Hermione Ginny Harry Ron s Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 5
- 4 years ago
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Ron’s Point Of View POV
Things really started to change when my lovely domme said the following, “Ron put on my panties!” That indeed as hard as it may seem to accept is what a feisty Hermione said to me.
It was with those words my current events teacher in private held in her hot hand the trump card. While it may sound insane it once I put on her panties the die was set for me to do whatever she may say because this, woman who happened to be my teacher held my life and future class room existence in her hands, now. That may sound dramatic, but it is quite true.
Trust me after the facts are laid out you will see this that this is no ordinary school tale. It may sound far-fetched, but while the teacher in question may be fetching with long brown hair while a pain to me was a fantasy come true.
Student-Teacher Secondary Prep Pre College School
Point Of View: POV
In one word I would call my new job, unheralded which was the price I had to pay to take the job to pay to get my arse to Brown. What I experienced last class left an uncomfortable lingering memory.
Still I had needed money so I took the job to teach ungrateful boys who had failed to properly apply themselves at nearby Hogwarts. The bottom line was as hard I tried to get a handle on things the miscreants misbehaved and their ringleader was Ginny’s brother and my supposed friend, Ron who was treating me with disrespect. I no longer could stomach this blatant battiness.
I stood there on the horns of a dilemma. I ran my small hand through my shoulder length chestnut-brown hair which hung around my face and touched my shoulders. My brown eyes sparkled and my chipmunk cheeks dimpled as I grimly tight lipped smiled at Ginny’s brother, Ron.
I could see that Ron’s obvious erection who had turned eighteen years-old had in one word, ‘excitement’ over the situation. That’s why it strained through the thin matching white panty briefs.
I had decided to order him to dress as a female underneath his school uniform grey slacks. I had settled into my new job and cold water flat apartment. I now worked in a school as a student prep secondary teacher. I was not skimpily-clad dressed. My outfit consisted of a tight grey proper linen skirt that was tight across my growing eighteen year-old butt and as her men customers had noticed delineated her fleshy ass cheeks. Her best tips came from the tables where she bent way over to serve the cocktails on the table.
Ron’s Point Of View: POV
Her short grey tennis-like pleated skirt was short enough if she bent over in the slightest her red panties were on view. However, the teacher outfit still fit tightly on her much fleshier, yet still round bottom. Miss Hermione was still looking fine even now as my high school prep plus remedial instructor. The only difference between now and then was art had to imagine how her panties hugged her bottom and finely delineated her cheeks.
There was a skirt to flip up this time, but it was Hermione and his teacher and gave him real pause ... However, Ron had no intention of letting any naughty lady regardless of age get away with not having her shorts yanked down, dress flipped up or skirt lifted and having her feel her panties come down like she was about to be spanked.
If Hermione had been aware of his past spanking relationships, she would have known that Ron was a skirt lifter! However, he dared to go farther in her preparation. As bad as the teacher’s limited clothing condition sounded, the principal who had seen it too from the back door hallway, decreed in a steel voice to pull up her panties and lower her skirt, caught in sheer embarrassment of the humiliating moment. He added you’re the teacher handle your class!!!!! Miss Hermione Granger’s cheeks turned cherry red and when she saw them in the mirror looking back at her, well she saw RED!
The men would spied on Hermione’s butt and watched as the shiny red brief panty part of the outfit would ride up on her arse revealing the milky white lower curves of her baby fat bottom cheeks. She should known better as she had managed to haphazardly turn all the boys on, just like back in high school with her school one piece swimsuit uniform which also was a butt hugging model of her now red tennis-like panties and because they were made of cotton they delightfully hugged her fine bottom. The men all eighteen years of age now took pleasure and tried not to gawk as they took a gander.
It was like I was whacked right upside the head with a two by four! The pretty teacher swished her bottom back and forth in what if you had a fantasy forever on a particular schoolgirl was nearly always tops in my mind. But, as I was to find out it was not to be good to my behind.
Yep, it was her, Hermione my newly minted student prep teacher for us impressionable yet behind boys who needed a refresher in course work to beef up their grades and gain access and success in upcoming college.
