over his tongue and he moaned deep in his throat at the delicious sensation.

"You like that huh?" Dan chuckled, "there's a lot more to cum yet. Keep on suckin'!"

He took Jimmy's head in an unshakeable grip and pulled him onto his cock as he pushed himself harder forward, fucking his face faster and faster, rushing towards the climax he so badly craved. "Suck it, suck it suck it," he gasped, "suck it all, suck it, suck it off, suck it, fuck yeah, suck my fuckin' cock, make me cum... oh fuck... yes... yes! Take my cum!"

Jimmy gagged on a mouthful of steamy spunk and managed to swallow it as another burst flooded his mouth. It reminded him of the first time he'd eaten an oyster and wondered if lemon juice would add extra piquancy to the flavour. Another plume of spunk flowed over his tongue and dripped from his lips, then another, choking him into a fit of coughing as the sticky juices overwhelmed his capacity to swallow any more.
"Suck my balls." Dan growled, giving Jimmy no time to regain his composure, pushing him inexorably back onto the straw by squatting, then sitting, on his face. "Come on, suck my fuckin' sacs," he urged, slapping his cock on Jimmy's face. "That's it, run your tongue over 'em, lick my balls, slide it over my arse, fuck yeah... lick the crack!"
Far from slowing him down, Dan's orgasm seemed to add fresh impetus to his lust. Jimmy felt himself stiffen in response and he worked his tongue harder between the hairy buttocks smothering his face. With lithe agility, Dan lay back on Jimmy's body to take his cock in hand, pulling it into his mouth, working his body round until he lay on top, feeding each other into a frenzy of sucking.

"Fuck yeah! Finger my hole," Dan moaned as he felt Jimmy explore his exposed pucker, "fuck my mouth," he begged, pulling Jimmy's arse up in a firm grip, "come on, feed that cock to me."

Jimmy humped up into Dan's mouth and wriggled a finger deep between the quivering cheeks over his face, licking along Dan's hot cock, wrapping his lips over the swollen head, kissing it tenderly before taking it into his mouth. He grunted as a finger thrust rudely into his tight arse and responded by working another alongside the one in Dan's arsehole, feeling it clench reflexively around the probing digits.
"God! That feels so fuckin' good," groaned Dan, pushing back onto Jimmy's fingers, working his own into the smooth crack bouncing below him. "You want to fuck that hole?" He gasped, "you want to stick this up my tight fuckin' arsehole?" He groaned, stroking Jimmy's cock against his lips. "Lets see if you're man enough to take my cock up your arse first!"

Dan rolled off and wrestled Jimmy over onto his stomach, slapping his pert cheeks to let him know who was in control before pushing his face between them, plating his crack with long, wet swipes of his tongue.
"No, please!" Jimmy protested, kicking up a storm of straw around their thrashing limbs. "You're too big," he groaned, twisting this way and that, unable to prevent Dan's lewd tongue preparing him for deeper intimacy. He couldn't, however, deny the erotic sensation thrilling through his body as Dan spat copiously over his tender hole. "Oh! Fuck no! I'm not ready," he cried, feeling Dan pull him up to his knees, a large, blunt nob buffing urgently onto his quivering pucker.

"I am!" Dan grunted, working his cock around to find the right angle for maximum penetration. "I'm more than ready!"

He held Jimmy's shoulder and manoeuvred his cock into position, cursing in frustration as the head slid over the tightly clenched hole. Again he pushed forward, probing, forcing himself into the hot channel with a sigh.

"OW! FUCK!! It hurts." Jimmy complained, writhing away from the intrusion.

"Easy, easy." Dan said soothingly, "just relax and it won't hurt for long."

'That's easy for you to say, ' Jimmy thought', It felt like he'd just eaten a large meal, stuffed to the brim and unable to eat another thing. Dan seemed determined to prove otherwise. He huffed and pushed inch after inch inside the incredibly tight hole, sweat dripping onto Jimmy's back, down his crack, greasing them together in slippery congress. "No, please! God, no more... Stop!" Jimmy begged, feeling his arsehole stretched around the thick shaft. "I can't take... anymore!"

