GinnyChapter 4 free porn video

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Downstairs, lunch was ready, and Ted was already here. It seems their parents hadn't returned yet, and he was hungry. Erin put in an appearance while we were eating. She took a chair next to Ted. I noticed that she was moving very carefully. Maybe five times had been too much for her. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who noticed, because when Mom was cleaning the table, she had advice for Erin.

"Why don't you go up and take a nice hot bubble bath, Sweetie. I'm sure it will make you feel better. Ginny, you should take one after Erin. They're sooo relaxing." Erin headed upstairs and Ginny helped Mom clear the table and do the dishes. Dad and Ted had gone in to the living room to watch the game.

Me, I went upstairs and straightened up my room. Yes, you don't need to look so shocked. I straightened it up because I was hoping Ginny would be able to spend more time in here with me, and I didn't want her to see a mess. Afterward, I went down to the garage and practiced my kata (drills) for an hour or so. By the time I was finished, everyone was done in the bathroom, and I was able to take a reasonably warm shower.

About 6 o'clock, Mom called us for dinner. It was obvious that Erin was moving better. She even smiled at Mom during dinner. Ginny gave me a little kiss when I came in the kitchen, but that was all I got. Ginny's parents must have come home sometime this afternoon because Ted wasn't here for dinner. Ginny hadn't checked, as she wanted to stay here.

About 7:30, Mom tactfully suggested that Ginny and I should go upstairs and take care of any unfinished business, as Ginny would need to go home tonight. When we got upstairs, Ginny was crying, but I wasn't sure why.

"What's wrong?" I asked, in confusion.

"I wanted to sleep with you again," she said, as the tears increased. I took Ginny in my arms and kissed her.

"We can sleep together until you have to go home," I told her. We both undressed hurriedly and crawled into the bed. Ginny felt so good next to me, naked. I held her, and we kissed for a long time. When we finished, she cuddled up to me, and we lay there together.

It seemed we had no more than closed our eyes when there was a knock on the door. I looked around in the dark. It had still been light out when we lay down. The clock next to the bed read 10:15.

"Jimmy, Ginny, wake up in there," Mom's voice said.

"I'm awake, Mom. We'll be down in a few minutes." Ginny was still asleep. I leaned over and kissed her till she woke up. Then we really kissed. Ginny was crying when we were done.

"Mom said it's time to get up," I told her.

"Yes," sniffle, "I'll have to go home," Ginny said with more tears. We got up and got dressed. On the way out, I suggested, "Maybe you should wash your face, Sweetie."

"Yes, that's a good idea," Ginny replied with a sniffle and headed into the bathroom. I just stood there and watched her. It was great just watching her wash her face. We were downstairs no more than a minute, or two when Ellen, Ginny's mother, came looking for her.

"Are you ready to come home, Ginny?" she asked.

"Yes, Mother, I'll be right there," Ginny told her. She gave me a little kiss on the cheek and followed her mother out. Ellen hadn't even waited long enough to see that.

It was 10:30 by now, and I went back to bed. I lay there, and tossed and turned for a while, but finally got to sleep. Monday was, after all, a work day.

Monday morning I was up early. Mr. Sheffield's hardware store opens at 8 o'clock. I had been working there all summer. He also had two full time employees. He still did a good business despite the big box hardware that had opened just outside town in one of the new strip malls. He carried a lot of things they didn't, and people had been shopping there for fifty years. His father had started the store just after he was born. Even the contractors still came in to get things the big box store didn't have, or because it was closer. Time is money after all. I got to the store just before opening time. That afternoon, Mr Sheffield called me into the office.

"Well, Jimmy, school starts in two weeks. Friday of next week will be your last day. I thought I would talk to you now and see how you liked the job this summer," Mr. Sheffield told me.

"Yes, sir, I'll be a junior this year and will probably have a lot of homework. Plus I have my Martial Arts training. I'll probably have to reduce that to three days a week from the five I have now. Plus now that I have a girlfriend, and I'll have to make some time for her."

"A girlfriend? I thought you were the footloose and fancy free type, Jimmy. How come we never heard about a girlfriend all summer?" Mr. Sheffield asked.

"It's my cousin Ginny. We've lived next door to each other all of our lives. I just haven't paid much attention to her the last few years, because I was so involved with my training. Friday night a couple of the football jocks were picking on her, and I got her away from them. That was when I realized how much she has grown up and how beautiful she is. I just hadn't been paying attention.