All part of her Brown plan Hermione wanted to become a certified teacher. While it seemed to other faculty, staff and students she detested handing out and administering corporal punishment and would feign displeasure, most definitely in private, she would turn out to be a hairbrush extraordinaire, who had a great propensity in the use of the wooden discipline instrument. Believe me when I tell yah as I was to find out first-hand as she targeted my behind.
For me it was the culmination of what was a deeply held fantasy that for so long had seemed unattainable, and then through a capricious act unbelievably finally had come to life. This is my heartfelt admission that I brought her corporal punishment upon myself. However, that didn’t make it any easier for me to handle her handy-dandy hairbrush. For my actions I knew I should be hairbrush spanked and it was well- deserved. What I hadn’t counted on in the empty classroom was a witness to my spanking.
Miss Granger was not the kind of teacher to hairbrush behinds. She was easy going and bore my over enthusiastic talking out of turn during class. Behavior I knew would automatically get me a burning butt in Math, Science and English. Those core teachers were quick to hairbrush and we all knew it. However, this did not deter her from giving out demerits for talking in class. This was an aspect of class I led. I figured as a senior in my last semester as long as I did not talk in my other classes my butt would remain untouched.
“Bottoms are sitting on, not for hitting! I do not have the heron to go against my beliefs and hairbrush you. However, since you were held back with my niece in the seventh grade and are both nearly nineteen, I have arranged for her to do your deal.
“What do you mean by deal?”
“Yes, Ron, indeed, Miss Hermione will most certainly hairbrush you or you can take the punishment I have decided on and miss the Senior Breakfast.”
“You can’t do that!
“I believe I can with your eight demerits in this semester. You will have to serve your peers breakfast. You mistook my kindness and weariness to pop you behind with not having the stomach to discipline students when necessary. Well you were wrong, now that is what I call a punishment that hurts!”
“It’s Herminie with the hairbrush you bought or serving detention during the breakfast with the underclassmen. Those are your only choices big boy”
Hermione was a heinous choice and I was tempted to break her sister’s heron and tell her why I felt she was not a good choice. Miss Granger had mentored me written a college recommendation for me and inspired me in all of my studies, so I decided to let Hermione at my bottom and take her best shot.
“I have always told Hermione that any job is a task that should be well done. Unfortunately for your bottom that means you will most likely cry. After you sign the waiver as an adult Hermione as my surrogate will carry out our deal. I can’t stand the whimpers and cries you are sure to make, so I will be going down to the cabin by the pond for the duration.”
“Don’t worry Ginny I won’t break him. He, he,” Hermione assured her friend and former Hogwart’s classmate.
I was scared shitless because I knew first hand bully’s came in all sized and both sexes. However, I was up for Best Actor at Gordon High and there was no way I was going to accept my award in an unkempt condition dirty from the kitchen.
What had I done asking for a paddling? I saw a gleam in her eyes of the long haired chestnut- brown that foretold my horrors were just beginning.
“Unlike my conservative teaching colleagues I am of more liberal mind. I hear and suffer their hurtful comments that I let my students control my classroom. They are just showing their ignorance. I devise punishments using my brain not a hairbrush! By choice I have chosen not to hairbrush disruptive students like you.
However, I have agreed as one of the team teachers to pass on demerits for infractions including your serial offense being called down in my class. The system is designed, so only after the second infraction of the nature that any teacher can hairbrush your behind if you are foolish enough to get another offense in eight weeks.”
“While being aware of that teacher’s quick to hairbrush philosophy and yet after being warned you talked while she was out of the classroom?”
“No, Miss Granger I did not. However, a mean bully thought it would be fun to see me hair-brushed. The class went along with it and laughed at my predicament.
“So, I think you should consider the unjust paddling punishment for my class.”
The events teacher who brushed me off took time to spank me. However, she never took the time to help me or other struggling students. After class my bottom still burned and I realized I had to answer in a painful way for a teacher who had shown her heron.
“I do not have the heron to hairbrush you. My liberal ideals do not allow me to hit you or any other student.”
Your commitment to all your students shines through. It challenges us, motivates us and helps us excel. So, after being wrongly spanked and I feel bad for the way I have behaved after you have shown such care to us.