"It's okay," gasped Dan, "you've got it all... just hold still... fuck, you're so tight!"

"OH GOD, TAKE IT OUT!" Jimmy wailed, trying in vain to pull away from the monstrous invasion of his privacy.

"You'll... soon... get used... to it!" Dan grunted, short-stroking his cock inside Jimmy's arse, his hairy buttocks clenching rhythmically with exertion. "Yes, yes, oh fuck yeah!" he moaned, pulling Jimmy up into his arms, kissing his neck, pinching his erect nipples and flexing his hard muscle, buried deep between smooth round cheeks.

"No, no, no, no," groaned Jimmy, his struggles weakening as his flesh melted in the heat of Dan's passion.

"Doesn't that feel good?" Dan whispered, running his hands down Jimmy's body, squeezing his cock and balls as he slowly screwed him, deep and long.

"It feels so big... so hard," he gasped. But the hands caressing him felt undeniably good, soothing his panic, stroking his ardour, stoking his desire up once more. "Seven inches," hissed Dan, running his tongue lasciviously around Jimmy's ear, "balls deep," he gasped, pumping Jimmy's cock vigorously.

"Oh Man!" Jimmy turned his head and kissed Dan passionately, tasting spunk on his tongue. Pain began to give way to pleasure. They swayed back and forth, enjoying the moment. One that Jimmy would never forget. He looked into Dan's eyes and saw his own lust reflected there, burning his flesh, branding him for life. "Give it to me," he moaned, "every inch!"

"Fuck yeah," Dan groaned, feeling Jimmy's body yield softly in his embrace, "right up... your nice... tight... teen arse!"

"Gently, gently," cautioned Jimmy as he felt a stab of pain rush through his guts with the increasing rhythm.

Dan grunted and measured his strokes accordingly, lengthening the rhythm until they appeared to sway to a silent tune accompanied by a steady slap-slap of sweat streaked flesh. Dust motes floated skittishly around their writhing bodies, glittering in the sun bright illumination shining through the window upon them.

"Just think," he gasped, "this cock's been up your mothers cunt..."

"Oh fuck..."Jimmy groaned and squeezed it hard between his cheeks.

"... it's been up your dad's arse," Dan went on, picking up speed with every thrust, "and now it's fucking you!"

"... fuck me!" Jimmy hissed, grabbing his cock in both hands, stroking it in time to the rhythm of the heat.

"Tell me you want it." He demanded, grabbing Jimmy's shoulders in both hands.

"I want it!"

"Where do you want it?"

"In my arse!"

"What do you want there?"

"Your cock... i want... your fuckin' cock... in my arse!" He panted, pumping his meat to the beat of every stroke.

"Fuck yeah!" Dan grunted, lunging back and forth with increasing ease, "wank it off... I want to watch you cum... with my fuckin' cock... fuckin' your fuckin' hot... fuckin' arsehole - before i... fuckin' fill you full of... fuckin' spunk!"

"Oh man... give it to me!" Jimmy begged.

"Oh, I'm goin' to... screw your sweet arse off." Dan promised, churning his cock in the vice-like grip of Jimmy's buttocks.

"Do it... screw it... fuckin' fuck it!"

"Tighten up that fuck hole... oh yeah... grind my meat... 'tween your cheeks... squeeze it... fuck yeah! You like that... ?"

"I... fuckin'... love it... fillin' my fuckin' arsehole... fuck it... come on... stick your big dick deeper... harder... faster... Ah! Ahh! Ahhh!"

Hot moans and harsh groans rent the musky air around them. Dan's face, contorted as though in pain, dripped pearls of sweaty lust onto Jimmy's gleaming skin as they coarsely enticed each other on.