"Anyway, we spent a lot of time together this past weekend, and she told me how much she missed me. We had spent a lot of time together growing up and have always done everything together. I realized that I missed her too. Anyway, we're back together again."

"You got her away from two football players? Jimmy, I know most of them. Even the smallest of them outweigh you by at least fifty pounds. How could you do that?" Mr. Sheffield asked.

"I whacked them with my new bokken, sir," I answered. "Then we returned to my Sensei's house. I had to explain to him why I had used force on them. While we were there three more football players came by hunting for Ginny. She was with Sensei's wife in the garden. They're both gardeners

"When Sensei Yoshie and I got outside, the three football jocks were bruised and bleeding on the ground, and Sensei's wife was standing over them reading them the riot act in Japanese, for trampling on her flowers. That little Japanese lady had laid out all three of them with her hoe. You wouldn't believe how stupid they looked," I told him.

"Yes, I would. That's why I don't hire jocks. I've had a few of them over the years, but they just aren't good workers. You have done a real fine job this year, Jimmy. If you want to work here next summer, just come in and see me next spring. You definitely have first shot at the job," Mr. Sheffield told me.

Just before 5 o'clock, Ginny came into the store. Mr. Sheffield saw her and went over to talk to her.

"You're Ginny, aren't you? I can see why Jimmy is so taken with you. You are a very pretty young lady. You take good care of him. He's a great guy," Mr. Sheffield told Ginny.

"Yes, sir, I've always thought he was a great guy," Ginny told him with a little blush.

At 5 o'clock, I got ready to leave, as that's my usual quitting time. The store is open till 6 o'clock, but we normally weren't real busy the last hour.

"Good night, Mr. Sheffield," I said, as I put an arm around Ginny. She gave me a little kiss.

"Good night, Jimmy. Take it easy at training tonight," Mr. Sheffield said, as we went out the door. It was only a couple of blocks to Sensei's house. When we got there, Mioshi was very happy to see Ginny and took her off to the back garden. I went into the Ryo and changed into my workout clothes and joined the others out on the mats.

We were done with our workout by 6:30, and Sensei dismissed the others, but asked me to stay a few minutes. He motioned me over to the corner that he used for an office. We both sat on the tatami mats.

"So Jimmy, you start school soon, yes?" he asked.

"Yes, Sensei, we start two weeks from today," I told him.

"You are in what grade this year?"

"Eleventh grade. A junior this year, Sensei."

"There will be much homework, I am told."

"Yes, that's what I have heard, Sensei."

"And now you have a girl friend, yes?

"Yes, Sensei, Ginny is such a sweet girl."

"Yes, my wife likes her very much also. Mioshi is rather shy, as you have no doubt observed, but she has taken an unusually quick interest in your Ginny. I believe it is because she is also a gardener. We drove by your two houses on Sunday. Mioshi was impressed with the flowers and shrubs she could see from the road," Sensei told me.

"You should bring her over to see the garden out back, Sensei. I'm sure Mom would be glad to show it to her at anytime. Mom and Ginny have worked very hard on it."

"Yes, thank you for the invitation. Now, to business. I believe with your new responsibilities, you will not be able to participate as much as you have in the past. I am therefore suggesting that you come three days a week: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Saturday would be an extended day and would make up in part for the other missed days. How do you feel about that?" Sensei asked.

"Yes, thank you, Sensei. I will have a lot of school work this year. Plus, I now need to make time for Ginny. She is just so fantastic, Sensei. Thank you for rearranging my sessions," I told him.

"I still expect you to practice every day, Jimmy," Sensei reminded me. I changed clothes, and was soon ready to go. When I got outside, Ginny was there waiting for me.

"Been waiting long?" I asked.

"No, only a few minutes. Mioshi is such a sweet person, and so full of surprises," Ginny told me.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Oh, you will find out later," Ginny told me and wouldn't say any more. We walked home and got there about 7:30. Mom had dinner on the table waiting for us.

"Did you have a nice visit?" Mom asked Ginny.

"Oh, yes, Mioshi is really a wonderful gardener. I wanted to invite her over, but didn't know how, as I don't speak Japanese," Ginny told Mom.