“That is why I implore you to hairbrush me!”
Get out of here kiddo. You get the hairbrush and I will think about it. However, I can’t promise you I will hairbrush you. My teacher said.
“Yes ma’am I will have it by tomorrow.” I said and left Hermione, I mean, Miss Granger’s classroom surprised I was asking for her to fry my bottom and fill it with unbelievable pain.
Here it is Hermione.”
“What’s this?”
“This is the hairbrush I promised to bring today to your class.”
Miss Granger the student college prep teacher looked uncomfortable as pulled the hairbrush ball beach toy. It looked light and round per her instructions. However, it sure would burn any butt she spanked boy or girl even over their clothes!
Hermione was literally exhausted as she left Brown. The college coed was nearly asleep before her head it the pillow. Tomorrow would be ‘Brown Day’ and she along with other pretty coeds of note would move into the apartments on the outskirts of Brown. The Emma Ale a local hearty drink selection put her in dreamland fantasy suitable for such a girl of magical trains, castles and dragons. As Hermione drifted farther into a world of wonderment her pseudo-conscious took shape in the form of a...
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Hermione still had a souvenir from her last visit to the doc. The long brown-haired coed was still quite sore which became apparent when her panties rubbed against her blotchy swollen red blood blistered and purple bruises that adorned her hurting bottom. She did manage a tense smile as she put on her schoolgirl scratchy wool black dress and left. She had no choice but to keep her office appointment Monday because she had failed to obtain the physical certificate which could not attend Brown...
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I’m going to make you feel so amazing baby,” Harry purred as he grasped her thin bikini and ripped it from her hips with no appreciable amount of effort. Next the Rider’s trunks were ripped from his body, earning a hot moan from the witch at the display of power. “Are you sure you are ready?” The mage probed, restraining himself with no small exercise of willpower from ravishing the gorgeous redhead straddling him. In answer Ginny grasped her man’s tool and, rising up on her knees for a...
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She stalks the corridors long after dark, prefect badge shining dully on her chest in the moonlight that spills through high windows. No cloak covers the crisp white shirt of her uniform; she refuses to admit vulnerability, even to the chilly night air. Her skirt dances around pale thighs as she moves, lithe, catlike. Dark eyes glisten as she spots her prey. She follows the gangly redhead in silence until she gets close enough to push Ginny's back against the wall. "Out after dark,...
As far back as Ron could remember, he'd thought of Ginny as his . She had belonged to him in the same way that Charlie belonged to Bill, or Fred and George belonged to each other. Of course, all of Ginny's big brothers were protective of their baby sister, but Ron had been the one to be there for her while the others went off to school and later more exotic climes. He had been her protector and her playmate from the day she was born. To Ron, Ginny had been just another brother until he learned...
IncestIntroduction: Harry recovers at Shell Cottage (please read authors note at the end) This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 7 part 1 Hermione began to shake Harry as she tried to wake him from his exhaustion. What? No it cant be Ron, said Hermione hysterically as she shook Harrys arm vigorously. It was Ron, replied Harry as with a groan he sat up on the beach and felt sand-grains fall from his hair....
Hermione the Shiteater Interview with Hermione Granger taken by Rita Skeeter in Hogwarts, 1st June 1998. Wizarding Wireless broadcast. RITA SKEETER. Good morning, my dear listeners. I'm Rita Skeeter, your favorite journalist, and I'm visiting Hogwarts School today. Make your wizarding wireless louder, because you'll hear the most mind-blowing interview in my career. Of course you know how our glorious and mighty Dark Lord banned all the mudbloods and blood-traitors from attending...
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Hermione had been stayed at the Burrow for the week before term started on her last year at Hogwarts. She was Head Girl this year and as a celebration, Ron and Ginny had invited her to stay with them until school started. Hermione was so excited and proud of herself that she Ginny had thought of a joke of a present to give Hermione for her becoming Head Girl. Hermione was sitting on Ginny's bead reading the 13 page pamphlet Head Boy and Girl called Maintaining Order and Administering Discipline...