"Give me your arse..." Dan demanded, jack-hammering his hips back and forth, driving the full length of his cock in and out until it became a frenzied blur of hot meat.

"Give me your cum..." Jimmy countered, his back arching under the sexual tension.

"Not yet," teased Dan, pulling back to the edge and emphasising his words with a hard thrust, "not - be... fore - you - spunk!"

Jimmy fisted his hard on and begged him to; "cum... before you... split my arse... open!"

"Fuck yeah!" Dan spat, roughly pushing Jimmy forward. "Get on your hands and knees bitch! Lemme see that fuckin' hole... stretched round my cock... fuck yeah... suck it with your arse... milk my meat... that looks so fuckin' gooooooooood!"

"Fuck... fuck... FUCK!" Jimmy whined, pounding the floor with his fists as the pain returned with a vengeance.

"Yes! Yes! Yeeeesss! Your arse loves it... can't you... hear it... sayin' --- more! More! Gimme mooooorrreeee!"

All Jimmy could hear was the sweaty slap of Dan's ball's on his cheeks, the rasping breath of his lust. It drove him crazy.

"Fuckin' cum... fuckin' arsehole... horny bastard... screw me... slap me ( Dan's hands descended on his cheeks, pulling them apart like a ripe melon)... fuckin'... hell... cum... do it... !

Yyyyeessss... beg for my spunk (slap)... come on (slap)... beg me bitch... (slap)... don't you want it?"

"God! Yes, i want it... please... spunk me... right up... my arse... oh please... please... fuck me... plllllleeaaasssse!"

"Dirty little whore!" Dan gasped, pulling out with an audible slurp. "Virgin no more," he spat, roughly fingering the glistening glob on Jimmy's weeping brown eye. "One good cock," he grunted, pulling him up, "is all it takes," he grunted again and shoved himself back inside Jimmy's arsehole, "to make a man of you!"

Jimmy thought he needed more than a cock up his arse to confer manhood on him, but reckoned it was a good start! It no longer hurt so bad and he began to wank off with pleasure, watching Dan's fingers send electric thrills through his erect nipples. He shook sweat from his eyes and a few drops of pre- cum off his cock, pleading all the while for Dan's hot load.

"Shoot your wad!" Dan insisted, "I want to feel your arse cum when you blow your balls. come on! Milk your meat... beat it... stroke it... pump it... slap it... fuck yeah! Wank it... jerk it off... spunk for me boy... spunk!"

"Cum in my arse!" Jimmy demanded, "cum with me... you horny fucker... fuckin' cum! I want to feel your balls... tight on my cheeks... pumping me full... hot spunk... shootin' up... oh fuck!"

The thought of it bubbling up into his body brought him perilously close and he felt sure Dan was about to blow by the sound of him panting harder in his ear. He grabbed his cock in both hands and looked down in time to see a thick rope of spunk, drooling from the swollen head.

"Fuck! That looks so fuckin' hot." Dan rasped, peering voyeuristically over Jimmy's shoulder at the juicy load, swinging to and fro until it clung to Jimmy's thigh.

"Can't... hold... back..." Jimmy groaned, fisting his cock with all his might.

"Let it go... shoot your spunk!"

"Here... I... ccccuuuummmmmm!"

A colossal spurt of thick, steaming spunk flew from his cock, arching through the air in a swirling white spiral to splash onto the wall about six feet away. "Fuck yeah!" Dan cried, flexing his muscle, "spray that load... hot damn!"

Jimmy felt his flesh melt in the heat of his orgasm and yelled as it burst again and again. "Fuck me! Oh God! Fuck me!"

Dan jammed his cock deep and held it there, allowing Jimmy to enjoy the moment before letting himself go. The aroma of spunk was so thick in the air you could cut it, snort it, and get the most natural high ever invented.

"Now," he groaned, holding Jimmy's hips tight, "I'm goin' to blow."

"Fuckin' 'ell yes!" Jimmy cried, still squirting cum. "Give it to me!"