"They drove by here on Sunday," I told them. "Sensei mentioned it to me today. I invited them to come over to see the back garden anytime. He thanked me, but didn't give me a firm answer," I told them.

Ginny and I spent some time in the living room alone in the semi darkness. Dad was at a baseball game tonight with Ted. Mom and Erin were elsewhere. Around 10 o'clock, Ginny had to go home. She wasn't happy about that, but had little choice. I gave her a long passionate kiss before she left. I went up and took another long hot shower. I remembered how great it had been showering with Ginny over the weekend. That didn't help me a lot though.

The rest of the summer flew by. Ginny was able to stay over on both Saturday nights. The first Saturday night we tried to make up for the whole week. We were worn out that Sunday. The second Saturday night was much calmer, and we got a lot more sleep. Sunday was nicer too.

School started the following Monday. The first day was a disaster, as usual. Everyone was supposed to have gotten a letter telling them their class schedule, what rooms they were in, and a list of needed supplies. A lot of them either didn't get the letter, or ignored it, because many of them didn't have a clue where to go. The school was somewhat prepared for this and had lists up in the halls for each grade with people's names and room numbers. The morning was still a disaster.

It was after lunch when we got the summons. Ginny and I have most of our classes together. One of the counselors came to our classroom and told the teacher she needed to talk to us. We went out with her. She didn't say much, but led us to the gym.

Inside was the coaching staff and the entire football team. We weren't sure what was going on. When we came in, the coach came over to talk to us. He's an older man - about 50, around 6'-0" tall and about 210 pounds. His hair had turned gray and matched his eyes.

"Thank you for coming," he told us. "I wanted to make a point to the team and want them to see you so they would know just who I was talking about. Just stand here for a few minutes. OK?" the coach asked. He turned around then to address his team.

"LISTEN UP, ALL OF YOU," the coach started. There had been a lot of whispering since we came in. "The two people standing with me are Jimmy and Ginny. I want all of you to take a good look at them and remember them. If I hear even a whisper that one of you has bothered either of them from this minute on, you will regret it the rest of your time here. Is that clear to all of you?" the coach asked. He was answered by a number of 'yeses'.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU," the coach roared.

"YES, SIR. THAT'S CLEAR," the team shouted back.

"I'm sure most of you have heard the rumors during the last two weeks of practice. I'll give you the straight skinny now. These five sad sacks," he said, pointing to five players off to one side, "decided to bother Ginny a couple of weeks ago. For their trouble, all five wound up at the hospital and I got two police reports, one for two of them and the other for three of them. As I understand it, Jimmy laid out the first two. Then to make matters worse, their three friends decided to interfere and got sent to the hospital by a little oriental lady who weighs less than a hundred pounds. You heard me right. She laid out the three of them with a gardening implement.

"I personally went over to apologize to her and her husband. I couldn't believe that this little woman, who is under five feet tall and weighs less than a hundred pounds, could put three linemen on the ground in a couple of seconds, but that is exactly what happened. You can ask the three of them if you have any doubts.

"The five of them are benched until I decide they are ready to play. They will make every practice and will participate fully, or they will be off the team. To make up for their absence, the rest of you will have to work harder, as all of them are starters and seniors. Some of you may want to have a little talk with them to encourage them to do their best to get back in my good graces. Oh, yes," he finished," the rest of you stay away from Sensei Yoshie's house. I don't need to be embarrassed by that little oriental lady again. Is that clear?"

"YES, COACH," the entire team roared back. You could see a number of the players giving the outcast five a hard look. We were taken back to our class by the counselor after that. That night, I mentioned this to Dad. He just smiled, and said, "I guess the coach has more on the ball, than I was giving him credit for."

Two days later, Ginny and I were approached by the captain of the football team. It was in the noisy main hall of the school, just after classes let out.

"Ah ... Jimmy, can I speak to you two for a minute?" the captain asked.

"Sure," I answered. There were a bunch of kids watching by now.

"I ... ah ... just want to apologize for the actions of my team mates. They were way out of line, and the rest of the team doesn't bear you any hard feelings. I just wanted you to know," he finished He was obviously disturbed by having to apologize and in public at that. The hall was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Thanks," I told him. "We don't hold it against the rest of the team. It was just those five who acted that way." Everyone went back to what they were doing after that, and the hall was as noisy as ever.