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“You had better missy.” She jumped over the back of the couch, landed next Hermione, and grabbing her shoulders to look straight in her eyes, “because, I want ALL the details!” Hermione had thought Lavender would be mad, or feel as though she’d been cheated on but it appeared she couldn’t have been more mistaken. The look on her friend’s face was a mixture of impressed and giddy. Lavender wanted girl talk. Hermione had never had a girlfriend she could talk to about boys. I mean they’d...
She even started taking notes in her diary and keeping them locked away in her trunk. She treated some of their sessions like lab experiments noting what worked, what didn't etc. Lavender seemed to like it a bit rougher than Hermione. She enjoyed being pinched, nibbled, scratched, and having Hermione pull on her hair while she ate her pussy. She had even asked Hermione to pretend to be a professor and spank her for doing something wrong. A fantasy Hermione enjoyed a bit more than she’d...
"Oh, fuck, sweetheart!" Hermione yelled in husky tones. "I don't know what I do to deserve you! That's it! Oh, that's it," she groaned, lovingly caressing Ron's ginger hair. "Keep bobbing your head up and down just like that. Tongue fuck my sweet, little, pussy like that. You love the way that dirty, sopping, twat tastes, don't you, honey? Fuck me! Deeper! Deeper, Ron! Shove it in deeper! Oh God, slurp that pussy and make me cream!"They were on a king size bed in the Room of Requirement, the...
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"Professor, aren't you supposed to show us first?" asked Hermione. "Well, that may be the case, but let's see what you can do." Hermione just shrugged her shoulders and went to the back of the classroom with the other students. They grabbed various books off of the shelves and were back at their tables. She just opened one up and found a sleeping potion that she hadn't made but looked simple enough to make. All was required was a bit of catnip, alcohol and some other ingredients. She...
“Sorry professor I was just-” she couldn’t think of a satisfactory excuse and just stared dumbly at the older woman awaiting her reprimand. “Well, have a seat Miss Granger so you will not hold us up any more. Glancing around the room she saw a chair open right behind Lavender and decided to sit there instead of her usual spot between Harry and Ron. She could smell Lavender’s hair and she liked it. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about the girl's breasts since all night. She'd...
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(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Hermione, Ginny and Luna where in the school's potion lab, the room was for students to make potions for extra credit, Hermione and her two friends where working on a new potion, this potion was going to be for woman who want to look younger as well as sexy'er then what they are now. "Are you sure this is the right color" asked Ginny who was stirring the potion, the potion was a light red. "yes, now stir it clockwise two more times, and i...
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There were things her mother never told her. Ginny wasn't referring to the war, Dark magic, or the Order of the Phoenix. She stood in the middle of Wicked Witches, a store she never knew existed until five minutes earlier, and desperately tried to absorb the sight of shelves overflowing with countless magical sex toys, books, things she assumed could be categorized as clothing—maybe, and extremely naughty portraits. It was like Wheezes, only everything had something to do with sex, even when it...
"I'm just letting you know," said Joey. "I don't know what you can do about it, but that's what Peter told me."Vic nodded and the two boys parted. He thought about everything that his friend Joey had said that afternoon.Vic's 14-year-old sister Ginny just became a high school freshman about a month earlier. According to Joey's brother Peter, almost all of the guys on the varsity team had gotten a look at her and they were all more than impressed by her. They were almost unanimous in their...
There was screaming. There was shouting. Threats and counter-threats. Doors slamming. Josh outside her door, pleading for entry. Through it all Ginny sat on her bed, in the darkness of her room, an old shirt tucked underneath catching the cum dripping from her no longer virgin pussy. Her father's cum. And her asshole brother had also been tricked and had been jamming his big cock into her too. She'd stopped him before he added his load. She wondered why she had bothered. Might as well have...
Hermione walked towards the libary to meet up with Ginny - who had asked Hermione if she could help her with studying for the OWLS. The mere thought of studying sent Hermione into a frenzy of delight! What would she teach the young Ginny? Transfiguration? Defense Against The Dark Arts? Oh! Hermione did not care which subject, for she loved them all. She walked into the libary and proceeded to look for Ginny - she overheard several people talking, "man, I never knew she could be that hot -...