"Take it! Oh fuck, take it like a slut!"

Dan shuddered, groaned, and flexed his fuck muscle, rhythmically spurting hot spunk in a juicy stream that seemed to burst from the tip of his dripping cock onto his hands. He lifted the sticky stuff on his fingers into his mouth and sucked them as he felt Dan pumping over and over, filling his arsehole to the limit, juices trickling between his shaking thighs.

"Don't stop," he pleaded, "oh fuck me, don't fuckin' stop cumming in my arse."

"You want more?" Dan groaned and jerked his body to squeeze more juice into the seething depths that squeezed his meat hungrily.

"Fuck yeah, gimme more... every drop... every fuckin' drop... feels so fuckin' good."

"Fuckin' horny cum-pig. Let me taste you!" Dan demanded, pulling Jimmy's sticky fingers into his mouth, moaning as he sucked the spunky residue off them. "I still got a lot o' juice left in me."

"So do I," Jimmy giggled, "I can feel it swimming in my arse and down my legs!"

"That? That's just lube, I ain't done fuckin' with you yet boy!" Dan growled, using his weight to push Jimmy face down on the floor.

"Oh my God! You got to be k**ding me?"

The steely rod between his cheeks told him that he wasn't.

"Now!" Dan promised, "you're really goin' to get fucked!"


"Yeah, pray for it... beg for it... worship my fuckin' cock!"

"Oh fuck! For fucks sake!"

"What's that... You want my fuckin' snake?"

Dan cackled like a lunatic, wrapped his beefy arm around Jimmy's neck and bent him to his will. His cock felt good to go for a while yet and it had been a long time since he'd enjoyed a fuck-hole as tight as this. He squatted over Jimmy's arse and rode him like a jockey, slapping his hip, biting his neck, pushing him forward until his face touched the cum sprayed wall.

"Lick it up." Dan commanded.

Jimmy had no choice but to run his tongue over the rough, slimy surface, hoping the obscene act would satisfy Dan's lust. It was to be a forlorn hope, but at least the arm across his throat relaxed, allowing him to breathe a little easier.

"Swallow it... fuck yeah," Dan gasped, "you like that huh? Eating your own cum... well, so do I... stand up!"

Dan had to help him up and Jimmy leant against the wall, his legs shaking uncontrollably. Roughly, they were spread apart. He gasped as a moist tongue scurried over his balls, groaned as hot breath washed into his sore crack and panted with pleasure when he felt Dan rimming his ring, lapping across the puckered flesh, catching the pearls of creamy cum.

"Fuck! Your arse tastes so fuckin' hot." He moaned, standing up behind Jimmy and running his shaft between his cheeks.

"Better than yours?" Jimmy wondered aloud.

"You want to..." Dan grunted, skewering Jimmy's arsehole with a swift thrust that took him balls deep, "... find out for yourself?"

Jimmy yelled aloud at the way he was taken again and again by Dan's rampant cock.

"You want to... fuck yes... stick your tongue... up my arse, huh? Oh fuck!" Dan groaned, reaching round to stroke Jimmy's semi-hard cock as he rhythmically reamed his arsehole in and out. "You want to lick it... suck it... kiss it... fuck it?"

Jimmy felt his cock harden at each lewd suggestion and groaned; "yes, yes... yes, yes... oh fuck! YES!"

"On one condition," said Dan, grinding into the soft heat bucking before him, "you fuck it hard... like a man! Not like some gay-lord-sissy-boy!"

Dan stepped back and spread himself in front of the window, his balls gently swaying between his thick, hairy thighs. "Dig in," he offered, wiggling his cheeks, "when you're ready," he said, reaching behind himself to spread both cheeks open wide, "get stuck in and don't hold back!"