Same as Ginny
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I was at my girlfriend's place and we were going to have a fuck. She had rung me and said she was horny and would I fuck her. While we were getting undressed, I told my girlfriend about the story. She said, “She had heard of it but didn't know any girl who would let it happen.” I joked and said, “You should try it one day.” And she didn’t say anything. Then we had our fuck and while we were doing it she started to talk about what I had said. “Do you think it could happen?” she...

2 years ago
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Miss Davis and Me

This is a 100% true story (as I remember it) so it is not a flashy as a made up one. The names of people and places are changed so no one I went to school will know it is about me. (I hope)1)        First Meeting        It was 1988, my freshmen year of high school and thought I was smart enough to goof off most of the time. It was now march after a year off pissing off teachers and the like around the school. I wasn?t a bad kid, just bad enough to be a nuisance. This day I was sent to the vice...

4 years ago
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Adventures at an Artists Colony Ch3

ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY Ch. 3 Sisyphus After a wild night with the farmer’s daughter fantasy, we cuddled then fell asleep. I got up early and, after a light kiss on the cheek, went back to my cabin to start my day of writing. I was intrigued when she said her fantasy would make me see what a devil she is, even though her name is Angel. That night, she knocked on my screen door, “Professor Thom, can I come in?” “Yes, the door is open,” I replied from my desk. She entered wearing a...

3 years ago
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Tonys Story

I was in my mid teens and going thru the same thing that most men on this have gone thru at that age. I was very horny and looking to score my first piece of ass. I would spend hours at the rec center sitting around the pool or in the work out room scoping out the women. One that kept getting in my cross hairs was Manda Kerns. Now Manda was my friend Joe Kerns mom. Well, Joe was in my class and maybe he was not a friend because he was a major dick, just like his two older brothers and his...

2 years ago
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The Day I Came To Know My Metrosexuality

Hi..I am Rahul and I stay in Mumbai.. .I am a straight guy and very much like to enjoy with girls and ladies. but this time i had an experience which i had never expected… and i must say i enjoyed it. if only i saw it coming i would have enjoyed more… but was still amazing! I am average looking guy and am neither fat nor too athletic…I can say that I have an average body. Everyday I use local trains for going to and coming from office. Usually after office I go to gym, which is next to...

Gay Male
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Homeschooling My BoysChapter 6

Well, that was the first blow job I ever did. He mostly got them, at first, when I had my period but as I did it more, I really began to like doing it. The power of his orgasm was what impressed me the most and the fact that he enjoyed it so very much. I love my husband and want to make him happy and he surely loved me sucking him. So, he gets three or four a week. I also love sucking Andy, his penis is smaller and I find I can manipulate it better in my mouth and he seems to love me sucking...

2 years ago
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Im his Bitch Now Blacken

I had just about given up on ever finding a man that would treat me like the slut whore I am. I am five feet two inches tall, 140 pounds, long brown hair, brown eyes, 36D, and a completely shaved cunt. Unfortunately a lot of men are not into BBW's and the ones that are, are not usually into what I need. They just don't understand my need to be treated like nothing more than a piece of fuck meat. I need to be called dirty filthy names, and also be forced to degrade myself, and tell you what a...

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 14

As soon as Jack was on the road, The Seven in One popped in. As he was straightening the car from its sideways condition ... in the oncoming lane ... Jack said, "You guys have to quit doing that." "We weren't expecting that kind of a reaction. This Chebby has an inordinate amount of power. You were supposed to step lightly on the brakes, not heavily on the accelerator." Jack pulled over in a wide spot. "What?" "What what?" "What do you want?" "What makes you think this...

3 years ago
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Mothers Dirty SecretChapter 4

Katrina fed the three girls a late dinner but prepared no food for herself. None of them ate much, having stuffed themselves all day long on snacks and fruit. But Katrina still made a social event of the meal, lighting candles at the dining room table while they all sat naked and chatted, drinking wine from fine crystal. Katrina's eyes stayed mostly on Karen, making sure the shy girl was included in the conversations and didn't feel out of place. When the conversation began to wane,...

4 years ago
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The Wrong Side of PinkChapter 4

"You want me to do what," Nancy said. Despite all and sundry, it had been fun going with her family to LA. It was the first time she'd been to the city, one of America's most enduring symbols and arguably a monument of human civilization as well, and she'd had fun watching out the windows of the rental car in the hopes that some movie star should walk by. She'd seen a man who was either Brad Pitt or Eddie Murphy, and a woman who was either Joan Collins or Eddie Murphy, and they'd...