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When we arrived back at the house, we went into the kitchen. Mom was there at the sink when we came in. "Have you two eaten yet?" she asked. "No, ma'am," I told her. "I'll make you something," she said, as she turned around to look at us. She stopped when she got a good look at us. We tried to look normal, but I guess we didn't succeed. We were both grinning like crazy and probably looked guilty as hell. Moms can always tell. "Why don't the two of you go upstairs and take a...
Downstairs, lunch was ready, and Ted was already here. It seems their parents hadn't returned yet, and he was hungry. Erin put in an appearance while we were eating. She took a chair next to Ted. I noticed that she was moving very carefully. Maybe five times had been too much for her. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who noticed, because when Mom was cleaning the table, she had advice for Erin. "Why don't you go up and take a nice hot bubble bath, Sweetie. I'm sure it will make you...
Chapter Fifteen – Hogwarts Champion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, exhib, hand, grope, spank, unif, voy The selection process for the Triwizard Cup had begun the night before, after the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. Any student over the age of eighteen and wanting to try their hand at being selected as Hogwarts Champion had only...
In April, Brad and Grace were married. It wasn't a large wedding by any means, just some close friends and family. Ginny and Erin were the bridesmaids, and Helen was the flower girl. Dad gave the bride away, as none of her family lived nearby. They all lived on the other coast and had pretty much ignored Grace since she had been divorced, as they still liked her ex. I got stuck with being Brad's best man. He had asked one of his friends from work, but that friend had to go out of town on...
“Yeah bitch, before you call, you should know that I’m willing to go all the way with these cards. You and Sarah will end up waiting on me the entire evening. Can’t wait to see your flowered underwear…” Gail, remaining quite calm said, “So, all the way huh?” Ginny shot back, “You don’t have a chance.” All the while, Ginny knew that if Gail called her bluff she was in deep shit. “Fine”, said Gail, “All in, so whoever loses joins Sarah in servitude the rest of the night, right?” Ginny, knew...
Rose and Hugo tumble through the Floo into Molly's waiting arms, and Hermione smiles and waves as they disappear into the green depths of the fireplace."They'll have a lovely time with us this weekend," Molly says, grinning with the not-yet-worn through excitement of having her grandc***dren for two days. "And we'll see you and Ron for dinner on Sunday.""And don't forget the cake," Hermione says at the same time that Molly does. They smile at each other, then laugh. "We'll see you on Sunday....
Ron had come to London to stay for some days with Harry. Hermione was away with her parents. They were 22 years old now and all three of them were working at the ministry. Harry had decided to shift base to his godfather’s house when he had got his job. After having killed the darkest wizard of all times, Harry had decided that he did not want to be an auror after all. He was now working in the department of magical co operation. But now he was in Grimmauld Place with Ron and both...
"I'm just letting you know," said Joey. "I don't know what you can do about it, but that's what Peter told me." Vic nodded and the two boys parted. He thought about everything that his friend Joey had said that afternoon. Vic's 14-year-old sister Ginny just became a high school freshman about a month earlier. According to Joey's brother Peter, almost all of the guys on the varsity team had gotten a look at her and they were all more than impressed by her. They were almost unanimous...
When we got back home, Ted was still in the bathroom. Mom and Dad were in their room. Ginny and I went into my room. She already had her nightie there. I put on some new shorts and Ginny put on her nightie. It was amazing how quickly we had become accustomed to changing clothes in front of each other. Her nightie didn't hide much, and she wasn't wearing anything under it Ted came out and went into the guest (Ginny's) room and closed the door. Ginny and I scooted across the hall and into...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Candace didn’t know why she let her friends Charlie (Charlene) and Anne talk her into going to this convention. Sundays were her rest days after clubbing on Saturday nights she needed Sundays to recuperate. Now she would go to work tomorrow and be all dragged out. Candace, Charlie and Anne had been walking around the large convention for the past hour when Charlie asked, “Candace isn’t that your Ginny from high school.” That caught Candace’s attention...
LesbianI met Ginny when she came to the UK for summer school.There was an instant attraction between us, even though I was 30 years her senior.I took her out to dinner, we got along really well. I asked her if she would come with me if I booked a room.She said that she would, but that she was still a virgin, and she intended to remain that way until she got married.I booked the room and we went up in the lift. As soon as the doors closed I pulled her to me and kissed her. It was like a minor electric...