'I won't!' Jimmy thought, stroking his cock harder as he knelt to begin licking inside the hairy crack. They tickled his nose as much as his fancy, the earthy texture of Dan's sweaty arse made him hornier than ever. His tongue slithered over the puckered hole, wriggled inside it and when his lips locked on the tender flesh to begin sucking on it, he was hooked.

"Fuck yeah... lick my arse... tongue it deep... oh fuck! Suck it!" Dan groaned, pushing his haunches back to feel Jimmy's mouth better. "Suck my fuckin' arsehole... oh fuck... eat me! Fuck me!"

Jimmy relished his new power and teased Dan's arse until he could wait no longer. He had to strike while the iron was hot!"

"You want this fuckin' cock in your arse now?"

"Don't tease me," Dan gasped, "I know you want it as much as me. Do it... stick it in!"

Jimmy held his rigid cock out, lunged forward - and missed. They groaned in frustration and he tried again, grunting in satisfaction as this time he hit the spot. "Fuck!" he cried, feeling Dan's arsehole grip his nob.

Dan pushed back and encouraged him to; "Stroke it home, boy... fuck yeah... all the fuckin' way... there you go!"

With a long drawn out groan, Jimmy did just that, holding onto Dan's hips as he watched his cock sink slowly inside him. "In-fucking-credible!" he cried, experiencing the intimate heat of another's body for the first time.

"So fuckin' hot!" Dan agreed, bracing himself on the ledge. "Now, come on... fuck me... fuck me good and hard. Yeah, like that," he grunted, feeling Jimmy begin to pump in and out, "Just like your dad does... only harder, harder! Faster... come on, boy... fuck my arse, fuck it deeeeep... that's good... so fuckin' good... grab my cock... wank it off, come on... make me cum!"

Jimmy reached round, pumped his fist along the throbbing shaft and said; "I want to see you spurt! Are you close?"

"Close enough!" Dan gasped, looking down in time to see a thin stream of pre cum drip down onto the grass below. "You want to... see it shoot... all over you? You want to... feel it spray... all over your body?"

"I want you to cum," groaned Jimmy, "with my cock... right up... your arse!"

"Lay back... let me sit on you!"

Jimmy pulled out and lay on the straw, holding his slick shaft up for Dan to sit on. He watched him straddle his thighs and sink onto it with a heartfelt sigh. "Stroke me off," Dan moaned, rising up on his knees, "I'm so fuckin' close," he groaned, falling back down with a slap.

"Looks like you got a big load in those balls," observed Jimmy, reaching out to squeeze more pre cum from Dan's dripping cock, "they look fuckin' huge man!"

The cock ring had acted like a dam on his balls, blocking the flow of juice until it could hardly contain the vast pressure building up in Dan's loins. Another load surged over his fingers as he stroked and he sucked them clean, savouring the salty flavour on his tongue before swallowing.

"You'll soon find out!" Dan grunted, sitting on Jimmy's cock with another loud slap. "Watch me cum... pump your cock up... my arse!" He begged, squatting on his haunches, using one hand to balance, the other fisted his dripping meat harder, faster, flashing in a blurred frenzy along the tumescent shaft; "getting closer... gonna blow... all over you... harder... come on! Fuckin' pound... my fuckin' arsehole... watch it close now... you see?"

"Fuck yeah!" Jimmy gasped, his eyes riveted to Dan's cock as it leaked steadily over his taut stomach. "Wank it-wank it-wank it off!" He chanted, licking his lips in anticipation of the hot load.

"Oh fuck! Your cock feels so hard... in my arse... so deep... in my hole... so hot... makin' me cum... make me cum... oh yes... cumming! Open your mouth!" Dan cried, "and stick out your tongue," he added as Jimmy did so, "here I cccuuummm!"

Jimmy's eyes widened in surprise as a fountain of thick, white spunk plumed from Dan's cock head, sprayed over his body and landed with a wet splat on his face, coating his cheeks, lips and tongue in sticky streaks.
Dan roared with lust and shot another hot bolt across Jimmy's face, gluing his hair together in viscous clumps that clung to his sweating forehead. His body jerked in the explosive release of tension and Jimmy's cock, pumping hard up between his cheeks, combined to detonate an even bigger gush of steamy cream.