1 year ago
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My son the bully

I spend a lot of time in the mirror concentrating on my looks and wearing fancy clothes as often as possible. Recently my son got sent home after finding out he was bullying a class mate, an Indian boy the same age as him where he would constantly hit him, throw things at him and steal from him. At one occasion he hit on the head with a text book and that drew the final straw. The Indian boy looked younger in appearance and he was a very shy as a person which made him an easy target. I will...

3 years ago
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Jena A BBW Story

The rain continued to poor down in an endless veil over the window pane. It was hard to pay attention to anything on her desk while the wonderful melody of raindrops continued outside. Slowly she took her eyes away from the window, only to see her boss walking towards her. She took a deep breath and waited for the onslaught of cruelty to begin. "Why are you still here?" demanded her employer of more than two years. Keeping the urge to cringe away from him hiden, Jena replied, "I was waiting for...

2 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 15 Red Maplethorpe

Wexler gripped my left elbow, stayed behind me, turned me around. Pushed me toward the office opposite mine. I half-remembered an elevator comment about a new tenant on our floor. “Go in.” The door was open and Wexler shoved me inside from behind. A moment later the ceiling light flashed on. I blinked. The small room was almost empty. Handsome hardwood floors just like my office. A sturdy wooden chair with thick arms. A video camera on a tripod, facing the chair. An old TV table from the...

4 years ago
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The Dance

As many of you know, I love a good tease. The dance between a man and a woman, each one trying to gain the upper hand in the seduction and both knowing only one can win.It starts as I look across the room and see you sitting there alone, and nursing a drink. You are wearing a slinky little white dress with a plunging neckline that reveals you are all woman. The dress fits you like a glove. You are wearing dark evening style eye shadow and cherry-red lipstick. You look amazing.You look up and...

2 years ago
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It all started in 1938, when the first superhero, the Gladiator, appeared. He claimed to be from the distant future where Earth had exploded. Due to experiments his father had performed on him, Gladiator possessed superhuman strength and bulletproof skin. He used his powers to fight crime in Cleveland. Then another vigilante, the Shadow emerged in 1939, operating in New York. He could not have been more different from the Gladiator, sticking to the shadows. Not much was known about him, many...

1 year ago
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A Mothers Love Vol 2 Part 1

A warm summer breeze caressed my bare shoulder as I leaned over to take Bekka out of her pushchair. She looked at me intently and gurgled something back to me. I kissed her on her forehead. She smiled and made a little cooing sound. "Oh that's lovely," said Mary," you both look so sweet" She took out her mobile phone and took a quick series of photos as I sat on the park bench, put Bekka to my right breast and started giving my precious gift her mid-morning snack. Mary took out the...

2 years ago
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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 14

Mrs. Herd studied the poster sized print of Danny’s collage. From an artistic perspective there were a few things wrong with it, but from an advertising perspective she felt it was rather inspired. The slogan was quite good, even if it wasn’t his idea. The fact that he had included a small picture of a deodorant stick rather than spell out the name actually drew attention to it. All in all, it wasn’t bad. “I like it,” she said. “That’s good,” Danny said. “Critique it for me,” she...

2 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 45 Loose Ends Amber

Jamie I met Sandra Atkins in her office, just so she would have a familiar point of reference. "Why the disguise?" "This is the way people see me here. It's easier to be consistent, and I've been using it so long that – unless I'm specific – this is the way I appear." "I see," she said. "Well, thank you for coming; I wasn't sure you would." "There isn't much point in avoiding it at this point; you know too much, and you're used to getting your way – by whatever means...

3 years ago
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Wife Caught Me with a SheMale

It all started out one day I was sitting around in my apartment watching adult porno on the computer. My wife had just left for work. I was horny and my cock was hard so I started jacking off. I was lying on my back pumping my cock hard when I started to cum it had been a week or so since I had any pussy and the cum shot out of my prick like a loaded gun.Some of it hit me in the face and some of it landed on my lips I stuck my tongue out and licked it off my upper lip. It tasted a little salty...