This just made the young redheaded witch’s cunt spasm and clench. She had been missing out on good dick during these summer months outside of Hogwarts stuck at the Burrow, and so she was insanely jealous. As stealthily as she could, she crept towards the rhythmic sounds of “Ah! Ah! Ah!” It wasn’t until she reached the door that she froze as completely as if someone had cast petrificus totalus on her. She knew that voice, knew it from years of being the bestest of friends, between sleepovers...
Over dinner that night I met the colonel's two daughters. They were full of questions about who I was and where I got my funny accent. I explained to them that I came from Scotland which, though a country in its own right was also part of Great Britain. The older one wanted to know why the country was called great. I explained how it was made up of four countries welded into one kingdom and should really have been called Greater Britain because of that. Most people now call it the United...
Harry breaks up with Ginny. He has a wet dream with Ron in it. He then comes up with a plan to get Ron naked and have sex with him. He invites Ron to Grimmauld Place and offers him muggle wines. Ron gets extremely high and Harry takes him to his bedroom. Harry offers to change Ron’s clothes because Ron is too drunk. He starts taking off all of Ron’s clothes and finally removes Ron’s briefs so that his best friend is now naked in front of him. PART...
Pete reported back to John Gladstone with the statements from all three guys who lied about Shirley's pregnancy. They all pointed the finger at Bill Lambert's mother. He was glad that he didn't have to make the decision about what to do with this. The final decision about how to handle this evidence was up to his client so he posted the statements with his report on how the evidence had been obtained. Despite the fact that pressure had been put on at least one of the people concerned, he...
The week at Bill's place passed quite quickly. Shirley decided that she wanted to go riding and I decided I would go with her. In the end the girls talked Ginny into going along. They had her practice the day before and she got the rudiments. The next day we all set of about mid morning and the girls had a great time showing us the extent of their ranch. It was much bigger than I had imagined. It turned out that Shirley seemed to be a natural, but she told me that riding a horse was a bit...
Welsh March, October 31, 1355 (Julian Calendar): Harry Llewellyn was no baron or merchant. He didn't belong to a guild. He was certainly no knight. He had neither title, nor land of his own, or even freedom. Harry Llewellyn was a serf. He belonged to the land. The land, of course, belonged to King Edward III of England. It didn't matter to anyone outside of Wales that no English lord had any business owning Welsh land and assigning it to English vassals. It didn't matter that the native...
The raging inferno that was my relationship with Sadie blew itself out when she fell in love with Kira. For a few weeks we were the perfect triangle (see my previous story, Three-course feast.) I was the dependable caucasian man (I think that's a description they would agree with), Sadie was the fiery BBW and Kira was the subtly sexy, enigmatic Asian woman.People say that trios never last because two always form a stronger alliance within the three, and they're probably right. My relationship...
MatureIntroduction: Ron/Hermione , Ron/Pansy She looked at him from the green satin armchair next to the window. His handsome body was hit by the faintest rays of the moonlight, but she didnt need her eyes to see him through the dark. She knew where his muscles and his bones were, she knew where he liked to be touched when they had sex, she knew what made him moan. Above all she knew what made him come, spilling his hot seed inside of her. What Pansy Parkinson didnt know was how to moan and come...
What Pansy Parkinson didn’t know was how to moan and come herself. She’d had sex with Draco Malfoy for too long to be turned on by his rude and rough hands which touched her body without much grace, claiming every inch of her flesh as if it was his property. She screamed, oh yes, she screamed a lot; but never from pleasure. Sometimes, when he bit her bony hips a bit too eagerly, her eyes had filled with tears that threatened to stream down her cheeks and ruin her perfect make up. Like that...
The next week flew past. Both Ginny and I began approaching people we felt would like to join our self defence class. Ginny approached Penny Mitchell who had heard about our run in with Jake and our star quarterback Paul Wilson. She thought it was a good idea and said if we got it started she would come along. She also managed to corner Sylvia Plath who was horrified at the thought of doing something that would get her noticed. Eventually she persuaded her to come and have lunch with us so...