"Fuck yeah, man!" Jimmy cried, smearing the puddle of spunk across his chest, over his belly as another spurt burst through the musk-filled air. He swallowed another mouthful of spunk, licked it from his lips, from his fingers and urged Dan to give him more.
Dan grunted deeply and pumped a clearer stream of juices mixed with hot, white blobs of spunk while squeezing Jimmy's cock inside his arse, feeling him swell in response to the erotic stimulus.

"Fuckin' eat it," he hissed, "drink it, swallow it... bathe in... my spunk... glorious spunk!"

Jimmy twisted his torso up and got another spurt in his face as he tried to wrap his lips around the source of all that salty-sweet juice. Dan held his head and pulled him the rest of the way.

"Yes! Suck me off... suck my fuckin' balls dry... Fuck me!" He yelled, as Jimmy flexed his cock and shot a hot load himself as he gobbled the rest of Dan's spunk delightedly.

Their bodies gleamed in the sunlight, shining on their sweat and spunk slick skins; pouring themselves into each other, locked together in orgasmic bliss. Jimmy's lips bubbled rabidly with hot juices, dripping onto his chest, mingling with the hot wads Dan had unloaded with such gusto.

"Oh boy-oh boy-oh boy, hot cum!" Dan babbled deliriously. "Cum in your mouth... cum in my arse... cum every-fuckin'-where!"

He rose up off Jimmy's spurting cock, sliding forward, dripping spunk from his freshly fucked arsehole onto Jimmys chest as he pushed him inexorably onto the floor, stuffing his cock further down Jimmy's throat.

Jimmy gurgled around the hot meat and jerked himself off as Dan fucked his mouth, regardlessly banging his head on the wooden floor. Harder and faster, louder and louder until the noise filled his mind...

"What the fuck... ?"

Jimmy opened his eyes and looked blearily around. He was still in his room, surrounded by pornographic images borrowed from beneath his parents bed. The fantasy had been so powerful he could smell spunk in the air and realised he'd ejaculated over his stomach. The knocking sounded real enough though. It stirred him from his reverie and, reluctantly, he wiped himself with a towel, pulled his jeans up and looked out the window.
It was Dan, his dad's friend, in the flesh!
With prescient anticipation Jimmy knocked on the window and motioned him to come in, the door was open...

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Things stayed very much the same for nearly two years. Simone and Kevin successfully kept their relationship secret from everyone except Monica. Brother and sister shared the same bed for a long time. Simone insisted they be more discreet as her first daughter became more aware of her surroundings. But even then, they put on a good show at home, they found plenty of opportunities to make love and they spent many nights together. Monica also joined them at least monthly for some very intense...

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SimoneChapter 18

As the reality that Kevin would actually be living with her hit Simone, she felt happier than she had in years. Her husband was not much more than a memory (outside the large child support checks that arrived each month), she her darling daughter and her loving brother in her home, and her brother's baby in her belly. Simone knew that most of the world would more than frown on the part involving her carrying her brother's baby, but she didn't care. Not only had Greg lost interest in...

2 years ago
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Hermione and the Squid

She strolled down next to the lake to vent some steam by swimming. She laid her bags on the ground and hid them with an invisibility charm, so she would not be disturbed or teased. She kept her robes on so she could hide them in the water and placed the bubble head charm on herself and then dove into the water. It was cold, unseasonably so, but she quickly remedied that by using a warming charm on herself. She kicked fiercely through the water trying to get as far from land as possible,...

2 years ago
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Tyrone uses me again

Those days I had quarreled with Victor about my new black slut condition. He finally yelled at me I could do whatever I wanted. It was perfect; I could fuck Tyrone every time I wanted… or when he wanted…Friday at early evening I got dressed. Then I looked in the mirror. A nice big black cock slut looked back. I wore false eyelashes and a heavy makeup.I had been shopping with my naughty girlfriend Maura; lots of underwear…I was now wearing a black lycra dress. It was split down the front, almost...