1 year ago
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NudeVista Handjob

Handjobs have always been the least desirable in porn. They are kind of boring if you ask most people. However, you’re just looking at them the wrong way. With their ball twiddling and cock tugging action, handjobs can be the best part of sex. Heck, sometimes they can be the ONLY part of sex you need in order to cum. This all depends on the girls you’re having a go with. If you look at many of these hot chicks in the handjob category on, I’m pretty sure that most of them can make...

Handjob Porn Sites
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Bus Journey With Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello, friends, I am back with the continuation of the previous story, I will narrate what happen after we reach Pune after the incident happened on the bus in the night. Those who didn’t read the previous story, I will suggest to read it first. So back to the story, in morning we reached my room around 10am, both of us didn’t speak anything with each other. Both were thinking about last night and things which that incidence will lead us too. I broke the silence but didn’t say anything abt last...

4 years ago
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Playing the BluesChapter 6

Jenny woke with a start as someone knocked on the bedroom door. She just had time to pull the sheet over her bare breasts as the door opened. “Morning Kate, oh sorry.” The thin balding man that stood in the doorway blushed as he saw a strange woman in his daughters bed, he could just see the top of Kate’s head where it rested on the woman’s chest. “Um, when she wakes up can you tell Kate I’ve made coffee.” he said backing out of the room and closing the door. Jenny relaxed a little after...

2 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 15

April 2007 The aftermath of the incident in the biology lab was short-lived. Principal Reynolds put an end to the wild rumors going around during a special school assembly Wednesday morning. Nobody had been killed or maimed, but one student had been expelled. The biology lab had been cleaned up and was ready for classes to resume. The student body had to sit through several speeches about personal responsibility and the 'proper' ways to express disagreements. Leaving the assembly Scott...

1 year ago
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Sarah left me 9

Introduction: Sarah changes the our lif style for the better This is the sequel to Sarah left me 1 to 8. You will understand better if you read them first. Angie didnt get home next morning until about 10:00am. Slut and I were anxiously waiting for her to get home, because Sarah would not tell us about the changes that she wanted us to make until we were all together. When she did get home she ran into the house stark naked. She explained: Harriet and I spent all night fucking Paul and his...

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Im a boy in chastity

When I was just a teenager, I recall my first sexual urges and they caused me to seek out any opportunities for sex and as it turned out helping others gain sexual gratification. This led me to eventually offer my close friend a very good deal, let me explain... We had shyly played around with each other’s cocks and eventually it escalated into mutual jerk-off sessions where we would masturbate one another and enjoy the wonderful new found sensation which we both agreed was even better when...

1 year ago
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CoWorker Brings Out My BiSide Lesbian

I had invited Ava to dinner at my house. We'd worked together for about six months and I thought her gorgeous. She had a dirty sense of humor and a wicked body to go with it -- long legs, fantastic tits if her low cut tops were any indication, and long, chestnut colored hair. She always wore red lipstick and matching nail polish. We'd been friendly, even sharing a few naughty jokes with the guys at work. I was more than curious about her, which was a new thing for me since I'd always only swung...

2 years ago
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How my wife turned into a cum slut

At the time of this story, my wife and I had been married 10 years. She was somewhat prudish in that she missionary style and would not do oral sex either way. But she did commit early on to sex at least once a week, except the week she was on her period. After about 8 years that dwindled down to once or twice a year. In our tenth year, there was no sex at all. I was so frustrated. One night I sat her down and said, "I need sex. So I can either divorce you, you can give me sex or I can find...

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Nadine Kathleen

This is a little story inspired on a few photos of nude girls in wire mesh cages. English is not my native language, so please have a little patience. Part 1: Kathleen meets Nadine “Here is Nadine, she is under a special kind of contract”, Mark told his prospective client. Kathleen Summers looked at the image before her eyes with disbelief. There she was, a pretty girl around her own age (24 years old), with her shoulder-length brunette hair portraying a classy haircut pretty similar to the...

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The CastleChapter 2

Greed was in the heart of one, relief in that of another, a nameless foreboding in that of poor Mr Bottomley - and joy unconfined in that of the infatuated Dorothy as the purchase was agreed. "We'd like to complete the transaction as soon as possible" said that long-suffering tycoon, Mr Fred Bottomley, as his wife scurried off on her continuing tour of inspection, uttering frenzied whoops of amazed delight at all-too frequent intervals. "As you can see, the little woman's really taken...

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