1 year ago
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Simone The Schoolgirl Part One

I looked at her with new eyes. Her hair was hanging forwards and her sweet face looked so soft. I looked at her perfectly straight legs, slightly tanned. He thighs were full and her calves had a lovely roundness to them. She had a woman’s legs - not those of a typical skinny schoolgirl. I felt my cock starting to twitch and decided the best thing would be to get this over with a.s.a.p. I moved behind her, holding the ruler poised above her glorious behind. Simone The Schoolgirl (Part One) A...

2 years ago
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SimoneChapter 7

Kevin's question would be answered sooner than either he or Simone would have imagined. Later that evening, while the two were watching TV, Simone received a text message which read, "Good news. I'm here. Can you pick me up at the airport? I just landed. You know where I'll be. See you soon." Simone had wanted her husband home so badly. Two weeks before she would have jumped for joy at receiving his text. But things had changed significantly since then. Simone had admitted to her anger...

2 years ago
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One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure. At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans that showcases his tanned torso. I am wearing a short black silk blouse which barely covers my pubic area. It has a row of buttons down the back with only the top one fastened, so when I walk my naked arse is on full view, something Roger likes very much. “You really do...

1 year ago
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One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure. At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans that showcases his tanned torso. I am wearing a short black silk blouse which barely covers my pubic area. It has a row of buttons down the back with only the top one fastened, so when I walk my naked arse is on full view, something Roger likes very much. “You really do...

3 years ago
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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 3

Hermione still had a souvenir from her last visit to the doc. The long brown-haired coed was still quite sore which became apparent when her panties rubbed against her blotchy swollen red blood blistered and purple bruises that adorned her hurting bottom. She did manage a tense smile as she put on her schoolgirl scratchy wool black dress and left. She had no choice but to keep her office appointment Monday because she had failed to obtain the physical certificate which could not attend Brown...

1 year ago
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SimoneChapter 15

Simone was sure she knew what Kevin was going to attempt, and she couldn't believe it. She wasn't able to close her legs because he was between them. She couldn't move far from her place on the bed because her vagina was filled with Kevin's semen and she wanted it to stay pooled around her cervix. Simone hadn't been ready for Kevin to do what he was about to do because she feared that it would turn him off from the act altogether. But THIS ... doing this NOW would surely keep him from...

4 years ago
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Simones High School Adventure 2

Simone's high school adventure part two by Simone Clark Author's note: This is the second part of Simone's high school adventures with her dear friend Elaine. The majority of the story is absolutely true including the bondage scenes as was experienced by yours truly, however, there are a couple of incidences used for dramatic effect that are not. I leave it to you, the reader, to determine which is which. After the fateful day that Simone was revealed to Elaine, our relationship...

3 years ago
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SimoneChapter 14

Over the next 24 hours, Simone carried on her routine, including taking two home pregnancy tests and stopping by a local clinic for a real test; all of which were negative. Simone then made her way home after running a few errands, baby in tow. She couldn't wait until Kevin came over after school. He hadn't stayed over the night before because his parents wanted some time with him. As Simone entered her kitchen, the first thing she saw as she came into the kitchen was a single rose and a...

1 year ago
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SimoneChapter 4

"I said, 'Kev, there is one thing that would help me a lot right now.' He asked what. I said, 'Well, it might seem kind of weird, but ... Could you just, hold me for a minute?'" "Mmmmm... ," Monica mumbled. "That sounds risky seeing as how vulnerable you were." "I know. I think I kind of surprised him. I probably even surprised myself by saying it. And he looked a little confused, or something. I'm not sure, but maybe the problem wasn't whether or not he should say yes. The...

2 years ago
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SimoneChapter 3

Monica did call Simone to touch base the following day. She purposely avoided bringing up Kevin, choosing to wait and see if Simone mentioned it, which she did not. The women spoke several more times over the next week, but Monica did not make the personal visit she had promised for nearly ten days. Simone heard the doorbell ring one morning and was surprised but pleased to see Monica on her front step. "Hey, you!" Simone exclaimed as she opened the door to invite her friend in. "Hi,...

3 years ago
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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 5

Gator Note: The title says it all as the action shiftsfrom attention to Hermione and given to her friend Harry. An opportunity to set a story back in a place and time where ones creativity will make this a fantastic read. It had all started with a hurtful act by a suprisingly nice boy who was rude in an unfashionable way and that was his bottom watching or more more specifically visible panty lined butts. That had been the catalyst for a lonely eighteen year-old shy boy who did not have a...

3 years ago
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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 7

Ron’s Point Of View POV Things really started to change when my lovely domme said the following, “Ron put on my panties!” That indeed as hard as it may seem to accept is what a feisty Hermione said to me. It was with those words my current events teacher in private held in her hot hand the trump card. While it may sound insane it once I put on her panties the die was set for me to do whatever she may say because this, woman who happened to be my teacher held my life and future class room...

2 years ago
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SimoneChapter 6

Kevin came over as had become the pattern and asked what he could help Simone with. She had a small list of chores, which Kevin got started on immediately. Before either of them realized, it was time for dinner. Simone was aware that they hadn't had time yet to talk. She ordered a pizza and nursed the baby while they waited for it to arrive. Finally the baby was in bed and Simone and Kevin sat across from one another at the kitchen table, eating pizza and sharing basic chit-chat. When they...

2 years ago
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SimoneChapter 10

Greg was awakened in a way he had not been for years. He awoke to the delightful feeling of having his penis sucked to erection. He could scarcely believe his eyes when he looked down and saw that Simone had opened his robe and was kneeling next to the couch with his semi-hard cock in her mouth. "Holy shit, Simone!" He exclaimed. "What the hell is all this about?" "Oh, Greg," she cooed after removing his member from her mouth, "After the things you said this morning, I just wanted to...

3 years ago
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Prisoners Dilemma Nor Hell a Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Note to readers: This is set in the same story universe as the other stories in the Prisoner's Dilemma word, "Curiosity Killed the Cat" and "Separate the Men From the Boys," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Nor Hell a Fury like a Woman Scorned Lockman University had been in turmoil since Professor Ripley had invented the biomass reorganizer four years before. The astonishing new creation hadn't simply thrown communities of physicists and doctors...

3 years ago
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SimoneChapter 8

After a painful talk with Kevin, Simone decided the best course of action was to try and get some sleep, then figure out in the morning what was next. She wanted more than anything to follow Kevin to the guest room and sleep the night in his arms. But that clearly wasn't an option given the current occupancy of the house. It was something of a relief when the baby awoke wanting to be changed and fed. Simone sent Kevin back to the guest room and encouraged him to try and sleep, while she...

3 years ago
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Author’s note: This story is among the first that I ever wrote (I’ve been writing for three years now). I have written fifty stories (almost a million words) since but never quite figured out what to do with this piece. So here it is; I hope you enjoy it and that you’ll let me know what you think in any [email protected] By: JackieAudrey Cummings hung up the phone as a shiver of anticipation raced through her forty year old body. Judy McKay was bringing over a thirteen year old young...

1 year ago
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WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't! I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long...

1 year ago
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Urban Mythose redone

Note : This story is completely fictional! 1.0: Palea felt warm, secure, enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and dampness. She breathed into her mask and curled up into a fetal position relishing the sense of security. She had awoken…Later under the glare of bright lights as hands roughly examine and probe her body. She shrieked in terror as she is invaded by needles and tubes while a cloth cleans off the fluid from her incubation chamber. The voices were much less comforting than she was used to,...


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